1CHE OMAHA DAILY BEE : * MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. 1887 : THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , WO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered Vy cnrricr in any pnrt of tlio city at twenty cents pur wock. H.W.TILTON , Manager. TKLEl'HONES : BtNNrM Omcr. No. M. HIOIIT Kmtoit No. 2i Ml.NOIt MBN'i'iON. N.Y. Plumbing Co. Holler , tailor. Fall goods choap. QThc oily fathers havu a meeting this evening. PhtO'Day was among those registered nt the city prison ns a drunk. A largo involco of now styles in rattan chairs just received at C. A. Uecbo & Uo.'s. Richard Listen , almost dead drunk , was arrested , llu was al&o charged with indecent exposure. C. A. Boobo & Co. report business so brisk they could not lintl time to visit the fair at ( Jmulia. The police magistrate will find some fifteen cases awaiting hearing , upon his arrival on the bench this morning. J. H. Atkin s is thinking seriously of purchasing an orange plantation near I'aiatka and removing to that place. The patrol last night spent a couple of hours about the ditlercnt railroad yards hunting up trumps , but only found two. Squire & Noble , the upper Hroitdway blacksmiths , arc to put up a now brick building U'JxiM. the work to commence to-day. Key. Lamb will preach at the Baptist church Monday evening ; subject , "Tho Book of Mormon. " Services beginning at 7iW ; o'clock. George Do Long got full last night and kicked in the door of Bcrtio Christie's mansion on "Uottcn How. " Ho was placed in the city jail , where ho found rather stronger doors to contend with. "Salvation Army Walker" and his ton have been arrested for larceny. They are alleged to have stolen a part of the rangu of the Metropolitan hotel in this city. They were let go on their own rec ognizance for hearing this morning. The council to-night should order a gong placed on the patrol wagon. Calls 11 ro often bent in by telephone for the patrol "to hurry up. " In this casn it be comes oxtromofy dangerous to those who might happen to bo iu the street , either Vehicles or pedestrians. Henry II. Motcalf , of this city , has boon elected treasurer of ttio American Beef Keel , formed on Saturday in the Windsor otul in Denver , for the purpose of clFect- ing a strong orga'ni/.ntion of the beef producor8.pi the entire west , to cut down the commissions and to pool witli the largo dressed beef operators of the east , as given in the UEK yesterday. Judge James denies being in attend ance at ex-Congressman I'usov's house during the recent conference to stop the proposed tax levy for the wagon bridge purposes. lie says ho hasn't been in Mr. I'liboy's residence in over two years , and ill ho over haul against the tax levy was that ho thought it a little premature to ask for it and this was said during a private conversation with friends. Money to loan. Cooper & Judson. Watches , clocks , jewelry , etc. , the best In the city. C. Voss , jeweler , No. 41C UroadwAy. Repairs 11 bpoclalty. No Pusses For Sheriffs. In a abort time Sheriff Heel will take to the penitentiary at Fort Madison tin prisoners sentenced at the present term of the district court. It is not quite as pleasant a trip ns for mcrly for a shcriu" . The inter-state commerce law has hat1 unite an effect upon the foes of the sheriffs. Previous to the passage of this law by congress a sheriff very frequently re- ccived passes from the railroads as well as special rates for his prisoners. It wa customary to charge up to the county the full fares , as well as tin mileage of the oillccrs , which made i quito molitablo. A sheriff now holds ontc his prisoners until ho gets a batch , so he can finish work on the one trial and doc : not skip off to the "pen" witli ono or twe prisoners , if possible. Since the now law went into effect al the perquisites have , of necessity , stoppct and the sheriff now only receives 40 cunt per hour for the actual time occupied ii tiio conveyance of prisoners and hi actual expenses of transportation. J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money. Kid Gloves at < IHo per Pair nt II EiHoinnn & CO.'H Peoples' Store An KnormoiiB I'urclmse. Three thousand pairs dressed and tin dressed kid gloves in black , drabs , brown and assorted tan shades. These ar gloves that have always sold from $1.0 to $1.75 per pair , and at ' 18o per pair the , will go fast , so bo euro to bo on haiv early Monday morning and got two pail ns every purchaser will be limited to no more than that amount. Special sale this week in Misses am children's dresses , cloaks and jackets n about 50c on the dollar. An onormou purchase , amounting to thousands c dollars enables us to civo those great bai gains for this week to reduce our stock Wo have bought moro than wo would 01 dinarily need , but at the prices w have marked them for this special pal they will go quick. Bring your girls t our store and wo will lit them for le ; than the cost of material. Our now fall and winter stock of drcs goods and trimmings is now on sail Everybody welcome at Eisoman'a Foi pies' Store. Prices guaranteed , and tli largest stock in the west to select from. Pomona ! Dr. A. P : Hanchctt returned last ovci ing from his eastern trip. Mrs. W. Hunyon , who lias hccnvisitin the St. John's Mission school iu Dakoi has returned homo. George Wesley is the proud father of boy baby , which put in an appoarant yesterday morning. General Agent William II. Burns , < the Union Paciiiu in this city , with h two children have returned from tl cast. Mrs. Burns and her mother wi remain iu the cast until the latter part < this month. A. D. Hamelly , Genoa , Nob. : F. Hclfci Hartiiigton , Nob. ; W. E. Snolling , Nor Platte , Nob. ; H. Kronobrink , Centr City , Nob. ; it. D. Silsby , Modal ! ) , la. ; I. Wilder , Panama , la. , all furniture dei crs , wore in the city last week buyh goods of C. A. Bccbo & Co. Exhibition of the now fall goods tiarknoss Brothers , Saturday and Mo day evenings. The entire thrco iloo will bo devoted to the display of goo these evenings , and tha public a cordially invited. A Now Hospital. Rov. Father Hcaloy , the curate at ! Francis Xnvior's , announced after cat mass yesterday morning , that the SIstc of Mercy B. V. M. , contemplated csta lishinp , a hospital for sick and dcstitt girls. Father Henley desires the nssl unco of the community in securing a su able house to rent for the purposes of t hospital , and proposed the undcrtaki ns a fitting object for the beneficence Ml Catholics and Protestants alike. A issistanco will be thankfully received Myself .or tlic Key , Father McMuuou POINTS FROM THE PULPITS , The Methodist Pastor Oloaes His Thres Years' Labors in the Bluffr , CONVERTING THE MORMONS. Tlio Growth of tlio City ns Shown by the Schools Wntchlne for A HUe In tlio Klvor No More Free Hides for SliorlfTs. Moving on Mnrmonlatn. "Morruonlsin and How to Moot it. " This was the subject of a lecture delivered in the Presbyterian church at the regular time of morning service by the llov. M. T. Lamb , of Salt Lake City. Mr. Lamb went out from the cast to Utah as a pastor of the Baptist society , and had ministered to a congregation for two years , when lie was inducedthrough the solicitation of Governor Murray , as well as the clergy of all the Protestant denominations , to give up his regular charge and do Christian missionary work among the Mormons. He has made him self famous by his skillful exposure of the Mormon system , and by his no less suc cessful method of attracting the Mormons themselves to hear his preaching. Mr. Lamb took , as the keynote of his address , St. Matthew xviii-'J , "Except yo bo converted and become as little child ren yo shall not cuter into the kingdom ofhcavon , " and ho used the text to represent the Mormon system as being the direct negative of Chris tianity. Whereas the Christian sys tem finds human nature with a maximum of self in every man and its design is to form Christ in him , so that , by its process , the individual shall bo gradually emptied of self , < uid lilled with Christ , and , ultimately , in the next life , Christ shall bo every thing iu him and self eradicated , tlio tendency of the Mormon svstom is the direct converse of this , the "I" developing as tin1 "Christ" declines , until m the hereafter , the Christian leaven Hliall have entirely died out and soltish- ncss shall reign supreme. The lecturer proceedeil to giyo much interesting information as to the fantas tic creed of the Mormons. The sincere Mormon was a very religious person , but there wcro more hypocrites among the Mormons than perhaps in any other re ligious body. Mr. Lamb accounted for his acceptance by the followers of Joe Smith from the fact that ho is known to bo their professed friend , l.-Tho really sincere Mormon is almost a hopeless object of Christian missionary zeal , while the hypocrites are unite hopeless. The reason for this Is that the conscientious Mormon accepts , as he thinks , not only the whole of the Christian system , but a great deal more besides , so that ho has attained to a higher knowledge , than u mere Christian can bo supposed to convoy , while the hypocrites have a strong Interest in maintaining their position , because tlioj are a political power and control the po litical and religious afl'airs of Utah. The ranks of the Mormons are not recruited from worldly or irreligious people Their converts come from the dilleront protcstant bodies , and are usually made up of enthusiastic and ignorant religious cranks. Such , however , make the best devotees in their now found religion , anil are willing to spend and bo spoul in its cause. They will go tiiiywnorc they are sent , often without pay or oven the necessities of life. The preaching ol the Mormon emissaries seemed to have f strong fascination for some ill-balancci and nl-trainod Protcstant minds. It was a remarkable fact that they received 111 accessions from the Catholic church am this was on account of tlio strong dog malic teaching which all the children o that communion receive. The Mormons pray much ; all thci : business meetings open with prayer They are fond of amusements , out tin theater and the dance are opened will prayer. Every Mormon is baptized rcgularl ; once a year for the remission of sins. Ii is also baptized , over and above , a proxy , for his head relatives. The Mormons have two cclcbrn tions of the Lord's suppe every Sunday. Only about cigh per cent are polygamists. They bolioy 111 celestial marriages , which are niadi on earth and are binding for eternity They have twelve living apostles , and ai infinitude of high priests , priests , patri arclis and bishops. They are ahead o the Christian organism , inasmuch as the , hayo the double priesthood , includinj both the order of Aaron and Molchizodok Hoys of fourteen are made deacons promoted to a higher order at eighteen and so on , up tlio scale , uutil they ar received into the hierarchy. So that the are a nation 9f priests , and it is to b noted that their ollico is not an empt honour , because they teach that over priest can confer the gift of the Hoi i Ghost , the power to speak with tongue : i and to save women by marrying then ) If a woman is married her destiny is on of blessedness , but if not her doom i sealed to all eternity. Mr. Lamb went on at further length t speak of the peculiarity of Mormon n < tions , but a better understanding of the ! whole blighting doctrine , auu how t I meet it from a Christian standpoint ca i bo found in his book entitled "The Uolde t Hibln. " which may bo had from himsel Mr. ( Moor , or Kov. Dr. Phelps. pastor ( the Presbyterian church. Mr. Lam hopes to put 10,000 copies of his book i ) the hands of Mormons , He expects I ) address the community ot Latter Di ; > Saints of this city on Monday evening i 3 the Baptist church. Ho has small hopes of the gospel amen sincere or hypocritical Mormons , and 1 thinks that the great opportunity f ( Christian enterprise lies among the ape tales , who have had their eyes opened i the chicanery and deception of their fall religion and false prophets. Ho has also strong hones for chrit lanity in the schools for the young , mar of whicharo now establishodoy christin ollbrt in Utah. RCT. McCreary's Last. ix Iho Uroadway M. E. church was wt 0 filled yesterday morning to hear tl Kov. E. E. McCreary. It was his In sermon in this church , it being the In Sunday in the conference year. No farewell sermon was announced take place. The conference begins on Wodncsd in DCS Moiues , where a successor will appointed. During the thrco years past the rove end gentleman has made many wai personal friends , as well as being inline tlal in the success of the church. Ho has been a favorite of the chur and religious people on account ot 1 outspoken ways , while ho has made ma : enemies m those interested especially the liquor tan ft' . Having bcon o of the chief exponents ot t prohibition cause in this city , ho h created much ill will and has worked t opposition up to higher pitch of animp ity than any other preacher in the cil t. Ho has especially gene alter the chun t.iy members rough shod , and many a moi her of his own congrcation has shak rs like an aspen loaf during his douunoi 3to lion of card playing , etc. Ho seemed tot have no fear of who ho hit and if t t- thoughts and ideas once entered 1 tit - massive brain they How out like spar it10 in aU directions. Ho is of the most one thoroughly o " of tured mon in the conference , and 1 been several times urged to till prommc positions in connection with cducatioi I ustitutiQiw. Lost aoaaou he wa3 waat for president of Simpson college , but the importance of his work hero and his value In the regular pastorate together with his Personal preferences prevented. Ho has justly earned the reputation of being ono of the strongest pulpit orators in the state , and socially ho is highly esteemed , being warm hearted , genial , frank and true. Tim subject of his discourse yesterday morning was : The Elements Necessary to a Successful Christian Llfo. Taking his text' from Joshua , first chapter , last part of eighth verso : "For there thou shall make thy way prosperous , and there thou shalt have good success. " Ho said in substance : "Success In business is desirable as won after hard work , great care , etc. , and in church as well as iu business that success Is only won by earnest ondcixvora and prosperity follows. Church success depends upon spiritual life. It is the magnet that electrifies the church into a prosperous condition. Spirituality is to the church what fire is to the engine. Wo may have : i line church , sweet singing , an eloquent preacher , a "tony" congregation , but without spirituality the church is. cold and dead. Each one is personally responsible to God tor lack of spiritual life. life.There There are thrco enemies to spiritual life 1st worldliness , 2nd frivolity , which saps the foundation of the church , and tird formliucss. A spirit of revival Is necessary to a successful church , tlio power of n church is in revivals and the devil hates revivals. Sociability is necessary to the prosper ity of a church , Thnro is religion in a hearty shako of the hand and a hnarty God bless you. Many an one has backslid because they were treated as strangers among mem bers of their own church. Enterprise is necessary to the success of a church , it costs but it pays m the end. The expenses of the church for the past three years have been if 18,000 all of which has teen paid and the church is out of debt. Financial success and spiritual success go hand in hand. Meet your now pastor socially as nec essary to his success , give him your cor dial support , crowd the church , boom your preacher both for his success and your own. Ho then added in regard to his minis try which is just ending that ho had done his best ; ho had pulled the last pound and ho did not know of anything ho had loft undone. Ho had said manv cutting things , but it hail uovcr been done personally but as a duty , and from earnest conviction ; lie had learned in the army to aim low and if his alms were well taken he did but his Mas ter's work. The 1'tiblio Schools. Ono of the surest indications of the growth or shinkago of a city is the at tendance upon the public schools. The Council Hlulls schools enter upon u new year with a much larger attendance ol pupils than ever , and inquiry in the dif ferent rooms shows that a large number of them are recent additions to tlio city In the high school room alone there are nine Jnow pupils ironi families whicl have recently moved to this city fron other places. The school census , now being taken , is showing that many now families are settling in this city. The jieed of more school buildings ib grow ing moro apparent. Many rooms are so crowded as to bo decidedly disadvanta geous both to health and educationa opportunities. The defeat , at a rccem election , of tlio propositions for provid ing more school room , is last boin < shown to have been a mistake on th < part of the people , but another olcctioi can bo held in the future to provide foi the growing needs of the growing city. Called by a Hrick. A now method of turning in polid calls over the now lire and police alarn system has been discovered , no doubt accidentally. Hex No. 21 is located corner of Sout ! First and Knopper streets and two call have been turned in recently but upoi the arival of the patrol wagon , they wer discovered to be false ones. After the second false call , Chief Tern pleton , of the hro department , made ai examination and after closely question ing all persons holding Hoys in that yi cinity , finally met a boy who told bin the alarms were bent in by means of brickbat thrown at the box by auothe boy. Whether this is to bo a favorite pas time of the small boy iu this city o whether this is the only UOK in the cit that will send m a call by thus bcini hit , remains to bo found out by coi poricnce. List your property with Cooper & Ju son , No. 120 Main street. Ttio Iliso or the Missouri. The Missouri river had not risen sin i last evening at this point , although ' sudden rise of thirty-four inches was n ported from Sioux City on Saturday. J is quito probable Ihat no perceptible ris will occur at this poli t but if thai should bo one it is doubtful if it will b i six or seven inches by the tjmo it reachc i hero. Harry Hirkinbino , civil cngincoi anticipates no perceptible rise hero. H has no gauge at the waterworks Btatior ) but shoukt there bo a nsu of an inch o i two it can bo detected by those in charg ) of the station. f i Ono thousand head of ono , two an three-year-old steers for sale. Will gi\ credit to reliable parties. Enquire of J J. Grccnamaycr , U23 Mynstcr St. , teli 211. A SURGEON'S LIFE. A. Page From tlm Experience of tl Father of Surgery In ilia Uny. From the Autibiography ot the La Dr. Gross : I have always maintained tin it is impossible for any man to bo a grc ; surgeon if ho is destitute , even m a coi biderable degree , of the liner feelings < our nature , i have often lain awake f < hours the night before an importai operation , and sull'ercd great ment distress for days after it was over , until was certain that my patient was out i danger. I do not think that it is possib for a criminal to feel much worse tl night before his execution than asurgoc when ho knows that upon his skill at attention must depend the fate of a val able citizen , husband , father , mothc or child. Surgery under biich circuit stances ia ! tcrriblo taskmaster , fccdii like a vulture upon a man's vitals. It surprising that any surgeon in larj practice should over attain to a rcspec able old age , so greai is the wear in tear of mind and body. The world has seen many a sadpictiu I will draw one of the surgeon. It midday ; the sun is bright and bcautifi all nature Is redolent of joy ; men ai women crowd the street , arrayed iu the best , and all. apparently , Is peace ai happiness within and without. In a larj house , almost overhanging this street , h full of life aud gaycty , lies upon a cou Lin au emaciated liguro , ouco ono of t in swcotcst and loveliest of her BOX , u co ito tiding and affectionate wife and t to adored mother of numerous children , t 10 subject of a flightful disease of one 19 her limbs , or it may bo , of her jaw , if n ts of a still moro important part ot Ii tsK body , In an adjoining room is the si K goon , with his assistants , spreading c usU his 'instruments and getting things usal readiness for the impending operatic ald Ho assigns to each his appropriate plai d Ono. administers chloroform ; anotl taken charge of tbd limb ; ono screws down the tourniquet ! upon the principal artery , and another holds himself In readiness to follow the knife with his sponge. The flaps are soon formed , the bone severed , the vea ol3 tied , and the hupe wound approx imated. The woman is pain and ghastly , the pulse hardly perceptible , the skin wet with clammy Morspiratlon , the voice husky , the sight Indistinct. Some ono whispers into the , bnsv ear of the sur geon. "Tho patient , I fear is dying. " ucstoratlvcs are administered , the pulse gnuulally rises , and nftcr n few hours of hard work nnd tcrriblo anxiety reaction occurs. Tlio poor woman was only faint from the joint influence of the antithetic , shock , and loss of blood. An assistant. a kind of sentinel , is placed as a guard over her , with Instructions to watch hnr with the closest care , and to send word the moment the slightest change for the worse is seen. The surgeon ROCS about his business , visits other patients on the way , and at length , Iqng after the usual hour , ho sits down , worried und exhausted , to nis cold and comfortless meal , with a month almost as drv and a voice as husky as his patient's. Ho cats mechanically , ex changes hardly a word with any member of his family , and sullenly retires to his study to prescribe for Ins patients never , during all this time , forgetting the poor mutilated object he loft a few hours ago. Ho is about to Ho down to get a few moments repose after the severe toil of tlio day. when suddenly hu hears a loud ring of the boll , and a servant , breathless with excitement , begs his immediate presence at the sick chamber with the exclamation , They think Mrs. is dying. " He hurries to the scene with rapid pace and anxious feeling. The stump is of a crim son color , and the patient lies in a pro found swoon. An artery has suddenly given way , thn exhaustion is extreme , cordials and stimulants are at once brought into requisition , the dressings arc removed , and tlio recusant vessel is scoured. The vital current ebbs and flows , reaction is still more tardy than before , and it is not until a late hour of the night that the surgeon , literally worn out in mind and body , retires to his home in search of repose. Docs he sleep ? Ho tries , but ho cannot close his oyos. His mind is with his patient ; ho hears every footstep upon tlio pavement under his window.and is in momentary expectation of the ringing of the night bell. Ho is disturbed by the wildest fancies , ho sees the most terrible objects , and , as ho rises early in the morning to hasten to his patient's chamber , ho feels that he has been cheated of the rest of which he stood so much in need. Is this picture overdrawn ? I hnvo sat for it a thousand times , and there is not an educated , con scientious surgeon that will not certif.v to its accuracy. In making the assertion that Pozzoni's medicated complexion powder is entirn ly Tree from injurious or deadly poison- we do it upon the authority of a thorough chemical analysis. ) 4t is ono of the oldest face powders in American market , and is used in the famnlics of some of out most prominent inudical mon who have personally acknowledged to tins proprio- or that they not oiily considered it harm- ess , but cRtcemed iUnghly bunojicial in very respect. Sold bv all druggist * . LIVEM The linc&t of driving horses always ot baud and lor sale by MASE WISE. LATEST NOVELTIES In Amber , Toi'toiseShel etc.Hair Ot namcuts , n well as thi newest nov cities in hai goods. , ( . , Hair good madcto orde Gillette 20 Main St. , Council Mud's , Iowa. On of town work solicited , and all mai orders promptly attended to , Star Safe Stables and Mule Yardi Broudnny , Council iHutTs , Opp. Dummy Doper Horses and mules constantly on han for sale at retail or in car load lot ! Orders promptly filled by contract o short notice. Stock sold on comniissio Telephone 114 , SHMITKK & HOLKV. Opposite Dummy Depot , Counci IJln fl ALLEN'S NEW MAP . -OF- 505 ! foot In size , colored by addition , ebon In nil lots and sub-dlvl lens Included In tcrrltoi 1) ) miles noitli and south by 1014 miles east an west. west.PKICE $1O. Address Oat. ALLEN , Publisher. r , i- ig iso ; o td tB. B. B.is I ; d ir , d ! o ! h 10 i- i10 10 3tDt Dt VfCorMV Jtr YIELDS TO EVERY MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER rlit OwlaetathoDUfcUIlL UiSTUITtof Ib * cloth jwhlc lit our I'llenli oo r tlclutlTeljr ) will lit p rrtrtlr An iu tlmuwcrn Kj lrn no brnklnnln. BOIIT KITt by i ll r lifter b inv worn tndAi If not found the moi n. VEKFECT riTTINU. MKALTIIKtJL , n.o. . d fanifartakle Cofhet erer vora. bold bj ' o.er THE FALL SEASON Having opened , the time for purchasing heavy clothing approaches and every one wishes to know where to go to get the best quality for the least money. If you will INSPECT OUR STOCK before you purchase elsewhere , you will be enabled to sec about what you can pur chase } our selections for. It will not be necessary for you to buy of us , we simply extend vou an Invitation to call and ex amine the Finest and Dcst Selected stock of clothing ever In Council Blufls. We ofl'cr for sate a large line of SAWYER CASHMERES , NORTH ADAMS CASHMERE , AND BROADBROOK & LIV INGSTONE'S CASHMERE suits , in sack or frock styles , In the hair Hues , silk mixtures , gray mixtures , brown mixtures , crimson mixtures , broken plaids and all the new styles. These to be ap preciated must be seen. They are neat , nobby goods. We have a fine line of PRINCE ALBERT Coats and Vests , as well as four-button Cutaways , in all colors. These goods in cut , fit , finish and 'rimming , arc equal to the best tailor made goods and we offer them for less than half a tailor could make them for. Youths' and Children's suits A SPECIALTY. We show a fine line of these goods as uell as a full assortment of the cheaper grades for school wear. A full line of knee pants and boy's shirt waists , We have everything imaginable in GENTS'FURNISHINGS ' , Including Hats , Caps , the finest line of Neckwear ever in the city. Silk , Alapaca and Gingham Umbrellas. A full line of White Shiits , besides Percales , Cheviot and Flannels of all colors. We are here to show goods and trust the public will favor us by giving us a call and at least inspect our lines , which \\e claim equal to anything ever in this city. JOE W. BACHARACH , No. 416 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Next Door to The Manhattan. SPECIAL NOTICES. iSpeela ! advertisements , such ns Lost , Fo.ind ioLonn , For Sale , To Kent , VSntits , Goaullnir , etc , will bolnsorte'l in this column nt the low rntoof TEN CUNTS 1' F.It LI NK lor tlio flrsi luser- ioiinnd I'ivoCcntarcrlilnoCoi-euch subaoquonc insertion. Leavn ndvcrlisoinenU at our uflkD Ma U t'curl iticet , nuar Urcwilwnj. Council Bluffs. WANTS. WANT.RD Lmly ptiyslchiii , with illplointi , also strongOUHB , or uilUdlo lined lady , to nsslsr physician o ! means. An cxtrnnruinnry opportunity for both ; ovcrjthlUK confidential , Cnll If possible , or uddress , } i boventu street , Council llluirg. - to Irani dicssinnklnR. Miss WANTKD-Glrls , 714 .Mynstcr strout. \\7ANTED Four InUlos to solicit In Oiunlin ' ' and two In Council Hlulls. Must be ol good acJilroos and willing to work and hnvo jlU. Salary $50 per uiontli. Addicss A IU , Ilocollict * Coungll mull's. WANTIID Two mon to solicit. Salary $7f per month , ilutit liaxo flO and n k'oot : suit ot clothes. Addicss U 10 , Iloo olllcc , Coun cil Hlulls. : ) - - furnished room 01 WANTii-rirHt-cIass gentleman and \\llo , Address N. Keoolllco. SAU2-A * j,500 house. No. 121 S. Klrhtli street , corner of Fifth a\cuuc. N. 1' , lodK ) < > X Co. A good plrl for cook. Apply al WANTED to Mrs. J. H. Mcl'liuson , No. Uil J'lorco btroct. ANTKD A gill for tronornl housework , Small latmly , handy kitchen. TU'I ' Oth au , WANTED Younir clrl who uantstogotc school anil help do housonork to pay foi her bourd. Address M 7 , lieu ollico. TTIUllNITUItE AND BTOVKS-Fortho nostil : Jdays at greatly reduced tiricoa to miiki loom lor lull stock. 1'artlos fuiulshliitf poet relercncos can buy on weekly or monthly pay incuts , A. J. Mandcl , tf-3 nnd ; i-i ! Uroad ay. VT10H BALK A flrst-clnss restaurant , best lo > X1 cation In city. Heated by tteum. Water works , excellent pntionaico ; range , Ice house kitcheno\oiytlilnKin llist-class mjlo. Wish t < soil on account ot Hi health. Jalin Allen , Coun ell Ululls. SAI.K-Stock of UruKa In central No FOH . Will imolco about fl.ilOU. In qulrooHorle , llass &Co. , Council lllulls , Iu SALE OU THADR. For Conncll Illulli J property 40,000 acres of Ion a and Nc braska land. J. It. lllce , 110 Mam M. . Councl llluCTs. FINE MILLINERY NEW FALL STYLES OPEN , 1415 DOUGLAS ST. , - - OMAH , REALJSTATE , Vacant Lots , Lands , City ncsliloncos nm ] 'nrms. Aero property In western purt of clt ) All eclllmr cliciip. R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Koom C , over Ofllccr i. I'uaoy's Bank , Count HlulTs , ESTAI1MSHED1603 D. H. McDANELD & COMPANY Hides , Tallow , Pelfs WOOL , AMI runs. Jllyhcst Martlet I'rlccs , Pi'onij Returns , 620 and 822 Main Street , Council Bluff : ' 1. . ' ' Iowa. , BECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTEL ; Best $2.00 a day house in the west. LOCATION , THE BEST , FIRST CLASS TABLE , BAMPL BOOMS au | ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES ! Kcgular : Boaiclors : : Reduced : : Rates. NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluffs. No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa * A COItllNLCTE ASSORTMENT Fancy and Staple Groceries Both Domestic and Foreign , DR. RICE'S Common Sense HernialSuppori THE Greatest Invention of the Age. Itiintnre or Hernia a Specially SEND mil ILLUSTRATE ! ) CIRCULARS. Ill ] MAKKS ITMAI.i : lUSKASIX A SPECIALTY. Cures all kinds of Chroulo Dlsonsos that uro ouniblo with his most Wonderful Vcgutnl U Remedies 1 the oldest mill mostgucco gttil Specialist In the west. Cnll ami s"o him , OrFIUE , NO. tl 1'tCARL NT11KKT , / I . . , . i1 T51 , flCV. T _ . . - . - _ I onico Hours : 8 to IS a. m. , 1 to 0 ami U to 8 p. m. OOUIICH JDlUHS , JLOW L < * BEST MAKES AND HIGHEST GRADES OP Pianos and Organs Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to e \ call onus. Instrument * Tuned and Repaired. We never fall to plvo salUfactlom' Over 2O years' Experience In Piano and Organ Work. Swanson Music Co. . No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa " 3 kWaJllfji Hi j-s S &W . ' m THE AUTOMATIC TRUNK Heats thorn all for Sample Tru nka ana Cases , Theatri cal and Tourists' Trunks. Dontfail to bco it. The Ladies' Fuvorito. This nnd all other kinds of Trunkrf and Cases manu factured by Zimmerman & Young Bros. And sold at whole sale and retail. Two carloads on hand at H'l'2 ItroiuUvny ? - - -rJ = jt = - - = 553 j - sr 3 e g - gSSjfetf gJtt. . - Council Bluffs , Iowa Scnil for Circulars anil 1'riccs. HO TEL f CT HEKT. The butter houio In Missouri Valley : fur nished Ilrbt-class tlnoiiirliout and with a latKO business established. Will bo rented on liberal tcuns to responsible parties. Call on or ad- ilicss HUGH PEHCV , MlsjOurVullcy JOHN Y. STONE. JACOB SIMS STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Law. Practice in the State and Federal Cour t Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block , COUNCIL E. S. BARNETT , Justice o ± the Peace , 415 Broadway , Council BUifft. Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. A. SCUUllX , Justice of the Peace. Otlito over American Kxprnss. No. 419 BROADWAY Creston House , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel in the City ] with Fire Escape , Electric Call Bells. Accommodation * i'irst I'lus * , And Kates Kca < * oiwl > l Max Mohn , Proprietor T. F. BRITT , M. D. , , NO. < ; o7 MYNSTER STa'EET , COUNCIL BLUFF3 OFFICER . GOO Broadway , Council Bluffs.Iowft. Established 1857. Finest Landaus Couches and Hacks in City. i WILLIAM WELCH , omens : No. 41S Broadwaj The Mai.hattan Telephone No. 31 No. 015 Main Street , Telephone No , 9 CROCKERY , LAMPS , GLASS WARE , _ FINE POTTERY. 1'rices Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. ; JVO. XX MAIN ST. , CO I Mil. J 1.12 JA JA ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY Cor , 5lh Ave. d 7th St. , Council Bluffs , Oii3 of the best Educational Institu tions In the west. Hoarding and day fcchool conducted by the Sisters of Char ity , H. V. M. Hoard nnd tuition for n term of five months , $75. For further particular ! S1STKK SUl'KKJOK , St. Francis Aecdoniy , Council HlulW , la. , .