Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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    f 7
That Oereal Commands a Quod Share of At
tention in All Branches.
Increased Activity Characterized Btts-
Inenfl In the- Provision 1'lt
Cattle Blow nnd Unsatis
factory Quotation * .
rjiiioAGo rnoDOOE MA alter.
CIUCAOO. Sept. & ISpeclal Telczram to
tlio HEK.I Corn coinmnntled a KOOI ! share of
nttcntlon on the lloor to-day and trading was
on an Increased scale In nil brunches of tlio
market. Hiitcliliison's brokers led In buying
nnd tlit'lr purchases , especially for casb and
September delivery , wcro of n larjo BBUTO-
cntc , though they took great quantities ot
May besides. OiUsUlo ortters did not show
any Increase worth mentioning. Tlio feeling
throtijliotit was bullish. There wcro ndvanco
tips of course of what the government esti
mate would bo on the crop yield , most ot
them putting It nt 1,400.000.000 bushels , nnd
this was the strongest factor In the market.
Other markets appear to be following the ad
vancing tendency shown here , New York nnd
St. Louis bclne reported stronger to-day ,
with a further Improvement of d In spot
corn at Liverpool. There continues a very
free outward movement , lake charters for thn
past twenty-four hours footing up 313,000 bush
els. Commission houses report a largo Increase
In farmers' deliveries during the past few
days , but this fact , If known to the crowd ,
bad no perceptible clfect. The bears still
outnumber the bulls nearly two to one , ns
was proven by n personal canvass of the pit
by atradcr to-day , yet tbe buying side np-
pears to bo gaining friends rapidly , and that
packers and provision mun are bullish on
the market Is very well known. The par-
tics most largely Interested In the mar
ket for short ribs were cred
ited with buying corn freely this
forenoon. In the aggregate n largo business
was done , based on yesterday's closing
figures for futures. September corn made
nn advance up to 1 o'clock of lc , while
moro deferred deliveries closed KQJfc
higher. From 4l c bid nt the opening for
September , that future Improved to
42 c , nnd nt 1 p. m. was the
top. October advanced steadily from
the split at the opening to
42'/c ' , and rested at 42.jfQ4.2c ! at 1 o'clock . ,
with November , quoted at 4'i-Kic and
December nt 45'fc old. Initial trades In May
wcroat45c. On the bulge that future Im
proved to 45c , with 4JK@4 > c split bid at
1 p. in.
Wheat was asaln dull to-tlav , but tbe feel'
Ing was stronger than on yesterday , and a
slight Improvement In pi let's Isnotud. Cables
wcro dull , and export inquiry insignificant.
Wheat Is moving out faster than It Is coming
In , however. Lake engagements for the
dav foot up 70,000 bushels , and considerable
( juanUtic.H nro going out right along by rail.
October wheat started in at 70 , ' @ 70) c , De-
cembea at W-tf , and May at TUKc.
The | tone was ono of weak
ness and depression early , but the opening
range was practically the inside. A good
many local traders who had sold yesterday
on the decline found very little property for
halo when thuy attempted to cover to-day ,
nnd the demand from the iihorts , Insignia-
cant ns It would bo considered In an ordi
narily lively market , was suillcicnt to ad
vance prices % c. October wont from 70 , " @
70Jfc to 70 > p. December from 73)4'c ) to
7.'ic , and May from 7U > e to 7'JXc :
Tlio market softened somewhat after the ur
gent demand from shorts was satisfied , but
prices only receded X < j3 > > e. T'lfl ' l o'clock
range was fiSJ/c for .September , 70c for
October , 73 @ 7.JJ for December and 7lc
for May.
Oats Jworo O'moderately active nnd
Ktrongt'r. Improved speculative demand , a
lot up In receipts and an advance in corn
woie the principal aids to the bulls and they
made tlio most of their opportu
nities. September property showed
the greatest uuoyancy , the market advancing
from 24 c nt the opening to 24 ? c , which
was the 1 o'clock closing price and KC above
yesterdav's latest bids. October improved
Jrom 25@25 > < c at the start to 85 { ®
25Vc anil rested at , 25c , or Ifc
higher. November closed at 20c and Slay at
SOVc. Sales of the latter were at the ex
treme range of iKXjWdJ.fe.
The provision pit was the center of consid
erable Interest. Increased activity charac
terized general trailing , though September
and October short ribs , which were
advanced another lOc , led the market.
Lard , however , commanded more than
usual attention and averaged ut 1 o'clock 2jc
higher. In tlio product for next winter de
livery there was also something of a boom
tiiul year pork experienced an appreciation
of 40c , January pork of 12Kc , January lard
of BJtfc and January short ribs of 7Kc. For
January pork closed at S12.77H , lard at
80.C2K and short ribs at 0.00. September
hhort ribs r.ingcd the same toJ c under Oc
tober , which sold at S8.bUS .b7' $ and rested
ntSH.87 } . Fluctuations in lard weioon -
lined to2 ! < taand at adjournment September
stood ut S.OW'f ' and October and November
at SO. . ' *
Prices were fractionally higher
for wheat , oats and coin at the after
noon session. Hlbs also advanced a few
cents. Wheat for September sold ntGSJjf ( < 7 !
Cite , October sold at 70 > @ 70Kc. November at
TO OiWUo , December at 7Wc and May at
TB&c. Corn for September sold at 42J c. Oc
tober at 4 ! , l/42 fe , November at42XM > 4'Kc ! ;
nnd Mav 45 < e. O.tts for September 24Jsc ,
October 25c. . November 2fl c and May iSO'i'c.
Mess pork for the year sold at S12.0 : ! ,
Januarv at 812.82) ) , ' . Laid for Oc
tober S0.57K. November 50.57 } , December
S0.57X : January , SO.G5.
CHICAGO , Sopt. f. I Special lolegrnm to
the UKI.J : CATTLI : Trade was again slow
and unsatisfactory. As to prices , there was
no particular change ns compared with yes I-
V terday on falrtogood natives , but anything be I1 1-
low or anything that had to compete with the
best Texans and rangers was generally quoted
lower , and such are now lower than for any
time tills year. It Is like thowlng money away
In sending to this market at present thin i ,
grassy , half fat natives. They are not wanted
by any class of dealers that buy in Chicago.
Itungo cattle , especially the northern class ,
Bold no lower than yesterday , yet prices have
dropped 2U@25c this week. Texans were
about the same as for a dav or two past , but
goiiiu sanguine salesmen fancied they ito ite
getting better offers than yesterday. Native
butchers' stock remains dull at the very low
prices of ( ho past two \\ccks. Most ot the
trailing In stockcrs nnd feeders Is between
( peculators. Countrymen arc not buying to
any great extent , lu'lico tha stock on hand
must be accumulating. Shipping steers ,
1XV ) to 1500 Ibs , 4.20 < < M.OO ; 1200 to 1 50
llis. S3.40@4.50 ; Itt ) to 1200 Ibs , 82.1K 0 )
01.00. Stockcrs and feeders. 9l.50@2.00 0t ;
rows' , bulls and mixed , < tOO@ti.75 ; bulk !
f 2.00 < 32.2.1 > . Texas steers , 82.yOit8.l5 ; cows ,
51.7Xs52.0. ( Western rangers , sloW : natives
and half breeds , 82.7U@ J,40i\vintered ; Tex-
BUS , 52.756(3.10. (
lions Trade was active , with an
upturn of about 5c all around.
Speculators niadu the pace to-day and kept i.It
up I mm tlio start to the linlsh. Then short
ribs were in better demand and higher , rte ;
that tlie incident brought out a better packIng -
Ing demand. A few lancy heavy lots sold
nt S5.MXVr5.ou. mid good butcher weights nl
M0Q5.50. Packing and the ordinary run ol
shipping sorts sold within n range of S5.20tf
B.40. with common at S5.105.25. Light sorlsi
55.25@j.a : ; graders , 84.NXa5.25.
NEW YORK , Sopt. a [ Special m
to the BKK.I STOCKS The stoct et
w s rather slow and plainly showed an etb
eenco ot outside business ot any moment
There was considerable talk nnd hard feel
Ing engendered by Urn recklessness ot tin :
bears lu circulating malicious stories calcu
lated to effect the standing of several Wai
itre t houses known to have connections In
business way with Ives. A bear point wa
l o made out of the failure of the treasury
to accept any of the bonds ottered yesterday
U was a thin point , however , for the tr
the past three weeks have ap
practically Insignificant and the continued
ourchases of securities by foreigners has
brought more gold to this country within the
past month than the treasury has paid out
for bonds. The nxlnz up of the passenger
war to the southwest removed a good bear
card , but they still have left the unfavorable
condition of the Iron trade nnd the apathy ot
outside speculation to mark on nnd aid In
making the most of It , with a fair degree of
success , despite the predictions of the bulls
that the bears have played their last card.
Shipments ot cold keep up , SI,200.000 being
ordered to-day from London and Herlln , but
It had little rITect on values of stocks. The
market opened steady to llrm , with Lacka-
wana , Western Uj\lon \ , St. Paul , Heading
and several other stocks } ( topper cent
higher. London was n fair buyer of St. Paul ,
Heading , nnd Wnbash profcred. but after a
fractional rally the market became weak and
sold olt X to \ } ( per cent. Missouri Pacific
showing the greatest loss. The market re
mained quiet and easy for several hours and
an n few { specialties slight rallies occurred.
The Western Union statement Is duo next
week. It Is expected to show that It has
earned considerably over 1 per cent on Its
stock , Should the consolidation of the Ualti-
moro & Ohio take place and tlio rate bo nd-
vnnced say 5 cents It would make addi
tional net earnings of over 52,500,000 , or 3 per
cent on Its stock. This bad a stimulating In
fluence and the close was firm nt X per cent
advance over yesterday. The market was
feverish the last hour , 'Iho short interest Is
largo nnd In several properties the boars
were not disposed to stand on their contracts ,
and rushed to cover. Heading regained all
the decline and closed the cnmo as yesterday.
St. Paul was per cent higher and cotton
oil "stiffs" were strong and one point higher.
The rest of the list was weak , with declines
extending to 1 ? per cent. The total sales
wcro 237,917 shares , against 340.27U yester
OovKitNsiF.NTSi Government bonds were
dull but heavy.
U. S. 4's coupon .125V C. AN. W 114 %
U. S. 4i's coup. . 103 do pref erred. . . 142jjf
Tactileifsot'in..UM N. Y ; c ios %
Canada South'n. . 50 O. K. &N. . DO
Central Pactlio. . 3) O. T. 23tf
Chicago & Alton. 145 Pacific Mall sstf
do preferred. . . .155 P. , D. ifK 23 %
C. , B. &Q PulImanPaI.Car.140
D. , L. A ; W Heading
D. &H.O 25J5 Hock Island . . . .125
w" " ' ' "n1'St. ! L. &S. F. . . .
dD preferred' ! . . ! os' do preferred. . . ,
Illinois Central. .110 C. , M. & St P. . .
I. , B. & W 17 do preferred..118 >
K. AT 20 St P. & 0 45J
Lake Shore do preferred..10S
L. AN C2f Texas Pacitic. . . . 2r"
MlchUanCeufl. . 8fl i Union Pacific. . . .
Mo. Pacific 00 $ W.-St. L&P. . . . 17
No. I'aclric 25 % do preferred. . 31
do preferred. . . . 52 W. U. Telegraph 77 }
MONEY On call easy at 8@0
cent , last loan nt 4 percent , closed olfercd at
4 percent.
STicni.iNn EXCHANGE Dull unsettled
nt S4.7t ) ( < ? 4.SO for 00 day bills , and S4.83 } @
4.8i for demand.
Chicago. Sept 7. Following quotations
are the 2 : : Jclo.iintr figures :
Flour Dull nnd Slow.
Wheat Fluctuations again confined wlth-
In narrow limits , and the feeling was rather
firm , cash , C8 15-Kic ; October , 70 > o : No
vember , 72 U-lOc.
Corn Moro active nnd fluctuations moro
frequent than for past few days , leellng
firm , closing 3 ( fclYo above yesterday ;
cash , October nnd November , 42c.
Oats firmer nnd blither , with good do-
mnud ; cash , 24J c ; October , 85c : Novem
ber , 2 < % c.
Uye Quiet 45c.
IJarloy Unsettled at C7c.
Primp Timothy Seea-S2.35@2.30.
Flax Seed-81.05.
Whisky 51. 1U.
Pork firmer and higher , andmore doing ;
year 812.10 ; January. 812.62 } .
Lant Moderately active and stroneer ;
cash , 80.55 ; Octooer and November , 8fi.5"K.
Dry baited Meats Shoulders , 55. ? > @ 5.35 ;
short clear , S9.irxtf9.23 ; short ribs , 88.00.
Unttcr Unchanged ; creamery , 10@23c ;
dairy , 15@19e.
Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars ,
10X ( < Jllc ) ; flats , 10@lOtfe ; Young Americas ,
Eggs-Firmer at 13 { @ 14Jic.
Illdes Unchanged ; heavy green hides.
7k'c ; light do , 78c ; salted bull hides.
Go , green salted calf , 8X@9c ; dry flint , 12 ®
We ; dry calf , 12@13c ; deaconi 30e each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , S c ;
No. 2 , 3c ; cakes , 4c.ItocelnU.
ItocelnU. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 28,000 18,000
Wheat bu . 55.000 31,000
Corn , bn . 259,000 210.000
Oats , bu . 108.000 053,000
Kye , bu . 3,000 1,000
Unrloy , bu . 55,000 21,000
St. Ijiuiis , Sept. 8. Wheat strong ;
cash , G9 , ! < < a70c ; October , 701 < c.
Corn-Higher ; cash , SS' lOc ; October ,
Oats Firm : cash , 24Vc ; October , 24 Vc.
Pork 815.25.
Lard -80.40.
Duller Unchanged ; creamery , 2l@25c ;
dalrv , 16(321e. (
Afternoon Hoard Wheat Firm ; Sontem-
bor , GO c : October , 70J < c : November , ? JK&
Corn lllirher ; September , 32 > fc ; October ,
S9cMay.4lKc. ;
Oats Stronger ; September , 28 c ; Octo
ber ,
Mllwankoc. Sept. 8. Wheat Strong ;
cash , CUKe ; October. 70 c.
Corn-Dull ; No. a. 41c.
Oats Steady : No. 2 white , 27 } c.
Kye-Firm ; No. 1. 81.05V.
Hai ley Strong ; No. 3 , 5Sc.
Provisions Steady ; pork , September ,
Olnotnnatl. Sept. & Wheat Stronger ;
No. 8 red , 72o.
Corn Stronger ; No. 3 mixed , 44f@45.
Oats Flimer ; No. 3 mixed , 27 t J7Kc.
Hjo stronger ; No. 2 , 51c.
Pork Firmer at S15.25.
Lard Firm and unchanKcd.
Whisky-Steady at 81.05.
Now Vorle , Sept. 8. Wheat Re
ceipts , 302,000 ; exports , 151,000 ; spot quiet ,
but generally firm ; options have scarcely
varied for the day. closing firm : ungraded
red , 7 < aS2cNo. ; 1 red , nominal nt84c ; No.
Bred. 80-tfo in elevator , 81 > @S4c delivered ;
October closed
HiXoin store , Al@5i/c delivered ;
f. o. b. ; distilling , 40c ; October closed at
60 0 ,
O.Us About } { c higher nnd firm ; receipts ,
87,000 ; exports , 844 : mixed western , 8.34c ! ;
white western ' .
llliU 11VO * * I , U\ < ( * VV
ColToo-Spot , fair ; Hlo , steady at 820.00 ®
20.12K ; options 5@lOo higher , closing steady ;
sales , .S0.750 bags ; September , 318.00 ; Octo-
lM r , S18.15@ia2.5 : November , SlB.40@ia45 ;
December , 18.55@l8.5tl ; January , Jtl8.CO@
Petroleum Firm ; United , COiCc.
Kirns Firm and In fair request , westein
PorK Stronger : mess quoted at 815,25 for
old ; 8U > .ooio.25 for now.
Lard Higher ; western steam , spot , ? 0.92 } ,
Butter Quiet and steadv ; western , w
Q24c ; western creamery , lb@3lc.
Cheese Dull anil easier ; western , 0@10Xc.
New Orlenni. Sept 8. Corn Dull ,
wean and lower ; mixed , Me ; jflluw , DJC ;
white , 5Sc ,
Oats Dull , weak and lower nt 85c.
- Corn Meal Knsier at S2.30@2. 5.
Homo Products Strong and higher.
Bulk Moats Shoulders , S5.SO ; long clear
and clear rib , 8S.S7JJ.
KaiiNua Citjr. Sept. a Wheat Dull ;
No. 2 soft cash,05 3 bid ; May , 70c bid.
Corn-Strong ; No. 2 cash , UO. ' c bid ; Octo
ber , ! itii4'e bid.
Oats DulljXo. 2 cash , 23Yc hid ; May , 27o
Sept. 8. Wheat-Market
quiet , and In good demand for dry milllne
- wheat ; damp and elf grades , dull ; No. 1
hard , old , casti , 741S4p ; October , ? 2c : Novem
ber , 73c ; Nn. 1 nnrlhern. cash. Wfc ; Octo
- ber , 70e ; November , 71e ; No. 2 northern ,
old , cash , 70c ; October , 6' > c : November , 07c
on track : old No. 1 hard , 7 * ' > c : No. I north
ern , 75c ; No. a northern. 73c ; now No. 1
hard. 73@74c : No. 1 northern , 70@7-.ic ; No.
2 northern , TA3T4c.
Flour Firm ; patents. * ,25iJ4.40j ( bakers' ,
83.S5tct5.50. . , .
Receipts Wheat , 148,000 b\k - . :
Shipments Wn&at , 9(7,000 ( Bu. ; flour , 4-
000 bbls.
Ijlverpool , Sept. R Wheat Quiet :
holders offer freely : red western wlnter.Cs2d
fiJCs4d per cental ; red western spring , Oj Id
( JO * 2d.
Com Firm nnd In fair demand ; new
mixed western , 4s 2 } < d per cental.
Sept 8. The Drovers' Journal
reports ns follows :
Cattle Hecclpts. 11,000 ; bleher for best ,
others slow ; fancy , 85.10(35.40 ( ; ship
ping steers , 32.OOffl4.PO ; .stackers
and feeders , Sl.Mraa.'JOj ' cows , bulls
and mixed , 81.00(82.75 ( ; Texas cattle ,
81.70(33.15 ( ; western rangers. SJ.70@3.40.
Hogs Receipts , ; strong and Gc
higher ; roticli , S4.5@5.45 : packing and
shipping , J5.2530.40 ; light , 84.00(3 ( .40 ;
skips , 53.OOS4.bO.
Sheen Hoceipts , 40.000 ; steady ; natives ,
SH.OOa4.60 ; western , 83.10(33.70 ( ; Texans ,
82.75g3.bO ; Inmbs , 84.00 5.00.
Natinnr > l Htock Variln. Knit Ht.
LniilH , III. , Sept. 8. Cattle Receipts ,
1.300 : shipments , 4,000 : coed cattle are n
shade higher ; common , dull ; fair to choice
native steers , 83.a x3i4.70 : butchers' cattle.
3. : @ 3.90 : feeders , ? 2.60(33.40j ( cows and
heifers , 82.00(33.00. (
Hoes Receipts , 3,200 : shlomcnts , 14,000 :
market active nnd steady ; butchers' nnd
choice heavv. 85.3-V35.45 ; mixed packers ,
85.00(35.2.1 ( ; York-era , S5.00@5.25 ; pigs and
grnssers , 84.00(34.85. (
Kannat City , Sept. 8. Cattle Re
ceipts , 2,400 ; shipments , 1,400 ; market dull ,
weak nnd lower for all grades except stockers -
ers nnd feeders nnd prime beeves : good to
choice natives , S4.00@ .50 ; common to me
dium , 83.00(33.75 ( ; stockers , * 2.00@2.fiO ; feedIng -
Ing steers , S2,75@3.35 ; cows , 81.50 ( 2.05 ,
Hogs Receipts , 7.000 ; shipments 500 ;
market strong and 5@10c higher ; common
to choice , S5.00@5.SO ; skips and pigs , 84.00
Thursday , Sept 8.
Cat tic.
There was not much Inquiry for any kind
of cattle except for good corn fed natives ,
nnd there were none of that kind In.
Butchers' stock was very slow nnd dull , and
aside from two or three loads of cows , there
were only n few odds nnd ends sold. There
was some Inquiry for feeders , but very few
were sold. _ _ _ _ _
The receipts of hogs were light. The mar
ket opened strong with an active demand ,
and advanced fully Co over yesterday's
market. Everything offered on the market
was quickly taken , and the pens wore
cleared early In tlie day. One load of cholen
heavy hogs reached 85.40 , the top for some
weeks past.
There was nothing doing on the market.
Rooclpt ? .
Cattle. . . . . 500
11033 . . 2,500
Shipments Sunday.
Cattle 34 cars
Sheep 2 cars
Prevailing Prloo * .
Showlngthoprevailing prloos paid for 11 va
stock on this marknt :
Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . .81.25(34.50 (
Choice steers. 1100 to 130J Ibs. . . 4.0004.25
Fat little steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75M3.00
Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 1500 3.75 44.3.5
Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 3.50(33.00 (
Common to medium cows 2.00(32.25 (
Good to choice bulls 1.75(33.00 (
Light and medium hozs 5.15M5.25
( lootl to choice heavy hess r > .25@5.5 ! !
Hood to choice mixed hogs 5.20 u)5.25 )
Representative Hale * .
No. Av. Pr. No. ' Av. Pr.
01..1008 3.00
53..1215 3.00
17. . . . 937 2.40 . . . . 750 2.55
17. . . . 841 2.55 3 . . .1370 2.80
3. . . . 580 3.00 3..1120 3.25
18..1015 3.25
no os.
No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
80..108 120 S5.13J4 05..207 40 85.SO
08..209 200 5.20 GO. . .291 5.30
09..236 40 5.20 59..284 160 5.30
75..217 240 5.20 55..258 80 5.30
59..248 bO 5.25 82..230 40 5.30
G'J . . .267 120 5.25 71..206 80 5.30
50..207 340 5.25 C3..2.-J7 bO 5.30
71..215 80 5.25 09..201 100 5.80
63..240 80 5.25 50..2. 0 5.80
81..230 ICO 5.25 71..200 SO 5.30
63..240 200 5.35 67..298 100 5.30
04..353 80 5.25 CO..204 80 5.80
70..243 100 5.25 00..390 100 5.30
74..244 120 5.27 09..275 200 5.a5
59..201 5.30 CO..270 40 5.35
03..243 120 5.30 55 . . .320 120 5.35
05..258 40 5.BO 60. . . . 335 5.40
Ijivo Stock Sold.
Showing the number of head of stock sold
on the market to-day :
G. 11. Hammond & Co 55
Local 43
Shi ppers 1U5
Total 203
110(13. (
Anglo American Packing Co 1,508
G. 11. Hammond & Co 421
Armour & Co 513
Total 3,502
All sales ot stock in this market are made
per ewt liva weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at Ko per Ib. for all weights
"Skins , " or hogs weighing loss than 100 IDs ,
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 ID&
and stagsSOlbs. bv tlieonblio Inspector.
Ijlvo Stock Notes.
llojs active ,
llo s nil bold.
Light receipts.
No good corn fed cnttlo In.
Another 5c advance on hogs.
There were a good ninny Iowa men in vcs-
J. Johnson , Valley , was in with a load of
fat calves.
11. Jeffrey , Osccola , was on the market yes
terday with a load of hogs.
It. A. Templeton , a well-known shipper ,
was among the visitors nt the yards.
Mr. Carlson , of the firm of L. Anderson &
Co. , Mead , was here and sold a load of 25c
Pitt & Hlake , Grand Island , were both
here and marketed 01 head of 1008-lb steers
at 53.00.
John liarton , Friend , Neb. , was among the
visitors at the yards who were looking for
Win. Lakln , Friend , Neb. , was looking
over the yards yesterday and Inquiring-
J , 11. Ulenklron , Coldrege. Neb. , came In [
with a load of hogs which sold on the uiaiket
at 85.27K.
J. S. Hull , Dunlap. la. , was In and mar
keted a load of hoys at a price that made
him happy.
The packing houses were all closed at noon
yesterday to give the workmen a chance to
attend the lair.
E. A. Shaln , Elgin. Neb. , made his first
trip to the yards yesterday with 243-lb hogs
which sold at $5.30.
John Stevens , a shipper from Panama , In. ,
wns hero yesterday. G. W. CrandaU of the
same place , was IHMO also.
Among those In with stock was Louis
Akin , Clurinda , la , , who had two loads of
cattle and one of hogs on the market.
Mr. Hennett , of the firm of Scliove & Den
nett , lloag , was at tlio yards and marketed a
load of 33Mb hos nt 85-40 , the top price.
Mr.Young , of the firm of Nelson & Young ,
Oakland , was at tlio yards yesterday ,
his second visit , and marketed a load of
hogs at S5.3-'K.
The followhu marketed hogs : J. Huck ,
Ciete ; lloyles & Co. , Crete : 11. Guild & Co. ,
llladen ; F. A. Harris. Sterling ; G. 11. WII-
cox , Alma : K. J. Newton , Pleasant Dale ;
S. E. Hohnbaum , Wnco ; M. Hathaway ,
HlAcr Sioux ; Neikon ic V. , Oak
land ; tiluckley & H. , Stromsburg ;
K. A. Shaln , Elgin ; Ny W. M. Co. . Cres-
tiui : C. Schneider. Snyder : J. Hastlo , Tal-
nuge , 1. MnnlonVabash ; Menaueh tiros. ,
( ' Hindi lilulls H. W. li. . .
( ; II. tl. & 3UII , Council
Hlulfs ; W. Klpi i. Hnmureys ; J. G. Hall , Gib
bon ; Reynolds P & Co. . Friend ; W. H. Saur
* Co. , Wllcoxs : W.V. . KloekA Co. . Hra < {
shaw ; W. Vickcry , Marne ; / . liaughti , Han
tlolph ; Farrlngtnn > V Son , Lyons ; .11. U. Uex
tt-r. Hlnlr : 1C lilaco , Kcnnard ; tio. Uootel ,
Mlllard. ; Gardiner A. Jc Co. , Dodge.
' " * Thursday , Sept. 8.
37ic following 11 % the price * ot
round lots of pruulicc ( ire eli oil
murkct : \ 4
Receipts to-day were very largo. Kirgs.
butter and poultry being the heaviest. Prices
have declined some. '
Kmis The market Is still weak at 10
BuTTEn-Crp.irnery , (25@20c per pound ;
choice dalrv , 1-O.Wc ; medium grades , I3@l0c ;
ordinary. 9glOc. (
CIIEKSK Market fair. Fancy full cream
Cheddars , single , lSc ; full cream twins , 13c :
young Americas ' 3Kc ; brick cheese , 100 Ibs
In case , 15a ; Llmberecr , 100 Ibs in case , ISJic ;
Saurs" fancy Ohio , H > c.
OVSTEIIS Hulk oysters nro quoted nt S2.00
pc hundred fresh in cans ; standard , 40c ;
N Jew York counts , 60c.
Pour.TiiY Fair market ; siirlng chickens ,
Sl.75ftt2.5o ; old fowlt. 82.50Q3.25 ; ducks ,
32.25 < a2.76 : turkeys , o 7e per Ib.
GAME Receipts light : prairie chickens ,
S2.25flt2.50 ( ; mallard ducks. 8J.7i@aoo. No
quail have been received but Is quoted at
82.00(32.25 ( ; teal and mixed ducks , Sl.oOQtl.70 ;
snijK ! . 75C081.00 ; Jack rabbits. : Bo each.
POTATOES Market fairly supplied at 70 ®
frOc per bushel.
O.Nioxs-Scarce and flrm ; good stock , 00 ®
31.00 per bushel.
CAIIHAOIC The receipts of cabbage Is
larger than during the past few days. Cali
fornia stock , largo round heads , 2c per Ib.
MELONS Watermelons have raised now
that the fair Is here and the market is bare ;
choice , 812.00@15.00 per hundred ; cantclopes ,
6or < 375c per doz.
TOMATOES Local gardners report the
supply as holdlne out well , and that the crop
has been benetittcd by the late cool nnd wet
weather. Commission mon nre onlr hand
ling a very few. Good stock 00@GOc per
bushel ,
SWEET POTATOES The market Is well
supplied nnd they sell at 8 ( < t3 } < fc per Ib.
toes have put In nn appearance on the mar
ket , nnd good stock is selling at UOc per
HONKY Good honey In neat one Ib.
frames 18cpcr Ib.
CELEIIY There Is but little demand , but
the receipts nre larger and the stock better.
Good stock brin-'S - 35c n bunch.
HBANS. llnnd-pickcd navy. 82.00 per
bushel , and other grades down ns low ns
81 25
Poi'conif Choice for stands goes at2 @ 3c
perlb. _
Orders from tlie country requiring se
lected stock ami cctra cure In
not always be filled at the same price *
quoted to the local trade for common stock.
PI.U.MS Choice California , 81.50 per box.
Largo red home grown plums nro coming In
nnd nro selling at $2 per bushel. California
prunes sell at Sl.50 per box.
PEACiiES Cholco stock Is going nt < ? 1.50a ( ;
1.75. Michigan peaches are selling at 83.00@
3.25 per crate of 4 baskets.
NECTAKINES There are a'few California ,
nectarines on the market Choice stock
81 .35(31.60 ( per box.
OHANOES There are a few good oranges
on tlie market. Hodl , $6.00@7.oo.
Arpi.ES Good stock Is moving at 83.50 ®
3.75.CriAi ! APP&KS There Is a HttSemoro in
quiry for crab apples and there is azood mar
ket for choice stock nt 83.50 per barrel.
under grocers' list
( iitAi-KS The supply of home-grown and
California crapes continue" liberal. Califor
nia , S1.25@1.50 per 20-lb box ; homo-grown , 4c
per Ib.
PKAHS California , Uartletts , S3.00@3.25 ;
other varieties , 82.50053.00 per box.
PAWPAWS Mellow Missouri pawpaws
were put on the fnark'et to-day at 40c per 20
Ib baskets.
QUINCES California- quinces , of large
size , S2.50@3.00 cer box.
LEMONS The supply liberal , with fair de
mand. Com mon stock , SO.OO@G.50 per case ;
choice , 87.00(3)7.50. ( )
BANANAS The market Is full of bananas
at S1.60Qi.OO per bunch.
CocoANUTS-Good stock , 85.00.
Grocer's List.
COFFEE Ordinary grades. 20 } @ 21c ; fair.
21H@22c ; prime , 22@W3c ; fancy green nnd
yellow , 23@25c ; old government Java. 28@
30c ; Interior Java , 25@2Sc ; Mocha , 2Sa30e ;
Arbuckle's , roasteil , 20c ; McLaugnltn'B
XXXX , 20'fc ; Dllworth's , 20c ; Red Cross ,
REFINED LAUD Tierce , OJ < c ; 40-lb square
cans , 0c ; 50-lb round , 7) ) o ; 20-lb round ,
7Jfc103-lb ; calls , 7Hc ; Mb palls , 7 c ; 3-lb
PICKIES ! Medium. In bbls , 80.50 ; do In
half bbls , S3.75 ; small , In bbls , 87.50 : do In
half bbls , S4.25 ; gherkins , In bbls , $3.50 ; do In
halt bbls. 84.75.
WOODENWABE Two-hoop pails , per doz ,
ftl.45 : 3-hoop pails , 81,70 ; No. 1 tub. 80.51) ) ;
No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wasn-
boards , 81.75 : assorted bowls , 82.25 ; No. 1
churns , 89 ; No. 2 churns , S3 ; No. 3 churns ,
SuoATt GranulitedC ® Ccconf.A,0 ; } < @
CXc : white extra C , CQtiJic ; extra C. 5 > gw
Gc : yellow C , 5tfc ; cut loaf , 7 > ; powdered ,
7(3 ( } c
"TOIIACCO Lorlllard's Climax. 4lc ; Splen
Spearhead , 44e.
CANNKD GOOPS Ovsters , standard , per
case , S.OOiJ3.10 : ! ; strawberries , 3 Ib , per case.
$ : i.WJ@3.10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case. 83.90 ®
3.00 ; California pears per case. ? 4.GO@4.70 ;
berries , per case , SJ.20@2.80 ; ens plums , 2
Ib. per case , 82.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib ,
per case. 83.20(35.75 ( ; i Ib mackerel , per doz.
81.55 ; 1 Ib salmon , per doz. S1.9. > @ ! 2.00 : 3 Ib
gooseberries , per case. S3.2-Va3.35 ; alb string
beans , per case , 81.75 ; 2 Ib lima beans , nor
case , 81.00 ; 3 Ib marrowfat peas , per caset
$2.5032. ( > 0 ; 2 Ib early June Doas , per case ,
43.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , 82.40@3.50 ; 21b corn ,
§ 2.20@2.25.
Pnovisioss ilauis , llQt2c ; breakfast
bacon. IKjtUKc : bacon sides 9J < < 310 , ' < c ;
dry salt , 83 < < a9c ; shoulders,7@7J e : dried beet
hams , lli2c : dried beef regular ,
hams picnic , 8Ji8 > < c.
DRIED FRUITS Apples , now , K's OOc ;
eraporatfid , 50-lb ring , 1415c ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 2S@29c ; blackberries , evaporated ,
10tO/c ! ; pitted cherries. Beaches , uew ,
K's , 7Me : evaporated peeled peacnes , c ;
evaporated , unpared , 17)i ) ® 18c ; now currants ,
7tf < ffiWc ; prunes , 4 % ( < J5c : citron , 25c ; rai
sins , London lavers , California , loose
muscatels , now Valencia * , 7Kc.
Rdi'K Sovpn-sixteenths inch. 12@12Kc.
STARCH Mirror Gloss , 5Jfc ; Graves Corn ,
Cj/c ; Oswego ( Sloss , 7c ; Oswego Corn. 7c.
HuooMS-Extra 4-tle,82.CO ; No. 1,82.00 ; No.
2 , 81.75 ; heavy stable , 84
SYRUP No. 70 , 4-itallon kegs. S1.35@1.3S ;
New Oilcans , per gallon , 3S40c : maple
syrun , half Ibbs , "old time , " per gallon , bOo ;
1-gallon caiin , per doz , 810.50 ; half-callon
cans , per doz , 80.00 : quart cans , 83.25.
CANDY Mixed ; 8HC "c ; stick.
CRACKERS Garneau's soda , butter and
picnic , 4 } < c : creams , 7 c ; ginger snaps , 7 > < c :
city soda , 7Kc.
TEAS Japan. 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20@0o
Youn ' Hyson. 25@3ric ; Oolong , 20@COc.
JEI.LlES-30-lb palls. 82.00.
General Markets.
. _
SPIRITS Cologne spirits , lb proof , $1.10 ;
do 101 proof , 81.12 ; .spirits , second quality ,
101 proof. 81.10 ; do ISS proof , 81.09. Alcohol ,
188 proof. $2.10 iwr wine gallon , Uedlstllled
whiskies , 81.00(31.50. ( Gin blended. 51.50 ®
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 52.00 0.00 : Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.00(10.50 ( ;
( iolden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
SL50@3.00. Urandlos , Imported , S5.00@8.50 :
domestic , Sl.3lXcW.00. . Gins , importod. 84.50 ®
O.UO ; domestic , J6l.25 ( < t3.00. Champagnes , Im
ported , per case , S'.1S.OOQM.OO : ; American , per
case. $ io.oor < no.iw.
Co.u.-Egir. S'J.OO ; nut , S'J.M ; range , 80.25 ;
Iowa lump , Sil.OO ; Iowa nut , 52,75 ; walnut
lock , nooj llllngls. 4.25i4.75. (
IKAVV HABOW'AKE Iron , rate , 82.70 ;
Plow steel , special cast , 4'fc ; crucible steel ,
O fc ; cast tools. rtn,12(41ho ( ; waon spokes ,
per set , S2.00O3.50 ; hubs , per sol , 81.24 ; fel-
lees , sawed dry. Sl.CO ; tongues , each. Klc ;
xles. each , 7sc ; square nuts , perlb , C@7c ;
con clialn , per Ib , 0143 life ; malleable , 8 < | ? 10c ;
Iron wedges , Oc ; crowbars , Cc ; harrow teeth ,
4) c ; Rpnng steel , 4 5c ; linrden's horseshoes
shoos , 84.75 ; Uurdon's mule slices , 85.75 ,
Harbed wire * In car lots , 34.00 per 100 Ibs.
Iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 $2.40 ; sleel nails ,
v ilUJEn Green butchers' , 5X@Cc ; jjroen
cured. 7 e ; dry fl\ut \ , lie ; dry salt , Oc ; green
calf skins , 7 > c ; damacod hides , two-third ;
price. Tallow 3c. ( Jreaso Prime white. 3c ;
yellow , Sc ; brown , IKc. Sheep pelts , 25Q
40c.UOAI. . E.'g. 89.25 ; nut , 89.50 ; ranee. 89.50
Iowa lump , 83.00 ; Iowa nut , 83.75 ; walnui
ock , 83.10 ; Illinois. S4.2.V34.75.
Fi.ouit AND FEED The following ao ; the
Jobbing prices :
Flour was advanced yesterday by the leadIng 1-
Ing mills In Minnesota I0@i5c per cwt
Tim tendency Is tonurd higher prices. Mm
nesnta patents , 82.50 jwr cwt ; Mlnnesotr
Hakerft' straight , 82.20 per cwt. ' , Knnsasnn id
'Missouri winter faucy.patents , S2:4SC : < f2.GQ
Nebraska patents , S2.2A33.S3 ; rvo flour , ft.75
ai.PO per cwt : rye Graham , 11.40 per cwt. ;
wheat Graham , 81.75 per cwt. ; corn ,
yellow. We Per cwt : corn meal , white. 81.00
per cwt ; chopped feed , S14.00C < ? 10.00 per ton ;
bran. 812.00Q13.00 per ton : screenings , S9.00
0112.00 per ton.
HAY The market was bare yesterday nnd
dealers were able to act most tiny price for
tlie small lots on baud. Upland nralrlc ,
88.50yJ'.i.50common ; coarse , 87.00(3S.OO. (
Dry Uootls.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls
count-LL. 6 c ; CO , 7tfc : SH. 8' c ;
Nnmoless , 5Wc ; No. 5 , Oc ; EK. OJ c ;
GG , lOKcj XX , 12c ; OO , 14c : NN. ICc.
HX , iso ; H , 2oc : No. 10.8 0 ; 40 , lOHe : 60-
135 < c : 80 , 15c ; r 0 , colored , lOc ; 50 , colored.
12c ; 70. colored , 15c ; Urlstol , IS c ; Union
Pacific. ISc.
CAIH-ET WAiir-Dlbb white , IStfe ; colored -
orod , 20 > < c.
RATTs-Standard , 8c ; Gem , lie ; Heauty ,
12 } < c : Hoone , He : H. cased. 80.50.
PRINTS SOLID COLORS Atlanta 5 } < c : Sla
ter 5c : UerllnOllflKcGarnerOIIOto7. ; PINK
ANO ROUES Richmond tic ; AllenOc ; River-
point r > c ; Sleel ItlverCo : RlcliniondOc ; Pacilio
O'fc. INDIOO Hi.tiK Washington Co. ; Ameri
can CWc ; ArnoldO'fc ; Arnold u lOKc. ; Arnold
A 12c ; Arnold ( ioldseal lOWo. DRESS Char
ter Oak4Ke : HamapoBjfc : Lodl4 < c : Allen
5Kc : Richmond t > Xc ; Windsor Gc ; Eddystono
Oc : PaclilcGc.
GiNOHAM-Plunkctt checks 7' e : Whlttcn-
ton 7lfc ; York 7' c ; Normandle Dress
8 > < c ; 'Calcutta Dress 8Kc ; Whlttenton
Dres ? flc : Renfrew Dress 9c to 12 e ;
CAMRiurs Slater 4 > ic ; Woods 4 } c ; Stan
dard 4 > < c ; Peacock 4Kc. . .
CORSET JEANS Androscoggln i' c ; Kear-
sage 7c ; Hockiwrt 0c ; Conestogn O' e.
DUCK-West Point29 ln..8oz. . lOtfc ; West
Point 29 In. . lOoz. . 12 } < c : West Point 29 In. ,
13 oz. . 15c ; West Point 40 In. . 11 oz. , lOc.
Checks Caledonia X. 9 } c : Caledonia XX ,
Cordls No. 6.9' c : Cordls No. 4. Ue.
DKNIMS Amoskcag 9oz. , Itic : Everett 7
oz. , 13n ; York 7oz. , 1 % ; llavmnker 8Hc ; JalT-
wyXX. llHct Jnlfroy XXX , 12 p ; Heaver
Creek AA 12c ; Heaver Creek HH , lie ;
Heaver Creek CC.llOc.
KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial 15e ; Canton
ISc ; Durham 2Ke : Hercules ISc ; Learning-
Ion 22Kc ; Cottswold 25c ,
CRASH Stevens' H On ; bleached 7c ; Ste
vens' A 7Kc ; bleached 8 0 ; Stevens' P 8Xc :
blenched OKc : Stevens' N 9' c ; blenched
lOKc ; Stevens' S It T 12Kc.
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth S2.S5 ;
plain Holland 8Kc to9n ; Dado Holland 12l c.
FLANNELS Plaid Unftsmnn 20o ; Goshen
32Kc ; Clear Lake M'c , , ; Mapln City SOJfc.
HKc ; Windsor ! Xc. Hed-C. 24 Inch , 15J < c ;
K , 24 Inch , 21c ; ( W , 24 Inch , 18c ; II. A. F.Jf ,
25c ; J. H. F. , & , 27Kc : ( } . , k , 35C.
COMFORTERS S0.50@5.00. : ?
BLANKETS White , S1.00Q7.50 ; colored ,
BROWN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 > c ;
Atlantio H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D. 4-4 , GKc : At
lantic P. 4-4 , 5Jfc : Aurora LL. 4-4 , 55ic ;
Aurora C , 4-4 , 4 > < c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 0' < c ;
JloosierLL , 4-4 , 5 4'e ; Indian Head , 4-47 > fc :
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 5Jc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
fiKc : Pepperell H , 440 > c ; I'opperoil O , 4-1 ,
Oc ; Popperell , 8-4 , ICc : Peppereil , 9-4 , ISc :
Pepperell , 10-4 , 20e ; Utica C. 4-4. 4 fc ;
Wachusett , 4-4. 7c ; Aurora H , 4-4 , Co ;
Aurora B , 4-4. Oc.
BLIIAOHKD SiinKTiNo Berkeley cambric ,
- - - - - - - - -
tpr cloth
Fruit of
TliTiiiVcanibric. lie ; Lonsdale , 'H'tfc ; Lous-
dale , 8' < fc : New York mills , lOWc ; Peppeiell ,
42 inch , loj c : Pepperell. 40 Inch , HHc ; Pep
perell , 0-4,15c ; Pepperell , 8-4.18c : Ptmporoll ,
ii-4 , 20c ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 22tfc } : Canton , 4-4 ,
8&c ; Canton , 4-4 , UJ c ; Triumph , Cc ; Wnm-
sutta , Ho ; Valley. 5c.
Dry Ijntnbcr.
r. , u & ' '
rt'so ft'21
ft. ft a ft
2x . 17.60 W.50 20.50 21.50 21.5
3i.W\iB.tft \
I8.s : . . . . .
4x4-8x8 , .18.50 19.50 20.501 1.OoliKl.OO
A 6 In. White Pine : .50 C , 829.50
B " " " 33.60 D , 21.00
K ' " " ( Sel. Fencing.10.00 )
1st and 2nd , clear , l.ltflnch , s.2s 850.50
3dtclear , 1 inch , s. 2s. , 45.5C
A select , 1 n'icli.'s. 2s. . . ' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 4obt !
" " 1 . V4 > 2 In 44.00
B " 1 Inch , s.2s. , 30.UO
" " 1 ,1,4 , a In 37.00
Clear Poplar , IJx. Bds. J < in. , s. 2 s..533.50
11 K In- Panel , s. 2 s 27.00
" " Corrugated Ceiling , % . . 28.50
O. G. Ba ts , aitf In 800. '
Xxt ! in , S.IR on.4.r
3 In Well Tubing , D it M and Bev. . . . . 2:1.00 :
Pickets , D. & 11. Flat 20.50
" " Square 21.00
No. 1 , com. s 1 B 818.00 No. 2 , com , sis 817.00
No. 3 , 815,50 No. 4 , 813.00
No.l. 4&01n , 12& 1411 , rough 810.
No. 1 , " " 10 " " ' 10.50
No.2 , " " 12&14" " 10.00
No.2. " " 10 " " 17.5'
A. 12.14 and 10 ft. 821.50 C , 815.50
B. " " " 20.50 D. 12.50
cEii.iNo ANI > 1'AinrnoN.
1st com , , * l In White Pine Coiling S34.0C
2nd " 28.0t
Clear , % In. Norway " " 10.0C
. ' 'in. " " "
nd com. 14.01
A12inch s. Is 345.5
No. 1 , com. 12 In. s. 1 s. , 13 ft 20.51
" " H it li.o !
" " " 10 ft 18.51
No.2 , " " " m.m
" " " " 10
tt 17.51
Inch Grooved Hooting 81.00 per M more
than 12 Inch Stock Boaids same length.
8III ! ' LAP.
No. 1 Plain. 8 & 10 in S10.50
No.2 " 17.50
No. 1 , O. O. , 8 In 1H.50
Com. 4 &C In. Flooring 817.50
Star " " 21.50
Clear % in. Celling 21.50
" % , ln. Partition a" > .00
" Flilibh.l & I/in. s.2s 20.00
" Corrugated Celling , 4 In 2o.UU
" Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . 27.00
XXclcar . .83.10 KxtraA * 82.00
A * Standard . . 2.75 * AHB&B 2.55
0 in. clear No 1. . 1.50 Lath 2.01
White cedar , C In. , Hs. , 12e ; 0 In. qrs. , lie ;
8 In. nrs. , lOc : 4 in. round 15c ; Tennessee
lied Cedar , spilt , 15c ; Split Oak , 12c.
I'UIIK CAI.iroil.NIA WINES , shlppml direct
from our vmoyiinl ; ItluBllnir , ditto Icl Cmroes ,
1'ort , Hhurrios.ctc. Bun joao VtiullH Buvcnth.
KlKlnli , un Salvador tintl Wllllum eta , Sun
Jo > o , Culltornla.
inCrrlru from I.o.t
WEAK MEN ll'toill'ly , I.lick , .f
_ . .
ll. w l. pin n * .
> ll rll.etr.re4iJlllnrrioin IndlKrctlotior
Cirrori riirrd wlthnnl Nlomitrl , Hr Jln | > . .l.f U.O
Nralrd I o0k mmmt frcr. Rbonld bft trad Itj Pathtri
Ih. h nd
their l-oni.
Jl * RcpMe will , InriirmRtlnn of vain * to al' pirn.
incomparably the Be U ,
. ' . . ' ' * :
Agricultural Implement * .
Wholesale Dealer In
Agricultural Implements , Wngons ,
C rla e * anil Ruttlpa. Jones itrocU betw 9tb
aniliOth , Omaha. N b.
Agricultural Implements ,
W on .r rrliuo , Runlet , Hie. , Whol lp , Omha. .
Wholoi le Ictf rt In
Agricultural Iraplcruonts ,
nd Buggloii. WI , , W > i MiiljW , Jonot it'
Artists' Material.
A. JtOSPK , JR. ,
Artists' Materials , I'iauos and Orpnnsi ,
SM.1 IXUBlmStr _ ft.Oniih _ .
Guilders' Hard nor * and Scales.
Mechanics' TooU and Iluffnlo Scalct. 11 % Douf l it ,
. . _ omnln. N b.
Books nnd Stationery.
Who'cinlo mill Re ill
bookseller * and Stationers ,
1K3 ! DoUKhis at.Oinnlin , Nob. Tulephono 601.
CorrcMioiiiliMico "ollpitcil.
Boots and Shoes.
W. r. MORSE cC CO.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. .
1111 F rn m it. , Onmtiii , Null. liuuf ( etory , Bummtt
trfvt , llonlon.
Beer ,
Luger Uocr Hrewers ,
1521 North ISth Street. Omaha , Nab.
Butchers' Toolt.
Coffee. Splcta , Etc ,
Omaha Cottvo and Splco Hills.
Tea.Coffees , Splrei. Ilaklni ; Powder , FlnrorlnvB
tr ct § , Launarr Blue , Ink , Kte. Kli-lfi Ilureer
Street , Oiuuhn. Nab.
Cornier , .
John Epenctor , 1'rop.
Mannfactarer of GalTanlted Iron an4 Cornice. 423
' and 101 and lei N , 10th t. . Omaha , Neb.
Ilanufactnren of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , > 1rmr .MetnllcSkjllnhtetc. 310S.
12th it. , Omaha.
C. Snecht , Prop.
alvnntrcd Iron Cornlcoi , ete. Bprct'i ImproTed Pat
entUptallcPkylluht. ! M and 610 H.Htli . . ( ) ha.
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Buirs ,
I.inolenmi , MnttlnRt. RtP. IStl Douglat itrept.
Crockery and Notions.
Altont for Mio Manuiacturers and Importer * ot
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lumps , Chlmnojt , etc. Offlce , 317 South 18th tt ,
Dunlin , Nob.
Mnmmotli Clotliinc : llonso ,
Corner Fnrniiio and Tenth Streets Oman * . Noli.
Commission and Storage.
J ) . A. HURLEY ,
Commission and Jobbing.
Dnttcr , KKE'and Produce. Conslcnmcnu tollclled ,
UeatlqimrterB for Btcmownrc , llurrj Dozen nnd
Qrapo llnnketn. K14 Itodfeilreot , Omaha.
. ; „ , . ' & % & aaul Coiniiiiflsioii MnrchnutH ,
fpccUltiei Uuttor , Enin , Clit'oao , Poiltrjr , Uame ,
Oysters , etc. , etc. 112 S. lltli SU
Commission Herchants.
Frulti , Produce nnd 1'roTlilons , Omaha , Nob.
* - WIEDEMA N cC CO. , '
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Ponltr ) , lluttcr , Oamo , Fiulti , etc. WO B. Itthit ,
Utunha. Nub.
Coal antf Lime.
Ulu. r. l/.HAill. 1'res. C. F.OOODMAN , V. PlOi.
J. A. HUNiiEiti.AKD , See. and Treao.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
2X1 South Thirteenth Street , Omnhn , Neb.
, T. , T. , TOIINSON P CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime
And Shipper * of Coal , nnd Cone. Content , Planter ,
IJino , linlr , 1'lru lirlclt , Drain , Tlla Hint ftcwcr 1'ipo
( )9lcn , I'Jitnn Hutol. rarnnm it. , Ouiiha , N
Tel i hnnH Ml.
Cigars and Tooacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Cunt and Ammunition , 215 to ? l H. lllh it. , 1030 to
_ 11B4 FHnmm at. . Oiuiliu.Neb. _
Manufacturers of Fine C'isrars ,
And Wholesnlo Dcclers In Leaf Tobaccoi , Nos. 108
and 110 N. 14th atrutt , Omaha.
_ _
Dry Goods.
Dry floods , Fiivnisbiucr Goods & Notions
1IU3 and 1104 DnnKlnK , cor. 11th Rt. , Omaha. Nob.
blstlilors of I.lniuirs , Alcohol nnd Spirit * . Importers
nml Jobbers or Wlnennnu Liquors.
CO. and ILER cO CO. ,
Importera and Jobbert of Finn \Vlo i anil I.lqnora.
golu m nufneturen of Kenncrtr' " Knit India lilt-
ten ami noinrillc itquori" . 1117 I turner Ht.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Farnam it. . Omaha. Neb.
Furniture , Botldinp ; , Upliolstery ,
Mlrron , etc 12O 12O3 and 1210 Fnrnam it. . Omaha ,
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Noo. 7U5,707. TO nnd 711 S. 10th St. . Omnhn. Neb.
McCORD , U.ttADYtK CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
ltn and l.e venworth iti.Omahj.
Jobbers of Hardware nnd Nails ,
Tinware , Hhi'ot Iron. Ktc. Aeenu for Ilono Bcalei ,
ami Miami I'owderCo.Omaha.Ni < b
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprluza , WaKen Flock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1201
and 1JII lUrne/ . , Omaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wneon nml Carrlaifu Wood ftock , Henry Hardware ,
Ktc. 1217 and I2IU Learrnwurlb it. , Onmtm , Neb.
Stoves , lUn cs , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantlet , ( Iratca. ll..i Uondi. Ull aod 13W k'aroai
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrought and Cait IrOn UnllillnK Work , Iron Htiltf ,
KallTiiii. Heanii inrt ( Jltduri , Hieum Kntrlnei. llrati
Wutk.Utueral rToundrr , Machlnu and llack ! inltli
Vqrfc. Office aaJ WOrJii. U. r. Ur.incinth .Heel.
II. K. SA WYElt ,
MnnnfnctiirlnirDonlor in SiuokoStncksr ,
lltltchlngj. mnlii. nn < 1 ( lono.-ul llnllerltoiutlrliut ,
_ _ Ull IKd o trect.Uni lm.
tlfttiufuclurpn ot
fro ntul Iron Hailing , Desk Halts ,
Window ( ! u rd . Klower PtnmU , Wlr Sl n , 819
123N. li'.th. Onlor by mull promptly MtfnJadla.
IXmlerU AllKlmUof
flnlMlii * Mntorial at Wholesale.
l lli Strop tmiJ Union l' elrlo Track. Ornnh * .
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Limp , Sash ,
I > oor , Kl . Y -Corner"th and Uouilast Coraw
Vthnn.l . DmiaUf.
Wholesale Lumber ,
BU P. lull tr et. Omnlm. Nab , F.Colpoticr. Hlan * f.
ISth and California FtrtHt , Omaha , N b.
Ltimber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc.
Cor.etb andjiotiftai iUH Omaha.Nox
To Dealers Only.
Offle * , KM Fnrtmm Btrert , Omaha.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpati and Parquet Flooring. 9th nnd IXra lM
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported and American 1'ortlnml Cement. RtaU
Agtnt forMtlnnukcH HTiUaulIc Cement nnd lloit
CJulncyVhHi3l.lmo. .
Life Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John K. Boyd. Buporlntepddnt.
Li Stack Commission.
Com i/ / u Dealers in Live Stock.
Union Stock Yiutln , South Cm lint , Net ) .
Hcloroncos lloono ruunly Hank , Albion
Nob. Thompson Sc linker. Hankers , AlbionNeb ,
Union Stock Vnrd llntik. South ( ) : n hu , Nob. J.
K. Badlor.1t Co. Now Vork.
Live Stock Cominitmlun Merchttnts ,
Offlco Iooni2l. ( Opposite KtohntiKK lltllldlng ,
Union Stock Yimlf , South Omnliii , Nub.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Mnrkct furnlnhcil Ireo < > nnpillcntlnii. | Btockors an
feeders furiilihpil on noml tormti. Heroreno *
Oniahiiutlonnl II ink unil Houth Umnh't N itluni
Union Stock Ynnls , Smith OniHliii.
Live Stock Commission.
_ . Ono. llutke. Manager
Union Stock Vnrdo , 8. OmMin. Teltphono let.
SA t'AUJi l >
Live Stock Commission Murrlmnta ,
Shipment * of an ; and all kinds of Stock solicited.
_ Union Stock Yardr. Omaha , Neb.
Millinery and notions.
1. OltKHi'ELiJR tC'O. ! ,
Iinportorsanil .lobliura of
Millinernti'l ) Aotlonn.
I'W.SWttn ' SKf. lllh St.
Wholeule Ienlcr § In
Notions and Furnishing' Goods ,
4ttl and 4nsB.T nth8t. Omaha.
Hanufactiirers of Overalls ,
leana 1'ants , EIHrta , me. lim nnd 1104 Doujlas Street
Wholesale 1'npcr Dealers.
Carry a nlco "lock nf rrlntlnif , Wuipplng nnd Wrll
Ins paper. Spoi liil iitlenllon ulvon to cur load of
orilors , which will bo shipped illrocl from mill * . All
orders will receive pernonul utientlnn.Vouanr
nntci ) good goods ami low prices , lilt nnd HIM
Printing ,
Job Printers , J'lunk Hook Makcrj ,
And llook Hinders. 101 nnd Ifrt Soiitli KourteouUi
itreet. Omnha , Ncli.
Auxiliary Publishers.
DeatenlnTrpe , I'rnoei ami Printers' Supplies. COt
Boutli Twelfth Street.
_ _
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam nnd Water Supplies. Headquarter * far Mad
KQ lV > 'to.j-li' . IllU'ariinin H. . ( liniihn. Nob.
HnlladarWInd Mllu ! rtcam and Wdter Buppllea ,
JMumblng Uoodn , Keltlng. lln i. VW Hinl ' . 'JO Fur-
iiain it. , Oinnliu. H. K. h'eltnn , Mnuugur.
Tulephonu No. 10.
" "
Pumps , Pipes and Engines.
team , Wnter , Itallwar and Mlllli * Hnpiillcr. KM ,
VX > , B DdW4 Karnuni t. . Ouinliu. Neb. _ . ,
JtliOll'NELL ( C CO. ,
n Manufnrturors nnd Donlorn In
Knerines , Hoilcrs it ( iencral Machinery
hect Iron work , Htoara 1'umpi.Sjw Mllli , Aom
SbaftInK , Dodg * VToodipllt J'ullari , Bcltln * . ta.
Aliowitconi , larapan.andialctlli. tUMUIit <
Tenworttmt. Omnhn
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturer nnil Dealer ! In nil Mndtof
Itulilicr Coo.N ,
OllClntlilniriind I. < 'iulicr Ilclilnn , OH Knrnani Rt.
Safes , Etc.
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Plro soil IlnrK'ar Proof Safin , Thna Ix.cks . , VauIU
and Jail Work. 1W ) farimm street Omaha. Nab.
" "
Omaha Safe Works.
llRnufncturcracf Klro uud llurulnr ProofBafei , Taull
Uoon.Jull Wnrk.Hhuticru mid Wire Work. Cor.
14th mid Jackion His. . OmUiii. No b ,
Wholeialo Manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , liliiuls and Moultlliififfl ,
IlrunchoheeniUnnd ! Uard tti. , Omabs. st.
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mould'fiBn.SUIr ' Work and Interior Hard Wood Flnlitl
Juitopunud , N. K.cor. 8th and Ixjuvcn worth Bfi.
Umaha , Neb.
Lincoln , Neb.
The hwt known nnil moat poiiiilnr hole ) lo
UIOH&UI. Location cciitriU.nppolntnioiits Unit
clues. llruUijuurtuis lor coinnicruliil mon ad
all political uud iiulillo Knllwrlnirs.
K.1 * . 11000 EN. Proprietor.
Pianos & Organs
Uclallccl \VlioloiuUi I'rlcci.
Write for ctiluloi-iios , 'prices nnd tormn.nntl
Bitvufroiu K.'JJ to JlSUlu tuu puccbtise.or an ln ,
. 'Jo cpli ,