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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1887)
< > - " * > i * ' --i _ . THE. OMAHA. DAILY BEE , ; , THURSDAY , . SEPTEMBER 8 , 1887. . , NEBRASKA AND ID\VA \ NEWS A 0ooked : Lumber Agent Skips Prom Lindsiy With Company Funds. TWO THOUSAtJD DOLLARS SHORT A Mnrolintit nt Colon Confcssrn to tlio Crlinn of Arson Trlnl ofKreil Mitnolirnth nt Sioux City. Skipped U'ttli Companr Funds. I'lii'.Mo.vr , Ncli. , Sept 7 , [ Special to tlio BKK. I It 1ms just developed tlutt tlio Nye , "Wilson , Morehouso company nro losers through tno skulduggery of H. II. Giles , who lias been maniutlnir tlio train ntul lumber buslnesi for the company nt Lindsay. Tlio company hnd been suspecting Olios for some time anil hnd just completed arrangements for ri-llovlntt him by tlio selection of another nmti for tlui pl\co. ; But tlio action Is too tnnlv. ns Olios skipped tlm country , leaving Hnturday evening or Sunday. On Saturday the company forwarded hint SI,000 from tlio Uf nc nil olllco here. Ho took this with what rash he had on hand , and It Is estimated that lie must have got nwnv with somewhere be tween 81,500 and fa.OOO In nddltlon to prob- oblo u4 real u mini nt various times In the past. , llo Iravcs behind him n wlfo nnd llvo children. It H thought ho haa cone cither to Calltornla or Canada. City Councilmnn Boritp. NKiittAsicA CITY , Neb. , Sept. 7. ( Special Tcloeram to tlio Br.K.J II. II.Bartllnif and if. W. Uottman , two inombora of our city council , Indulged In a street light hero to day. Thn trouble originated bv Mr. Bartllng connecting a newer frotn hlsstoro with that of the Grand 1'acldc Hotel company , In which the combatants are members. Mr. Kottman Insisted that the work should stop , ntuli said that Il.irtllng had no moro sense tlmn a doc , wlieromnm liartllng promptlv fcnnckrd the talkatlvo eentlemnn down and W piopnrmic to follow up this advnntaeo When the combatants were suparatod. Hntt- man made no defense , but saya that ho will prosecute Admitted tlio Crime of Arson. FIIKMONT , Neb. , Sept 7. ISpecIal to the HKK.J The adjusters of the insurance com panies carrying policies on Frank Ilnag- land's store , burned at Colon last week , have been hero and elfected a settlement with Jionglnnd. Thov found concluslvn evidence showing that ho lireil the store to not the inmmtnre , amounting to sa.200. Hrmelniid finally admitted the crime nnd surrendered Ills pollc'cs. ' thus destroying his reputation nnd his lot tune. < TracyMpnflolil. . PAWNEK Cirv , Neb. , Bunt. 7. ( Special Telegram to tlio I5ni : . | At 8:30 : o'clock this evening Will Tracy , n popular young dry goods clerk , and Miss Kvu Mcnlielrt were married. Uev. Adams ofllclatlng. It was the griiuil ovcnt of the season. Ono hun dred Invitations Issued , and the pres ents were most elegant. Hoth parties nro well known hero and will uiako this their future homo. _ Flro nt NVbrnnkn City. NniuiABKA CITV , Neb. , Sept. 7. [ Special Telegram to the liKn.J Dr. Kcnncr's resi dence , corner of Thirteenth and 1'nwnoo street. " , was destroyed bv Ilio at 7 o'clock this evening. Loss S'.OOO. No insurance. fi cargo West was beverely injured by falling bricks. PAWJJKK CITV , Nob. , Sept. 7. ( Special Telegram to tlio lii ! : : . ] At the AnJress show last night n storm canto up < while a crowd were In the tent. In the rush to get out A. C. LclbenderfiT got his leg broken above the nnkle. It will bo some time butoro ho can walk. Off Kor tlio HiMinlon , I'AWNEK CITV , Neb. , Sept. 7. [ Special Telegram to the IJm : . ] About lifty old sol dier's friends loft on the early train to-day for the reunion at Omaha. Tiioy were ac companied by the opera band of twenty pieces. The town State Fair. DKS itoiNis : , la. , Sept. 7. The state fair to-day had cool and beautiful weather drawIng - Ing the largest crowds over seen on a cones- pondlnc day. It Is estimated that 85,000 persons were iiresptit. Tlio exhibits of line tock nro said to bo tlio best ever brought to gether In the wost. It Is estimated that thn value of the llvo stock on the giouiid will amount to Si,7M > , uoo. THIS ItlRUlCAIj CONOnUSS. Dissatisfaction Kxprunscd nt thn 13 tortnliiiiiont ArrnimiMiioiitx. WASUINGI ox , Sept. 7. I Special Telegi am to the Unit. ] Thi ) nttuiulancQ upon tlio tnodlcal congress , which seemed rather small In comparison with expectations , lias prown astonishingly blncoMondaynoon. There were yet many arrivals to-day and about 5,500 are now registered. Appaieutly there nro too innny for the managers to handle , lor whllo all coes orderly enough In the professional features of tlio congress , the social arrange ments have been eluiotle from the beginning and ills-usi and Indignation are expressed on every hand. This is only one of the many consequences of the factional quar rels that have IIDOII wnged for two years over the question of management , Hoarly nil of the doctors who hnd attended the congress abroad , retired fron the directory , nnd nft'alis were left princi pally In the hands of persons totally lacking experience In mich mutters. The so-enllod "Conversiulono , " nt the pension building Monday evening , marked the beginning of the dissatisfaction. Instead of hhuttliig the doors of the great hall against all except the doctors nnd their Immi'dlatu frltnitls tht ! door was open to all comers , and wns fairly overrun by a mob of all SOXIH , conditions nnd colors. Last evening there was no better management of the reception nt' the whlo ( house. A crowding , jostling , miscel laneous mob was tin line , without police to keep them In order. The doc tors nnd their famllKn were forced far uaoK out of tlm ciirrlnea way and down I'enn fwlv.uila. avenue. Kmlnunt foroliiuora wltii thulr elegantly costumed wives nnd daugh ters who drove to thoentrancu In canlnges Were forced to lUUht and taKe tlmlr places In Ilnu far down the street car tracks and hundreds were so dlhgiutod with tliolr mal treatment that they went home vowing they would abandon all alleged social entertain ments provided for the The climax of management leached to-day when It was nnnoutived that the tlokutn for the grand banquet to ho held to-morrow evening at thn pension building had nil boon arui- celled nud nuw one > would bo Issued. This order \\as u result of n dNeovery that several tickets hud mynU'rmifh lallun Into ilui liiuuU of members who had distributed them to their own sot and to outsiders \\hom they lindmotaml to the moro disgraceful dis covery that gay young doctors who had been seeing the town had metuntcd tickets to persons of. decidedly shady morals , who llvo In \\lmt Is popularly known as "Hooker's Division. " Tills In cident hna been the talk of the divv. The terlous attulrs of the congress , however , ) v vo gone on with very little fi lotion. Tlio papers lead nro pronounced to bo of unusual o\r l- leuce. The and imthuslustlu few attend the lectuies assiduously while tlm majority , who f.elzt < d upon the congress as a good opportunity for a visit to Washington , liavo been devoting their tlmu to Ihu museums , dep.\itment and other objects ot Intinust. At the openhi ! ! of the medk-al eon - cress to-day I'roildent D.ivU culled [ Prof. Durante , of Koine , to tlu > chair as vice-president tioni Italy topie Ido while hUoomp.Urlot from Xnples. 1'rof. bemmolA , Hlumlcl read the in per of the day , 1'rof. Si'imiiola took tlio giound that modern tendencies y < wo In the direction ot hypothe sis nud abstract theory anil urued u return to thu safer and moro conservative , though pui Imps slower methods of experimentation 1 und exact ascertainment uf farts. Tim fundamental scope of medicine , he saul , was A euro ot disease. Tlmpro-Mi'ssto-du- tnu nrt was hindered by n tendency to ba twrt ology. which thri'Atvni'd ' to grow Into * sjfitfm ot Ili-elf , Instead 'of ivnmhliu tdo auil auxiliary of applied 'm.4 cliu1. Certainly n microscopic world does exist.tho exploration of which brought to light myriads of enemies of mankind , but the solution of the problems thus presented to the practitioner , nro as yet unattainable. Many of the theories presented for the destruction of tlio microbe which causes disease , would , If acted upon , first kill the patient nnd then doubtless destroy tlm microbe. Doctors should omancltmto themselves from the unproved theories of tlio present as well as tlio unfounded dogmas of the past. The iirofe-ssor was tendered n votn of thanks for his paper. The general assembly then ad journed for the day. Porter Tenders Ills ICoHlznntlon. WASHINGTON , Sept.7. [ Special Telegram to the line. } It Is aitd that Governor James D. I'ortcr , of Tennessee , has tendered his resignation to the president as first assist- nut secretary of state. The Intention of Porter ter to take this step has boon the subject ot moro or less speculation In dlplomatlcclrcloi for Bcvcrnl days. No reason la assigned for Porter's unexpected notion , except that the duties are not congenial , and that possibly the lelattons between himself and Hayard Invo grown n trlllo strained. The assistant secretary of state , when nskcd nbout the re port that ho proposed to resign , replied thai lie would do ao In n few days. Ho leaves the department , ho says , with the best feeling for all of Us ollichls nnd employes. Hols Inlluencod. ho adds , by the condition of Mrs. Porter's health nnd other purely private reisons. Mr. Poiter does not siv that his reasons for resiirnlng are solely of a private character. On the contrary , the above statc- iient of his Intentions , which was written by .ilinself. avoids the use of thoad\eib"solely. " There Is no doubt that his relations with Hcoretaiy llaynrd nro very pleasant socially , but It Is known that there nre very serious IIITerences of opinion between the two pen- 'lumen upon questions relating to the fish- ries. This question had nothing to do with ills contemplated resignation , nt least until Mr. Uayard detcndcd his policy , which wns 'ho opposite to that of Governor Porter. Last week the latter had no thought of ro- Irlng. Til 1-3 GERMAN OATHOtilCS. I'oWdorly I'rotrHta Against Delegate JMItfiCll's JlcROlHtlOII. CHICAGO , Sept. 7. The German lioinan Jathollo convention ended to-day. The chief Interest of the day's session centered In n dispatch from General Master Workman 'owderly ' , of the KnUhts of Labor , protest- ng against the > Mltsch resolutions ngnlnst .ho Knights of Libur as unkind , unjust nnd based on misrepresentation. lie said ho is not nn enemy of the Germans and nothing n his career can so be construed unless his advice to worklugmen to bo sober nud tem perate can bear that construction. "The Knights of Labor , " ho said , "aro neither anarchists , socialists nor prohibition- ; sts , but they are temperate. " The secretary wns Instructed o Inform Mr. Powderlv that the resolution mil been rejected , and to add the statement , midn by Mr. Mltsch. that he did not mean to ittack the entire order of Knights of Labor. He hated anarchists , revolutionary socialists and prohibitionists , und wanted to have them denounced. In the afternoon the officers for the ensu- ng year were elected. The only now man .n the list Is Second Vice President Throden Scholten , of Chicago. Cincinnati was selected as the place for holding the next nnnunlcouventlon. An executive committee was also elected , nnd n vice-president named for each state. Heforo adjournment mem bers of the society ol priests were given n re ception In convention nnd several ot them undo nddresses. President Spannhorst iln- llveied n speech as a welcome to the priests and n wind-up to the convention. lie re ferred to the repmtcd attempts mndo to draw Uio German Catholics Into a controversy , and the charges of their attempting to give undue prominence to Germans and their language , etc. , which had resulted In falluie. He waul It was just these attacks from certain quarters that had helped to make the convention n success. After tlio adjourn ment about two hundred and llfty German Catholic priests met nt Uhlrlch's hall In re sponse to n call for a meeting of the society. The object of the society wns defined to bo to make cenornl Gorman Catholic conven tions n permanent Institution , to help carry out their resolutions nnd draw closer thn hands of union and brotherly love. An ap peal was made on behalf of the Leo housu tor German-American Immigrants , which Is to bo built In the harbor of Now York. A REVOLUTIONIST VICTORY. 1'ort Ijtv Union IH Itctrayod null Cap- tut oil Dv liiHurtioiits. PANAMA , ( vis. Galveston ) Sept. 7. The Star ana Herald savs : A revolutionary force under liahana last night surprised and took possession of Port La Union , San Salva dor. The garrison wns betrayed by two of the The lisht between the revolu tionists und the government troops Is re ported to have been verv severe. A general commotion is teared In San Salvador , Gunta- mala and Honduras. The Sivltolinipn'H Strike Endcil. MILWAUKEE , Sept. 7. A Waukesha spec ial says : Tlio switchmen's strike Is virtu illy over on tlio Wisconsin Central load , lllgh- teim new men wore secured from Chicago this mornlii ! ; aud freight trains nro running ns usiml. Thi'iu has been no disturbance at any place on tlio Hue. Manager Merrill says lie will not emnlnv any of tlm strikers , hut It Is icpnrtcd from Steven's point that several of the uld mun liave rcturnrd to work. A Itlu Suit Hociin. MiLWAUicni : , Hont 7. The jnuors were placed In the hands of the sheriff to-ilay In n suit for a large amount begun by the Third National hank of Now York ngalnst John K. linrton , thn ( logobick Iron King. The exact amount involved is not known as panrrs could not be beivod. Kurt on Is In New York City. Jlcntli of Kv-CJovornor A Ikon. OiiAiiLUbroN , S. C. , Sept. 7. K < c-Gavernor William Alkon died to-day nt his country placeat Flat Hock , N. 0. , used elghty-oni > . lie was governor of South Caiollualn 1S11 and congressman from tbfd to 1S > 7. Iln was the largest slaveholder in the state huforo the war. lie consistently opposed nulllliea- thin and secession , and took no part in poli tics after leaving congress. Turkey Old Not Consent. CoxsTAuriNoi'Li : , Sept. 7. The statement that Turkey had consented to the principle of Huajlan Intervuntlon in Bulgaria is olllo- lally contiadlctoil. I'ostjil Climinrs. WASHINGTONSept. . 7. | Special Telosrnm to the llirJ : J.V. \ . Stam was to-dav ap pointed postmaster at Jlawkeye , Kayotto countv , lo\ui , VIcoThomai Cumnilnss. re moved. A postofllco lias been established nt Boo , Seunnl county , Neb. , nud .Mlnnlu I ) . Dun- liigiin appointed TbMitArit : XOTKH. Itnpld proirn-sa Is being made on the new Eteul crulMvr at l-'r.uicisco. A panic tiy a falsp nl.irm of Urn was nar rowly n\i-rted nt the Casino theater , Xew York City. Tlio Mexican National railroad will , with out doubt , be ciiinpliUi'il to the City uf Mexico ice within twelve mouths , . The HarrtMi Foik Cod eoiupanj'.s enulne liiiiiso nnd mauhlnu hhap.s nt boniorset , Ky. , were ilestroyod hy lire j rsterday. The estubllfthiiiiuu of Nnlllo A. Cro < s& Co. , pl.uio dealer.uf ChliM-zo , has been cloied bv the sherllf umler coni't-stioni of judgL-ment ngcregaling S. . , OOJ. Tlie newsuperiiueniU'iit of llnnncaslth exporhuici'd cmtoim ollU-luN , started from Miiilrid fur ( 'ub.i yestenlay to U'lorm the administration , Kxpciitlens nsuro atlns 510,03 were usucd yesteulay agalnt-t Mcl-\ill , liet/.hl iV Co. , of I'lttslmrg , extensive lumlicr dealers. The liabilities nnt not known. The acting fwretiry ot the Interior has leiiiieatisl the nttoiney general to uittltute MI ft HjiAlint several parties In Muntaim r'or unUwlul fenc n , of nubile JantK Thn goveinor giniral'deputy Is now In- oiting ] ! tlio ciiitoiiij tiiuiio at Ceiiiir.o : , t'litii , miller ordei.s to mnko scruimloua e\- nmln.itioii of thu.iirali.s : uf that otlluit. Actlir/ Secretary Thompson yesterday opitiii'd tm | ItfAli lot uf iioxibaN | lur tlio b.iln ot 0 | w'rc nt liauili to tlvegovernmuut. All ot them weie rejected as being too high. , Klec'rlo ' Lustre Starch will' not stick to tint'iron. It Is tju > bust staroh. NHWS Fit OH PARIS. 'JLho Mohlllzntlon Ucnth or the Yls- coinit dc I-htcintitirch. \fniruftaMISSJliyJamt \ * ( Jonlnn Jlcnnttt. ] PAIIIS , Sept. 7-INew York Herald Cablo- bpecint to the IKK. ) | The continued success of the mobilization ' experiment Is still filling the hcnrts'of nil French patriots with exulta tion. Each telegram frotn the ' 'scat of war" Is read with feelings ot prldo and satisfac tion. The general relief felt Is doubled by the hostile criticisms of the German pa pers , some of which persist In regarding the -tvholo experiment as a prearranged comedy and M. Laqucurc , n hot-he.vled young radical member of the house of deputies , who , cairled away by his personal friendship for Boulanger , had been Imprudent enough to telegraph nn Injurious comment on the mobilization to a journalistic friend , has been roughly handled in the columtis ot al most every Kronen paper roeardless of party distinction. Hero nnd there , ot course , flaws and short comings have been noticed In the execution ot the military plans ot the Seventeenth army corps. From time to time some petty mayor Is found to bo unequal to tho'demands made upon him for troops. Now nnd ngnln a slight delay occurs Inlload- Ing or unloading trains with their living freight , nnd occasionally n spy Is caught taking notes for trnns-lthlne or trans-Alpine neighbors , but very rarely. These acci dents only make the general success of the mobilization moro striking. Out of a total , roughly estimated at 83,000 men liable to serve , the Seventeenth army corps' statistics published show tint between 33,000 and SS.CO'J nro actuilly now doing duty. Taking nil tilings Into consideration , this Is a result of which Franco may well bo proud. It ts suggested tnat henceforth spies should not only bo exempted from arrest , but allowed to feast their eyes upon the mag- nlliccnt spectacle of French military equip ment. Poor General lloulnngcr's friends , who have all along been his worst enemies , seem likely to end by making him the most un popular man In tlio country. As to tlio lioulnngist war song , "En Kevonant do La HeviiP , " It has become n stand ing Joke. A travesty of the famous composition , arranged ns n funeral march , Is being privately played with great success In Toulons , The effect Is said to bo lugu brious , like the present turn In the gallant general's fortunes. The death and burial of Victor Nicholas Iteubsnct , Ylcomto do Kstcmburgh , best known of late years as Duke doCnmposellee , ' has removed ono'of the most curious figures of Paris. The Duke can hardly bo said to have over played a great part in the social world. His marriage with the wealthy widow singer has not made people forgetful of his huinblo origin , and though ho had spent a fortune trying to cot himself accepted by society he hnd never leslly got much beyond fringe of It. The funeral service was cele brated atthochuich of St. Pierre de Chaillott where only five weeks ago Miss Winnretta , tlio singer , was married to Prince do Secy- mon Helisro. Few ot those who were so prompt to respond to Invitations to tlio dead man's li-les and concerts , thought It worth whllo to attend his funeral. The church was handsomely draped In black und silver hangings , each arch In the aisles being separated by n composltlco of his arms , three lions rampant above a knight's casque and a sword point ing upwards. Thulotty catafalque occupied the center of the chuich nnd nrouiul It burnt four silver toiches which throw n green flickering light upon the scene. Among those present were members of the ltalnn | musical society whom the dead duke , mind ful of his artistic origin , had often assisted with money. On the bier lay n huge black nnd white wreath relieved by the Italian colois nnd a golden lyre. Ilesldes this , an enormous number of wieaths of floral tributes adorned the hcarso. After solemn music was sung the bier was temporarily deposited in the vault , pending Its final inteimcnt nt Uloss- vllle , near Tronvllle , the duke's summer icsl- dence. The chief mourner wns Mr. Franklin , the singer , on whoso right was noticed the Marques do Tliunircs , on his left the Com to do Dognon , who came nil the way from Milan tortho ceremony. Scattered hero nnd thiiwero Mine , de Enrin , M. "Von 'do llnen , director of tlio Hrus- so couseivatoire. Several musicians' ' widows were too overcome by giiof to bo present. The prominent teatnro of the fu neral procession wns the dukn'.s footman bcnilng Ills master's cocked lint nnd cushion on which were the duke's star ordeis. The dead man's nd Is said to have been hast ened by a cniol trick of Ids enemies , who , It appears , six weeks ago sent ancmplojo of Pompes Funebrua to his house to take meas urements for Ills coilln. Thu duke was then Bull'crlng from a serious Illness. SPORTING Ni\VS. Ycr.lnrdny'H Hall On inc. The game between thu Denver nud Omaha nines yesterday WAS the llnest of the year , and was witnessed by nearly l.-iCO spectators , the largest of any week day attendance this season. The pitchers of both nines did finely , Healoy particularly deserving com mendation. Uader-played n good loft field and Jantzen throw nicely to bases. Three clean hits were made by Denver and six by Omaha , Messitt making four ot them , Gor man , of the Denver nine , did not play on account of his thumb being fractured in the game nt Lincoln the day before. Khrot took his place. Itclow is the score : THE OMAHA , ros. AH. u. in. TII. us. ro. A. i : \VtiUh ss 5 i o o i i a Messltt 2 ! ) Dwyer ID Fusselbach.b : ! Under If Handle rf Genius cf .innt/on u Healey Totals 38 3 0 8 4 27 11 3 ros. AH. n. in. TII. us. ro. A. K , Sliuh rt Smith ib 4 o i i o 11 u i 'JYlvau ! ib lllirot If Kiilnzlo cf : i i o o o i o f McSiirluy..2u U 0 l ! i 0 0 4 1'lillllps ss Hrlggs e 0 0 0 0 4 1 Yo&i _ . .p : i o o o o o 3 .0 Totals 31 T * 5 "a f. 87 18 M.'OIIH ll1NM.VU3. . Omaha 0 o a o o 0 1 o 0 Denver 0 10000000- si MMAKV : Uunsoarncd Omahi 1. T\\o-ba ohitsMessltt2 , McSorloy 1. Lett on buses Uiualia 0 , Denver 4. Struck out Uy llealeyy , by Voss 1. liases on balls By llealoy 1. liases given tor hitting u man with ball- It y Yoss i I'liuo of gaiiia Vhour and30 minutes. Umplte lltuthes. To-I > ! y'rt Gnnie. , Follirwiiu nro the positions In to-day's game which Is called at 3:30 : o'clock : OMAHA. ros. Krehmeyer e Meyers Hartson p. . . . Spioat Dwjer I Smith Mossitt 'J McSorley Fusselbach ' > Tatvan Walsh s Phillips Hutnr 1 Khret Gttnina m Kcnzlu ISandle , . .r. . . Sllch Lincoln U ) , UaHtlii < > 1-1. LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 7. [ Special Tele- Siatu to the IIK. ) : | Lincoln defeated Must- Ingd In a ijanio noteworthy tor heavy bat tlug nud many errors. Hart nnd Dolau , and Nicholson and Ebright were the batteries. Score by Innings : Lincoln .3 1 0 H S 4 0 0-19 UnsIUi:4.'J | 3500300 2-14 Kuus earned Lincoln , Hastings7. Two- base hlts-Ucckley , Curtis Welch. Whllo- head 2. llcynolfls. Three-lnsu hits Herr , Curtis , Welch , Nlchnlsou. Homo runs Herr ' . ' . Hart. Struck ocft-Hart 4 , Nicholson 1. liases stolen -Lificoln 8. Errors Lincoln S. Hasting ! ) ! ) . Tli if * > r giimc 2 hunts nnd 15 inlnutoj. Umpire Mother. Shnofor stMiicmloiL KANSAS CITY , Sent , * . ( Special Telecram to the HIE. : | Thd , Western JJase lall ) lea.uo met nt the Conlro'itoiis hotel this afternoon. There were presents W. 11. McCllntock , of Denver , secretary ; < Elliott Mensnl , ot SU Joseph ; W. 11. Gelds by , of Topeka , presi dent ; K. E. Mongol , of Kansas City ; J. U. Patterson , ofKa sa City , Omaha bolne rep resented by proxy jr. Menges acting. The purpose of the meeting was to consider the status of Kiiiuorla'siiice Wichita disbanded as , according to the terms of the agreement made at the time Emporla was mlmltted to the league , tlio club wns allowed to exercise their right to withdraw from the league nt any iltno any other club should disband. Such a cnso having arisen by reason of Wichita colnn to pieces , Emporla cave notice of her Intention to exercise the right she had reserved , nnd In consequence the league found that they could not do otherwise , nnd so they permitted her to withdraw. Sub sequently It wns determined that the games of the outgoing clubs should not bo counted , The next question that arose was the adop tion of anew schedule. Considerable dis cussion was Indulged In pro nnd con , the outcome of which wns the conclusion that the schedule rnmalu as It Is without uny changes. The case of the nssanlt made by Shaofer. of the Llncolns , Tuesday , ou Umpire 1'oung nfter the end of the game played nt Lincoln on that day with the Delivers wns brought to the notice of the meeting by n communica tion from Young , who gave his version of tlioallair. After the reading of the charges an order was made suspending Shaefur trom the leairtte for the remainder of the season. The older was not entered , however , without n sharp debate In which Mr. Townloy waxed waim and eloquent. This In the face ot tlio fact that the .Lincoln club had already sus pended Shaofer and fined him 5100 for the same offense. Mr. Townloy said that the suspension ot Shacfer was nn Irre parable Injury to Lincoln. Ho said Shnofer was the best base runner and surest hitter In the club nnd that his place cannot now be filled , whllo his re moval will tend to dampen the ardor of 301110 ot the other players , and. "Shaeler , " he re marked , "is head nnd shoiildeis nbove nny man In the team. Ills expulsion Is n blnck eye for Lincoln , but wo can't kick much , be cause It Is the lirst blow we hnvo received ut the hands of the league. " The season will be plnved with the six re maining clubs and no efforts will bo made to till the vacancies ot Wichita and Emporla. National J eiieuo Games. DKTIIOIT. Sept. 7. The game between the Detroit and Chicago teams to-day resulted as follows : Moinlng game : Detroit . 0 8 Chicago . 1 00100000 2 Pitchers Conway and Clarkson. Uaso lilts Detroit 10. Chicago 0. Eirors Detroit 1 , Chicago 5. Umpire Powers. Afternoon game : Detroit . 2 03101020 8 Chicago . 3 00010000 4 Pitchers lialdwin and Clarkson. liaso hits Detroit 20 , Chicago 10. Errors Detroit 2 , Chlraeo 2. Umpire Powers. Niw : YOIIIC , bupt. 7. The came bo- ' .wceti tlio New YorS nnd Washington team .o-dv resulted as follows : New York . 00001001 2 Washington . o , lr 4 0 0 0 0 0 * 5 Pitchers Waleh and O'Day. liaso hits- New "V ork 8. Washington 7. Errors New- York 3 , Washington ! . Umpire Valentino. Hos TON , ISopt. 7i The game between io Huston and Philadelphia teams to- resulted as follows : Uoiton . 0 10000010 2 Philadelphia . 1 00001 10- 3 Pitchers Con wav and Ferguson , liaso lilts Uostoni ) , Philadelphia 11. Enors Boston 4 , Philadelphia 4. Umpire Doesclier. American Association. NEW YOIIK , Sept. 7. Tlio game be tween the Metropolitans and Louisville teams to-day resulted ns follows : Metropolitans. . . .0 4000300 0 13 Louisville . 3 0000000 * 3 Game called on account of darkness. Pmi.AnixriiiA , Sept. 7. The Athletic- Cleveland game was postponed on account of rain. UAT.TIMOUK , Sept. 7. Tlio game between trie Cincinnati and Ualtlmore teams to-day resulted as follows : Cincinnati . 0 0000000 t 1 Baltimore . 0 0200130 * 0 BROOKLYN , Sept. 7. The game be tween the St. Louis and Brooklyn teams to-dav resulted na follows : Brooklyn . 2 0304000-0 St. Louis . 0 C 3 3 2 0 1 0 14 Eight Innings. _ Dr.s MOJNUS , la. , Sept. 7. Following Is thu icsult ot snmi's played by Northwestern league clubs to-day : At DCS Mollies Des Molnes fi , LaCrosse 10. At Oshkosh Oshkosh 0 , Milwaukee 3. IJnnfoiirir nn Kn < ty "Winner. SiiEiU'siiKAD UAV , Sppt. 7. The weather wns cloudy nnd the track fast hut dust } ' . The ovcnt ot the day wns the match race between \V. Gratz's chestnut colt. Klkwood , and J ) . Morrisey's bav golillntr , Uanburg , for 555,000 n side and ? 1,000 milled by the .lookoy olnb. The distance wns a mile nnd repent. Klk wood wns ildilen by McLaiuldln and carried lib ponniK IJanburg hid Hamilton fora jockey and carried 105 pounds. They went nway on even terms but Klkwood at once drew two lengths nway nnd sot thu pure. KM ISaiiburguiniliially crawled upon him and was only half a length behind at the head of thn stretch , and it was scon that Klkwood was ns good as bi'atonhon MoLiu hlin began to whip. Giadimlly , nppnrentlv without effort , Han- burg drmv m > , parsed Jhls compctlor at the sixteenth pole , nnd von without touch of tin1 whip bv nbont n length. Time 3:07J : Ono niilo Stuvvesant won , Tower second , Chociaw third. Time 1MU. This time was uuur beaten In nn nruml rneo. For two year olila , live-eighth mile Yan- leland won. Speedwell second , Daniel third. Tlme-l:03. : One nnd three-sixteenth miles. Two starters .Inn Cotton won , Itennettee second. Time ! i:00 : > . Heating the record by I seconils. Ono nnd one-eighth miles Swift won , Hrown Duke becoiul. Florence M third. Time -1,0. : Seu-n-oiglith mile Little Minnie won , Patrocles second , Bonnie S third. Time 1 i'JSV , , ' , .SuM-n-oIehth mile Ilol D'Or won , Tat Diner sccona. Malaria third. Time 1:30. : Itrjan , tlio Sjirlntov. W. C. JJryan , the splinter , went to Lincoln to go Into training toranmtch with Hntchin- 8oii. of Sioux City , for 31,000. Thu distance will be I00 ! vault , nnd tlm racu will tnku plue Keptember 'J7 at Slonx Cltv. Hrynn has jnit ili'fented Dobbins , the California champion , on a too yaids' bout , the time being 04-5 seconds. HnlUviiy ftlal ! Sorvlco Men. DKTUOIT , Mich. , JScpt. 7. The lailway mall service rppresontatlvoj conelinled their business session this noon. OIHcers were > lwtod as follows : I'ffsldent . U. Mc- Kef , of Itahwny , > . J. : secretary and treas urer , S. K. Hanghman. Camp I'olnt , Ills. A vice pre ldont was elifcloil from each divis ion. AOW Orleans was di l uated ns the next place for nieftting. f _ A Wreck On tlio Wwooimlti Central. MILWAUKKH , 7. Hya collision | of pivssoaeer trains ojhe Wisconsin Cen tral road this innrnliif at Schlelslnsorvllle , the Infant cliild of Mrs.Molm I'ost , of Ciran- vllle. was seriously iijjuri'il nbout the foro- | UMI | . The engines aud two coaches were wrecked. Tlm Nnw Water Works Work on the now water works .super structure at Florence begins to-day , and the grading contracts will bo let two \yeoks from to-day. The worse from this on will Im vigor ously jiroseruK'd , nnd It Is exacted the tunnel ! to the river , nnd the substructure will bo completed by oarlv winter , nml the superstructure by July 1,1SS7. Naval Tnkes place on Cut OU' Inku Thursday evening , September 8. ale Puviiforu. The naval cum bat takes iilaco lit a o'clock p in. , il'roctly afU'nv irtU the Chicago opera romp-niv tfiv'1 * I'ln-ifort1. An am- pie thr 'ti r h\s : \ t > > . -i I iif for this pur- pose. Adin s-iiun w 1 1 lie 75 touts for both. . ' From Darkness to Liht ! The Silver Moon shining out from the widows of heaven , gives light , hope and joy to a world ! iu darkness. So do Hie nst junding revelations , commendations , testimonials , praises sworn evidence , happy results , speedy and permanent cures performed by the famous Carbolic Smoke Ball. OiJtres CATARRH Cured Iu three months ) warranted. The "Dobollator" should also be taken in chronic cases. ASTHMA Cured in nearly every c 'n ; relieved in live minutes , but the "Debcl- later Pncknco" must bo taken with tlio "Smoke Uall. " HAY FEVER A euro euarantoed if tak-ou in time. No symptoms of tlio dls. case return UK The "Dobullator Puokazo" must bo taken iu connection with the "Smoko Uall. " HUONCIllTIS-Cured in every case ; warranted.The "Dcbollator" should bo used with tlio "Suioko Uall. " DEAFNESS Cured in from three to six months if the drums of the oars are not destroyed. Hot salt water used in connection with special instructions. EYES-Granulated lids , weakness of the optic nerves , etc. , cured in four , to six weeks. Relieved in llvo minutes. \ CROUP Relieved in three minutes , and cured in twenty-four hours. \ ' ULCKKATION OF THE LUNGS-Rcliovcd in live minutes , aud oumd lr ono week. The "Uobellator Package" must bo used in addition to "Smoko Uall1 : S , NEURALGIA Cured after tlio third dose , anil It will not return if the remedy is occasionally used. f SNORING Three doses each night , before retiring , euros this trouble. i TJic above cut in a good rcprcfienfa- DIPHTHERIA "Carbolic Smoke" destroys the germ of this disease , and should bo given as a preventive. lon of the yen nine Carbolic Smoke Hall , with our patent SinoJiv Einlt- COLD IN THE IlEAD-Curcd in fifteen minutes. cr of Liberator attached. COLD ON THE CIlEST-Cumd iu twelve hours. A companion to the famous "Carbolic Smoke Ball" in the successful treatment of Catarrh , Asthma , Hay Fever , Bronchitis and Ulccralion of the Lungs. Also an nfnlliblo compound for Liver , Spleen , Kidneys , Bladder , Malaria , Jaundice , Uys- ) ousia , Piles , Moth Patches , Complexion , Suppressed Menses , cto No household should bo without those infallible remedies. The price of the C.xrbolic Smoke Ball is $3.00. It has never boon loss than this price , nnd wo warn the public against any and all Smoke Balls which nro offered them for less than $2.00. There is only one Carbolic Smoke Ball manufactured in the United States , viz : at Indianapolis , Indiana. Insist upon getting this Ball and accept no other. Kacli Uall Is inclosed In an hulivlil- ASTHMA. 1C Years Standing. Carbolic Smoke Uall Co. : I have Miu'crcd with asthmas sixteen voars. Many times my life was despaired of. Physicians in Easton , Pa. , Jersey City , N. J. , aud in Philadelphia treated mo and , in fact , spent hundreds of dol-1 lars ; found no relief. I have used your medicine for over two months ; have not' had au attack , and feel permanently cured. You have my sincere thanks for what your Smoke Hull and Dobullator has done for mo. PHILLIP C. Ken > , 42.rl North 'JOtli street , St. Louis , Mo. Sworn to before mo this ? th day of Februarv , 1887. A. A. PAYBOX , Notary Public. St. Louis , Mo. AN AFFIDAVIT. Catarrh of fi Years Standing Cured. OMAHA , Neb. . May 11 , 18S7. Carbolic Smoke Uall Company Gon- tleiiicn : I have been a constant sufferer from catarrh for the last live years. I have tried many remedies that claimed a sure cure , but received no benefit from any of thoin. My head at times would become so stopped uu with mucous mat ter that it was impossible to breathe through my nostrils. My sloop was also , brokun by choking s'ensations caused by the dropping of thu mucous matter into the throat. I fust received u free test of your Smoke Uall some three months ago , nnd was surprised to lind that it cleared my head in a fu\v minutes and gave won derful relief. 1 then purchased a ball , which I have been using siuco , and can now siv : honestly and truthfully THAT I AM EN'ITRELY CURED. 1 feleop well nt night , have a good appetite aud foul like a now man. Yours truly , NmvTox HALL , With Omr.ha Republican. Subscribed in my invsunco and sworn to buiorimo this llth day of Mav , 1887. W. \ \ , IVRYSOI : , Notary Public. A I'KOMINE.Vr riTIX.RN Ur.COMMl'.KDS THE bMOKC HALL. Carbolic Smoke Uall Company Gen tlemen : I have used your Carbolic Smoke Hall for catarrh and throat troubles , and e-in re.connnniid it as a pleasant and oHuetlvo remedy. It is a huiisibln way of treating diseases of the head and throat. Yours trulv , S. A. OitniAKi ) , Wholesale and Retail Carpets , Cor. 10th and Farnam ttrccts. HAY FEVER. A DISKASi ; THAT HAS IIAFI'LU ! ) THK SKILL OK THU iinyr I'HYMCIANS cttii : : > UY IHK USE OI1 CAKUOLIO SMOKE HALL. OMAHA , Nob. , Sept. 1 , 1687. Carbolic Smoke Uall Company Gen- tlomun : This is to certify that your Car bolic Smoke Hall has cured mu wl Hay Fever , a disease that has annually at tacked mo for the last thruo years. The attack generally came on about the lirst of August , but this season it came about the St'ith of July , and seemed to bu moro severe than ever. Hruathin < : through my nostrils was almost impossible , as the nasal passages appeared to bo entirely closed. My eyes worn also badly in- llamcil , nnd my"general health much im paired. A friend advised mo to try the Smoke Hall , and I immediately pro cured one and commenced using it. The lirst application gave mo relief , and in loss than a week all symptoms of the diocasu had disappeared. \ ours truly , CHAS. F. POTTIJU , Supt. MJ. Valley Sand & Gravel Co. , Hoard of Trade Huilding The only relief received was from hypo dermic injections of morphine the Smoke Hall cured him. Road : IXDIANAVOLIS , May 12 , 1887. Having been a sulleror for more than twcilvo years with that terrible disease , Asthma , which incapacitated mo from business , and causing much of the time untold suilbring , I had tried many physi cians and many remedies from special ists. Seine of thorn gave mo momentary relief , but soon it returned with moro virolonce than over. 1 finally had to re sort to morphine by hypodermic injo.i- ' tions so as to get some rest while under its influence. My breast and arms are all scarred over from those injections , and I was completely discouraged. See ing a circular from the Carbolic Smoke Ball olllco , I called in to see what now "humbug" it was , and thought I would blufl' thorn by requiring a guarantee , and nt the same time making an oll'or of $100 for a euro. They kiudlv informed mo that they could cure me. for $3 as well as $100 , and oll'ered a free test , which gave mo relief. Yet I was not satisfied , but called several times , and bought a Ball and Dnbollator ; commenced using them according to directions. This was in September , 1SO. At that time , while under treatment , I was engaged in ship ping horses to Buffalo , and was Kreatly exposed at night , but kept using the Smoke Ball ; continued to improve , and in November 1 was a cured man ; and last winter I worked in the steam , heat and cold , and have had no symptoms of a return of the disease , and I certainly fool grateful to the Carbolic Smoke Ball for this -miraculous restoration to health. JAS. U Ivvn : , 200 Blake St. Subscribed and sworn to before me thislUthdayof May , 1887. [ Seal ] H. F. \ \ i IT , Notary Public. Croup , Whooniug Cough , etc. Whoop- Jug Cough Cured in18 Hours. OMAHA , Nob. , April 22,1S87. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. Gentlemen : Some time ago you induced mo to try your Smoke Ball. At the time I had a child sutVoring with a very bad whooping cough. Ho could hardly lie down , as it brought on strangulation from the plilogm , and in his efforts to throw oil' this stringy nhlesrm he was constantly vomiting Iiis food as fast as taken in. I made him inhale the smoke from the ball three times fur a day , and inside of IS hours broke the .cough up. From tlio start the smoke altered tlio character of the secretions ; they became loose and easily thrown oil' in tlio form of mutter , and the child recovered fully in a lew days. Since that I have used the Smoke Ball in mv " family for all ordinary colds , for which" it gives instant relief and a speedy cure. Respectfully. iSic. , D. B. BEHMnit. Commission Merchant , 801 , 803 , 805 , 8J7 , Howard. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before mo this 22d dav of April , 1887. [ Seal ] \V. W. KIYSOII : , Notary Public. A physician cures his child of croup with thu Smoke Hall. Carbolio Smoke Hall Co. , Indianapolis , Iiul. : My little child onu night Imd a severe attack of crouij. I used tlio Car belie Smoke Ball , which I always keep in my house , aud it relieved it in a few moments. It went to sleep and slept soundly , I have used it for many dis eases , ind from my own personal expe rience I can recommend it as wonderful in its curative ellects. N. P. CAUTKK , M. D. , Mapleton , Ind. SOUK TIIItOAT AND COLDS. OMAHA , Nob. , Jan. 8 , 1 37. Carbolic .Smoko Ball Co , ( Juiitlomen : I have used your Carbolic Smoke Hall for colds and .sore throat : tnd lind it to bo an infallible remedy for such troubles. v Yours truly , Dit. A. S. HII.I.INOS , Southeast corner Dodge and 10th Sts. [ label bearing note at hand. A Great Family Medicine Headache and Colds. Colds.OMAHA OMAHA , Neb. . Deo. 27,1830. Carbolic Smoke Hall Co. Gentlemen : Your valuable remedy , Carbolic Smoke , as applied through your Carbolic Smoke Uall , has boon used iu my family apd lias afforded immediate relief from nuad- ache , cold and catarrh. Iu fact , if prop erly applied , I consider it a spocilio for those complaints , and 1 beliisvo it will cure any disease of the mucous mem brane that can bo reached by inhalation. Yours truly , C. O. Fomiv , Trunk Manufacturer , 1100 Douglas St WHAT ONi : SMOKU HALLACCOMl'LI3Hii : > IN A MONTHl Carbolic Smoke Uall Company Gen tleman : This is to certify that I have been troubled with catarrh for the la t three years. I have used many remedies , but failed to receive relief from any of them. The disease continued to grow worse until it affected my voice very much , and also cnused the breath to become very offensive. 1 have been using ono of your Smoke Halls now for a month , ami can notice A DECIDED CHANGE IN MY CONDITION. My throat has ceased to trouble mo , my Jioad is perfectly clear , aud 1 am satis lied that 1 can obtain a euro from your remedy , Yours Uulv , PHILIP MILLER , Uarbor 111 South 15th Street. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 17th day of Juno A. 1) . 1837. CIIARI-ES L.THOMAS. Notary Public. A Remarkable Curo. The Smoke Uall Saved Her Lite. Mrs. C. A. Newman. Cor. Cumiiigs unit 27tli Sts. Omaha Says : ( InrbolieSniokoHall Co , Omaha , Neb. Gentlemen : 1 take pleasnni in recom mending your remedy , the Carbolic Smoke Haft , for I believe it has saved my life. I have been troubled for years with what was considered to bo an in curable case of Catarrh. Have boon under treatment of several well known physician * ) of Omnha , but could receive no relief from them. My condition con- tinned to grow , until at last the disease began to cat through the mem branes of thu nosu and mouth , making breath very ofl'onsivo and causing sev eral pieces of decayed bone to come from my mouth , I had given up till hopes of ever receiving a cure , but decided to try your remedy for a relief. I not only re ceived relief , but am happy to state that lam cured. I have beun using tlio remedy now for four months ; mv general health is much improved , and I am satisfied that the binoko Hall does all that you claim for it. Very Respectfully. Miu. C. A. NKWMAN , Res. Cor. 27th and Cuming streets , DEAFNESS. W. L. Adams , Esq. , Completely Cured of Catarrh and Deafness Road : ST. Loins , Mo. Carbolic Smoke Hall Co. Gentlemen : Catarrh attacked me seven years ago. My symptoms wore those widen are usu ally characteristic of thn disease , coupled with that of Deafness. My hearing was so impaired ns to render it impossible lo _ hear any ordurirv conversation , lhanta to your'Carbolic Smoke Hall , my catarrh is cured , as well as my deafness. lean hear thn ticking of a watch. W. L. ADAMS , 7W7 ( S. Water St. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this the 18th day of May , 1887. WAi.'ir.uC. CAUII , Notary Public. to the public from A' a. in. to fi ] > ' " TeSt Is given all who will take tlio trouble to call. TIie complete treatment sent to any addiess on receipt of price $3 , aiui 4 cents postage. Smoke Ball Si , Decollator * 1. One complete treatment generally sufficient for a cure. Over 114 S. 15th St. , fCreighton Block. Omaha , Neb ; FOR SALEBY ALL DRUGGISTS , . . \ , ' -Ik.