Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1887, Image 1

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    ? flMH
Fatal Railroad Collision at Eagle Point ,
Near Dnbnqno , la.
A. Traln-nispaUihnr's Blunder Causes
the Catastrophe Fire Hlllcit
in a Similar Accident In
Ohio Other Casualties.
Flvo Men Killed.
DunuquK , la. , Sept. 19. I Special Telegram -
gram to the BIE. | Passenger train No. 4
going south and tlio second section of Xo.
3 going north collided at Eagle 1'olnt curve
at 7o'clock this morning the Dubuque -
quo train dispatcher's failure to nbttfy Xo. 4
that Xo. 3 was In two section * . No. 4 passed
the llrst sccjllon two miles north. Uoth of
the engines and tenders were doinollsheil ,
and the combination baggage and smoklnir
cars of No. 4 were telescoped. Tim
day coaches and mail car of No. 3
were rolled down an embankment.
Engineer Kales , Firemen Cummins and
Jllchmond and IJrnkoman Verella wore
killed. Engineer Winchester cannot llyo.
Messenger O'Brien , Baggageman Nunima ,
a passenger named Itlclmrd Wright , and
Conductor Clark were dangerously injured.
Baggageman Blair , Postal Clerk Hurley ,
Messengers Minims and Staker , of Chicago.
AV. W. Kltchey , of West Union , I'llo , ot
Bclluvue , and several others were more or
less Injured.
DunuquK , la. , Sepr. 10. The most disas
trous and fatal railroad accident that has oc
curred In this vicinity for yean took place
this morning at live minutes past 4 , on the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad ,
two mlloa north ot here. Two passenger
trains collided on the curve around Eagle
Point , by which two engineers and one lire-
man were Instantly killed , tUo other llreman
Riidbrakeman dying during the forenoon ;
In all live persons. Charles Kales , ono of the
oldest engineers on the road , was on the en
gine of the south bound train , and Elmer
Winchester on'tho north bound train. William
Klchmond and Edward Cummlngs were tiie
two Ilremen and all lived in Dubuque. John
rcrnltj.of Milwaukee , a brakeman on the
north bound train was instantly killed. Ho
was riding on the engine so as to open the
switch at Peru three miles beyond and the
regular meeting place of the two trains. J.
J. O'Urlen , the express messenger and ono
of the postal clo rks were badly nhaken up
but not scilously hurt. None of the passen
gers wore Injured beyond a few bruises ex
cept Ulcharu Wright of Holy Cross , who
was coming to lubu < iuo. Ho WAS Injured In
the back but not dangerously. The two en
gines wore badly wrecked and were thrown
Into a ftlmpeless mass.
Tno cause of the accident Is charged up to
the train dispatcher at LaCrosse. Those
two trains usually pass at the 1'erusido
tracit , live miles north of Dubuqun. The
north bound train was behind time and
should have passed the south bound train at
Dubuque. Conductoo Wolcott und Engineer
Winchester , ot the north bound train , re
fused to leave Dubuque on the first order
from the train dispatcher at La Crossn. ex-
pectin z to meet the south bound train if
they did. They notllied him of their appre
hension , but received a second order , Im
perative In Us nature and pulled out. 'I ho
place where the accident occurred was at
Eagle Point , ono of the sharpest curves on
the road , and where all trains have to whistle
ana slow up. This morning there was a
heavy fojr. The south bound train was mov
ing at good speed and the engines could not
bo seen until within fifty feet of each other
and too late for either engluoers or tiremeu
to Jump.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Railroad Accidents Near Knoxvlllo.
KNOXVILLK , la. , Sept. 19. ISpecial Tele
gram to the BKE.l-l.ia3t evening the Incom
ing west-bound 0 o'clock train met with a
little accident. One ot the flat ears was
loaded with big Iron sewer tile , diameter
3 feet andin length about 20 feet
ness. The structure holding the tile on thu
car became loose and the tllo fell partly oil
one end on the ground and the other on the
car. dumping along at such a rate , demoral
ized Iho tile , derailed some cars mid severely
injured a brakeman by the namn of Morris.
Ho wan tnkon home to Albia. The track wll )
have to be repaired.
Another accident occurred on the same
road the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy ,
about two miles cast of this town , bliortly
afterward , Riifs Kerr , a son of John Korr.
with his buggy was run Into by the trnln.
The bmrgy was destroyed , and Mr. Kerr
badly Injured. At that point on the railroad
there is a vurv sharp curve and several accid
ents have already occurred there.
Fatal Railroad Collision In Ohio.
SritiNQFiRLD. O. , Sept. 10. A collision oc
curred this morning at Foster's crossing east
of here on the Pittsburg , Ft. Wayne &
Chicago road , between two freight trains ,
setting on lire five oil cars , oxpodlngiv | car of
dynamite and killing live persons , the lire-
man , the engineer and throe tramps who
were stealing a ride.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 10. This morning at 4
o'clock near this city , on the Pittsburg , Forl
Wayne & Chicago road , the llrst section ot i
freight train broke down and the second
section collided with It. Instantly kllllm
John liouch , fireman of the second section
There were several cars of oil In the seconc
' section and these caught tire and soon the
entire fem part of the train was wrapped Ir
flames. While the train men were endeavor
Ing to subdue the lire a car loaded with tlvnn
nilto exploded with terrific force , destroying
several cars , tearing up the track and injur
Ing the engineer and ono tramp ,
A Wreck In Indiana.
INDIANAI'OLIS , Illd. , Sept. 10. ThO fas
day express over the Indianapolis & SI
Louis railway this afternoon was wrecket
near Kern Station , about forty-live mile
west ot here. The wrecK Is understood t
have been caused by the breaking nf
whpol under the rear truck of the locomc
tlve. The engineer and llreman mime
Keddlngton , father and son , were burled be
neath the engine and killed. The passenget
were violently shaken up. but no ono ser
ously Injured.
Ahiont-Mindcdness Causes a WrecV
ST. JOSKPH , Mo. , Sept. 19. [ Special Teli
gram to the UKK | Yesterday morn In
about 8 o'clock Samuel C. King , a farmer 11'
Ing about one mile east ot Rushvlllo , wa
killed by a special train on the Cliicai
Hock Island & Paclllo road at that pine
When the train stopped to get the remalt
It was run Into by another extra and the c :
boose completely demolished and sever ,
other cars tlmmn from the track. King wn
sixty years ot age and my absent-minded.
Klifht Killed nv a Hotter Explos'ot
LONDON , Sept. 19. Eight men were kllle
by a boiler explosion on board the West li
dlnn steamer Klbo during a trial trip I
htiikes bay to-day.
Want to Vote On It.
ST. JOSKIMI , Mo. , Sept. 10. | Special Teli
gram to the BKK | . A petition signed by 8
voters was presented to the county cou
to-day , asking that the people living In IJi
chanan countynutslde the city ot St. Josep
be allowed to vote on the question of me
option. The law provides that an electlo
bhnll be called on a petition siu'iied by nm
tenth of the voters of the county. Tl
court , t hero Com , will bo compelled to subm
thu question. The impression U that It wl
Thn Inttriw 6f Gold.
.NEW V-oiiK , . Sept. ' 10. The steatne
' Champagne , Alaska , and Uermsnlo brougl
| l,3tyWO iu gold to IUU port to-day.
Union Pacific Election Method !
Practised In Tennessee.
NASHVILLE , Tenn. , Sept. 10. The city Is
In a ferment over the presence of alargenum-
berof detectives suddenly centered here from
mainly outside of the state and supposed to
bo In the Interest ot the Louisville & Nash
ville railroad. The people of the county
vole next Thursday on a proposition to sub
scribe 8500,000 to the Tennessee Midland
railroad , which Is to run from Memphis
through Nashville to Bristol , where it con
nects with the Virginia Midland , thus giving
a competing line east The Louisville A Nash
ville road has been lighting the proposition ,
aud It Is rumored that these detectives arc
here to dog employes on election day and see
that they vote with their employers. There
Is Immense foelln. , particularly as among
thn Imported detectives are two named
Laird and Collier , who were Indicted for the
murder of halt a dozen people during the
riots nt East St. Louis attending the great
Southwestern strike. The American this
morning says edltorlallv : "Tlio city of
Nashvlllo has never before had such an In
sult offered M that of bringing In on the eve
of election n ganz of notorious desperadoes ,
known in all parts of the United States as
Pinkerton detectives. "
Two Leading Mexicans Settle a DIs-
* pnto With Plstnlo.
CITV or MKXICO ( via Galveston ) , Sept 10.
Military nnd political circles are greatly
excited to-day over the result of a duel which
took place this morning. The principals
were Governor Rocha and Antonla Gayon ,
who is chief of ono of the bureaus of the war
department The trouble grow out of a con
troversy over the question of the conduct of
Lopez at Oueretaro nnd his relations to Lm-
peror Maxlmilllan. At the tirst tire to-day
Gavon fell , pierced in the right breast by a
bullet. Ho lies in a critical condition nnd is
reported to bo dying. He Is lifty-elght or
sixty vi-ars old , and General Rocha Is about
ten years his junior. The wounded man has
n grown up family. General Kocha was n
conspicuous tipure In the war against the
empire. His taking of Tamplco aud his vic
tory at Lnbufa made him famous.
A Murderer Promptly Lynched.
BIIIMINOHAM , Ala. . Sept. 10. ISpecial
Telegram to the BnK.l Monroe Johnson , n
negro gambler and cx-convlct , having a
grudge ngolnst n young man named Flem
ing , at Leeds , went to Fleming's house nnd
called him out Fleming's sister , Mrs , Fos
ter , stopped out and received two loads of
buckshot before her husband , who was
In the house , could reach her. Johnson got
nwnv , but was arrested about t'ti days ago at
Atlanta. Ho was started for hero Saturday
night When his train reached Leeds , six
teen miles west of the city , three masked
men stopped the engine and got on. A
dozen others got on the coach on which
Johnson rode nnd finding him chained and
locked to a seat , tort up the whole thing and
carried the negro and all some twenty yards
away and hanged him to n walnut treo. 'Hie
mob then got on the railroad nnd perforated
the swinging body with bullets.
Shot By An OlUcor.
WICHITA , Kan. , Sept. 10. City Marshal
Halnes shot and fatally wounded a boy
named A. H. Ford Saturday night The
killing at the tlmo excited much unfavorable
comment , but later developments place
Halnes In n most unenviable light , and will ,
It Is thought lend to his arrest for murder.
Ford was a boy not over seventeen years ot
a.'e , and Halnes undertook to arrest him
upon a description telegraphed him ot a horse
thief wanted In the Indian territory. The boy
ran and received ono of the four shots lirod
by thu ollicer , Young Ford has been em
ployed for some time as a cook for the Rock
Island construction train. As soon as the
news of the shooting reached the cars of the
railroaders tfioy came out vowing vengeance
upon Uaines , and during most of the night
the streets were tilled w.Ith anery men lookIng -
Ing for linn. Had they succeeded in their
search he would , no doubt , have paid dearly
for the offense. The police force , however ,
came to the relief and early this morning
succeeded In clearing the streets of the
Business Troubles.
CINCINNATI , O. , Sept 10. The George
Weber Brewing cempany made on assign
ment this mornlni- . The liabllllles are esti
mated at 5500,000 ; preferences , In the form
of mortgages , are given in amount aggre
gating 8103,000 , tlio assets are 8250,000.
The lire of July 4 , crippled them to the ex
tent of nearly 3-00,000 , as not a cent of In
surance had been paid.
CHICAGO , Sept. 19. A voluntary assign
ment WHS made this moraine by the Mutual
Manufacturing company , makers of barb
wire , to Elmer Washburu. Assets ana lia
bilities not given.
BALTIMOKK , Sept. 10. George W. Tltlow.
a cratn dealer , suspended to-day aud an
nounced that ho was embarrsssed. He Is
Ion ? on 240,000 bushels of wheat and asked
that his contracts bo closedlout. Ho will
probably arrange to continue buslucss.
Increasing Poorla'a Whisky Output.
Pr.oniA , Sept. 19. As a result of the
formation of the Whisky trust a number of
distilleries In Cincinnati , St Louis and
Chicago have been closed and the operating
capacity of the Peorla distilleries Increased
correspondingly. The Internal revenue col
lections so far this month are over 91,000,000 ,
It Is the purpose of the trust to manufacture
whisky where it can bo 'done the cheapest
and It has been demonstrated that this can
De done at Peorla. The only Important dis
tillers still out of the trust are Baker & Shelt-
nmn , Peorla , Shuofeldt , Chicago , Dadds-
worth , Cincinnati , nnd Her , Omaha.
Meeting of Spring and Axle Makers
CLEVELAND , Sept 10. The National As
sociation ot Spring and Axle Makers , repre
senting 40,000 workmen , held its fourth
scml-aunual convention here to-day. A res-
olutlon was adopted urging the different
shop workers throughout the country to or
ganize assemblies , and beseeching spring
and axle workers to refuse to work nt con
tract prices or on contract work. ' 1 he ad
ministration ot Powderly was unanimously
endorsed and members ot the association
who do not belong to the Kulghta of Laboi
were urged to join.
The Governor's Grays Honored.
Nr.w YOIIK , Sept. 19. Comptmy A of tlu
Governor's Grays , oftho Fourth Iowa regi
ment which acted as the escort ot Governe :
Lnrrabeo at the centennial anniversary a
Philadelphia , was'prcsented to-night by tin
old captain , now General Heron , with th <
Hag which the company carried through tin
war. The ling was presented to the compan ;
by the ladles of Dubuque In Ib50. The pre
e sentatlon to-night took place in the presonci
of a large crowd. The.Grays leave for Wash
v- Ington to-morrow.
iso Carlisle and Randall.
, NEW YOIIK , Sept 19. ISpecial Telegrar
IS to the BEE. ] A Washington dispatch to tn
a- Tribune quotes a Pennsylvania politician a
saying that Rnndall will attempt to swln
is o\er enough democrats to vote with the rt
publicans to unseat Carlisle in his conies
withThobo. The neglect ot Carlisle to ot
tain evidence In his own behalf Is lookei
upon as a scilous mistake by party friend :
In view of the fact that good democrat !
In congressmen ore opposed to his ro-elcctloi
ns bpoaker. _
Thn VIsllilH Supply Statement.
c- CHICAGO , Sept. 19. The visible supply t.
grain tor the week ending September 17 , n
irt compiled by the becretary of tl'o Chlcas
board of trade , Is as follows :
Uhl Bushels Dushcl
hl Wheat 31,071,000 Corn
Oats. . .vmooo Uye 311,03
B\llyy : CbO.OOO
Ills Ucnnractrest .
Murdered )
ill PmLAi > Et.rmAtSept. 10. Ulclmrd Brei
nen , a shiftless German , who , while In idli
ness , had been flven teed and shelter b
Frank .Edel and Tils wife Elizabeth , at thel
rrs homo this afternoon ' -shot and killed Mr
lit .Edel and then committedsuicldo. Th'ocatu
iii' not definitely known ,
Hcrr Most and Others Address Their
Disciples at Oooper Union.
Money liaised For the Condemned
Seven Benjamin Duller In Chi'
CHRO General Pryor U
Tlcrr Moat's Harango.
NEW YOIIK , Sept. 19. Cooper union was
packed to-night with anarchists and social
ists. The audience numbered fully 8,500.
Tney assembled to protest nsalnzt the hangIng -
Ing of the condemned Chicago anarchists.
Ushers wearing red ribbons on their breasts
handed every person who entered the hall n
copy of the Incendiary proclamation which
was distributed on the streets the latter part
of last week declaring that the
condemned anarchists should never bo
executed. Many women were In the hall
and they all word red ribbons and Directed
red anarchist colors In their dresses. There
were llfty police scattered about the ha.ll.
The notes of the Marsollnlso weio struck up
by the band and prolonged , wild dicers fol
lowed In which the music was drowned.
Pictures of the doomed bomb-throwers
looked down from'tho front of the platform.
They were draped with red and black end
wreathed with smtlax. A black and a
red banner stood In thu rear
of the sttnd. On the platform woio
Herr Most , Walter Vroonmn , Colonel Illn-
ton , of the Leader , Mrs. Black , Mrs. Ran-
dlsch and 200 nthecs.
"Vivo Most" the noted
Herr greeted an
archist , as lie stepped upon the platform with
a red rose In his buttonhole and a slouch hat
pulled down over his eyes. Vrooman was
chosen chairman. In his speech he said that
It the Chicago brethren had said anything
that was wronir It was no reason why they
should hang. There was a great conspiracy
among the ruling classes to crush the labor
movement. Justice , not meicy , demanded thu condemned men should not bo exe
cuted. Viooman orcsented a set of resolu
tions at the close of his speech which met with
the approval of the crowd. They condemned
the sentence of the anarchists as murder
and a crime against civilization , the culmina
tion of a conspiracy to crush tree speech.
The workingmen of America would be un
true to themselves if they allowed such an
outrage to bo perfected.
A contribution collected from the audi
ence netted S200 for the cause.
The hero of the night was Herr Mo t.
"Friends and anarchists. " said he. "is it
Uidawtul to have free speech In tills country.
What are these men uullty of ? Aru they
thieves and murderers ? [ Cries ot no , tio.l
They fought against murdering police and
robbing capitalists. Seven policemen were
killed und they want seven of our brothers'
lives a life for a life. You cannot allow
that hanging to take place. Arm yourselves ,
and for every drop ot blood that's shed from
our friends , let It cost a human life. Iain
not alone an anarchist but also a revolution
ist. The capitalists shall bo the first tn
suffer. No one bhall escape his
just doom. The twelve jurors , judges and
detective spies sleep very soundly at piesent.
Let them bewaie. I Wild yells and clieers
from the crowd.j The time is approaching
when wo will be forced to use arms.
It must come. So bo prepared. I Bedlam
of cheersj. I warn them not to take the
lives of our maytyrs In Chicago. 1 demand
that they be set tree. Lot there be a soclul
revolution. "
Editor Shevltch and others made speeches
of a similar character.
General Butler Interviewed.
CHICAGO , Sept. 19. | Special Telegram to
thoBKK.I General Benjamin Franklin Butler -
ler was In Chicago to-day. A reporter found
him In the Palmer house just after his arrival
from Now York.
"The people ot Chicago , " commenced the
reporter , "are very anxious to know whether
or not you have been retained by the defense
committee In the anarchist case , General
Butler. "
"Yes , I suppposo they are , " was the an
swer. "I know nothing about It. I am on
my way to St. Louis , where I have a civil
case to attend to. "
"Will you express an opinion as to tha just
ness of the verdict. "
"No , 1 will not. Now. just think : If the
anarchists become my clients 1 might want
to move for a writ ot error before that
court. Of course I cannot express an
opinion. "
The reporter cave It up as a bal job and
remarked that he supposed thu general was
pleased that his yacht America won Satur
day's race. He said he was , but that ho was
not surprised. Ho is confident the Volunteer
will beat'tlie Thistle in the coming Interna
tional race.
The Anarchists Worried.
CHICAGO. Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram to
be BIE. : | The anarchists' friends are greatly
worried to-day over the reports of yester
day's violent utterances by their "comrades"
in New York and elsewhere. They fear
very much that , if this sort of thing Is kept
no , an Impartial hearing before the governor
will be Impossible. Captain Black said to
day , that he would probably go to New York
to-morrow night to consult with the attorneys
whom George Schilling had visited. The
Inference was drawn from his remarks that
Uoger A. Pryor had been virtually decided
upon , and from other friends of the con
demned men It was learned that Pryor will
take the case it ho Is satisfied with ho
record , a copy of which will be submitted to
him. Captain Black was asked If ho would ,
as reported , deliver a lecture to the trades
unions of Now York regarding the case. He .
said no such arrangement had yet been
mode but that ha would do anything to help
the work along.
Roger A. Pryor Taken the Cane.
NEW YORK , Sept. 10. An evening paper
says : General Roger A. Pryor has agreed
to undertake the case of the condemned
Chicago anarchists. The general said : "I
am awaiting the arrival ot Captain Ulack
from Chicago , with the papers in the case. I
expect him here on Wednesday. Whether
wo take the case to the United States su
preme court or not , depends upon my con
ference with Captain Hlack and an ex
amlnation of the records. "
The Fidelity Wreck.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 10. Benjamin F. Hop-
kin ? , assistant cashier of the Fidelity bank ,
referring to the suit aeainst him in connec
tlon with E. L. Harper , Brlggs , Swift , Amm
Baldwin and the directors tn restore the los :
caused by the Fidelity bank failure , says IK
can clearly show that he knew nothing
whatever of the wrecking ot the concern
until the day before the collapse. He say :
nobody about the bunk kuew of It except
Kates on Export freight.
Nr.w Yonic , Sopt. 19. The restoration ol
the Inland rate on export freight which wai
agreed upon by the committee of represcnta
tlvcs of the Central Traffic association am !
trutiK lines , Tuesday last , goes Intoctfec
to-day. The Inland into on export freight I
In accordance with the former agreement o
tlioarlous roa Is. The rate trom thn sea
board at New York from Chicago for tlu
present will bo SO cents per 100 for provision
and ' . ! cents per 100 on grain.
Convention ofClgarmakcrs.
BiNpitAMTON , N. Y. , Sept. 10. The seven
teenth annual convention of the Clgarmaker
International union opened this morniti
with about two hundred delegate * present
representing unions throughout the Unite
States and Canada. The convention wil
continue ten days and during the session th
constitution of the union will undergo man ;
radical changes.
. A Meet of Kings.
Br.iiLi.v , Sept. 19. The Slants Burger Eel
so ting asserts that Emperor William and ti )
czar will laeot.Tuesaay at S winemande ,
Annual Report of Territorial Gov
ernor Hm .
WASHINGTON , Orpt W > . Governor Koss ,
ot Non Mexico , In his annual report to tlio
secretary of the interior , says there tins been
a marked increase In'tho population ot the
territory during the last few years. The
semi-decennial census of 1S35 shows n popu
lation of 131,141 , a gain ot 14,570 In llvo
years. The rate ot taxation for all purposes
Is less than 3 per cent. The report states
that the method of assessment ot tax and Its
collection Is very Imperfect and on this ac
count , as well as on account of Increasing
pzpendltures , the territory Is falling Into
debt. The report states that owlnc
to the occupation ot land for nirl-
cultural purposes the great cattle ranches
are belnit gradually but surely clr-
cumslzed nnd diminished. The governor
thinks It only a question of time when cattle
ranches will bo nth lira ot the past Ho there
fore ouposes any change In thu land laws In
thu Interest of the Industry , which , he says ,
is In Its nature Inimical to thu development
of the territory. He recommends the repent
of all laws that now exist In the shape of
timber culture , desert land acts , scrip entries
'and all other measures whereby lands nuw
be secured without actual residence nnd
bona Ildo valuable Improvements. The
mining industry of the territory has taken
on new and much Improved condi
tions during tlio last year. The effect
of the compulsory school law parsed by the
legislature has been good and resulted In an
Increase of public schools. The coal output
for the year is estimated to bit about liU.J.OOU
tons. The governor renews his recommen
dation of last year for tlm establishment ot n
system of storage basins along the upper
Hit ) Grande to be used for Irrigation pur
poses. He says that a.OOO.OOi ) of the 4,000,000
acres ot uow useless hind may thus be re
claimed. _
Sonio or Cleveland's Appointments.
WASHINO ro'N , Sept. 10 [ Special Telegram
to the Bii : : . I A Washington dlsmtch to the
Tribune says that there will bo considerable
opposition in the senate to thu confirmation
of several important appointments made by
President Cleveland since the adjournment
of that body , the opposition being based on
facts Indicating the unlitness of the appoint
ments tor vat ions reasons. There will bo
much opposition to thu confirmation of at
least two of the newly appointed United States
judges Allen for the Southern district of
lllino's. and Montgomery of Michigan for
the supreme court of the District of Colum
bia. Allen's caieer in congress was distin
guished only by the bitter hostility which he
showed to every measure to aid in the supme.v
slon of the rebellion. Montgomery will be
oipo.-ed | on the ground that ho lucks some
qualllicatlons essential to a judicial olllce ,
und also because ot injurious allegations con
cerning Ills caieer us commissioner of pat
Exploring the Terra del
WASIIINOTOV , Sept. 10. Consul Baker at
Buenos Ayres has made a long and Interest
ing report to the state department , giving In
substance the results of ; the recent explora
tion of the Terre del Fuego. Contrary to
common belief , founded upon reports ot early
navigators , who fulled to penetrate the In
terior , the archipelago "contains valuable
farming lands , forests nnd mineral deposits.
The Argentine government is taking steps to
colonize and develop the Islands. A gov
ernor has been aupolutod and a thorough
scientific exploration Is to bo undertaken.
Postal Changes.
WASHINGTON , Sept 19. [ Special Tolo-
cratn to the BKI : . | Robert Francis was to
day appointed postmastpVat South Side. Unit
county , vice Mrs. Esther Armer , removed.
The postollico at Ida , Valley county , and
Nasby , Sarpy county , were discontinued to
A Number or Complaints Made to
lliHhop Walker.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Sept 10. [ Special
Telegram to tno BIK.J : Bishop Walker , ot
the Indian commission , who recently re
turned to Bismarck , Dak. , from a visit to
Standing Rock , had a consultation with the
Indians and Interesting questions were dis
cussed. The Indians complain that the
boundary lines ot the reservation are not
well defined and ask that they bo fixed and
the Indians permitted to build mounds the
entire distance so that the whites will not
trespass. They also complain that the food
L'iveu by the iovenimnnt ; is musty , and for
tins they blame the inspector , not the ngent.
They oppose the Uawes bill and say they do
not want the land doilt out to them In sev
erally , but they want to know how much
land they have and control it as they see lit.
Fornkcr's Philadelphia Sniih.
Nivw VOIIK , Sept. 10. ( Special Telegram
to the BEK.J Replying to the denials of the
statement that the president did not return
the salute of Governor Foraker In the parade
Friday in Philadelphia , and that Mrs. Cleve
land refused to notice the governor and wife
at the academy reception the same evening ,
the Tribune coriespoudent reiterates tlio
statement nnd says General Bushnell , who
saw the a Hair , thus states it : "I was with
the governor at the time. He said 'Good
evening , Mr. President , ' at the same time ex
tending his hand. The president took It
and replied'Good evening , governor. " 'Per
mit me , ' said the governor , 'to present Mrs.
Foraker. ' The president made some remark
of an agreeable character , shook Mrs. For-
aker's hand and they passed on to Mrs.
Cleveland. She deliberately turned away
from both of them nnd ua\e her hand to
persons coming up IxMtlnd. Governor For-
aker fully coiihinu'd what General liushuell
said , adding that the Intention of Mrs.
Cleveland to administer an emplntlc snub to
himself aud wlfo was evident
McGlynn at n Methodist Mooting.
Niwouic , Sept. 10. Rev. Dr. McGlynn
made an address before the NewYoik asso
ciation ot Methodist preachers this mornlni ; ,
which was listened to by MO ministers and
others , Dr. McGlynn referred to his excommunication -
communication "for preaching the Chris
tianity 1 was brougfit up In , "
and after referring to the peculiar position
In which ho found himself In facing a body
so distinctively representative of the Protes
tant religion , he piusented Henry George's
land theories and defended them ns repre
senting the cause ot humanity. When
the speaker had concluded a gentle
man offered a resolution of thanks
to McGlvnn 'for ' his "eloquent and
Instructive" address and " him
, ) ) "wishing
God speed In his efforts to i diffuse tin doc
trines of the fatherhood of God and the
brotherhood of man. " Tills created great con
fusion , and after a turbulent scone which ono
gentleman characterized as resembling a
beer garden , the resolution was amended by
a clause that allowed members to reserve the
right of Individual opinion conceraing the
laud theories , and adopted.
Cook County's Enormous Dent.
CHICAGO , Sept. 19. [ Special Telegram to
the UKK. | County Commissioner Soune has
prepared an exhibit of tlu finances of Cook
county , showing that asaresult of the boodle
board the county Is to-day saddled with lia
bilities aggregating 81.076,000 , while the
resources toot up only S131bSO. The com
mlssloner believes that a considerable portion
of the indebtedness was contracted In at
Illegal manner , and In violation of the con *
stltutlon of the state , lie believes that the
matter should be contested and that tin
fraudulent bills Incurred by tlm old boart
should. If possible , bo repudiated. To till :
end he has prepared a resolution to the effec
that the committee on finance tnvostlgati
the whole matter and report what , In It :
judgment Is thu best method ot disposing ol
the matter.
Rrlok Workn Knrned , ,
KRYPOHT , N. J. , Sept. 10. Jacob Lorl (
lard's brick works , the largest In the U.hitec
States , burned tlrls mor'nln : : . . Loss. SMU.OOO
no Insurance Th works will bo rebuilt.
What the English Newspapora Say of Oar
Great Oolobration.
General Houlancor Joins the Procca
alon and Issues n Manifesto
Iho Sultnn of lurKoy In
n t'cry Had Way.
Viewed at n Distance.
ICopi/r/uM / IKSTby James Qonlon
LONDON , Sept. 10. | Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BKK. ] To-day's
English press provincial as well as metro
politan Is mainly devoted to news accounts
of the centennial celebration at Philadelphia
and the comments nt those vary from thn
facetious to thu profound. For Instance , thu
Globe , praising the president for being
"genuinely eloquent. " says : "A hug and a
kiss from an enthusiastic woman , who , to
MM. Cleveland's satisfaction , kissed him
only on thu chin , seemed to have Inspired
him. "
The Times , however , treats the occasion
with most thnuchtf ul and dignified attention.
After surrendering three.columns to a sketch
of Phil idolphla In the series contributed by
John Holllngshead , and a half column of the
best extracts from the president's address , it
editorially comments at much length. Tncso
beirln with the text : "No moro cogent proof
could have been produced of the strength of t ho
bonds constructed a hundred years ago thanlit
should have survived the tension of war
successfully. " The Times then remarks that
"Tho wonder of the American civil war Is
that It marks a development not aorovolu-
tlon , " und the "present festival awakened as
fervent sympathy among southerners as
among northerners. A president elevated
to newer by the votes of a hundred thousand
ancient icbols has been representing the
loyalty of the entire American people to a
system which a multitude of his suoportnrs
did their best to subvert. " The Times next
gives statistics of thn civil war In
a number of battles and the
oases on botli sides , claiming an
hese , however , that "No expenditure of life
lould have been culpably proluso which was
nejiltul for the result accomplished , although
he aggregate misery Inlllcted by the war on
ho combatants swells to most portontious
llmensions. " The Times concludes thus :
I'lm demeanor of the American nation as n
whole , justifies the sacrifices which the whole
ollercd , The sentiment throughout
ho republic regarding the occasion
of last week's anniversary Is
ho apology for the tremendous butcher's bill
on both sides. No war In the annals of
history was waged with moro Iron obstinacy
or a war so relentlessly murderous in its
operations. Neither has any ever left behind
t on the whole less rancour and vlndlctlve-
ncss , so that the American constitution may
claim the merit as it Is willing to bear the
burden. Even In the former confederate
states few persist In lamenting that their ef
forts after disunion were forcibly frustrated. "
I may add as a straw showing how English
attention blows across the Atlantic regard
ing the United States news from which only
a few years ago was classed by the news
papers with Items about Buenos Ayres , Pciu
or the Argentine Kcpubllc that on Saturday
night thu Crystal Palace bills and pro
grammes contained , like the mornlni : adver
tisements , these words"CrystalPalacegroat : ;
American tete ; simultaneous celebration in
London and Philadelphia of the ono hun
dredth anniversary of the adoption of the
American constitution ; vocal and Instru
mental concerts , songs and ballads by Amer
ican composers and poets ; sung by the fol
lowing American vocalists : Mrs. lielleColo ,
Comtesse Anna do Bremont , Mr. Lewis H.
Stark and Mr. Don M. Balfu ; the perform
ances by the orchestra will Include Colum
bus , a true picture by Abort
and Wagner's festival march ; Phila
delphia , also in fireworks , will glvo
portraits of General Washington , President
Cleveland , and thn Star Spangled Banner. "
These proved to be pyrotechnics on a mam
moth scale , and If the Americans present
were not able totell which portrait in red ,
blue and green fire represented Washington
or Cleveland , the tens of thousands of
Englishmen present were sent home avldlous
of learn in1 , ' more about American politics
and American Institutions.
The Sultan Gntilns Desperate.
[ Copyright ISHfliyJitmet donlnn nennctt. ]
PAHIS ( via Havre ) , Sept. 10. ( Now York
Herald Cable Special to the Bin. : | Accord
ing to private telegrams which reached Paris
to-night , Sultan Abdul liamld , driven half
distracted by the conflicting threats and
counsels of the European powers , Intends to
seek a way out of his present em
barrassments by personally conferring
with Emperor William at Berlin. To
overcome the expected opposition of the old
Turk party to this sensatlanal plan It Is
explained that another sultan , AbUul Azlg ,
oiu-.o undertook a memorable journey to
Paris and London. What the western pow
ers then were in European politics Germany
appears to-day. It Is said the sultan'u reso
lution Is largely due to his dissatisfaction
with the unfriendly attitude ot England.
An Epidemic of Manifestos.
rfopt/rfoht / JS37 ' 'U Jamci Gordon flemi'tt.l
PAHIS , Sept. 10. [ Now York Herald Ca
ble Special to the BKK. ] The manifesto
epidemic shows no signs of abating. First
wo had the Prince Victor manifesto , then
we had the Compto do Paris manifesto-and
now General Boulanger , not to bo outdone
by the two monarchical claimants to pleblscl-
tary power , has sprung his manifesto upon
the country. His address to his army corps
at Saint Grainier Is felt In Paris to bo another -
other proof that ho Is determined not to bo
forgotten in 'exile any more than the princes
he expelled.
Kinpernr Wllllain'ii Movements.
BKIU.IN , Sept 10. Emperor William will
attend the manoeuvres of the guards near
Gransee tomorrow. It Is his Intention to be
at Baden on the Sfith lust , In order to bo
present at the birthday anniversary cere
monies In honor of thu empress , and which
are appointed for the 30th. The czar will
remain at Copenhagen until tlwlWtli ot Octo
ber. The king of Sweden will soon also
visit the Dunlhh court and make a prolonged
stay. According to reports the e/ar will
meet tbn emperor of Germany during the
visit of tne king of Sweden to the Diliisli
Trade Huvlcw.
LONDON , Sept. 19. The Mark Lane Ex
press , in Its weekly review ot the Biltlsh
grain trade , says : "Tho condition of native
wheat"has been affectvd by the wet weather ,
Red wheats are Is lower. White wheats arc
weak. Trade Is lifeless under free offerings
Sales of English wheat daring the past wech
were 7,371 quarters at 28 Sd , against 46 , < W <
quarters at Ills 3d during the correspondlnt
week Inst year. This return h
4d per quarter lower than thai
for the last week In March , Ibart ,
which , until now ; was the lowest rec/irded ,
Flour Is dull and a fraction lower. Prices 01
lorelitn wheat are rather In buyers' favor
The chief Inquiry Is for nnw Russian , whlcli 1
Is of excellent.qiutlty. Corn Is in good de
mand. . There is a biilall supply and price :
are CU higher. Beans are Is dearer. At to
day's market trade In wheat was slow. .Eng
lish wheat was Cd lower. Flour was In largo
supply and prices were easier. Corn was
firm. Oats wore dull. Beans were rather
dearer. 1'eas and Unseed were steady.
The Inquest at Mltchclstown.
DUIILIN , Sept. 10. At Mltcholstown to
day the coroner resumed tils Inquest over
the bodies of these slain during the recent
conflict between the police and the people.
Sergeant Klrwln , of the constabulary , de
posed that buckshot was tired from the bar
racks windows to defend the policemen who
were running to endeavor to got Into the
barracks to escape the stones. When the po
lice reached the barracks door they could not
get In , the door belli it locked. Ho then or
dered the tiring , seeing that his own men
and the lives of thu constables were endan
gered. After two rounds of buckshot , there
was one round of ball cartridges tired. Tim
othy Harrington , who waspreseiit.deiioiinced
thu witness as a murderer.
Planning to Annihilate the Conito.
PAJUS , Sept 10. Rouvler , prime minister ,
will deliver a political discourse before the
reopening ol thu chambers In reply to the re
cent manifesto of the Count ot Paris. Sev
eral of the extremist deputies propose Initi
ating n movement In thu chamber for tlm ex
pulsion from Frnticn of nil and llo-
napartu princes. It Is also proposed that the
property of the above mentioned princes that
cau bo discovered In Franco bo confiscated.
London Opinion on thn Cclehrntlon ,
LONDON , Sept. 10. The Times , In an ed-
Itorlnl on the celebration In Philadelphia of
the centennial of.the signing of the American
constitution , says : "Tlio parade ot veterans
of the Grand Army of the Republic before a
democratic president and his cabinet Is the
crowning proof amid n crowd ot evidences
of the success of the authors ot the union In
devising a vigorous and abiding contract. "
The American ChlncHO Hank.
LONDON , Sept. 10. The Standard corre
spondent at Shaiulial says : "Tho American-
Chinese bank syndicate have accepted Tl
Hung Chang's conditions , and an American
olliclnl will depart lor China. ItatiKs will bo
started in Shanghai and Tientsin , and
branches will be opened In Philadelphia
and London In the spring.
LONDON , Sept 10. The North Cumber
land miners mutual association , consisting
of 18,003 members , decided by a large majority
to discontinue their s upport ot Hurt , radical
member of parliament for Morphets. nnd
Fennlck. liberal member for Wausbeck di
vision of North Cumberland. Doth will con
sequently piobably retire from parliament.
An Irish Eviction.
DUIILIN , Sept. 10 A sheriff and party of
police sailed In the yacht Shannon and sur
prised Burke , Lotd Clatirlcardo's tenant
who occupied the cloudongo of the castlo.and
evicted him , leaving twenty mou to guard
the castle.
The Cholera.
KOMI : , Sept. 10. No now cases of cholera
or deaths from that disease were reported
hero during the twenty-four hours ending
last night The reports show It as decreas
ing. '
MALTA. Sept. 10. Since the fifteenth Inst.
there has been tlilrth-slx now cases of chol
era , and eighteen deaths trom disease here.
Vic Iteplie * to Johnny.
ROME , Sopt. 10. Queen Victoria has re-
plie.d to the letter front King John , of
Abyssinia , asking her to mediate between
Abyssinia and Italy for an amicable settle
ment of the dispute between.them respecting
territory on the west coast of the Red sea nt
Massawah. It Is believed that Knidnnd
wishes to do nil that is possible for Abyssinia
without giving umbrage to Italy.
The Dulnth flink Rnhbory.
DULUTH , Minn. , Sept. 10. The facts as to
the Union National bank robbery have como
out Cashier Ware , who had the package of
20,000 , put it away and went to dinner.
When ho returned the money was gone. All
attempts of detectives to obtain a clue wore
The French in Tonqnln.
PAHIS , Sept. 10 , The minister of foreign
affairs submitted to the budget committed a
statement of the Tonqtiln finances. It shows
a deficit of twenty million francs.
The Brunch llenlnd.
CONSTANTINOPLE Sept. 10. Germany Is
satlsiied with Bulgaria's reparation for tlio
insult iccently offered by a paper at
The U. P.'H Lmtu Manager Elected
President of a Jlonil.
Nr.w Yonte , Sept. 10.-S. R. Callaway ,
formerly vice president and general manager
of the Union Paclllc railroad , was to-day
elected president of the Toledo , St. Louis &
Kansas City railway company , In place of
James M. Quigley , who has resigned the
Steamship Arrivals.
Nr.w YOIIK , Sept 10. ISpecial Tol.tgram
to the BEI : . ] Arrived The steamer Fulda ,
from Bremen .
PLYMOUTH , Sept. 10. The Waesland , from
York for Antwerp.
SOUTHAMPTON , Sept 10. The Werra , from
New York for Bremen.
QUKINSTOWN. : Sept. 19. The Pavonla ,
from Boston , and thu British Prince , trom
HAVIIK , Sept. 10. The Normandie , from
Now York.
GLASOOW , Sept. 10. The State of Penn
sylvania , from New York , and tlio Austria
from Boston.
NKW YOIIK , Sept 10. The Egyptian Mon
arch , trom London , and thu Ethiopia , from
QIFIIKNSTOWN , Sept. 10. The Italy , from
New York.
Great Diimnuo Uy Gales.
Sr. JOHNS , N. F. , Sept 10 , A gale from
the northeast Saturday nU'lit caused great
dumago at Portugal Cove. Many boats were
driven ashore from their moorings and oth
ers were driven against the clllf and
smashed. Stage heads were swept away nnd
fishing gear destroyed. At Placenta several
cratts were driven seaward nnd have not
since been heard from. Grave fears are en
tertained for their safety. The bank fleet Is
suffering severely. BonnvlsU presents n
dreadful .scene. All kinds of wreckage Is
strewed Indiscriminately nDout the streets.
The III no and Grny to Mingle.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Sept. 19. The Association
of ex-Confederito : veterans , at an Immense
meeting to-night and amid great enthusiasm ,
appointed a committee of fifty to make ar
rangements for n lilting reception of Union
veterans of the Army of Ohio , Tennessee
and Cumberland , who fought from Chat
tanooga to Atlanta. The programmn of re
ception aud fraternizing will extend througti
thu week , beginning October 10 , and will bo
Thn Giilf stirred Up.
Nr.w Oni.r.ANS , Sept. 10 Tlio easterly
winds which have prevailed lor several days
Increased to-night to a gulo and forced tlm
waters of tlio gulf against the embankment
all along tlm Loulsvillu & Naslivlllo road bu <
tween Lookout .station and Mlchennd and
several washouts have occurred , delaylnt
trnllic. The gnle lias Increased hoinu since
noon and Is accompankd by a steady rain
St. JOII'N l > ' , iir unto.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Slit lii-iSpnchl Tele
gram the BIR : | . At'thu mcrtini : oftho ill
rectors of. tlm Fnlr uiioointlon to-dny tlu
t second Monday ot October , isv > , was M-t at
the dnto for communoing the next lair. Tlu I
lease on the old ground expires at that time
1a and moro commodious quartn > " will be ob
a { alued. ' . . ' . . .
, <
His Dying Statement Implicates Two
lien Who Are Arrested ,
It Is to Ho Enlarged And noatitlflod- <
A Nehraska Partner Suffocated
In a Well Other IOWA And
Nebraska News.
Beaten to Death.
NKW HAMI-TON , la. , Sept. 10. | 8peclal
Telegram to the UKK. ] Fred Warner , A
farmer living about two miles from hero ,
was beaten to death yesterday afternoon.
When found ho stated that two brothers ,
Joseph und John Greu/.en , were his assail
ants. At the coroner's Imiuost they denied
all knowledge of the n If air. hut they liavo
been ai res ted und are now In jail here.
Slottx City Corn Palnoc.
Sioux CITV , la. , Sept. U > . ( Special ToleJ
gram to the Itnic.j It has been decided by
the corn palace management to enlarge the
building so that the structuru will be fully aa
largo again as oilglnallv Planned. The work
of decorating biilldlnus about the city and
the palace has comiueuccd , i
A Preacher Discontinued.
DBS Mom : * , la. , Uopt 17. | Special Tele
gram to the UKK. ] In the Methodist confer'
once hero to-day Uov. 1) . MeKondreo Stuart
nnd Uov. U. F. W. Cozier were elected dole-
Bates to the next general conference. Uov.
J. L. I'orterlljltl , against whom charges ot
conduct unbecoming iv minister had been
brought , was discontinued by thu conference
by a unanimous vote.
HlNhop P. > try Decline * .
DAVE.NPOUT , In. , Sopt. 10. ( Special Tcle <
gram to the llii : : . | In a letter received hero
to-day from London , Illght Reverend Bishop
Peiry , bishop of lown , who \\sis elected
bishop of Novia Scotln , ho stales that he has
foiwarded his formal declination of that
honor. Ho will sail tor home October H.
Nominated for Senator.
CKNTIIIVII.I.K : , la. , Sept. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK.J Dr. E. M. Reynolds , ol
this city , wiio represented his county In the
lower branch of the last legislature has been
nominated by thu republicans lor .senator for
the district composed of David and Ap-
paiiooso counties.
Ottmmva'fl Opera IIouso Destroyed.
OTTIIJIWA , In. , Sopt. 10. Lewis' opera
house was destroyed by lire this afternoon.
Loss. S'JO.OOO ; insurance. ST.OOO.
A Itnrber'H ( lad Itroitk. ,
COLUMIIUS , Neb" . , Sopt. U ) . [ Special Tele
gram to the BKI : . | Steve Reynolds , of the
linn of Reynolds & Craig , hnrbern , has
skipped the country. * Yesterday ho told his
partner nnd also his wife that he was going
into the country to shave n man. Ho took
his razors and kit and , as lie did not return
nt nightfall , his wlfo made enquiry and )
soirWli nnd discovered that Reynolds had getaway
away all his clothlnir nnd overcoat together
with other unmistakable signs to her that
she was left a grass widow , cruelly deserted
by her third husband. She was his third
wife. Neither of them wore over thirty
years of agn. Ho leaves debts aggravating ,
? aoo which his partner * J. Craig agrees to
assuuto. _ . >
The Hoard Ilcorffanlzcd.
NORFOLK , Neb. , Sopt. 10. ISpecial'to tha
BHK. | The city board of trade held a meet
ing last night and decided , after a long dis
cussion , to dissolve for the purpose of rear *
gan i/.Ing. The now organization was then
effected , with the following ofllcers : Presi
dent , W. P. Schwonk , vice president , itoma
Miller ; secretary , N. Hills ; treasurer , Wil
liam Gerecke ; directors , N. A. Ralnbolt , U.
A. Mast , 0. B. BurrowH. Romu Miller , A. P.
Pilger , I . A. Holmes , W. W. Marple and the
president and secretary. It Is expected that
the clmngo will infuse nuw vigor Into the
Itroknn now Items.
BKOKF.N Bow , Neb. , Sopt. 10. [ Special to'
the Bii.l : : The citizens of Custer county
are justly proud of the fact that , thoiuh ono
of thu newest counties In the state , It took
second premium on produce.
The county fair commences the 20th of
this mpnth and promises to be unusually at
Thu M. E. convention being held hero H
very entertaining and Instructive. Them .
am some able aud energetic workers. .
The county Is to have a 32r ,000 court house )
here this fall.
Discovered n Maitodon. '
KnAitNEY , Neb. , Sept 10. ( Special Tele
gram to thu BKK.J While excavating for the
purpose of setting turblno wheels , Enufnoer
O'Brien , of the Keatney Canal company ,
uncovered to-day , nt a deptli of thirty-two
feet from the surface , numerous parts of a
mastodon's bones , some ot which measure
nearly forty-live Indies in circumference.
Stops are being taken to continue the searcU
for the missing parts.
Killed By Foul Air.
NKIIIIAHKA CITV , Neb. , Sopt. 10. [ Special
Telegram to the BUR. ] John Nash , n farmer
llvlnir north of the city several miles , wont
down n well last night after a pig which had
fallen In , and was overcome by foul air uu4
expired before ho could bo rescued.
i * i
Amerlcn'H Competitor For the Cup la
Good Snillnu Condition. <
Nnwl YOIIK , Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram
to the Bun. I The Volunteer shipped her
big flawless boom nt 3 o'clock this afternoon ,
Her voluminous new mainsail was bent on It
an hour later , and at 3:40 : o'clock she was
beating down the bay avainst a mild south
westerly breeze. Her sails seemed to lit d-
mlrably. She saluted , , thn Thistle as sha
tacked elf Tomkinsvlllo by lowering her pen
nant. The cutter's ensign was dipped In
acknowledgment of the courtesy. A piece
fifteen Inches long had been sawed elf th
end of the new boom In Mumm's shipyard ,
thus reducing Its length to 85 feet 0 Inches.
An old and enthusiastic worshipper ot
center boards took tint llfteen-lnch plccn
of wood homo , docoiated with ribbons and
put it on the table in his parlor , lln says It
is the fragment of tint "Mreote at stick" ho
over saw and that he Intends to keep it as a
memento of the great victor ( to be ) ot tha
greatest single Htlcker In the world. Thu
Volunteer will 1:0on thu drv doci ; nt Tcbos
to-morrow mornlni : just alter the schooner
Montiuik Is taken oil. Mr. E. C. Benedict ,
of the Hlcum yacht Onoldu , has offered the )
use of Ins boat to General Paine
during the trial rnres. Tim genrrnl IIKH
accepted the oiler. Thu Onolda will i erfomi
thn hamo terrices for the Volunteer as the
Mohican will lor the Tlilstle. Tl.e ciosv of
thu Thlhtle spent the day overhauling her
runnlnirnnd standing ringing.lillo.Sall -
maker Untsoy , with three assistants , were
sewInt : on her ally balloons. Mr. Kalsoy
H.i'id the Immaculate siilmialcer that iirosu
from thn lore hatch In 1-rlday'n race like a
specter out of n htime trap door , was not tha
cutler's tuclni : sail. Thin maHterpieco nt
tlie tnUnmker'ft skill will. Mr. Itatsey
hays , ho n revelation to Anu-i.can . vaclitmnn.
ll Is < it yellowish line und very IMit. Tim
Thistle's lacing crew will consist of between
thirty and flirty men , eight ot whom will bo
lakun fronUlio hteam yuclit Mohlrvn. Mr.
Hell Bald to-dny that newspaper IIUMI will bo
) admitted Wednesday to thu KM vim : dock tit
tholdOtor Vnnllruntstieut. South Ueooklyti ,
to sen Hie. iuutclilua'1'cutter's hull. No out.
will be allowed to u P" board.