Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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4 TUE 0MMrA. . DAILY. BEE : , THUflSDAY1 SEPTEMER ] . S d . 18S7' .
---J------ - - - -
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I 'JITE ? DAIm BE. )
' T1nMf ; or UflSCItlrTP !
. Dflr ( t rnIi Edition ) iucluilliig 3untiW
, flu : . Onn % 'i'ar O
Tor1z MOflth . . . " (1 ( )
Yor'ftreo , Mon'q ) 2W
, thn&ifl FHflhIft $ 1Itinnflet1 to any
. uth2Le8tunoYcf.r. . _ .
: _ _
OJATIA Orrrrr. : n. Vu Ml c1' ; ? ATrA't ' MT'tT1
t4 w YunIc I P Jtr1 , Itut ) t . . Jfl liI4 J II ti I 1,1)1
, WuiNuo UrrLc 4O. &IJFOUILTLN11L 3TItIt
oonnEMrmthtC2 :
. AH ccmmunitoit * relitting to noP AVId i'I. .
/ thrial nftttnr ltouId bo UdIrc3ZCd to tilt ) LD1.
1 uII or Tith IJi.
r.trrzn :
All h1Ine letters adremIttaneihOtd irn
RIrcMed to 1 ti 1JIr. : 1'IiII1MHINJ ! UtIANY ( ,
, UMAIIA. Irnft ) elicki , nn' ' potnmc. orthiri
14. , 1)0 flflA1U 1'ay&tbIo ' to the onicrof ttio oompany ,
, : E IosEw.'rEn. ErnTOR.
Hworn StttCIltflltOF Circulation.
. rnnto of Netjtnqk ,
County oI Inuila.
( ; ii. 'rcIiticu , ecrttarV o 'the lThn
PublishIng company , iloes soleiiinly swet :
that the nctnil circulation of tlio 1)aiIy ) lh o
t for the weelc eutling Sept. 2 LSST , Wa9 as
. . foJIows
$ nttiit1ay.ttigust 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.1r1)
Stindiw. Atuu' 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] 4.tOO
Iifll.V.AUgtlSt , 2S ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'I'iwstiay. Atunt : ; o , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . Vrdneay. 4i1gLit ] L . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ' 1'Iinria lit. ) I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.000
; Friday , Sept.
* AvcraO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.142
. Gio. : Is. Tzscnuci.
, . to niitl subscrIbed In my presence
tlilsl : tlay ot 5t1)telflbet ) , A. I ) . IES7.
N. P. Fgir. .
. rsEA1l Notary I'uWIc.
Blab of Netrak. ,
ioiiidas County. I
( leo. Ii. Tzschuck , beln first duty sworn.
4' , . deposes nrnl says that lie is secretary of 'I'Iio
Bee J'ubIIliIn company. that the actual
ttvci-age daily circulation of the laIIv IJo for
- the month of Spttuber ( , 1&A. , 18.030 copies ;
. for Otobcr. 1b,0. 12,09 eovI ; for Novetn
ber. 18O , 13Pi corics for Dec'niter , lb$0 ,
13,7 cnpieq : for January isi. 1,2C43 (
copies ; for February , 1b37 , 14,1OS copies ; for
\ March. lbb7 , 14,40(1 copIes ; br April , 1S87 ,
14,8l6copic's ; forMay , lbb7 , 14,2 ? ? ' coplrs ; for
. , Juno 1S7 , 14,147 cniies : br , lulv. 187 , 14 , .
093 copIes ; for August , ISST , 14,1t1 copies.
( E0. 11 Tzsciiuci.
; tworn $ anti stibscribel iii my jresenco
. this tith dayot : eJt. ) A. P. , 1S7.
FSEAIi.I N. I' . FlTr..Notary : Public.
: :
. . . rr1II 11011c0 patrol wagon ( Juartette
still hangs together.
y , Js it not about time ( or the horse rail.
vn.\ company t Put street car coiidue
tors on its lines ?
. Now that thu big lneilcIno ( men arc In
% Vashington , iiight it not be vel1 to litve
. them 1)rciaro ) a civil service tonic for the
: lrcsldcnt ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1\Ioroi \ line telegralI poles may ho tel
} : crated In the suburbs of the city but they
should not be permitted oii crowded
'rilE electric motor is all right , but we
shall itiost cnllIatienhly protest against
lilockuling : our business streets with motor -
' tor teIegrmtdi ; moles.
. : TIlE postoflice tiopartumont has honored
the Liii : by creating au ofliec in Nebraska
i. with this ppor : for a namesake. ' .l'lio
: ow ollice is situcttctt In Seward county ,
i and Minnie 11. ltmnnlgan the 1ir.t Iost
A rnAun tiollar o ( 4 grains of silver
; _ Is now worth about 78 cents. A standard
dollar contiunlng seven and one.iialf less
1rairs is worth 100 cents. There are ovi
: doiitly N8I)01e0118 of linance anmong our
statesnmetm ztho.
, IT IS 59.1(1 ( that J0ir. Davis's ambition
; now is to bo ocliibitod as a curiosity at
eounty fairs along with the big porn phins
-Though he has not been very success-
lull in some of his undertakings he may
: succeed ac a curiosity.
. Niw EmI.ANu now has a bl social
r- Bolisation similar to the one in Great
, Jiritamn which was cxposcd by the Pall
_ ; luau ( hzc11. It Is to be hoped that in
this case time blind goddess will do something -
thing more titan imprisoning a poor cU-
Itor for libel.
; TIlE sewer and paving Inspectors
& hoiild be pronptly intiti otl each nmoutii ,
' Many of these insicctors are heads ol
, families. 'I'Iioy iepeiul on their earIiitig
: for their Sulport ) and should hot b
p driveim to borrowing money or bcggmn
their mnontli' credit with their butchci
and .
grocer. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tiii : law is gruiunlly : tightening it
; ; . grip on the condenmed Chicago anarch
'k.- . Ists. Their jailor Is becoming mor
; . : trlcL with thciii niut thiere seonis to b
, litfIe Prosimect ot their eScuIIIIm.Z the ) )11
; ishinont to which they were sentenced
This Is a free country , but riot anti an
nrehy will not ho tolerated.
. +
f 'I'm : Chicago Underwriters' itssociatior
r Issued a ecroi boycotting timi
. Iorthwestern National Insurance coin
. puny , of which P. 1) . Armour Is a UI
: rcctir. Thu Idug of pork packers like
. ; nothing so svell as a tight , antI ho wil
.l probLtbly show the underwriters that hi
Knows a thug or two about boycotts. 11
I has lind experience in that
. .1'iiiVabash railwuy company throv
. a bomb into western passetiger circle ,
. this yeek by reducing the rate betweci
o Kansas City and tIiicago to G.00. Tiil
. Is a out of i0.50. There ts trouble be
' t'ten ) the competing hues over the lint
Vemt excursion rates , Such wars ar
jiuit vhat the Public want. 'Iien tuopc
. listia rogues full out the people may gc
their itues.
\\'IIEN a friend told ' 'Bob" ( arrett tha ,
ho lia1 mint brains enough to nut the blJ
, : railroad whitmim ho inherited from hi
: - fathar , lie ruplieti that ho knew it , bu
was rich eninigh to buy all the brains Ii
wanted. lie might tilso have added th
ho could : iiso buy all the conscience an
all the hoiitty that might staini in th
way of his schemes
14V1Rt tim gods vIsli to destroy the
first imiako inait. " Bailey anti Counsuia
are mad because this imaior has boldl
and fenrlcsslyIenouncct1 their collusio
with reprobates amid rascals who want
create chaos and niutrelmy in our inklstot
of personal spitu toward Mayor liroatc
flU(1 tim iRdicti commission. In thai
niatiness ihiiloy niitt Cotiasman have Ia
their licatis and done violenc
to their honest convictions a
the rights of taxIaycrs lit time matter
the ollicimU printing. This pauor Wi
good enough to elect them , but not i
worthy of their support n the Iiaim
cratla organ , even though the 1lii is U
lowest bidder unit the beet aUvcrtiin
metitumu. . . .
Time cte3fl antI time Covcrnflr.
The Teteran soltlirs respect tnd honor
Governor Thayer , and no cither inca
limow : him so svell. lccpito the iIatrn.
tion and mIreprescutntIons vhIch have
liccit poured out upon him by his poilti-
cil opponeilts and by mimeim of his own
party who are ilhsapimointed because tliiiy
have not bean able to ( ISO hIm to their
own aggrilndlZoflicnt , the soldiers arc as
strong as ever In their confidence In his
Iiatezrlty anti manhood. 'J'hoy know that
their gallant comrade , who accomplished
so imiticli for the nillitary fatima of Nc-
braskim , can be trusted to as faithfully
and fearlessly perform the duties now
ikvolvcii upon Immni as ho did those which
fail to hini In the days of cmvii
conilict , when his devotion and
courage sverc cqtiui to those of any man
who ( lrcw his sword in thu catiso of tim
minion. Only the highest jualitles of heat !
anti heart can comnlent it luau to time
o'itidcimeo which ( ioveor Thayer en.
joyeii from Grant , Shiernuui , anti other
distingulshmeil military leaders , smut thmosc
quaiitle4 his soldier eonmrades know lie
still l)05e55C3. So bug as Goveimor
Thayer can successfully appeal for the
approval of his course to the vetuittiis ,
lie will have no reason to ( loubt tlma4 lie
Is lnirstiln'z ' the right sway , mint ! neetl have
110 fear of harm froni time muuiigimtnt : as
sttmits : of his enemies. Every n1paaraimee
of time govelior mit time reunion limis beun
signalized by a hearty and cntlmush'stie '
rtmceptioii , wlitclm mtmuply nttstcd the higim
esteani in which lie Is hold by tilO vetor
nh15 nimmi the grntiiettmon ( : los prcscnce
gavu thitim.
Hcii. Panacea.
The Butler chub of Boston seems to
have no other niision timimn that of zmllbrit
ilig an occasional opportunity to time
germermil to air his peculiar notions , nimd
tiitis keep himself iii a way beuoru Public
attention. At his latest appearenco before -
fore this body of admirers Unrwrmtl Butler
evolved it theory as to how tiw surplus iii
the treasury should be disiosed of , mumil
It need hardly ho said that it wys iii once
original and bolt ! , mis were sonic of his
almiiotmnceniclitm of policy to hum labororm
of tim country four years ago. it is
withal simple as weii , atmil is probably
not subject to any objectIon on thu
groutmd of unconstitutiommaiity. ititl
furthiernmora it is in time Ilium
of generosity winch Is a tlistmnguishing
characteristic of Butler nimmi enabled hmlimi
to vote biek : salary to overworked eon
grvsstimemt wIthout a mitiestloim mt to its jiis.
lice arid propriety , t aking imi owim share
nUll right nmanfuliy holding on to it. Time
scheme of General Butler is to make a
service ittflsiofl for every uman who was
in time var , givimi to each according to
imis service , anti if after nil tim mmlmjon sol-
miiers are tlitm provided for there still re-
lililmns it surplus let it go to relieve time
WOiiiIitl ( ) mtntl lamed coiifctLerttes. It
wotmhl of course be mum limsuht to time imm
ttmlligeiit amid fair.niimulotl vct..ramms of the
coumitry to suppose for a luculent timat
they 'otmhi hot PIOIIIPIIY rejtmet any
such schmenmo if seriously proposetl , but it
is hot to be ilotihiteti that thu arrant old
denmagogime lroelahmned it s'ithm time idea
that it would take , both with time soldiers
of time north anl especially with those of
time south. It is hot a proposItion to be
argued , becaure it is an arraimt piece of
deniogogy , illustrating itt once how poor
mmli estimnatu Gomieral Butler places upon
time intelhigemicu and time sense of furimess :
of the union soldiers mmd how willing
lie is to fatimor army expetilent or suggest :
: tiiy extraordinary measure which ha
tlmiimks may give him a passing
iIotoiiqty. lie tickled time ears of
a bor with sehemimes and Policies in
which lie hind no faith , bitt
vhmielm lie thought were in hue vitii time
prejudices or time desires of time men
whmosa votes lie was seeking. Time results
apprised him ot his umistake , and he is
not toility 50 much of a friend of Inbot
as lie was. lie would like now to bribc
time favor of soldiers , but beyontl tlmc
very few who may be members of thc
Butler club , lie wili have no success ,
The veteran tiemimgogue has lost his
; owcr of attraction , because his truc
character is known. lie is not wanted
by anybod.y for anythimig , amid probabl3
iiever again will be.
m The FaIZicIc. o1 i Im ( ' Cnus.
Time ttefcctivu eimnracttmr of the imatloimal
; ceimsus hitts been frctjueumtlv IOiIiteU omit ,
but time untrustwortiminess of this sourcc
of information has never been quite so
fully or ntmtimoritativoly set forth as wa
S done by ? dr.Vriglmt , chief of time burear
- ot labor statistics , in a paper reati buform
3 time social science association now In
session at Saratoga. Mr. S right's long
experience and acknowledged ability me
a statistician give great weight to 1mb
stmttemimeimts , wldctm arc very likely te
practically destroy the value of time exist
lug ccnsmis as a basis of cuienlation or
nrtmnmeuit with regard to mumy subject it
whelm they many be applied.
Mr.'rim1mt says time statistics a
Illiteracy , for example , are fruit
S lnimtmrent conditloims incorrect , be
cause timousaimds of fatimihies d
0 hot confess to time enumerators that thie
Li have umembers who do not react itmit
write. it must be coimeltalod , therefore
thin t time realty sttrtlimmg : exhibit of illit
4 eracy whmicum thin last census make ,
siiotiitt be nmattmrinihy emilargeil , it ratImt
S discomforting propositiomi which perhmal )
Idr. lliur : niighmt immnkp gootl misc of In be
half of his cilmicational bill. So wIth re
a garil to time lrevaltlmca of Idiocy the fig
can never be accurate br time run
t soil that fimmnihics having iihiot ineinber
will not ackimowlemige it. ( if time iimsani
a iarge nuiimbcr imut him public Institution
t escape time coimsus taker. Ctniparatlvm
statistics on timeso stmbjtcts , tiiereforc
S which seem to simow an alarnmlng in
t ercaso in ignorance or Insanity , arc iiih
0 loatihmig.
t In the matter of pauperism Mr.Vriglm
U says time increase is undoubtedly ititmel
0 faster statistically that actually , anti tb
figures of thu census must be regardc
a slmuwlitg a pre'alcuoo of poverty
y gootl deal in occss of time fact. This I
It : t mislemulimig featura that Is cspeelnil ,
y imarmimftmi , slmmco it fmmrnisimes time foumida
a tloim anti supporting argument for
0 great tical of time popuhar discomitent. I
it time actual fuels would show thmat mdi
genco ir mmmcli less prevalent limit al :
r pcrs from such timiures iii time censu
st presents , one of the arguments wimlcim
0 class of agitators dually rely on woul
be deprived of munch of Its force. lit
) f vorhmnis time most serious defcc of tl
ts ceasmis is the fallacious statistics rcgnr
ts ing caiIal { amid wages. Owing both to ti
a kInd of inquiries that intro been math
me iii to time tmmiwiiiingness of imimtnulactu :
g anti capitalists to disclose time lush. !
operations otthelr business , thu stati
acs of'caiil ; ; : ipvestcd 'In any. kind o (
nniufactnrcs hitherto rcportciV iii ntm
American ecsns , were Mmbsvu by mtr
\Vtigltt to be tmttcrTy wrong. ro acer
'ain ' time capital really eniployd time cal.
culatiomi nimist be based on limo ilovalop.
iflent auth timim rapimlity of the rcttmrmms of
time estabhlshimient , and not simply au time
orgiiial ) amommnt of money paid tiowim.
So the averages of wages which % vere
calculated by dividing time number of
emphoycs on time pay-roll into time aggregate -
gate amouimt ald as wages Is fallacious ,
for the ( number of lmntitis vary itmirlng
time year , the timno timoy make vnrids ,
and timeir wages are too various to be
thins grommped togot liar. " 'l'hmere two
qtmcstions , capital investemi muid average
wages , as nnswerctl by time census , " sniti
Mr.'rmght , "Illustrate time fallacy of : tt.
tempting to solve h certain hue of ceo-
imonile questions tlmroughi time censtms as It
has existed. "
Simcii conipliitc chiscreditlmig of time only
source of Infornmatiumm ttvaiimibic to time
immbllclst mUlti time sttidcimt of ceononiics
1)3' a statistician emniiioiit iii his proics.
sioii , nail who ima the caiidor to confess
that lie arraigns hminisehf as severely as
itflY One else , sadly disparages. , if It does
hot reimder emmtirciy worthless , every
argimnient for which time Support
of cemmsus fimzmmrc Juts beeui iii-
yoked. It is deimloru1o : to contduuilmuto
thu vast waste of iimteulectual ciVort thus
involved , but ) : ) imot more so than
thtm relinction that after mill the onurnious
cxiommIiture ( of time govemnmiment In obtuimi.
jug , comupiliimg mimiti )1ibliSimui1g the cemmstms ,
time result Is simply a nms of figtmres
vimoily untrmmstwortimy mutt ! really muislead.
imig. If time verdict of Mr. Wright is to
he : ueceptetl them is miotiming left to debut
but to abauitton all refereimee to time ccii-
SOS : timti grope about In the sieuiows of
theory anti coImjtetmmrc uimthi somethming
immure reliable lii time way of lads cmii be
ubtaimueti , if that be possible. It
vouid obviously be foolish aiim !
perimais (1 aligeroU S to travel
oil by time same fmtte lights , that have so
far giiidetl us. happily time tmnme for ttk- :
miig mtnotimer cuimsus is near , mmd It immay be
hoped with a wi'ier experience amid mu
better wistlom to direct it mu loss UusmtIiS-
factory result many be attained. Nean-
whmiimi lie swhmo would agmie troin time ccnstms
may as vohi give UI ) the task , for it is dis
credited in advance.
iItSIiaiie'S Gral , .
A week ago 'ruesilay the rotten corn-
blue of thu council umimder isaac S. ibis.
call's leuderslmip passeml mm resolmmtioit tie-
cinrin Joint A. i\leShmine's iicr ) time
oiVmeial organ of time city , mimitil mu coim-
tract simoimiul be let. Aim arbitrary lirico
vas fixed by' time resolution upomi this
oflicial : tilvertising , iminmey : ! the rate mit
wimicim time liiu : lmmstycu'r was rcquiirc.l todo
time work until another contract was mmmule :
legally. Tim ! ' ; was eu its fiec : tilt iFfllOS-
tmmrc omm ta.ptuyurs , because : utvcrtisiimg
iii the herald bnsetm on relative cireult- :
tion is not worth over one Iifth of what
it is wortlm commmmcremuliy ! iii ti.e 11cr. Be-
sities timmmt , the mnnimifest tlimty of time cotta-
cii , oim busimiess principals , is to give time
largest pmiblicity possible for time same
price to its otlicmul notices. Time pretext
umider swimicim thu council passeil time rcso
Imitiomi to give i\IcSimanu a tihance at time
IRbltC crib , was that it vns emily iiiteimdetl
for oiie vieek when competing bids br
acivortlsimig were to be opened and the
coimiract would be mtwardetl necortling to
law to time lowest bidder.
Time uerimly ! of time gamig untier kiaseall's
lt atl , hums showim itself. Last nigimt timey
voted to overrule the limnyor's veto of the
resolution , waking i\lcSlmane's paper time
thtui oluicial city organ nut ! pigcon.hmoied
the printing bids vhmcut were opemied in
their presemmce at the same meeting. Now
time fact tins been latent front the otmt.
set timiut there has been a secret
undcrstmtndimig betweemm McShmmmne mind
beil wetiier ilascmmll through McShmmne's
conIicIittimtl hirelings to do this very
timing and conthmmuo this llcrald as time
ollicimmi paper , no matter who time iovest
bidder is. ro tlmis end MeShune's politi
cal irnwer svas exerted upon time dumuo
crmits iii time commncil who votemi solid for
his grab , atiti they were reinforced by
r six republicans , namely , Baiicy , Bcchcl ,
Cotmnsmnaii , I1ueall. : Lee aiumi Manville.
Tlmeso reimmblicnns imttvu voted McShmnmme
free leave to rob time ttupayer3 by elmarg.
mug 40 per cent more for oflicimil atlver
tiring tlman was lroPosed iim its hid by
the Bii : , which these remmegudes are
detcrnuinetl to ( leprive of the primithmg ,
I becaumsim it refmmses to &tproVC & their dis-
reinutmible comimict in commnectiomi with the
Time respective bimls as opened last
r nigimt are as follows :
'I'fie hVorld , par square , first insertion ,
60 cents.
'I'Ime Iferald , 5' ' ) cents.
Tie Baa , 31 cemit.s.
For secontt insertion , time World , O
Thu herald , .10 cents.
f The litu : , 23 cents.
For third mumsertlon , time JV'orltl , 30
) The herald , 30 cents.
Time liii : : . 10 cents.
For fourth imiserimon , time lr'brltl oflrs
no redo ctmon.
'l'Ime Ikralil , 20 cents.
5 'I'hmu Bui : , It comits.
r Fifth insertion , limo lIeraltl , 1 cents.
S Time Ilmn , 11 cents.
Tim 1fci'1i1 ( > tYtmr all Insertions tufter
time tutu mit S cents ; time IIuu : charges 11 ,
but timis is of lit ) umomiiemit , because more
than 110 per cent of all oflicimul amivcrtising
S only miisdrteu fronm one to timreo tinie
and not more than 5 per cant of it is
S publisl'etl above five tunes.
3 The llCjlblktfl ) , as nmighmt be expi'ctcml ,
cotnes iii ritim a jobbos trick. it bids
flinch jier "folio" of rulvertismng. No.
body ever iitmard of nilvertisimig by the
folio , aitimoutim job priimtlng is somuthme
t commmiiutcti [ my time folIo , which nicaiis a
mnnmmmmseript pmgo of fools cap. Now
0 Cadet 'l'aylor kimew bettor. lims butt in
tl Jimmie was miot by the folio , but by thc
u square. His design will come to time stir
LB face later.
y On time face of time bitis the Ban is or
- an average more luau 80 l)01 cent. bolo
a any oilier bidder. flutMcSlmaue PrOPOSOt
[ f to keep right on uniter time resolution
L- wlmhch gives hIm 40 per cent. more iliac
) . time Bua's bitt of Tuesday.
5 \Vo know well enough that lIascail h
a capable of facing out any piece of rascal
ml Ity , and liecimel is mio slouei iii ilayin
it lieutenant to imim ; but how McSlmaimo car
0 ntThrd to face the conmniunityand ask tint
1. Imis paper shalt be allowed three iirlce
Lu out of the pubiio treasury , passes ou
: comprehension.
o Arrnrr pocketing 13'3 for pubhisliin
proclarnatmeus whIch Ycrc ofliclaily pub
Imsimemi In the .il.t. mmcIor moAtramt , and
therefore hunt nil tite lflk't1tY ' wimleim
neatled to ho glvbn tmmmdor tini lauy , ( n.
gressumami McSittne's : 1Pcr Is bohag used
by tue otispirators of tIme city eotitmeii to
rob time taxpayers still immure by giving
time herald time ofilcimul ativertising for an
Imidailnitum period in tiellammec of time law
amid the coumets. A nioro strikimig exhibit
of greed tumid somali-bore toiltic coumid
not be fontid in any otimer part
of time country. Here is our con
grcssmmman , vhio is ropimted to be worth
over Immmlf a nihihlomi dollars pmtrmnittiug
imis btmsincsa inatingers unit editors to
Juiiii lmnnds wmtit goverimmimemit iirimtiiig
boodlors to filch 432 frOtui the tax.nayers
for s'tmat every uimmbiasctt mmmii must pro
noummice a , clouvurigimi steal. Amid tlmts
Imeco of bare frccd Jobbing I followed
tml ) by another comubimmo with latrol
wagon bums anmi Imimpmmtlent rascals for
time suke : of a littie plunmier anionuting
lit time aggregate ; robably to live or six
hmunuircd mieilturs. And'tliis Is our reform
congrvssmmmitmi I This Is timtm intuit svimo
is looklmmg tu\vmrts : ! the hiimited States
Tmmm : mnahmagenient of time 2mliumiesota
prison at.Stillwattmr , utmtier Its lute wmir-
mien , is bcmn himvcstigatct ! by time state
board of charities and corrections. If
time dammumiiiig eviuiemice already imotlmmced
Is true , no termim of immmprmsommmnemit cotmid be
too severe for time olThmmdhimg ofliciuls. Let
a reforimm be imiutmgumrated : wlmicti will tmtimi
ish time clmlufcrinmiimal.
IIEIIEAFTEII % , u will nimikc tie 'reference
to iimipimtieiit lmirohing. vimti happen to
rotate arommnti time herald ollice.Ve ire
1)050 to dciii with time ProPrietor of the
pnper , who Is rcspormsmbin fet its imolicY
muiti editorial comnimuct.
S'I'tTI ANt ) TIItItL roiil : .
Cioi'itio. ,
The t'legammt Ummity church in Ienvcr ) ,
rcceumtly COlflilettid , vns dedicated lust
'I.'iiti ( iiItiioii is cimmtii general iii time state
timat Colorouv amid his followers are old
enough to tile.
'i'lme Demiver Nev is raising mu fimmid to
aid time fammmil ius of timosu svimo fell iii time
light % vmtli time Utes mit 1ummgtoy.
A clotmti burst at Sterling on time 4th
flooded time cellars of time towim tumid covered
time hovels with water amx to eight incites
Utah nmmit Hialmo.
Time Poornman mine at Burke , litahmo ,
vm1 sold recemitly to ? .lontamia . Parties for
Ittuimo : ohlicmals have started a mnovc
mmmcmii for stuteumooti. Time fate of 1)ukotu )
lmts : iio terrors for them.
Fred Ilopt , time mmmtmrderer who simumilied
ohl by the oilicimi : simotgtmmm route ill Salt
1.tku Cit last immoimtlm , immul fomir trials dis-
trmbmiteti over seeii years. It cost time
territory 52,000 to bring Imitit to time
Til omitamma.
Street railway trucks arc being miii in
Railroad building this ycar in ? lomiI aim
bids fair to oclipseuli : forimmer records iii
time mnommimtammm country. both in rapimiity
of vork : umil imm mileage.
. ltobert lummcnn , mc brakeniamm on time
i.ioimtimit : : tjmiiomi railroad , was struck by
mimi ovcrlmeuti : bridge mmemr : Aiincumidn : miiti
immstuimtly : killed. lie was thirty years of
Two ltborers were bmmrieti umutler forty
tomis of rock in time Mommtamma Ccmitrtmi rail-
t'oud : tunmmcl ncii : limmtto 1mst : week. They
vere dug omit aiivti. There are .ommiu
immrti : simelis iii time territory.
Time Pan Yan mnmric. near Ilelomma is one
of time richest of rccemmt strikes itt time
tcrrmtom.y. It svtts discovcmed by Johmmi
\mutmisImugmmmm , a laborer. Iurimmg lime inst
two weeks in August 5l2,000 worth of
ore was takemi outoftime minima.
Tlitm L'micmlic Coa'l.
Petroleumm imus beau found iii large
quurmtitmcs : near Parklicld , Monterey
Time Oregon state board of imummmigrit-
tlfl ( tins suscmulcti } operations for wammt
of fumnuis.
Time stmerilF of Bensoim , Armz. , immus cap-
timreti four of mu mzammg of desimrmloes be-
haven to be time l'apago trumim robbers.
l'etroleuni is lotted to be a very ceo-
nomimieuL : fuel , anti vary nearly all time
ferry steamers tumid traimsfurs of time South-
emn ! 'muclhie in time Sum : Frummuisco buy have
becim multercd to umtilm'.e it.
'l'iimm YmkiiimaV. ( . T. ) tobmcco : crop is liar-
vesteth , timid if mis good success is acumiavtti
in curing i mis has been lmaI iii gmowiiig
tumid imurestiimg , it sviii prove tobacco to
be a irohitubIu : Cr01) Hi timmut locality.
A colony of miegroes is eomiiimmg to Simasia
to settle cmi 7,000 acres of mmiii mtbove
Shmimmgiutown , vtmicim immts been pumrchnsecl
for thmit : imlrpsc. 'i'ime uoioimists will toi&io
mimuier Limit lcmtlemsiiip : ot mu mmmmmiister miintcml :
Omme of time peculiar features of time l'ort
AmmgolesV. ( . 1. ) colony is that time work-
mcmi in vamlomis lines elect their foremiiemi
vote. Time Iirst exercise of timis rule
was time election , rocummtiy , uceortlimig to
time model comummionwealthm , by t lie ctiioiiy
stwmiiihi : operatives , of mu immiiiwrigiit , a
foremmimumi machinist mmmiii a forenmaum cmit-
Pemi tar.
Aim amusing typograhmicnl blunder
% tts icrletrated ) imu Cnrsomm , Ntmvadt : , cc-
cuntly. 11ev. Vami 1)evonter stunt to the
'I'rlimmmme ) imls timemmic for time hol1uvmmmg Smun-
iity's : tikeourse , ' 'iteceipt for the Curcot ,
iloodiummmimsmn. ' ' 'l'imis ruppenreti iii print
its ' 'Hecuipt for time Cure of ltimemmmmmatlsmu , ' '
umitt It himiti time utflmet of crowdiimg time
church skim people , immmmy of vimunm had
mmot muttemmdatl mhivimmn worship for a qmlmmr-
tar of it cemmtury , anti it comisiticrmmimlo
mmimmber of whom swere btlllmnc ( ( more or
less with rlmoumnatismum.
iist It.Udi MTTERS.
A Sche.immi . Fromim Viulmitit I"r mm Ne'
& .JpmtLtIiO.
\V.icmmmi.t , 1umi. , sept. 7-fSpeciai 'I'cic-
grain to tim it is m : m : I - 'flmeVicim I tmu btso : ham
climb returned hIom2 uromim 1iiisas City 3istem'-
ttay , mit w'lilcim ilaco tub teamim miisbamuleti after
their three gaflim's tiwre. as Imiti bt'eim arramigm41
whemi at i'leklt ( ) iust : wm''k. l'ime ( Iimectorm4
; mm i the thumb. atmoii t t hit. 20th of J mu y , umpo mm
umreim t solicitathon , tttturmmmi mmcii to go I mm to
time \Vosterim league , Ililimig time vacamiev
createmi by Leavcumwomth tmropptmmg nut , nmmmt
itt so r1 mm ci I iy t or I lie Iemmismse of mete Iii-
lug a iosittomm 'In time jthmLmiu for mmext season.
4 I icr th me ci umb had been eu t mm mcii time road mu
short wlmiie it becamime evitiemmt stremigthm-
eimlmmg \ ImecSsar- , which vas
tried for a fv we.jk-s. A few
das simue time schemmip for time nissoimmtiori
( , f time lVt'stt'rim lcagpe was sent oumt fromim
Kmummsas City , amid tIio directors , bcmcommiimmt
satismicti it vus hot vo th while to try to m.ums.
titin thu Cimul ) witim no ifOSIiect ) of retainiii a
- fruimcimistm tiiereby , decided to disband last
\veek alter time 'I'opeka ammme. but at time request -
quest tif Kamisas City lila 'ad out timi , dates
% ltim liar , Imleim Ails mull ates abroad ummithi
r the latter unit of this mouth. " 1)tmckv- ' '
Ilt'mnp. limit little fielder aimmi chmante pitetmer ,
vent to Lincoln this inorniitm in amis'er
to a teleramn frommi l.uvi Howe , who also
wirul Iammieis , vhio has gommu to Jopitu , Io.
Oumtsltlu of these tvo noimo of
the club as yet iiavo any
S places s'cmireti. Viciiita mmcxi
season whit have a ball climb as stron am
, mimommey cami mnake it its a mmummmbcr of mmien are
geinm to back the climb s'ery heavily. A new
league , to be conipoed of time loilo'mne
t cithm's , will in all irobabhlitY be commsmimiimmmated :
Viclmlta mind 'l'opeka smut two of time three
following cities for time ( our easterim chubs of
C the ieagimo-clttmer Fnmporia and l4eavcmmwortim
or Ila.tlnms. 'IImo four western clubs mIlI
1)0 lcnver ) , Cheyenne , Leativitie and I'uebio ,
' 1'his.vhlI make a mmmtmctm better circumit than
, tIme Iireemit awmrward Positions at time vest
. . ermi leagup clubs. , . : - ,
To 'L Who Iteas the fit of Winning
Jookeys fG t.ho Year.
how lie Czummmo to lie a Jocicoy-Ihis
ity of' Itetiuchmsr Weluht-Mct ii.
otis In tli' tadUie--l1h Iuimmimmgt ,
imicimmtlig 111m Vifc-
horses lie Owns , .
In view of the fact that Omualus this
weak vhil witness some exciting horse.
races and mnaimy horsemen svihl be hero
a sketch of Snapper Garrison , Amnorica's
roost fmunotms jockey , vIhl no doumbt imrovn
interestimig to a lunge mitmmnbcr of reuttlers.
Time score between Garrison and Me-
Latigimihmi for first ilaco imov stotid Ci ) iii
favor of time formimor tutu 60 mit favor of time
latter. Time itmtertsst iii the contest imas
become general in time sportimig world ,
atmtt will contlimno umitmi time eiqse of this
foil umniess one or time otimer nmeets with
accident or gets mu comumimimumidiimg lend.
YOUNG ( iAiumtmsox
is very mulch oiateml at titti imsitiomi he
hits achmievcti , mumil it is now to be seen
that imtm hits probably hiatt timisi unit in
view since he began riding lit time smri1mg.
hit it is only recently that time pumblic huts
iitti : Its Interest excited. lie is very mod-
t'st 1mm expression , however , amid while
ttiiitmittmmmtr Imis feeling of undo says :
' ' ? dcLaumglmlln is a gremt rider , umitl a hmmtrd
omme to bent , lie has iiatl somue tmtmfortumu
tutu mounts bitchy , butt thimmgs mummy cimango
nmmtt he laity ugain go to time front. if I
can do it by hard work I aiim going to
stit.y where 1 mmmii. ' [ 'here is a Perfectly
friendly feeling between ums , bitt emuchm is
trying to bent time other all Ito kimows
liov tutu by any fair immemuns. ' '
\\rlmetm It mu remnoimiiercl that it was only
three years muro ttmnt Garrison eimwmgetl
with hurry Eilswortlm mumd vent to New
Orleans to ride for 7.'I a umontim , tumid
wimemi A1cLummghihmmi's : greater experidlmce
is comisiticreti , it call bmm seen viittt a
mmomiieuhli yommmigster time fernier is.
Etiwtrtl : H. Gmirriso born lit New
ilmuvemi in 1SIIS. lie was temi years alit
whmeit lie enteremi time Susqumttiinnmmit'muilcy
lmomimc , his uittimur having umovet ! to Orange
coimiity , New York , mimi iiiett there. 1mm
this instmttmtion lie is still vcmmmemnlmred as
a brigimt amuti mtmniuble : lmnt Ills three
years imm lime hommic are immurkeul uy mu ree-
urd that gtvc : no hint of celebrity in con-
miectiomi 'mtim horses. HtmL Smmperimmtcritl-
emit Lut lomite vmis a unit bm'liever 1mm time
exiscctutiomi : that Garrison would one tiny
become ( anions. It was : us mc vocalist
that timls worthy tutmm : beumevni the yommmmg-
star was destimmemi to simimme. 'rime boys of
time home vero orgummmzett : mmmto a concart
tt omihe , anti made mmppumraneeS : . iii time
neigimborimig towims thai wore ti'eat events
in time rural society. itmd time oculencc !
of yoimmmg ( iarrisomm's voice coupleti witim
his mmervo amiti titter igmioraitco of mummy-
thminur airoicIming : stage irmgimt , wts : vimut :
mnudC : Ins fohlomv merforrumers tumid time ummiti-
emices alike titmhivo that his career wa
bemtmg imuiietteti : Icy time successes lie imimutle
oim time ilatformim. 1'iicy vere so far wrong
timut : Garrison himus mmm'ver 5111mg in pimblic to
tummy extemit simice then. Hut vitimimi a ( cmv
mvceks atm ecimo of thus lmhiex nppoareti in
a Bimirhiamntomm iticm's's : imotice of the
hOck cy' s I ift , my hi i a hi emmti , tl. : ' ' 1 1 o iii iglmt
imavo Intuit it bri I i Ian t si tiger lout mmot fate
nirmulu lion a jockey. ' '
Garrison's timrce years in time ilomne
wore fohiowed by his rctumrmm to his umotimer ,
viio immiti nioveti Laek to Nemv Ilmiven.
'i'hmcre lie uvomit tovmrk in a liox factory ,
auth time fact that his health famiem ! mvts :
prohahlv mull timmt interfered mvitim his tie.
vciopimmg I mm to mu mmmcc immn : i c I nuteati of
emtlmer mu singer or a jockey. limit. time imanmi
of fate mit it , tumid his imenitim resumitemi
ill imis bcummr sent to live mvithi his uncle ,
Fmutlmer Bill lmly : , iii himiriford , wlmere limo
old timttm : than hind mu tmm ble anti sonic fine
hior'es. 'Ihiere time lui's : imttural : bemit mvii's
struck , anti I lie fact soon become uvitlemit.
lie iiickemi iii ) tt kmiowiedgo of imtmrscs thmmut
simuweti the exceilemicti of Uuly's : teachimmig ,
tumid becammie an e x pert jockey. his tirst
race was rithdeim on one dl time hiorscs of
timis stuble : , Belle of time North , at sixty-
eight poummtis , cateim weights , in ISS2.
Soon mutter I mutt imo ratio a winmmor , a imorsa
calied i\tonk. \ It was mit this race that lie
mvas cmtiicml fromim time tiressimi roonm by
'l'oimi Mor2c , otlmcrwise kmmown mu's ' 'Tout
1)ozzio , ' ' who mulso voiked for D.uly.
'Commme. yotm , ' ' shouted ho , ' 'cot on this
horse , Jim , lerry or Jack Snapper ,
mvhmutover youm iimmflio is , ' ' mmfll then turn-
lug to iniy. tie saul : 'Yoim otigimt to cmiii
that yotmmmgstcr Jack Snapper. ' ' Time fmuct
thiut : lie woim I ime cited mnamic yoimmig ( iarri-
semi believe jim
Til m ir'cmc 01' ru u r ; ,
0 miii ho mvmms cmhled : .1 : ick Smmmpmmet : after
thitt : untIl long tise ctmrtamlcd it to Smmap-
ner. 'l'Imen , mvhmen thu bourmis : commtainmng
his uiumiitm : ivere mmmicii to vie\V oh so Itmmtn3'
race tracks mimmd hiccaimme kmmomvm to so
imiummy timoumsamnis of rtcc-oers : , it settled
dommum to ' 'Snapper ( arrisomm. ' ' Timere it
suemuis likely to stmy : for gemwrn1. misc , for
lie stiii believes mmm time hick of it.
Iockuys , like itulors , turo grout belio'-
ers in luck , arid Garrison is one of tlmemn
imm this as iii ovcrytimiimg else. lie cammmmut
ha got to talk aimut Imis fmootoos. imow-
over , cmiii timu only otimer direction lmis
sumperstition Is kmiowmm lmtbiieh.Y to take is
his eiimmtiiy ( inn belief mu the itmeic of time
colors , llmmO Cu1) amid citerry jacket. tmmimier
which lie has ritttten so imimimly of lirowmi's
imorsmms. 'l'hoy are time etmlort , of S. S.
Brown's Pittsbmmrt stmulle , ' but Cimtrmlsomm
tins , by permission , wormm titemu 1mm rithmns
imis own imorsmis simice lie hcgnii to race
imorses of his owmi this sciuson. For this
imO.S'Wlit ) cngugcti : to ride for 7I a umommtim
timicu years iugO hits rmdtieti mit tu
S.LAmiY 01 iO,000 'cmos t' ,
mmmiii mnmuio a grutt : deal ( ml macflay besides.
'I'hmmm l0O ( ) ( ) siniply retnimis hmiui for time
Iirmnvn stable , amid in time races hue is not
mviuittemI to ride for them lie is free tt ride
for some omie cisc. It is ii0 a mnoimnt
iionmimimtiiy anti t $ a win for timeso outside
emigagenionts , but mnitiiy mu doiltr : immure
than thus coitmes to a joeloy like Garri-
so ! ) . " lien Imo huts mvott it race thmtt : hiatt
brotmgimt imm ii genii jmut of money to a
gooi ( owmivr i10 ( ) , 200. i500 , tumid once or
tmviems as hlglm a-s jl .000 imis : becim imantled
to hiimim for hms two immimimites of work. lie
hits engmged : for time mmext SeiOmi : with time
I. ii. 1 ! itg'ilmi ' stable mit i'J.000 , unit that ,
mvmtim outsIde mvork tumid a little luck is'itim
his own imotsmS , ivili scott imin nmvmmy imp
oil hmmeonmo. ' ] 'tmis seasomm ime Is htmiiovcd to
stamuh iuhmemmt : at presemit iubotmt
20,000 net. Last year ime mimmulo simnie
big CiiiI"eiiiditlS. rceelvmmig $1 ,00) ) anti
( iximdmises for going to Louisville to rile
Jimmi ( rny for .1. 1 i. Fentomi , ammil wimmiming
thu tiimtnishin stallion stakes.
Tii Smiapper is a ,1trk-coniiiioxiOmici , : (
yoimtim. of that iecuiiar ) dark that freckles
V. llttlmm , svitlu .simmurp , dark cyos , black
lmnir , anti aim immclphcnt mmmotmstmciio : of time
S ammi e color. I I ( I i S live foot ii mg ii mmmi U Ii is
weight varies frcmmu 180 or 18 potmummis him
time mm'intcr to r.lmuimt IllS mvhitmn immi is rtmmil y
for business. ilis mimetimod of redmmctiomm is
to mm'umik ( migimt or temm : uiiett a day iii thmrce
or foimr suits of t'i t lu'.s , ' 'It mviii conic
0 t1 ' ' lie sa ys , ' mvlme mm you do thma I. ' ' 'l'im is
seicomm : lie mveimt to1obiie to strike mmmi
curly streak of warm wemtthmer for this
ptirpooI I In also ( iiiiCtilhS it grtumt demi :
tipon time tmmrkish hmitim to bring hint h.mvri
to ilium weight mind keep him there. ' 1 his.
imowcvnr , is very hmmrguly uucconiiiisiIotl ii ) '
mu immust rucetIe. system of dieting. I he eats
little muil suimummier except toast mitt
crackers. and drinks only tea , anti not
mumchi of that. ilo imims mmever tmtkcmm a
drink of hard liqitor ha his life , nor oven
gonu sum far In timu : direetiomi as to drink
aglassi of h. > ciir' lie stiioktms ponsiticriublo ,
.tlioijgii. flmc severe systumn of rtidmuiimig
by purgntivo. aziti blnck .thratmirt
nqt imiect .witim hits favor nt nil : lie sa'1s '
the saummo i-cstmlts got by this ilmeiiis are
vnstl nioro wemukomihmig thmmumm wlmuhmi got
by time other. A great mulvnntmmge to iihumm
is time t'etmiiarity of his build mint ! phy-
siqtmc. lie cmiii tralum hmimumself down to a
strlmmg almimost , cmiii yet be strong , muimsen-
: r mind weli. lie says 110 ccii l'mmmig immmn.
suit uiowmt C to strip at lot nmiui nut
weakemi imimumseif.
Garrlsomm hits a very imecumhiar seat , amid
tnucim ridhatmie hiatt bcoum lavished upon
.it , It is far frotim artistic iii mtppenrumice : ,
but 1mm clictivatuoss It Is the best , 1mm
time oimlmiiomi of mnatim' imorsemimmum , timmut humus
ever been saemm. ito sits far forward ,
presses imiurti 1mm tIme stirrumps , aimd tutu
lenmis still tumrtimar to time ( rout. Ito seemmms
to be taking alum mit a mmiurk : botweemm time
horse's ears. lie umsumally gets otr amumomig
time first. V hemu nut rastriotemi by trmtmii-
ci's' ltistrtmctloums , timid lie is omit to ms'imm time
racc , ammti thmimmks ime immus got time horse to
do It witim , his tactics arc these : limuvimmg
got as good it start mitt ios5iblo ime imuihls
Imito time femice amid tmukes secommti or timirti
plmmco beumimirl time hioi'se timat are mmiakitmg
time puce. lie hugs time femice time whole
( listamien , whatever It mimay be , and takes
good mmote of what time rest are doimig.
Vlmomm they nil swhtig into time stretch amid
stmitighitcmm omit for time Iiiiish imo knows
wlmlehm are time dumigtmroums : commiputiters. lie
works his imorse to eveum ( antis with the
best one of those timiut he hiatt mmmmutia up his
mmmmiid mvill be hum at time tilmislm. i'imen imis
iimitetmce is to liming to thimut horse until time
hue is timummrreroutsiy mmear tIme mm'iro. SumU-
( lemiy ! lie shoots otit like aim arrow from
time bomv amid milhS ) time leamier right itt tJie
line. In this way ite gives time inmbile mm
imIoi : of how mmmdi resemvmi speeti time
lmorse limny or mtmay not have haul. Coining
imm lie sits so far forward as to throw tim's '
bmmrtiemi of his weiglmt omm time imurses
shoulders anti forelegs Itisteati of cmi his
back , tumid lie seems to be more easily
carried timere.
Close observance of Gmuurison used to
think thmut : tlmoy commiti toil mvhiomm Gmtrrisomu
mminammt to win. lIe immud saveral little
tricks , stiehi mis imtuttiim' ' ' his imorse's imeek
as lie lassctt time stuntl'lmi time pruulnilmimury
euimtor. : But those who carrim'ti timeir in-
termmrotmutions Os timese slgmms to the pool
box fotmmmil tlitmmim as ummicertmuin mitt aimy other
mnetimoti of hicipimig out ma their dllbrt to
guess time wimimiers.
his i'AiOtT mucu
iii whmmeim lie beat time Bard eu Trouibadoumr
watt niurketl : by time tmctics : givumm us char-
netoristic of him. lie mimodostly says timoir
ms mmot niumeim lii immmtmiioitieiit : amid p01)eii-
ants in ritlirmg tutU wmthmtiuit talk about iii's
skill its mm jockey. lie mlcciures that mull
there is to be done ma to get oil myth runi
mnuke : your imorse do all timatis mit imimn to
do mvimoum time tirmme conies to tie it. Time
ommly exctmptitimm time writer has over haunt
to thms mvmts whmemi ( arrisoim described his
winning om'm ( Jmiimfet , beating Specialty ,
mm'mtim i\lehtuumgimiimu tip , wlmtmn atummost under
time wire at slommmmmtumthm. ) ' 'I sums timtt :
Specialty hind it wimemu we caine into the
stretch , ' ' lie sutbi. ' 'I mulhmsti omit mind got
as nemir to her : us I conid , mumiti suicceeticil
II mtttractimmt.r imur jockey's tttteuitimii ( to
mime. As lie hooked I vuilemt amid lie
tiittt"iut 1 was timmne. lie ettsetl tim , timimuk-
i mig 'lie mvii safe , mum ml I imum I iett i n to time
fermec tumid sliti by while lie mvas lookimmg
thmti oilier wmty. ' '
' .l'iiis is : mmiotiitir one of hits tvpicui :
imomiits. 1 Ic is a mmmost terrific hitmishior.
1 Us equal there never struithieti : a imorse.
lie is immure to be fomrcd : 1mm time enti of time
stretch thuun : umiy jockey living time woriii
OVtt' . IlLs habit of wttcimimig time mimost
ti mtmigeiiumS h i urso : tgai list lii iii luti i itt's I mi
eummimnomi witim immost other jockeys , but
moore thmami iiii. oIlier of timitse ; s imis jumttg-
mimemit good hum decmdinir wimicim horse it is.
'i'ime boys arts frcqumtmumtCy tolti ittnoui. their
ilirectiomis [ coin tiim tr.ummiimr to lool oumt
for soiiio certain lmorsc 'I'imms is situ piy
time trainmen's ommimuiomi , tumuii mmmay be stmomvmi
tim lam mrrommg betoro time horses get ell
( imurrisomi uumuis lii's jtmdgmucmit imimusehf ,
coumhirimms it dumrimig time rtmnmuimig , tnd act's
oml it jim time stretch. Mitny of his
Nortiu.u suCcESsIS
hmmive been mnitti'i ' omm Barnummu , a horse
wimosu recoris of wlimning mmgtmnst : horses
believed to ommtchast hmmmi mire remarkable.
In Is impmmlarly behltsvctl that time Snap-
per's shmmtru mu these victories tins becmm no
sninil one. This belief is held commeern
cenmming time ruue imi which liarmiumni heat
\Vootifomd imm the tumid at Simeeps.
imcaml when slit wus fur munti away mu lam' .
onto. lie dh.i not beut : lair cxuethy : , but
rmn : death hmentl withi her iii thai ninth , mummi
time Dwyers gave tmp time stake natimer
timmuim itmmiishi time titmceti i)3 riimtking liar
nice : mgaimu jim thiut kmuid of goummg.
'I'ima prizes of smmccess in Smiuppcr's :
walk iii lift , hmtve : been Iimtiicttcd. It is a
rmishummg mtrmtl soumicuvimmit precocioums exist-
emmee. Not yet twenty years old. lie is iii
receipt of mwurly imitif time income of time
iiresmtlemut of time United States , anti mvtmll
above thue figtmres of wimmut mire commsmtiereti
good rewards for nmcmu of large profes
uloimal exjierieumcum rtmitt atiVtmicctl yCurS- :
hawyem's , doctors mmmitt time like. lie hmmis
iututjti mmmmurriod a year mind a lmmilf amid owns
a hmomume iii a mitsmtt tmrowmm stoimu house
at 01 Sixthi avemmume , Brooklyn , iualf mvmty
lii ) time fasimiommubie Prospect hmil thmtut
rmsos to time nmmtruneo to Prosieet ) park.
lie owmis Eoliurm : , m'uulmmed itt 3i00 ; Cyclops -
clops , 53i00 ( , : ttmmt a colt by Imiqumirer , cult
of Martica , l,5i0. lie : tlso liii's a trotter
thmt : cost $ t , ( ) OJ , and goes miomvmm time road
behmmmmmi hmirim to ride mit llrightomu Bamichi.
lie loses sight of his mmsmiul : immodesty when
lie talks : uhmtmumt tlmit trotter. ' 'Timtmy miii
kmmomm' mime doms'mi time road , ' ' lme says , ' 'anti
they mull kmmow hmlmmi. I bemut Fitthier lIlt !
thm * , otimur mirty , mmmiii lie \vts : miriviimg Scud ,
who hiatt tu m-ecord of 2:211. : "
GAItI1ISON iS A IIEAVt' uin'r'nmm : : ,
an(1 of course this brimmgs it big clenment
of uncertaimmty Into time question , but ime
scemuis likely to develop im'mto a solid
citizerm of tim City of Churches. lie does
miot dls.sipmtte , itOh lie goes directly lmommme
to play cards with his wife as soomi uts las
gets through at time track. lie is provi-
ttemmt , mtrmii IiI's luau of buying horses is to
hmmivo a stable antI mu busimmess wimen it few
years more vlil mnmke : It Irksomue for tutu
to rotiumea to time proper weight for a
jockey. _ _ _ _ _ _
'i'ime Idaho editors immuvu orgammizod an
asocitt i omm.
I , t.n I flirI , r'mmer i'i'st mias mu ie4
iT.'ci , , pea 1,1) VnI ' . I , .t'i , .t or
I m i ii . 'i , , icau u I , , : , ' )
LlfGhN'S ' AC1UJ1.IBAL1. \ . "
Tiaii at'i ' I' . , in 1 er coinpt.aI'n . rt
, mI , , ( ' ( JIIO I.Inlmet ! m Ti ir ( 'I a i OUp o ce Ii4u
htll.t , t.idt.caic.
gIvi t Soft , Smi.otI rni , * idn. P
IflI ciii.iy Iful c , > , , , iIt'xm.u , , . 'rm
. 'I t.i ( It I .1 nj'i.itetl mn n iuItQUt ( 'n Ii' i
. be lieuIcC ,
0' eTOIfl(3 ( I I ni i t'ti ii m ii n , . au I'm . ,
1i'In. tt4)IUiII" , , ' , Iii' ' V i'ilPIes ,
1ube i.ilie.a aumuji .iiin iiIvimb.i& .
, . . . - ' - -
- - - - ' - -
: iif.NG : . ,
Oitmnlmn's NI reefs Coiuipircd , IVilti
$ veohm of Oilier ChItc.
A Reporter in Search for on item Dsc3vcrsa
Interesting Case-Vain Search fcr Re-
Ikf-Fotmnd at Last---A Frank
. and lntsr.stinglntcrvlow.
4 iii search ( cmii Item
Pemeriti ( hIS'S t'Immee , , itt-ommverittlomm
mum rt'mnr.I to tmio Etreot pamhmme cm " 'ahumcomim- ,
piuu-ti ( ivItim 01 ii er cli lt' , mt'i e rmmm I miom 1(1 ( 1(1(1 .
mmm at tar mm ' , mmii eiimi 0 I I ) time ( 'emmelO 51011 t hifti t lie
) .uIu c4l sti et'tl Ut Oiiutimii ctunmpitrett very ma' . em's-
Iiicithi tmi iii mummy city 1:1 : thu Umilted
St imt Cs , II alt I inert' i im. , Is a wtmI-mmrem eit-tlio
trut't ltiim , , ' nttistb' % 'mmvod ' Iii % % imimi Is kmtuum its
thu cubblo.stomma tyio. mviiuiitmtoim , 1) . C , m
ltrotnubl3 I Ito te8t ) J'mtY'II Ctt' mum I Ii (1 U flit ed
5tlito , , thin tmeei5 there , wimim lew ( 'acolitfmm ,
bvimmt Paved mu liii t titi i'Bt , , mQllummitiiimm mumum v
t't ' kmmowmm its time lielirltmimm ttnek. a gray grauilto
bmock somtiewiutt Blulullar to thu rei , grnmmtto block
ummt'i in 0 in ittma 'i'ltii it mc at S ( I t it l'miml , , m hum. .
ar , , huirsrciy limveI s mmli " lint Is kiiowmm its the
cedar bUck. , ' 1Iml mminlcs Bum oteellommi vaviumg ,
immt does riot 1it hourly n blur ns nsptituitmmmim
or grmimmmto IliOk. Omiutititi ptr'ct , mire m'mvtMm
with RphluuitumiIi amid gm mumututi blocks , wIth on , , or
tir , , streets Paved imtlm tmmo c'ltmr blor'kq , miumuk-
Imig ml slutmwimm of pamc4 strode mtccoumd to italic
imi tlio u'itmmmtmy.
m\'hullo cii limit toimr of hmivcsthcrattou tin' mo-
la'u'ti'r cimrtiged hum eoiiersuttlon with
( \ , .
uA I
$ . I
_ J . _ _ , . /1
-/1q ' ; y4S i :
" . ' I '
mmii. ivi im.t .n 'rmt.u-oum : mu ,
( Tenth street tuotircoim Ntusomm mtiiil I'mmcIfl trcOt8) )
it Street Iulu0m .ini , ) ( by Ci mit m'uIcl or I lmmirhi
_ ' ( l mim.iumly. .mi 9'.tiurI , n m-er' I mm I (1 gomm.
I letmuti ii , wits o cormeotmig I , is glimig of mit cmi iumyinr
the grituulto llock , eu I'tuimrtteumtiimot hoar
Cimptuot mmvemmum tu , iuuii be iti.r mieco..i ed by t ho ro-
Poi'tur , groom ( ' ( I I html I nhlivIm U II I Very m lenstimit my.
. ' 'es , ' BimlI ( l r. 'i't'l frd , , " 1 ii itvo heemm mitvimig ,
StrootM mmow for mmouirJy tui 0 yomms. : It li a fittrmy
gOO(1 bmusl mmes , ii liii PlY's miitit ) ii geol its nuost
outdoor jtutis. It being imum eimtltutur , job 1g. 1mm
I net , time omm I y obu't ] iou I hi imro I a It A. in utim
i'orklng o n t lid st mcci is I mum time to ho cat i cit 1mm
It tomuldemi ul , nu or and i tm , et I hi m'umg ii bofomo
ho cite roumeim sli ci I or , imumut I mm t lie I nil mu r t Ito
'etmr. i'Itli i m mmt or close (1 ii ii , wa maim st yum'k ,
itkeTroJaiis to got omit' emtraets , , iluiIshtl liororo
the oxtt OhiO cciii couttes to t'tp ) lie.Viitio
ivorkimig mit imitmiiilt(8t4 ) mttioiit nmt , ) 'e'mmr iugo I It
t ( in K mu heavy ccitt , wit cii hmoit Cli i ( 'U It t.O ere
liiiekIui tuuigii timni mmttitmorotms uIemt lie'nlnt'lics. ,
I itiIi , ito i'orkmmt In tito muirmuliu , , uvnitti ntiommt
10 ( , ClOck it ste t'ro i.I k Ii tuttI itelto u'oumm ! , o ,
emi time iuiiii I ii'ti i m iii Ii tvo to stop uortc ltuiI I Ito
, ttt . I VuutI.i 1.0) mmouiit. timuti 110 ( toWn , u'hetm i liii _ .
cough u oumid assail mime it.mim unmmko urn mimanimmiulo
Jar mule. 1 I neil titunmorouls cough mtioilcimtt'u
imluti . i'ottiii get tin relief , ¶ 1 lmiuutr4 'erii utm this
u. lt3 m or mm iv Ii I to t'tt ( III uuuiuttu rs mIttil mum m.u iYor.o
jar mu o. 1 cciii macin eu iuimmi ii ii Ighit su tiul smu mat
vmmIm , got imp Imi I lb 1flit 1111mg 10111 , limuit'iflil ' or
fooling iorr'.mi.m us I slioimiii imuivo felt , m ivoumli
fvei mmioro t I roil tmi t mu iv lieu I s'o mit m a ht'il. I m
thou becmumuo scmcimisIy tmlnrmncd munil etuimsum Ii , 'd
it 1 oetom uvtio touit nu i it tui O'oit k 1 a ummrs. I I
I rooted mime rim r ' mm I 0 n wmi Ic , ttimtl I ( 'omm lit obi tim
miii rel let. I cli i iioil iicto r4 , it mum cii uuimgid sos' .
anti tluimes , limIt comitd got no idiot. I ctimlil , HIlt
vtirk mitomo t Li .mi ( Ole ( it two , titvs it wont ; I
spoilt nh the iminhmoy I Itiut , imium tli muunjor part
411 amy trotlters itttmiey , nil tar muottmIui , for I
ii.tts got I Itiu.r svii , I it'tOlIl ( If beLt 'i- . I tutu
imbout g u'uui ( it I' miii hope or over get t I umg , 'tii t
ituruuuum. Atiar it vmMlt to Iuimu..uis : ( , f auuut , , t' . % ' ( )
wt'ott I a I Ito satim imolo 0 t ( I mitti I mu I tug somnm , to-
lint in titu ) clutuumiro or cluniito : , I rttmiruuei to
uuliti llicOut rngtt. I it motikmmig . .uveit iii' iiliy :
iui'orM I mmotlcoit time a(1vortltjmuuomt of Ir. ) .1
CiOsiti' lcCo V , minIm conel iilol : I svami Id mnuuiuo ann
mmtort uItt'Julilit II ) , , umiy lunitlt ) , . I v1iutti
ii iI ( C 111cc tIm u mio t duty tuiut tuntl Ii hut oxumuum lute mao
svlueui Ito itulil iultm I luioi eatitrm hal voml.mmnuptmon
but titut Ito titoutirlit Ito CCIIIII , our , , mite. m , bmui't
k Italy' SY lu' . bum t I luu I (1011fl11011C0 iii si' lunt ho
iiIti mmmi mind thu piScu mite oil mm uuttmmuommt lit
011CC. 1 COiti mnouucc.i to it ( t let me r iii i or the
Itrit I rout itt ciii. I SIC lit itch t Ii 0 lust mm I It t ; lutui
710 0(1 tigIt , mm. . ) tim ore mmlgitt ss ( at s , mmii git a m' I mm
the mnoi uitnu : gt''utily rtutrcsmiem ittihi mimy mitglmt'ii ,
i'toem. . 1 IIRVII Ott I3 11(0 ii ii tu(10m ( it Is I rout nm cut - \
tar two wooksnmui f'OIliottcrlo.uimui-tiumium I himyt ,
for tu witolo year. Why. I iot ; i iiummiitH weight
sliuco uutst .j flit ( I ttr ) limm t Imuivo gut I umid ithoumt 10
iotmitI5 ) iiuItt mm S Itico ; t m'euit'ii i I mm- . McCoy
ml uid tim rum hmm4imt 18110(1 t Ii nt I sj'ili 1 o mis s'olm ns
c"ur I suits In a week ( it two. "
' 'my mm m 'omm imuive uuimy olu.ioet lomu I 0 mmiy mmtbilsh- ,
lug thIs imitorvlcv ? ' ' 'iuuorleti ' I It a report tr.
"None ii'htttovor. mttmswerod Mr. 'l'olferd. " 1
mmnm vury glumit to aiit muuy I et luau miy to the buoy
t bit I ito itoemor humS , tnd it I can ( II ) utmi s'thutng
Ion muoor , sum ml ( 'rmng hum ututimilty hy test I m yi tug to
Ii r iIc'iy' mu I ii m amut % ( II iv lilt ug to , lo So. '
Tlto m'opori or I it ii , lt r. Tot I ord l'or Imi
frammkncq. mmnl cotitlmimuel atm his weary way
lifter untormuuutt loll.
s'i'A'r11 oi NIimtAscA ! ; ,
C0m1Tr um Uouti ; , m's '
tvllllamii 'romfoul , tuohng limit ' ! muly t'wor'i , tici-
munue5 tumuil says that the foroguituig statm'mnc'ua iii
trmue tnd ciru'tet to the host ( if hits kmmuvIemgo
mimiul bet m.ur _ my I ium . mu Tii.i : , , mmm' .
Sitirmm to tutuim sum tutrititil , lii may Prcscmieu thi is
i0tlt duty at Amugimit , ,5. I ) . il,7.
C. 0. llOsnmum : , Niutary l'umltllc.
Mm'olfom [ it resitc's , out Souttlu 'romini 'tmoet , ho 3
t woum , :1 umSlIi Oil ii I 'uiclili St reels , i' la'ro I , o j Li
1 mm I I ) ' corroboruu to I lie mu I ituv .tat c mmmciii to tiny
0110 it Ito wit I cuil I or tuiilmaa , ii I mum t micro . :
' .u : .
LUADS TOCNStTh119'ION' ( ) .
mTmmtms1 : 1oi svummNt'm : , : om' A t'iNtum'rltS NOT TO
mi F : Till i.i : i sy iTlu.
mviuemi cat urrit Ii as ox Iste'J Iii the lupait miii ii ( ho
mu uuam I'tm't : ( I f t io t Ii m'oumt I or utmmy ioumu tlu or t liii a
--I to uttt lout I mvmim I mm at 11 1st rut iv imoro ' ,
It ro ul i'J ' oct to cut utri'iuuim uilfcctlomu. auuil tito Is-
0850 iimi8 ttecui Ic m t ii micmm ted , I Ito ciitiirilu 1mm vmrI. ,
mu ily SOmmi4t , Imumos iIo iv ly c. I ends , lowmm tin ,
ivlmtulmimln , ttmiui ibttti tue ltlimietulnt ) tUtuc.g , vhttlm
tu bes eoiiVe t muc lttr to I muo thu cmPiut u , rts of
( ho mmmmigs. t'ljo t u.mbos twcouuue mtmmettoul t'roin
t Ito BweI I lii e utumut t ho iii mucou , ' ni IsI mug ( 'mama
cuituurrl , utmuI , lii i"utiu , muistmtncos , hocoutitu mlmmirgoi
up. so timiut thu utlr Cullmui'ut got In mi treety as it
i11iommht. u.3Itamttuei' ( if itutuuith titlWS , , mutt ] thu
put lotit lircimt tucs vmtmt lmiior , iimil tim milcuim ' _
I mm ott itar t iic ro us mm sati mat a f tutc1cIi ng
mmii wiuwizluug Imistulo ( lit' eIict. At this stngo of '
I Ito ii ieuso tlt , triuumt lutnL' l.m use ally ma to m uupkl
timuin vIicmu I mm ii ottttii. 'i'huo putt tout ii us lo hot
, .iutmios ( ivur hIs iiay. ) , '
! I'tio putt n iVhu itli IIL''Otli p011105 tIm is etunuiltioul is :
0 f t (1 mm I I cluuiraemr. , fet I it t ho cliu-t bolt nd t lie - .
lii'otmst homic , or it edo r t Ii e slmommli er hiatto. 'I'm ti ,
1)1mm II mum umy comtuo limit go-mutst foui tiut' ittuii t mutuum :
lie uttiStu Ii t fim , ' ( j Vui'uii ( t litut's. 'i'Iit t.imi iihm t tittt
( ICCU m's In I Ito Ii u.t itttV'H of bronclu Iii I cmmtuurm'iu is
t1l'3 , ( ' ( ) tfle ( ID lit lumtorvaili , huitekImiu In claumrmmo.
I ( i r. , mimci IS mmsi I umily mtttt t raiu blsunio to 5 lit ,
mimmirli I ttt (10 rimn g. or got tie to 11Pm mt fl lithut mu iiui
It multI ) ' tia lii thu tim Bt OviultiutCo of the , Ihscumsu ox-
tt'uicII mug ( itt 0 t lie itungs.
Nuietlunos , titern are Ills of coimgiulumg lmmuiUocui
1i3thu toumjb muitmemis so vIolent its to cumiisi s'utu. , ,
I I i tug. i.ttur : cit the mu lucIus thimit Is uuml.soI Ii
I alt ii it to comitum I mu S flu , iIi iiarttcluS , of yoIiiW autO.
br , viiIoi , Imuillemutos ttumt , thu inuU tit'cs , ' in tini
I U ii mrs ii u 0 ttOV ui ! v't Il 'V It Ii I ills i hit'rt , ititm
( i I t Cii stm ek tit bl , , I tO ixm , wit ii tiltS iii hUh .
I um soul , , CIISOM the ) ( biotuies , s tum'y tjtl' , . ,
11118 iYor , itnil ( , iXliOCtOruttCS tolJrJ ) ltiiy coumiIt
in * .ohiu ( ' CltF4' anal bmnmto of eiioOiP Uhi-
St utmco , it , ' I Iilt ) .u ' . w lutcii it lieu irooil ho.
1 iVIOtm t tuft li umgor $ , Li mutt mm bmih oiler. I ii ( ititU r
( ' 11-os , list I , ( IS ( ii a hiumrim t uilky ttllt tm ro urn
t.pI I mm m' . 'I'Iu ( , rutist ii g a f , , atemutmiky I U in pm
unUleitto Sou'h.Us muilstutef , tt Wiik ( mum tlw tuums _
11 CrkUsaF $ IVil tuO
Late of.Belevue ] I IosIitaI , N.Y
otm'dll ciry
have OIko3 )
310-3U ntirirn BU1LWU
Coi' . I5tli aitil .IlaVhlOy Streets ,
Omalii : , Nob.
v hero Il cmi rum moo cute's li rm I rout oil lvii II sue-
( 'lIS m tiul eli I 'I il t mtI.oi ; t ( , ( , I sKiit'mml iy _ Con.
Sum ill Pt hum , I I uiirmu m ' ' I ) Iseitsm , I ) yMJIt.u)4l1t ) , ItIm ciii-
mautis tim , tinil imlI N fl lt\ ' ) I ' 51 1) ) I mL ! ; ii l-L i ii iii.
otk't , , tettillumr t ( , the berm's ii tipootuuity. ( IA.
'j'1uhtim ( iltlI ) ,
cOsCI.'I'1mI'itN at oltico or by luau i ,
I altec huh u-i : ti to I I a. In , ; 2 to 4 ' . iii. ; teem
em p. in. Sum uiim ) ' inch imilc.l.
4 , rrem 'miittttuice mecelyCli proiuil't ' itO Omit lou.
'luuiiy.IIstu4ik'u4 tOO trniitt'l , suc.uosriilmy Iiy hr
! iliCoy I Ii rough tin' mit 11115 , uuumd It hi t Iiiiit m '
iilo tar ilto' . ( iuottliloto unttki , ii Iatirim , Ii , at ,
I , uum , sliotu''Rs ' i Ii i 1104tt itt t miliit iif'Iit.1 , I litul
iifliflt'L i ) letup is a isvjerfui , I I iuit,4l I , lOlli ) I.
lmleih by Ic Iii utoip
Ad(1t1'Sii ( suit letters tO Dr. .j ' ' . % l'o. ( vutums
31immniait iuimuo hiumWmmmsr. C' * , , , UU. ) .
, ,
, . . . , '
. - . . , , , ' - . ,