i iipii THE OMAHA DAILY BEETHURSDAY. . SEPTEMBER 8. 1887. SPECIAL NOTICES ; No nclvi'rt noim-iim taken lir those jcoImmiM niter 1 iH ! ) | i. in. Advirtlfrinct Is utii.ei tlilg head,10 cent * per Im lor the II.ft ln rrtion , i cent * for each eub r Boriucnt intcrt on , ami Jl.TiOa line per month , 'hondvcrtl'omcut taken for losstnnnS.'i fonts Tor the tlrst IntcrUon. Ftiie'it words wll ibo counted to the lines thpy must run ronfecu- lively and must Do paid In advance. All adver tisements muM ho imnrtrrt In bcf ore 1 : : n o'cloc * p. m .nnd under no circumstances will they bo tnkrti or discontinued liy telephone. Pnrtipsndtcrtislnif Inthif ccolumn * na nav- Inc tne answer * nddrome.1 In cnio of TUB Urn will pienfonsk fern chcrk tornnlilo thorn to net tnelr letters , as none will ho delivered oxeent on orc'fntntlon or check. All nnnwers to ndvor- tlficmc tit * should ho en < lo pdln involopcs All ndvcrtl nnionls In thofo columns urn pub lished In both mornlnp mid ovonlnii editions oflllK HIT , the circulation of which nirirro- rates tiioretliiin H.onopnpms dally , nnd xlvci the nchcrtlsorstho bpn < jllt. not only of thnrltr circulation of Tun IHn.btit nl o of Council JJInfN , Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns hrouirhoiitthl' pnrt or the west. 1 * rin - - ( rxli III nil vt'ii' " . ' MONEY TO LOAN. \ \ o loan money on Improved prop MONKV miy ilcsired amount nt low rnios of Interest. lo run from two to ten year * tlmo. Btottc , Cox & Houston , 10)74 ) Inriinm. ll.YI fl 760ono TfTl.OAN ntfl per cent Llnnhan * Mnhomy , 1H/J Fnrnnm. " " * * TXX,000 ( ) to loun , II. K. fole , Sir. 8 15th. First > morttrnKO notes hoiiRht. ! I7B pKH CUNT .Voney. 6 H. 0. 1'nttorfon , 1Mb nt.d IInrn r. < 0l ONP.V TD-J-OAN-O F. David Co. , rci M csjfcto and to m npcnts , 1600 rnrnara it. ; nOOW)0 ) to loan in any jimount at lowest rntu $ ot interest. II. It. Irey. Frcn/er block. 407 ; 500,000 ' To loan on Omnha city property ntl $ per cent O. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Hid. to lonn to tmrtlcs wlshlnir to build. MONEY Campbell , 310 B 10th Et. , Chamber of Commerce. 40' ) ONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay. J. It. Hlco & . Co. , over Commetclnl Na tional bnnk. 410 to loan , cash on oand.no delay. MONEY J. W. and E. L. Bqulro , 1413 Farnara It. Faxton hotel building. 411 ONEY TO LOAN on unnro > ed rtnl ostnto ; no commission charged. Leavltt Hum- bum , lloom 1 Crnltrhlon lllosk. 413 In Bums of ffirt ) nnd o\er to lonn nt MONEY , Uussoll & Hnrrett,312 S inth st. MONKY to Loan On Impiovod city property at lowest rates of Interest. Nocomtnls- sion r bar ( ted. Sholes * Crumb , room 1 , Darker block , cor 15th nndFarnnm sts. 615 fM ) I/OAN Money Loniis placed on im- JL proved real estate In city or county for New Enirlncd Loan & Trust Co. , by Doutlas County bank. ICth nnd Chicago Bts. 411 LOANED nt C. F. Kcod & Co.'s Loan MONEY Office , on furniturepianos , hoi Fes.wnirotn , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of valuo. without removal. 319 8. nth. over lllnirham s Commission store. All busi ness Ftrktly confidential. 413 MONEY loaned on furniture , plnnos , organs , noises , oto.low rnles J.J.Wilkinson i. Co , . J32I Fnrnnm , over Hnrllngton ticket olllco. 410 Tit ONEY TO LOAN-bytho nmlorsiRnert , who Ail has the only properly orpinl/oil loan Bgoncy InOmahn. LUMIS of $10 to $100 madu on furniture , plnnos , organs , horses , wwrons , Bnchlnory , Ao , without rt moral. Nodelujs. All business strictly conDdentlal. Loans so Mndo that liny part can bopald at nny hne.each payment roduelnp the coit pro rnta. Advances Diado on flnowntuhrs nnd dlamonda. Persons Should cnrofnlly consider who they are dcullna : with , asmnnv new concerns nre dally romlnu Into existence. Should you nied money call mid see mo. W. li. Croft. Jtoom 4 > V'thnnll ' Jlnlldlnir lMlinnil _ llnrmir. 417 11E OMAHA 1 mniicml Exchnntrn , JN. . tt. comer of llnrney and 35lh Bts. , over Bluto National bnnk. If.I'reparod ' to tnnko short tlmo loans on nny evnllable security. Loans mndo on chattels , collateral or ronl Mate. Long tlmo loans mndo on ImoroTea real ostati at current rules. Purchase rnonny mortiraBes negotiated. fecurcd notes bought , cold or rxihaiiKOd , Bhort time loans made on second mortKaira. according to n'lirBlnal Interest , nt collateral rntos. Heal estate to exchange for food Interest General financial business of all klnda trunsh ctcd promptly , quietly and fairly. Money always on band for approved loans of > ny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub- Ucfty. Corbctt. Mnnmtrr. 418 ABSTRACTS OK TITLE. MfDLANII Guarantee and Trust Co , 150 } Far n urn stront Complete nbstr.iuls inr- nlslird.and titles to real citato examined , per fected and punrantood 419 BUSINESS CHANCES. " 1VI5 hundred nrTd twunty-tlvo dollars will buy n clirnr , tobacco ntul conlcttionorj stole If sold before t'r.tunluy. blS N ICtli st. 812 I2J _ T71011 8ALE-Tho bc t pnyliiK email"hoToTin X1 the elty : f..WO cash will get it. 0 E Leo , 1207 Farnam st. 7'jtl ' Foil SALE Corner eiiloon , roeelpts J-50 poi dav. 4,51)0 ) ; $ JOJO ciifeh , mar depot. 0 1 Loc , 1207 Fiirnam st. 7HO _ FOH SALE -One of the best dnur stores In the city of OimUm , Inwnco Irom f',00) to tFOOO. Part cnbh , balniKO easy time , or iinln oumbored elty i mil estate , or Innd If dcslinbln. KrnusojS : Foster , 310 8 It.th ftroct. SOS U TT\01l \ SAliK- ehnics panorama stock ( llattle .1. ' of Oettysbur ) . Will Uucluiu \ > lg dividend , Ad dress C 70 lleo olllco. 7 ! ' ) UJ \V AN l'ED- partner with' JI5J In nn ostnb , i > Itshod and piijln ' buslnesi. Apply Labor nsonej , U < i7 Fainam St. , upstairs , 802 7j T710H HALH Abaijrnln n lomplcto grocer ] X1 nloro with hoists and wirtroiip , a clem stock ot rrocoru'P , with cheap rent. Apply 1021 and 10.M DoiiKlns ut. bUl H * Fpo EXniANOi--NebraBka : land for ll\orj Joutllt. . Addioj * Lock Ilex , 1) . I ) , Oakdnln , Nob. 7511 7 * _ "I710H SALE-llniiralu , cnmpleto now outnt Jru tuuiaat , bnKory. confectionery and Ici . ' . ' ' . ' Cumlnir . croaui. Call In person nt''ll' st. fil'MO ' * _ lOlt SALE llestauiant . ' 00. ovurytnlnp complutr , lest location In the city vor ; cheap , lent $25. nuply U)4 ) N Uth et. "CO 7J \\J ANTED A partner to take half Interns IT in first-class pnylnir liUilnesi , and man. ' 111:0 thu eitmu , for Hi is state. Mnsll capital te quired. Call nt b. . ' North 16th at. 747 S < j 2ROO cash w 111 buy onn of the bust pij > ltu < P snlooiiR In the city otOmnbn , and sltualoi on olio of the principle business stroi'ts. If yo\ menu nuslncp , mid want n bargain , nddresH once , 1)3 , lleo. bj'l 11 * 1310H SALE The londliu hardwarn stoto In JU Kood county se'it town. Call or artdrts J. W. Polau , Jndiuiiola , Neb. 7 * > 7 U A MAN with coiuldurabio hUBlncss cximrl- unco hus a fuw thousand dollars nnd hi cr\lcos to put in a paj In * busluosi. Artdresi CCA , IK'tviinioo. _ _ 7C4 7J Bl SINflSS IJllANCHS-In the nolirhborhooli of 1'rrk uvo nii'l Woolworth bt tluiro Is need of a meat nun ket nnd u biikor nnd eon Jec.tloner , and thoio are 2 flnn storerooms now for tent In the now Flteh block o.on to bo com pitted , : i of Out Mores ahcady rented for drug cliy iroods nnd grocery stores , F. L. Oreiroiy 8-liS ISthst. fU _ iron SALE Kcitnurniit rtoTliff ( ; oo 1 bus ! - ancF1 ' ! , 40 boaiderg. In n yood location , itooi rcntuii lor selling. Inqulioioil Ilurney ( HT'J " | /IOI ( SALE- Stock of iTTutrs. invoTeo ji MC J' iivurniro sales $ J , tint JI5 , liad heslth rea eon tor selling. Call or addrosa 2027' > LaVe at _ _ ID , ' sSJ FOItriU.i- ; 1 Imt uhiHs meat marXot In bus location In city. Kor uuarvr Infonnatioi nddros II la , lleo olhc . lor Omaha piopcrty , stock o neral iiivrchHtidlse wltli tlurii hi'ddlni ; it. Wooiiijtis a i Jth st. : i83 sis TflOHS.U E A tit bt class hotel piopurty doln , * I'xoelli nt bu ini ) . Mum sell In sixt oars. For prlro und term * mldri fi K. & Lnly real esmudcnlur HiuKim How , Neb : ) Usll "fnOH SALE In the tioomlui : tTwiTdr busli 1. villa , .Nell , a inloou tiitililiiK'.Cfiuiully Ir catcd. on main Hrecl.on omy ti-rtiu. Wilm t Oicult , Alnswotth. Nib. _ SALEWhio oTll iFhit ru'l omc biiMicss , } . ) , > OU > l.'i.iU'i Inoome will ten * trli-tln\cMiiriitiun. Il.fOJ to i.-iiO ro ntirot 1) ) 7 , tleuoniru. ' . .Ill If Oil S.VI.FriettMinuit St t'J3 coitfc 1311 1 ( teen rwnsuns for f t > l | > : ik . s U sj 1 wT.u-f IM"vriu'bTiy I "bUrblTl'iopT , * 1" ' , I'llnc-F * ! ptit of clt } A'-lri ' , 5 , Hew ollleo. tj ; 7 ] JtcetnuritnTml . ( ) Godreaun ) rbridl'iij ' ; . .AdUiuss 1 1 TTWl SALH-Mcnt market. I oiler my market -L nt n reasonably low llguro. My reasons forsellmtf nrct lam not able to piototlio biislncfs mjself on necount of my bualth and wish to Imvo for California soon as possible One or the tlnost locations in thu city No eompctitlon nnd low rent and line trado. lllock , tools , wiiitoti nnd team , and otiirjthlntr In running Older. For fiitthcr pnrttculnrs cnll nt once nt toincrfoth und ImiLnport streets , tnrnt market J , A , McClme. f" 7/Hll HAIAC Pcslaurniit bus7iTr' rfirbPs7 lo" J cation in city , $ : W3 ; monthly parinonts. Prlco tlov ) enh. It taken at once. Inquire' Otto Slomsscu.ni- If.tnjlrcot. Sf'IL'ii ' " IfOH SALlT UrUK store , nno lot atlon , iloln" JL1 tioo.l . bii'lnois. Inquiru W. II. Green , 2ir , P 11th ft. KSJI2J * | j'OH9tle On pny terms , nawntocn of ii rd -L warn ; nlso builder's stock , will Invoice tl.fOOj rood rt'n on for ( elllnj ; . M"ft fell with in ten dnjs. Address J. M. llurk , Phillips , Noli. G > f7 | iJlt SALE-Chciip. n Mont market. " itooil tnicln , tools , llxturcs , horPO nnd wa on. ncomplete. Cull ntisth nnd Fnrnnm ' VEKBONAL. / Totho n. A. H. ; "Shernmti's PEHEONAI/ the Sen. " Among the \arlous ontorpilios KOtlcit up by oltl/ens of Omaha to ntoriist and entertain tliectornns Is n line itboirrnph limp showlnir the routes tnken by Shuman's , nrrny in his lolebrntcd march hrouiMi the heart of the confederacy to/tin ) sen.published by H. H. Hall , V ( o , venornl loiluisln real estate , at II.1 N inth st. 'Ino map will bo presented free to all soldiers who will call at their otbco on IHth st. or at the own headquarters on the reunion grounds. , hory"rotf should haxo ono Iho firm ts omHisM | ot II. H. Hull and W , A. Spencer , both ild soldiers , the foimcr a member of the 3d jjWMjinrt the latter the 7 'th Ohio. 8KM ] JUllli-orfAL ( IrlziTy. consider our ncqunlnt- nn oonded unless you brine inn a war ranty deed lor ono of thojn 110 lots to bo said at 1115 Farnam st during fair wook. linnireno. 0 J.1 " EHeONAl A wldow wlVoovpii8 hcf"Tiousn and lot In the suburbs of thu city would Ikothoflcquatntunco of n centloman m to 40 > n.irs , pnlntor , pUstci eror carpenter to boatd ihroiiKli thoiTlntcr to make homo plotant. Address D 8 , lloo olllco. b4 ! ' 13Ell.SONAL--lf John Craig or John Cralir X O'll , formerly of I'hll.iduiphla , will send ils addiofs to the undersigned ho will hear something to his ndvnnuiue. Oeorwo P. bite , No. K N , 22d stiett. Phlladolnhla. Pn. 5jU _ " " if. WIehTo , M. A. , teacher ol the piano , ortrnn \ocall7ntlon ; Insli'UUlou Jnvnrlably of highest order ; Al icfcrenco. Olhce : Max Meyer.V. llro. " " * > iilO.NAli ; I'rlintu home for hullo * durlnir 1 conllncmout. Htrlitlv contldentinl. in hints ndoplcd. nddres * . li I" . Hcootllec. 1(17 ( n-ptT 1)bltSONAj-Au eii'tcin Bontlomnn locntlnfr lnOmahftdoslrciboHid In n prlvnto ftim- lly whorothoro tire no other bounltis. Ad- drosa 1)1 IHe olllto. K)7 8J ISS A. M. AliDKIOil , mental healur , treats diseases nbsontly. Address M Wnrronton St. . Iloston. Mas < . 19)s2j ) | LOST. In n ( Ireon line cnr , oor Kith and I'r LOST Rt , Set , f > , nbout noon , n sinnll lenthor purse. I'lndor will ho llbernlly rewarded by ro- tin iiintr book and contents to Ilnrry Ollmore , vardmaster Missouri 1'ncltlc Hy , cor. 1'ilh nnd Nicholas sts. 81" ) 7 | 'f A bracelet on DotiKlns st. no r 15th LO Wednesday , llcwarn for return to lleo omco . SHI hj _ TTJ5T Hay mam bnindod I. Ij on left Jnw JJ nnd T. P. . on loft hip. Liberal touard by returning to WJ S 18th St. , 0. P Nelson. - who look filter headed ciino , LOST-Patty pattern , liotn hllll.iKt room I'olny A : Uarst , Sntuiday o\o. , Is knownnnd will avoid t miblo ny actiiinliig nt onrp/7bS 7 _ 1 031' Leather pockotboolt with mime K. Vf IJ.Mclehor Inside , containing some ourr.-ncy nnd tu\einl notes payable to nbnvu nnmo. rmdnr will rccclxo llhornl rowaul nj Icniluir f-ame nKoom Kxposltlon bulldlnp. 7'U ! ' 8j " UTKAYni ) OH blOi.l'.N Tiotn corner of Tif" O tcenthaDd Ohio Mrccts Auiftist- soriol mare mule. Howard for return. Gen. Iteil- mnu. " 110 * rouiro. riTARUN Ul'-On military rend , led cow with JL white itrenk on batu : about CjoBrsolil. Addreai John Ito ors , Oiiinha , .N'ob. 81 ! ! ) J nTAKiN : UI'Milto pnny , blind ono eye' JL Honsmnn Hros. , Suunders st , no.\t to 1'oit Omaha. Hi ! Ul CLAIRVOYANT. IKNNA fortune teller , 518 S Uth st. st.Kl V Kl ) oct 5J . NANNIK V. Wnrren , clairvoja'it. Medi DH. cal , business nnd test medium. Olllce 119 North 10th street , rooms U & a , Telephone ' 914. US DIIHANT Clarlxoyant from lloiton is reliable In nil nlfnlra of llfo , unites Hopn- rated lo > art. IE2 n KUli tt.room 1. 84ioct ! ] IIS. IIATK1 F.LITrance business modlum. M 'Iho past present and futiii'O revealed , sick honied , lost found , homes mndo nspjiy , clttliiRS ilallv nt IM1 S. llth t. 4.7 s 11 | STOBAGE. STOHAHK Oniabn storasro warehouse , 1011 Iflll liith st , cor Irmd. lor household itonds , carriages , o.to. , nnd all Kinds of merchandlso. Olllco nilj Uodeo Ht. 87U Uj - Furniture , lio\od goods , Ac. , terms rensonnble , 711 Paelllc. _ 15 -CLASS atoraco at 110 N 13th Pt , "TOHAdU FJret-iluss etorape tor nica vur- S nlturo or boxed Boods , at 1513 Dodce-st. "Ij OH HHNT Ono laiKO sl/o donblo door flro J pinofsafo. Inqulroof / . T. I.ludrt < y & .ia , llll Hm-ney. H3 10 Adoption Hnnd-omo bolRthy boy. Just orn. Address F. 12 , lire. 815 lll.l T OOK 11F.HR , Stock Men Wo hnvo 35 hoaa XJ of th llncst Ilolstcins In the west to trade for Rood Nebraska land. This herd has tnkun the ribbons o\er all at tbo Iowa fairs. Herd Hook : record of eaeh animal can bo seen at ourofilon. Swnn & Co , 15.J1 Douglas t.t. Itcul Estate nnd Property I xcbnniro , 744 11 B. WH1TNRV MuTbnrd and sott caalTTSis Qo - Farnnin nnd Uth and lard. 475 a Ml o ES3PUOLS , sinks and vaults clonuol , odor less pioceas. E. I.wlncbnx427 , olty.875S20J 875-S20J ' POOLS and vmilts el ) nne.d , dead uni- Ol'SS inals louiovod W. 11. llarbcr , SOS If < n\i'n- worlli. Telephone 102. 5jiLlv:1 : * _ _ PEHFOHATEDstnmphu ; pattiirns made to or- Her and all thu latetn deslirns tor sale at Mrs. J. W. .Morrison , 16Tj Davonpoit et. 41I81J EAbTEHN Nebraska fauns to oxchaiiKB for Oinnlia property. 1012 FiunaM. 421 ? 11O KXCHANOU-lor cattle , I have BOO and -L forty acres of peed western land to ttado forrattlo , and n peed houiu and lot near the capital will oxohanpe for cuttle. Address S. O. llr > an. Ashland , Nub. 4M 0 ESS-POOLS und vaults cleaned , dead ant- mala removed , fiist ward. W. II. Barber , f02 f.cnvmiwoith. Tulephonc-Jfla. _ b37s21j OM'ATl A LO I r5'I o oxn"banBe lor onttFo , Pat- " _ terson > * c Moore , Itiia rmun. _ atT ( IKICHM Sqmro Hlnno I ) montnlr. A II e.8po.lM31)oiiL-ia ) . 4'-T > F OliltK.vr Urettns.J'J ptir month. _ I3 Jtoutflai. _ 425 . C. Houpnfninishtiiir woods ! all kinds ; Ol. cash or instH'lmeat ' ; loireit prlcei nt J. Honnor , 1.115 loiirln ) ) < * t 423 F OK KlIN'f Hquaro flano , ft moutnir. Home , 1BU Douclxs. 425 ICOll SALE Any lady with a Pinnll amount I. of monnv ran purchnso nn established liuslncBs that will pav her froui twelve to fif teen hundred dollars the tlrst > e r. Hood rooms fitted for the business , nicely furnished and comfortable lo ll u In. Address U 5 Pco olllco , city. _ _ 857 UJ ] 7 > f > H"&ALl-'Ponj : nud rart on ctii-yTermslir I would exchange for Inrtror horn * * , onu 2011 P roller mid h H P engine , nccond hnnd hos- hoaiU cultablofor eltturns. U15 Dodpost b7D13J _ _ T7OI ( SALE > htlvu | nl counters. Inqulro X1 1 K ! : i Uth at. _ h.'U 7j Y/OH SLE Ice : ii car lots. Gilbert "llros. , JCouuill liluiu. 78ioot5 _ T7 < OH SALE-Ono5iiturn tiilllonfood ( ( pacer ) I. tlx ) i r < old. mil one Murtimi road Mtilllon nm onerc'i at private talc by W. S. llrown. Fre- u.ont. Neb. 703 10 1Olt SALE Ono set end band 2 borte power Acme oiih'inn In coed running ordrr. Johc C. Klliier. York , Nob. 703 10 1OH tT\lK-Sut irood dmbln iikinos > , nluoet nuw. C , lluirlaon , tbb , 1JI. it. ' 1 .J.UU' Cliiinflo-IUdiitirMl ortrnD chert n , taken li lor debt and munt b told , elegantly cntved case , ipK'ndld tone , ono-nult vkb srt'nt bars.iln. Addr t U SO , lluucir.ro.0 . -0 7J WANTiD KALE HCLP. a , \V . .l.NM.sV { < soltcltort. 1043 Faruajn , ' J upitwrJ. , . * . , . , - * . J . * ! JC.a J\t 1 y . f j. WANTED A reliable , onortfctlo mixn ns fpeclnl neent for nn old line Itfo Insurance company Liberal terms to ono thnt cnn so * euro bn lncj . lloom 2 , Darker bulldlnp. cor. IMh nnd Farnam tts. 410 14 * \ V ANTr D-Mnn for U. H work In lowix nnd > Missouri. O'Keofo .V McUerr. 'WJ 8. II. \ \ ANTEr. 2coo ) > 8 , 1 waiter. B l.iborlnu men. 1 1 cotno early. Husf til Labor Apcntj' , 1007 Fariittiu st. - 787 nj WANTED -Flrsf-clnss bocVkeopcr. Applr < Ylth references lo 0 ? ' , Ilco olllce. Wi III _ " \\7ANTED-1D tcntnstors nt once for city i ' work. Scntid. Emp. Huroau , 1010 Fnrnnm street. PIP 7 _ "V\7 ANTI D-Monforrnllrond work In Wjo- 1 1 mlntf. Albright's Labor Agency. 1120 Far nnm. 811 \\7 A NTElJ C TiFirnieirf oVfat.TauiT\V iuros IT ? I.7f ) to J22) per dav. Como early , llus- jell Labor Agency , 1 07 Fnrnnmst. 7S7 tj " \\7ANTED-Ono man for Ncbraskn , one for 1 1 Kntifins nnd ono for Dakota to lintullfl an nrtlcln thnt takes the place of w oed and coal at hnlf the cost. Small capital required. Cnll at & 22 North lull st KM ! Uj \\TANTI D Hey to feed press , Chase k K Idy , _ \ fANTEO-21 bricklayers nt lllaokwoldcr'8 > V bulldliifr.JVIehltn , Kntis. 7'.U S " \A7ANTI D Parties ill need of male or to- i T mali ) help fet the coming fair and ro- unton to send In thelrordcis onrly to Gate City Employment olllco , 3IH4 3 15th ft. ji'l ) \\7ANTED-Aiionts In NohrnfUn for Gen. IT John A. Logan's last wor'c ' 'Volunteer Foldicr. " jntt published. Address J. M. French & Co. , Omaha , Nub. 2)J "I \TANTED -4 good canvassers , ill per week , T i IGth st cinploj mcnt 220 , N. IGth st. 2702 fij "VVTANTIIU At euro , nn experienced ' man lOormnn ) fur dry pooils department. Mostollci , Scott It Co. ,15tn nnd Vititon sin.87H7 87H7 \Y/ \i i i.u n joungmnn to tnko euro of IT two horses and carriage nnd two cows , rotorciicca rcqiilied. Call nt once nt C. L , lj Icl.toii i ; Co. , 212 N , lilth , Masonic bloi k. Bli7 8 WAXTI-'D Agents -A now invention , needed In every house , no competition ; ' 101 per cent commission or a irood salary to rlcbt parties. Address with "tump for terms , Wenor , manufacturer , 31 N Mate ti , Chicago , 111. 870 J7J \\7ANTP.D-A good driver nt Itosontlno's T llsh market , 217 South 12th fit. 8747 \\TANTI'D A yonn ? man as partner In n ' irood olllco business. Address 1) 1Ilco Olllco. 6718 "t\7ANTri-Oonnnn ) or S ccl pel tenet' dr'lirs. driver neqinilnted , Mahlo mon J2 > . laborers lor citv , tl 7"i day , ' . ' cHUlkors and -JolnorB on water pipes (2.M , K dayshlp to-nlK'lit. llctutijtmrtcrs- I'utnnm st room U. biia 7J "IV ANTIJD Mon nnd women for nn msy. ' monuy-maklni : business hlch pays lour tltni's better than any othur. Woitny peisons with Ilmllod means will bo offered ovtiaordl- nary Induooinenta. Write for froo-nmplos nnd special terms. Address Men 111 .Manufacturing Co. , II M , . - ' - ' * to sell Shctland-Motitnln Ponlos 1 nncy colors. Laigcst herd in Amorlca. bamplo ponjfioo. . lluio oppoitnnl- tv. Inclose stamped eclf-iiddioscd envelope. liyron Van llaub , lloorneKcndnll Co. , Texas. _ TO 10 * \VANTEli A cniapctont bUlfiis clerk. Ail- > 1 dioss D II , lloootllco. tl)37J \ \ 'AN1ED A irood baker , none ether ncoJ ' ' apply. Jacob Fisher , Hastings , Neb. AV JAN'IF.Il "Men for railroad work. Al bilirht's labor iiKoni.y,112J Farnam. hOl 17ANTED Cloud baker , 240 > ( i 775 7j A\ Vine est iiiakinK nt 1C11 Daven port Bt. 7318 " \\TANTfiD - Acth o men w lib from $10 to $ ' 0. IIi > t pnylnir bnsine'.s In etato. Money lioublcil o\oiv wpul. Miss Onrrison's lutclli- KOIICO otlice , 1R12 Faruam. 8111 8 " 8iinitOM ( dalry7 1115 Saundors. 3Ji ! j \\rAN ni : ) 100 tracklayers. Free transpor- > tntlonsto the work Apply to Malloiy , CtiBtilnif iS. Co..Omaha or Wahoo , Noli. Ml 8. WAN FED A elerk to make out deeds at the pront f lOlot sale at 141 * ) Farnam street. Apply Monday ( U \\7"ANTEf- Men fmm ovc > ry part of the state it to call at the Gate City employment of- flco nnd make iirrniiHenionlrt to sell ( foods in their own town , bl monojmnklnt ? business , Sl4i ! s ISth st. FJO 8 WANTED 5 peed salesmen to travel for the boat flolllntr article , no oxocrienco ncoes. siuy , tt'to $10 n day. 314 a loth st , room 5. 77'l 8 \\7ANTUD--Flvo tra\cllni ; salosmont ; salary T nnd expenses ; no experience ncoe sarj' . Address with stamp , Palmer & Co. , Winona , Minn. 815 7j " \\7ANTF.D An experienced furniture sales- * " miin , apply Peoples Installment house , ei3NlCtli. 82J 7 "Y7ANTElSc.von > poisons to learn book > keeping , bltuntlons. J. 11. fcniltb , ICU Chicago Bt. . 1,03 lJ ) V\ ANTED First cln s hotel cook , moat and * ' pastry , also second cook , tobor nnd 10- llnblo nnd competent , furnish llrst cla s testimonials menials of above dualities , or need not npplj- . Call or iiddrc s Mr. Illnkson , Arcade hotel , Omahn , Thursdnj 1 to I p. m. 718 8 WANTEli "cooTs tUMo Yob ; dlflhwaMiers , $18 ; bell bovs , waiters , ole Mis. Ilrecn 5. Son , 310 S. 15ih , Canadian employment olllco. KiO 7J " \\7ANTEO-2.1 laborers on 2th ? and Howard IT bts. Sewer work. Delaney , Murphy & Co. 171 18J " \VAXTED-4 Gorman boys to carry papers , _ } ] 507-50' ! S. 12th. upstairs. bsi WANTED--FEM ALE "nELP \\7ANTEf ) T7adloT"nndionts for pleasauT IT monej-ruiklntr business. Miss Garrison's intelligence olllco , 1612 Farnam st. 81'J 8 ANTE'i A girl for general housework iu a good family , MS ti. 17th st. 518 " \\7ANTF.D At once , n peed girl for geuorn i housework. Must know how to cookj ; vaifos f4 per week , Nioo pl'ico for good girl. Imiulro 212 N lUth st 7b5 7 WANTED-I'Trst class cook , washer nnd Ironer. Apply at 2411 Capitol avcniio. 75,1 7 " \\7ANTED-A glr for general bfiusowork , T i small family , 1D23 California st , eornor 20th. 7M " \ /ANTED A girl for giner il housework in IT u family of three ; must boa good cook , . . . . . . , and Ironer ; good WHUCS to n competent Kill ; apply to C. Oskanip , 2215 Webster et 813 8J WANTED A peed plil to dofrenoralhouse work. Liberal wiiges , at J81r DomjlasBt. tO'i 8J AT7ANlLD-dood girl for genoial hotiho- i work , two In family , must bo Rood COOK and laundress , highest wage * paid for good worker , INil Davenport fiyj WTvNtED-Oirl.20.12 CiUlfornia st , 703 \\7ANrED-A rtr > t class dresgmaker , with IT rotercnces. For particulars addicssbov 1023 , Plattsmouth , Neb 81s 7J \\7ANTED-1 woman COOK for Grand Island , * ' 7 cor WBck , faro paid : 1 talloross tor city who understands making pants , good wages ; l girl for general luiusowcrl. nt Plaits- mouth , faru paid ; 1 German nurse ulil to tiiko cam ol I child , must be very neat and clean , unit fpo k German 1 gill to do general house work at Horoncu. good wage * ; 4 cooks for boarding house. * , Ir > and JO per week ; 10 dining room Blrl , fl -iiwa6hcrs 2 chambermaids , 2 pantry vlrls for noted. Girls , wo ha\oiO ! oed places In private liunlllos ; > ou don't Imvo to wnlt foritplncnnt this oftlco. Omnha Employ- mcnt llurcau , 11J N mil Bt. , Hoom 4 , Cronnto block. 82'3 ' 7 \\fANTED-\n oxporlenced talloross to work on pants. 1707 St. Mary's avenue. 81.'PJ \\7ANTED-Compotont girl for Konernl i housework in family of thrco , good wnnes to llrst-clnss glil , no others need npnlv. llth street betwui-u Arbor and VJnton , 2nd bouse. 7 uj \\7AMEO--Fir6tnnd bocond girl. l"l'l Cnpl- I i tolnyo. h t ! 12J \\7 A NTS D Girl for : general houao work. 221J > > UonglHs st. 8il 8J T ADY drilgcloik ; middle aged woman for JJ mine and steamatress , $ Wi steady woman fnr family of 2 , $4 ; rook und second , fid and t U ; gltls forttio country , f SI ; 2 trlrU In saint ! family , $30 and $18. The bctt places nnd the bts girls aroHlwarsto ba found at the Canad ian employment olHct1 , Mrs. Ureira i Bon , 310 South 15th. srj 7J \\7AVrED-Olrl for gonerat housework at T > BJO Douglas. 7487 * WANTHD-i-A good girl for wcshlnsr find housoiiork In family of throo. Gooil wages to tti rUBt person. C-'l youth 17th street , Til 7J \WANrED-An exp rlencea'Amcrlomi i\\i\6t \ * totaki earn of ckldr | n. Cull IU onlce ol Mead4Jamle 8n,81S r ' WANTfD Mlddto aged woman ns working housekeeper , good since , cDoks , wait- ro eif. chambermaids nifiilil clMse-s of help. llcHdiiiarler | ; , IDUil Farnrjjat , n-om 9. _ ! _ JJ \\7ANTKD-fllrl for general bouiowork at > i WJ North 2jth street 8So SJ 17ANTED A Indv ns assistant In olllce. Acl- dress D U Ilco oIllcoT1 h75 8 \ \ ANTED-Olrl for genernl housework at No. 101S Capitol nvimtiu MO SITUATION WANTED. \\TANTED Situation byj-ountf nmn. Bobar TI and willing to work. Addrofs I ) lo , this O III CO. 8JJ Cj " \\7ANTED Sltuntton ( rt housekeeper , peed IT reliable woman for hotel or widower with rhlldrrn , ran five reference. Miss Unrrl-on's ntrlliKcticoorllcp , Ml1'nrimiii st. 815 8 \V"ANIT.D Sltuntlon ns mnntvcr for n ? hotel west of Oiiinlm. 1 nm n hustler nnd mywlfu Is u Kood housekeeper. Ml s Gar rison's Intclllgouco oftlct , . iOU rnrnnm st. H78 8 " \\7ANTED-lly n sober reliable ( icrninn.cin- i < plojiiicnt in n porlcr ; wolild do nuv other work iiround tbo house , and cm tnko clmtKO of her cs. Address Iliotho Luebbort , Elkhotn Valley liouso , cor. llth and Dodtro stR. V.38J . A\ANTlfD 7ly n younir nmn who has liinJo IT oxperlenco ns triuellng silnsmnn , n per- nnncnt position In the city , ( load references from priscnt oinplojITS. Address Oil lluo olllco. 70S 7J MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. "V\7 ANTED Hooms suitable for light house- keeping. Addrcas 1) . ! ' . llcooillbo. 8U8J \\"AN'TEH A crcntncry and canning fao- ' torv. Will a snt the rljht turtles. Address - dress Hank of Vnlloy , VnlleNob. . 270sH YY7AV1 KD A second band copying press , i V A. It. Snydor.coitipr IDlh and Davenport B5S0 " \\7 ANTED A harness maker to open u shop i T hero. Addreas Hank of Vulloy , Valley , Nob. 270-s-U " \A7ANTED-To hcnrof good location for roT - T ' tailing Imrtiw-nro , or of slock for snlo in good town. Address D-Cnro of Hot ) . 817 20J WANTED A grain dealer to locate at this pluco. Host grain region In Nebraska. Address Hank of Vn lor , Valley , Neb. 270sJ \\7AVPED-Ono and nil to know thnt we have T i p'cntv ' of good oosltlons and pi nces for mnles and females. Call at our olllco and se lect your placo. Mlts Garrisons Intelligence of- Ilco. 1012 1 iirnnm. 778 7 \\rAN rED-tocouilhttnil furnlturo.stovrs and 11 household goods for spot cusli. Call at IKNlCtb. 250 820 WANTED 10)teams for railroad work bo twoen Sargcant and Iliowstor. Wagns fl'iO per daj- . Free traiuportation to work. Apllv to Mnllory , Gushing iSr Co. , Omaha or bt. Paul , Neb. 5f,2 H Prlnulpnlshlp of n ( rradod school liy HII ovperlonced custom teacher. Ad- Iress 0 7' . ' . lieo olllco. 7W 7J WANTHIl To rout pnrt of warehouse n trnck prl\ lieges , desk rjotn in oil Ac. , 714 I'ni-lllo 6t. If ! . . . A few boirders at 1720 Dodco st i Hefcrencos requested. 70J \7AN'nii : Factonnsof all Kinds. Addioss i llnnk of Valley , Valley , Neb. 27039 FOR BENT HOUSES nnd LOTS. FOll HENT s loom house nnd barn , bnrn will hold 4 head of boi os and 2 bugjrios , nl o a chlcKOn yard , on tno corner of 2ith avo. nnd Won-tor ft. Fnquiro of P. J. Creedon at hlsoITIco , lloyd s opera house. N > J ' . ) < OH HUNT Now H room house.barn , cistern 1T 1 and well , 21th and Chicago. Inquire. 807 = outb 24th bt. . 77 ! FOll KENT llt-omont otDlfi S. llth st. suit- nbln lotbirbor shop. Apply to M F. Martin (117 ( : ? , 13th Bt. 816 FOH HEXT A turnishcd hotel on Uth fit. of 2.i rooms $ lr > ( l pur , month. Cooperative tive Land A Lot Co , 20" > N 10th st. 7U7 8 FOIt IWN'l Commercial house nt David Ctv , Neb Address llcury Will. Hlsing City.Ntb. j Sfl'JOctllJ TT1OII IIRNT A fine store linllillnff on corner .i. r-nundeisand Ilnmllton i-troets. Splendid location for dry ( roods , ilothlnir , hnrdwnro. luinlture or jrroeeries. Apply to llruiier * llro , IIoilman block. 700 10 FOH HHNT n room lint on Park nvo , well ar- rnnired. plnnty of llBht and nlr , modern conveniences. > IO per month Including ? water rent F. l , GiOKory.liJOS. 15tn Bt. GSJ TjlOIt HF.NT-A larpo brick house of 17 rooms LEiiitablo for a first class bo.irdlng houso. O F Davis company , 012 7 T OIt HI'NT Four now Etore und Hats Jon Maunders (24th ( ) street , near f-ownrd. Kent low. Apply 012 N IBth it. F. T. Andrew. TjlOIt ItnNr-Store room , onn blorK from Jpostninco. . Inqulruof PhooJore Williams , nt lloo olhco. 715 FOH ItKNT And furnlturo for sale , elegant 10 room house two blocks fioni postollloo. Addicss U 57 Heoodico. Wj FOH HKNT-A flvo roomcottnffo on S. 21st _ BUAddrcs3 _ Od'i.lluo olllea 712 7J TJI > H HENT Cottiigo with 3 rooms , I01S S IStb -I- st nuar Plcrco. oJ4 7j EOiniKNTHouse. . 311 Spruce street , 5 MIS rooms , $ . ' 0 per too. Imiulro COS N. 13th st. G72 RJ FOIt HUNT 8 10-ioom houses nil inodoin improvoraenls , T71 per month. Morse k\ llrunnor , It 05 Farnam st. RIO 11 "IT-OH HFNT-A eott.v c , 4 rooms Hcnt 13 J jier month Apply nt loom 28 Arlington block Kill liodKO st. 800 1J1OII HKNT-3 room house , llth Rnd Piorco. JU Apply at 617 S. 13th ht. 914. 171011 HUNT Two live-room cottniru on I3lh -L' i-t. , $20 iior month , Ono ulepant two-storj- hoiife.tRo blocks from street cars.J.W. Address John C , Thompson. Herlild olllco. 675 T710H HUNT An olojraiit prlMito residence on -L' Farn.im tt. it , C. Patterson , J5th nud Iliirnoy et. IIS FOIt HI.NT Now 10-rooin hotiso ; all Jm- provntuents , Hteam heat. C. W. i : Q. E. Thompson , 311 S. 15tn st. 1000 FOB BENT ROOMS. FOll HF.NT Can accommodate six diirlni * fnlr week or permanently. Newly fin- nlshed looms on car line , 11,1 S. 21tb bet. Douc- las and iJodKC. 813 OJ TTIOH visitors to the Fair Newly furnished -L rooms only Ijnli'block from Iloyil's opera house. illU .Smith r.th Kt. , lloom 12. 734 7 _ OH HF.NT Nlcuiy furnished rooms at 15D3 Capital nvo. 731 7 FOll HENT--Hnndanmoly tnrnNbcd rooms- en suite nnd single. All modern conven iences. Apply ntLoslio & Leslie's phnrmnoj' , lUh and Do Igo. 0.'I7 | > IKNT Unfiunlshud parlor and bod- loom , 18-1 Chicago. ' a 705 FOll KENT-O'llco ' spac'qs on ffround Iloor , one front window. Knmilroitt l')0'J I'ainani Bt. , of J. S. HietiiinL-.on. C'J'J octll fOH KENT Nicely furnished loom onltablo for 2 Kcntlcmvu , Iuqulr42 < ) ll fat Mnrjs uvo. "IT OH HrsT-VurriiHliod , looms $1 , nlso day -Aboard $3.50 , at 1104 Davouport et. lllfi 7J p OIl HENT Nicely turtitshod room in nlco Jtottnpo , S8 per month , 400 WillianiB st. , a mlnuuswalk soutcast U. P dopot. C20 171011 HK.NT A niooly furnished Itont room Jfor onoor two ccntluuien , P. w. cor. S.'ml nnd Lcr-vcnworth , 1 block from fat. Marv'scnr. r fIS | U FOH HENf Nicely furmsho d looms with nret-class board nt Mis , Wm. Yoiinir.iUO1. Do n trliis . " ' . tt. , 765 l.ij IJ10H HKNT 2 nice brlcs utoro rooms , fine lo -L1 cation for dry good * Btoro nnd boot tun shoo btoro ; call ut or nddrosa for ono week , OltUon * ' Hank , Omnha. bitt u _ FOIt HENT Furnished rooms In Ornomir blK cor Mth nnd Dodiro st. luqiuro of Oeo. If , Davis. .Milliard Hotel Milliard room. tfl ! T710H HENT-3 rooms suitaiilo for ollice. ho | Jor lodplni ? . Inquire nt 310 Sloth fit. Hoard of ' 1 rado building , 00 J 7J "IT OH KENT-Two oinco rooms , nnd ono eight - - room oottairoun llnrney , between Kith nnil liJth.W. RCmrKo.UUUarnoy. 678 _ _ _ FOll HENT-Nlcoly furnished fiont rooms ? I5 , ti2 , $0 , bit North 17th t C5i ti | FOH HENT-Lnrt'o front p rior with nny window , and alcove , also othur roomn witfi modern convenience ! at 1521 Fnrnaln s' oni block west of court ttKNT-Elcffuinly turnhuol rouma sin , , Klooren ulte , " flh usu of huth , electric bills In every roon. . FJrst cU * restaurant nt. taobed , at Norm rurotje n . 1. ' , co.rnor lath and Wabjtor. . . . . j 1J1OH HF.NT Flno largo store room In brick JL block on Park nvo , good collar , city water anil gas ; Just the place for baxur or con fectioner , meat market or hardware stoio. Stocks of dry goods , drugs and groceruM now In the block. F. L. Uregory , 320 3. lf > th it Cl TpOlt HENT Nlcofy fiitnishToffroiit room. JL stiltablo for two ccntlemcn. He'ferottco required , loll Davenport Bt 633 8 171011 HENT Two nk-cly furnished rooms and JL sitting room for gentlemen. 170 * Cali fornia St 6M M "T7VJH IIESI loom ! suitable for 1 or 2 gontlo- JL' men , with board. 181. ! Dodgo. 5 B ' rooin7l9l6 FarnamTT. Tj'Olt UENT-Furnlshod . ironHEN i ! rooms In tlat suitab7 for J housekeeping , HOi 8. 7th street Anplr nl 017 8 IJthHt. flf , " 171OH HENT I nicely furnished front pnrlor Jwith bay window ; all modern convcmtencts. 003 N 17th U 715 1j > OH HENT-A nicely furnished room , cast 1 front , half block from street ear. 1813 Clnrkst 7M ) IOJ TJWH llENr-2Iront"roomsSIO blstli. JP 324 1JJ iroit HENT Two nicely furnished front JL' rooms , 1017 Howard st 837 M FOH HF.NT NIcely furnished room , HIS 8. 17th st. 20J T/10H HENT-Sulto of front rooms , newly JL1 furnished , gi , bnth.hot nnd cold waters , In private la in liy , to gentlemen only , FiO'J ' Dodge st m 1 8J FOIt HENT Lnrgo iurnlshod front room , s w cor ISth and Jnckson. 5'JO FOH HENT Elcenntly furnished room on first Iloor , with modern Improvements , 1917 Cass. ti'-S ' F HtNT-Olllto , 16U1 Tainnm gt. TOlt lir.N'T I nlco nnftirnlsliod rooms suit- JG nblo for houaokoopinir , liiih mid llo nnl Bts. Apply with reference : ! to 017 S Uth ? t. : )7fl ) 1/OH IIKST rurnlshed rooms wltti hourd , JT niOSKnrnnm. 307oo4J P iOH 11K.NT A atge front alcove room , I7U7 Uodtfost , 708 Fi It HKNT Tnei arifoKMore room in town. Inrtilro ] nt the Argus oClco , Albion , Neb. * 6l < ep11 > FOIt HKNT-Two unfurnlitiml ba emctit rooms to fnmlly without children , 1UJ N , 17th s 47'J rOll HKNT Ftunlshod loom Tory cheap , lliOFnruam. 78 j Foil ItKNT-rurnichod rooms m Grotinlsf tilk. cor Uth nnd Oodw St. IminliQ or Hurls Ic llothorlngton. Mlllnrd Hotel llifllnrd room. 23- ! F n.N'T Dcslrnblo furnished room for Kentlomon nt8JO Hownr.l it , 5 JTOH HENT Newly furnished room , board if 1 desired , 1720 Dodge St. 4tt ) THOU HUNT Nlcelv furnished looms , to gon- tlemeti only. 2JJ N. 16th St. . Hootn a. 429 OR SALE HOTJSE3 LOTS. r/OUIl lots nenr Alhrlitht's depot South X ? Onmhn , ut last wlntut's Hsu res or will trndo for hoisoanj huwry. Apply Sloman * Mllli , ir.1 1 Fnrnam , mom 1. _ 63110 Foil BALI : on T ItATK-Au equity or * 1.000 In property on 11th street for Improved property In Council lilulls. 2fluo lots Improved center of round ! Illulls for Improved farm In eastern Nebraska or western Iowa 4rt lots .1 miles from 1' . O. One-half ncro In llonson nnd nice lotln Clifton Hill for rood span of horses. Actlxo lloal Kstnto and 1'ioporty Exchange , IKi Uodiro 8t. 70 10 for t arm within 2o mllns of TIOoxchanKe Omnhn , fine corner lot \\ltb housn. Chns. K. Woolley,4I8 S. IMh st , 3l < Csl2 FOU 8AWJ Two lots three bloaki west of Faratocn "chool house , llrst-tln a property , ? . ' .700. t < iim 1) . .lono" ! . n.0 ! ] 4J AnUAUTIl'tTj I'LACP 1 can olfer for n few ilny s thrco beautiful south front lots on I'npplotnn lucnuo In ilmi'cotn I'lnoo. 1'opplc- ton a\tmue Is now hnlnir K'nidtd , nnil tho'-o lolH \\lllbo Just iltrht lor cnido ; untor and as already on street ; n perfect prndo : two lines ol street cars. A beautiful park nnd R splendid nohrhboihnod nllcomhlnn to make this an elo- unnt site for n cosy homo 1'rleo only $2,700 ; $700 cash , balance on lony tlmo , Qco. N. Hicks , 215 S. nth st. 7019 EF. IlIKuKIt , 119 N loth St. bet Dodsro and . Cnp. no. . JI8.000 - modern nouses , 7und 13 rooms oaoh , Iot7-'xl40 , Donuhis , near rd. $5,500-11 JxHO , luth st nenr Clark at , beautiful lot and a ImrjpUn. 510,000 laft ) o trout on Snundors nnd SOxU'O In roar , opposite Kountulaeo. . f 0,500-10 choice lots , Hoyd's ndd. near plnln- m f factory , 4 blocks Iroin Saiindui1 * (2jUOJ OOxlJ ) , bnlldlnr cost J .U'W , suitable for mnuufiiLturlnif , Davenport , near 17th , will tnko f 10,000 In DouBlus Co. Iund or other city property. 18.000 ( .5x111 , choice Ut , Oass , near 22nd , will oxvhuniro oijultv for ether property. 1(1,50) ( ) 1 Ino stock millinery , cholco location , ' { cash , baleood Omaha , property. Chnlco bualao = w ntul residence property for fnlo In all parts of the city. R. F. Hinder. Ml \\TIIATIuvo } ou to trndo for line ii stoiv rosldonco and t'vo lots In the uost n.irt of townJoln C. Uhouipaon , Hotuld olllco. rpOotchmiiro for farm In wr tom Iowa or J- eastern Nebraska , wood corner lot with thice houxuj , Chas. II. Wool Icy , 418 S. Tith bt. Foil SLlI T nnty cholco ncres eloso to Mls'otnl I'lirille liallroad nnd West Albright - bright , only tno or three blocks from the John Ilurli3 ) Mnnulnctuilnir Industry , that Is al ready tinder ay nnd will mniiloy u hundrud or nioro meclianlcs. Ibis propoily command * a mncninctnt view In nil directions , and will plat Into HO uleiiant mt-S. ST&'J ' an aero Inns It if tauon quick. Oco N. Hicks. 701 9 I71OK SAI.K At abaigaln , several suctions of X1 land incuntial Nobiaska. Coed rich i-ol | ; pntt lou.-ltiili o land , balance iollingnd ; ilrrhl ) udnplod oitlierftr ucticral t'iiniiin ! < or MOCK put poses. This land Is aittintnd m llo icl county , near the Louprlvnr , within Irom three to so\on inllc3of peed rallmad stations , and nenr Ht , Paul , the county seat mid ono ol tno bo t Blowing towns In oontral Nebiaskn. How ard county Is bolniriapidly settled by a irood class of people : has good bank" , churches , schools , flour mills nnd stores ' 1 wo bianchus oft ho U. I'.lly run through the ci ntrnl portion of the county , nnd the irrndlnir Is now ' under wnv for n branch of the 11. & , .M. Hy to St. Paul , which will nlvo thlB county splendid railroad facilities. Also Imvo ono tract of dlO aoics of rolling Innd. Can uultlvuto three-fourths , bal ance oed ffrnlns land. A rood rock-bottom creek i tins across one eornor. For a Btoek farm this can not bo ox ( " > ll < il. Sltuntod mldwnv between Ht. I'nul nnd Fullnrton , good railroad stations , nnd onlv four miles from new II. A M , station. Will - < MI In tracts of 1C ) acres nnd upward - ward on ensy terms and lonn tlmo 1'rleos * KOO to 6IO.U ) per ncio. ( leo. N. Illcks. 215 south IMIi strovt , opoia house block 701 9 ISOnrrcsof rood land 3 miles oist ofoon - socket , I'nkotn. ' to tralo tor No , 1 mnlesor borees. Address 0 20 lloo ollico. 217 l.'lj TJ OHSALn Now 3 roon linuso nnd ! J Tot X1 nonr IGth nnd Ohio , Sl.BOi ) ; montnlv pay- monta. Inquire Otto Biumiston , 015 Noith lilth st HO .IJ _ FOIl SALIC Flcfrnnt east trout lot on stroi > t oar linn that Is innnlni ; ro ularly. Ixit lies beautifully , $12 * , ; $1 > ca-.li- balance MO monthly Inquire N I ) corner 11th nr.d Chi- en jo Ft root. 872 & "IIIOH HALK Finef-t loeHtlon for u Home in i West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes of Klrl.ondallCoe , Ilindy , Pns < on and others Nothlntr HumIn the city Can sell in.ixl87or l < s : tor prices nnd terms POO S A. piom.ui , % I'nrnnm st. 7 W "IjnATjKSTATK I havii now H jrrent many Ji IniKjalns In ro-idt neolots , buslnes * prop erty. houses nnd lots and nero property. John M rinikn , sole ugent , s w cor. Douglas an < l llth streets. b.11 HJ "J F YOU want to buy , soil , or trndo youi prop- .1 orty , call on Ch irloj K. S | > otswood , ! ! 'IVJ ' B. Uth St. _ _ _ j _ 40. ' L IST your property for silo with Charles C' ' 'iH ' Mthst. 04 ! LLIST LIST jour property for sslo with Clmrlei C. Srotsnood.lm'i S IBth st. Of ! FOH BALK Oroxchnnifo. ll lot , best house property In city ; 2n ucrcaliv ; miles from p. o. . snitiblo for pnrdonlnir or milk man , att-Wptr ncro ; IIOIKO und lot In Train town. Inquire iVb North Mtli at. f7.I HJ r\W \ parties nuylnir lotsof mo In South Omnhn -L and crui'tlnir unnll cottages I will jruaran' tee a net prollt ot 2(1 to ; fl per < ont on the lota lu\cstment , Qio. N. UicUs,215s UthKtroet. | 7111 POIl BALE-Noiv store bulldlnir an I lot 01 llollovunst the main thoroUEblnro con noctlnir Omaha und the stockyards , pricelu > * uOo 8h. bal 1 and2.vis. Innulro ot ficp. N H Itk s .alSSIttlnt. 7C19 _ B Ulllt TLAC'II-W rusldento lots cltualo * ! from ono to the block * south of the riuutr Oinnlia brewery. 1'rlws from JliO to tt00 ! ( JiO-thlrdca'h ) , bnlunco On oiieytcuns at S po cpnt ( njorcst. J. J , O'lfourkc , eolo owner. ' ' ' TfOH bnrgalfts In South Omalni ao.o ; Oeo..ii " " LIST jour property for saTo"vHth'"ciiurles 0 8poUvooJj ( wy/t BJCtU K. ' . . CU-- [ 710H SALT ? -A beautiful o-rooin hoimjmt L' completed In Joroinn FniK on S lft stro t , tut olt Krtrnatn , bath room , cellar and all mod- > rn Improvements , cUiorn , barn , olo. Mny rndo fern smnll tinonoutnbcrcd f rni. not too far from Omntm. Apply to Ulmrlos C. Spot. wood , Wii , S lUll ,178 3"AT til ,0 MAN , UonlTifntcTlJOr Knrnnin t O. Fnrnnm st between Twentieth nnd Twcntj'.thlil , IMtt.E ! , ptr foot . . , J 40J artiiitn tt corner Iblity-llrst. 130x1,12 , per foot , , . . . . IV ) > rtiim ) t. npar p'lvmnrnt , 47vliii . . . . . . 4,1 w 'arnntn st. near piivemont , PSxI.c. . H.I ; I 'iiriium st. oortirr Fortr-thlrd , 44xl3J. . . 'arnnm pt rornor Nineteenth , 1m- "arnnm st. between Nineteenth nnd Twentieth , Improved , 77xlT2 . . . , , , 40,000 'arnnm "t nu.ir Klu\enth,20tl3. , touts for Jl , 1 0 . 25,030 arnnm ft nonrT\venty-Sneuth ( , Wxl.t ! nt' i foot . . . . . , . . . TOO Intnost. . ucur Twentieth , Impiovod 17ixlfi7 . . . BOXX ( ) larni'V St. near Twcntj'-thlrd , Improved , r,0xt2 . . . . . . . . . . .11,000 lainny it. near Flltconth , lmu-o\cdi | ) ! , U . . . IS.PO Shtetnth st. near Neho'.niiOKxlOJ ! . 12.XH ( ) Ixtrcnlh st. south ot viaduct , 40x102. , . . .I.OUO loiiKbis st. on tofTwenty-thlril. W'Xin ' ! . . HiOO .Twentieths ! , near at. Mary's nvo , im- pro\cd.40tl.0 . , . 8.COO " entlcth st , betweou DoiiKlns nnd' DodKO , Improved , SUttW . . . . . . C.Oin Satinders ft , corner Hurt , HiOvSl . 7.VO Alice st , ii.arlnriiamra t front , 47xl.W. 1,8X1 'iftoenth st , corner Jonc < , Improved , G9 xl.K . . . a > ,000 \iurteontli toortier.l acli son , ImpioNCd , BrtxISJ . ! . 80,000 'otirtccnth stcoriicrClitcaioiinpio\ , Bfitl1 ! . ' . 18,003 Twelfth et. coincr.Jonoi , Improved , Ctix DJ . 23,000 .lev cnth Bt , corner Nicholas , trackaj , ' " . ( OvIJJ . 0,000 riilrti onth st , Paddock place , trackage , MxllS . . . . . . . . S.ROO rtilttccnth st , cot nor California , lui- proved , rent * SI , TO ) . . . , . 2"i,000 'ark i\o , opposite PirkBOxir.0 . 2,00) ) la\cnport st , opposlto MUh fchotil. line modern fourtccn-rootn house , CO \13J . . . 10,000 ? nf-p st. , between Nineteenth nnd Twen tieth , tw elva-room modern house , MX 1(8 ( . 15,000 Nicholas st . corner Twenty-second , truckage , i\ll- ; ) , improved . 20,000 Charles et. , near St , Marj's , lniprovod,04 x2H ! . 0,400 Jnlpy Ptnenr Crohrhtnn collejjo , modern ton-room housu'l3xH2 . C,250 'Ictco st , near Tw cntlcth , liflilS. ) , fronts two streets , Improved . 6'ilO ) Olk-ost. , near Twenty l.xtli , IWillC , Im- pioved . n.OPO 'wenty-second t.t. , nenr draco. 60x120. . . 3,000 Vest Omaha. In bon ton locality , 40 or OJ s X165 , per foot , . 75 'Hentj-llrst , corner Vlnton.KilOJ . . . . 1,500 Castcllnrat. , next corner KlKhth , fillix 121 . . . 1,000 Thirty third Ft. , corner Uolawaro.Ilnnv com PI ice 110x100 . . fi.lOU .eavenwnrtlnt. near Sixteenth , 2x . . 0,000 Vobsterst.ncarTwentj--olKhth , WxliO , onpindo . l.FOO In addition to the nbovo 1 Imvo lots In all ihotcojuhlltlonR atlnw _ llgures. _ 7I'J rnOHSALK- nbuwiln , B40 ncros of llrsi X1 class farmlnif land In Howard county , this tnto ; llrH class soil , tlosa to two lines of rall- oad , nnd surrounded by well lmpro\od farms. Jun divide to suit purclniser , nnd will make his n bnnraln if solJ ( inick. Small cash pny- nont , very env terms. Address ( Icoriro f. Ilcks.215 South 15th st. _ Tilt 9 _ FOH BALK-Lot 8 , Ctlc.t Plaoe. between Leavonworth st. nnd the y.oor form , first- 'In ' s resilience site lot. 13 covered with line hadu trees nnd Just rlnht lor ttrndo. can sell for only f 1,151) If taken quick For Sale Splendid business lot on Vlnton st. near Uwentleth , foity fett frontiiffo , only pu,0.i0 A linrsnln. i-or Sale 100 fecit ponlh front In Itnrtlott's nildltlon , neareoinerof I'aik a\o und Lenven- voith St.only * " , , UOO. This property U worth o day 57,500. For bnlo Lot 10 , block 2 , Potter's addition tear Fnrnam st , only $ lUiO. Call mult-colt. For Sale Three nieo east flout lots In LOIIV- onworth Terrace , only f2,4(1) ( ) . 'ibis propoity Is situated oniiL'cntlo rl o botwonn l.oa\nnwortli ind I'ltrnnm ots , anil H siuer.il bundrod dol- ars le'S than lots across the struct nnd In the rioinity. Don't let this slip. For tialo Two lots In'labor I'laoe , corner of ' .owu uo. . mid Howard st , , just tlucn bloc-ks wo t ol the eledant now hotiscp now bclnij crrctol In Wi < t Omaha , 'Hits will nuiKu a siilondld site lor two rosiduiues , only Jo.OOO , Call and Int tin show you this. Foi Snlo Cholco corner In We t Omaha , on Lowu avc. , nixim feet only * IOUO. There is Just M-'WOcleai prollt In this for some one. For Sale-Splendid plcco ot trackairo prop- nity , Ib.'xlU tout on licit line and LmiMjmiortli St. , only $2,400 ; ono third cash , balance one and two years. For Sale Klegnnt front lot on ( leora'n ave nue fern low dnjR at f IJW. If you wnnl nn olcirant rcsldeuco slto , don't let this slip. For Snlo llomtlful south front lot on Pop- cton avonuc. Hnnscom I'lncn , $2,3)0. only 1700 cash. It will p'ly you to invtjtltrato this. For Palo Lot 3 , block 7. Hanscom Place. Phis lot Is Mr 171 foot , east front , surrounded iy elojrant houses on both sldos , Owner i out of town and must hnve money. Cull and lot us mmc prlco on this lot to you. For rtnio-aix choice comer nnd east front ots In Vnnderoook tcrraco , on Lowe nvenuo. ind between Farnum nnd I.cavcnworth strn'its. These lots join Potter's addition on the smith , nnd can be sold nt prices rnnKlnp from 1,400 to riOO. Tboro la fW3 prollt on rnch ono of o loin. Call and focnro ono before they ire nil taken. For Sale Hwrirnlni In nero oroporty. To In vestors 1 olfor a cholco ti ado of twenty ncres. clo n to Missouri Pnclllo railway ; only two ilockE from the location of thu nuw litidoinont ] manufacturing bulldiinr that will employ too non The Nmthwostorn railway ro now irradlnir for their line to the stooK ynrdH.dlriu I- j oist of this propoitv , Tnesn acte aru hUn : iml siu'iitly , commanding u maunincant view In oerj'dlrnotlon. The land Immedintolv loin- jnc thl projie ty nas boon platted into lots and sells from ? l Jio fW ! pur lot. 1 run oilorthia pi0)101 ) tt In tint ts at two , IIvo 01 ten nu05 at S"0) to f00 poi num. only ono- fourth cish. bilaneo ons , two and three yoais. Don't let thN Blip , but call ami hit us show you ; he propLiH , Von can doiiblo o ery dollar ln\tftod. ( icorijo N. Illcki lD South 1'ifleonlh Bt. 701 U JACKSON & NasonNo. . Kill Farmim nsspoclalnttiactions for fair wieU ) mo cool nniKiilnsIn city property , r.monir wliicn itoROTorsl ! ino ri > lde'lr > es and n number ol ctxfm'O vacant lots at veiy low prices ind terms to suit. If you have property to Hull list it with thorn (17h ( 7 " " " Cliiruvrs-For sale , lot n , "bioek"T , Iyilo Parktbtio hiindreil feet Kouth'frnnt , a corner , only tlnee thousand dollars. C. H. llrou-o.llydo Park. 007 in | FOH BALH--Ton choice lotsln the northern pKrt of South Omaba , siirrounilln the park and on Hollouo stieet.thi ) muln thorough- lure cannectbi ! ; the city and Smth Omaha and thr stock yaids. These lots nro only two and one-half miles I'm m the po'tolllcu. and pltnnted dncclly mitweon tno business portion of iho city and the business center ol South Omnln. ' 1 hey nro lirgcr lots than nny put on the mm- ket.iiOrlM ) toct.with M roots and nonuos eighty f cot w Ido. Can oil or tliRsnlotH tor $800 to f I , ' ! ( ) , small rash nnymont , vorj' cn y turms. 'Ihesu lots olfer n splendid clmneo lot an investment. Call and ECO them. Ooo. N Hicks. 'ol'I ' TFyou w nnt ono of the finest rvsldonro lots In Omibn. eall nt thu olllco of 'Icio. N. Hicks , 2I1 South IMhst , anil lot him take 5011 out to Hnnscom I'laco nnd sot the choice build- in ? lots ho can olfor In thU buautlfuladdition. 7UI U rplli ; < h < inpest and best lot on On liar J lifln 1. Otohard hill , prlco f l)0. ( terms mtny , SlClh. Charlon C , BpolpHOod. li $850 will buy 40x127' } , south front. Apply Htnm Dooatur street. .Ht S2S ) "IJ1OH SAIiIU-Flvn cholco business lots on J. liollovuo street , the main thnrotiihfrtra eonneotmt'the citv and Foiilli Omah-i. Now motor ear line Is alrondy laid In front of this property Tin sudoslrnblu lots i nn be olftiri'.i at 11 nm ? 1,000 to fU'O ) tiinli ; onlyonuntth cash , balaneo oafj tnrms Sploi lld opportun ity to ooiHln n uood ploco ol buaiueas property , ( lee N. Illoks 7dl 0 "Ij OIl SALIE Ono million acres oriiunl in Xe- J. brusnii. Sp cnlaliir'H l.utdi.rfxhroad Imi'lc ' , ranches , and fnrms In all pirti of thy utato. Send for pamphlet containing douirlp tlou nnrt prlcu or ovei ono thousmd farmf. A fine topotriaphlcalmapof tbo stale sent free upon application 1C. II , Andrus , for 10 years ( len'l Und AKunt II. X M It. H. l.lh-lilli nnd P ctructs , Llnauln. Nobraakn. 24'j ' Proposals for Se er Consiruotion. SEAI.Kl ) bids will bo leoolvoU br the elty cloik until 10 o'clock a. in. , oiunmbor 'Jth , ] b7 , lor tbo tonstriietUm of c tm m watur tuw- uiitu'O , In tboclty of Pluttsmoutli tin pnr iilnn- and Epi'i Illtutlona on filu in thu olllto ot Ihc city clerk. 1'iuposiiN to hu m.ido on punttil blanks fin nlshcd lnjihn city deik.nnd all bid' to bo nci-ompniiled bvaicnlned ohi'ck foroni bundled dollars upon a local bank payncta tr thu i Ity iif I'lnttumontli as inrfult money In thr oveiil thut tlui bidder khiill fall to tutor Into i contruit with irood and siilUcignt bonds wlthlr ten daysot not Ice of award. 'I ' 10 efitimnto lor ald work mndo by thu ult ) onvlnii r , Is ai follows ; c\6ii and u half loot biick sewers $11 put foot , Flvo mid n h ! f rcct brick FCWCIS J7.M pei foot Four ami u half feet btlcl ; Eewns J5/0 put foot. Klltocn Inch rlpo eomplole Jl.M ) 1101 font , Tlirco inuiiJioii. * It f vt U.K'li t4.uo ] > t < rert foot. Thieo frames nuJ COVM& 5M fouuJs rirsh ai 4o. * fl)00. ) Snld bids will bfioponud a < 2 , o'c'locH P , * > ! Pcptemi-or-Blh. I1- * ; , 1t the otlicn of'tho iUy ! nt torney , liyron Tlirk , Thei lty Hserves the .rialil to r < 1'irt tniy niv IillblUi. ' ' . 'J.t W. .IIIIIN ( j.'J , Chnllma'i.ar th'i.lloi rd > f P' ' 1/lic'Wouis. I'lutUtaautb NxV. , August 10 , i r. . - . . . , . . , . . Stil-2ti | t mid , ' ' wttit TUB otocnvriit nr cou.Mar mu. LK UT CXAIU.M.IO THIS ur THAT TUB GHIGAGO.ROCKISLAND&P . IFIGRAILWAV liyrraicmot Hi rf titrnl iM < ltloi * .o < o rxlttlan tollnn rait cf ClilCKKo , mid cunlliifni li.l.-s Kt trrmlnM points Writ , hortiiwvtt * mt oathn it , I' th tnM mMdlo link In tliat tri i fonltnntAi j ltni whtrh InMtM nu t fArtlllAtct tr T < l niid traCe botwun tb * AtlinllOMidr rlll ( . The Itock Iilftnil n tn lln Anit branch * " tnrlut ! CbV c c , Jell tOtt , l.nr llp , IVorU , ( Icnoco , Ivollm nnil UocU IfUnd , in llllnaUi Iiivrnpcrt , MuHitlnv. .AuMiiRton. InlrflrM , Utlumi > nlikitloo > i , V , ritLlM crtf.lown ntyPc-iolnt < . IndlnnoU. InUr pt , Atlan < tic , Knottlllo , Auilulxm , lUrlsn , iluthrlo Centre nn4 Council lilulM , Inlowai llnllMIn , Trrnton , Bt. . rrpn. Cameron ntul KAn Afl City , In Mlmourlt IA& % iwurtH nnJ Atchlion , lnKnn > a l Alln-it I p , Mlnnrnr IU < i > n < l Et. 1'aul , InJllnneiolA ) WnlrrtoiMi and flout lulIM * lAkntaftntlmnlrotl4nint rinoUUai Itlciund tuwRfc "Tho Cront Rock Island Routo"n nunrRnlrri r | > pf > d , comfort , rrrtAlntr and infrtf , IM rxnnincnt WAX l dlitlnxuliluxUVr IHriollfnoo. It * trldcn M9 of ttono nit Iron. In track I" OC oltd useful , and fnr luxurloti1 * KccomnioJttloni It utu tN pAMtil , ltd K lirf3 TrAlUi consist of fuiicilor V4y Oc cljc , lcf nt rullmin 1'AlAco r rlirnnJ Kli-i-lnif C r < , lut'crb Dlnliie Vja * , iTOTldlnc ddkloiu inonli nn 1 ( tjctMrtrn Chlcngo mul St. Joirnh , Atililson an Ktninn Cllj ) rosttul nrctlnlnK Chnlr OAFI. It' irt.iiv ; omcjit Is conurTAtire , IU illiclplluoomtttov "Tho Famous Albert tea Roi' o" Trtirrrn Chtcniro and MlnntM'ollB nnd flt. I'A ii th * fo\orltn. Orcrthlsllno Solid Fv < t Kxpn-a Trains run dally to nttnulho resorts for toinl l In lev it " 4 Mlnnciota , and , via Watoito n nndSloux l'Alltoti ! rich whf it and Krizlnelnita of Interior Dnkohv. \ Ift f rnccix nnd K inkil.oo. the lioi k Itland oirera tuporlor inducoraents to trAMilcn Ix-tnron Clncltm&tl , linlltn , aitollt. LafAfetto nnd CouncUltlntri.Rt. Jooph , Ktd l * on , Lea cnwoitli , KAIIIAH City , St.rAUlaiuilntorm < M ditto pnlntn. All | iilrun > ( i > > | HClAlly ) > dli and rl.114 ilirn ) rrcoltc protection , roufttsy nnd kindly nttcnt Ion. For tickets , in ipn , folJen > .coiil of'i ttin TrAlI , of nny ilnlrrd Inforinatloii , Kpply to prlnolpil oPlrc la tlie Unltc-d filatci anil OuiiJa , or addrpM , t Chlcaco. fi.R , CABlt , E. ST. > UHN , I. A. hCtBMOl , > < > 0. 111 r i. 1V CHICAGO SHORT LINE OKT11K Chicago , Milwaukee The Jicst Jloitlcmm Onnttia and Council Mil/fa foj 7 Two Tiulns Daily Between Omaha and Council lilulls Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minucnpolis , Cedni Kapidt itock Island , Kiceport , Hock ford , Clinton , Diihtiqttc , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Tancuville , Beloit , Winona , l.a Cros'e , And nil othur iinpoitiint points Knst , N'oitliom ) anil Sontluiiist. I'ur through tldicMs cull on the tlclu-t iiccn | \t 1IU1 Iniruam street , In l'ii\tou Hotel , oral Union I'ai.'ilic dopot. Pullman bloepurs and the Quest ninlns : Cnrj n tliounhl uro inn on the niuln lluo of thtt Jhlcn 'o , Mlluaukou X ht. I'nul Hitihuiy nnil ur * cty ntteiitlon is paid to puMunifor.s ! > > courte * OUH omplo ) es ol the company. it. Miitiit : , Uenoial MiiniiKnr. J. r , TilCRr.it , Asblstnnl ( iunoinl Mannsor. A. V. H. CAitt'ilN if.it , ( lonoral I'm-scnuor nn Ticket nppnt. Gio. li. Hr.ArroniAbflstnntaonciull'as3on4 gcrnnil TlcUot Ajtcnt. J. T. CI.AHK , ( loncrnl Superintendent. THE CHICAGO The only rord lo taVo for DOS Molnes ' n - clmlllown , Cedar Uupldt- , Clinton , Dixnn , Chlca- o , Milwaukee und all i > iint ! ra t. To tbo people plo of NiibnisiiColoindo , Wvomlnir , Utah , jdnlio , noviuM , nio on , Washlnvton , and ( all- foinin , it oUcis superior udvantases not pos l- bio Iif any other lino. Amone a tew o' tnu numerous points of su- Vrlorlty enjoyed by the patrons of this mart tu'ine.on Oninhii and C'lloiiBO.ure ' Its tuo trains n day of DAV COACHES , whleli aiollm llnii- thnt human art ami Intr2niiliy cm croato. Its l'AI\CiisI.iiU'INl : ; : ( OAKS , which aru modpld of comtortnndolerance. its PAHLOH DIIAW INO HOOM UARi , unsiupnssod by any. and Its widely ctlcbiated PALATIAL DIMNHJ I'AHS. the pqtinlof which eannotho found cHo lioro At Council Illnirstho trains of the Union 1'ncllla Ity. toniuict In Union Depot witli these of the CbleairoA. NorthwcPtern Hy , In Clili'iii ) the trains of this llr.p nuikt ) eloso ounncetlon wltll tbosoot nil cHottin lines. For Detroit , Columbus , Initlniinpolls , Clncln- null , NhiKaia 1'ilH , Dnllulo , riitsliuru- , Toronto , Moutroil , lloston , Nnw Vork , Philadelphia , rinltlmoin , Washington and nil points In the If you wish the bnat accommodation , All ticket Brents koll tickets via thl.i lino' 11. HuQIIlM1 , , K P. WILSON. Gcnl. M nn/er / , Oonl. Pa , . \7. M DAHCOCK. Ti. H. IJOLI.ES , Wettarn Aemit , City P.ui'r Agent , Ofntiha NobiasUo. U. S. DUI'OSITOUY , Omaiia , KToTo. Paid up Cnwittil . $200,000 i Suiplub . 4.7,000 II.V. . Yntes , 1'rcsidcut. howis S Itucd , Vico-Presltlent. A. K. Toii/.nlln. 2d Vicu-1'rejlilutU. W. 11. S. W. V. Morse , Jiihu.S. Collln ? 11.V. . Yatcs , I RWIS S. llouil A. 1C. Tuiizilin. UANKINcTol'TIOE ' : THE . IXtON BANK Cor. I'Jtli uitil Farti.iin Hts. A ( iiiiiuritl liank'msr li ll5-ll7MON3Gr.ST.CHIC/vCOI / 66 DtVCHSHiF.t CT , COST ON. I Gn , Htri'ct.1 H , It' , Co. ' n ap-n- ! laity. UuiioiiunJouco b611ot ! d. A SPLENDID OPENING For nil Kinds of ! IU II.CM ut tbo Kew Town of Mine , 'tv\o < n Fnlrbury nnd llcatrlcoou the C K. it N. H. . on J'a n H Jl , J.V.J r rV.rl'iry , ' < -t l ilinrtwiauii Ci , n . i'ro : ji.