THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 39 , 1887. SATURDAY MARKET FIGURES A Generally Drill Day With the Exception of the Corn Fit. CORN LEADS IN SPECULATION. Hie Scxslnn In Provlnlnnn n Compara tively HlnwUno .Supply of C ! i- tlo Hm.ill Goncrnl Mir- kot Quotations. CHICAGO I'HODUCK MAIIKKT. CIIICAOO , Sept 17. ISpoctal Telegram to Iho UEK.J-Outside of the corn trade there was a generally dull set of markets. Being the closing day of the week , there \va * the usual disposition to oven up , and business passing on both wheat and provisions /ell / under an average volume. The excitement noted yesterday In ribs appears to havu sub- Blded and fluctuations In all products were rmriovv. Cash transactions In wheat were almost nil , but corn charters were thu largest , with , perhaps , one exception , that they have been any day .this . season since the opening of navigation ' , Wheat opened just about on le'vol with yesterday's close and a few forolgn buyers' orders wcro executed. Par- dredge appeared as a fair buyer through a couple of brokers , and tliero was some de mand from nervous shorts. It did not take long , however , to discover that the market was without substantial support The old bear crowd , led by Cudahy & Jones , McCormlckifc Ken nett , came to the front as sellers and prices gave way Jfc , October receding from G9c at the start to G8c. With the underpinning of the corn market giving way tliero was a very Indiffer ent demand for wheat , and therefore the bear element found It an easy matter to hold _ " the market down without selling much , and "that was probably tholr Intention , for nobody cares to put out heavy short lines at current prices. It Is a fact , nevertheless , that all ot the "plunders , " with but few exceptions , are talking bearish. According to both public and private cables there Is no material change In the conditions abroad. The board's dispatches called spot wheat in Liv erpool qulot and steady at former quotations. New York was just a shade easier at the close , and St. Louis declined % c. The weakest factor here , aside from the general dullness , was the break In corn. Trading was light throughout thu session and thu market closed heavy and at the bottom , thu leading futures showing an actual decline based on yesterday's closings of M@c , with May the weakest of the list. Fluctuations covered n ranee of > c. From C'Jc for October at the opening that future declined to OS ! < c , which was bid at the close. December receded from 71c to 71.fc and May from 77 > < c at the opening to 70Ji'e at the close. In the local cash market both de mand and olTerings wcru llrht Not a bushel of room was taken for lake shipment , though them were some expert orders here at l@l > c under the market. The dally movement tables show receipts to bo pulling up , but very slowly. At 12 principal point * they aggregate 070,000 bushoK with shipments from the same 307,000 hushels. It is esti mated that there has been a decrease In local Blocks of wheat this week of about 400,000 bushels. Guesses on the probable Increase In the next visible run from 500,000 to 1,000- 000 bushels. Very few expect less than 750- 000 Increase , The exports from two ports yesterday were 113,000 bushols. Corn was the leader in Interest to-day and Rpeculatlvn trading uns heavy In thn aggre gate. Under a continuation of tlui liquida tion by louga. which was the principal feat ure of jestenlay , the market was again lower and every fraction that prices declined brought out Increased oUcrlngs. A good deal of corn came outou exhausted margins and the hears hammered and pounded , trying to break May to 44c , at which liirnro it was be lieved large quantities wcro on hand on stop orders. They did not cot that future below 44V-for nt nm thing under 41'ic there was good bnylnp. Opening trades in May wcro at 44 > c , wnioit was the top , and there was not u Ht * at deal ot business done at cither extreme. October opened at 41Ko and de clined to 40 c and November cold from 41 c nt the opening ( one trade at 4lc ) , down to 40Jfc. The bottom was touched about half an hour before the close. When it was found that charters had been made during the past twenty-four horns for 750,000 bushels of corn the market rallied sharply tfc , closing MC. lower for May on the dav and J c lower for October and November. The clos ing figures worn : October 40J ( ? .lc , Novem ber 41c bid , December 41c asked and May 4 n'c. The early break was attributed to free selling bv liutchlnson nnd Baker. Later , Iteam , Fleming & Roydon nnd Jones ap peared as free sellers , while the offering ! ! from all quarters wore heavy. Another ele ment of weakness \vaa the lanro estimated receipts. Monday's arrivals were ( Inured at 503 cars anil upwards of 1,100 cars were pre dicted for Tuesday. Kxport clearings were very light. Forolen markets were reported dull and there was a decline In the leading outside home markets of about Me In futures. In view of the severe pounding the market received to-day It showed a pretty stubborn front. There worn apparently a good mai buying orders at 44 > fc for May. llutchlnsi took some at that figure. Oats m the speculative market wore dull and the feellntc was weaker In sympathy with the decline In wheat nnd corn. The closing figures , however , were on a small fraction under thosu of yesterday. October rested at 25tfc and May at 29Jfc. In provisions there was no unusual stir. Yesterday's excitement was In no sense con tinued and the day passed in a comparatively Blow manner , with new speculation conllned largely to the January product. October short ribs averaged a little stronger , but olTerinu's fell under speculations. They sold at 83.15@ 8.25 and closed at 88.20. September ehoil ribs were nominally the sarao as October. Lard for near delivery declined 5c , and at the close stood at SO.DO for cash , September , October and December and S0.20 for No vember. For October , the favorite of the near futuies , lard sold from S0.a ; early down to SO.SIH. The January product was bearIshly - Ishly Inclined and pork suffered a deprecia tion of 15c , lard 5o and short ribs 12Uc. Pork Closed for January at 811.15 , lard at 30.3. ) and Bhort ribs at SO.17K@fi.20. The cash trade was under an average volume. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. , Sept 17. [ Special Telegram to the BUB. ] OATTLI : "A short horse teen curried' * Is an old saying , The horse wai short enough , but ho was not very soon cur ried , as tliero was no ono who would under take the job without much coaxing nnd low prices. Thu supply of cattle was small , but the demand seemed to bo smaller. There was alack ot life In the trade to-day , as Is nearly always the raso on Saturday , when the week's supplies nave been more than equal to the demand. Values to-day were nomi nally steady. Receipts , 1,500 Market quiet but steady. Shipping steers , 1300. to 1500 Ibs. , S4.4iKi4.OU ; 1200 to 1C : > 0 Ibs , S4.00@I.OO ; 960 to 1200 Ibs. , 33.0uQ'l80. .Htockors and feeders , 51.40 3.10 : cow * , bulls and mixed , S$1.50f $ < J2.bO ; cows , 81.0. 2.25 ; steers , 82,35 ® s.oo. s.oo.Hoos Hoes Estimated receipts , 10,000. The re ceipts are the largest in almost two months. The "run" has boon surprlslnelv heavy and prices durlntc the post few davs havu declined Blmrply. To-day's market was active , but at 10il5c ( decline , making a drop of 25C > $ : > Oc > tlnrlinr the p.'ist forty-ulght hours. Present prices are 30i&l5c lower than ono week airo. One or two car loads sold early this morning at SS.2o5.30. but sales above 85.10 were Kcattexlntr. The bulk of good to rhoico iicavy packing and shipping sold at 84.90' > < > 6.05. Rough heavy lots sold at S4.70.iHSV , Fair to choice mixed grades sold at St.NJOj 6.05. Lightweight soldat34.7U@5.10. priu- rlpally 84.1KK45.10 , the latter quotations for Yorkors. Many pigs , averaging nlnotv to I'M pounds , sold at 83.50(34.50. ( FINANCIAL. NKW Yoim , Sept. 17. [ Special Telegram to the UKK.I STOCKS The stock market to-day was gtrungor and thvro appeared to bo a slightly better feeling. Several of the big boars turned bull and bought stocks , Ore-oil A Datcmnu now boini thu Undst . The shorts rushed tocover and frac- Juyers. advances extending to 1 point wore The bank statement came nut at ' 11:30 : and.sio\ved | a dfcreaso In the reserve of This caused free soiling and most of the early advance disappeared , the mar- kct cloning easy at Inside figures on nearly all stocks , Illinois Central , Itock Island and Chicago , liurllneton & Qulucy bclne the ex ceptions and closing at the outside. The total sales were 78,1(70 ( shares , Including 21-1W of I torn ! 1 up , 7OG5 l.ixckawnnnn , l.nio Northwestern. 0.700 St. Paul andS.OOO West ern Union. The loss In the reserro In the New York banks was attributed to the ab sorption of funds. Govr.n.vMr.XTh Government bonds wore [ lull and heavy. YKSTKI.DAT'fl OUOTATfO.VS. U. S. 4' coupon .124J < C. AN. W H2J j. s. 4 > i'8coup..io7jr do preferred..140 IacincClaol'l . .l23 ! N. Y.C 107' 'atmil.i South' n. . M O. R. ANd > ntral Pacllli ; . . & > O. T. Chicago A Alton. 140 PncIllcMall do preferred. . . .1B5 P. , I ) . &E . , lf.&o . ii : PiilImatiPaI.Car.143 ) . , L.V . 12-J'- Reading ) . &RQ . JWiJ Rock Island . . . St. L , . AS. F. . . d 3 preferred. . . . C5 do preforrrd. . , lilnols Control. . 118 C. , M. 4 St P. . , H. & W . 15 do preferred. 118 K. AT . 24V St P. & Ode okoShoro . 03 % do preferred. . &N GOJf Texas Pacific. . . . 24J Michigan Ceut'l. . 80 $ Union Paclnc. . . 625 ; Ho. Pacllic t . VY. , St. Ij&l1. . . No. Pacific 25 do preferred. 2W do preferred. . . . MJf . y. U. Telegraph 75 , " | MO.NKY On call was easy , rom 4U to5 wramt last loan at 4J ' per cent closing at 4K@5 per cent. PRIME MKUCANTILB PAPKB 709 per cent. SxicnLiso ExcHANnit Steady at 84.80V 'or CO day bills , and 31.80 > 'Z 4.SO for de- uand. PHODUOE MAHKKTS. Chicago , Sept 17. Following quotations are the 2 : o clt.iing figures : Flour Steady. Wheat Quiet and easier than yesterday , losing J c lower ; cash , 67Vc ; October , 039-16c : May. 76ftfc. Corn Ruled weak and lower for near fuiurc.s.whlloMay wascompaiatively steady ; cash , 40Je ; October , 40/jjc / ; May , 443-16c. Oats Heavy and easier , being Inllupnced n the decline of corn ; cash , 25 > .fc ; October , IStfc ; May.S'J'fc. Rye Steadv at 47c. Barley Quiet < it 74c , Prime Timothy Scoa-S3.22@2.23. Flax S ed S1.05& Whisky S1.IU. Pork-Dull and easier ; year , 311.00011.95 ; January. 812.16(317.50. ( Lard Weak and lower ; cash and October , 86.fflX30.82Jf ; November , S0.27k00.30. Dry baited Moats Shoulders , S5.2.X35.35 ; short clear. Si5T , ( < ( S.OO : short ribs , 38.20. Butter Creamery , 17J Q23 ! c ; dairy , 15 # @ 19c. Cheese Dull ; full cream Cheddars , 10 3llc ; flats , ll jllj c ; Young Ameticas , at lC@17c. Hides Steady : unchanKOd ; heavy ercen hides 7M'c ; light do , 78c ; salted bull hides , 6c , green salted calf , 8Ji@9o ; dry flint , 12@ 13c ; dry calf , lagllic ; deacons 3to ) each. Tallow Firm ; No. 1 country , 44) c ; No. 2 , 8 c ; cakes , 4j c. c.Itocohiti. . Shipments. Flour , bbls . 12,000 21,000 Wheat , bu . 17.000 121,000 Corn , bu . 247,000 Oats , bu . 119,000 94,000 Rye , bu . 3,000 1,000 13arloy. bu . 56,000 67.000 Now Vork , Sept. 17. Wheat Re el pts , 351,000 ; exports 17OtO ; options moderately active ; prices declined Xc early , later ruled Htronicerand rallied j@Kc , closing linn ; spot generally steady ; ungraded red , 7070 c ; No. a red , 7'Jc In elevator , c delivered , October closing at 79c. Corn Hecelpls , 15,000 : exports , 1.000 ; spot declined M@Hc and ootfons ' Oats Recelitts , 61,000 ; exports , none ; larket a shade easier and very du'l ' : mi : ' western , 32@34c ; whltowestern , 85@41c. Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio , noininal at 319.50 ; options 25t5 ( points lower and more active : sales , 74,000 bags ; September , 510.75 (310.80 ( : October , 318.bO@17.UO ; November , 810.U5C4l7.20. Petroleum Firm : United. Cs'4c. ) Eggs Firm and In fair request ; western , 14a ( > 10e. Pork Dull but rather easy ; moss was quoted at 845.23.15-50. for old ; 310.25@10.50 tor . now. i Lard 4ff5 points lower ; western steam , spot , 36.57. Butter Quiet ; western , 13@C4o ; creamery , 16@24c. Cheese Firm nnd qulot Cincinnati , Sept 17. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 red , 73o. Corn Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 45c. . Oats In light demand ; No. J mixed , 2S@ Rye-Quiet ; No. 2,50'ic. Pork Dull at 815.25. Whlsky-81.05. St. Ijoult. Sept 17. Wheat Lower ; cash , C8@G8.5ic ; October , 68) c. Ciirn Lower ; cosh , 38 @ 40 } c ; October , . Oats Weak ; cash , 24c ; October , 24c. Pork 815.-J5. Lard-$0.25. Whisky-Sl.W. liutter Firm and unchanged ; creamery , 2l@Mc ; dairy , I0@si. Now Orlnna ? . Sept 17. Wheat In cash lots weak and In some cases a trlllo lower ; options opened firm , later declined } i @ &c , closlnR steadywith a slight recovery ; and clear rib , 39.00. Bulk Meats Shoulders. 85.81 ; lon clear Lard Relined tierce , 80.75 Pork-310.00. Hoic I'roducts Quiet but flrm. Corn meal Easier at $2.30. Oats Quiet and weak at 34@35c. Kanaan City. Sept. 17. Wheat Weaker ; No. 'J soft , cash , 05)c asked ; October. COc asked , Corn-Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , 36 > c bid ; Octo ber , 3 > > Mc bid , 30o asked. Oats aijfc bid , 33 asked. Milwaukee. Sept. 17. Wheat Weak ; cash , 6SoOctobor , f > 3Vc ; November , Corn-Dull ; No.3 , 41Ke. Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , 23Xc. Rye-Strong ; No. 1. 4Sc. Hiiiley Steadier ; No. 3. Pork September , 815,50. I.lvorpnnl , Sept. 17. Wheat Steady and demand fair ; holders otter tnodorati'Iy. Re ceipts for thu past three davs amounted to 155.000centals , Including 09,000 American. Corn Dull and demand poor ; now mixed western , 4s B. ' d. Receipts of American corn for the past thrco days amounted to 31,500 centals. tiiVK STOCK. UbtoaKo , Sept 17. The Drovers' Journal ronoris as follows : Cattle Recolpis. 2,000 ; market quiet and steady ; BUluplnR steers , S3.00@4.90 ; stoukera and tueiler.s 81.40S3.10 ( * ; cows , bulls and mixed , S1.50@3.80Texas ; cattle , 51.0503.30. Hogs Receipts , 10.000 ; market opened lower and closed stronger ; mixed , 84.80 ® 5.00 : hcavv , S4..K5.25 ) ; light , 34.80i35.liO ; skips , SC034.05. Sheet ) Receipts , 3,000 ; market steady ; natives , 83.00(94.10 ( ; western , 83.10@3.00 ; Texaus , S3.00&3.70 ; lambs , per head , (4.20 ® 5.00. 5.00.National National Stoolc Yard * . Kast Ht. IjnuU. 111. , Sopt. 17. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , 4,000 ; market steady ; fair to choice native steers , 33.0txat.85 ; butchers' steers , medium to choice , $3.40(3 ( 4.00 ; feeders , fair to Rood , S3.COf33.30. lions Receipt" ! , 1,000 ; shipments. 1,000 ; lower : choice heavy and butchers selec tions , 85.10@5.30 ; pack Inn and Yorkers , me dium to prime , 34.b035.05 ; pigs , common to good , S4.20i34.75 , KstmaH City. Sept. 17. Callle Re- coluU. 2,000 ; shipments , 1.000 ; irood to choice. 83.2r > @ 4.00 : stackers , 'iOO@2.eo ; feed- IIIK stevrs , S2.G5@.i.3.5eows. ; Sl.Suft-.GO. Iloics-Kecelpts , 5.000 ; shlpmrnts 1,000 ; coed to cliolcis S4.WK35.00 ; common to uio- dlum , S3.tl54.BO ; skips end pl s , SJ.25Ji,3.CO. , OMAHA. LIVIS UTOOIC. Saturday , Sept 17. Cattle. Tliero was about an average run of cattle for Saturday. There were very few iood cat tlu In , thu bulk of the receipts being ranuen and lunlly uood enuuKh for the iln-SH-d beuf trade. Tim packers and butchers , however took over two hundred head , and feeders as many more. Values continue about steady ou Kood stock , but common cows and butch tra * stock arn way down. 11 OK * . The receipts ot Itocs weruliidit and the av craee quality only fair. Nothing was. doao oil thu market during the morning , the buy t'rs ' not -even looking at a load.It was 2 o'clock in tne atteiuouu b ( ore .uurUilog was lono. When the market did open airly active at a decline from yesterday of about lOc. Three loads were left unsold. Sheep. There were no fresh receipts and nothing olngon the market Cattle . COO Cattle . 40 cars I'rnrnllliiit I'rloas. Showing the prevailing prlcjj paid for live lock on this marknt : Choice stoors. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . .84.2.5(3150 ( v'hoico steers. 1100 to IWi Ibs. . . 4.004.3. ' > Fat llttlo steers 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75i ca90 Jorn-fed ranvto steers 1200 to 1503 & 8.V < i4.20 iooil to cliolco corn-fed cows. . . . 2.50ii ( < 2.75 'ommonto medium cows . 1.50 < 32.2. ' > Uood to choice bUlls . 1.7.Vrf2.75 ! oed range feeders . 2.50di73 joodnatlvofccders,9001bsand u it- wards . 2.7503.00 "air to medium native fcodcrs.'JOO Ibs and upwards . , . 2.5032.65 Stackers , 4X ( ) to 700 Ibs . 3.0uvi 2.40 'rime fat sheep . 3.2.5 3.50 'air to medium sheep . 2.5033.03 'ommon sheen . 1.50 < < i'V ' 5 ileht and medium hotra . 4.50M4.70 Joodto choice heavy heirs . 4.7Ufi24.80 Uood to choice mixed hoes . Representative Mlat > NATIVE STKKI13 COIIN-FED. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 19..1080 8405 cows. 1..HOO 8L50 17..1043 83.00 1..URO 1.50 13. . . . 990 2.00 8. . . . 81 1.BO 23. . . . 968 8.00 10. . . . 958 1.75 21. . . . 90J 2.22K 11IIT01IKH.H STOCK MIXKD. 31. . . . 777 82.00 NATIVK 8TKE11S OIIASSUBS. 5..lOtf 1..1370 2.00 cows. 23. . . . 914 82.10 Teschmachnr * De Blller. WK8TKHN BTKintS. 63. . .10.50 82.75 Standard Cattle Co. 47. , .1137 2.55 Dm bin Land A Cattle Co. 40. . .103J 8.03 Win. Uonnct Cattle Co. 9 , . 974 3.00 13. . .1103 2.G5 Teschmachor A De Hlller 7. , .1053 2.65 " " 134 , .1114 8.00 " " 3U. . .1133 2.50 " " " " No. Av. Silk. Pr. iNo. Av. SJIik. Pr. 81..183 bO 84.50 74.,251 84.75 fc8..233 200l.f.0 f > 0. . .266 120 4.75 TJ..201 4.50 C5..25J 120 4.75 72..224 80 4.70 CO..200 100 4.75 78..211 200 4.70 03..275 80 4.75 07..235 120 4.70 78..838 240 4.75 74..231 100 4.73U 07..863 4.75 55 . . .279 80 4.75 ( , i.i',9 ! 80 4.75 66..258 120 4.75 61..293 4.bO Stock Hold. Showing thu number of hu.vl ot stock sold on the market to-day : CATTLE. O. H. Hammond & Co 131 Local 123 Feeders 2J9 Shippers 31 Total 497 IIOOS. Anglo American PacklngCo 1297 Total "l2U7 Unsold 200 All sales of stock in thw market are made per cwt llvo weight unless otherwise stated. Dead hogssollat i-fopnr Ib. tor all welzhts. "Skins , " or ho < s weljhlng loss than 100 Itw. no value. Prtuntint sows are ducked 43 loj. and stais891bt. b/thaoublio inspector. Stock Note * . Cattle steady. HORS drop another lOc. The hot : market did not open until after noon. noon.W. W. II. Rcaslo , Loup City , sold a load of 7oe hogs. Wyatt Bros , Pine Uluffs , had twenty-live loads of cattle here. T. II. Cole , llartington , marketed a load of 251 Ib. hojrs at 75c. AmotiK those at the rards yesterday was 1' Lyons , Dunhip , la. R. M. Allen , of Ames , was at the yards and bought live loads of feeders. Thomas F. Durbln was In with fourteen loads of cattle from Rock Cieck. Mr. Carall , Adalr , la. , came in with a load of hogs which sold on thu market Fuller , Smith & Fuller. Scribner , marketed a load of 295 Ib. hogs at 81.80 ; the top of the market , Mr. Matson , of Jlatson Uro ? . , Martlnsburc , Neb. , was hero and marketed n load nt butch ers' stock. A largo force of brick masons are expected from Chicago on Monday , to bexln work ou the Armour packing house. The following had hogs on Saturday's mar ket : C. liaxcr. Lincoln ; J. Lnnsini ; , Do- Weesoll. ; ( Jund&Co. , Uladen ; 11. J. Ter- nef , Ansley ; A. Mandebanm , Campbell ; Krebbs & McFarland , McPaul ; John Lemkc ; C. Schneider , Snyder ; Nve W. M. Co. , Llnd- sey ; J. Cummin x , Talmage ; W. 11. Froc- nian. Oakland ; W. H. licaglc. Loup City ; D. Anderson. Columbus ; Hall & Muore , UiD- bon ; 11. McClelland , Klnesaw. OMAHA WHO ti US ; MilS MAHltKTS. Saturday , bept. 17. Prod ttoc. The following are the price ? at which round lots of produce are sold on Hits market : As usual on Saturdays , the receipts were light and the market quiet. Prices tor the most part are about steady. Old fowls are In lair request at a little tinner prices. HUTTKU f'rnamery , 23@30o per pound ; choice dalrv , 17@l8c ; medium grades , 13@l5c ; ordinary , 0@lOc , Eoos-Tho market Is steady at 132 > l2i < c for cholco stock. CIIKKSE Market fair. Fancy full cream Cheddars , single 13c ; full cream twins , 13c : young Americas 13fc ; brick cheese , 11X ) Ibs In case. I4c ; Llmbenrer , 100 Ibs In case , ISJ c ; Saun' fancy Ohio , 19c. POULTUV Fair market ; sprint' chickens , 32.XK ( 42.50 ; old fowls. 8.5.lX3.'ir ) ; ; ducks , S2.2.X$3.75 : turkeys , In very Unlit request , G@7c per Ib. OvsTinis Now STork counts , 45c ; selects , 35 < ; iOc. GAME Receipts light : prairie chickens , S3 50 ; mallard ducks , S3.75@3.00. Quail , S2.00i2.'i'i ; teal and mixed ducks. Sl.OOCi41.75 ; snipe , 75ciiS1.00 ( ; jack rabbits , 35c each , MELONS Watermelons are not in much de- mandcholct ; > . S12.00@l4.oOper hundred ; can- telopcs. 50@75c per doz. CKI.KBY The receipts ere larger and the stock better. Good stock brlnvs 35c a bunch. CIIIKK Uholco Michigan elder , 0.00@6.50 per bbl of 33 cal. POPCOKK Choice , for stands , l@2c per Ib. TOMATOES Commission men are onlr handllni ; a very fow. Uood stock 40@50c per bushel , OJIIONS Cholco largo California onions are offered on the market at 80c per bushel. The demand Is light SWKET POTATOKS The market is well supplied and they sell at 3(5j3H'c ( per Ib. CAUIIAQE California stock , lar o round heads , 2 o per Ib. Kio PLANT Slow sale at 00@75o per doz , foi choice stock , POTATOES The market Is well supplied. Salt Lake and Colorado stock sells at 80$85c. ( Nebraska and Iowa block Gog65c per bushel. HONEV Uood honey In neat one Ib. frames ISo per Ib. DEANS. Hand-picked naty , 33.00 per bushel , and other grades down as low as 81.25. _ h'ruiti. Order * /rom the country requiring se lected stow and extra care in puckliut can not au'/8 ( ( lie filled nt die same price * quotcil to the local trade for common stock. PLUMS There are no California plums on the market A few home grown are corn- In ; In and are Bellini ; at 11.50 per bushel. PEACHES-- Choice California stock Is going at 81.50(31.05. ( Michigan peaches are selling at .VK$75c per lO-lo baskets. GHAPKS The supply of houie-prown grapes continues liberal. California , Tokay and Muscat , 81.50 ; choice homo-grown , CKAII Ari'r.ns The supply Is light anil thn demand very fair. Cholco Siberian , 81.00 per bushel. OIIAXOEB Naples and Rod ! , cDolco.8C.00 00.50. Qui.vcns California quinces , of large SUP , 52.ooQ-i.25 per box. CttiKHniiBiES The market In fairly r l supplied with coed stock. Uell and cherry , 89.50. Cape Cods will arrive In a few days and will sell at 89.00 10.00. LEMONS Tie supply liberal , with fair de mand. cuoioc , io.ixxtff.9a , APM.KS The market U fairly well sup- lied with good stock. Hlomc-ftrown and Missouri stock U movln at 3330(23.00 ( ; choice Mlchiean , S.l.00i3.'yk ) . PEAR9-Callfornla Harriett pears are be coming scarce , and good stock , suitable for cshlpment , Is worth 33.00 ( 3.25 ; other varle- Ics S3 50@'i75. " , BANANAS The market Ufull ot bananas at Sl.50@'i.OO per bunch. CocoANUTS-aood stock , S3.00. Flour nnd @cc < t. flic foUan-lnu arc UicloMilnattrtcfiii Minnesota pKients , SAWtftrcwt ; Mluneso- a Makers' straight , 83.20 p jcwt. ; Kansas and Missouri winter fancy patents , S3:45W-.60 : ; Nebraska patents , 83.aV33 # : rye Hour , 81.75 ® l.lKporcwtryo ) ; ( Irahapi , S1.40 per cwt. ; vlicat Urahara , ) } 1.75 per cwt ; corn vellow , We per cwt : corn "Ttieal , white. Sl.OO icrcwt ; chonncd feed , Sl4.00 < $ iO.OO per ton ; iran , S12.00 ( < tl3.00 per ton : screenings , S3. 00 © 12.00 per ton . HAY Upland prairie , SS.OOQO.OO ; com- non coarse , 87.UO@8.00. Grocnr' * Me ; Interior Java. 25 ' 2 o ; Mocha , Vrbuckle's , roasted , 20i/c ; Mcliatmnlln'H XXXX , 20 < ic ; DllworthV , 20c ; Red Cross , 20i'c. ! RKFIHKD LAUD Tierce , 7c ; 40-1 b square cans , 7c : 60-lb round , 7ie ( ; 20-lb round , "v'tfo ' ; 10-lb nails , 7c ; 5-lb palls , 7f/c ; 3-lb palls , 7Kc. SUOAM Granulated , 7@7Vcconf. ; A , C f@ rwnlte extra C , 0 > S ( ; < OXe : extra C , OJ-fM ; yellow C , Ojic ; cut loaf , 7 , ; powdered , . ROvisiONS-llauis , lW@lIJ < c : breakfast > acon , HS' < 9'-'c : bacou sides lox uio c ; dry salt , 9KS9jrc ( ; shoulders , 7@7 > c : dried boot lams , 1 Unlike : dried beef regular , 10 > < ( ijllc ; ams picnic , BjtSXc. ad lumber DRIED FRUITS Apples , new , } fa 60c ; evaporated , 50-lb rlnir , I4 ( * 14 c ; raspberries , evaporated , 30c ; blackberries , evaporated , ll(3Ui.c ( ; ; pitted cherries , ceaches , new , 's , 7 c : cvapornted pooled peacnes , c ; jvaporatcd , unparcd , nj QlSc ; now currants , 7 > ( tJ7J < c ; prunes , 4f(33c ( ; cllion , 25c ; rai sins , London layers , California , loose muscatels , Sl.BO l.85 : now Valenclas , 7Kc. SYKUP No. 70 , 4-Kallon kegs. SlIO@l.f > 0 ; Now Orleans , per gallon , 3S < a40o ; maple 8vrun. half Ibbs , "old tlmr. " per gallon , SOc : 1-irnllun cans , tier doz , 810.50 ; lialf-nallou cans , per doz , 80.28 ; nuartcans , S3.2. ' ) . CANNKD UOODS O\sters , standard , per case , S3.00i3 ( 10 : strawberries , 3 Ib , per case , Si.NXieit.lO : ( ; rospberrlos , 2 Ib , per case , S3.00@ J.10 ; California pears , p r case. 54.00 < a4.70 ; apricots , wr case , S4.10i4.2. ( ) ; peaches , per cose , S5.75@5.85 ; white cherries , per case , 56.00 plums , per case. $3.BO@3.W ) : blue- i > erries , per case. 8-.30@J.40 ; eifg plums , 3 Ib. per cose , 2.50 : plnotuplas , 3 Ib , per case. 83.20@5.75 | i Ib mackerel , per doz , S1.GO : l Ib salmon , per doz , 8l.9 > ® 2.oy ; 2 Ib rooscberrlcs , per case , 53.2vaJ.35 : ; 21bi strlust jeans , per case , 51,75 ; 3 Ib lima beans , tier case , M.OO ; t ) Ib marrowfat peas , per caset 82.50 'J.GO ; 2lboirly June uoas. per case , 02.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , S3. 10Q2.50 ; 2 Ib corn , O335 Medium , in bbls , S6.50 ; do In half bbls , * > " > : small , In bbK 87.50 ; do In lialf bbls. ! 54.2.- ; gherkins , In bbls , 88.50 ; do lit halt bbls , 84.75. WOODKNWABK Two-hoop palls , per dnz , ftl.45 : 3-iioop palls , 81.70 ; No. 1 tub , 86.51) ) ; No. 2 tub , 85.50 ; No. 3 tub , 31.50 ; wash boards , Sl.75 : assorted bowls , S2.25 ; No. 1 : hurns , 89 ; No. 2 churns , 38 ; No. 3 churns , TOIIACCO Lorillard'sCltinax. 44o ; Splen did , 4lc ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Legsett & Meyer's , 41c ; Cornerstone , 34e ; Drum- moiid'.s llnrse Shoe , 41c ; T. J. , 37c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44c. ROPE Seven-sixteenths [ Inch , 12X@12J.fc. STAUCH Mirror Uloss , 5Kc ; U raves Corn , OUc ; Oswego < ! loss , 7c ; Oswego Corn. 7c. RKOOMS Extra 4-tle.$2.60 ; No. 1.52.IX ) ; No. " 81.75 : heavy stable , 84 " CANDY Mixed , SXfflilcl stick , 8H@9 } c. CHACKEHS Oarneau s soda , , butter nnd picnic. 4j e : creams , 7 > c ; ginger snaps , 7 > < c : cltv soda , 7Kc. ' Tr.AS Japan , 20a55c ( ; gunpowder,20@CXc Ynitn Hyson.2.r > ( a.r.c ' ; Oofong , 20 ( < i60c , p'alla. 33.00. General Alarkots. SPIRITS Cologne spirit9,11b3 proof , 51.10 ; do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirit ? ) second quality , 101 proof , 81.10 ; do IBS proof , S1.09. Alcohol , tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 83.00@fi.5U ; ( iolden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , St50@:3.ou. : Urandlos , Imported , Sr .ou@3.50 ; dnmestic. SK30i : i.M ( ) . Oins , Imported. S4.5 ( > @ 6.00 : domestic. 81.25(33.00. ( Champairiies ,1m- jortcd , per case , S3S.OO@.00 : ! : ! ; American , per case. S1U.000410.OU. UKAVY llARDWAUE-lron , late , 52.70 ; plow steel , special cast , 4Kc ; crucible steel , 6 c ; cast tools , cm. I2dlbc ( ! ; waon spokes , per 8ft , S2.00 ( > H.50 : hubs , PIT sel , 31.21 ; lul- , oo8 , sawed dry , $1.00 ; tongues , each. Wc ) ; "xles , each , 75c ; square nuts , pcrlb , 6@7c ; con clialn , pt'r Ib , 6 > < ; @iic : ; malleable , 8cilic ( ( ; iron wedges , 6c ; crowbars , Cc : bnirow tx eth , 4/Vc' spring steel , 4ii)5o ( ) ; Uurden's horse shoes. S4.75 ; Uurdoii's mule shop.s. 8."i.75. Barbed wire' In car lots , S 1.00 per 100 Ihs. Iron nails , rates , 10 to 53 S2.10 ; sleel nails , . i.t HIDES Green butchers' , 5XOc ; creen cured , 7J c ; dry flint , lie ; dry salt , 9c ; green ralf skins , 7 > { c ; danuiL'ed hides , two-thirds price. Tallow He. ( Jreasu Pi line white. Bo ; yellow , Sc ; brown , l } c. Sheep cults , 25 ® 40C. 40C.CoAr. CoAr. Kge , S'.2nut ' : , 0.50 ; range , 89.50 ; Iowa lump , S.00 : ! ; Iowa nut , 82.75 ; walnut block. 553.00 ; Illinois , 81.2504.75. under groccoles. _ Dry Goods. COTTON FLANNKLS 10 per cent trade dls count-LL , 6c ; CC , 7 'c ; SS. 8J c ; Nameless , 5Wc ; No. 5 Oc ; KE , a c ; ( } ( J , 10'ic ; XX , I2c ; OO , He ; NN , lOc , RX , IKc ; R , 2Uo : No. 10. Xe ; 40 , lOKc : 00- lOXc : 80 , 15c ; SO , Colored , lOc ; 50 , colored. 12c ; 70 , colored , 15c ; Bristol , IS c ; Union Pacific. 18c. CAIIPRT WAiiF-Blbb white , 18 > < c ; col ored , 20Kc , BATTS Standard , Sc ; Gem , He ; Beauty , ISJic : Boone , He ; 11 , cased , 80.50. PIHNTS SOMU.COI.OHS Allan t\5Xc : : Sla ter 5o : Berlin Oil OKc ; Garner Oil 0 to7. PINK AND JlouKS Richmond Oc ; Allen Oc ; River- point 5c ; Steel HlvcrCn : Richmond Oc ; Pucilic C c. INIXUO Hi.tin Washlngtiin Oc ; Ainerl- can6Jc ; Arnold 6J < o ; Arnold II lie ; Arnold A 12c ; Arnold Uoldseal lOJ c. Charter tor Uak4 c ; i < amapo35fc : LodHKc ; Allen 5 > c : Richmond 5J c ; Windsor Gc ; Eddystouo UiNonAM-Plunkett checks 7 > fo : Whltten ton 7/c ! ; York 7 c ; Mormandlo Dress 8UTc ; Calcutta Dress BJ c ; Whittenton Dies < U ; Runfrow Dress 9c to CAMIIUICS Slater 4Kc ; Woods 4 > c ; Stan dard 4 > c ; Peacock 4Jic. COUSKT JIIANS Atidroscoggin 7 c ; Kuar- sage 7 c ; Rockport 0 > fu ; Conuhtoga 0tfi\ DOCK West Point 1W ln.,8oz. . 10 > < c ; West Point' * ! ) In. . 10oin ' 8fc } : West Point 29 In. , 12 oz. , 15c ; West Point 40 in. , 11 oz. , lOc. Chpcks-Calfdonla X. 9Ko : Caledonia XX , lOKc ; Kconomv 9 to 0) ) c ; Otis 9 to 9Kc. TICKS Liiwlston 80 In. , 12 > c : Lnwiston 33 in. . ! 3Kc ; York 33 In. , I4c ; Swift Rivi > r7Kc : oz. , 13c ; York 7oz. , 13c ; Havmaki'r 8 } o ; Jaff- ryy XX. HJie : Juffroy XXX , 12Kc ; Beaver Creek AA , 13c ; Beaver Creek BB , He ; Beaver Crook CO. lOc. tn1 KKNTUCKY JKANS Memorial 15o ; Canton 18c ; Durham 27 } < c : Hercules 18c ; Leaming ton 22Xo ; Cottswold 25e , CUASII Stevens' UlOc ; bleached 7o ; bto- vons * A 7Hc : bleached BXcfrstuveiis1 P S c : bleached 9Kc ; Stevens' A OXo ; bleached . , , . MiscKLi.ANicoufl Table < ll cloth 82.85 ; plain Holland 8Uc to9o ; Dado Holland 12Uc. FLANNELS Plald lEafutuian 200 ; Goshun 32Xc ; Clear Lake 83 > fc ; Mapln City 80) < c. WlJitb-O. U. No. 3. 21c ; GH. No. 1'jf , 27Kc ; B. H. No. 3 , Jf. IfJKc ; B. 11. No. 1 , jtf. SOc : Quechce No. 1. ; / , 43c ; Quecheo No. a , 4' 37Wo ; Quechce No. 3 , Jf , SiXcAnawan \ 13Kc ; WlndKor 23KoRedC. . 24 inch , 15 > < n ; K. 24 Inch , 21e ; GU , 24 Inch , 18c ; II. A. F.Jf , 25c ; J. It. F. , K. 27J < c ; U. , Jf ( 35c. CoMFOItTKRS S0.6085.00. BLANKETS While , 31.00Q7.50 ; colored , BIUIWN SiiEKTiNO'j-AUantlc ' A , 4-4 , Atlantln II , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D. 4-4 , 0 > < c ; At lantic P. 4-4 , 5J/c ; Aurora LU 4-4 , 5Jic ; Aurora C. 4-4.4Vc ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , 6l < c ; JlooslorLL , 4-4,6 0 ; Indian Head , 4-4 7Wc ; Lawienco LL , 4-4 , 6Jfc ; Old Dominion , 4- } , 5J < c ; PeppcrcllR , 46Xc ; I'nppercil O , 4-4 , Oc ; PupDerell , M. lOc : l'eppert-11 , 9-4 , 18c : Popperell. 10-4 , COc ; Utlca C. 4-4. 4jfc ; Wachusett , 4-4 , 7cj Aurora R , 4-4 , C fc ; Aurora B , 4-4 , Oc. BI.RACIIKD SIIKKTINO Berkeley cambric. No. 00 , Ukc ; Best Yet , 4-4 , OUo ; butter cloth 00,4 o ; Cabot , 7Ko : Farwull , bo : Fruit of Loom , Bc ; tireene G , 6c ; Hope , 7) ) c ; King 1'hllllp cambric , lie ; lxnsdale. lUc ; ( von-- dale , 8) ) < o ; New York mills , lOUc ; Pepperell , 43 Incli , lOWc ; Prpperell. 43 lllc like ; Pep- perell , 8-4 , ISo ; Poppurell , M , 18c : Pepperell. 9-4. UOo ; Pcpperell , 10-4 , VMt c : Cinton , 4-4 , 8)/c ; Canton , 4-4 , Wc ; Truinvr > h , Po ; Wam- sutta , lie ; Valley , 60. . Dry Inimhor. DtMRMSIO.fS AMD TIMIir.lts. . 14 ' ' 111 tt. id rtlzo ft'w ft'si ft w.txW6o3i.wsL ) ! ! fie IB - 31.oU.Xl.ftO 2X10 . 0 1x12. . . . , .ss . w.w ) 2U.M SIMJ a .w XI-SX9. 19.60 iW.W SI ri.ooitiNO. V 0 In. While Pine S.T..W ) O , saiso 11 ' : l ) , ai.oo K ' " " ( Sol. Koncln.111.00 ) stand 2nd , clear , 1.1'f Inch. s.3s 850.50 kl , clear , l Inch , s. 2 s. , 45.50 " " Itf , IK , 3 In A select , 1 Inch , s. 3 s. . 40.0D 1 " 1'h 1 .3 In 44.00 " l fnch , B. 'l ? . , > .oo 1 " itf , IX , 2 In 37.00 I.VMIIKII. Clear Poplar , iUds. . K I"3 s.--SIWiO " Kin. Panel , s. Us 27.00 " " Corrugated Celling , K23.50 ll.VTTKNS , WKLL TU11INO , I'lCKKT * . O.a.BalU , 2 > 800.75 " Xx3 in , Mft. 00.45 In Well Tubing. D A M and Bov 2'UX ) Pickcls , D. A ; n. Flat 20.50 " " Square 81.00 So. 1 , com. s 1 s 818.00 No. 2 , com , sis 817.00 No. 3. 815,50 No. 4 , 813.00 FKNCINO. No. 1 , 4iVrOln , 13 A 14 ft , roueli 319.W So. 1 , " " 16 " " 19.50 Vo.3 , " " 1314" " 10.00 No. 2 , " " 10 " " 17.50 HIDINO. A. 13. 14 and 10 ft 321.50 C , 315.50 B. ' " " 20.50 D. 12.50 CEILINO AM ) rAHTITIOX. 1st com , X In Whlto Pine Celling S34.00 2nd " " " " " 28.00 Clear , & In. Norway " " 10.00 ndconi. a ln. " " " 14.00 STOCK IIOAI1DS. A 13 Inch 3.1 8 345.50 No. 1 , com. 13 In. s. 1 s. , 13 ft M.50 " ' " 14 rt 19.00 " " " 10 ft 18.50 No. 2 , " " " 10.00 " " " 16 ft 17.50 Inch ( ironveil Roofing 31.00 per M more than 12 Inch Stock Boards same length. BIUNOLKfi. l.ATIL XXclear . .S3.10 KxtraA * 82.90 * A * Standard . . 3.75 * AHB&B 8.55 0 in. clear No 1. . 1.50 Lath 2.05 POST * . White cedar , C In. , H - . " " "c ; 9 ' nrs. , lie ; H In. qrs. , lOc ; 4 In. round 15c ; Tcnnussuo Red Cedar , split , 15c : Split Oak. ISc. I.IMK. KTC. Rulncv white llmo ( best ) , 90c ; Akron ce- ntont , Sl.75 ; hair , 0c ; plaster , 82.75 ; tar hoird. Sl.75 ; sash , 40c percu ; doors , 40 per ct. : blinds , 40e per cu ; mouldings , 40c per 3tjtar felt i > cr cwt , 2.75 ; straw board , SOUTIinilN YKLLOW 1'INE. Com. 4&6In. Flooring 317.50 Star " " 21.50 Clear % In. Celling 81.50 " * i In. Partition a5.00 "'Vln.s.Ss 29.00 " Corrugated Celline , 4 In 8,5.00 " Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . 27.00 No. 1 Plain. 8 A 10 in. ! . . . ' 519.50 No.2 " 17.50 No. 1 , O. O. , 8 In 19.50 CIPITAL PRIZE , $150,000. "We do hereby certify that we supervise the arrangements for nil tlio Monthly anil Hemi Aiiiuiiil Drawlnh'-i of The Louisiana SUUo hot Icry Company , and In person munairo nml con tiol the driiwitiKS thuinHOlvos , anil thttt the pnmo nro conducted with honesty , fairness iinil in good fnltli towiinl all ptrtlns. nnd wo nuthor 170 the Company to use this certificate with ffiu Hlmlloa of our signature attached , In Us advor tlsomcnts. " COMMISSIONnilS. Wotho iinilorglnoI/loJik' ( nnd nnnkcrs will pay all Prizes dr wn"irt Tbo IxiiiieliuiH Stnto Lotteries which may bo presented utour coun ters. , T. II. OOI.KSHY , Pros. Louisiana National Ilk. riKltlti : I.ANAUX , I'ns. BUto NBtlonil Uc ! A. ] IAI.n\VIN , 1'rci. Now Orleans Nat'llfilllU CAUL UU1IX , I'res. Union Nntlon * ! Hank. U NPRECKDENTKlTATRTACTION ! OVER HALF AJILLION DISTRIBUTED. LonisuHia State Lottery Company In'ccirponitoil In 13M.for2.iy , ' riby the Log IMntura fur t'lliio.illotiHl ami rlmrltitme yurpo f wltli a o.'ipltnl of Jl.nuo.OOU-to whlcn urosorro fund of over ' . hits rilnce . . Hy HU overall L'hulnn l" > I llHr vote IM Ir ncUlie wai mnno n unrt of the nresontatato constitution adopted DiTcniLcr'-'nd , A. It. 17.1. The only lottery ever voted ou and ondorsud tiyibo pcoplool uny stall1. It newer nemos or nostponcH. Its Qrnnil Slnk'lo Number Drawings taltopluoo monthly , and tlioKoml-Annuitl DrHWlnua TOR larly every six months ( Juno nnd Doi-emlior. ) A SPf.r.NUII ) Ol'l'OllTUNlTV TO WIN A FOHTUM ? . Tenth Ornnd Drftwinir , clnn K , In the Acndemy of Music , Now Orlnans. Tues day , October 11 , 18S7 IVJth Monthly Dniwlntf. CAPITA I , PIUZE , I.10.OOO. ( "Notice-Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves , $5. Fifths , $2. Tenths , Si. LIST OK PHIZES. 1 CAl'ITAijPHlZK OF $150,000. . $1M > ,000 KUIAND | 'ltr/i : OF M.OOO. . . . 50,000 1 UKANDI'UIZKOP W.OOO. . . . iO.OOO 2 LAKQK I'HI/.HSOP 10.000. . . . ! M,00) ) 4 LAHOE 1'HIZKS OK 6,000. . . . ZO.OW oi' 1,000. . . . 50 501) . . . . 26,000 100 300. . . . ZOO 200. . . . 40,000 KM 100. . . . 60,000 Ari'HOXIMATIOJf PniZIS. 100 Approximation Pri/.ud of } : iOO. . . . | 10floa Itw " " 2iO. . . . M.OOJ 100 " " 100. . . . 10,000 lUTormlnnl ) ) " H ) . . . . fiu.OJi ) 2,1711 1'rlzes nmonntlnir to . J.TO.QflO Annllcntloii for mtc to club MiotiM tie msao onlr to thouniroaf Ihncoinpany In Now Orlonni. Furfuithor Infnrmnllnn write rle.irly. glvlnj full aildri'M. I'OSTAI , NOTK8 , eipron monejr orJors.or New York Kxchnnuo In ordin rr lotter. Curruncr bf eapret , ( at our "Monwii n.1.1. . . . . , , , Nu\r OIILEANS , fa. , Or ar. A. iA riii > , WASIIINOTOrf , 1) . C. Address Jtculate.rfiil letters to NJS\V OKI.KANS NATIONAL HANK NK\VOllIKN3 _ IV F M V , lU nV It I aanerali That the llenireKsrJ presonod anil or Earlr , who lire In charxe of the ilrairliiu , i , auj r- antee ot ttbvilutn ralrncsi and Inteicruir , that tbi chsnoci Rrealluqu it. nni ] tbat no one caa possibly aiTlne what number will draw a 1'rlta. HRMIiMIIKIt that the parment of all nrl as Is OUAIUNTEEIl I1V rOIIll NATKIVAT , IIAVKSor NOW Orleanx , ancl tbo Tickets Hro Blzneii by the presldont ot an Institution * who e chtrtorel rttfhts nre rocov- nlied In thn hlchest pnurti ; therefore , bowuru ot anf Imitation * or ununrraous Bchum4i FOR SALE EVERYWHERE -woj-uitiaun BOYNTON FURNACE CO. , Salt Uanufacturtn of BOYNTONS RANGES CHEATERS , With Alt MODEHN Irnprovoments. 47 and 49 Dearborn St. , J. H. MANNY , MANAGER. , CHICAGO. TOD iAUB ar HENRYE COX.OniaU , Neb , OMAIM JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Agricultural Imp/ements. nfnLPAi Whol Mlol > oaltrln Agricultural .Implements , Wncrons , Curlacoa ani > tttidilpn. Jones Mroct , belwutn 1Kb iialinh.Omiitiii.Nob. tl" METCALF CO. , Agricultural Implements , \T eoni.rnrrlngc > i. lluggtna , Ete. , Whn1etAtv.Oin.iM > PARLINOItE\I01tl MARTIN Vfholemlo llralcra In Agricultural Implements , ( Vwiotn and fluenlei. SOIftO.yni nnd 807 , Jonei it I * . P. MAST iV Co. , Mniiufnrluwr * nf I > rllltt,8cnlcv * , Cultivators liar lliikes , RMpr.Mlllt nmt l.utinn I'nlrorttoM. Cor. North llth iind Nlrluil.ui Sta. WINONA IMPLEMENT CO. , IttiolcMlaAiirtcultural Implements Wagons and nugalos. ornor Htli A Nicholas gts. Artist * ' Material , A. HOSPE , JR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , . ! 1.1 Pouglai Ftroet , OmaJm. i Boots and Shoes. w. r. MOSSE & co. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. till Farnam at. , Omaha. Neb. Minufactorr , Summet trr t , llonlon. KlKlsliM > Al.l. . JUNKis V CO. Surcrasors to It ceil , Jonnn A Co , , WholcMilo Miiiiul'iipturers of Hoots Sc Shoos. Airts fur Huston Itulibcr Shoo Co. lfH. HIM ii'fi > > . „ . , . r nnim. vir | * ki Coffee , Spites , Etc. Cl < Ai < Ni ! . Cul'l-'nK CO. , OmnlmOilTooiinil SplcoMIII * . Tons , Coffros , bpiet's , llnkiiiK 1'owdor , i'luvnrlnur Kxlrnctl , I.iuinili-y liluo Ink , etc. H11-141U linrnoy St OiniUm. Nobrnakii , Crockery and Glassware W. L. WRIGHT , /gent for 'he Manufacturers and Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , etc. Office , 317 South llth ( t Oniaha , Neb. . Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Batter , Kgisand I roduee. Consltrr.monts solicited. llcailqunrtnrs for BUmuwaru , Kerry llorcn Bud Urnpo llaskeis. 1114 IKjJgostreetUmaba. RIDDELL a > RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Morchnnti , Bpcclulilos Uiitter. Kutn. l'lu'e o , Poiltr/ , ( Jams , OjJterJ. etc. , etc. 1U3. ilth St. WIEDEMAN A CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , Butter , Qnmo , nults. * lc. 210 8. luhlt Omaha. Neb. GEO SCHROEDER & CO. , SuccostoM to MuSUunu iV 1'roilucu Commiaslou nml Co Omahu , Noti. Coal , Coke and Lime. Qio. F. iMiiAan , Pro * . C. F. aoontcAH , V. Pm. J. A. HUNDIIlLAifD , Hoc. and Treas. OMAHA CO A I , , COKE if LIME COMPANY Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 3VJ South Thirteenth Htreot , Omaha , Nob. Mannfticturers of Illinois White Lime. And nhlpptjrii of Coal nnd Coke , Cemunt , IMimler * IJinn , Hair. Uro Itrlik , llraln. Tile anil Si'wer 1'ipo. onion , I'.ixtoil riutct. Ku im tt. , Omilia , Nvb. Tulephoni ) bll. NliURASKA FUEL CO. , rs of Coitl and CuJcs , 214 S. lllth 8t.Omnhu , N'oh. Dry Coo'fs and Notions. " 3f. E. SMITH C CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 1103and 1104 nouxlnn , cor.llth Ht.OmnhaNeb. K1LPATR1CK-KOCH , DRY GOODS CO. , Impoitors nnd Jobbers Try Qonilg. Notions , Ocnts' FiiriilsblMif dooJa. Cor. llth .t Ilimicy Bt" . . Onvhn. Furniture. ItEWEY C STONE , Wholesale Dealers In Furniture. Farnam sL. Omaha. Nob. CHARLES SIWERICK , Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Ulrrors , etc. 1806,1208 and 1210 Farnam nt. , Omaha Groceries , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Noc. 705,707 , 7U9 nnd 711 S. 10th St. Omahu. Neb. McCORD , BMAVY < C CO. , Wholesale Grocery ltn and Tiearenirorth Bts.Omuhu. Li. rti. Siiiiii r. i\j U , , Wholesale Grocers , 121 . 1221.1231 Harnoy St. , Omolm , Neb. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale Grocers , llHiind llin Ilnniiy Strort.Oinnhn. Hardware. Jobbers of Ilarilwaro and Nnila , Tinware , fihcct Iron , Klc. AKOUM for IIowo Bculei , anil Miami Powiicri'o..Oiniiha.Nnli. H1ME11A UGH < 15 TA YLOR , BuIIdors'Hardware&ScjiIoHepairShop Mechanics' Tools and IlutTiilo Scales. 1400 lounln t , > jy Omaha , Nub. KhA-IUK \Vll.llI-L.M V CO. , H'holeaale Ilanlifare , IQtli nnJ linrnoy Ptroi'ts , Oinahii , Nob. Wostci n AiruntR lor Austin I'owdor Co. , .liiiror- Kin Stful Nails , Kaliliunka titnmliiiil S Heavy Hardware W. , T. ItROATCH Heavy Hardware , Iron and Stool , Bprl K9 , Wagon Stork , Hardware Lumber , etc. KXK anil lilt lltrnoy st. , Onmlm. JSDNEY cC GIBRON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and CurrliiKo Wood Stock , Heavy Hurdwar * . Ktc. 1217 and lil Leiiycnworth et. . Onmlm. Nob. Hats , Ccps , Ete. W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale llatn , Caps < C Straw ( noils , II i Ilanioy Street , Otnnhn , Null. Liquor * . Dletlllors of Mqunrs , Alcohol itnd Bplrlti. Importer ! and Jobbers of Wlnesanui Liquors , WILLOW SPRINGS DISTJLLE'Jt CO. and ILER < CO. , Importer ! and Jobbert of Hne Wlnea and Mauora. Kolamanu eiur r of Keuneilr'n Kast Indlnlilt * tursunJ Donifl'.lol.lquori. 111 ? llnrnujHt. Lumber. OMAHA TXTMKER COt Du.ile' . . All Kinds of Building Mntorlal at Wholcsalo < 18th Htrnet anO Union 1'solllo Truck , Omaha. ' I At HIS llRADFORIt , Dealer in I.iiinlior. Lath , Linu > , Hash , Uoori.Ktc. Vardi-Corner7th nnd lJuu.'lii i Cornet tlthanil l ) < iujl s. C. N. D1ETX , Lnmbor. l"lh and California ftrects , Oinnlm. Koh. JFREl > IF. GRAY , Lnmbpr , Lime , Cement , Ktc. , Ktc , O'r.flb and i > ODtas ti. . OnittUu.Na > . T. W. ILUtVEYLUMIIEH CO. , To Dealers Only. Office , 00) Kurnnn ktreetOaiaba. OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTOR ! COAS. R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood C rp U nd rirancl Flooring. th unit IKiaglx Omiha. JOHN A. WAKFJ-'JKLD , Wholesale Lumber , Klc. ImpoHirt nrt Amorlrnn IVrtUnd CtmrnU StU Autnt lorilllwHukro llTJrniilin Omuuluiul llett White Mmo. _ Millinery and Italians. iTSl tFJil lKU V . , Importorflnnd Jobbers of Mlllinei'if and Notion * . UVV-IU mul 212 S. llth St. Motions. ROIIINSON KOTION Whol i le Doftltrt la Motions and FurniH.iIng Goods , inland 0i B. Tonttt St. , Omthn. V1NYARU AsSCUNKIDKK , Wholesale Notion * ami Gent * ' Fur * ninliiiiff ( Joint * , 1105 Iliii noy Street , Oinnlm , Nob. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Dcalora In Rejiticd and Lubricating Vila , AxloOron o , oth Onmlm , Noh. A. II. lllshop , Mannyor. PAPER CARPESTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale I'lijior Dealer * . Curry nice tire * or Printing. Wrnpplnj mid Wrt lag pupor. S | > o liiluttciitliii ( Iran to c r lo io CM era Printers' Materials. iNNKirsrAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Trpo. Proisot nml Prlntori' Bupplla * . EM boiith T eltth Slrci't. Rubber Goods. . _ _ . _ _ _ ---Jt-j-r - _ . - , _ . . . . r.r---lr -J. -trwj---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O31AIFA RUIUIER CO. , Manulncturer nnd Dealer ! In all klnd.ot Uulibor ( > ooiU , Oil Clothlnz mil I.eiutii > r lloltliiit. IXH ( Karnani St. S.eam Fittings , Pumps , Etc , A.L. STRANG CO. , Pnmps , Pipes nnd Engines. W m , Wnter , Rallwnr and MlllInK Supplies. no , UXI nd SC4 Karunul BU , On h , Mel. . CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholosalu Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Btonmnnd Wmtor Suppll s. llenJqunrtorn fur Mul Ko" tO > ' Oo < y1 . liu nriiiiiii > t. , Oinaliu. Nttb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. ITMIadarWInd Mllni etoam nnd W ler Riipplt * * VlumhlnffUocdi , ntjftlnx , Hone. U19 and V for * uamtl. , Oninhn. 8. K. Kolton , " Telephone No.210. JIROWNELL P CO. , Manufacturers and Dealer * In Engines , JJoilcrs & General Muchlnory tilicot Iron Work.Bloum 1'uinps. S < U\T Mills. ] ' 'iMil3 ; : Luavimwortli St. , Uuiubiu Seeds. PHIL. STIMMKL & CO. , WIlor.KSAr.E Farm , Field anil Garden Seeds , NOR. tlll-Ulll Jones Street , Onmlm , Neb. Storage , Forwarding & Commission. ARMSTRONG , PETTIS & CO. Sloraiic , Farmirillng 0 Coin teuton Ilritnch honso of thv llcnnev niiKK'Co Itnir- trios tit wlioloiulo nml riitull. Nan. 13H , 1,110 nml IIIW I/.urd SU , Uniiihu , Nab. Teluphoti * No. 7CO. Teas and Cigars WM. A. WILSON & CO. , Importer ! * anil Jobbers of 'Iras and Ciuars , J Spices and Daisy Uniting I'owdor. 141lt ntI I Mitt . * linrnoy Hlreot. , Omiihu , Nub. j OMAHA MilHllRCTURERS. Cornier. . OR C John Kponcter , Prop. Mannfaotnrer of OalTanliod Iron and Cornice. 4)1 ] > od e and 103 and 105 N , Will ( . , Omalin.Nob. Smoke S a ks , Boilers , Etc JJ. K. SA WYEfi , Mantifncttirln ? Dealer in SmokeStackg , llrltihlntf * , Tanlci. and ( ieno ill Holler Itopalrltit , 111 % iloil"n troc > ( ln > nlia Iron Works. "rAXTON < , Iron Works , , ? Wrought and Cait Iron BulliilnK Work. Iron Btaln , ItnllTu K , Beams and ( llrdors , Mioam Knulneii , Uraai I Work , uimoral ( foundry , Macblno and IllsckBiulUl Vfork. Office an JWorka , U.I' , lly. mul 17th § tre t. 1 OMAIwiRhiSsiRON WORKS , ManufucturorB ot Wire and Iron Railings , Icslf Nails , Window Guards , FloworStands , Wire Blgnoto. 1SI N. Kith. OMAHA SAFE & IRON WORKS G Andreln , Proprietor. MnmiCnoturer nf Flro anil Rurglnr I'ront Safus. Vnulls , Jell Work. Iron mul Wlro KonelnK , HIJ.-IIK , olo. Cor. llth nnd JnokHon-st. Oiimhn , Overalls. "jtlANU COMPANY , llanufactiircra of OvorallH , lean * Pants , Shirts , Ktc. UK andllW llou la > Stroclj Omaha , NoU. Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A > smowi co. , WholOKalo Manufacturers ot Rasli , Doors , Bliiula anil Houldiiip/s / , Urn rich oSlco.niU and Ur.M it . , ItOIIN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moiild'/iKK-fiuilr ' Work and Interior Hard Wood rinltt Juut ui'ouuj. ' N. K. cor. 8th and LuuvouwurtuUtt. Omubu , Nub. OMAHA 1M..AN.NU Mil.I. CO. , Miinnfaclnri'i-H of Moulillim'H , i-asli , Doors iind 'iiriilnif ritiilr-wurk. IJunk and Olllcu KlttliiKA 20th nnd I'oppli ion Avenue , Breviers , STORZ , C TLER , IiOKor J5cor Urowers , 1131 North Uth Strciot , Omaha , Neb , SOUTH OMAHA. ' C. . ' . . N. P. IIIUIIMAN. J. II. IIJ.ANCII Allll PALM Kit , 11 1C UMAX ! ) CO. , //fi' Stock CtiiHiniKsliiii Merchants , OUIcp Idiom 31 , Opponlto Kiolianuo lliillaln.'r , Union Block Viinln , tioiith Oniuhit , Not ) , Live SSdclc Coiiinilrisloii Mcrcliiiut-f. M r ot Fnrnl lioJ free oiijpplliitl'in. . titmkari n ft > Hi1ers furnUhnl on RO ) ' | term . Roferonoo Onmlm Milloiml Kink nnd Hojtn Oinah : N.itUn i Union btock Vurdt , Ho Jth Um ilm , LORIMKR"WUSI'ICRPLI ) & MALKY Lire Nto'k Unminliilon , Itonin 15 Uxr-h.uiKi ) liililillilif , I'nlon ' Sloclc Viuils. riouth Oiiiiilni , Noli. MORN & "SHAI < PK , Commission Doiilors In I.lvo Stiuk , Doom 2lKv < ( huiiKi' llnlldhiK , Union retook ViH. , S. Ornnli'i Itoii'imicris llnliiu Nut'l lh > nl < , nniiihiillnliii Slocn ViinlB llnnk. H , Diiuiha , I : . H , Uowloy , I'n s. Am. Hunk \Trutt Co. , Omuho. _ _ ALKXANUUR ft KITCH , CoinniU inn Doaluri In I.lvo Stock , lloora - . ' , OpixHlIu l' < i'iuiiiri ) < lliiiUlnic , Union Stock , 'nnln , houtli Uuiali.i , Nub , UXJONfiTOVK YARDS CO. , Of Onmlia. J.lrclU'l. Jolin Kk Ilojtd , S'jpflrinterJcnt.