Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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    fwyv * r"vtFfr\ \ ' . niflUMiiimiW'mn 'iwprowi j ) 'l ' < ff w iJB * * ' * ' < *
.A. .
Advertlff incuts utiitur this hcnd.lQ cents po
tnc for the nut litMTtion , 7 cents for enrh Rub
lAfjucnt tnfertlon. ondI.Mn line per month
hoadvertljnmcnt tnkcn for loMtnnnSo rents
for the llrst Insertion. Bovtn word * wll ] be
counted to the lines they mnet run consecu
tively and must co paid In advance. All adver-
tlPetncntH innct bo hnndcd In before 1:30 : o'cloc *
p. m.ind under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued lir telephone.
Parties advertising In thcfc column nnnnnr-
Ing the answer ! addressed In care of TDK nil
win pionso a * k fnrn chirk to enable thorn to got none trill bo rVllvcred except
on oro'ontntlon of check. All answer * to adver-
titcmonts should bo rnHojed In envelopes.
All nilvertlfomentH In those columns nro pub-
llphpd In both morning nnd evening editions
oflilB Ilr.r , the circulation of which nggrc-
( rnteamorethun 14.HOD papers dully , and trivet
Iho advertl i > rs tlio benefit , nut only of the city
clrrnlntloi ) of THK llr.E , but also of Council
niuffK , Lincoln nnd other cities and towns
throughout this part of the west.
Trrins--r : ii In
Guarantee and Trust Co. , IMS
Farnam street Complete abstracts iur-
nlahed , and titles to rent estate examined , per
fected und guaranteed 419
SALE First clans meat market In l > e t
Idcntlon In city. For uoaror Inronniitlon
luldresa D3I. lice oinco. 109 10) )
FOR BALE Onooftho most valuable news
papers and Job onincs In Nobniska. Ad-
drew 1) 37 , the Omnlm lice. 176 1TJ
FOR SALE Hoarding house of seven rooms ,
fifteen regtllnr boarders. Inquire cor I.uho
and Saumlcri st. 411 20J
FOU BALE The licBt paying finnll hotel In
the city : $2,000 cash will get It. CBLoo ,
1207 Farnam at 79U
ANTKD Salesman with irood experience
In crockeryglnnswarc nnd notions Ool-
don Rule I'n/nnr , 701 N. 10th St. Cull Sunday
between 9 and 12 a. in. 470 17J
WANTED Agenti--A now invention ,
needed in every house , no competition ;
000 per cent commission or a ( rood salary to
right parties. Address with stamp for terras ,
Weaver , manufacturer , 31 N State st , Chicago ,
111. H70 17J
WANTF.D-A working partner with small
capital In established and paying busi
ness. Apply to the Emp Agency , 1U07 1'arnam
St. , upstairs. .169 I7J
FOH BALE Corner Fflloon , receipts $50 per
day. 14,500 ; (3,000 cash , near depot. CE
Lee , 1207 Farnam st. 706
WANTED- canning factory at Sloan , la. ,
a live young city on the H. 0. & I' , and
C.&N. W. lly's. twenty mlles south of Sioux
City. Surrounded by a country unsurpassed
for growing til vegetables and a failure ot
these crops entirely unknown. Mberal Induce
ments to enterprising parties. Correspondence
solicited. Address K. B. Cbapln. Chairman
Committee , 215 ' 2
WANTED Partner In well established , good
paying ofllce business , $1,500 capltiil re
quired. D61 , Booollloo , 328
"Til OH SALE A irood hotel doing a first class
JD business , test or location. Good reasons
for polling , part < ash and piirt trade , stfch as
horses , etc. Address E. 9 Hoc. 450 21j
FOH SALK Hlacksmlthshop shop , bestloca
tlon and business In town. Pnuo reason-
ab'o , wanting to retire. Address John Phillips ,
Crelghion , KnnkCo. . Nub. 443 19J
FOIt SALE Two photograph galleries. For
particulars address Kciatlng , Dendwood ,
link. 442 IUJ
FOH SALB-Oonernl morclmnrtiio , 112.000 ,
cloiin , well selected stouk In wide awake ,
flint growing Colorado agricultural town , Inrgo
sales ami prolltH , s Icknt-ss ciiuse for soiling , live
party can double business. Addies * D 48. Ueo
office. ) I W ]
T71OR SALE Hnbcock phncton nnd harness'
JE only used 3 month nnd Jet blncli hoiso.9
yearn old , having nerved In ono family Rlnco n
roll , making ono of tbn finest turnouts In city.
Cash or on time. 324 N. 15th st. 431 19 *
V\ANTKO-Pnrtnor with 1500 In n ( rood sn-
T loon , business In elty of Omaha. For
particulars mldrcsa K 3 , Ileo olllco. 429 1U'
FOIt BALE A Rood paylnif giiloon .with food
stublo , ice bouses , right In a lively busi
ness town. Platte Co. Terms Hcnsh. Cause
of dolling owner gees Into brewery business ,
This Is a ruro opportunity for the right party ,
anil cannot bo bought after Nov 1. Address I )
5H Hoe olllco , 291 Itij
TGUHl SAliE A stock of hardware , stones und
-JL tlnwarn for snlo or trade 'for good form
property or cattle. Sickness cause for soiling.
IllUt & Fisher , York. Nob. 320 1'J '
FOR SALE-Mont mnrket. I offer my market
at a reasonably low figure. My reasons
for selling are : lam not able to coo to the
business myself on account of my health and
wish to leave for California soon no possible.
Ono of the finest locations in the city. No
competition nnd low rent and fine trade.
Illockv. tools , wagon and team , and everything
in running order. For further particulars call
nt once nt corner 25th and Davenport streets ,
moat market J. A. McClure 827
ME. DEVONSHIRE , the great clairvoyant.
hnHjuBt arrived nt 110 8 13th. She re
veals the pnst , present nnd future , causes
speedy marriages , gives advlco In business ,
etc. Bho never falls to tjtvo satlfactlon. Hours
from 9 a. m to 8 p. in. 455 21J
1ENNA fortune teller , 518 S 14th Bt
831 oct 5j
MRS. HATK1ELD , Trance business medium.
The past present nnd future revealed , sick
honied , lost found , homes made nnppy , sittings
dally at 421 S. llth It. 457 o 15J
R. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant Modi-
cnl , business nnd test medium. Office 119
North 16th street , rooms 2 A 3 , Telephone 914.
MRS. DUHANT Clnrlvoyant from Iloston IB
reliable In all atfalra ot life , unites sepa
rated lovers. U22 n 10th 1. 846oct4J
A thorough bookkeeper with fifteen years
practical experience will bo open for a
position on or before Oetobor 1. Rotoiencog
A 1. Address K B. llee office. 490.25.
WANTED A first class pastry cooknonebut
the test ones need applv. Good wages.
Homo restaurant , 117 8 14th. 343 17J
WANTED llualnosa men to know that wo
furnish first-class help for thorn ut short
notice without charge. Omaha Employment
lluronu,119N. lotlnt. 403 17
ANTED 1 man for fnrm , $20 per month
the yenr round. Omaha Kmp. Bureau ,
119 N lath st 403 17
\\rANTKD-l steady cook for Iloatrlce , steady
T T place , wages $ ri per month , fare paid.
Omaha Emp. lluroau , 119 N 16th It. 403 17
ANTED A man with a team to do grnd-
Ing , small jobs , M. F. Martin , 617 S 13th.
448 17
rANTGD-2 cooks for city. 2 dishwashers ,
10 shovellers , 1 Gorman to work In saloon ,
I grocery clerk , must have 4 years experience.
Omaha Emp. lluruuu , 119 N 16th at 403 17
tlf ANTEO-Flve traveling salesmen. Salary
TT and expenses. No experience necos-
unry. Address with stamp , Palmer & Co. ,
Lacrosse , WIs. 4W-2U *
WANTKD-Al Llddlcott's shoo store , llcat-
rice. Neb. , ono good shoemaker. Corro-
ipondoncc solicited. 481 191
17ANTED-5 good solicitors. 1013 Farnam ,
T up-stalrs. 843
WANTED Agent * in Nebraska for Gen.
John A. Logan's last work "Volunteer
Boldler. " Just published. Address J. M. French
ft Co. , Omaha. Neb. 2JJ
WAN'I El ) Agents ( both coxes for our now
pat ant combined raincoat and skirt pro
tector. Protects from storms and keeps sklrtl
bottom dry nnd clean , and lower limbs warm
and comfortable. Also men's and boy's tine
rubber coats. Address with stamp , E. II ,
Campbell A : Co. , 484 W , Handolph st. .Chicago.
_ _
\\rANTED Active and reliable young man.
TT with point' knowledge of book-keeping ,
who would appreciate a permanent position
and work for employers' interest. Address
with references , stating ago , experience and
salary expected , 1) 71. Uee olllo. 420
W ANTKD-Men for railroad iforE XT
brlght's labor agency , 1120 Farnam. Hit
\\7ANTBD A good country lilackunUh.Qor
TT man preferred , call 615 NIOtU street.
453 22J
WANTED A clerk to make out deeds at the
great $10,00 sale at 1115 Farnam street ,
Apply Monday. 002
TV ANTED-Mon nnd women for an easy ,
TT money-making business which payi fout
times better than any other. Worthy punoni
with limited means will be offered oilraordl
nary Inducements. Write for f r o samples anil
special terms. Address Merrill Manufacturing
CO. . 1153 , Chicago , 343128 *
V\"ANTED-Qood cutter and coat maker ( oni
TT person ) . Apply n pneo to box 490 , VII
h > o . la. 1J8 2t
W IANTHD-Carpenten U 8 B corner 13tl h
ad Faruatu. , i39 Ivj
\VANTr.D-FlneTcst making at 1011 Davon-
TT port St. 351 81
\VANTKI- 4 nerman boyg to carry ptpori ,
537-509 a 12th. upstairs. 6Sfl
Avowing girl ; nlso n boy nt the
City Stcnm Laundry. 4S4 17
W Af < f RiF- Girl Torgcnc'raTSiousowoYk. J.
Harrisfill Sloth. 337
w ANTED- Cook and second girl , 1510 Cap
itol n\o , big waxen. 41U 17J
TlfANTED The lade ! of Omaha that want
T T help In their families to know wo furnhn
help for the br-H families In trie city. Omaha
Employment llurunu , 119 N. ICth st , Crouuso
blok. 403 17
W ANTED-A good dressmaker at 501 8 1.1th ,
Inquire ot MM. Oreon , room l . 87817J
\VANTED 2 dining room girls for Wayne ,
TV Neb. , faro paid : 1 girl for Plnttsraouth ,
faro pnld ! Z pantry girls for hotel , 1 chnmber-
mnld , 1 dishwasher'JO girls for general house
work , first nnd second girls Tor private famil
ies. Omaha Employment Huroau , 119 S. 16th.
401 17
WANTliP Housekeeper and dining room
boyatOI21)ouglts. 40.1
"V\rANTEl7 A woman To cook wnsh nTid
T Iron. Small family. Wnges SI per week.
1410 Dodge St. 408 1C J
W IANTED-HIrl for hou nwork. Innulre
west corner 10th and Williams sts , 304
WANTED-OIrl , small family , good wages ,
Mrs. J. I ) , ilayncs , N.'J.ld , bet Chlraco und
Cass , 414
WANTED-OIrl for general housework ,
small fnmlly , $4 per week , Inquire 212
N. IGth. i-Jfi 19
WANTED-Compctontcook nnd laundress ,
references roqulroil. wages J5 per wcelc.
M. T. Patrick , cor Saundcrs and Lake. 460 lllj
ANTED A pin for general housework ,
South 21st st 4TO llj !
W ANTED A girl for ircnrrnl housework.
Mrs. Thos. F. Hall , 1545 Sherman nvo.
3)5 ! ) 19j
ITANTED irrl ! to work In the kitchen at
T the Emmltt HOIIPO. 2:12 :
WANTED A capable and experienced girl
to do some second work und bo a com
panion for little girls. Good wages paid , call
at 613 N 22nd st 242
WANTED-A good girl for washing and
housework In a fnmily of three , ( load
wages to right person. C2i South 17th street.
W ANTED-Oood wages to a good girl at OU
S. 17th st. Mrs. W. M. Ilushman. 905
WE Now have good glrli coming Into the
city every dar looking for places. I.cavo
your order at our office and wo will give you
satisfaction. Guto City Employment ofllco ,
314M S. 15th Bt 413 23
\\TANTED Nurse girl. Inquire 2215 Farnnm
TT street. 982
W IANTED-airl.2002 California st.
\ \ /ANTED Olrl for general housework nt
' No. 11)18 ) Capitol avenue. M8
TAKEN UP-Dark bay horse , white star in
forehead. Inquire , Chas. Hush , Orchard
Hill , 1 blk from Hamilton et. : t3 17J
TIAKEN UP at 25th and Maple sts , 1 black
mare colt which owner cun have by paying
charges. S 17 24 O 1
TIAKEN IIP August 19 , dark crcuin-colorcd
pony , branded on left nhouldur. J. P ,
Tlmporly. near Hajea' postoinco.
S 17 24 O 1 8 15
LOST Ladles gold hunting cnse wntcb. The
finder will receive a liborul reward bv re
turning same to Mrs. M. F. Anderson. (110 ( N
17th st. P,79 I"J
STItAlEDorftolcn A smnll liny mure. Lib-
ornl ronnrd for her return to my residence ,
40th nnd Farnam sts. .1. J. Marshall , city engi
neer's ollico , Omahii , Nob. : > 2il 17j
LOST Set of pinna of residenceKotiirn to
Diotrlck & Quth , room 16 , Crelghton block.
460 IHj
\ , \ * ANTKD A furnished smnll house or cot-
' tngoof about 8 rooms , west of 19th ft nnd
between St , Mary'n nvo and Doduo stAddi ess
E1. llco. 417 17J
WANTED Ilonrd. A nlco rospoetnblo gen-
tloman dt-slros warm room nnd board for
tlio winter in prlvatu family , as ni-ar to bourd
of trade or postolllccns possible. Address I ) 72 ,
llco otflco. Uofcronccsgiven. 415 17 ]
WANTED Hopnlrs from several good shoe
stores. Special terms. Address B4 , Ileo
ofllce 43. ! 10
WANTED Board for lady and daughter ,
with two nicely furnished pleasant
rooms , between Clark nnd Ohio stsreferences
exchanged. Address D 60 , lloo otllce , with
terms. ; H1 19J
WANTED Secondhand furniture.stoves and
household goods for spot cash. Cull at
17 N16th. 260 820
6PKR CKNT Money.
B. 0. Patterson. 16th am Hnrner. 404
$300,000 to loan , special rates on farm prop
erty , Sobotker * Porrlgo , 15J1 Farnnm st ,
500,000 to loan m any amount nt lowest rnte
* P of mtorest. H. II. Iroy , Frcn/or block. 407
MONEY to loan , cash on delay.
J. W. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnnm st .
Paxton hotel bulldine. 411
MONEY We loan money on improve d prop
erty for any desired amount at low rates
of Interest , to run from two to ton years time.
Btotts , Cox A Houston , 1607H Farnam. 959
MONEY to lonn to parties wish Inir to build
B. S. Campbell , 310 B 16th St. , Chamber of
Commerce. 409
MONEY TO LOAN on improved real estate ;
no commission charged. Leavltt Burn-
bam , Itoom 1 Crolghton Block. 413
M : ONrY In sums of ( NX ) nnd over to lonn at
low rates , Kussell & llarrott , Ilia B IGth st.
MONEY to Ixian On Improved olty property
at lowest rated of Interest No commls-
lion charged. Sholoi & Crumb , room 1 , Darker
block , cor 15th and 1'arnnm sts. 615
MONEY to loan on real estate. No delay.
First mortgages bought. Hates , Smith &
Co. , 03 Manure building , cor. 15th und Harney.
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc. , low rates. J. J.Wilkinson & Co , .
1824 Farnam , over llurllngton ticket office. 419
< J 1,000,000 to loan , H. B. Cole , 310 S 15th. First
en mortgage notes nought. 370
MONKY to loan , secured notes and mort
gagee purchased , llnalnesj confidential
and no delays. C. U. Wohvorth , corner under
under Paxton hotoK 4 H 2j ; |
MONEY TO tOAN by the nndorsigned , wno
baa the only properly organised loan
gency In Omaha. Ivans of 110 to $100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays.
All Dullness strictly confidential. Loans so
made that any part can bo paid at any Ime.eaoh
payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advance !
made on One watunes and diamonds. Persona
hould carefully consider who they are dealing
with , ai many new concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call
and see me. W. R. Croft , Hoom * W'thnnll
Building 16th and Harney. 417
MONEY To loan. 'Lowest rates. No delay.
3. L. Hlco & Co. , orcr Commercial N-
tlonal bank 410
ONEY LOANKDat C. F. ltood'4 ' Co. ' § Loan
Office , on furniture , pianos , horsos.wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without renloval. BU 8. 13th ,
over Btngham Commission store. All buii-
ness strictly confidential. 415
TIO LOAN Money Loans placed on Im
proved real estate in city or cwnty for
Now England Ixian Trust Co. , by Douglae
County bank , 16th nndChloauo sts. 414
MONEY TO LOAN-0. F. Dnfls Co. . rei
estate aad loan agents , 1606 Farnam st.
$500,000 To loan on Omaha city property at J
per cent. Q. W. Day , a. o. cor. Ex. Bid.
TIIIB OMAHA Financial Kxcnange.
N. w. corner of Hnrnoy and 15th streets ,
over State National bank.
Is prepared to make short time loans on anj
available security.
Loans m 4e on chattels , collateral or rcn
Longtime loans made on Improved real es
tate at current rates.
Purchase money mortgages nexotintcd.
Secured notes bought , gold or oxchnngcd.
Short time loans made on second miirtvairo ,
according to marginal Interest , at collatera
Iteal estate to exchange for good interest
bearing paper. ,
Generalflnanclal business of all kinds trans
acted promptly , quietly and fairly. '
Money always on hand for approved loam
of any ktnd.wltbout delay or unnecessary pub
liclty. CorUottMaa tfer , . ' { 18 '
(750.000 TO LOAN at A per cent Llnah.m
P Mnhonny. 1509 farnam. 401
? HIST clas > ThoIp fuTnl hcl on short ncHco
JP the city anil all parto of the we t wliTO
fare Is paid. Western Employment Agency ,
1(11Fnrn ( am tt Ml
LADIES Wo can Bell fire and tiurglar proof
safes for 925.00 .lust the thing for silver
ware and Jewels. Alpine Safe Co. , 316 South
Fifteenth St. . room f. 101-17
AIIAHOAIN Base-burner with even , blnek
bear robe. Almost now. y. W. cor. linh
and Lonvenworth. 475-20 *
Olt HKNT-Pnvnto family will nccommo
date few pelcot boarders. All modern
conveniences. Pleasant home. 635 Plcn ant st.
47 20J
T CHAiar.H-Ilnrney , between 12th and
13th ,
Hoard and room $4.50 per week.
Table board $3.50 per week , 437 23J
f'lANAIHAN rmpltymont onicc-Kllls onlors
Vfor all kinds of oclp on short notice. Mrs.
llregn & 8011,368 tbtn , telephone b84.
rpHK Hood system of dross cutting tntiunt.
JL The system for sale. Also patterns cut to
order , at 1303 Douglas St. , 3d lloor , room C.
Agents wanted. " 012UJ
DIt. CIIASK'S now llecelpt Hook and Homo-
hold Physician , the "Memorial Edition" ,
of over 800 pages. The "Crowning UfeWork'1
of the greatest author and benefactor that
ever lived. Just out. Agents maklne Immense
pales. Dig terms. Addrons , K. n , Dlckcrson&
Co. , Detroit , Mich. Meutlon this paper.
fllO eichanxo for other property contract for
JL A4I ) acres It It land In Cheyenne Co. . Neb. ,
two miles from railroad , al < o two ' 4 too In Lin
coln Co. . near rail road. McCulloch & Co. , cor
15th and Farnnm sts. 020
flESSPCOLS , sinks and vaults clnanod , odor-
VV lets process. E. Ewlngbox427 , city.875S20J
TO EXCHANUK-Fnr cattle , I have BOO and
forty acres of good western land to trade
for cattle , and n good house and lot near the
capital will exchange for cattle. Address S. u.
Hryan. Ashland , Nob. 43fl
TnoilKUNI gquara Hiano U montoir.
J ? Hospe.l5l3Icuini ) : . 415
"Cion HUNT Organs. M per month. Houpa ,
J ? 1513 Dourlaa. 425
/-inSS-POOLSund vaults cleaned , dead am-
\J mals removed , tlrst ward. W. II. Barber ,
008 B. 9th St. Telephone 621. PS782IJ
OI. C.-Houso furnishing goods , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J ,
Bonner , 1815 Douglaa st 426
fion KKNT-square Wane. $ t momnlv.
Hosne. H13 Doualss. 425
PEHBONAL-It Miss Alice H-st-gs , of Thorp
bouse , Nebraska City , Is In Omaha , she
will please address 8. 15 , Bee olllco. Council
llluffs. 871 17J
PKItSO'NAI * A widower of meant , aged 3 ,
would like to form the acquaintance of a
lady of menus , object matrimony. Address
K 13 , lice olllco. 489 20J
PERSONAL Ladles , wo have plenty of good
girls , leave orders with us at 220 N. 16th
street. 280 20j
PBHSONAL-C. S. Whitney soils hard and
soft coal , 1513 Farnam und l th and l/.urd.
PEHSONAL-Grlzzly. consider our acquaint
ance ended unless you bring inn a war
ranty deed lor ono of thotn ? 101ots to bo told
at 1416 Farnnm st during fair week. Imognne.
6(1.1 (
PBItSONAL E. Wiehle.M. A. , teacher of the
piano , organ \ociili/ntlon : Instruction
Invariably of highest order ; Al reference.
Olllco ; Mm Meyer A ; llro. 39.'s2a
PEH ONAL Private home for Indies during
confinement , strlt-tly eonlldentlnl. mfnnts
adopted , address K 42 , llcoolllce. If)7 ) oct K
TITI8S A. M. ALDKICII , mental hnnlpr , treats
1U- discuses absently. Address 63 Wnircuton
St. . IloMon.Mnss. 19)s25j
F SALE-Good Boarding business. 212
So. ! 10th st , 12U-17 *
fTAOK HALR-Ppnght Piuno , only $275 , cost
Jt ! tfiOO. Mngnlllcoiit 3-strimr fu17H ! octnvo :
must tie t-old ; only $275 11 tnkcn Saturday. Cull
Ferguson's Storage Co. , 715 N. 16th at.
FOH SALE At a bargain , all new , 24 feet
hard wood shelving , 2 twcho foot counters ,
hard woodil cigar cnso , 1 8 feet showcase ,
4 gas chandeliers with lamps attached , 1 largo
ice cream chest and Ice cream fixtures. 1 cham
ber sot chillis and 5 marble top tables , 1 Happy
Thought range , luivo only boon used two
months , must be sold this week at a grout sac
rifice , 2412 Cumlm ? st. M517J
FOR SALE First class covered spring wagon
cheap. W. S. Iliildutl. IGth and Capital.
449 22J
1Oll SALE Cheap , a good second hand
heating stove , ncnrly now , O. S. Po tis ,
1308IzmdBt. 4U5 23
FOIt SALE Organs at linmenco sacrifice ,
must be sold to pay storage chargci. It
will pay you to call ; no reasonable offer re
fused. Fergcrson Storage company , 715 N. 16th ,
FOR SALE-UprUrht plnno. only $ J75 , cost
$000. Elegant 7 1-3 octave , triple taring.
only cost $600 If taken ,
$275 , , Monday v i <
early. FurgcrBOn Storage company. 715 N.
ICth St. 4U9-21
FOH SALE-Ice in cur lots. Otlbcrt Bros. ,
Council lllulls. 7ftoct5 !
IT OIt SALK Cheap , n socond-himd furnace.
-I ? Inquire at 2024 Chicago street. 441 IUJ
FOll SALE Typewriter , Kemlngtou JNo. 2 ,
In good condition , very cheap. J. H.
Wood , Itoom 10 Bushman block , 16th and
Douglas. ai 21 *
FOIl SALK Furniture nnd carpets Cor , N.
20th and Grunt. 38821 *
FOH SALE Pianos and orguns sacrificed for
storage , elegant pianos ami organs at less
than oiio-halt value , good a-t now ; don't pay
Piuno dealers profits : rnro chance to get n fine
Instrument cheap. Call nt Ferguson Storage
Co. . 715 N. 16th St. 330 21
THOK BALE-Thoroughbrod Jersey cows and
-L heifers : also thoroughbred .lersoy bull ,
all premium onttle. Inquire James Barrett ,
1101 Chicago. 340 21J
FOIt SALE Furniture and lease of good
paying hotel In South Omaha , lionawa
& Co. , 15th st , . opposite postollice. 992
HENT Basement , furniture for sale
suitable for boarding , centrally located.
Apply 1616 Dodge. SSI
FOIt SALE Sot good double harness , almost
now. C. F. Harrison , 418 S. 16th st.
FCH HUNT A cottageof 6 rooms , with
well nnd cistern : for Information cnll at
2615Chicago St. 497-19 *
frUJH HENT 20-room lint , | R5 ; furniture ,
-L ( ) , OOJ ; paying investment. 10-room house ,
furniture for snlo. Two 8-room houses , -
room Hat , 7-room tint , furniture cheap. Hes-
tnurnntson 13th and on 1'ith ' streets. Snloon
for rent and fixtures for sale. 12-room board
ing bouse paying well , 9-room boarding house ,
furniture at n bargain , ll-room house on Caps
st , furniture nnd rout cheap , ono year's lease ,
" ' room house for sale furniture
- - or rent , lu- of house nnd furniture only f 150
.per month. Houses and lots for runt or sale In
till parts of the city , Co-Operative Land A Lot
Co. , 205 N. 13th St. 484 20
tt/ANTRO-Furnished / house of 9 or 10
> rooms must bo first-class , with all
modern Improvements. Uood carriage house
and stable. Desirable tenant , no small chil
dren. Enquire of James A. Woodman , 220 S.
13th St. 477-20
FOIl HENT-Houses-602 Colfax St. , 9 rooms
and bath | 55 0)
1318 ( ieorgln avenue , 8 rooms and bath. . . 60 00
300 ? Jackson at. , 7 rootns nnd bath : u 00
1307 Park rooms and bath 3000
1410 N. 27th St. , 6 rooms and cellaretc. . . 20 0)
1303 Park avenue , fine store room 4000
Colfax nnd Jackson ft. , barn 6 00
F. L.Gregory , 1120 S. 15th st.
P ° HENT 6 to 10 room houses. Good loua-
t lon. H.H.Colo310 815th. 410
FOIt HENT House of seven rooms , all mod
ern conveniences , within UTtoon minutes
walk of P.O. Now carpets , stoves , etc , for
snlo. AddrcEsM. W. , P. O. drawer M , city.
46H 17J
FOIt KENT Oct 1st. pleasant 8-room house
on N. 18th streot. Apply to II P England ,
TT1OR HEST Largo houoinfirst-classlocality ,
- * - ' Biilinblo for nrtt-cl'iBsfumlly hotel , liefer-
enccs roqulrod , The O. F. Davis company.
2U/J > 7
FOIt HENT New 8-room house , all-modern
Improvements , on Georgia avo. R. C. Put-
tcr on , cor 15th and Harney. 397
FOR RENT Commercial house at David
C.ty , Ne\j. Addrosa Henry Will , Rising
Clty.NoU , MU Oct 11J
OR'HK.\T-H.ncmenti > r3l9B. 15th it suitable -
able for barber shop. Apply to M.'F ,
" - l,13tm . . MA
FOIt HENT-Nlecly furnllheil front pxrlor
with bed room nnd bathsuitable for three
young ladles. Terms reasonable. " 40. ! St
Mary's n > o _ \ 3Oi i ;
> OH IIIJXT 2 front rooms for light house
keeping. 1014 & IHth ft. 445 17J
FOH HENT Two nicely furnished rooms at
11 Jl North 17th street , board If desired.
449 17J
171(111 ( HENT-Ncatlr furnished room nt822 S.
JU 15th ft ! fO per moil til. 7 401 17J
FOIl HEST Nlc furnjihed room for ono or
two gentlemen , board If dMlroit modern
conveniences. Apply XQll'Oasi ' St. 48."i 21 *
T7OH itENT Handsomely furnished rooms ,
JD single A en sulto gas A. bath 1718 Dodge 447 24
FOH HENT-Newly furnlMicd rooms , with oe
without botrd , on car line. 113 8. S4th st.
\ 127-19 *
FOIl HENT Nicely furnished room , hot and
cold water , bath room. 018 South 17th.
FOR KENT A suite of 2 rooms suitable for
four gentlemen. Btosm heat and all
modern conveniences. 410 N , 10th st
FOH HENT Pleasant furnished rooms , also
roams partly furnished , conveniences for
llirht housekeeping , references required , 1810
Webster st. 472 10J
FOIl HENT-Largo front room newly furn-
nishoJ , very pleasant , 814 N. 17th st. 27420J
CUM HKNT-Unfumlshed parlor nd bed-
-C room , 19il Chicago. 705
FOH KENT -ODlco spaces on ground floor ,
one front window. Enquire at 1509 ( arnam
St. , of J. S. Ulcaardson. 699 ocUl
"Ijnoil HENT-Two offlco rooms , and ono eight-
JL1 room cottnioon Harney , between 15th and
10th. W. E. Clarke. 1414 Harnoy- 73
VOH HEST Nicely furnished room suitable
J. for 2 gentlemen , inquire Mil Bt Marys avo.
FOIl HENT Large front parlor with Day
window , and alcove , also other rooms with
modern conveniences at 1S21 Fnrnam st. ono
block west of court house. 821
FOIt HENT Elegantly furnished rooms sin
gle or cnsulte , with use of bath ; electric
bolls In every room. First class restaurant at
tached , at Norrii European hotel , corner Hth
and Webster. CM
FOIt HENT-Furnlshed rooms 1810 Dodgo.
009 oct 0
FOR HENT To a small family , 7-room house ,
1134 Nortlltb. Kaufman llros , 100 ! ) Far
nam st 3S3
FOIl HENT-3 light , drr , airy basement
rooms. Apply northeast corner 19th and
Bt. Mnry'aavc. 157
FOIt HENT A Inrge , nontlv furnlsned front
room , with bay window , nlio smaller
room. 2U25 Faruam st. 241-14
"fj OH RENT Nicely furnished room , bath , hot
-C and cold water , 618 S. 17th st 203
FOR HENT 3 nice unfurnished rooms , suit
able for housekeeping , 14th and Pierce , ap
ply to 617 8.13th St. 271
FOR HKNT 3 rooms for housekeeping , 1019
N. 20th st 272
FOIl RUNT Two nlcoly furnished rooms , 1st
lloor , Ifith st , between Jackson and Jones ,
pply at store , 1005 Howard st 310
FOH HENT-Nlccly furnished rooms , 320 N.
15th st 333 Zlj
FOR HENT Nicely furnished front room ,
three blocks from postolllco. Hoforoncel.
Oil Davenport et. - 3.V ) 21
FOH RENT Eloiruntlv furnished room on
first tloor , with modern Improvements ,
917Casa. 005
FOR RENT Furnished front rooms with
board , brick houso. C03 N. 17th. 101 ll'j '
FOH HUNT Good furnished room , 1909 Kar-
nilin St. 438 19 *
plOH RENT Handsomely furnished rooms ,
JL ? Blnglo and on suite , gna and bath , 1708
Dodg" 447 23
CTOIt HENT A I'irgo , nicely furnished room ,
I ? nt 537 1'alrviow St. , nonr St Mury's avc.
451 10J
FOH HE\T--No\vly I'urnUhod sulto of looms ,
modern conveniences. Hoard given if do-
Ircd. No. IK. Georgia nvo. 45219J
7\OR \ HENT-Plcasiint rooms , furnished ,
- southwest corner 2uth.and Webster. 318
TTKR RENT--Nicely furnlf.hed large bedroom -
- room , street floor. 1715 Davenport st.
2'J7 19J
FOR RENT Ono largo pleasant room , south
front , brick lint , suitable for 2 or 4 gentlemen -
men , 1416 Chicago st 288
"C OR RENT Furnlsaod rooui , 1915 Farnam St.
FOR RENT 3 rooms In tint suitable for
housekeeping , 110(1 ( S. 7tn street Anplv
t617 8.13th st. 826
FOH RENT A neatly furnished south front
room , No. 2024 21st and Harnoy. 21 IUJ
fJ'OR HKNT-Woll furnished roomB cheap for
P the winter. M. side of Leavonworth bet.
7th and 18th sta. 220 IHJ
T71OR RENT Desirable furnished room for
JL ? gentlemen nt8J9 Howard St. 6S3
B1OH HENT A furnished room to gentlemen
only. 2027 Farnam st. 385 'iff
HENT-Front room with board. 810 S18.
377 21J
RENT-Furnlshod front room. 641 818th
375 21J
j"Kk HhNT A aiKo front alcove room , I7U.
} Dodge St. 70S
TTOR HENT Rooms , furnished or unfur-
JL' nlshed in private house , no children , gen-
tlemcn piofcrred , nt 2G22 Cumlug St. 88.V1 Op
FOR HENT Vurmshed rooms in Orennlgblk ,
cor 13th and Dodiro st. Inquire of Davis Jc
Hetherlngton.Mlllard Hotel Milliard room. 23. !
F'OR RENT-Furnlshod rooms with board ,
1903Fnrnam. U07oo4j
FOR RENT Room suitable for 1 or 2 gentle
men , with board. 1812 Dodge. 6 > ! 5
FOR RENT-Ntceiy furnished looms , to gen.
tlemcn only. 220 N. Ifith St. . Room 2. 439
WANThDBltuatlon by Istclass salesman ,
speaks Gorman and English , best of city
reference Is nlso a good bookkeeper. Add less
E 10 Ileo ollico. 457 171
WANTi-iU Places for 2 cooks , 4 chamber-
mulds , 1 nurse , 1 bookkeeper , 1 janitor.
Men for all kinds of work , western Employ
ment Agency , 1 12 Farnnm st. 50020
WANTED-Sltuatlon as first-class broad and
C8 < co bakor. wages not as much object u *
Btoady Job. Address llakor , 1U22 Hurt fit.
TITANTKD Situation by a flrst-clnss meat
TT eooksobcrand rollnbloalaounderstands
oyster business. Address D. 07 , llco ofllco.
3bfll7 *
WANTED Circulars to fold and address
$2 per 1,000. Address D Ok lloo olllce.
33'J 17 *
WANlED-Sltuatlon In ilrst class bar by
younu man of experience , addroes Chaa.
Pholpa,6H7 Michigan ave. , Detroit , Mich. 287 17J
WANTED By nn Amorlcnn womnn.situn-
tlon as housekeeper , or to do family sow-
Ing. Reference given. Address E 14 lloo
ofllie. 483 21J
WANTED Situation n's stenographer by a
lady who has had experience , cnn furnish
typewriter. Address D 4.1 , Uoe olllce.
\\7ANTKD Position bv i stenographer , typo -
' writer , reforenciis furnished. Address
D 44 Doe olllco. ' 21719J
STORAGE- Furniture , boxed goods , &o. ,
terms reasonable , 714 PaclHc. 1M
TjlIIlST-CLASS Htoragoat | 110 N 13th ft
OTOHAOE Flrst-class"sorag for nio fur-
fj nltur * or boxed goodii atlMJ Dodge-st
PECIAL Ilargalns Sholcs A Crumb , ( loom 1 ,
llaikcr block , corner 15tb und Farnam.
Full lot on Tenth btrcet , near llrownull
Hall . . . 4,000
Full corner lot ou Davenport west ot
High School , 68x132 . . . 5.000
6jxl40 on Virginia avenue north of Lenv-
onworth . . 7/XX )
75x140 on Virginia avenue north of Leav-
enwortb , at a bargain .
2 lots on corner In Foster's addition . BJGO
6Gxl28on SaUDdersitrcet . 7 UJ
2 lots In Myers , Richards & Tilden's add ,
ciich . , . 700
nOllU2on Iznrd Bt , warehouse lot . 6UW
U lots in Clark's add , north of St Mary' *
a\e , per foot . . . . . . 100
20 lots ID Hanscom Place , ( I.SUOto . 4,0 0
Now 8 room house In good location for It/AW ,
torrai easy. Tbls Is it snap.
Houses and loti at all prices and tn allparti
of the city. If you want to buy , sell or rent ,
call oh us.We c n show you the. largest and
b it Hit of property in tbe olty. , jU IT
St'RCIAL HAltflAIN3-5 room house on 29th
near Vites , U.-.XW. tl.OOU cash.
room home and 'Mi lot In Denlse's addition ,
with barn , f3,71)0 ) , $1,000 caih ,
12 room house , full lot. on Seward near Soun
ders , all modern Improvement ? , | 9OUO , f.1,000
5 four room houses In Lowe's addition , (1,500
oneh $200 cash , balance on en y terms.
llenutiful lot In llnincom Plnce , 13.MO.
A room cottage nnd 2 lots , Walnut Hill , t2CGO ,
ono third cash.
Fine corner in Kllhy place , $1B5Q.
Also some choice barg.ilni In Orchard Hill
and towo't addition , II. R. Hull and Co. ,
47 a N. ifltti at
OR 8ALi-Lot : < 0 , llurr Oak , $1,000 ; $3oO
ciish , bat-yrs.
Lot ; M , blk f , lUrrtcom place , $ .1,500 , M cath ,
Ix > t 12 , blk 2. Potter's add. . I.ROJ , > . ' onih. ,
Ixit 5 , blk2 , Kllby place. $1,750.
Lot 7. blk . and lot y , blk 10 , Dwlght & Lymnn
add , $90U each.
Three lots Sunnysld * . $2,500 each.
Lot 16 , blk 17 , Hanscoiu place , $ .1.500.
Infi ftshormanavo. near Ixicustst. , $0,500.
Corner , H0xl6l ft.Klrkwood , $2,8(0 ( , lj cash.
Corner lots , lied ford place , $750 each ,
Ixt 4 , blk 212'S ' , city.iS.OOO , rents $175 per mo.
Lot 0. blk 173 , city , IM.WIU.
Lot 0 , blk 76 , city , $3flooo , rents $85 per mo ,
I-ot n , blk 75 , city , $13wa
Lot 1 , blk 163 , city , $30,000 , l ( CR h.
Lot 2 , Windsor place , with $2 : > ,000 improve
ments , $50,000 , H cash , bal. 3 or 5 yrs.
Lots In Potter JtCobb's add. South Oinabn ,
(375 up.
Acre proi > erty near South Omaha $200 to $300
per acre.
Potter A Cobb , 1601 Fnrnnm St. , Donrd of
Trade building. 484 in
SA. SLOMAN , Real estate , 13M Frtrnamst.
. Farnam tt. between Twentieth and
Twenty-third , 116x132 , per foot $ 400
Farnmn st corner Thlrty-llrst 136x132 ,
porfoot l.V )
Farnam st. n r pavement , 47x1.12 4IN )
Farnam st. near pavement , Iiiixl82
Farnam st. corner Fortv-thlid , 44x132. . . 3,600
Farnam st. corner Nineteenth. Im
proved , 22x132 20,000
Farnam st between Nineteenth and
Twentieth , Improved , 77xit2 : 40,000
Farnnm st near Eleventh , 20x132 , rents
for $1.500 23.0W
Farnam st. near Twenty-Seventh , 80x132
per foot , 200
Harney st near Twentieth , improved
174xi67 60.000
Harnov st. near Twenty-third , Improved ,
Blx : 11,000
Harnoy st. near Fifteenth , Improved33x
132. . . 15.000
Sixteenth st. near Nicholas , COrfxW 12,000
Sixteenth st south of viaduct , 40x102. . . . 5,000
Douglas st east of Twenty-third. 66x132. . B.OOO
Twentieth st , noardt. Mary's ave , im
proved. 40x120 H.OOO
Twentieth st , between Douglas and
Dodge , improved , 32x d .0)0
Sounders st , corner Hurt , 100x51 7,500
Alice Bt , near Farnam , east front 47zl : < 2. 1,8 JO
Fifteenth st , corner Jones , Improved , 6
XI32 30,000
'ourteonth8tcornerJacksonlinproTed ,
6flxl32 30,000
Fourteenth stcornorChicagolmproved ,
MzliC ! 18,000
Twelfth it. corner Jones , Improved , 66x
132 23,000
Eleventh Bt , corner Nicholas , trackage.
66xl3J 0,000
Thirteenth it , Paddock place , trackage ,
OflxlIZ 2.500
hlrteenth Bt , corner California , Im
proved , rents $ IBOO Z6.000
_ 'ark ' vo , opposite Park.50x150 2,000
Dnvenport Bt , opposite High school ,
flno modern fourteon-room house 00
xl32 11.000
CUBS St. , beiween Nineteenth and Twen
tieth , twelve-room modern house , G9x
ii2 ; , . . ! . . . 15,000
Nicholas st , corner Twenty-second ,
trackage , 13 x132 , improved 20,000
Charles St. , near St. Mary's , lmprovod,04
X128 6,400
2alpy stnear Cretahton colloge.modern
ton-room houso.i3xl42 ; 0,250
I'leice st. .near Twentieth , 00x183.fronts
two gtrootBImproved 6.i.riO
Dodge .st , near Twenty-sixth , ; t8x32 , Im
proved * 3,000
Twenty-second st , near Draco. 06x120. . . 3,009
West Omnhn , In bon ton locality , 40 or 00
xlUJi , per foot 75
Twenty-llrstcornerVlnton,52x100 . . . . 1,500
lastellar it. , next corner Eighth , fll'ix
1 } . . . 1 i\KK )
KI * < * * * ( * ! * * t * n
Thirty-third St. . corner Delaware.Hans-
eoml'l'ieo 100x100 5,400
Lcavnnwiirthft nonr Sixteenth , 2)-x ) . . 0,0 > K )
Wobsterst , nonr Twonty-olghth , 50x150 ,
ongrado l.Wl
In addition to the nbovo I have lots In all
choice additions nt low figures. 7 < > 'J
FOH BALK A Bret-class hotel property doing
excellent business. Must eel ) In sixty
days. For price nnd terms address B. S. Lilly ,
real estate dealer Broken Bow. Neb. 293
A \2W well selected and absolute bargains.
Jest block In Boyds add , 10 lots 64xl2lH (
oaoi , , only $ i,0 ; > M. Investigate.
Lovely llttlo homo on 22d st near Lake , house
0 rooms , beautiful location. $6,500.
Splendid lot In Orchard hill ono block from
Hamilton st , only f " 00 , $235 cash , bal 72,1 per
lunrter Very cheap.
Itcnutlful corner nnd InHldo lot In Clifton hill
| 1,3'JO for both , onsy terms.
Full lotenilt-y onCnldwell st near Snunders
st,7 room house , barn and shade trees , (6,600.
40 acres adjoining Highland park , all platted ,
2 nnu lota near Lnko and Saunders Bt , only
f 1,500 each , 14 cash.
Fine south front lot In Baker place nonr
Military ronil. A bargain J575 , f 130 onsh.
Good south front lot In Wise A Parmelces add
Anything that you will sell cheap pionso list
with us and wo will sell for you , Mitchell &
Loyonmarck , 1510 Dodge st. _ 100 17
MAKE An offer. Wo are nnthorl/cd for 30
days to receive olfers for three line lots on
Military avenue. Two , a corner , will subdi
vide Into 0 business lots. A reasonable offer
will take them. J. M. Clark nnd Purrott &
Williamson , 1401 Douglas street. Up stairs.
300 17
LIST your property with H. E.Colo , 310 8.
16th , room 1. 409
$850 will buy 40x127 4 , south front. Apply
nt 3(14 Decatur street 1(18 (
THWO lots In Albright's Choice , opposite onr-
-L rlago factory , nt a bargain. Can bo divided
Into business property.
Anyone wishing to build In lvounto property ,
A line south trout lot for (2,000 : terms onsy.
10 acres near manufacturing center at n bar
gain if taken at onci ; can bo sub-divided nt
once and 300 per cent realized. Eight lots In
ono body , Albright's choice , at astonishing
prices If taken in u lump ; nlso 100 lots In "Junc
tion View" nt your own terms. 4 lots in Brookline -
line at the original prices If tnken Immodl-
Tbo nbovo property can bo purchased nt n
bargain If tnkcn Inside of ten days. Call on
Woodbrldiro Bros. Wo moan business. 2168
15th st. Opera house. 374 25
LIST your houses for rent with Stringer A
Co. 1518 Dodge st. Houses for rent In all
parts of the city at Stringer A Co. , 1618 Dodge.
PLACE 75 residence lots situated
BUHH one to five blocks south of the South
Omaha brewery. Prices from fXO to S600.
One-third cash , balance on easy terms at H per
cent Interest. J. J. O'Hourke , solo owner.
736 oij
rnilK cheapest and best lot on Orchard sti
JL Oi chard hill , price 11,200. terms easy , 305
816th. Charles C. Bpotswood. 660
EF. KINGBH , 119 N 16th it , bet Dodge and
. Cap. avo.
118,000 - modern houses , 7 nnd 12 rooms each ,
lot 72x140 , Douglas , near 23rd.
16,500 113x140 , l th st near Clark st , beautiful I
lot and a bargain.
$10,000 120 ft e front on Humidors nnd 50x120 In
rear , opposite Konnu place.
(6,500-10 choice lots , Boyd's add , nonr plain
ing factory , 4 blocks trom Saundors.
125,00) 0-l.tlM , buildlnr cost (8,000 , suitable
for manufacturing , Davenport , near
17th , will take 110.000 In Douglas Co.
land or otner city property.
(0,000.exl3. . ! . choice 1st , Cass , nonr 22nd , will
oxehantru equity for other property.
(8,500 Fine stock millinery , choice location ,
'A cash. Imljood Omaha property.
Choice business and residence property for
sale In nil parts of the city. E. F. Itingor. 658
"VITANTED Aero property. I have 27 choice
TT lots on Douglas Park boulavurd Chicago ,
In close pioxlmlty to street car lines
nnd the half hour suburban trains
of the Wisconsin Central rail
rend nnd laying only 4 miles west of the Pal
mer house. 'J ho boulevard on which my 21
lots nro locnted is 250 feet wldo and Is admitted
to be the finest drive way In Chicago. I want
to trade for rholco acre property In the vlrln.
Ity of Omahi. Address F. H. Whitney. Atlan
tic , Iowa. * /J 20J
FOH SALB-132xl32 ft on H H track on Nlcho
Ins and 13th with ware house
lories , price (14,000. Address Shaw A Meld
box 62 * . Omaha. _ 202 o2 *
1ST your property for sain with Charles C ,
J Spots wood , 305H BKtti St. 042
FOIl SALE A beautiful 9-room house jusi
completed In Jerome Park on Swift street
Just off Farnam. oath room , cellar and all mod
ern Improvements , clitcrn , burn , otu. May
trade for a small unencumbered farm , not toe
far from Omaha. Apply to Charles C. Spot-
BWOOd,305H . IKth. 378
FOK BALE Fine Improvftd tarm of U20 acre !
In Cioipcr Co. , Neb , , all under fenco.good
bouse , and all out bulldltif , price (4.000. Ad
dress J. U. Soaw , box 5 t , City. 201 o2J
FOR SALE Lot 8 , Pclbnm plnco , W ) ft or
Bristol st , 1 sliaro ix > we nvo Terrace
Building association Block , 1 horse buggy am
harness. Will sell below value if sold teen
Apply to Frank Barrett , 621 B. 2utu st. 349 21
TO EXCHANGE For unlncmnboro'l land It
Nebraska or Iowa , flue ploco of Inside res !
donee property , largo house , and two fulllota
also BO mo good farms trade for stocks of mor
chandlso , drngs , etc. , cnll and see us If yoi
want u good trade. Cone it Jobnsou , 724 N. 1611
treot. 2W 20
WHAT have you to Undo for fine 2-story
residence and two lots m th west part of
town ? John C. Thompson , Herald ortlco.
STHINCIKR A Co. , 1618 Dodge stare giving
special attention to renting houses and
collecting rents. ' 2irt
rpo EXCHANGE Some money nud choice
J- land for tlrst class , improviM Insldo piop-
erty. H , IJ. Colo. 310 S 1Mb 411
flLAKKSON A I1EATTY Ppoaelnt bargains.
VHlvhlnnd place. 140x15' ) corner. In sumo
block with iWlthncll A Itogors. This In one of
tint choicest building sites In Omnhnnnd we can
soil It at a big bargain , way below what It Is
Bniindersst.lZOft front , close to Lake St. ,
and a corner at about (60 per foot. This Is the
best bargain In Omaha.
South loth St. , a choice lot , 60x150 , flue sluulo
with small cotlmru for saleat A bargain nud
very easy terms. This Is chclco residence prop
erty.Harney st..00 tra with good 0 room house
and barn only (12wo.
Bedford plnco , 4 nice south front lots In block
1 at SH50 each. Knsy terms.
Flats or tenements. Wo have the
south and east corner In the city to Improve
with flats or tenement" , paved streets and nil
imniovements. Investigate.
Harney st , 50xli2 : , (7.50J.
Virginia ave and Howard , corner 69x140 ,
Omaha View , nice lot for(760 , (300 cash and
balance (10 per month.
Uruld Hill , cloirant lota , only (170 down nnd
an equal amount every six mouths , Sovcrnl
now manufacturing enterprises have locnted
nor this property and It will bo required for
nctual use soon. No better or safer property
to buy than this.
Truckage Wo hnvo flue trackage ill Floyd's
addition on bolt railway , ildo track already In ,
that we can sell at a bargain. This Is the cheap
est und best trackage In Omaha. Wo huvo lo
cnted ono mnnufRctory there , which will begin
operations October 1 , employing " 0 men. Wo
nlso have a few choice residence lots In Boyd's
addition at low prices and easy terms.
Parties wishing to Improve will not bo re
quired to pay any cash down. See us before
you buy for bargains In all Kinds of property.
219 S. 14th St. 354 19
GK. Ibompson , real estate , 314 South
Fifteenth street.
Corner on North Thirteenth street. 100x110 ,
four houses rent for (1,800 jur year , (2,600 ,
a wonty acres suitable for platting for 15,000.
Fine business lot on Saunders street vheup.
Finest corner In Fall-mount plnoo , $1,600.
Klrkwood lot , east front , (1,450.
Ono hundred and four foot frontage In block
1 , Kedlck's subdivision. (4,500.
Corner 1 blook North Lonvcnworth street ,
near Klrkoiulall , for a few days only , cheap ,
Four-room house and one-half lot on South
Eighteenth stieet. (1.70J ,
Residence lot near Ilnnscom Park , $700.
Business lot sixty-six foot and bouso on South
Sixteenth street , (1,709.
Sco my list before purchasing1 , 314 south
Fifteenth street. 488
LIST your pioporty with H. E. Cole , 310 8.
16th , room 1. 409
mo EXCHANOE-Equlty In. 4 , 6 and 10 room
JL houses and lots for paid up lots. H. E.
Cole , 316 S 15th. 410
LIST your property with H. K. Cole , 318 8.
15th. room 1. 409
FOIt SALR Finest location for a home In
West Omaha , adjoining the mansion
homes of Klrkendall , COP , Brady , Eisson and
others. Nothing finer In the city. Can sell
165x187 or loss ; for prloos and terms flooS. A.
filoman , 1301 Farnam St. 7113
Not Ice to Contractors.
Sonlod proposals will bo received nt the olllco
of the Steward an. ! Secretary ot tbe University
of Nebraska , In Lincoln , until 12 o'clock ( noon )
on Wednesday. September 28 , 1887 , for furnish
ing nil of the labor nnd materials necessary for
the erection and completion of a building tor
snld iiniveisity for the Iniustrlal College nnd
school of the Mechanic Arts , Recording to plans
nnd bpoultleutions propnred by J. 11. W Haw
kins , architect , of Lincoln , Nebraska. In nil
cnscs whore the spocilloatlons for said building
permit of an option In the use of materials ,
bidders will prepuio proposals for nil kinds of
materials named , and the cost of oncli respect
ively. Plans nud spccllloatloiis may liooxatn-
Inod nt the olllco of paid architect ,
til Klchards Block , or at the olllco
of the Slow.ird of the University , In
Lincoln , room No. 1 , main building. Each
bidder will accompany his proposal with u bond
In the sum of (1'Hlv ' , with sufficient sureties , or
glvo other sntisfnctory security , conditioned
thut In cnso bis iiroposnls are accepted , ho will ,
within fifteen dnys from notlco of such accep
tance , enter Into contract with the Hoard of
Hogcntsof the Univareltv and furnish the
bond requireI by law for the erection ot said
building ; all bids not accompanied by such se
curity may bo rejected. The committee In
chnrvuon hohalf of the Hoard of llononts ,
reserve the right to reject any nnd ull bids.
Bids should bo addressed to the committee in
chnrgo of the InduMHal College building , euro
ot J. S. Dales , bccrotary of the University ,
Lincoln , Nob. Lonvltt Burnlmm ,
I. J. Manntt.
O. E. licssoy ,
U K. Hloks ,
By .1. 8. DALE ? , J. 8. Dales.
Sept. 18 d Oi. Secretary. Co in mot too.
Jly Dr. Snedlker's method. No operation : no
pain ; no detention from business. Adapted to
children nsncll usgro n people. Ilundiodsof
autograph testimonials on tile. All Inislnes.i
strictly confidential. Consultation freo.
Room t > , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. Neb.
Union National Bank
Paid Up Capital $100,000
Authorized Capital 600,000
W. W. MARSH' , President.
J. W. ROUEFEK , Cashier
Accounts solicited and prompt attention
given to all business entrusted to its care.
Pay 5 per cent on time deposits.
No 200 Masonic Building , cor.Capitol Av
enue and 16th sts.
Telephone No 842.
National Bank ,
Northwest Corner Farnam anil 13th Sis
Paid up Capital , - - $400,000
Surplus Fund , . - - 8O.OOO
Frank Murphv , President.
Samuel E. Rogers , Vico-Presulcnt
ben U. Wood , Cashier.
Luther Drake , Asst-Cishicr :
Accounts solicited anil prompt atten
tion paid to all business entrusted to its
Carpenter and Builder ,
3OO Soulli Mileciilli Street.
General Insurance As
( Vivo , Lightning and TornadoJ
N. W. Cor. lutb and Hnrnoy Kts. , Omaha , Nob.
To IcphonelL'l
415 Harney Street. Telephone No , G'J
Cess Pools and Vaults thoroughly cleaned by
Odorless Process.
Orders promptly tilled.
Offlcei.Bontb Ornat * Room } , .lluuti iiullalnz.Nlnlh
OB * * * Boxmfc OT CuBBtrcUl Nktlootl li i k.
Running Between Council RlutfB and Boutli
Omana. In addition to thti stations mentioned ,
traliiM stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth ]
etreetp , and at the Suiinult m Omaha.
Notice to Contractors.
SEALED bids will bo lorolved by the Board of
Publlo Lnndsand llulldlngu at any tiino before -
fore Soptunibor25,1887 , at 2 p. m , , lor nil work
and materials to complete main building for
the Incurnhlo Insane on ground * selected fop
that purpose nt Hustings , Nebraska , Huali
work and mntorlnls to Include steam heating ,
plumbing and sewerage , nnd ull to bo done lit
ui-cordiiiifii with plans nnd specifications now
on flln with the Commissioner of Publlo LamU
nnd Buildings.
Bills must bo uooompnnlod by bond In the sum
of (5,000 Od , conditioned that accepted blddot
will enter Into contract to do the work.
Successful bidder will bo required to give
bond In the sum of fV.OW.OO ) conditioned tor
faithful performance of contract.
Contractor to rocolvo sixty per cent of con
tract prlco when building Is up nnd roof on ,
and forty per cent when building Is completed
and accented.
Bight reserved to accept any or reject nil
August St , 1RS7.
Ily order of Bourd of Publlo Lands and Build *
ings. (1. L. LAWS , Secretary.
s5t < > 25
Cor llitli nnd Douglas sts.
Capital Stock . $160OOO
Liability of Stockholders. . . . 3OO.OOO
The only regular snvlmcs bank m the stuto.l'ive
per cunt Interest pu'.d on deposit *
Loans Made on Html etate.
UuvC. HAIITON , Picsldunt ; J. J. BIIOWN , VIe
President ; I , . M. UBVXKIF , Maniumr "i-
rocior : JOHN E. , Cashier ,
Capital $6OOOOO
Surplus 100,000
Herman Kountze , Presiitent.
John A , Creighton , Vice-President.
F , H. Davis , Cashier.
W. H. Me auier , Asst.-Cashler.
LUkJUUi lUUlVlllll 1 Jill 111) )
Cmalia , ZtTolo.
Paid up Capital $250,000
Surplus 42,000
II. W. Ynlos , I'residi-nt.
howls S. Kueil , Vicu-Pre.siilcnt.
A. E. Touy.iilin , 2cl Vicu-l'rcsidont.
W. II. S. Huulios. Caaliiur ,
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins
II. W. Yutes , Lewis S. UeoU
A. E. Toti/.alm.
Cor. I'-th und Furnani 'its.
A General Hunkin e Htisiness Transiioto
Union TrustCo
ilON.'i. 15111 St. , Olllllllli , .Vct .
Capital , $300,000
l.oaim Ia U : < MI Kviil IMaU ; .
School , County and Municipal Homls No
WM. A. PAX-ION , W i , < ' . M AW *
1'rcgiucnt. Vice Prea.
Secrotul ? Tni'isur'jr.
W , O. MAUL. ' - H. WlM.IAMH.
ItOUT. I * OABUrilB. 8. It , JO
< ' V. I ) . JOIIMHOB.