Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1887, Image 1

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A Distinguished Gathering On the Stand
in Inilepcndenco Square.
A Masterly Orntlon On the Constitu
tion Hy Justice Snniucl Miller
of the United State *
Supreme Court.
Close of the Celebration.
rnti.ADKLi'itiA , Sept. 17. To-day was me
morial day. On the stand In Independence
Square tliero were side by side the chief mag
istrate , the highest ecclesiastical representa
tives , Justices of the highest law tribunal ,
ministers extraordinary of foreign powers ,
the nation's law-makers , and representatives
of the army and navy , nnd all other departments -
ments of civil , military nnd religious life.
The stand had a seating capacity of 10,000
and was tilled caily by holders of tickets.
The front ot the stand facing the southern
enclosure wns railed off for the president , his
party , the speakers nnd others. At the east
Eide of the stand stood the quaint old chair
occupied by George Washington as presiding
olllcer of the congtess which adopted the con
At 10:30 : a chorus of 2,000 children and 200
men sang a patriotic nlr nnd shortly after
.that the president and wife arrived , heading
a party of distinguished visitors. After all
had reached the stand Bishop Potter made
the opening prayer. When the prayer had
concluded General Sheridan nrrlvcd , accom
panied by his aides , followed by Cardinal
Gibbons nnd a nnmbef of Catholic clergy.
When they were seated Hon. John A. Kas-
Bon , ns president of the constitutional cen
tennial commission , assumed his place , and
Bpoko ns follows , his remarks being punctu
ated witli many demonstrations of apprecia
tion :
Hanson's Address.
PniLAnr.LriiiA , Sept. 17. Hon. John A.
Kasson , president of the constitutional ccn-
tennlal commission delivered , the opening
address to-day at the celebration of the ono
hundredth anniversary of the framing and
promulgation of the constitution of the
United States. The address wns delivered
In Independence square , and was as fol
lows :
Ninety-nine years ago. In this city , our
ancestors celebrated only their hopes.fonndcd
upon the recent adoption of the constitution.
To-day , alter n century's experience , wo
celebrate the reality of Its blessing. A
grateful people renew their allegiance to the
supreme work of their fathers.
The ceremony ot the lirst day has clven n
brilliant Illustration of our material progress
during thu centuiy , n development which Is
one of the rich fi tuts of that untrammeled
Invention nnd freedom of notion with which
the Constitution endowed thu American
Tlio second day has exhibited the Identity
of the Interests of the people nna the Inter
ests of the government , nnd the perfect
union nnd sympnthv which exist betweeu the
mllitnry torcesof the peoplu and the armed
forces of the national government. They
marched together In loyal obedience to their
common sovereign , the Constitution 1\
sovereign who never dies. They only wield
their strength for the defense ot their coun
try , Its honor , Its lliif , nnd our common con
stitutional rights. All honor to these milted
forces of lana and sea , who show to their
loyal countrymen only thu beneficent stars
of their flag , and reserve its striocs for ene
But our chief glory springs neither from
tlio material wealtn our progress has de
veloped , nor from the victories our associated
arms have achieved. It arises from'the gen
eral welfitiu of our people , their contentment
with their Institutions , their enlightmentand
their general advancement in the virtues ot
Christian civilization.
The scene and ceremonies of this third dav
Indicate the moral and Intellectual harvest
of which our constitution planted the seeds.
The high ollicers of this union me to-day the
guests of the states. Public.schools universal
mm free , hero chant their praises for thu en
dowment of liberal , popular instruction.
The representatives of the higher education
of universities and colleges here attest their
gratitude for the tree puisultot knowledge
nud the unrestricted development of science.
Here are found distinguished representatives
of all the churches and forms ot dlvlno wor
ship , unsupported and uncontrolled by thu
government , nnd yet more prosperous nnd
happy therefor. They olTor thanks for n
guaranteed blessing of a "free church In a
free state. " The men are also hero who
represent that pnvatu wealth which , Imitating
the constitutional devotion to "the general
welfare , " has so freely endowed hospitals ,
schools , universities , churches , and other
charities to a degree never before or else
where witnessed in this round world. Horn ,
too , labor , the productive sister of capital ,
acknowledges allegiance to that great docu
ment which makes all men alike tree nnd
equal bnforo tlio law. The foremost status-
men , forgetting all political alienations , are
here with heads bowed in reverence to their
common guardian and constant protector.
Historians , 'poets , artists , and writers who
have nmdo thu country famous by pen and
pencil , nnd soldiers who have made it glor
ious by their sword , are hero. American en
terprise and Invention hero clasp their
hand , and with just prldo remind
us of the steamship , railway nnd telegraph
with which In this century they have con
qucred seas , spanned the broad continent ,
nnd united a world. Countless civic and bo-
nelicent societies here avow their gratitude
for their constitutional liberty of association.
All ruuus and conditions , and various races
of men from live continents , are here Rath-
1'ied in honor of our Maxima Caita , the sure
foundation of American liberty and Ameri
can civilization. Well may ihoy come , for
the constitution Is a perpetual message of
pence and friendship to ail loyal men every
To you , sir , president of the United States ,
to the supreme judiciary , and to the legisla
tors of congress , rurcsentlng the tlueo de
partments of our natjonal government and to
you , gentlemen , i governors of the states
united , wu bid a most coidlal welcome.
To tiiu representatives of foielgn govern
ments within our jurisdiction , who have
come from far China and Japan , from South
America and Europe , and from our own con
tinent , wo tendei our assurances of high ap
preciation nnd our thanks for their sympa
thetic presence during our ceremonies.
With you , honored fellow-citizens , we re
joice this day over the peaceful coneummn-
tlon of the first constitutional eenturv of our
common country. Wo recall with glowing
gratitude the virtues of our great ancestors
who founded thu government , nnd of whose
labors we have inherited thu splendid fruits.
The habit of liberty and the long usaco of
prosperity have always a tendency to deaden
our reiuembianco of the greatness of the act
which Inaugurated both and which still pre
serves thorn to us. Let not the lapse of tlmo
banish the memory of our mighty fathers , to
whoso wonderful courage , wisdom , nnd
patience wo owe our rich political Inheri
tance. They won It In tlio stoi m of battle ,
nnd through the tedious tilals of self-sacri
fice. They rescued It from ntinichy , bank
ruptcy , disorders and dlscoids , which n cen i-
tury ago had bioucht upon our confederated
states , the liltv of their friends and the dis
dain of their foes. The vital foices winch
this constitutional union created gave to our
country the purer breath of a national life ,
nnd thu sentiment of a national honor. The
union supplemented the weakness of each :
with the strength of all. Instead of sectional
banners stained with repudiation and local
greed , this union gave to the whole country
n single flag , destined to unsurpassed a-spect
among the nations of the earth. attor
year wo add new stars to its folds HS peace '
fully as appears a new star | n the heavens ,
irom which wo borrowed them.
Plainly as wo see to-day the wisdom ot
thnt uulou , It was only gained after a des
pairing strafe In the venerable hall under
whose shadows we are assembled. Even the
father of his country had nearly abandoned
hope. In the- crisis of the constitution
Washington wrote to his Intimate friend , " 1
Almost despair ot seeing n favorable issuu
ot the constitution , and
do therefore repent having any agency tn
the business. "
Most heartily do wo hero render thanks to
tlio Almighty that ho and his associated
patriots did not nulte despair. May their
pacified spirits look down from their lofty
sphere and perceive In tills vast assemblngo
ttio universal gracltudo of a great
nation. To the championship of this centen
nial multitude of American patriots wo dare
summon even the great shade of Washing
ton , chief among chieftains ; of Hamilton ,
his trusted friend , incomparable In states
manship ; of .Madison and Joy. great In power
of reason ; of Franklin , mighty In wisdom
ami moderation ol temper ; of the Adamses ,
Indomitable In resolution ; nnd of other
towering forms whom we Imagine this day to
bo hovering over us. Let their names
crowned with halo ot unfading honor , de
scend with the ages , nnd their memory never
cease from the hearts of our posterity. May
the dawn of the second centennial year bo
celebrated with increased fervor , and our
union train strength as the centuries roll on.
Forever live the constitution nnd the union ,
At the conclusion of Kasson's address the
chorus sane "Appeal to Truth. " After the
singing was concluded thu picsidunt was
conducted to the platform and commenced n
short speech , which was received with
thunderous applause.
TIIK I'liusiiiEXT's ppnncn.
The president told of the honor and
pleasure It was to participate In the exercises
nnd paid n glowing tribute to tlio dignity of
American rlti/.enshlp. In concluding ho
said : "As wo look down the past century to
the oilgln of our constitution , ns we contem
plate Its trials and Its triumphs , as we realize
now completely the principles upon which It
Is based have met every national peril and
every national need , how devotedly should
wo confess , with Fratiltlln , "God irovenn In
the atfalrs of men , " and how solemn would
bo tlm reflection that to our hands Is com
mitted this ark of the people covenant and
that ours Is the dutj to shield It from Impious
hands. We received It sealed with the tests
of a century. It has been found sulliclent In
the past , and In all the tuturo years will bo
found sulllcient If the American people are
trui ! to their sacred trust. Another centen
nial day will come and millions yet unborn
will Inquire concerning our stewardship and
thn salety of their constitution. God grant
that they may tlnd It unimpaired , ana as wo
rujolco In the patriotism nnd devotion ot
those who lived n hundred years ngo , so may
others who follow us rojolco In our fidelity
and In our jealous love for constitutional
liberty. "
Hon. Samuel F. Miller , senior justice of
the , supreme court of the United States , then
delivered ] the memorial oration In substance
ns follows :
In looking at the names of those who
signed thu constitution , our sentiment of
pious reverence for the work of their hands
hardly permits ns to discriminate by special
mention of any. But It Is surely not In bad
taste to mention that the name ot George
Washington Is there ns its lirst signer and
president of tlio convention ; the man of
whom It was nttcrwards so happily declared
by the representatives of n grateful people ,
that no was "first In war , lirst In peace , and
tirst In the hearts of his conntrj men. " He
was the first man selected to fill the chief ex
ecutive ofllco of president created by the con
stitution ; nnd James Madison , another name
found In the list ot signers , tilled thu same
It Is necessary to any just appreciation of
the constitution , whose presentation for
acceptance to the people of the United State ,
a hundred years ngo , on this day we com
memorate , that some statement of Its origins
and of the causes which led to It , should bo
made. The occasion roqtilios that this shall
bo brl'sf.
The war of seven years , which was waged
In support of the Independence of these
states , former provinces of Great Hrltaln ,
on independence announced bv the Declara
tion of July 4 , 1770. the war
which will always bo known In the
history of the country as the war of
the revolution , was conducted by n union of
those states under an agreement between
them called articles of confederation. Under
these articles each state was an Integer of
equal dignity nnd power In a body called the
congress , which conduct tlio nlfalr.4 of the
Incipient nation. Each of the thirteen
states which composed this confederation
sent to congress ns many delegates as It
chose , without reference to its population , Its
wealth , or the extent of Its territory ; but thu
vote upon the passage of any law , or reso
lution , or action suggested , was taken by
states , the members from each state , however
numerous or however smalt , constituting ono
vote , and a majority of those votes by states
being necessary to the adoption ot the propo
Tlio end of this war of the revolution ,
which had established our entire Indopemt-
euce of the crown of Great Britain , and
which had caused ns to bo recognized thno-
retirallyas nmcmberof the family of nations ,
found us with an empty treasury , nn lin-
palied credit , n country drained of Its wealth
and Impoverished by the exhaustive truczle.
U found us with a largo national debt to our
own citizens and to our friends abroad , who
had loaned us their money In our desperate
strait ; and worst of all , it found us with an
army of unpaid , patriotic soldiers who had
endured every hauUhip that our want of
means could add to the necessary Incidents
of a civil war , many of whom had toieturn
penniless to families whose condition was
After giving In detail the history of the
formulation nnd ratification of thu constitu
tion , Justice Miller continued : This consti
tution has been tested by the experience of a
century of its operation , and In the light ot
this experience It may be well to consider Its
value. Many of Its most Important features
met with earnest and rigorous opposition.
This opposition was shown In the conven
tion winch presented It , and thu conventions
of the states called to ratify It , In both , the
struggle In Its favor was arduous and doubt-
tnl , the opposition able nnd active.
As soon as It became apparent to the con
vention that the now government must bo n
nation resting for support upon the peonlo
over whom It exercised authority , and not a
league ot induunndcnt states , biought to
gether under n compact on which each state
should place Its own construction , the ques
tion ot the relative power of those states In
the new government became a subject of se
rious difference. There were those In the
convention who Insisted that the legislative
body , where the most Important powers must
necessarily reside , the stntes should , as in
the articles of confederation , stand upon a
perfect . . _ equality . . . , each state . . having but . . . . one
i * * ii i i i
vote ; and this feature was finally retained In
that part of the constitution which vested in
congress the election of thu president , when
there should be n I all lire to cleci by the elec
toral college In the regular mode prescribed
by that Instrument. The contest In thu con
vention became narrowed to the composition
of the senate , utter It had been determined
that thu legislature should consist of t\vp dis
tinct bodies , sitting apart from each other !
nnd voting separately. One of these was to bo )
n popular body elected directly by the people !
nt snort Intervals. The other was to be n
body more limited In numbers , with longer
terms of ollicu ; nnd this , with thu manner srf
their appointment , wns designed to glvu sta !
bility to thu policy of the government , and to
be In some sense a restraint uuou thu sudden
Impulses of popular will.
With regard to the popular branch ot the
legislature , there did not seem to be much
dlfllculty In establishing the proposition , that
In some general way ouch state should boiup-
resented In It In proportion to Its population ,
nnd that each member of the bodv should
vote with equal elfect on till qucstloi. befoio
it. Uut when ItwiusotiKhtby thc'n ' geraud
more populous stttes , as Vlrcinlt Pennsyl 1-
vania and .Massachusetts , to apply this prin
ciple to thu composition of the senate , thu re
sistance of the smaller states became stub
born nnd they refused to yield , Tlio feeling
nrislng under , tlio discussion ot this subject
came nearer causing the disruption of the
convention than any which agitated its delib
erations. It was tin ally settled by an agree
ment that every state , however small , should
have two representatives In the snnate of the
United States , and no state should have any
more ; and that no amendment of the consti
tution should deprive any state ot Its equal
suffrage In the senate without Its consent.
As the senate has the same power In enact
ing Uw.s as the house of representatives , and
ns each state has Its two votes In that body ,
it will be seen that the smaller states secured :
when they aie In a united majority , the
practical po\sor of defeating all legislation >
which was unacceptable to them ,
lint If we are'to form an opinion from
demonstrations against , or attempts to mod
ify , this feature of the constitution , or any
featuri'"whlcji concerns exclusively the fune-
ttonK of the quunte , we shall be compelled tea
* a > that tlio ablest of our public men , and
the wisdosi of tuo nation , are la tlio main
satisfied with the work or the convention on
this point nfter a hundred yean of oberva-
tion. the existence
of an Important body In our system of gov
ernment , not wholly thu mere representative
of population , has exercised n wholesome
conservatism on many occasions In our his
It wns urged against our constitution by
many liberty-loving men , both In the con
vention and out of it , that It conferred upon
the executive , n single Individual , whose
election for a term of four years was care
fully removed from the direct vote of the
people , powers dangerous to thn oxistuncs ot
free government. It was said that with the
appointment of all the ollicers of the govern
ment , civil and military , thu sword and the
purse of the nation In his hand ? , the power
to prevent the enactment of laws to which ho
did not assent unless they could bo passed
over his objection by a vote of two-thirds In
etich of the two legislative houses nnd the
actual use ot this power for four years without -
out Interruption , nn ambitious man , of great
personal popularity , could establish his
power during his own lite and transmit It to
his family as a perpetual dynasty.
Perhaps of all objections made to important
features of the constitution tlds 'olio had
more plausibility , and was urged with most
forco. Utit if tlio century of our experience
has demonstrated anything , It Is the fallacy
of this objection and of nlltlie reasons urged
in its support. ,
Let us deal tenderly with the articles of
confederation. We should hcie , on this
glorious anniversary , feel grateful for any
instrumentality uhlch helped us In the days
of our earliest struggle. Very few are now
found to say anything for articles , yet
they constituted thu nominal bond which
held the states together dnrlne the war of In-
dependence. It must be confessed that the
sense of a common cause and a common
danger probably did more to produce this
unitedclioit than any other motives. But
the articles served their purpose for the occa
sion , nud though when the pressure of im
minent danger was removed they were soon
discovered to bo n rope of sand , let them rest
In peaceful , honorable remembrance.
Between those who favored a strong gov
ernment of the Union and those who were
willing to grant it but little power nt the ex
pense of thu states there were various shades
of opinion , and while it wns the prevailing
sanllmont of the convention that "tho great
est Interest of every true American was the
consolidation of the union , " there were many
who were unwilling to attain this object by
detaching the necessary powers Irom the
states and conferring them on the national
These divergent views had their effect ,
both In the constitutional convention aim In
those held for its ratification. Around this
central point the contention raged , and it
was only by compromises nnd concessions ,
dictated b > the necessity of each yielding
something for the common good , so touchingly -
ingly remembered In the letter of the con
vention to congress , that the result was
finally reached. Thu patriotism and the love
of liberty of each party wcie undisputed.
Tlieanxiety foragovurnmotit which would
best reconcile the procession of powers es
sential to the state governments with those
necessary to the existence and elllcluncy of
the government ot thu Union , was equal , and
tlio long struggle since the adoption ot the
constitution on the same line ot thought , In
its construction , show. ) how firmly these dif
ferent views were Imbedded In our political
If experience can teach anythlntr on the
subject of theories of government , the late
civil war teaches unmistakably that those
who believed the source ot danger to bo in
the strong powers ot the federal government
were in error , nnd that those who believed
that inch powers were necessary to Its safe
conduct and continued existence were In the
right. And that this might no longer be a
matter of dispute , three new amendments to
the constitution were adopted at the close of
that struggle , which , wntle keeping In view
the principles of our complex form of state
and federal government , and seeking to dis
turb the distribution of powers among them
ns little ns was consistent with the wisdom
acquired by a sorrowful experience , these
amendments confer additional powers on
the government of the union , nna place ad
ditional restraints upon those of the states.
May It be long before such an awful lesson Is
nealn needed to decide upon disputed ques
tions of constitutional law ,
The thirteen states which originally or
ganized this government had n population
believed to be , In round numbers , three mil
lions , many of whom were slaves. To-day It
seems probable that sixty millions are em
braced In the United States. In which there
breathes no soul who owns any man master.
Under the government established by this
constitution we have , In the century which
we are now overlooking , had three Important
wars , such ns are always accompanied by
hazardous shocks to all governments. In the
lirst of these wo encountered the British Em
pire , the most powerful nation then on ilia
globe , a nation which had successfully re
sisted Napoleon , with all the power of
Kurope at his back. If wo did not attain all
wo fought for In that contest , we displayed
an energy nnd courage which commanded
for us un honorable stand among thu nations
of the earth.
In the second the war with Mexico while
our icputatlon as a warlike people suffered
no diminution , we made largo accessions of
valuable territory , out of which states Imvo
been since made members of the Union.
The last war the recent civil war In the
number of men engaged In It , In the capacity
ot the weapons and instruments ot destruc
tion brought into operation , nnd In the im
portance of thu result to humanity at large ,
must be csteemad the greatest war that thu
hlstorv of the world presents. It was brought
about by the attempt of nlnven of the states
to destroy the Union. This was resisted by
the government of that Union under the
powers granted to It by the constitution. Its
results were the emancipation of three mil
lions of slaves , the suppression of thn at
tempt to dissever the Union , the resumption
of an accelerated march In the growth , pros-
polity , and happiness of the country. It
nlso taught the lesson of the Indistructlbllity
of the Union , of the wisdom of the principles
on which It is founded , and It astonished the
nations of thu world , and Inspired them with
a respect which they had never before enter
tained for our country.
Justice Miller closed his oration as follows :
While 1 feel It Impossible to find language
In which to express my admiration nnd my
love for the constitution of the United States ,
and my profound belief that the wisdom of
man , unaided by inspiration , has produced
no writing so valuable to humanity , 1 should
fall of a most Important duty if 1 did not sav
on this public occasion , that no amount ot
wisdom In a constitution can produce wise
government unless there is n suitable re- *
spouse In the spirit of thu people.
The Anglo-Saxon race , from whom we In
herit so much that Is valuable In our charac
ter , as well as our Institutions , has boon re-
marknblii In nil its history for a love of law
and order. While other people , equally cul
tivated , have paid their devotion to thu man
in power , as representative of the law which
ho enforces , the Kuglish people , and wo their
descendants , have venerated the law Itself ,
looking past Its administrators , and giving
our allegiance and our obedience to thu prin
ciples which govern organized society. It has
been said that a dozen Englishmen
or Americans , thrown on an un
inhabited island would at once pro
ceed to adopt a codoof laws for their govern
ment , and elect the ollicors who worn to en
force them. And certainly this proposition
Is borne out bjr the early history of our emi
grants to California , when every mining
camp organized Into a political body , nnd
made laws for its own government ,
which were t > o good that congress
adopted them until they should bo repealed
or modified by statute.
I but repent the language of the supreme
court of thu United States whan 1 say that In
this country the law Is supreme. No man Is
HO high as to bo above the raw. No ollicer of
the government tnav disregard It with Im
punity. To this inborn and native regard
tor law , as n governing power , wo are In
debted largely tor tlio wonderful success and
prosperity of our people , for the security of
our ; tights ; and when the highest law to
which we nay this homage Is the constitution >
of the United Status , thu history of thu world
has ptosouteJ no such wonder of a prosper
ous , happy , civil government.
Let mu urge upon my fellow-countrymen ,
and especially upon the rising geimrntlou of
them , to examine with careful .scrutiny all
new theories of government mm of social
lite , and If they do not rust upon a founda
tion of veneration and respect for law as the
bond of social existence , let him distrust
them as Inimical to human happiness.
And now lot me close this address with in
quotation from one of the ablest JurlsU
and most profound commentators upon ou.r )
laws , Chancellor Kent , He said , fifty jeais
i ajoQ"The ; : t'OYcrnmcnt ot tbc United bU : cj
was created by the free voice and joint will
of the people of America for their common
defense and general welfare. Its powers ap
ply to those great Interests which relate to
this country In IU national capacity , and
which depend for their stability and protec
tion on the consolidation'of the union. It is
clothed with the principal.attributes of sovereignty
eignty , and It Is justly deemed the guardian
of our best rights , the source of our highest
civil and political duties , and the sure means
of our national greatness. "
After the conclusion ot the memorial ad
dress and other exorcises the benediction
was pronounced.
Just as the benediction concluded , the Ma
rino band began rendering n march and Presi
dent and Mrs. Clevelandarm In arm , walked
to the front of thu stand and bowed again nnd
Bcaln In acknowledgment ot the thundering
npDlnuse from these In the square. A wild
rush was made over chairs and railings to
where they stood , and tlio presi
dent made a short , but Involuntary
reception , to these who succeeded In reach
ing him. As they passed out they walked
directly underneath the old liberty bell , and
the solid mass of pcoplo on thu other sldu of
the footway cheered and waved their hats ,
handkerchief nnd umbrellas until they had
passed out of sight. In the streets another
ovation was given them and they were driven
to their hotel.
Tin ; President Itanqitntcit.
Putt ADiM.fiiiA , Sept , 17. Tlio celebration
ended to-night with a grand banquet by
the University of Pennsylvania , the AmorlI
can Philosophical society , College of Physl-
clans , the law academy , the Historical so-
clety , the Franklin institute , the Academy of
Fine Atts. and the Academy of Natural
Science to President Cleveland and other dis
tinguished guests of the centennial commis
sion. President Cleveland , who was
promptly at the Academy of Music
nt the hour appointed for the
banquet , found waiting for him the most dis
tinguished visitors to the city as well as al
most every prominent man of Philadelphia.
The floor was laid over the seats In the par
quet and n table for 000 persons spread.
Bowers of growing plants and cut tlowers
hid the hall from the gaze of persons on
the lower floor. The boxes and the stage
wcro elaborately decorated with flowers. The
president took his seat at the place of honor
on the northern side , of the building , flanked
on the right by Provost Peppers , who acted
as master and on the left by George W.
Chtlds. The other guests at the table were
Secretarys Bayard and Fairchild , Frederick
Fraley , ox-Governor Hugh Gor
don , Hannibal Hainlln Mayor Filter ,
John Jav , Isaac Callvvcll , Carl ShurU ,
Charles Francis Adams , and J. M. Wilmer.
At the other tables were seated among others ,
justices of the supreme court , ollicers of the
nrmy nnd navy , foreign diplomats and gov
ernors of states. The menu was most elabo
rate. Wliltn the gentlemen were still eating ,
Mis. Cleveland nocompainled by
Mrs. Lament entered the pros
cenium box and was greeted with
nn outburst of apolausp. She was followed
by the appearance In the balcony of the
wives , daughters and sweethearts of the
gentlemen on the floor. As soon as the
ladies had taken tliolr Heats , " Provost Pepner
opened the speech-meetine. Ho referred to
tlio vailous organizationsunder , whoso joint
auspices the banquet to the president was
given , as an outgrowth of that momentous
event of which tins was the hundredth an
niversary nnd called the president to respond
to the toast , "Tho President of the United
States. " i
A vigorous outburst 'of applause greeted
Mr. Cleveland when he arose. He said :
"On such a dny ns this and the atmosphere
that now surrounds him , I feel that the presi
dent of the United States should bo thoughtfully -
fully modest and humble. * The great olllce
ho occupies stands to-day In the presence
ot Its maker and It Is especially fitting for
tills servant of the people and creature of the
constitution , amid the Impressive scenes of
this centennial occasion , by rigid self-exam
ination to bo assured concern Inn his loyalty
and obedience to the laws of his existence.
Hn will lind that the rules prescribed for his
guidance , require lor the perform
ance of his duty , not intellect
or attainments which would raise
him for above the feeling nnd sentiment of
tlio plain people of the land but rather , such
knowledge of their condition and sympathy
with their wants and needs as will bring him
nearer to them. And though he may bo
almost appalcd by the weight of his
resDonsbillty and the solemnity of
his situation ho cannot full to find
comfort and encouragement In tlio success of
the fathers of the constitution wrought from
their simple , patriotic , devotion to the inter
ests ol the people. Surely lie may hope that ,
if reverently invoked , tlio spirit which gave
the constitution life will be sufficient for
its successful operation and the
accomplishment of its beneficiont
purpose because they are brought
nenrest to the events nnd scenes which
marked the birth of American Institutions.
The people of Philadelphia should , of all
our citizens , be most Imbued with sentiments
of the broadest patriotism. The first cen
tennial congress and constitutional conven
tion met hero nnd Philadelphia still has In her
keeping , Carpentei's hall , Independence
hall , Its bell and the grave of Franklin. As
1 look about mo and see hero represented the
societies that express so largely the culture
of Philadelphia , Its love of art , Its devotion
to science. Its regard for the broadest knowl
edge and the studious care for historical re
search ; societies , some of which antedate the
constitution , 1 feel that I am In
notable company. To you Is given the
duty of preserving and protectlnu for your
city , for all your fellow-countrymen and for
mankind the traditions and Incidents related
to the establishment of the freest and bust
government ever vouchsafed to man. It Is n
sacred trust and as time leaves our govern
ment further and farther from the day of its
birth may you solemnly remember that these
traditions and Incidents shall never
bo tarnished or rejected but that , brightly
burnished , they may always bo held aloft ,
fnstenlng the gaze of a patriotic pimple and
keeping alive thulr love and reverence for
thu constitution. "
Justice Stanley Matthews responded to the
toast. "The Federal Judiciary" ; Senator J.
J. Ingnlls to "Congress" : Fit/ Hugh heo to
"Tho United States In 17b7" ; Charles Fran
cis Adams to "The United States in 1887" ;
General Sheridan to "Tho Army" ; Admiial
Luce to "Tho Navy " Sir Lionel Playfalr to
"England ; " Marquis de Chambrtil to
"France : " Andrew D. White to "America ; "
John A. Knsson to "Tho Centennial Com
mittee. " and Henry M. Hoyt to "Honor and
Immortality to thr. Members ot the Federal
Convention of 17s7. "
Tlio president and Mrs. Cleveland loft at
10:4 : > for Washington.
Iltborninn Centennial Hanqucr.
Piiir.ADr.i.i'iiiA , Sept. 17. At the centen
nial banquet of the Hibernian society this
nfternoon President Cleveland appeared for
a few minutes. Governor Green , of New
Jersey , responded to the toast , "Tlio Consti
tution of the United States. " Kx-Govcrnor
Curtln then introduced President Cleveland ,
who said :
" 1 should hardly think my participation
In the centennial celebration satisfactory
If 1 had not thu opportunity of meetIng -
Ing this representative society ,
which , throueh its antiquity and
associationbears close relation to the events
of the tlmo wo commemorate. That you cel
ebrate this occasion Is * reminder ot the fact
that in the troublous and perilous days of
your country these whoso names stood upon
your roll of membership nobly fought for
the cause of free government and for the
homes they found upon our soil. No
society or corporation , 1 nm sure , has
tn its charter or traditions nnd
history n bettor or more voluablo certificate of
Its patriotic worth nod character than you
rhave , and which is found in the words of
Washington , who In 178'J dpclaied of the
Vriondly Sons of Si. Patrick , of which your
association Is the successor , 'that It will ul-
ways be noted for the firm adherence of Its
members to the glorious cause In which we
lahave engaged. ' These nro priceless words
" 1 notice upon the letter which I received
from your secretarv , that one object of your
society Is stated to 1)0 for the relief of eml-
grants from IruKind , and this loads me to
reflect how nearly nllle < l the love of thu
country Is to kimtlj humanity , and how
naturally such u buntvolant purpose' as ttie
ns&lstauco and relief of ; our needy emigrants
follows the patriotism In which It had
Its origin , Long may the Hibernian society
live nnd prosper. Long tuny Its benevolent
nnd humane work bo prosecuted. And w lien
another centennial of the constitution Is
celebrated may these who shall then form
Its membership bo ns fully In sympathy with
patriotism , Its history and traditions and as
ready to join in general felicitation as the
men 1 sec about mo hero. "
The speech elicited uproarous applause and
when the president started to leave the hall
the members formed In a line nnd ho was
compelled to accord to each a handshake.
After the retirement of the president Major
General Scholiuld responded to thu toast ,
"The Army nnd Navy ' and General Beaver
to "Tho Thirteen Original States. " Among
other speakers were General Fit/ Hugh Lee ,
of Virginia , nnd Engineer Melville , of the
Slio Horsewhipped tlio Postmaster ,
UAHTINOTOX , Neb. , Sept. 17. [ Special to
the HuK.-Mrs. | Guy U. Wilbcr , the wife of
ex-DistrictAttorney Wilbcr , created n pro
found sensation hero to-day by publicly
horsewhipping thu postmaster , Henry B.
Swing. The trouble grew out of an nssault
made by Swing on one of Mrs. Wllbcr's chil
dren. Mr. Wliber being out of town , the
lady ' called at the trastolllco and demanded nn
apology. Wliber not only refused to npolo-
glzn jj but threatened to whip the child ngaln
under ( similar circumstances. The Indignant
lady I thereupon produced a stout riding whip
and rnlnea blows M > rapidly on the post-
master's tncu head nnd back that ho fled nnd
j took refuge Inside the postolllce inclosuro.
Tlic Growth of Advontlsm.
GitAND ISLAND , Neb. , Sept. 17. [ Special
to the BIK. : | The scene on the camn
ground Is n busy ono to-day , ns usunl. At
half-past live o'clock this morning Elder O.
A. Oicson gave a vivid and Interesting his
tory of the progress of the work of the Ad-
vcntlsts In Europe.
From a very small beginning the work had
spread until almost every nation In Europe
had been entered. The sneaker then gave a
very Interesting sketch of the Scandinavian
mission and the publishing house of the
Advuntists at Christiana , Norway.
The sneaker gave n vivid sketch of the
camp meeting held last Juno nt Moss , Nor
way , the lirst camp meeting ever held in
Europe. Ho nlso gave n history of the British
mission. "The work , " ho said , "is going on
with greater power than over before and God
Is opening the way for greater triumphs. "
A General Kennvatlon Wanted.
KIAUNEY , Neb. , Sept 17. ! Special Telegram -
gram to the BEK. | The republican primary
passed off quietly hero to-day , but ono ticket
being In the Held. The delegates elected to
the county convention are H. Kandlos , J. P.
Hnrtman , jr. , E. B. Jones , U. C. Anderson ,
11. A. Julian , Wnlter Kruet7on , John Wise-
man , J. F. McNoo , C. P. Shtir nnd A. H
Boltin. It Is nn uiibledged delegation , but it
Is understood that they will favor putting In
nn entirely now set of olllcors. The board
of supervisors had some dllllculty with some
county ofllclals , which Is creatlnir distrust
among all citlzucs. Several other precincts
held primaries with the sentiment in favor
of dealing out all the present olllco holders.
The Unexpected Good Fortune of n
Kentucky Ij.idy.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Sept. 17. [ Special Tolej
gram to the Bii.l : A few davs ago n letter
wns received at the Now Albany postotllce ,
directed to Senor Meredith Featherliigill. It
bore the postmark of Mndrld , Spain , and
wns written in the Spanish language. Mr.
Featherliigill , to whom the letter was di
rected has been dead some years , but ho left
three children. One of them Is the wife ot
Mr. Harry Chambers and the letter wns sent
toher. It was from the Spanish government
and told of the death In Africa of General
John Fathcringill , ot the Spanish army. Ho
leaves an estate in that country os-
tlmated to bo worth Sl.OOO.OOO with
no direct heir. These in this
country are notified to present their claims
nnd the property will bo divided. Thn jate
General Fentherinclll was born In Kentucky ,
but at an early age ran away from homo and
went to Cuba. Ho afterward went to Spain
nnd joined the Spanish nrmy ns a private.
Stop by step ho advanced until ho became a
geneial , and \\hen ho met fits death he was
on nn Important mission for his adopted gov
ernment. The lull particulars of his death
aru not known , but from the meagre details
it wns Interred that his camp was attacked
by natives nnd that the commander was
killed befoio they could bo beaten olf.
Mysterlonq Disappearance of an Old
Farmer nt St. Joseph.
ST.Josni'ii.Mo.Sept. 17. [ Special telegram
to the BKii.l Joseph Guttling , n prominent
cltl/.cnof O.w.e MissionKan.camu to St. Jo
seph yesterday for the purpose of Investing in
town property. He visited several ot the real
estate oflices , but no purchases were made
and after that time ho was lost sight of. To
day , about IU o'clock Thomas Padtila , nn
Italian , found n pocket hook and lint on the
banks of the river , about 100 yards north of
the Francis street depot. Near where the hat
and pocket book were found were largo
splotches of blood. The Italian Immediately
ran to police headquarters , and in broken
English told of his discovery.
A policeman was sent with him to the spot
where the hat was found. Ho found every
thing related by Paduln to bo correct. There
were evidences of a struggle. A search w s
made for the body but it Is supposed that It
was thrown into the river. The hat was
covered with blood but the pocketbook was
uninjured and still contained many valuablu
papers. Great excitement prevails as Gutt
ling was known to have on his person 81.400
back pension money which ho has lately re
ceived and several hundred dollars from the
sale of property In O-sairo Mission.
Norijuay Not Vet Successful In Gel-
tine Monoy.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Sept. 17. [ Special
Telegram to the BKB. ! Thurn Is little now
In the situation at Winnipeg. Norquay wires
from New York that ho has not yet ralsod
any money , but Is still hopeful. Ho stys thu
Dominion government and the Canadian Pa-
cllic railroad nro doin ? their utmost to Injure
him. Sir George Stephens has Issued n cir
cular to the shareholders In thu Canadian
Pacltic , taking tlio ground that the province
has no constitutional right to build a road to
thu boundary Intended to connect with
American roads. Ho demands protection for
the company and denounces agitation. His
constitutional contention has been Ions since
exploded and his facts are Intended to mis
Disastrous Wreclc on ttin Atlantic it
PUKIIT.O , Colo. , Sept 17. Another bad
wreck occurred this morning on the Atlantic
& Pacific railroad twenty or tnlrty miles
from Needles. The engine and the for
ward half of the train wont through a bridge.
Engineer Frank Thompson was killed and
it Is rumored that the killed and injured
number nearly llfty people though no par
ticulars are known.
Foil From n HonfTnld.
ST. JoSKi'ii. Mo. . Sept 17. | Special Telegram
gram to the Bun. I About 10 o'clock this
morning just as five men. who were engaged
In painting the Fcrmlnal company's roundhouse
house , were stopping from an old scalfoldlng
to a now one , the old gave way and
the live men fell a distance ot thirty feet tea
the ground below. Philip Swartz , the con
tractor , struck his head against a pillar , aat
the foot of the building , and was Instantly
killed , and William Waters nnd Louis lieecli
were both seriously Injured anil removed , teat
the city hospital , Waters received Internal
Injuries ami will probablr die. Thu pther
lut'U received only silent Injuries
The Manifesto of the French Royalist
Treated Very Indifferently.
Ituiivlcr of the Opinion Thnt ItVIII
Urine the Republicans More
Closely Together Other
Foreign News.
ISS'bn Jamr * (3ont m Denne(1.1 (
Sept. 17.-Now | York Herald
Cable Special to the BiB.l : The Compto do
1'arlsjhas now for four days appeared before
the French nation In thu role of n saviour of
society. Ills detailed menu of modernized
monarchy has been sown broadcast through
out Franco , but there Is not yet tlio slightest
sign that royalty will reap from it any
harvest The masses of the people read It
with IndllTdriincu or with the platonlc
curiosity with which they daily toad the
posters of some new financial prospectus or
advertising scheme. Kven In feverish , over-
Impressionable 1'arls the elaborate manifesto ,
causes no outburst of patty animosity.
rui : inixT : cinnvvN OPINION.
President Grovy read the manifesto at
Mont Sous Vnudroy Thursday morning.
After pondoi Ing over each phrase with his
scrutinizing legal mind ho slowly rose from
his I chair and said : "It Is a well written his-
toric/thesls. / It Is thoroughly academic , but It
contains not a uartlclo of danger to the re
public. ' "
nouvir.nN views.
M. Kouvler , who presides over the most
moderating conservative cabinet that has
governed Franco for many years , after read
ing the manifesto , said : " 1'his will consoli
date the republicans more than anything that
could bo devised. It shows the necessity of
republicans of nil shades rallying around the
republic and will force my colleagues nnd
myself to seek a majority In the ranks of tlio
republicans solely and not count , us hitherto ,
on the votes of conservatives. "
The effect of the manifesto , brlellv stated ,
Is that the French people , no matter what
their political stripy may be , In a mild , pla-
tonicsortof way , commend theduncendantot
thu Capots for comingdownfrom the sublime
atmosphern of generalities and enunciating
clearly and distinctly his political creed.
They approve his pluck In throwing over
board once for all the lictlon ot divine right ,
but feel convinced that henceforth the return
of any Kind of a monarchy to Franco Is n
mere idle dream. Under thu Kouvler minis
try tlio royalists and Imperialists found a
soit of modus vivendi , a sort of truce with
the republic , and for the Comte do Paris to
launch his thunderbolt at the prcsant time
seems pretty good proof tint ho h'msult ' and
his reactionary advisors toll that this truce
might become a lasting peace , thereby de
stroying foroTur any cliancu of monarclilal
restoration. < l
The manifesto has certainly been n perfect
Godsend ' to the Paris newspapers. Column
after i column of loading articles appear day
alter d'iy. The Figaro says : "Tho act that
the representative ut jnoiiarchy has just ac
complished lu'perhaps the most jmportat ono
In < our history since the French revolutionfor
the charters of 1840 nnd 1&30 were only In
tended to organize the purely representative
machinery : of government , but tlio pro
gramme i of the 1.1th ot September embraces n
wider hori/.on and alms at an entire reorgan
ization of society. M. Comto do Paris , after
studying the conditions of modern life In thn
United States nnd Kimlnnd , exposes with n
loyalty equal to his courage , tlis entire mo-
chnnlsm and details of his future government.
The republic , now more than ever Impotent ,
with nn army ready to face any foreign
enemy as General Broirt now says It is
with an army roidy to quell any Insurrection
at homo and with a worthy heir to n role of
kings on the throno. Franco would again
arise fiom the ashes and regain possession of
lieiseif. "
Paul C.issagnac , in Autorito , almost goes
down on his knees In admiration of the
Comto do Pans for advocating the cloak ot
Imperialism and the plebiscite. Ho con
cludes tint article In Autorltu in the following
words : "Hoyalty Is blunded with Imperial
ism. That which everybody believed Impos
sible Is now reality. This Is the most terrible -
blo blow the republic has over yet received.
It will never recover from It. "
The Uopubllcan , Paris , says : "Tho
Comto do Paris names himself king
of and first servant ot franco.
It will soon bo proved that the Comte do
Paris wilt never bo thu king of anybody , and
as to becoming thu first servant of Franco ,
the nation will never forget that ho was In
the hour of the utmost need hero the lirst
creditor. "
Justice scoffs at thu manifesto and says
Franco Is never troubled with a lack of
doctors to propose romudlos tor her griev
Tumps says : "cnrtalnly not this manifesto
can Imperial republican Institutions. "
The ever-conservative Debate says : "Af
ter a careful examination , of thu manifesto ,
our opinion remains unshaken that the re
public Is thu solu government that permits
Franco to protect her Interests and struggle for
her welfare without requiring forgettulness
of principles aim a sacrlllcu of dignity. "
But what is of far moru real impoitanco
thin the discussion about thu Comte de Paris
Is , ns was foretold In the Herald a fortnight
ago , that thu success of thu mobilization has
raised the spirits of the nation Into a seventh
heaven of self-confidence. "Kovancho' ' Is
now on Frenchmen's tongues as well ns In
their hearts. In thu banquet In General
Bieart's honor "revanche" was tlia tlmmo of
the hour. It Is nlso widely commented upon
that the Comto du Paris carefully avoids
meeting BIsniaick's accusation that Orleau-
Ism means war. Politicians of all similes ,
with whom I have talked , nro unanimous in
prophecylng that as soon as the chambers
mecttho Kouvler cabinet will glvo place to u
ministry of republican concentration , with
msu in like Floquot nnd Fruyclnet.
A CrlllolHiii ofllie Comtc.
[ f'opvrfuM ISS7 by Jnmta ( lordin lltiiliftt , ]
PAKIH , Sept. 17. [ Xow York Herald Ca
ble-Special to the Bii-Tho : : ] evolution
ist , thu Lonuon Times , nfter the extiaor-
dinary Thursday's issue , came out n tremendous
deus lender praising the ( 'omto do Paris
manifesto to the skies. The following day
the Times publishes from its distinguished
Parisian correspondent , Keep , a clear
sighted dispatch , describing exactly the
situation and revealing with n master hand
the fatal mistake the Comte has nmle In
writing the manifesto. In this single dis
patch Monsieur do IllowlU justifies his
world-wide reputation ns thu king of foreign
correspondents. His cable returned hero
to-day and attracted comment everywhere.
U is as follows. : "Tho manifesto of the
Comto do Paris Is the almost exclusive topic
of discussion , but , curiously enough. It has
nmdo n greater Impression abroad than In
France , Judging by a telegram' fiom the
provinces. Mouio papers remark that thu
manifesto explains tlio banishment of the
Comto do Patls. but the fact Is ( the very
reverse. The banishment explains the man *
Ifesto. Had ho been on Ficnch soil and
taken : account of the present situation , hint
lie breathed the political atmosphere of the
county , the prlnco would never have written
It . No moment seems loss opportune fee
such ' nn assertion of his claims than the mor
row'of the mobilization experiment , oC-
which the whole of Franco Is so proud ami
the credit of which devolves on a republican
government. A manifesto denying
the ' government all virtue and abIN '
Ity appeals unjust to nn Immense
majority ot the nation and this nlono proves
It was drawn up abroad and will produce the
most Impression abroad , where It Is least
scandalizing. To bo opportune It should
have appeared In the midst ot the last minis
terial crisis. When the republicans of
Franco seem doomed to Impotence and ,
sterility Is when mouarclilal sta
bility might have been contracted1
with constant nnd dangerous lluctuations.
This , however , Is cruel and Infallible , la
consequence of cxllo at n distance events ai4
not judged at their real value. Never , iaoj
was the manifesto less foreseen. On tlio ! ils (
of May , only three months ago , Franco
seemed ' on thu brink of a catastrophe. Shdf
seemed about to choose a government whoso
programme was war abroad , at homo separ
tlon of church and state and n progro-slvrf
Income ' ' tax , communal anarchy and all thcoV
rics threatening life and ptoperty. The at
titude of the conservative party warded offi
thcso : dancers. Those who had scon them )
and beheld tlio escape felt admiration for ,
this ! patriotic act. It entered nobody's head,1
that the conservatives aimed at any rewara
other than the consciousness of hav
ing 1 : served the country well. Tlio
reasons which dictated or appealed to
dictate their conduct have not disappeared.
Thu manifesto now suddenly stops what was/ /
believed to bo the patriotic action of the con- ,
servatlve.s. The truce is at nn end. Thu con-
lllct recommences. The monarchy openly
plants Its Ha : In the face of thu republic. It
rejects ill I compromise with the republicans/
that t Is to say tlio Immense majority of
France 1i are treated as a faction and that Im
mense the minority aie treated as having
usurped the imprescriptible right of royalty.
Tlio present cabinet had doeluied that it was
'Ji government of combat , but tlio monarchy
picks up tlio weapon dropped by tlio Kouvler
tic ministry and constitutes Itself a government
of combat nt every time , when U was be
lieved to have at least temporarily shelved
Its claims for the sake of peace. Ail this Is the
effect of exile. The Irimids of' the
Comto do Paris had told him that the ?
lionapartlsts were divided and disorganized }
that the moderate republicans were dis
gusted ; that the royalists had agreed to n
truce out of discouragement , fancying themselves - '
selves tied to n elite ! without boldness or en-
tcrpilse. Thereupon ho cieatcd n republican
Cxsanan monarchy , orphilned In his mani
festo. Ho had thus revived the courage and
confidence of tlio loyalists , offered n plebi
scite to the Imperialists nnd universal
sutlragn to the democrats nnd constructed a
form of government affecting n now shape
though of old materials. In which dl\lne
right was merged In national will nud royal
prerogatives are tempoied by popular con- '
sent. This theoretical conception Is fiesli
proof of Its authors acute lntclHJ
genco and as n hbtoiic document the ,
manfcsto will bo a legitimate source'
of prldo to his friends. It bespeaks ex
ceptional historic culture and nn ardent do-
slie to insurn his country's welfaie. The
horrjr , Illegality , violence nnd energy of will
which gains In strength and makes respect
for the law iHill more meritorious demon
strates In short that the princu would be the
best of kings If France weio Imbued with a
deslro to plncu him on the throne.
These qualities , however , have led
him to dispose of the micrcd Inhciltnnco
which ho has no right to' dispose of , the
monarchtal principle of which he Is the do < '
posltory nnd which lie has constantly pro * '
claimed to bo patilmony. The nation Is ln {
comnarable with thu modern Ideas intro
duced by him into It nnd he has !
scaicely ncted In plenitude of his
rights by sacrificing by a stroko'
of the pen tlio traditions of a thousand year3
which he claims for himself nt the very tlmo (
of sacriliclng them to facilitate his restoia-
tlon. As to the ell'cct of the manifesto It
certainly will not hasten by an hour tlio
return of monnichy. Itill bu a sealed book
for the mass of the nation nud will simply ,
give the extremists a pica for Impelling tho'
republic to violent course ,
The Funeral ( if Slilnnick.
Dum-iN , Sept , 17-tNew York Herald
Cable | Special to the lii.J ) : : The Herald Is
Indebted to a representative of the Freeman's
Journal who has just returned from Mltch-
ellstown for the following notes of his visit :
The boy Casey lies dead In the hospital not
far from the postoflice , not far from which l.s
situated the Kingston Arms hotel , which has
been turned Into temporary police barracks ,
and between the barracks and postolllcu Is
the lanu In which Casey's father and mother
live. Under such circumstances It Is that
the whole neighborhood resounds with tho'
revelry of men who , to say tlio least of It ,
killed Casey and two others on Friday last.
There was music and shouting nnd loud
laughter and what sounded like dancing.
Shlnuick's funeral , from the tlmo tlio pro
cession loft Mltchollstown until It readied
tlio cravcynrd , was undoubtedly , with the ox-
ccptlon of the city demonstration ,
the larcest yet witnessed In lro *
land. As the cortosjo loft Mltcliells-
tnwn , headed by several clergymen trom
sunounding parishes nnd brass bands from
Fermoy and Mltchollstown with furled ban
ners nnd playing the dead march , It certainly
was an imposing sight , but ns 1 } npnroiehod
Fermoy , the native place of poor Slilnnick ,
it assumed Immense proportions. At several
places on the load contingents joined , en
larging tlio already Ioni { train of vehicles
and horsemen. At Kllvtorth .Mills the Itnth-
cornao contingent , headed I > > Itov , J. Greene ,
composed of about 1W cars and SOU men ,
stood In line by the roadside , piodiiclng tlio
most strlkinc effect a.s they awaited an opportunity -
portunity for falling In lino. From tliunco
to Fermov , n distance ot more than n mile ,
the road was lined with people In cars and
on foot until at Harry's CKHS over two hun
dred men were drawn up , tour deep , headed
by the Young Ireland society. This largo
rontlngcint from tins point marched after the
hearse , and ns It approached the town was
largely increased. At thu railway station the
collin , which was
was taken from the he.irso nnd borna
throne ! ) tlio streets by the members of the
Young Ireland society , tlio binds alternately
playing the dead march. The scene wit
nessed hero was ono which can nuver bo
forgotten by anyone who saw it. Tlio slde-
walka wcie densely packed , window * wcro
filled , and as the collin passed through tha
expressions of regret and sympathy were
nlfectinu' In tlio extreme , while the order
preserved remarknhlo. Passing over
Hlnckwatcr brhK'o to thu square extraordin
ary numbers had uswmbled. Kvury door In
the town was closed , the ehutters were up
and the blinds drawn , While every head was
uncovered. Here was testified the true feel.
UU ol thu penjiln , who numbeied about S.tKX )
ev.hiiiro of timid who weio' oil the car * ,