Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1887, Image 1

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One Hundred and Thirty Human Lives Lost
in Another Theater Holocaust.
Scores Crushed in the Rush for Exit and
Swallowed in the Flames.
Frightful Situation in Which the Pent-np
People Found Themselves.
The Theater Ilojral at Kxetor Burns
During a I'orl'ormnnce or the
"Jlomnny Hyo" The Ap
palling Details.
Ait Awful Fire.
[ Co ) > irffMSAT / , fcj/Jumw ( Ionian nnnct.l (
LONDON , Sept. 5. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the UKE. | The Open
Comlquo lire had a parallel last nltfht in
Exeter , In Devonshire , In the burning , wilt
Kroat loss of life , of the new and large
theater there opened for Its second season
only two weeks apo. Sims' popular play ,
"Romany Hyp , " was under performance
The pit and gallery were packed with audit
ore. The piece proceeded all rieht till noai
the end of the third act , at about 10:30 : , whet
as ono of the characters was finishing lib
lines the drop scene suddenly fell In front oi
htm. There was some laughter In the house
at this as U was thought to bo a staeo Plun
der. In a moment , however , the scent
bulged out In the center and a mass ot lire
shot out and it was seen that the whole stage
was a mass of Cro.
The occupants of the stalls , Pit and dress
clrclp got away after a deal of crushing ant
fightintf. Many , especially ladles , wen
severely bruised and carried away In a faint
Ing condition. The actors and actresses
were nearlv all In the dressing rooms. Tin
Hro spread with marvellous rapidity and flllui
the house with smoke. The occupants of tin
upper circle and gallery rushed In number
to the windows and
As soon as possible these wore brought , bul
several persons had jumped Into the strce
before they arrived and were taken awa ]
more or less hurt. Others got on to tin
veranda over the door and some jumped ant
others were taken off. The theater by thli
tlmo was blazing fiercely , lighting up all tin
city and people were running up ii
thousands enquiring for friends or relatives
Tno fire escape soon came on the scone am
took off some more people. A-stall occupan
thus described the scene :
"The fire was discovered towards the cloai
of tUe Ulril act immediately after the tepre
eontatlon of the deck of the Saratoga. Who
followed was awful. The men Implored tin
audience to bo cool and tried to check tbi
frantic rush , but to little purpose. Womei
wore falntine and ; wringing their haiid5
Some husbands carried out wives , chlldrer
screaming , and everybody rushlnp to th <
cast exit. Short as was the time , those win
escaped Into the corridor leading to the vestibule
tibulo , found the place
and escaped In a half suffocated condition
In u few minutes the hose , always kept It
readiness , was pumping water onto tin
stage from the dress circle , but this had n <
effect Within live minutes of the outbrenl
the city fire brigade was on the spot , bu
the water then poured on the fin
w.-.s absolutely without effect. But what oc
rurred specifically may ba imagined rathe
than at this Into hour described. Enough tc
say that at 1 o'clock this morning the loca
account sayc 100 bodies are lying in the Lon
don Inn square awaiting Identllication
They are all frightfully burned , chietly abuu
the head and hands. The majority of then
are men and boys , although thirty womei
were counted as the stretchers passed am
they wore apparently for the most part occu
pants of the gallery.
still remained In the higher gallery stnlrcas
on the first dozen steps before the lire de.s
troyed that part of the building. Unfoi
tunately , as was the case with thn 1'arl
theater , the escape doors In the street war
fastened and the people behind them yelle
V madly and throw their whole weight zalns
the doors until they wore wrenched off thel
hinges. Thn bottles present a slckenlni
asjH'ct. Every shred of clothing was burnoi
off some ot the bodies and the skin wa
Blackened or burned off , presenting a
It was now evident that the worst crusl
had occurred at an angle In front of a 111 ? !
of stairs from the callery , and upon the po
llcemcn , military and civilians onterln
through a window they observed a ereat hea
of bodies at this point. They were carrle
out and down the escapes and stairs , appai
ently qulto dead and frightfully disfigured
Upon Koine a little higher up the stair ;
more bodies were discovered and taken ou
These bodies were laid In a row In a
ndjnlulng house for Identification , and thos
who showed signs ot llto wei
conveyed on stretchers to the hospital. A
thn medical men of the city were ou the spo
rendering what assistance they could. Tli
Rherllt states that ho has counted ISO dca
bodies. The scene In the streets and whei
the boelles ore lying is pitiful. Women ai
looking for U ! ! lug husbands , and nioUic ;
for their sous.
Mr. W. Jairctt. one of tnoso fortunul
enough to escape , says : "I occupie
a front seat In the stalls. H <
tweeu the second and fourth act 1 le
the theater. Soon after I returned 1 sa1
the drop see-no fall ou Mr. Graham's head i
he WAS spunking. lie finished win
lie had to say after the curtal
b d passed his face and I roMinrkud to
friend ; 'What a sttaiigo thing. 1 uovor sa
that occur before. ' At thu same moment tl
curtain cnme foiward with a great puff an
seemed to cnv/o my forehead. I s ; > w at tl
sides sparks anil flames aud heard a cruel
Hug. KeslUini : at enc the
I rushed for the door and was over U
stairs In moment. When I reached the pa
fcnee on a lerel with thedrcsscircle Isa
there was a frightful rush for the front ex
and 'I turucd Into.a passage on th < j rle > >
which I know led to the special ecnpci dooi
in New North road. I foil In s'olui : over ti
Ulrs. and reached the street
Just as I reached the big doors they wore
thrown back , but by whom I can't say. The
scene In the doorways and on the outside
> ! \loonles which were crowded with men
md women , mostly women , plteously call-
ng for rescue , and with the llamcs near
inouuh to burn and scorch them was simply
A 1-'IKNI8 DKKn.
Alter HoliiK Trnntcet Kindly He Com-
inltn a Terrible Crime.
Loxo PIXK , Neb. , Sept 5.-Spcclal ( Telo-
Kram to the UKH. | To-day there was a das
tardly deed of rape committed on the person
of Susan Kads , a young lady living within
onn and a half miles from Long Pine. The
fiend was oul hunting aud called at the resi
dence of the young lady and asked for a
drink of water and sat down to : cst awhile ,
when ho grabbed her by the throat and arm
and forced her Into the bedroom and
ravished her. She fought and screamed , but
no one being at home and the nearest neigh
bor a half mile away , she couldn't be heard.
I ) . J. Koley , a largo man , living In Long
I'lne , has been apprehended and was ar
rested to-night The evidence Is pretty con
clusive and It appears that he will either bo
strung up by the neck or got fifteen years In
the pen.
A llnrel Man to Krnp.
RAPID CITY , Neb. , Sept 6. ( Special Tele
gram to the BKK.J John D. Wright broke
jail heie to-night by dicing through the
walls of both rooms with a table knife. Last
spring he got away from the Jailor by run
ning , lie was recaptured In July. Ho was
In jail ou the charge of stealing a watou ; ,
horse , and harness In January last
A Disastrous Storm.
Sioux CITY , la. , Sept 5. ( .Special Tele-
cram to the UEK. | Sioux City was visited
last night with what may strictly bo termed
a cloud burst. All day Sunday showers fell
and a vast amount of water wasprcclnltated.
About dark a most threatening cloud came
up and a general fear of a cyclone spread
over the city. When the storm began con
siderable wind blew and together with the
blinding sheets of rain the storm was one
long to be remembered. During the night
another similar storm came up and did great
damage. The city thlsmornlng shows many
bad wrecks and great damage to public
works , etc. A large amount of partly
completed paving on Pearl street
Is destroyed. The Pierce street sewer
Is badly damaged. A large number of cross
sewers are washed out The water mains
are damaged at places. Four bridges over
Elliott creek In this county are cone , and a
vast amount of other damage is done. It
would be hard to estimate the total damage
Brlelco IIiillelcrH Arrested.
RAPID CITY , Dak. , Sept 5. [ Special
Telegram to tlio BKE | . IJrldgo builders of
the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley ,
twenty-one In number , were arrested to-day
for forcible entrv and trespass on land west
of town owned bv John 11. KateIIII and An
ton Viloiiche. They were driving nlles for
the tiestle work approach to the bridge over
lUptd creek. They were arraigned injus
tice court and their cases continued until
Thursday. The trouble Is over a settlement
for right of way. A compromise will be
arranged between the attorneys , and work
will be commenced again Wednesday on the
Kansas CItv defeated Wichita yesterday bj
a score of 10 to U.
Cholera has appeared In Rome. Five
deaths are reported.
Every trace nt the Colorado beetle has been
destroyed In Germany.
An earthquake shock was felt yesterday at
Bonn , Prussia. No damage.
The veteran firemen loft New York yester
day on tUoir trio to thelcoast ,
Twenty switchmen of the Wisconsin Cen
tral struck at Slovens' Point Wis. , yesterday ,
The Commercial Travelers' League of
America was organised in Chicago yester
The C.ulisle-Thobo contested election casn
was ope'iiod yesterday in \ \ ashingtou and
testimony taken.
At lleriio , Swlt/.orland , the treaty power *
have ratuiod the liteiary and artistic copy
right convention.
Tlio Gorman Roman Catholic Union ol
America mot and transacted routine business
In Chicago yesterday.
Tlio failure of E. S. Wheeler & Co. , Now
Haven , Conu. , heavy ImportoJS of bar Iron ,
btcel , etc. . Is announced.
It la stilted that the French mobilization
experiment has snowu that all the reserves
could bo embodied In three days.
Tliomai Keene played Richelieu nccepta
lily at the Chicago opera house last night , hU
first appearance since his illness.
Free delivery has been ordered to bedr
October 1 at Beatrice , Neb. , Iowa City , la.
Ottawa , Kan. , and Grand Island , Nob.
The porte has learned that the Austrian
government Is strenuously trying to arrange
tor Prince Feidinaud's withdrawal fron
The Coke syndicate met at Pittsburg yesterday
torday , and deoulod upon a scale ot wages. .
The scale will bo uniform , but no advance
will bo conceded.
Secretary Falrchild and Congressmen Car
lisle. Uaiufall and Mills arn to hold a meet-
lug in Washington and hold u couteience In
regard to the tariff.
One of the reason's for Emperor William
abandoning his Konlgshurg journey was ti
In reserve his strength for his meeting will
the c/ar on the 12th lust
At the trades' union congress at Swansea ,
Ennland , yesterday , a resolution con-
demiilng the government for public meet'
luirs In Ireland was passed by a vote of b ;
to 7.
Inspector Ronfleld , of the Chicago police
inspected the neighborhood of the Cool
countv jail In which the condemned anarch
ists are Imprisoned but found no mines o ;
Representatives of the American assocla
tlon helel a secret session in Now York yes
terday anil adopted the rule that visltnif
clubs receive 30 per cent of the gate receipt !
or a guaranty of S130. St. Louis will remaii
in the association. '
Arrangements have been made with promInent
Inont Chicago merchants whereby the D.i
knta Farmers' alliance can furnish Its mem
hers anil patrons tlio coming winter will
third vein La Siillo and Hacking Vallej
bituminous coal and Lackawauua anthraclti
at u reduction of ' . ' & pur cent.
Judge Valiant , of the circuit court at St
Louis yesterday handed down an opinion re
gaming the closing ot saloons in ttmt fit ;
ou Sunday. It \ iitually reverses the opinlor
of Judge Noonaii , given about thren weuki
ago , ami hold ; ) that the law of 1S. > 7 did no
permit the bale of wine and beer in that clti
on Sunday.
At a meeting of the St George " society ii
Chlcsco last eumlncr a member" the son :
otSt Ueorga was introduced and urg > d the
society to take pnit In the formation o D
JirlUsh-Ainurleaii leagues to bo composed o :
tfoii. Scotch and Canadians , having foi
object thu naturalization of the rcslilcn
iiji. Tint movement Is considered a ver
luipoitnnt oua.
r.iut tm in tlio
l.o.viio.v , { 'opt S. Many noted Amer ! ? n :
we-nt to HawHiden to pay their respects t <
( iUdMouft yesterday nud aumidcd the chnrcl
wlicio h road the lessou ot the day.
Chnrlnstnn'N 13 rllirunrn | Itopnlm
Cu v UI.KH ro.v , S. 0. Sept C. Thy New
and Courier , 's revlnsv of the eaithqiiakf ) worl
will show tluil In the past year over 0,00
lmlldlng * > luxe l > cn rebuilt or repaired , am
that 21 now btdlulnvs linvo beec erected
Tim \\liole cost U i J0ooou ! which CUrlei
tou spent at lean S3KXOGO. ( )
Affairs at Sogn.
SOFIA , Sept 5. Eloctloni lor members o
tie ! tobranje anUed for the S7th last
i'rluc * Fi'idl&jmdhus forbidden Uulgarlai
oftlci'rg lo not as newspaper correspondents
Tlio l'reuci ! conii.l k'cntul Uerw lias lot
The Two Greatest Attractions Known in
the History of Omaha.
Camp Logan the Mammoth Canvas City
by the Lake *
The Annual Show of Nebraska Industry
and Popular Amusements.
Yesterday's ' Speed Trial and the Oard for
the Best of the Week.
Thousands of People Coming Into the
City Music and Streaming nan-
tiers Flags and limiting
Opening of tbo Great
Gala Week.
The Opening.
Yesterday morning at 8:35 the first
reunion train of the Union Pacific rolled
into Camp John A. Logan. From it
descended Commander Russell , who ,
with several of his assistants , amonp
them being Major Clarksnn , S. B. Jones ,
and Captain Alice , proceeded to the
headquarters , and the lirst day of the
ninth annual reunion of the G. A. It. of
Nebraska was formally opened. A
bright September sun shone warmly and
auspiciously upon the scene and occa
sion , and , many thought , betokened a
happy termination to a period of frater
nization to which thousands for weeks
have been anxiously looking.
At the entree of the officers
mentioned , the camp presented an ani
mated appearance. The streets and ave
nues were altvo with veterans seeking
their quarters , while a host of civilians
rushud hitlior auU thither , supplying thu
booths with articles of all kinds or labor
iously worked in the erection of white
walled tents which arc to constitute the
complement of 1000 which the manage
ment have guaranteed to erect. On the
early trains a tew posts arrived and immediately -
mediately made application for quarters ,
Although not a pleasant under
taking for either the quartermas
ter or the applicant , the work of
assigning these to quarters was
rapidly and systematically despatched
because of Major Clarkson's profound
knowledge of the necessities of the case
and the system which he has introduced
into the management of the oflioe. He
had received from every post in the state
a notification of the number of men ii
proposed to have in attendance. These
veterans ho had assigned to a certain
number of tents on a certain street , am !
this was indicated on a chart which the
major has at his headquarters. When
therefore , a representative of a posi
made his appearance a messenger wai
detailed to load him and his comrades tc
the touts intended for them. In this way
the business was transastii'i systematic
ally feiidsjjtisliio.torily. r * '
At six o'clock last night there won
1,300 touts in place , and the remaining
300 will be erected to-day , and two hours
later the following posts had arrived
Phil Kearney , Fort Omaha ; Canby , St
Paul ; Omaha ; Boomer , Tokamah ; A. L
Gates , Lyons ; Schrontz , Creighton ; Ba
kcr , Columbus ; Phil Sheridan , Sehuylcr
Thornburg. Chirks ; Captain Meade , Lorn
Pine ; Arcadia ; Bradley , Wood River
A. S. Smith , Doniphan ; Dahlgreen , Pa
pillion ; Kirkwood , Springlleld ; McCona
mo , Plattsmouth ; Lafayette , Weopinf
Water ; Konesaw , Elmwood ; A. B. Fox
Louisville ; Mission , Greenwood ; Mitchell
Wavorly.E , Upright , Bennett ; Bob Me
Cook. Ashland ; Shurman. Valparaiso
Sill , Sterling ; Manslield , Palmyra ; Gen
cral Roberts , Talmadgo ; Farragut , Lin
coin ; Cox , Adams ; Annum ; Genera
Scott , Blue Springs ; Rawlins , Beat
rice ; Wyman , Firth ; 'loloman , Wymore
Reserve , Odell ; Union , Stella ; Win. Mix
llumboldt , J. H. Gear , Table Rock
A. L. Mason , Crab Orchard
Kussell , Fairbury Coats , Dorchester
Lookout Mountain , Saxon ; J. B. Moore
house , Tobias ; Staley , Swanton ; Mulli
pan , Western ; Winslow , Milford ; Majo
Keenan , Beaver Crossing ; Winchester
Utica ; A. Lincoln , David City ; Seward
E. M. Stanton , Rising ; Colonel Craft
Brainard ; Robert Anderson. York ; J. A
Mower , Stromberg ; Dick latcs , Waco
Hunter , Ohiowa ; Morton Hebron ; Elliott
Davenport ; Thayer , Alexandria ; E. O. C
Ord , Charleton ; G. A. Thomas , .Nelson
Edgar ; G. C. Oliver. Fairlield ; Chandler
Oliver ; Strong , Minden ; Van Metnr
Alma ; Crocker , Oxford ; Garrett , Arapa
hou ; Captain Freas , Beaver City ; A. A
Plumb , WHsonvillo , and Russell of Fair
The arrival of nearly all of these wa
attendee ! by all kinds of music from tin
shrill piping of the life with the cverlast
ing snare and base drum to the full
Hedged band in its newest and most at
tractive uniform. Some of them , how
ever , with shattered ranks , silently
marched to their quarters , followini
perhaps a simple Hag or a crippled vet
cran , whose misfortune scorned to cutitl
him to the distinction of leadership. J
short rest on the straw-carpeted lloor o
the tent , then trunks , bags , sacks
boxes and every conceivable orde
of receptacle is unpacked. Then
is a hustv rush to the commissariat , an <
a hasty return. A lire is built , and in i
short time , the average veteran is a
much at homo in his now quarters as hi
ever was when at the front or even tlii
abode from which ho has torn himself ti
recall the fateful events of the days o
treason. At this writing , the thunder o
a dozen base drums is incessant , am
with each peal , another post enters inti
posi-ssion of its transitory but pleasan
homo , which tire shadows of the wus
have now almost left in darkness. Hal
an hour , and within , the tents displa ;
illumination , and in every avonu"
and struct' the Camp tires bla/.e
Around them stand and hit and tall
crowds of grizzled veterans , with sym
pathetic sisters , wives and children , tin
lonncr already recounting achievement
now Icp.ji past , the latter drinking tin
story with ehiiracteristio pride am
adoration. The tenls icrca : o in bril
liancy M the lights within , sloy
with increased intensity , until three
fourths ot the encampment brighten a
if iitiWonl.v transformed into a colloctioi
of massive living coals. The noise of tli
bands have died away. There is a con
certed mavo toward the grand stam
in front of the commander's tent , whcr
the band of tba Twenty-iirst infautr ;
have commeuced to render a concert d
delightful music. This over , the bani
disappears , and thn ofllcers of the cami
tuko their placo. T&o. time for the transfer
for of the placO has arrived and every
lbng } is ready for the. event. A tbousaiv
uieu ure fiaUwei aiouad. , ti
in the light of flaming torches , the trans
fer is cllected. _
The Transfer.
Mr. Jones , of the committee of ar
rangements , walked to the rail and an
nounced that the tirno htul come to turn
over the camp to Commander Russell ,
and it gave him pleasure to do so , espec
ially in view of the fact that the labor
which had bccu expended in the prepar
ation of the same , had , ho had been
informed , by disinterested people , been
EO re warden. In making the transfer it
gave him pleasure Incidentally to note
the graduation it afforded the people of
Omaha to welcome the soldiers of the
state and to "extend to thorn not alone
welcome but the pnvilcgo to enjoy
whatever they saw during their
sojourn which would contribute
to their pleasure. It was their * and let
them make use of it to make their stay
as pleasant as possible in the city. Ho
closed with a graceful compliment to
Commander Russell , and retired amid
loud applause.
Commander Russell then appeared
and said :
Mr. Chnlrinnn and Gentlemen of the Re
union Committee : In accepting this beauti
ful and maKiillleent camp Iroin your hands ,
1 want to return the sincere thanks of the
citl/.nn solitler of Nebraska. If I shall coiuo
as near perfection in commanding and directIng -
Ing this camp as you have In Its preparation ,
I shall have reason to he proud. The ftar
that 1 shall fall short makes me hesitate and
almost wish that the command had been
placed In other hands.
And now , comrades , I want to aslc you for
whoso comtort all this work has been dona
you , for whom all this time and
money has been expended , to lend
a helping hand In carrying out the
programme prepared and provided
for UH. I ask you , and each of you , to remem
ber that all this tlmo and money has been
given for your comfort and happiness.
All the gentlemen ask of us in return Is
that we mav enjoy ourselves : that we may
have a week of pleasure. Now , comrades ,
lot no act ot ours mar or lessen the remuner
ation these gentlemen of the committee and
the citizens of Omaha slull receive for the
untiring ellort they have made to make us
Hut. gentlemen of the committee , If the
chronic grumbler should Und his way Into
our camp , remember that ll who created the
mil verso created him ; for what purpose Ho
made him we do oot know ; therefore we and
you must humbly submit.
Aualn , gentlemen , allow me to thank you
for your untiring efforts In our behalf , and
may you and each of you be rewarded by se
curing permanent quarters in that .grand en
campment above whose streets are paved
with gojd and where the crystal water flows.
This gentleman , the one-armed na
tional commander of the G. A. 11. , was
on thcplatforra and was announced by
Commander Russell to speak to-day at
4 o'clock , after which ho would leave at
0 o'clock for the east.
A voice "Wo want to see him. "
General Falrchild at length came for
ward and was received with cheers. He
said ho was not like an artesian well ,
capable of keeping up a steady ( low day
after day. He was but like a little spring ,
which was capable of bubbling over only
from time to time. The committee had
given him permission to talk a little , but
but had decided that to-morrow ( to-day )
lie was to say much more. This reminded
him of an anecdote told of a soldier
who had been in his regiment. The
The latter had boon overhauled by the
colonel for something approaching cow
ardice , and when < accnsed by-tbo colonel ,
exclaimed that ho was only a drafted
man and muchoughtnot to bo expected
of him. Ho [ the gpoakcr ] was a drafted
man , and musli oju hj oj t Jjgjoxpected
Commander Russell said that the gen
eral had the permission of the commit
tee to speak a little to-night.
The general continued.that he had never
in all his travels through the country
seen anything in the way of soldiers'
reunions , in all his days , to compare
with the present reunion. It was a rev
elation. Ho had heard a great deal ol
Nebraska reunions , but had supposed
that the reports were filtered a little
through exaggeration. But ho had
found that the whole truth had not been
told. And yet the state had onlv begun ,
Last year he met an old comrade in San
Francisco , who had travelled thither tc
attend reunion. Yesterday ho mot the
same man and ho with his family hail
travelled 400 miles to attend this reunion ,
That was the right kind of G. A. R. on
thusiasm. But while the enthusiasm oi
Nebraskans was great , it was just as
warm all over the country. Nebraskans ,
however , were so broad-gauged thai
while to the eastern soldiers the travel
of a hundred miles meant a great deal ,
four times that distance in Nebraska
seemed to bo but a common occurrence.
Ho noticed that soldiers brought along
their wives and children and the same
gave him pleasure and ho hoped they
would continue to do so incroasinc
as time passed and brincing in all thcii
doscendents. Ho then bade them gooii
The quartermaster was called for ant
stated that ho had requests in his office
from 15,000 soldiers for quarters , soldien
who had carried the musket from the
opening till the close of the war
That was the way the Nebraska
soldier celebrated , and would con
tinuo to celebrate until there was bu
ono man left , and when there was bu
one man he would meet and celebrate bj
himself [ laughter ] , The major then re
ferred to the patriots who occupied tin
fertile acres of Nebraska , the lack o :
danger there was of insurrec
lion among them , the great dcsiri
they had of rubbing agains
each other once n year , the gradual thin
niug of their ranks from natural causes
and closed with the admonition that al
that had been done in the camp , win
douo for their benelit , and if they did no
enjoy themselves , it was their own fault
The mooting closed with three cheers foi
General Fairchild , after which the general
oral constituted thpsp preseut , for tin
moment , members ot'tho department ol
Wisconsin , and then induced them u
give three cheers for Nebraska.
The Commander' * Staff.
Commander Russell has appointed the
following staff : J.\D. \ Miles , Sclmylor
assistant adjutant general ; L. M. Scot
horn , Lincoln , assistant quartormastei
general ; G. A. AUee , Omaha , Inspcctoi
general ; B. F. Ruwalt , Hastings , chiel
mustering oilicer ; 'J" W. Bixler , Nortl
Platte , judge advocate ; J. S. Clarkson
Omaha , senior aiilc-do-oamp and chief o :
. . . . . . .
ti.n. 13 l > l r .l. Tl o
. . , ncon ; . . inan. ul
b-rUon ; N. ( J. Franklin , Lincoln ; J. A
Mc.Mufphy.Omaha , Phelps Paine , Lin
coin ; J. H. Fu raniuhu. ( )
The Camp.
The camp occupies a souco of counlfy
about one-third of a mile in length ant
ono-half u mile in width. It is dividct
into three mam parts by avenues run
nine north and south. West avenue
skirts the western line of the ground ant
on this is located the cQinmindur's head
quarters , the Western Union iolegrapl
ollico , thu .quartermaster' ! ' headquarter *
: hose of the department commander ,
and following these In succession come
those of the staff , the central reunion
coiniriitte , Messrs. Samuel Jones. Major
Clarksc.ii and Corcoran , the board
of trade committee , depart
ment headquarters , and Gen
eral Mandcrson. The general has
a couple of touts , ono being connected
with the other. In the roar ono lin will
stop while in camp , in thn front ono hu
proposes to display a valuable collection
of maps aud works on
which will no doubt bo eagerly sought
for by many of the veterans. Amiinc
the souvenirs which lie has already put
on exhibition are a number of swords ail
of which , with one exception , ho wore at
ditlcront times in the war. The excep
tion wns one which was re-taken at
Stone River , from a rebel olllcer. One
of the scabbards of those weapons beam
an indentation made when the general's
horse , which had been shot , fell upon
the same ; another was worn bj
the gentleman when lie wa
wounded and still retains a drot
of dried blood upon ono of its mountings" ,
Another interesting memento is a rich
silver-mounted revolver , which when
new was undoubtedly considered of thu
best made. This ar > d a mate wore pre
in 1803 , when ho was lieutenant-colonel
of the nineteenth regiment of Oiiio vol
unteers. While ou Ills way to Stevenson ,
Alabama , by a bridle path , the general's
luggage by another road , was rilled by
the enemy and his revolvers and other
articles taken. During the first year ol
his sonatorship , a party in Alabama , no
ticing the presentation inscription ou
the handle of the revolver , wrote
to Governor Hayes , of Ohio , asking if he
knew of "Lieutenant Colonel Mander-
son. " The letter was forwarded to the
general , and the next winter in Washing
ton the missing revolver , after a loss ol
over twenty years , was returned to him ,
It is still in excellent condition. The
other revolver the general has found , and
the party who now retains it will
to the senator at the next session of con-
Next to the senator's tent is that of the
medical director , lr. H. M. Bond , of Pa-
pillion. Then follow the Women's Relict
corps , the general press headquarters ,
the DEB bureau , the iirst press tent es
tablished on the grounds ; the Republican ,
Herald , Hanscom Park M.E. church din
ing hall , and , finally , the pension com
mittee. Thence to the northern limit ol
the grounds runs a row of private tents
On the west side of this avenue Is the
main body of tlio tents. The lirst twc
rows , on the south , are occupied by the
General George Crook post.
who expect an attendance from this state
and Ie > wa of about six hundred. The
hcadejuarters are on the western end ol
tlio first line , at which may bo found
Lieutenant-Colonel M. P. O'Brien , aide
de-camp to Commander Russol. Colonel
Hawkins , state commander , is expected
to-morrow , as also Colonel Hawkins ,
commander of Iowa. Captain F.
Munn is commander of the camp , the
other ofHcers being as follows : B. G.
Burbank , lirst lieutenant ; T. C. Coatcs ,
second lieutenant ; C. E. Smith , ordcrlj
sergeant ; E. G. .Tonos , sergeant of the
guard and W. H. Wilber , quartermastei
Then follows row after row of tents
northwarel _ for a quarter of a mile , ton
feet being between each section , and cucl
street being forty feet wide. Each sec
tioji is designated as the abiding place ol
and being supplied with a tent for exccu
tivo purposes.
On the northernmost row Custcr posi
has taken seven tents , and beside thorn
are domesticated iiftccn little follows
comprising the Junior Sons of Veterans
who are ollicored as follows ; Ilobori
Alice , captain ; Billy Thompson , lirsl
lieutenant ; Vincent Sawlull , secont
lieutenant ; and Michael Clarkson
orderly. They have two tents at tlieii
disposal , and all seem as merry as kitten :
in a basket of wool.
To the northwest is an immcnsi
stand , roofed and seated , am
100 feet jn length. In front of this lies i
field of lifteen acres on which the artillery
lory drills , artillery movements and shan
battle will lake placo. The stand wil
accommodate 3,500 people' and to it ai
admission of ton cents will bo chargei
during the taking place of the List men
In the extreme eastern part of tin
camp , or rather just beyond the line o
the camp ground , is an aggregation o
.saloons , restaurants and dance-halls o
the cheapnr order and some of them an
imtroni/.ud only by depraved people
These abut the quarters of the soldier
and are in the main supported by them
These are present in largo numbers
the Second infantry , which stakcil tent
yesterday , having eight companies oi
the Hold as follows : C company is ii
command of Captain Catloy ; D company
Lieutenant Van Liew ; E company , Lien
tenant Rowcll and Lieutenant Towsley
F company. Captain Ulio ; G company
Captain Keller ; H company , Uicutenan
Brumback ; I company , Liciitcnan
Clark ; K company , Lieutenant Turner
These companies contain about 350 men
Major Butler is in command , botli a
major of the battalion and in charco o
the camp until the assumption of com
mand , probably to-day , by Genera
Wheaton. The adjutant of tlio battalioi
is Second Lieutenant Mallory , aud tli
quartermaster Second Lieutenan
Wright : Lieutenant Kinzio , adjutan
of the Second , is acting as assistant adju
taut general.
The battalliou is accompanied by tin
band of the Second infantry under tin
direction of Mr. Wiedamoyer.
There parts of four companies o
the Twenty-tirst infantry from Sidno ;
present in two companies , under tin
command of Captain W. 11. Boyle , th
other ofliecra being First Lieutenant
S. K. Sparrow aud J. S. Parko and Second
end Lieutenants A. S. Parmcte
and F. K. Palmer. These companies ar
also accompanied by the band of th
regiment under the management of Kirs
Lieutenant J. W. Duncan , the adjutant
C. Lamar , being bandmaster. There ar
Hiollicers , men and musicians of thi
regiment on the grounds.
Three companies of the Eighth mfan
try are located next , under Cap
tain Charles Porter , of B company , tin
second lieutenant being S. E. Smiley
Tlio other olllcors are as follows
F company , Capt. Wilhclm ; lirst lieu
tenant , Edward Lvnch ; second liouteii
ant , K. V. Krug ; 11 company , llcutenan
W. P. Richardson. T ho command , will
the band , consists of 11-1 mun. Thu bntn
is under the leadership of Carlcson.
Next in order is located Col. Wooil
rulV's light battery , F seoonel artilleri
which is olllcered as follows. First lien
tenant , K. M. Rogers ; second HoutiMiail
< ! . T. Barney. The battery is cquippci
with four three-inch rilled cannons , cor
tains lifty enlisted mon and lifty l.ursc :
These arrived yesterday from Forl Lea ;
cnworth and after the reunion will at
tend the state fair at Lincoln. They wi !
drill to-day at three o'clock.
Returning to the camp proper there 1
an indefinite variety of attractions nn <
places of refreshment. Thorn are diuin
rooms largo and small largo suppl
stores , pcauut' stuuds , c\no : fakirs , pie
turo dealers , panorama lecturer ? , stencil
cutters , badge-sellers and errant victims
of the war who are compelled to resort to
mechanical moans of locomotion , and
who have various articles to dispose of to
sustain themselves and famllie's. Be
sides , there is tlio merry-go-round , a fact
simile ot the naughty craft the Merrimao.
which is enclosed in a tent , surmounted
with poles and lines Hying Hags of almost
every nation on the face of the earth.
Passing to the limits on the south there Is
thu wood pile as high as a mountain , the
remnant of forty tons of straw which
provided for the tents , and on thu cast is
found a stretch of hitching rails suf-
Ilciently long to tlu up all the horses of
Pharoah's host. They have been pro
vided for people with carriages and far
mers from the vlcinitv.
No matter where "the visitor goes ho
sees evidence of the thoughtful care of
the committee of arrangements , and ono
of the most notable evidences being the
water supply. Two-inch irem pipes run
in every direction. Along the main ave
nues thuro arc faucets at every forty feet ,
and beneath each of these a barrel with
ice.Vliem exhausted the barrel may bo
replenished in a few moments and cool
water for everybody is thus assured.
The almost perfect arrangements are
the marvel of the day and a source of
wonder and appreciation to the visitors.
None of them over saw the like before.
They not only note the features but com
mend thorn in thu most ardent terms.
This state is represented by posts 50 ,
101 and 235.
UtmlM ,
The following musical organisations
are in attendance : Reform school , Kear
ney ; Fairmont , West Bhio , Post 115 , Rock
Falls , CameronWood River and Mindcn ,
Governor Fairchild speaks to-d.v tit 3
There is quite n number of maimed
veterans on the grounds.
There is also u large number of pretty
There are three steamers on Cut-oft"
lake and they are well patronized.
Both the Union Pacific and Chicago ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha roads
make hourly trips to the grounds.
Tha Union Pacific ticket ollico is in
charge of Henry B. Roberts , who Is
painstaking and courteous and em
powered to sell tickets to any point on
thu line.
The committee of arrangements , it
seems , did not intouel to provide for the
meals of the ofHcers of the Second infan-
tra , while they did makb arrangements
for those o the other regiments. The
ntHccrs objected and then the com.
mittco oll'ercd thorn meal tickets which
were declined.
There are twenty-live policemen on
the grounds. Seven of these are on duty
at all times , under an oilicer , the day
official being ex-Marshal Westerdahl.
The men are on two and off four hours.
They are all under the direction of Major
J. B. Furay. They are doputi/.ed as dep
uty sheriff's. Yesterelay they arrested
Patrick iJoiiglas , Edward Savage , J. Pol-
zor , Charles Hunter , John Bostiom , Eugene -
gone O'Donncll , Thomas Mcl'adden , for
soiling liquor in the county \vithout a
license , r. E. Munn appeared as prose-
eiutor. They were ) brought before Judge
Shoa , who has been commissioned to act
ns justice on the grounds , and in absence
of § 1,000 bonds they wore sent to the
county jail. Whllo Douglas was being
arrested , somebody robbed his till of $10.
Tlio U. A. R. Dully Programme.
Monday , Sopt. C. Arrival of veterans
and assignment of quarters ; 8 p. m. bat
tery drill by battery F , United States ar
tillery , Colonel Carl A. Woodrutt" com
manding ; 0 p. m. dress parade by United
States regular infantry : 8 p. ra.- turning
over of camp by reunion committee to
commander of camp and camp tire ; 10 p.
m. tattoo.
Tuesday , Sopt. 6. 0 a , m. reveille ; 7 a.
m. breakfast call ; 8 a. m. sick call ; 0 a.
m. guard mount by United States regular
infantry ; 10a.m. assembling of the M > V-
oral sta'to associations at their headquar
ters ; 11 a. m. battalion drill bv the
Second , Eighth and Twenty-first United
States regular infantry ; 1'J a. m. dinner
call ; 3 p. m. battery drill by battery F ,
Second United States artilje-ry , Colonel
Carl A. Woodruu" commanding ; 0 p. m.
dress parade by United States regular
infantry ; 8 p. in. reception to the com
mander in chief. Grand Army of the Re
public , General Lucius Fairchild , and
camp tire ; 10 p. m. tattoo.
\Vednesdsy , Sopt. 7 t ! a. ni. reveille ; 7
a. m. , breakfast call ; 8 a. m. , sick call ;
0 a. m. , grand parade through the city ot
nil troops. Veterans by btatn associa
tions and sons of veterans ; 13 m. , dinner
call ; 2 p. in. , meeting of prisoners of war
association ; 5 p. m. , dress parade and
I'ovinw of all the veterans ; 8 p. m. , grand
musical entertainment rendered uy a
chorus ot the best singers of the city , and
the regimental bands of the Second ,
Eighth anel Twenty-first infantry. Camp
lire ; to p. in. , tattoo.
Thursday , Sept. 8. 0 a. m , reveille ; 7
a. m. , breakfast call ; 8 a. m. , sick call ; 8
a. m. , guard mount bv U. S. regular
infantry : 10 a. m. , batallion drill by the
SecondEichtli and Twenty-first infantry ;
11 a. m. reunion and election of olliecrs
of prisoners of war association ; 12 m. ,
dinner ; 3 p. in. , battery drill by battery
F Second U. S. artillery ; 0 p. in. , dress
parade by U. S. regular infantry 8 p. m.
grand naval display on CutolV lake run
ning the batteries at Vicksburg by the
Mississippi ilolilla of union gunboats ;
10 p. in. , tattoo.
Friday , Sopt. 9. C a. m. , reveille , 7 a ,
m. , breakfast call ; 8 a. m. sick callU a.
m. , guard mount by U. S. regular Infan
try ; 10 a. m. , battery dnll by battery 'F ,
U. S. artillery ; 12 in. , dinner call ; 2 p. m ,
great sham battle in which all rcgulai
troops and veterans will take part ; fi p ,
m. , dross parade and review ot all the
veterans ; 8 p. in. , camp lire ; 10 p. in , ,
Saturday , Sopt. 10.---6 a. in. , reveille ; "
a. m. breakfast call ; 0 a. m , , guard
mount by U. S. roirular infantry ; grand
farewell. SlialA , boys. We will see you
next year.
With the exception of Wednesday
morning and l-'riday afternoon thuro will
bo baud contests daily at 10 a. m.,2p
in. and 7 p. m.
The Flr-.t l > .iy.
The attendance at the fair ground'
yesterday was largo. It ombr.iced ; tl
classes. Ladles with their family vo
hleles , and in their finest costumes , were
on hand in largo numbers. ' 1 ho grain
stand during the races wits well tilled
There was a generous sprinkling of busi
ncsi men from Omaha and other places
in this ami oi cr stiitcs. livery depart
ment is being h'lleul rapidly.
AGiiirui/ruiiR AM > : > .
Howard conn'.y is working night am
day to boat every county that is in lh (
fair. Although it is a gieal show tin
mon and women from the other couiitii1
ask that public judgment be sii punitt'i
for a clay or two until they am hcen , um
judgment will bo accordingly suspi'isdi'd
Hpward county's display will b vurj
liuo. Ju aUdition io wlut bus
been submitted to tlio public through thai
typo setter's work , Howard county haif
its onion sots , grain , such ns buckwheat
crab apples , samples of Roods such AI
peas , beans , etc. ; from Wayne , sain
county , Riicumior.o , flax , Hat Dutc
cabbage , and the varied kinds o
vegetables and grains known are on ox ,
hibition. ! <
Douglas county has Charles Cumins
with his southern queen beat svrcc
potatoes ; there Is also clover , buckwheat ,
timothy seed , baskets of various kinds o
vegetables , poppers , and main ' .
other kinds of garden "sass. "
From Washington county II. Craig hai
25 or 110 single entries of grass seeds
George English has 70 pound water *
melons , turnips weighing 15 pounds oaohrf
asparagus , tomatoes , etc. B. E. Funnorv
tlio man who never knew what it was to > 1
bo la/.y , is herei from Washington
county. Ho has 13 varieties of grolrJ
and the supervision of his county's cxhl *
bit. There can bo seen baled hay , clover
timothy , alfalfn by thn way it is eloubt *
ful if there is any alfalfa on the ground'
except that in "the ) Washington count *
exhibit. 'I hero may bu other counties that
equal this record , but they must makev
themselves known by calling at the BKH
ollico on the ground. Then this county ,
has cucumbers two feet long , the largest
melons in thn world , so Mr. 1-onnor says.
and the melons are on the stand ami
nobly proportioned they are , also tur
nips , white aud skin-bursting , and also
twenty kinds of corn. Thu various stvlo-i
of tobacco growing are oxomplllloil in
the stalks hung up , grown in this ambl
tious county.
J. W. ami E. E. Arnold , of Omaha , B.
Haas , of the same place , W. J. llesser ,
of Plattsmouth , R. II. Davy and Mrs. R.
H. Davy , of Omaha , David Yeats , ot
Omaha , and others have a magnificent
display of cacti , potted plants , petunias ,
palms , roses , geraniums , jessamines , etc.
N. E. Cole , of Valley , Nob. , brought In
a tine sorrel four-yoar-old named Sam ,
with the indications of success , Sherman
& Williams , of Calliope , la. , enter Dave
Wagner , n six - year old , sireel
by Reeding , Louisville , Ky. , W. A.
Kotchum , of Springfield , this state , has n
six-year-old stallion , called Madison.
His sire is Bon Gary and dam Ella Smirk.
John Kilgoro's six-year-old sorrel geld
ing , Rambler , from Osceola , la. , is In the
R. Daniel , of Gilmorc. Nub. , brought
in yesterday thirty-four head of short
horns , till ages and sexes. G. R. Brown
thlrty-fivo head of Jorooys from his
famous Jerhoyvillc stock farm , E. E. Day ,
of Weeping Water , an enormous Hereford -
ford but three years of ago weighing
2,100 pounds and ton head besides of the
same brood , ono a Yearling bull weigh
ing 1,000 pounds. Many others arrived.
W. P. Hayohett. of Balokon , Mo. , Ins
thirty Poland China hogs ot varied ages-
sexes and sizes , all A No. 1 , E. E.
Carver , ofGniltord. Mo. , has a varied lot ,
twenty-one in number ot Poland China
hogs. L. E. Mahan , of Malcolm , Neb. ,
lias twelve head of Essex lions and Jarvia'
E. Bozgs , of Matuuiosa , 111. , has ten ,
Essex hogs.
F. E. Mahan , thirteen American Merino ,
sheep ; James E. lioggs , twelve Lincoln
sheep , ami various other entries of sheep"
wore being transferred to their pens yes- ,
terday. '
entries are many and increasing. Batt-
dorf and Riley have a pair of Plymouth
Rook fowls and other poultry. They
have a Buft Cochin lion twelve pounds. .
weight. Pokin ducks eighteen pounds to
tlio pair. They are white and very large-
also Toulouse geese , forlv pounds to the-
pair. W. J. Ilessor , of I'lattsmouth , haa
a pair of black Cochin. Miss Dolllet
Russell oller.s ab the best of tlio
kind seven German linnets. Ono.
pair Toulouse geese , by M.C.Douglas ;
also by him a pair of Ca.vuga ducks , '
Rowon duck and other varieties. John
L. Purco _ , of Omaha , has irama chickens ;
A. Davidson , of Omaha , has a superb dis
play of white chicks and full-trrown
fowls , , f. F. Kanx and P. H. Allen have a
varied ussortihent of currier and other
pigeons. There are the Silver eliinii , blue
Antwerp , and others , mostly "homers , "
and all good representative" of thuiE
classes. Bartlctt & Alle-n , e > f Millard ,
have a pair of Toulouse goose and two
pairs of Pekln geese ; also a pair of mal
lard ducks. W. J. Hcsbur , of Plattsmouth ,
Nob. , has specimens of black Cocmns ,
light Brahma * , Plymouth Rock , Leghorn ,
Aylesbury duuksP | kin eliie-k and Ton-
louse geese on exhibition. William Dud-
sou , Omaha , three pairs partridge Co.
chins , two pairs black-breasted bantams.
There arc many threshers , steam and
horse power. Hay loaders , stockers ,
patent clothes dryers , buggies , snow
skimming cutters , farm machinery ami
\vagouH are in profusion on the south
side of the ground , in sheds and tents.
In Art hall pianos , sewing machines ,
wax ( lowers , carpets and draperies ,
hand-oarved mantels , art embroidery ,
lambrequins , pongee drapery , antiquu
armor , foreign flags , Rhiiiohart'a mag
nificent photographic display ami ether
matters and things are artistically ar
ranged. Outside is William Toagin'a
triplets , all boys , born In Douglas county ,
and to ho seen in a tent , Mav Meyer &
Bros , luivo their superb musical display ,
as have Edholin & Aikin.
Cuss countv complains because space )
has not been assigned it per promise. It
has a beautiful landscape figure green
lawns , clifl's , slope 3 , rivulets , drives
and woods , to exemplify the country in
the vicinity of Weeping Water. Also
some of the finest vegetables and cereala
on the grounds. The lumber is thorn
and itis expected quarters will be fixed ?
to-day for this creditable display.
Children who apply at the gates to-elay
can got free tickets of admission.
The Omaha Ilorso Railway company
run cars from Hanscom park ana the
Union Pacific depot to the fair grounds
eve-ry ton minutes , und will liavo two
anil a _ half minute service from Fifteenth
and Farnam.
The following is the roster of the fair
police. Everyman is an exemplar : John
1'urnlMill , in charge , L. S. Bonner , A. O.
Jui'kson.T. A. Johnston , W. L , McCowan ,
Jerry HouneFoy , C. L. llotehkiss , John
Ryan , M. McDurmott , C. Hendrlck. P. J ,
Dougherty , James White. A. MoAndreiws ,
James Howie. R. J. Hnadlito , C. Schlimo.
AI Newman , P. McAndrows , H.VY. Roach.
H. ( } . Kilbio , A. T. Marterman , R. A.
Lynn , John Median , L.ShropshlruFranlc
Percy and J. Given.
The fir-it day's races at the fair yester
day , whili ) not particulaily thrilling ,
were very interesting. The weather was
excessively warm , but calculated for
good racing. Tlioru was a uood first day
iiiidii-noi ) , anil it was very enthusiastic.
There were twe > events , the two year ol l
trot , two bust in three , association add
ing ? 100 , and a running raeu , half milo
h'jitti , two in threo. The judges were
JuCiH ] ( larneau , Jr , Omnha , ami
t' . P-'inst , St. Jco. Htarteiv , tbo
wull known Charles Mr baillh. of Karl-
villa. III. Timers. E. P. JV-k7ti37-rl M.
M Patrick and Major Wlllilun Cham
bers of Omaha.
Tlw iiiUin ) i.-MMit on tllu card , was th&
two year old 1'olt slukeH , for wl.loll wera
isiitunsU A. C. Buckwlth'a m filhiyV u