EHE OMAHA DAILY BEE s SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 17 , 1887. FftlOHXJENKD MAIDEN8. Rescued Prom the Esmond Hotel Fire by Daring Firemen. The most serious conflagration which has occurred hero for some months took place yesterday morning , in what has heretofore been known AS the Norrls hotel on the corner of Sixteenth and Webster streets. A few days ago Norrls retired from the management of the place , and a Mr. Colby took charge , changing the name to that of the Esmond house , At 0:40 : o'clock the alarm was sounded from box 64 , nnd though the tire depart * ment responded with despatch , the lower part of the house was found in flames , while dense volumes of smoke were roll- inn upward into the sleeping apartments on the second and third floors , causing the occupants to believe that escape could bo had only through the windows. On the upper floors there were several ladles who baa not yet left the building , and when these discovered that they could not reach the ground by means of the stairs , made their appearance at the windows and some of them were dis suaded from jumping to the walk by the repeated injunctions of the fircmon to wait until ladders could be raised for their assistance. As it was , several throw their trunks and wardrobes to the walk , and were soon enabled to follow them by being brought down the ladders by the hook and ladder men. Some of the ladles when found were un conscious , and others were in a terribly excited condition. Six of them owed their safety to the daring of ladder men. At one of the windows the ladder failed to roach the third story , where a fcoblo man sought assistance. For the first time in some months a Pumpcler ladder was brought into use and extended from the lap ot the ladder to the window in ques tion. It was held by Mr. Farrish , of the hook and ladder company , while the fee ble gentleman descended. The most exciting event , however , was the rescue of Mrs. Norris , who at the time was bedridden in her room , which was completely enveloped in smoke. She must have suffocated haa not the clerk. Harry Carson , rushed to her apartment and borne her bodily to the second floor , whore ho placed her in room 40 , which was out of the direction of the same. Mrs. Norris was insensible and Carson was overcome and nearly suffocated. Ho is still under the effects of the smoke and fears are entertained of Ills recovery. Mrs. Norris had been operated UDOII yesterday for a tumor , and the chances arc against her recovery. The hotel was damaged to the extent of $2,500. It is owned by Droxcl & Hart and fully insured. Meyer's bakery on the first floor was damaged to the extent of | 5,000 ; Edwnrd Larkin , the dry goods man , suffers a loss of $1,000 , also insured , while the furniture of the hotel was more or less injured. The insurance policies .lor thK however , uro now in Chicago with Norris. and the amount of the same is not known. The fire originated , it is claimed , with n lighted gas jet which was attached tea a post between the bakery and the hotel kitchen In the basement. The tire department was under the di rection of Assistant Chief Suiter and was well handled. SCHOLASTIC AFFAIRS , Uroni Increase of Pupils and a Com- parlHon With fiant Year's Standing. The overcrowded condition of the city schools , and the continued increase of now pupils , is assuming a shape that is very perplexing bet h to Superin tendent James nnd the educational board. The opening day gave indica tions of what might bo v pectcd in the way of an augmented attendance for the present year , but did by no moans reveal the extraordinary magnitude of the unprecedented increase of young ideas anxious to learn how to shoot. The inllux of additional pupils has been simply astounding. It was not _ looked for by any one. In consequence 'but little or no provision was made for their accommodation. This must now bo donq within a prescribed time that is exceedingly trying and an noying to the parties vested with the authority to attend to these matters. However , they are evincing an energy , that cannot tail to prove adequate to the task , and there is no doubt that by next week ample facilities for the accommodation of the great in cruaso will bo devised. By way ot com parison the BKB has ascertained thnt the number of teachers regularly enrolled last year was 100 , and together with those intermittently employed , this mini ber would bo swelled to probably 105 with an average attendance of pu Kils to a teacher of forty-seven , making 10 total enrollment of 7,500. Yet it mus be understood that at no one time wat there more than 7,000 in the schools This fall there is a roster of over 170 teachers with an average of fifty-live pu pils to the teacher , which increases the number of pupils to in the neighborhood of 0,800. This is certainly an extra ordinary increase , rmd what is still more remarkable is the fact that additional scholars are reporting every day. The board is straining - ' ing a point , however , and all will be properly nlassi tied and accommodated by the first of the coming week. The pub lic school attendance , it should bo borne in mindmust not bo confounded with the school population of Omahaas it does not Butllciently represent it by any menus , or oven furnish a basis for computation. The private and select and secular , schools embodying much of this population , and rendering it a diHicult matter to got at lust what the school population in tote is. However , it is safe to say that it Is greatly , perhaps almost double , of that represented by the public school attend ance as stated above. DIDN'T WAIT FOB TI1K VERDICT. Herb Hotliory Convicted ot the Diamond mend Itobery nnd Escapes. At 3'o'clock yesterday morning the jury in the diamond robbery cose against Herb Uothory , otherwise known us John Mo- Clollan , which has been on trial for the past week at Council ItlutVs , returned a verdict of guilty. When the bailiff brought the notifica tion of the jury's agreement the judge convened the court and tlio twelve were led from their room to the box. All parties concerned in the caio wore present save one and that none other than the defendant. The court stayed the announcement of the vordlct for a half hour , at the expiration of which it was conceded from all sides that the defendant did not purpose to ap pear. The Uniting of the jury was then read and the bond of the accused forfeited. His sureties wure John Under nud Conrad Geico to the amount of f 1,000 each. Tim judge t'lun ' sot the casu for judgment ou next Wi'dnesdav. Colonel Daily , the Council Hinds prosecutor cuter , was In tlio city yesterday morning and re ported to Chief Soavoy such tacts as are essential in running down the fugi tive. The colonel believes that Uothory gained an inkling of the probable verdict Thursday afternoon and licit as boon as night came. Calls at the defendant's saloon on Dodge near Eleventh street yesterday , secured - cured no word of the .fugitive. At his brother's saloon 8t the corner of Elov. enth and Hartley streets , A. H. Forbtu , who is a creditable spokesman for tlio defendant , said that no had not. seen the defendant , but was positive that nU ncio'Qot topcru\aucutly dude ho law. It la rather Rothery's purpose to It COD quiet so aa to avoid tlio annoy ance of imprisonment ocnding an appeal for a new , and aa soon aa cer tain papers" are tiled in Council Bluffs and bonds are renewed , ho will appear on earth. Implicated In thit crime with Rothery , according to the reading of the indict ment , was a William Morse , a loose character of no regular occuuation In this city. .The defense had stood upon scparatn trials , and Morse's case was docketed for 10 o'clock yesterday morn- Ing. Court being convened , a jury was 1m paneled , the case waa called and the sheriff gave the customary summons at the door , but no Morse appeared. Ilia bonds were forfeited , the same gentle men as for Kothery being sureties. About 10:30 : yesterday morning Alorso walked Into Ed Hothery's saloon and waa instantly seized by the proprietor. Ed ward Kothery is security for Morse In two criminal oases pending before the Uoug las county district court , anil taking alarm ( or pretending to ) ho determined to throw up his surety. ( Jhlef Seavy ac cepted the custody of Morse , and after an unavailing effort to sccuro a confession , locked the man up in the county Jail. Morse was seen in the jail and said that ho camn across the river in a boat with tlerb Rothery. Tlioy started at a point up the river , but the current was HO swift that they landed below the Union Pacific bridge. "Then , " said Morse , "Host sight of Herb , lie told me while coming over that ho was going to give himself up and stand the chances of an appeal to a higher court. I am not guilty of stealing the diamond at Council Bluffs , neither is Herb Uoth ory , but Ed Rothery went on my bonds in another case. I won't sec him sutler. He's too good a man. So I thought 1 would just surrender myself and avoid all sensation. " Over-U'orUod Women. For "worn out , " "run down , " debili tated school teachers , milliners , seam stresses , housekeepers , and over-worked women generally , Dr. Picrno's Favorite Prescription is the best of all restorative tonics. It is not a "cure-all , " but admir ably fullills a singleness of purposebeing a most potent spcccillc for all those chronic \vcaknessesaud diseases peculiar to woman. It is a powerful , general as well as uttcrino , tonic and nervine , and imparts vigor and strength to the whole system. It promptly cures weakness of stomach , indigestion , bloat ing , weak bnck , nervous prostration , debility and sleeplessness , in cither sox. Favorite Proscription is sold by druggists under our positive guarantcu. See wrap per around bottle. Price $1 a bottle , or six bottles for $5. A largo treatise on Diseases of Women , profusely illustrated with colored plates and numerous wood-cuts , sent for ten cents in stamps. Address WOKLU'S Disn : > sAUY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION , GG3 Main street , buffalo , NA , The Post HOUHC. Ono of the city's institutions main tained at public expense is the pest house. It is located on the northwest corner of the poor farm , and is a plain , harmless looking shanty about 20x25 feet in area. It suggests anything rather than the in tention which directed its erection , for It was designed as a refuge for those af llictcd with small-pox , yellow fever and Asiatic cholera. Although no case of contagious disease of any description has bean confined in it for two years , an attendant is regularly employed at a monthly salary to perform imaginary duties within it , and ft is a tradition in the vicinity that the building affords him shelter from the inclemencies of the seasons. The old building was deserted and closed yesterday with no signs of habitation visible about it , and everything looked as though the keeper had gene off to engage in other and more pleasing pursuits , return ing , perhaps , occasionally as the home steader would do , to make sure that his pre-emption was not wiped out. So an * ions was the reporter to talk to the keeper or , that to his intense joy , finding that telephonic communication existed with the pest house , no began a series oi "holloa , holloa , " but "oh holloa" came back as an empty echo. That keouor , during his absence , should have a clerk or a telephone bov to maintain the dig nity of the post house , and to afford anx ious reporters opportunities of culling news and interesting matter. Tlio nest Coffee in the World. \\o still load them all. McLaughlin's XXXX coffee , the best in the world , re cuivod the First Premium at the Stiiti Fair at Lincoln as the best coffee , also for their magnificent display. The immense monso sign pyramid reaching to the colling , composed exclusively of XXXX codec packages , taking over half a ton of coffuo In their construction , was ono of the features of the fair. This celo brated coffee has kept the front rank ant will so continue to time Immemorial ant is the loading coffee on the market. Me Laughlin's XXXX Coffoo. A Suspicious Character. - John Cain was arrested ycsterda ; charged with having stolen n pair of $1 pants from the counter of William Mol drum's merchant tailoring establishment Cain was arraigned this morning an pleaded not guilty. Moldrum tcstilied that ho entered his place with a roll o English worsted , which ho wanted to sol him. Ho refused to buy and in turnin ; his back , Cain snatched a pair of pants together with his own bundle , from th counter and made his escape. Ho wn arrested an hour afterward , but no traces of the pants could bo found , and as it could not bo proven that ho took them , ho was dismissed , but immediately rearrested on a charge of vagrancy anil siiM > icinu3 character. Ho was sent up for thirty days. Ilnrrlaon on tlio Range. W. H. Harrison , the man who has oc casioned so much annoyance to the sol diers on the rillo ranee , by locating some of his property which may bo affected by the shots of the marksmen , seems determined to drive the latter off the range , yester day he was found on one of the lota , digging a cellar , in the enclosure made by 11. T. Clark. The anomaly. of the sit uation is the right of Mr. Clark to erect a fence around his property and the right also of Harrison to jump the cmmo and commence his work of excava tion. Mr. Clark is determined to bring tlio matter to a focus in a few days. A "Dlatlnuulahed" Visitor. Doe Johnson , the man who compelled I'arker , the man who robbed Paymaster Hash , to forcibly give up $3,200 of the "stuff , " was in town yesterday , but he did not appear in the style hu assumes in Whitman where ho resides. The town is a tough place at the end of the 1) . & M. branch , 120 miles west of broken liow. There , it is claimed , ho is generally attended by a female protector and a rillo , which ho seems to feel necessary to repel the at tack of some expected foe. rho DurnntH In the Woods. This popular lire company will civo its first picnic to-day at Fremont. It will probably bo the last of the season , The members have Ijberally patronized all other picnics of the year , and will now be appreciated by other organizu * tions that their own picnic is to bo given. I The train loaves ou the Union Pacific at ' 8 A , 111 , to-uiorrow INCREASING THE SVSTEM. The Omaha Company Purchase * the Bonlh Omnli * 1'lant , The Omaha waterworks company have bought out both the Stockyards and South Omaha land ' company's water works plants at South Omaha. The bar gain wus closed last evening , but the terms of the purchase are unknown. The Omaha company assumed con trol this morning , and will Im mediately begin the laying of a sixteen inch main from their system proper , in this city , to the stock yards , thereby merging nil the plants Into ono and the samn plant. However , the stock yards and land company's system will still bo held as only auxiliary to the sys tem in chief until the completion 'of the now rorks at the suburban village of Florence , when they will bo aban doned. Work on the super structure of the latter has already begun , and the grading contracts will be let probably Wednesday or Thursday next. Work will therefore bo vigor ously prosecuted until the colossal sys tem is complete. The big tunnel to the river and the substructure will bo fin ished , say by the middle of December , and the superstructure , with annexes , by July 1,1888. when Omaha can probably boast of as complete and thorough a sys tem of water works as can bo found in the country , and the very best west of the city of Chicago. Tlio service of the water works at the tire this morning , at the cor ner of Sixteenth and Webster streets , is relevant testimony as to oven tlio pres ent thorough condition of the Omaha water works , and good grounds upon which to estimate the character and efficiency of what they will bo after the expenditure of $1,000,1100 upon their enlargement and improvement. So great was the pressure that two sections of hose were burst asunder , yet still loft no less than twelve magnificent streams playing upon the burning building. All the hydrants worked uorfectly.accounted for by the fact that tlio company keeps a gang of men on duty to watch and at tend to them , and to see that they are never out of condition. In fact , every thing Is being done as rapidly as circum stances will permit to improro nnd per fect Omaha's already very satisfactory waterworks system. Notice. Any person giving information to the undersigned of the whereabouts of Gil bert Everton will confer a favor on him. Ho left O'Neill , Nob. , three years ainee , and has not since been hoard from. U. F. ROIIKKTS. O'Neill , Neb. Pnvltic Material. Chairman Halconibc , of the board of public works yesterday morning , received the oflicial resolution of tlio council affect ing the disposition of the material taken rom the streets by the railway compa nies in laying their tracks. It reads as ollows : llcsolvcil , That the chairman of tin board f public woiks report to the council as to what disposition is mailo of the pavmc ma- lerial thnt has been and Is bolni : removed from ttio paved streets by the several street car companies which Imvn torn up the niwe- ncnt for the purpose of laying the street car tracks , as the law provides tlmt all street car companies shall pave , at their own expense , Mielr tracks. Mr. Balcombo says that ho will simply report to the council that it has been ctis- .omary for the companies in question to ake the material referred to , claiming hat they put in anew pavement instead. Ho will also ask for instructions as to what ho shall do with regard to the mat ter in the future. Thousands of loads of cedar block and broken stone have been removed in this manner , and been sold to the pecuniary advantages of the rail ways. GUADING CONTRACTS. The board of public works held a mect- ng yesterday and awarded contracts 'or ' the grading of the alloys between Mason and Pierce streets , and Pierce and Pacific streets , from Tenth to Eleventh streets , and also Pierce street , from Tenth to Eleventh streets , to Stunt & Harael. The bids were 25 cents per yard for the first two jobs , and 23J cents on the Pierce street contract. When nature falters and requires help , recruit her enfeebled energies with Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthcnine Cordial and Blood Purifier. $1.00 per bottle. A Car Lend nt'Thenter Agents. O maha enjoys the august presence of the largest number of professions amusement mnn which she has over known at one time. They are all rivals and yet they mingle with more than the traditional good nature which character izcs the craft. There is John Duke Mur ray with a still'cold , who is "morely" the advance agent of Milton Nobles ; George Lennox , another "mere" advance man for Miss Prcscott ; John Whitoly.who man ages that lady's professional affairs ; John J. Ruddy , surnamed "gore. " who is making arrangements for a big rattle for the "Rag Baby ; " John Smyth , the "mere" for Tom Keene ; " Ariel N. Bar ney , the weighty managerial weight of the sumo actor ; M. J. O'Noill , the poet ical avoirdupois of Doris & Calvin's cir cus ; W. C. Coup , of the equos-curricu- lum , and Danforth , of the "Old Cronies. " Some others may have gotten away , but enough are above enumerated to show that the managerial eye is looking to Omaha to help till the managerial pocket in the near future. "A better article it is impossible to got , sir ; I have tried them all and unhesitat ingly pronounce Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup superior to any. " ( Exe. ) The old story : Triyial symptoms w.oro notrlecied until rheumatism became es tablished , whereas all the sutloring could have boon prevented by the prompt use of Salvation Oil. 25 cents. Yesterday n young man named T. Linliurer , aged twenty-seven years , died of typhoid lover , at St. Joseph's hospital. Ho will bo buried by County Agent Mahoney - honey , the first ono under the order of the county commissioners , which makes Mr. Mahoney superintendent of all county interments. They Should Ue Fnld. The council made no provision at their last meeting for the payment of the special policemen appointed for fair week as was expected , and tlio men are much disappointed. Chlet Soavoy had certificates of their time made out this morning , which many of them have since hypothecated at a sacrifice. They are laboring men and in great need of the little money they have honestly earned , and cannot await tlio pleasure of the council. Distress after catincr , heartburn , sick headache , and indigestion are cured by Hood's Sarsap.mllu. It creates a good appetite. An Advertiser In Jnll. Frank Freeman is a slick young man , and lias boon doing the city in the role of an advertising agent of some sort or other. His mode of business being ques tionable , ho was arrested as a suspicious character. It has since been ascertained at police headquarters that he is wanted at Dennison , la. , for a much gruvor of fense. Hans Thollgenrd , proprietor of the Atlantic hotel , waa arrested yesterday , for an attempt to rescue a prisoner In the hands of Ofiiccr Ward. The police man took the follow , who was drunk and noisy , out of Thoilgoerd'ti house , when the proprietor rushed out and endeav ored to take him uway. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never mrlHS. A marvel of pur ty , strength and wholosoraoneas. Mure econ- omictl than the ordinary kinds , and cannot bo old In competition with the multitude of. low coit short weight alum or _ pho phnte powders. Bold only In ran * . UOTAL BAKING : POWDKR C . Ul Wall-it. . N.T. OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Cor. 13th St. and Capitol AVI. , OMAHA , NEI. FOR TUB TREATMENT OF ALL CHRONIC a SURGICAL DISEASES BRACES AIID APPLIANCES FOH DEFORMITIES. TRUSSES. A' < t > THE lUw VASICOCEIE SUSPENSORY CLAMP COMPRESS. N.t faclMDe. Ipplrfltiil Bn-l renmlli * . for llice ftjllrt lmrnt % t renr form of t1\eh M rnitilrmff Mmllc.1 or Pitrgtml trrnfmfiit. Wlirric Ht Cliul'lR. ' oil l > tfiirniltlr AliJ Brar l , ( lull Ff t , Curtatm.ortli.Hiilne , ri1 it1iimom. C.nccr , C.tirili , HrmirUtl * , lllialMi'vi ' , Ij- trlcilr mlr i . Kllfn.jr , KMncy , UlaJJir. ; . l r , FUu. in I llloul , and lBmt'r ( ' l O | r > tlonl. Book on Diseases of Women FREE. Only Rcllablo MEDICAL INSTITUTE u \KIVO A srcci atr OP PRIVATE , SPECIAL an ! NERVODS DISEASES. All niood IHM'AIIM liter * iftAillr tr * tf < l. BjphlHllo JYI on rrmo frtnn tli iy lei'i without nificury , Ntw ) tr loratlvo Irmtmrnt fur l * > ttvt Wull'owrr. I 'or inn * uiiahU to vlfcll ill 1n v lie tttinl * t IKJIDC , by Coritt | > oiiiWiirf. Atlcmnmunlritl uinGntimlriuUI M dl- cliir or instrument rut fcy lunllor oil > r s , Mrurcly | aikH. no mirk * to | ivlk t rontratior ftrtulrr. One | Mfft u l [ tilrnriiw prt- fmr-l CtU miJtuntiiltux.urMuJhUtiirjr ofjuurciw , will * hUnii , uU tto will ftuml In | UaJavr i ir , our BOOJOFREETO MEN ! L'pon IMvttp , flpclal * M Xcrvmi * DIMIMSdMnil wrukrfM Pt-ennitonliT * , | tnwfHjrt ] 8jrrt1ii1U , Oouurthac , Gll , anil * * 1- corvl * . Itonint fir julittit * , A'Mrtil , 2HAIU MEDIC 10 * 8URGICAI , INSTITIT , or 'A.McMeiany , Ccrjl3lti st. & Capitol Av.,0radoa , NeD. Medical Books or Papers Free. Tba proprietor of the Oumba Medloil and - > urjl- callnslltulo but paUlalicd a valuable te. of books an > l pnpers upon cbro ilc uiid diseases anu dcforinltle * . anil tua methods ot cur * which hnre given him tie reputation ot being tb * roost skillful iinclsucceMfulipeUalliit In the nett , and mulct no Institute so cjieoraierl thnt m dlclnes areieitlo imil patients recol i oil ( rom every ituto In the union. Aniunic tlio bookills one upon tbe dl CM < e ot women ; one upon nervou" , special abd prlvitle dis eases of the nexual itind urinary organs ; vnrlcocole cured by operation * , and their lately Invent ed clump coruprpn * lusR'niory for tbe relief and curecif varloocele. n < * rvous ethniistlan nml eiinl riebl Uy. now ru.toritlte treatment. I'ar r upon uiKlciu braces , | ) tle .iMnCers. paralysis , ( IH. Klec- trlcity and tie new magnetic battery for borne use ) catarrh and Inhalation , tts. Unlike ino't book * Issued by doctor ) rreo , they do not consist of testimonials menials nlth fictitious names and Inltlils. nr rub&lih of that kind , but a-n pliln description * of diseases , symptom * , new ducoverlei In medicine , surgery ami electricity , nnd nro wi-ll worth the uanisnl. nnd can be obtained free bi ttddre < slnx tbe Omaha Medi cal and Rurslcal Institute , Uth street anJ Capitol avenue , Omana. Nebraska. DR , SPINNEY S. E. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. Successfully Treats all Nervous , Chronic and Private Diseases of Dr. S. Is wol Iknown as the founder of the Montreal ( Ctimuln ) Meillcul Institute and pro prietor of the Sninnoyvlllo Infirmary. The Dr. nits hnd 27 yours' experience In the treatment of chronic nnd sexual diseases , nnil his efforts being crowned by wondertill success , he would call the attention of the atlllctod to hie lorn ; standing and n ell earned reputation as sum- dent assurance of hie skill nnd ability. NKKVOUS IHJHIMTV. Spormatorrluen , Partial Jmpatoncy nnd all diseases of the nervous system and soiual or- Bans speedily and permanently cured. Ill , < > UI > AND .SKIN DISKAHI.S. SYPHLIS A disease most horrible in Its results completely eradicated without the uflo of mercury. Charges reasonable. YOUNG MEN Who may bo sulTcring trotn the effects of j outh- fill follies or indiscretions , will do well to nvall themselves of this , the greatest boon over laid at the alter of suffering humanity. Dlt. SPIN- NEV will KUiuantoe to forfeit * MO for every case of seminal wnakness or private diseases of any kind or character which be undoitakes and lolls to cure. MIDDLE-AGED : MEN There are many troubled with too frcquen evacuations ot the bladder , otton accompanied by a Blight smarting or burning sensation and weakening of tlio yatom In a manner the pa tient cannot account for. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will otton be lound , and sometimes small particle of albu men will appear or the color bo of a thin , mllk- Ish hue , again changing to a dark or torpid ap pearance. TllIIIK AIIE MANY MBN WHO IIK Or THIS niiTicui.TV , Ignorant ot the cause , whlnh isthoiecond stage of seminal weakness. TUB flocron wir.i. ouAiiAN.'EE A I'EiiriOT CURB IN AI.I. sucu CARII : > , nnd a healthy restoration of the penlto-urlnury organs. niileohours0to 13 a. m. , 1 to 5. 6 to Op. m. N. U. Persons unable to visit us may be treated at their homes by correspondence. Medicines ami Instructions sent by mall or ex press. CONSULTATION AND ADVICE , pEii'ONAir LV OK HV I.ETTEIl , FHEE. Send stamp for question ll t and circular. Call or address DR. SPINNUV & CO. , 103 8. 13th street Omaha r > cbuiut 1 thr * lutllierrtlonf or Ul'l 4NT TO ry _ Uli ipicini piirpoM , Coai or luff n V MInuoua , mild , tootklnf currtatl of KIMrleAf Hr lrMUj U.roui ai | > < ik ptrlir < itor l Itlnm"SY 1Er-whMlOi u4YliorouiSlr rrli. CUctrM CvrriDt VV JlntU l ! ormforfcIJ ! , IXlO iactih. Qmttit IniproitiMiU > < r > II otlitr txlu. Vf nl MKI p minilljcur llnttu > < ln < nUi. Bra'cd pnpkUI4i cur the Ssnden Elaetrio Ce. 109 LsCsllc it. , Chlcsimn Pianos & Organs Retailed U4 Wholesale Prlcci. Write for catalogues , prices and terras and save f rom | 4J to * IDO In the purchase of un In strument. I1UYETT BROS. , St. Joseph , Mo. U. S. DEI'OSITOHY , Omalia , ILTe'to. Paid up Capital . $260,000 Surplus . 42,000 H. W. YulPS , President. Lewis S. Heed , Vice-President. A. E. Toiualin , 2il Vice-President. W. II. S. Hughes , Cashier , UIKKGTOKS : W. V. Morse , John S. Collins H. W. Yates , Lewis S. lieed A. E. Totizalm. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK Cor. 12th and Farnam Sts. A General Uunkln e Business Transaoto Beat and shortest sjstem now in uu. Circulars ) fret. rror.A.NOAXBtXB.Se iO.BtI Hil * FALL OVERCOATS , The temperature nowadays must convince everybody that a medium weight overcoat would be a comfortable thing. We can just as easily convince you that ours is the place to buy ono. We display an elegant assortment of those garments from a medium priced ono at $5.75 up to the finest grades of Cassimercs , Meltons and Kerseys. Some of the lat ter are in the beautiful fashionable shades and made up in the best custom made manner , lined with silk and satin , and the prices are such that they are within reach of everybody. In our Boy's Clothing department we already have a large and attractive stock , many styles that will interest and please parents , and all who have boys to clothe , new goods arriving every day. Goods that will wear and give satisfaction , such goods as you'll not find in any other clothing house at the price. As an extraordinary bargain , and being well adapted for school wear , we mention this week our Plaited Corderoy knee pant suit which we have marked $2.25 , just one-half of what it is really worth. In our Furnishing Department we show novelties in Fall Underwear , Fancy Percale Shirts , Neckwear , Gloves , etc. Our Hat Department .is well stocked with the latest styles of stiff and soft hats in all colors and at prices fully one-third lower than other dealers. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at Nebraska Clothing Company Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. E For all kinds of business at the New Town of Harbine , Id way botwonn Fnlrbury and Beatrice on the C. K. * N. H. It. Lois Cheap on Easy lenns. Address C. B. LETTON Falrbury , J. B. HAYNES OFFICIAL STENOGRAPHER THIttD JUDICIAL DISTRICT , 37 Chamber of Commerce. WM. MO INTOSH. BODWELL. A Real Estate Dealers 140 South Spring Street , LOS ANQELES , CALIFORNIA. Dealers In city nnd country property of all descriptions. Cencral Information to new comers freely given. STEGK PIANOS Remarkable tor powerful sympa thetic tone , pliable action and ab solute durability ; SO years' record , the best guarantee of the excel lence of these instruments. WOODBRIDGE BM , HOTEL- THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee &SiPaulBy Tlie Vest Route from Omaha and Council Jtlu/r to' . THE ES.A.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and Council Blufit. Chicago , AND .Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CcdarRapids Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janesville , Beloit , Winona , La Crosse , And all other important points fust , Nortlioust ml Soiitiiotut. For throtiRh tickets cull on the ticket agent at HOI JBrntim street , In PHI ton Hotel , orut Union ruclflo depot. Pullman bloepers and tlio fluent ninlnir Cars In the work ) tire run on tlie main line of tin Cnlcugo , Milwaukee & tit. 1'aul Hallway iiiul t Very - ery attention Is jmld to imnoiigurit by courte ous employes of tlio company. It. MIU.I.K , General MimuKor. J. F. TUCKEII , Assistant General Mnnuirer. A. V. 1L OHi-KNTEii , General I'assentfer and 'GO * , "if lK\rfOiiu , Assistant General I'assen- ger Hnrt Ticket AKent. J. T. Ci.jkHK , Geciul Superintendent CAPITOL HOTEL Lincoln , Neb. Tlio best known and most ponul r hotel In thentato. Location central , appointments Oitl class. Headquarters for cotnmerolnl men and U political aoU P' DEWEYd STONE , FURNITURE : A magniflcant display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices. ! BOTTLE Cincinnati , O. For sale by the following agents : Richardson Drug Company ; Blakr/ _ . " Bruce & Co. , Adler &Heller , Frank Diilone & Co. , R. R. Grotte. BorkolT & MacK , Familieb supplied by Gladstone Bios. & Co. Sample boltle free. For sale by all wholesale and retail druggists , liquor dealers and wine merchants. 4 HOLMAN ADJUSTABLE BABY CARRIAGE COSTS NO MORE THAN THE OLD STYLE , AND CAN BH READILY ADJUSTED. i Latest Styles , Finest Goods. Lowest Prices , BA.Y CRADI T HOUSE CARRIAGE. The Illustrations above ore made from photographs. The artjustablo parts do not Chang. the . appearaao. wfcen u .d as otreet carriage ; they can bo u.od or not ot the pleasure of the pur. ohaaer The UOLMAN OAKKIAOEH are warranted for two years. Every part U obaolutely p r- f. " 6v . } . " . . . Bent to all part. ofth. United State , ana saf. oeUv.ry guaranteed. Bend fo"a catalogue contaluls Inte.t .tylos. cheapest to nnest. HOLMAN ADJUSTABLE CARRIAGE CO. , 275 Waba.h Ave. , Chicago , Ills. Jl'ruucombined. ( iu r nlndtUo "onlr one Intbo worMcrrticrallne acunlluuoui AfrcfrtdtMayntlM tnl. Scientificl'o trriil. linrnU * . 7comfon b ! * nd tCnllie. Arold Irn Offrnoooourrd. BtmlHtiMipfoi r AI to n.rcTHici nni.T FOU ilisuA Cl. HORNE. UVENTOR. IU1 WACA3X AYE.PHICACO. . . SCIENTIFIC GLUCK. & WILKINSON , . .