THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15 , 1887. ARRIVING BY THOUSANDS , The Attendance at the State Fair Wholly Without Precedent. NEBRASKA'S Bid FISH FARM. Forty Thousand I'ooplo Admlro the Exhibit nt thu Fair rroinluniB Awarded on Stock - Handsome - some Horses Notes. J fHitoM THE nr.E's LINCOLN nuiiKAu.1 t , The estimate of people in attendance ftt the Htato fair yesterday ranged from enthusiasts to conservatives from seven ty-five to sixty thousand people. Certain it is there were no less than sovonty-fivc. The state fair never has enjoyed a crowd of over oiio-lialf the si/.o of yesterday's on any ono day before in tlio history of its organization and it may never see the like again. The day was cool and in every way all that could bo asked. Many i ! . that constituted the crowd arrived in the city the evening before , but such crowds > us arrived on tlio trains from every direc ' -it - tion during the early part of thn day yj wcro never witnessed' in the state before. Every train was loaded to the guards ; $1 Iwx euro , llat cars , cattle cars , all were * ! * brought into requisition , mid then all who sought to reach Lincoln yesterday ' v 'j. could not bo accommodated. The state v * f fair managers could undoubtedly pay all expenses and premiums of the entire fair out of the receipts of yesterday. Tlio weather , the time of the week and minor matters contributed much toward gath ering the crowd and the little horse at thu speed stables , Jay-Kyo-See , did tbo balance. The state fair managers have had attractions before but never any tiling npproximating toward Jay-Kyo-Seo. Tlio little iiorse was not announced to appear until 2:130 : p. m , , but before noon tlio am phitheater was crowded toils utmost and before tlio hour for the races , many could not purchase scats. Throughout the dav the halls and buildings on tbo grounds wore packed to suffocation nnd ] > olico ollicers were stationed in all to keep the mass of humanity in motion. I'rom tlio city to the grounds the streets were crowded with vehicles of every do. Bcription and the test to transport the public never approached the like of yes terday before. So tar as could bo ascer tained , the duv was fairly free from ac cidents anil 'thieving and trouble , if in progress , were not reported. STATE FISH COMMISSION EXIIIIIIT. Three years ago this exhibit was assigned - signed a small sp'ace in Art hall. Lasl your , through the olforts of Mr. May , the etato fair board wore induced to prepare a building for the commission and thii year they bavo added to and arranged sc that it is quite convenient for the exhibit the whole thing being under the super vision of Mr. W7 L. May. who is president dent of the American Fisheries society and who has been instrumental in plac ing the hatcheries and fisheries in iti present popular anil successful condi tion. The ollicers of the American fish' cries are W. L. May , Fremont , Neb. president ; H. H. Cary , Georgia , viw president ; Fred Mather , Colif Sprint llnrbor , N. Y. , recording secretary ; Will lam A. Uullcr , jr. , Detroit , Mich. , corro MPonding secretary ; K. G. Ulackford ftew York city , treasurer. Kxeeutivi committee : Calvert Spenseloy , Minur.i Point. Wis. ; J. 11. Uissell , Detroit , Mich. 11. O. Swcono } ' , St. Paul , Minn. ; Willian M. Hudson , Hartford , N. Y. ; M. McDon nhl , Washington , D. C. ; Livingstoi Stone , Charlestown , N. 11. ; Frank JN Chirk , Northvilic , Mich. The state commission Is composed o W. L. May , 11. 11. Livingstone and Dr. 1) ) U. Kenneilay , with Mr. E. O'Hrion ' super intundent of hatcheries. The exhibi building on the grounds cost about $2,00 and is the only ono iu the United State upon state fair grounds , which shows tha tlio Nebraska board is not only the mos enterprising , but that it always antici pates thu wants of thu people , to pleas and instruct , as la manifested by th irreat crowds which continually throni the walk for visitors. A careful coun demonstrated that over thirty thousam people visited this exhibit yesterday an were only sorry that they could not sta longer for a closer examination of tli lish and their interests. The ha'.ehorios of tli'n state are locate near South Bond , in this state , and coir priso fifty-two acres , only a portion o which are taken up with tlio hatchcru proper. The preparing and saving fo the lish is very minute and full of duta of which only an outline can bo givei The spawn or eggs are stripped from tli breeding fish in the fall of the year an hatched during the winter season an shipped to ponds or streams which at entirely void of fish , or of fish of th nuj.ui'u which are bred at the liatchorio < The shipping months are March , Apr ; and May for brook trout , wall-eyed plk nnd mountain trout , and October , Mi vembur and December for black btv nnd Gorman carp. In order to seem those minnows , application should t made to one of the commissioners or tl superintendent at South Uond , givin full description of the water , how Upend pond or stream is fed , and , If practical ) ! in due time the lish will be equal divided and sent by express , tlio parl receiving them paying the express enl no charge being made for the fish. Dti ing the past season 10.000,000 of Hi have boon shipped to ditfurout points i this state anil still the applications are excess of the ability of the hatcheries supply. These lish do not need feodii : upon being placed Into now waters , i ordinariily , unless already ovoratockei the ponds or streams contain ouou ; natural food for their supply. These hatcheries are sustained by sta appropriations alone , there being tether other income to thu fisheries. The Icgi luturo last winter appropriated $ I2 , & for the sustenance of tlin institution f tlio coming two years. No salaries a attached to any of these ofiiciuls exco tlio superintendent , who receives a sm : compensation. Tills work was begi I six years ago as an experimental stutio anil through the efforts of Mr. May it h become one of the most Important i dustries of thu state , having suppll nearly every stream in thu state wi large numbers of fish , besides innumt able numbers of individual ponds. T commission has tried varioui kinds fish nnd is htlll experimenting with ol ers to sccuru the best , but so lar has s tied down on the kinds heretofore m < tioued as being the best adapted to t waters nnd food of this state. Kve Mate In the union and several torritor have hatcheries , which they are incre ing und adding to each year , find ! them profitable and remunerative. W cousin , Ohio , Michigan and other sta appropriate as high us 120,000 per anm to support their hatcheries , und yet three of these states do not cover much territory as Nebraska , though I commission is doing nearly as much the cause us are these gentlemen , w are liberally supported. The follow ! in a list of tnelr exhibit on the grounds present : I.1VK FISH IX THE AOUAHIUU. 13rook trout , one two Mid three years eli Mountain tiout , ono and two years old. Itambow trout , ono year old. liluck bass , oue and three years old. 1'ickerell ra pike , three years old. German carp , ono nnd two years old. Huttnlo lish , tv. o years old. Quill backs , two years old. Ited horse , one ana two years old. Hickory bhad , ono and two y ars old. j Hun hsn , ono and two years old. V tihort-uosed car , ono year old. In addition to these thor have a turtles , sn.ipptns turtles , cray fish , nlll- gntors , minor carp , and a Inrgo quantity ot nntiru lUli , such as shiuura , silver sides , etc. The collection contains sixty-six jars of alcoholic specimens , each jar being of a dtfleront vnrioty of lish. fish cut ; * itntl water animals of Nebraska. Also sixty jvr.s : of alcoholic -sncclmens of shells and oconn lisli. A Florliia rattlcsnitko six feet in length , a sUifi'cU alligator , three sword lish billsa horse shoo crab and sea horse. A private exhibit of youni ; Ger man car | > , Japanese gold llsli , paradise fish and fan tall cold lish is shown by .Mr. May. In pointing am twenty varieties of game lish , in water colors oy Kilbourne , showlna their colors and tinges. Tliero are thirty frames , representing 270 varieties of salt and fresh water lish , representing the depths of both oceans. There are also seventy other portraits showing the coast lislt industries of the United States. Tliero are also fine photographs of the oll'iccrd of tlio American lish industries , which occupy u prominent place In the handsomely decorated hall. A large crayon portrait of Prof. Italrd liangH over the doorway , dressed in crape , he having died on the 10th of August last FKBMIUM3 IN STOCK. The premiums awarded la Glass 3 , lots 1 , and 11 wore as follows : LOT 1 HltOUTIIOKKS. W. S. White , Sebntlia , Kan. , cow two years and under three. Second premium , W. P. HIcKlnbottom , Manhattan , Kan. , bull three years and over , allowing thrco of his Kot under two ; llrst premium bull and get. J. Attains , Storm Lake , la. , bull two years and under three , llrst premium. L. Adams , Storm Lake , la. , bull any ace , first premium. L. Adams , Storm Like , la. , bull ono year and under two , second premium. L. Adams'Storm Lake , la. , bull any age or breed , llrst premium. J.V. . Dean , Marysvlllo , Mo. , bull ono year and under two. J.V. \ . Uean , Marvsvillc , Mo. , cow three years , second premium. Clay & Wlnn , PlattsbiirR , Mo. , bull three years old and over , lirst premium. Olay it Wlnii , Plattsbtiric , Mo. , cow thrco yeais and over , second premium. Clay & Wlnn , 1'lattsburg , Mo. , cow two years and under three , tlrst premium. U. U. Holmes & Co. , Urmnell , la. , bull two years and over , second premium. F. Uellows , Miuysvllle , Mo. , bull calf , second end premium. It. Daniels , C.lllmoro , Neb. , bull two yean and under three , second premium. It. Daniels , Ullliaore , Neb. , cow any age , lirst incmluin.LOT LOT 2 IinilEFOKDS : Hereford Cattle company , Maple Hill , Kau. , bull , three years and over , lirst pre mium. Hereford Cattle company , Maple Hill , Kan. , bull , two years and under Ihrco , lirst premium. Hereford Cattle company. Maple Hill. Kan. , bull , ono year and under two , seeom premium. Hereford Cattle company , Maple Hill Kan. , bull calf , lirst premium. Ucrelord Cattle coiupiuy. Maple Hill , Kan. , cow. three years and under , lirst pre mium. Hereford Cattle company , Manlo Hill Kan. , heifer , one year urnV , under two , lirsi premium. Hereford Cattle company , Maple 11111 Kan. , liolfer calf , lirst premium. Hereford Cattle company , " Maple Hill Kan. , bull , aiiv nire , lirht premium. Hereford Cattle company , Mattlo Hill Kau. , bull three years and over showing bosl three of his get under two years , bull and get lirst premium. Harry Void , Stanton , Neb. , bull calf , sec und premium. C. M. Soars , Aurora , Neb. , bull , ono yeai and under two. first premium. K. E. Day , Weeping Water , Neb. , heifer two > t > ars and under three , second premium K/E. Day , Weeping Water , Neb. , holtei two years and under three , lirfit premium. J.S. Hawos , CaUuay , Kan. , bull , thro years and over , second premium. J. S. Hawcs , Calaway , Kan. , bull , twi years and under three , second premium. .1. S. Hawes , Calaway.'Kan. , cow , threi years and over , second prnnmim , J. S. Hawes , Calawar , Kan. , heifer call second premium. J. S. Hawes , Calaway , Kan. , female of an ; age , lirst piemtuin. LOT 11 jEiisr.vs. A. D. Lee , Beatrice , bull , ono ; year arn under two , first premium. CUtorgu li. French , Fail-mount , bull , thre jcms and over , first premium. Ueortro K. French , Falrmount. bull , on year and under two , second premium. ' George 15. French , Fairmount , liulfer , tw years and under three , second premium , George 11. French , Falrmount , liulfer call first premium. George li. French , Fairmount , bull an age , first premium. George li. French , Fulrmount , bull , thre years and over , showing three nf her get , bu anil get , llrst premium. U. Cumpton , lionnott , Neb. , bull , two yeai and over , llrst premium. Graham P. Brown. Omaha , bull , thre years and over , second premium. Graham P. lirown , Omaha , cow , throe yeai and over , second premium. Graham P. lirown. Omaha , cow , two year and under throe , first premium. O. Compton , Uennett , female any ago , fin premium. O. Compton , Dennett , heifer , ono year an under two , lint premium. O. Comptou , Bennett , cow , three years an over , llrst premium. C. U. llolmos A Co. , Gr'nnell ' , la. , bill two years and over , second premium. C. 11. Holmes A Co. , Grlnuell , la. , heifi calf , llrst premium. FJIIUAY'S I'HOGHAMME. Tlio following is the speed programm for Friday , the last day of the fair , an ono of the best for races of the week. Trotting race for horses that have nevi beaten 8:33 : ; entrance fee , 540 ; purse , S3W. First horse 8175.1 Second horse 87 , ! Tnird horse W , Fourth horse H5.I Trotting race , free for all ; SbO entrauc pur&eSMX ) . First horse 5400.1 Second horse 2 < K.i ) Third horse , KO.i Fourth horse 80. Two hundred dollars to bo added if 2:201 : better Is made , to ire to the horse maklt that time. Hall mile dash ; S10 entrance. Purs 510U. First horse 8 CO. Second horse 5. Third horse IS Fourth horse 10. Trotting race , for colts , mares or geldlnu four years old and under ; open for all ; $ entrance. Purse , S-250. First horse 312. " . Second horse C' > . Third horse 37. Fourth horse S3 , On Friday , Ssuteinber 115 , lSS7at 11 o'cloc preceded by the fair band , the Brand pi cession , comprising all premium anima will take pace ! , making the ontlro circuit the grounds and parsing onicial headquarti ! In review. Animals may be in harness or halter , its may be pro for red. Failure to a d pear In this procession will be cause fur fi ii felt of premiums. r. HANDSOME HOUSE FLESlt. o The finest display of Inraes over e > f hlbltcd in the state can bo , soon at t i- fair grounds. The number of horses c tceeds by 60 per cent any display ev > made before in the state. Standing ie the front of the magnificent display y horse flesh is the exhibition made by 1 us L. Klwood , of Dclvalb , 111. , who has for head of imported trench Porchoro that came direct to the fair from t sIowa state fair , whore they swept t us ring of first premiums. Mr. UJwood m bringing these horses to Nebraska h ill shown the interest that breeders of i us ported stock are taking in Nebraska , a ID when Mr. Klwood saw the 00,000 pooi that yesterday passed before the sta 10 containing his horses ho know tl his trip was more than ho expected in t at line of exhibitions. Mr. Klwood's ohoi stock needs to be scon to bo appreciate Kvery animal is a beauty , clean of lln perfect in build and altogether the fin exhibit ever made in the stato. Tl they are all this WM exemplified wh they wcro shown for premiums , I horses winning first premium from swei stakes down. With ono exception , wl : the horses were returned to their sU they bore off the field twelve blue ribbc as trophies of the contest. Standing the head of Mr. Klwood's herd is I magnificent stallion , King of Perche , tl everywhere decorated with first u mlttin ribbons. Superior , another mag nificent animal , is llttlo if any behind in the points of worth , and every animal In the lot has especial features of merit , four handsome. French coach horses were greatly admired from among Mr. Klwood's ' stock , anil these wcro no ox- emulous from the rule in tlio taking of premiums. Visitors to the fair find on entering the grounds Mr. Klwood's stock ranged along the first fifty box stalls iu the horse department. If any think that lluu stock is not appreciated in Nebraska they should stand and watch the crowds that gather before the stalls , and they woulu KUOW that it pays enterprising men like Mr. Klwood to display their stock to Nebraska people , Mr. Elwood , in gpoaklug of the Nebraska state fair , said that it exceeded in every way his ex pectations , and lie has no regrets for bringing his magnificent exhibit to thu tttiite. Mr. Klwood is one of thu leaders in tlio west in the Pcrchoron importing business and lias a line of stock that cannot bo excelled. He keeps only the choicest of animals imported and from direct imported horses , on his stock farm at DcKalb , for sale and any desiring to Improve/ stock or purchase something that they know is alt that is assorted of it should write for circulars to Mt. Klwood. Judging from thu exhi bit at the fair there if no liner stock this side of the Atlantic. A. FINK UISIT.AY OF IMl'LUMUNTS. The J. M. Hurks Implement company have ono of the finest exhibitions on the ground. This enterprising Lincoln linn lias grown yearly m pouular favor until thuir trade at the present time permeates every section of the state. Tills firm make at the fair a display that cannot fail to attract tlio attention of dealers over thu stato. This firm show the Ab bott buggies that wherever known are greatly appreciated for their workman ship. They confidently state that the Abbott buggies show the best work for the least money of any line of buggies in he market. Tno firm have on exhibition kit the grounds twenty specimen vehicles of the Abbott make in phaetons , car riages , surrey's und buggies , in canopy and extension tops. They are worthy close inspection. They display in wagons , the celebrated Olds wuiron in twelve dill'orent makes , from two nnd one-fourth to three and one-half inch axles. In plows they exhibit a full line of handsome specimens iroin the Walton Plow company's works. These cele brated works turn out as line specimens in plowa , harrows , cultivators , etc. , as can bo seen on the grounds. In rakes the firm have handsome specimens from tlio Sohu Hidtco Implement company's works , and they have on exhibition n largo line of buggies and carriages , usido from the Abbott make , with which they can satisfy tlio most fastidious iu selections. One of the attractive features in the J. M. Burks Implement company's exhibit is the Foster seeder. This Is an attachment to any farm wagon , that , as a broadcast seeder , eclipses anything ever exhibited in that line and which is some thing of a novelty and closely inspected by all intelligent farmers. This firm. in addition to their wholesale nnd retail implement business , carry an extensive trade in stores for the wholesale trade nnd their heavy Lincoln retail trade. Among their great exhibit of stoves may bo found fifty samples from the manufactory of Cribben , Sexton & Co. , Chicago. Standing at the head of this company's make are the unrivalled Universal base burners. One of their stoves is bmldud entirely of niokle , silver plated , and is i marvel of beauty. The Universals are supplied with the patent synhon Hue at tachment and the appliance for taking foul air from lloors through thu the stoves into the chimneys. Mr. w. S. Uarnctt , of Chicago , is the manufacturing linn's agent in display of poods , nnd in addi tion to base burners ho shows a large number of styles in hard and soft coal heaters and cook stoves especially adapted to the fuel in use in the west. All of these makes of stoves the J. M. Uurks Implement company keep con stantly on hand in all styles and makes. Local dealers in Nebraska are cordially invited , while visiting tlio state fair , to call at this firm's lu-adquartprs and oy- amino their handsome exhibits. A more successful firm cannot bo found or any who are more awake to making hand some exhibits nt every state fair where they show their goods on their merits and make always a creditable display. CHICAGO AND KIUK STOVE COJIl'ANV. Mr. G. M. Gates , of Chicago , ono of the men who never sleep in rushing for business and who has a double-hand welcome for all , is in charge ot that part of the J. M. Uurk Im plement company's display covered by the Chicago and Krie Stove company. Mr. Gates is supervising sixty different styles of stoves , base burners , heaters , cook stoves and ranges thiiluro exhibited by liis company , and lias standing at the iiead of the row the well-known ' 'Art Invincible" base burner , " which is ac knowledged to bo without a superior jn the land. Tlio "Art Invincible" is in boajuty all its name implies , and is great ly admired. When Mr. Gates discourses to an admiring public the wortlt of his wares he becomes so eloquent that crowds fairly applaud. At the bond of this company's exhibits in cooking stoves is the Chicago and Krie Manufacturing ' " " which company's celebrated "Helper , is trie admiration of all housewives , and there were no less than 20,000 of them on the ground yesterday. An endless vari ety of soft coal heaters , ranges in nil si/.cs , different styles in .base burners , and stoves for all classes of fuel com plete the display that Mr. Gates makes jointly for the manufacturing firm and the Lincoln dealers who arc subjects in this sketch. NOTES AND I'F.llSONALS. The following are the entries for the races Friday : 2:33 trot : Daisy H. by I. J. Starbuok , C. P. C. by Thomas Ritov , Jenny Lynti by N. T. Chamberlain , Almo bv W. 11 , Nelson , Gall McMahon by William D.iiloy , Uasiiaw Hill by H. S. Westfall , Naby G. by E. Dagpott. Free-for-all trot : Eimwood Chief by K. T. Kucebs , Joe Davis by J. Nowbro , Kg- mont by C. K. Abbott. Jay-Kye-Seo is to trot a fast mile again to-day. Never before were so many people upon the state lair grounds in a single day. There was hardly standing room Lunch stands and dining balls coult not accommodate the hungry yesterday , and hundreds ate nothing during tin day. day.James Walsh , of Omaha , called at the HUB tent to announce that ho had capt ured first premium on early and late po tutocs , the same that took premiums a' ' thu Omaha fair. Shoritf Hamilton , of York , chief of po lice on the grounds , lost a valuable horsi that he has been using at the fair. Tin horse took fright and , bliuded witli fear ran headlong against a passenger coaci breaking his neck. The fakirs and side show men drove i rattling trade yesterday. It was a tlnn when people would pay for standing roon beside tlio snake charmer and alligato just to got away from the scethinf crowds of sight seekers. There were people in attendance fron every corner of the state yestcrdaj Every town sent delegations of luiii dreds. Speaker liarlan and Clor Slaughter were present and they coul have assembled the entire state lefiislti b , turn on the ground. st The Columbus Hugcy company is on it of the wide awake exhibitors and tli in company's wide awake roprosontativ 10 had nearly closed out 00,000 advcrtisln 10P cards at an early hour yestorday. Pm A runaway horse and buggy dashed Int lie the carriage of A. K. Hargteavo's , i us which he was driving his family to th usat rounds. The carriage was made hit t indling wood , but happily all escape at injury. eueral Matiager _ . lloldrcgo andotbc ; " WILL TROT NEXT FRIDAY AFTERNOON , SEPTEMBER 16TH. The Management of the State Board of Agriculture have yielded to the public's de < mands and have arranged to have "J. I. C. " remain on the Fair G-rounds at Lincoln and' ' give another exhibition trot on Friday afternoon , September 16th. R. W : FURNAS , Secretary. S , M. BARKER , President. U. & M. olllclals were on the ground yes terday witnessing the races , and the multitude brought to the fair on their ex cursion trains. Some of the principal dining halls closed their doors before 1 o'clock and turned away hundreds of hungry people. The feeding capacity of the halls on the grounds were never subjected to such a test before. There are twenty newspaper tents on the ground , representing all the promi nent state dailies and the agricultural papers of the west. Every man , woman and child wont away bearing sample copies with them. . Makes the lives oi many people misera ble , and often loads to self-destruction. We know of no remedy for dyspepsia more successful than Hood's Sarsaparillu. It acts gentlv , yet surely and olllciently , tones the stomach and other organs , re moves the faint fooling , creates a good appetite , cures headache and refreshes- the burdened mind. Give Hood's Sarsaparilla - saparilla a fair trial. It will do you good Forgotten Trias Minos. Kl Paso correspondence Kt. Louis Globe-Democrat : George W. Baynur , a well known Texas pioneer , Indian lighter and ranger , who represents at present the county of El Paso in the Texas state legislature , is taking a great deal of in terest in the mining development of western Texas , and during the last ses sion of the legislature tried hard to get a mining law enacted which would hold out adequate inducement.- the thorough prospecting and developing of that sec tion of the state. Colonel 15iy- : ncr is about starting on a regular prospecting. , ana exploring trip in company with a trusted companion , heading linst for the Eagle Springs range , which lies between the Hio Grande and the Southern Pacilic railroad , where already extensive coal veins have boon found and partially de veloped , but where ho thinks intelligent and persistent prospecting will also find paying ore bodies. The range is a regu lar terra incognita , nnd but seldom visi ted , owing to the .scarcity of water and the many massacres by Indians , but is amiliar to Colouel liayner , who visited , ho spot as early as 1851 in charge of a argo catlio train , and was attacked .here uy about 300 Indians. Dur- ng the ensuing light two of us nineteen herders were killed. 'rom the Eagle Spring mountians the respecting party will EO south down ; ho river , through the Cfnsas and Che- iiti : mountains , both of which were < nown to bo full of mineral over two Hundred years ago. At that early period ; he Spanish Franciscan fathers had a lumber of missions in this district , each mrroundcd by a pueblo of peaceful and jonvorlod Indians. Each mission was ho pivctal point of extensive mining op erations , to which the Indians had to con- Tibute their of ten uiiwillingilabor. Sonio- ivhere about 1720 the Comanoho Nation , lion fierce and powerful , made a general onslaught on all western Texas , de stroyed the missions and killed the fath ers and most of the friendly Indians. Since then the country has remained an minlmbited wilderness , and the exis tence of the old mines can only bo ascer- aiued by the oxulorer occasionally com- .ng across deserted and covered shafts or li'inps , and other evidences of old- lime development1 * . They are found not only in Presiilo coiinty , but as far east as San Saba and Llano counties. Ono particular spot Colonel Haynor is aiming for is Presidio county. There is a canyon with nearly perpindicular bluff several hundred feet high on oue side ; the naked face of the rock shows a wide , well defined and conspicuous vein of mineral running along the entire face of the blu 11 * . If an assay should prove it _ to bo good pay ore , thorn would bo a mine there ready to hand for development on a large scale. That such a conspicuous ore vein should remain until now un claimed and undeveloped proves the se clusion nnd utter loneliness of that im mense district of country. It is thought however , that with the immense strides which El Paso is taking forward at pres ent in population , commerce and im portance , settlers will soon flock in largo numbers to the thrcoMiamed counties , most of the lands of which belong to the school fund of tiio state and can bo bought at low figures. Bishop Worthington.camo in on the ' " the east. 'Q. train yesterday from p ? CREAM Its superior excellunco prnvon in millions o homes for inor * than a qunrtor of a conlury. U la uied by tlio United Btales Oovorninont Kndorsod by tun beads of th * Qrpat ( Jnlvenl tlei , K the Btronirest , Purest and Moat Htmltli ful. Dr. Price's tbe only lUklnit Powder that does not contain Ammonia , Lime , or Alum Sold only In cans. IniCB UAKINfl I'OWDEU CO. . NEW VOKX OM10AOO , BT. LOCI * . OVERCOATS , The temperature nowadays must convince everybody that a medium weight overcoat would be a comfortable thing. Wo can just as easily convince you that oura is the place to buy one. We display an elegant assortment of these garments from a medium priced one at $5.Y5 up to the finest grades of Cassimeres , Meltons and Kerdoys. Some of the lat ter are in the beautiful fashionable shades and made up in the best custom made manner , lined with silk and satin , and the prices are such that they are within reach of everybody. In our Boy's Clothing department we already have a large and attractive stock , many styles that will interest and please parents , and all AVIO have boys to.clothe , new gooda arriving every day. Goods that will wear and give satisfaction , such goods as you'll not find in any other clothing house at the price. As an extraordinary bargain , and being well adapted for school wear , we mention this week our Plaited Corderoy knee pant suit which we have marked $2.25 , just one-half of what it is really worth. In our Furnishing Department we show novelties in Fall Underwear , Fancy Percale Shirts , Neckwear , Gloves , etc. Our Hat Department is Avell stocked with the latest styles of stiff and soft hats in all colors and at prices fully one-third lower than other dealers , All goads marked in plain figures aad at strictly one price at Company Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. Tbo Theatrical Profession. Merit will win nml receive publlo recognition and praUo. Facts , which are the outcome of general exp - p rleuco , growing through jears of critical and practical teat , become at rooted Mid Immovable ai the rock of Gibraltar In publlo. opinion , ami hence forth need no further gunran'-'C at to their gsnu Inenesi. The Indisputable fact that Swift' * BpeclCo It tha bust blood rudder In tha world , li ono of thc > a Immovable Gibraltar rock fact * of which we haTO f noU-cn , mitt every day's experience roots this con viction deeper uuil dot par tu public opinion. Kvery clafii of our iteopto In America aim Iu Europe. everr trade , calling and profusion , including the medical 'profiMlon , have bornu voluntnir uutl. monv in thu remarkable ) virtues of 8. & 8. and Its Infallible efltcarj In curing oil dliPAses of the blood. 'JIiLse tuitlinoulaU ureou fllu bjr the thou sands , ami open to the Inspection of all. Now come , unsoUclli'cl , two dl tluKUl.hi- . | members of thu theat rical profession , who uratef ully tustlfj to thn wonder ful curative qualities of the SpOClnc In their Indi vidual cases. Thdr testimonials are herewith sub mitted to the public without further comment let them speak for themselves. The lady It a member ot the famous Tbatla Theatre Company , of New York , andibrtnorlr if the Residence Theatre , Berlin , Ger many , and of SlcVlcker's Stock Company , of Chicago. The gentleman U n r ell Icnowu member of the Haw York Thalia Theatre Company. Doth are well known Iu theatrical circles In ttus country and In Europe. Charlotte Itandow'H Testimony. NEW YORK , May 3 , 1M7. Swift Bpeclflo Company , Atlanta , Go , i Gentlemen Having been annoyed with pimples , eruptions and roughness of the skin , from bad con dition of my blood , for more than a- year , I ued a leading preparation of sarsaparllla ana other adver tised remedies to no effect. Thou 1 consulted a prom inent phyilrliiii , and from hla treatment rreetved uo benellt. I then concluded to try the U. 8. S. rem edy for the blood , nnd live or sir packngu. by a thorough eradication of my trouble nnd restoring nmoolhnpti to my slcln , bare made mo happy , ana I cheerfully glvo jou IhU testimonial f or SULU uia and publicity ad yuulsk In make of U. CniRIOTTC 1U1TDQW , IS ] BOM try , uear Caual baxot. Ilatislicrl'i ToRtlmony. The Swift Bpeclfle Company , Atlanta. Oa. i Gentlemen For two yearn I had a severe case of eczema. I used tar toapi , nulpliur toap , and various other remedies , and wui prroorll > < t for by nuniburs of physicians , but found no relief At last Icktep mined to try thnS.8. S. remedy , and seven or uttut. bottles lm > o thoroughly relieved me , and > ou cut uiu thu cerlllluitu Iu any manner you v Ish. 11U1XI IIJS&XEBL , Member of Thalia Theatre hew York , llsy 8 , 1887. Treallis nu Blood and Bkln Diseases mailed fro * . TUB SWIFT Srncino Co. , Drawer 3. Atlanta , da. Pianos & Organs Retailed \Vliolcsulo I'rlccn. Wrlio for calulOKUOS , nrlcos and terms nmj BIIVO from f JO to ? 15U la thu purcliusu of an lo- Btriiment. imos. , si. Jo < cpii , MO. WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE And others tiitterlnir from nvrvous tltblllty , ibau tlr'g Ichronia dltcaret , piuntture- diiclln * of vouav ur olj r ' positively curtd by Ur Ilorue's famous Klrlr . MacntUo llcIL Ttouuiiuls . . e ry IT 1'HUte In th union hive r n cured. Klcptrlcf 34 $ : IT instantly fell. I'atentBlanil mid 10 tut. Whole family can wear same bolt. F.lwUI I i unavrlra Crtw with male brlu Avoid worttilwu Im- luUom aoa t > oc < u qurapanlu Elrctrla Truaw * br niptvr * . TOO currj In'rl5. fcrnd ttanip forpamplilet. Di. W. J. HOR , iHVEHioa. IBI WABASH Av. , CNICACO. I ftQTMAMHOOD.V < mUiIulImpt k O I uaencu.NervouslolIlltyrHiis ) Q tUrouKh errors and bad practices CURED. . " - * < HKAL CO , WLocustst. bl.Loul * D E W E Y & STO N E , e & $ wxmiw 8K FURNITURE A magnificant display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture maker's , art , at reasonable prices. Display at tholr warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , Including PIANOS * 118 * * * LYON & , BURDETT , STANDARD , LYON&HEALY Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with tholr most liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on tholr goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects In materials and workmanship. LYON & HEALY , I30S A 1307 FARNAM STREET *