v - - . . - . . . . . - . . - - . . . * 7 . . . . . . . . . . [ w- ii OMAHA DAILY BEE : ITfflJRSDAY1SEPTEMBER15. 1887 . ENDLESS flUTTER AND CI1EgE. f Eiceptlonq to Speclid Master Cliutch- III , . flepoit In TfiI Caste. Excoptlon8 to the report of A. 5. r Churchill , spccIn master In cliftilcory , In . the cclobrated West l'olnt Butter and Checo assocIatIon case , were filed yes' torday by Abraham l'oolo ftnd James M. Sherman In the United States court. They alleged that the report In several ltcnis Is erroneous and untrue. They ob. : sect and except 8lCOIflCahlY ) to each and every Item contained therelii purporting to be a claim against the rcpondent the - West Point Butter and Cheese assocla- ' . tion In favor of the respondent the Mid. . dietown National bank or A. Vi. Blyo its receiver , cross complainants tipon the grounds that each and every ' item Is fa1o and does not - represent any sum justly duo or owing from the % Vest I'oint Butter and Cheese . ussoelittion , to said crosi cnmplitinants. Further , thab all sums that Brown ad. . ' vaneed or furnished to defcndnnt associ- tion hrtvo been fully paid and satisfied ; ' also that on sundry omissions of large Itenis winch are partly chargeable against said defendant Brown , itnd in favor of the association. Also that litrgo 1l1iiM of interests arc improperly , crron . cously and unlass'fully compitted ; also , CXCeft to every item purporting to constitute stituto a claim against the asocizttIon , as . . they rnpr'isent traiiactions with delen dittit Ilrowii Individually. 'I'liat they ' have nil been fully unid and satislieti ; ' , also except to costs and witness ' fees , nIHI stuns found by said master to he 1iie \Vilhiain B. Etger : and John H. Vuntininakcr , that the association Is ) . . not jtistly ifllCbtWI ( to theft ifl any suni . whatever. F'urthier , that every item lu said rohiort Is unjust flflL unlawful and , that the association never incurred any - . liability , iiiado any promise are beeonio i liable for tIm pt3'meIIt of the same or any ; mtrt thereof ; itiso by renson ot the ( livers : errors anh omissions does not set forth . the trite state of accounts between the flSSOCiitifl and Brown. Also that salt - niannfnclurinjr comPany should bu found justly indebted to said Butter and Cheese association III ft litrgo amount. Clinton N. Powell is solicitor and coun sd for There was also filed yesterday the exceptions of the Vcst Point Mniitifae- turing company to Sneeial Master . Churchill's report. F'irst , because the . niastor found that the \Vest Point Butter ItIitL Cheese association paid out for the tr \st l'oiiit Mttiitifacturin company on ' judgments , interests tuid costs , ineiuliii k ices for attorneys and taxis lt,871.5t , r Mu ! charged the same tip to the nirinufac turing company in its accounting , when r as oniy * : o.ouo should have hieoii so charged. Further , thud the butter and : cheese company hind expondet for ha- lirovenielits , etc. , ltjOi ! the property of , the ninnufacturing conipany . , aflI chargcI snuic up against the manufacturing company , when it ; shouhil have found that this expenditure was titter the terms of the lease auth , , . that the manufncturin company was not I ! liallu therefor. Also that the full amount l. of money originally expended by the hitter and cheese association was 1 . ! charged UI ) agutiuist the manufacturing - eOuuIhflhiy ) , without reference to saiti value of the improvements these sums vent for - at the time they were surrendered to the I manufacturing company by the butter auit cheese assocIation , the value at such time not exceeding 3OOOO. Also that ; , . saul report charges the manufacturing jr * . eunipitny with $ Gi45.24 ( by way I . of interest , which was corn. ' . . puted upon money expended by the l3tittcr and Cheese association to improve. nuents upon Jroporty of the inauiufactur- ti ing conipany , whereas , the master should , have found that the manufacturing corn. I ? panv was not liable for interest upon , said expenulitures. .Johin L. Webster is , the solicitor for the West Point manu- 'r ' facturing company. . CIiOSINO ACCOUNTS. j . BI1IH Settled fortholteccptlon 0 ? the I New York Veteran Firemen. s The finance comnnuittee of the veteran volunteers of the old fire department met . In Chief Galhigan's ollico. It was shown that the receipts from stub. . . scriptions were $1,9O.5O , and that $86 . still remained uncoltecteti , maidnt a to. tal of $1,676.50. The expenditures amounted to $1,268.50 , anti were as follows - lows : Badges..S 4 30 I 1)eeoratlons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ao cc Lhneim coat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t7 50 Millard hotel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . si so . A. 0. of it. band. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Co oc . lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 00 . Atlolph ( Casino ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oo 4 , James Stephenson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g77 oo Unloii Pacific band. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. 00 4 3iuiaht bills ) ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii This loaves a bulanceof$40-Iwhuicli : . will I ; snore titan stutilce to pay a few small ) ' bills. I : Consilerablo was saiI In the way of r ( denunciation of some hackmcn and other : peoho whose charges were exorbitant. lint these facts have already been pub. : ' lished in the Biio. , " on uiiotion of Mr. Goldsmith , Chief I Gnhhlgtn : was authorized to call a nie't 1 ing of old volunteer firemen for the put- : , , pose of organizing a pornumunent associa ; then of the saute. 'l'lie chief loaves to-day : for Atlanta to attend to the national L : meeting of tim Fire Engineers' assouca . i . tioit , aini will not issue the call until after his return. : On inotionof Chief Galhigan a vote of 1 thanks was extended to the citizens fem their liboruti subscriptions , to the press the Union I'utcillc anti A. 0. II. bands foi . their reasonable charges , the Millard : . hotel proprietors for their hospitnhitv.thu 4 Oamluu Fair association for free atirnis . , sIcit ? to its grounds , thu Union I'uieitic anc ) Missouri Pacific roads for free transpor : tation of the guests to the same , amiti t i ; . ? destlaiuies I'ollltitonTooiinari arid 1 Ionovau for the hlowors used In tire tice ' oration of the hose carts from the en i glues. _ _ _ _ _ TilE 1I4I4-i'iTEI ) CONSUIi. I'edlgroc , antI Itceurti or the Stahhior ; KIlled at St. Joe Yesterday. I , The news of tire death of 0. E. Mayno's : Irandsoute stallion Consul , vhro was no . t ehicutally killed on tire St.Joe fairground i . Tuesday , by a collision with a roadster ' . who was on the track for exhibition , wa ; - - received hero with much regret by lover of the horse. Constil was a magniticen . - muninual , a ehestutit stallion , Mixtucu IrantI - hhiIr , foflicti rn , 1SSI. lIe was bred b p t lion. George \V. B. 1)orsey , of Frernont , ; this state , antI Iris pedigree was tru'y ' r fine one. lie was sired by Saturn ; ho bI i Satellite ; ho by Robert Bonner ; ho b ltystlvk's hlauurbtetonlau ; ho by mu ; ho be Membrino , and Ito bI mu ; ) . Idessouior : tiara Boulette by Sen thief ; ho by Bysdyk's itambletoniami ! tic by Abdahlnh ; ha by ldonubrino ; he h Iluip. Ztcsscngcr , Second tiatu by Ed whu Forrest ; he by Boy Kentucky hun ter ; ho by tilti iContueky - . - ; Consul's record of22 was made nyci a half utile track at Cedar Itaihls. ; In. r this suiiinier. lie vrts soIl by Mr. Dorse ; t when two years old to Mr. George ii , Bailey , of F'airbury , Neb. , wino gave hut : n tive-year.oht record of on tin _ ? Council Illufis track last Soptetnihaur , am vhno solti lnitu the next duty to Dunni : Cunnluglrtrn : tund 0. E. Mayne for $10.00 I - . Idr. Irlayire afterwards PutktMr. C'inniniuig , . 1mm 6,000 for iris irtercst , J Coustit gave promise of being ver tast. ¶ Jhio : nina who was huitdhimi irninn it lu ttuiu uS LILI [ etb , liunes . . _ _ _ , = _ T--- . u . -t : . & . had contracted to give him a record of 2:10 : or better by October 1 , 1888 , under penalty of a heavy forfeiture. Three weeks ago Mr. Mttyno was offered $18,000 for tire horse , but declined to part with trim , lie intended brim for his stock ranch near Valley , and ho was not for sale at any prico. Consul was a half brother to MeLeod record 2:191. : and WM so linginly esteemed by breeders from Kentucky that Mr. Mayno hratl made arranizernents with some of tire most prominent horse raisers of that famous countr.y of thoroughbreds to receive mares from thorn to breed to Saturn , the sire of Consul , whom ho 8tlll owns. CLFiVL'bAND WILL COME. The President toMako a Short Stop In Omaha. In reply to a telegram sent by Hon. Johrn A. MeShianu to President Clcvc. land's ' private sccretaryColonel Lament , asking if the Invitation to the prcsldcn. tial party to visit Orniahra on its western tour hint been receivett arid acted Upon , tire following message was received : ExacuTnvi ytANShOVASiuINnTt ) , Sept. 13.-fJorn ! A. McShnarrc , Omnialni , Neb. I -rhno invitation wIll be nnswered assoon as tIne thmrro can be ulctlnitelv fixed. it viil Probably be a stop of alto hour during the day of Wednesday , October h2. 'J'hre decision of tire president to visit Omnuhnnu , event for so brief a stay as Is inentloneti in the above dispatch , sviil be gratifying irrtulhigenco to tire people of thins city and Nebraska , although it is to be hoped that arramigeinents CUi be matte which vihi give tire distiiiguishnml party more time to receive thno welcome wIrieR awaihu them. Onraira hmad almntost nban uloned all hopes of being iuehurdcd in time "swing arouLlllh tire circle , " lint now thnntt tire visit is an assured fact steps svihi be taken at once to give the chief niragistrato of the nation a fitting recclrtiorr. CotrfRiciit ( if Gas. Messrs. DuLorig and O'Brien , pronni. neat real estate dealers of Fittsburg , Penn. , were looking at Omaha Monday , trndet the guidance of G. G. Wallace. Itothr of these gentlemen arc experienced in the development of natural gas , and both arc confident that Omaha wotniti , withnnn a few years , be supplied by natural - ural gas vells within her own borders. Mr. O'Brien was particularly emphatic upon this lOiflt ; but insisted that those boring for gas must make up their minds to go at least three tinoustnd : feet. Everythring in tire lay of time land anti tine surface indications , to iris mind. slrosvcd that , after tirat depth is reaehrcu pas wound be found in abundance. Both gentlemen were also emphatic rn tine declaration that no dependence could be placed on tire statement of geologists. Sciontilic men have repeatedly been found at funit regarding the locathomn of gas , particularly in tine LIon anti Find. Icy regions , where science declared mo tras could exist. But the drill showed It ( liti exist , ntrd in vast quantities. Nothing but tire thrill will toll tine story. is tire opinion of these gentlemen , one of whom owns a gas farm , Wonderful 1ncreas ot Scholars , Tine overcrowded condition of the city schools is giving Stnperintcndent James antbthe educational board some considerable - erablo annoyance. Tine Incrca3c is un- precedented. The board hiatt made prepntrations prior to the opening of tine fall term for erne increase , but these have proven greatly inadequate , the increase - crease being largely in excess of nnytiring looked for. A large number of new desks are ha- hug put in the rooms , anti everything possible doria to enlarge their capacity. The best tirat can be done. Inowcvcrfor the present , will not be seth- cleat to accommodate this unexpected inlhurx of pupils , but arrangements will be nuade at the next meeting of thin board for several additional rooms. Tins is certainly unmistakable evidence of tire rapid growth of Omaha , The fitet that the lapse of the summer months Inns been suflicient to swell tire attendance of our connirnon seirools about one-third is , indeed , almost incredible. 1. 0. 0. F. Grand Excursion. OUtI Fellows and friends intending to participate in the excursion to Denver , on the occasion of tine meeting of tine Sovereign grand lodge of tire United States , nra hereby notified tirat a special train over tire Union Pacific will leave Omaha 1tloninty the 10th , at 10 a. ni. It is expected that a majority of the Odd Fellows of Omaha , will take the occasion to do homnor to tine sovereign grantt ledge arid rut tine same time improve the oppor. tunrity for one of tine most agreeable trips irumnginable. Large delegations from Lincoln , Fremont - mont , Kearuney and other ponnta will join tine Omaha party. Tine fare is $18 for the round trip , tick- eta good for returning until October 21. The connniitteo maying tine matter in charge will meet at tine mall , Tinur5day evening , to make final arrangements. Tirose desiring further inforruittioni can call on tine committee at that time , Narrow Escape. Yesterday , one of the closest calls front being frightfully crushed to dentin , fell to tine lot of Ianiel Mhiton , a switchman - man in the B. & M. yards. When tine "Q" came in tine Pullman and other cars are swltchred on tire Lincoln tralmn , Winilo this was being tiono Minton at- tennptctl to couple tine coaches in tine same way as if tircy were box emits. lie apparently forgot - got that the coneines mayo self couplers anti conne togetirer leaving but a few inches between tire platfornns. lie stood between tire ears as the switching coaches were appromuelrirng , anti in a nno- mnnent would have been a mass of crusired bones arid flesh had not Yardmaster ) Ilmtyos , vhno tt3 fortunnatey ! near , grab. bed him and Inurled inimu fromu mis imril- Otis Position. Tlrose around ttirnwl their menus away In terror at what aiiieared tine yotnug fellows certain death. litter 11cr IItLBIand. Mrs. J. A. Snuithn appeared at tire Union Pacific depot in a very excited con- ditron , Sire wits looking for mar htnsband arid insisted tirat Depot Olilcer Cinarics 3 Mares ninust know nil about 1dm. It seems ire Is a plasterer and innui deserted her. An oxminnhmmation was made of tire tirrough 4 ycstboumntI ticket list for the names ot tirosa to whom they were issuretl. It is a t rule of tine road to himivo tineso names. S Very Itnekihy J. A. Smith's name wasp found with destination San 1)iego , Cal. His wife irinumnedimttoly PtirchaSed a ticket amnd starteul tufter liar recreamnt lorti rend innmtstur , Notion. Airy person gnving information to tire tiittiersrgnned of the winercabounts of Gil- hart Everton will comnfer it favor on hnirrn. Ito left O'Neill , Neb , , three years sInce , ; nut ! Inns met uinnco been inoarfronn. ii. F , 1toini0Ts , O'Neill , Nab , - Tine FiiIiler'M Suit. Iii tine case of Nairan Frannko vs Adolph .Jemrmrtsckke amid Ioirn Gross , tire defeuti. units mayo just fiheti their answer. The 1nhntuiitltr s tire svcll known violinist , and Inli claim was tire services of himself and oreinestrit at tine Casino gardemi run by tire tlefemnti'tuts. 'l'he latter , by tirenr at- S tornev ; , Parke ( lodwimn , tile mtunswer saying time nfnihintltT is Indebted to tiremu for meals ( trrrmisinotl iminnsclf , wife tumid sisters , to tine : uirnonnmrt of $183.70. runt for cash to tine t nui1nomrit ) of 1i3 loaned nimuthtill between t Airml . mind May 23 , 18 $ ? . All amount to ti . - _ _ _ _ - ' . . - . - - ' 'r-r REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE J. w. Keok's Tower Hill and Walnut Hill Sub-Divisionsq and Selections of Business Property , in Kearney , Neb. , ou Thursday. September 22dq 1887. The offeripg 'viii comprise 61 blocks of choice residence property , equal to about 250 lots 5OxlBO In slzcand 28 business lots. The residence lots are contiguous toLake Karncy and fronting thereon , ott inigh ground , commanding a view of tine Platte River Valley for many miles and overlooking - looking all partsofthc city. The business lots arc onVyorning Aventre and 14th Street , adjacent to tine "Midway" and are among tine most valuable now trnirnprovc1. After four separate examinations by cm- inent inydraulie engineers from Minrrcapo us and Dearer , cacin reports tinat Kearney inas an excellent and permanent water loCr , winicin if funlhy employed cannot fail to make Kcarncy a large mantrfacttrr- ing city. 'I'irc water power at Kearney , it is fully belicvcd , tviii make tine city tine manufacturing center of Nebraska , amnd furnish a large binsimness vitit atijoiininng states and territories. We therefore be- licvc tine prcfcnnt offer of well located and desirable lots affords an opportt.nity for imnvcstrncnt better tiran any specuhatiarn. One of tine desirable residence blocks will be given to some one of tine ptrrcliasers at tlnk sale. TERIS OF StLE. On residence property , one fourth cash , balance in 1 , 2 antI 3 years , at ii per cent interest. On btrsincss property , onc.third cash , balance in 1 and 2 years at 7 per cennt inn- tcesj Ffurthcr particulars inquire of or ad. dress i'itirer of tine Lnndersigntd. . - - . PACE & RHOADES , 0. H. ELMENDORF , - _ . LincolnNebraska ; . Manager of' Sale , Kearney , Nob. VERY SAD CASl. A % 'omuani nn(1 Cinlid Stnr'ving-111s'ing TinreoVeck. . urn Lntrti. Yesterday Ellen Mantels , a Swede wonnan ninth mar little child apimareit at Mayor Brontchn' : o dice seeking and. 'Ihey were in a mnnost pitiable comndition , having hardly enotngtr clothit's on to cover their nakedness. Fromin what time wornamn said her intnsbnnntt deserted liar sometime ago , sinnce yhiichm tune sire Inner had noUning to eat except winnut a ftty poor nmeighbors frtnnnistned liar. Before tine good leo. pie vlmo did all in their pons'er for her , lemrined : of her wrnteined CofliitiOmn sine amid liar cii'nlthmemn sulnsisted for tirree wPeks on a cain of lard mend some stale breath. One of tine children died fromnn want of food. Finally Irer case was broungint to tire uttentron of tire mayor , arid sire canine to tine office yesterday - day annd was tlirected to Acting-Mayor Beelnel , vhno svilt umuiotibtcmlly see thrat sine is cared for. Sire resides near tine corner of Walmnut anti Thirty-first streets , on tire oxtrenne somrtinermn portion of tine city. 11cr statennents are corroborated by mar neighibors , wino are all pooi ar1d whose mourns wouitt mnot permit tiremu to attend to her wants longer. They did not know what course to liitSUO in callimng the at- tentiomn of tine city murtinorit'ncs to tinia case before. While in i\hayor Broatein's otlico a sandwich was Irnunded the little child and sine grabbed it witin tine ferocity of one wino had not seen food for minouthrs , Thins Is one of tine satidest cases that has been seen in the city for a long time. TIlE A ItCH. A Question of Pznyimig , , tire Dealer for Ills Ijmnirrbem- . The local conninittee wino mad charge of time stnbserintion for the reception of tine Grand Army of tine Republic , in re- spouse to tine ar tide in yesterday's BEE disclaim all kmiowledgo of having dennamrtled $275 from tine Knights of P3'thias , ahtinotrgh time clainnn was tins morning reiterated by nnennbers of the latter orgamnizatron. Tine former say thin t a sub connmittce , perinaps , took tine inrti- ativo in tine matter although witinount tire kmnowledgo or consent of those who created tinem. So far as tine main committee untlerstannds the matter. they heard of tine proposition and tinommgirt the misc of tine arch s'ouid be vortin about 150 to the kmnmglnts. It is claimed that about tinat anuourut is still tine on tine structure. It cost t760 , altlnougin tine contractor took tire job for a little over 500. The loss , it is tnnderstood now looks as if it wound have to be borne by tine Newell Luniber company , who fern- isirett the unaterial. 'I'hne comnimittec claimed tiney diti not know , in view of tine fact tinmit subscribers to tine crti- zemis' hind hiatt tlefatnlted to tine extent of , l.5O0 , wircthner or not tiney would be able to pay time bills that mad run , consequently tinoy wotmld be ml5imlSed to have aoine , tssistamnco fronin time kmn'girts. Soimne of tire latter were sccnn timid morn- rung and said tiney did miot care wimetiner tire arch is kept stamntlnng or not. 'I'hmey tild not tiniunk timey WOUiL mayo money enough to spare to 1)1Y tine amomrmnt asked for by time citnzen's corn- mittec. Doctor Mcrccr says inc never told a me- porter or amny one else that iris cars woimid be operated by hnorses or unities. Eke- tricity wilt be mused as the motor , and as it proof tine doctor poimnteul to a large iii- voice of copper wire that was just benirg unloaded mnear iris ohhlee. . J w. R YAL 1 - 4KII1i ! PQWD Absolutely Pure. Tins powdernevervurjes. A marveict pur $ ystreexttm and wtioiesomeneI. Mar. esea. oici than th. Ordinary kindi , 1r4 canineS b. said Ii competition whuk the inuititUdi of low colt Oort weight alum or ptroipht powderi. e.mdemy1acan. . .twnstQFoyDUCL UhYLhJtrW& Za _ _ - , . . . - . - - - : L - , - - - - - - - . - . - - S . - . , - , . ' - . -1 . , . . . . . , - . . c : ; 1' 11- 4 , - . " ' I : ; ; & , . . - -a : . : ! ; - 1i. 4 . , ' . ' ; k ' : ; v . . ; . ; : ; 2. : _ . . - 4 'S . , - . - . . . . . . - - .zr - ' 5 n I . i. . i , . ' . ; ht - - t I ' ( . , - . . . - . , _ f' , . . I . . , - - ' - 1L. , Jr ' . . I . , - - - : : z r- -s - . -t : .4 - st- . : , ' , ' L-- - -S - . . - stif - - . - . - - - - I , _ - . - . . . - . - 5- - .i - , - 'It - S. . . ; TflRU . . . i I - , - , . . , . . . I , , . . , I' . - . - - -'T - - ' 'r'-.4 : - : - . - , : ' . -I ' I I _ . _ _ - _ - . . - _ . _ . _ - - - - - - - .s j . - ' - _ _ - = = DREXEL & MAUL , ( SUCCeStOr3 it ) John U. Jmteobs. ) llh1(1e1ht1ffllS ( ( ll(1 ( 1111bI1lllS At tire old stamfd , 14Q7 Farnamn St. Orders by tclcmzraph solicited annd promniptly at- temided to. Telepinonc No , 225. T I I E CHICAGO SHORT LIRE OF TilE chicago MIhauko &St PaI y The Bcst 1rnUcfruin O1mu1ie and CoienciI R1me/f' fo TI ELST Two Trains Daily Between Omnalna and Council Bltmll Chricago , -AND- Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapoii , CedarRapids Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubtnqtne , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janes'ille , Beloit , Winona , La Crosse , Amrtl au other important points East , Northcat arel Sointhncast. For through tickets call on time t1ckt nirent at i4O Fmrrnarn street , in L'axton hotel , or tnt Union I'acimic depot. I'uninman Sleepers mend tine tiniest Dining Ctrs tin tire world arc run on tine main lime of tilt. Chicago , Milwaukee & St. l'aum ltnthie'ay rend v - ors attuntlon Is niiU to pLlRSOflger , by courtb eu enmpioyes of the comirpany. it. Mum.Lumt : , Ueuorai 2iarrmngor. J. F. TucicErt , Assistant ( hmorai , Manager. A. V. nt. CAIi'CNTCIt , tionormti l'asscnger and Ticket agent. Gao , K IICAFtoito , AsIttarrt Gorrerni Passem.n- ger miii,1 'l'icket Agent. J. T. CLLIric , tloeral Stnporlntondomrt Into ii VXACQeAIXTZD WITS TUS oEoGxArmmY or TnhI coUrltT wn.L 15 ST LXAMUiUiG Tills MAC TUAT T5 * CHICAGOIROCKISIAMU&PACIFIC RAILWAY 57 tftIOfl Of ft. citrai position. alois relation to lines Iat of Cblc.go , and contmnu3ul line. at terininai point. Wu $ , tortkw..i and 5oithweit , Is trio trus siddio liic , Is that transeontmnenmai system which inv1te azid faciiitates trevi anil traflo betwsen the Atisntmo and Pac1A. The flock Iiand rtamamnneandbrsnchslncmudeChi. eaoJomnet Ottawa. i.8aiie. ? coris. Ocno , Moiln. asS Rock IsianS , is ililnotsi Vavnport , ) lu.cetine , wehnuguon. Fairfl.id , Ottumwa , Okaiooa , We't Lnb. ertyInws cmiyPe.nionno. . IadlanoiaWintert , Atmea- tie , xnoivnnme. Auduban , flarian , ( iuthrla Centre enS Councii Iliulti. In lowe ; fleiletin , Trenton , St. Cameron end Ken , . , CiiIn Mlourll Loazwortit end Atchion , in Kansei , .tibert Lea , smmnneepomi. anS 5I.i'auiiniiafleIOtaj Wetertown end Slona 1"siisio Dakota , nd itundr.dsof mnternie.nmate cmtmea n4 tuani. 'Tho Oreat Rock teiand Routo"r Ousrenterl speed. comfort , certatnty enS pntety. Its rernanent C ) ' Ii di.tingulsied for iii exceilcece. Its Lridg.s era of ,4Ono OhS Iron. its track Is of corns .ieeiit. romnmagstoekpertect. Its passengere.umpntent lies cii tue safety sppnnancec that.sperience hacprure4 uctui. enS for iozurious ecO3TnmodfttIOCO 10 wutr. retied. its Izpia trains ctn.Ict of superIor Coy Coaches , eiegafl5 i'nlinan Paisto i'erorenS ! Sne.pIn Cars , superb Dmnlag Cirs , provitileg delicious incans enn ( between Chicago and St. Joseph , Atciiiaon an4 xanoas cmty ) rehear neermnnng Chair Car. . Its usa- sgsment Ii conservetto , mu dlaclpUne exacting "The FamOu8 Aibsrt Lea Rovve" Between Chicago slut MInneapolIs and St. Pa : ' ii the faynrite. OycrtbIsIlnI SoilS Fut xxprea Trains run daily to attractive r.sort. for tourlote In Ioa enS Minnesota. pnI , i& Watertown and Sioux Fain. . to the ricitwhcatend gT&aingiandot mnterior Dakota. Vie loners and Kankkkc o , theitoekloiandoteraupeflor inducements to trseiers between Ctncinnatm. Indian. spoils. Lafayette ani Coueit Tunas. , an. Joceph , Atchi. son. Leevenwortl.Kans&e dir , St. Vaui , and interm. . diet. ioint. . AU patron , ( epeeiaiiy ladies .d chit- drnroectveproteOlion , eonrtssysnd kindly attention , For ticket. , maps , ( ondems. copies ot Western Trail , or any desired tnforaation , appi. to prmnempat efticci In tire UniteS Stat. . &a cenada or 45r.c , at Chicago , I. I. CARtE , C. T. Juf , C. A. HOLu1OD , , , .fl C s..n a. . . . a.r StisM , , . Dii. n. a r. as Wk AK ME N ! t Pet.- c..i , Wi SVAISSTJS TO _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ ( Cub thliNIW iMrIoTlm , _ ' . , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11.1. .peIopurpu.Ccftzor _ _ _ _ _ _ gin. Itijc a. Iinsua.i.ilJ ioothligeurnat. of lctre. , J iydti.ctiy trosf. ill risk pint. non. togthm .ts b.lth iso Ylgotos. Itraneth. l.ctzl Cisrysat tnr r1catiy or vs furfont usIcn in tesS. aceat irapro' mscIsoOlr $11 oasr bait. . Were cc. , , pcr. eseetiy cv'tm is tkni * etodtss. eeI.t i'aIcpblat 4c. cump ThoandenEIIctrioCo. iO9Lssiiet.Chics5c ' [ LIE CAPiTOL HTET Lincoln Neb. The best known anti most popular irotei In the stab. Locailotn central , tsppoimrtmmueiuts Scat class. ilcatiqtnasrtera for coiunteraiti , muon ani all political mend public gatiiorhnmn's. E. 1. ILOUUEN. 1'torietor. HORT - HANDWritiuir by Aat , , S fleet and .hontestsyitemn now an use. croular. Yis $ , 1oI.A.NUAinJ.uu , aot9S.stLQudA - t--rr s . OMIHA 1OICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. a Ocr. l3thSt. andCapItolAv. , OMAHA , NE5. lea nnma rntATniLn or Ar.n. CHflONIC SUROICAL DISEASES CRACES All ) APPLIAOE5 FO DEFORMITiES , TRUSSES. Aim THE Hrvi VAulcecrit Snsrssony CLAMP CoMprEss. TI. , , ( acilitIn. ftpr.rat. , . .rnl rmtl. , tr sIrc.flai Srnlnnlnt at . , ( , , y fiii or tie..e reitirlrg , Iitiiv.i or Stirgi. al I , ralnipol. , n . , r so , lioc , I , on I.r.rln. . ui flr. . , , ( :1,1 , P..t , ( 'Ijr..tul. ntiS. Sr1no 1le. . I unoi. C.nr , C.tsrrh. ijrorrLIO. , tottIon , ! .trklly. I'r.yu. ? KIiy u,4J.c , ta. . t..r , 55 ! ' . . .I LjZoo.I , CII .11 Corg.c.I Up.r.tiou , . bob on 1)lseznse ) of Wotineni FREE. I Only Reliable MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAxiNe A Sl'ZCIALTY OF PRIVATE , SPECIAL an NERVOUS DISEASES. All 1II'nd 1)1. . . . . . * rul,1. CvmilIIlo Colon remo,4 fuji , lire .y.itflI niihorrt ntrCLlrO , New Iiorativ. 1rainiet fur IM. . of Vii .1 Prner. term , , , , , rrabia to isle U. Sr . , be , , , .i.i .1 konir , b Corrnponkncr. All rninunlc.lIon. Corddri.I. , 51s41. Sin. , or , fl.truflrPfli , Salt by or . .irr , , . , mutely jacked no . , , , , . . . . , . , . .11,51 II Indirect OOIefltI nr sender. ( In. % .r..l mutsi r.w pr ftr.4 Call ftrrricon.olS U. , orson ) hI.tory ofnrr ci. . , , , ju , , i. , , , , , ann we oil ! s.ri4 I , , ploin .nsppcr , ur BOOK FREE TO MEN ! lire. ? dv.t. . Oreclal sni N.rvoun Dli. . , , . . S.mIr.I Sprnttrrriro. ln,1rt.rry , , 5vpirIli. Goourho , , Cit , and cncel. Room. for ail.nis. Jrttr..a , 1AHL MEDICAL h IilJRUCAL INSTITU or lh.NcKhnimy , Cor. 13th st. & Oaphtol 1v.Oinats , Nfl , Medical Books orPapers Free. The proprietor ot the Onisina Medncam uJ aural. oat inniltuic miac ptbli.iied a vriiiIie ! se of booL 110(1 piapera onpon unronmcitnti sulgtcni cilneith. , and dcforiiiltte. , end 11,0 tilOttud $ ot dire wiamois have gtvun biu tO reputatiotof beIng the moot skihiful and succesfi1 speciail.t I , , the west. and made tile instItute so celebrated that medncniies are sent to and patients recohvorr trout every stute in the union. Among the books is one upon the Cioe , ut WOuOui one upon nervoun , special anS privatu di- canes oflhIonottlai cud urmiussry orgails ; verhcoceio cured by surtciui oporaihons , earl their iateiy invent- ad cLsIip compress cunpsnanry for the reijot and cllrerf vttmioocele , entntustlon ani sexual debIlity. now retorstmvo tr.natluont , i'nrer ; alpon iurgiciti braces. pile , . uuncers , iraraiy.ts , at , . itlou. tricity and tue turn magnetic hiuttcern ( or banns use ; cittarrii hod mntaratmou etc. Uuutike boots insuied by doctori free , they do not consist ot tesil. onifti' with licLitlous maanleaaIih inithais. or rtlbiamn2 or that kind , but are pi.tiui description , of disease , , Iympiom new discoveries in auisdicine. , urzory unin donnelLy. nud sure weii worth the poruauui ins can be obtained free bI utridreoInd the Omeiis Uedt- Can anti 5.uruzical Institune , 13th street en ) Cupmtoi avenue , Omana. Neorasta. A SPLENDID OPENING For miii hinds ot business at the New Tou of Harbine , Idwey between Fairbury atd floatrico on tire C. K , I N. ii. It. Lots Cheap ois Easy 1erins , Address C. U. LETTON Fnlrbury , TIlE CHICAGO AND North- NorthWestern Western SJaort Iirie Omaha , Coiini1 hulls Aiid Oliiao 'rho only road to take for Ies Moines ° ar hahitown , 0 edar Jtnpids , Clinton , Ihxomr Cinice- go , Mimwairkeo anti cml pohiut 51131 , . To time pco. , iu or Nebraska , Colorado. voniing , Utah , I ciabo , neviudi , Oregon , Wnshlmmgton , and Cail- torlmit , It enters iuperlor adrautmuges not liossi- tile by mnny other hum. Anmong a Tow O iCe numnerouc points of sun- prlorIty enjoyed by the patrons ( lr tithi road betweell ( ) imrithmi , slim Chicago , are lie two trains a day of DAY COACI1Ei4 , which urn the thmmoat that human art and Ingenuity can create. Its PAI4AOEESLEF.i'lhO CAllS , whiell are timodei of comtort minul uietance. Its i'AliLIht DIIAW. INU itOOM CAItS , urinuroassod by Slit' anti Its w'demy ' celebrated PA 14A'l'iAt. mINI 6 c us. the eu1ur.iot which cammmnotbm , found eISewtluro At CouncIl iilutrtt time traln or thin union i'achtio try. coimnoct in UnIon Depot whir tiioo or tiio Chicago & Northwestertr 111. In Ctilcato tin , train , of this ilno mmnako Cludo cotrinection Witir those ot cii ausaterin ilnrc. For Detrott , Coiiimmiimu , Iiiu1Intmapoti Cinclrn- nati , NIagara Iail , ililtralO , 1lttsbiirmr Toronto , Motntreitl. ilotnin , New York , i'im hiauloiphlit , tisitimorn , S'iasbIngion atiui nil points In the east , ask for a ticket , iy time , " 5 NOhtThtWE'TEIIN. It you wl'ii the ( rest accotimmmmotifttlOmi , All ticket agenis soil tickets via this line' ii , HuUIIIVF , It. 5' WILSON , Genii. Manager , O trl. i'ass'rAcmit Chicago , III. w , M. HAUCOCK , ii. It. HOLL , V1'etorn Agent , City l'ass'r Agent , , Lstt bxtskmu. . ' 5Se fl * , - - - tp , t1 DR. POWELL REEVES , 314 S. l3til treot , Orllitila , PR J VATi"iIPESA RY. Estabiished for the scientific arid Soecdy Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special Diseases. Tbe Old 1icIlohi Specialist of many years experience - perionco , treats whtb vOflt1orfUi 'ticcn'us nih LUNG 'rnuoA'r ( , CANCER , PiLES , F1ST- LA htII'l'UltE , cured without KNIFE OPt CA U81'IC Trent. all forms o 'rhroat Lung , Nero and mnnood diseases , all Chronic diseases mind Io- formitles far in lidvanco of any intitlrtion Its thIs country. 'rhoeo wire contemnpiate going to hot SprIngs for the treatment of tiny IrhvaIo or hilood dlsase can be cured for omiethird the cost en our I'rtvato mIspeneary , 314 South 13th street , Omaha , Nob. RUi ° TUitII cured without pain orhhmrderanco torn tumishnoss. L ADIES Dythistroatmont a pure Loveiy Colmiplexton , Irco from SiWrlOtts , frecklel , blRnkbeeilc , eruptions , Ote. , Urllllarrt Eyss alrdpurfect litthth can be iiid. 1VThmnt "tIred" feeling ntrdaimmolnnlewealc. neccel promptiy ctmrei. , Ilbntitmg , mIealumcha , , Norvoua I'rostrmttion , Ooneral Ieblilty Shop. lessnoac , DepresCltn aimul I imul hgestiaun , vuirlolr trolihias. Iirhlnmrnetlomm Cliii Uiceration , Faiihirg and Ilspiecements , Spinal weakness , iClrinny cornplaInt and Change of Life , Coireult tim old Doctor. E YE AND E AR Acute or Chronic Inilam immatlon ( it time iiyeIld or ( ihobe amid tar nr Near Sightedness , Iliversioir or the Liui , Serofulous Eos , Uleoratfoll , , In- Ilantmmmatlons , Abcose , inmmnnes5 of V Isbn of one or both eyes , anti 'J'mlnors of I.ld. r Inflammation of the Ear , L7lcoratitnn or Caterrh , Intornai or Exterimmti itnunfnoss , or i'arnlysil , SInging Or Roaring mioiSe , Thickeliod Drum , etO. Deblilty , Spermnatorrbrea , N EflVOUS Inni LoS4e5 , Night Elimislomr5 , loss of Ymttti i'ower , Sleeplessness , Despond. end , Loss of ! uiomory , Collftmsiun , of ItIea , Iliuru UtaI'Ol'e limo Eyt' , Lmtsstttmio , , Lnngimumr , OioollnlnesI , Ieprccslnn of Spirits. Avet'olon tO Society Eaiiy DIscouraged , Latch of Colifl. denc. , buii , i.tties , Unfit for Study 0r Iirlsl- floss. and finds lire btmrden , Safely , I'crmmma- nentiy and i'rivateiy Cured. liaeaes , SypImhhls--a iii- B LOOD & SKIN sense mmiost imorribie in Its resuhts-completeiy eradicated wIthout the tile of mercinr.v. crotuia , Xryslpolae. Fever Sores , Iiiotctmes , i'hmnpiou , Ulcers. pains in the Bead and hionse , Syiaiilhltlc Sore ThiostMouttr and Tongue , Olnndrilar Enlargement of time Ned Itlioumatmem , Catarrh , eta. , Pormatrontiy Cureu When Others Have Fnlieut. KIdny aimd Iliadder U RINARY , Weak flack. mlinrolnir Urine , Freqtnency of Urinating Urine high coior5d or umihiky edimnentoo standing , Oomrorrbcca , ( hoot. CystIths , eto. , prftmnptiy and tatehy cured. Charges reasonairte. Blood volson PRIVATE DISEASES vomioranni mull gleut , stricture seminal oniIsioire , ioss of sex. uai power , WeutkthcI5 of the oxiiiti orgaildWaint of , icsire In male or fotnttho , wimothr ( ruin Ira. prudouthablte ot young or sexual hitimits In mStUJO years. or any cailse that ulotuhihtnios muitu eoxuiai lunctionO , spcodily aud perinnuently cr1 roil. ConsultatIon free and itrictiy coirfidentlai. MedIcIne semIt Irco from obaorvatioim to all inane of tim UnIted Stistea. Corri'sponileirce receives prompt ettontlon. No i.tter an ewereui uniess ticoOtiiiatriod by four cents Itt clamps. Seoul Stamp for miatrmtmiot anal list of nuestlont. Terms strlctiv cash. Call ots or miii. dress inS. iOWEt.Ia ItElVlIS. No. 314 South math st Omaha , Nob. STECK PIANOS Remarkable for powerful syrnpa. thctic tone , pliahic action anti absolute - solute dnrahihity 30 years' record , tine best guarantee of tue excellence - lence of these rnsttnnnemnts WOODBRIDGE BROS. , vsI. Me INTOSfl. Il. F. ImOlWF.tb ! HIYELL & McII'SII , Real Estate Dealers I 10 South Spring Street , LOS 1NG1LIS , ( J4 LIFOJtuVI1I. Itumutors in cnuy anti a'ntnntry IriartY of itli da.crlptloua. ( joneihti lnfurmmmnrtioir to now- eoraor. trecly guts-tm. LEAKY 'J'iti or iruiti , itepaireth. A nd l'alntcd , umiul gin ari ; tmu coil t igh t En r ii ii iiii sr oi ycitra. I 'nbmts tunair iilisttr , GRAVEL ROOPING iIamrtttactUreti attal reliul tsr ! , Fire i'rouf Ijiit applied It ) ahiuius.15 .2111 S.1it St. Dat , Arbor raid Vliiuu. - - . - . . . . . - - - - EDUCATIONAL. -5 PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY , ACADEMY. CIhIIsrult. tstim year opens SEI'TEMhiiilt it. A M I m.m'l'AH v C ( ) LI.EG Ii. DEOItlES IN CiVil. IONGiNICSItINO Cli lMIS'I'htY , AitCil l'IlmCTUitb , AIITS. Frepat-titory CourseS. Thmurouglm Toehnicunt ( % 'tmrk. All Doparitnunts conducted by ohio l'IIOFESSI ) ilS. MIlitary isyCtetim second only to , tllat of IT. S. Iii. A. Amintiald of Llotnt. S P. Iimirtf lott , 14(15 ( Simerinan Ave. , City : or ChIef Pay muster's 015cr , iicmtuluutiartt-rO. . Cola. TILEO. 11 YA'I'L' l'rosltont. sT.LoUIs LAW SOHOOE LAW DEPARTMENT OF WASHINCTON UNIVERSIT ThieTwcnty.itrt , rear of this wnii known schontwiift betin at 4 ocioch p .rn cii S'anncanAy , ( rev. 12th , iWuP. EXAMINATION for nICimCCi sinoding MoNnsy , OCT. bit , , Ii sum , , Entire courac mns I , , conpiroied ri two o tirne , year. atoitlon of .turiert. mmiioiuisundinilto fins Tuitiou $51 mr iuiun , . For Ciatniogu.ru , nb. , a'hdre. , WILLIAM O.HAMMONOLL..D. , Dean of Faculty , L417 Luoss Place , ST. LOUIS , N. Nebraska National Bauk , U. S. DEPOSITORY , Caaha , Paid up . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , Surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42,500 H. W. Yates , President. Lewis S. Reed , Vicc Prcsidont. A. B. Torizahin 2d Vice.I'reshdont. v. H. . hlughnes , Cashier' , DmnmECTOllS : v. V. Morse , J01i11 S. Collins II. V. Yates , Lewis S. Reed A. E. Totrzahnn , IIANKINQ OFFICE : THE IRON BANE Cot. 12th tund Farnarn iRs. AGemneral Banking Busiiness Transact. NW. Harris & Co. I IS-I Ii MosnoEsi.CHICACO 56 OEVONSHIRE ST. , BOSTON. of ConntlosCttie. , B 0 N OS thus , htroet. 11. It. Co.'s a spec- laity , Correansrndenco soiicited. icr. nntrrtnt . . . . , II.I.Hl5 frflni I.5IVI , Soc or W EAK flnetepi.ni. I'nmalura Drell. . . etcrnsialling rro.a in. ci N & r.r. hil..I lvi aIMJ' ) , . . ( 5..i.rlfroL UAIISTSN e.u/r. . . Siroall TRtATMCNT b. inert S GSREAT a plarni ii , ( he lienS. I RON in their Soul. * 9- Ruble with information of neiua IC cii men. MARSTON REMEDY CO. 19 Park Place , New York. DRS. S. &D.DAYIESON 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. Of the Missouri State Mtmseum of Anatorny St. Louis , Mo. , University College IIospi tel , Lontlomn , Giesen , Gernnamny and Ncntj - York. Having devoted tincir attentioi SPECIALL'V TO TilE TREATMEN Nervou chri aRd h1oo DISEASES , More especially thiotc arising front itripurro deuce , invite all so suli ritig to correspond witlnoirt delay , Diseases of infectioir and contagioir cureth s.Vehy and specdily witinw out use of clamigerous tlrues. i'atientg whose cas a have been mnegiected , badl. treated or paotnorrnded incurable , shiomnlnt not fail to write us , concerning tinc'rr symmip totes. All letters receive imnmncdi.mte atw tentiomn , I JUST PUIILISILII ) . Annd viil be mnailetl FREE to amy atldres otn receipt of oune 2 cent stannp. "Practlca Obs rvatiomnn. on Nervous Iehmiiity an I'lnysical Exiriunstion , " to tvliicir is atide an "Essay ( Hi Fitarriage , " wmhir iinportznn chapters on Diseases of time Reiirodtictiv Orgamns , tue whole fortning a vaiualrbe mcd- ical trethe which should he read lmy it s-cuing incH. Adtlress lItS. S. & 1) IA\'IESON , 1707 Olive St. , 2t. Louis , Mo. [ OTOSFACE PIWDE - Ladies valuing their comilpioxhuan tbcuiilt socurci I SAMPLE DOX ( ORATI ) of thin latest limmiorted and nnanlmo'isy ! nckuowl uriCsu&l io8 tIm heist FACE POWDER. ( Iutrantcei II ) hun perfectly hiorwlnnia , Inipcr es-mi , I tile , 'lu ratilsi nut In visible. 1-or Silt , evtrryJ Ubuiro. Ask your .irimgajst ( or It. I'clev , 40c ustus * GOc .sar Iliax. 'fiado auulrmiilcui ii ' BLAKE , BHUCE a Co. , 0M'hiA , NEIl. i , . j ri - oto a cc CHICAGO Sala lmpcrtmrs. I ; T0TFACEPOWt . - , . - - - . - - -