Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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country were motUazed in conscquonce
thereof. Ho thought a reversal would bn
more equitable. The senator dealt out hard.
cold facts In a plain , homely way that could
bo understood by nil. llo spoku for about
two hours but his spoecli was BO Interesting
that tlio pcnplo did not tire In listcnlnc. llo
mndo many now frionth and iimdo still more
solid and lastlne tlio friendship of these
vrho had previously been attached to him.
Itlohnrdflon Comity I'olltlos.
FALLS CITY , Neb. , Sept. 18. | Correspond
ence of the UKK | The political pot begins
to boll nnd bubble. Colby's creation of a
second jud ship In this district Is bringing
forth a whole swarm of candidates for ju
dicial honors. Among tlio prominent demo *
Crats mentioned In connection with this
ofllce Is K.V. . Thomas of this city , who cer
tainly stands nt the very top of tlio legnl pro
fession In the state. Tlio brainiest repub
licans In this county do not appear tn nsplro
to judicial honors. General C. 11. Van
\Vyck has been raising the echoes nt tlio old
settlor1 ! ! meetings ami county f sirs nnd la
voicing a sentiment that Is taking strong
hold or thn ] Hipiilnr heart
Should VmiVvckbetho \ republlran noni-
lueo In IH-sS for conitross from the big First
ho will heat any man the democrats could
Thu liftli annual exhibit ot the Ncmslia
Valley District Fair association commences
on on tlioSOtli lust. , nnd no pains have been
spared to nmko this the ovtmt of thn season
in Nebraska. The grounds nnd
track arc among tlio best In thuatato and are
In the centre of the best agricultural district
In the west.
The railroad bridge across the Missouri
river at llulo will bo completed , so they sar ,
by some time In October. It Is a splendid
structure nnd will plncu Ulchardson county
on ouo of the main thoroughfares of the
World. _
A Correction.
GIIA.ND ISLAND , N b. , Sept. 15. To the
Editor ot the ! ! KK : Calling your attention to
the HEK of August 1C , and the article wherein
reference is made to the suit of Joseph Ochs
VS Olot Uergstrom et al , it Is duo to Mr. Berg-
Itrom nnd Mr. Nordxrcon to say that trie
check was refused because the names In the
mortgage were misspelled nnd the person
Bonding the check to this bank was so In
formed at the tltno , nnd a written memo
randum to that ellect pinned to the check.
When the error In the mortgage was cor
rected Mr. Ochs was advised that the check
would bo paid on presentation with papers
us agreed , but tills was declined by Ochs. in
the meantime no ana had suffered except on
account of tho. few clays delay. No fraud
was perpetrated or attempted. Mr. Nord-
ftreon nnd Mr. Bergstrom are respected citi
zen * nnd no far as we know honest In nil
their dealings.
Mr. Uchs evidently belongs to that very
large class of men who bollcvo Nebraska to
be peopled with rogues , and thn article In
your paper does the parties to thn transaction
nrt injustice which wi > trust you will
promptly correct The bank docs not com
plain of any Injustice to Itself , but only to
.Messrs , liurgstrom nnd Nordgrcen. Vary re
spectfully , A. A. AniiOTT ,
Vice President Grand Island Banking Com
pany. _
A Colorado IMinnnmonnn.
IIoLYOKR. Col. , Sept. 17. [ Correspond
ence of the BKK.I The abovonamo maybe
new to BEI : readers , but It Is nevertheless
destined to become as well known as Hast
ings or Grand Island. Land was bought
here several months ngo , nnd the Choymmo
branch of the B. & M. has been in full opera
tion for six weeks. Business of various
klndtf has settled on the naked prairies. A
committee representing n population of 5,000
people , has petitioned to know the location of
the town , In order to vote on the county seat ,
but still there Is delay In order , probably to
onhancn the value of lots.
llolyoko Is destined to be the great center
ot eastern Colorado , not only on account of
Ha natural location , but also on account ot
the plans of the B. & M. , whose three brunches
centering nt this point arc built in tliu most
substantial manner possible. The rails are
stud , sixty-six pounds to the yard , the ties
extra heavy oak and cuilsir , the cuts me few
and wide. The grade Is mostly above the
level of the prairie and therefore snow proof
nnd the crudes uastward from Cheyenne to
McCook , a distance of ! ! G3 miles , nowwhero
exceed six Indies per hundred ieet. It is
evidently built to stay , and ns n trunk line
from Wyoming east. This Is the mniu line.
The branch from lloldro o to UUson , n dis
tance of S35 miles , crosses the main line at
This work of 600 inllos necessltntes n now
division station with a full complement of
local olllcers , material and tmpuly yards , re
pair shops , eating house , round house , etc. ,
nnd llolyoko has been selected ns such di
vision. The history of North Platte , with
Its 3,500 Inhabitants , on one line of road and
in the midst of the most desolate and un
productive expaimo of sand hills In Nebraska.
ahows what tlio location of n division and
nothing else can do , but without any division ,
llolyoke would make a better town than any
of Urn central Nebraska county Boats.
because Nebraska counties only average
570 square miles , wlillo Logan
county , ot which llolyoko is to bo the capital
la 3'JUO square miles 111 extent nnd even
when divided will have 1,600 miles of terri
tory and , for Undo purposes , more yet , as ,
with the single exception of Julcsuurg thirty
miles to the north and cut elf by the bluffs ,
Baud and water of the 1'latte river , there is
not another trading point iu this whole
region. The nearest nru SU'rtlne lifty miles
west , the cost fifteen sand , Akron htty-slx
mile * southwest. Yum. forty-live miles
outhwest , Wray and Ilalglor fortv-Hvo
miles south , of which twenty Is sand hills.
To the east tlio nearest towns are Grant in
Keith county , also thirty-live miles.
lloljokolson Frenchman crook , at this
point only a dry tand bed , but the wbolo
basin of the Frenchman Is unsurpassed for
fertility. In width It Is nearly thirty-six
miles from the bluffs of the riatte to the
Band hills and Its souices are thirty miles
west , and in all this region there is scarcely
a pour aero. Everywhere along the creek
and In Its branches water is found at n depth
of a few feet nnd on the table lands
nt 100 to 150 Ieet , Much of this land Is still
open to settlement , particularly within thn
limits of tlio Union I'ucltic land crnnt , sud
sixteen miles nnd westward from llolyoke.
The fact that settlers were tiftv miles from n
railroad delayed settlement , These notready
to settle can still buy railroad land nt $5 to
610 per acre , and for farming purposes this
tand Is Intrinsically worth more ihnu eastern
Nebraska land , for the mountain market
makes all crops nioni valuable. Taxes ounlil
to bn exceedingly low , as there are ICO mil
of railroad In opuiation , .200,000 acres of rail
road land noon subject to taxation , and ay
equal amount of deeded government land to
Which title has been secured by pru-umptors ,
To-day there is nothing nt llolyoko , hut lu
a few weeks n committee of our citizens ex-
Rect to go to llolitro o nnd dupilvo thorn ol
lelrslKH board , "Music Clty'r end nail the
same to the depot in llolyoke.
The UKI : , which will reach heio the nlghl
of the day of publication , will bo the news
paper of this region. Firstly , because il
It Is the best newspaper ; nnd secondly , be
cause the Colorado dallies nru wholly devoted
to mineral , range and Irrigation Interests ,
while this county is wholly ngr.cultural , ami
thirdly , because four-tifths of the settlers an
from Nebraska and already know the paper.
Montgomery's Passion For Ldfa
cm the Scnicc.
MuuriiiK , Tonn. , Sept. 18. Quito n sensa
tion was created here to-day by the publica
tion that Mrs. S . A. Montgomery , wife of S ,
A. Montgomery , secretary of Uio Momuhh
Jockey club , was n member of McCaulI'f
opera company in Now York , nml
nightly appeared as one of the chorus
singers In "The Bellman , " now be Inn
produced at Wnllack's theater. Mrs. S. A ,
Montgomery , nee Mamie- Thompson , Is tin
crnnddnughterot the Into Hon. Jacob Tiiomp
Ron , who \\nsale.-uleror the southern con
federacy. Slio Is tlio youngest ot two girl !
whom Mr. nnd Mrs. Thompson took to raise
soon nfter the war , nnd Is yet hardly out o !
her teens.
The elder sister , Kate , who , during hei
girlhood , was a rolcu lug belle In Memphis
society , nnd ecrtnlnly one of tlio most beauti
ful and queenly women In Tennessee , Is UK
wife of Mr. Van Kirkmnn , a wealthy man ol
Nashville. The two young ladies had even
advantagu that wealth , prestige and hlcli
breeding could bestow , and carried thorn-
eel ves in a manner to win the nltecllon nml
lutmlrntinn of all classes. Miss Mnmlt
Thompson was a slightly built blonde ,
welglng iMirhapJ.llO pound. , and thoroughly
stylish from the tips of her delicate snrtpr. '
to the point of the ostrich feather that trem
bled on her hat. lu society she.wns. over n
.groat favorite because of her vhnclous ilKinj
utlon and independent spirit , and lu the
A. Je.
crowded ball room none had more beaux to
comn forward and claim her hand In the
dance than she. For n brlof season or two
she thus held sway In the social world , nnd
but a little more than a year ago went to Old
1'olnt Comfort for the summer.
Scarce had the pretty Memphis blonde
nueeued It nt that resort of wealth and culti
vation a fortnight until she received nn offer
of marriage. Tills cnmo ftom Mr. 8. A. Mont
gomery , of Memphis , the son of Colonel 11.
A. Montgomery , president of the Memphis
Compress and company , nnd ono of
the wealthiest and most enterprising men of
that city. The young people had known ona
another for yearn , nnd the proud young girl
was not long In making up her mind. She
promptly accepted , nnd they were married.
After a season ut the summer rpsorts they
wont back to Memphis nnd took up their
nbotlo in the KKiml old homo which tliu Hon.
Jacob Thompson had built before ho died.
Mr. Montgomery Is the secretary of the
New Memphis Jockey club , and Is fond of
horses , nnd the young couple were frequently
been together at the race course , nnd were
seemingly ns nllectlonnto and devoted as
could bo. It has not boon so very long since
the gentleman siiccesitully piloted the horse
ho wns rldmz In nn amateur race to the
front nnd besides his prize received n kiss a
smile nnd nn approving word from his pretty
young wife , who was ninonit the sncctators
nn the club house balcony. But though
Mrs. Montgomery came reeularly down town
for her stalwart and handsome husband
with a dog eart nnd drove him home , she
seems to have longed for a broader and freer
life than she could over know In a city like
Memphis. In fact , she aspired to become an
actress , and not more than six weeks ago
deliberately left her husband and her homo
and Is at present among the great army of
those who seek fame nnd fortune In the the
atrical line In New York. If there was any
misunderstanding between her husband and
herself it has never boon explained to the
public. Mrs. Montgomery's stage name Is
"May Douclas. " I Last Saturday she accepted
an encasement to play with the lloodrnan
Blind company , which ( s sown to start on the
road from New York city.
Tbo Trim and Natty Volunteer Takes
a Trial Trip.
NRW YOHK , Sept 18. [ Special Telegram
to the BKE.I Pious folks lacking patriotism
might have called General Payne's activity
to-day pernicious. Ho evidently did not
take that view of the matter. He would
rather keep the cup than the fourth com
mandment any day nnd probably that Is why
his skipper , Frank HofT. got tip sail on the
lovely sloop at 10TO : o'clock and boat out to
Sandy Hook light-ship against an Inspiring
southeaster that whisked through the rig-
glni ? at a twenty-mile rate. As the Volun
teer stood for Fort \Vadsworth on the port
tack , Captain Harrcamo to anchor In the
Dutch Reformed church at Tompklnsvllle.
The sleek cutter remained at her anchor nl
day. Mr. nnd Mrs. Boll returned from
Washington nnd boarded her during the
afternoon. As the Volunteer , under maln-
finll , jib forcstay sail nnd caff topsail got
under way , a fleet of less distinguished
bnt brave looking craft followed her ex
ample. Sno led the white robed procession
through the Narrows. It Included the
schooners Dauntless , Magic , Kobecca , Comet
nnd Rambler ana the sloop Mischief. She
cittno back like a storm-driven white cloud
through a murky skv and anchored aft Bay
HUk'o at 5 o'clock , Sail Master Wilson went
along with General Pal no nnd Mr. Burgess
to see about the set of the uow sail. He
ascertained that It would nend tightening nt
the leech. This will bo done to-morrow ,
when the now boom will bo shipped. Just
nftor the cup defender dropped nnchor ,
General Palno and Designer Burgess wore
out on the bowsprit examining the Iron work.
They evidently don't mean to bn beaten
through luck of precautionary measures.
This Is characteristic of the general. It is
said that he has not missed a day since
the Volunteer was launched In finding outer
or trying to find out her peculiarities. He
studies her as It she were a woman with
moods or a mare with a record. That Is the
reason that yachtsman siy ; of him that ho
eould get more speed out of the Mayilower
than anybody , llo Is a yachtsman whom
nautical sportsmen can trust to sail the Vol
unteer up to tlio last fraction ot her capacity.
Ho will take her out again to-morrow.
Twenty pirates , according to the comic opera
conception of the pirates , in tall , comical
hats , in the jib and main sail boat Hoodoo ,
bore down on the Volunteer shortly after she
anchored. The mate of the clipper looked as
If he feared ho was going to be boarded , keel
hauled and treated' otherwise in the
hiirhly nautical , atrocious manner usual
with pirates , but before he could
say "hoist there" and order tha crew to load
the long gun and clear the deck for action ,
the Hoodoo was alongside nnd a friondly-
looklnir pirate leaned over the mil and
handed a bljr Scotch thistle to the mate. At
tached to the thistle was a card with this In
scription : "May you always keep It nstorn.
Compliments of the Hoodoo Pnvonla Yacht
Club. " Then tlio plcturejquo yachtsmen
sailed nwav with three cheers for the Volun
teer. General Payne says ho has not de
cided where lie will dock the big sloop on
Wednesday. She will be floated the day before -
fore , Tuesday , September 29 , the day set for
the first cup raco.
llo AilrtreiRon HU Troop ? on the Sub
ject of Offensive Tactics.
PAIU3 , Sept. 18. Ooneral Bouliuger , In an
address to the officers In his command yesterday
day , strongly urged the necessity of Living
wider exorcise to offense tactics , which were
proper to the French army , lie said :
"The hour baa not yet strnck
for thn disarmament ot the people's
of old Europe. It la madness to believe It , a
crime to say It , for It points to peace at any
price as the coal to winch our country should
aspire and our enemies , who often appraise
us at our real value better than we do our
selves , know well that wo hare not got ns
far as that. More than over we must con
tinue tno work. It Is France. "
Gloomy ProspeotH for Ireland.
Dmu.iN , Sept. 13. Dillon In an Interview
to-day said that It wns impossible to deny
the gravity of tlio situation. The outlook for
the coming winter was gloomy. Balfoui
was apparently determined to get nil the
national ( p.idcrs Into tlio clutches of the law
nnd hu ( Dillon ) would not bo surprised If In
n month erse tliu majority of the leaders , In
cluding himself , wore found picking oakum.
The. government's persistency lu enforcing
the coercion net would bo certain to lead
They seamed determined to force an out
burst of crime. Itoferrlng generally to the
causes of disturbances , Dillon said the resi
dent magistracy ns n bodv wns crossly In
competent and the constabulary were politi
cal ngonts of an unpopular government nnd
In constant hostility to the people.
Cholera In Home.
IlouK , Sept 18. The cholera aflllctlng the
Inhabitants of Messina Is of the most vlolonl
character. There Is great misery among the
people. Grave diggers refused to pursue
their culling until compelled by troops. The
epidemic has appeared In the prisons. It I ;
reported that many new cases are occurring
lu Komi ! dally.
Land Ior Kiiors nt Mttohnlstowii.
MITCHULSTOWN , Sept. ID. At a public
meeting of the National league to-day Fathei
O'Leary , ot St. Louis , announced n belief li
tlio doctrines of Henry George nnd ur sdthai
no rent ba mid. Mr. Condon , member ol
parliament , advised the people to continue In
the constitutional path now pursued for n re
ilre of their grievances.
His Mother's Honor.
1'Ains , Sept. IS. Maurice Boruhardt , in a
duo ) to-day , severely wounded a journnllsl
named Alexis , who. had written articles re
Hooting ou Mine. Bcrntiardt.
A Wlfo Oosertor'n Itnrurn.
MAKSIIAI.J.TOW.V , la. , Sept. 17. ( Specla
Telegram to tlio BKK.J Andrew Parsons , a
prominent farmer who jumped the count }
two weeks airo , leaving Ills family and a num
bur of bad debts , has returned.
Proof of Merit.
The proof nt the merits of a plaster h
Uio cures It nffccU , and the voluntirj
tedtiinonmls of thosil who have used AIL
cock's 1'oroils Plasters during the , pusl
twenty-five years is unlmpeuchablu ofrl-
iloiu'o of their superiority ami- should
convince ! the most skeptical ; Belf-praisc
M no recounuondiitiou , but certiHuute :
from these whoJiaro used thorn aro.
Bev , 0 , W , Savidge Talks to Io\flg Men
About Swearing.
One Which Is Growing Upon Our
Youths and Fnst ncoomlng a
Crying l-ivll A Rcportorlal
"Profano Swearing" wag the subject
selected by Uov. C. W , Savidgo for last
cvoninjz's sermon nt the Seward Street
M. K. church. It was one of the popu
lar scries which have boon delivered es
pecially to yomiz inert nt this church
during the past six weeks , tbo text being
taken from James v:13 : : "But above all
things , brethren , swear not , noltlior by
lioarcn , neither by the earth , neither by
any ether oath : but lot your yea bo yea ;
and your nay , nay ; lost 50 fall into con
demnation. "
The tlrst man , said Iho preacher , who
swore a profane oath , was bora a good
while ago. On opening the oldest book
in the world we see that they knew some
thing of this baneful art. Job's wife- told
her husband to curse God. It is bad
enough when a man has an
oath in his heart , but It ia far
worse when a woman is profano.
Men swear in almost every language and
in nearly every land under the sun , but
the English language is the great vehicle
of profanity. Americans have taught
other nations how to swear and drink
whisky. In our country all classes swear.
The drunkard lives in an atmosphere of
onths. The lost woman curses her asso
ciates as they walk to boll. In our own
city you iuvvo heard n volley of oaths ,
como from a company of lltllo children.
Thov call each other the vilest epithets.
All about us w * are growing profane men
and women. Business men swear at
their work. Husbands swear in the presence -
once of wives and children. I even hoard
two reporters of our grout dailies swear
a few days ago. I have known nrofano
church members in this town. When the
devil can got a church member to swear
ho is pretty sure of him , Men swear
everywhere on the streets , in the homo ,
in the place of business , on the train , in
secret societies , on every hand men are
cursing God and ono another. In the
name of all that is pure and holy , is it
not about time to call a halt to this awful
sin of profanity ?
1 have asked myself the question , ana
I have asked it of others , why do men
sweat ? And of all the answers 1 have
received there is not one valid reason.
Men swear to give emphasis , but I pity
the man whoso knowledge of English is
so meager that ho must bo profane in
order to bo forcible. Some toll us that
they swear to drive the work along.
Some of the mule drivers in the army
thought the mules would not pull unless
they wore sworn at. I know n man in
this town who is very profane while
about his work and I am told the bettor
business is the raoro fearfully he swears.
His curses pollute the very neighborhood
in which ho lives.
Men swear because the evil habit has
fastened upon thuin. A habit is something
that bos us. and this evil so fastens itself
on men to such a degree that they hardly
know when they swear. In many cases
they swear because they have gotten into
bad company. Profane company will
make profane men. "Lio down with a
dog nnd you got up with a flea. "
But the great reason why men dwear
is the devil is in their hearts , nnd when
they swear it is only the devil speaking
out. Yon can't bribe him to keep still.
He will talk and he never uses a pure
We have some arguments against this
fearful sin and we would denounce it
with every power wo possess. All good
men are opposed to profane swearing.
Louis IX. of Franco punished anyone
who was convicted of swearing by scarIng -
Ing their lips with a hot iron , and when
some complained that the punishment
was too severe ho replied : "I would to
God that by scaring my own lips 1 could
banish out of my realm all abuse of oaths. "
( Jhrysostorn wns so opnoso'd to swearing
that ho recommended that these who
were guilty of the sin should bo com-
pellcdtogo without a meal for every oath
they swore. But I think wo could
scarely lind anyone , either good or bad ,
advocate the use of profanity. I have
never heard a man uphold the practice.
Again , it is absolutely useless. No
inducement is offered by the devil or any
other person for swearing. The profane
man bites a perfectly bare hook. The
liar tolls the falsehood for a purpose.
The thief steals to satisfy his want. The
murderer slays his victim for revenge or
for gain , but the swearer swears for
"What does Satan pay you for swear
ing ! " asked ono man of another. "llo
don't pay mo anything , " was the reply.
"WclL you work cheap to lay aside the
character of a gentleman , to inflict so
much pain on your friends to sutler , and
lastly , to risk your own precious soul ,
and for nothing. You certainly do work
cheap. "
It is not gentlemanly , no gentleman in
England swears , no gentleman swears
miywheio. The true gentleman is such
at heart , but lie is nut profane. It is the
ouo who wishes to degrade himself to the
very lowest level of pollution and shame
that B\vevrs. : It is disgusting to the
refined and abominable to the good.
It is a sin against the state. Most civil
ized states have made swearing a crime.
In Great Britain profanity is punishable
by the civil law. Scotland legislates
against swearinc , nnd wo may add that
in the United States also most of the
state laws make sxyoaring a punishable
ollense for which a fine may bo Imposed.
It is a sin against God. Une of the first
commandments God ever gave to men
was : "Thou shall not take the name of
the Lord , thy God , in vain , for the Lord
will not hold him guiltless that takoth
his name in vain. " And in our text God
says "Swear not. " You know it is a sin.
You remember how faithfully your pre
cious parents warned you against this
sin against God. You recall how much
you were frightened when you swore
your first oath , anil then how your soul
became calloused till you hardly know
when you added a now oath to your al
most countless number. To invoke the
vengeance of God in. perhaps , the most
awful oflfonsc in the sight of our Father.
The text says the swearer falls into con
demnation. Swearing leads to other
sins ; it never stands alone. The swearer
is usually a liar , condemning what God
has not condemned.
"If you should usk mo what the
cure for this great evil is 1 would say ,
"lie a man and stop. " Are you going
to lot a habit down you and hold you
there and damn you at last ? Put your
will into exorcise and stop this stream of
profanity. Some men say , "I can't quit
swearing , and 1 can't quit drink and to
bacco. " I say that I buliovo in' the
sovereignty of the individual nml that a
man can quit whatever he wants to quit ,
and whenever you want to quit swearing
YOU can do it. You can't make me bu >
liuvo you hare lost the ability nr. ; ! power
to be a man. If there < . ? ere no God and
no future , you. ought to stop this foul
ijegiii to pray. I never know a man
who prayed mUch to swear. The man of
prayer reverences tliu name of God.
Lot God cast the devil out of your
heart. . Therii was a sea captain -who
sworu'all'tho way from New York to
Havana and from Havana to San Fran
cisco , and whod in port he wns oven
worse than when , on sea. Conversion
by the power of tlio Holy Ghost washed
his tongue clear ! ' 6f profanity. God can
do that for yon "Uo not try to cleanse
the stream ran 'that ' hog out ot the
soring. "
It l Us her eel -In nr Borvloca nt the
At sundown last evening the Jewish
now year comm fijSbd. With this denom
ination it is the year 5031 , and the eve of
the now year wnSv Celebrated with appro
priate ceruinonloHj The usual feast had
commenced , and shortly after 7 o'clock
the purvico nt the synagogue opened.
The odilico wns crowded to its utmost
capacity , which demonstrated that it is
not largo enough to accommodate the in
creasing numbcrof Jewish people in this
city. Rabbi Benson ofnclatcd.delivoring a
sermon upon the gobd results of the past
year and the prospects for the coming
twclvo months. The music for the occa
sion was arranged under the direction of
Adolph Meyer , and the following pro
gramme was rendered :
"Hear me , O Lordl" . Novelle
Duot-"llopo Bevond" . 0. A. White
Miss Chamberlain and Adolph Merer.
Soprano soloTrleeblora" . F. P. Tostl
"Bow down thine ear" . Geo. Lodcr
. Quartette.
To-day a special service will be given
at the synagogue , and the feast
will continue until sundown. At
0 o'clock this morning the service will
open , and Ilabbi Benson will deliver a
special sermon. The holy days will be
closed September 28 , Which is the day of
atonement. The holy season will be
generally observed throughout the fol
lowing ton days , nnd to-day all of the
places of business owned by members of
the Jewish denomination will bo closed
in observance of New Year's day.
Rabbi Benson in speaking of the fast
progress during the past year said : "It
lias been wonderful. Our synagogue is now
not largo enough to accommodate all
who wish to attend our services , and in a
few months it will be a necessity for us to
have a largorftcdilice. We have boon
very fortunate during1 our last year.
Death has called away a very few , and
wo nil thank God for that. In our
treasury there is a solid surplus , and wo
have no outstanding debts. Wo nil have
reason to bo happy , and as wo bid each
other a happy new year wo look with
pride upon the work and progress of the
past twelve months , and express to ono
and all the desire that the future may bo
as prosperous ns the days gone by. "
At last evening's service Kabbi liaison
made an appeal to his congregation for
$1,000 , which sum ho wishes to expend
upon the improvement of , Pleasant Hill
coraotery. _ _
J. L. Vatson , of $ ac City , la. , is at the
Arcade. > '
Fred Mulligan , of La Plattc , is at the.
B. A. Gibson , of ' 'Weeping Water , is at
Mrs. H."J. Smith 'of Vallisca , la. , is at
the Arcade.
A. V. Weidee , 6f 'New ' York , is staying
nt the Millard.
T. F. Allen , of .Grand Island , was in
town yesterday. "
A. H. Schaefer and A. Rowan , of Ord ,
are nt the Arcade.
C. E. Robinson , of Nebraska City , is a
guest at the Arcade. ,
Mathew Warner,1 of Chicago , was at
the Millard'yesterrtrfy.
W. J. Benjamin ) of Now York , was at
thoMillard _ yesterday.
James Wood and wife , of St. Paul , are
registered at the Arcade.
Henry E. Lewis and daushter , of Lin
coln , are registered at the Paxtou.
Captain Peter Sonna , of Boise City , is
at the Paxton. He is a well known cattle
James R. Carpenter , of Boston , is in
town on business. He is staying at the
T. W. Patterson , a well known busi
ness man of Plattsmouth , is registered at
the Millard.
Dr. A. Macdonald and wife and L.
Mussottcr. all ot St. Paul , are guests at
the Paxton.
N. C. Meyers , of North Platte , is regis
tered at the Paxton. Ho is ono of the
prominent cattle dealers of Nebraska.
W. H. Bley , a well known farming ma
chinery manufacturer of Springfield , III. ,
is at the Paxton. Mrs. Bloy is with him.
C. W. Balson , of Cedar Rapids , well-
known in the general merchandise busi
ness , registered at the Paxton last
J. E. French , of Cleveland , and W. M.
Wilson , of Chicago , botn ot whom are
well-known railroad supply men , are at
the Paxton.
Charlie Reed , Albert Riddle , Mark Sul-
livant Georgio Parker , Edith Jameson ,
Fannie Johnson and Marion Hornby , of
the Rag Baby company , registered at the
Millard last evening from Now York.
Mrs. Andrew Bordcn , wife of tlio well-
known railroad ticket agent , arrived in
Omaha last evening. She has just re
turned to this country from Europe. In
London she played a very successful en
gagement with the "Hold by the Enemy"
company. _ _ '
1 'Years have not seen nnd time shall
not see , " the people sit down quietly to
suffer pain , when enterprise can ntlbrd
such a Panacea as Salvation Oil.
The old paying "opposition is the life
of business" has nol been sustained in
ono instance at least. Since the intro-
dution of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup all
other cough remedies have been dead
Horn & Kemp.
A couple ot high'v recommended gen
tlemen have opened a first class moat
market at 1820 St. Mary's avenue. Their
room is now and neat nnd every article
of furniture , includjii n magmticont refrigerator -
frigorator put up Ui . ( their order , is also
now and lirst class , . , They will keep all
kinds of and , srtlt moats , nlso fish
and game. Mr. Horn , formerly of
Cheyenne , is a manj > Mong experience m
the cutting and care of moats , and is
perhaps the best prepared man in the
city to conduct a 'hrtirkct. ' The public
can rest assured Jthat everything sent
from this establishment will be first class
in quality , nut up m'good shape and de
livered on time. _
Lot 9 Block 4 A. S. Patrick's addition ,
$1,000. Lot 8 Block 11 Kucd'9 1st addi
tion , ? 5,000. Easy truis. For few days
only. Cooper , 1511lpdgo.
The Heat Oiftcec-in the World.
f\\fi still load them nil. McLaughlln's
XXXXcoll'ee , the bust in the world , re
ceived the First Premium ut the alula
Ftiir tit Lincoln- the best coffee , also
for their magnificent display. The im
mense sign pyramid reaching to tliu
ceiling , composed exclusively of XXXX
coffee unekagos. taking over half a ton
of coffee in their construction , was ono
of the foal'-ires of the fair. This cele
brated coHeo has kept the front rank and
will so oontinnct to time Immemorial and
is the loading coffee on the market. Me-
Laughlin's XXXXCoffuo.
Any person giving information to the
undersigned of the whereabouts of Gil
bert Evurton will confer a favor on him ,
He loft O'Neill , Nob. , thrcn. yours' sincp ,
and has not-aliico boon beard from. '
B. F. Rom.Krs , O'Neill , Neb.
Three Months in Enropa on a\Tonr of
A Visit to Dover Tlio Slclita of I'nrls
Kntrllsh Antiquities The Cathe
drals of Europe Music Drop
ping From Heaven ,
A few days ago a well known personage -
ago again made his appuarnuce on the
street iu the person of Judge Savage. Hu
appeared in excellent weight nud height
ened color lu his good-natured features.
These ohangcs.wero the result of a trip
abroad , a luxury to which the judge lias
been partial , at intervals , for some time
past. Ho was mot by a BEE reporter ana
in a short racy conversation the gentle
man detailed a few of his experiences be
yond the seas. The judge wns accom
panied by his wife throughout all his
traveling , who not Joss tha.n the gentle
man himself is capable of appreciating
these pleasures of foreign travel which
may not bo experienced at homo.
"Wo left Omaha , " said the judge , "on
the 31st of May last , and sailed
from Now York on Juno 4 ,
on the Auranin. V/o returned to Boston
in the Catalonia , reaching there about
the 27th of August , havlug been awny
about throe months. Wo visited Paris ,
the Bois do Boulogne , the magnificent
park in the environs of the gay capital ,
which contains the lincst promenade in
in the vicinity of Paris ; the Hotel dcs In-
validcs. Here , as you know , rest the re
mains of the great Napoleon. I was par
ticularly impressed with the wonderful
richness of ornamentation of the ninrblo
and golden vaultings and roof of tins-
place , which is indeed a fitting monument
ment to the genius of the man whom it
"I was suffering from a cold while I
remained m Paris , however , and 'did not
enjuy myself as I could have wished as a
consequence , so we returned to England.
Our trip to I1 ranco , through Englandwas
n very pleasant ono. It was taken in the
middle of June and t he air was delight
fully clear. The scenery was especially
beautiful and the fragrance of
the scenes as wo passed was a
commingling of the odors of hawthorne -
thorno , laburnum and lilacs , while the
combination of flowers of all colors was
most beautiful. The clover Holds were
wonderful in their magnificence. They
wore for acres one moss of bloom. Our
first night in England was spent in
Dover. The next day the cliffs , especially
that known ns "Shakespeare clill , " from
the reference made to it in "Lear. " Wo
looked for the samphire and found it too.
Wo paid a visit to the pier nnd watched
the governmental practice in tiring al the
"On our return to England from
Franco , we sought quiet lodgement out
of Piccadilly and yet within easy reach
of nil the prominent and interesting
parks , whcro we remained for six or
seven weeks visiting the principle
features in London and making weekly
jaunts to Stratford-on-Avon , Limming-
ton , Kemlworth , Canterbury , saw tno
celebrated cathedral , which I think the
lincst m England , and another old
institution , St. Nicholas church
and hospital at Harbledown. We
also went to Saulsbury , Stonehenge
and Sarcm. At the last place
wo remained a day. It is a wonderfully
stcop , round hill , nnd shows in its ditches
and moat the incontestable evidences of
former occupation , though there is now
not a stone of the fortincation in place to
show where the ancient Britons , Romans ,
Saxons and Normans , and all the tribes
Which conquered the original inhabitants
hold sway. Ten hundred or 1200 years
ago there was a magnilicont cathedral on
the site , but it has all disappeared.
Stonehenge , which boars a known date
of an earlier period , has nothing to be
seen that savors of that antiquity save
about thirty or forty KURO stones which
are set around on end nnd show that
they were once probably part of some
great structure. But the history and the
use and builder are alike forgotten and
unknown. It is the wonder of antiqua
ries , and many books have been written
on the subject and thousands of visitors
have been to the spot , but no clue to its
history can be found.
"We had n most pleasant visit
to Winchester , which is an old town
with a liner cathedral. It is situated
seventy-five miles from London and dates
back to the history of the early kings of
England. It is a favorite resort , and
known as the home of Cardinal Buford ,
who founded the hospital of St. Cross ,
which is still standing. There are sup
ported at this place , twenty old men ,
from the proceeds of the property. At
the gate there is a porter's lodge and at
the former , each visitor , according to the
privileges , has a right during the day to
demand a horn of ale and n piece of
bread. Wo were not forgetful of our
rights and had our portion of the bever
age. The ale wns not bad. I had drank
worse. It is doled out by the wife of the
porter who informed me that she some
times gave away as many as 200 horns
per day.
"Wo had a delightful trip to Cam
bridge and Ely. The latter
is a cathedral town , and is
situated in what was formerly known as
the fen country , and was so much mir-
rounded with marshes that it was seldom
reduced by the early hordes. The coun
try , however , is now drained and is both
fertile and beautiful. This is the city
where it is storied King Canute , in pass
ing in his vessel on the water , hearing lliu
matin chants of the monks in the mon
astery , commanded them to row nearer
the snore that ho might enjoy still more
the beauty of the cloistered music. Tliu
cathedral is known as that of St. Ethel-
dreda and is famed for its beauty. For
many fears an annual fair was held at
the place , and in honor of the patroness
of the place wn.s called lirst Etheldreda.
By a corruption of the word the name
became St/Andry. At. these fairs beads
and lilngreo ornamentation of gaudy
hues were displayed and sold , and
were also called St. Andry.
which later became sgain corrupted
into 'tawdry,1 niwl thus a now
word was given to the language.
"Alter crossing the channel wo went to
Antwerp , Aix la Chappclle , Cologne , Am
sterdam , The Hague and Rotterdam.
We were delighted with the industry of
the people , the beautiful climate , the
landscape nnd the canals. The Hague I
consider ono of the most beautiful cities
1 have ever neon. It lies two or three'
miles from the Gorman ocean , nnd is
reached through a bountiful wood. On
the beach at Solioveringen there is n
lovely watering plno.o , quieter , perhaps ,
than ours , but not .ess beautiful.
"Tho cathedral at Cologne was the
crowning glory of all the cathedrals wo
had soon. It was commenced eight or
nine centuries ago , and only completed ,
if completed it was , in the memory of
the present generation , 'Thorn
are always pooulo working upon
it , because when ono part is now
another is old and requires replacement.
Wu saw a vault in the cathedral , on the
payment ot a small sum , which contains
juwttls , regalia , and oriinimintion ,
alleged to bo vnluod tit $8,000,000. Of
course , the visitor may believe ns much
of this as he chooses , but if the articles
displayed are genuine such as repro-
.sontui' , the estimate is not an exagger
ated ono. .In this vault are supposed to
bo buried , under the cathedral , thn remains -
mains of-tho three klngs.or the Magi who ,
nn ChrUtnnm morning paid tholr
visit to the Savior and it is their slirlnu
which is so expensively decorated. In
the amu vault are nlso a number of other
curiosities and relics valuable nud other
wise. The material of the cathedral has
the color of sandstone gradually darken
ing from the weather. The interior is
wonderfully grand nnd impressive. I
felt overwhelmed. I feel nt n loss to
describe cither it or Its olfuct. It wns
overwhelming. So wore nil these Eng
lish and Gorman cathedrals.
"In some of the cities the chimes wcro
perfectly delightful. In Antwerp nnd
Amsterdam it scorned ns if music were
dropping from heaven. Every fifteen
minutes the clocks strike and the chimes
sound. To wake up In ( lie night and
hear the chimes of Oik Kirk , as they call
it , sound , Is to become Illlod with n per-
fuct sensation of delight. "
The judge then told of his visit to
Yorkshire , to Aldborough , whcro ho snw
old Roman pavements , the tessellated
lloor of some bath or boudoir of some
distinguished citl/on when Romans were
in the land , the ancient walls of York ,
their interior gates and portcullises , and
finally n few episodes in London , among
which wore Bitll'alo Bill's success nnd the
meeting of Mrs. Joseph Gnrnoau and
sister , Miss Carr , Mr. Cnllnwny nnd
brother , Guy Barton nud party and J. N.
II. Patrick of this city. After which the
reporter retired.
Canscs Its victims to be miserable , hopeless ,
confused , nd depressed In mind , very Irrita
ble , languid , and drowsy. It Is a disease
which docs uot tct well of Itself. It requires
careful , persistent attention , and a remedy to
throw off the causes and tone up the diges
tive organs till they perform their duties
willingly. Hood's ' Sarsaparllliv has proven
Just the required remedy In hundred * of cases.
" I hare taken Hood's Bawaparllla for dys
pepsia , from which I have suttcred two years.
I tried many other medicines , but none proved
go satisfactory as Hood's Sarswparilla. "
THOMAS COOK , Brush Electric Light Co. ,
New York City.
Sick Headache
"For the past two years I have been
afflicted with covero headaches and dyspep
sia. I was Induced to try Hood's Samaria-
rllla , and have found great relief. I cheerfully -
fully recommend It to all. " Mns. K. V.
AKNABLK , New Haven , Conn.
Mrs. Mary C. Smith , Cambrldgcport , Mass. ,
vras"a sufferer from dyspepsia and sick head
ache. She took Hood's Sarsaparllla and
found it Uio best remedy she ever used.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggists. t j six for $5. M d *
only by 0. 1. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
IOQ Poae One Dollar.
S. E. Cor. 18th and Dodge Sis.
Successfully Treats a'l Herrous , Chronic and
Private Diseases of
Dr. S. is wollknown as tlio founder of tlio
Montreal ( Cnimtlti ) Median ! Institute nnd pro
prietor of the Snlnnoy villa Infirmary. Tliu Ir *
has had 27 years' o.vpurlonco In the treatment
of chronic nncl goxunl dtseivcs , nnd his oifortH
bolnp crowned by wondorf nil micooss , hn would
call tlio attention of the Htlltctod to lila long
standing unil well earned reputation as sulli-
clent assurancoof tils skill nnil nbllltj- .
Spormntorihu-u , 1'urtlid luipotonoy nnd nil
discuses of the nervous system nnd HOZUII ! or
gans speedily and permanently cured
SYI'UMS-A dlf oiiao most horrible In Its results
eouiilotely | eradicated without tlio use of
mercury. Charges reasonable.
Who mny bo stifTeriniirtrom tlio olToeti ot youth
ful follies or Indiscretions , will do well to iivnll
themselves of tlili , the greatest boon over laid
Ht tliu ultorof sultorlnK humanity. UK. SPIN-
NEV will Kuninntoo to forfeit * 5TO for every
caaoof GOinlnal wnaknoss or prlrato diseases
of any hind or character which ho undertaken
and falls to euro.
There are many troubled with ttio froqtton
ovacuntlnng ot tlio bladder , olten accompanied
by a alight smarting or burning sensation and
weakening of the system In n manner the pa
tient cannot account for. On fixiuninlnir the
urinary deposits a ropy sediment will elton bo
lound , and sometimes small pnrtlclu of nlbu-
mcn will appealer the color bu of n thin , mllk-
Isli hue , again changing to a dark or to rplil ap-
jioarnnco. Tnr.itK AUC MANV MKN WHO DIP. OF
THIB mvTicin.TY , Ignorant or tlio cause , wlilcli
la the second stage of seminal weakness. Tun
AI.T < SUCH CASKS , and a healthy restoration of
thn gonltn-urinary organs.
Ollico hours a to la a , m. , 1 to B , 0 to 0 p. in.
N. li. Persons nimble to vialt ua may bo
treateil at tholr homes by cnrreapondonee.
Medicines nnd Instructions sonl by mall or ox-
Pond stamp for question list nnd clrnulur.
Call or nddross DR. SPINNEV & CO. . 105 S.
13th street Omaha
livery lady whn dciircs perfection 111 style and form
should wcnr them. Manufactured only hv Uio
Worcester , Ma-s. , nd 2i3 Market meet , Chicago
i T"-1 a-i'M-wmit'im N TKr TO
ruitklirllniNaw ]
1 thU tpt-ciflcrurpoie.Ctuenr
. ,
_ Jlnuo-ifl , mlil ! roothlnccurrrnti of
llydirttll ' ill < .r"r-
V'l"l > li1i anil Vigorous 8tr r fill , f.lcctne
Current " > Vftltlnusntlr < ir vofotlVU ? > . < > lu cnh.
( lr tcitlm | > rjrcnirllt > u rr all other hrlti >
ln n ntlrcur illntl.rtojimrjthi. Ki tcd namphliHe.lainn
The 8inden Electric Co. 109 L.Salic : t ! . , Chicigot
ifl t > i ! Tillil l | > U ( k
I UI li.rxl.
OwlnKto IhoUUO'Htl , II.ISTIIITT nf ( lie ilotli iwhlrli
oui iiatcnu coT r iclu.lTclwill tit ru-rfii'ilv nr t
tlniBwoin HiqulrnnutiiiakiiiRln. naiir HCTUIMfn
by n llvr aft rt lntr worn li-itrtATA If not frjiind ihMiiioiit
I'KurF.t.-r PrrTJM ; , iii.ii/rurui. :
nnrt ( NimtiirlHlil Cornel over worn , bold by all
Urst-olasii dealnr * .
UKUTTY nitOU. . CMili-u , III.
Funtiml Director & , Embaliner
. - ; . ' Ill North 6th Street. . -
Cor. loth nnd Bodge Sis. , Omaha , Neb.
A ICcmttnr ttriultmfo In
and Special I'ractltlonur.
Autliorl/od to trent nil Chronic. Norvou nnd
"Special Disease.1'
( \ \ hctltor caused by Imprudence , Kxerw or
Contusion ) Sotninnl WeaknoM , ( nlirht lossoM
Sexual Dobllity , ( lo i of sexual power ) , Norv-
otn Debility , Illood Disorderoto. . Ctirnblocnsoi'
Kimtnmued or money refunded. Charges low.
1 lieimtiuM of onsen cured. Ago nnd otperlonco
arc Important. All medicines especially pre
pared lor each Individual ease ,
i\o Injiirioiit or EoUotiOti4 Com
pound * Uxctl.
No tlmo lost from bnslncM. 1'ntlenu nt a
distance treated by letter nnd express. Medlulno
Sent everywhere rroo from ROZO or breakage ,
No Delay In rilling Order * .
For 4 cents In stamps will mull free , nil onr
printed literature , embracing n"Hymr > toinUH"
on which to KOI a lull history of Olsoiuo , otu.
8t to your caao ntulaotid for terttis. All wo
n < tk Is n trlnl. Secrecy observed either lu per
son or by mull.OFKICR
OFKICR Htllt3- (
9 to 12 a. m. , 2 to n nnd T to 8 p. m. Sundays In-
eluded. Consulting room No. 4.
"lly n thorough kuouliMl o of the nnturnt
laws which govern the operations of digestion
nnd nutrition , nnd by a euro fill iippllentloa of
tbo line proputtlos of well-golectod Cocon , Mr.
Kpps bus provided our broukfnnt tnblt-H with n
delicately lluvorcd bevorn o which tuny BUVQ
us ninny heavy doctor's bills. H Is by tbo
Judicious use of such articles of diet thtit n con <
fttltutlonmay bu Kinduuily built up until strong
enough to resist every tendency to dlsense.
Hundreds or subtle nmladles are llontlnK
nrouod iifl londr to attack wherever there is
weak point. Wo may cscniio many a futnl
nhiift by koopltiK ourselves well fortified with
pure blood and a properly nourished frame. "
--Civil Service ( ln/.otto.
Mndo lmply with boiling wnter or milk. Sold
only In half iKiiind tinsbvOrooew Inhulod thus !
JAMKs iii' : . A. < ; oM
Ho minpntlilo Chemists , LONDON , CNQLAND.
Mention this papur.
Mantels &G rates
111 South 14th Street.
Economy is "Wealth.
Why pay hiph prices fur
ll t * < nid ( , 'cntn' 2 iirniHniiif/GH < Hln ,
\\hcn kycnllint ; nt Kord's 6:42 : N. 16th St. ,
you can save from 25 to 50 per cent.
Just received , Fall Underwcar.all grades
and priceo.
Neckties in nil the latest styles and at
prices that Mill astonish you.
Full line of Hosiery and Gloves at popu
lar pricci- .
Complete line of Shirts.
Our $1 iMuntirletl aiul Unlauti-
drled Shirts Jfave no ) : < i\nil \ ,
We Have JTimtAdilail < i JTat Deitart-
andean show all the atcst styles in ho'h
soft nnd stiff hats , nt prices that can't he
beat. Large variety of G. A. R. HaUat
low prices.
Call and bu convinced that what is said
above is true.
. J. ,
622 North IGlh street , Omaha
' '
, oS CNA'"tfS' ,
Tbo Theatrical Profeealon.
Harit will win and receive publlo recognition and
praise. Facts , which are tbo oulcomo of general ex
perience , growing through years of critical and
practical test , become as rooted and Immovable as
the rock of Gibraltar In public opinion , and hcnco-
forth need no further guarantor nito their genu
tnenecs. Tha ludltputablo fact that Swift's Spoclflo
Is tbo best blood purifier lu the world , U ono of these
Immovable Gibraltar roclc facts of which wo have
vpokeu , and every dny'i ciiwrlcnco roou tlilx con
viction deeper and dn pur lu publlo opinion. Kverr
cluaa of our pcoplo In Atnt-rlca ami la Europo.
every trade , , culling nnd profi-Mlon , Includlug ( ba
medical profckilon , l < n\e Uirne voluntary testi
mony to tin ) irmarkalilo virtues of H. 8. 8. and
Us Infallible elllcacy In curing all diseases of ( ba
blood. 11'eso ' tutilmonlart oroou nio by thu ( hou-
sands , and otwn to the In-rcctlon of all. Now coma ,
unsolicited , I wo dUtliiKUlnlied mimliora of tin , theat
rical profession , who gratefully tomlf y to the wonder
ful ouratlvu qualities of tlio Spucllla In their Indi
vidual cases. Their testimonials uro herewith sub
mitted to Iho publlo without further coninient-lut
thorn spwak for Ilieirui-lves. Thu lady Is n member of
tbufainotu Tlmlla Theatre Companyof New Yoik ,
and formerly nr H.o HeRldenca Tliratre , Jlcrlln , Gir-
ninny.nnil of HeVk-krr'nhtocIC Coni | ny , of Cldeaso.
The K > 'ntlcnmn U u well kuowu member uf the .New
a urlvTlmlUTInmtri ) Company , llith are well knuwu
l.i theatrical circles la tlili country and lu Lurupo.
Cliiirlutlu Itanduw'i Ti-nlliiiony.
Knv Vonu , May 8 , 1887.
Bwlf t Specific Company , .Atlanta , do. :
Uenllt-mcn HuvliiK Ix-cli nnnojed with plmplcn ,
eruptions and loiulmetsof tliu akin , from | > ad con
dition of my blood , for more than n ) car. I uxcd a
leu J hit ; pri'parollon of f nmmrllliaml | : other odver-
llaudrL-miutfealn tin t ITPCL Trieu 1 consult d a prom *
Imnt physician , und from hU treatment rceelved
liobenellt. I then concluded lo try the H. U.S. rem
edy for thn blood , and tlvn or MX piu-taKr * . by a
thoiuuMi eradication of my Iroiihlo unit rrxtorlnit
f monthlies' , to my tklu , have mode mo huppy , and
I uliHrrfiillr Klvo you thU for such u o
will publicity us you wkh tn make of It.
1W Bowery , mar Cuuul Street ,
llneo IIniiiUvrl'n TrsllinoiiT.
The Rwlft Specific Company , Atlanta , da. i
Genllunou-Kor two ji.M.I Imda ftovere rue of
chroma. I ustd tar loapn.KUlphuriioLpH.and various
other rf mtvJJe * . nnd wni preM.-rllH"d for by nitmlfcrfl
of pbisleluna , but found no relief. Atlait Idrter-
ndnnd lotry Ihull.U.H. remi-d ) , and wveiiorelKht
bottles bavu thoroughly rUlatud iu < ' , und } uu can
USD this ccrtlllcato lu any manner j-ou wlali.
Member of 'lualla Theatre
Mow York , May 8,1SST.
Treatlie lUaod and Skla Dlico cs mailed fros.
Tin Swirr ttiitciyiu Co. ,
Drawer 8. Atlanta. On ,
DR , F , J , BRICKER ,
Oilice in Arlington Block
Rooms 28 and 29.
Ileot.'il and Genito Urinary Di
seases a Specialty.
Jloiiionholds or I'lltf. I'tiHul In nil ciwes , no
mutter ot how IoniMiuidliiif. Itulilni ; I'llu'i.Ho-
culled. 1'fotnrc , I'lstulu In Arm , ConstlpuUoii.
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cyiturn of llocui Modioutloii nnddireo1 miiilloiv
tlon of roimdlee , without tliu tisoof the Knlfu.
I.Untnre or ( 'iuistlcj. Kodflnr to Ijuuino-Mc
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