Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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' 'JOHE"ff
WnrrnnlrM n Bilro
Cure for Hlioiitrm-
11 Rtn , Nournlirla.
Sere r.y ; . , nntt all
Dlnhthurla n n il
Croup ouro.l I n
Irom thirty to sixty
If you wl h to
know what this
womlcrfiil rrmpily
Ii ilo'nK for RtitTer-
Ine hiiinnnlty , send
T. II. FOltflY ,
Real Estate
1618 Farnam St
Tlib Pietz
14X5 ( I nrnntn St. , op- .
jioslto 1'nxton Ho
I am rondy for bu-
Flnofls nnd will mnku
n spoolalty of urtls-
tlo ' '
The best facllitlos In
the city nil work
kirunrniitucil to l > o
lllr t cliiss in ovur > I
Cnps , Ti links
Farnnm St. ,
Omaha. Neb.
Lad'es' Cafe
Restaurant ,
U09 Noughts St. ,
Open Day and Nl ht
1'rnniptl ; attended to.
405 South 15th St.
A. General Absence of Speculative Inquiry
One of the Features of Wheat.
Ini'rcnsnd Interest Coiiininnilrd Ily
the Provlfllun Pit TrnillnK in
Cattle ARfllu Blow
llrly Active.
CIIICACIO. Sept. 7. ( Special Telczrnii ) to
tlio 15ii.l : : The wheat market ruled steady
with a very lUht business passing until the
principal session was ell over , but about
hnlf past 12 o'clock thiumierplnnin ) finvo
wav and let prices down a DOC or two. Tim
tone at 1 o'clock was one of weakness. A
notable feature of the maiket theses dais Is
the absence , of general speculative inquiry.
The market bulled hard when the blc cxpoit
movement \\tis ut lilfili tide and visible stocks
were decreasing , and now that the visible
Is aaln on thn Increase ana exports arc
falling elf the faint-hearted mo fearful that
there Is "nothing In It , " viewed trom n bull
standpoint , tlionxh they admit that It would
only rciiiir.j ] thu Infusion of a llttlu llfu Into
trnilo to make n strong advance from the
current rnntco of prices possible. It Is In thu
absence of speculation , combined with the
causes mentioned , that inspires a lack of
confidence on the part of ilio btaunchcst
friends of wheat , except those who have
settled down to n campaign of long dura
tion. Foreign markets nrn quoted as dull
and prices ha\e undt'i gone no change from
those established NesU-rday. Trading started
elf in the Chicago pit this morning on a
b.xsls of 70 c for October , 71c for December ,
and ! % for May. Considerable strength of
a mlla character developed caily , and quota
tions were imirkcd up @ > 4e. For a conplo
of hours October hung around TOXfa'Uc ' ,
December around 73K@74,1 c , nnd May
around 7'JXulOc. ( ! After ft while a desire to
realize obtained the ascendancy and
rather free selling in a small way broke
October down to 70j c. December to
and May to 7 ! ) } c , which was the bottom and
1 o'clock ranno the market was exceed
ingly narrow.
Corn ooened firmer and about , ' < c better In
sympathy \ \ ithheat , staitln.- sales bcini : at
llfc lor October. 4vc ! for November and45J.fc
foi May. In October and May options a
further slight improvement was established ,
October selling up to 4l4'Jc on the split.
The advance did not hold. The lamest esti
mated receipts for to-moirow (5'JO ( r.irs ) , and
the rather free speculative oilurings by
llutchiiiHon's brokers nnd one or two other
houses , cause d a reaction and the nmkot
thereafter dragged heavily , closing at the
bottom and Vc under yesterday's closing
range. At 1 o clock October was quoted at
41 > < c , November lit 41o and Miyat4'ic. :
Tiade was light all throuuh and of thu same
local scalping character noted yesterday.
Now York was steady , St. Louis easy and
the Liverpool iniirkct higher lor both spot
and future olTerines. K\port clearings were
smaller , but theie continues an exceptionally
good demand tor Inktt shipment at this point ,
loom having been taken durintr the past
twentj-four hours tor : i. > 3)00 ( ) buihels.
Oats did notbhuw much life to day , though
theio was more backbone to thu market than
tor wheat or corn. Ilrcolws are letting up
a little , and a good m.iny ca h oats aru beinc
mil away for liituro use at thesu low prices.
The shipping demand is in taut lar e. Fu
tures openculirmorto-.tav.'and In uaily dealIngs -
Ings October touched 'J.V.CC , November 20 , ' e
and MayJXVsfgiiO e together , hatei there was
Increased otluilngs , uul with corn sliouing
weakness prices weakened to Sic for October ,
ajjfo tor November , and tfJJ < c tor May ,
wnicli was the closing range at 1 o'clock.
1'rovlfilons commanded inorea'-ed attention.
Thu Interest exhibited , lioweveivns acalu
conliued mainly to September and October
short ribs , which wcro advanced under a
short , sharp dam.iod We as comp.ucd with
last night's closings. Lunl was also higher
and at 1 o'clock showed an iniuiovomont of
OfflTXc. The day's appreciation on the Jan-
nary product , which was more active , was
15 ( ! on pork , 5c on lard and 7K on short
ribs. Pork for Januaiv closed at Sl-.lV > , lard
at $0.00 and short ribs at 6.52 . f outein-
ber short ribs ranged iiXc under October ,
which sold from Sb.fUJ early up to 8SSO and
closed at S8.77KThe I o'clock rest tor fccp-
tember lard 'was Sfi 60 and for Octobei and
November S0.5 , ! > . The day's market tor
October lard was s0.47H@0.5JJ .
At the atternoon session trading was moro
active than at any other hour lor the day.
The raid on prices which started before 1 p.
m. was continued and wheat and coin , after
declining shaiply Irom % o to Kc , reacted
and closed slightly under tl.ol o'clock prices.
CHICAGO , Sept 7. ( Special Telegram to
the BKK.J CATTLK Trade \\.is again slow ,
jut a trlllo better demand than Monday or
Tuesday. There wcro less cattle in sight at
outside points and natives suitable for New
York export and the homo dressed beet tiado )
were scarce. ( Jrassy , medium and common
natives made up the bulk ot native stock and
salesmen having such had to take what they
could get offered , as there were plenty of
Texans ind rangers that were cearly as good
and a un-at deal cheaper in the eyes of buy
ers. Kveiy year since the northern range
busiress became a factor in the cattle trade ,
dealers In native cattle have been
cautioned not to send crassy
or half fat natives to this market , while the
run ot rangers lasts , else they would lose
money , but good advice is not needed , The
same tnen with the same sort of poor natives
appear as regularly as September sets In , get
extremely low prices , and go home broke , llo
Is here to-day with his half tat grassy na
tives , and has been hero a day or two , be
cause no one wants thatdescriutlon of stock ,
unless at what It would bring as feeders.
Low grade native canning stock and
native butchers' stock Is as low as ever.
There is nothing new In the htocker and
feeder trade and prices are very low. Ship
ping steers , Ii50 ! to 1MX ) Ibs , S4.00J(5.X ( ( ) ; lliOO
to 18W ) Ibs , S32o@VJ5950tol200 ; Ibs. S3.UO
< & ? .ra. Stockers and feeders. S1.50@3.00 ;
cows , bulls and mixed. 81.00(32.65 ( ; bulk ,
8iOOfft3.25 ; steers , S-2. ! " > ( .i3.15 : cows , 81.40 ®
2.15. Western ranters 10nlGc lower ; natives
and half breeds , S'.TSCiJaso ; covvb , S2.00@i40 ;
wintered Texans. Si70w3.'A ) .
lions Trade was lalily active , with an id-
vauce ot about a nickel , making pi Ices nearly
the same as the opening yestercfav morning.
or Tic higher than Urn close last night. A tew
fancy heavy lots bold at 35.rjOS5.rr ) , and good
butcher weights at 3r .40@5.45. Packing and
the ordlnan run of shipping t > orts sold within
a range ot S5.20fif5.40. with common at S5.1i@ (
4.25 : light sorts , $5.25@335 ; jjrassers , Sl.hOus
Nitw YORK , Sept. 7. [ Special Telegram
to the llBK.l STOCKS The stoeK market
opened feverish and lower , with declines ex
tending to ! > , points , Missouil 1'acllio show
ing the largest break. Trading was lair , but
mostly by room professionals. London came
In easier , but the bulls said the weakness w as
duo to the decline on this side yesterday. It
was also said that the bears had "ringed"
that market to cot a decline heie , and had
resoited to prevaricating by circulating
rumors about a hitch In tlu < Ualtlmoro &
Ohio deal. This was In a measure overbal
anced by the support glum the market by
the bulls , Moore it Schloy taking 5,000 shares
ot Western Union at 74 > i and quickly sent
1 | up to 7tv' . Grangers wore sold quite freely
and dropped JfGJl point. The Yanderbllts
v\ere fairly supported by the insiders. Coal-
er.i VVPIC easier and declined l ( Jlf } per cent ,
and vu'io ollered moie tre ly than at.y other
sine ! ; . \evv Kngland , after breaking Jj , ad
vanced 3 i > oiiil and dropped back. Offerings
ot bonds to the treasury to-day were
5J.7W.OOU at 510s.U-ito Sl.tO. The Impression
pievallt'd that mo-a ot them would be uc-
CDiited. Tlui belief , howevei , had no cfTecl
upon .the market. The last nonrot trading ;
wascharacterl/ed by thn greatest weakness
of the day and further < lecl'nes ' of li to I
point were rceonltd. The depression was
ntslstcd by luc reported refusal ot Secrntary
Fuirchlld to accent auy of the bonda otlurcd
Last sales werfl at almost InsUlo figures , nnd
recorded declines ot X t 2Jjf per centCanada
Southern having the lead. Keittlng lost 2V ,
Missouri 1'acllio lrf , Lackawanur. 1& ,
St. Paul 1J { , Northwc.trrrt K , Oregon
Transcontinental I'Union Pacific 1 ,
NYCL'.ein Union 1Y , and Loulsvlllo &
Nashvlllo lVl > er cent. Cotton oil . "stiffs"
were the sttongcst property on the
| llst and rose 2'f ' , but closed 3 points bet
ter than jesterday. The total sales were
34C.270J shates , aealnst 452,230 shares yester
day. .
OovKiiNMnxTfi ( jovcrnmcnt bonds were
dull but steady.
U. S. 4's coupon .ISMf C. AN. W 114
U. S. 4U'scoup..lOsi { do preferred..143f }
PucltictVsot' j..l22 { Y 0 lObVJ
' ' '
CanadaSonth'n. . MI o. it ! AN .1 ! . ! ! ! . oik
Central Paclllc. . 'M O. T. 28K
Chicago & Alton. 141 I'dciticMall 88
do preferred..Id ! ) P. , 1) . AK 2.V {
C. , U. & 0 PullinanPal.Car. 147' ' $
D. , L. AW li , „ Heading 01
1) . A11.G 25 Hock Island . . . .120
Erie ! ROVau L. AS. K. . . . MM
do preferred. . . . 07 do preferred. . . . 72 _
llllnoisCQntral..120 0. , M. A St. P.
L , U. A W 17J do pieferred..HO
K. AT 20 St P. A 0 4(1 (
ako Shore TO do preferred. . 10 ! >
L. AN C2 f Texas Pacific. . . . 27
Michigan Ccnt'l. . b7i < Union Pacific. . . . IA %
Mo. Paellio 07fV. . . St. LAP. . . . 17
No. Pacific 201preferred. , | ( . . ! il
dopruferrod. . . . 52 > f W. U. Telegraph 7iM' (
MO.MV : On c.Ul was active * at 4@7 tier
cent , last loan at 4 > ' pel centcl0eetoirercd ! ! at
4 percent.
PllIME MEItCANTIf.E 1'APEH 7(29 ( per
cunt. ExoitAxnR Dull and steady
at 3 l.TltJff.4.&o . { for 00 day bills , and f "
4bl lor cleinund.
Chlcncn , Sept. 7. Following quotations
me the 2KOcl : ( > iinir tignres ;
Flour Firm nnd unchanged.
Wheat Quiet nnd steady most' of session ,
\vhlchjuatbcfore thueloso developed into
weakness , the market closing O.iJi'c below
yesterday ; cash , Cb > c ; October , 7uj c : No
vember , 72c.
Corn Moderately active , but firm early :
later became qnlct and easier , closinir J ( W > c
below estc-rdav ; c.ish , 41 l-10c ; October ,
41 7-lic ( ; November , 45c.
Oats Dull and quiet : cash , 24 } < fc ; Octo
ber , 2.c ; November , 2-VsC.
Kyc 45c.
Barley Quiet at Me.
Prinif Timothy Soed-S2.40@2.41.
Flax Seed-31.C4.
Pork Quiet and steady ; unchanged ; Jan
uary. 812.50.
Lant Steady ; cash , § 6.50 ; October , SG.20 ;
November , SO. 2 , %
Dry halted Meats Shoulders , S5.25@5.35 ;
short clear , S ! > .uoc < t0.05 : shoit ribs , 38' 75.
liutter Unchanged ; creamery , lG@23c ;
dairy. 15@inc.
Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars ,
; flats , 1010' o ; Young Amencas ,
egs Firmer atl3)iailc. )
Hides Unchanged ; he vy grcon hides.
7'ic ; light do. 7 ® ; silted bull hides.
( lc , green salted cait , t > K@l ! < 1 ; dry Hint , 12 ®
13c : dry calf. 1255l'Jc ; deacons 30c each.
Tallow Unc'hangedj No. 1 country , SJ c ;
No. 2 , 3e ; cakes , 4c.
iiO"o'ots. ' Shlpninnts
Flour , bbls . 2IOJ ( ) 15,000
Wheat , bu . Cs.uOO 47,000
Corn , Im . ItO.otW 121.000
Oats , bu . 27,000 ! Idj.OOO
Kvc , bu . 3.COO
llailoy. bu . Ui.OOO 2 > .COO
Mllwaukcp. Sept. 7. Wheat Lower ;
cash , f/j c : October , 70 c.
Corn Kasior ; No. ! ) . 4lc.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 white. 27J4P.
Kyo Firm ; No. 1. 4' . } e.
Hailey btron ' ; ; No. 2 , 58c.
I'lovlslons llichei ; pork , September ,
? iri.O'J@13.23.
Cincinnati. Sui > t. 7. Wheat Dull ;
No. 2 red , 71Mc.
Coin Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 44K@ r > -
Oats Quiet and Him ; No. 3 mixed , 27 > 4'i
27 ] < fc.
llyo Fair demand and steady ; No. 2 , 50 ®
Pork Quiet at 815.00.
Iiaid Strong at ? 0 lr .
Whisky Active and firm at 81.03.
.St. Loiiix , Sent. 7. Whent Irroinlar ;
cash , C'Ja70c ( ; September , ( > 0c ; October ,
70J < e.
Corn Barely steady ; cash , oSKtS'A'i'c ' ;
October , Sbc.
Oats Steady : cash , 24c ; October , 2 > ; c.
Whlsky-S1.0- > .
I'ork Strong at S15.00. : > .
Atternoon Board Wheat Active and
easier ; September , COJfc ; October , 70fc ;
November , 72 c ; May , tilj < c.
Corn Lower ; September , 3S c ; October ,
> % c : May , 4l > ic.
Oats Quiet and steady.
Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 2t@2oc ;
dairy , 16@21c.
New York , Sept. 7. Wheat Ke-
ceipts , 151,000 ; expoits. 7i,000 ! ; spot lots
ilrm and m moderate demand ; options
opened strong , advanced a tiille , later wr.xk-
oned , settled back 1t& c , I'losinc heavy at
bottom prices ; ungraded red , 7S } . | ( a.k&ya ;
No. 1 red , nominal at t > l > e ; Xo. 2 red , bO e
in elevator , SlJ Wu dellveied ; Sl c f. o. b. ;
October closed at
Corn Spot lots lirm ; ontlons dull and
vve.ik ; receiiita , 4lr > oo ; exports. I7.r)00 ) : tin-
graded , fiu f < g.iio : No. 2 , ro > 4-c in store , nov
@ 51c delivered ; 50 > c f. o. b. ; October closed
Oats Shade hluher : receipts , 10.7,000 ; ex
ports , 500 ; mixed westuin , 3 : > Jc ; whlto
western , 3.5@iOc. '
Colleo Spot , fair ; Uio , quiet at S20.00 ®
20.12 } < J ; options a shade higher but rather
nnlet ; sales , : ,500 bags ; Septembei , 817.0."i
ifelS.05 ; October , tlb.20slS.U ? ( ) : Novembnr ,
! > 18.4r > @iy..r > ' ' < ; Deeeinbei , S18.hO@lS.70 ; Jan
uary , 55l8.0JSlh,70 ( ! ( : I'Vbrnarv. S18.0ri@18.70.
Potroloiim t'lrni ; Unlletl , 07c.
Kggs Firm and In lair request , webiinn
Porkirm ann fairly active ; mess
quoted at 315,00 lor old ; SI5.75i310.00 ( tor
now.Lard 1@5 points lower , the market mod
erately active ; western steam , § 0.87 .
liutter Quiet and baretly steady ; west
ern , 12@24c ; western eroamery , 18ij24c. (
Cheese Firm and quiet ; \\osturn , UC" " . '
Mlnnrnpnlis , Sept. 7. Wheat Steady
and good demand for ( Try milline wheat ;
No. 1 hard , old , rash , 74c ; October , 71c ;
November , 7lio ; No. 1 northcin , old , cash.
T-iJ/o ; October , 70c : November , 71 c ; No.
2 northern , old , cash , 70fe ; October , C7c ;
No\amber , Cbjfe : on track : old No. 1 hatd ,
7Cc ; No. 1 nortliern , 7. > c ; No. i ! northern.
? Jc ; now No. 1 haul , TJ ci No. 1 northuin ,
71 ( iT-c ; No. 2 northern , 72c.
Flour Firm ; patents , 81.'i5@10 > ; bakors' ,
S3.35C il.50. !
Keceipts Wlic.\t , Ib8,200 bu.
Shipments-Wheat , 82,500 bu. ; flour , 21 ,
000 bbls.
Now Orlejan" . Sept. 5. Corn Quiet
and firm-.mixed , 54c ; jellow , 5Vj ; white , r > bc.
Oats Firmer nt 3raiv ( > c.
Corn MUAI Jfalily active and a shade
limber at 5'A37 @i.40.
Hoi { Products Demand fair and firm and
ethers unchancPtl.
Bulk .Mu.its Shoulders , if 5.70 ; Ion ? clear
nnd clear rib ,
Ijlvt'rpool. Sept. 7. Wheat Quiet ;
holdeisoilei treely ; red western wluter.tis2d
( TfOs4d i > ui cental ; ted western sprlni ; , Oi Id
( ttO2d. .
Corn Firm ; demand fair ; holders olfor
moderately ; new mixed western , 4s 2Jfcl pur
KniisaM City. Sept. 7. Wheat No. 3
Fott cash , fi53 bid ; OTii < ( ! asked ; October , CS-c
asked ; Mav , 7'c ( bid , 77Kc asked.
Com Stionucr : No. a cash , 3fic bid , BO
asked ; OctoberHc ! bid.
O.Us No. 2 - , sli , ' "Jibid. . 22Jc asked.
Ol.lciMzo , Se'pt. 7. Thi ) Drovers' Journal
reniirih as followb :
Cattle Ketelpts. 10,000 ; steady for best ,
others weaker ; shipping steers. S2.yOari,00 ( ;
stockers and li-eders. S1.50y300 ; cows ,
bulls Htid mixed , Sl.OOQ'J.W ; Texas cattle ,
S1.4 irf3.r ; western rangers. SJ.OOt35.SO.
HOBS Ifcclpts. 14.000 ; strong and 5c
hlKhcr ; louch , Sl..iS 'i.-iO : packlni ; and
shipping , 5.2'ia5.55 ; light , S4.b.'x3J.B5 ;
skips , ' . ' .75 ( 4.70.
.Sheou-ltecelpts. 0,000 ; closed lOo lower ;
natives , S..00 4.0S ; western. S3.00ii3.70 ( ;
TcMins , JJi'Jiijd.bO ) ( ; Iambs. g4,25 5.'r > .
Niktu > ii. t Htolc Yards. Ka t St.
liouU. III. . Sept. 7. Cattle Keeeliits ,
H.bOO : shipiiicnts,2.400 : market dull and weak ;
fair to choice roru-fed native steers , S3.00s9 (
4.70 ; butchers' cteers 83.20@3.tK ) ; .feeders ,
f 2.51X33 JO : cows and heifers , Sl.7503-.23.
Hos Hecelpte3,100 ; shipments , 500 ;
market active and a. shade higher ; butchers
5.25 ; Yorkers , S5.CCC3 * * ! pigs nnd grasscrs ,
City. Sent. 7.-CaUlo Re
ceipts , 2,000 ; shipments , 1,700 ; market quiet :
fat In demand ; common grades dull : stock-
TS and feeders nctivo ; cootl to natives ,
S4.CO@i.5U ; other grades unchanged at lues-
day's figures.
floes Kooelpts , 0,000 ; shipments 700 ;
market strong nnd active , r MOc lusher :
common to choice , S3.00g5.43 ( ; skips and
pigs , S3.oo ( < u.uo.
Wednesday , Sept. 7.
Cttti I. ' .
The run of caltlo was not heavy. The
market was slow at a declines of S clOc on
gciod stock. Common grades weiu even
OH or th ui that liutchers' stock \\tis very
slow and dull ,
The hog maikct opened about steady at
yesterday's market and a few lov.l , sold at
those prices. U grow stronger rapidly and
closed a strong 6c higher. K\er.vthlng was
There was nothing doing on the market.
Cattle 1.000
Hogs 3,100
Shipments Sunday.
Cattle i. . . . Scars
Prevailing I
Shawlngtha pravalllns prlcti ) pit 1 for llva
stock on this market :
Choiceste-ers. 1'WJ to I"j39 Ibs. . . .84.2Vai4.50
Choice steers , HOT to ViO ) Ibs. . . 4.00l.85
Fat llttlo steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75iu.l.90 !
Corn-fed ranuo steers 1200 to 1500 3.7.y < i4.i5 !
Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.I50S3.00 (
Common to medium cows 3.oo2.2"i
Uood to choice bulls 1.75MU.W )
Light and medium hoes 6.1UW VJO
flood to choice heavy hogs 5.20@5. : > 0
Uood to choice mixed hogs 6.15.U.5.20
. . .1158 2.70
121. . . . 07 3.15
TJIVO Steak Sulil.
Showing tlni mi nber of head of stock sold
on the market to-tiiy :
O. II. Hammond A Co 301
Local 31
Shippers 42
Total 203
Anclo American Packing Co 2,140
( } . H.llamiiioiiti ACe 301
Armour A Co 1151
Total i5io53
All siles of stock m tins market are made
per owt. Ib'o .veiilit unless othurwlso state 1.
bead hogs sell at Ko per Ib. for all weights
"Skins , " or lie s weighing less thin 10J Ibs ,
no valuu. Proliant sows are dnckoJ 40 lu-j.
nnd sU-jsSJ HH. by tlnuiitio : ! im iajtur.
Ijlvn Stock Notes ,
0 , Wall. Hampton , Neb. , was looking over
thu > arils.
Lewis Akin , Clarinda , laas hero with a
load of catllo and a load of hogs.
Nelson Taylor , Scward , Neb. , was Inttu
a load ot cattle , \\hich brought S4-00.
C. A. Johnson , Wood Lake , Ne-b. , came In
\\ltli a load ot 1001-lb btockeib which sold at
Fred Cro.xon , assistant manager of the
stock yards at Chicago , was among the vlt > -
itots at the jards.
Mr. Heaton , ot Clark Heaton A Co. , Wea-
ton , was heio and mail.etcd two loadb of
choice hogs at S" > .25.
John Vatwjdol. Leona , a well kno\sn
feeder , and a grand armv man , was among
the visitors at the yards.
Hakoliios , have bought the slops at the
Nebraska City dlstilleiy and want to stock
it with 7UO head ot cattlo.
Krink Sanders was In from Central City
with a loid ot 2'JS ' Ib. hogs , which sold at
5.30 , thu top ol the market.
The following marketed hogs : II. Clark A
Co. , W estop ; C. K. Welch , Papllllon ; A. W.
Olinirer , Kearney ; Potter A S. . LIni Creek ;
W. L. Mills , Madison ; M. C. Peterson ,
Dannebrog ; William Townsend , Koekvillo ;
W. II. lieaglo. LoupClty ; ] { . U. Oammell ,
Herman : T. Jl. Cole , Hattlngtou ;
W. J. Harris ACe , Lewis ; Wlnteis A M. ,
Shelby ; It. Hntchlnson , liepubllcan ; 11. Mc
Clelland , Kennesaw : J. 1 ! . Dunn. Aiapahoe :
Cook A C. , Oh Iowa ; Cook A C. , Hebron ; W.
11. Austin ACo. , Franklin : U. Aldiich , To
bias ; Hank of Coin ; S. Ewlnir , ( ! onr > a :
Morse K A Co. . Morse ; C , C. Clifton , Colon ;
F. C. Bliss. How ells : John Streed , Ceiesco ;
A. M. Spooner A Co. , Hooper ; J. L.
Hoker. West Point : 1 , ( } . Westervelt ,
Norfolk ; D. A. Hale , Newman's ( iro\e ;
Hauls A Uartlett , Hancock : Snoll A A. ,
Ashland ; PearMin A W. , Lltchheld ; Snow-
den A D. , Itivenua ; Jteynolds P. A Co. , Dor
chester : W. / . Polland , Aurora ; ( J. L.
Smith , UhS'-es ; laylor A I ! . , Broken How ;
Spelts A K. , DavidCity ; T. J. Alclritt , Friend.
OMAHA WUOMSqiti \niiKT9 ,
Wednesday , bcpt. 7.
Tltc following arc the price * t ti'McU
round lots of produce arc said on this
innrM :
ous The market Is still weak at 12W
HUTTKII Creamery , Cflffl3So per pound ;
choice dairy , l0c ; mcdluui Hindus , lU@lCo ;
ordinary , IKjilOo.
CIIKESK .Market fixlr. Fancy full cream
Cheddars , slnzlo 1 % ; full cream twins l"c !
yoiiiiR America" , 13Kc ; brick chi-eso , 100 Ibs
In case , l&o ; LI m bonier , 100 Ibs In case , 13)io ;
Satirs' fancy Ohio , lUc.
Osi EIIS Hulk ojsters are quoted at S2.00
per hundred fresh in cans ; standard , 40c ;
New Vork counts , SOc.
Poui.TiiY Fair market ; sprlnir chickens ,
81.75Til3.50 ; old fowN. 8.0 ! : i.25 ; ducks ,
82.2.1(32.75 : turkeys , OC'i7c per Ib.
UV\K : Heceipts llilit : prnlrlo chickens ,
S2.25Q2.50 ; mallard ducks. 3'i.7.1d.'i.00. ( No
cjiiall have been received but Is quoted at
SJ.00 2.2.1 ; teal and mixed clucks , Sl.uoQtl.75 ;
snjjio , 75cQfS1.00 ; Jack rabbits , : ! 5c each.
TorATOKS Market fairly supplied at 70 ®
SOc per bushel.
ONIONS Scarce and firm ; good stock , 0@
81.00 per bushel.
CAIIIIAOI : The receipts of cabbage Is
latter than duiliin the past few dn\s. Cali
fornia stock , laiRO round heads , 2 > c per Ib.
MCI.ONS Watermelons ha\e raised now
that the fair Is hero and the market is bare ;
choice , S12.00@15.00 per hundred ; crxntclopes ,
60@75c per rtoz.
ToMATOhs Local Gardners report the
supply ns holding out well , nnd that the crop
has been bonelitted by tl.o latu cool nnd svet
weathor. Commission men are onlr hand-
line a very few. (5ood stock GO@COc per
bushel ,
SWIIKT PoTATons The market Is well
supplied and they sell at 3ii ( : > < jc writ ) .
toes Imvo put In nn apnearanco on the mar
ket , and good stock 13 selling nt OOc per
bushel ,
lloNT.v ( iond honey In neat ono Ib.
frames Ibc pel Ib.
CEI.KIIY There Is but llttlo demand , but
the receipts are laruer and the stock better.
( ! oed stock britu's 31c a bunch.
UEANS. Hand-picked navy. 82.00 per
bushel , and oilier grades down ns low as
S 1.2.1.
Poi'conx Choice for stands goes at2J @ 3c
oerlb. _
Orders from the coiiu'rjrcufrlur ; sc-
Icctcd xtnck nnd e.rtm cure In jjuc'itiifcan ' -
> iot nlw/n/n / / be filled t the ( i ic prc ( <
quoted to the loMl tnidc for coiimtoii stocV.
PI.UJISChoico California , 81.50 per bo < c.
Largo red home grown p'unis are cdinlnit In
and ate selling nt S3 per bushel. Calilornla
pi lines sell nt 81.50 per box.
PEACHES Cholce stock Isgolncr nt SL.IOffl
1.7.1. Michigan peaches are selling at S3.00 < 7 $
3.2.1 per crate of 4 baskets.
NECTAMNES There are a'low California ,
nectarines on thu market Choice stock
81.25frt > 1.60perboK.
OitAXciES There nro n few good oranges
on tlmmaiket. Hodl ,
Ai'pi.KS Good stock Is moving at SU..10 ®
8.75CHAII : There Is a litt\oinoro 1 1-
qulry tor crab apples nnd thciu U a oed mar
ket for choice stuck at S3.50 per barrel.
under grocers' list
( iitAi'EB Tlio supply of home-grown and
California crapes continues liberal. Califor
nia , S1.2o@l,50 per 20-lb box ; home-grown , 4c
per Ib.
\us-Callfornln Bartletts , S3.'JO@.25 ! ;
other varieties. S2.50S.OO per box.
PAWPAWS Mellow Missouri pawpaws
\\eie put on the market to-day at 40c per 20
Ib baskets.
QUINCES Calilornla quinces , of largo
si/e , S2.50@ ; > 00 per bo\ .
LEMONS T.'io supply liberal , with fair de
mand. Com mon stock , SO.OOcao.bO per case ;
choice , S7.0U7.50.
UANANAS The market Is full of binanas
at S1.53.00 ( ) per bunch.
CocoANUih Rood stock , S5 00.
S , S , FELKER , mm , NEB ,
PUIIK CALirOUNIA WINKS , shipped direct
f 10111 our Miuiyurd ; Itlosllntr , ( Intolul fimots ,
1'oit , Shoirlo , oto. Ban .loan Vaults Seventh.
KlKlith. Han t-alviulor uiul Wlllliiin sis. , Sun
Jo o , Ciilllotnla.
'icini luillicretlmmnr
"oiTEAT MAHSToSTTllEATftlKM' ! ' . '
Hmlrd book nl fro * . Bhould ba read lij Kalhrrt
ffSr Rrptetewttti Infonnntlon of value tf > A ! , men.
Pianos & Organs
Itctnlled at Wholesale PriecN.
\Vilto for catalogues , prices nml forms niul
Biivo Irom $5J to * 100 In tlio pmUiUbOOf un In-
KI5OS , St. .losepli , Itlo.
Display at their warerooms , 13OG and 13O"f Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highestclasa and medium grades , including
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
'defects In materials and workmanship.
, U0 . * 1307 fARNAM STREET * . '
Agricultural Imp/ements *
\Yho1 * * ) e Dcnltr In
Agricultural Implements , Wacrona ,
and lIuifMti. Jnncn Hrrpt , between 9th
nj IDlh , Omnhn. Mb.
it1 ytUTCALV CO. ,
Agricultural Implements ,
lc. Om ha.
Wholetnle Ucalora In
Agricnliurul Implements ,
IVncons uni Busslt" . ' . " 11 , (0,1 , 1 > J5 nnd M7 , June' ft
Artists' Material.
A. IJOSPE , ,77 ? . ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos nnd Organs ,
Utl Pouiilns Mrcct , Onicha.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Builders' Hard ware AScaloKopalf Shop
Mechanics' TcHiisnml ll'tffnlo Sr l . l4Uu DousUis BU ,
. _ Omnlm. Nfli.
DVUKS and jfniici/ier/ .
ITTr. KvroA" , r co. ,
Who olila nnd llo all
Bookseller * nnd Stutioiicrs ,
1523 Douplni at.Onmhi , N'pli. Tolrphono 601.
Coi rcl poiii1nnc1o solloiti-il ,
Boots and Shoes.
Jobbers of Boots nnd Shoes.
1411 Farnara t , Omaha , Neb. Mnuufnctorr , Biimmet
ureet. lluHon.
fleer ,
lleor Urowers ,
1-.21 North 13th ? I root. Omnha , Neb.
Butchtrt' Tools.
Coffee , Spices , etc.
Otnalyi Coirto and Spice Mills.
T * 8. Coffees , Spicev Hiiklni : Ponder. FlirorlngKx-
tracts , laundry Btun , Ink. Kic. 1414-10 llarnsr
Stri'et , Onmhu. Nob. .
Cornice. .
John Epencter , Prop.
Mrnftctur r of GalTtnltod Iron and Cornlc * .
I > cd e and 103 and 106 N , 10th it , , oraabit. Neb.
Manufacturer ! of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornlres ,
Dormer Windows , Klnnlf , ilcullcSkjllplit.ctc. 3108.
till sl.Oninlin.
C. Spccht , Prop.
Galranlted Iron Cornices , etc. Spcct'n Improved Pafr
cut Mcmllc Skrlljht. 60S and 6111 S l.'tli t. Omnha.
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
J.lnoloumn , Mnttlncs , Ftc. :5II TlouK'ai ' fltroft.
Crockery and Notions.
Agontfor 'hoMuniifncturcrsnnil Importemof
Crockery , uMasswitre ,
Lampn , ( "bluinuye , Ptc. Ofnce , 317 Suuth 13th nt.
_ OinHhn.Nuli. _ _
_ _
I'nmmoth Clotliinir House.
CornoInrntui urd Tenth btiu. tH Omnlm. Vph.
Commission and Storage.
I > . A. HURLEY ,
Comiiiission and Jobbing.
Under , I'eKtinnil I'rodiup. Conjlitrmenis pollened.
ileailquurterfl fnr blonnwarp , llcrrf itoxi's nnd
Urupo llusku.e. Ull Kodi-osUL'ct , uumbu.
Storage and Comnrssion MorchnnN ,
EpccUllios llutlor Kzz < , Clippto , I'o iltry , Guin-j ,
OjBtlTB. CtC. , OtC. ) UM. lllll bt.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Produce nnd ProTlitons , Omnlm , Neb.
a ) CO. , .
Produce Commission Jlercliniits ,
Poultry , liutter , Qnnie , Pmlln , etc. 130 S. Hthit
Oinahn Ni'l ) .
Coal antf Lime.
Utu. i. jjAhiiii. . I'ros. C. F. oooll IA f , V. Piei.
J. A. HUNiiKlit.AND , Sue. and Trotia.
Jobbers of Hard nnd Soft Coal.
203 bouth Thirteenth Struct , Omnlm , Neb.
, T. , T. JOHNSON < fCO. . ,
Mnnnfnrturers of Illinois White Limo.
And Shipper * of Coiil nnd Ci > r. Coniout , I'lmter ,
Umo , llulr. Uro llriilc , Drain , Tile nnil Si-wer I'lpo.
onicu , I'txtou notel. KiiiiHir. Ft. , OniiliA , Nt > li.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco.
( luna and Ammunition , 215 to 231 S. 11th > t. , 1(00 ( to
Itf.'J tHnminst .Qmtha.Neb.
_ _
Mnnnfactnrers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wbolcpalo Tcpers | In I.enf Tobnccos , Nos. 103 street , Omnhu.
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
U02 and 110-1 Douiclnn. cnr. llth St , Oranhn , Neb.
Distillers. r '
hol undplrUn. Importers
and Jobbers of Wlneniunl ] .lquor > .
CO. and ILER 0 CO. ,
Importers nnd Jobhertof Hne Wines Hnd T.lquorg.
Sole mnnuructun.r < if Kennedr'n Knst Indln Jilt-
tern nnd Dumcullo I Iquom. IllZ Hnrn Tht.
Wholesale Denleis in Furniture.
Funmm Bt. . Otnuhn. Neb.
Furniture , IJodding , Upholstery ,
Utrrors , etc. 1206.1303 and KIO Fiirnnm St. , Omnha.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
N03 711.707,703Hnd711 S. 10th Ft.Oraiihn , Neb.
McVORI ) , intADY tK CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
I'tn nnd Lenvenworth tf.Oni iha.
LEE , FRIED a1 CO. ,
Jobbers of Ilnnlwaru and Xails ,
Tinware , HiPft Iron , Kc ! AUUIIM for Howe Bcaloi ,
itnil Miami 1'itWilcri ti Omtiin..Sub ) ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Stool ,
rluKSVngon block. Hardware I.umbor , tu. . I'M
and l.'ll lUrnc1/ , Onialiu.
EltNEY < ti GimtON ,
AVholesalo Iron and Stc-el ,
Wacon anil TiirrUrfoVOIM ) Htoct , Heavy Ilnrdware ,
Ktc. KlTHnaKIJ I.eavrnworth > t. , Omaha , liob.
Stoves , Itnnprcs , Furnaces , Tllos ,
i Orates , nru jondi. 1J31 kiid LI23 Jr'araaa
Iron Walks.
Iron Works ,
and Ca t Iron llulldlni : WorV , Iron { < tnlr ,
; llcanx and ( llrderii , Sicnni rnfiiu'i llrun
Work , itnen l Wuuiulrr. MRCtilno mid lllai-kimUli
Vork. oaiceanl Wo/knU , 1' . H/.uml I71U snefi.
Mnnnractiiriiifr Dealer in SmokeStack
UiUchliu < , T nk . ii > t Clonntnl Holle
n DoiUe trocljnnli .
K. H. MrMANtI ! " . 0. RUt.UVAN.
OMAIIA irmn c ntoy WOKKS ,
Unnufnclu'cra ot
Ire niul Iron Kallliurf , Desk Hnll9 ,
VVIndnn ( lunriti. Flower Slnml * . Wire tltni. Km
UJN. li'lb , UMcra br mull prominly nUcndmlttt.
r , All Kinds of
Jfiitorlal at Wholese.Ift ,
18th Strcot and Union faetflo Truck , Omiib * .
Dealer in Lumber. Latli , Lime , Sash *
Doori , lito. Yarili Corner7th nnd DougUii Corner
Vlhnntl llo
Wholesale Lumber ,
814 S. llth Mrfct.Omnhn.Neb. y.Colpcttor.
ISth and Cnllfoniln Mrocln , Omoha , Neb.
JfJtED W. Gil AT ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Eta ,
Orf.Uh and nouglai Hi. . Omalin.N X
To Dealers Only.
Office , 14K ) Knrniim atrect , Mniahi * .
CffAS. R. LEE ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets and Parquet Flooring. Dth and Domini
Omshv ,
Wholesale Lumber , Ktc.
Imported and Amcrlcnn 1'ortlnnd Cement. Rtntf
AK ntforMllnnukeo mOrnullc Cement and licit
yulucy Whllol.lrac.
Life Stock.
Of Omaha. |
Limited. John K. Boyd , B-Jperlntendtnt , i
Lhu Stock Commission.
Commission Mealcm in Live Stock ,
Union Stock Vanta , South Om ilia. Nob. t
ncleimicos-lloono County Hunk. AlblonJ
Noli. Tlioini-nu | Sc llnkor. Hunkers , Alblou.Ncbl
Union Stock Yard Hunk , South ( hnnhn , Nob. JJ
1' . Sadlor i. Co. Now Vork. n
0. II. VMjMUIt N 1IlICIIMAN. . ,1. 11. lll.ANCIIAHO
PALMEU , lilCHMAff C CO. , V
Li va Nturk Commission Mcrclutnt.i )
Olllcp Hodiiiai. OppositeKiohiiniro llulldlng- .
Union Slock , South Umaliii , Nob. '
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Mnrkot fiirnl hpil fr * oniipp'lrntlnn. ' Btnrterini
Iccilurs rurnUDo I 011 no nl t rmj. Referenda
OinnliH Niitloiial II ink anil Houth Unrnh I Nutlon4
Union block Yurdt , Sniilli Onmhn.
3f. 11UKKE SONS ,
Live Stock Commission.
_ . Ono. llutkc , MamiKor
Union Stook Vnrrta.B Omnlm. lolepliono MJ.
Live Stock CoiinniBsion Merchants ,
Bhlpiucnta of nur nnd nil kinds of Block nolloticc ! . '
Union HtocH Yanln. Omnhn. Nek \
Millinery and notions.
J.' , U CO. ,
Itnpmtois nnil Jobbers of
Millinc ) ' ! ! and - otloitn.
D . IDIIIIIL'I-'S. utii st.
\Vliolcettlo Donlcri la
Notions and Furnishing- Goods ,
tm nnil < K > 8. Tuntll HI , Olnulni ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jenns Punu , Shirts , Ktc. 110U nnd 11011)oii7lita Street.
Oin.lhn , Nob. '
Wholesale L'aiier Uealors.
rnrryn nlcoHnokof 1'rlntliiB , Wripplnn nnd Writ
Inifiupor. Rpotlul ntlrntlnii Rlron til cnr loiilor
orileri , wh chlll he Bhlppol dlrucl from inlllt. All
oriU'r * will rerclvo | K'riinil ) ; miontlnn. Woamir-
nntco uooil gooJs na low prlcoa. 1111 and 1HH
Doucl UML
Printing ,
.loli Printers , J < link ! Hook Alakors.
And lloolc Binders. lOii und KM Suuth 1'ouituuiiU
itroot. OmiiliH , Neb.
Atixiliitry I'ulilisliors.
Do lciBlnTyio | , Vrnis s nml Printers' riuppllo' . W9
biiutli Twelfth htrcct.
" \Vholosulo Pumjis , Pipe , Fittings ,
KtoiniHuilVi.tcr Siipilun | ! HuiiiliiuiiituiK fir Mnit
to-i lVi' ( Joo-ln. 11111 nruiiiii M .Omnlm. Noli. '
Wind llli ! r-icnm nnil Wi.tor Pupplloij
tK Uoo'la , lleltlnilln c * . ' . 'IS ' itnil ' .rju i < ur-
imiu HOnmhn. . H. K. eltnn , MnniiKur.
'lelephunu ND. 210.
" *
A. L. STRANG CO , , ,
Pumps , Pipes njul Hniiiics.
Steam , \Vnter , Itnllwny and Mllllnn bnpnl cr. K'.a
KW , 9U and Kii t ruam st .O mha. Nel- .
" - > MBinifactiiri'M nnd Dcalern In
Kiiirlnps , lloilcrs ib ( icnnral Jlat'Hiiiory
hort Iron work , Ste.un 1'umpt.Hiw Millj , Acin
SbjftlDKDoJse illt Pulleyi , Baiting , atj.
Alsowutoni , § or p3ra , a43 altlloi. Ull-LUi Ui * .
Tcnnurthnt. Omnha
Rubber Goods.
Miinului-turer nnil lloalin In all klndJu.
KtilibiM' ( fooiN , i
Olirinlhlnsrniid li'iuhi-r lli'l'lnir n H VirnnniM.
Safes , fc.
" " * *
,0 C/O.7 /
Agents for Ilnll'H Sulo & Lock Co.s'
Flro and limit ar Proof Hafoi , Tlnio Ix/rks , Vmilt *
und Jill Wont. IIH ) hKrcinm utruut Oiimhit , Neb. _
Omaha Safe
Jliuiulnctureriior Uraand llurslnrl'roofBnfpo , Vnul |
Duurs.Jiill Work.HluUli'rn uiiillro \Siirk. Cor.
UltinndJiU'lii'uiiiil'.Oinatiii. Nub ,
5nsA , floors , Etc.
Wliole > nlo Mnnufnrtnrcrxif
Sasli , Doors , ISIiinlrt tuul 3IoitIlliirB ( ( ,
llmncn oaict.niii nini U.rd ( , Ne > < .
I Manufacturers , of Sos/i , Doors , Blinds ,
Moiill'jiKii ( ' > lulrWorkunl Interior Hani W < K'
Jum uuuie.l. N. K ( or. Slli i l lA'U ei ortUBU.
Ornuli.i , Ne'j. "
Lincoln , Neb.
Tlii | l'i > t knouu niul mutt poimliir hulel la
the -tir..u. LouHilon ( fiitruliipiolutineiit9 | Iliol
dues. Hciultinuili IK lor ( .oiniiinrclitl men A.iJ
all ) > olitlc'ul uud iiubliu iruihuiliiirH ,
K. I' . HUflOJJN.i'ioi
of tlf boiljr talaigid urnl lrcnjl l.tJ 1 ill' | ' l
I Uttled ) Irtt. 'KH1U CO. , UuUtU , K.