Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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    " "T * ' * .t rj .TC ' . t'fi ! iff J ; ' fyi
or RDBScnrrrio * :
TJflDr ( Marnldt * Edition ) Including Sunday
DM , Una Year . $10 00
Tor BU Months . GOO
For Thro Months . 260
The Omaha 8nd r Jlrr , mnllod to any
address , One Year. . 200
OMAHA rime * . No. MI * xn FAR-JAW STn rr.
ffiir VomK Ornct , KOOM . ' , . TKIIIUNI ntm.niNO.
counts PONDING * i
All comraunlcfltions rotating to nrtrg and edi
torial inattur xlioold be ad'lresaod to tbo EDI-
roii or mi : BEE.
AH but lno .s luttsri and remittance * should be
Mclresiod to Titc UiE PUDUsniNO COMPANT ,
OMAHA. Drafts , chhcka ntid postofflco order *
to be made payable to tbo ord r of the company.
Sworn Btntcment of Circulation.
State of Nebraska. I „ .
County of Douglas.B | < "
Geo. 15. Tzschucic , secretwy of The Hoe
Publishing company , Joes solemnly swenr
that the actual circulation ot tlm Dally Bee
for the week ending Sept. 0,18b , wa § as
follows :
Saturday. Sept. 3 14.WO !
Sunday , Sept 4 14,200
Monday. Sept , 5 KS >
Tuesday. Sept. 0 U.liOO
Wednesday. Sept. 7 14,800
Tnnndny. Sept 8 14.800
Friday , Sept U. 14,295
Avcraee 14.424
Sworn to and subscribed In my presence
this 10th day of % ptember , A. I ) . 1887.
N. P.
fSEAL.1 Notary Public.
Btnteof Nebraska , I. .
Uouitlns County. 1 BS
Geo. i ) . TzFclmck , .being first duly sworn ,
deposes nnd nays that lie Is secretary of The
Dee Publishing company , that the actnM
average dally circulation of the Dally Bee for
the month of September , 1880 , 13.U30 copier
for October , IbbO. 12,989 copies ; for Novem
ber. IbSfi , 13,343 copies : for December , IBM ,
13.237 coplpi : for January 1887. 10,260
copies ; for February , 1887 , 14.10S copies ; for
March. 1887 , 14.400 copies : for April , Ib87 ,
14,810copieti ; for May , 1887 , 14,227 copies ; for
June 1887 , 14,147 copies ; for July. 1887,14-
003 copies ; for August. 1887,14.151 copies.
OEO. B TzsonucK.
Sworn and subscribed In my presence
tills mh day ot Sept A. I ) . , 1837.
( SEAL. | N. P. FKII. Notary Public.
TUB sinecures and needless deputies
must go. The taxpayers of Omaha can
not allbrd the luxury.
Tin : old folio fraud had bettor haul in
his horns , There is liable to bo a shower
when ho least expects it.
IT becomes more and moro evident , in
view of the attitude of democracy upon
the tariff question , that the party is sadly
in need of improved fog-signals.
THE Milk Shippers' Union of the
northwest is the latest trust. Now someone
ono should create a corner in chalk and
water , and frustrate the designs of the
new monopoly.
WE still would like to know what Pres
ident Morsman of the Pacific Express
thinks of the conduct of Auditor liechel
in inciting anarchy in Omaha by deliber
ate starvation of the police.
NOT content with inciting anarchy in
the city to gratify their ambition for rule
or ruin , the council bosses are now trying
to dismember the republican party in
this county by their revolutionary plots
and high-handed schemes.
ANOTHER Gould has entered the finan
cial world. Edwin , ono of the royal
monopolist's younger sons , was last week
elected a director in the Western Union
company. When the family get all they
want there wont bo much left of the
earth for the rest of us.
express , who is a staunch democrat , will
doubtless heartily approve the attempt
of Anarchist liochol to break up the
republican party in this county by his
high-handed assumptions as chairman
of the county committee.
A BERLIN dispatch to a New York
paper gives what is meant to bo a remark-
nblo piece of news. It states that Kaiser
William died throe years ago , and has
Binco boon personated by a dummy , a
trick by Mr. IJisrcarck. The linrlin cor
respondent had bettor come home and
rest his brain after this effort.
JOHN SAHLEU , Julius Cooley nnd O. II.
Rotliackor responded to roll-call at thu
meeting of the republican county com
mittee as representatives of the Third
ward. Neither of them is a member of
the committee , but it must be conceded
that the Third ward , and especially
"Hell's Half Aero , " was not misrepre
THIS country has been invaded by for
eign soldiers. There is no occ.tsion for
calling ont the troops , however. It is
only a battalion of Swedish and Nor
wegian soldiers , to the number of about
four hundred , who have come over to
take part in the military encampment at
Chicago. It Is a good sign of the times
that soldiers are used moro for show than
for war in these days.
THAT the attacks by the press on the
milkmen of the country is not without
justification has boon demonstrated again
and again. The latest story of adulter
ated milk comes from Now York. Dr.
Cyrus Edson recently confiscated a quan
tity of milk in which wore found three
HTO frogs. The Omaha milkmen may
not scoop in froga with the water , but
many of them will bear looking after
pretty closoly.
CITIZEN TRAIN has broken his ten
years' silence to pitch into the "Pinker-
ton assassins" if they commit "judicial
murder" on the socialists in Chicago.
Ho threatens , if they do so , to raise sheol
on billion frauds on public treasury.
Psychos hold fort. Will bombard Chicago -
cage every night till execution , showing
up $50,000,000 over-issue Chicago city
bonds. " Our
distinguished ox-citizen
has evidently boon indulging in soft shell
peanuts lately.
ANOTHER man has come to the rescue
of Shakespeare. Lawrence Harrott ; the
tragedian , puts himself on record In op
position to Ignatius Donnelly's Baconian
tiioory and argues in favor of the bard
of Avon. Slmkespoaro will hold the
boards with the Booth-Barrett combina
tion at least this year , and the play-
going public will Hock to see the distin
guished actors without being at all de
pressed by tho'thought that perhaps
Bacon wan robbed of the glory of the
authorship of the plays by a dissolute
and ignorant dramatist. ,
The Bnpreme Jadgetfelp.
The republican state convention which
is to nominate a candidate for juatlco of
the supreme court will conyeno at Lin
coln on the third day of October. It is
an open secret that a still hunt has bcon
In progress tor some months which has
for its object the elevation of ono of two
district judges to the seat on the supreme
bench now occupied by Judge Maxwell.
This move has , however , mot with very
little encouragement so far. Judge
Maxwell , It is true , has grown gray nnd
old on the supreme oourt bench , but ho
is much bolter qualified for his
work to-day by reason of his long
service than ho was twelve years ago.
ilo has bcon an upright , fearless and
faithful judge. Ho has never catered to
corporate power by straining the law in
behalf of monopoly , nor courted popu
larity by opinions or decisions inspired
by popular clamor. While restrained by
his position from all actiyo partisan strife ,
ho has been all his life an unlllnching re
The bench and bar of Nebraska may
boast moro brilliant legal minds , but
none surpass Samuel Maxwell In level
headed common sense , and that rare
quality which inspires popular confidence ,
when men feel , believe and know that
como what may , their supreme judicial
tribunal is occupied by a safejudge. .
However much the republicans of Ne
braska may desire to promote other
men , they cannot , in our opinion , afford
to retire Judge Maxwell at this juncture.
Who IB Who ?
Who is to receive President Cleveland
when ho arrives at Omaha ? That is just
now one of the most momentous ques
tions that agitates honorablos and promi-
ncnts. But Omaha is not the only place
torn up over the presidential reception.
At Indianapolis the coming of Cleveland
has aroused a controversy as to who
shall receive him. Ho is to bo there up
on the invitation of the board of trade ,
but the Hcndricks club , a political or
ganization , has stopped in and assumed
to be master of ceremonies. It has sent
out invitations and appointed the orator
for the occasion. The committee of tbo
board of trade has como to the front and
informed the club that it must take a
back scat , that the mayor and governor
would bo tbo only speakers to welcome
the president. The Hondrlcka club is
given to understand that it can walk in
the procession if it chooses and that will
bo about the only function expected of it.
The board of trade committee is right.
When the president of the United Slates
comes on a visit to see the people politi
cal organizations have no right to try to
kidnap him and turn the occasion into a
political affair.
THIS country hag been importing sugar
up to date to the amount of about $30-
000,000 annually. But the time seems
now at hand when we will manufacture
enough sugar to supply homo consump
tion. The last reports from the diffusion
works at Fort Scott , Kan. , nro encour
aging. A recent dispatch says : "Tho re
sults so tar have bcon wonderful , and it
lias been demonstrated that sugar can be
made very profitably from sorghum cane.
From 101 to 110 pounds of iirst sugar ,
twenty pounds of seconds , and ton gallons
lens of syrup is the average product from
a single ton of cauo. This average is
kept up right along , and owners and
people here are greatly rejoiced. Moro
sugar and syrup has been made in one
week than was made out of thn whole
of last year's crop. " Mr. Spreckles , the
San Francisco "sugar king , " has been in
Europe studying the methods there em
ployed to extract sugar from beets , and
ho says ho intends to erect on the Pacilic
coast the greatest beet sugar manufac
tory in the world. There is no reason
this country should not bo self-support
ing as to sugar. The outlook is now fa
vorable for such a consummation.
SOME people never will learn anything.
Only ton days ago Governor Thayer
nailed down a whole keg of cast-iron
lies forged in John MeShano's slander
mill , the Herald. Ilo refuted each and
all of the charges concocted against him
by that reckless concern and made every
reputable editor in the state blush for his
profession. But Mr. McShane'ti slander
factory still keeps up its malicious llings
and baseless inuendoes. The latest is the
charge that the governor had signed the
convict labor contract bill for a money
consideration. GovernorThayorisoutof
the state. When ho returns from Phila
delphia wo have no doubt ho will spike
that impudent Ho just as effectually as he
did the charge that ho had come to
Omaha expressly three weeks ago to
give directions to the police commission
as to their course toward the city council.
THE first definite result of the Had
dock murder trials at Sioux City was
reached yesterday afternoon when thu
jury brought in a verdict of manslaugh
ter against Fred Munchrath. Munchrnlh
was not charged with firing the shot which
ended the life of Bey. George C. Had
dock , but only with being a conspirator to
cause his death. The conviction of thu
principal and the other co-conspirators
for this brutal murder promises to keep
the criminal court of Woodbury county
in business for a long time to come , and
it the guilty parties are brought to justice
finally it will bo a gratifying surprise to
lovers of law and order.
OMAHA and Council UlulVti contempor
aries ore just now boasting about the
marvelous increase within a few months
of that unknown quantity which they
call their circulation. This is very amus
ing. Bless your soul , brethren , it will
take twenty-live years of such wonderful
growth before any of you could catch up
with the BEE'S present and well-estab
lished circulation I By the way , wo al
ways hear about the now subscribers , but
never n whisper about those that have
dropped off. Throwing around daily
papers makes a line showing , but it is
vary dccoptivo until the free ditribulion
stops ,
ANV republican candidate in Douglas
county who wants to bo olcotod In No
vember should at once tender a bonus
the roadorlcss organ ot the insolent
boodlcrs who arrogate to themselves the
solo right to interpret republicanism for
Omaha and Nebraska. Unless this gang
of cormorants is silenced and kept within
decent bounds the republican ticket will
see a Waterloo on the 8th of November.
A word to the wise is sufllclont.
THE republican * of the First district
would do well to rolloct'aorioiuly be fora
they commit the party to the support of
the Honorable Colonel Colby for district
fi"i ii.iiriihiii i * in i . > , fl
judge. It is hardly necessary for the
MEK to remark that Colby was repudiated
by the republicans of that district four
years ago. lie was burled in his own
county by over ono thousand majority
when any reputable republican would
have carried it by fifteen hundred. Can
the leopard change his spots ? Is the
Colby of 1837 loss of a rogue than was
the Colby of 1833 ? Can republicans af
ford to foist a notorious jobber on the
GOVERNOR HILL'S ambition has at last
bcon officially announced to his follow
democrats at his homo In Now York. At
the Chcmung county democratic conven
tion Friday , one of the governor's confi
dential friends , in an address to the dele
gates , said : "Governor Hill Is nt the
head of the democratic party in this state ,
and I trust nnd believe that ho will soon
bo nt the head of the party in the na
tion. " If this means that David's ' friends
propose to pmh him to the front In 1888 ,
Mr. Cleveland may find that ho will have
an insurmountable hill to climb before
ho roaches the goal of a ronotmnatlon.
IT rained six days in the month of Au
gust , but the street commissioner has re
turned vouchers for twenty-seven days
during the month of August for each of
his sub-bosaos. The laborers who worked
under thorn only received pay for the
days on which they were actively at
work , The question It , why should the
city pay for time which was not actually
put in ? What is the use of paying wages
by the day to the foremen and then
crediting him for n full month , when ho
only w.orkcd three weeks ?
THE idea of ntaking a southern man a
candidate for second place upon the next
democratic presidential ticket is being
agitated among ttio democratic politi
cians. The sentiment in the south does
not favor this expedient , however. They
are probably right. A southern man on
the presidential ticket would lose democ
racy more votes in the north than it
would gain in the south. As long as
Cleveland is willing to make up half of
his cabinet from the late confederacy the
south will remain content.
BUENOS AYRES is to have a parliament
ary building , which will cost ? 8,000,000.
Invitations will be issued to architects of
all countries to submit plans for the now
structure. The two best designs will bo
awarded prizes of $40,000 and $10,000
respectively. The plans can bo sent to
the Argentine ambassadors of each coun
try and must bo in their hands by the first
of April next. Here is an opportunity
for enterprising American architects to
win fame and money.
OMAHA has nearly 100,000 inhabitants ;
immense business blocks are going up ;
activity and progress are everywhere
manifest ; improvements in all directions
are taking place and the prosperity of our
city is a wonder of the times , but there
is ono blot upon her fair name the coun
cil chamber.
THE county commissioners still persist
in ignoring the law with regard to the
publication of their proceedings. Even
if the law did not require this publication
the taxpayers are entitled to know what
the commissioner's are doing and how
they are expending the public funds.
ACCORDING to Kov. Mr. Savidgo , some
of the reporters on the Omaha dailies
sometimes swear. Perhaps this maybe
bo true , but we can assure the reverend
gentleman that as a rule they are more
sinned against than sinning at least as
regards this damning evil.
If anybody thinks that because this Is an
oil year in politics there will be dull times
this fall , he errs. It is coing to be lively , ex-
clttni ; , interesting and red-hot In all its as
Massachusetts replaced three hich-tarlll
congressmen with three of the ouposlto
creed In last year's election , and It Is possi
ble that the change will go further a year
"Man was made to mourn" will bo a com
forting brick for Hen Butler to put to Ids feet
when he pets through settling with the
auctioneer for his latest bid for the pjesl-
A law was passed by the last Ohio legisla
ture making it a misdemeanor for any man
elected as a delecate to to a political con
vention to give a proxy or permit another
person , not so elected , to represent him.
"The meanness and malignancy of the
prohibitionists have never been more clearly
manifested than In their recent New Vork
state convention , " is the opinion of the Chicago
cage Tribune.
Congiessinan Randall Is reported as say
ing : "They must have help in organizing
the house , and I will trust them to take any
step they see lit towards formulating a plan
for tarilf leiluctlou without consulting inc. "
The practice of settlnK free lunches at the
pollstolnlluonco votes was invented by the
W. C. T. U. ot Kansas. It has extended to
Missouri , and In the local option election
both the prohibitionists and the saloon
keepers are guilty ot It. It Is bribery. It
should bn prosecuted.
HuporfliinuH Mtornry Ii.ibor.
Kew Orleans Ptcawnr ,
W. Clark Uimoll , the writer of sea stories ,
Is about to publish a new volume called "A
Book for the llammock. " If It Is to prop up
the lounger's head , a good-sUed census re
port will do as well s ano boolr. It Is not
necessary to write o4original tale for such a
An Excellent Huiccestlon.
American Kevlitcr.
Domestic service , havmit been practically
abandoned as a means of livelihood by the
youm ; women of the working class , It has
been suggested by a lady , who writes an able
article on the subject In a manazlne , that
the work should be made a profession , and
that properly organized should bo opened for
Instruction In the branches of household
work. _
A Dramatic Situation.
/uinsfis City Journal ,
A situation worthy a Gilbert and Sullivan
opera exists In Smith county , Kan. The
probate judge of that county Is insane , lie
should ba removed , but the governor finds
himself : In a dilemma. Ilo cannot appoint a
probate judge until a vacancy occurs , and no
vacancy can bo declared In this Instance un
til the Incumbent Is adjudged Insane. In
order to affect this the lunatic was bo tried
by a jury and declared Insane by tbo probate
judge. No other person in the county has
this power.
Fifteen Famou-i American Invention *
Da\/tim \ Democrat.
The fifteen great American inventions of
world-Wide adoption are : (1) ( ) The cotton-
Kin , (3) ( ) the pianino-machine. (3) ( ) the grasa-
moworand reaper , (3) ( ) the'rotary printing
press , (5) ( ) navigation by steauv , (6) ( ) thn hot air
engine , (7) ( ) the sewing machine , (9) ( ) the India
tiff UU i ji
rubber Industry , ( Oj the machine manufact
ure of horse slions , (10) ( ) the sand blast for
carvlne , ( U ) the gauge lane , (13) ( ) the ( train
elevator , (13) ( ) artificial Ice making on a large
ecale , (14) ( ) the electric magnet and Its prac
tical application , (15) ( ) the telephone.
Bntt and jftqtallatlon at Bntto.
MinntppoU * Tribune ,
In the case of.salt shipments to Unite City ,
Mont , the Union Pacific railroad has appar
ently been ovcirestlmatlne "what the tr fllo
will bear. " Enormous quantities of salt are
consumed In the1 [ reduction of sliver ores.
Tne suit goes from Utah , and the Union Pa
cific has enjoyeil a monopoly of the bmlness.
Our special dlsplilclies from Butte yesterday
morning expiated the situation. Tne
charge on salt for a haul ot 400 miles has been
$13 a ton , or 8340 a car. The same road hauls
coal to Butte over the same line from a point
200 miles further awav for 5100 a car ,
which Is at the rate ot 35 per ton. The
coal charges , of course , are affected bv competition
petition from the other direction. The
Northern Pacific is In position to supply
Bulto with fuel. But salt Is not a commod
ity that Is supplied profusely along the route
of the Northern PaclDc , ami It seems neces
sary that Montana smelting mills should got
their chloride of sodium from the region of
the Great Salt Like. The Allca mining com
pany , uslne about a car load of salt a day ,
has issued orders to close down their mines
and mills October I , on account ot the ex
orbitance of the Union Pacific. All interests
In Buttn are dependent upon the prosperity
of the mines and bmettlng wanes , and
will make common cause azainst the
Union Pacific. It now costs moro to
get a car of salt hauled from
Utah than a ear of merchandise from
Omaha. It Is proposed to divert all the trade
of Butte from the Union Pacific to the North
ern Pacilio unless thn former shall make a
fair rate on salt. This threat will probably
bring the road to terms ; for It has a very
large ana lucrative general business In fiutto
which It will not choose to sacrifice. The
matter Is one which , If not otherwise satis
factorily adjusted , should "be brought to the
notice of the Inter-state commerce commis
sion. If the outcome of the adalr should be
an'Increased Intimacy between Butte City
ana the commercial centers at this end of
the Northern Pacific system , we should of
course be duly gratified.
Nebraska Jotting * .
The Schuyler Herald declares that the
Omaha fair was a success in every sense
of the word.
The Videtto reports that the old sold
iers of Crete had a splendid time at the
Omaha reunion.
Tito Burlington bridge over the Mis
souri river at Hulo , will bo completed
early next month.
The republican convention of the
Eighth judicial district is called to meet
at Hastings , October 4.
The Hall county fair opens in Grand
Island to-morrow. The premium county
will make an elaborate display of pro
The gas meter jWill commence opera
tions on the accumulated wealth of
Grand Island this week. The plant cost
$05,000 and will'start up to-day.
The union labor party convened re
cently at Ord.i , It was a harmonious
gathering of three persons , and the
olliccs were suflioiont to go around.
Harry Brown , wearied of confinement
in the Aurora jail anil after a month's
meditation , disappeared from the crib.
The ollicials wonder that ho tarried with
them so long.
The corner-stone of the soldiers' homo at
Grand Island will be laid"October 5. Tlie
occasion will be a notable one and will
be witnessed by hundreds of veterans
from all parts of the state. '
Three prisoners sawed their wav to
freedom Jrom the Beatrice jail Saturday
night , and were well on to the Kansas
line when their departure rattled the
slumbers of the viailant turnkey.
Hastings is in the center of a matrimonial
menial boom. All good citi/.ons who
have boon there should gave a unani
mous boost to the marriageable , nnd
thus mitigate the fluency of cold weather
and coal bills.
The labor union party in convention
forgot the bounce and sufferings of
MoGlynn when they endorsed Henry
George. The pulpitless preacher pierced
the papal dome in a vain pull for pres
tige and popularity.
The crooked footprints of the Beatrice
Mutual insurance company , in the shape
of iron clad notes , but a shade removed
from forceries , turn -up every week to
smite the honest , innocent Sabin. An
other interview is in order.
The North Nebraska Eajlo says : "Fair
week was a gala week for Omaha in
fact a general holiday. The people of
the state turned out on masse to visit the
great metropolis. It is estimated that
there were 50,000 strangers in tlie city. "
"Finn weather last week , " says the
Plainview Gazette , "made the G. A. II.
reunion and Fair at Omaha a roaring
success. Tens of thousands visited the
metroDolis of the Missouri valley , and
Omaha is to be congratulated on her suc
cess. "
Omaha capitalists are invading Wash
ington county. Messrs. Henry Bolln ,
George Barker and F. B. Johnson have
purchased the Turner farm of 085 acres
near Blair for $14,000. Blair papers re
port that it is thu intention of the pur
chasers to start a large stoctc rancho.
The Missouri Pacific is already at work
flourishing shovels on the proposed line
to Hastings , but the builders are moving
cautiously pending a decision on the
additional bonds of $20,000 which the
road expects to squeeze out of the city.
The election will take place October 13.
The Ponca coal find clings to life with
a tenacity that promises good results.
Local papers claim that specimens of the
coal have been tested in Omaha nnd gave
satisfaction. Messrs. Newman & Prouitt ,
the owners , will sink a shaft to a depth
of 110 feet , and the product placed ID the
market at ? ! a ton ,
Lincoln county voters buried out of
sight the proposition to bond themselves
to build a new bridge over the Platto.
The town of North Blatte was nearly solid
for the bridge , and the pang.s of defeat
nro mellowed by the tact that the town
captures the whorairith for a jail out of
the trcnoral wreck . _ ,
The Hastings Independent echoes the
envious wail of Luit-oln papers against
the proposed S6ldiers' monument
in Omaha. The fact that Omaha men
have already oflbrpdliberal ; sums to start
tlie scheme on u solid foundation ought
to bo suilicicnt assurance to the kickers
that they will not be'asked ' to contribute.
The Elkliorn Valley News says : "Tho
best way to start the , monument project
would bo for the Omaha people to rustic
around and sue ff 'they ' couldn't raise a
little cash among themselves. Then , if
they haven't enough , outside towns would
doubtless help them out. " That is the
plan precisely , and two prominent citi
zens have already guaranteed f 4,000.
T. Dudley Giflbrd , a light-weight
tough ana general snoalc , increased his
stock of criiuo in Hastings by taking to
himself two wives. All his thieving operations -
orations and contempt of jails withered
before the fury of maddened wives , il
lumined by the frenzied anxiety of
grown children to get a lock of his hair.
The kind hearted olncials sent him to tba
Buffalo county jail to escape the storm.
Speaking of Omaha fall festival the
Nebraska City Times says : ' 'The total
receipts of the Omaha fair association
were f7,203. For a city fair that is an
excellent showing and cannot be sur
passed by any city. Thu citizens allowed
enterprise , nerve and gntund .have been
amulr ruwarded. Such exhibitions will'
do more to make Omaha the metropolis
of the western country than dozen
state fairs. "
A rural democrat , who has waited In
vain for a taste of the spoils , nominates
United States Marshal Blorbowor for
chairman of the commiiteo to receive
President Cleveland In Oraalm. 'Iho
motion Is timely and appropriate , and
with the addition to the committee of
Messrs. Martin , Galbralth , Ireland , Hoar
nnd Stiorwin , would bo vastly improved
and unanimously adopted , is the amend
ment seconded ?
The latest returns from the battle field at
Ord gives a blackuyo to the report in those
jottings that Editor llaskoll brushed his
sanctum with the frame of DavoMeCord.
Dave did the mopping act. The wierd
romantic depths of Webster would bo
searched in vuin for words sulliciently
luminous to picture the expression of
Haskoll as ho shot from McCord's dukes
through a convenient window. His
wounds nro healing and his pen is hushed
by painful memories.
William Denakns , living near Mllford ,
died of blood poison last week aged
twenty-six. About three weeks ago ho
was wounded in the forearm while
threshing. Treatment was at once ap
plied but blood poisoning had seeded
itself in the voting man nnd ho grow
worse so rnpidly that the only hope that
was left a faint one at best was to am
putate the arm : it the shoulder. The op
eration was performed last Tuesday
noon , but the patient was too far gone
to have it prove beneficial , and ho died
six hours afterward.
lown Items.
The taxable viilno of property in Buena
Vista county is $ I,471OM. )
The union labor party in Dubuque re
fused to fuse with the democrats.
The Methodists of Vinton have lot the
contract for a church- cost $20,000.
The mayor of Dubuque threatens to
sample prohibition by closing the saloons
on Sunday.
The total expenses of the two brigade
encampments recently held m the state
amounted to $23,112.07.
A conference of Methodist ministers
and laymen , numbering : several hundred ,
will bo held at Clinton October 5.
Forty tons of hay. a barn and a house
were destroyed by tire in llocidngliaiu
township , Scott county , last week.
According to to state auditor's report
the total iiumboc of youths in the state
is 038,150 , for whom on tbo 20 per cent
basis the amount of apportionment is
Subscriptions to the $50,000 required to
secure the Tibbies sowing machine fac
tory in Des Moines amounted to $41,000
on Saturday. The rcmainucr of the
bonus is as good as secured.
While digging potatoes at Rock Falls
Mr. Van Ness discovered a mammoth
mushroom which tipped the beam at
just sixteen pounds. It measured fifty-
seven inches in circumference. It is the
largest specimen of the kind over seen
The Black Hills fair opens in Deadwood -
wood to-day.
Work has commenced on the now
court house at Aberdeen.
STnnkton has grown weary of the strug
gle to secure railroad connection with
Omaha , and is now investigating and
discussing other routes.
About thirty bucks of the Yankton
Sioux tribe of Indians upon the Yankton
reservation threaten violence to the sur
veyors and to the Indians who are re
ceiving allotments of land under the sev
erally law. The allotment of land doesn't
suit them.
A correspondent interviewed Van Tas
sel , of the insane asylum board , who in
timated that if he would let ; t new man
bo appointed in his place Governor
Church would apurove the plans and let
the asylum extension go on. Ho added
that he would see the governor in the in
fernal regions before ho would resign
with the charges of corruutiou hanging
over him.
A novel trial occurred at Fort Bennett
above Pierre last week. An Indian was
arrested for polygamy and tried by a
jury of his own race. Evidence was in
troduced on botli sides and it was clearly
shown hat the Indian had two wives.
Thorny , which consisted of only three
mi niters , was out only a few minutes
and returned a verdict of guilty and
sentenced the culprit to imprisonment
for seven days. This light sentence may
be accounted for by the fact that the
foreman of the jury himself had three
wives and evidently appreciated the
force of the old story that "now is the
time for us follows to stand together. "
The towns of Lander and Buffalo arc
anxiously looking for railroad connec
The now Union Pacific depot in Chey
enne is Hearing completion. A portion
of the building is already occupied.
Mrs. Hattie Clifford , an elderly widow
living in Cheyenne , has fallen heir to a
snug purse of $7,000 by the death of a
relative in England.
The Laramie , Nprth Park & Pacific
branch of the Union Pacific , running
from Laramie city to Soda Lakes , is
doing a profitable business this fall.
The first attempt at a fair in northern
Wyoming promises to be a gratifying
succosj. The show will be hold at Buf
falo the last four days of the month.
Cheyenne rejoices with the daily ad
vance of the Burlington to that city , as it
is expected to result not only in import
ant commercial advantages , but in the
location there of extensive shops.
The Laramie soda works are now turn
ing out a product of 33,000 P9unds daily.
as follows : Four thousand eight hundred
pounds of concentrated lye , 8,000 pounds
of caustic .soda , 10,000 pounds of soda ash
and 4,000 pounds of salt cako.
Laramie boasts that men of wealth are
adding to the bounteous gifts nature
lavished on the city. The latest is a
canal forty miles long which will re
claim and irrigate the choicest section of
the territory and pour the golden pro
ducts into the capacious lap of Laramie.
The American Party's Platform ,
PiinAi > Ki.i'iilA. Sept. 17. The platform of
the American party adopted this afternoon
declares that the present system of Immigra
tion and naturalisation of foreigners Is detri
mental to the- welfare of the United States
and demands the establishment of a depart
ment of Immigration , the head of which shall
bo a member of the cabinet ; demands the re
vision of the naturalization laws , making a
continued residence of fourteen years an In
dispensable requisite for citizenship and ex
cluding all commonlsts , socialists , ni
hilists , anarchists , paupers nml criminals
but no interference with tlm vested rlclits of
foreigners ; demands protection for the free
common school system and recommends
compulsory education In all states and terri
tories ; American lands should be reserved
for American citizens , non-rbsldnnt aliens
bei m , ' debarred from the ownership of real
petals and resident aliens , holdings limited
In arna nnd value. The platform condemns
the donation of lands to private corporations.
The surplus in the treasury should
be leased to the people. A judicious system
of Internal Improvnments and construction
of forti Mentions nnd ships Is demanded. The
platform reassert * the American principle of
freedom of religious worship and belief , rec-
oenlzlnifthft right of labor to 'organize for
protection and secure by lawful and peacu-
nble means the greatest reward , demand * a
tinn and consistent foreign policy nnd a vlg
orous assertion of our national dignity nnd
rights , especially In the north Atlantic fish
a Completion Powder pro
duces a Soft and beautiful hkin , It-coin
bine Q very. element of bdautv neil purity.
An Old New Yorker Gives Some Interesting
Blroot Rattler * In ttio Interest of Pence
and Order The Sugar House Fire
Exciting Soonou of the Daya
of Volunteer Flrnmon.
Now York Sunday Mercury : As I stood
watching the fire laddies , last Monday ,
leaving the town with a hurrah on their
California picnic I couldn't help thinking
of the times "long , long ago1' when many
of the now staid and sober and well-to-do
members of the excursion wore warm
hearted , ' hot-headed youngsters , always
ready to Tight for the interests of their
respective engine or hose companies ,
always ready to "hit from the shoulder"
in behalf of their department organiza
I recognized In the ranks of the vet
eran volunteers several mnn who thirty-
live or forty years asro were prominent
in the "row-do-dows" which used to bo
then so numerous , though now forgotten.
Fires and tight ? were common occur-
ranees under the old regime. Generally
the fight didn't interfere with the firo.
Sometimes it did. Cases have been known
in which an engine and hose company
have started for a fire but never got to it ,
having got into a fight with some rival
fire company it mot on the way instead.
And instances wore not uncommon in
which right at a ( ire the llrouicu fought
each other instead of the liro. But in
almost every instance these "unpleasant
nesses" originated witli what was called
the "runners" rather than the members
of the lire companies.
One of the most destructive conflagra
tions that visited Now York was rendered
doubly memorable by the fighting that
took place among the dromon. I ttlludo
to the famous sugar house lire in Dunns
street , a conflagration still well remem
bered after the lapse of nearly half n
The old sugar house in Duane street
was an old-time land mark , and when
the news spread around that it was
bnrncd. people rushed from all parts of
the city .to witness the scene. All the
best and alt the worst of the Volunteer
Fire department were strikingly shown
on this occasion. There were 800 lire
laddies who were heroes on and around
Duane street then , and three of them un
fortunately met a hero's death. Goonro
Kerr was assistant engineer of the de
partment , and ono of the bravest of the
bravo , lie had an old fashioned idea
that more was expected of an official
than of a mere private individual that a
position had its duties and accordingly
lie made it n point at a fire to do more ac
tive service than if ho had not boon hold
ing the post of an assistant engineer.
Henry Fargis was a great friend of his
and was a kind of a pupil in fire depart
ments. Fargis was been made an as
sistant foreman of No. 33 engine , and ho ,
like his friend Kerr , thought that an of
ficial position had its peculiar duties , and
tried always to set an example of pluck
and work to the boys of No. 38.
Well , as soon as the lire began tKorr
and Fargis were on the spot and did all
they could to help save the sugar house.
John Decker met 'em right under the
walls of the burning building. Decker
was holding old 14's pipe and directing a
steady stream on the walls. Kerr and
Fargis were just moving on to give their
services elsewhere , whom there was need
of 'em , when with a tremendous crash
the outer wall of the sugar house fell in
and down. The building had a big arch
way in front , very massivn and strong ,
and two of the fire laddies , Kerr and
Fargis , rushed to got the protection of
this archway. John Decker coolly re
mained where ho was and hold It's pipe.
It was about the wisest as well as the
bravest thing ho could have
done , for the two men who
sought shelter were killed outright ,
Fargis by a big piece of the cornice fall
ing on his head , and Kerr by being buried
in the ruins of the walls , while Decker
stood still uninjured. Near Decker stood
Charles T. Durant , of No. 35 Hose , who
was holding its pipe in precisely Deoker's
fix. But he didn't have Decker's luck ,
but was so badly injured that ho died
next day. This was Decker's eighth
escape , lie had thirteen escapes in all ,
and is justly regarded as having hail a
charmed life in fire , as Grant had in bat
The three firemen died at their posts ,
while in the discharge of their duties ,
like heroes as they wore , and there were
lots or such men in the old lire depart
ment. But while they wore battling with
the elements at the price ot their lives ,
righi round them some hangers-on of the
fire apparatus got to raising a row , nnd
five companies , engine and hose , got
drawn into tlio light right at the lire , and
pummeleil each other alongside the
Old Hudson Engine used to bo ono of
tlic most noted of the old-time fighting
companies. Bob Quaokonbnsh , the city
hall detective , used to belong to this
company , It lay around whore the Erie
building now stands in Duane street , and
was the terror of the neighborhood , all
along to St. John's park.
But , after all , Did Hudson deserves to
bo kindly remembered for having been
the first to inaugurate a system of fire
men's duels , which did a good deal to
soften the asperities , or at least to lesson
the number of active participants in these
firemen's lights.
In those days the Elysian Fields , near
Hoboken , were a popular place of re
sort , and not far from them , at Woohaw-
ken , was a locality which had become
famous as a dueling ground , in which
soldiers , statesmen , editors , politicians
and swells settled their dilforcncos by
"tho code" and the pistol.
Some of the boys of Old Hudson con
ceived the idea of using the Elysian
Fields for the sumo purpose as the swells ,
etc. , used the dueling ground at Wee-
kawken , only employing their fists in
stead of pistols , and acting as representa
tives of their respective companies , not as
private individuals redressing private in-
According to this idea of Old Hudson's
it was proposed that if any engine com
panies or hose companies had : mv
grudges against each other , instead of
doing as had boon done hitherto , instead
of the members of the antagonistic com
panies fighting with each other wherever
and whenever they happened to moot ( as
at the Duane s'treot sujjar house fire ) each
company should apuoint its representa
tive , who should light his company's
cause out at the ElyMan fields witli the
chosen representatives of the other oom-
pany a fair list or rough-and-tumble
fight , and no favor , to decide winch
company was to have the best of it , thn
decision then arrived at to be accepted
by each company as linal nnd no further blond or anliuobity to bo manifested ,
the whole quarrel with thu companies
ending with ( ho duel at thoKlysian Fields.
The boys belonging to Old Hudson fell
in love with this ingenious Idea of theirs ,
whether because it would allbrd a con
stant codes of { oiling lights right along
at the Elysian Fluids or because it would
iiromote in the main the interest of peace.
I won't undertake to determine , and they
wrnt round among tlie oth r tiromen
doing their best to got nil the rest of the
boys to adopt their i'dua. There was really -
ally something , in it and it mot with
favor. If there must lw 'a light ; , it was
suroly.botter to'havu it put weenI wo men
rrtUior than two companies. So the boyi
acfued to give It A trial.
The first "Hromon'n duel" of this kind
took place between a member of Old
Hudson and a rival company ono hot
afternoon in May , and resulted In a do *
elded victory for Old Hudson. That set
tled It , and from that time on for years
the members of Old Hudson were the
"liromon's duel * "
warmest advocates of ) .
Altogether some forty or so of thono "lire-
men's duels" took nlr.ce In about eight
yours , and roatly might bo regarded as
lights in the interest of peace nnd quiet *
ness. And there is no telling how long '
they might have boon kept a-going had
not , ono fine day , a member of Old Hud *
son engine most unexpectedly got licked.
This filtered the matter , and from that
time on Old Hudson began to lese its
enthusiasm in its own original sugges *
tlon , and the "firemen's duel" followed
the example of the other sort of duollng
and erased to exist.
Holler Inspection on KxploslonH.
American Maohlnost : During the past
fifteen years there have boon numerous
theories advanced to account for boiior
explosions upon other than plain natural
laws. Every ono ot these theories have
worked harm to the extent that it has
found believers , because it has railed at
tention away from the real cause , nnd lit
some degree lias been accepted as a do *
fenso of incompotency and dangerous
practice. When a boiler explodes there
is always ono of two reasons for it ; tlm
material or workmanship , either or both ,
were bad , or it has boon Ignorantly used.
This has como to bo , accepted by nearly
every ono of Intelligence who has given
the matter attention. Absolute failure
to bring about explosions , or conditions
that would account for explosions , in no-
cordanco with any of those semi-super
natural theories . has led to their
abandonment by sensible people. But
there is an alarming frequency of boiler-
explosions , and the yearly list of killed
jind wounded from this cause is a largo .
one , There are many who believe that1
the remedy for this is in state inspection
laws. There is little room to doubt that
proper inspection laws competently ad
ministered would do a good deal in the
way of reducing the number of boilers
explosions , but suoh laws , to bo of much
service , should bo moro comprohcnsivo
than any wo have yet hoard spoken of.
and inspection should not bo of the usual
political quality. Inspection should coyer
material and workmanship to a greater
extent than has been contemplated.
Regarding the material , too much de
pendence is placed upon the stamp on the
plates. This is particularly true in rela
tion to stationary boilers. It is very sel
dom that anything is known by the
builder by actual test , of the quality of
the material ho uses. This kuowlcttco
is concluded by the legend of the stamp ,
and indications in woiking. Wo do not
say this is true in nil cases ; there are
builders who insist upon knowing some
thing moro than this of the quality of the
material they use , but it is true in a ma
jority of cases. Many manufacturers of
noiler plato are entirely honest , beyond
doubt , but it would bo too much to be
lieve that there is no dishonesty practiced
in making and stamping boiler plates.
And the honest are liable to mistakes.
For these reasons there should bo rigid
inspection of material before it goes into
the boiler. Honest plate makers would
favor this because it would free them
from the competition of thu dishonest ,
If there are such. Good boilers are not
made of stamps , and there is little rea
son to doubt that the story told by the
stamp is sometimes deceptive , accident
ally and intentionally , it is not early
enough to begin inspection after thu
boiler is built.
But the best of material will not in
sure a safe boiior unless it is properly
worked ana unless the general construc
tion is good. And witli a boiler maker ,
as milh a plato maker , there may be lion-
ci > t and dishonesty. Unfortunately , wo
know there is sometimes ignorance. The
state cannot say that one boiler maker is
honest and another dishonest ; that one is
competent and another incompetent : it
can say that inspection shall begin in the .
boiior shop , and that boilers shall not bo
used if made of poor material , or if
methods of construction generally recog
nized as unsafe and destructive are em
Ignorance in ono way or another is un
doubtedly the prime cause of a majority
of all boiior explosions. There are but
few purchasers that do not consider them
selves as competent to judge of the qual
ity of a boiior as _ they Uo of a thine they
know something about ; experience
proves that the majority of them con
clude their judgment by the
price asked. When n boiler ex
plodes the boiior maker is likely to bo
the ono blamed. Good judgment would
ofen place quite as much of the blame on
the purchaser. Not that he knows much
about thu matter , but that he ought to
have known or have paid for the services
of some one who did know , to represent
him. It is true there is no excuse for the
boiior maker who will bo lured to build n
poor boiior , but there is just us little ex
cuse for the man who hires him to do it.
Ignorance in the matter ought not to be
accepted as an excuse. Under the pres
ent plan of buying and using boilers the
lowest bidder gutting the job that have
been subjected to no inspection whatever ,
either of material or workmanship , there
is strong temptation for the boiler maker
to use poor material ami do cheap work
in sclf-uefonco. as it woro. It is ono of
the rules of l/ritdo that a man can buy al
most anything as poor in quality as ho
likes , and nothing but inspection all the
way from tlie iron or steel to thu finished
boiior will prevent boilers poor in qual
ity of stock and workmanship from going
into use.
The last and crowning place whore
ignorance gets in its perfect work in
boiler destruction is in their management.
It cannot be anything but ignorance that
induces an owner to nut an incompetent
man in ohargo of boilers because ho will
work eheapfor it has been demonstrated
time and again that there is nothing
cheap about thu matter but the wages
paid. The fact that a man will take n
job as an engineer for a little less than
ordinary laborer's wages is fairly good
evidence that he not only knows nothing
about earing for u boiler , but that he
is not competent to do , or learn to do ,
anything well.
No one thing except universal hon
esty , which in not imminent is likely lo
put a slop to boiior explosions. Compe
tent inspection that begins with the
material and workmanship will help in
the work. A willingness on the part of
purchasers to pay fair prices for good
work will have excellent oll'eot. With
these , and nonn but competent men in
charge ot boilers , explosions would bo
Moil Ilnn < | iloteit.
Dion ( ioraldino , representing the Deer-
ing Harvester company , gave a banquette
to the company's traveling men at thu
hoard of trade building last evening. A
largo number were present and partook ,
of the elegant supper.
Exposure to rough weather , getting
wet , living in damp localities , are favor
able to the contraction of diseases of the
kitlnoy.s and bladder. AH u preventive %
and euro of all kidney and liver troubli s ,
use that valuable remedy , Dr. J. II. Me-
Loan's Liver and Kidney lialm. $100.
per bottlu.
HHHO llnll.
The Omaha and Hastings clubs will
play on Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday.
Saturday nnd Sunday. Games culled nt
8W : ! o'cfock ,
I'iuiples , boils , and other hiimord are
liable . , when lie blood
IIITUIII to appear | | ivtiuii uiu iiiuuu , getH
hcHliul. * TU cure thorn , take 116oi' ' ' " * ,
daparillii. „ , , \ v , . , ;