iilijil " TVFTT " „ ' -wif r'R'w ' * 'v' "W * * * * ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 1887. MEW YORK VETERAN FIREMEN Tteir Reception and Parade in Omaha Yesterdayi A SPLENDID STREET SPECTACLE. i | .Omnlm nml Counoll niitlT * "Vets" In llic Line The Oinnlifi If Department An Klc- Rnnt I'nrado. The Firemen' * I'arad-V The parade reception yesterday morn ing in honor of the- Now York veteran firemen wnsn success In every particular. ' At 9 o'clock the illfl'oront lire organiza tions commenced to form at Tenth and Howard streets , the point oi starting. From different avenues came the vet. crans and iwul men of Omaha , nil with bands in the lead , In fact thcro was music in this air , and it is hard to tell whcthor the notes of the band or the cool September breeze had most to do with the ccntlo waving of the buntini' , llii s and decorations on the streets. 'I ho Omaha fire department was first on the grounds. Then camu the veteran laddies of the city headed by Joe Tisahon , of Fire King No , a. In the carriages were tnnny of the best citi/.ons of Omaha. Such Jiicn an A. 8 , Jones , Henry 1'iindt , Max Meyer , Louis Ilclmrod. Ignaco shurb , I'rank Dollono , lUchard Me- Cormick , Louis Faist , Kd Wittig , Patrick Desmond , Charles A. Dewey , Edward Kothery , Ulclnrd Wilde and a great many other well known Omahans marched in good order as they tiscd to run when the lire bell tolled years ago. Chief Ualligan was early on the grounds , and in fact he was everywhere , and he gave orders that would give the good spirit to each and every visitor. The Council Illull's liromen arrived early in the day. Chief John Tom- pleton was m charge , and as a guard of honor ox-Chief 1'at Lacey joined him. FranK Levin represented No. 8 as foreman ; I. A. Cooper No. ! 3 and F. II. Uennallc No. 1. While tno old veterans of New York wore getting their uniforms adjusted the reception committee made Its appear ance on Tenth street. It was headed by Senator Mandorbon. Congressman Mc- Shane and Mayor liroateh. Then followed - > lowed the police and lire commission , Mcssrs , Smith , llartman and Den nett and then came the coun cil , Max Meyer , president the board of trade and Miverul prominent citizens. The New York veterans , headed by George W. Anderson , president of the association , came up Tenth street in grand style. They wore the usual lire- man's helmet , and had heavy dark blito coats , and made an impression that only nn old New Yorker can properly reall/e. Their stop and carriage was military , their bearing sujh as only belongs to gentlemen , and as they passed up tiie street clieor after cheer grnotcd their passage. At the corner of Howard the real parade commenced , OAITA'S UNKJUAM.ii ( > HANI ) started a lively marching time and the finest procession Omaha over witnessed was then inaugu rated. First came Chief J. J. Galil ean of the Omaha department , as sociated with ox-Chief * J. F. Shuoley and A. J. Simpson , all mounted. The Cappa Seventh regiment band followed with the old veterans drawing their old time hand engine. They doubled up on the ropn , half of the 110 visitors being on the inside of the -string" and half on the outside. Kncinuor Williams took charge of the lead and to his right and loft res pectively' were Engineers Lamb and Clcary. When the procession reached the house of No. ! l , Prcsidont Anderson was given a horse. It took ' 'Spud" Farris and tour liremen to put him on , and then the old excelsior vets had a grand laugh. " 1 old said Anderson am lifty-livo years , son , "and I've never been on a horse be fore in my life , " TUB COUNCIL 11U1PKS VETHKANS came next , ox-Chief i'at Lacy in com mand. There was Bluffs City No. 1 , Frank Geanelle , foreman ; Pliou- nix No , 3 , I. A Cooper , foreman , and Rescue No. 3 , Fr.mk Lanie foreman and Durant company , of Omaha , came afterwards headed by the Union Pacific band , Charles Fischer held the trumpet and it must be said that the boys under his command made one of the linost ills- Slays of the day. Afterwards eamo the umhu Veteran Volunteers headed by 1. W. Minor , J. S. Franco and Joe Tcahon. There were one hundred mid ten Omaha veterans in line , and with their linen dusters ami white hats and nobby canes they presented a very fine appearance. After those came some forty carriages filled with lead ing citizens of Omaha including Senator Mandcrson , Congressman Me- Shane , Mayor liroutch and the municipal olliccrs. TUB SECOND DIVISION was under command of Assistant Chief Halter of the lire department. Ho rode In the new buggy lately purchased for him and was driven by the old veteran fireman , George Blako. The department appartus was in line and was gaily dec- united. No. 2 had flags all over their oart and so ni'.itly arranged that the word "Welcome" in red , white and blue was conspicuously prominent. No. 8 had n fireman's hat in varied colored llowors , the Chemical shown like a now pin , the big truck with lour horses attached was llorally ro- uplendeut. run IND : OF TIIU MAKCII was at the Millard hotel. Here the disbandment - bandment occurred. Prof , Cappa called bis band to the lialcony of the hotel ami sovcral pleasing tunes were rendered. After Urn veteran Now Yorkers wore re freshed under the guidance of I W , Miner and Chief Galligan , they took car riages for A DKIVK AltOUND Till : CITY A pleasant feature of the parade - rado was the presence of Mesdames - dames Mot-gun , Barrett , Class , Smith , Levy , Ti'lnmgo , Darrow Uidannck , U. Anderson , S. A. Anderson and llortcnso Piorso , the celebrated singur , who ori'ii- pied carnages in the nrorusdion and wore Now York and Omaha badges con- . spicuously. THK VKTEKANS left for California last night aftoi the concert. They are quartered at theit train on the Union Paeiho tracks and are as happy as lords. As ouo of them re marked : "Wo are going across the continent to see where Now York tire- men first started a state.1 Dnvn Brodorick , for instance , who was cruelly murdered bv Judge Terry , wai nn old lire laddy. Mark Gray was the first Chun of Frisco and ho used to rim with Lady Washington of New York , 1 toll you wn haven't parsed a place between - tweon New York anil Omaha where wi could not take oil' our hats in memory ol n dead New York liremen or give r hearty shako to one who has become riuli and prosperous. Chun f rail's 'Moso is dead , but his spirit still lives. " THK OMAHA VKrKUANS. The following Is a complete list o the Omaha veterans who appeared it line in uniform. There arc mnnj others who could not appear on acconn of bnpmoss engagements , nbscnco iron tbocitv. sickni'ss , nto. : I. W.MInet , AUK. Utof , \\.JnnIino , Albert Kail. Charles Klslier , Oustavo Honeke , K. Schmllr. Andy Krict. J. 1 * . .1. Uynn , Kreif Seliaufor , Jroil Humpf , .loo KauDaoh , p n .Shiill , Kd Jlothi-ry , if enty Pnnilt. Tony Doniisbr , Frank .Murphy ; K ( I. Illley , Kd Crowell , .1. S. MrConnlok , K L. SKiru' , .lames France. Fred Krui ; , . Wllllnm Samuel Uurui , 1 > . Imo. I . k. Jielaau , William Uelly , V. Kvorltt , Captain Wllcox , > atO. llnwes. 1' . lorr , Otto Nesdcrwlser , Joe Standoven , ninei McOoatli , JI. Sliull , ' . P. Ilnnlon , Jlarry Tncnart. oscith Tcahon , F. J. McSlmno , MnlyMonltian , .I. A. Crclxhton , , onls Grebe , F. Klcllner , olin Hnach , Kd. Maurcr , 5. Van Uoren , \ > . Kroitch , . F. Sliccly. W. .I. Kennedy , I. N. Wlthncll , JS.Co.rshall , ; . M. Koster , Mart Jinnige , , onls lleliurod , Itevd France , 'IdlLanc Kd Wlttlir , elm Duller , Fred Lowe , A. lUMunwiir , John MulvllillI , ' 'ted SeliiiiUI , , Wllllnm Mack , ' 'red Ftat'Ken , F. II , Kostcrs , M , Goldsmith , lunnet ) Sclicru , C. O. Hunt , A. J. Simpson , ' . II. Allen , JauiPsT. Ulalr , C. J ) . lioln , v JnlliHFrnltschke , S. Sternf , W. J. Wldtehoiise , 00 Vanderfort , ( leoritn Krtclium , M U'aiker. II. K. ( irav. A. il , S.mdcrs John McDonald , tcorce UlanimliiI , A. P. Hopkins , . , ) . I'lHIOIn , H.llalm , I. T. Severs. J. Stevens , ' A. J.McOusun , JI. Sanes , Vlllinm hdmunds , Lou Sltton , . K. O'Neill , A. I'olucU , , . S. Held. S. C. Kudllold , Cd Stennlker , Louis Stein , Vter Wliidlmin , Frank Dollono , riiomas Cnllen , William Klynn , \ . A. ( lll)4on ) , M. Fleming , : 'hnmas Mulilrillil , A. Lender , . V. Wlim.iii , John J. OurtK 3. A. Lcary , Thomas Falconer , I.ran Dii.son , W. II. Mulcahey , nines C.illahati , David Knnn. ) . 0. Ole nn , Ficd Stnnnnn Icor n Whltlock , Jolin Cuulllold , ) . II. Fitch , h. M.OWOIIM , I. J. llonfold , George N. Sicken , I. K. Cowen , Sol Prince , . .Merrltt , Peter Dowdall. , . Falst , Fred Xot/matin , ' . Hesi'ii , JamesCo urovo , I.C. iliutman , Doc Malcom , f. S. Uuir , lluith Flanii an , . II. Licterbcrser , .lames Shields , Vte Oalllpin , John L Knn , Vlllinm Smith , C. S. Uondrlch , 'red liulini , Dill llemy , Van Ohtraiid , .loe Hums dim liaumiT , Tlioimis I'aulkncr , lerman ICuile , A. S. Jones , lames Halrd , < 5m Anderson , M. Lawless , .lames Donnelly , \darn SnyUer , Frank Kosters. Korns. The lady friends of the firemen were most generous. Bouquets wore plentiful uid beautiful. Kvon Charlie Sailer's parrot cage was lecorated. John Bvrno , of the well-known firm of Solon & ftvrne , Now Yorkeityis with the 'vets. " Ho was the only Irishman who oted for Harry Howard in years gone ; y. John was very much astonished to ind some of tho' "Vichy" water that comes from his establishment in New L'ork on sale in Omaha. The Now York "vets" intend to enter heir president , Anderson , at the next reroutes park races as a gentleman rider. Hod shirts were all the style yesterday Somebody asked for ox-Chief John Decker , of Now York , yesterday. Ho vasn't with the boys. "Veni , vidi , vici , " was the motto on ho veterans double ( looker. It is very appropriate on this visit to Omaha. They lave come , they have t-een a fine city ind conquered the all'octions of the poole - > lo of this locality. Tlio marching of ho veterans was particularly noticeable or military preotsoness. I'lio Concert. A largo audience attended the concert of the famous Cappa'sNcw York Seventh regiment baud last evening at Hxposi- ion hall. After the overture from 'William Tell , " Mr. I. W. Miner intro- luced Senator Mandcrson , who made a Tory happy speech. He neatly wol- jomed the New York veterans , and 3iilogi/.ed the volunteer firemen , who liad since the advent of the paid depart ments , been put on the retired list. In jeluvlf of the Omaha paid department ic presented to the New York veterans 1 floral helmet. "Tho fireman's ' helmet , " said he , "shields the head of as brave non as over did the helmet of the knights of old. " President Anderson , of the Now York reterun association , made an appropri- Uo response , and took occasion to pay a Handsome compliment to the people of Omaha and to thank them for the cor- lial reception which had been extended to the visitors. Max Meyer , president of the Omaha board ot trade , was next introduced by Air. Miner , and after making a few rather witty remarks , presentee ! to the New Yorkers a beautiful silver trumpet from Omaha Fire King No. 2. Presielent Anderson , of the New Yorkers , made another appropriate response in behalf of his association. The concert was then resumed with a cornet solo by Walter Rogers , who so de lighted the audience with his skillful playing that he was given a rapturous encore , to which ho responded. This was followeel by a selection froui "Lucia di Lauimorinoor , " by the band. Mr , Adolph Gloso now gave "Valso do Juliet" upon the piano. Ho responded to the enthusiastic encore with an admir able imitation of a music box. Each of his performances showed wonderful skill , which was appreciated bv his auditors. When Miss Hortonse Pierso made her appearance she was greeted with very warm applause. It will be re membered that she sang at the Omaha music , a festival in Juno , 18SO. Last even ing she sang Rossini's ' 'Stabbit Mater , " accompanied by the band. The accom paniment , however , was at times too strong. Upon being recalled , she sang a ballad , with piano accompaniment. In this number she had abundant opportu nity to show the wonderful range of her sweet and rich soprano voice. The remainder of the programme was rendered in an equally charming manner , and the unanimous verdict was that the concert wus one of the best musical treat ever enjoyed in Omaha. The New York veterans ami Cappa'a band left at midnight for San Francisco , taking with thorn ploas-int impressions of the metropolis of Nebraska. Tlio IK'ii.irturo. If the welcome extended to the Notf York firemen wus considered enthusias tic , the scenes attending their departure after their acquaintance of two days hai begot mutual friendship between their and tlu-ir Omaha giu ts , cannot bo de scribed with even superlatives. An ider of the departing ccrcinpnics must bo lies convoyed by an aggregation of the details tails attending them and a personal men tion of the participants. After the concert at the Kxpositioi building , what money could not hire the Cappa band to do , was accomplished , a1 they exprosseel it , by their deMio to pain the town red on their elcparturo it recognition of the hospitalities received Accordingly they tunned ranks and ii their march to the depot played wilhou cc. satiOt ! twenty-live airs. Arrived then blown out , the chief called a halt in tin music , and to the Now York and Omah : veterans assembloel the great Cnppahim < self , with his hat and baton thrown aside designed to make a speech , "I desire te remark , " ho said in tones no less musioa than the harmony ho had boon ulayliu all night , when his baud with a la bazoc accompaniment interrupted him by cry ing out mchorus.\Vhois Capua , " in om answering it in the next with the famoui gag ot the Seventh Now York regiment "he's first in war , first in peace and lirsi in the hearts of ills countrymen. A musical olio composed of "Atill Lang Svno" and the "Girl I Loft P-ehini Mo" followed , while the veterans' trail hacked in and the cry of ' 'All Aboard' warned them that ( heir Ik'Clhig hours it Oinaha had omlrd ami , the though that they wnro cloSud for.ovor ard thrt thrisn visitingan : ! tliOf-o receiving nilgh never perhaps look into or.ch otbera kindly faces this side of eternity , lent nn air to the scone tiiat will linger long and lovingly in the minds ami hearts of nil present. Kxterior ceremony was forgot ten and the scenes uf departure are best described by the utterances attending them. "This man. " said "Owncy" Ward , hue- ging Dick Wilde , " 1 knew forty-two years ago when wo both worked at the " "Yes " said butcher trade together. , Chief Galligan , "and when Dick first came to Omaha nnd heard the first alarm boll , ho used to say : 'Walt till I get my butcher cart together and I'll put out the whole fire. " Then the full band of Cappa played "Johnnie Got Your Gun" and iho lively strains set everyone danc ing. When the musical uproar ended J. W. Miner said ho had a few words to say , but what they wore no one will over know , for the Now York vctor.ins de scended upon him like the typical wolf on the fold , and captured his hat as a trophy of remembrance. Then "You'll Remember the band played member Me. " When quiet was restored , a gent , resplendent in a light white "tile , " then undertook to make a speech , and the indefatigable Cappa led oil'in "I Had Fifteen Dollars. " This set the entire party in a motion in a quadrille , which ho undertook to lend by asserting a thumping match " with his white hat as principal" against every one else's dicer , and the result was ho was vanquished in the conllict , and while the band played. "While This Old Hat Was Now/1 Miss Piorno , the soprano , awakened from her slumbers nnd entering heartily Into the sports , re quested Chief Ualligan to bring her the shredless hat. "I'll cnrrrv this to Now York , " she said , "in memory of to night's fun. " Then Cappa or dered " Rolling Homo In the Morn ing , Boys. " nnd the ticket agent of the Wabash went about like a roaring lion , trying to convince every body that there was a useless hat in the parly. Astray locomotive happening to whis tle , was the signal of "all aboard , " and as eyes began to grow moist with memo ries tender , Jim Boyle , the Now York plumber , thought there would bo a free/.o , and started put in search of a job. Cappa said ho felt sick , but when George Holl'man , the physician of the party , brought out a drug , the gallant leader ordered "instruments up , " and the baud plaved the "Girl I left Behind Mo. " Bill MoMaLon , in the lull , tried to tell the crowd that ho was a partner of Rtloy , of hotel fame , but lie never fin ished his story , for ho was thrown into the engine. Phil. JIcDowolJ , of Ninth avenue , said ho know something about the tarill' on wet goods , and at the enel of his dis course somebody presented a card reading - ing , "I'm great at lying myself , but you you knock mo out. " Then Phil , winked at Cappa , and the never tiring lo'idor winked at his band , and "You'll Not For get Mo , Mother , When I'm Dead" fol lowed solo. as a go-as-you-plenso A tap of the gong and a shrill whistle announced the moment of departure , ami President Anderaon , standing on the steps of the moving train with uncovered head and surrounded by his comrades and the ladies of the party , said : Gentlemen of Omaha Lot mo thank you once again on behalf of the Now York firemen for your hospitality. As we move westward through the trackless grasses of the prnirio.s , wo shall tnink of our Oinaha welcom , and in after years , when thti lecolloctions of this trip "of triumph will fill the gaps in future days , behove mo , the successful ollbrts of thevolunteer firemen of Omaha to make our short stay hero so pleasant will ever recur as one of Iho most pleasant memories of our lives. " The last words of Anderson were al most lost with the departing train , but their echoes wore revived by the deafen ing cheers of the firemen at homo , and rockets and Roman candles made a bla/.o lighting up the scene of eloparluro , which \yill not bo soon forgotten. The recep tion and entertainment of the Now York liromon guests will not he soon forgotten in Omah : ; , and to the tireless efforts of Chief Galligan , Max Meyer and I. W. Minor , aided by the responsive purses of the business men of the city , everything of the success is due. JIEAIJTIFUL CljIPTON IllLili. Handsome Oraiiiincrcy Pnrk Jots only725 and i7"0 and your choice $100 CASH , balance live semi-annual payments. This is an opportunity to double your money before any further payments are required. Secure one now. A. P. TUKKY , 1W ! i Farnam st. Notice. Any person giving information to the undersigned of the whereabouts of Gil bert Kverton will confer a favor on him. Ho loft O'Neill , Nob. , three years since , and has not since been heard from. B. F. ROUI.UTS , O'Neill ' , Neb. DASI1KD OUT HIS BRAINS. A Hey Killed liy Palling Into n Well. While drawing water from the well ai his home , Thirty-fourth and Lcavonwortl streets , yesterday evening about ( o'clock , Herman Gromnn , a boy thirtoet years old , slipped and fell into the well In h's ' descent he struck the bucket am dashed out his brains. The body \vu ; recovered and the coroner notified. Ai inquest will bo held this morning at ! o'oloo k. _ A Priest Arrested. Another asinine arrest by two of tin city's finest came to light this morning On Wednesday night Detective Horrigar and Ollic'T J olinson arrested Fathoi Robbins , a Canadian priest , as a snspi cious character , simply and solely be cause ho was carrying a valise along tin street at a late hour in the night. Hi was on his way to the Metropolitan ho ted when ho wis : helel up by the ollicors Ho endeavored to explain himself , bu the policemen would not listen. Ho wai hurtled oil' to jail and compelled to remain main thcro all night. In the mornin ; Judge Berka released him , and denounced nounced the arrest as a stupid on. Its auperldr cXcelloiico proven in millions o homed tor more than a Quarter of a century It U used by tlio United States ( iovprnmont Knd'jrseil by Uio humUnf tlip tlrpiit ( Jnlrorsl tin , us the Strongest , Purest niul Most Hunlth ful. Dr. I'dco'B tlio only llakini ; 1'owder th does not coiituln Ammonlni Lime , or Alum H > T.VQaK CU1CAQO. ' IV. LOCII. * / . POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vnrlHS. A mnrvcl of pur ty.strontftli and wliolcsomnnoss. Muro coon- mical til mi tlio ordinary kinds , nnd cnnoot bo old la competition with the multitude of low est short weight nlum or plioiphiito powders , old only In pans. UoYAti IIAKINO 1'ow UKR Co. OlWall-st. . N. Y. CAPITAL PRIZE , $159,000. "Wo do hereby certify tlmt wo supervise the rrnng-cmcnts for nil the Monthly nnd Semi Annunl Dnuvlnir * ofl'lio I.oiiM'uui stiito Lot cry Company , and In person innmwo and con rol tlio druwltiKf themselves , mid that the mno nro uniuluctod ultli honesty , ftili-nuss nnd n pond fnlth toward all turtles , nnd wo nutlior 70 the Company to u o this cortlllcnto with liio Imlloa of our blgnnturo attached , In Its udvor Iscments. " COMMlBSIONHnS. Wotho undersigned Unnlci nnd flankers will lay all I'rlzes drawn In The Louisiana State xuterles which may bo presented at our couri ers. T. It. oeirisiiY. : Prc * . Louisiana National Ilk. rir.UKC I.AXAUX , I'us. Stnta National IVc A. 1IAMHVIX , I'rcs. New Orleans Nat'lllank HAUL KOII.N , l > res. Union National Dank. N'PIIEC EDEXTElTATIlTACT I ON ! OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. [ jouisania Stitto Lottery Company .nrnrpar.iteil In 13Hfor2I > jrjar'iUr tlio IJ'R Miilara for eilueitloiinl unit elinrltiblu i > urpn with n iipltnl ofklU ( > ,000-tit which nroserrofunJof over ! AWUhas ) Blnco bccnnilded. Ily nn overwhelming popular vote It * tr inchtio wai nnilo ii nnrt of the present stiito constitution mlopteJ JpccmbcrSnil , A. I ) . IS ? ' . 'Jliounly lottuiv ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any state. It nnver scale * or postpones. Its Oiiuul Mntilo Number I > niwlnirstiikopIiK.o mmthly , and the Scnil-Aimunl Druwlnira iu > rn- arly every six months ( .luno and IKvcmbor. ) A Sl'LKNllII ) OI'I'OUTUNITV TO WIN A roilTUM ; . Ninth ( Ir.ind Dniwlnir , class I , n t'lo Academy of MuMo , Now Oiloiins. Tucs- Uay.Sop. U , 18ST ' 'OStli Monthly DrnwlMK. OAPJTAI , I I BKU , $15OOOO. t& Notice-Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves , S5. Fifths , S2. Tenths , S' ' . LIST Ol-1 I'ltl/M. 1 CAPITAL PIU/.H OK SI63.0M. . Jl.71,001 1 (1KANI ) I'ltl/.n OK 8I.OM. . . W.OOO 1 niANii'iti/.toK { 2 LA1K1K IMUXCSOK ] 0.0(10. ( . . ) ,0l ) ) 4 LAHC.K I'IMZUS OP C.IKW. . . XO.OIK ) 20 1'ltlZUS OK l.UIXJ. . . iUOUO 50 " MM. . . 5,00,1 100 " MO. . . MI.OOO UO ' W. . . 40,000 GOO " 100. . . 60.0JO API'HOXtM ITIONPIUSES. . 100 Approximation FrI'Cb or f : > oO. . . . 130,000 100 " " 2"0 . . . - 0,000 100 " " 100. . . . 10,000 l.W ) ) Terminal " 60. . . . 50.0JO 2,17 ! ! Prl/es Amounting to . Application fur rates to tlub fhould bo mncio only to the ( HlK-o of the company In .Now Orloiin. For further Information wrlto clearly , nlvlna full nillr ( ' . l' ( ) TAl. NOTHS , oxprem money or.lCM.or Now York Kxclmniiu In ordinary letter. Currency by ( at our cxpenso ) iiildeispil A. HAUI 111ZN , NK\V OHI.K.ANS , LA. , OrM. A. DAUPHIN , WASHINGTON , n. c. Atld j'ftis llcylntcrcd letters to NEW OULUANS NATIONAL HANK NEW OHLKANS i\ F M Jj M T ? TC lli ( Tnllt jenoruls th9. Ueaurogarrt Presence and of Early , who nro In clmrue of tbo uruwtnsa , is aguar- nntee of b olutn falrnesi ana Integrity , that tha cbanccanraalleiiual. and tbat no one can poislblr dlTlnoivnutminiljor wllldrawa I'rlta. R KM ISM II Kit that the payment of nil prizes Is OITAIMX1FE11 II V FOUR NATION' * ! . IHNKS Of NOW Orlenn , and the Tickets nre jlwnod by the provident Olan Institution , whose ch irtert ) ' ! rltfhts nro recog. nlred In thn hU-liest courts ; therefore , beware ot any Imitations or anonymous scbcruei OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Cor. 13th St. and Capitol Ave. , OMAHA , NEB. rOrt THE TREATMENT OF AU. CHRONIC - SURGICAL DISEASES CRACKS AND APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES , TRUSSES , AID THE HEW VABICOCUE SUSPENSORY CUMP COMPRESS. Hook on Diseases onVomcii VKllK. Only Hollablo MEDICAL INSTITUTE HAKIVn A fcPCCIALTV OK PRIVATE , SPECIAL aid NERVOUS DISEASES. DOOK FREE TO MEN ! 1'jion PrlTttc , Specht iin t Nervous l > i * ? w 6xniifttonliua | , lmjK > temyt fayphlll * , i < uuwr ' ' OH in i MF.nicir&'Kunai'cAr , Dr. HcUenany , Ccr. 13th st. & Oanitcl Av.,0njna , set ) . CT Medical Rooks or Papers Free. The iiropnotorot tUe Omnlia Mmllcil nnd * > urI. OHllnttltu.o lias published a v.iluuulo no , of boom unil luporsupo i vliroulcuiM lurgicil ill e < e > unil deformities , iiml tla metl.oas ot euro wliloli h.ivo given liliu tie ropututlonof uclnx tlie mint sHIIIful ll'Ul UCCe Hfllt H | > Ont4tlUt til tllQ W t , HIl t 111 ItlU tllU Inttltuto m cuiejrateil that m dlcliio * ururcntto mill putlontH recvlTOil from every ituto In the union. Aniuiu tlio books Is nru Ui'iu | ' ta ( llaa-oi u ( womun ; oiio upon ncrvou , specliil ana prtv.tlo tils. iHse < 4 it thuHoxiuil and urlintry or anaijirltooulo rureil liy mirulc'il micr.l'.loiH. uml their I ituly Invont- uilcl.uup mii > rei turp usury fur tin roller an I c uronf vurloocelo. IILTMHIH eiciiiustloii nntt 06x111 ! ilabl Ity , now rostor.itlto trdatiuunt I'npers upon lurKlcil braces , plldt , nincorn. | ia'uly ls , liti , KIPO- tricar and tuu lie v magnetic bat'ory for liainn lisa ) ditnrrli nnil Inliiil'itlon , U3 unllko inii.t booki Issued Lyilorlor < tree , tlioy > lo nut ron ljt of tostl- monl iU with nctliloin n mu < anil liiltliiln. or nibuljti of tliut Uml , but ivo pltlii ilomnptlonH of cll-onof , lyniptomi , new il | covnrlo < In me tlolno. surgery anil electricity , nnil nro well worth the nuriiiul tiiul ciinbe obtnlneilfrno bi iulilre ln < tlio ( liinlui MoJI- cul and hurjtt'Hl Institute , Utti btroct tnd Capitol arciiue , Omanu , Neor.inka. WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE J.M'- Anil cUitn uncrlnic from WE INVITE The 100,000 visitors that will enjoy the hospitalities of the city during this week , to visit the largest and finest clothing establishment of the west , aiid inspect the grandest collec tion of goods for incus' wear ever shown here. Our three floors fairly groan beneath their load of new fall and winter goods in every variety of fabric and of every conceivable shape. We have made special provisions for the members of the G. A . i In the shape of 2,000 G. A. K. suits , of the best all wool indigo bine flannels and finest Yacht cloth , heavy and medium weight , which we guarantee to sell from 25 to 50 per cent cheaper than other houses. BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS. All who visited this new department last week , acknowledged it to be the finest and best arranged establishment of the kind , and expressed surprise at the immense assortment of boys' and childrens' suits , and the low prices. Experience has taught thousands of cus tomers that we claim only what wo can demonstrate , and that wo offer no baits nor prac tice any catch-penny devices to make new trade. - - All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at \ Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. DR. POWELL BEEVES , 3H & 13th street. Omaha , PKIVATK IHfel'EXSAIt V. Established for the Scientific nnd Speedy Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special Diseases. Tlio Old Itcllulib Specialist of mimy years ex perience , treats with wonderful success nil 1UNO. TI1HOAT , CANCEH , PILES , 1'ISTO- LA , UrPTUKU , cured without KN'IFU OK CAUSTIC. Treats all forms of Throat Lunfr , Ncrvo nnd lilooil diseases , nil Cluonla diseases and Do- fotmltloB fur In udvnnco of nny Institution In this country. These who contumpliitu K"lnir to Hot Springs for the trcntinont ot any 1'rlviito or lilood disease can bo cured for ono thud the cost ut our 1'rlvnto Ulsponsury , UU South loth Btroct. Omnlm , Nob. HUI'TUKK cured without pnlu orhlndornnce rom business. I finiCC Hy this trontmont n pure Lovely KiHIIIkO Complexion , Iruo troin glownuss , Ircuklcc , blackheads , eruptions , etc. , Ilrllliant I'.ycs itndpurlcut health can bo Imd. 5 f That "lirod" feollni ? and ah female weaknesses - nesses promptly cured , llloatint ? Hundiichus , Nervous Prostration , Clenornl Debility , Sleep- lessne , Depression nnd Indigestion , Dviirlon troubles , Inflnnimntlon nnd Uleointlon , rnlllnjr nnd Displacements , Splnnl wonkncs ? , Kldnoy comphilnts nnd CliiitiRo of Life. Consult til old Doctor. EVE EUR EAD Acute or Chronlolnllnm bill Allll C Hill mat ion of thu Eyelids or ( iloboixnd far or Nnnr SlBhlodness , Inversion of the Lids. Scrofulous E > os , UlcpratlonIn ! - llnmnmtions , Abscess , Dimness of Vision of ono or both ojos , und Tumors of l.ld. t. * ' " Inflammation of the Kar , Ulcoratlun or Catarrh , Intornnl or External Deafness , or 1'arulysls , Singing ° r HoiirlliK noises , Tblukoncd i , etc. ItfnilC nebllity , Spormntorrhocn , Som- I iVUUO Uiill Losses , NlKht Kmlsslons , „ _ of Vital 1'owor , Sleeplessness , Dusjiond- cncy , Ixss of Memory , Confusion of Iili'iti , lllurs lltforo the Kycs , Liihsltndo , L-miruor , ( iloomineas. Depression ol Spirits. Avoislnntu Society , Ktislly Dlscourn ed , Lack of Conll- ilcnce , Dull , Listless. Unlit for Study or llusi- ness , nnd finds life n burden , Safely , Permit- ncntly nnd Privately Cured. Ci/IUl'lBoases.Syplillls n dt- Dl nnn 9 / OLUUll fit OMNsonso most horrlblo in Its refill Its completely urndlcated without the use of mercury. Scrofula. Kryslpel.is. Fovcr Sores , lllotches. Pimples , L'lcors , piilns In the Hond and Hones , Syiihllitio Sere Thiout , Mouth nnd Tontruo , Olandiilnr hnlnrgemont of the Neck , Hheuroatism. Catarrhetc. , Permanently Cured When Others Have Kallod. IEDIU1DV Kldnoy nnd Illadner troubles , UtllHAlfll Weak llnck , Unrnlnt ? Urine , 1'roiiuoncy of UrlnatliiK' , Urine high colored or milky fiedimonton etandlnp , ( lonorrhiun , fllt-ut , Cjstltls , etc. , promptly nnd salely cured. Ctianres rcasonnbli' . DDIUATC fllCCACCC lilooil polfon rtUVAIC UlOCHOCd venereal taint Klnut , stricture , Eomlnal emissions , loss of K-X- mil power , wo.ikncss ot the sexual nriaii.wmit of desire In male or fomiilc , wholhor from im- iirudout habits ot younif or noxiiiil hnblts In mntiiro ycnrs , or nny caneo that dobllltatos the soxnal innctlons , speedily nuil pormunontlr Consultation free nnd strictly confidential. Medicine tout trco from observation to nil parts of the United Slates. Correspondent. receives prompt attention. No loners an swered unless accompanied by four cents in stamps. Send stamp for pnmtihlot anil | | . | of questions. Terms strictly each. I ajlon or nd- reSS No. 3M South 13th St . Oinaha , Nob. Pianos & Organs Ilcfnllcd at Wholesale l > rife < i. Write for catnlotruoi. iiricos and terms nnil nvo troin | 5'J to 150 in tlio pnrcliusoot nn in- Etruinont. IIL'ViTT : ItKOS , , SI. Joteph , I < > . DOYNTON FURNACE CO , , Sole Manufacturers of BOYNTON'S RANGES CHEATERS , With All MODERN Improvomonts. 47 and 49 Dearborn St. , J. H. MANNY , MANAGER. CHICAGO. von SU.E ur HENRYE. COX. Onlain , Ne b MANHOOP.VoiitliiilIinpr ! ) lllticnulfd , tliroutli rrrois nnil hatl prartlccj CURED. HKAI < tW.lVLacustit st.I-ouls Cincinnati , O. For sale by the following agents : Richardson Drus Company ; Blake ; ' Bruce & Co. , Adler &Heller , Frank Dellonc & Co. , R. K. Grotte. Uorkoil & Mack , Families supplied by Gladstone Bros. & Co Sample bottle dee. For sale by all' wholesale and retail druggists , liquor dealers and wine merchants. , JUMBO IS DEAD And Maud S. Has Retired from the Track Jiltt we lutve. the Lnracit tin I Finest Una of Cari'ltt'ici , Jlnrncsi , Ilobrs , J > l < tnlcts'llovsc Clotliiny ami till lintln of Turf dootls , ever carried ' toll tniy jinn in tlie clti/ . , _ . ! 00 Set * of Team , Fdi'm , Kriireas , Coitne Liulit , DnitMe ,0 Stnylc / / ? j now , for # ntc , rcyartllcmi of rwf. Solts ttycnts for the Cttllfttrnitt Jioma I loots. JVo/ie ycnnine milt-is t-tit > iti > < - < l * " ' A , MuKwon , S. l-\ " II rslcrn Af/fntsfor the cclebrtitcil Toinnct/ , S'ii//-y. / .S7 . / > nrttuntl ttntl when //oit / are rctnlii to buy cull on MJTCII / . / . , I1 IIAIXKti , S. W. Corner Kith St. and CttnUitl Avc . , Oinnhti. , 01 THI : The Scholastic yoirpomtnenros on the Vlr t Wodno.sday In F pt m > irr. nitffto'i-o of rHI- Klon is no oSsUclo to the admission of J-OUIIR ladles Pupils nro it-c-lvo-i nt any timu ol the ancluillnBRonrcl , Washing. TnltIon m i : uml Truncli , liidtrumuntul Mimic , Use of $150 M , session ol r'lvo Months Hooks per , . uu Utislr. ) llarpVlolin-u\tri" , ' . inPin purnoiisnnl.no ii lo mo limitation , luii'iiiuHiiru imiuiiu.i , o thu lll I.t Huv JAS. O Oox-.uu. or lo tha LnJy dviporlor. A magnificant display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture maker's art , reasonable . prices. .