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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1887)
r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MOKN1NG. 8EPTEMBEB 7. 1887. NUMBEE 81. ' GREAT SUCCESSES. The Reunion and Fair Promises Marvels on All Sides. TRAIN LOADS OF VISITORS. Tenta Rapidly Pilling Up For To-Day and To-Morrow. GENERAL FAIRCHILD SPEAKS. Fifteen Thousand People on the Fair Grounds. THE DISPLAY UNPRECEDENTED. A Great Variety of Every Product in the State. Font Trotting , With Kxcnllcnt Homes , Kxuitlnic Chnrlot Hnccs anil a Host of Other Interest- Inn SpnrtH. Second Dny of the Kcnnlon. Yesterday morning ttic thoughts of the occu pants of Camp John A. Lo'an seemed hope ful of a pleasant day. They were not disap pointed in so fur as thu absence or Indication of rain was concerned. liut the sun shone with ( treat intensity , and if it had not been for a pleasant brcu/.u Iroin thu wust the heat would have beun oppressive. ( ! r ; at us It was , It intencred with neither man , woman or child In the performance of business or pur suit of pleasure1. Quartermaster Clarkson worked as If the temperature was not the subject of the general consideration ; the commander and his aides busied them selves with their wonted devotion , and the fakirs , hucksters and shopmen lost no opportunity to make an advantcgeous sale. In the tents the heat was experienced most , nnd those In them lost no time In raisin * thu walls to admit Of all the friendly breeze which came their war. Many ot the veter ans were reminded by the heat of the scorchIng - Ing suns of thu south nnd there wuru but few of them who were wlllln- admit that they felt annoyed by thu unexpected visitation. Among those who sulTured most were the of ficers of thu state organisations , who yes terday in the various state headquarters opened thulr book by way of preparation tor the roster of ttio present year. The tents In which they held their levees wcru crowded with veterans the greater part of the day and the atmosphere , as aconsequcncu , was at times almost stilling. Hands without number paraded the stieets or stood In the immedi ate vicinity ol thulr headquarters and played by thu hour to thu delectation of sweltering circles of comrades , who between tunes eavu expression to commendation of the muscular and long-winded performers. About 4 o'clock in thu afternoon , the breeze became cooler. Dark clouds formed In thu uoith , and Increased In darkness as they slowly moved inward the camp. The wind veered to the east and thu clouds were wafted toward thu west , where they piled In dense masses threatening to burst into oceans of rain. Thu sun , tor a time , was obscured , and when at length It re asserted ItSilf , the black clouds spud toward thu city , leaving a sunset splendor which was admired by thousands of the occupants of the cairp. It wns thoiuht that a fall of rain had been avoided , but whim the floating masses readied thu city thu storm hroku with considerable violence. Thu wind asserted Itself for about ten minutes and swept the streets with torrents of rain. At the camp thu severity of the storm was not felt , although .the rain and wind weio lor n short time , the masters ot the situation. They soon ex pended their force , and the inmates of the camp , under thu light of a brilliant moon , Immediately iravu themselves up to all kinds of legitimate pleasme. To-day thn grounds will bu In good condition and everybody feels that tha short-lived tempestuous visita tion was ptodiictne of thu bunellclul cll'ect of cooling thu heated atmosphere. Thuuaily tialns , and indeed these up to noon , brought a number of Grand Army posts , all ot whom wuro quartered without delay and dllllciilty. Allan accounts these arrivals Included the following posts , bands nnd Jowa delegations : Carrington. ArlingtonGarrisonFletcher : ; Illx , Blair : Granger , Deeatur ; Chase. Madi son ; Kendall , button ; Finnlcum , Wisnur ; Crawloid , West 1'omt ; Elder , Chapman ; Fremont , Nellgh : Hansom , Scotia ; .Smith , Donlphan : Washburne , liroken How ; KUDO , 1'lum Creek ; Douglas , North 1'ltitte ; Stunner , Sldnuy : Mitchell , Waverly ; Kit C.irson , Al bion ; Cedar Mountain , Kaveim ; Monitor , Cortland ; General O'Neill , O'Nodl : Wads- vorth. Sjr.icusu ; Win. Baumer , Nebraska City ; William F. Barry , Llbnrty ; John Ing- ham. 1'awneu City ; Hecketliorne , Tccumseh ; Uarker , Wilbur ; Mulligan , Western ; Win chester , Utlca ; Crntt , Brainard ; John lirown , Exeter ; Ellott , Davenport ; Beadle , Hardy ; Richard , Harvard ; Collins , Glen- villo ; I'utimin , Marquette ; 1 Baldwin 1 , St. Jou ; Williams , Axtull ; Kleven , Culbertson ; Col1- cuel Wood , Valentine ; ; Croclcer. Oxford. I own. The following arrivals wcrn recofclod from Iowa : 1'ostsTi , : u , i : . yoy , : s , 414 , 123. 374 , 101 , ! fJl , nnd 0. There were besides delega tions trom Hurhin , Yatcs. Allison , Mills county , \Mllisra , lioyd and Council Hlutls , from which 3UO members of Abu Lincoln post arrived. ItniulM. The following bands were among the ar rivals today : Northwestern. Franklin , Weber , Pawnee , Kails City , Clark's Chap man , and Vuma , Colorado. Guncral l < 'alroliiltl. At three o'clock there was a public meet ing in thu MHiaro in front of headquarters , which , notwithstanding the Intense heat , was largely attended. It was occasioned by the appointment of Governor Faiichlld to make a speech. Commander ItusseH called the assumblagu to order and bald. Comrades and Fellow Citizens : Wo are hero this afternoon to meet ttio Commander In Chief , ( Falrchlld. It Is very warm and 1 will taku none of your time in lutioduclug the general. T1IK ( IKXKIIAU As General Falrchlld made his appearance , hu was received with applause. Attcr an entertaining Introductory , thu general spoke ns follows upon thu subject of soldiers' re lief : The work of the ( i. A. It. Is outside of fun and trolle. Wu bind ourselves by a solemn oath that no comrade shall want for bread ; no comrade's wife or widow shall want tor bread : no comrade's orphan child shall want tor bread : and please ( ! od , we have almost literally kept that bond that wo made with our comrades and with one another ; to-day , comrades and yon have been compelled every year of j our life , to put your hands In jour pockets for sweet charlt > 's sake. Last year the posts of the Grand Army of thu Republic expended over 820ooo for charity and about an equal sum was ex pended in private llfu without the order and thu woman's relief over SM.OOO , making over half a million dollars expended tor the relief of our disabled comrades. 1 want to ask you , Is not that a good record for us ? ( Voices , Yes , yes ) . Wo am not asking thu government of the United States for iliikt which wo will not do our selves. We simply us ) : the govern ment of the United States , for which \ > e fought , to stand between us and our com rades that are so far disabled as to bo Inca pacitated for labor , and we have for years ml years asked congress to grant this one thing for the disabled men. Kvery man , so far disabled as to bo Incapacitated for manual labor , shall be given a small pittance of 8114 - * . per year , § W per month to keep him out of > ( he poor house. For that , comrades nnd commander , we have been charged that dur ing these last few months by people ot tins Kuutry With being treasury raiders. It has bcon publicly stated and publicly printed that thu sooner this prcal ( irand Army ot the Hupuhllc dies the better thu pcoulu will like It and the burden will bo removed from them. What would you do with a man that uttered such sentences as those ? ( Voices : "Uane him ! " ) ' You hang a decent yellow dog. I would not honor him that mucn. ( Ap plause. ) 1 would not dishonor n do ; by putting such a man up beside him. ( Laughter , ) 1 have some respect for a de cent yello.v doi : , but no respect for a man that talks that sort of thing. That is all wo have asked for twenty years , and what wo will continue to ask until the government of the United States will do It , and not men only who aru disabled In the service In the army , but men that have become disabled since. Wo say , and I think wu say no moro than the truth , that the government of the people of the united States of America can not and should not let a man that served two months or more In the Union army be an Inmate of a common pau ) > ur bouse and re lieved by public charity. ( Applause. ) It Is a shame and a disgrace to tnls nation if they allow that to continue , 1 think the govern ment of the United States ought to tike care of all the soldiers that are to e taken care of. You have soldiers' ml orphans' homes In every state , 'hoy ought to bo turned over to the govern- ncntofthe United States. You did not ight for Nebraska , you did not light for WIs- lousln , Ohio or New York. You fought for ho government of the United States and the great noi th west. You fought tor the whole country without regard to statu line' , and that brings mo to thu oath , gentlemen , In our jreed. Hecauso wu fought for the whole union , wu believed our allegiance was to the ivholu union and not to any state , and wo ; each loyalty to the union to our children and they In turn to their children that our loyalty is not to Nebraska , Ohio or Pennsyl vania , or any other state , but to the union , and they shall never , by any means , turn thulr backs upon the Hag of the union at the command of the state authoiltles. It makes us cltl/ens of the United States of America , and citizens ot thusUtn of Nebraska , but of the United States llrst and last IncludlngNc- braska. ( Applause..That ) Is thu loyalty , com rades , that wu teach to our children and we aru teaching this in capital letters fif- 'cen feet long and every man can read hem. ( Applause. ) There is no qiiallllcatlon ; t Is slmolv loyalty to thn United States of America. 1 know thuy tell us that all people are loyal , but 1 doubt it a little. ( Apulause. ) lint tills lesson of loyalty should be taiuht teach ach of our children. No man was ever too patriotic In this country ot ours. There are nen that teacli loyalty to the state bf their ) lrth or adoption , and men who say that state-rights doctrines are right and that the south had a right to secede. That is simply scotched in this man. Our children arc to take our places , and I want them taught the same doctrines and keep It scotched. I want the sons of veterans to follow us and teach their children to sing the same songs of loy alty throughout all generations. ( Applause. ) You have heard from some of these men what the United States government could do. Wo USK nothing for patriotism. The man would bo a low-born scoundrel that would ask pav for his Every man Is above that. Wo simply ask that the contract made by the government of the United States with the armv when you entered service , shall bo kept. Thuy told us that no man that en tered the union army should ever want or be come a public trust as n pnuper. if misfortune fell to him. Von remember that and 1 re member It. Nor that ho should ever bo the nmate of a poor house , and no orphan child should bo thd Inmate of a poor house. I want the contract kept ( A voice , that's right. ) 1 heard but a few days ago that thu contract had been more than kept. 1 declare .t . has not and thu same article read in this iv.w. 1 cannot quotu thu language if you will excuse me. ( Hero the speaker took off ills necktie and him , ' It on the railing , and then took oil' tils collar. ) There Is not as much starch In that collar as there was In ono of those fellows that went to Canada in 1801 ( Loud applause. ) ( Hero the speaker took oil ills coat ) I I bog your pardon 1 couldn't help it. ( That's all right , eo on. ) Everything that my coat him ? on Is butter than money. The man that will make that answer Is a man whose heart was not In accoid with the cause for which you fought. ( A voice. That's right ; ono is In the presi dential chair now ; if anybody wanted to shoot him ho would go a-lishlng. ) Let mo make this caution to you. comrades , never opan your moths at any'time or place where any man can by any possibility found the charge or possible charito that you have spoken disrespectfully of the piesident of thu United States. ( Voices , Good , good. ) When it is the propur timu to talk , and there are seasons when every man has a right to open his mouth , then open them and lot all the woila kilo * what you think. ( Loud ap plause. ) liut when wu meet as Grand Army mon in reunion aa we are , a portion of tills L'ruat on-'anl/.atlon , let us keep our mouths .sealed. ( Anplauso. Governor Thayer and General Mandorson made short speeches which were well re- cehod. Hrnto Hosters. Yesterday , for thn first time , the veterans met , to hold their annual statu meetings. Thesu were held In tents spacially marked to distinguish the states represented by mem bership at this reunion. The lirst of thesu visited by thu UEE re- poiter was that of Iowa. It was pretty well patronUud , although the number of names could not be determined. The names were written In small books , each of thu latter being Intended for the names of the survivors at thu reunion of the n'clments'which left that statu. It was thought , however , .that about 250 names had been entered. In the Illinois registration were found 203 ' names , but It Is thought that these i will bo Increased before Friday night to morn i than : ) , UOO. Last year there were 3,000 on the ) roll. roll.Ohio Ohio veterans to the number of 303 had in scribed their names at their headquarters , and their number will be Increased before tr.a close of the week. Michigan was represented only by five men , the last of whom a feeble old gentle man , wrote Ills name in the presence of the HKK reporter with a trembling and almost palsied hand , which made the signature all the moro Important. The Hadgor state , Wisconsin , had eighty- four renrt'scntativus. as nynlnst a total regis tration last year of 400. Thu Kansas hoadinarters were deserted , although it seamed linprobiblo that in all thu posts present a Kansas nun could not bu found. The ex-soldiers of Nebraska had a little picnic In their hcadqnaiters , tumbling In thu ( raw like c'lddMti. ' Of thow. thlrtv-thruu had gotten tosethor. Some of these went out with the First Nebraska and others with the Second and others still represented tha Hlack Horse battalion when the First was merged Into it In 1S05 , when it was assigned for bor der auty. In front of another tent floated a small silk American Hair , on ono side of which were the arms of Kentucky and on the other these of Tennessee. The representatives of these states had joined hands with Min nesota In a three-fold association. Kentuck- tans to the number of live and Minnesotans to thu same number had recorded , but no body had called to speak tor Tennessee. Last year's total registration for Kentucky and Tennessee was twunty-nine and Min nesota had the same number. In the cavalry headquarters the reporter for the HKK found a loiter from Commissioner Hlark , of the interior department , asKing tor thu address and regiment and rank of vet eran cavalrymen , to be added to a list of about seven hundred thousand now In thu department. Sixteen of these bad regis tered. West Virginia was represented by six vet erans. Indiana was represented by 100 soldiers , wliile last year's showing was 331. , The Nebraska batalllou of Nuw York vet erans , with a biuutitul banner in front of Its tent entrance , had an enrollment of sixty four. four.All All Now England was remesentod by but t twenty vetoraus , and Missouri had none to do her honor. , Pennsylvania , which was prided In by Captain Wood , had secured 150 names and expects about r > 00. Registration will bo continued to-day and 1 to-morrow , and this afternoon thd various statu organizations will elect officers who will make out the roster of survivors trom these lists. ' Military Kvolntton * . For the second time In the camp the In fantry companies took part Ina dress northeast ot the reunion grounds , and were witnessed by a largo number ot spectators. Commenting on the drill , a German military gentleman said to a BBB reporter : " 1 know what good drilling 13 , and I must say that these soldiers are an excellent body of men. They really drill very well In fact almost aa well as some of our best Gecman soldiers. " In the afternoon , at throe o'clock , Colonel Porter's Hunt battery entertained the specta tors with about an hour's exhibition of their skill In artillery movements. Some of these were executed at command by the sword , others by the voice , and others still by the bugle. These consisted In forming action front and tnovlnz by the right left and Hank Into the same. The evolutions were made with great rapidity , and formed a feature so full ot Interest to many who had never seen them before , that an immense crowd will desire to witness them again on Thursday next. To-Day' * 1'arndo. Thn following orders were yesterday issued by Commander Uussoll : CAMP Jon.v A. LOOAX , Sept. 6. General Order No. 1 : I. Comrade C. E. Burmester , of Post 110 , Is hereby appointed adjutant general of camp John A. Logan , and wll ( DO obeyed and respected accordingly. II. Lieutenant Edgar S. Dudley , United States Army , aide do camp , Is hereby ap pointed assistant general to thu commander of the camp. III. Comrade.I. D. Miles Is placed In charge ot the band. [ Signed. ] II. C. HUSSKI.I , , Commander of the Camp. OF.xnnAf , OIIDKII an. 2. Colonel J. 11. Culver Is hurubv assigned to the command of the First division and Colonel E. K. Valentino to the command of the Second division. They will bo obeyed and respected accord ingly. By command of II. C. HUSHKI.L , Commander of thu Camp. OKN'FUAI , OIIOCll NO3. . I. For thu purpose of parade through Omaha , the United States troops , veterans and Sons of Vetnrans to-morrow , Wednes day , atU a. in. Tne procession will move In the following order at 10 a. m. 1. Department commander , II. C. Hussoll. 2. Department and camp staff. 3. General Frank Wheaton. commanding United States troops and staff. 4. Second United States Infantry band. 5. Battalion of four companies , Eighth United States Infantry , Captain Porter com manding. 0. Eighth United States Infantry band. 7 , Battalion four companies Eighth United States infantry , Captain Porter commanding. 8. Second United States Infantry band. 0. Battalion four companies Twentv-tlrst United States infantry. Captain W. 11. Boyle commanding. 10. Light battery Second United States artillery , Captain C. N. Woodruff command ing. rnisT DIVISION , o. A. n. , Colonel J. II. Culver , commanding. Nebraska Veterans. Illinois Veterans. Ohio Veterans. Michigan Veterans. Wisconsin Veterans. Kansas Veterans. Minnesota Veterans. West Virginia Veterans. Navv Veterans. RKroNi ) nivisiov. a. A. n. . Colonel E. K. Valentine , commanding. Iowa Veterans. Indiana Veterans. New York Veterans. Now England Veterans. New Jersey Veterans. Missouri Veterans. Prisoners of War. Pennsylvania Veterans. Regulars Who Served During the War. Tiiuin wvisiox , Colonel M. P. O'Brien , commanding. SONt OF VKTKIIANS. 1. The procession will march on the fol lowing streets : South on Sixteenth to Douglas , thence to Tenth , to Farnam , to Sixteenth , wheeling into Sixteenth under the arch. As soon as the arch Is passed the precession will bo dis missed. III. All mounted comrades will report to the department commander for assignment. IV. All bands will report at 0:10 : a. m. to Comrade J. D. Miles for assignment V. The column will be reviewed at .feller son square by his Excellency Governor Tliayer , accompanied by his honor , Mayor llroatch , to whom a marching salute will be tendered. Bands will not turn out of the linn at the receiving stand , ' VI. The first division of the G. A. H. will form on thu west sldn of the avenue in trout of the headquarters. The right resting on 1 street. The second division vyill form on the left of the first , right resting on M street The United States trjops will form under the direction of Genera' Wheaton at their camp and move to Sixteenth street , fol lowed by the G. A. H. divisions. A tied and Infirm comrades will join the column before , it readies the reviewing stand. It is especially enjoined upon all veterans to appear in the parado. By order of H. C. Hussoll. CiiAni.ns E. BumiKSTEK , Adjutant General. Youthful Durmmorn , The attention of the campers until yester day was divided among the host of adult musicians who throng the grounds. They then found now objects , however , to intcres them In a trio ot youthful drummers , who In some respects mar bn considered remark able. They are the sons of voter ans and coma trom Pawnee City , Thu eldest Is scarcely seven years and their names are Jake Bole , Lehman and Hob ert Albright , son of John Albright , of the place mentioned. Lehman Is a slight little iellow. seemingly weighing but little moro than his drum , while Hobbln Albrleht Is nose so tall though a handsome little fellow and compactly formed. Each of these Is itDout four years ot ace. Of the three , Hobble Is thu moro competent , hand ling his sticks In a manner to surprise and evoke the admiration of the crowd. Ho drums , too , with a sense of timing thn music , displaying a talent quite unusual. The other two little fellows do well also , and the trio form a combination which Is not the least among thu attractions of the grounds. Decorations. The morning breezes that came gently stroll ing from the upper realms yesterday morning had to kiss the profusion of Hags , bunting , wreaths and welcoming and patriotic decora tions of all kinds. The city is indeed in red , whitu and blue attire , and , saving a demo cratic patcli or two , thu garment of thu union Is as intact and as now as when the veterans who are hero to-day handed It over to the people. Yet the work of decorating Is not nnlshcd , and It Is hard to toll where any more little and Dig Hags can come from. One thing Is noticeable the postollico remains without "patriotic frill or furbelow" with the exception ot two tiny Hags stirKln ? out of thu United Status marshal's oflico and three from the United States court clerk's room. Evidently It the postmaster had written to Grover asking an appropriation to ornament the bulldinir , Dan would have replied , "Let 'er go Gallagher. " Both of tnu railway headquarters are also devoid of anv welcoming emblems , which is also noticeable , especially when occasions of this kind are financial harvests for them. Otherwise thu citizens ot Omaha are to be congratulated on their display and U will undoubtedly bo remembered. Notes. The gospel ark did not arouse much devo tion. tion.Thero There aru about 2,000 Iowa people In the camp. General Fairchlld left last night for Wis consin. The Hanscomo Park M. E. dining hall Is doing an excellent business. Mrs. Clara Bewick Colby was on the grounds yesterday , and tacxcd up a copy of her "Woman's Journal" to the outer support of one of the dally newspaper tents. General Manderson yesterday presented General George Crook camp , Sons of Vet erans with a beautiful procession Ha ? , which was received by Colonel O'Brien. Captains Munn , of Omaha , and Chantry , of Malvcrn , la. , and Lieutenant Newman. The formal presentat'on ' will take place after the re union. The following special policemen were yes- tcrday sworn In as deputy sheriffs by D. B. Houck. Warrants will be Issued tor thu ur- test of the parties selling liquor east ot the ( amp and served by tue newly created otu- cors : A. Sillier , Wm. Norton. S. J. Burk , D. D. Jones , P. II , Heron , Jno. D. Murphy , Jas. Doyle , P. II. Sullivan , 0. 11. Fitch , C. U. Westenfahl , Frank Morton. ' The Salvation Army yesterday sent an am bulance through the camp In the shape of a farmer wagon with Dlack.sjdes , on ono ot which was chalked : "God so loved the world that Ho gave Ilia only beloved Son that these who would Dcficvo would bo granted everlasting life. " On tha other was the legend : "The wages ot sin Is death , but the gift of God la eternal life. " The horses were caparisoned In linen , which was cm- blazoned with the words , "Holiness unto God. " The U. A. R. Dally ProgrAtnme. Wednesday , Sept. 7 0 a. m. rovoillc ; 7 a. m. , breakinst'call ; S a. in. , sick call ; 0 a. in. , grand uanulo through the city of all troops. ' Veterans by state associa tions and sons of veterans ; 12 m. , dinner call ; 2 p. m. , meeting ol prisoners of war Association ; 5 p. ni , , Uress parade and review of all the veterans ; 8 p. m. , grand musical entertainment rendered uy a chorus ot the best singers of the city , and the regimental bands of the Second , Eighth anil Twenty-first infantry. Camp lire : 10 p. m. , tattoo. Thursday , Sept. 8. 0 a. m , rcvellfo ; 7 a. m. , breakfast call ; 8 a. m. , sluk call ; 8 a. in. , guard mount by U. S. regular infantry : 10 a. in. , batallion drill by the SecondEighth and Twenty-first infantry ; 11 a. m. reunion and election of ollicers of prisoners of war association ; 12 m. , dinner ; ! 3 p. m. , battery drill by battery F Second U. S. artillury ; 0 p. m. , dress parade by U. S. regular infantry ; 8 p. m. grand naval display on CutolV luke run ning the hattcrlus at Vinksburg by the Mississippi flotilla of union gunboats ; 10 p. m. , tattoo. Friday , Sept. 0. 8'n. m.j reveille. 7 a. m. , breakfast call ; 8 a. m. sick call9 ; a. m. , guard mount by US. . regular Infan try ; 10 a. m. , battery drill by battcrv 'F,1 U. S. artillery ; 12 m. , dinner call ; 2 p. m. great sham battle in which all regular troops and veterans .will take part ; 5 p. m. , dress parade and review of all the vutcrans ; 8 p. in. , camp lire ; 10 p. m. , tattoo. Saturday , S-jpt. 10. 0 n. m. , reveille ; 7 a. m. breakfast call ; 0 a. m. , guard mount by U. S. regular' infantry ; grand farewell. Shako , boys. Wo will sou you next .year. With the exception of Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon there will bo band contests daily at 10 a. m. , 8 p. m. and 7 p. m. THE FAtB. Second Day of the Pnlr. Yesterday was the ijreat fair day for the children. Setting aside the attendance of little folds which was l > ,73VUio ( display was unprecedented. Every brangb of human In dustry was represented. It. was not until yesterday that the display was Id such shape that an accurate estimate could bo formed of Its Importance and magnitude. At 8:30 : o'clock a. m. , the awards ref premium ? to Clydesdale horses , shorthorns , line Berk shire swine , grain and seeds , line arts and textile fabrics were made. 'Tho vegetable awards were deferred1 until tills morning. The committees on canned goods , pre served fruits and jollies , wore busy all day , and had not concluded their labors last oxunlng. In the toxtllo fabric Aopartment , Mrs. B. T. Whittemore , superintendent Inlets lots 1 and 3. Miss Ada Waloy , of Emerlck , Neb. , was given two premiums for handker chiefs. Mrs. E. K.Fay , of Princeton , Ills. , was awarded a diploma for best display of raw silk , Miss Kato Morris , of Omaha , , first premium , most handsome , white apron ; the state industrial school , Hist general di ploma for clothing and lancy needlework : the Woman's Silk Culture association of Philadelphia , first promlum for silk display : Lois O. Maglnn , a ten-year-old girl , obtained a diploma for best sample of rag carpet D. W. Irwln , of Akron , Washington county , Colorado , has a fine display ot CKHKAI.S AND VKallTABTjUS. It consists of Indian corn , potatoes , oats , wheat , melons , onions , cucumbers , squashes , radishes , peanuts and other products ot the soli. A very model collection In this lot Is that of Georco W. Uoldrcge , eeneral man ager of the B. & M. railroad. He has a tim ber claim of twenty-eight acres on which ho Is growing oats that are over three feet high and very prolific. This Is on soil hitherto considered barren andwhlch Is now all set tled up. The Emerson' Seed company of Douglas county , has 500 acres under cultivation. They have not as yet opened an olllcii in Omaha but will this tall. They have an exhibit of10 varieties of melons , -0 varieties white potatoes , IS sorts of corn , U vaiieties of onions , 10 ot squash , ! > of tomatoes , 10 of cucumbers and several other kind of sends. Cheyenne county makes a magnificent'display of grain , fruit , vegetable and granite productions. This is a marvellous county. Iniwhlch 25,003 claims have been located within the year jn t ended and 100,000 moro open for entry. Cliailcs J. Ryan , thu indefatigable superintendent of thu Douglas county display , has his almost Innumerable objects scheduled In his well- drilled mind. .Ho has 100 varieties ot apples , G varieties of crab apples , 10 of grapes , 5 of plums , 5 of pears , jellies and preserves. ; W kinds ; about 100 sorts of pickles and other preserved icoods , and 1'J sorts of dried fruits. HPIO also is the display of Charles Jacobs of millet and grain ; also the exhibits of Jacob King , Huury Elcke , whoso millet display beats thu world. Allen Uoot Henry Walsun , Elijah Allen with his baled hay and all good old reliable Douglas county farmers , who take an active interest in the county and state's progress , Fred Mahlono , of Douglas countv has on exhibition carrots , whltu radishes , enormous eirg-plants , butter nuts , Rnuash , onions , beets , cabbages cucum bers , Montreal nutmeg melons , kale , etc. Elijah Allen has squash , potatoes , corn and other grain and vegetables generally. No- malm county has a very complete and credita ble display consisting of trapes , fruit , grain nnd other products which are put on exhibi tion by the Ncmnha County Agricultura Fair and Driving Park association ot Au burn , Nob. Hultnlo county is under the supet vision of Isaac Willard. Its display con slsts of truits , ( lowers , farm products , grasses , whltu and red clover , ten vaiietios of apples , melons , various roots such as beets , turnips carrots , etc. This county also shows a grape vine two years old last sprint : which has grown 20J feet In Its brief life time ; also samples of various kinds of hay , and exhibits of the various sorts of timbei growing in the county , which is a splendid advertisement ot the county as a lumber bearing district. G. W. Norton , the man aager of Cass county's exhibit , of Weeping Water , feels a pardonable.nud commendable pride In thu exhibit he nas under his charge Lrom that county. 'Ihe Weeping Water hcaddiny students have 100 specimens o painting , marine views , foliage , fruit ant utlter fine pictures. One represents a tree over the lachrymatory stream with a ropu depending pending over thu wat r , trom which many o tint old settlers , sllpped.sallor llko.into u cool IIIK bath below. Tne old-timers recognize the faithfulness of thn picture. Olio B. Craw ford , a deaf girl , and , a member of the Nebraska Institute , has a fine fruit crayon. It Is a good show of fruits , vegetables , ( train , etc. There are In this county's display ko.hloradi , a species of kale , or cabbage , jHirhaps the only sped men there. Is on the ground. The engine that furnishes motive power In machinery hall was started yesteulay , and the many reapers , harvesters and other me chanlcal contrivances were In active move ment and it required the services of sevcra special watchmen to keep the swnrms o happy little girls and boys from involving themselves Inextricably , and perhaps fatally In the tumbling rod that revolved the wheels that whirled the many pelts that WOHKKII TUB MAC1IIXEIIV. Fakirs and lemonade makers vied with the nolso of machinery , the lowing of cattle , the noises ot men , and the the great , expansive sea of chlldrcns * pratili and cheer tint rose from all parts o the lareo Inclo-turo. Itowfl of whitu tents aru standing all around in which foot and drinks are to bo found. Ituglments o babies atu pop corn and drank lemonade o munched pcanuu. The whirling woodei horses and chariots cxrried around rings n curly patud , bluu eyed , fat cheeked llttl girls and boys , whlto indulging mother watched thu scent ) with pleasure and con ern , The grand stand was an activity of juve nile delight. It was packed In every corner vhcro a seat could be obtained or an Inch of tandlni : room , and amidst the great mass of mppy , light hearted , eating , lauzhlng sine- ni ; , shouting mass of humanity there \svcro cry few adults. White dressed little tlrls with yellow ribbons lacing their clothes , bare- ooted little fat rascals eating apples , posst- lie presidents of the United States , lunch > askets filled by fond mothers or older sls- crs , toy baleens all filled up a realistic plc- ure of health , thorough enjoyment and nfantllo botstcrousncst never seen west of ho Missouri river , and when the race horses , with their brightly attired jockeys , How past he grand stand the shouts from the thous ands of young throats seemed to vibrato the mloon being titled In thu distance and hush ho cluu ot machinery beyond the track. It was a grand and enlivening scone and the day all round was a big success. 1IAI.OON AMOKN8IDN. Prof. Hunt's ascension was not a success , t will bu to-day. Thu gas was Inferior In quality and Insulllclent In quantity. About lalf past R It was thniuht the gllstunlnir , pearl-colored balloon had enough of gas , o carrv Will Sparks , who Is not as heavy as ho protessor. The young aeronaut got In he willow basket , and the balloon was re- eased. It arose from a circle of children vlth eager eves , and horses snorted , while occupants of bugzlos and carriages were saved from aceld'itit by thu bystanders. Thu > alloon fell down , and.was Ignomlnlously latiled back and more gas forced Into It. Again young Sparks was waited about weuty feet over the crowd and settled down on n sheep-cote. The ascension was aban- lonnd at this Juncture , but will take place to-day. Tin ; Itnuca. The races yesterday were called at 1:30 : , ho 2IS : class , purse S'M , being thu first event on the afternoon's card. The judges vure Joseph G.UIIC.UI , jr. , of Omaha , N. C. Jlake , of Cedar Hinlds , Iowa , a member of lie board of appeals of the .National trotting issoclatlon , and Charles M. Smith , of Earl- Illc , Illinois. Mr. Smith also officiated as starter , and will fill this position throughout he fair. The timers were Kobcrt W. Pat rick , Moses Chambers , and E. P. Peck , of Ills city. The weather again was decidedly tropical , and the track In suprb condition. The trand stand was packed like sardines in a > ox , of adults and children , while hundreds of enthusiastic children lined thu fence along thu quarter pole and the home stretch , ind the quarter stretcli was crowded with landsomo turnouts. The appearance of the horses upon the track was the signal for a simultaneous cheer , and then , attcr Starter Smith had do- ivered himself of an admonitory address , ho innonnced the positions of the horses for , he first heat as lollows : Chipmunk , the pole , Jennie Lynn second , Almo third , Prince fourth , Gladys fifth , ) lllo sixth , nnd Daniel seventh. Bob Ridley , Solitaire , Coppermont and Indigo were drawn. A list of thu starters , with owner's name , s appended : Olllo , b m. A. C. Beckwlth , Evanston , Wyo. ; Prince , gs. S. U. Dlckoy. Lansing. Ivan. ; Daniel ligg , A. S. Patrick , Omaha ; Gladys , b ra. P. S. Maloncy. Jr. , llumboldt , lenny Lynn , b in , W. K. Chamberlain , Hastings , Neb. ; Almo. b s. II. E. Mayo ; Chipmunk , b g , W. II. Saunders. Jr. lr. Smith , the starter , did not consume much fitns In gutting the horses off , accom plishing t'lis ' on the fourth scorintr , the start Ming a line one. Chipmunk nuirkly drew away , closely followed by Almo. At the quarter Olllu was given thu whip and pass ing Jenny Lynn , quickly overhauled and passed Chipmunk. At thu halt mile Jenny Lynn took second place , but was In turn passed by Prlnco at the three-quarter pole , and in this position the horses rushed down : ho quarter-stretch and under the wire Olllo first , on a jo : Prlnco second , Jenny Lynn third. Chipmunk : fifth , and Almo , Daniel L and ( iladys distanced. Tlmo-2:3-Jj4' : . Following this came the first heat of the 3:28 : pace , purse 8-WO , with * the following starters : Warren Dally , s g , M. E , Hailu , Council Bluffs , la. ; lied Rover , b g , U. J. Stewart , Kansas City ; Sol Miller , ss. Lcland & Nelson , Troy , Kan. ; Monkey Holla , b g , Licorglu Grimes , Salem , Ind. ; Fied W. s g , Cunningham & Co. , Kansas City ; Tom , b g. Spears & Jarvis , Concordia , Kin. ; Dlamonl Joe , bB , F. 11. Shelly , Kiowav. Kan. ; Mam- brlno Prince , br g , J. L. Wilson , Kansas City. Prince Columbia , Diamond Joe. Mambrino Prlnco , Mattlu Stlpp and Contender drawn. Monkuy Kolla was the favorlto In the pools at odds of SiO to 9 IS. The position of the horses at the start were Monkey Kolla pole , Tom second. Had Hover third. Sol Miller fourth , Fred W fifth , and Warren Dally sixth. After ten minutes of scoring a magnificent start was obtained , the horses nil abreast with thu exemption of Fred W , who was hopelessly iett It was a grand heat. Mon key Holla setting the pacu within a nose thrust ot Hed Hover , who was an equal dis tance In advance of Tom with bol Miller fourth. In tills order they passed the quarter In H4J/ . Here Tom drew up on Hed Kover and passed him , holding second place to the first haltwhich was made in thosplendld time of 1:10. : Tom was driven expertly and made a strenuous strng < ln to overtake Monkey Holla , but In vain , and the third quarter was passed , Monkey first , Tom second , Hed Hover thlid , which positions weru continued until the horses whirled into the homo stretcli. Here a Spitdoz ran out onto thu track In front of Monkey , throwing him olT hU feet and allowing Tom to take first place , which he held to tiie finish , the hoiscs passing un der the string Tom first , Monkey Holla sec ond. Ittid Hover third , Sol Miller fourth , \ \ arren Daily litth and Fred W distanced. The judges however , announced that Fred W. would bo allowed to start again owing to the unfair ttart ho got. Time , 2:22. : Starter Smith , at this juncture , stepoed to the front of , thu stand and'callln for order announced that hu had been authorised by thu management to announce that hereafter dogs appearing on the track and interfering with the horses would be shot , and advised all persons who had pet canines on the ground to sou that they were Immediately secuied. This announcement was greeted witli vociferous cheers , as the Ill-starred smU had undoubt edly beaten Monkey Knlla out of the heat. At'JO minutes pist3. the 2:48 : horses came upon thu track for their second heat , Daniel L. bolng permitted to start again as thu de cision on ills shut out was very close. Tno horses were quickly sent away , Ollio taking the lead and maintaining It with comparative eise to the liiihh. Jenny Lynn held second place to thu third quarter , when she was lapped , then passed by Prince , who madu a spurt to catch Olllo. but ho hadn't thn speed although hu hustled Olllo over the score , Jenny Lynn third , Chipmunk fourth , Daniel L. distanced good and solid thlstluiu. TlmoU&i. The second hint of the pace was an other thrilling exhibition of uijumo Heetness endurance. Tom set the pace , and a rattling one at tint , Monkuy Holla hard onto him. In rounding in the Hist quarter Sol Milter made an energetic spurt , passing Mouk y like a bird upon the wine , and drawlnir up onto Tom In a threat onlng manner. Hub to hub Sol and Tom Miller rushed past the first quarter In ! i5 , bill on Hearing the half Sol left his fuet , and fell hopelessly to the roar. The half was made In 1:10 : , the same as the half In the first heat The horses came under the wire , Tom ai least three lentrths In front of Monkey Holla and he a length thu best of Hed Hover. War ren Dally. Sol Miller and Fred W. distanced Time , 2:2. : ) . In thu third heat of the trot Ben Walker was put In thu sulky behind Princu by an ar- langomont of the owners ot the horses. The start was decidedly a bad one , Ollie , the polo horse , having a material advantage , will Prince , Jennie Lynn and Chipmunk si rag gling In the order named , and In which po sition they came under thu wire. Olllo was an easy winner. Time , 2:33. : SUMMAItY. 0111(3 ( S 1 1 1 Prince 2 2 ! Jenny Lynn 3 : > ' Chipmunk 4 4 4 Daniel L 5 DIs Tnne.8U ; ! > l ; 2i5 ; ; and 2a" : . Thu third heat of the pacu again awakenec the wildest enthusiasm among the crowd litho the grand Bland. .Thu three horses got ot nosu to nose , Tom breaking soon after leav ing the score , Monkuy Holla pulling to the front Tom was urced and lapped Monkey a the first quarter , which was make in : 'J7 This position was Intact until the halt wa reached la 1:12. : iioro Tom qulcKeuea his mco and was about to pass Monkey , when 10 bioke badly , and his chances went glim- norlnz. Ho made a heroic clloit , though , and irot Ills nose on Monkey's wheel again at ho three-quarters made 1:45. : Thus they ounded Into thu homo stretch down whlcn hey came at a thundering pice , Tom push * ng Monkey for all there was in him. Ho ouldn't uet his nose In the front however , nd Monkuy won thu heat In 2:3.'V : ! ' by a hade. Tom second and Hed Hover third. The heats now being broken , the three- ear-old stakes association adding 5150 , was ailed , with the following starters : Babv Mine , br tillv. F. 11. Crum. Avoca. a. ; Kentucky Kobe ) , b g , I ) . W. Hoc , Kear- my , Neb. ; George Simmons , bs , U. 11. Jrelehton. Omaha. After repeated scorings the colts were given a good semi off , In the order named above , Ezolda Allen drawn. Baby Allen vent to the front too quick , trotting as te.xdy as an old campaigner. Simmons \lso did some good footing , but broke ladly and otten , still ha urged tatty down tno homo stretch and across t ho Inlsh. The Kentucky Hebol was lenomln * ouslv shut out before thi half was reached , vlilcli was exceedingly gratifying owing to ils name. If It had been the Itohel Yell , It night have boon different , but Kentucky tehel never , Time , 2i7K- : : Monkey Holla , In the fourth heat of the iace , stalled In the lead , and maintained It .hroughotit , Hed Clover holding second place , o thu surprise of everyone , and Tom arriv ing home a bad third. The lirst ( luatter was mule In , " 7'thu ' ; half In 1:10 : ; the three- quarters In li.W/nnd the mile In 2n. : : In the second heat of thu thrcu.ycar-old stakes H.iby Mine and Goorgu Simmo'ns , thu inly two starter- , got olt on thu first attempt , the neat being a duplicate ot the first. Time , : : ir > ; ! / . Just before starting the horses In the fifth icat of the pacing race , Starter Smith called ho drivers up betore the stand , and stated that the race was S'imowliat peculiar , and tvas not devoid of suspicion. Ho admen ished them If anything was seen to justify a substantiation of the suspicion already ex- sting in the minds of the judges , the heat would bo declared no heat , and the driver would have to abide by the consequence. Thohond off was a miserable one , the worst of the day , Tom having a big advan- age , and pulling right In and taking the polo DOloru titty yards had been traversed. Ho was uird pushed by Monkey Holla , but never col- ared. and Tom camu In a mlnuto by a half length. First quarter , .3.W ; half. 1:12K : ; third quarter , 1:47 : > , and thu mlln In 2:24 : f. siniMAitv. Tom 1 Monkey Holla 2 Hi'd Hover 3 3 3 2 dls Warren Dally 5 dls Sol Miller 4 dis Fred W 6 dls Timo-2:2) : , 2:2:1 : : , 2:23 : } $ , 2it : : and 2:24'f. : The programme was varied here by a char- ot race between Mile. Pedro and Mons. Illvo Five , four abreast , hair , mile dash. 1'hls was a beautiful , as well as exciting event , the fiery steeds rushing around the course like thunderbolts amidst thu ringing ui7.7.ahs of thu people. .Mile. Williams won the races by a length In the fine time of .57 tf. The third heat of the colt stakes , like the irccedlng two was easily taken by Haby Mine , Simmons breaking and catching re peatedly throughout the heat , SUMMAHV. Baby Mine 1 1 1 : iuorge Simmons 2 2 2 Kentucky Hubel uis HArENOTIIS. There were 15,730 people In attcndenco fcstereay. Maj or William Chamheis' word on horses s law witli turfmen. A tandem team was one of the features of the scenes upon the quarter stretch. The kids make an enthusiastic audience for a race , even though they applaud at the wrong time. The management of the races so far has been most excellent , and 'promises to be maintained throughout the meet. In the 2:28 : pace yesterday the bookmakers , after thn second heat wore laying eight to ono on Tom , with only an occasional taker. Congressman Dorsey , once owner of the famous stallion Saturn , enjo/ed the speed trials yesterday. He will remain here through out thu fair. Mr. U. C. Blake , of Cedar Haolds , fa. , and a member of the boaid of appeals of the National Tiottlng association , was one of the judges yestoi day. Omaha can turn out moro fine roadsters and showy outfits than any city in the west Thn quarter stretch yesterday presented a very pretty and picturesque appearance. A. C. Beckwlth , the well known horse breeder and turfman , of Kvanston , Wyo. , an Interested spectator at the laces yes- tetday. Hl little bay maio , Ollie , won the JMS in royal shape. Mr E. P. Peck is another gentleman who takes a llvelyinterost In thespfd ring. Ho is ono of the official timers , and is courteous and generous in his assistance to the mem bers ot the press gang. It is the unanimous opinion that the races aru the most interesting over held In the state. The card for to-day Na great one , and world's of people nrn uxpeoted to bo present and participate In thn spurt. The betting was quite spirited on the pace , but the pool sellers cried In vain for buyers on the trots. Thuy so3tiled to bu considered as foregone conditions , and but few oppor tunities were offered to place any money. Jay Eye See , contrary to currei.t report , will not bu here. Ho will , however , bo attho Stale fair and glvu a trial of speed there. It is understood that ho could have been gottun heru for 31,000. Thn money , S500 a side , was posted with AI. Swearlnger on the grounds to-day for a match trot between C. E. May no's Consul , of Omaha , and H. T. Kncub's Elmwood Chief , of Sioux City , la. , race to tike place on the fair ground course two weeks from next Thursday , the 2Jd lust Tills will make a splendid rare and a good deal of feeling is al ready manifested over thu event. The horses art ) evenly matched , but in case of a rainy day and heavy track Consul will have u de cided bul 1:0 on the Chief. The tiot is to como oltralu or shine. Awnrds. The following were the awards yesterday : Horses : Clydesdales , stallion , fotir-ynar- old an over , Peter Hoples it Co. , Lewis , la. , first and second premium , c2J ? and $10. Best stallion three \ears and under four , liist pie- mluiii 820 , D. H. Noble , Blair , Neb. ; second S10 , Edwin Tilndon , Atlantic , la. Best htalhon , two years and under three years , first premium , S7.50 , J. J. Barker , Anita , la. Hust stallion ono year and under two vears , T. F. Lyons , Herman , Neb. , first premium 8" > . Muni four veais old and over , first premium S'JO , A. T.Turnoy it Son , Hed Oak ; la. , maru four years old and over , second pru- inlnm in , T. F. Lyon , Herman , la. Mare and suckling colt ( best ) , first premium S5 , A. T. Turnuy t Son. Hed Oak. la. Stallion , any age , 8 J > , Peter lloplev it Co. , Lewis , la. Mara any ago , S12 , A. T. Turner & Son , Hed Oak , la. Cat tin : shorthorns , bull three years and over , bull two years and under three , calf , cow three years and over , heifer calf , It. Daniel , Gllmoro , Neb. , second premium on each. Bull three years and over , first pro- niliim , bull and under two years , first and second premiums ; cow , two years and under three years , llrst premium : bolter calf , first premium ; all by L. Miller , of Maryvlilo Mo. J. W. Dean was awarded first premium for bull two years and under'three , bull calf , cows tlireo years old and over and second premium for heifer one year and under two. Swine W. E. Spleer , of Howard , NVb. , was awarded fust promlum for best boar two years and over , best boar onn your and under , host boar two months old and under six months , sow ono year and under , sow six months am under one year , best live hogs under two months , second piemium on best boar six months and under twelve , bust sow two years and over. Various awards wore being made In the art and agricultural department ! and the judges nro confident of a busy life until late Saturday night , but tniny ot them who tire experienced far met s and attendants at agri cultural and annual displays , feel a pride In the nigh quality ot the goods they are called to pass upon. To-day awards will be made as follows : IIOIISK8 .T , II. IIUNOA1K , SUIT , 8 a. in. Class 1 , lot 2 , 1'orcherons. Clas 1. lot , English shires. Class 1 , lot t. Clevu land bays. Class 1 , lot 5 , grade dra horses , S30 ; a. m. Class 1 , lot U. walking hands. 1Q a. m. Class 1. lot 3 , liorses tor nil pur poses. 11 a. m. Class 1 , lot 6. Heglstorcd trotting lorsos. l.TOp. : m. Class 1 , lot 11 , mules and asses. asses.CATTf.K CATTf.K OI.lVF.n MlU.Altll , SUI'T. 8 a. in. Class 2 , lot 2 , Herefords. Class 0 , oti : , Polled Angus. Class 2 , lot 4 , Gillo- vays. Class 2. lot ft , Dovons. :30 : a. m. I Class 2 , lot 0. Jersovs. 10 a , in , Class a , lot 7 , Guernseys , 10 : : a. in. Class 2 , lot 10 , milch cowl. Make statement. 11 a. m. Class 2 , lots. Holstolns. 1:80 : p. tn.-Class a , lot . native trades. SHKKI' C. W. IIAIICOCK , SIH'T. 8:30 : a , m.-Claxs n , lot t , Cotswolds. On. m. Class U , lot 2 , Lolstorshlro. 11:30 : a. m.-Class 3. lot . South Down * . 10 a. m. Class a , lot 4 , Hampshire ) o\vns. 10:30 : a. -Class 3 , lot 5 , Shropshire Downs. 11 a. m , Clais .1 , lot 0 , Oxford Downs. 11:30 : a. m. Class U , lot 7 , American Mo- Inos. 1:30 : p. m. Class 3 , lot 8 , crosses of any > roed. 2 p. m , Class 3 , lot 0 , grand sweepstakes. 8W1NK .JOS. C. ( llt.MOIti : , 8LM'T. 8 a , m. Class I , lot 2 , Poland China. Class , lot 'J , Essux. 8:30 : a. m. Class 4 , lot 4. Chester Whlto. 10 a. m. Class 4 , lot 5 , Jersey Heds. 11 a. m. Clajs 4 , lot , 0 , Small Yorkshires. 1:30 : p. in. Class 4 , lot 7 , grand sweep stakes. KAIIM iMtonurr * . T. VAX AI.ST , SUIT. 7 a. m. Class ft , lot 1 , grains and seods. 8 a. m. Class 0 , lot 2 , sweet potatoes. Class 0 , lot 3 , vegetables. 8:30 : a. m. Class f ) , lot 4 , ( lour , cakes , etc 10 a. m. Class il , lot n , creamery products. It a. m. Class 0 , lot 0 , domestic wines. 1:30 : p. m , Class 0 , lot 7 , discretionary. FINK AUTS. Mils. J. I ) . DADISMAN , SUI'T. 8:30 : a. m. Class It , continued. TKXTIM : KAIIUICS wus.VIUTMOHK , SUPT. 8:30.1. : m. Class 12 , continued. Aomcui.TUii.u. SOCIITIKS : onoAT , sui'T. 8:30 : . m. Class 13 , commence and centime - time until completed OHEK.V FIIUITS JOHN I.UTK , .SUIT , 8:30 : a. m. Class 14 , lotl , individual colloc- Ion ot fruits. 10 a. m. Class 14 , lot 2 , county collection of fruits. 8:30 : a , in Class 14 , lot 3 , plalo specimens. 10 a. m. Class 14 , lot 4 , pears. 10:30 : a. m. Glass 14 , lot r > , peaches. 10:30 : a. m. Class 14 , Into , plums , 11 a. m. Class 14 , lot 7. apricots. 11 a. m. Class 14. lot 8. nectarines. ' 11:30 : a. m. Class 14 , lot 0. prunes. 11:30 : a. m. Class 14 , lot 10 , quinces. , , IKMIIH ; , r.rc. OEO. on.sox , SUPT. 8:30 : a. m. Class IS. lot 1 , grapes. 10:30 : n. m.-Class 15. lot 5 , pickles. 11:30 : a. m. Class 15 , lot 0 , dried fruits and vegetables. NOTTS. Judge Berka , wife and children wore well pleased spectators. Colonel Butler , an extensive farmer of Howard county , was at thu fair. La t year theic were but about 5,009 chil dren In attendance on their day. J. Hodkinson Is the architect and mechanic of thn tine landscape scenery In Cass county's display. G. S. House runs a fine farm of COO acres In Hall county. Ho and Ills family were on the grounds ye.steiday. Allan Hoot , n largo fanner of Douglas county , who has been heru since 18.50 , Is a charmed exhibitor and spectator. B. C. Yeomans , deputy sheriff of Cass county , says the fair beats anything ho over saw. Ho was a visitor yesterday. J. M. Boiudcley and family , a prominent Weupinir Water lumber merchant and agri culturist , wore admiring thu great display ycstuiday afternoon. Special police were put In the art hall to watch the nimble-fingered llttlu lads who could not keep their "hands off. " They be haved very well generally. . A coed manvof the knowing ones give genial Henry Kicks agrnatof the credit for the crand success of the fair , lie is a worker and enthusiastic over the event ThoPrlscllhsand EvangollncH of to-dav were well represented In the beautiful and modestly behaved farmers' daughters who adorned yesterday's lively scwio. The little onus were ladun down with pic ture cards and recondite documents explana tory of the Intricacies of suwlng machines , Porcheron hoisesand kindred topics. The innocents hugged them under their chins and sweat ran down their laces , but not a card was dropped. SCKNRS OF HOltlUm. Additional Details of the Holocaust at the Thuntro Itoynl. LONDOX , Sept. 0. The victims of the burning Theater Itoynl last night wore mostly working people. As soon as the flames weie extinguished a large force of men began searching for bodies. The stair way loading to the gallery was literally packed with bodies , while at the head of the stairs there were scores of others piled ono on top of cacli other. The unfortunate victims had rushed to the door when the alarm was given , but found the stair way blocked , and the moans of escape cut olT. In a short time the llames had reached them , and they suffered a horrible death. There were pitiful scenes In the vicinity of the burned theater this morning , as friends and relatives of supiwsed victims awaited thu recovery of the bodies. In many cases fathers anil mothers both perished , and numerous children are thus left wiluont moans of support Seveial of the bodies were burned so that only small cinders re mained , The number of persons severely Irijuied is sixty. It Is feared that th ? death list will leach 140. In nearly every case the clothing had been torn oil the victim ; . From many of the bodies the limbs ; were missing and tha re mains show evidence that they had been wrenched oft" . Several whole families , num bering from two to live porsont , lost their lives. The construction of the gallery stair case accounts tor the great loss ot llfo among the gallery people. The scene shifter said tha lire originated among some gaii/.u which In sumo way became - came ignited. Thu llames spread to the scenery , ot which the stage was unusually full , DWinirto the preparations In progress for thu pioductlon of a pantomime. Thu audience numbered 600 persons , Switchmen's Ktrlko Itncumcs General . WAt'KiisiiA , WIs. , oSept. ( i. The strike of Wisconsin Central switchmen Is now gener al all nlonuthn line. Freight business Is al most entirely suspended. At tills place Superintendent Merrill nailed upon the Slit-riff to guard the company's property , and a possu of deputies on duty all last night and to-day. Thu superintendent's action was caused by the Interieranco of thu strikers with trains that had beun mad.i up. ThiTK Is no change In thu situation at Stev ens Point. No disturbance has taken placo. Kloux Clty'H Corn 1'nlnci * . Sioux Cirv , la. , Sept. 0. [ Special Tele gram to the BKI.J : Actlvu preparations for the coming corn palace are In progress. The palace is beginning to assume good proper tions. Advices aru pouring In from all parts of thu northwest to thu elfuct that largu ilelo- gitlons aru to bu present The occasion promises to lie most lemarknhle. Tim Invita tion to President Cleveland to visit the citv during the festivities has been furnished and is on exhibition to-day. Thn design U unlqnu anil most artistically executed. It la conhdiiiitly belluvtid that thu president will arrange to bu present. Wont her indications. For Nebraska : Fair weather , falling , followed by rising tuiipcratiue. light to Iresh variable winds , becoming southeasterly. For Iowa : Generally cooler , fair weather , Unlit to fresh winds , generally shifting to southeasterly. For Eastern and Central Dakota : fair \\catluT , lhht : to Irfcsh vnrlabht winds , bu- com southeasterly , nuarly stationary fol lowed by rising temperature.