Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1887, Image 1

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The Jury in the Mnnchrath Trial ut Sioux
City Brings In a Verdict.
Sentence to Be Pronounced a Week
From To-Day The Prisoner
HUH Out On Ball Hawkcjo
State New * .
Convicted of Manslaughter.
Sioux CITV , la. , Sept. 18. A few moments
after U o'clock this afternoon the jury , which
went out at 6:30 : last evening In the Haddock
case of the state of Iowa against Fred Munch-
rath , jr. , brought In the following verdict :
Wo. the Jury , tlnd the defendant Fred
Munchrath , jr. , guilty of manslaughter.
Signed , G. It McDouoAi , ! . , Foreman.
The Jury was polled and when each mem
ber was asked whether this was his verdict ,
he answered , "Yes. " The extreme penalty
for manslaughter In Iowa Is eight years In
the penitentiary. The judxo announced
that sentence would bo pronounced err Mon
day , September 20. The prisoner received
the verdict calmly. He remains at liberty on
Ids bond. It is said that the jury took but
two ballots on the question ot guilt , the
remaining ballots being on the degree of
A Successful Meeting.
DKS MOINKS , la. , Sept. 18. tSpeclal to the
HUE. ] The les Molnes conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church , which has been
In session the past week , and closes tomorrow
row , has attracted considerable attention
from the character of the men composing It ,
and the prominent Interests Involved. This
conference takes In the central and south
western portion of thn state , reaching from
Des Molnes to Council Bluffs and south to
the Missouri line. The session of the con
ference this year has been singularly free
from any disturbing contests , the question
of prohibition which In times past always
sulllccd for a lively argument , being app.ii-
ently settled about right , according to their
notion. There Is ono noticeable feature
about this as about all Methodist confer
ences It Is made up almost entirely of re
publicans. In other denominations the cler
gymen may be democrats or nothing at all ,
but Methodist preachers , as a rule , are light
ing republicans. The vcnerablu Dr. lloest ,
of Cincinnati , who Is the secretary of the
Freed man's Aid society. Is a good Instance.
He declared. In speaking of the work of his
society In the south , that when ho located a
nclioo ! or college tor the colored ocoplo , ho
always planted It if possible on the si to of
como rebel fort Thut IH ono of the revenges
of history , which southerners , thirty years
ago , would never have dreamed of.
A druggist at West Liberty has recently
prosecuted and convicted a partywho ob
tained liquor from him by making false
statements as to Its Intended use. The case
Is so unique that It called forth a letter of
congratulation from one of the commission
ers of pharmacy. What Is needed just now
Is u great many more prosecutions of this
klnoT. There are too many drug stores that
sell liquor to anybody , preserving only the
form of compliance wltli the law , but practi
cally violating Its solrlt with impunity. The
last legislation , when It entrusted the entire
business of selling liquor for legitimate pur
poses to the druggists was assured that they
would guard the privilege with honor. So
the law provided that applicants for liquor
must make an application over their own
names stating which ono of the four legiti
mate purposes was the occasion of the sale.
This range is limited to medicinal ,
mechanical , sacramental and culinary , and
It Is the presumption of the law that every
one who buys liquor at the drug store gets It
for one ot these four uses. But an examina
tion of the records of applications will dls-
close among the frequent signatures at such
places the names of such eminent prohi
bitionists as St John , Finch. Governor Lar-
rabee and others. Such violation of law Is
of course wmktd at by some druggists , who
are contented simply to go through the mo
tions of obeying tlio law. And while the
majority of the applications are alleged to be
for medical purposes , druggists often know
that applicants are lying. The conviction
and punishment of one violator of the law
of this kind may have a salutary effect , and
there Is abundant need of many more cases
of the kind.
The secretary of the railway commission ,
Mr. E. G. Morgan , has resigned , and Mr. W.
W. Alnsworth , of this city , has been chosen
as his successor. Mr. Morgan has been witlr
the commission for many years and had
coiiu to bo regarded as state authority on
railroad questions , but falling health com
pelled him to give up the work. Mr. Alus-
worth , a'much younger man , Is the present
secretary ot the jobbers' and manufacturers'
union of this place , a very progressive , en
terprising young man , and a good selection
for the new work. The Iowa commissioners ,
by the way. did good service for western In
terests In the meeting at Minneapolis before
the inter-state railway commission. They
made a very strong and able plea for the re
tention of the car load rate and for giving
western cities a chance to do jobbing
and manufacturing themselves. The people
ot Iowa are much pleased with the prompt
and efficient co-operation which they receive
from their railway commissioners on all such
public questions.
The state superintendent of public In
struction has made several decisions lately
on questions as to the proper location ol
school houses. One case In particular from
Wright county was quite Interesting and
will bo followed probably as a precedent An
attempt was made to have a coanty school
removed to a village to accommodate bettci
nlno-tenths of the children who attended It
Some ot the natrons opposed the change , bill
the majority favored It. The superintendent
makes a nice little argument , to show thai
other things being equal , the school , 1C there
bo but one In the district , should bo kept Ir
the village. Hu points out thu fact that tin
farmer usually has business In town everj
day , and If the weather Is bad , can carry hi :
children to school , while for the parent lu tin
village the case Is generally the very oppo
site. So taking Into consideration the temp
tatlons of the village for starting chlldret
toward bad habits , ho Is yet obliged to decldi
that It Is butter to put tno school wheru tin
people or a majority of them arc.
It Is amusing sometimes to watch tin
growth and da\elopment ot a yarn that
ktarting asn bit of gossip , finally attains th
proportions of a full grown lie. One of th
kind now In Ifs travels over the state am
other states as well. Is to the effect tha
"theru are over 10,000 .victims of the onlui
habit In Iowa , according to the oflleln
statistics of the state board ot health. " Th
statu board of health have said so , and hiu
no statistics on the subject There was one
a doctor who read a paper In the bearing a
of the board and volunteered the rough suss
that there were 7,000 opium eaters lu IO\M
He probably knev as much about It as he doc
about thu Inhabitants of Mars. But hi
guess started thu stoiy , an J It has kept goln
till now It is being used In the east as a
argument agalribt prohibition , on the groun
that tliu prohibition of one vlcutlrim men t
inaku a hobby of auotucr.
, . TI1K I1IC1 DlSTIl.I.r.IlV.
The friends of the big dl&tlllery still kce
up hope , dcspito the recent decision of tli
supreme court The attorneys for the distil
lery have secured from Judge Adams , of tli
bupreme court , a writ of error , on which the
propose to lake the ease to the United Stati
Miprewn court There they hope lor a n
\ersM on the ground that the suppression i
the distillery Is an attempt to Interfere wit
Intel -state commerce , and so bojoud t !
power of the stat.0 leglslaturer.
Testifying Against HU Father.
DuirtiquK , la , , bept. 18. [ Special TeU
grain to tbe BKB. | Thereja much feeling I
tills city over the revelations that an ) bein
ada In the trial of Kennedy for the mm
' fkr I iiU wilt , Ita tragedy , wUlchoccmn
a few weeks ago , was so brutal and heartless
that the public could scarcely wait for the
law to take Its course. There was a ) sensa
tional scene In the court yesterday when the
little son of Kennedy was called to the stand.
Ho Is one of the principal witnesses for the
prosecution and great Interest was felt In
hearing his testimony. The room was
crowded with spectators and as the little
tcllow , who Is a remarkably Innocent lookIng -
Ing child , gave In his testimony there was
complete silence. He said he saw his
mother the Saturday afternoon preceding
the mutder. She came home at 3 o'clock
with the milk wagon from town , where she
had been delivering milk. Her father
cursed her because she had heated the horses.
When his father came homo that night and
found that the mother was not at home ho
said he would kill her when he found her.
Sunday night his father came home about
0:30 : o'clock. Ills face was wet and bloody
and he asKed for a towel. There was none
and he wiped Iris face on a piece of bed lickIng -
Ing , wl.lch still bears the bloody marks.
Deacons and Kldora Ordained.
DES MOINP.S , la. . Sept. 13. | Special Tele
gram to the BEK.J In the M. E. conference
at this place to-day Bishop Merrill preached
the morning sermon before a vast audience ,
leading preachers of the conference occupy
ing the pulpits ot tlio different city churches.
At 3 o'clock p. in. occurred the ordination
services , the blshon ordaining a class of elcht
as deacons and a class of six as elders. ' Dr.
William Butler , of India , preacned the annual
missionary sermon this evening.
The Deposed Hlumpse Embassy Gets
Gloriously Full in Chicago.
CHICAGO , Sept. 17. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE. | The Times says : "Chicago was
visited yesterday by a peculiarly unique as
sociation of individuals , who claimed to rep
resent the kingdom of Slam at the court of
the United States. The party consisted ot
bis excellency , "The Siamese.Minister , "
( who decline.1 to give his name ) , and a re-
tlnuuot satraps whose cognomens are Ah
Sing , Sam A. Inlni , M. Vernoy and Thomas
Laftus. The latter gentleman hailed from
London and Washington and stated that ho
has charge of the disgruntled celestials , who
had been superseded by their home govern
ment by men who moro directly represented
the oriental dynasty. A moro dissatisfied
party of celestials could hardly be Imagined.
They brought into the hotels 170 packages of
luggage. They only remained long enough
to changn their apparel and then started out
"to take In the town. " At 11 o'clock the
most decidedly Inebriated lot of Mongolians
that over offended a clerk In a western hotel
tumbled Into the rotunda. It required the
etlorts of all the superfluous help in the es
tablishment to induce the deposed celestial
officials to retire , but eventually all were
safely housed. The proprietors of the hotel
are anxiously awaiting the departure of these
Inconveutloual tourists.
Synopsis of the Report of the Signal
Ofllco For the Pnnt Wook.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 18. The weather crop
bulletin says In part : Iteports from Missis
sippi Indicate that the cotton crop will fall
short. Tennessee aud North and South Carolina
lina report cotton progressing favorably. In
Minnesota the crops have been harvested and
the conditions are favorable for threshing.
In Kansas the hot winds In the southwest
portion have Injured the latn crops ; else
where rain Is bunelitting late crops. In Mis
souri tbe weather Is favorable to pasture and
wheat seeding except in the central portion.
In Illinois seeding progresses , but the pas
tures are again falling. In Indiana the pas
tures are parched and the wells dry. In
Ohio the weather Is favorable for crops. In
Tennessee the drought Is serious and plowIng -
Ing Is stopped. Killing frosts have occurred
the past week In a large portion of Dakota
and Minnesota , northern portions of Wis
consin and Michlcan , the northeast portion
ot New York and northern Vermont , and
light frosts In Wyoming , southern Dakota ,
northern Nebraska , southern Michigan , cen
tral New York aud tno greater portion of
Weekly Crop Summary.
CHICAGO , Sept 18. The Farmers' Review ,
In its crop report summary this week , will
say : The weather has continued favorable
for the ripening of late planted corn , though
rain Is badly needed in many sections for
tall feed and fall plowing and seeding. The
returns by states does not show a marked
chance from last week's reports.
The Duke Trying to Crawflxh.
NEW YOIIK , Sept 18 [ Special Telegram
to tno BEE. ] The Woild's New Port special
says : The position In which the Duke of
Marlborough Iras placed himself by denying
the authorship of the now celebrated "Memo
randum" Is pitiable and disgraceful. The
facts In the case are these : On Friday last
tbe Duke , stung by the attacks ot the press ,
wrote the memorandum , lie sent this docu
ment by his valet to a representative of a
New York paper. This reporter was unable
to decipher the eplstfe aud lie straightway
took It to the duke , who not only read the
document but Informed him where the quo
tation was from. The World correspondent
learned that such a letter was extant and
asked to be allowed to see It. The letter was
produced for Ills inspection. It Is dated
' September 0" and the signature Is abbre
viated In this form : "M. U. 11. " On Sunday
the duke sent bis valet to the reporter to
whom ho sent the memorandum with a second
end note In the same handwriting as fol
lows : "Use the words 'American press' In
stead of 'American eagle , ' if , as you think ,
more appropriate. " The originals of these
two documents were sent last night to Now
York tor publication in thu paper to whose
representative the duke sent them.
A Texas Tragedy.
FORT Woimi , Tex. , Sept. 18. The village
of Joshua , several miles south of Fort Worth ,
on the Santa Fo , was thrown Into a state el
great excitement to-day by tlio receipt ol
news of a murder committed near there
some time during the night J. F. Yar
brough aud T. L , Self are brothers-in-law ,
cultivating the same farm. Yarbrough and
his wife and eldest daughter have not alwaj.1
got along well together , and It is said that ai
times Yarbrongh abused them. Self notified
Yarbtough after the last occurrence of till :
Kind that U It took place again ho would kill
him. Yesterday there was a family quarrel
aud Mr. ana Mrs. Yarbtonglr agreed to sepa
rate , l.ait night the daughter was taker
sick and Dr. Sims was sent for.
While talking to the girl the doctor sav >
Set go out on the porch where Yarbroiuli
was lying down , suffering with the colic
Self was heard to say : "Now I will setth
this , " and two shots were Cred. 1'nruroiul
\ \ as ehot twice through the breast , bn
jumped up and tottered to a cotton Held nea
Iiy. Self followed and tired one more shot
Keturulng to the house he got Dr. Sims
knlte to cut tlu rope with which nis horsi
was tied , saddled the anlnml and rode away
Neighbors went to where Yarbrough lay am
found him dead. Self Is being pursued.
George and McOlynn Speak.
Nr.w YORK , Sept 18. Hunry George , li
McGlvnn and others addressed about tw
hundred telegraphers and linemen till
afternoon , urging support of the unite
labor party ticket. Those present llatenei
and acquiesced on the set ot resolutions at
proving tbe platform ot tbe Syracuse con
ventlon aud naming a representative teli
graphur to stump thu htate. There was IK
much enthusiasm exhibited.
Slcamtitiip Arrival * .
NEW YOHIC , Sept IS | Special Tolesrai
to the BEK. | The Alaska and Auranla , froi
Liverpool ; the Chateau Yquern , from 11 oj
dvaux ; La Champagne , /rom / Havre ; tl
Ayssyrla , irom Mediterranean ports.
The Reported Wreck Untrue.
In SAX FKANCISCO , Sept. IS. The ruim
tit last night ot a wreck -on the Atlantic
rHi ' Pacific road proves to nave beou witboi
Hi foundation.
The Last Congress Creates Bad Feeling
Which Will Be Hard to Cure.
Secretary Daynrd Denied the Story
That Ho Jla * Ordered the Kc-
Icaio of the Seized Alaska
Scaling Vessels.
Trout ) ! 2 Among the Doctor * .
WASHINGTON , Sept. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK.I There Is going to be
some Interesting back talk abour the late In
ternational metllcal congress when tun ma
terial Is at hand. Three years ago , on their
return fiom the congress at Copenhagen , Dr.
Billings , of the armv. and others organized a
commlttca mainly representing the north
eastern states to manage the congress Just
held. 'Ihls committee made a request to the
American medical association In recognition
of the latter which Dr. Hillings has since re
gretted , and the association enlarged the
committee , putting a number of western and
southern men on. Then the original and
self-constituted committee icslgncden masse.
There Is evidence that some of these gentle
men aid all they could to prevent European
physicians of eminence from coming to
Washington. Dr. Annandalo. ono of the
most eminent practitioners of Edluborough ,
was stopped Just as he was on the point ot
starting for the late congress , by a letter
from an American physician , assuring him
that the congress would c.-rtalnly be
a failure and that It was not worth while for
him to come. The London delegate , who
did come , told several of his associates In the
congress that ho had seen notone but several
letters written by Dr. Billings himself to
eminent English physicians , predicting the
failure of the recent congress and dissuading
them from coming. Some of the geutlemon
who wore active In managing the congress
are now trying to get possession ot these
letters , which , they say. were probably sent
to distinguished physicians all over Europe ,
and If they get them they will bo published ,
with the result of creating much music in
the medical profession. The congress Is
generally deemed to have been very success
ful , but the absence of leading physicians
and surgeons of Europe was conspicuous ,
and doctors who were friendly to the con
gress think It was disrespectful for thu Amtr-
Ican physicians to exert themselves to make
the American meeting of thu congress a
failure , _
Hnoretary Bnynrd Don lea the Story.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 18. With regard to
the statement published alleging that Secre
tary Bayard had telegraphed his officers In
Alaska to release the solved sealers and that
the order had not been executed because the
Alaskan olllcials were not sure of the au
thenticity of the order , Secretary Bayard
said to-night that the statement showed Its
Incorrectness on Its face. Alaska Is part of
the United States and consequently the state
department lias no officers there as It has In
foreign countries. The secretary would give
no order to an Alaskan ofllclal or receive in
formation from them except through
the head of another department.
With reference to the allegation
that the release of sel/cd sealers has been
ordered , thn secretary made oxpllcitdenlal of
all knowledge of such an order. The secre
tary was somewhat annoyed at the criticisms
which have been made upon Ids course with
regard to the fisheries question and particu
larly with reference to the commission for a
settlement. He said ho had made a proposal
to Urnat Ltrltaln tor settlement and that the
proposal had been made public some time
ago. Ho could not hasten ( no publication of
the correspondence which has taken placo.
It will all be laid bcforo congress in due time.
General Slooum Will Not Go.
WASHINGTON , Sept 18. In a letter to a
friend in this city General Slocum says he
has reluctantly given up the idea of going to
St. Louis. He wishes the O. A. 1C. encamp
ment to be entirely free in its action and
shrinks from being placed in the position of
a candidate struggling for the position of
The President Back In WaHhlngton.
WASHINGTON , Sept 18. The president
and party reached the city at 3 o'clock this
morning. In the afternoon President and
Mrs. Cleveland rode out to OaK View. They
were much fatigued from the constant round
of receptions , but highly pleased on the
Detected In the Act of Smuggling a
Diamond Brooch.
Nuw YOHK. Sept. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE ] . It leaked out to-day that
Hon. Leopold Morse , representative In con
gress from the Third Massachusetts district ,
who arrived from Europe a few days ago ,
has been required to pay duties of 8300 on a
diamond brooch that he bad not declared.
An examination of his trunks was made by
Appraiser Smith , who found no dutiable
goods therein. Somethlur peculiar In the
lawmaker's manner led to an examination of
his pockets , In one of which , on the Inside ,
was found a valuable lady's diamond brooch.
The inspector seized It on the ground that it
had not been mentioned In Congressman
Morse's declaration. The brooch was ap
praised at 81.200. There was a consultation
and It was decided to hand over the brooch
to the conciessman on the payment of
duties. These amounted to 1500. The con
gressman got back his diamonds and started
tor his homo In Boston. Mr. Morse Is well
known all over the country. He served three
terms In congress from tno Fourth Massa
chusetts district , and last year ho defeated
the republican congressman , Ambrose
Lixwronco Barrett orthe Opinion That
Bacon Never Wrote Them.
DBTBOIT , Mich. , Sept. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to tha BKK. | Speaking of the theory
of Ignatius Donnelly to-day , Lawrence Bar
rett sild that Mr. Donnelly's argument that
Shakespeare wrote the plays was not a sound
ono. Shakespeare , he said , was a dramatist
and not a litterateur. The greatest allegory
ever written composed by an Illiterate man ,
a tinker , was John Bunyan. When the plays
were written It was the ago of conversation ,
not of writing. There were probably less
than a dozen books In existence at that time
that could have given Shakespeare all
the knowledge he displays , but he
did not need those. Everybody was
writing plays In those days , and Shakespeare
had them to select from. Ho borrowed fron
every source , but after he left the play It was
his. It bore his stamp of genius. No mure
literary man llko Bacon could have done It
No successful plays to-day are written bj
persons not connected with the stage. Bu
cause Shakespeare could not spell , and mis
spelled even his ovvn name , amounted t (
o nothing. Nobody could spell In those days
Halctgh spelled his name Kalrloy and Itaw-
ley. They all went by the sound of words.
Street Car Trouble Brewing.
CHICAGO , Sept. 18. The drivers and con
doctors in the employ of the West Dlvlsloi
railway company have decided to submit ( It
mands to the company for - ! cents per hou
and certain regulation hours and trips. If ;
favorable answer is not returned by Wednes
day evening a general strike will be ordered
The drivers and conductors Interested nun
ber 1,200. _ _
f'nsaengers t < rom Europe.
NEW YORK , Sept. 18. ( Special Tclegrar
to the BKK. I Among the passengers wh
arrived from Europe to-day on the Auranl
were Frank 11. Collie , who presented th
Chicago jubilee address to Queen Victoria
and Frederick 11. Winston , ex-minUter t
rersi * .
Omaha \Vlnn a G rn . lint It la On
Costly Error * .
KANSAS CITY , Sept 18. ( Special Tele
gram to the BEU.J Costly errors by the
homo team gave Omaha the victory to-day.
The Cowboys batted heavy , but their hits
were scattered and barren of results , while
the visitors , though with one exception they
only made singles , bunched their hits and
accepted every chance. They bad the game
won In the seventh Inning. There were no
special features except the costly errors made
by the hone teaui. Following Is the olllclal
score :
Earned runs Kansus City 3 , Omaha 4.
Two-baso hits Krehmfi\er.
Three-base hits Manning , Mansell , Mc-
Double plays Hassamaer and McKcon ,
Messltt and Dwver.
Struck out Manning , Nicols , Hassamaer ,
Left on bases Kansas City 4 , Omaha 3.
First base on balls Manning , Itingo , Man-
sell , llartson.
First base on errors Kansas City 1 ,
Omaha 4.
Passed balls KIngo 1 , Krohmeycr 1.
Wild pitches Nichols 1.
Hit by pitcher Handle a.
Time of game 1 hour and 'M minutes.
Umpire ilagen.
American Association.
BHOOKI.Y.V , Sept 18. The game between
thu homo team and Athletics to-day resulted
as follows :
Brooklyn 0 10010000 a
Athletic 1 3000010 * 5
ST. Lotus , Sept. 18. The game between
the St. Louis and Cleveland clubs to-day re
sulted as follows :
St. Louis 0 300010 U 1 0
Cleveland 0 00131000 4
CINCINNATI , Sent , IB , The game which
was to have taken place hero to-day was
postponed on account of rain.
A Base Ball Strike Probable.
riTTSiKTHo , Sept. 18. In an Interview to-
davJohn Ward , of the New York ball club ,
and president of the Brotherhood of Na
tional League Ball Flayers , said that Presi
dent Young , of the ) pane , and his colleagues
had so tar refused to recognize thu brother
hood. If this resolve was persisted In there
would bo trouble , as not a single member of
the brotherhood will slun a contract next
year until a delegation confers with repre-
sentlves of the National league. Ward
hinted indirectly that if the league stead
fastly refuses recognition the brotherhood
might form an association. "Wo know any
number of capitalist * , " ho added , "wlio
want to Invest money in b&se ball.
Ex-Congressman Stnrln Thinks Ho
Would Be a Strong Candidate.
NEW ! Yoitif , Sept. 18. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE.I Ex-Congressman John II.
Starln was asked to-day it it was true , as re
ported , that ho Is In favor of Chauncey M.
Dopew tor the presidency.
"Yes , " ho replied , " " ! think Chauncev'De-
pew is the strongest and most popular man
In the republican party to-day , lie Is able ,
affable , dignified when dignity Is required ,
and full of tun when merriment is the order.
Hu will be ono of the strongest men before
the republican onatlorial convention and
I am beginning to feel that he will be nomi
nated with great unanimity. Why. sir , he Is
a more popular man than you have any uli-a
of popular with the masses , with the hod-
carrier , with tl.o man with a shovel and pick ,
who will throw up Iris hat and hurrah for
him. "
"What reason has a hod-carrier or the man
with the shovel and pick to throw up his hat
for Mr. Denow. He has never done much
with the shovel and pick , has he ? "
"Mr. Depew Is a poor man and Is as plain
and approachable to-dav as ho was when a
struggling boy at Peeksklll. The fact of his
being a railroad president will not count
aialnst him. Blalne Is a smart man , but It
Is discouraging to go Into a presidential cam
paign with apologies for your nominee. Ed
munds I have Known personally for a num
ber of vears. Depew would get thousands of
the votes of New York state which Edmunds
could not expect to get. "
Henry George's Income.
NEW YOBK , Sept 18. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] Referring to the sensational
reports about Henry Ueorgo's Income , the
Tribune says : "That George Is getting his
bank account Into a good , healthy condition
Is generally known , but he Is not making
this out of the labor party or anti-poverty so
ciety by any means. From these he tatces
nothing for his services. His books are hav
ing a wide sale and his paper Is now on a
good paying basis. In addition to tins ho Is
In great demand as a lecturer. At present
George Is considered worth 850.000 to 875,000. "
It also says that Dr. McUIynn's support blnco
his removal from his parish has been the
9j,000 or 83.000 given him by tlio parishioners
and the gifts hu Is receiving from admlrcis
all over the country. He lectures aud labors
gratuitously for the labor party.
David's Disciple Deola res
ELMIHA.N. Y. , Sent 18.-SpecUl [ Tele
gram to the BKE.I Whatever doubts existed
as to whether or not Governor Hill has c
presidential bee in his bonnet were dispelled
In tbe Chemune county , democratic convert-
tlon hold at llorselieads yesterday , when
his able Lieutenant , ex-District Attorney
S. S. Taylor , In an appeal for Hill delegates
to tbe state convention , said : "Governoi
Hill Is at the head of the democrats
party In this state and I trust and bellevo
that ho will soon be at the head of tbe part }
in the nation. " J"
The Flrp Ilounrcl.
ASHLAND , 111. , Sopi 18. A tire last evenIng -
Ing destroyed a numuetof tha best business
houses. The losses aggregate nearly $50,000
Including Silas Hexter & Co. . genera
merchandise ; Johm Blank , hardware , ant
Mrs. Victoria Logan's building. The lusur
anco Is small.
Orangemen and jjatlonaiuts Klght ,
BELFAST , Sept. Is. A party of Orange
men , while passing through Greencastle las
night , had an encounter with nationalis
residents. Three policemen who tried t
quell thu disturbance were driven away an <
stoned. A force of police sent from her
rcstcrfd order and arrested ton participant !
Paying Coal Sfri'Ck at heaven worth
LEAVEN.VORTH , Kan. . .Sspt. 18. Th
lllverbldo coal company struct S payln
vfIn at 8 o'clock this afternoon at a depth C
750 feet. Word was Immediately telephone
the city and in a few minutes e\ery whlstl
and bell in thu town was blowing. Mlnln
will begin at once.
Newspaper Men Itoughly Handled.
Dum.i.v , bent. IB , A meeting of national
tuts washrU a.t JUandon todayTho govern
merit reporter Was not molested , but reprc
scntatlves of the Cork Couslttttlon and Illu-
tratud London News were roughly ha ml If
until the speakers Interfered in their behall
A Very Unsettled Feeling Characterizes
Speculation in Stocks ,
legitimate Trade Active and Hall-
wuy Earning ! Good Arrival
of Considerable Amounts of
Specie From Abroad.
Six Darn of Nervousneio.
NEW YOHK , Sept. 18. [ Special Telegram
to the BIK.J : There was a very unsettled
feeling to stock speculation during the week ,
and most of the time tending In thu direction
of lower prices. The coal strike , cut
uassongcr fares and the loose working of the
market for time loans , all Induced the bears
to pursue an aggressive policy , and with lack
ot bull support , they were enabled to make
considerable Impression on values. The
dllllculty experienced by merchants In ob
taining discounts , oven at much higher rates
than usual , altorded scope for the circulation
of minors of Impending failures In trade
circles , and these had their Inlluonce , and es
pecially after the suspension of Pope & Bro.
What also contributed to the decline was the
sale of a large block of Western Union ,
previously held for bull account , and of other
long stocks. The compromise made by the
Heading company with Its miners , the pur
chase of over S4,000,0 J bonds by the govern
ment and the story circulated near the close
that the treasury Intended to adopt additional
measures to release the surplus , led to rallies ,
as did likewise the spasmodic covering of
shorts , but the Improvement lu nearly every
Instance was' only short lived. Pro
fessional bears had the assistance of a
majority ot the room traders , who sold the
list with great freedom at intervals. Theio
is a feeling among many outsiders that stocks
ate cheap and some Investors during the
week bought bottr dividend-payers and low-
priced shares , paying In full lor thcsamo and
taking them from tlio street , but thu largo
class who , when they operate , do so on mar
gins , have received hut little encnuMgoinont
to buy , as the majority of the brokers , finding
It next to Impossible to obtain money on
time , do pot care to load up and take chances
on the 'call loan market. This naturally
limits the buying power and is a great
weapon In the hands ol the bears , who have
used it to thu utmost advantage. The short
Interest is undoubtedly largo and the money
question Is really thu only Impediment In
the way of el vine the market a lively twist ,
as outside conditions are generally
favorable , legitimate trade bulng ac
tive and railway earnings good
as a rule. At the lowest point the usually
active list showed a decline of ljf@5 } < f per
cent , and In active stocks In a few instances
even more. Uallroad bonds were weaker
than for some time past and in the number
of Issues scored important declines. The
volume ot business was not especially largo ,
and lu fact some of the heaviest declines oc
curred under very light offerings. Govern
ments weru lower for both 4s and 4Ks , and
the decline was not checked by the large ac-
ceptnnco of bonds by the treasury on
Wednesday. Foreign exchanges ruled some
what firm and a small advance in rates
stopped the tlow of gold from London and
the continent to this sldo. Considerable
amounts of specie that were shipped earlier
in the mouth , however , arrived hero
and swelled the aggregate receipts ,
elrice the present movement set lu , to
about $180,000,000. The extremes for call
loans were 8 and 7 per cent , with the great
bulk of business at 0 per cent. The real
stringency , as above intimated , was in time
money , for which C per cent Is bid for all
dates , and even higher figures have been
paid. Banks , trust companies aud other
corporations are generally refusing to lend
oh time and are keeping their spare funds
well In hand , simply lending them from day
to day. Owing to the dlfllcuftv of borrowing
on low priced shares , considerable business
has been done In the way of turning these at
, ' < to K per cent and Interest for thirty days
to sixty days.
Monetary Transactions lu the Coun
try During the 1'nst Wo ok.
BOSTON , Mass. , Sept 18. ISpecial Telegram -
gram to the BIE. : | Tire following table
compiled from dispatches to the Post , from
the managers of the leading clearing houses
In the United States , shows the gross ex
changes for the week ending September 17 ,
1887 , together with the rates per cent of In
crease or decrease as compared with thosn
of the corresponding week last year :
What Conservative Knights of
Labor Organ Has to Bar.
CiucAno , Sept 18. [ Special Telcsram to
the BEE. ) The organ ot the conservative
Knights ot Labor In this city , reviewing the
anarchist cases and commenting on the
"mawkish sentimentality" which Is
I n duo ing some citizens to talk about
clemency for the condemned men ,
says : "Tho hope of executive clemency
will bo nullltlud by the Insane mtit-
tcrlngs and threats of the representatives of
anarchy. Wo hope and believe there Is too
much space between the eyes of the governor
of Illinois to allow him to bo Influenced by
the babbling of the anarchists ot Now \ ork ,
Chicago , St. Louts or any other city. It Is n
fact that Is well known aud has been pretty
uxhaustlngly discussed by the true friends of
the prisoners , that such men as Him , Curr-
lln and other tire-eaters are extremely anx
ious that thu men In jail should hang. They
would have been much surprised and cha
grined if a new trial had been granted. It
would have exhausted their capital and op
portunities to make mouth organs of them
selves. They want Spies and his compan
ions to become martyrs that thov may becomu
preachers of a new crusado. And as they did
everv tiling In their power to counteract thu
feeling of compassion with which the public
had bunn to regard the men , so now they
will do everything to Intel fere between the
governor of Illinois and the lives of the con
demned. The action of a few friends of the
anarchists has In a large degree alienated the
good will with which they weru at one time
regarded. Notwithstanding the known anti
pathy of all good citizens to anything tainted
with the name of anarchy , the "howlers"
have Kept on howling , although every time
they opened their mouths they knew they
were driving a nail Into the collln of those
for whom thov claim to have so much sym
pathy and affection. Their egotism aud
cold-blooded malice Imvo done as much to
hang their friends as the jury that convicted
them. " _
Htatc'n Attorney C3rlnnr.1l Talks.
CHICAGO , Sept. 18. Slate's Attorney Grln-
nell , who returned from the "ast to-night , In
an Interview regarding the anarchists' case
said the decision of the supreme court could
not have been a surprise to anyone familiar
with law and tacts. Ho does not think that
t e supreme court of the United States will
grant a writ lu the case. Being asked if ho
would sign a petition for a commutation of
sentence to Imprisonment for life hu. said :
"So far as my office Is concerned my
duty In the case is ended. 1 have
no recommendation to make and do
not expect to sign any letter ot lecommenda-
tlon tor commutation of sentence of any of
the anarchists , but 1 shall do nothing to prevent -
vent the friends of the defendants seeking
relief. After tliu rundltlon of judgment 1 did
say and now repeat that the conduct of
Schwab and Fielding during the trial and
while adressing the court was commendable.
They did not abiito thu law , wete respectful
to thu court , and did not breathe vengeance
as did thu otheis. But 1 can see no way in
wlllch the cases can bo separated. 1 regret to
see expressions of hatu and revenge on the
pirt of the friends of the defendants in New
York and elsewhere , because it will leave
them very little chance for an Impartial hear
ing by the governor. "
Schilling Unsuccessful.
Nr.w YOHK , Sept. 18. George Schilling , of
Chicago , was present at ttio meeting of the
Central Labor union to-day to present the
case of the condemned anarchists with a
view of enlisting the union's labors In behalf
of the convicted men , but Internal disputes
prevented him fiom carrying ouv his mission.
The schism between tire progressive social
ists and the Henrv George adherents broke
out again and caused a great ro\V , after
which the meutlncr dispersed without healing
Schilling , who , however , was assured that
they were all in sympathy with his cause.
A Hnlghta or Ijnbor Petition.
NEW VOHK , Sept. 18 ( Special Telegram
to the Br.E. | District assembly 49 , Knights
of Labor , passed resolutions yesterday ask
ing Governor Oglesby , of Illinois , to com
mute the sentence of the seven Chicago an
archists. They ordered thu committee ap
pointed some weeks ago to vet the names of
sympathisers with the anarchists to hurry up.
and also to pick up all the money they could
get to aid the condemned men.
A SoclnfW nninonfitration.
LONG ISLAND CITY , N. Y. , Sept 18. A
largely attended meeting of socialists was
held at Schuct/.en park this afternoon at
which Herr Most , beneath the red Hag , de
claimed In vehement terms against the Chicago
cage judiciary and threatened vengeance In
the event of the execution of the condemned
anarchists , His remarks wuro received with
approval. _
Asking for Commutation.
Ni'.wYoitK. Sept. 18. District assembly
49 , K. of L. , to-day passed resolutions asking
Governor Oglesby to commute the sentence
of the condemned anarchists. They ordered
the committee engaged In getting the names
of sympathizers to hurry up and also pick up
all the rnonuy they could to aid thu con
demned men. _
At Newark , N. J.
NEWARK , N. J. , Sept. 18. The anarchists
this afternoon adopted the declaration ot the
anarchist party against the judges of the
supreme court ot Illinois. Violent speeches
against the court were made.
rUEPAlUNcT FOU 1888.
The National Republican Committee
to Meet In December.
CHICAGO , Sept 18. ( Special Telegram to
the BEE. | A very prominent member of the
national republican committee was In the
city to-day and said thu organization of which
ho was a part would moot at Washington
early In December for the purpose of select
ing a location and date for thu republican
national convention of 1SSS. Thu gentleman
Is a resident of ono of thu western states and
a member of the executive committee of tlio
national organization. His * statement con
cerning the meeting In December Is the
lirst seml-olllclal announcuinunt ot tlio
formal opening of the presidential campaign
of Ib&ij. As corroborative ot thu above Mr.
W. U. Bates , the secretary of the republican
state committee ot Michigan , spent the day
at the Palmer honsu. Ho said : "If the
people of Chicago expect to capture the next
republican national convention they had
better bestir themselves. St. Louis wants It
and so does Cincinnati. Buffalo Is already
In the Held. "
A Hrave Woman KliootH an Intruder.
BLOOMING TON , Ind. , Sept. 18. A tragedy
occurred at Harrodsburg , twelve miles south
of here , at 1 o'clock this morning , In which
Ellsworth Anderson was fatally wounded
Mrs. Sai ah Meadows , whose maiden tmiui
was Butcher , Is a respectable widow llvlni
alone In that place with her three little ehll
dren. About midnight she heard some 0111
at the door , and upon asking who It wat
reeoKin/ed the voice of Anderson. Hal
frightened , film ordered him awaj
or BIO ! would shoot him. Andur
son left for thu time , but Ir
about an hour returned and lio.'an poundlnt
on the door. The bravo little woman wa
not to be driven from tier homo at such ai
hour , and from the mantle-pleco secured i
revolver. No sooner did she have hold of i
then thu donrcamu open , and Anderson fel
into the room. Instantly the woman dreu
herrevolvcrand shot him. Aluli'i.soti htartei
to run , calling tor help , but soon fell to th
ground. The noise attracted the neighbor
and upon finding him , an examlnatioi
proved that the ball had entered about th
renter of the hieast , lodging In the spmn
column. Anderson told the story ot th
shooting , gasping for breath as IK ; nv.or
vuiik'eaiicoagainstllie woman who had ilaic
to protect her home. Ho will nut Hv
r through tiio night. Publln sympathy Is en
tlrely with thu unman
Tlio Cincinnati Ktrlkr.
opt. IS Only a few Cat
weru run on the cable road and Mount Adan
road to-day , and these turned In at diwl
' 'ho strikers ollered no violence ,
Omaha'a Growth a Direct Result of Ne
braska's Prosperity ,
Illchardson County Politics Senator
Van Wyok'H Speech at llartlngtua
DavUl City itnlUllnic Up-A
Colorado Town.
Kearney and nitiTitlo County.
KIIAIINKY , Neb , S pt 17.-Correspond |
ence of the HKK , I A wanderer In many
wonderlands , who thoroughly enjoys stand
ing upon the deck of a great ocean steam
ship , steadying himself to thu roll and pitch
ot the ship as she rises and dips , and never
tliesof looking off on the rolling , tumbling ,
e\er restless waste of waters , can easily
stretch his Imagination and become Inter
ested In these rolling prairies and never end
ing broad acres.
In this great yalloy ot the Plattn , and be
tween the highlands and thousands of culti
vated farms whosu fluids of small grain wave
and twist llko the waters of the sea under
the uentlo trade winds. The landscape ot
clustered timber , great pasture lands and fat *
heids of cattle , the glistening of the broad *
waters of the river in Its winding , and the
many thriving , bustling little towns and
cities , give the wanderer now thoughts and
interests him In the present and future pros
pects of the wonderland.
Coming as I do , from the east , I dm moro
than surprised at the progress of this west
ern country ; western as wo know and regard
It but which In reality Is the midland of tha
United Status , for the statement has been
verified , that this llttlu city of Kearney Is
midway between the Atlantic anil Paclllo
ocean , taking tliu points of Boston err the
east and San Francisco on thu west , as It Is
also nearly midway between thu ( iiilfot
Mexico on the south and the Canadian line
of thu north.
1 have been rather an Interested reader of
many communications that have appeared In
this paper , descriptUe of lands , soil , pro-
duets , visible and prospective ; of the vast
Improvement made and the rapid growth of
the state ot Nebraska and Its many thriving
cities and towns , but I have failed to see In
them a proper acknowledgment of
the Impoitanco of the wally great
city of Omaha to the balance of the state.
Its Increasing advantages as u valuable
market lor all the piodlirts of the state , the
certainty that its merchants and manu-
laetureis can luiiiish and supply all the ro-
qulremnnts of consumers promptly and at
reasonable ptlces , holns to make life worth
living In ady part ot Nebraska.
1 lool : upon thu establishment of the stock
yards and Its surroundings of packing
houses , and other allied Interests as having
increased thu value ol Nebraska lands on an
average of S.'i per acre , because of
the fact that those facilities have made n
great growing and certain market for all
kinds of live stock , and this opens up n
source for the mini and prolitahlu dlspos-il
of all grain and grass that can bo raised.
Even an eastern man knows thu value of n
sure and certain maiket. There may bo , and
I doubt not ate , many other advantages that
all Nebraska derives from its metropolis ,
Omaha , but the ono I clto Is ample to eon-
vlnce the people of Omaha that their efforts
are becoming rccognl/ed.
I bug that they , In turn , will also recngnbo
and credit the fact that the balance of the
state Is of vast Importance to them and to
their city. Omaha's Interests are In many
ways thu interests of Nebraska. Her tntuio
piosjierlty will refluct that of thn slain. '
Without wishing to detract from other
counties and towns , 1 beg to bo permitted to
express myself UK to this , Butlalo county ,
and this city ot Kearney. The loriuor Is
commencing to bloom and latter , ns a gar
den. Broad acres are being opened up
every day , farmers are making now and
bettor improvements , repairing and Im
proving old ones. All the surroundings
are evidences ot thrift and prosperity1.
As for the city of Kearney well , self-In
terest and modesty prevent my fully express
ing myself , and as others have advertised her
tar and near 1 deem it better that I refer the
readers of the BEK to the particulars as they
are furnished In Its advertising columns and
small bills , and posters widely scattered.
1 presume , however , I am within prudent
bounds when I say that my faith In tliu tu-
turo of the city of Kearney , as well as the
faith of my friends who are heto with mo , Is
better expressed by the Investments wo have
To all persons with energy or capital wo
say : "If you do not know all that Kearney Is
or will ho , uoino here at your very earliest op
portunity and sue tor vourHclf. and influence ,
ifoucan , your fi lends to do likewise , and
then > ou and they will do as I and my
triunds Imvo done , diop a little bundle ami
come back In the near future and see how
smart all are who Judiciously Invest In this
city arid county. " J. L. KECK.
David City lining.
DAVII > Cirv , Nub. , Sept. 17. [ Corre
spondence ot the BIE. : | Hog cholera *
has again made Its appearance In violent
lent form. As high as 300 In a slnglo
herd have died In ono day's time. The loss
by this fearful disease two years ago , In this
county alone , wab estimated at over a quar
ter of a million dollars , and It Is thought tha
present losses will exceed that amount.
David City voted 510,003 In bonds Wednes
day for school buildings to replace thu 01109
destroyed by the tornado. ,
The city's building boom hero continue *
with unabated Interest The tornado dam
age Is about all repaired. Brick work on
the now 5'.T > ,000 hotel Is progressing rapldlv.
Tlio now bricks of Keinhardt < te Son , I. K.
Doty , and G. D. Churchill .t Co. are com
pleted and ready for occupancy. The costly
residences of .lames Hell and W. T' . Uichaid-
son are well under progress , while thoNoith-
western people are busy taking together '
timbers tor a now elevator. Plans for water *
works have been accepted by the city coun
cil , and work on Ilium will begin at onco.
Senator Van \Vyuk at Hnrtlngton.
llAitTiNOTOR , nob. , Sept. 17. lCorre
spondeuce of the BEI : . | The Hon. C. II.
Van Wyck gave ono of his characteristic ad
dresses on the fair grounds. People were )
here from every part of thu county and all
places ot business weio closed so that all ,
could hoar thu "grand old man. " Ho disappointed - >
pointed none of his friends but startled HOIIIO
of his oumnlcs. Ho unmercifully scored both
thu old parties , stating In effect that thu/
were ono when It came to legislation lu
favor of the corporations , protected Indus
tries , and thu like , and against the Intonsta
of thu people. Ho told how wealth always
had ruled the world ; the people following
blindly the advice of political luadors who
were but tools ot the corporations. Hu cited
how It was next to Imposslblu to reduce ihcj
tariff , or to place lumber on the free list. Hu
said It had been tried in congress , but thuro
\\uro so many protected Industries that It
was Imposslblu to accomplish anything in
this direction , for If that was done , the )
lumbermen \\ould retaliate by placing nilgai ?
or salt on thu tree list , also , and that tlnsi
would net the proteett'd Industries to wrung-
ling and this the protectionists ot course
wished to avoid.
Hit saw no material dtlTurenca between the
old parties , other than that the change of ad
ministration had been benehulal In so 'fit
that it had lestored millions tit
acies to the public domain willed
had been filched by tint corporations. Ha
told how a few yoais auo people said nothing
could bit done tov > aid ri-gulatlng the passen-
uor tralllc on railroads. Vet It had DCCII dun *
and freight tMllIc could bu regulated In thu
same way , notwithstanding the tact th it tha
tools of the corporations Vtorit loud In llmltf
statements that it could not bu done , Kti
told how the railroads clmged two bushel
of grain Inrluuilng thu other bushel tomir *
kct , that thu tanner bought the land , plowcif
thu gioiind , furnished all the machinery and
put In and harvested thu CHUM and then
uivu two thirds ot thu crop to the tallroai.'s.
for rniIIIK , thu other ttrlid to i market ;
kuJ iha.1 three-fourths ot thu ( aims of tn
. * { rftrifl"it'n ' .
ujfrw " i - - - " -i. . i . i - .
N.4.1 * IjfcA. IJrt