Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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A. Young Woman's Supposed Suicide by
Asphyxiation in a Hotel ,
The Desperate Resistance to Arrest
Blade by A South Onmha Rough
and a Dotcctlve'a Had Eyfl in
Klllotl hy Gut ,
t Lizzie Dastul , n nineteen-year-old Bo-
liomlan girl , was found dead in her bed
Rt the Gees hotel nbout 4 o'clock yester
day afternoon , asphyxiated with gas.
Tbo deceased seems to bo without
friends. She had been employed at a
hoarding house at 713 South Fourteenth
Iruot as laundry girl for two weeks.
Although a capable domestic her ignor
ance of the English language impaired
her usefulness , and on Thursday she was
discharged. Nothing was scon of her
wrain until about 2 o'clock Saturday
morning when she cumo to the Gees
hotel in company with a young
follow who scorned to bo a Ho-
bomian. Ho explained to the
clerk that she was wandering about
looking for n room , and as the city was
full of strangers sbo had been unsuccess
ful in securing accommodations. The
clerk assigned her room 15 in the third
story , and she paid for it. The young
follow who accompanied her leu und
has not been seen since.
About Saturday noon Lizzie wns seen
to leave her room , but the time of her
return is unknown. Yesterday morning
about 0 o'clock the chambermaid at
tempted to get into tbo room , but found
tho.door looked. About noon the door
was tried with the same result. At 4
o'clocktho , chambermaid again tried to
enter tbo room , but failing , reported the
matter to Peter Gees , the proprietor. The
escape of gas was not detected until
after Mr. Gees opened the transom and
the fumes came pouring out. Seeing the
girl stretched out on the bed Mr. Gees
had the door immediately opened , hop
ing to save her life , but upon approach
ing the bedside the distorted feature ! ) and
the stains of the fatal hemorrhage that
coyorod her face , breast and the pillows
showed that help had eomo too latn. The
body was eold and she had been dead for
probably eighteen hours. M'ho window
was down about a foot from the top , but
the curtain in front of it had prevented
the escape ot the poisoned air.
A coroner's jury was summoned , who
rendered a verdict of death by asphyxia
tion and suffocation with gas. Whether
she hud Ignorantly blown out the gas , or
deliberately turned it on to commit sui
cide , can not be determined.
About 0 o'clock last evening the body
was taken to the morgue at Droxcl &
Maul's to await identiiicution.
A Bloody Struggle.
Detective Pat Horrigun entered the
' "White Elephant , " a little concert saloon
on Tenth street near Howard , about 3
o'clock yesterday afternoon and his at
tention was uttracted to a rough looking
man who carried a valise and overcoat
nnd was drinking with two printers.
Shortly after llorrigan's entrance the
drinking trio made it convenient to leave
the saloon , and started through the alley
eastward. Suspecting that the valise
and overcoat were plunder ? the officer
followed at onco. The three men walked
up to Eleventh street and turning south ,
wont as far as Howard where the sus
pected man sat down on the walk with
his feet in the gutter. liorngan had
made up his mind and as ho approached
the Mvaugcr he said : "Got up ; I want
you. "
The man made considerable show
of indignation , but llorrigan
Without heeding , seized valise and coal
nnd marched his man off , with the inten
tion of going to the station afoot , liar-
rigan turned with his prize into the alloy
between Ilarnoy and Howard and had
walked about twenty foot when the
prisoner stopped und jerking away do
Glared that ho would go no further. Her
rigan at once dropped the valise and coal
for free action , when the man struck him
a stunning blow m the face followed by
another over left eye. The ollicor and
the prisoner wore nearly of even match
with the favor of strength and desperate
energy slightly with the hitter. Herri
pan fell back under each blow which
though clvon with the naked list , came
llko solid shot and cut and bruised the
olllcer's face shockingly. Recovering
himself Horrlgan struck bacK ant
attempted to draw his pistol
With that the man clinched him and UK
two rolled to the ground together. Thi
advantage in this part of the light is un
known but both men suffered the sound
est kind of punishment and had theii
clqthing nearly torn from them. Sovera
times Hprrigan reached for his rovolvei
when some ono in the crowd , whlcl
gathered , an evident friend of the pris
oner , deftly took the weapon from th <
otlieor's pocket. In some manner , a :
the struggling men retrained their feet
the prisoner tore away and ruslmif
through.tho crowds attempted to cscapi
by n'run down the street. Several oil !
cote' ' attracted to the scone , however
pressed the ohaso and as a last resort thi
fugitive triple refuge in a private dwellins
at the southwest corner of Eleventh ant
Howard streets. Dashing into thi
house ho rushed up stairs until he gaiuci
the attlo , where ho hid himself behind sonn
Storage. The police , who had by that tlim
arrived in considerable numbers , stir
rounded the houstf and Ofllcors Wiiolai
anil Deuipsoy made the search within
The culprit was found with little dilllcultj
and was dragcml trom his hiding place
Ho fought stubbornly and in the struggl
OIHcor Dempsey foil through the coilm <
to the lloor bolow. ; Thus deserted , Olllce
"Wholan resorted to severe measures am
subdued the prisoner with u hearty and
bloody clubbing.
Again , in the patrol wagon thi
man showed his viclousucss und wai
given some more of the locust. Once ii
the jail ho was thrown into a cell am
chained to the grated door until pan
and loss of blood weakened him int
submission ,
Ho gave the name of John Jonoa bu
was subsequently identified to be Jo
Norton a botith Omaha thief who ha
just served a long term in the count
jail for larceny.
The valise und overcoat which HarrI
can suspected to be "graft" had indee
been stolen from the Southern Hole
The detective's injuries will mar hi
beauty for a few days and cost nun
euit of clothes.
An A in table Husband ,
Albert Fleming , n Uohonuau living a
1430 South Thirteenth street , was jailc <
yesterday for boating his wife in a mos
inhuman manner. Her face and uou
were terribly distigurod with bruises an
wounds from a stick of wood with whicl
he had beaten hor. This is the fourt
tluio ho has buen arrested tor this otlimsi
Arnstoln-Sonnontnrt. |
The Arnstcin-Sonnenborg wcddin
was held at the Jewish synagogue aboi
0.80 last evening. The groom , Si&muo
Arnstein , is a merchant at No. 4
Bouth Tenth sUcot , and the br'ul
Theresa Sonnouberg , a daughter <
Joseph Sonnenberjj , No. 533 Soul
Fourteenth street. ' The ceremony wi
presided oYer by , Rabbi .Benson ; tl
Mlflscs Carrie Miller and Eva Spiegel
acted as bridesmaids , and Messrs. Sam
Sonnunborg and Sol. Frank as grooms
men. At 730 ; the grand supper and re
ception wore hold at Gorraania hall , and
at 10 o'clock the dancing commenced ,
with Prof , Gaynoro as prompter. A
magnificent lot of presents wcro re
ceived by the newly wedded couple.
Nearly 800 guests were present , and the
event was in ovcry sense an elegant and
enjoyable all'air.
Important Mooting to lie Held In the
City this lOvciilng.
The meeting at the First M. E. church
announced for this evening , of which
notice was made in the telegraph col
umns of yesterday morning'a BEE , at
which Itishop J. P. Hurst will bo present ,
will also bo addressed by Rev. Dr. Ben
nett , of Garrctt Biblical institute , Evanston -
ton , 111. } Rev. B. St. J. Fryo , editor of the
Central Christian Advocate , St. Louis ,
Mo.Rev. . W. P. Stowo , of the Methodist
Book Concern , and probably ol ors.
These gentlemen have been in attend
ance during the past week , ut the North
Nebraska conference in session nt Fre
This meeting is in the nature of a recep
tion to those gentlemen , and for the pur
pose of acquainting them with Metho
dism in Omaha , and it is fitting that their
presence here should call out the attend
ance of every member and friend of the
denomination in the city.
The marriagn of Wolf Cohen and Annie
Cohn nt the Metropolitan hall last even
ing , was performed in the now somewhat
rare Jewish orthodox manner. The core-
emony was at 0:45. : Four young men ad
vanced to the middle of the hall bearing
a canopy , under which was Rabbi Ben
son and his assistant. The groom next
appeared accompanied by A. Bernstein
and F. Talmud , and then the bride with
Mrs. Bernstein and Mrs. Talmud. Fol
lowing the bride wore four little flower
girls , four groomsmen and four brides
maids. The bride was led around the
grcom three times , and then took her
place by his side , when in the Jewish
tongue , the Rabbi pronounced them man
and wife. After the ceremony followed
the bountiful supper , and then the danco.
About 200 guests wore present.
If the gentleman whoso lips pressed
the lady's snowy brow and thus caught a
severe cold had but used Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup , no doctor's bill would
have been necessary.
That Trumpet.
Tbo silver trumpet which was pre
sented to the New York veteran firemen
upon the occasion of their recent visit to
Omaha , was the gift of Mr. Richard
Wilde , whoso naino was engraved upon
the instrument. Owing to an oversight
this fact was not mentioned either in the
presentation speech or in nny of the pa
pers. It Is only just to Mr. Wilde that
ho should receive tne credit for the gen
erous nnd appropriate gift which ho
caused to bo presented to the "vets" ns
coming from Omaha Fire King , No. 2 , of
which bo is an honored member. Ho is
nn old Now Yorker , and is acquainted
with nearly all the "vets" who were in
Omaha on Friday.
Get rid of that tired feeling as quick as
possible. Take Hood'n Sarsaparill&
which gives strength , n good appetite
and health.
The Motor " Sneak. "
The work on the Motor line on Dottg-
las street continued all day yesterday ,
nnd the ties and rails were laid froru
Fourteenth to Twelfth streets. The
greater part of the work , however , re
mains yet to bo done that of replacing
the torn-up pavement.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred II. Martin loft yes
terday over the Burlington & Missouri
for Los Angeles , Cul. , where they will reside -
side in the future. Mr. Martin has for
the past year been connected with T. 11.
Cotter's printing house in this city.
Julius Hughcrt , formerly a bar-tender
for Henry Gladdis , No. 150 ! ) Douglas
street , is lying at the police station dying
with consumption. : .nd will bo taken to
the poor farm to-day. Ho has been sick
about six weeks. Ho has resided in Omaha
about six months , but has no friends or
relatives hero.
Albert Alexander , a brutal teamster ,
was arrested yesterday for cruelty to ani
mals. The shameful manner in which ho
was beating a horse over the head was
witnessed by Captain Van Orman , of
Sulphur Springs , and he caused the arrest
of tlio craul Jehu.
Some genius proposes to introduce
paper shirts. Wearing paper shirts
means bearing rheumatism. With Sal
vation Oil , however , paper shirts might
still be a success. Price 35 rents.
Gored to Death Ily a Mad null.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Sept , 11. ( Special Tele-
giam totlio UKK.I Jolmulo Perrlne , a boy
ulueteen years of ago , living close to
Uolckow , a town fourteen miles north of at
Joe , was last evening nearly torn to pieces
by a mad bull buloiiKim ; to his father. The
screams of the boy brought his mother nnd
father to their block yard to liiul their boy
bleedine and nearly torn to pieces , the llosli
h.mKing in IODR strips Irotn his tlil 'li and
body through Ills clothes. Medical assistance
was Immediately summoned , but the boy
died before mklnlslit. „
Powdorlj'a t'laus.
SCUANTON , Pa. , Sept 11. tleneial Master
Workman 1'owdorlj bays that his next an
nual message will advocate got eminent
ownership of telegraph and railroad lines
and the establishment ot the postal saving's
hank , A bill will be prepared by him to
carry these suirKestlous Into eflect and they
will bo submitted to the general assembly
for Its approval. Should the assembly ap
prove these measures they will bu Introduced
In couiricss anil bucked by the lull Btrun tl :
of tlio Kuliihts ot Labor.
An liiHiilt to Nationalists.
MITCIIKLLSTOWN , Sept. 11. Contingent !
of nationalists from all surrounding town !
promise to attend the funerals to-morrow
The procession will be an enormous one
The polloo refuse to allow the cortege t <
travurbe the regular route to the cemetery
which passes tlm barracks.- The nationalist !
consider this a Krtmt Indlcnlty , as they wil
bu compelled to go through the I'rotestan
jmrtot town.
John Bright Alan Declines.
LONDON , bept 11. Mr. Bright has repllei
to the invitation to attend the 1'hlladulphli
festival , saying In a very courteous maiino
that ho is unable to accept It hut exprcssu ;
great sympathy with the uatherlu. %
Any person giving information to tin
undersigned of the whereabouts of Gil
burl Kvurtou will confer a fwor : on him
He loft O'Neill , Neb. , thruo years since
and has not sincu been heard from.
B. Roai.KT.1 , O'Neill. Neb.
Tlio Chadron land oflice harvested ;
largo crop of settlers during August
Eighty-throe homestead entries \yur <
made , covering 12,080 acres ; forty-sovfli
timber culture entries , 7.3J7 acres
suvonty-sevun pre-emption tilings , l'jtt , !
acres ; three sola lord' declaratory state
luouts , 470 acres ; two tinal homesteads
1UO acres ; eighty-eight cash sules , 14,03
acres , aggregating f 17,000. ,
Electric Lustrd Starch will aot stick t <
the iron. It ia the best sturoli. '
A Prominent Whisky Tauter Who
Makes Prohibition A Ittislncss.
Now York Mall : "Uruukr1
"Yes , drunk. "
"I drunkT"
. . .
"Yes. You ought to bo tlrunk clear ,
clonn through by this tirno. "
"Well , you sco 1 um not , ilou't yout"
"Yes , nnil that is what surprises rue
In the hour thut I have boon with you in
thli cellar , you have drunk not less than
fifty glasses of whisky. "
' 'That ' Is just where you nro mistaken.
In the dim light you didn't notice that I
only covered the bottom of my glass with
liquor and didn't swallow a ttisto of that
* '
"The business of a professional whirky
taster h u peculiar one , " explained the
lirst speaker to a Mail and Express re
porter. "If 1 were to swallow any liquor
I would bo no judge of It. I simply
smull the livuor and then put a teaspoonful -
ful in my mnuth to get the exact flavor.
I never swallow a drop. I don't suppose
In the last gvo years I have drank an
ounce of uny kind of alcoholic or malt
liquor. I never cat onions , cheese , or
any spiced food. 1 keep my diet down
to the plainest sort of articles and there
by preserve my tusto.
"Aren't you over deceived ? "
"Never. I regard my taste as Infalli
ble. I can toll the ailloroncc between a
hundred brands blindfolded and never
make a mistake. It is much surer than
any test in tolling cloths or jewels by ex-
aming them with the oycs. I give orders
sometimes for 1,000 barrels of whisky
after tasting ono teaspoonful of the sam
ple , and not wasting over five minutes
In the act. "
"Don't the fumes of the liquor over in-
roxicato you ? "
"They used to , but they don't any
more. They never made mo drunk , but
sometimes after a long day's work 1 got
got dizzy , that was all. "
"Pays well , doesn't ir ? "
"I won't toll you how much I got , but
I can sav that I gave nu the manage
ment of a Louisville distillery , where 1
got $15,000 salary to accept my present
pasition. The trouble with whissy
tasters ia , they often bacomo drunkards ,
though they' know that ono drink of
liquor spoils their work for hours after
ward. Odd , what fools some men arel
But I don't find fault. If everyone
could bo a whisky taster it would prob
ably pay no better than driving a street
not * . "
Offensive breath vanishes with the use
of Dr. Sago's Catarrh llcmcdy.
An Inanitions African King.
Cardinal Massala , who was over thirty-
fire years a missionary in Abyssinia , is
his recollections of his event-
il life. Ho tolls the following story of
King Mcnilukof African roknown : "King
Menilck knows perfectly well ail that is
going on nnd talked about in Europe ,
and ono day , hearing of a now sowing
machine , ho asked me to get him one , I
told him that a poor monk like mo Know
nothing of such thincs , and 1 wondered
lint the king could think of them , and
hat I really did not know how to procure
what ho wanted. But when Mcnllck takes
a notion in his head nothing can change
his mindso ; , at last , topleaso him , 1 wrote
to a friend , begging him to send me a
sowing machine. At last it came , but in
pieced ; and I cannot tell you what time
and patience it took to put it together.
That done , the king turned to mo und
' .old mo to teach hint to work it. 'Yon ,
, vho know everything , ' ho said , 'must
< now how to work this thingl' But 1
junst confess that hero 1 failed. I
studied it day after day , but could make
nothing out of It , and at last had to
give up the attempt. Tlio king called
mo a fool , and then told his court digni
taries to unravel the mystery. Hut they
wore not moro fortunate than mysolf.
Mcniluk wns furious. 'You are all fools , '
ho said , 'I'll do it myself.1 And so he
did. Ho sat up all night studving the
machine , but ho did it , and you should
have scon his delight when he sat down
before us and showed us how it was
When cramped you have no time to
experiment. Hfou want relief , if possible ,
at once. Tell your druggist you want
Fred Brown's Ginger the genuine. Phil
adelphia , 1823.
How Iln Was Mndo Better Off.
A Scotch tradesman who had amassed ,
as ho believed , 1,000 , was surprised by
his oldclerk with a balance shont show
ing his fortune to bo 0,000. "It can not
bo , " said the principal ; "count again. "
The clerk did count again , and again de
clared the balance to bo 0.000. The mas
ter counted himself , and ho also brought
out a surplus of 0,000. Time after time
ho cast up the columns it was still a G
and not a ! , that rewarded his labors.
So the old merchant , on the strength of
his good fortune , modorni/.od his house ,
and "put money in the purso" of the car
penter , the painter , and the upholsterer.
Still , liowovor , ho had a lurking doubt of
the oxistcnco of the extra 3,000 , so ono
winter night he sal down to give the col-
ums "ono count more. " At the close of
his task ho jumped up as though ho had
boon galvanized , and rushed through
the streets in a shower of rain to the
hoti e of the clerk. The clerk's "Ticad ,
capped and drowsy , emerged from an
attic window at the sound of the knocker
to inquire the errand of his midnight vis
itor. "Whoso there ? " ho mumbled"and ,
what d'ye want ? " "It's mo , yo scoond-
rel ! " exclaimed his omuloyer ; "yo'vo
added up the year of our lord amonir the
pounds. "
. . .
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Gicsen , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
Nervous , Chronic and
More especially those arising from impur-
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured salely and speedily with
out use of dangerous drups. Patients
whose cas s have been neglected , badly
treated or paonounded incurable , should
not fail to wtite us concerning their symp
toms. All letters receive immediate at
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added
an "Essay on Marriage , " with important
chapters on Diseases of the Reproductive
Organs , the whole forming a valuable med
ical treatise which should be read by all
young men. Address
1707 Olive St. . St. Louis , Mo.
Tin or Iron , Repaired.
And 1'nlntod , and guaranteed tlpht for number
of years. I'aluts never blister.
Mauufuctuieil andropaliod. Fire J'roof Point
applied to shingles. 15 years experience. .
VVM. h. OUltllAN 4SON. '
2111 S.Ut St. Uot Arbor aud Vlntoo.
Beware \ of Scrofula
BcrofuU Is probably morn than any
other dhcaso. It U'lhilillous In character ,
and raanlfeits ItieU In running sores , pustular
eruptions , bolls , swellings , enlarged Joints ,
niisccsses.soro eyes , etc. Hood's Sarsaparllla
expels nil trace oj scrofula from the blood ,
loaylng It pure , enriched , and healthy.
" I was severely Afflicted with scrofula , and
over a year had two tunning sores on my neck.
Took flvo bottles Ilbod's Sarsaparllb , nnd am
cured. " .0. E. LovEJor , Lowell , Mass.
0. A. Arnold , Arnold , Me. , had scrofulous
f ores for sovcn years , spring and fall , Hood's
Sarsaparllla cured him.
Salt Rheum
la ono of the most dlsagrccaModMeases caused
by Impure blood. It Is readily cured by Hood's
Barsaparllla , the ip-oat blood purifier. -
"William Spies , Elyrla , O. , suffered greatly
from erysipelas and salt rheum , caused by
handling tobacco. At times bis hands would
crack open and bleed. Ho tried various prep
arations without aid ; Anally took Hood's Sar-
eaparllla , and now say si" I am entirely well. "
"My son had salt rheum on his hands and
on the calves of his legs. Ho took Hood's
Barsaparllla and Is entirely cured.J. . II.
Btaiiton , Mt. Vcrnon , Ohio.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Bold hy Ml druggists. HjiliforgS. Made only
by O. I. HOOD A CO. , Apothecaries , Lowtll , Mas * .
IOO Doses One Dollar
For all kinds of business at the
New Town of Harbine ,
Id way between Fnlrbury and Doatrlco on the
C. K. * N , U. K.
Lots Cheap on Easy Icnns.
Address C. B. LKTT Falrburv.
CHESTKK. 28th year opens 8KITEMUEH It
Proparntoiy Courses. Thorough Technical
Work. All Dupnrtmunts couilucted by ablu
I'HUFESHOltS. Military system second only to
thut of U. B. M. A. Anatmls of Llout. b T. Ilart-
lott , 1 < 05 Sliormun Avo. , City : or CUIof Pay
master's Office , Armr HciadnuarterB.
COU THKO. HVATT President.
Thirty-Bovonth year begins Sept Oth , 1897.
For olroulai8 or special Information address
Horace K. Smith. LL. D. Dean. Albany , N. Y.
KANSAS C1T Y MO. . Kiill corps of urcompllnh
Teacher. . 1'up Us received at nny time torclrcula
apply to , illMB. , McCOMAB. lrlnclpil.
Howard Collegiate Institute.
For Young Ladles loopona Sept 21. College
Propitriitory , Classical and Scientific Graduat
ing courROH. For circulars address EMMA O.
CUNKO , Principal , or n. 11. IIOWAUI1 , Socro-
taty , West Briditowator , Ma"S. jybtawZtit
JL FUll YOUNG LAIJIKS.ia.'S North nroad = lt
Philadelphia. 17th year btxdns Sept.1st , 18S7.
Address Miss H. K. .IUDK1NS , 1'miclpul ,
who refers by special permission to
Mr. and Mrs , John N. Jowott , I
Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip J'Armour , VChicago.
Jlr. ana Mrs. Borneo P.Vaito , J
BEHOLD , "Swept Sixteen. " who rompi In
the orchard , over the inemlow ? , rides on the
rab atb , i amliloi over the mountain * anil en-
joytallinu llvnly outdoor gamut nnd aporti ,
yul hrr 1'ucc , Nrrlt , Arm * nnd llnndx ara
perfect picture ) of Ueauty , which she presjrvci
by using
Magnolia Balm
for the ( joinnloxlnil. It makon a lady of 4 0
appear Gut -Ju. 'TIS n llnriitk'xK Liquid ,
amilled Instftutlv. Cnn't bit Delected.
Atmtea tlie 111 cltccUof lint , Dry , \\lnrty
W eti t b e'f. TSoei"oway"wtl h'Tn nVli m bur n ,
iTCcklf , Telloi-anil every akin ClcmUh.
Wondrrlully Ucrrealilnu. Tnko It with
> outu tlieSiuburuaiul Mountains.
Kwatt ntttlf
Paid up Capital $250,000
Surplus 42.60C
H. W. Yntes , President.
Lewis S , Ueetl , Vice-President.
A. E. Tou/.alin. ! M Vice-Prcsldcnt ,
W. H. S. Hushes , Cashier ,
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins
H. W. Yatcs Lewis S. Heed
A. E. Touzalm.
Cor. 12th andFu-nnm , ( Sts.
A General Nankin g Business Transact !
Indigesti ,
, Sick Headache ,
' Inactive Liver
Tlio merchant piannlne buslnes sobomo ;
Tliu preacher struKKllumtirouifU Uls thomcs
Tim statesman In assembly "tills
The Inokor wild with "puM and calls"
To cool the blood and brnce-tho mind
Will Turrant'B Seltzer aafpst find.
rcrvUdywl dnucs ptrtcctioo In style snJ form
ould wcsr them. Manufactured only by the
Wofce ; . M ss. , snJaiS > UiV t street , Clilcsga
iiuit > ervHisl ebllltycuu i'i
through errors und had pructlcnu CURED
HCAI < CU,19U > cuatst. fctiLoui
t Seven Year * or IMiyilcul and
f Mental Suffering Untied by
' A BOUT foven year * no I hnd n Immor lironk
XX out upon my factt ; It started lit n small
blotch ntul looked llko tbo stlntror nboo.tliim
It spread niu\ \ looked llko n ringworm , nnd became
came \cry pnlnful. 1 at once wont toonoot
tbo best doctors In the city nnd ho could do mo
no Rood. No lo < stlmn twelve doctors hjvo had
ntrlnlnt my fnco und nil of them fnllod. I will
not give you a list of tholr names , but will say
Hint thor wore Trnm ItoJton , Now York and
Mnltie , flNo from Knglnnd , Trance and Canada.
I lm\o boon a hotel oook nnd steward for yours.
In the summer Icook nt wntorlnir places ! that
Is why I Imvo hnd nn opportunity of bolntr
Hmotiir ( rood doctors. They could not cuio tuy
face , mull hnd given up nil hopes of over being
nny bettor. I.nst Juno , 1 went to Mooxohond
I.itHo , Maine , to COOK tor the snngon. My fnco
WHS so liiul tlmt 1 did not llko to bo soon. At
tlio Inko I met a Kditlomnn from Kntrland. He
told mo to use your CUTICUIIA UEMEDIF nnd
they would euro mo nt onco. 1 did so. The re-
suit was In tbroo weeks tbo sores on my fnco'
wore hcnlcd up. I used It nil tbo season. My
face Is nil well and no sours to bo seen. 1 have
recommended It to a number , and In every cuso
thns ourod them. It would take a great uonl of
money to put me back wbero I wns one year
ire , providing I did not know what your Curt-
JUIIA would do. I Blmll recommend It at lonir
asl llro , and dmll over remain ,
II. STEVENS , Kast Jackson , Mo.
Hare just mod your CUTICIMA UKMIDIKI on
> no of my girls , and found It to bo Just what It
s recommended to bo. My daughter was nil
jroked out on hnr bend and body , and tbo hair
lommoncod to come out. Now she Is as smooth
as ever iho war , nnd ho has only taken one
box of CtmcunA. one cake of CtmctntA SOAP ,
and ono bottle of CUTICUIIA HKROLVRNT. I
doctored with qulto a number or doctors , but
' , o no avail. I am willing to make affidavit to
ho truth of the stntomnnt.
OEOUOli IS AST. Macon , Mich.
OuTicnitA , the ( treat Skin Cureand CtrricunA
SOAP , an oxiiuhlto Skin HeautlUar externally ,
ndCUTICUIIA Kt SOLVENT , the now lllood Purl-
flor Intornnlly , arc n positive euro for every
' 'arm of Skin and Ulood Disease , from I'lmplcs
o Scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price , ( Jim-
: ! Uiu : fioctfl.j SOAP.SS cts. ; HK OI.VKNT , Jl.OO.
Prepared by the POTTER Dittta AND CHEMICAL
Jo. , UOSTO.V. Send for "How TO Cuuu SKIN
SKIN nicmlshos , Pimples. Dlackhonds and
Uaby Humors , use CUTIUUII v SOAI > .
Aching Muscles , Hacks , Hips nnd
SI < K > s , nnd nil Pain , Inllammatlon
nnd weakness REURVED IN ONF. WIN-
, 'LAHTEIU At druggists , S3 cents.
The Theatrical Frofeulon.
Merit will win and reoelra publlo recognition and
praise. Facts , which are the outcome of general ex *
ptrlence , growing through years of critical and
practical test , become as roottd and Immovable as
the rock of Gibraltar In publlo opinion , and hence
forth need no further guarantee as to their gcnu
Ineness. The Indisputable fact that Swift's Speclno
Is the best blood purlfler In the world , U one of these
Immovable Gibraltar rock facts of which we hare
spoken , and entry day's experience roots this con
viction deeper and deeper In publlo opinion. Every
class of our people lu America and In Europe ,
every trade , calling and profession. Including the
medical profession , hare born * voluntary testi
mony to the remarkable virtues of 8. 8. B. and
Its Infallible efficacy lu curing all diseases of the
blood. These testimonial ! ara on file by the thou-
'i , and open to the Inspection of elL Now come ,
unsolicited , two dlitlnKULincd members of the theat
rlcat profession , who gratefully testify to tbo wonder
ful curative quAlltles of the Fpeclao in their Indi
vidual cases. Their testimonials are herewith sub
mitted to the publlo without further comment let
them spook for themselves. The lady Is n memlwr of
the famous Thalia Thuatro Company , of New Yolk ,
nud formerly of the Residence Theatre , Berlin , Ger
man v , and of McVlcker's Stock Company , of Chicago.
Tlio Rontlomnn Is nw ll known member of the Ntur
\ork Thalli Theatre Company. Both ore well known
In theatrical circles In this country and lu Europe.
Charlotte Itnndovr' * Testimony.
Niw YORK , May 3 , 1537.
Swift Specific Company , Atlanta , Oa. :
Gentlemen Having been nnuojcd with pimples ,
ci minions nud toughness of the skin , from bad con-
lltlnn of my Wood , for more than a year , I ut > ed a
eudliiK preparation of sarsnparllla and other advcr-
Ised remedies to no effect. Then I consulted a prom-
ncnt physician , and from his treatment rtcelled
10 beuelU. I then concluded to try the 8. S. 8. rein-
dy for tbo blooil. nnd five or six packages , hy a
horough eradication of my trouble ami restoring
Kinopthnos to my skin , hare made me happy , and
I cheerfully glre Jell thin testimonial for suihuso
uud publicity as you wish to make of It.
153 Bowery , near Cuual Street ,
Hugo IlnsaUcrl'ii Testimony.
The Swift Specific Company , Atlanta. Go. :
Gentlemen For two years I had a screro cue of
ecscmn. 1 used tar soaps , sulphur soaps , and various
otbtr remedies , nnd was prescribed for by numbers
of physicians , but found no relief. At last I deter
mined to try the 8. S. S. remedy , and seven or elKht
bottles barn thoroughly relieved me , and you can
use this certltlcato lu any manner you n Ish.
Member of Tnalla Thiatra
JwvYork , May 3,1837.
Treatise on Blood and Skla Diseases mailed freo.
Drawers. Atlanta. Oa.
National Bank ,
Northwest Corner Farnum tintt 13th SU
Paid up Capital , - - $400,000
Surplus Fund , . - - 8O.OOO
Frank Murphv , President.
Snmuul E. Hogcrs , Vico-Prositlcnt
Uen B. Wood , Cashier.
Luther Drake , Assl-Cushier
Accounts solicited and prompt atten
tion paid to all business entrusted to its
" " "ant
1A11 ] > oiiiu Jilrcel ,
HoBlho iBipnst line of ] ) loce pnods In Oninhn ,
to bo mndo Into Hulls to oidet at pileos thut
cannot ho diipllcnted In Oinnhu. SulUTuctlon
CornorStli nnd Farnam Sttects.
CANF1ELD & W1LUUH , Prop'rs.
Boarding Horses a Specialty.
Driving and Work Horses for Sale
Special Inducmcnts for Your Patronage
Oool for ono ticket to the Omnlm I'ulr
unii Kii.iuHlon Sept Mil to 1'Jtl ' ) , on all
nurcliuses utnotinllnie to (4 ( hi.
1 IIAVWAUU 1)1103. .
FINK SIIOKS. 487 80. Hth.
'J '
( FlTd , Ll rlitiiln r and TornailoJ
N. W. Cor. 1Mb and Hurnoy Sis. , Omaha , Mob.
Telephone O'l
( DUBT.IH ) .
1518 DODGE ST , 10 A. M. TO 4 P. M.
Flty-slci-asi. azid. Su.rsro = > n. ,
Office , Cor. 15th and Farnam sts.
Residence , 2021 Farnam St.
Hours. 0 to 11 a. m. , 2 to 6 p. m ,
Incomparably the Beat.
Illinois Conservatory of Music
tlnsurpaited ndTuntag In n Department * pf
Muilc , l.UIKulura. Muilun IiHnguigul , Elocution.
AJilrfU E. K. 11UJ.LAIU ) , Supl. , JncmoriTlllo. Ill
Latest Styles ,
i Finest Goods.
Lowest Prices.
The illustrations nbovo nr mndo from photograph * . Tha ftdjuetftblo parta do not change the
appearance . whan tied as a street carrlago ; they can be uied or not at the plonnure of the pur
chaser. The HOLMAN CARRIAGES are warranted for two years. Evury part U absolutely per
fect. Over 10OO sold In Chicago stnco March 1st. Sent to all purls of the United States and saf
delivery guaranteed. Send for a catalogue containing latest styles , cheapest to Onset.
HOLMAN ADJUSTABLE CARRIAGE CO. , 275 Wabash Ave. , Chicago , Ills.
Pianos , Organs , Violins , Guitars and Banjos
CRAP BROS. , 219 Sol l&tk & tel.Opera . House Block ,
And don t buy a piano until you have examined the celebrated Sohtner , which hat
received first prize wherever exhibited , and in the cast command * a higher price
than those of any other make.
For a short time only we will offer these celebrated pianos at less than others are
asking for a second class instrument. It will pay you to call and see us. Pianos
from $200 upwards. Organs from $20 uprnards.
Small instruments at correspondingly low prices.
Leading Carriage Factor }
14o'o and 1411 Dodge Street.
Agent for J. Cunningham , Son & Go's
Celebrated Landaus , Coupes aud
* * s 3aeoeos : * 8r3oee < 8 ® m $ vx
A magniflcant display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
Most Popular First Class Piano made. It stands on its merits.
Ballet & M SoHasno Equal
At "Wholesale and Retail. AGENTS WANTED
Art and Music , 1513 Douglas St.
1211 and 11X
Carpets , Stoves ,
Hotiso Furnishing Goods.
Weekly and Monthly Pay-
merits ,
1SSO DDo"o.g\La3 ! Street.
New Hats ,
New Bonnets ,
New Suits ,
New Wraps ,
New Gloves ,
New Cloaks ,
New Hosiery.Etc . ,
Real Estate and Loan Brokers ,
310 South Fifteenth Street. , ,
omiotalnFdtncV add , from | 1 , CO : KWcajb Srime dcslrnbln truukagcloli.
down , balance to suit. , . sucresgood truckage , cie p.
Corner&lb and California 163il60
Nlo acre * In UonCtld cheap. ,