Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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The Rowdy and Boodle Gang Biding Rough
Shod Over Douglas Oonnty Republicans.
the Proxy Committee Protesting
Against Proxies An Act Which
Will Do ilesented Uy Honest and
Independent Republican * .
The action of the republican county
central committee in attempting , to ( ore-
stall the choice of the rank and llio of the
party at the primary elections by desig
nating a notorious clique to make up thu
delegation to the state convention has
created quite a sensation. It is the talk
everywhere among people who take an
active interest in politics , and is very se
verely denounced on all hands as a high
handed piece of chicanery.
A prominent republican who was pres
ent at the committee meeting and is
thoroughly posted about local politics
laid to a KKK reporter :
"It is simply outnxjrcous. A more im
pudent put-up job has never been at-
j tempted in Omaha m twenty years. The
i committee , as appointed last fall , is made
up of three members from each of the
then six wards of thn city , and two each
from the twelve country precincts , mak
ing in all forty-two members. Only seven
teen actual members of the committee
tvtiru present. Fifteen political hacks
Mid ward bummers came in by proxy ,
and three outsiders , who had evidently
been invited into the pool , were admitted
under the pretense that they were to
represent the new wards. There was no
delegate present from Valley , Waterloo ,
Saratoga and Douglas precincts. Those
members had evidently been ignored by
the tricksters because they might make
trouble. The cheoKk'st performance I
ever saw was thai of Mike Lou.
Mike was last year appointed
member from the Second ward , but now
ho lives in the Seventh. Ho was on hand
Eersonally and gave a proxy" to Mike
ahoy to till his scat. This is the tirst
time 1 have over seen a man voting in a
committee nnd having himself represent
ed ut the same meeting by a proxy. Mike
Lahoy , by the way , has no business in a
republican committee. Ho wits a demo
crat for revenue until he was appointed
engineer of the poslofticc , then ho became -
came a pap-sucking republican. When
Cleveland came into power ho thrciv up
his place , expecting to bo bounced , and
went over to the democratic commission
ers in the court house. Ho may pretend
to still bu a republican , but he is
soul and body the property of Dick
O'Koefo and Mount. Ho works for any
body they support , and don't you forget
"This is a pretty kettle of fish that
licchol and Hascall have been cooking
up , " said another republican. "These
> council bosses have been plotting und
scheming for weeks to run the politics of
this county. They want to go to the state
convention to show their power and in
"i milt Governor Thaycr , but they dare not
Ij" take the chance on a primary election
K under the now law. So they are trying
| ; to pack a delegation of their own
f v stripe to represent us at Lincoln. That
i. . ; man liechel is no better than Rothacker.
\ > Ho has got to bo a regular desperado
and is capable of most anything. Just
look at the beautiful committees that ho
unpointed Saturday. Ho first appointed
himself on every one of them and then
added enough roustabouts and sluggers
to give the clique absolute control over
everything. Just think of it , Uechul ,
. Hascall , Uothacker , Mike Leo , Herman
i Timme and Pat. . Hawcs are appointed to
* name tlio delegation to the state conven
tion 1 Nice boquet , ain't it ?
"What about proxies , you say ? Why a
good deal about proxies ! Dave Mercer ,
on behalt of purity and reform , ofl'ercd a
resolution to exclude proxies in future
conventions. Oil-room Dave was m the
committee on a proxy himself , and so was
his running-mate , Julius Cooloy. The
"Judge1' represented a colored sporting
man by the name of 1'ayton. Then John
Sahler was there by proxy , and Leo Us-
lotto , Pat Hawcs , Morrow , the bum plas
terer , Joe Howies , and other bums whoso
names 1 forget , were all there acting
as committcemcn on proxies. They
were very consistently against proxies.
Oh , yes , I forgot that Mike Lee wasn't
the only man who had two votes. Hci-
man Timmo carries a tin can by the
name of Oft , whom ho always puts on us
a member and votes for in the com
mittee. Timmo is one of your model
stalwarts whom Bccliol appointed with
solo power to pass upon the republican
ism of voters in Jefferson precinct. Per
haps you don't remember that this man
Timrae organized a Cleveland aud Hen-
, . drlcks club in his precinct three years
; ago , although ho was then on
the republican central committee and at
tended every ono of its conventions where
he always trades m votes and proxies. It is
in outrage that such disreputable tricks
ters should be given the right to put the
voting places into their own houses and
exorcise autocratic power to reject all
votes that don't suit them.
"Hut that is only on a par with the
irholo performance of Saturday. I
noticed for instance that a drunken
old roustabout by the nainn of Simpson ,
[ rom Florence , has been given the same
power in that precinct that Timme has in
Jefferson , and liechel located the next
primary in Simpson's saloon. "
"What are wo going to do if this in
famous plot is put through this fall ? " said
another republican. "Wo shall have to
lay out the gang and their cronies colder
than a wedeo. They want to make
Leu Kstello district judge and
Dave Mercer county judce. That
would bo a pretty mess for republicans
to swallow ! I am not alone against this
boodle and anarchist outfit. If the decent
republicans who are expecting to run
don't put a stop to this impudent scheme ,
they will bo buried as badly as Churclj
Howe was last year. The pretense that
it is too early to put up a county ticket if
too thin. We have a thousand
majority in the county , and if a
clean ticket is put up. it would
po through without a scratch. Last year ,
if I remember right , wo had our count ;
ticket in the tield about the 18th of Sep
tember , and in spite of the Church Howe
racket wo carried the day. This year we
have to the 2d of October if wa wan )
only ono convention. The state couven
tion meets on the 3d. Othcrcountles al !
over the state have already cot theli
tickets in the field. What ex
cuse is there for this skullduggery !
Why can't Uochol. Hascall nnd their cappers
pors Keep their bauds off from counts
affairs ? "
Other republicans were even more
emphatic in denouncing thu deal. Nearly
all of them favor concerted action tc
repudiate the work of the proxy com
mitteo. Stops are to bo taken for calliiif.
primary elections , holding a rcpubhcat
convention and electing a rcpreseutativi
delegation to thu state convention.
Die Now Ilulo Adopted By Omaht
CommlHSloii Men.
For some time past the commissioi
men of Omaha have been considering thi
advisability of adopting a rule that al
goods bought ot them shall bo paid foi
on the first of the week instead of tin
Brst of the month. The commission mot
ire compelled to pay cash for all tin
foods they buy , , and make returns on al
lonsignod goods as soon as. sold. liu
fcey are compelled to wait thirty Jay
for their pay , and ih many cases sixty or
even ninety days. In order to pay cash
and sell on such long time , it requires an
enormous capital to do oven a small
business. As n natural result
many commission houses are forced
to borraw at thn banks , In which case
the interest amounts to about the same as
the commissions or profits on the goods.
Other cities of the size of Omaha have a
rule that all cash goods should bo paid
for in cash. In order to introduce this
rule here a committee was appointed by
the commission men to draw up an
agreement and obtain the signatures of
the commission houses. This agreement
in substance is that all bills shall become
duo on the first of each week and that
the commission men make the same ef
forts to collect the bills weekly as were
put forth when the collections wore made
once a month. Thus far , the following
have signed the agreement , and it is ex
pected that all will sign as soon as the
committee can call upon them : Wcidcman
& Co. . Troxoll & Williams , E. Moronoy ,
lirunch & Co. , Kicrchbraun & Son , Rob
ert Purvis , Riddcll & Riddell , Whitney &
Co. . C. W. Bcall & Co. , D. II. Hurley ,
Helm & Seavcrs , Freeman & Co. , J. M.
Forward & Co. , Bates , Wilcox & Strectcr.
The better class of the retail croccrs
favor the weekly payment system , as
thoie who have always paid up promptly
all bills on the first of the month have
been fbrced to compete with those who
let their bills run sixty or ninety days ,
thus having the use of the inonev so much
the longer. The new rule will go into
efii'ct on October 1.
KITart Being Made to Provide Them
With a Home.
The Sunday morning breakfast given
under the auspices of the Omaha City
Mission to the homeless newsboys and
bootblacks ef the city , at the little church
on Tenth street between Dodge street
and Capitol avenue , was patronized by
thirteen happy youngsters yesterday
morning. There were not as many boys
as provision had been made for , but
those present seemed to appreciate the
breakfast and the services. Fifty cau bo
At present all the mission alms to do is
to give the boys a good breakfast every
Sunday morning at 8:30 : o'clock. If it is
well patronized , and the number in
creases , stops will bo taken to sccuro
quarters for a homo. The homeless news
boys and bootblacks of Omaha have it in
their power to secure nice , comfortable
lodgings in a short time. All they have
to do is to take breakfast at the City
Mission church every Sunday morning ,
and convince the people in charge that
they want something of the kind. Every
thing is free and as much attention will
bo shown them as if they were dining at
a hotel. Arrangements have been made
to provide badges for those who attend
egularly. _
Last night Baurois & Fills' Herman company appeared in the in-
ensely interesting piece , "Totts Kop-
hen , " introducing the principal nicm-
icrs of the company. The play was cx-
lellcntly produced , affording unusual op-
ortunity for Mcsdamos Baurois and
.indemann to distinguish themselves , n
act which none of the ladies overlooked.
Mrs. Baureis made an excellent Fran
Schraubo , Mrs. Lindemann a
uost interesting Frcdcricke , and
Mrs. Puls Ahlo a winning Ilnn-
: hcn. The latter entertained ttio
arge audience with a couple of her do-
ightful medleys , which wore rendered in
a satisfactory manner , notwithstanding
that the lady was suffering from the
effects of the season's work in the open
air. The piece is a happy set of com
plications resulting from the existence of
a couple of individuals , whoso name is
Miller , one of whom is a love-lorn swain ,
the other a student of theology. Letters
from the female part of the complication
reach the the theologian neophyte and
almost paralyze him. This character was
most happily enacted by Mr. Baureis ,
and rounds of applause greeted his suc
cessful work. Next Sudaay night will bo
the last performance of the company be
fore the opo iiing of the winter season at
General Shcrldnii Will Not Ho Pres
ent at fiallevue.
The following letter to General Crook
will explain the absence of General Slier
idan from the competition of distin <
guished marksmen now being held at
Bellevue rifle rang under Colonel Henry
directed by Lleutenant-Ueaural Sheridan K
Inform you that tlie duties devolved upon
him by the president In connection witli the
celebration In this city of the centennial ol
the promulgation of the constitution ot the
United States will prevent his attendance a
the competition of distinguished marksmen
now being held at Bellevue. Neb. The lieu
tenant-general further directs me to suggest
you to present In his name the medals to the
successful competitors and to assure them
and the other members of the team of the In which he takes In rifle practice and hi !
ixDpri'cIat'ou ' of Us great value as one ot tlit
elements of the soldier's Instruction \vhlcl
should boar great fruit whou brought to the
test of battle.
Yours very respectfully.
Lieutenant-Colonel and AlUo-de-Cnmp.
Colonel Blunt , aide to General Sheri
dan , will arrive Tuesday morning am
go to the ntlo range camp. The meilali
will bo presented Wednesday by Genera
Crook. The tram leaves Omaha at II
a. m. and returns at 3 p. m. . The bant
of the Second infantry will go down.
Halo of Scatn Tor Koeno.
It should bo borne in mind that tin
sale of seats for the great Kecno engagement
mont commences at the box ollico of tin
Grand Opera house this morning , at !
o'clock. The extraordinary intcrcs
manifested in this event justifies the belief
lief that the advance sulo will be vnr
largo , and that it will be well for every
body to present their orders as early a
possible. There will bo no advance it
prices and wo will be mistaken if the ca
pacity of the now Opera house is no
fully tested during Tom Kecno's sta ;
here. _
A Rng Hnlir.
"A " with Charlie Reed
Rag Baby , a
"Old Sport , " opens at Boyd's opor
house to-night. If clover comedians
pretty girls , witty dialogue , bright am
taking songs , and a general atmospher
of "go" can make success , the "Ha1
Babyr > is sure to repeat its former bril
liant engagement and furnish n fund c
amusement to the Omaha publio durin
the next three days.
The Hotel Etniond Fire.
OMAHA , Neb. , Sept. 17. Wo wish t
acknowledge the prompt and splcndl
service rendered by the fire departmoii
at the lire in our building , and also t
say that the Esmond will bo in runnin
order in about ten days , lire escapes pu
on each end of the building , etc.
L. E. COULEY , proprictoi
E. L. DANFOUTH , manager.
Arrested For Thefr.
Sarah McDowell , better known '
"Calamity Juno , " was arrested ycstcrda
on the charge of stealing $13 and thn
cold rings from her landlady. At tl
time of the theft Mrs. Smith , thu lane
lady , was asleep , and the rings wei
taken from her lingers.
F cU Concerning thn li te Interna
tional Bohemian GjrmnasHlo Meet
The BEG on several occasions has re
ferred to the excursion of the Bohemians
of the world , and especially of this coun
try , to the land ot their birth. The In
ternational contest which had been con
templated , became of anticipated trou
ble , was prevented by the Austrian
government , but the gymnasts from this
country succeeded in getting up an exhi
bition to which objection was not made.
Among the visitors from this country
were a number from this city. On the
arrival of the Bohemian-American turn
ers at Prague they wore the recipients of
a grand ovation. For a week festivities
in their honor wore held and a district
gymnastlu contest was arranged , to give
them nn opportunity to show their cfll-
cicncy ana the progress they had made
dnring the especial instruction of Charles
Stullk , who visited this country for that
purpose. At this Dr. 1. J. Patera , of
Chicago , received llio second prize for
high jumping , and Sahulka. of New York ,
the prize for swift running. Our own
Tony Moravcc , the delegate of Omaha's
Bohemian Turners , acquitted himself
with credit , but gained no prize. His
boxing exhibition created n great deal of
admiration. While nearly all the dele
gates have returned to this country , Mor
avcc , It seems , has concluded to remain
on the old sod. Prof. Stulik , however ,
who was engaged for a year as a teacher
by the National Bohemian-American
Turners' association , and who returned
with the excursion to his native land , did
not remain there. Ono year's residence
in this country has convinced him of the
many advantages of a residence here ,
and last week no arrived on these shores ,
where ho will make his future home.
Since his return to Bohemia ho has been
married , and now brings his wife with
him. For the present he will make his
homo at Chicago , where ho has been
engaged as teacher for members and
scholars by the Allied Turner societies.
Last week a numerous body of the ex
cursionists returned , and they brought
also a costly and beautiful present for the
mistress of the white house. Mrs. Cleve
land. It consists of a necklace , a set of
earrings and a brooch very elaborately
gotten up and chased and manufactured
in Bohemia. It is of Bohemian garnets
and beautiful and precious stones which
are found only in that country. The
necklace consists of thirty-eight st-irs ,
one for every state of the union. The
brooch is in the shape of an American
eagle , holding a golden baud with the
inscription , "E plunbus uuum. " An
American shield covers the crest. The
talons of one foot hold a bunch of arrows ,
the other a laurel twig. The whole is
contained in a beautiful case , with a
Bohemian and English inscription , as
follows :
To Mrs. Grover Cleveland as a token of
profound respect by the first excursion of the
Bohemian Gymnasium association "Sokol"
ot America to Bohemia.
The case also contains photocraphic
views of the capital of Bohemia and the
city of Prague. The present will bo sent
from Chicago to Washington probably
the coining week.
This evening the city council will hold
its regular meeting.
The city was visited by the usual large
number of people Sunday afternoon.
The brick for the foundation of the
new school house is on the ground.
A. Johnson , of Essex , la. , is a guest of
the Benson house.
Alderman F. M. Smith , who has been
acting mayor for the past month , is tak
ing a tour through northwestern Ne
Peter Cockrell is in Lyons , Neb. , on u
business trip. f ?
James Maloney. a * resident of Musca-
tine , la. , was in the city.
The weekly shoot of the gun club was
held Sunday afternoon , eighteen of the
members participating. Each used
fifteen birds and the result was a tie
between J. P. Hays and W. MeCraith ,
w ho shot ten each.
A rumor was on the streets Sunday
that William Sterrltt. a painter , had lett
the city very unceremoniously , having
failed to call on his creditors , who now
mourn him to the tune of several hunurcil
Saturday evening a man employed on
the mammoth drain for the packing
houses , ran into the city in a very excited -
cited manner and sent a telegram to Mr.
Lunham , contractor at Lincoln , telling
him that the foreman of the works in
South Omaha had absconded without
paying off the men with the money
furnished by Mr. Lanhum for that pur
pose. Mr. Lanhum will bo here this
morning and the facts of the case will be
Sunday afternoon Charles Casllcr and
William Martin , employes of Fowler's
packing house , were driving around the
city ii ) a single buggy seeing the sights
and "irrigating" at every opportunity.
By the time they reached the corner of
J and Twenty-fourth streets the driver
could not guide his horse properly , and
in attempting to turn short the whole rig
was upset ana the horse thrown on his
back. Martin sustained u severe con
tusion of the right shoulder and a few
other bruises , but Castlor escaped injury.
They Will Not Do It.
Those who once take Dr. Piorco's
"Pleasant Purgative Pellets" will never
consent to use any other cathartic * . They
are pleasant to take and mild in theii
operation. Smaller than ordinary pills
and inclosed in glass vials ; virtues unim
paired. By ( liuggists.
A Drunken Window SniitMhcr.
John Nelson , a drunken Swede , had : i
row last evening with Tom Robinson , tin
saloon keeper on the northeast corner ol
Sixteenth and Dodge streets , because lit
was refused liquor , and , gathering in
some pieces of brick near the sidewalk
ho smashed some thrift ) or four largt
window lights in the front of the saloon
Ollicor McCarthy , however , put a Mop t <
this wholesale destruction and murchec
Nelson to the lock-up.
For fear of losing a day's work , mani
persons wit oil' taking physic until Sat
unlay. The better plan is not to dehn
but take it as soon as needed , it may savi
you n hard spell of sickness. If you wan
the most benefit from thn least amount o
physio without causing you any incon
venicnce , loss of appetite or rest , lak
St. Patrick's Pills. Their action on tin
liver and bowels are thorough , they givi
a freshness , tone and vigor to the wholi
ystem and aet in harmany with nature.
Bullets lit a Danco.
Some unknown parties wantonly firec
three times through the windows of tin
Bohemian hall on South Thirtoontl
street last evening , while a dance was ii
progress. For A while general collator
nation prevailed , but it being discovcrci
a that no one was hurt , the dance pro
i cccded. There is no definite clew as t
t who the parties were or what was the !
o object.
An ounce of prevention is worth i
t pound of cure. Use Brown's Ginger
Frederick Brown. Philadelphia , 1823.
Omaha'a Anarchist Sympathizers.
Less than a dozen persons , Infuse
with the spirit of the socialist party , at
tended the meeting held in a Thirtccnt
street hall yesterday afternoon. No bus
. of importance transacted ,
ness Ui .111 I'VSt VltllVV ] was ! tJ ldtV .UV | am '
thofovr attuiulants ndjourncd with n
more knowledge or the mutter they ha <
met to ( ilscuas , tlmu thuy would hav
"hud if tlioy had not held a meeting at al
Absolutely Pure.
Tbll powder never varlws. A mnrvol of pur
ty , strength und wholoomenosa. Mnro econ
omical than the ordinary kinds , nr.rt cannot be
lold I competition with the multitude ol low
celt iHort welffht Blum or phophnto powders.
Bold only In ran * . UOTAL BAKING I'OWDKR Co.
Ml Wall-it. . N. Y.
314 S. 13th street , Omnlm ,
Established for the Scientific and Sncedy
Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special
The Old liellttbl 3 Specialist of mnny ycnrs ox-
pcnenco , treat ? with wonderful success nil
LA , UUl'ruilE , cured without KNIFE. 0
Treats all forms of Throat T < un ? , Nerve ana
Illoocl diseases , nil Chronic dHoasps mid De
formities far in iidviinco of any Institution In
this country. The o who contumplato uolnjr to
Hot Springs tor the treatment of any I'rlvato
or I Hood dlocasocnn ho cured for ona-tlnrd the
costnt our Private Dispensary , 311 South 13th
street , Omaha , Noli.
HUI'TUIIK cured without pain or hindoranoa
rom business.
I AnlCC nJ this treatment a pure Lovely
LMUICO Complexion , free from slowness ,
treckles , ulHOkheads , eruptions etc. , Urllliant
Eyes and perfect lieiilth cun t > o lind.
fW That "tired" feeling and all female weak.
nesses promptly cured. HkmtlnK Heudnches ,
Nervous Prostration , General Debility , Sleep
lessness , Depression and Indigestion , Ovarian
troubles , Intlmnmatlon and Uleuintlon , Falling
nnd Displacements , Spinal weakness Kidney
complaints and Change of Life. Consult ttt
old Doctor.
CVB Itin C ID Acute or Chronic Intlixm
ETC Anil C Animation of the Kyellds or
Globe and tar or Near Blghtednoss , Inversion
of the Lids , Scrofulous Kyos , Ulceratlons , In-
Unmmatlons , Abscess , Dimness of Vlilon of one
or both eyes , nnd Tumors of Ltd.
Vf Inflammation of the Ear , Clceratlun or
Catarrh , Internal or External Deafness , or
I'aralyils , Hinging ° r lloarlng noises , Thickened
U CM'If fl MO Debility , Spermatorrhrea , Som-
NCnVDUw Inal Losses , Night Emissions ,
Loss of Vital 1'owor , Sleeplessness , Despond
ency , Loss of Memory , Confusion of Ideas ,
liluri Hf.foro the Kyes , Lassitude. Languor ,
Gloominess , Depression ol Spirits. Aversion to
Society , Easily Discouraged , Lack of Confi
dence , Dull , Listless , Unlit for Study or llusi-
ness , and finds life a burden , Safuly , Perma
nently nnd Privately Cured.
Bli hnn L CfUI | | > ls < > n'ies.Synhills-adt- '
DLUUU H dnill seaso most horrible in
its resulU-completely eradicated without theme
mo of mercury. Scrofula. Erysipelas. Fever
Sores , Illotohcs. Pimples , Ulcers , pnlns In the
Head and Hones , Syphilitic Sore Thioat.Moutli
nnd Tongue , Glnnclulnr Enlargement of the
Necfc , Itheuraatifrn , Cntnrrh , etc. , Permanently
Cured When Olheri Have Falloil.
IIDIUIDV Kidney and HUdaor troubles ,
UtllnAnf I Weak Illicit , Ilnrnliw Urine ,
Frequency of Urinating , Urine high colored or
milky f-edtmon ton stand liitf , Gonorrhea , Gleet ,
Cystitis , eto. , promptly and satcly cured.
gleet , stricture , somlnal emissions , loss of sex
ual power , weakness ot the sexual orgniu.want
of ilcslro Inmiilc or foranlc , whether from Im
prudent habits ot young or sexual habits In
mature years , or any cause that debilitates the
srxunj Junctions , speedily aud permanently
Consultation free and strictly confidential.
Medicine sent frno from observation to- all
parts of the United States. Correspondence
receives prompt attention. No Utters an
swered unless accompanied by four cents In
stamps. Send stamp for pamuhlot and list of
questions. Tormn-strlctly cash. Call on or ad
dress ! I'OWEI.T. nF.KVKS ,
No. CH South 13th St. . Omaha. Nob.
Remarkable tor powerful sympa
thetic tone , ipliablc action and ab
solute durability ; 30 years' record ,
the beit guarantee of the excel
lence of these instruments ,
Tin or Iron , Repaired.
And Tainted nnd guaranteed tight for number
of years. Paints never blister.
Manufactured and repaired. Fire Proof Paint
applied to sUI plug , IS years experience.
2111 S.Ut St. llet Arbor aud Yluton ,
of tht body csUrgtd ind itr DthrDtd. Full putla >
VlVI ( IMltiU & . XBU HUD , CO ,
The temperature nowadays must convince everybody that a medium weight overcoat
would be a comfortable thing. "We can just as easily convince you that ours is the place
to buy one. We display an elegant assortment of these garments from a medium priced
one at $5.75 up to the finest grades of Cassimeres , Meltons and Kerseys. Some of the lat
ter are in the beautiful fashionable shades and made up in the best custom made
manner , lined with silk and satin , and the prices are such thatj they are within reach of
In our Boy's Clothing department we already have a large and attractive stock , many
styles that will interest and please parents , and all who have boys to clothe , new goods
arriving every day. Goods that will wear and give satisfaction , such goods as you'll not
find in any other clothing house at' the price. As an extraordinary bargain , and being
well adapted for school wear , we mention this week our Plaited Cordoroy knee pant
suit which we have marked $2.25 , just one-half of what it is really worth.
In our Furnishing Department we show novelties in Fall Underwear , Fancy Percale
Shirts , Neckwear , Gloves , etc.
Our Hat Department is well stocked with the latest styles of stiff and soft hats in all
colors and at prices fully one-third lower than other dealers.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at * / <
Nebraska Clothing Company
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
Cor. 13th St. and Caplttl Aoe. , OMAHA , NEB.
* . ppr tui nn < l r
tvrv form > MWuMif | uhn ! | * Mmluttlor Surfirn I treatment *
WHIT * rod CIKCCLAM OH Prfonnltlts and Ilnrti , Club IVt ,
urvature of ( h Spin * , Pile * Tumors , Cn r , Cut trrh , IlroncUrt * ,
InliaUtinn , ii : < > t t nelly , ' * * * * , Kpll | i y , Milntjr , llUJJtr , KJ- * .
Kr , hkln , ml HluoJ , and * H Surgical OinralUma ,
Book ou Diseases of Women FREE.
All Rloo4 PiwtWi uiceeMfaltjr treat o1 , Brphtlttlo Tel on rcmovtd
from Ih * ijt'im without mrriurjr. New ItcMoratltoTiratment for
l ttuf Mul Toner. 1'criunt unabl to v tilt uitiurte treated at
home , by O > m > ipoiiilf ncc. All cmnmunlrit Ions Cotiflrtentlil. Midi-
iiietor Initrwwnliwnt bjr mallur eiprttn , wrurel/ picked , no
rnntrntior trnilrr. OnTou | Hnttt view prw
fcrM Call nntl ton milt us , or knj hUtonr of > our ca , HiUtlUmp ,
ami v < 9 nlll In i > lalu wr 'per ' , our
Upon Private , PrwcUl inKenroun Dlwn. * " , Seminal wj.ltnfM.
fil-rnntlorrh'Psi , Iniitotciicy , Rpliilln , Oouunba * , Ul t , inJ * * !
cocfl * , Itooni * for i' tloi.t . AdtlrfU ,
/.SJcMenainy ' , Cor. 13th st , & Oapitol AYOra < itta , Neb.
Medical EooHH or Papers Free.
The proprietor ot the Omaba Medical atvl surgi
cal Institute U < is publl < * htid a viiluablo so * ' of buocs
untl pupers upon chroiilcuiut surirlcal Ulseuaes and
ileformltlus , anil tlie methods ul cure wliloli Imvo
Klven him the reputation of being tb * most skillful
mid successful specUIln In Iho west , mid muUu thu
Institute so celeDrateil Hint modlclnes are sent to
and putlunts rcccl.od Itoni every atuto In the union.
Amuutt the booki Is one upoo the diseases < > (
women : one upon nervous , special and private dls-
ease * of llio texuat nnd urinary organs ; varlcocolo
cured by surelcal operations , and their Intolr Invent
ed clump compress suip.'nsnry for the relief ami
cure ( it ynrlcocele. nervous ethanstlun undioxual
lebllltv. new restorative treatment. I'apers upon
turRlcal bracei , plld < , luncers , paralrsls , tits. Elou-
trlcltr and fie new mafnctlo battery for home use ;
catnrrh nnd Inhalation , rto. Unlik * mut books
ssnd br doctors free , tncf tin nut consist of testi
monial" with tlPtltlous anraeii und Initials , or rnbblsb
of that kind , but are pl.iln dcscrlptlont of diseases ,
symptoms , new discoveries In icedlciao , surgery
nnd elo.'trlrltr.nnd arew ll worth the uurusal. and
caifbe nbtiilned frue b ) ndilresslng the Omaha Medi
cal and Huruloul Institute , l.itU street and Capitol
avenue , Omana. Nebraska.
rae ii rxACQUAixTZD wua Tnm aKoaairar or Tint
Hy reason of Its central posltloi ' .o relation to lines
East of Chicago , and contlnJJUl lines at terminal
points Writ , Northwest and Bojthwcit , Is tin tru *
middle link In that transcontinental prittm which
Inrltrs aud facilitates travtl and truffle between the
Atlantic and 1'aclflc.
The Hoc * Island main Una anl branches Include Chi.
CBgo. Jollet , Ottawa , LaSalU , Titorla , UrnMeo , Molina
and Rock Island , In Illinois | Davenport , Uuscatlnc ,
Washington , Falrfield , -
ertrIowftCltrI > e < Holnes.IndlanolaWlntcrset , Atlan
tic , Knoivlllo , Auduhon , Harlan , Outhria Centre and
Council IilutTiIn lowai Oallatln , Trenton , 6t. * .Sfpd ,
Cameron and Kansas City , In Missouri ! l.oai'jort
and Atchlson , In Kansas ! Albtrt Lea , Minneapolis nnd
Bt. Paul , In Minnesota ) Watrtown and Sloui Falls , la
pokota , and hundreds of Intermediate cities and towns.
'The Great Rook Island Route"
Guarantees speea , comfort , certainty and safety. Its
permanent way Is distinguished for Its excellence. Its
bridges are of stoae and Iron. Its track Is of solid
teel.ltsroUUcitockperrect. Itspassenfferequlpmwit
fcas all the safety appliances that experience baspiMTSl
useful , and for luxurious accommodations Is uns IT-
passed. Its Express Trains consist ot superior Day
Coaches , elegant 1'ullman Palace Parlor and Sleeping
Cars , superb Dining Can , providing delicious meals ,
and ( between Chicago and Bt. Joseph , Atchlson and
Kansas City ) reitful Reclining Chair Can. It * maa-
aitetncnt Is conservative , Its discipline exacting
"The Famous Albert Lea Rowe"
Between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Pa. ' Is the
favorite. Over this UaeHoIld Tut Eiprv s Trains run
dally to attractive resorts for tourMs In Iowa and
Minnesota , and , via Watertown and Rloui Falls , to the
rich wheat and graslng lands of interior Dakota. Via
Seneca and Kankakee , the Rock Island offers superior
Inducements to travelen between Cincinnati , Indian ,
apolls. Lafayette and Council Bluffs. St. Joseph , Atchl
son , Leavenworth , Kansas City , St. Paul , and Interme
diate points. All patrons ( espotlally ladles and chil
dren ) receive protection , courtesy and kindly atuntlos.
For tickets , maps , folden , copies of Western Trail , or
any desired Information , apply to principal oMces la
tie United States and Canada , or address , at Chicago ,
1.1. CUIE , I. ST , JOHN , I. A. HOllaOOI ,
' M. Oo.niaru4.lfV
( Successors to John 0. Jacobs. )
At the ojd stand , 1407 Farnam St. Orders
br telegraph solicited and promptly at
tended to. Telephone No , 25 ,
Display at their warerooma , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
x-M-\/-V A IV It-- ,
V i IV fti - * * ,
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects in materials and workmanship.
1300 * 1307 FARNAM STREET *
The Scholastic year commences on the First Wednesday in 8 ? ptomlior. Difference of reli
gion Is no obstacle to tLo admission of young ladies. 1'uplla ure received nt uny time of tha
fear ,
ancludlnRPoRrd , Washing , Tuition in English and French , Instrumental Music , Dao of .
Hooks , per session of Five Months . $150 Otn
I'nlntlnff , nrnwiiiR , Herman , Vocal Muslo , Harp , Violin oxtrns.
KofcronuoH are required from persons unknown to thn Institution , For further Information
p ply to the Hlght Key. JA . O'OoN.NOH. or to the Lady Superior.
HOTEL' ' "
87 Cluunber of Commerce.
Lincoln , Neb.
The best known uml most ponulnr hotrl In
the l to. Ideation control , Hjiionliiicntn | [ flint
clan. Ile tHiuftrter for coiniiicrclnl men nJ
.Ul P ! ltlc l .od publlo WS SS'fn.tttWK
For ill kinds of business at the
New Town of Harbine ,
Idway botwcf n Fnlrbury and Ilcatrlue on tha
C. 1C * N. . It.
Lots OH Kasy Icntis.
Address C. n. LKTTON Falrbury ,
I'llltK CAMl'OltNIA WINES , shipped dlrfcl
from our vmoyiirdj Itlesllnir , Uuto.lel Cmiotn ,
I'oit , Hhorrlei , < ; to. Bun .loie Vmillg Fovcnth ,
, Sun Salvador und Wllllum fct . , Hun
.Jibi > , California.