- - " , , . . , , . . - - . " . ; - - ' : . : . . , - . . - - - F ; - " - : r. ; ' - " : wr ; - ; : : : . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . I . . ! E OMARA DATLI BEE : WEDNESDAYI SEPTEMBER'7 18&7. . . . 5 . - ' . MTAt ANDTEItfl1TORY. i N ba.ka Jo1tIu. . I I ! i ; . New Callaway Courier i the . 1ttoAt. : Pawnee City' will TOte Ofl wttorwork ' lcxt Monday. Ilakota county eXICCtS to lrnrv.st sixty bUsIoIR of corn to the acre. ' The 13. & M. depot at 1ouisiIc ! was lut for $100 by burglars Friday night. 'rho Heaver Valley branch of the IL M. has renclicci Ilendloy , Furnas county , PS I4nst 1'Iitrday's hood entailed i ios , 5tirnatcd at $ IOtOO ( ) , on farrnora ftIont' g the LOtli ) , Beaver and CedLr r1yori and , 3heI1 creek. . . ' 'I'Iw I'awnoc City Prolilbitlon Now has trat1Afrred iti water tinI : anL beII.box ' : , ' 4 to Bernhard , whore it Is hoped to strike a vclii with a short augur. . Chnycnno county Is diouss1ng tha ad. - ; . visablilty of sinkiii $4t.000 iii building . three bridges over the Platte. it is hardly : prohatIu that they will be built in time to go out with the spring freshet. . Urnuvillu Iomlnlck Is thd name of a . fotirteon year out , which will soon grace L the roster of the state reform school. Ilu Is a I1nstIng , product , and relieved his : employer of two ailver watches naiL a , revolver. . A negro and a white man raltlcI the residence of John Duncan , near Junita. and stole a number of valuables. The I , thuIve were rounded up by a party of armed nulghbors , and jailed. Most of - the stolen goods were recovered. - Todd Carr , a hungry baker In Wy. more , wa taken in atul his long felt Want suPPlied by Ir. iiofnor , a profes. . sional brother. As a reward for the grtili and generosity showered on him .L'odtt raided the Ilcfnor till and reduced the surplus EGO. lie was Jailed. f A festive telegraph operator named Lines , a married man , set his trap In ? hastings , to ruin a silly young girl , who - . - was Induced to leave horhome in Colmn , ' 1tis by false promises. 'J'lie police nabbed . , the lusty masher , g'ive him one hour to leave town , andscntthiuyounister home. The depraved wretch hew. The Sioux City Suntiny Sun appeared for the hirst time last Sunday. It Is the Iowa annex of the South 8ioux City Suns publisheI by Jay & Falrbrothcr. it Is a tpographiIca1 beauty , with news , edito. na ! anI other departments as bright and . . penetrating as a July sun. Falrbrother shines in every column "in his own cam- tic style , " while Jay fans the monons , with a butcher knife. - Ge.rgo i : . Corey. a beastly scoundrel living hear Penter , attempted to outrage his ( laughter a young woman , last v' Thursiiny , nail Is now inedltatiii on the . uncertainty of liberty in the 1)akota City . jail. lie is fort3-two years of ago , and liis : a wife anti three grown chIldren. : While nu.sjdo the strict hotter of the law , the eiiil of justice woull ( be secured oy t shippitig Coey to Long Pine , for prompt nfl ! effective medical treatment. , A i'lattsniouth woman , a few nights ago annointed a bunion on her big too with phlosihorous ) , resting the swollen , member on the foot of the bed , and full . Into pleasant drehms. A few hours later ; ' her husband was awakened by the glow of what ho thought was the fiery oyobail * 4 ot a thousand cats rolled into one. SIcz 4 Ing a bootJack ho hurled it at the object with a vicious ' , "seat" and hit the nail square on the l head. l'hov will OCOUP separate beds until tlio Inilamatlon is reduced , . - . lowft 1tem. . . At Davenport Sunday night 2.01 inches of rail fell In an hour. Thu ( lentil roll in Keokuk during Aug ust numbered seventeen. ? The matrimonial market Is the live- heat insttution in Burlington. , .suiday night's rain In SIouc City damaged - aged property to the amount of $5OO. , Ieputy City Marshal ilubscher , of Muscatino died last'wcck. lie was thirty - ; years old 611(1 weighed J2O pounds. ; George 1) . Rand has sold a controlling 1 i interest in the Keokuk waterworks to the LiVJ.V American Waterworks and Investment , COiUlafly , of Pittsburg , Pa. , a corpora. lion with a capital stock of $5,000,000. Two sections of the cantilever are now . being extended over the main span of the Dubuque high bridge at the west end. This Is the most ditileult part of the work to be done on the bridge and is now about accomplished. . Dakota , Sunday's rain washed out a dozen bridges ( ii Yankton county. Sixty acres of corn near Pierre will , yield eighty bushels to the acre. ; Brown county claims to have raised , : asooooo bushels of wheat this year. . The Iron lull mine has a surplus of $100,000 in the treasury and stockholders - expect an rarly dividend , . , Groto' shipped last year 1,000,000 bushels of wheat , and expects to ship double that amount this year , 'fhcro are . . six elevators there. . . . The Methodist conference which meets # , at Aberdeen ( Jet. 10 , viIl be composed . of 112 iuiiiistcrial tind 11) lay delegates. It viIl represent .000 uiciubers of that c church. , A desperate fight is to be made in the - , r W Black hills to ruVtIIt tile organization Of a new county it ) be called MeiLde froiii - Lawrence coUnty , of which 1)eatlwood I is the county scat. Sturgis is thu pros- : pccttvo county seat of the proposed new county. ' . Prof. Carpenter of lic itapld City _ school of inilies , has exaiiiiiied the tin ; mines in 'I'cnlurfoot ( district and In the . , t neighiborlmod of I ho Grizzly Bear. Ito . :1. : . 8letkS of thu ore of thu iarwtn locationS , -S fl5 uxceptionally rich even in a country of rich tin ore. lie says there itro boithi- cr5 lying loose On thic location winch vihl . aggregate lit weight 100 totis , ami that at least fifty per cent of it is cassitorite , , which , it fructi from the rock , would ho , worth $10,000. _ _ _ _ . . 'Vtio rainfall for August aroiimt Choy- _ _ _ _ on no was one atiti one-tent Ii i aches , a _ _ _ _ trifle less than the average of the past live years. . tjtWEIOii _ : j IpPRlCE'sl CREAM ) ii. AKING I . , I _ _ _ Itliupurior ezeolkuco proven in mhiIIon ot hoinel tar men than a qutrtur of a century , ii Is uotI t , > the Uuited Status Uoyi'rnmont. Euderseti by the hwuls at the Uruat UnIvorl. t106 , Li the trrnuccst , I'uro&t * 0(1 ( Most health , J "U" . jut. Dr. Prices the only lisking I'uwder that - ' does not OOut4in Ammonia , Limo , Or Liurn. rowuiit co. , . , . Iv roaa CWCAOO. iv. oui& . . . . - - . . - % Vnrrantetl a Sure Cure for Ithinuitia- t I s m Neuralgia , $ OI O 1.yI , , nhlti cii 1nllamrnntloii. Ihththeris a n ' 1 Croup cured I a troni thirty to sixty lnhtlLIt'S , I t you wh.h , to ( . know what t hi I a 'yon.Iortiil rpmedy $ . l doing mr suiTor- k. Inhumanhty , sen4 i ' , . . 'I II. FOHUY , Hoo.v K , aIIvE11o , Ili.oCx , OMAnA , - - Nin. a. . NORRIS - , WILCOX & z RIBBEL , . . O1K PICO ! - - ' SilOF STORE . . 1IT Douglas Street 1t\\ OMAhA. : . r Sleyensllros1 , 1 Real Estate 1513 Farnam St. t A. large list of city . and farm . Property & Stocks , ofGooda , . For alc or Ex - change. Th PIetz TllDIO ! 1406 Farnam St. . op. poalte Paxton 110. tot. I sin reLuIy alnoss and will make a .peclahty of artla- - tie l'hotograpliing - : The beat facilities in the city all work - MiIfttftfltSOl to be ' \ flrst claa.i In every ' \ . respect. , . . . , I. , CHIS1 hASMUSSENI . CLOTHIER , GENFS' : . ; Furns'gGoods ' : : . lists , CaiB , Trunks ; Valises. 1207 Farnam St. , / ' Omaha , Neb. . CI SCHMII1BERCER1 4 . f ; : ; erchant Tailor . , Fine rIaj1oi. lug , - - A Specialty. : t ' 416 S. 15th St. Omaha , Neb. . . . , - . , ! C1S1FIIGIUNS OYSTER . -AND- Chop Iloilse , 12t'1-l2O ' Douglas t. Ladies' Cafe and - Restaurant , l4CfJDouglasSt. , 0h1A . Nn ! ' endNlglt , _ _ _ _ 1' Day -a I. , - CANFIELD , , Hatter -AN U- Furrier , lINE hATS , Ialost 517105 just he. 1.AtiE' I'UltS Made to Order. hlEi't1R1NG Promptly attended to. . 405 SoUth 15th Sf , , I1AMOIIIJLOCL , , QMAIIA , , . N . yVisit Visit the Misfit Parlors UOTMs . .q . _ UNIFORMS _ _ _ pl _ view of the present Reunion of tileG. A. II. , we ordered a number of fine GRAND ARMY SUITS. ! i1iesame to be . _ . ! ) in the fin- t ; gi'ado of uniform cloth , rloliiy ti'immedandfint.ly _ worked. 'i'heso ' suits arc made in . . Single Breasted And Double Breasted Sack Coats. yitheyelets worked for change but. tons. _ Besides tileso we have a large lineof iiediitmii gradesiii , fast. colors , aiicl iii all sizes. And we are al)1O to fit the extra large man just a easily 85 WecallaVery small or me- diuin _ sized one. . _ \\rowould earnestly call youi' notice - tice to dUferonce oftlie quality of ourgai'mentsand _ the excellence of both trimnng and workmnn3hip. ' A visrr TO OUR. "MISFIT PAR. LORS" IS AYE OPENER. wi h : DRS. S &D.IIAY1RSO 1707 Olive St.St. Louis , Mo. Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy St. Louis , Mo. , University College liospi- tal , Londoi , , Giesen , Germany and New York. Having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO TIlE TREATMENT Nervou hoii aild Blood DISEASES , More especially those arising from inipur. dence , invite alt so suffering to correspond without delay. Diseases of infection and contagion cured sately and speedily without - out use of dangerous dru a. I'atients whose cas S have been neglected , badly treated or paonounded incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symp- torn. . All letters receive immediate at- tention. .JVST i'iJflIISHED. And will be mailed T ItEE to any address on receipt ofone 2 cciii stamp. 'PractIcal Observations on Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an "Essay on Marriage , " with important chapteri on Diseases of the Reproductive Organs , the whole forming a valuable med. icat treatibC which should be read by all young mdl. Address DRS. S. & D. 1)AVIESON , 1707 Olke St. , 3t. Louis , Mo. OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Ce , , ldtlSt. , anrCapUofAu& , OM4HA , NED. wit rils TIttATMEN ? 01' &Li. CHRONIC SURGICAL DISEASES BRACES AND APPLIANCES FO DEFORMITIES , IRUSSIS , An Tt Hrw Ysacoctir Suspcssnr Uuu Coupsus. Fat ( actIlil , . . ppr3tii RII rem.II. . fur , twe.rql Ir.Initit .1 . , , , ( . , . , IIac.l 01 'rgl.t S. .r Wirl r. ' ( lnrULS e. , I.f.n.hI ) , , iI II , . , . . , Clot , r. . , , c. . , , . , , , ofuI.i .g/n. . , I Il , , , Tun' , . . t.n. , r C.I.I , . tnh.t.th. . , . I..l..t. . K4.Iep. . Mto.y , U1tJ4r. ir. su. . , . ,4 thnl , ill d.oi Ilook on Diseases of Women FILEE. OnIyRellabhoMEDICAL INSTITUTE. ) LtIo A sIICIAtrY OF PRiVATE , SPECIAL ai NERVQU DISEASES. Ati JU.'I rat..i. FptIflhlc PnI. . , rm.i no , . the .y.tM. WIIbIUI nIrury. hw iI.nn.tlv.rrsIn.t fur irn.of Itsl 'er. F.runi , , nl. % tI.it U , t. trt..j .t ben. . . 51 All vomuwnIriIIu Culdhith. ) . iI- tinIS Ot b.trua.at $ flat by rn.Ior.zprM $ , , .riir.I nkiJ , nrks I u IsJfrStI rOWIU , Or sender. ( Th. i.r.ou.l Io.ri.w pn 1..t. C.U .nd conuft U. rindhIto7 oyo&z c. . , with - aIMI W wUt , .c.4 Ii , 11114 nr.pJ1 , our BOOK FREE TO MEN ! FrIit. , Spr.rI $ % i,5 Piru ih..iv. Sumloal weik , 5p.no.torrh.a. Inpotr.W7 , 5phIfl , . Guuri bc , . , , GI.t , , o4 ' c.u'.l. . Uuo.n , Sur p.a.oI. . P.I.Irel , oxitti MEDIC&L NUROICAL INSTLTIY , or Di , cttmany , Cot. 13th sI. & Oalto1 Av.Omdta , NIb. Medical Books or Papers Free. 'ftc proprietOr 01 lbs Oish SIedIcI an Surgl. cal lnIhtutu lls piblIhied a ysluable so ot buoli an liMper. UPOLI chtonicail iurgtCI ' 11'5515 and uIctortitttrS , , tnd tue motIuod uS cure wbfrtu buv RIven hire IrtO roputsioi0t belni the 0,051 skillful nd , ucceo.fuI SPOClali , In tiii west. un4 tnsde 100 institute co colebratel that mdtclne are cent Ic itud panente receIue.i trout eVery ejeto In the cuba Aniung the bookS IS ) flO a'na the dbeeias ci wouIi one cpu , , neryoul , special and FriTete dj& eaieofbu.eouat and urbnar ufaa.1 esricocolO cure. ! by iurgiei operation. , ml ( Seir betly invOnt edciUp ( omprees .up'usorl for th. relief sac curf yarboucele , norvou , eihauotbon anti sozual d.bIIbtf. new reeIoratie trJstnt. I'asrs surgLCl brace. . phl. cancer , plYalycts , Sti , iieo tr1cIy sod te R w lnagnetbaiattory for borne scsi eatrrb and inbahstiou eta. Unlike moit booki i.ui by , lectors free , Lisey .10 not coni.1 of t.stk , noni&i $ with betilbous aaes&od inlilele. ur rubbist of Ihat kind , bat are P1cm desflpUons Of dboues .lmpIom. ne dicorortec in custicine. surgery end electricity cri uro wMI worth ttse porusel. and cen becbtftflel , $ frO bi sddress1n tbe Omaha MoSt cci ml Surgical lislitots , Ults aizst Sal s,00ue , Omsns. flarkh. DR. ; TspIwNEY S. E. Cor,18th and 1)olge Sts. Successfully Ticfts a l Nervous , Chronic and Private Diseases of Dr. S. is well knOWn Ci tim founder of the MOnti out ( Culituhit ) 1oJtcal instItute alid ino rietr or the S'liinoyvillo , ' Infirmary. 1'iin Dr. lies huti 2 ; yonr experience in the treatment ofchronc ! anti soxtifll dseavts. , atst hits ollorts heiiig crowned by wonilerfubi sueuos , ho WoUld call the attention of ( ho aIlllctoi to liI tnii Btlilldlflbf 51174 well earacti reputatIon as stahl. dealt ascurunc000 haisskiiIanl ability. NEII'OlJS iFIhI ( .1 Y. Spcrmatorrhcea. Partial Impotency and nit dlt.nsc.t Of tlao nervous system ntt.l . sexuAL or- Rattle .pcolhiy ittiti pcrallanotly cured. 151.001) AND SKIN 1)t5frtSES. SYPhILIS-A disease roost horrible In lOt results -cotupbeicly eradicated vithout the use of mercurY. Charges reasonable. OUiG MEN Who tony bcsufferlng trom the effectS of youth- liii follies or lodiscretlons , Will do woOl to avail thioinSolvc of tub , the greatest boon over laid at ( tao itor of iaflerin humanity. 0)11. SPIN. NuY will guarantee to forroit for every ctso of seminal woaknes or private dhsone of any kind ( If character whioh ho undcrtako3 anti falls to cure. MIDDLE-AGEI ) MEN There are msny troubind with too froquen evacuations at the bladder , ottoli accompanied lay ii slight alIaarttlaZ or bnrning rensatbota auth VOOkCflhltg of the systent in at manner the pa- tucuat caunot aecouct for. Out examining the tannery deposits a ropy 5Chifl1UIt ( Will ottoua Ito 0 on ntl , uttati fouulet intoS saudI particle or itibul. uliout will appear or t ii U color lit , 01 a tutu , flu Ilk- ila hitlo , tagain chutuaain.p to a daic or torpid nit- huearauice. 'I'IiEIU Alui MANY ay WhO hilt uv ' 11115 iIFFICIJITY , ignorant ot the cause , which lt , the seCond stage ot sotuuiutal weaknocs. 'ruin 1)Oi'rOtt vlu.L CIIIAIIAN ' : i.tI'F .itYgO T ccitt : All. SU(1t OASF. $ , and a healthy restoration of liii' izeutito-iirinary ( ) EgitflS. thlueu hours ii to 12 a. na , , I to 5. 5 to I ) p m. N. II. 1'otoiui unable to vitlt its lucy be treated ill their hotutos hay eorre3hiondcuieo. Mo ilcinos and IntrUCtbon'3 , soOt by utah or ox' pr's. Co/shTl.TATI ( ) ? ANt ) ADYlCi , l'IUISON J. bY Oil an- IsraEli , VIIEF. Sonil stain ; ' ror quio.tlfltl 114 antI circular. Call or aihihrttas 1)11. 51'INNFI & C ) . , 1U S. 13th street. Omaha S. S. FELKER , OMAHAINE3I $1 $ rutty : CA I. ! FOKNI.tS'INES , shippeti direct front our 1uiuyitrd ; itioSibnIf , Guile he ! Clarets , I'ort , Shierrlosute , 8un Jose 'auite Seventh. Ilghtha , San Saivpdor and Vlhhiauo 518. , Stn : Jose , California. 0 1 WM. MO INTOSh. a. r. aonWEtt HOIWELL & McNI'OSII , Real Etate Dealers I10.South Spring Street , LOS 4lNGR/7S , CJLTFORYT.f Dealorsin city ud country property at all d000rIptIons. ( l nerttl lii forinutloit to now. comora freelv'ghyon. riuv JIHE FAMOUS i I r NEVEII , . . . t \ . . . BREA ( ; FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING WMOL.'ALE I AIfD RET4IL STA8UHWNT5. , au1Gd-rd'.aUIUla .Reincnber fh ! , luiifwr , 1119 Far- 5111 Sf rcct , FAIR PRICES. -FOR- FAIRGOODS _ It order to eoni'ince the inptsesiso t11014U of jeoJ3ie Who hll be tvitla tie cIurLt. Fair weekoftiw ilesira- biuty of 1oratit , permanently , tee itiilZ flIIkO the following rkce on 0141' ih1ei cht&f. 1oUor-i1atIe Ga t'- , , ieut.'c , thus sltou'iug tIsat cloth- iiigi Ctfl 1M bought. Ut t ( It te.qq thhlU cffStE'I'lL Jh'ICCt4 , ( Shift OflO great item ofc.rpei&sc Is leis in Omalus tI.tii elseu'hoea'c. Misfit Suits. For S Q. 'l'hat was inado to order . . . . . . . 4Jr 10.50 ' " 'a For 11.6) ' " 0 . . . 53 Fur " " 'I , i'r I3.7 ' ' ' ' 3d For 15.00 ' " 1 35 For 15.10 ' . " I' , , For 17.JO ' " 35 l'or 'O.0 " " S 41) , , For 23.30 ' 4i 1'or 5.OO " " ' , 5) For 31.CO " " I' 1C11allt TaiIa1 Pants For $ 10) 'that wore made to eider for. . . $ 6.00 For 4.0s ' ' ' - , s , , _ 7.00 Ior 5.t ) " . , . . . . 8.ro For 5.51) ) " " ' . . . . , 11.03 For 7.00 ' " , , - . . . l35O For 8.0) " " U 15.00 Fet I75 ' - ' a' , Foi 6(1) ( " " , . . . . . 12.00 Foi' 7. ' ) " , ' , , . - . . Ittli ) For 8.51) ' ' , , . . . . ISO ) For 0.01) ' " 'I , , 17.00 Erci.tolzcr / i t a nttlFlntI leti- l1lOS1klt to 11W utlrautayc of ( e'ui- lit : ! ( St THE MISFIT Clothing Parlors , 1119 Farnam St. , Between 11th and 12th Sts. \1L The Finest Clothing Matte. Matte.And And Stacks of It. TOP ' ' COATS Fa11OVERCOATS Uncalled for Tailor Made Carmentsj1aI Price LATESTENGLISHSTYLES. _ _ _ . As well as the Newest Iomestlc Fancies. A Small Assortment is Noticed ilelow . Inip1 [ oglish Kersey lop Coat Silk Sleeves , satin body lInIng ; tnado for $43 , will ho staid at p30. Iffiported flerifian rique1 Silk facod. low rollIng lapel , maulo for hSOt will be sold at Iuip1 Frooch fancy Worsted1 Satin IlnedellkP.leoi'o.softroll , nuadofor $30 , wIU be soldat $23.50. Illip , EniIsh Dove Color Melton tattnt lnedvery tohrr.ade for $45.aold At 115.50 Ifflp.Wioe CokscrowYiorsted1 ; Silk lined. short roll , made for $40 , wilt be sold at$15.5. IQ1p1 irsey Cloth , Dark Color Very stylish and body tilting , made for $3.1 , will ho sold at $12.60. . . Illip , hap do Velours Chinchilla Quilted 1lningtuttd' for $2. , elh for $10. Also a number of very rich and unIque gar- inuuits tiiflietiit to docribo yet easily noticed on uccountottliolr tmtulty anti worth In addition to the above , wo carry a ( till line of lesser prIced giurinonts , that will please any one lii search of FALL OVERCOAT. DO NOT FA1 ! TO VISITTI1E The Misfit Parlors 1119 FARiV4IjI SI. - OPTlI S SACRED HEART , l'lio Sliolastlc year eoinmouieeg Oil the First Wetltieduti in Sptouuiber. flhtToronco of roll- glen is no obstacle to the attiouissloit of younr ladles. I'uptie afIt rocelyol at any time of the year. TiR.M9 : PA..AELI IN' 7AN'CE. L3oarc't , VahtngTuItioniu English anti French , Jnstrunwrstnh Music. Use of 1nctudtng 1iOol(4. per .csihon of Five Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150 00 I'alntiuug , Jrawlntr , German , Vocal fluslc , Ilutrp. ViolIn-extras. . itofcrvnee are rotiuibred from . persons tinknoWn 10 the Instittition , For further Inforinat.lon apjuly to thd Slight 11ev. JAil. O.CoNcoit , or toiho Lady Superior , sEPIE3 : BOTTIJE3 E'IJ I. v . a lfAWJ 'W1 . - - - - y1 . h hi = I& I 1 .1 rn ) ' ! a - - . 4 . I I fUtVi V _ _ Ik A I' a ' Imported and Bottled by Milsalovitch Fletclier& Co. , Cinincnati , 0. For sale by the following agents : Richardson Drtug Company ; Blake , Bruce & Co , , Adler & lIeu er , Frank Dellotie & Co. , R. R. Grotte. Families supplied by Gladstone Bros. Co Sample bottle free. For aate by all wholebale and retail clrtugists , liquor ulealert. : iini wine merchants , JUMBO S DEAD And Maud S. Has Retired from the Track But ne hltI't te I.argef ( ( IL' ! l'iist lis.e of Cai'i'lrqec , llarigt'os , Jjjj' , . .lil(1Ihl.Cl $ , .tIoi.e ; ( Jiothitif . ! (1,1(1 (111 Iluts , o'l'arJ' ( 'omlc , ert , . cu'jc < f by ( L'JlS'114 ! ISO the rltj/ . 20 ( ) SH/4 of 'l'eclhfl , 1.'irlrfl , , I.rre5 : , 'osipc 14ijItf. Inulc ! d Sisiil Ihir tIC.8 , Jot' . ' . ( lI ( , , a.(1u'(1le.s ( 0rocf. . Sole ( IleHf.'t 1(1 ? fIts C'sill/i'iiici 1or.c 110(1(8. % 'OStd ijciiiillie itIhltt5 1.t(1Ji5)1el ) , ' 'I ! . 44 , IIcJCesioii , , i' " A1jent'ufor Use ccId'cifv.cl Touaatey Sulky. Sliap ai'ouitd tiiitl Juhaes * yots czp'e ' 11.4 iil1'IUhtILI4 oil 10 hug cull ( ut heady 5 , JJ' ( . 'o'nc , ' 1if Is St. ( hid CapitaL JIve. , Uniahsu , . thorough- . - HANDWI.tIn by J.liti. SHORT eystrm flow n u.s. Ciroulels 3TOfA.N.UJ1iitiS4OI.5t.LQtUS L tat euieeeryoutioWiityrauust' . ' through erftur suit ! baU prncIIco CUflD. OLUJ XAL CUiLoeuMuI. bi : EDUCATIONAL , MILITARY PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY. ClIhisTrnt 25th Yeast opens SIOPTIOMLIE1t 11. A MIbl'I'AItY CLi.EOli. DEGREES IN CIVIL gNUlNltht1NG CII EMISTiIY ARCh iracruitu , AUTS. ' ' 'l'oohnloaL Preparatory Courses. 'I'horough Vark. All Dopartuilonts couduebod by ublo i'itOF'FSSOttS. MIlitary SyStem euond only to tinu or U. 8 , Si. A. Annuak of fAout. S ' 1' . flart- loll , 141)5 Sherman Ave. , City : or Chief Pay. master's Office , Army Iloadquitrters. t.ol. . TI11O. hYATT i'restdont. 'I ? 1tElIiOI.i ) I NSTITUTK-Freehnid , New I Jersey-44th year. Prciare for i'rincotun , Yale , Columbia , liarvaril , and for flusiuoas. ttuv. A. ( I. Chuiniujes , A. M , Principal. Morgan Park Military Acadsmy A first-class English , Ciacelciol and Comniot'- cml School , Send for Catalogue. MORGAN PARK , COOK CO. , ILLINOIS. Illinois Conservatory of Music Uniurpssod edvaot.ge in all Iapartmenl. of Situil c , Literature. ldoden lntotiagee , 1bocutboe. Address E. P. IIULI.A1ID. Supt. , Jack.onvtIle. lit . ALBANY LA W , SCHOOLS Thalrty-sovouth yeitrbegins Sept. 6th , 1851. For circulars or peo1aI InformatIon address IlornoelS. SmlthiLL. . I ) . Dean , Albany , N. Y. YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE Ansi IIOlflE SChOOL ror GIRLS. KANSAS CiT Y ) SO. Full corps of accomplish 'leachors. Pup its received at euuy time. For otreula sppiy to , alis IC. ) &CCOMA5. Principal. EIHJCA'I'E VOUIL SONS. --TILE- - - - IJSI'EuISI'I'T or IOTRE DAME otTers unetiiuailel , uui'autngos to Iuuapart to your SoilS nuiti wants a tlanrotuicli oduictttbout for eith- 01 01)111 uneacIul etili iso , or P. 1 ulh cour'eolntrl5- ' uhf classics , law , scicuice , niuthuniattes anti lii ii sic , 'huE 111 INI II IEP1tII'IIIIENT ( St. IdwnruI't , hliulil for bet lander thalitoen years or togo. Ilofuro conciuiiing wiacro 10 bOnd 70 ii 1 SOii4 tOil ii iou' ii Cut it io 110 cent iii iii ni lilus. I rat louts it r t ho h ii liii ingo of Not ro 1)ttuuio utuad full partbuiliztlH its IA , tenDS ititil eohirso of study 'rite 87th scslon OiCfli 'fucsdaySnptumbor 5th , , . ' ' . . Walsh . . . Pros. 4857. AIdretts 11ev. 1' . P. , 0. is. C. , University , Natro lame , md. Howard CoIIeiate Institute. For 'nuung Taibet uettpons Sept 21 , Coliego Pa oparuttiry , Cinsstcai audi t3ebeuithiit , Gruduot. luicouIrues , I'Or circular" addret ItMMA di. CONIII ) , I'rinehtnI , or Ii. Ii. IlUWAItI ) , ieero- tao' , " ( , St ltritleovntcr , ! uiit4S. jytitaw2d H1LAlI1t'lhlA ) 8IilNitllV P FOit YOUNG I.ADui4ICS North flroallr4t Vhiiadolphla. 17th year begluat 50111 , 21st , 18)0. Address 1fit it. it. JtJflICINS , I'riucipai. who refers by sioial , Iiriuil5iOfl to Mr. anti MrsJohn N. Juwoti , I 't r. anti tI ro. 1hutl I P 1) . A r , I. Chicago. Mr. anti stIrs Horace F. Waite , I - LEAKYROOFING , 'i'm or Iroti , Reparcd. A nd Pa iii I ccl uund gut urn it cod I iplit for nu tiuhwr U f yeats. l'atuts nurur hilfol or. GRAVEL ROOFING Matiufattut eu and remetireti. Fire I'roof PaInt applIed to shihiigI,4 , , 1i years oxpurloticu. WM. Ii. CUI011AN & SON. 2111 5.111 St. hot. Arbor ituid Vinton. RUPTURE CURED fly Ir. Siictllltcr'us method. No operation ; un pa I ii : nh ileteult loll ( tout Ittisi iu'ss Ada old1 It , cit lii ron as tvoil uito growil lieOPlO. I I ii ii tireda of flU bogra ph I oct I anon ala on ii Ic. A Ii but si iii'ss htrlvtly COflI1Iuntiflt. ( CoiiUltntiOIi frec , PROF. N. D. COOK ! ! oouui II , 15 ! I Jniuglau St. , Omaha , Neb. Pianos & Orgails IetZlIIClI lit YlioIe'ulc I'rltcs , \Vrltu fur cuiaiogie4 % , I'nicfs ' itnih turiuls anti save hum ti tO 8150 In thu Ittirelitiso of out In. airtutulouit. I.IjviII. ItROS , , Mt. J0CPll , ) fO. : kvbctimo 7uLltuiiIIIIruJeItrr&t&M.a.t I' riuu Li t'rozustUru Doc& , tervuiIl iei.i1tylosb blnboodt4o.baliiittilt.i In vx.s I vl'y , knoji , ren..i , hai dtsyvrrn4 a aImple 4 , i-rur. . wI.ch Is. wttiacnd F II to hI. leibuwuM.r.r' . o.ss.au.J..aa0S4.YmO Oa307s.5.w Y.AO5 , , . H