iCHE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THtliSDAY , SEPTEMBER 15. ISSv : 3 .TflE TRADING PITS QUIET , A Qenoral Absence of Outside Speculative Orders Noticeable. CORN FOLLOWS FTER WHEAT- No I'nrllculnr Change in the Pro vision Trnilc A Ijiltcrnl Sujijjly of All Kltuls of Cattle Quotation * * . CHICAGO 1' MAKKUT. CHICAGO , Sept. 14. ( Special Tolesrnm to ( lieBun.J The trading pits were very quiet Indeed all the fnrononn to-day. Outside do mestic markctH vcic , t > judge from thn ills- patches , as .spiritless as our own and noth ing came over the wires of a character to disturb values materially. Tlio yellow tissue had It that the Now York produce exchange was in ahull over an article published In the Times of that city , purporting to bo nn Inter view with President Wright concerning the bucket shop question , nnd wcro giving moro attention " over" this to "turning cxclmnge than they were to business. The general absence of outsldo speculative orders hero , the lack of local interest nnd gossip over the news from Ottawa on the nnnrchist case , nil tended to make it a dull day on the Chicago houtso. Wheat opened firm nuu fractionally higher , with "tho crowd" In an excellent humor for giving prices n little boost. This Inspiration was drawn from the "on-possngo" figures. It was shown that during the past week Ihero was n dccroaso In the amount afloat of l,7fX,000 ) bushels , and although the New York market was linn , cables were unimproved , spot wheat being reported in limited de mand , with India sorts lower. Good buying early by Driver & Shaw and tlio scalping cle ment , sent October from 000'j ; c at the opening , up to 70c. December Improving In tlio meantime to 72 c and May to 78c. But ns the market received no outsldo support , the Improvement did not hold and by noon October had dropped back to yesterday's closing range , or 60K@C'J c on the split. That future sold very sparingly nt 70c. Tlio reaction was rather sharp and on the down turn thn weakness was intensified by Roil ing orders from Now York. The maikct showed no recuperative power during the last hour of the morning session and the 1 o'clock closings wore barely a split better than yesterday afternoon. The extreme range covered by fluctu ations wns only about % c , and when the bell tapped quotations stood at G9c for October , 71J < c tor November , 725 < e for December and 78 > ( fii78 c for May. Kx port clenrlnL's madn a small showing only 74,000 bushels and receipts nt twelve princi pal points worn 627,000 bushels ngnlnst 22K.OOO snipped from the same. The arrivals hero continued very light only thirty-eight cats of both winter nnd spring in yesterday's Inspection. Including but ono car of No. 2 Mpring. The estimated receipts lor tomorrow row are fifty-seven c.irs. Corn followed pretty close after wheat. Dullness , nairow tluctunlions nud a general absence of Inteiestlug features was the order of thodny In the lilt , nnd the lending futures closed nt 1 o'clock about Vo oil ns compaicd with yesterday's last bid. October opened Rtronecr nt 42 } < c , sold up In thn eaily deal- Incs to 439 < @ 4asfo together , nnd then off to 42J c. whleli was tlio market nt 1 o'clock. In the November nnd December options tlicro was only a limited biiblncss passing , and wlillo the opening lignnis showed ' 'c pre mium on November'over October. It finally disappeared , nnd toward the close November was 's'e discount. May corn opened at 4" > ? < c , touched 4r > J o and later sold off to 45 ; > @ 4.c on the split. All months rested nt the bottom nt the close of ( he morning session. Trading throughout was of n light scalping order , nnd although the tone of the market was In the direction of a lower level , after the little bulge early , the feeling wns nt no time espe cially wenfr. The Now York market was firm and caoles were dull with "a poor de mand. " No fault can bo found with the cash movement at this point. To-dny's chnrters footed up 800,000 bushels , with lake freights by water to tlio soahoard unchanged , where prelty much nil ot tlio shipments are point ing lately. Hccoivers say that all the Indi cations nro In favor of continued liberal re ceipts and most of the banks report larger shipments of currency to Interior points for the movement of corn. Yesterday's arrivals exceeded tlio estimates slightly nnd expectations to-morrow are for 41u cars , which is a little largtir still. The bulls are not dismayed , however , by the re ceipts. There was n decrease In the amount of corn on ocean passage last week of 720.000 bushels , and It Is believed that it prices do not get too high the export trade In this creal will from now on cut moro of n limiro than It has for years. Hutchlnson was a free seller of October corn to-day. This would not hnvu special significance , perhaps , were It not for the fnct that lie has been the leading bull In this market for a month past , and as a leader nnd heavy operator his movements are closely watched by the crowd. It was also reported that "Hutch" find sold nil of his cash holdings , amounting to nbout 700,000 bushels , to Baker , who will keep on moving It out. Captain 1'hllHtn is an un compromising bull on corn. Ho does not go back on the government figures , but says they nro good enough for him , reading them this way : Crop of lySO , 1,005,000,000 bushels ; crop of lhS7.1,445.000.000 bushels ; shortage , 220,000,000 bushels ; amount less In farmers hands and In viblblo than last year , IbO.OOO- 000 bushels ; total shortage , 400,000,000 bushels. Oats were again very dull In the specula tive market. Orders to either buy or sell 1 were phenomenally light and the slight changes that occurred In prices were in favor of holders. October improved from < ! 5 % < 935f c together to 2.'i fo straight , November Irom2oe to 2fiVc aud May sold uud closed ut 30 'c , or about 'tfc bettor at 1 p. in. . In provisions there was no particular i change. Trading was fair and In the general market thu bear sldo was regarded with the ( greatest favor , though the most serious de " pression suffered was In lardwhich declined , 2kc5c from last night's closings. Short ribs for the different deliveries dealt In were unchanged , whllo In January pork tlicro was even ni ndvanco of 2Kc. All things con- sldereiTrthe trade was well supported. Sop- tombei nnd October short ribs ranged nt 58.1H ) (38.U5 ( and rested nt 1 o'clock nt SS.IH ) . Sep tember lard wns nbout thn same ns October , which sold from 80.55 enrly down to SG.47K. . Subsequently November Inrd closed at SWJ > 5 Q0.45 and December at JO.45. The January product fluctuated within narrow limits am ! nt 1 o'clock pork was quoted at S12.55 , lard al Sfl.52 } < and short ribs at SO. 15. Cash Ian1 sold freely nt 30.47)ii ( 0.52 > . Cash meat ! were held firmly. AFTKKXOO.V SESSION Wheat quiet urn easy ; September closed at GS'fc ; Octobei sold nt 0'JKt'We , closing at o' ' . > X@ < VJ > < c November soFd at 7ic ; December sold nt 72 > i @TMc , closing at 72 % ; May sold nt 7bWj closing nt that. Corn easy ; September soft nt 42 c , closing at 42 > fc ; Octobersold at 42 ? i nnd 42 # ( < M2Vc ; on the split , closing at 43 > { i'i 42'c ; November sold at 42 c und Decfiubei 4a1 * ® o : May bold nt 45 ; , ' < 345fe , split a 45 ? c , closing nt 45'j'o and sellers at 45 ? ( i 45WC , Oats steady ; September abou 85Hc ; for October 25 ? c wa : bid ; November was offered at S6c May sold on thospllt nt IXXS'W' < c , nnd closet at SOc. Pork sold for Jnnuary delivery n SV..50$1J.MK ! ( , nnd closed at S12.50 ; yen wns nominal nt S12.50 Lard was easier September nnd October closed nt I0.47W No\ember nt 80.42(90.4D ( , December nt * 0.4 and January ut SO.60 bid. November soli nt $0.42 nnd January at SiI.fXX/cO.MH Short ribs were 2X(35c ( higher for October wnlch sold and closed nt S3.liJ ) ® 9.05 ; Sep temberas tlio same as October ; Jauuarj closed at * CU5. CHICAGO lil\K STOCK. CUICAOO. Sept 14. ( Special lelegram t thaDKK. ] CATTLE Tue run of native catti wns not very heavy , but It wus more tba : ample. There was a liberal supply of a ! kinds of cattle , aud buyers having such largo lot to select from , were naturally vor Indifferent and slow to tnVehcld. Illus wci NX315C lower on good ones and 15 < 325c lowc on common ones. The sales were mad very unevenly , 1'rlces , as a sale : man said , were just as you coui catch them , and a lot of cattle i (4.35 might bo better Quality than a lot sol at 14,83. Prices on an average were K lower , but very Irregular. A. cohsldorabl roluiue of business was douo nil uie uiaiki wn ? not n bail one nt the price. Itccelpts , 12.1 OJ ; shipments , U.700. The market was fairly nctlvo nud prices lOc lower. Shipping steers , UKX ) to 1500 Ibs , S4.50Q5.30 : 1200 to 13.V ) ib , SIM ,1(4.00 : iiyj to 1200 Ibs , b.fX : ! ) ( ( ? I ! i5. Stockers nnd feeders , steady nt l.70r < JUO : ; co\\h , bulls and mixed , dull nnd weak , the bulk of ales being nt St.25 ( < l,3.2.r ) . About 8,600 Texas nnd 4.000 far west cnttlo were on sale. Texans sold nt Sl.l'5ftt.OO. : Western rnpeers sold nt 5i60ii3.75 for unlives nnd hnlf breeds , nnd S2.00@3.CO for wintered Texnns ; cows , SJ.2.IW2.00. lloos Kstlmnteil receipts , 17.000 ; last Wednesday , llWO ! ; week so far , 4i.G'J ( ! ! ; same time last week , . " 7,003. Trade \\os brisk with little or no variation In values as compared with the clo'o of yesterday. A few closely assorted he.ivy.nearly ns goodns Phil- ndelphlns , sold nt 5.4r > C (5.rx ( > . Nlco butcher weluhH. Va'5.40. Tlio best packing ports sold ntS5.o@5.tt : ! : ; co.irso nnd medium , 85.10 ( &VJ5 ; light sorts , 65.XK ( 5.5. : ! KINANUIAU Nr.w Yonic , Sept. 14. [ Speclnl Telegram to the I liRK.1 STOCKS Stork operators were slow to tnko hold this morning , being disposed to await the action of the treasury In the pmchasc of bonds. The offerings were less than expected , aggregating 55,175- 110 at SI.10 down to 81.07 , 1,000,000 being offered nt SI.OS. The announcement of the acceptance wns slow In coming , and during the Interval tin * bears hammered the market with telling effect , using Western Union , of which the bulls have been suspected of late as the leader , and when It started downward the bulls be . ( an dumping , and It broke from 7Sto 70 , and 20,000 shaics changed hands. Coal stocks followed , and were sold by room traders on anticipation that there would bo a general strike , nud prices dropped 1 } to 8 points. The Grangers wore weak , declining % @ 1 point. The rest of the active list broke 1 } ® ' -points , but rallied slightly about 2 o'clock. When the announcement of the government's acceptance ot 84,000,000 of bonds wns made , the market rallied K@l percent on coverlnz by shorts , but after a brief period the bears again attacked the market , and It sold elf inpldly , the last sales botng at almost inside llguros , and showed a net decline of 2j on Reading nnd Western Union , % on St. Paul , } { on Northwestern , Ken Lake Shore. \ % on LncKnwnnnn , 1A on Cotton Oil , 'nnd H' per cent on Chicago , Burlington & Quincy. Manhattan wns up percent , The total sales were 318,000 slinrca. GOVIUINMENTS Government bonds were dull and heavy. YESTKllDAY'S yUOTATlONS. U. 8. 4's coupon .125 > f C. AN. W 113 U. S. 4X'scotip.107Jf Pacific < i sot "Jo. . 122 N. V. 0 . 10 CanadaSouth'n. . U. &N . 81 Central Pacific. . 30 > O T Chicago & Alton. 140 Pacific Mai I. . . . . . do preferred..155 P. , D. &K C.,1) ) . &Q 183 PullmnnPnl.Car.147 D. , L. tic W 13S < D. AU.O 25 f Kock Island . . . .llfJX Erie 2flJ St. L. &S. K. . . . 83 % do preferred. . . . CO do preferred. . . . 70 Illinois Central. . 118 C. , M. & St. P. . . I.B. . .fe W 10 do preferred. . 117 K.T. KSt P. * o. . . . . w Lakii Shore . do preferred..107Jf I. . &N 01 % Texas Pacllic. . . . 27 Michigan Ceut'l. . 80 .UnionPacific. . . . . 54 % Mo. Pacific IMJrfV. \ . . St. LAP. . . . 17 No. Pacific 20Jdo pieferrod. . 29Jf dopicferred. . . . 52' ' W. U. Telegraph 70 MONEY On call wns easy , ranging trom 5 too tier cent , last loan nt U per cunt , closed offered at 0 per cent. PIUSIK MEIICANTILK PAPKII 7T ( < 9 per cent. STKKM.SO KXCHANOK Active and steady at S4.80J. , ' tor 60 day bills , and " demand. 3 M Alt HUTS. Chlcnan. Sept. 11 Following quotations are the 2tOclo : : ing figures : Flour Firm nnd iinchnnged. Wheat Dull with llltlH better demand with an advance ot MS'tfc at opening prices , closing about the same as yesterday ; cash , GS c ; October , C0a : Mav. 7SKe. Corn Trade llsht and fluctuations limited to KC ranges , puces closing a shade easier than yesterdav ; cash , 42 u ; October , 42 5-lCc ; May , 45 e. Oats Quiet but steady , same to Vc better than yesterday's close ; cash , 25 } c ; October , 2. > < o ; May , 30 1-lCc. Kyo-45Mc. Barley-68J < c. Prlm Timothy Seea-S2.242.25. Flax Seed-$1.09. Whisky-11.10. Pork Steady but Inactive ; year , jn.25 ; January. S 12.55. Lard Weak , unsettled and lower ; cash , S0.45 ; October , S0.47K. Dry 5alted Meats-Shoulders , S5.35fd5.35 ! ; short clear. SO.SOCi4'J.35 ; bhort ribs , J8.U5. Butter Quiet ; creamery , 17 ( 2.lic ; dairy , Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars , lie ; Hats , llGJll c ; YOUIIK Auiencas , Kacs-Qulet at 15 Hides Steady ; unclmuipd ; heavy crcen hides 7M'c ; light do , 7J © Rp ; salted bnll hides , Oc , green salted calf , bQ'Jc ; dry flint , 12 ® 13c ; dry calf , 12@lic ! ; deacons 30c each. Tallow Firm ; No. 1 country , -UgH'sc ; No. 2 , 3 > c ; cakes , 4 > c. c.HecoluU. . Shlpmentn. Flour , bbls . fti.OM 23tKW Wheat , bu . 60.000 34.000 Corn , bu . 42X000 SOO.OOO Outs , bu . 109.000 15',000 ) Kvo , bll . 5,000 5,000 Barley , bu . S'J.OOO 32.000 New York , Sept 14. Wheat llo- eelnts , 140,000 ; exports S'J.OUO ; spot cash lots weak and in some cases a trifle lower ; options opened firm , later declined * f , closing steadv.wlth a slight recovery ; ungraded red , 77CoSl : > l'o ; No. 2 red , 79j/fi7'JKc in elevator , bO ftjtSlj c delivered , 70Jf < 31sOc fi o. bi , No. 2 fed" , October , closing at , „ . Corn Keceipts , 182,000 ; exports , 09,500 ; spot a trifle and options XWic lower , closing bteaily , with more doing ; ungraded. 50 } 5y c ; No. ! ! , rXIJfc , 5l @ 51) c delivered ; Oclober closing al fiOJ c. Oats Heceipts , 07,000 ; exports , none ; spol } ( ® } { e lower , but fairly active ; mixed webtern , S2 ( < ? : i5c ; white western , 35@4lc. Cotlee-Spot , fair ; Hlo , dull at 81U.75 ; op tlons 10 15 points higher : sales , 34,000 bags ; October , 517.'JO@18.00 ; November , S1B.10(2 ( Petroleum Quiet ; United , 62Vc. Kggs lu fair demand and firm. Pork-Quiet but firmly held. Lard 1 ( < 5 points lower ; western steau spot , SO.S5. Butter Quiet ; western , 13(324o ( ; creamery , Cheese Stronger , but quiet. Ht. Louts , Sopt. 14. Wheat bliong ; cash V < 3iiyfc ; October , CO c. Corn illcher ; cash , 3'ff40cOctoborRSc ) ; Oals Fiim ; cash , 24 ® 'J5c ; October 24WW hlskT-Sl.OJ. Potk15.M. . Lard-$0.45. Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 21@23c dnlry , 1C25. Afternoon Board Wheat Kasy ; October bor , 69'ic. Corn Kasy ; September , 3Jc bid Oats Easy. Cincinnati , Sept. II. Wheat Firm ; No 2 led , 73c. Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 45Jfc. O ts Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , " " Hyo-No. 2 , 50Xe. Pork Kasler at S15.50. I.ard Easier at 5M5. Wlilbky-gl.05. Milwaukee , Sept. 14. Wlieat-Qulot t cash , CUc. Corn Steady ; No. 3. 4lp. Oats-Steady ; No. 2 white. 2Sc. live Steady ; No. 1 , 47Kc. Hat ley-Steady ; No. 2 , COKc. I'orU-Soptembcr , S15.50glO.00. Ijlrerpool , Sept. 14. Wheat Quiet , d ( mand poor and supply large. Corn Quiet aud demand poor. Kantian City. Scut , 14. Whcat-Steadj No. 2 soft , cash , Olc bid. to Corn Strong ; No. 2 , casti , SG\'e bid. Oats-22Kc bid. lom _ LIVESTOCK. ill illn n Ubtoaito , Sept. 14. . The Drovers' Jouroi ry reports a follows : Cattle Itecelpts , 13,000 ; market fairly ae gr tlyf Luitpjice3 ipc" lower ) shiiiDfng"Vteeri lo 13- 3.00. 3.00.Hop Receipt * . 17,000 ; market acllve an prices iinchancedj mixed , 55.10(35.30 ( : pscl Ing and shipping , * 5.15ift5JO ; light , 34.60 < 5.SO. tie Sheeo Kecelpts , 0,000 ; I5o decline ; n x-t 1 tlveo , 2.7Kj ( .2i ; wesurn , | 3.a5 < iJ,75 ; T : nns , 2.CO,33.C05 , lambs , 54.25riJ5.40 per 100 Ibs. Nntionnl Block Yards. Kntt St. Ionls. 111. , Sept. 14. Cattle HeceluK 2.000 : shipments , 1,000 : butchers' steer ? . | 3.40@4.00 : feeders. S 2 50fi325. llozs Kpci-lpts. 6,000 ; shlpmpnK 1.000 : butchers' and best heavy , ? . " ) . . ' ) Cl5.r : mixed packing , 5.00(35.50 ( ; Yorkers S5.00@fl.l5. Kansan City , Sept. 14. Cattle He- celuts , 3,000 ; shipments , 4.000 ; common to medium , 83.2.1(31.00 ( ; stockers , 2XX3.60 ) ; feeding steers. . 32.6. ' ) ® : ) 25 ; cows , S1.40WJ.CO. Hogs Receipts , 3.1KW ; shipments none : common to medium , 4.80(35.15 ( ; skips nud pigs , S3.00j.4.75. ( ; OMAHA l\\'K 8TOO1C. Wednesday , Sept. 14. Cattle. Thpro wai n slight falling oft In the re- eelpts of cattle as compared with yesterday. The market was about steady on good cattle , the top being 4. to. I Iocs. The receipts of hogs were heavier to-day than for some tlmu baek , nnd as compared with yesterday , there was a enln of 1,000. Thn market opened strong nnd a few loads sold nt a higher price than anything yester day , but almost Immediately dropped down and continued dull until the closo. The market closed fully 10&153 lower than It opened and with twenty-live loads unsold. HIlLM-p. There was nothing doing on the market. Hooelpt * . Cattle . 500 . . . . . 0,000 Shipments. Cattle . . . Hears Prnvallliti ; Prloai Shnwlngtho prevailing prices piUl for II vo Block on this marknt : Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . .81.25014.55 Choice steers , 1100 to 130'J ' Ibs. . . 4.00k < il.t5 ! Fat little steers 000 to low Ibs. . . . 8.75 at.K : ! ) Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 1500 3.7.ri4.35 ! ( Jood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.50(3)3.00 ( ) Common to medium cow ; ) . 2.00@2.25 Good to cholco bulls . 1.7.V 3.00 Good range feeders . 2.40(3)2.75 ) Good native feeders , OOOlbsand up wards . Q.7.j@3.00 Fair to medium native feeders.OOO Ibs nnd upwards . 2.50(22.05 ( Mockers , 400 to 700 Ibs . 2.00 ( < 2.40 Prime fat sheep . 8.25M3.50 Fair to medium sheep . 2.50133.00 Common sheep . ( Liiiht and medium hotr * . 5.DOM5.10 ( Jooclto clioico heavy hogs . 5.10(0)5.20 ( ) Good to cholco mixed hogs . 5.00 5.15 Roprcsnntattvo 8i lo . NATIVE STEKIIS COHN-FKH. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 18. . . . 1071 53.75 30. . . . 1239 84.40 20..10.M 4.00 NATIVE ANII WESmitN COIlN-Fni > . 32. . . .1440 S4.50 WKSTKUN STKKl'.S WAR 11OXNET. 55. . . .1110 2.8.5 2. . . .1100 52.35 11. . . . 974 52.80 17. . . . OS72.75 2. . . .1105 3.00 NATIVE COWB. 5. . . . 830 S2.25HANOI HANOI : rows. 60. . . . 749 SHOO tier head. ciimiuuKK inirius. : : 22. . . . COS S1.05 STAGS. 2. . . . 1390 33.00 HULLS. 1..1550 52.15 lions. No. Av. Shit. Pr. No. Av. 8hlc. Pr. 03. . . . 223 120 55.00 17. . . . ISM 85.20 70. . . . 224 120 5.10 70. . .2J7 40 5.20 I09..CCO 240 5.10 57..2b3 100 5.20 74. . . 231 400 5.10 Oil. . . . 201 40 5'JO 44..2S9 120 r..W 79. . . . 227 bO 5.20 75 . . .22-5 2iO 5.10 00. . . . 2.51 200 5.20 hO. . . . ! i3 200 5.10 50. . . . 259 100 5.20 70. . . . 21)1 ) 40 5.10 72. . . . 282 bO 5.20 59..2i3 ; 5.10 72. . . . 210 bO 5.20 CO. . . . 271 120 6.10 09. . . . 255 40 5.20 75. . . .241 bO 5.10 75. . . .225 5.20 72..2. 100 5.15 5l..2b7 bO 5.20 69. . . . 2.53 200 5.15 b4..242 40 5.20 bO.-20 120 5.15 123. . . .SW 120 5.2'JK 73..2S3 120 5.15 01. . . . 274 100 5.25 0.5. . . .250 bO 5.15 57. . . .295 40 5.25 W. . . . 247 100 5.15 C0..2M ) 100 5.25 6t..200 2bO 5.15 75. . . .211 200 5.2.5 08. . . . 2,57 120 5.15 05. . . . 200 5.2.5 71. . . .2)0 ) 80 5.15 09. . . .248 100 5.25 58. . . . 270 120 5.15 05 . . .272 120 5.25 0.5..272 bO 5.15 70. . . . 2.58 bO 5.21 07. . . .244 240 5.15 04. . . .200 120 5.25 SO. . . . 204 40 5.15 ft'i..2V4 ( 200 5.2.5 02. . . .240 80 5.15 C9..2.V1 bO 5.25 09. . . . 231 100 5.15 127. . . . 270 bO 5.80 CO. . . . 208 240 5.15 50. . . . 209 100 5.30 ai . . .835 200 5.20 KJ. . . . ' . 100 5.80 01. . . . 240 200 5.20 09. . . . 204 40 5.80 ( 9 . . .254 fcO 5.20 55. . . . 333 5.32J 51. . . . 272 40 5.20 81. . . . 278 40 5.85 C3..201 120 5.20 61..2S1 bO 5.35 Live Stock Sold. Showing the number of head of stock sold on tlio market to-day : CATTLE. (5. II. Hammond & Co 140 Local 11 Shippers ) ! Feeders 153 Total 354 110(13 ( , Anglo American Packing Co 8218 Armour A Co 017 O. H. Hammond & Co 617 Total -4452 Unsold 1000 All sales of stock in tins market are made per cwt IIvo woUht uulcm otherwise stated. bead hogs sell at Kc per ib. for all weights. "Skins , " or hogs weighing loss than 10J IDS. no value. Pregnant sows are dockoJ 40 lUj. and atagsSOlbs. bvthaoublio inspector. Ijlve Stock Notes. No sheep hero. * ( iood cattle steady. A mean hog market. Hogs open strong but close ! C@l5c lower. Mr. Abraham , Valley , was hero with hogs. W. White , Hawthorne , la. , came in wltti hogs. Carl Henningson , Dannebrog , was herewith ) with hogs. J. W. Young came in with a load of hogs J from Hooper. JI Mr. Mahally , Red Oak , la. , came in with a I load oc hogs. A. Anderson , Oakland , la. , was In and sold 1 a load of hogs. W. W. Mitchell , Alda , sold a load of 109- Jbhogsati5.SO. Mr. Cribble , Dakota City , Neb. , came In with two loads of hogs. Cerhnrd Wall , of Hampton , was at the II yards looking after feeders. IIf , D. S. Klnsolln , Panama , In. , sold n load ol f 281-lb hogs nt the top price , S5.35. , C. L. Smith. Ulysses , marketed two loads s ot hogs , ono ol them at the top price. Schenck A A. . Bingham , la. , marketed a \ good load of 8.H pound hogs at 35.3J } < . J. Q. McPherrln. Oakland , In. , was In anil I marketed two loads ot 270 Ib. ho s at 85.30 I'l , Fletch Brown. A. B. Waggoner , Colon u Savnco aud others took In the Lincoln fail yesterdny. Ed Ainsworth. of Vail , la. , and Thomas Clement , jr. , ot Dunlap , la. , wore visitors al tlio yards. C. E. Welch , the well known feeder am : shipper of Paplllon , marketed a load of 292-11 hogs at 35.30. Hog salesmen at the yards are making things lively by clubbing together and taking options in short ribs. ; C. L. Jones , Hastings , a feeder anil shipper , was here nnd marketed four loads o cattle and a load of hogs. J. Foley , of Foley & Clilttenden , has r& turned after a ton dajs' trip Into the north western part ot the state. U. P. Hitchcock , Blair , a farmer am feeder , was hero and marketed a load o 1033-lb corn fed bteers of his own feeding. Squires A Co. was not on the market am the consequent falling oil In the denmiu may have had sometnlng to do with the do cllneof tlio market Jerry Hayes , tlio doughty IiUhman , re turned from Chicago yesterday , where hi had been with a shipment ot sheep. Jerr ; at says he can taste wool yet. The following were among thosn who hai c- hogs on ) cnterdnys market : McKcegnn . B. , Bancroft ; U. A. Tcmplctou , Tekamah Joe Bager , Craig ; Crowttll L. & O , Co. , Pen as der ; Nelson As Y. , Oakland ; U. Hunter , Uiv orton ; T. C. Tasrg , Waco ; Cireeu & B. Ureonvtood ; Wenholz A E. , Orleans ; E.L id Martin , Falrmoant ; Wilson K. & Co. k- Ulysses ; Cook A : C. , Ohiowa ; W. / Pollard , Aurora ; Joe Ellis , DeWltt A. Truesdell , Bradshaw ; Sterling < ! U.Avoca : Fattington & Sou. Lyons Murphy A Co. , Rogers J L , J , . { jteDli ens , Waterloo ; K. I ) . AVuiker. St. Edwards ; II. W. King , Hoonu : W. W. Harnliome. Adams ; A. J. Minor , Nelson ; Walker * U. , Garrison ; C. L. Jones , Hastings ; Wnlker Hro * . , Wnvorly ; Snnll it A. , Ashhnd ; James l.uilev , Ashland ; F. Aldrltt. Friend : T. A. Gale , t.oomls ! Snowdqu & I ) . , Itavennn ; M. Klllncr. Madison : Halo & Wnv , Ord , Sheplmrd * . , Bennett ; J. Mel- lick , Nellgli : II. Whltver , Onkdale ; J. E. Dorsoy , Noith Bend ; W. M. Nye & Co. , Fremont ; Sheplmrd it II. , Cremhton ; 1) . A , Hale , Newman's Urovn ; Packard L. A G. Co. ; John Noli. Clnrkson ; C. C. Clif ton , Cedar HlnHX ; J. L. BnUer , West Point ; H. Dehro. Snyder ; Swcdebtirg. E. Co. . Snedebtirg ; H. W. Carey & Son , Sheuandoali ; Sims A 11. , -Portsmouth ; Lnlk A K. , l.oup City ; W. J. Davis & Co. , ( tiand Inland ; James Ctim- mlngs , Tnlmnge ; M. H. Hcgarly , Neola ; Harris A B. , Hancock OMAHA WHOLIO.S VljK MAHKKT9. Wednesday , Sept. 14. ' 1'rodiioe. T/ic / fnllawlnij arc the jirlcci nt irhlch ronnil lots of jtrmlucc arc sold on this market : llio receipts of most kinds of produce were not very heavy to-day. The markets were fairly nctlvo nt about steady prices. UOTTKH Creamery , 25@27c per pound ; cholco dalrv , ISSSOc ; medium grades , I3@l0c ; ordinary , 0@10c. Eons Hie market is firmer at 1212Xc for cholco stock. CIIKKSE Market fair. Fancy full cream Cheddars , slnrlo 13c ; full cream twins , 18c : young Americas , 13 > { c ; brick cheese , 100 Ibs in case , 14c ; Llmberucr , 100 Ibs In case , 13) ) < c ; Snurs" fancy Ohio , 19c. PotiLTitY Fair market ; sprliic chickens , 32.00fil2.60 ; old fowls. Si.50@3.00 ; ducks , 82.2502.75 : turkeys , In very Tight request , Cd7c per Ib. GAME Hecolpls light : prairie chickens , S250 ; mnllard dueks , 82.7. :1.00. : Qinll , S2.00 2.2.5 ; teal and mixed ducks , SI.OOC41.75 ; snipe , 75c ( ( S1.00 ; jnck rabbits , 85c each , ( ) MON.s-(5ood stock , 00 < a.00 per bushel. MKI.ONJI Watermelons am not In much de mand ; choice , S12.00@14.oOper hundred ; can- telopes , 5i@75c ( per dnz. CKLKKY The receipts are larger nnd the stock better. Good stock brings 35c n bunch. Ctiti : ( Cliolcu Michigan cider , 6.00@0.50 per bhl of 33 iral. POPCORN Choice , for stands , l@2cporlb. TOMATOES Commission men are only hnndlliii ; a very few. Good stock 40j$50c ( per bushel , OVSTKIIS Shell oysters are quoted nt 52.00 per hundred ; selects , 40@45c ; standard , 40c ; Now York counts. 50c. CAHIIAIII : California stock , large round heads , 2 c per Ib. Kdi > PLANT Slow sale at 00@75c per doz , for choice stock. I'o TATOUS The market Is well supplied. Snlt Lake and Colorado stock sells at B0(85c. ( ( Nebraska nnd lown stock C0@i5.5c per bushel. SWF.BT POTATOES The market Is well supplied and they sell at 8i3 ( > c per Ib. IloNKY Good honey in neat one Ib. frames IScper Ib. BKANS. Hand-picked navy , 52.00 per bushel , and other grades down as low as 51.25. _ fruits. Orders from the coiinirj/ requiring se- IcctCilitnckdtul extra care in pun'tlwi ' can not ulwaya lie Jlllal nt the sums pries * ( innlctl to the Inctil trndc for common stock. From four to five cars of California fruits nro arriving each week , In nddltion to the receipts of Michigan fruits. Tlioro Is a very fair demand and sales nro liberal , but thn supply is fully up toi the dcnmud , which keeps prices down. PLUMS There are no California plums on the market. A few , homo grown are com- in IT in and are selllni : nt 81.50 per bushel. PKACIIES Choice California stock is going at S1.50B ( 1.0.5. Michigan peaches arc selling nt 5i@75c ( per 10-lb baskets. GitAt'KS The supply of home-grown grapes continues libeuil. California , Tokay ami Muscat , 1.50cholce ; home-grown , 8lc. CIIAII Ai'i'i.r.s The jhupply is light and thi ) demand very fair. C.lioico . Siberian , 51.50 per bushel. OHANdr.s Naples nnd Itodl , cholcc.gO.OO 00.50. QuiNcns California quinces , of large si/e , S2.00@J.2.5 per box. CiiA.vnr.niiiKS The market is talrly well supplied with uood stock. Bull and cheiry , S9.50. Capo Cods will arrive In a few days ami will sell at S9.0010.00. LKIIONS l"ie supply liberal , with fair de mand. Choice. 50.00 ( 7.00. Ari'LV.s The market Is fairly well sup plied witli good stock. Home-jcrown and Mlssoiui stock Is moving at S2.50@3.00 ; cholco Mlclnu'an , 83.00@H.50. CKAII ArrLES'-Choico stock , 53.50 per bbl. I'EAits-Callfornla , choice , S2.50Q3.00 per box. BANANAS The market Is full of bananas at Sl.50(3'J.OO ( per bunch. COCOANUTS Good stock , 55.00. Flour and Food. flic following arc the Jobbing nrlcw. The market Is about steady. The heaviest buyers of flour have stocked up nt the low piices. The Imv market is dull , a good deal being hold back tor better prices. There have been some sales ns high as $10.00. Minnesota patents , SiSOporcwt. : Minneso ta Bakers' straight , 52.20 per cwt. ; Kansas anil Missouri winter fancv patents , $2:45fo)2.00 : ) : Nebraska patents , S2.2.2.35 ; rye flour , 81.75 01,90 per cwt ; rye Graham , S1.40 per cwt. ; wheat Graham , S 1.75 per cwt. ; corn meal , yellow , 90c per cwt : corn meal , white. Sl.OO per cwt ; chopped teed , S14.00@10.00 per ton ; bran , S12.00@13.00 per ton : screenings , 59.00 @ 12.00 per ton. HAY Upland prairie , S8.50@10.00 ; com mon coarse. 57.00@8.00. Grocor'H LUt. COFFKH Ordinary grades , 20K@aic ; fair , 21KQ22c ; prime , 22@23c ; fancy green and yellow , 23@25c ; old Kovornraent Java , 23g ( SOc ; Interior Java , 25 ( 2Sc ; Mocha , 2S@30c ; Arbucklo's , roasted , 20)/c ; McLauchlln'o XXXX , 20 > ic ; Dilwortfi's ' , 2Cc ; Ked Cross , UEFINED LAUD Tierce. 7c ; 40-lb square cans , 7c ; 50-lb round , 73 c ; 20-lb round , 7y < c ; 10-lb nails , 7c ; 5-lb pails , 7c ; 3-lb palls , 1c. SUGAR Granulated , 7@7J < c ; conf. A , 6JCc ; wnlte extra C , ox'HC'i'lKc ' : extra C , oj W C c ; yellow C , 5 > c ; cut loaf , 7 > f ; powdered , ' /c. I'novisioxs Hams , HKQUKc : breakfast bacon. 11K@1'-'C ! bacon sides /@iO'ic ' ; dry salt , OKQWfc ; shoulders. 7 ( < 7)/c ) : dried beef hams , llc HKc1. dried beef regular , hams picnic , b'ttf c. ad lumber DRIED FBUITS Apples , now , Ks COc ; evaporated , 50-lb ring , 14 ( < { l4 > fc ; raspberries , evaporated. 30c ; blackberries , evaporated , pitted cherries , oeaches , now , : evaporated peeled peacnes , c ; evaporated , unpared , 17MJJ18c ( : new currants , 7KS7Ko ( ; prunes , 4Jf ( < { 5c : citron , 25e ; rai sins , London layers , California , loose muscatels , 31.bOrtJl.b5 ; now Valencias , 7J < e. Synup-No.70 , 4-gallou kegs , S1.IO@1.,10 ; Now Orleans , per gallon , 3xg6e ! : maple syrup , half Ibbs , "old time , " per gallon , bOc ; 1-gallon cann , per doz , $10.60 ; half-callon cans , per doz , 50.25 ; quart cans , 53.25. CANNun Goons 0\bters , standard , per case. $3.00S8.10 : strawberries. 2 Ib , per case. S8.0Ug3.lO ( ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , $3.00 ( < 3 SO.00 "plumi , per casts S3.bO3.'JoV blue- berries , per case , 83.30@2.40 ; egg plums , 2 Ib. per case , S2.50 : pinoinpleu , 2 Ib , jter case. 83.20@5.75 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz. if 1.00 ; 1 Ib salmon , per doz , Sl.95O2.oo : 2 Ib gooseberries , perc.iso. S3.25r33.35 ; 2 Ib string ' beans , per case , S1.75 ; 2 Ib'lima beans , oer case , $1.00 ; 3 Ib rnarrqwfai peas , per caset $2.50iJ2.no ( ; 2 Ib early Juno peas , pur case , 02.75 ; am tomatoes , 32.103350 ; 2 Ib corn , " " ' "i'lcKLEii-Medlum , In bbls , Sfl.50 ; do In half bbls , $3.75 ; small , In bbls , 17.50 ; do In half bbls , S4.25 ; gherldns , in bbla , $3.50 ; do In halt bbls , 34.75. WOOIIKNWAKE Two-hoop palls , per do ? , J1.45 : 3-lioop palls , S1.7U ; No. 1 tub. SO..V ) ; No. 2 tub. 55.50 ; No1. 8 tub , 54.50 ; wash boards , 81,75 : assorted bowls , $2.25 ; No. 1 churns , 39 ; No. 2 churns , 58 ; No. 3 churns , TonACCo-Lorillard'sClimax. 44n ; Splen- Spearhead , 44c. iflloi-K Seven-sixteenths Inch. 12 } { STAHCII Mirror Gloss , 5Jfc ; Graves Corn , ; i ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ; Osweco Corn. 7c , Bnoows-Extra 4-tle.$2.00 ; No. 1S2.UO ; No. 2 , 5L75 ; heavy stable , S4 CANDY Mixed , 8K Hc ; stick , 8H@9Xc. , CKACKKIIS tiarnean's soila , butter and picnic , 4ij'e : creams , 7Kc ; ginger snaps , 7Xc ; citysoiU. 7c. TEAS Japan , 20QV5c ( ; gunpowder , 20 < afi c YounHyson. . 25@55c ; Oolong , 20@COc. JEI.UC9-30-lb palls , 52.00. General jlarlcnti. BpiRira-Colognu spirits , isa proof , 51.10 ; dolUl proof , JLV'J ; spirits , second quality , 101proof. . UO ; do IBS pfoof , X1.09. Alcohol. 1 lb8 proof , | 2io pa wiue gallou. .iteUlsUlled whiskies , S1.0031.M. Clln blended. 81.503 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons. 82.0A ( O.OO ! Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.oo@0.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon Mid rye whiskies , 81.5003.00. Brandies , Imported , S5.00U ( ! ! > 0 ; domestic. S1.80(4.oo. ( : ? Gins , Imported. S4.50Q 0.00 ; domestic , il.25rl'J.OO. ChainpacnesIm ported , per case , 5iS.OOdJ33.OOj American , per case. S10.OOrtlG.00. inAvr HAntiwAnr.-lron , rate , 52.70 ; ) > lo\7 steel , special cast , 4' c ; crucible steel , 0Vc ; cast tools , it" . 12 < i < lfK ! ; wn < on spokes , per set , 52.00&J3.60 ; liub.s , per set , 51.2.5 ; fel lees , sawed dry , Sl.OO ; tongues , each , Mis ; xlos. each , 75c ; snuaro nut-s , per Ib , i ! ( < * 7c ; coil clinln , per Ib , f > Hftl ( : < c ; malleable , byilHo ; Iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Oc : harrow teeth , 4.Vc ; spring stcol. 4M5o ; Burden's horse shoes , 84.75 ; Burden's mule shops , 55.75. Barbed wire' In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron nails , rates , 10 to 60 82.40 ; slcel nalH v ilitiKS Green butchers' , 5XOc ( ; green cured. 7Kc ; dry flint , Ho : dry salt , 9c ; green ralf skins , 7 > ic ; damaired hides , two-thirds nrlce. Tallow : > c. Grease Prime white. 3c : yellow , 3c ; brown , l c. Sheep ixilts , 253 40C. 40C.COAL COAL Egir , ? 9.2,5 : nut , 89.50 ; range , 89.50 ; Iowa lump , Sd.OO ; Iowa nut , 52.75 ; walnut block. 53.00 ; Illinois , 84.26 ( 4.75. under groceolcs. Dry OooitH. \lf , 1V > 1 ; , V Y , 1 U , UVS , 11U , klil , 11IU , UX , iSc ; K. 200 : No. 10. s c ; 40 , io > < c : oo- 13 } < c : 80 , 15e ; SO , mlored , lOc ; 50 , colored. I2c ; 70. colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13t'c ; Union Pacific. 18c. CAIII-KT WAnr-BIbb white , is c ; colored - ored , 20X& B AT rs Standard , 8c : Gem , Ho ; Beauty , 12Kc : Boonc , 14c ; B , cased , 50.50. i'niNTS SoLiD.CoLons Atlanta 6Xc : Sla ter 5c ; Berlin Oil oXcGarncrOUCto ; 7. PINK A.sti lloiiKS Richmond Cc : Allen6c ; Hlver- point 5c ; Steel Klverfn : lllcinuondCc : Pncilic OKc. INIIHIO BLUK Washington Oc ; Ameri- canCJ c ; Arnold0 > < c ; Arnold B lie ; Arnold A 12c ; Arnold Goldsenl luXe. Ditr.ss Char ter Oak4Xc : Hamapo3Wc ; LodNKc : Allen , rXc ; Itlchmond5Xc ; Windsor CcjEddystono Oc : Pacific 6c. GiHOHAM-PIunkott checks 7 > c : Whltten- ton 7i/c , ; York 7 , c ; Normandlo Dress 8Kc ; Calcutta Dress 8Xc ; Whlttcnton Dress Oc : llonfre.w Dross Oc to 12 > e ; CAMnnirs Slater 4Kc ; Woods 4 } c ; Stan dard 4Kc ; Peacock 4 > ic. COIISET JKANS Androscoggln 7 c ; Kear- sago 7'fc ; llocknort H > fc ; Conestoga Oifc. DucK-WestPoint291n..8oz. . lO c ; West Point 29 In. . 10oz. . 12Kc : West Point 29 In. , 12 oz. . 15c ; West Point 40 In. , 11 oz. , lOc. Checks Caledonia X. O c : Caledonia XX , loWc ; Economy to O 'c ; Oils 0 to OJVc. ICKS LowistonSO In. , 12' c : Lewiston 32 Cordls No. 5OKc ; Cordls No. 4 , lie. DENIMS Amoakeag Ooz. , We : Kverett 7 oz. , 18c ; York 7oz. , 13c ; llavmakor S e ; J aff ray XX , llh'c ; JafTroy XXX , 12Kc ; Beaver Creek AA. 12c : Beaver Creek BB , lie ; Beaver Crock CO , lOc. KKNTUCKY JKANS Memorial 15e ; Canton 1 He ; Durham 27Kc : Hercules l c ; Leaming ton 22)4e ) ; Colts weld 25c , CIIASII Slovens' B Oc ; bleached 7c ; Ste vens' A 7J < c : bleached 8Xc : Stevens' P 8Kc : bleached &Kc : Stevens' if OKc ; bleached lOWc ; Stevens' S U T 12Wc. MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth 82.85 ; plain Holland 8Uc to Op. ; Dado Holland 12Uc. FLANNEi.s-Plald Kaftsnmn 20p ; Goshen iikc : ; Windsor ffljtfc. Iled-C , 24 inch , l5Kc ; K , 24 inch , 21c ; GG , 24 Inch , Ibc ; H. A. F.jf ( , 25c ; J. U. F. . , 27K ; . , 5f , 5c. COMKOUTKHS S0.r,0@35.00. BLANKETS White , 51.00@7.50 ; colored. Sl.lO@8.oo. BitowN SIIEHTINOS Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 ! c ; UlantlP.Il , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , OXc ; At- aullc P. 4-4 , r > * { c\ \ Aurora LL. 4-4. 5 jc ; Aurora C , 4-4 , 4' < c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , Gl c ; loosler LL , 4-4 , 5 * 'e ; Indian Head , 4-4 7c : awronco LL , 4-4 , 5Jfc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , Me ; Pepperell H , 4-4Gfc ; I'opperoil O , 4-4 , c ; Pepperoll. 8-4 , lOc : Peppcroll. 0-4 , ISc : 'eppereil , 10-4. 20c ; Utlca C , 4-4. 4Jfc ; A'achusctt , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora It , 4-4 , 0 > c ; Aurora B , 4-4 , Oc. Bi.r.Aciinn Siinr.TiNO Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , HJ e ; Best Yet , 4-4 , 0c ; butter cloth JO , 4) ) < c ; Cabot , 7 c : Far well , be : Fruit of joom. sji'c ; Greene G , Gc ; Hope , 7 > c ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Loiibdnle , ll'fc ; Lous- lale , 8Uc ; Now York mills , lOUc ; Pupperell , 3 Inch , lO c : Pepperoll , 4(1 ( inch , HKc ; Pen- peioll , 0-4 , I5c ; Pepperell , 8-4. Ibc : Pcppcrell , -4 , 20c ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 22J c : Canton. 4-4 , 8tfc : Canton , 4-4 , 0 > < c ; Triumph , Cc ; Wam- sutta , Ho ; Valley. 6c. _ Dry Lumber. FI.OOI1INO. A 6 in. White Pine 535.50 C. 520.50 n " " " 33.50 D , 21.00 B ' " " ( Sol. Fencing ) . . . . 10.00 FINISHING. 1st and2nd , clear , 1.1 inch. s. 2s 550.50 , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. , 45.50 " " IV , 1 ,2 In 40.10 A select. 1 Inclr , s. 2 s. . 40.00 " " 1W , 1 .8 In 44.00 B " Ifnch , s. 2s. , 30.00 , lK,3ln 37.00 rOI'LAIl LUMnKIl. Clear l'oilar ) , lix. Bds. % In. , s. 2 s..535.50 " K In. Panel , B. 2 s 27.00 " Corrugated Ceiling , K28.50 BATTENS , WKLL TUII1NO , PICKETS. O. G. Uatts , 2K in 500.75 " Kx3 In , s.ls 00.15 3 in Well Tubing , D & M nnd Bev. . . . . 23.00 Pickets , D. * H. Flat 20.50 Square 21.00 IIOAltllS. No. 1 , com. sis S18.00 No. 2 , com , si s 517.00 No. 8 , 815,50No. 4 , 513.00 HUNCINO. No. 1.4 AC in , 12 A 14 ft , rouell S10.M ) No. 1 , " " 1C " " 10.50 No.2 , " " 12A14" " 10.00 No.2 , " " 10 " " 17.50 HIDING. A. 12. 14 and 10 ft 821.60 C , 815.50 B. 20.50 D. 12.50 CEILINO AND I'AlOTnOIf. 1st com , % In While Pine Ceiling 834.00 2nd " " " " " 28.00 Clear , ? B In. Norway " " 10.00 nd com. In. " " " 14.00 STOCK UOAIIDS. A 12 inch s.ls 545.50 No. 1 , com. 12 in. s. 1 s. , 12 ft 20.50 14 ft 19.00 " " " " 10 ft 18.50 No.2 , " " " 10.00 " 10 tt 17.50 Inch Grooved Hoofing 51.00 per M moro than 12 inch Stock Boards same IcnRlh. SHINOLKR , LATH. XXclear . .53.10 KxtraA * S2.PO * A * Standard . . 2.75 * AHBAB ii.55 Gili. clear No 1. . 1.50 Lath 2.05 POSTS. White cedar , C In. , > s. , 12c ; 9 In. qrs. , lie ; S in. qrs. , lUc : 4 in. round 15c ; Tenncsbco Hed Cedar , split , 15c ; Spilt Oak , 12c. Ll.Mi : , ETC. Kulncv white lime ( best ) , OOc : Akron cement - ment , il.75 ; hair , ! ! Cc ; plaster , 52.75 ; tar boird , S1.75 ; sash , 40c perct. ; doors , 40 per ct. : blinds , 40c per ct. ; mouldings , 4Co pt-r ct. : tar felt , per cwt. , 52.75 ; straw boaid , SI.75. flOUTHF.KN YELLOW PISE. Com. 4 A 0 In. Flooring 817.50 Star " " 21.50 Clear % In. Ceillne 21..VI " ? f In. Partition 25.00 " Finish , ! A I/in.s.2s 20.0U " Corrugated Celling , 4 in 2.5.0U " Yellow Pine Casing nnd Bnso. . . 27.00 8III1LAI * . No. 1 Plain. 8 A 10 in 510.5C No.2 " 17.5C No. 1 , O. G. , Sin I'&t ' Market Gleaning * . The price of rope is steadily advancing. Bacon and salt sides are quoted ifc higher. . ludliro prints have advanced HO 011 the w Ida and lc on the narrow. Flannel dross goods are very scarce nnd jobbers are uuablo to keep their stocks full , Hard coal Is a good deal of n luxury ami hard to get , both on account of the searcltv of the coal and the dinictilty of obtaining transportation at this time. Thorn was an unusually heavy trade In dry goods last week and all the orders an not yet filled. A very largo proportion ol t the country merchants who visited the tali selected a bill ot goods. J. M. Forward , formerly of the firm o Freeman A Co. , lias opened a wholesali fruit and produce house at4l5 South Klevcnil street. Ho will make a specialty of handluu Miohiiin apples. Mort is an old hand at thi business and will doubtless inako a ol U , OMAIM JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Agricultural Imphmtnts. VllUltVltfLL VAUKEltt WhaUMlo Dralt'r In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , nJ Ilucizlcf. Jones utrrot , Iwtwuvn th nJ IQUi.Ouiahn , Noli , , C METUALF CO. , Agricultural Implpnicnts , Wngoni.r rrli > go . nuggln. Kit , , Wholi Mc. Om b . x , o it K yDoni ImnhMiicnts , fT iton < ngniiifglcii. iBI.mi.nU unJun. Joneatt P. P. MAS1'vV CO. , Mnnufnrturm of j ; r/v/c ; Drill * , Seeder. * , Cultlratorit Ilnr Itakuii , Gulor MIIN nnil t.tiluni 1'uUcrlierj. Cor. Noitli Ilth nnil N'Klioliuim. VINONA WholcmtlttAt/rltmlttirttl Watrons anil II jirirlv * . ornor 14th .V Nicholas sts. Artists' Material. Artists' llatnrials , Pianos nnd Organs , _ ! M3 Douglm ytrpct. Omalm. floors and Shoes. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. till Kirnm tl , OiuMm , Nob. Miuufactorj , Biimmet itrret , lluitim. KlItKhMJAU. . JONKt. iV CO. Sueoossor < to lU'vdi Jour * & Co. , Wholei < lo Miinufurturors ot Hoots \ Siiocj. AL-IH tor Itoiton Itulibor Shoe Co. IP. , llltl .V I'd ! I'lM , " t -ll'lll" , Vr > tir "k Coffee , Spfctt , etc. Omahn Ciirco unit Splco .Mills. Tons , CotToes , Hplees , linking 1'nwdor , I'lnvorliur i\trncts. : l-iiuiiilry lllno Ink , etc. U14-U10 llnruoy St. Oimilm , Nobrnsk.i , Crockery and Otassware w. L. WKIGIIT , AROntfor * brliiuufACturiri end Importerof Crockery , Glassware , Lnrupn , Cblmuayi , etc. Odce , ill South Ilth tt , Ouiatia , Neb. Commission and Storage. Commission and Jobbing. Bntter , Kitusund rrodnco. ContlKnmaoti rollelted. llcailqunrters for Stonowaro. Berry nozoti HUI ! Urapu llaikuli. 1114 Doil troul , Omnbs. JtllUtKLL C HTDDELL , Storage nnd roininlssion Morcliant , Bpccialtloi Butter. Kk'KL Chpcsc , I'oiUry , Uame , Ojati-rs. etc. , etc. 112 S. lull St. WIEDEXIAN cC CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , llutur , O nio , rrtilt > , eic. 23U B. Ittbit Omaha. Nell. _ GEO SCHROEDER&CO. , 8urce Mirs to Mo lmuo A. t-cluiioilor. 1'roiluci ) CommUsloM uiitl Cold Storage. Oiimlm , Noli. _ _ Coal Coke and Lima. OBO. F. IJAIIAOH. Pro * . C. F. oooniiAX , V. Pvoi. J. A. HUNDIIU.AND , Seo. nnd Troai. OMAJIA COAL , COKE tl LIME COMPANY , Johlicrs of Hard and Soft Coal. 209 fouth Thlrteentli Street , Omitba , Neb. llaniifiictitfcrs of Illinois White Lime. A ml Sblpparn of Con I mid Coke , Caoient , I'lniter , Umo , llulr. Flru Itrlrlt , Driln. Tile nml tfowerl'ipo. Ofllco. 1'nxton Hole. . fa' Hin et. , OmaUn , > b. Teiuphoiieeil. _ _ N EUR ASK A FUEL CO. , A7ifjij > rrs of Cottl and Colec , 214 S. Ilth St.Omiihn , Nob. Dry G' o 's and Notions. Jir. E. ssrmr.c co , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 11W and 1104 DouKlim. cor. lltU St. . OniahnNeb. KILPATRICK-KOCH , DRY GOODS CO. , Importer * nnd Jobbers Drr Qoo < la. Notions , ncnts' FiiinUhinif Goods. Cor. Ilth A : Hiirnny Bt . . Om'ihn furniture. DEWEY < C KTOXE , Wholesale Dealers lu Furniture. t. . Omalm , N b. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mlrror . etc. 120C.120S and iiO Farnam it.Oinah _ Groceries , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nog. 705 , 707. 703 and 711 S. 10th St. . Omaha. Neb. ' McCORD , Jf.KADY CCO. . , AVholesale Grocers , 12tn nnd I.cavonworth Btti.Omulu. 1) . nl. nl IA-A.I. iV LU , , If'ltolesnle drocevn , KWSilV3ti \ Ilnrnoy St. , Oiuulin , Nob. ALLEN UROS HUiinil lllfl Jliirnny Ptrert , Oinnhn. Hardware. LEE , FRfED cC CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , .Tinware . , Sheet Iron , Etc. AgenU ( or Ilnwe Sculei , nnd Miami Powdurl o.Umnlia.Nub. IIIMEBAUGH C TAYLOR , Bnilders'Hardware&SealoKi'paii'Shop Mechanlca' Tool * mid ll'iffnlo Sc U . 11(0 ( Uouglai it- Omaha. N b. RhCIOK W1U1IC1-M Y CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th nnd Ilnrnoy Streets , Onmlin , Nob. Western Avonts lor Austin I'owilor Oo..letter- son Steel Nulls , Fairbanks StaniluiU bciilce. Heavy Hardware TT. , J Heavy HardAvaro , Iron and fileel. Springs , WnKon stock , Hardware I.umbor , etc. 12U9 anil 1211 Ilirncy et. , Omtlm. EDXEY C GIIiKOX , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wngon and CnrrUge Wood Stock , Henry llnnlwura , Me. 1217 anil 121U I.eiiTcnworth ft. . Oiunbu , Nob. Hats , Caps , Ete , W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale Jlntn , ( 'aim iB Straw ( iMtd.1 , HOT Iliirncy Street , Omulm , Noli. Lir/uors. / Dltttlleri of I.lqnon , Alrnliol and Fplrlt . Importer ! and Jobbers of Wlneeaml Liquors. WILLO U'Sl'HIMifi DISTILLE'Jt CO. and ILElt d * CO. , Impnrtem nnd Jobbers of Fine Wince nnd T.lq'inri bole uanufiotureriof Keonedr'n Ituit Indl " " tun > nd Douiculo i.lquom. Ill Ilirnof Ht. Lumber. OMAITA TUMllEH CO. , Dealer . . All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale. 18th Htreetund Union I'aeltle Track , Omaha. JA ) UIH BRA DFO Hit , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash , Uoori , Kto. Tard-Corner7th and Douglas ) Cornel Vtb anil nou lns. C. N. U1ETZ , Lumber. Utli and rallfornla Streets , Omaha , Neb. , FRED If. GRAY , . Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Ktc. , Cor.tlb and uouilas itsOmnba. . Na 1. T. W. JUARVEYLUMllEK CO. , To Dealers Only. Office , HM Ktrntm ( treatOmaln. OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY CtlAS. It. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood C rr ts and rarqnet flooring. 9th and nontjlnl Omaba. . WAKJWJELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imparted and Aratrtcan I'ortlitnd Cement Pint * Agent forMllwnokev Hrdrnulle Cemutaud Ilest yulncj WhIIHl.lme. Millinery and tiotion * . ' liiiportursnml Jobbers of nnd A'tttton. * . lStSS. Ilth St. Notions. J. 'J\ Whoteule Dealeri In Notions nnd Furnlshlne Goods , 4M ami 0i B. Te nlti ft. , Omaha. ' V1N Y A KI ) A : SC11N KIDKK , Wliulcsalc Ration * nnd Gents' J-'iii' < nl.ililiifj fi'oods , 1KG llnitioy Struut , Omulm , Neb. Oils. CONSOLIDATEH TANK LINE CO.i Wholesale Deult-rn In Rcflnvd and Lnbi-lctttint/ , Axle On'riMt'to , Omnliii , Nob. A. 11. IIMiop , MuniK'or. PAPER VAItl'EXTEn J'AI'Elt CO. , Wliolcsahi I'niipr Doalcrs. rnrry n nlcculi fkof Prlntlnc , Wrnpnlntj nml Writ Ing pupcr. tipiol.il attention Elvon to inr louJol nnl r > Printers' Materials. WESTERN XEWSPA PER Auxiliary Publishers. Doalorn InTjpc , I'roofl * ( nul Hrlntors'Uupplldi. SOt Hinilli Twcltlh Stroet. Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUllttEH CO. , lluriufncturer nnd Dealers In nil kliidiot Jiulibcr Goods , Oil Clotlilne nml l-cnilicr lU'lllni.nm Knrnnni it. S earn fittings , Pumps , Etc. A. L. STRA XG CO. , Pumps , Pipes nnd Enginea , " Steam , Wntor , HnllwiiT and Milling Supplies. JO , Wiland 8 Karnnui St. , Onialin. Neti. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam nnd Water Ruppll a. Itvndqunrters tor Malt | . O3tl ( ' < > ' Ho > ylii. lllltarmim nt. . Omaha. Web. _ 17. S. WIND ENGTXE and PUMJ * COMPAXV. DslladnrWInd MIlis ; r-ienm nnd Wnler Suppllo | I'luuibliiB ( loodn , Ileltlnit. lln e. IMS nnd sou Fur- uam t. , Oinilm. H I ( Kolton , Munnger. JIIIOWXELI * P CO. , Mnniifncturvrs nnd Dealers In Engines , Hollers it General Mttcliinory Sheet \Vork,9U'iini I'uiiip . Hnw Mllltt. l-'li-l lj l.oaveiiwoi-tii HI. , Omulm. Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL & CO. , \viior.rmi.B t , Field and Garden Seed * ? NOB. Oll-'JI.I Jones titrcct , Omnlm , Nub. Storage , Forwarding & Commission. ARMSTRONG , PETTIS & CO. Slorai/e , Forwarding & Cnininltisfoib llnuich IIOUHO ot tlio llunnov lltitrvy Co. lluir- Klv8 at wholosnlo unil rutnll. Nog. 130J , KIU1 nnd lill'J I/.ard Ht. , Oinnhn , Nub , Tuluimoiia No. 7CO. Teas anil Cigars WMA. WILSON & CO. , Iinportorsiiml .lolilitrs of Iras anil Ciaarn , Splcus nml D.tlsy llnklnir I'owilor. I ( in nml 141H | _ Hiunoy Slieot. . Oiimlm , Nob. _ ' 'MANHFaCTURERST Cornier. John Epencter , Prop. Mannfneturer of Ualranliod Iron and Cornice. VBt Dodge and 103 nnd 106 N , lOtU t _ . Omahh , Neb. S'nolio S a .Vs Soi'ci's , Ktc 1 II. K. NA WYE It , Manufacturing Dealer in Smokestack1 ? , . llrltchlnKi , Tnnkt anil ilcnu ill llnllor Ipiilrin7 ( | , I 111 l > ii i o * < rt > f > ii" tin Iron Works. Iron Works , nnd Cant Iron Ilulhllni ; Work , Iron Ptnlru Hulling , llfiiins nnd Olrdcrn , SIHHIU Kmilnes. llrana Work , Utnural Fotiudrr , Mhtblno am ) ItluLksiuUkl Work. QUIce an i Works , U. P. Itj.nnd Ulli nit'Ul. f OMAIA WIRL Mnmiriictuiuis of Wire and Iron Hailin : ! * , Drub Window Ciitur.U , rio\ror inlands , Wlto SlhMi8oto Vil N. fiith. _ " OMAHA"SA.VE & IRON WORKS G Andrcin , Proprietor. Mnnutaotiirornr Flro nnd HiiiK'lur I'root Pafos * ViiuliH , Jiill Work lion nnd Wu IVni'lntT , ole Cdi. I Itli nn I lu < lt > on il . ilnuihii , Overalls. lifANU COMPANY , Manufiicturers of Overalls , leans rants , Shirts , Ktc. 1102and 1101 lou 'Ins Street , OnialiH , Nfeb , Sash. Doors , Etc. M.A. DTKmtOW ,0 CO. , Wholesale Mninlfnctnrcr' of Sash , Doors , Hlinds and Mouldings , Dianch oftice,12lh nnd 1/r.rJ Hi. , ODi8hsN ? ' < BO/TiV MAXUFACTritnVG CO.t Manufacturers , of SashiDoors , Blinds , Mould > niti < .St lrWorkand Interior llnnl Wood KlnliBJ Just opuued , N. K. cor. 8th nnd l.e.ivenworlliHls. OniHlm , Nch. OMAHA 1'LAMNC , Mil. I. CO. , .MiiniifiKjliiri'rs of Monldliik-H , Hush , Doors mill Itllnds Tin iilnir riuilr-u ink. flunk iiiul Ollloc KltliiiKH 20th nml I'opjildton AVDIIIIO , KTOKX ,0 ILER , Lngror liner lirewcrg , Nortli IKih Street. Omnba , Neb. SOUTH OMAHA , G. II. I'M.MKII. K I * . IIICIIMAV. .T. II. III.AMIIIAIIO rAIMii : { , RICIIMAX , ll CO. , lAfe Hlorii ( 'o > itinititnt Me.r HoomZl , OppoBlto KxahiuiKO 1'iiion Stoeli Viinlh , tlouth Omnliii , Nub. McCO Y Live Stork Commission .Morrliiints. Murkat fiirnl liml frae > n | iill ; ntl in. bt-i kan in ( i'0'lers ' ( iirnliiiml on no > .l Iiirim Ituramnc * Oitiatiii NHtionnl II ink nl S'lilth Onmh i .N.itl IIM Union * -tuck Vunli. Huutli Uui ilni LOUI.MKK , w'iJViI KKK'LI ) & M ALKY I , Ire Ntarlt Koom 15 Kifluumii liiillillnir , I nion Slocb Yuids , rioutli Uimilm , Null. " HOKN A SIIAKPK. Coinmlislou DcHlnrs In Iil\u SKI 'k , Itonin 2lIIr- ; llullilliiir , I'nlon Stock YiK , H. Omnliii iiiicos t'nlon Nut I Hunk , Oin Oui.l'uloii VnrilB Hunk. H Omulm. I ! . H. Itowlnv , J'rcs. Am. Hunk . \ : Tiuet < , ' ( > . , Oiniilui. _ _ ALKXANDBU A KITCU , Commission lioalurn In 1 lv 'HocK , Itnom "If uuiKu Itnllilliiir , I'nlon touk Viinls , South Oiniiliii , Nnb , _ STOCK YAJtbti c67 * Or Omaha. IJmlttit. Job * K. Kara , Superintendent.