Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1887, Image 1
> * * &vrvyT vvxf THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA , THURSDAY , MORNING. SEPTEMBER 8. 1887. NUMBER 82J THE THIRD DAY , The Immensely Successful Progress of the Pair and Grand Army Reunion. AN IMPOSING SPECTACLE. Parade of the Grand Army Veterans and Visiting Regulars. VAN WYCK'S SPEECH LAST NIGHT. Fifteen Thousand People Visit the Pair and Exhibition. A GRIND RACING PROGRAMME. Unabated I'opular Interest In Oma- hii'H Festivities The Growing Crowds The Height of In terest Today at Doth Fair nd Camp. r The Parade. The streets In tlio heart of the city yes terday displayed unusual activity at an early hour. They were thronged with vehi cles , mainly of the lighter order , while the sides worn packed with a dense though con- sttintly moving mass of human beings. There woru few In tlio throne und among the occu pants of the vehicles who were bunt on busi ness. The great majority was In sympathy with the occasion , and with the decorations , which shone and Muttered on every hand , bore testimony to thu fact that the occasion of the parade. of the Grand Army veterans was a holiday and such a holiday as Omalia had never baforn experienced. Not nlono the streets and walks were tilled with people , tlio windows of every building also , contained thousands of anxious spectators who waited patiently for tlio appearance of tlio veterans. At ten o'clocK , thu soldiers formed in the camp nnd took up tholr tedious march to the city. The roads were soft in places , and some care was required to avoid the mlrv spots. As a consequence , tlio progress of tlio column was Blow , and It was not until ten minutes past 11 o'clock that the right of the column appeared at thu bund on North Six teenth street. The first distinguishable fua- turn of thu advance was the glistening rifles of the Infantry , which as they advanced , revealed to view a background formed by the dark-red trimmed holmcts of the artillery , More delay was experienced , and then came hundreds ot teams of all descriptions which had been driven back by the police who acted as the advance uuard of the parade. About this time Governor Thayor. Mayor Broatcli and Senator Mandcrson tool ; places on a .stand erected for them at JelTerson square. They were soon joined on invita tion by Congressman Dorsov of Fremont , John Watson of Nebraska Citj. Mr. Van Wyck and several other gentlemen. In advance of the procession rode Officers Mostyn and O'Brien , keeping the main part of the street clear Irom vehicles , and at a distance ahead of the right of the line rode Chief Seavoy and several other mounted oUl cers , who cleared the sides of the streets ot all kinds of ve hicles. Following them were two lines of police , under the command of Cap tains Corutick and Green. Both these offi cers boie themselves with military grace , but the same cannot bo said of the men under tholr command , wno seemed sadly at a loss to keep step with the music. Following these came Commander II. C. lUissell , who was the lirst to salute the eivlo reviewing officers. He was attended by sev eral of thu members of his statT. Then came General Frank Whcaton , com- mandlngthu intantry , with several members of his fiUlT. These were followed by the band of the Second Infantry under the lead ership of Wledomover and with the ever- gorgeous Sattes , the drum-major In advance. The band was followed by eight companies of the reginunt. The band of thu Eighth Infantry succeeded and following It marched four companies ot thu same regiment under command of Captain Porter. They were suc ceeded by the Twenty-first infantry band the uniform of which dltl'uied from that of the other musical Institutions In that they worn spotless white pantaloons and had one of most formidable drum-majors imagin able In the lead. This band was followed by four companies of the Twontv- tirst under the command of Captain W. U. lioyle. These brought the Infantry line to a close. Next caimt tlio light battery of tlio Second United States artillery , under com mand of Colonel C. N. Woodnilf. There were four three-Inch rilled cannon with all their attendant supports. The appearance of the battery with Its spirited horses , rum bling wheels , and the rich red trimming of the uniforms of the artillery men attracted the undivided attention of the thousands who ttironired the lino. Thu veterans of the ( } . A. 1C. composing the first division of the line , continued under the command of Col onel J. II. Culver. They walked under the heads of states , In the following order : Nebraska Veterans. Illinois Veterans. Ohio Veterans. Mlchlsan Veterans. Wisconsin Veterans. Kansas Veterans. Minnesota Veterans. West Virginia Veterans. Navy Veterans. The second ill vision was under the com mand of E. K. Valentine , of West Point , and consisted of the following : Iowa Veterans. Indiana Veterans , New York Veterans. Now England Veterans. Now Jersey Veterans. Missouri Veterans. Prisoners of War. Pennsylvania Veterans. Regulars Who Served During the War. Tim third division was commanded by Colonel M. P. O'Brien , and comprised thu members of the General Crook camp of the Sons of Veterans of this city , under thu com mand of Captain also a detachment of thu bamu order from Iowa. Thu rear itf thu line was Drought up by a largo number of carriages and buggies containing enthusi 1- astic and patriotic people , with whom rodu many aeccl. Inllnu and maimed heroes of thu war. war.Tho procession moved cast on Douglas to Tenth , thuncu to Farnam nud thencu un der the arch of welcome on tlio corner of Sixteenth street which , after being passed I , Ihn procession disbanded. All alunir tlio Hue It was viewed by thous ands of people , many uf whom at interval sU cheered tlio Infantry , artillery and tlio veter ans. Passing between these living walls ufk sympathetic friends and piles of stone , hi ick : and Iron , hung with designs in many colors , resembling European festivals whun the heirlooms of centmles are hung to commemorate Mime event of Impoitaiieo , tlio line patented an Imposing appearance. ' Them was little left to oo desired in either the music or the military air of the infantry and thu artillery , wnlle , in a certain manner , the appearance of the veterans was not the least ot the most Interesting features. It Is true , their stop had lost its lUlitncss and their toims the statellnes * which had on re characterised them , hut then , they walked with the stnrdlness of cam paigners , nud the air of modest victors , which wab entirely in harmony with ttie spirit of thu cclubr.itlou. In passing Ouster post hall , on Douglas- , street , the line was elected with loud cheers , and when thn Mill'ird was readied , a picture of General John A. I.ogru educed hearty cheers from many a participant In Ilioranks. The Pnxtnn liotmvns elaborately decorated with gar lands nnd between thn columns of the portico were pictures ot Washington , Grant , Uncnln , Hancock , Losan and Cleveland. ! ! : As the hostelry was passed emue of tlio men dolled their hat * , ami tha , of Custcr post dipped his colors and trailed them on the pavement. Tusterdav a Him was strung across Farnam street troui the Ofllco ot the O. F. Davis Jtcal : Cstafe company to that of A. J. an < i oil tUla WM Bended n picture of President CIcvewi land. This was over the line of march , and the latter would have been changed had the emblcn been allowed to hang there. Ibis morning , bower , through the mediation of Mr. T. A. Crel n , the picture was removed , As consequence , the procession was carca rled out without a disturbing episode. Owing to tlio distance of the camp from town , only a part of thu veterans were ablenr to march , and this accounts for tin fact that there were not more of the cucsts In line. Van Wyok'n Speech liast Night. Ono of the most noticeable of last nUht's features ot thu reunion was the speech ot ox- Senator Van Wyck. On his Introduction to the veterans by the grand post commander , the cheers ot the throng were deafening and the lusty calls of "Van Wyck , Van Wvck , " evidenced his warm regard In the heaits of the grand army mon. 'fo stop the continued cheering the band struck up an air In which the bass drum predominated and the inci dent alToided the general an opportunity for A happv exordium. Ho said : "Icanienere to be un observer , not un actor In the scones of to-day , but being forced Into action let my part bo that of a peace-maker. 1 will offer a compromise and It will nrovo for your enter tainment If that bass drummer will prom ise silence , 1 will keep quiet and Chaplain Lozier will slinr , "Tho Sword of Bunker Hill. " ( Laughter. ) Tlio general continuing , said : "As the sword of Bunker Hill has been kept bright these many yuan In song , perpetuating the memories of the men whoie. heroism and valor gave birth to the republic , so , com rades. In after years will your triumphs bo sung In strains recalling your bravery and heroism in saving that republic In its hour of danger. ( Applause ) . This Is the object of our ornanlzatfon-to keep alive the names of the dead who died for their country , and to perpetuate the name of those who survive. What a monument of glory to their posossors are the sleeveless arms and the crutches vlsl- bl to-day 1 ( Applaud . You are remem bered , comrades. In you country's annals. " Tno general then s'poko ot pensions. Great Injustice ho said hnd been done the G. A. R. by certain journals In declaring that the organization proposed to deplete the United States treasury by a wholesale sweep for pensions , claiming service alone as a recognized cause for bountv. This is false , and In thu utterance tlio U. A. R. had beeu malicned , The G. A. 11. never asked a pension for any man , unless ho could piovo disability and dependence. ( Ap plause. ) Tlm speaker knew whereof ho spoke , because he had been chairman of the pension committee for six years whllo lu congress. It was not the G. A. It. wtio proposed depleting the treasury , but another class of men entltely. There were hun dreds of millions of a surplus In the treasury which should never have been there , and of this portion the Giand Army asked its bestowal as a reward upon the worthy men who had sullered such disability for their country's safety as rendered them mi- able to work for their bread. To what higher or holler purpose could this monov be. devoted ? It was the people's money extorted fiom them by excessive taxation. Interested men opposed the dis tribution of thu surplus as contemplated by the G. A. R. and suggested Its application to the payment of statu taxes. Alluding to Cleveland's pension vetoes , the speaker said hla reason assigned was op position to special pensions , yet his own commissioner of pensions drew 5100 a month by virtue of a special pension act. These special pensions wire examined by the com- mltteo with all the care , prudence and re search over displayed by any court of Justice , and Cleveland's vetoes were without justiii- cation on reason , The speaker continued in a happy vein forever over a half hour , making some excellent hits. At the conclusion of his speech ho was long and warmly applauded by the 3,000 list eners on thu ground. The Illnniliuitcd Wheel. The Omaha wheelmen , reinforced by the Council Bin IT s Ramblers and a delegation from Plattsmouth , gave an Illuminated pa rade over the principal streets last night There was a string of over ono hundred bi cycles mounted , each ono having lighted lan terns and handsome decorations. Tlio ex hibition was a most creditable ono. attract ing thu applause of thousands witnessing It along the route. The Humbor tandem , dec orated with Japanese hangings and ridden by Messrs. Coombo and JollltTc , deserves es pecial mention. Thu route of rldo was from the street at the Mlllard to Sixteenth , to Cumlng , to Twentieth , countermarch to Sixteenth to end of paving , counter march to Farnam to club rooms. On Invitation of Messrs. Clarke and Moultou chief and local consuls respectively of the L. A. W. thu wheelmen partook of refresh ments at the St. Cloud , where thn delicacies of the season vanished buforo whetted appe tites. A night of song , story and jest varied with refreshments , at thu club rooms on Thirteenth street formed a lilting ending to the enjoyable exhibition. Tlm Nnvnl Unttlc. For the Bii : : : This afternoon at 4 o'clock , tlicro will bo a naval engagement at Cut-oil : lake , between the Mcrrlrnacand Monitor. At 8 o'clock the Benton , Carondalet , Tits- cumbla , thn General Bragg nnd thu Army Transport Henrv Clay , will run thn batturies at VicKsburg. The fleet will bu under com mand of Commodore Hastings ; Lieutenant Commander W. H. Michael , will command the Carondalet : Lieutenant Commander W. H. Mitchell , the General Brairg : Lieutenant Commander E. McDunn , the Tnsciimbia , and Commodore Hastings , thu flagship Bon- ton. There will bo two United Stales bat teries nnd ono state battery to represent the batteries of Vlcksbuw. Over 3.000 rounds of nmiinltlon , In the way of shell , shot and bombs have been provided for this occasion. At the Depots. The lirst arrival ot veterans yesterday wns Abe Lincoln , past No.'J , ot Council Bluff. There were 110 men In lino. The otllcers accompanying the post are , H. C. Barnes , commander : C. S. Huhbard , vice- commander ; E. J. Abbott , surgeon ; F. A. Sackct adjutant. Thu { veterans wont to the reunion ground ous tno 8 o'clock train , and so far have thu largo-it numbnr of any post They marched to the music ot a very line martial band. Arrivals. The Incoming trains were all late yesterday day , owing to the great crowds coming in Among the arrivals w ro Nation Banner camp No. 10. Sons of Veterans. William Mil ler captain , with the Friend , Nebraskabrunl ; the Cowlos cornet baud of Cowlcs , Webster county. A , A. Peak , leader ; the Wavcrly , Neb. band , William Ells leader , who were at the head of Mitchell post , No. ! ! S ; the Biad haw cornet band , Eugene Shallenborger , leader , Greenwood post No. U'.i , John M. Mathcn commander ; A. L. Gatt.spoit , No. 5S of Lyons. Neb. , M. G. Morell commander , headed by the Lyons Cornet band , W. J. Frit/ , leader ; and the Gates City National band , W. M. Mooney , loader. Reunion Notes. Yesterday headquarters for the society of Military Telegraphers of the state were es tablished In tlio temporary oUIco of the Western Union telegraph olllco bv Mr. Kortv , president of the Omaha brinch of the association. Tlio following list showing thu members of the society lu this city was posted with the hope ot inducing telegraph operators who had bunn In tlio .service of the union to c.i 11 and leiuo their names : Presi dent , L. 11. Korty ; vice president , Edward Itoscxrator ; sccretaiy and treasurer , 0. W. Moore. Members C. Dwyer. T. H. Fonda , U M. Panlter. W. S. Lewis , S. H. Knnnp , E. L. Armstronir , Henry liownrmnii , iY N. Kinbret * , J. K. Giilllbur , B. L. Kohinson , J. r ' K. Meagher , PInttu Burr. G. W. Nnllo and J. C. Sullivan. Appended to tins list aio several notices by leading generals of thu war , com mendatory of the devotion and services of the men who haw since organized the asso ciation mentioned. This morning General Mandcrson opened his tents ttt thn reunion with an excellent as sortment of military maps do-criptl\ of homo of the most Important engagements and cam paigns lu the civil war. Among thu selection is one illustrative ot the country and move ments of the army In front of Franklin , to gether with others , showing the approaches to and defense * of KnoxVille , Tonn. Be sides these-are six topoginphical - maps Illus trative of the Atlanta .campaign , as alto of thu un Chattanooga. The general has aUo displayed a uumbr..oX lellcsvt Uio war , together with a pile of works written upon | : the events which have long slnco be come historical. These features have ap pealed strongly to the appreciation of the soldiers , and as a consequence they are at tentively studied by many veterans In the camp , 'Ihc state assoclatlonsof veterans met again ycstenUy with the result that a number ot names were added to the lists opened yester day , This morning all of these organizations will : meet again and elect their annual olllcors , on whom will devolve the labor of preparing the rosters for the present year. Headquarters were yesterday established for the men whn served In the navy In the war. There about fifteen of these supposed to bo on the ground , but only five had re ported up to last accounts. These were Commodore Hastings , of Aurora , who Is to have control of the gunboats which to-night will run the rebel batturies at Vlcksbuig ; Mate Mitchell , S. L , Johns , of Nebraska City ; John H. V. Laudcrgieu and Harry Olesen , of Omaha A beautiful llttlo pamphlet was yesterday left , In large numbers. In all the department offices and state departments on the grounds , by thu Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road , entitled "Three Decisive Battles. " The struggles outlined are Shlloh , Gettysburg , and Chattanooga , and In this llttlo work Is tola who took part In them , the time they were fought , the number of the contending forces , and the number of killed , wounded and captured , on both sides. As a compen dium It Is both unique and useful , and has been deservedly appreciated by the vet erans. Wahoo band called on BEK , thirteen pieces. E flat comet and leader , W. M. Bavlov ; E. O. Frazlnr. solo n flat cornet ; John Weem , second H flat ; E. Kllmont , first E lint alto ; 11. C. K. Brodwell , second E flat altoH. ; W. Miller , first E U flat toner ; George Morrison , U Hat baritone ; B. F. Geed , 1 ! Hat base ; E. McHrlen. E llato base ; C. W. Sanford , bass drum ; T. M. Smith , snare drum ; Peter Anderson , cymbals. To-Day.s Programme , Thursday , Sept. 8. 0 a. m. , reveille ; 7 n. m. , breakfast call ; 8 a. m. , sick cull ; 8 n. m. , guard mount bv U. S. regular in- fantrv ; 10 a. m. , battnlhon drill by the Second , Eighth and Twenty-first infantry ; 11 a. m. , reunion and election of olHeors of prisoners of war association ; 1'J m. , dinner ; 8 p. m. , battorv drill by battery F Second U. S. artillery 0 p. m. , dress parade by IJ. S. regular infantry ; 8 p. m. grand naval display on Cutoii' lake run ning the batteries at Vicksbttrg by the Mississippi flotilla of union gunboats 10 p. m. , tattoo. THE FAIR. The Knlr's Third Day. It was a beautiful day with 15,000 people on the ground. The refreshing rain and thun der storm of .the previous evening left the atmosphere in a condition best calculated for physical comtort , and the multitude testified to their appreciation of this reliel from the torrid heat of thu previous days by turning out en masse. The G. A. R. parade in thu city held the crowds until afternoon when they be an pouring In with a rush. Tlio people seemed to come fiom every quarter , Irom everywhere , springing up and filling the grounds as if by nngic , and shortly after the noonday hour the gieat enclosure presented a lively and Interesting spectacle. The din that arose from thu moving and shifting throngs could bu heaid , like distant roars of tlio ocean , lone beforu the giouuds were reached. Until the hour when thoraces races were called the great crowds occupied themselves looking at the countless attrac tions on exhibition. Floral hall and the line art hall , and the bulldlncs occupied by indi vidual exhibitors , weru literally jammed , nnd not much satisfaction could bo had In an endeavor to sea all the sights , they contained. Still a passngo through these halls at least furnished an idea of the lavMincss of the displays , and the enser thousands seemed to enjoy the operation de pito the discomforts that must bo encountered. The poultry department came in for a full sharu of attention. And well It deserved It. for hero was to bo seen not only hundrols of varieties of chickens , ducks , geese and tur keys , but homing pigeons , song birds and small animal pets as well. Dewey & Stone In their building make a most elaborate display of elegant furniture , parlor , bed room and library sets , fancy cabinets , bric-a-brac and so on and so forth. This building was crowded early and late. Floral hall was another center of attrac tion. The floral departments within them selves comprised a wilderness of flowering plants and vines , and were exceedingly beautiful. I'hu Indies surrounded thesu da- partmonts constantly. A vast amount ot space In the floral hall was taken up with the display in vogulnblus , and such marvels In melons , pumpkins , squashes , cabbage , potatoes , turnips , onions , egg plant , tomatoes , carrots , beads , radisiies , peas , celery , was never seen before. In the Ncmaha county exhibit alone there are to bo seen .100 vaileties of apples , peaches and pears , while Mrs. D. (5. ( Culbortson , ot Dtatlon , makes an Interesting display of silk cocoons. C. B , Moore , tlio grocer , the Omaha Rubber company , Himebiutgh & Taylor , and the bron/.u founder , George II. Gibson , add much to thu attractiveness of the hall with their liberal displays. B. Haas , tlio florist , shows over WW varieties of plants , and J. W. & E. E. Arnold aru not behind with their show. In cut flowers L. A. Casper , ot the Bluffs , males a most enchanting exhibit , in which is a miniature fac sinillo of the bridge across the river deltly and ingeniously wrought of roses and smilax. R. U. Davey also has a grand displav of flowers and plants , while , thu Gllmour Fruit company aio In the front with their magnificent show in apples , peaches , pears , plums and the smaller fruits. The Cass county products showed up well , as did Ed. C. Eriling's collection of rare plants and flowers , Peter Younger , Jr. , took the first premium on best assortment of summer apples. * nd Fillmore county first on general fruit display. Max Meyer , In his novel display house , makes an elegant display of pianos and mu sical instruments and musical merchandise of all kinds. Edholtu & Akin liKewlse make a irrcat show of musical goods and lowulry. In the art hall Is to bo seen Lyon < fc Ilealy's assortment of pianos and or gans , and thn photographic collec tions ot Khluchart , Gray and lloyn. Mrs. Edwin Davis shows some tine etchings , sketches and oil paintings , and there is a bu- wildering profusion o fancy work , em broidery , laces , etc. , etc. In the mechanical department fine dis plays nro madu by LlnlngerAc Metcalf , agri cultural implements , buggies and sleighs : L. P. Pruyn , carriages and vehicles of all kinds anil descriptions ; Armstrong , Pottis it Co. . farm Implements and bungles , Brndlnr itCo. , wagons and machinery : Churchill Parker , carriages and buggies , and William Drummond & Co. , buggies and c.urlages : Thu Avery Planter company , Churchill Pump company , and others. FAIll NOTKS. M. Anderson , a St. Paul merchant , is at the fair. Llnlngcr , Metcalf & Co. , have a hay loader nnd stacker complete. W. E. Page , secretary of the Agricultural society of Creston , la , , la a visitor. C. E. Mayno's Platte Vallov stock ranch Is a great featutu of the horse disulay. Paul Sehwenke , of Nebraska City , a miller and former postmaster , is uxaminiag the display. E. E. Day has . a three-year-old Hereford bull from Weeplns Water which weighs 2,100 pounds. C. 11. Ballingcr feels delighted ever the capturing ot lirst and second piemlums on his sheep , . The steamlcss frying pan. holler and kettle exhibited by W. S. Coombs attracts much attentlod. K. Clipper , of Huron , Kan. , a prosperous stock dealer and fanner , is > Interested In ev- erythluj ; . IVo Graham P. Brown , the enterprising pro prietor ot thu Jersey vlllo stoclc farm , has oa tine exhibit. An Interested spectator Is E. M. | Grlnnell , 111 of Calhoun , a member of the statu agri cultural board. A nest little sldeless cottage displays the good qualities ol the Omaha Granatlc Root ing company. The banks and city offices will close today day In the afternoon to allow employes tote attend the fair. T.t ) pb.otW BlJio department Qt ft A. Itlnch.irt , II. A. Collins artist , appears remarKably - marKably ( Inc. Armstrong , Pcttls it Co. make a creditable display of buggies , carriages , si clghs , farm machinery , etc. The array of hand embroidered screens , portraits , bannerets , etc. , credited to Miss C. Bradt , Is really line. U. Parkhurst , a noted stockman from Ilnll county , Is casting hlstcrltlcal eye over the display of line cattle. H. D. Hoyden , B prominent druggist from Grand Island , is almost speechless with sur prise at the great show. A. T. Turney , of Hod Oak , la. , has a select representation of Clydesdale , English shires and Hambletonlan stock. One hundred different kinds ot hair are worked In a laree anchor , the work of Mrs. C. J. Wechler of Omaha. Thn photographer's display of Gray and Ileyn am up to their usual excellence , as also that of Pletz' studio. Two very attractive glass frames have various sp clmnns of first class shoes on ex hibition by Watson Bros. There arc eighty head of .Yorkshire and Chester White hogs belonging to U. C. Stall , of Beatrice. Nebraska. IflM SMI Flno specimens of prepared Insects are displayed by Hulen W. Copelaml and Miss Belle Humphrey of Onmtu. Prof. Hunt promises to make two balloon ascensions to-day , nnd on each day hereafter a lady on a trapeze will ascend. J. I , Case's threshing machine company Is well represented. Ho is the man who gave to a horse the of name Jay-Eye-See. A welcome guest ot thu display was W. J. C. Smith , ot Mills county , Iowa , a largo farmer'hnd : stock raiser of that place. Thirty-four head of short horns are the quota furnished by R. Daniel ) , of Gllmore , Neb. They represent all ages nnd sexes. Mrs. George W. Llnlngcr has n rare dis play of Sixteenth century antique armor , designs and flags from foreign countries. The Omaha Commercial college makes an excellent display of Its short-band , type writing and ottior branches of learning taught therein. Drcxcll & Foil's fine native stone lion on the east end of Art hall attracts much favor able criticism. It is a line piece of homo sculpture. The heavy tropical sweetness of the air In floral hall caused many exclamations of pleasure to escape from thu many ladies in attendance. A young man , scarce 20 years of age , Benjamin Ewlng , of Cass county , was awarded the first tirlzo for whlto corn , amounting to about 5-0. C. O. Howard makes a display of his transplanting duvlcu for handling the largest forest trees. Also a selection of forest , shade nnd fruit nursery stock. F. L. Loomls represents Aultman & Taylor Co. He has two separators , two engines , ono liorsu power , also liorso and steam power connected with threshers , In tlio art department Mrs. Pember and sister , of Lincoln , Wlnona county , Iowa , were intelligent , observant spectators. They pronounced the display good. W. C. Blake , president and secretary of the Cedar Rapids Driving association , of Iowa , and a member of the National board of review was in the grand stand. The couchant lion In Art hall Is 2,500 pounds In weight ; It is hvo toot long ana three teat to the top of the head , and is a noble looking , bloodless , heartless brute. P. Elliott ; of Wlnona county , and n farmer and grape crower of prominence , was on hand yesterday. R. Smith , a tanner of the same county , and wlfu , were in attendance. . D. Huinghtimcr , of Mills county , n lead ing Jersey cattle man and general merchant at Glenwood , thinks thu display could be surpassed , but never has as yet In the west The rain Tuesday nleht drenched the Cnss county exhibit , but n llftlorubbing andjshak- Ing out brought it back .o its regular fine ap pearance. It attracted , considerable atten tion. L In the White Sewing , Machine company's canopy are eleirant specimens of silk em broidery , art scenes , pillow shams , etching , satin border tor curtain and other good work. W. R. Stanley , of the Plain View stock farm of Friend , Neb. , has a Cleveland bay stallion , four Kxmore ponies , eight Shet land ponies , one Iceland and ono Indian pony. M. Fellows Is a representative farmer of thu southern part or Mills county , Iowa. Ho Is also n great fruit raiser , and claims that Omaha's fair Is a great benefit to Nebraska nnd Iowa. Louis Foltz , county commissioner. Dr. Hobbs , of Elmwood , and P. A. it W. A. Barrett , of Weeping Water , extensive cattle raisers , are In attendance. They aru all from Cass county. Many gatherings of nicely and cozily dis posed people enjoyed watermelon picnics on the grass outside of tlio grand stand , back of art hall and other places whereshndows were thrown when the sun westward lowered. John Steehr , of Pottawattnmlo county , lown , n lanro stock raiser near Shelby , considers the Omaha fair exceedingly fine. David Lee , near Shelby , n stock miser nnd farmer , is highly pleased with the display. Thu street and steam hauled cars were crowded , except at short inteivals all day , conveying the immense throngs to the grounds. A car brqko down at noon near the oil works , working considerable de lay. lay.Ida Ida Cahlll , a llttlo four-year-old girl , whllo riding a revolving wooden yesterday afternoon becamu suddenly sick and fainted Into the nrms of her six-year-old brother.who rode the next horse. The managers got her oil buforo she fell and her mother took her away. A beautiful floral pyramid was placed In the center of tlio east wing of Moral hall. On its terraces are curiously and artistically wrought wreaths , broken wheels , ferns , horse shoes , all made of flowers. They nrfc the exhibits ot Charles J. llviin , H. C. Gllpman , Mrs. Davy , and W. E. Foster. B. F. Uoberts , a succpssful Holt county farmer of O'Nell , gives an encouraging account from his county. Ho saysaneluh- bor , Mr. Everett , has raised , this season , 100 bushels of apples , and that thousands of finlt trens atn bulng planted. This , for a young county. Is an evidence of the pluck and Intelligence of its settlers. Mrs. X. W. Beeiran's display Is remark ably line. Art embroidery , lambrequin , piano and table scarfs , paper baskets , hand oiubrolduied lace curtains , conspicuously unique , bnlng an exact copy of the only orig inals in Paris , handsomely surrounded toilet set , thermometer in a natural ear of corn and many other tine goods ) A. Thompson has a three-year-old mare on the ground , Ezelda Allen bv Ethan Allen. Shu was coltsd the nieht Thompson took charge of the fair grounds. Mr. Thompson lias had charge of the fair trrounds since. Ho has scon many t-tatn fairs in Omaha and Lincoln , and ss the present fair in Omaha is 100 per cent liner nnd better attended than any state fair ever held in Nebraska. The Hizh school scholars make a neat and artistic display of wood work and drawing. Tlio scholars whoso names appear are F. Stockilale , Frank Kamrity , Arthur. ! . Shields , Ed W. Thomas , W. S. Hogers , W.W. Smith , J. B. Moore , M. Nelson. Helen Copeland , Allan Marsh , Hey Arnold , Bert Goodman , 11. T. Copelaml , O. W. Auchmody. Oscar Nast , Eunice Stebbins , M. Scwartz , Robeit Allen , J. StephuiiRon , jr. , and others , who have signalized themselves lu drawing and etching. About 5 o'clock yesterday evening John Uxinlpho was induced to enter a tent In which bears nnd monkeys contested for wrestling and grimace , ) , \\henhi' , Hodolpho , camu out his watch was stolen , and he claimed it was stolen In the t nt and boldlv hundrea pconlo In proximity to the tout. Ho claimed It was n presvut from his mother , given forty-two vears ago , an old fashioned but unpurchasablo watch , on account of its value as a souvenir. AH ho was nt times somewhat of an antl-prohibltionist. it Is doubtful if ho will ever recover his heirloom. A florists' light excited some attention yes terday afternoon near the secretary's olllcc , One Georgn Anthony , connected with Fos ter's Council Bluffs conservatory conceived the Idea that one uf Casper's men , from the same place and encaged in the same business "hoo-dooed" him. Ho accordingly started in to destroy Casper's man. and'the row con tinued uu to thu main olllces. when to stop a ceiuin not General Turntiull grappcd An thony and mado'an iiiilHiimli'atcil Catharine wheel out of htm and shoved him out of tlio grounds to sober up or get cool. The fuss ended at this and it was caused primarily by jealousy of displays , Fred Guerdon Is president of the Cnss county agricultural society and temporary resident of Omaha , where ho Is doing the fair and creditably representing the county. Will Spott U to bo In company with Prof. W. J. Darling , al Lincoln next week , dur ing the fair , if they can couio to terms. Then the professor Is to return to Kansas City , where ho will give a series ot ascensions throughout the exposition and also the Kan sas City fair. Ho has the largest balloon In the world , and he makes his ascensions on a trapeze bar , where ho performs wonderful nnd thrilling feats. It Is worth coming bun- dieds of miles to see. The Uncoil. The weather could not have been more charming for racing , and long buforo the first event was called thu stands wore filled with eager people , thn qimitcrstrctcli was crowded with stylish turnouts , nnd thousands ot men , women and children lined the fences along the homo and back stretch. The bell was tapped for the 2:33 : trot , purse SoOO , promptly at 1:30. : For the event there wore twelve entries , a- list ot which will bo found below , together with thu names of the owners : Louis S , ch g , Joseph J. Lucas. St. Louis. Mo. , Hawoop's Tom , b g , J. B. Cranoy , Downs , Kan. : Dan H , b g , J. II. Bender , Newton , Kan. ; Persuader , eh s. A..I. Brlgits , Superior. Kan. Wllllo D b R. E. Me- OUl'VllUl * l tlH ; M " "I , g , - Henry , Freeport , 111. In drawing for position the horses were arranged ns fol lows : Harrop's Tom , polo , Persuader second , Louis S third , Dan H fourth , Wllllo D ] fifth. The horses were gotten off promptly , the start beine a magnificent one. Harropp's Tom cut thn pace , Persuader and Louis b both badly breaking. Louis S quickly caught , however , and at the quarter polo was abreast with Tom , and In passing the half was two lenght-s ahead with Tain second , Persuader third. In this position they came under the wire , Dan H have made a ( treat spurt for third placa on the homo stretch , but being beaten out by Persuader by a nose. Time 2:30. : The second event on th card was the free- for-all stallion trot , purse SMO , with the fol lowing entries : Bedford , b s , A. C. Beck- with , Evanston , Wyo. ; Consul , ch s , C. E. Mavne , Omaha ; McLcod. ch s , li. Chamberlain - lain , Arapahoe. Neb. ; Williams , b B , W. A. Satiborn , Sterling. III. ; Lonzfellow Whip , br s , J. D. Spears , Peorla , HI. At the stait the horses were In the following posi tions : Williams the pole , McLcod , second , Consul , third , Longfellow Whip , fourth. Hud lord drawn. Williams was the favorlto In the pools , with McLcod and Consul second end choice. A line start was secured on the third scor ing. Williams the favorlto nt once rushed to thu front and at the quarter the polo was passed , Williams tiist two lengths aiiead of Consul , MoLeod four lengths behind Consul , and Longfellow Whip two lengths behind McLcod. Time , first quarter , , :1T. : In this order the horses passed the half mile polo In 1:12 : , and the third quarter 1:4J : > . In wind ing Into homo Consul snuggled hard to pull up on the doughty Williams , and succeeded In getting Ills at his wheel. Longfellow Whip bent McCloml In by a length , with Williams thirty yards In the lead of both. Thu stait lor the second heat of the 2 : , was an even one. Louis S. again went to ttio tiont and was never headed. L'an H. pulled up on him nt the quarter , nnd for a tlmo It looked as If ho would take placo. But on being touched with the whip Louis S. bowled along and at thu half had increased his lead by a loncth , and at the third quarter a length nnd a half. Then came uu- the wire Louis S. lirst , Don H. second. Har- ropps Tom third , Willie D. fourth and Per suader fifth. Time , a.M : , pamo as lirst heat In the second heat ot tlio stallion trot Mc- Leod got thu best of it. Ho held his ad vantage to the lirst quarter in SOX , when Williams forged ahead , and McLcod break ing gave upHecond plnco to Longfellow > \ hip , who had rushed by 0 insul like a whirlwind. Williams , being pushed set a hot pace , but Longfellow would not bo shaken olf. The half was made in 1:11 : and the three-quarters In 1:47. : It was hero that Longfellow \Vhl collared Williams and thu balancu of thu heat between these two was as close and ex citing as the most ardent lover of thu turf could wish for. Williams , however , kept his gait and came under thu wire n half length the best of Longfellow Whip , who was being incited to his level best under a constant application of the Jash. They crossed tlio wlru Williams lirst , Longfellow second. Me- Lend third. Consul fouitli. Time , 'J'Jjf. : The third heat of the 2H3 : trot was quickly gotten under way , the horses being sunt oil with Louis S. having a slight advantage. Dan H. at once began to go for him anil at the half was at his wheel , but at the thrao quarters he slowed up per- contlbln relinquishing his placoto Williu D. Tlio latter was admirably handled on thu homo Btietcli and crowded Louis S. In such a manner that his nose had to bo jerked up to pivo him the heat. Anotiior yard and Willie 1) . would have boatun him out. As It was the nags came under thu wire : Louis S. lirst. Willln D. second , Ban H. third , Hawopp's Tom tourth , and Persuader fifth. Tlmo 2Wy : ! J. , , Second and third moneys were divided by Dan II. and Hawopp's Tom , Wllllo D. taking tourtu. SUMMAUY : Louis S 1 1 1 Hawopp's Tom 2 3 > Dan H 4 2 U Wllllo D B 4 2 Persuader 3 5 5 Time 2:80 : ; 2:30 : and 2:28 : . The .start was a good ono In thn third heat of the stallion trot. Williams , as usual , forged ahead at once and was never headed , although Longfellow \Vlnp -vigorously The quarter was made In 80 , and the half In 1:12. : Atthotliree quarters Longfellow .suc ceeded In gettini : abreast of Williams , but hadn't the speed to stav there. Thu thruu quarters was made in l:47tf : and the inll In 2:2.1 : , Williams a length ahead of Longtullow Whip , ho four lengths ahead ot McLeod , and ho leading Consul by two lengths. Longlcl- low Whip took second money , Conoul third and McLeod fourth. HUMMATiV. Williams 1 1 1 Longfellow Whip 2 2 2 Consul 244 McLeod : 4 a 8 TimoarSVf , 2:23K : and 2:23. : The third event was the 2:23 : trot , purse g.VJO with the following entries : Edge wood nv t , C. K. .Mnyne , Omaha ; Piaro- lev , wi > , W. 11. Strong. Kansas City ; White Stockings , b ! ) . U. J. Stewart , Kansas City ; Elmwood Chief , br LIt. . T. Kneebs , Sioux Citv. and William C , br g , J. S. McNatighton. Positions , Elmwood Clnot pole , While Stockings second ; Edgowood third , William C. fourth and Rarely filth. Elmwood Chief barred In the pools , with Whliestocklngs having the call. The horses got elf together In the Initial heat. Elmwood Chief went right to thu liout and htald there. Whltustocklngs took possession uf second place , which was in vain disputed by Edgowood , The lirst quar ter was miulo in : . the half In 1:11 : , thu three-quartet s in 1:4 : < 'M , and thu mile 23 : ' ; . The running race , milu dash , purse 8ISO , was sandwiched In hero , Thn entries fol low : Panola , hr f , W. Benson ; Blush , br m , W. M. Arnot ; Dolly Sherwood , b in , Charles ( irabbert ; and Only Daru , s g , Frank Purtor , Mt. Pleasant , la. Dolly SJerwood scratched. Panola was thu favorlto against thu fiiild. Blush polu , Panola second and Only Dare Panola , the favorite , got the bast of the start , the horses gutting oil'at the first scor ing. Only Daio made a great effort to overhaul the leader , but notwithstanding Panola was stoutly pulled for the first half , could not get there. Panola finished an easy winner lu 1:40 : , OInoy Daru second , Blush third. Following the mile dash c.ime a chariot race ot a half mile between M'llo IJedro with her untamed sorrels nnd MODS , Hire Fire with his gallant bays. Thu M'llo carried her blue colors to the front and crossed the string n connle ot lengths In thu lead of MODS' . Hy ing red sash In the remarkable ; nod tlmo of 50. i Thu outcome was made amidst ithe wild plaudits of the people , Tina perform ance was the best of tno kind ever witnessed In thu west , and in fact has only beeu beaten two or three times. Tlm second heal of the 2:03 : trot was a du plicate of tba first. Elmwood Chief forging ahead nnd remaining there easily on a pull. Thu struggle lietweon Wliltcstocklncs' nnd Edgowood for second place partook , of con siderable. ' Bplrit , nud bail . it not been for Edirowood's unsteadiness the result might have been different. As It was Elmwood Chief came In first Mute Stockings second , Edgowood third , William C. fourth and Unrely last. The first quarter was made lu u % ; half lll : > f , Ithruo-uuarters 1:47K : nnd the mile In 2:25. : Thu third heat ot the 2:23 : was an almost perfect counterpart of the lirst and second heats. Elmwood Chief winning on a fog. Mute Stocking second , Edgowood third , The lirst quarter was made in .T-W , half llltf : ) , three-quarters 1:47H : and the muo 2:23. : SUMMAH'V. Elmwood Chief 1 1 1 Whlto Stockings 2 2 2 Edgowood 3 it ! l William C 4 4 4 Rarely G & 5 Tlmu 2:23 : f , 2:25 : and 2ar : > . NOTK8 ANI ) IMIltSO.VAI.S. Charley McCormick was on the stretch. Lou Hill didn't see a Ilyer ho'd take for his own. Congressman Dorscy was an Interested spectator. Georco T. Mills was there trying to make expenses. Charlie Green , Esq. , and Ed Dlckson were there of course. Tom Malloy , of Salt Lake , was an enthusi astic looker-on. Jeff McGath , with a party ot friends , was In thn grand stand. General John C. Cowtn was among the Interested spectators. Colonel Frank llunlon was scon working a pointer out ot a jockey. Manager Tom Boyd was there. He bet on the wrong horse ns usual. Parka Godwin's silk l < at shone like another sun on the quarter stretch. George Can field -was about looking fora snro thing , but ho didn't llnd It. Billy Edwards drives McLuad , and says he will bo heard of In another season. All that was necessary to complete the quarter stretch scene was a tally-ho. Chris Nevis , another old ami well-known driver , was on the grounds yesterday. L. H. Tower , the well known turfman , was In the audience In the grand stand. William Paxton and family enjoyed the sport from a carriage In thu quarter-stretch. Lieutenant Row and Captain Dcmtisuy manifested much Interest in the stallion tiot. (5.1) ( . Tvler representative of the Chicago housemen , was u guest In thu leporteis' stand. R. S. Mclntosh , of the Council Bluffs rep- rescntatlvo of the World , was In tlio jugdes' stand. Joe B. Lucas , a well-known St. Louis turf man , was among thu most engrossed ot the spectators. Olnoy Darn failed to get them and Frank Parmc-leu toio up 815 worth of tickets , getting out just even. A handsome span of dapple ponies , at tached to a surry , attracted attention on thu quarter stretch. judge Dundy , City Attorney Webster and Assistant Davis , with County Attorney Slmeral weru present. The Judges and timers of tlm lirst and second days officiated yesterday and will continue to act throughout thu week. The races were closu and exciting and a good deal of anlmltlon was manifest nhout the book makers nnd pool sellers stands. The card for to-day Is a great one , Includ ing thn2:27class : , with elnven entries ; thn frce-for all trot , seven entries and a running race , mile and repeat. Nebraska Is becoming prominent In the way of developing line truck and speed horses.Maxey Cobb , McMuhon and Me- Lead will attest to this. Theie were several equestriennes with gon. tlemen escorts among thu quaiter stretch au dience , and ono lady In deep green riding habit was the cynosure of all eyes. R. T. Kneebs , owner and driver of Elmwood - wood Chief , has the reputation of winning moru races by hard ( hiving , than any dilver In thu country. Ho is a great jockey. He is of the River Lawn Stock farm , near Sioux City. la. Mr. Broderick , owner of the colehrnlcd pacer You Bet will ulvu an exhibition on the course this afternoon , and Saturday after noon will attempt to bent thu time , 2:11 : , mndu at Ottumwa with running mate. This will bu worth seeing. At the termination of the stallion trot a very animated controversy ensued among the drivers as to thu respective merits of their horses , which resulted In McLeod ehal- leuirliig Consul for a mutch tiot tor . aside. It Is unnecessary to add that the match was not made. Mat Colvln who drove Harely In the 2:23 : trot yesteiday. Is thu oldest driver now on ihuturf. He has outlived man's allotted limn , but yet handles the libbons with thu skill ol'a youngster. Colvln drove Pilot Tomplu nearly twenty-live years ago. M. Y. Stanley , of Friend , Neb. , gave an Interesting exhibition ot his trained ponies a la tandem , after the second heat of the 2:23 : trot. Thu show tickled the llttlo ones im mensely. They yelled and screeched with delight : is the lillputian steeds galloped about tlio couise. Thn Mayor' * . KcqucHt. There being a generally well expressed wish that business bo suspended during Thursday and Friday afternoons to enable employes to visit the fair and reunion grounds , I suggest that merchants close their places of business as Indicated. We , who nVe of the generation which prose cuted the war for thn preservation of the union , should cncourngu a wpiiit of patriot ism in tlio generation which follow us , nnd wo cannot do It better than by allowing our employes the privileges of peeing the old sol- dleis In camp. W. J. UIIOATOII , Mayor. IE1' TillCUT. . The RiirliiiKtoii nnd Wnhanh Weutorn Moot the Iteduccd Itnte. KANSAS CITV , Snpt. 7. [ Special Telcgrnm to the BhK.I The Burlington , the Wabash We tcin nnd the Chicago & Alton this even ing met the Uoek Island cut ratu between this city ami Chicago , placing their tickets on salonts'O. Railroad men hcru bollovo that the war Inaugurated will be a bitter and perhaps lengthy ono and that n further cut is not Improbable. Thu low rate has doubled the travel between Kansas City and Chi cago. A Unto For the G. A. 11. KANSAS CITV , Sept. 7. [ Special Tele gram to the BKi.l-At : a meeting of the Kansas association of passenger agents held hero to-day the matter ot special rates to the G. A. R. national encampment nt St. Louis was considered. The Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska road announced that it would make a 1 cent per milo rate from nil towns on its line to Missouri river point- ! . After a long discussion thu association decided that thu same ratu should bo made by thn other roads from junction points to Mis souri river points , while fiom the latter a ono faro loiind trip ratn should prevail. The meeting was attended by rcpioiiiiilntlves of every toad embraced In the association nnd thu session lasted from early in thn ioronoon until 7 o'clock In the evening. The associa tion also decided to make n rate of one fan ) for thu round trip during fair week at this city. DKI'UAVM'V. A Minimum I'd 11 Mn.ll Gn/.etto Scan- ilnl in New CONCOIIII , N. 11 , , Sept. 7 , Manchester has developed a miniature leproductinn ot tlio London scandal exposed by the Pall Mall Gazette. The persons Implicated ombrnco home well known business and professional men , and lour joinig girls , whoso from eleven to sixteen yoarii. Thu oxposuiu came out thiough thu cnnjiisslon of one of thn glils. Ills prnhnbhi tlut civil or cilinlnnl aulti may commence to-day. Woalhor liulluiillon-i. For Nebraska : Threatening weather , with rain preceded In eastern portions by J lair weather , rising tompefature , fresh ( o south easterly winds. For Iowa : Wnnncn fair weatjior , light to fresh southeasterly winds. , For Eastern and Central Dakota : Warmer , fnir weathorf olio wed by local VnlriSi tro.j'i ' to brbk southeaster ! ) winds. ACCIDEN'flfl THE FAST JIAIl ) Sorioug Wreck On the 0 , , B. & Q. Roa | Near Aflon , Iowa. CHILD INSTANTLY KILLEDV Several 1'orsoim Undiy Scalded Bjf n Stonm Fallnrn to the Trnln Cnuncs the Accident. A Wreck On the "O. " AFTON , la. , Supt , 7. [ Special Telegram t f thu BKI : . ) A fatal railroad disaster occurred near hero on the main line of thu Chicago ) Burlington it Qnlncy road this afternoon about 2 o'clock. Passen r train No. 3 < bound west , was dclajcd by a freight train ind n messenger was sent back tostopthd 'ast mail , which was only a short distant' ! behind. The messenger foiled for some reaf son , and the fast mall cnmn crashing Into th < deeper on thu rear end ot tiepasxengi'rtrain ! < The pilot of the locomotive cut halt a c r- length Into the coach and stopped onl/ when Its Impetus hnd been exhausted against the crushed mass of timbers. The whoU upper-work of the engine wai razed , the boiler cover. smok < stack , boll and sand bo * being knocked off , the whlstlo valve broken and the boiler pierced. From the iiumer' ous breaches the steam and boiling water hurst In scalding volumes upon a number of the Imprisoned passengers. In the terror of the moment It seemed that every soul In tie | Pullman coach must have pen Ishcil , but ere long n number were safely' drawn out through the forward end. As soon as the wreck could bo cleaicd away It was found that n number of person ! were badly Injured. The list Is as follows : AN' INKANT CIIII.1) of Itov. A. E. Moslier , of Cieston , who wn | returning with Its mother from a visit In tha cast , was killed. lt HKIIIOUI.Y inniT. Mrs. A. E. Moslier , mother of the dead child , head and arms badly cut , probably fatally injured. Four year old son of ( Jlmrles Cook. Urook lyn , N. Y. , fcaifully scalded nud will protx ably die. L. J. Gray , a ono-armcd soldier of Green * field , la. , honlbly cut. K. C. Fulluiton , ol Chllllcothe. Wis. , snltu injured. Sarali Grlmlnger , Cleveland , O. , scalded. Miss Anna Morrell , Kud Oak , la. , facu and arms scald d. J. A. Ballc ) and wife of Michigan , both ln - j n red In thu back and slightly scalded. G. Block man and wlfu of Mlchlgnn , en- route to California slightly scalded. Thu ln jured are at the Summit house , Creston , wher they are being caied for by the railroad au thoritles. fThe.f'ast mall duo nt 0:10 : p. m. , reached Council BliilTs nt 10H5 last night , whlla No. 4 , the train which MI lie.roil tlio wreclc camu In nt 0 o'clock , two hours nud twenty minutes latu. No mention of tha accident was made by thu pnssongurs ot cither of tlio crows nnd the telcgrapnlu no count nbovu given hero too late In the night to bo followed to local sources of Infer * iiiatiou.j STAnnKD nv AN OFFICEU. A Drtmkmi 1'ollooninn Murderously AhtmiiltN n Citizen nt iho Fair. Yesterday afternoon nt the fair grounds Captain John McDonald , deputy oil Inspector specter , received a terrible wound in the abdomen from a knlfu In thu hands of Ed Scanlan , ono ol the newly appointed pollco- men. Kcanlan was oir duty at the time , being on the night force , and was at the fair as an ordinary spectator. He and McDonald were at the saloon near tne center of the grounds , when a misunileistandlng arlsln ? between them , harsh words ensued , nnd finally blows. Tlm men were separated and thu captain withdrew. McDonald's lather , hearing of thu fracas shortly afterwards , went to the saloon and took Kcanlan to taste for the assault on his sou. Scanlan replied with nn onth , and drawing a hilly from his pocket , he lushed furiously at the aid man and struck him nvor the head four or live times. The foicc ot the blows felled Mc Donald lo the floor and knocked out three ot his teeth. Olllcer Tiirnbull hap pened to bo near by and took the murderous policeman Into custody. When Captain McDonald hcnid of this brutal assault on his nged father , ho came lushing uptothu scene , and springing upon Scan Ion struck him two orthreo times with , his fist. Scitnlan jumped bnck and pulling out a dirk plunged It Into McDonald's | ab- donicn , and to make suioof disemboweling his victim , ho drew the knlfn up until It struck tlio breast bone , making n wound over eight inches in lensth. McDon ald fell on his face , nnd when hn was picked up , tha bystandeis weru horrllicd to sea hla bowels protruding , and the blood pouring from thn wound In streams. Hn was taken to the residence of Thomas Ciimmlngs. near the fair grounds , nnd n physician was mnninonud. A earful examination ol the wound showed that the knlfn had entered just nbovo tlm naval , and , though completely rupturing tlio walls of the nbdomep , had fortunately missed piercing the viscera. Thu wound was sewed up , and every earn alven the sufferer. Ho Is weak fram thu terrible loss of blood , but the physicians think theruarc some liopca of nis recovery. The affair produced a pro found sensation and an immense crowd , gathered around thu scene of thu tragedy. Scanlan seemed the least excited man In the crowd nnd was evidently full of liquor. Ho was hmrled away by Ofllco Turnbtill nnd locked up. Chief Seavoy , for reasons appaiont ( o no one MIVO himself , ret used to admit a reporter to Scaulan's cell and left on uirorrt tlio swag gering , insolent bully , Cinwford , of whom so much that Is disgraceful has been said of late. - . - _ ITIic Toledo Cyclone. TOMDO : , O. , Sept. 7 Thu tornado wlilcli visited this section latt night orlglnntud In f-ontlicin Michigan. It lirst struck Sylvanln , a vlllago tun miles north of Toledo , blow- Ingdbwn two gas well derricks and the boiler nl one from Its foundation. Three horses In n pasture weru killed \jv \ lulling tieos. Much damage was done to heavy timber. Alont ; thu ( Inn of tlm Toledo it Onlo ( 'ontial ro.ul , thu li nek ot the storm can ho followed as far n'i the 010 can loach. It Is from ono to two hundred } mils wldu. Corn la rcittoriid ; , and barns nnd houses aio uniooled lor miles. The total damage will foot up ninny thousands ol dollats. No loss of lifo Is 10 ported. The Klro Itccord. PAITRJISOX , N. J. , Sept. T , Flro started this morning In Joseph Jackson's silk mill , part of tin ; Grant locomotive works build ing , and soon communicated to every part of the millling of thu Grant < voiks , of wlilcli nothing remains but thu erecting shops , iruindry. and part ot the new machine shops. The los * is estimated nt b'150,000. , Six hun dred linii'Js aru thrown out of employment. i of tlm Northern I'nolflo. N'IYoitic : , Sept. 7 , The earnings of the Nnithi-m iv.uilic railroad for August , 1W7 , '