Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1887, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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Union Sewing Machine ,
It ii the latest and best In every sense of the word. If he is not enterprising enough to
get it for you , send your name and address to the
Union Manufacturing Co. ,
7IS North Itith Street , Omaha , Nebraska *
Is now Selllnir nt Facto
FURNITURE ry I'rloci.
Now 1) the Time.
It Being the Only Ono Price HOUHO in Omaha ,
And Everything Marked in Plain Figures.
" = tt = s
Bsteut © DDesuler S
113 North 16th Street , Omaha ,
I have a lftrto Hat of the most doslrablo Insldo property , lno.ito'1 In all pirts of tbo city. My
lilt Of outside property In prluoj ami location bus no equal. Kipeolnl attention glvou to visitors
to tbo Valrnnd Iteunlon. Call and see mo when In town.
We want one merchant tn each town to handle our good * White Machines.
Supplies for all machines. Tuft's Soda fountain * wholesale. Write
for terms to Till : TJUOJtNTON MACHINE CO. ,
121 North 15th Street.
hjhhhhhhhhhhh h bg _ h h hh h
The x Live x Shoe x Man
612 North 16th Street. Omaha. Nebraska.
ill give you more real value for your money In firat class foot wear , than nnv dealer
in the city. Fall stock just received. Uig bargains during the Fair. Ue sure to
see him when in town at , l12 ! North l(5th ( Street.
For Spot Cash at Your Own Prices ,
117 North 16th Street , . . . - Omaha , Neb.
Supplies Male and Tomato Help for ah kinds of
314 J South 15th Street.
Oactf.Soatti Omabt EoomV rtun
Omaha Bo m 8. CoamercUl National Bauk.
\ 1,000 CATS WANTED.
The Eric Clothing Co. , 820 North 16th Street , th& only exclusively One Price
Clothing House in the city , do not want cats , but want you to sec their mammoth stock
of fine clothing , ALL marked in plain English figures.
Erie Clothing Co. 320 North 16th Street.
T. I . "WOOD. m m
Real Estate and Loan Brokers ,
Real Estate. Tin ttud Hollow Ware.
Happy Thought Cook Stove & Range
For Cent Loans a BpocUltr. Call on us for
C. F. O-jftu DiTEia'S ,
lion ins 1 and 9 ,
. . .
Good Couds nnd Law Prices.
Hardware Stoves Tinware
, , ,
Promptly Attended To , Satisfaction Guaranteed.
! V
4 I
A. W. WA.N fc 40. ,
Auction of Furniture every n'ednvn-luij and Saturday.
ft7 § OUTII ISTII sTHiir : : , OMAHA ,
Some Strange Things Done By a Woman
Seemingly Charged With Electricity ,
Electric Iht Fixture-An IraproTed
Motor The Coming Electrlual
Kihlbtlon-A !
Swept Farm.
Electric Finger * .
Anton Snvcrne , a Belgian cabinet-
ranker , employed ( it n Kcnsingion ship
yard and living nil nlono in thu little
fraruo house 003 Sohlcswle street , has tlio
wonderful power of producing electric
sparks by rubbing his fingers. Savcruo
is n little , swnrthjr follow nbout 40 years
old , with a bushy head of black hnirkrcn
blue eyes very rare among oia country
men and ho is excessively nervous , and
his senses of hearing , Right and smell , as
ho assured n reporter of the Weekly
News yesterday nro unusually acute.
Ills parents still llvo on n farm m Bel
gium near Brussels , and he is the young-
ist of n family of eleven children.
"I know not how I do it , " ho said last
ivoning , as the reporter saw sparks
hoot from Savorno's fingers. The cab-
not maker rubbed his iinger-tips rapidly
up nnd down upon his pantaloons. Then ,
holding his hands out , with the lingers
widely extended , jets of tinv yellow
flames , or long sparks , shot out. They
iccmud propelled by so mo unseen force ,
en or twelve Inches jnto the air , when
.hoy vanished. The right hand appeared
more charged with electricity , if the
iparks are olontric , than the left. The
amp in Saverne'a front room there arc
only two in the house was put out. so
that the suarks might be seen m all their
brilliancy. It was a wonderful sight. "I
was not always EO. " said Savorne , light-
'ng the lamp and the black pine , tilled
ivitli villianous tobacco , at tlio same
iinie. "When 1 had boon sick , ten years
ago , it was said 1 would die. I
lay so weak one night in
my father's house , when there
; anic up a storm. Such thunder and
ighlning 1 never new before. And r.iy
aody had such queer sensations. While
[ lay covered up with bedclothes , mv
mother sat holding her face in her hands
' > y my side , and 1 seemed to fuel a
housand needles pricking tny limbs and
ihcst and the solos of my feet. It was
not so painful , for queer thrills came
with every priuk , and when the thundur
rolled away and the rain stopped , I rose
.ip , loaned back and pnt out my hand to
, ako that of my mother's. My eyes wore
closed , but 1 heard her cry , 'Anton ! '
" What1 1 gasped weakly.
" 'Yourhaml. '
" 'I looked at it. The ono nearest to
her. It was allamo. God preserve us. I
was terrified. My cry brought my father
and sister into the room. Tlioy looked at
nio in Horror. I took my other hand
from the clothes to rub my right. Sparks
shot from the left. Soon they died away ,
but 1 have but to rub my hands as you
'mvo seen and the lights conic. "
A Woman Does Strange Things.
Coi.iT.MniA , S. C. , August 2f ) . There is
an electric woman in Greenville county.
Her narno is Airs. Lockaby , the wife of a
poor farmer. She has been visited by
curious people from nil sections of the
stato. About two months ago she bo dante
to hear what she believed to bo super
natural noises about the , house , such as
slamming of the door , tapping on the
walls , the moving of furniture , and the
like. The manifestations became so fre
quent as to alarm herself and husband ,
and they abandoned their homo and
went to live with n neighbor ,
believing that their house was haunted.
But thn noises wore oxen more pro
nounced than before , and the frightened
couple were compelled to return to their
own homo , as their neighbors believed
them to bo possessed of evil spirits , and
refused them shelter any longer. After
returning to their homo the manifebta-
tions continued a few days longer and
then stopped.
About this time Airs. LocKaby began to
have strange sensations , similar to the
shocks of an electric battery , at times so
strong as to bo painful. Then it was that
she discovered nor extraordinary power
to lift and move large and heavy bodies.
has exhibited hur power in several
ways , although it is only by great per
suasion that she can bo induced to do so.
She is very superstitious nnd believes
that she is possessed by spirits. She re
gards the matter very seriously , and ex
presses great alarm lest it should lead to
something dreadful.
Artistic Electric Light Fixtures.
"There have been more ingenuity ana
artistic taste developed in designing fix
tures for the elcotriolight during the last
year than a half century developed for
all other kinds of lights together , " said
the head of ono of tlio principal oloctrio
lighting companies in the city. Ho was
silting in his ollice , ono end of which was
completely occupied by beautiful and
novel samples of electroliers , brackets
and globes in nil materials , colors abd
shapes. Ho pointed toward this collec
tion as ho wont on :
"The best designing talent in this coun
try and in Europe is being utilized to
turn out just such work as this. Hero's
n design for a bracket in the shape of n.
branch of a rose bush. The loaves and
thorns are perfectly imitated in brass.
The roses are small colored globes. When
you turn the current on the effect
is indescribably beautiful. Similar de
signs in lilies , blue bells and tulips
have got to bo comparatively common.
The natural tint of the tlowor is repro
duced admirably in the glass. Some
times two or thrco diU'uront ( lowers nro
united on the same bush , nnd the owner
gets n sort of garden out of his illumi
nator. Such things are very costly , anil
nro only used for decorative purposes.
Wo can duplicate any design that the
makers of gas chandeliers can invent ,
and then improve upon it greatly. You
see , the electric light will burn in any po
sition. Wo can have long stems and
boughs , with the light drooping at the
end like n blossom , as you see it there.
Or we can have lights nestling in a vine
running over an old tree , like they are
arrangt-d in a 130,000 piece of work now
buiim made for an English nobleman.
That will bo a great piece of work , by
the way. Tiny lamps with an intermit-
tnnt arrangement will bo fixed in the
boughs of the trco to look like glow
worms. There will bo an imitation o
moonlight , too , that , it ia thought , will
bo something remarkable.
"For the illumination of ball rooms
something that has the general shape o
the old chandelier is very popular. It ia
much more artistically made , however
and is thickly covered with globes , everyone
ono of which has n different tint. The
general effect is of n bright , sparkling
"Sconces are now made of hammcroi
brass , with jewelled glass incanduscon
burner * at the side. Another favorite
wall ornament is a brass panel covorei
over with little branches , bearing brigh
colored lights. The brass is highly pol
ished , and the effect of the reflection o
the different colors is very bright and
warm. "
An Improved Motor.
Isew YorkTimos : There was shipped
from a Yonkers machine shop recently n
now electric motor , to the constructloi
of which Stephen 1) . Field , of the Fioli
Electric railway company , has devotee
himself for a 3 ear past. Thu now tuotoi
akcs iJ ( power , atiaTo all these which
lave been experimented within the past ,
rom dynamos in oJct-ntral station , which
s conducted to tMJ bnolors by n third
all , upon which fans a "traveler , " a
mall wheel from Aq motor. The motors
o bo used In actual sorvlco will bo small
and compact affairs , weighing nine tons
each , which will take the place
of the present trucks under the
ordinary cars , ono at each end of
each oar , and can bo controlled by
gatomen at either end of the oar. The
ixperimentat motor Is shown In the pic-
ure. Besides doing away with the ne
cessity of having a motor separate from
ho cars , Iho now machine has various
mproved devices if crlgu latins nnd con-
rolling the motor Wl for prolonging its
Ifc and economizing on the expenses of
Is maintenance. The dynamos are also
different m several respects from the
ones ordinarily used for generating clcc-
ricity , nud nro expected to do much bot-
er work than the present style of ma
A Now Bnt Extensive
Special interest is manifested in the
electric motors. Manufacturers of them
say there is no business in the country
more active than theirs to-day , although
t is. as n commercial development , prac-
ically the growth of but ono year. There
ire now ton thousand electric motors
running in this country , nrarly all of
which are on electric light circuits , whloh
now have a double duty to perform , sup
plying power by day and light at night.
The Coming Klrotrlcal Exhibition.
A New York letter says : 'The Now
York Electrical society , which is to hold
an exhibition at the American institute
his fall , is still receiving applications for
space from intending exhibitors. Al
ready more than twice the number of
square feet of space at first thought suf-
icient for the exhibition has been ex
ceeded , and then : is no longer any doubt
lint it will bo the greatest affair of the
kind over held. The soclnty has already
received applications for 12,000 square
'cet ' of space and for 700 horsepower to
operate the exhibits. Among them will
) o 2,500 incandescent Inmps , 203 nrc
amps , 300 motors , several storage bat-
cries and throe electric railways , bo
lides countless miscellaneous inventions.
This , in itself , would constitute an inter
esting display , but as new applications
nro being received daily the indications
are that the electrical exhibition will be
the finest nnd most varied , ns to exhibits ,
> ver held. The society having tlio matter
n charge has made n classification of the
exhibits as follows : Section 1 , production
) f electricity ; section Ii , apparatus rcquir-
ng strong currents : suction 8 , apparatus
requiring comparatively weak currents ;
section 4 , electric conductors ; section fi ,
electrical conductors ; section 0 , historical ,
educational , bibliographical anil miscel-
ancous exhibits. A series of lectures
will also bo givnn bv several of the most
noted electricians of the world.
A tjiglitnlni : Swept Farm.
Correspondence St. Louis Globe-Demo
crat : There is an opinion prevalent
among the public that lightning does
not strike twice in. thti same place ; this ,
iiowevor , is a falWoy , as it is well known
to these who studft electrical phenomena
that lightning clods strike in the same
place more than , Jontie , and that it will
fall upon a certain /place / just as of tun as
the natural condirionsjaro such as to de
termine the lightning discharge to that
point , or just as often as that place lies
within and forms. ; he # ath of least re
sistance. *
Probably ono of the best illustrations
of numerous lightning discharges falling
upon ono place that has ever been re
corded in the United Status is upon thu
farm of Mr. W. F. French , who lives
near flushing , Gancsce county , Mich.
Mr.-French is nn industrious farmer , ami
ifrom the , numerous lightning visitations
ho has had , ho might well ask when and
were will it end. In the summer of 1871
his barn was struck , doing but slieht
damage to the barn , but killing a line
team of horses , worth $400 , which were
in the b.irn at the time. In 1873
the same barn was again struck
in exactly the same placu
nnd another fine team that ho
had refused flOO for , were killed while
standing in the identical stalls occupied
by the team that was killed in 1871. In
1831 a fine Clydesdale stallion , valued at
$1,000 , was struck mid killed aud during
the present summer ho lost another
valuable horse , valued nt ? 200whioh was
struck while grazing in n field. At
various times between the above disas
trous strokes a creat many trees were
shattered , and it is a frequunt occurrence
for lightning to strike the earth in an
open field , often tearing a hole in the
ground. The great frequency with which
lightning strikes upon this farm suggests
forcibly that thcro must bo some natural
cause for it. The land is rolling , and a
small stream meander. ! through one part
of it. The soil vnries , and there are
several kinds of trees on the place , such
as beech , maple , oak , basswood and ash.
Mr. French states that he has found what
ho supposed to be nn iron orv , but that
ho hna never investigated the matter to
learn the extent ot the body of ore or
ascertain its nature. Ho believes that
there must be something on his farm that
attracts the frequent discharges. If it is
n fact that the ore ho has found is an iron
ore , and if it crops out at the earth's sur
face , that alone would in a measure ac
count for the frequent lightning strokes ,
while it may bo that there are other
natural conditions surrounding this farm
that facilitate and invite thu electric
Fl h Killed by Elootrloltjr.
New York Mail and Express : Fisher
men of the city have been interested for
several days in a report from the South
Side Sportsmen's club , of Long Island ,
that during a recent thunder storm sev
eral trout in ono of the ponds were killed
by lightning. This is a rare occurrence.
In talking on the subject with Mr.Charles
F. Imbrie , ono of the nest known anglers
in town , who has fished in almost uvory
Inko nnd river of prominence in this
country nnd Canada , that gentleman
said that while fishing in the Grand river
he saw some salmon struck by lightning.
Ho was fishing in the largest pool of
the river , known as the "crand pool.1
'I ho day was very hot and perfectly still ,
and it was not possible to raise n fish
Suddenly ono of thbse "regular Canadian
river thunder sforrrts set in , am :
as it was dangerous to stam !
under the tree ? , Mr. Imbrio took
up a position tit the foot of the
pool. Ho thus had a ftf ( r nnd full view
of the entire shoot of water. The light
ning Hashes came ilearer and :
presently thorn was n perfectly blinding
Hash instantly accompanied by severe
thunder. Thu whole air seemed to bo on
lire. Feeling certaili tint somuthinir mus
have been struck,1 Mr. Imbrio lookei
about him to .senyJiat tall tree or trees
had tallon. To his',4urriso ' | ) there was no
evidence of the llghtnirig having struck
anything. After a motannt or two ho
saw several salmdn Uouping about in
the water In a most curious and unac
countable way. Soon ono of them lloatud
down to the end of the pool where ho
was standing , and although it quivered
somewhat , it was practically dead. Two
more soon floated down. Mr. Imbrio
and his gallers took them axhoro , and
before leaving the pool had secured seven
salmon in the condition spoken of. Upon
cutting open tlio fish it was found that
the blood along their backbone was con
gested , otherwise there was not the
slightest mark of any injury done to
them. _ _
A Transferred 1'lcture.
A recent letter from Hillsdale , Michi
gan , says : A curious electrical phouom
onon Is reported from Fayettu towiiMii P
Last evening a lively thunderstorm
passed over that region , during whicl
the play of lightning was peculiarly ro
queut aud vivid. Just before the stum
broke , Amos J. Brlggs , a farmer living
midway butwpcn Hillsdale and Jones-
ville , who Is quite bald , his head being
smooth and slilny , wont into his back
fard to frighten away some cats that
ivero lightine on the wood pile. So in
tent were they on exterminating ono nn-
other as to allow Farmer Briggs to approach
preach within a few feet of them. At
the same instant there was a great crash
nnd an electric bolt struck thu wood
pile , scattering it and stiffening the cats
in an intense rigor mortis.
Aside from a prickly sensation and
sudden contraction of the muscles Mr.
Itiggs experienced no unpleasantness
further than that the fluid passed down
liis body , tore the workc of his watch ull
to pieces , breaking the cover , ripped his
loft trousers leg from top to bottom and
burst his left boot , tearing the upper
clear from the sole. When he entered
the house his wife fainted. Unconscious
of thn cause the farmer hastened to bring
liis wife to , nnd thu first words she ut
tered , "Oh , Amos.tho devil's set his mark-
on you , " excited his curiosity and ho
locked in the glass and found the Imago
of a black eat photographed in silhouette
on his bild front. Mrs. Biggs being
fully restored they examined the picture
closely , wluoh they say was perfect. It
was about live inched from tip to tip.nnd
in The ' "whls-
perfect proportion. cat's -
ors , " tooth and oven the hairs on its tail
were produced with exquisite minute
ness , Curiosity being satisfied they tried
to remove the obnoxious marking , using
sorno homely remedies as soapsuds and
scouring brick , vinegar , nnd nshos. etc. .
but to no purposu. However , in the
morning thu picture was much faded aud
by noon it had quite disappeared.
Klnctrio Ijnntcrns.
Electric lanterns will , it is thought ,
take the place , lu course of time , of the
ordinary mining safety-lamps. A porta
ble electric lamp can now bo made pos
sessing the following features : Weight ,
about three pounds ; illuminating power ,
five candles ; ui/o and shape , similar to
present lamps ; duration of light , ten
hours ; cost of repairs , charges of battery
and material , two cents for ten hours ;
these facts showing that there is nothing
to prevent its adoption as a substitute for
the present lamps , anil oven for candles
in many minus whcro they are still in
Another Ijummoun Klcctrlo Dnll.
Correspondent Now York Post : At 6\ : \ ?
p.m. on February 18 , 1837 , 1 was , during
a heavy shower , sitting in a second-story
room in my house at 80 Brcvoort Place.
Urooklyn. The house is surrounded by
trees. I happened to bo looking out of
the window when I saw a ballot brilliant
light slowly descend among the trees
about 250 feet from whore i was sitting.
At a point about fifty feet above the
ground the sphere exploded or collapsed ,
emitting brilliant scintillations of light.
These appeared to be composed of incan
descent matter , though I supposed this
was not the fact. At the instant of thu
explosion or collapse there was a report ,
short , sharp and deafening , but utterly
unlike ordinary thunder. No damage
was donu. The temperature observed
after the shower was 50 digrces F. , but
1 should think that it was slightly lower
at the time of the explosion. The ball or
globe of light appeared about ten incher
in diamctor.and , had a violet color.
Although frequently observed , no ex
planation has ever been ofl'ered as to these
luminous electric balls. Their electric
condition appears to bo unknown.
A Portable Telephone ,
Two Belgians , Colonel llcnard smd M.
Nothomb , the latter professor of
telegraphy in u technical college , have
just made known at Brussels a wonderful
discovery uamely.a portable telephone ,
wherewith telephoning is made easy on
open ground from anywhere to anywhere
by means of ft copper wire worked by a
small but astonishingly powerful genera
tor of electricity.
In warfare , soldiers could carry the
wire , and would bo able to communicate
with others by simply throwing the wire
on the soil and rolling it around a sword
fixed in the ground to form the circuit
nnd then speaking through a small bov.
The said telephone also nets as a tele
graph , and can bo used as n substitute
whenever telegraph wires are cut. Ex
periments made between Brussels nnd
Antwerp shows the transmission to bo FU
perfect that sound can be heard oven nt
several yards from the receiver.
Thu portable telephone already exists
in Germany , but costs so duar and so
constantly guts out of order as to bo im
Electric News Urcvitlef ) .
A Daft car has just been started on
Mansfield lino.
A now oloctrio road is to bo built in
San Francisco.
Dayton. O. , will have a fully equipped
electric line by October.
Four cars are running on the line ia
Detroit with Fisher motors.
A 11,000,000 electiic railway company
has boon organized in Detroit. *
Scrauton , Pa. , will hnvo 300 electric
lights in operation by October.
A great ninny small machines are being -
ing run by electricity in Galvuston.
Electricity is boine applied as a motive
nowcr on a number of street railway
A London company lias ordered 800
cars to be , ruu by electricity instead of
horse power.
It has been estimated by electricians
that it will cost only f 127,000 per year to
light Chicago.
The electricians and manufacturers of
electrical supplies are not only moder
ately but extensively busy.
Six thousand feet of electric track aroused
used in n Lykens Vallev cofil mine. The
wuight of the train is fifty-six tons.
An electric road , to be thirty miles
long , is to bu built nt Los Angeles , and
eight motor ear-s will bo used ou an eight
milu road to San Jose.
A Chicago man , Bi dwell by nnmo , has
planned an electro railway to run fiom
the United States throuzh Hritish Amer
ica and Alaska to Bearing's Strait , cross
ing a bridge into Asia , and thencn con
necting with the railway system of
llus ia.
Cor. loth nnd Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
A Itcgiilar Ciruilimtc In Mc-cUt'lno
mill Special I'riK'lllioiifr ,
Authorized to trent all Chronic. Nonous and
"bpcclul Diseases. "
( Wlictlior caused by Irr-prudoncu. Kxccss or
Contusion ) Somlnul Woaknuvs , ( iiltflit loinoi )
i-oxuiil Dt-liilityloss ( of sexual | ionurl , Noiv-
ous Uolnlity , lllooil Disorders otu. Ourunlociisoa
Kuarnnioaii nr tnnuuy nifuniliiil. UtmrK"low. .
Tliouvtiuila of CHIOS cured.KO anil i < ip rlt < ncu
arc Important , All mixllcinLS especlully | ire-
pnrod for euuti Indhldiml ca o ,
i\o liijiirioui or roUonoiii C'nin-
pound * I/nod.
Nn tlmo lost from builacsi. I'ntlcnUatH treato I by letter anclexpri-w * Motlcinu
Bum ovcryw liuru free from KIIIC or breakage.
JVo I > t > layln rillhiKOiMlvm.
For 4 cents In stamps , will mail frco , all our
prlntua llturuture , ombracliitf B"Symptoiiil.l3t'
on wlilcn to got H lull tiUtory of DUua- , etc.
State ynijrcsso and semi for tcrinq All no
ask Is H trial , hucrocy observed cither In par-
ton or by mall.
0 to 12 n. in. . 2 to A unit : to 8p. in. Svintlayd In
cludod. Consulting room NO. 4.
Omaha , , Thursday , Sept , 22d
Twenty Time * Greater , Grander and Higher than Ever.
Derris and Colvin's Colossal Shows
Combined. Circus , Museum , Grand Wild West nnd lloninu
Hippodrome. Grand Tripplo Circus of L'OO Performing Stars.
Full nml Complete , comprising Host' } of Indian Scouts ami Cowboys.
GICAMnw ICOIUAX iiii B oi > uom : .
Troupsor lnrln ItMors In Anclonl nml Modern linens. Tlio HrlKht I'artlculftl
mar ruaturoa oC the GroiUcst Rtollirnrong AK iotmtlon Ivor ! ( Iriratil/oU ,
Iod by thn Invincible Quartette ,
Wmmplon O'niOr 1 Haiolmek ItMtir T fYWRV World fnmou !
, of thoWorW.l'ltil.iLi , IMrnorUlnary.lAJWlVI , Hunllu. .
First tlmo In ' Only 31 llorjoIUJeriu
lHUiJJNLi I IjlliUiN
Amorlra , - - , thn World.
T\VIJ\TV rntiAM ; itAitim.u'it itimit : * .
l.c.l by tlio brine , the bewitching , the bountiful Qnartutto ,
The four fair women who ilro i divinely , clmrni comnlotoly , and rldo ostonlshlnplj
2OO Two Hundred I'lrHl1ltm < * fireiu Slurs 2OO
In as many acts , Aerial , Killing , t.onplntr , Tumbling , Contoi lion , Gymnastic , Aililotlo and all
kliiils known tochoiis i-ntoitiilnmcnt proper.
A MONh't'KH W-CAOE MF.NAUEItIK with Dons , i-nlrm Droves. Herds nnd CngCs ot Wild
Annnnls. rrpresontln , , ' uacli anil inory fiimlly of ( loolotry.
illi'l'OUltOMIO ACI8 without number. Roman Chariot , llomnn Standing. Itomnii Vault *
Inir. Itoman Steeplu It-ices , llriiwny Itldors , Illoodoii Steeds and a U of rallo truck. Kxcltmtf/
fapoctucular , Dramatic , Thrlllinjj mid Astounding Wild West. Spectacular and Uemarkublu Hippo *
drome features of nil kinds.
resonated by the Kront LC UOV. Thn mn ncro'n masterly rcproicututloo. The ambuscade ;
the attack ; tlio ropnlso ; the defeat anil death of our Hero Cutter.
' , . ' . , , ' Horses at Fullest Spend arotmcl
'Jhu ONI ! the ONLV. the (1 lU'.AT IIXN ) itldhiK'Jhirty-ono
tho'i ot n milo ultclo ThOKrontost net of iinuiont or modern dnjs , never before Klven In Amor *
lea. The wbolo the greatest performance ocr K'h on on out th.
Indians. Cow boys , Con boy ( Jills , Scouts , Frontiersmen , Mexicans , and Crack Shots led by th
"CJ ° ub'"U" '
The Pliamp'on Wlnjr Shot of tlio World.
HUMAN 11IDEHS. Grecian Uidora , Modern Trotters , Trottlnar n 'I Running Rncoa , such at
wore never witnessed boncuth nnv tcntod pavllllon ,
A PMSTHOIM OK AMl'SKMKNT of nil Kinds. Circus , 'i'licntrlcnl. Hlppodromo end Wild
West. A World of Wild Itciisls. A IU77llnir. Sulillrao Spuctuclo. The Whole tlio Ut cutest on tilt
MiumKod and Conducted liy ItrnliiR and Capital.
l oors Upon at l and 7 P. M. lixcurslou Itatos on all railroads. " >
The Ultf \\lll exhibit la
HnetlnjTH. Monday , Sept. 12 , Fremont , Saturday , Sept. 17 ,
Oiand island , Tuesday. Sept. 13 , IlPatilct1. Monday , Sept. 19 ,
Kearney , Wednesday , Hrpt. 14 , Lincoln.Tuesday , Sept. 'JO ,
Columbus. Tlnit idity , beiit. 1 % Walioo , Wednesday. M'pt. 1 ,
Norfolk , Friday , and Council limits , Friday , Sopt. 2X
121J and 121X
Carpets , Stoves ,
House Furnishing Goods.
Weekly and Monthly Pay
ments ,
Furniture , Carpets , Stoves and Household Goods
Of every Description , on Credit at Cash Prices.
613 N. 16th St. , Between California and Webster ,
ROSENTHAL & CO. , Proprietors.
Real Estate and Loan Brokers ,
310 South Fifteenth. Street.
olio Ion In Patrick' ndd , from tl..WO ; llOOcnah Porao Ocalrablo trackairolots
down , Lmhmcu to suit .
' D iicri'S irood liuikaRu , cheap.
CornrrWHIi nnd Cnllt'ornln , ISOtlM
Uooil ImriMUMhin nil | n\rt of tlio city.
Ho01 ill phone lot * In South Omuliu
Nlcu acres In Uonlleltl cheap. A line ucro In Wiuhlniftoii Hill
And Maud S. Has Retired from the Track
lint we harr tin- Lament and Flimtil H c of L'arriaw * , Harness , Itithi- *
Hianhcln , Uorne ClHtltln/ ; untlall Minis of Turf Good * , ever carried
b\i \ ana Jii'Hi in tint fiii.
200 Sets of Team , farm , lirprrm , Ctnifn ; LiuM , Double. Hlnule liar-
ni'i.v , for * ate , reuardle * , of eot. ttoln at/ent * for the California llorxa
JiootH. .Vojic genuine UH/I-SS / f > t < nni > < - < l. " , l. A. Melferron , S. I' ' ' . " Western-
Aijents/or tint eelebrated Tomncy Stilt.i.S7i > ; > around and ii'lient/ou are
I'l VII KLI , .I1 HA Ib Ks ,
readto ! buu rail on , . ,
S. W. Corner Kith hi. and Capilal Ave. , Omaha.
The HehnlantloroarcotnmancoH on thu I'lrst Wodnosdnjr In K ptuintiur. DIITerence of relK
plonTho no obstacle to the adtnisslon of joung J'xdlcn 1'uplls uro roculvud at any tlmo of th
Hoard , W'MliIng , Tuition in Knglidh nml I'ruuuli , Iintiuiiicntul Muslo , Use of
llodks.iKiriunilon of rtv .Miinth * , . $159 00
I'nlntlng , Druwlnif , ( Jordisn. Vocnl Muslr. Iliirp. \ Inliii-MHtriti.
Kefiironom are roqulrud fniin p < 1 40111 unlfnriwii 10 IntUtntluit , tor f urtuor laformalloa
apply to thu HUbtltuv JAS. O Oi NOjt.or t the I.iily , ( purcir. )