Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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No ntlvcrtlHcmrntft taken I'or these
oolninnH nftcr 1 :3Qt. : . nt.
Advertl rmcnls under this bend,10 cents pe
Jno for ibo first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub
toqucnt Insertion , and$1.60a line per month
fco advertisement taken for losstnanSS conti
tor the Drat Inicrtlon. Seven words wll Jb
counted to the line ; they must run consecu-
tlToly nnd mnst bo paid In advance. All adver
tisements mint lie handed In before 1 : .TOo'clocn
p. m. , nnd under no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone
Pnrtins advertising tnthcse column andnar-
Ing the answers addressed In care of Tut Bin
will please nsk fora cheek to enable them to fret none will be delivered excoot
on i > ro < entntlon of check. All answers to adver
tisements should be enclosed In envelope * .
All advertisements In these columns are pub
lished In both morning and evening editions
ofliiK ttr.K. the circulation of which aggro-
Rates more thnn 14two papers dnlly , ftna irivpft
the odvortliors the bcnilll , nut only of the city
circulation of TllK IJr.E , but also of Council
BUilTs , Lincoln nnd other cities and towns
hrnuglioiitthl * part of the west.
T -rrnn rm ? In nrtvnnnr > .
We loan money on Improved property
MONEY any desired amount at low rntei
of Intoroit. to run from two to ten years time.
Btotts , Cox * Houston , 1C07K Fimiam. 958
. TO LOAN at 8 per cent. Llnahan
$ Mahoney , 16tra Fnrnam. 403
11.000.000 to loan , H. E. Cole , 310 B ISth. First
J mortgngn notes ' ' ' 378
CKNT Money.
6PKR . 0.1'attorson. 15tb and n rn r. 404
TO IXMN-O. F. Davis Co. , rea
MONRV aid loan agent * , 1405 rarnam st.
r ) , COO to loan m any amount at lowest rate
$ of interest. 11. H. Ircy. Frenyer block. 407
800,000 To loan on Omaha city property all
per cent Q. W. Day , s. o. cor. Kx. Bid.
ONKY to loan to parties wishing to build.
S. B. Campbell , 1110 B 18th St. , Chamber of
Commerce. 40
To loan. Lowest rates. No delay.
MONEY . Hlco & Co. , over Commercial N v
tlonal bank. 410
* KTONEY to loan , cosh on delay.
. 3LL jV. . and E. L. Bqulre , 1413 Farnam it.
Faxton hotel building. 411
ONKY TO LOAN on improved real estate ;
no commission charged. Leavitt llurn-
ham , lloom 1 Croighton HlocK. 413
ONKY In iiims of t500 nnd over tolonnnt
M low rates , Hussoll & llarrott , 31S S Ifith st.
MONKY to Loan On Improved city property
at lowest rntos of Interest No coiumls-
Dion charged. Hholos 4 Crumb , room 1 , Marker
block , cor 15th und Fnrnum Bts. 015
LOAN Money Loans plncod on improved -
_ proved real estate In city or county for
Row England Lonn & Trust Co. , by Dou lns
County bank. IBth nnd Chlr-ayo stg. 411
"M'ONEY LOANKDntC. F. Hood * Co.8 l * > nn
AMOfllco , on furnlturopianos , horseswagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. U19 B. 13th.
over Illnghnm s Commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 415
M UN ICY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
hoiscs. etc. , low rates. J.J.Wilkinson & Co. .
1321 Fnrnam , over Ilurllngton ticket ofllco. 411
MONKY TO LOAN by the undersigned , who
has the only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of 110 to $100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
made that any part can bepald at any imo.each
payment reducing the cost pro rnta. Advances
madn on flno watches nnd Diamonds. Persons
hould carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call
ml see me. W. H. Croft , Hoom t Wthnnll
Unlldlng 15th nnd Humor. 417
milK OMAHA Financial Exchange.
. nV [ ' Corner of Hnrncy and 15lh sts. ,
over State National bank.
If prepared to make short time loans on any
available security.
Loans made on chattels , collateral or real
Long time lonnsmndoon ImnroTcdreal estate
at current rate * .
Purchnsn money mortgages negotiated.
Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
chart time lonns made on second mortgngo.
according to marginal interest , at collateral
Real estate to exchange for good Interest
tearing paper.
( lencrnl financial business of all kinds ) trans
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on band for approved loans of
any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Corhctt. Manager. 'IS
IDLANTnTuaraiitoo and Trust Co. , 1503
Furnam utruot Complete abstracts tur-
Dished , and titles to real estate examined , per-
tooted nnd guaranteed 4lu
F1V1 ! hundred nnd twonty-llvo dollars will
buy u clgnr , tobacco and confectionery
Store it sold before Saturday. 818 N ICth st
812 12J
TJ1OH SALK The best paying small hotel In
JC thn city : $2,000 cash will got it. C E Lee ,
1207 Farnain st 7DB
THOH SALK Corner saloon , receipts $50 per
J dny. $4,500 ; $3,000 cash , near depot. CK
Ix)0 , 1207 Farnnm Bt. 7 6
T Oll SALE One of the best drug stores In
-t the city of Umaha , Invoice from $700. ) to
9X00. Part cash , balance easy time , or unln
oumborod eltyroul estnto.or land If desirable.
Krnuso A. Foster , 31C 3 15th street. 60812
"ETOH SALK- shares panorama stock ( Ilattlo
J-1 of Gettysburg ) . Will declare big dividend.
AddroB8C70 lice olllco. 7TO UJ
1 T ANTKD-A partner with $150 In un ostnb-
TT lUhud uml puylug busluosa. Apply Labor
Bgonoy , 1U07 Furnum bt. , uptitnlrs. 602 7j
I7KH SA1.K A bargain n complete grocery
J-1 store with horses nud wagons , a clean
stock ot groceries , with cheap tent. Apply 1023
and 1024 Douglua bt. U1 11 *
rixTTcxCHANOlI-Nobruska land for livery
J- outfit Address Lock Ilex , D. I ) , Oakdulo ,
ri'oh. 7M 7 *
* C1OH SALK llargaln , complete now outfit ,
Jro.stauraat , bnkury. confvctluiiory nnd lee
crciuu. Cull In person at 2112 Cumluirst.
TjlOH SALK Hestaurunt $ 'l > l. ovorytulnir
.L coniiletL | > , Lest locution In the city , very
choup , rent $26 , auplr 04 N Ibth St. 7CO 7J
WANTKD A partner to tnko hnlf Interest
In HrHt-chiBS paying business , and man-
lure the sumo , for this state. Small capital ro-
quired. Call at tc'2 North Itsth st. 747 fc *
j > 2tOO cash will buy ono of the boat inlying
< P millions In the city of Oninliu , und ellmilod
on onoof thu prlnciplu business streets. Jf you
incnn nuslncs , und want u bargain , address , at
once , 1) it. live. 8110 ll
* IJ OH SALU Tnu lending hnrdwnro store in
Jgood county sent town. Cnll or addrcs ;
J. W Iiolan , liuliiiiiolu , Neb. 7'i7 11
A MAN with considerable business oxpcrl-
cnci ) has u few thousand dollnrs and hi'
fcrvlcca to put in a paying business. Addrods
C Ofi , lleo ollloo. 7fi4 7J
Tot SALK-BuUory. cheap , In the city of Ft ,
J.lnsopli , a good first cluss paying business ;
icu cream parlors , 2 horses , wagon and route , : i
living rooms , 0 years lease : reasons partners
cun't ugreo. Cull at ! iS S Sixth St. GUI Op
flSlNKSB CIlANCKS-Intho neighborhood
of Prrk nve und Wonhrorth bt there H
need of n incut market nud a linker and von-
Jcctloncr , nnd there uro 2 Uno storerooms lion
for rent In the now Fitch blocn soon to bo. coin
] ilvtcd , ; i o ( the stores already routed for drug
tliy goods und grocery stores. P , L. Gregory
C2UH 15th 8t MJ
doing a good bust-
ness , 40 bontders. In a good locution , goo < !
rcnson for selling. Imjulro 101J Ilarnoy IM7VJ
ITUMc SAI.U-Ptook of drugs , invoice (1,200 ,
Juvurnvo sales ( 'J , rent (15 , bad honltli rea
Son for selling. Call or address 2iUii Lake st ,
l'J2 s8J
_ _
* } 7Ult SAI.i : First clnm meat market In bosl
J' location In city. For nearer Information
address II 15 , lloo olllce. 1U98J
rpOuxchnngu for Oinuhn property , stock ol
- * - ucncrnl merulmndlse with store building. .
CluiS. 1L WoollcT.418 8. 15th Bt. ttiisl2
" 171011 SALK A Orst class hotel property dolnt
J- excellent business. Jlu l clt In slxtj
dnys. I'or prlco nnd terms address II , S. Lilly
realoaiatudoulor llrokon How , Nob. Ullsll
IT'OH SALK-Meut market. I offer my raarkcl
* - at a reasonably low llgnro. Jly reason ;
Tor selling uro : lain not able to ceo to tin
business mi self on account of my health nni
wls-U to leavu for Cullfornia soon as possible
line of the finest locations in the city. N <
competition nnd low rent and line trade
lllocks , tools , wagon and team , and ovnrjtliln.
In running order. Kor further particulars cm
t once at corner 23th und Ilurcnport streets
inout market , J. A. McClnra Ki7
SALK- Drug store , nno locution , ilolm
good buslnoju. lunuito . U. Grumi.2l.
"ClOlt Sale On ossy trrms , now stock of hard *
Jware ; also builder's stock , will Inyoice
( l.COO ; good reason for sclllnir. Must sell with *
In ten days. Address J. M. Durk , Phillips , Nob.
FOlt SALK Cheap , Meat market , good
trnde , tools , flttures , horse and waxon.
Everything complete , Call at 23th and Farnam
rEnsONAL-Orb-j'.ly ' , consider our acquaint
ance ended unlc i you bring inn a war
ranty deed for one of those | 10 lota to bo sold
at 1415 Farnam st during fair wt k. Imovene.
EUSONAL--If John Craig or John Craig
Olll , formerly of Phlludo.phla , will send
bis address to the undersigned ho will hear
Something to his advantage. Ocorgo P. White ,
No. KMN , 22d street. Philadelphia. Pa. 715-U *
IDEirsONAC K WfehTe.M. A. , teacher of the
JL piano , organ and rocnIUatlon : Instruction
Invariably of highest order ; Al reference ,
OfOooi Ma Meyer & Uro. 3tf5s29'
- home for ladles during
confinement , strictly confidential , infanta
adopted , address K 42 , lice office. 107 ept7
IKIISO.\AL An eastern gentleman locating
In Omaha , desires board In a private fam
ily \\horo there are no other boarders. Ad-
flrcss 1)1 Bee office. S078J
A. M. ALimiGH , mental henler , treats
diseases absently. Address 63 Wairenton
St. . Iloston. Mass. 19J823J
T OBT In B ( Ircen line car , cor. 15th and F r
JLJ nam st.Sot , 5 , about noon , asranll leather
purse. Kinder will bo liberally rewarded by re
turning book and contents to Harry ( lllmorc.
ynrdmuster Missouri Paclflo Uy , cor. 1.1th and
Nicholas sts. 835 7J
LOST-Side pocketbook Sept 3 p. in , , con
taining papers valuable only to owner , lie.
ward for return to lleo ofllco. TOT 6J
LOST Kay mnrobrnndod I. L. on loft Jaw
and T. K. on lolt hip. Liberal rowurd by
returning to 2009 B 18th St. , C , F. Nelson.
LOST-Party who took silver headed cane ,
dear's head pattern , from billiard room
Foley fe I ) rst , Saturday ovo. , Is known , nnd
will avoid trouble by upturning nt once. 7M 7
* T O3T Lenthwr pocketbook with numo F. VT.
JLJMelchor Inside , containing some currency
nnd sovurnl notes pnyablo to above name.
Findorwlll roeolvo liberal reward by leaving
same at Room 5 , Exposition building. 790 8J
" " Oil STOLlliTFrom eornoTo'f Fn %
tosnthand Ohio streets August 27. n sorrel
mare mule , Howard for return. Goo. Ited-
man. 713 10
FOUND-Ono bay and ono black horse. Can
bo bad by culling nt Jefferson Squat o
mrii,4X : > N. 18th st , proving property and pay
ng expenses. 7010
fortune teller , 518 S Uth 6t.
Ml oct 5J
Bn. NANNIE V. Wnrron , clmrvoynnt Modi-
cul , business und test medium. Ofllco 119
North lath street , rooms 2 & 3 , Telephone IU4.
" 119. DDHANT Clnrlvoyant from Iloston IS
rollablo In nil ufTnlM of life , unites sopa-
rntod lovers. ! I22 n 10th St. , room 1. 84iloct 4J
MADAMK SF.YMOail. fortune teller nnd
clairvoyant , tells past , present uud fu
ture , 605 N. 10th St. 691 flj
M113. HATFIKLt ) , Trance business modltim ,
The past present and future revoulod. Rick
honied , lost found , homes made nappy , sittings
dully ut 421 3. llth St. ri7 s ii : |
STOItAQK Furniture , boxed goods 158Ac. . ,
terms reasonable , 711 PiiclBc. 158
MnilST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th
First-class storage for nice furniture
niture or boxed goods , at 1613 Dodge-st.
3ADIK3 wanting flrst-clnss drossmuklng ,
-Juuttinir and fitting done , cull on Mrs. Saunders
dors , 120 North Uth St. KIR Oj
T OOK HKIli : , Stock Men-Wo huvo US head
- - ' of tno finest Holstelns In the west to trade
for mood Nebraska land.'IhU herd has tukoit tno
ribbons OMIT all nt tlio Iowa fulr.s. Herd Honk
record ol oauh animal ciin be gocn nt ourolllco.
Swnn .V Co , 1521 Douglas st. lloal Kstato nnd
Pioportyfjcchangc , 744 11
O.S. . WHITNKY sells hard nnd soft coal , 1513
. Farnam nnd Ibth and I.aid.47ris31
/CESSPOOLS , sinks and vaults cleaned , odor.
less process. K. Kwlngbix427 ( , oity.875S20J
CESS POOLS nnd vaults clonned , dead ani
mals removed. W. 11. IJarbcr , H)2 Leaven-
worth. Telephone 102. 8b7s21 *
1DEKFOKATEDstamping patterns made to or-
Jdor and all the latest designs for sale nt
Mrs. J. W. Morrison. 160. Davenport st 4Mal3
EASTEHN Nebraska farms to exchange for
Omaha property. 1012 FurnaM. 424
TIO EXCHANOII-For cnttle , I have ( WO'niid
forty acres of good western land to trade
for cattle , nnd a good house and lot near the
capital will exchange for cattle. Address S. a.
llryan. Ashland. Neb. 430
CESS-POOLSand vaults cleaned , dend ani
mals removed , first ward. W. II. Harbor ,
803 Leavonworth. Telephone 103. M7s2IJ
OMAHA LOTS To exchange lor cattlo. Pat-
terson & Moore , IB12 Farnam. 347
FOK RUNT Square Piano J montnlr. A
Houpe.1513 Douglns. 425
T71OBKKNT Organs. t per month , tlonpe.
X ? lt > 13 Douirloi. 425
Ol. C. House furnishing goods , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J ,
Donner , 1316 Douglas st 423
F I OK RENT Square riano , ( t montnlv. A
Hosoe.lSUDougUa. 425
F SALE Shelving nnd counters. Inqutro
1CU8 S 13th St. 829 7J
H SALE-lce in cur lots , ( lllbort Hros. ,
Council lllufTs. 78Coct5
FOIt SALE Ono Saturn at'illlon ( good pacer )
six years old , und ono Morgan road stallion
are offered at private sale by W. 8. llrown. Fre
mont , Nob. 702 10
FOIt SALE Ono second hand 2 horse power
Acme engine In good running order. John
C. Kliner , York , Nob. 703 10
FOll SALK-Good tent 14x18 , 10 onuco stock ,
4 foot walls. Apply Max Meyer Ic lira.
FOH SALE Sot good double harness , almost
new. C. F. Harrison , 418 8. 15th Bt.
KAU" Clmnco-Ilonutlfiil organ cheap , taken
for debt nnd must bo sold , olcgnntly
carved cusn , splendid tono. one-naif value ,
grcut bargain. Address C M , lloo olllco.
(120 ( 7J
TTNOHSALK Plnno at great sacrlllee , only
- I(185 , cost ( jUO. 7 1-3 octavo , triple strung ,
nil modern improvements. Must bo sold ut
once. Address C. 23 , lleo onico. JU 8
\v 7ANTKD 5 good solicitors. 1013 Furnam
' up-stnlrs. ' 812
WANTKD-19 tcumaturs at once for citj
work. Scaud. limp , llureau , 1610 Farnuui
stroot. 810 7
WANTRD-Mcn for railroad work In Wyo
mlnsr. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Tar
tiara. 841
" \\fANTKD -1UI H. U. mun for St. Punt. Wniot
(1.75 to (2.2.i per 'luv. Coma early. , Itus
sell Uibor Agt-ncy , 1U07 I'lirnain Bt. 787 6j
\\"ANTKI5' 2 cooks. 1 wnltor , 5 laboring men
' ctimo early. Kus cll Labor Agency , lotf
Farnam st. 7117 cj
ANTED -I'lrst-clnss borkkcopor. Applj
with references to C 72 , Ileo otlico. 71)2 ) U
\\rANTI3n-M brickluTcrr ttt tlluckw lilerf ;
building. Wichita. Kilns. 791 S
r ANTKD-Mon for U. It. work In Iowa tun
T Missouri. O'Kcefo JtMoGerr. M ) S. II.
WANTKD-25 teases for hauling ound , 51
shovelers for city. Gutu City IJmolov
mont ollloo. 314S S. 15th st. 72-1 tl'
WANTED A Bood , nutivo young 11111 u
irork in clothing : store. OlS N. IBtti st
_ _
\\rAXTJjn Expenon d male wultord.cooka
' ' Bocond'cooks , rtishwasher * . boll I > OTS , Src
r.uto City Lmplcymunt olllce. < Illi ! S. 15th st
7-M 8
" \VANTii : > Parties in need of male orfo
' T male help lot the coming fulr uud reunion
union to send In their orders enrty to Gate Citi
Kmployment olHco , 314)j ) a 15th st. wl
AITANTKD Agents In Nebraska for Oen
T T John A. Logan's last work "Vnlnnteei
Soldier. " juat published. 'Address J. M. Frenct
Si Co. , Ore u ha , Nob. _ yz )
\\7ANTI50 4 good canvasHers , tin per week
Uth st employment 220 , N. ICtb st.
WANTKD-A reliable , energetic man aa
special arent for an old line life Insurance
company. Liberal terms to ono that can se
cure binlncM. lloom 3 , Darker building , cor.
15th and Farnam sts , 410 14'
WANTRD-Mon for H. II. work m b. , J
per day , teams It per day , steady work ,
Scandinavian Km p. Bureau , 1810 Farnam st ,
| CM 6
\XTANTKD-Men and women for an easy ,
TT moncy-Baklnir buslnctt which pays four
times better than any other. Worthy persons
with limited means will be offered extraordi
nary Inducement * . Write for free samples nnd
special terms. Address Merrill Manufacturing
Co. , II63 , Chicago. 842 s28'
ANTRD-Mon to sell Shetland-Moutaln
Ponies Fancy colors. Largest herd In
America. Sample pony freo. Hare opportnnl-
ty. Inclose stamped solf-nddrossod envelope.
Uyron Van Itaub , UorncKoudall Co. , Texas.
Fen SALK-SholvIng nnd counters. Inqulro
13th and Douglas streets. 740 Oj
ANTKD-Men for railroad work. AU
_ brlght's labor agency , 1120 Farriam. E04
WANTR" [ ) naker : good second hand. W ,
B. llaldufT. icth and Cap nvo. M.I
WANTKD 75trncknioiiS2 per day for Da
kota Ter. Free fares ship to-day. Labor
Agency. 1007 Farnnm st. 78fl nj
ANTKD-Oood baker , 2405 Cuinlng st.
775 7j
WANTKD Flno vest nmUIng nt loll Devon-
port st. 7818
W A NT BD Active men with from $10 to I'.O.
Ileftt paying business In state. Money
boubled every week. Miss Garrison's Intelligence -
gence olllco , 1812 Furnam. 81'i ' 8
\irAN."KI-Mllkor , Saratoga dairy , 4115
TT Saundera. 33H 3
WANTKD 100 tracklnyors. Free transpor
tations to tua work. Apply to Mallory ,
Cnsnlng & Co.Omaha or Wnhoo , Nob. 581 8.
WANTKD A clerk to make out deeds at the
great $101ot snlo nt 1115 Farnam street.
App ly Monday ( ! U2
WANTKI--Men from every pnrt of the stnto
to cull nt the Gate City employment of-
flee nnd make arrangements to sell goods In
their own town , big money ranking business ,
SUM a ISth st. h20 8
WANTKD 5 good salesmen to travel for the
best selling article , no nxncrleiico neces
sary , ( I to (10 n dny 314 ! } S 15th st , ronm 5.
770 8
WANTKD-Good boy nt onco. Must hnvo
relerotico ; from 11 to 13 yours old. 1717
St. Mnry's nve. 757 5 |
WANTKD Five traveling salesmen ! : snlnry
and expenses : no experience neoe anry.
Address with stamp , Piilmor & Co. , Winonu ,
Minn. 815 7J
AV'ANTIID An experienced furniture snles-
* r mun , apply Peoples Instullniont house ,
WANTKD Seven tiorsnns to learn book
keeping situations. J. II. Smith , U1IJ
Chicago t. 03 ! ij
\ \ TANTEDGermau or Swede , ono j ears OT-
T ' ponenco ilr-ics. driver ncqimlntod , stable
men 125. biborera for citv , $1 7' > day , 2 e'liilkors
und 2 lolnors on water pipes $3.50 , ? 2 dny , ship
to-night. Headquarters , 1509 Farnam Bt room 'J.
t > 2.J HJ
Tl'ANTED 10 carpenters opp. car bnrn.Park
avenue. 754 tlj
\\7ASTED- Fiut claes liolel cook , meat nnd
' * pustry , nlao second cook , iobor nnd re
liable nnd competent , furnish tlrt clns testimonials
menials of itbovo Dualities , or need not apply.
Call or nddreos Mr. Hlukson , Arcudo hotel ,
Omnha Tliuredny 1 to 4 p. m. 75H 8
"VirANTEP A younir ludv desires n gentle-
' mnn partner who hiis about * 200 to as
sist her In a growing business , CCS Dee olllco ,
777 II
WANTKD-Cooks , $40 to $00 ; dishwashers ,
$18 : bell hovs , waiters , eto Mrs. llroga
& Son , 310 S. 15ili , Canadian employment offlrn.
i-TO 7J
WANTKD-25 lulmrers on ajth nnd Howard
sts. Sewer work. Delaney , . Murphy Ic
Co. 171 18J
W 'ANTRD-4 norman boys to carry pepors ,
517-509 S. 12th. upstairs. 03U
ANTED-Good klFchen gM nt Peterson's
dining hull. 5M 3 13th street > 3JOJ
WANTKU l dles and gents for pleasant ,
money-making hu > .incn. 'JIIsS Garrlson'a
, Inlell goneo olllcp , IflU Fninam st. H18 8
"WTANTKl ) ( Jlils forhotols and rostuurnnts ;
T wage * irom fl to f t.50 per day ; also good
cooks In private f mllioa , ut Mrs. J. W. Mor
rison's , 1X15 Davenport st. 721-6
\\7ANTED- Agents , ladles and gentlemen to
' call on urocors and houso-keepcrs in
Omnhn and chief towns of Nebraska , Iowa ,
Kansas and Missouri , to sell Fioneh Knamol.
tiood wages made. Address CKJ , lloo olllce.
. 7 flp
W ANTE'I A K'rl ' for general housework in
a good family , MS 8. 17th st. 518
IT ANTKD-GIrl IU2210 Farnnm st.
eio ej
\VANTED A practical woman to do general
' ' housework. Apply to Mrs. Annie Wilson ,
California street , second door west of Six
teenth. 7730
WANTED At once , n good girl for gcuora
houscworK. Must know how to coolest
wages (4 per week , Nice place for good girl.
Inrjulro 212 N lUth st 7b5 7
w ANTED-First class cook , washer nnd
Ironor. Apply at 2411 Capitol avenue.
763 7
WANTKD-A gir for general housework ,
small family , 1923 California st , corner
20tlu 750
WANTED Middle aged woman us working
housekeeper , good place , cjoks , wait
resses , chambermaids und all classes of help.
Headquarters , 150i ! Farnnm St. . room 0. 822 OJ
WANTED A girl for general housework in
a family of three ; must boa good cook ,
washur und Ironer ; good waifes to a competent
girl ; apply to C. Oabamp , 2315 Webster Bt.
ol3 8J
WANTED-Pastry cook , $40 ; cook for small
hotel , (40 ; laundress , f2U ; second eook ,
JH. : Walters , dishwashers , helpers. All kinds
of help In good demand ut Mrs. Iliega Ic Son's ,
310 South 15th. 72 J
WANTED -Cook und niirso rmild7norio imv
experienced need apply , 19.2 Capitol nvo
b 4 flj
TXT" ANTED First class dressmaior , for par-
> ticulnrs address box IJOf , Creston , Iowa.
525 Oj
WANTED A good girl to do general house
work. Liberal wages , nt Jbl5 Douglas st.
_ 0 > 8J
WANTRD Rood girl Jor general house
work , two In family , must bn "good cook
nnd laundress , highest wages paid for teed
worker , 1KJ1 Davenport 58J
w A.\TED-Girl,2002 Cullfornm st.
\VANTKD-3 cooks , 4 waiters. 5 dishwashers.
RhOiMiiuker , burbor. Girls for nil kinds of
work , Itith ft. employment office,220 N Ulih st.
7rt > lriJ
V\7"ANTKD-10 cnnmbormnids , 25 irlils for
Ti general housework , 8 cooks , il so'onrt
rooks , dishwashers , dining room irlrU. Girls
for nil Kinds of work. Gnto City Kmplovmont
offlce Uli S 15thst. 7800
WANTKD A . first-class dressmaker , with
references. For particulars address box
1023 , Pluttsmouth , Nob. 818 7J
\\rANTKD 1 worann coon for Grnnd Island ,
T $7 nor week , faro paid : 1 tnlloress for
city who understands making punts , good
wnges ; 1 girl for general linmowork at Plutts
mouth , faro paid ; 1 German nurse girl to tuko
care of 1 child , must be very nont nnd clean ,
nnd speak Germnn I slrl to do general house
work ut Horenco. wood wngos : 4 cooks for
boarding houses , 85 nnd $8 per week : 10 dining
room clrlc , H dl > hwasherg 2 olinmbermalds ,
2 pantry girls for hotel. Girls , wo hnvo 'M good
places in prmito fumllles ; you don't have to
wait for a plnce at this ofllco. Omaha Kniploy.
mcnt Ilurouu , ll'JN ICth St. , ItoOin 4CrounEo
block. BI ! 7
\ ANTED An experienced tallorossto work
on pnnts. 1707 Bt. Mary's avcnuo. 8K 8J
T.ADY drugcleik ; middle ngod woman for
J t nurse nnd stonmstress. $20 ; steady woman
forfiunllyof 2. $4 : cook nnd socnnd$40 nnd
I $30 : irirl * fortho country , f i ; 2 girls in sumo
j family , $20 und SI8. 'I ho best nlaces nnd the
hurt girls nroiilwnvs to be found nt Iho Cnnnd-
Inn employment olllce , Mrs. llrega & Sou , :110 :
South 15th. Kfj TJ
"IJ17ANTKO Any number of girls for general
T ? housework , COOKS , dining room girls ,
laundresses , dishwashers , etc. Miss Gurrlson's
intelligence olllce , 1812 Farnnm st. 7808
WANTED-GIrl lor general housework , 2008
Davenport 743 6 *
\\7ANTED-Olrl for general housework at
TT OM Douglas. 7187 *
WANTED A good girl for washing and
housoirock In family of throo. Good
wages to the right person. U2t South 17th street
T41 7J
_ _ _ _
'ANTED An experienced American nurse
to take care of children. Call at olllce of
Mead St Jamlcson , 3 B 15ih st. 448
TyANTKO-Qlrl for general housework , UU
, v T vApttOi ATOQU0 * 9c *
sober rollablo Herman , em-
ploymeiluas a porter : would do anr
other work around the house , nnd can tnko
charge of harso * . Address flrotbo Luobbert ,
e , cor. llth and Dodge sts.
803 8j
WANTKD-'iny a young man who hns largo
cxperlbnoo as traveling salnsman , a per'
mansnt position In the rlty. Good rererencel
from present employers. AddrcM C71 Dee
omce. _ _ 19A TJ
it ; ANTED Situation as houjckoepor for n
> ' widower , 4 Address Miss M. E. M. , 123 East
Walnut and Second its. , lo ) Molnai , Iowa.
_ | r y I - _ _
U 'ANTED A cronraery and canning fac
tory. Will assist the right parties. Address -
dress llank of Valley , Valley , Nob. _ g709
WANTED A harness maker to opun a shop
ncre. Address Bank of Valley , Valley ,
Neb. 870si )
WANTED To lienr of good location for ro-
tnllmthnrdwnre.or of stock for snlo In
roodtoirn. Address 1)2 Care of lloo. 817 .OJ
WANTUD A grain dealer to locate at this
plnce. llegt grain region In Nebraska.
Address Hank ot Volley , Valley. Nub.
IODOING at 18 South 17th. Mrs. Seaver ,
i llrownoll Iloll. _ 711 BJ
WANTKD Ono and nil to know that we hnvo
plentv of irood positions nnd plnccafor
uales nnd females. Call nt our olllco nnd ? o-
cct your place. Miss Garrisons Intelllgcncu of-
Ico. 1612 Fiirniiin. _ 778 7
\\7ANTED-SecondhHnd f urnlture.stoves nnd
TT household goods for spot cash. Call at
117 N 18th. 250 B28
WANTED 10) ) teams for rnllrond work bo
tnoon Snrgcant and Drowsier. Wngns
tXnO per dny. Free transportation to work.
Aplly to Mallory , Cushlng Sr Co. , Otnaliu or St.
nul. Neb. 5(12 8
\\rANTKD-Prlnulpntshlpof n graded school
T T by nn experienced onstorn teachor. Ad-
li-css 0 72. Hoe office. 71M 7j
WANTED All who duslrp competent help to
leave their orders nt Gnto City Employ-
nont otlico. You will not bo imposed upon ut
onr olllco , ,11li ! S , 15th st. 721 0
W IANTKD-Toame , 13th nnd Center t brick
yard. 814 6j
\\7ANTKD-To runt part of warehouse with
v track privileges , dealt ryoin In otrico ,
Ac. , 714 Paclflobt. IW
WANTRD lly lady without room , n ludy
room mail ! who has room , lloloronces
exchanged. Call 022 S 18th. 774 flj
\\rANlKU- A room-mate by a young lady
* with loom all furnished for light housekeeping -
keeping , llcferonccs cxchungod. Address C
)7lloo ) olllce. 7C3 lj !
\v ! ! ) A few boardnrs nt 1720 Dodge st
' Iteferenccs requested. 701
w ANTIl ! ! Faetonosof nil hinds. Address
Hank of Vnlley , Vnlley , Nob. 270SD
FOH HUNT A furnished bond on llfhst
of 22 rooms (150 per month. Co-opern *
tlvo Laud Sc Lot Co , 201 N 16th st. 71'7 8
HRNT A line store building on corner
Saunders and Hamilton Mroots , Splendid
ocatlon for dry goods , clothing , hardware.
Furniture or groceries. Apply to IJriinor &
Uro. , Ilollumn block. ,0310
FOIl HUNT A tlno 14 room house with
modern Improvements , largo , good burn ,
ftp , contrails loan' ' ' " ' . ? * ] per month. .1. F.
Hammond , U7 Slfltii st OSfl
FOIl HUNT-A largo brick house of 17 rooms
suitable foi n first-class boirding hmic. O
F Davis comAtinj. 1112 7
TTOH HUNT Four now store und Hats
.1 ? on SnuiitleH * (24th ( ) street , noir fc'ownrd.
Kent low. .Ajinhc 012 N 16th bt. F. T. Andrew.
FOK.ltKN'fi-jfbw ! ) room housc.bnrn , cistern
and well , fljlli and Chicago. Inqulro K07
South 24th rff. w 737
HEN'B-gtorei on south 18th
Vinton , fnctbir-pavud street. Pilcos t- >
und ? 40 per month : just thn place for sinull ilry
goods btorp , bonH und shoes , furnishing iroods ,
inout murkuj , J 4' lluuiinoiid , 117 S IKth bt.
HUNT Ilousoof 7 rooms on strnot carline
line , well , elstorn. cemnntod collar , f.'ii per
month. J. K Hammond. 117 Slflth st. 5.'ti
"IjlOlt HF.Nr-Storo room. on blojic from
-L1 postoltko. liuiiilroof Thuodoru Willlu'iis ,
nt Ueo olllce. 7115
FOR HUNT And furniture for salo. oinsrant
10 room house two blocks from postnnico.
Address 1157 lloo olllco. HO
FOIl HRNTA nvo room cottage on 8. 21st
st Address C115 I'oo olllco. 712 7j
FOR ItENT Cottage wltli 3 rooms,10IS S IsTh
stncarPlerco. K24 7J
E < OIlltRN'l'-iotisu.i11 : Spruce street. 5 big
rooms , (20 per mo. Inquire W1 N. 13th st.
6K 8j
FOH KENT 3 10-room houses nil modern
Improvements , $75 per month. Morse iV
Ilrunnor , ir.Oo Fni niuu HI. mo 11
TjlOH HF.NT \ cottuzo. 4 rooms. Hont $13
J-1 per month Apply ut room 2fl Arlington
block 1511 Ilodge Bt. NW
FOH HRNT--3 room house , 14th and Piocco.
Apply nt 017 S. 13th St. 014.
HKNT Two tivo-room cottngn.s on 18th
- - el. . $20 iior month. Ono olognnt two-story
house , two blocks from street curs(30. Address
John C. Thompson , llonild olllce. 575
FOIl Hi\r-0nu-half : of nfllco 117 S ICth St. ,
ground floor , and ono of the best loca
tions in the city , 115
FOIl HUNT House of eight rooms , six rooms
furnished , Windsor place. Address I ) 4 ,
lleo. KM J
FOIl KENT An private residence on
Farnnm bt. it. C. Patterson , J5th nud
Hnrnoy et. US
T71OII HKNT New 10-room house ; all 1m-
X1 provements , eteain hoat. C. W. & II. E.
Thompson , UU S. lotost 1000
TTOIl KENT Cnn uceommodnto six during
-L fair week or peiinnnently. Nowlv tin--
nlshed rooms on car line , 11J S , 2lth but. Doug
las and Dodge. M3 J
FOH HKNT Nicely limmhod rooms with
first-class boaidat Mrs. Win. Yonnur , 201 ! >
Douglas ht , 785 lij
POlt vlsltois to the Fair-Nowlv furniMiod
rooms only hiiH block from Boyd's oiciit
house. 310 South 11th St. , Hoom 12. 7JI 7 *
HKST Nlcoly furnished rooms nt 1505
JT Ciipllul uve. 7317 *
FOH HENT Hnndsomoly Innii'hed rooms-
oil sulto and single. All mo loin convon-
lencos. Apply at Lcslio & Leslie's plmrmncy ,
Ibthand Dodgt ) . tI'JI7p '
FOH HUNT Unt'iunlshod parlor nnd bed
room , IC-'lH/lilca o. 705
KKAL V.STXT.'Ti ofllco for rent , nnd furnl-
turo aiid ° s.tror for salo. Address C < > 2 , Hue
FOH HKNTOlllco spaces on ground lloor ,
one front window. Knqulro at 150' ) I-urnnni
St. , of.I. S. Illcqardson. ift'J ocUl
] j01l HKXTKlcely fiiniishod room sultablo
. for2gciifoWuii ( , Inquire21111 St Marys l
TfTWHl IJH\a-fijrnished ; rooms ? ? , nlso dny
-i.1 board (3.W , ftt IIOJ Davenport st. Hlfl 7j
FOH HKN'I rfrie furnished rooms in private
_ family , 21tl N l th st. 610 nj .
ClOH HKNTKtj4cclr furnished roo.n in nice
Jcottage. . $ t > per month , 408 Williams t , 8
minutes wull outenst V. P. depot. H0
FOH HKNT Largo front parlor with imy
window , iw/halcoro , also other rooms with
modern convtfti < iices at 1521 Furnutn st. ono
block west of court house. KM
FOH Hr.XT-Kleesntly furnished rooms sin-
gloorensulte , with tiso of buth ; electric
bells In every room. First class restaurant at
tached , at NorrU European hotel , corner ICth
iind Wobatcr. CM
FOH HKNT Two nlt-olv furnished rooms nnd
sitting room for gentlemen.7os > Call.
fornia st. 553. * > j
FOIl HKN1 Itoom suitable for 1 or 2 gentlo-
men , with board. 1812 Dodge. 6'B
ll HKNT-FurnlshoJ room , 1915 rarnum st.
I 'OH fiENT ! 1 rooms In tint sultablo for
housekeopln ? , 11UJ B. 7tU street. Applv
ntfll ? H. lathst , _ t6
HKNT-1 nicely furnlstied front parlor
- - with buy window ; nil nioderit conveniences.
BOS M 7th st. 745
FOH HKNT A nlcoly furnished room , oust
front , half blucl , from struct cur. 1UIS
* > 'nrk ' t , JIM 10j
TpOH HRNT Nlctly furnished front room ,
JL' suitable for two gentlemen. Hefetenco
required , 1811 Davenport st 838
F I ; OK HKNT a rooms suitable for olDoo , shop
or lodging. Inqulro nt 310 S letu st. Hoard
of Trade building. 607 7J
T7KR HENT-Two office rooms , nnd one eight-
JL' room cottacoon llnrney , between 15th and
ICth. y. K. Clarke , lilt llarnoy. 579
T71OR RKNT Nicely furnished front rooms ,
J3 $15 , > lit , $3 , 814 North 17th St 643 l
OH HENT-.2 front rooms , 810 S ISth.
3tl 12J
T7KH ) ItKNT-A nlcoly furnished front room
- * - and n front bedroom , rent reasonable.
55113th st , second house from St. Mary's nvo.
an fl *
FOH HENT-Two nlcoly furnished front
rooms , 1817 Howard st K17 dj
"tJlOH HKNT Nlcoly furnished room , 618 S.
JC 17th st SOJ
FOH HKNT-Suito of front rooms , newly
f ttrnlshod , gas , bath , hot and cold waters ,
In private family , to gentlemen only. ITO'J
Dodge st. 1X3 .ij
FOH HKNT Lnrgo furnished front room ,
s w cor 18th and Jackson. 6'JO
OH KENT Kloirnntly furnished room on
first lloor , with modern Improvements ,
IBlTCnj-S. 65
TJ10H HIINT-Offlce , 1812 Fnrnam St. ]
TOH IIKNT 4 nice unfurnlshod rooms suit-
JC ublo for housokceping , lUtli and ilqward
sts. Apply with references to 817 S 13th st.
f 37u
TOH HE N'T Furnished roouil with board ,
r 1P03 Farnam. a07oo4j
FOIt KENT Flno largo store room In brick
block on Pnik nvo , good collar , city water
nnd gas ; just the plnco for baKer or con
fectioner , meat market or hardware stove.
Stocks of dry goods , druirs and groceries now
In the block. F. L. Gregory , 320 S. 15th st. 8SI
- _ aige front alcove room , 1707
Dodge St. 783
"fiTO HUE NT Tnoi nrgest store room in town ,
L Inquire at the Argusofllce , Albion. Nub.
4 l _ ep IT
FOH HKNT Two unfurnished basement
rooms to family without oblldren. 1122 N.
17th 81. 473
FOK HKNT Furnished room Tory cheap ,
1 UP Farnnm. 783
FOH HKNT I'lii-mslied rooms m Qreunlg blk ,
cor 13th und Dodge st. Inquire oE Davis &
Hcthorltigton.Mlllnrd Hotel Milliard room.U
FOIt ItKN'T-Dculrable furnlshoj room for
gentlMinon at8J9 Howard St. B'O
EOlt Ul'.NT-Newly furnlshoj room , board if
desired , 1730 Dodge St. 4JU
FOlt HKNT Nlctly furnished looms , to gen
tlemen only , SJO N. Ifith St. . Room - ' . 439
rOUll lots near Albright' * depot South
J7 Onmbn , at lust winter's llaures or will
trade for hoiso nnd buggy. Apply Sloninn &
, 1512 Fnrnnm , room 1. 6 ? . ) 10
BALK OH TIIADK-Aiicvinlty of f I.IWO
In property on 15th street for Improved
pioportv In t'onncll ItluIN , Sflno lots Improved
center of t oiincll lllntrs for Improved rnrm In
eastern Nobni'ku or wu torn low.i. 40 lots 3
miles fixim 1' . O. One-half uoro In Itcnson und
nlco lot In Clltton Hill for good span of horses.
Active Heal Kstntu nnd Property KiCiiun
KC'4 Dcdgo st. 70U 10
HAN3COM I'LACI'.lot $1,250. A. 1C. Hlloy ,
room 3 , 1'rcnzor block. 701 OJ
Foil HAL1J A cheap lot. If sold soon , In-
. " -0-fl
qitiro lit 1305 Davenport st. - -
Foil TUAOK-tfood Oinnhn projiorty for
Inrms or mcrclmudlsu. Co no tc Johnson ,
7MM. : luthst. 71'J-O '
property have you to tmdo
' forugood farm/ Cone It Johnson , 711 N.
Ifith St. 71'J-B
IF you want a good , sure little tnvostmont ,
buy u lot In C. & J.'s subdivision , $ lf > 0to X4JO
ciion ; terms tosult. tt'o huvo several Immulns
on inside pioporty. Cone ic ! Johnson , 7.M N.
lUh ht. 71Mi !
GOOD lot on Fianklln st.BO ft frontngo$3.800 ;
one-third cash. Urnham , Creighton tllk.
511 0
TWO lotion VlJtust , ! 5 blk from Cnlirornln
st , ( too cnch , Orahiun.Crelxhton Mk.
.111 n
TPO nxchnntre for In nn within "i miles of
i Omnlia , line corner lot with house. Clms.
11. Woolloy , 118 S. Ifith st , SSfisl'J
FOItT V-fOlTU ft on CatneroirsTr ' { l.oOO ; o ne
third cash. Urahitru , Crolghton liik. , " > 11 (1 (
AlTT : Two lota tlirou blojks west of
Saratoga school housa , tlrst-uliiss proiiertr ,
Jfi.700. Sum I ) . .lono ? . < a < 3 14J
ABlIAtn'IFt'L PLACE 1 can clfor for a few
dnys three beautiful south trent lots on
Fnpplrton iivenue In llnnscoin l'luo. > . l'oplo- )
ton iivenue Is now being guided , und these lots
III bo just i It-lit for grnile : wntur and gns
already on streitt ; u perfect grade : two lines of
streetcars. A bountiful pnrk und a splendid
neighborhood nil eomblno to mnko this an ele
gant site tor n cosy homo 1'rlco onlv $2,700 ;
t'.M ciisli , balance on longtime. Geo. N. Hlckd ,
215 S. 1'ith St. 701 9
EF HINiiKH , 119 N 15th st. bet Dodge and
. Cap. ave.
J 18,0 JO- : ! modern nouses , "and 12 rooms each ,
lot72iHO , Dotighi1) , noar'.Mrd.
J5.VX > ir.lxlti ) , luthst near Clark st , boatltltul
lot and a hunrnln.
$10,000 12011 o trout on Saunders and 50x120 In
rear , opposite Konntz placu.
f 0,500-10 choice lots , lloyd's add. near plain
ing lactory , 4 blocks iroiu Snundors.
(25,003 0.1x120. Inilhlltu- cost fa.OW , suitable
for mnniifueturlntr. Davenport , near
17th. will take (10.001 In DonglusCo.
land or other city property.
( fl.flOO-ilSxIlr.1 , choice 1st , Ca . near ISnA , will
fizulinnmiMiultr for other property.
( A OO-KIno stock millinery , cbolco location ,
! J cash , 1ml good Omaha property.
Choice business and residence property for
sale In all uavts of the city. K. F. Itingcr. 5511
WHAT havu you to trade for line 2-story
residciicu and two lots In the west imrt of
town ? John C. Thompson , Herald olhco.
rpo oxchnngo for farm In western Iowa or
eastern Nehra'-ka , good corner lot with
thicohoustM. Clius. It. Woolloy , 418 S. 15th St.
T Ol'S 1 and 2 , bile U , Lowo's add , double cor-
Jnnr , on Iliimllion st , (1,500 ; easy tnnns.
( irahum , Crelghlon blk. 511 0
TJOI ! tjAl.i : Twenty choice acres clo o to
Jf Mia-ouil 1'acillu Ilallroail and West Al
brightonly tivo or thrt-u blocks from the John
Dluika Muinifiicturlnv Inchinry , that Is al
ready iindnrty nnd will employ a hundred or
moru moclmiilcb This property commands a
i nil l directions , and will pint
Into in ) ole unt lots. 750 un aero biivs It if
tuKoil quick. _ lco. N. Hicks. 7lil 3
I71OH SALE At n bat gain , several sections of
Jland Incentinl Nebraska. . Good rich soils
pnrl level tab.o hind , balance lollmiciudmlrably
uilnplpd nlther for general farming or ( dock
purposes. This land Is sltuntod in Howard
Bounty , near the Louprlvnr , within from three
to povcn miles of rojd rullnnid stilt Ions , nud
near St , Paul , the enmity MMI nnd one of tno
best growing towns in contnil Nobrimko. llow-
nrd county Is liolnjr rapidly settled by u irood
dim or people : luin good blinks , ehurchos ,
fu.'hftolsflour mills and stores. Two branches
of the U. I'.Hy run through the central portion
of the county , nnd tlio gnullng Is now undec
wnv for a brunch of the II. Sc M. lly to St Paul ,
which will glvo this county splendid rullrotid
Inellltios Alan hiivn onn trnct of tllO KOTOS of
rolling land. Can rultivBto thrt-o fourths , bill-
lines oed gnuing liind. A good rouk-bottom
creek tuns neross ono cornor. I'or n stock
farm this can not bo uxc > > lled. Situated midway
between Bt. Puiil und Fiillorton , good rnllroud
millions , nnd onlv four miles from new 11. Sc M.
stntlon. Will sell In tracts of 181 nuro ? und up
ward on easy term * nnd long time. I'rlcos
$ s.l ( ) to J 10.0.1 per acre. Geo. N. Hicks. 215
south nth btroot , opera house block 701 U
FOH SALK Finest locution for it homo In
West Onmhii , adjoining the mansion
homes of KlrkondHll.Coii , llriidy , Kas < nn and
other * Nothing tlnnr In the city. Can sell
1115x137 or los ; for prices nnd terms sou S. A.
lornin : , 1J01 Farnam Bt. TM
REAL ESTATE I nnvo now a grent many
bnrgnlns In rondenco lots , linnlnesi prop
orty. houses nnd lots und ucro property John
M. Clnrke , solo tigtut , s w cor. Doughis und lllh
streets. til Oj
TF YOU want to buy , soil , or trade your prop-
J. erty , call on Churloj I } . Spotdtvool , U'J '
8. IBth 8t J 41 ? _
LIST your property for siilo with Charles 0
SpotswooiriHJS S 10th st. HI !
AUNDEHS-St ,12d ft corner , $10) per ft.
Ornhiim , Crolghton blk. 511
HAMILTON' St. , lot on rnr line , $1,8X > . 'J cnah.
Crahnm.Crolghtoii blk. 511 U
LIST your property for sale with Charloi C ,
Spot3wood,303i' S Itith st. 012
< OH BALK Or oxohangu. 1M lot , best ware
house property in city ; 2.1 arrosU'i miles
from P. O , suitable for gardening or milk
man , at $ iVI per acre : house und lot In Train-
town. Inqulro 000 North 13tn st 073 J
ri 10 parties buying lotsof mo In South Omaha
-1. and erecting * niall cottages 1 will irunrun-
te a net profit of 20 to ! ! 0 pur cent nn the total
Investment Goo. N. Hicks , 215 b Utb Mrcet.
G A. SLOMAN , Heal estate , 1301 Farnamst.
Cr. Fnrnnm st between Twentieth and
Twenty-third , IWxKU. par foot ( OJ
'arnam st corner Thlrty-llrst. 134x133 ,
per foot , , , . . , . 10
'arnam st. near pavement , 47x133 l.l.V )
'arnitmst. near pavement. Kit 183 8.3-x )
'nrnam st , corner Fortv-thlrd , 44xl3J. . . 3,600
'nrnam st. corner Nlnoteontli , Im
proved , 23x132 0OUO
'arnnin st. between Nineteenth and
Twentieth , Improved , 77Jl.a. 40,000
> rnnm st. near Eleventh , axl32 ) , rents
for 1.SOO 25,000
Farnnm near Twenty-Seventh , 10x132
tier foot. . . 200
larney st near Twentieth , Improved
174TI07 60,000
larnor st. noarTwonty-tblrvl.lmprovcd ,
80x32 11,000
larney st. near Fifteenth , Improvedax ;
1K ! 15.00(1 (
Sixteenth ft. near NicholasOO xlllJ 12XXI (
Sixteenth st. Fouth of viaduct , 40x102. . . . 5.WO
louglns st. enstof Twenty-third. 118x132. . U.OOO
Twentieth st , near tit. Mary's ave , im
proved. 40x120 8,000
> ontlcth st , between Douglas nnd
Dodge , Improved , 2xfia S.W >
Baunders st , corner Hurt , KiOxSl 7..VX1
Allco st , near Farnam , east front , 47x133. 1,800
Fifteenth st , corner Jones , Improved , 08
x32 ! 30,000
'oiirtecntli stcornor.IncksonImproved ,
BflxKB . . . . 30,000
Fourteenth stcornerChlcngo.lmprovcd ,
66x132 19,000
Twelfth st. corner Jones , Improved , OOz
132 . . . . .I 23,000
Seventh st , corner Nicholas , trackage.
MxliU. 6.000
Thlrtconth st , Paddock place , trackage ,
IVJXI12 . . . ! 2.500
Thirteenth st , corner California , liu-
proved , routs IIPs l 15,000
'ark HVO , opposite Park , 60x150 2.000
Davenport st , opposite High school ,
duo modern fourtccn-rootn house , CO
z33 ! 1C.OOO
Crtss St. , between Nineteenth and Twen
tieth , twelve-room modern house , C6z
1112 15,000
flcholas st. . corner Twenty-second ,
trackage , 13ixl32 , Improved 20,000
Charles et. , near St. Mary's , Improved.CI
x28 ! 8,400
Talpy ptnear Crolghton collegemodorn
ton-room hou < e,3ixl42 : C.250
'leico st.near Twentieth , eOxlSl , fronts
two ItrootoImproved C,3oO
lodge et , near Twenty-sixth , 3 x132 , Im
proved 3,000
Vonty-second st. near ( irneo. 0(1x120 ( . . 3,000
Vest Omnhu. In bon ton locality , 40 or GO
x65 ! , per foot 7F ,
'wenty-llrstcornerVlntoii,52x100 . . . . 1,500
Cn tcllar gt. . next corner Eighth , Oll'x
12.1 1.000
Thirty-third fit. , corner llolawnro.llans-
com Pl.icc. 'OOlllHl 5,400
.eavonwortliit. near Slztoentb , 2l > x' < 3. . 50x150 ,
on grailo .f
In addition to th * nbovo I huvo lots In all
choice additions at low figures , 7-E )
IPOIt SALE Now store building and lot on
JL1 Ucllovun st thn main thoroiiithfaro eon-
lectlnir Omaha and the stockyards , price ( l.t'OO
WXI cash , bat 1 und 2 yrs. Inquire of Oeo. N.
licks. 215815th st 7111 i ) .
PLACF.-75 residence lots situated
Brilll onn to live blocks south of the SnitH
Imnlin brewery. Prlcos Irom ? ; i.)0 to ( GO ) .
One-third cash , balance on oasyturmfl at 8 p r
cent Interest J. J. O'ilotirko , solo ownur.
IOil bargains In South Omaha sou fleo. N.
1 Hicks. 215 S 15th , 7 1
F OH SALK At n bargain , 010 aeros of first
class farming lanil In Howard county , this
state ; first class soil , eloso to two lines of rail
road , nnd surrounded hv well Improved farms , divide tosult purchaser , and will make
his n bargain If sold quick. Small cash puy-
nent , vorv oasv terms. Address ( Icorge N.
Ilcks,215 South 15th st. 701 9
FOH SALK-A beautiful D-rooin hnnso Just
cnmploted In.leromo Park on Swift struct ,
list olT Farnam. bath room , cellar nnd all moil *
irti Improvements , cistern , b > irn , etc. May
rado for u small unencumbered lurm , not t-oo
for from Omaha. Apply to Charles C. Spot-
Bwood,305'/i S. 16th. 37S
GOOD house , modern improvements , corner
lot , Millurd &rrildwoirsndd , $4,701 : Sl.OO )
cash. Graham , Crolghton nik. 5110
LIST your property for S'lln with Charles C.
Spotswood.iWS'S Sllth st. 1113
TACKSON" & Nnson No. l r > Faruum Bt.ofor (
ft an spnclnl attractions for fair week some
good bargains In t'lty pioporty , among which
nro several line residences and n number of
cnolce vacant lots nt very low prices und terms
to suit. If you hnvo property to neil list It
with them. 878 7
CHP LOTB-For sale , lot ( I. block 1. Hyde
Park , three hundred foot south front , a
corner , only three thousand dollars. O. H.
Drown , Hyde I'nrk. 087 inj
rilHKc'henpost und best lot on Orchard stilt
-I Oichard hill , price $1,200. terms ousy , .TOSH
S 16th. Charles O. Bpotswood. UtO
ONE hundred and twenty-six ft an Suundors
st. $ inn per front toot , comer. Graham ,
Crolghtnn lllk. nil 0
SIXTY ft on l.hutlca st , J2.UX ) . Grnhnui ,
Croighton Illk. fill It
$850 will buy 40xl2'i , south front. Apply
at 3O4 Decatur street 1118 s2rtj
FOH SALK Five choleo binmess lots on
Itellevuo street , the main thoroughfare
connecting the city nnd South Omulru Now
motor cur line Is already laid In front of this
property. These desirable lots can be offered
ut from (1,000 to (1,200 enoh ; only one filth
cash , Imlaneo easy terms. Splendid op | > ortiiii-
Ity to ootaln a good ploco of business property.
( ieo N. lllcks. 761 8
SALK Ten cholee lots In the northern
part of South Onviha , surrounding the
park nnd on Hollovue streettho main thoroughfare -
fare connecting the city nnd South Omaha nnd
the stock yaids. These lots nro only two nnd
ono-lmlr miles from the flostolllco. and situated
directly between the business portion of the
city and the business center or South Oman * .
1 hey are Inrger lota thuii any put on the mar-
kut , 00x150 footwith streets and nvonuo * eighty
feet w Ido. Can offer these lots for 1800 to (1.300 ,
small cash payment , very easy terms. These
Intsotfcrn splendid chance for an Investment.
Call und see them. Cieo. N. MIckH. 7CI 8
TF you w ant ono of the finest residence lots
In Omaha , call at the olllce of f ! x > . N.
Hicks , 215 South 15thst.nnd lot bun take you
out to Hanscnm Plnco and see the choice build *
ing lota bo can offer In this beautiful addition.
7111 fl
lots In Clovemalo for s < ilo or trade nt a
bargain. Craham , Crolghton bile. 511(1 (
FOH SALK-Lot ( I , CtlcM Place , butweon
Loavunworth st. nnd the poor form , first-
class residence site lot. Is covered with fine
hhado trees mid just right tor grade , can soil
for only (1,45(1 ( if taken quick
For Sale Splendid business lot on Vlnton fit.
near Twentieth , forty feet froutiigJ , only
(2,000 A bargain.
ror Sale 100 foot south front In Hartlett's
SMldltlou , near corner of Park avu and Lcavcn-
worth ft. , only cjOO. ( This property Is worth
to-day (7.500.
For bale Lot 10 , blnok 2 , Potter's addition
near Furnam St. , only tli > 50. Cnll and sou It.
For Sale Three ntco east front lots In I.oav-
enworth Terruco , only ? 201. This property Is
shunted on a gontln rlso betwonn I.oavonworth
and I'nrnnm els , nnd is several hundred dollars
lars loss than lots across tin * street und in tlio
vicinity. Don't let this slip.
For Sale Two lots In Tabor Place , corner of
Lowunve. and Howard st , Just three blocks
wet.t of the elegant now houses now bulng
crectol In West Onmhu , Thm will make u
splendid slto for two resiliences , only (5,000.
Call and lot us show you this.
For Sale Choice corner In West Omaha , on
Lnwu uvo. , Ii.'iil.V , fuot only (1,000. Thorclsjust
( l.ooOcluar profit In this for some ono.
For Snlo-Splendid p'nco of Iruvkairo prop
erty , 1112x114 tout on Kelt line und I.envunworth
st , only f 2,400 ; one-third cash , balnncu onn nnd
two years.
For Sale Elegant front lot on noorglnnvo-
niio for n titw days nt ( .l00. ! If you want an
olei-ant residence slto , don't lot this slip.
For Snlo-lloautlf nl south front lot on Pop-
loton nvonuo. Hauscoin Place , f.,3)0. ) only (700
cash. Ulll pny von to Invcstlvutn this.
For Hulo Lot 2 , block 7. llnnsenm Plnco.
This lot U 51x171 tout , east front , surrounded
by elegant houses on both sides , Owner Is out
of town and must have money. Call and lot us
nama price on this lot to you.
For Sale Six choice corner and cast front
lots In Vunduroook terrnco , on Ixiwo avenue ,
and between rarnam nud I.ouvunworth streets.
These lots Join 1'oitor's addition on the south ,
and can bo soM ut prices riming from T 1,400 to
( I.COO. Tlicrn Is $ WJ profit on ouch ono of
tho-i ) lot * . Call and secure ono before they
are all taken.
For Sale llurgnlns In ncro uropurty. To In
vestors 1 ollor n eholco trade of twenty no res ,
eliM ( ) to Missouri Pacltlu railway : only two
blocks from the location of the new Implement
iiiunuf.iutnrlnv building that will employ HI ]
men The Noithuostnrn railway are now
grading tor their line to thn stock yiirdadirect
ly en-t of this property , Tlii > so uoresuro hlgn
and sightly , commanding a magnificent vluw
In ovcry dlroetlon. The land Immediately | oln <
liu- this property has been platted into lots and
sells from f 1' * ) to (100 per lot
1 cull oiler this propurtvln tracts of two , live
or ton acioj at 1701 to ( tOO per aem , only oiiO'
fourth cash , bnlnnco ono , tno und three yours.
Don't let this slip , but call nnd let in fhow yon
the property. You can double nvory dollar
Invobtod. ( .eorao K. Hiuks,215Bouth nfteimtli
et. 701 9'
" 171011 SALE Ono million aoros or Inn J in NoL -
-L brusku. Specnhittir's lands ,
ranches , and farms In all parts or the
atnto. bond for pamphlet containing descrip
tion and prlrn of ever ono thousanil farmj. A
flno topographical mnpof too ttata tent froc
til on application , III. . Andriu , for 10 yenr-
Ci-n'l Land Agent II. & M. It , It Eighth and P
streets , Llnaoln , Nebraska. 24'1
T HEHF.HY Caution any pcirson from Iniylnt
J. or Belling a note In lavcr of L M t'hlrny
made by Win , Walkerdated July nth , JH , dm
UOdaya from Uuto , as. said note Ima bcun ptld
Chicago , Milwaukee &SlPaulRf
The Seat llotttc from Omaha an *
Council Muff * to'
Two Tialns Dally Between Omaha and
Council mulls
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRaput
Rock Island , Kreeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubtique , Davenport , *
Elgin , Madison , lancsvillo ,
Ueloit , Winona , La Crosie ,
And nil other important points East , NortheaM
, . and Soutnenat.
For thioiich tlekPta call on the ticket Rtoni
ntllOl IV ! imuBtroot , In 1'iixton Hotel , or at
Union I'ucillo depot.
I'ulltnan Sleepers and the Qnost Dining Carl
| n the world nni run on the main line of the
Chlcnpo , Mllwaukoo , V St. 1'nul Itnlhray and or *
cry attention Is paid to punotiKurs by oourt * >
otis employes of the company.
It. MII.I.KH , Uonoral Munuiier.
J. F. TucKKit , A'tHtant ( lenoral Manaxor.
A. V. It IMurKNTKii , ( lonontl I'nsaemter and
Tlrkot HKent.
UKO. K. HRArroiiD.AMlstnntaenornlPHMea *
gerand Ticket AKCIII.
J. T. CLAHK , ( Jeucrul Supurlntonduiit.
Proposal * for Sewer Construction ,
SKAI.KI ) Dldt > will bo rwolved bv the cltf
- clerk until 10o'elook a. m. , optumbor Utn
18S7 , for the construction of storm water sow-
oriiKu , In the city of I'lntt'inontli u < per plant
nnd spei'tOcallons on IIlo in the olllco of the
city clerk. I'mposiiM to bo made on printed
blanks furnUhod bjlthuulty clerk , ami nil bid *
to bo accompanied by acortlllod clinck for on *
hundred dollars upon n locitl bnuk puyiible to
the city of I'lultsnumth as forfeit money In the
event that the bidder Miall full to enter Into
rontriiet with Rood mid snlllclent lionda within
ton duys or notice of award.
The estimate for nld work made by the city
engineer. Is as follow :
Hovon and a hnlf feet brick suwurs til per
Klvo and a hulf feet brick aowois f'.M per
Four nnd a hnlf foot brick sewers f.1.00 pur
Klfloen Inch plpo oomplolo ft.00 per foot
Three manholes 14 font high $4.1)0 per vert ,
Three trnnies nnd covers two pounds cnch at
to. Jtitltw.
Siild MiU will bn opunod nl 2 o'clock p. in. ,
Boptaniher nth , \M \ , nt the olllcn of the city ttt-
torney. Hymn Chirk.
The city icsorvos the rljtht to rojoet nnjr and
nllhUH. J.V. . JOHNSON ,
Chnlrmnn or the Itonrd of 1'iihllo Works.
I'liittimoutli , Neb. , Aiitruit 10 , 1887.
The only road to take for lies Molnos ' or-
shalltown , Cedar HanldsClinton , Dlxon. Chica
go , Mllwnukco nnd all points oast. To tlio poo-
iilo ol Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah ,
1 .duho , AOVIU'II , Oregon , Washington , and Call-
fornia , It ollera superior ndvnutagos net possi
ble by any other lino.
Among n tow o' tno numerous points of su
periority enjoyed by the pationsof this road
tieWoon Omaha and Chicagoare Its two trains
u day of DAY COAOHUS , which nro the finest
that human art and Ingenuity eau eroiito. Its
PALACinSl.Cii'IM : : ; CARS , which nro models
of comtort nnd elegance. Its PAHLOH DHAW-
IN'd HOOM OAKS , uusurpassod by any. and Its
widely celebrated PALATIAL DININU CAHH ,
the .iiiul | or whluh cannot bo found olxowhoro
At Council Illnirs the trains of the Union Paclflo
lly. connect In Union Depot with these of the
Chicago Ac Northwestern'Hy. In Chicago the
trains of this line make close connection with
these of nil eastern hues.
For Detroit. Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati , Niagara Falls , UiirTalo , I'lttahurirToronto ,
Montreal , lloMon , Now York , Philadelphia ,
Baltimore , Washington and all points In the
ast , ask for a tlekntla thn
If you wish the bust accommodation , All ticket
agents neil tickets via this lino'
Genl. Manager , ( lunl. Pusa'r Agent
Chicago , HI.
Westoru Agent , City Pass'r Agouti
Omaha Nebraska.
lly reason of It * centrtl pniltlos. t'.OJi rnlatlan to linn
Eiut of Chlcfteo. nnd contu juj line * at trnnin&l
points V < it , Korth r < t arid flojllinoit , U the trn *
middle link la that lrnnncontint.nt.-vi rjitom > rhlcl >
InMloa nnd rulHUtca trtrol anil trnJIlo fjut ceu the
Atlantlu uud 1'acUlc.
Tun Itnrk I linil mnln line and liranclim Inclado Chi-
cftffo , Jollet , Ottawa , la Falli * , 1'vorla , flt nvicn , llollno'
and Hock Iilind , In llllnoli ) Daronpcrt , HmcHlne.
Waihlnk'ton , FMrllclit. uttumwn.Oikaloora , WeitUl > -
crty , Iowa Clt/ , bet Molne 9,1 iiillanufa.AVlntiiniot , Atlan
tic , Knnirllla , Aadulmn , lUrlan , ( luthrlo Centra and
Council UluO 9 , Inlowui ( Ullatln , Trrnton , Ht. , 'VHpn ,
Cameron nnd Kansan City , In Mlimourli I.uai.'iworth
aud Atchlion , In ICJiniaHi Albert Ixia.MlnnoflpoHf ami ,
SUI'aul , InJUnnrniUj Watertowit and Hloux
pakota , and lumdrodaof Intunncillato cltUj and tovnu.
. ' . 'Tho Croat Rock Island Route" * '
Guarantcea pp * d , coinfort , ctrtalntj anil ftfcty. Its
prrmanent war lidlBtlngulilicdfurltt excellence , it *
Irldefi are u ( > lnno and Iron. JU trark la of lolld
vtecl.lta rollUsstuclclicrfurt. JUpasnenfforrquIpoitni
hai all thai&rpt/aiplUnr | < i8 that iporlenrohainvr l
useful , anil for luturlotm accomraudatlon * U ni
pa ( L It * Kxpre n Train * connlst of lufttrlor
Coachci , olognnt I'ullman 1'alara I'arloran
Car * , iuperb Dining Car * , prorldlng dtdlclou * meal * ,
and ( txtireen Cldcagn and Bt. Joieph , Atclilion anil
Kania * Citj ) mtful ItKllidnv Chair Can. lt < man *
agtmcnt If con crratl , Its dlscl llnu exacting-
"Tho Famous Albert Lea ROUTO"
Bctweon Chlcnito and Mlnnrapollf anil Rt. I'a. ll th *
f aTorltP. Ovr thl * line liollcl rait Kipreti Train * run
dally to attractive rrxirta for toiiri t * In Iowa anl
tllnnenota , and , via Wuti-rtown nnd Slum Falli , to the
rich wheat and crazing limit * of Interior l > Alcoto. Via
Scroca and Kank-nkrr , thn llwk Inland on era iuj > erlor
InUuccmint * In truvil.T * Iwitwocn Cincinnati , Indian.
apolli , Lafajfttu ainl Council Illuir * , St. Joseph , AU-hl-
eon , Lcavenworth , Kitn i * ( 'ItSt , I'aulandlnt rmo-
illate points All patroni ( ispcclally Udlca and chll-
drenrceilroiirot ) ; tlon , courtesy and klndljr attention.
Kor tlcki-u , maps , fol.l , ra , copk-ii of Wcntrrn Trail , or
any di'nlred Information , apjily to principal oftcc * la
tto Unlttid Stall * and Canada , or AUJnMut Chicago , "
R. R. CABLE , E. ST , JUtIN , E. A. HGllltHI ,
A ) ] ? !
For nil kinds of business at the
New Town of Harbine
, .
Midway bvtwcmi Pulrbuiy nt.d Iltiitrlco on tU
C. 1C. lc N. It , IL
Lotii Cheap on Easy 2cnis. )
Address 0. II , LrrTP Fulrbury ,
Harris & Co.
115-117 MONROE si.CHICACOn § U/tjnfr
nfConntlos.Citloii.Towus.Wetcr ,
I JiHii , HtronU It K , Co. ' * . * )