THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 7 * 1887. HOMES iALBRIGHTS CHOICE Healthy Location , Easy of Access , Moderate Prices , Liberal Terms The "Cliolce" IB the largest and most valuable addition to SOUTH , It lies on tlio line of the Union Pacific and li. & M. Railways. | It ad joins the location of the great industrial enterprises. It has a Perfect Natural Drainage , : and is therefore healthy. It has the most fa vorable train service of any suburban resi dence location any place near Omaha. For these and other reasons an investment here will more surely yield satisfactory re turns than any other locality. \jI&Jlbrtcfih \ ) ] Choice. ( So.uth ot f/t/e The accompanying cuts show the elevation and ground iloor plans of cottages now being built in Albright's Choice , South Omaha , for the benefit of persons of limited means who desire to secure COMFOUT- AHLK IIOMKS ON TlKASONAHLK TlCKMS , witllill easy access of the city. The very favorable hourly train service between Albright Sta tion and the city , for Eighteen Hours Daily makes this the most desirable location for su burban residences near Omaha. A number of these cottages are now completed and ready for sale on such EASY TERMS that no ono can afford to be without a home. Should the plan shown hero not be suitable in siza or arrangement , we have others to show , and will make every reasonable effort to suit purchasers. For full particulars , prices and terms , call upon W. G. ALBRIGHT , 218 South 15th Street Properties in all Parts of the City for Sale or Exchange. Carriages Free. BOOTH OMAHA ftKWH. Thursday night the Presbyterian BOCM- able will bo held at the Rcliool house. The artesian well tit the pump house has reached a depth of 028 foot. P. W. llodson. of Faidlo.v& ( Jo.'s store , has returned from lied Cloud , Nub. , whore ho closed up his business , ami made preparations to move ills family here. JohnG. North , of Cheyenne , is a finest at the lionson house. The wreck of goods and counters at Faidloy & Co.'s store has been repaired. The cost diil not exceed $150. Judge Koiithor fined two peace dis turbers each and ono plain drunk a like mini. All paid up and wore rc > leased. The lumber yard on N street near the railroad is being removed to make room for new buildings. A ball will bo given at the Exchange in the near future. DKCOMINO TOO NtlMHUOUS. Foot-pads and highwaymen have been using their best endeavors to levy a tax on some of our citi/.uns , but fate is against them , or our residents are too rapiuto , bo caught napping. Monday night 'John Burke , watchman at ono of the packing bouses and Thomas McGuire , u saloon keeper on Twenty-seventh street , had a "meet" with two and come off .victori ous. About 11 o'clock they were walking to their homes in the Third ward and took u short ( At through the weeds near the stockyards. When about midway in the Ueld they were confronted by two young fellows , who demanded a toll. McUuiro pulled his revolver and began tiring at the thugs , while Uurko pulled out a police whistle on which lie began playing a call for help. The would-be robbers retired without uny booty. crrv COUNCIL MKETIXCI. The city council of South Omaha mot in regular session Monday night. There wore present : Messrs. liurk , Gary , Loos- , chor , and Hallbrty. The order of unfinished business wns taken up , and ordi nances twenty-four and twenty-live were postponed for action , as was also the matter of the suspension of ollicors , Kecnan and Sexton , for disobeying or ders. The ollicers were notified to ap pear before the council at its next meet ing and answer to the charges preferred against them. The reports of the city onlcors were presented and referred to the finance committee. The mayor was instructed to appoint a committon to advertise for bids for the grading of N street. The committee was appointed and instructed to take soil from Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets for the grading of N street. Messrs. Shelanj and Snujda were given permission to sell liquor. Dills amounting to -'S9.93 were pre sented and referred to the finance com mittee. The city attorney was authorized to draft an ordinance regulating the licen cing of peddlers and one for the disposi tion of garbage. The committee on pub- iio buildings was instructed to procure a place wherein the city council could hold their meetings and provide it with suit able furniture. The street and alloy com mittee was then instructed to repair Twenty-seventh street from Q to It streets and the council adjourned to Thursday evening , September 13. lj CiaFTOX 111 hi * . Hnmliomo Grninmcrcy Park lots only $725 and f 750 and your choice f 100 CASH , balance live semi-annual payments. This is an opportunity in double your money before any turther payments are required. Secure ono now. A. P. TUKEV , 1334 Faruam st. Acoom modal IOIIM. The Secretary of the fair association , 1ms Uio uddresscses at which about .one aouilfty rooms uiuy bo procured , and Secretary Nattingor , of the board of rado. has lists of about two lundrcd and fifty private rooms , also. Iho other hotels are as follows : Atlantic , COO South Tenth ; California , 1021 Douglas ; City , Tenth and Hurncy ; Commercial , 803 South Ninth ; Doran , 4' 2 South 18lh ; Eagle , 414 South Four teenth ; Eastern. 1014 South Tenth ; hlk- lorn Valley , 1024 Dodge ; Emmet , U14 soutli Eleventh ; European , 023 South Tenth ; Farmers' Home , 151IJ Webster ; banners1 house. 402 South Fourteenth ; Germania , 1)16 ) South Tenth ; Goddard. 1824 North Sixteenth ; Gees , 1423 Jack son ; Danmark , 810 South Seventh ; Garni. 1010 MasonInstitute ; , Capital avenue and ihirtecnth ; Lewis , 1018 Capitol avenue - nuo ; Lindalo 813 South Tenth ; National , 1111 South Thirteenth ; Norris , OiO North Sixteenth ; Occidental , 424 , South Tenth ; Omaha , 1207 Havnnv : Ost- liolV. 523 North Sixteenth ; Paciiic , ( ill Pacific ; Pierce , Ii20 ! Pieico ; Planters , 1010 Dodge : Koscnmund ; 1015 Farnam ; St. Charles , 1208 llarney ; Scandinavian , 707 South Eleventh ; Southern , 71 ! ) South Ninth ; Tromout , 803 North Sixteenth ; United States ; 1002 Douglas ; Union Pa cific. 701 South Tenth ; Wullntu , 1318 Lcavonworth ; Windsor , 520 South Tenth. Don't Ijnngh at Nervous People. Their sufl'oringa arc very real , al though you , with your vigorous physique and strong nerves , can scarcely believe it. Rather suggest the use of Hosteller's Stomach Hitters which , in removing every trace of dyspepsia and regulating the liver and bowels , strikes at and ex tirpates the most protilio cause of chronic ! nervous trouble. That nerve-shattering disease , fever and. ague , is among the formidable ailments , to the removal of which this genial remedy is specially adapted. Nervous prostration , resulting from prolonged mental or physicial ef fort , is also a state of the system where the intervention of this tonic is very de sirable , more particularly as Its use is to quiet and relax the tension of over wrought nerves , The Hitlers are in valuable in rheumatism , nouraliria and kidney troubles. Employ no substitute for it. Itnhhcd by lllchwnymcn. While Thomas Mitchell was walking on the Union Pacific track in tlio vicinity of the white lead works at 11 o'clock Mon day night ho was attacked by two men and robbed. At the point of a pistol his as sailants relieved him of { 20 in cash ; and , in fact , every article in his pockets , in cluding his tobacco. Mr. Mitchell is em ployed in Council lUufl's , and was on his way to his homo near Slieeloy's packing iiouso. He thinks ho can recognize Ins assailants , and the police are on tiio look out for them. Truly a Household Uomcdy. 310 lE ) voKi > Avf , HHOOKI.Y.V , N. Y. , March 12 , ls 1 have used AU.COCK'S POKOUS PI.AS- TKIIS for the last twenty years. They are truly a household remedy. If ono of my children has a cold and wheezes , 1 put an AU.COCK'S Poitous PLASTKK on the chest and ono between the shoulder blades. If any of the children have croupy coughs , or coughs of any kind. I place thu Plaster close up around the throat ; the soothing effect is apparent almost always m two hours. If they have a disordered stomach , n Plaster placed just below the chest bones makes diges tion perfect in half a day. If there is any looseness of the bowels , accompanied by coldness of the skin , two AI.COCK'S I'oit- ous PLASTKHS applied over the stomach euro in from two to five hours. I notice particularly that these Plaster * never abrade the skin or cause the slightest ir ritation , From my own experience I know Iliov never fail for rheumatism , pains In thq back or lumbago. 0 , MlDDWSDIWOK , A Gil HAT COOKRIl. Invention of n California Man Now In Town. Mr. Francis Jackson , of Oakland , Cal. , was in the city yesterday on business. Ho is an inventor of a number of usetul articles and had with him a model of a stove , on which he lias secured a patent , which is a gem. This steve has numer ous points differing from thn ordinary cooker which recommend it to the pub lic. The first advantage which it has is an instantaneous flue cleaner , whereby all soot and dirt can be removed without any trouble or flymg dirt , which is now OHO of the bani's ot the kitchen , The oven is also arranged on a plan which is a great improvement. On the bottom and sides it is lined with corru gated iron , which gives a strong , thin , " and at the same time greater "floating surface than in the ordinary stovo. The grooves on the side can also bo utilized as supports for any number of shelves which the cook may need. The manner of heating the oven is also changed. In stead of passing over the stove and then under the oven , the heat is drawn directly under the even by means of : i dumper , thus preventing the cook from being roasted before the contents of the oven can be baked. Another feature is the arrangement of the lire grate , whereby the lire can bo used to the best advantage. Uy means of a simple ar rangement the grate can be raised or lowered , or ono -half of the lire dumped and the other half remain intact. The stove is also equipped with a smoke consumer and many other improvements which can bo ECOU by a cursory glance at the model. Mr. Jackson came to Omaha intending to dispose of the patent , but arriving here concluded that it could bo handled better by the formation of a stock com pany. It is without doubt ono of the best inventions in the. stove line that has yet been presented to the public and Omana capital iooking for investment would do well to investigate the matter. There'is no doubt that in : i year from 200 to ; iOO hands could be employed in its manufacture and it would bo n good tiling for Omaha. Mr. .Jackson left last evening tor Ashland , Neb. , to visit a sister , but will return to Omaha in a few days. _ Only Thirty-six Per Cent. of those who die from consumption in herit the disease. In all other cases it mu t bo either contracted through care lessness ; or , according to the now theory of tubercular parasites , received directly from others as an infectious disease , lint in either case , Dr. Picrco's "Golden Med ical Discovery" is a positive remedy for the disease in its early stages. It is delay - lay that Is dangerous. If you are troubled with shortness of breath , spitting of blood , night sweats or a linger * ing cough , do not hesitate to procure his sovereign remedy at once. The district and county courts will sus pend operations to-dav and tomorrow row of tliis week , in order that all con- no ctcd therewith , from judge to baihf may attend the fair. It is probable that business will also bo suspended at the different county offices during the same Iowa Stnto Fair , Held at DCS Moines from September 2 to U. Tickets for the round trip from Coun cil UlutTs , including admission to the fair , 14.45 , on sale from September 1 to t\ in clusive , good to return on or before hep- tombor 12. Tickets will bo on saio at the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific ticket of- lice , 1305 i-arnam street. S. S. Stevens , general agent. tr fl&f.aS * ItotioftctlTQ Work. Charles Hunt , ope of the saloon keepers WNfltod new tjjp day , commenced an action yesterday against Justice John Shea , and ( J. J. Westerdalo for false imprisonment. The two ofllcers were arrested ini the af ternoon and promptly gave bonds. , ' Pozzoni. No name is bettor and .more pleasantly and widely known than that of Mr. J. A. Poz/.oni. fror i'cars ho has made him self famous by the elegant perfumes and complexion powder that bears his name the lattorhaving found its way to the belles of Paris Germany and London , Everybody admire beauty in ladies. Nothing-will do more to produce or en hance it than to use Mr. Pozzoni'a pre parations Parade ofthn Wheelmen. The illuminated parade of the wheel men of the state to night prom ises to be a brilliant affair. Wheelmen from Council Bluffs , Plum Creek , Plaits- mouth. Lincoln and Beatrice will be in line , the Council HI nil's Ramblers appear ing m a body , The bicyclists will meet nt the Omaha Wheel Club rooms on Thirteenth street and form in a line on Dodgo. The following line of march will betaken : Line will form on Dodge direct , near Thir teenth , and move east on Dodge to Eleventh , south on Eleventh to Doiu-las.wost on Doug las to Fourteenth , south ou Fourteenth to llarney , east on Harney to ICIeventli , north on Eleventh to Farnam , west on Ktirnam to Fifteenth , north on Fifteenth to Douglas , west on Douglas to Sixteenth , north on Six teenth toCnming , west on Cumlng toSauu- uers , countermaich to Sixteenth , north on Sixteenth to the end of the navmnent , coun- terniaich to the club room on Thirteenth. Wheelmen are cordially invited to par ticipate , whether club members or not. Lanterns wili bo furnished at the club room free. A number of novel designs in decoration are being prepared , ono of the wheelmen having arranged to cover his wheel with miniature electric lights. Horsemen and drivers of vehicles arc requested not to break the line of march. Electric Lustre Starch is the best laun dry starch. It is used by ladies as a toilet powder. It is the best flesh powder for infants. Pure and harmless. Try it. To iho People. The Co-operative Land. A : Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th St. , wil } not transact business on Thursday of this week. Personal ParaerapliH. Newt Uarkalow is among the arrivals from Portland , Oregon , yesterday. Thomas Hall , ox-postmaster of this city , came in from Oregon yesterday. Mrs. J. M. Stearns is again behind the glove counter at Ueunison liros. after a very pleasant vacation in the south. C. 11. Elmendorf. Esq. , of Kearney is in the city making arrangements for J. L. Kecks real estate sale which takes place Sept. 22. A sort of lethargy sometimes take pos session of the kidneys and bladder ; they should bo promptly stimulated to health ful action by the use of Dr. J. II. Mc Lean's Liver and kidney IJalm. Ureas Gutting School , 1(11.1 Howard. Lessons given in scientific dress cut ting free of charge for a few days. Call und investigate. _ Gardlnal Gibbons llnhbcd. HAI.TIMOIUC , Md. , Sept. 0. The residence of Cardinal Gibbons was robbed Sunday of UNO valuatiln rings , ono of which was a pres ent from Pope Leo. Day In St. Louis. ST. Louis , Mo. , Sept. 0. Labor day was very quietly observed here , only the cigar makers' ana two other unions taking part in It. In cases of cholera , Itniwp's Ginger docs good. Frederick Urown , Phila- elpulu , 1823. . . SWAN DUO'S. COMPtilCATlONS. An English Syndicate's Ilcprosontn- tlvo to Straighten Matters. DNKW IOIIK , Sept. 0. [ Special to-tlie UKE. ] Tlio lion. Seeton Oarr , ot London , a mem ber of parliament , arrived from England a few days airo and lias started for Cheyenne , upon matters pertaining to the Hereford Land and Cattle company. This is the company formed last year at the Instance of .A. II. Swan for Sl.MiO.OOO stock , and debenture bonds for 8750XX ( ) and was to absorb the Wyoming Hereford Land and Cattle company ana several other lauded properties ailjululng. Hut on account of not receiving support at Cheyenne , the now company became somewhat Involved In a muddle. It is understood that Mr. Cnrr comes wilh full power of attorney to arrange all matters , to either turn hack the title to the lands , or to still carry out the sale. Tlio stocic was all Issued , 8750,000 was received by ttio several owners , S7.r > 0,000 was held In the west by the company to secure the debenture , some portion tion of the bonds worn sold but the money was held In trust until the patents to the lands were secured to the new company. Sea a dissatisfied condition In Wyomimr. discred ited the lack of confidence In London , and the brakes were put on by the honorable membeis who constituted the London com pany. Mr. Carr , who Is president ot tlio now company , comes to adjust and close the matter In some satisfactory way. The sus pension , delay and misunderstanding about this negotiation were the llnnl causes ot Mr. Swan's full lire , and to carry It out as lirst contemplated they will asbist in the Interest of their ciedltors. Mllkcwloz In Trnnhlc. WASHINGTON , Sept. 0. [ Special Telccram to the JJKK.J The Chinese minister has not yet decided to slcn the concession for the bBtik , telegraph and telephone privileges to tin ; Barker syndicate. Ho Is Investigating the financial standing ot the parties In the syndicate and he will take ample time before deciding upon his course. Mltkewlcz has been , according to his friends , too Indiscrete In publishing his plans. This Indiscretion lias caused him to come into a gieat deal of prominence and it Is piohable that ho will liavo to read a great many unpleasant tr.ings about himself before ho succeeds In clasping the millions which ho has In view. The Kusslau legation may have a great deal to say.if current reports are true , and It Is possi ble that the representatives of thu c/ar may spoil the whole scheme. It is said that there Is a grave doubt as to the right of Mltkewlcz to assume the title which ho persists In adding to his name. A careful search of the heraldry of Russia to-day tails to show that his name Is recorded aumnir the nobility of the c/ar'a em pire. Mr. Palue , of Pennsylvania , \\hols Mr. Wlmrton's representative , IsIn the city , and he Is sanguine of the outcome of the con ferences which are being held with the Chi nese minister. He says that the capital nec essary to fcarry out the enterprise Is forth coming , and that the syndicate will have no difllculty in convincing the Chinese minis ter that thev can do all that they undertake. Hedoes not doubt that the concession will bo signed by the minister , and ho expects that this wllloedono Immediately. In thu meantime the TurnbuU people are asking "Where do wo come in ? " it they cannot get a satisfactory answer to this question they threaten to make some Inter est ing disclosures. It seems that the money ot the company has beep heavily lines ted to secure the concession , and that there is a prospect of frigid weather for all the com pany except Mllkcwicz. Wlclutn'8 Club KANPA.S CITV , Sept. 0. ( Special Tele gram to the UEi.l-Tho : Wichita club was formally disbanded last evening and the members of the team returned to the windy city to-day. Hemp will be signed by Em- porla , however , and Daniels by Kansas < Mty. In view of the dropping out of Wichita President Mences has called a meeting ot the Western league In this city Wednesday , when the matter will bo fully considered. It seems now that Wichita never put up any SWO guarantee and would have been dropped anyway. Now that the end of the season Is so nearlt Is con sidered more than likely that Kmporla will nut drop out In the present condition of the schedule It would cause much trouble and d to the alUyejU tlUltf to I9MpJ3l > gh \ licnco the mnetlmr will probably decide to hulsli the season with socn clubs. Worked the Cciillti Itnckct. CHATTANOOOA , Tenn. , Sept. C. [ Special Telegram to the UKK. | Marsh T. Polk rob bed the tieasury of Tennessee ot several hundred thousand dollars some years ago , while serving as state treasurer. Ho lied , but was subsequently arrested and returned to Nashville. In due time he was imported to have sickened and died. His body was Chipped to liiilivar , Tenn. . where It was de posited lu the L'louiid , Now comes news that Mr. Gamble , a prominent citizen ot Auncston , Ala. , has just returned tiom an extended visit in the City of Mexico , and while there he met Polk on the street and talked with him. He made further Investi gation and found him In business In that city. Gamble was well acquainted with 1'olk. * PASSKXGKll HATKB CUT. Fares Between Chicago nil a KansoH City Hcdiiciicl. CHICAGO. Sept. 0. [ Special Teleeram to the liin.l : The Wubash railway company threw a bombshell ihto western passenger circles yesterday by announcing a rate of SO between Chicago ami Kansas City , a cut of 0.50 , the regular established rate being Sl2.rx ! > . This cuts the St. Louis passenger rate from S7.50 to SO. olid will , If persisted In , completely deinorall/e all western and southwestern passenger trafllc. The cut was brought about by trouble over lmr- vest excursion rates. All of the western Hues aurccd to adopt a certain form of tickets lor these special ex cursions , but the Chicago & Alton , as It claims , by a mistake printed Its tickets in the old term In use last year. As a consequence quence , the scalpers got hold of a lot of the Alton tickets , and used them to cut the regu lar rate. Thu Wabash refused to take the explanation that It was all a mistake , and made tlio open rate ot SO yesterday. The Hnrlliigton will follow to-day with the same figure , and the Alton and Kock Island will no doubt take the same action.- A Poor Show l < 'or Creditors. CINCINNATI , Sept. 0. From tlio report of the trustees of E. L. Harper it Co. filed In probate court , It appears that the firm held no real estate and that the total ap praised value of the assets Is SlOiJ.OOO , The total direct liabilities are S1.4 < VI,000 ; Indirect liabilities as indorscrs , Sl , < i' ,000. The firm of E. L. Harper & Co. was an Iron com mission linn. The showing would give thu creditors about 4 per cent on their claims. Mnny Vnnkc.o Inventions. WASHINGTON , Sept. C.Uenton J. Hall , commissioner of patents , In his annual re port says that at the end of the fiscal year ending June o , J8b7 , the number ot applica tions tor patents of all kinds received was 40,078. A Conttiry-Old Hank Failf ) . LONDON , Sept. C. Smith & Orcenway's bank at Warwick has tailed. Thu bank has been established for a century and had the highest icputatlon of Roundness. U Is tearcd the failure will cause widespread ruin. Iowa and Nebrnika Pensions. WASHINGTON , Sept. ! t. ( Special 'lelegram to the HKK. ] The following Iowa aud Nebraska pensions were granted to-day : Nebraska : Cynthia E. , widow of James H. Herron , Osceola. Original Ilciuy Drl- Insor , Hush. Increase J. Martin Long , Parker. Jtulssne Gottlieb Me > er , Lincoln. Iowa : John T. Hoopes. Fall Held ; James Knox , Eddyvllle ; John I Ulr , Council IllulT.s ; H. Hendsworth , Mount Pleasant ; Henry 1. Jones , Wintlirop : Samuel Lorton , Daven port. Increase-David E. Johnson , Kljiloy ; James Saucy , Sandiibky. Pranks nt NKi.imr , Neb. , Sept 0. [ Special to the llr.K. I Lightning plajcil numerous pranks In this city Sunday forenoon. The jail was struck , and Ed Stains , 0110 of thu prisoners , was prostrated. The residence of C. r. liayha , ( Jeo. Itapp , and M. 11. Husscil were also stiuck. Mr. Hayha. Mr. Itapp and Mr. and Mrs , Husscil were all knocked down , but not Bcrlously fiurt. The residence ot Jesse Chappell , In course of construction , was also struck and damaged some. The. vailmis buildings were not suiously damaged , hoW- evert | HUSH AUAINS'f ITALIANS. Itloocly Ilattlu lictwonii Ijahorcrn In n PciiiiHylvnnin Town. Wii.KKSUAitiiK , Pa. , Sept. 0. ( Special Tcleirram to the lHi.J : : A riot occurred last night in thcbiibuibof lla/.eltou , the popula tion of which is composed chiefly of Irish and Italian laboreifl. John Cannon was the originator of the disturbance. He assaulted an Italian and four of the latters country men went to his easststauco and Cannon wan knocked down with a club. Soveial lilsh- muii attacked thn Italians and drove them across the street to their homes , where they fortified themselves until relnfoiccd. The Irishmen were then diiven across the Btiect. Hctreat was impossible. They fought with desperation. The Italiaim were armed with clubs , razors , knives and stillctos , and seveinl of thu opponents went down Into the gutter , maimed and bleeding. The Irish wcro getting iho worst of it. The community was aroused , and women of both nationalities joined In the conllict. One oC the Irishmen broke In the door of Dennis Moonlu's grocery store , and in a second rushed out with a bnirel containing pick and axe handles. These .veapnns were supplied to the combatants. Thu Italians went down In one , two , three order , and were driven from the Held. Cannon wns so badly beaten that ho will ho unable to work tor three months. About fifteen other persons are tullerlng from Injuries , nnd halt'a dozen have severe stabs and cuts from knives. Koil Illver Knllnmil Ilondn. WiNNirKo.Sept. ( i. [ Special Telegram to the HKK. ] There is great lejolclug over the announcement that Norquav , premier of Manitoba , who Is In New York , has suc ceeded In gettini ; Now York capitalists to take bonds for thu new road fiom Winnipeg to the boundary. It true thu mils will belaid Immediately , and thu line will lie running in time to compete with the Canadian Pacific in the wheat carrying trade this season. Postal WASHINGTON , Sept. 0. ( Special Telegram to the UKF.J Mulvin L. Savage was to-day appointed postmaster at Callaway , Custer county , vice Henry E. O'Neill , removed. The postollleo at Chahbeato Springs , Jasper county , Iowa , was discontinued to day. Well Known 1'hynlolun Dead. EvANSviM.n , lll.i Sept. 0. Dr. ( Jcorgo Walker , an allopathic physician , Known to the piolcssioii all over tint union , died hern this morning from tlm eilects ot a surgical operation , at the ago of eighty years. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vnrlm. A marvel of pur ty.eUotijftli anil wliolcsomoness. Mint ) tcon- oinit'ul Hum the nidjnnrr kln'H ' , cunnol b competition with the nuillltuilo ot low com ebon \stiluht iilum pho'phnio row < l u. Bold ( inly lit fan * , itorxr. IUKINU r 101 Wall-et. . N. Y.