Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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    . r-T ' .
rT. !
_ _ _ _ _ T1419MAHA1
. Arrival of' a Notable Dp1omt1o Party Yesterday -
terday Morning.
OpnnIng up thn flowery Ktnglotn to
Uniteil HtaIc
vIcvM on 1110 SIIhJCCtA
flhiPINItn Count.
Tie } overland train which arrLvcd hero
yestorIIy : at 7) a. m. Iia1 anionc its pits.
scngors a very ( lIstLuguIshed pitrty , conS
sisting of Mt Kto Chang , Imperial envoy
from the govornmcnt ol China ; his secro
tnrk LI ICui J'u atul CIiu ICal 'l'a ; Count
K C. do Mctkiowicz and his secretaries
S. A. Stern , E. 1' . llarhcrlo and Frank
Ii. Itno. They occupied the drawing
room Kameila , and arc on their way
directly to 'oncltulo thu agreement made
fr by a l'hlladeiplilit SyIItICittlJ and the gov-
eminent of China relative to forniing a
* national bank tIire on tim American
, plan , OPcflIIg ) tip railroads1 csttblisiiing :
telephones and Introducing other Anion.
f' call features hitherto Ignored and tin-
r ; Jnowti in Ciinn. 1'Iic head of
this delegation , Ma Kie Clang ,
15 consiIrod ( one of the shrewd.
est and nb1ist diplomats in China , Il
hits bciii * esI3ccitLl1 011110(1 rout Franco
for the punposc of this visit to the
F United States , It is the hirst time ho wa
ever oh American soil , but nuvertheless
11(1 speaks the language thoroughly , and
fr when found ifi his car this nioruitig ho
wits attentively reading the Baa. lie is
'IIIE C111N151
who caused the arrest of thin father of the
' Conoan cniperorduningthedlplomatic ox.
citement between France and Cinna nut !
: he stibsequently brought it to a settlement.
Pda Kb Clang is in middle age , of me
' diuni stature and sturdy physuquo. lie
dresses In the ordinary costume of
iis country with no adorn-
inents to lniicnto any prominent
r oflicial position. Ills secretaries
tire youuig men and quito 8tyjishly
dressci , us far as the Chinese mode
would indicate. The party has inatie no
ttOT ) since leaving Tien Tshn. They ar-
niveut itt Situ Francisco Monday last on
the steamer Ilelgin , anti caitie imnied-
. lately ettstwnrtt. it is the purpose of this
delegation to make a thorough study of
the American system of banking and
coinage , its svehl as the postal system
which prevails in thin United States. Sonic
years ago Japan sent a similar commis-
aba to this country , and the result was
the adoption of many American custoni.s
in the Japanese empire. The backing of
the syndicate conies from twenty-one
Philladolphila banks. Vharton llarticy ,
of the latter city , is president of tim syndicate -
dicate , nnd Count tie Metkiewicz
is hirst 1co president. In
conversation with the hatter a
reprcsentative of the Bin : bunted the
following mets : Ho has been engaged
two years in perfecting a scheme to introduce -
troduco au American sytcni of railroads
Into China , nnd in fact give this country
a foothold there in matters hitherto coui-
trohleti by the Eniish. After great ditli.
culty and untolil opposition front Vie-
tonla's government , ho succeeded in get-
tiuigit favorable decree tromthe emperor.
It vas then that the osttb1hhinient : of a sys-
teni : of American banks in China struck
bite , and ho vent towork on this schieno ,
and succecded iii getting another favorable -
able decree. The new banking system is to
have sole power to Issue utotes for the
empire , and besides vill iittvo a
IflOuIOlOly of the coinn"o. i'hio count
says it is the purpose of the Chinese coy.
eniument to abandon the system
of coinage that now prevails there ,
and adopt a plan partaking of the
Juipitnesti and American systems. Paper
moutey will be issued similar to that Is-
stied by the uuittional banks of this cotta-
try. in fact a new era has beeii Opened
In thin lintnciai system of China which
will not only bonelit American trade but
give this country the advantage over all
other countries.
has rentoti the house lately occupied by
Mr. Manning1 ox-secretary of the treas-
' ury. It is within a few blocks of the
Chinese lcgtttioui utuuul vi 11 be the Inhlor-
in ! envoy's busiuiess hienuiqutrters : while
in this country. Arrangements hitve
been itindu vithi thin juresitleut Uhli thin
lientis of the thulleieutt ( leletrtflleults to
furnish thin distinguished partY all uteces-
sutry fitcihities for exiuniuling the
systems they caitic lucre to
study , lit a word they will be
treated iii the same cordial matiner the
Jitjmneso were some years ago. 'I'huo
count says that nil the Proflhlnent Chit.
- nose merchants are enthusiastic over the
new American scliento. ' 1'hier scouts to
be a naturtl : hatred of the English among
'all classes. lii fact , little children are
taught In the schools to hate the people
ivhom they are told persecuted and
mnssutcrctt their ancestors. On this
last trip the count has traveled
22,000 miles. Ho is COflfiIOflt of the
success of .huis schemes as far as the
Macrican government is concerned , as
It is already settled on the part of the
. Chinese empire.
Count do Mctkiewlcz has had a romantic -
tic career. Ho comes from a high Russian
faintly , and had to leave hIs native land
oh account of revolutionary ParticiPa-
tion. lie is a very shrewd financier , and
an acquaintance with him some years
ago in the east enables the reporter of
the llmt , who met him this unorniun' , to
give some points as to his career in thuu
country. Shortly after arrivIng in the
. IJiutted States hue caitie to Rochester , N.
.Y. anti became rather a social lion. In
COflSCjUOflCI3 it WaS not long before the
society of the Flower City was surprised
to hear that lie was about to lead to the
one of the most beautiful young ladies of
the cIty , whose father hind diet ! sonic
years before , leaving her ninny millions ,
A strong ouposltiou arose to the nujutitis ,
particularly among the guard.
Inns of the Lester will , her
relatives , atI others vhto would not ob-
jcct to have Miss Lester a member of
their fttmihies The count was victorious
however , and one of the grandest wed-
dlngs ever hield in Rochester occurred.
'l'lio newly tumtrnied couple contunenced
to live in the most lavish style , renting
flute of the tinest mansions In the suburbs
of thin city , which hiut just been erected
by one Mr , Pritchard , it was of c.labor-
ate castollutted dt'sigui , situated on an
elevation overlooking thin country for
iiilhts , artiututti , the blue Lake Ontario six
utuiles away. and thin most PicttireSqUe
' vintllngs of thin historical ( Ieiieseo rIven.
In his "castle' ' thin count held frequent
nut ! royal receptions and gave partcs
such its thin good Iiochesteriuis : had
never seen before , Still his wife's rein-
tives Vere olposcd to hIm itiuul
after a time caused hluti
iirutuicual : embarrassment , ills wife ,
however , clung to hultut through It nil ,
Fiuuahly , after sonic years the count en-
gageul iii eastern Iiitancia schemes , and
TUItNEL ) Ut- ' \VASiII'GTO. .
Bern he purchased an Islaunt down the
l'otonino anti started an extensive snuutmer
resorL Thousands vere expended on it
but thin count seemed to bo fighting
uuguilnst fortune , and ill-success financial.
ly was his lot. About two years ago hth
vufo died , lett'ing hint seven yotuuu chill
rca. ThIs wits just as lie was onlglnatluie
his Chinese schento , tprouitly he him
flow rlachucd the acme of his fuuo its r
! iiiancler , At any rate It ' I
great undertaking , tutu
areuth the dunt huts 'succeeded it
i a1ci
- - - - - - - -
- - - -
matter. Count 4i Meticlewics Is a tall ,
wiry looking man about furty'tiyo years
of age. lie wears his whiskers , which
are of a decided red color , In the regular
English style and looks more like a gen.
tieman of that nationality than a Bus.
elan , lie 81)Okg with a decided forohgn
accent , dresses very plaInly , is convene-
ant with the languages and cuetorns of
nearly every country tinder the sun , for
he has been a great traveler and in his
line may be called quite a renutrkabe
A Demand For AccommodatIons For
the VisItIng bcglonu.
To All Ex.Soldiers of Nebraska :
We hope that each and every one will
try and meet at the coming reunion mit
Omaha , and vill try to be In camp on
Tuesday , 0th. Comrades , lot us try and
get a many in line as possible. We wish
to make arrangements for a grand old reunion -
union , of nil Nebraska men , at as early a
day as possible , Comrades , you all want
a few days' rest and recreation , and nevis
is thin time to take it , l'arnuers , turn
your horses into the pasture. Mechanics
and merchants shunt up your shops. Law.
yers auiut agents , give your clients a few
( lays' rest , leave all cares at home and
come up to the reunion and talk over
olul times mind compare notes with ( lie
"old boys" and we will guarantee that
you will iievor miss the tiuto , but it will
be a hum ever to be remembered by you.
hiring your wives and families with you
and let us have a camp meeting of our
own , 'I'iios. .1. MAJoRS , President.
Ii. C. MCMAKi ,
Sec. Nebraska Soldiers' Association.
State papers plcase coly.
The Custer Vet Rmiolnthoniu ,
'Si notice , " said a veteran yesterday ,
"that the herald has gone wild over a resolution -
elution adopted on Wednesday last , and
published in the litu of last evening ,
suggesting that citizens in their decor
ations hang no portraIts other than
thioo of men who hind led the
soldiers to victory. The resolutions were
intended to antloupato an attempt to
place upon the triumphal arch at Six-
teonthi streets and Farnam , a portrait of
i'rcsidcnt Cleveland. Thin old soldiers
respect thie otlico but have little resPect -
sPect for the man Who let
his substitute go to the poor house ,
and who , if his will lund not been overridden -
ridden by that of the eountrywould kayo
humiliated the veterans by returning to
thin late rebels the flags wItch had been
wrester ! from them in their rebellion.
They would not have inarchied under
such an arch. "
Medical tuendance ,
OFFIcE OF MEIICAL liitcroir ,
G. A , it. 1)epartrnnnt of Nebraska ,
i'Ai'ILlON , Neb. , Sept. 8 , ISS ? .
I will be at Camp Johui A. Logan ,
Omaha , Nebraska , at the Ninth annual
reunion ofsoldlcrs and sailors with an
able corps of surgeons and provided
with till iieoded medicines antI surgical
dressings prepared to render all needful
medical and surgical aid free of all cx-
PCflSC to the veterans , their friends anti
families on the grounds day or night.
from 12 m. Monday , September 5 , to 2
p. m. Saturday , September 10.
B. N. hoNE ) M. D. ,
Medical Director.
FItnatton , . Secured ,
Valentine's Shorthand Institute never
tails to secure situations for its graduates.
Call or send for circulars , 1515 Dotlge at. ,
Itow lie Lost a $ irto unhlliant In a
C. C. Iouiol has been in the employ of
C. J. Collins , plumber , at 1311 North
Seventeenth street , at f1 a day. Yesterday -
terday while engaged with a couple of
otbcr hands putting in the water pipes
at the exposition building , Collins found
fault with lefiel's work and discharged
him. Dcl'iel demanded his pay , and Collins -
lins protrered him ti ten dollar bill , asking -
ing first , hiowover , for a receipt in full.
'I'Iuts Defici refused to do , claiming that
Collins oWCL Iiitii for four days at $1 per
day. Thin Inca became involved in a
knitted controversy , and liuiahly clinched.
but se'iaratett after a brier struggle.
1)ehiel then appealed to the other workmen -
men to stop svork until lie was paid
what was due 1dm. This they declined
to do , stating that such a 1)rocetlurn was
at variance with the constitution of the
tuition , mid that lie would hirst have to lay
hits case before PrcsiUont Conway of tIc
P1 urn bers ' association. le lid thu cut
turned to Collins and said , "damn you
i'll in of " and
get my nioney spite you ,
walking out of the building proceeded to
thin police statlon.whierc ho was inquiring -
ing of one of thin official attaches how to
go about it to get his wages. At this
juncture Collins came in and calling to
Police Captain Cormick said : "There's
thoinan who has ot my pinarrest hint. "
Deflcl was at once arrested , searched
and locked up. Then Collins went before -
fore the county attorney and made a
complaint , charging Dehiol with robbery -
bory , allccIng that in the scuffle that had
taken place in the exposition building ,
iciiel had torn a $150 diamond P1 from
his shirt front. The inn was not found
upon Dotiol , who claimed the right to
immediate trial , anti was accordknly ar-
raigneut before thin court and plciuicd not
guilty. Both utica made their statement ,
and tue judge and Attorney Simerat
being of the opinion that CoLlins hind not
niade out a case , Defiel was discliagcd.
lie loft the court saying that lie would
procecti to the nearest justice anti sue
Collins for his back pay.
Iowa State Fair ,
Helil at Des Moines from September 2 tc
9. Tickets for the rounut trip froni Coun
cii 1iltill , incitiuhiuig admission to the fair ,
I.45 , nut sale front Snptcmber 1 to 9 , in
elusive , gooul to rotur on or before Sep
teunber 19. TIckets will be on saiu at thur
Chicago , Rock Island & 1aciiie ticket of.
tico , l3O3 Farnant street. S. S. Stevens
general agent.
A Costly hag of Corn.
George Metcalf , a Union Pacilic bag
gage suiiashicr. was arrested yesterday ,
for beating C. 0. Fife , a 3)O corn
nian. i1etealf claimed that he gave Fito
a : fi : gold piece lii ptyuiiOflt for it bag oh
corn and Fife insistntl thumit it was a
nickle. Being tumble to get his change ,
hue couclinind to take it out of Fifo't
hide , which lie did after the most sewn-
tile fashion , blacking his eyes , breaking
his nose and dislodging a couple of hit
incisiors. Thin court held that while thit
provocation was great , Metcalf hati no
right to take tue law rind Fife at the rtinc
tiuiio in hits own hiants , anti lined hiiir
and costs.
flres'i ' Cuittinux School , 1018 howard ,
Lessons given in scientific dress cut
tiuug free ot charge for a few tttys : Vis
itors invited.
Rosuuaikabl. , itocovery ,
Some days ago a boy named Josepi
w' , Attair attempted to jumpon a dunum
train just after it crossed thin bridge. Thu
boy was thirosvn aninst a pile of tinibor
: lying along thin side of the track nuid i
I Splinter entered hits forehead to ( tie depti
, of wQiuIehcs. It was thought ImpOSslbb
- thta tb boy should live raid even his at
tending physIcian' tutU but little faith ii
hIs recovery. lie was taken to St
I Josephjis liojuital itt the time and , BtrLngl
- to say , he was pronounced nearly wel
remoyed to his liorno corner c
1' Eihthi atiU CuU.r ;
clii' . ltAiLWAS.
some of' the Latest Moves by The
Loo1 Carriers.
Yesterday a force of inca was enga.
god in lnyin tli track of the Motor
company on l'ourtconth street between
1)avcnport and Douglas streets. This
work has been the most expeditious of
the permanent work done by this corn-
pony. lr. Mercer was in supervIsion of
the work , and said that the epaco would
be paved between the tracks In time for
the fair and rounlon.
Thie City horse railway company yesterday -
terday extended the Sixteenth street
tracK north from Izard to Nicholas. The
intention is to run thin line along the hatter -
ter thioroughfare to connect with thin
Nineteenth street line vhlchi later turns
on to Ttventicthi and thence to the fair
The cable tramway company have corn-
meneed to tear up Tenthi street , inimed-
lately south of 1)odgo , to connect with
the line on thin latter thoroughfare with
thio rest of the track near Stephenson's
stable , _ _ _ _ _
C. N. F'ogg huts bean appointed claim
ntont agent of thin B. & M. his place in
thin loss and damage ( lepartnieiit has
heed tilled by E , M. Reed.
TIm Union Pacific will run a half-
hourly train to thin grounds every day
during the reunion , leaving Tenth street
crossing and stopping at several cross
streets ,
Thin Belt Line will run hourly trains
from the depot , \Vcbster and Fifteenth ,
to the fair grounds and return all next
llnrohl Robinson , a clerk of the Union
Facihic supply department , has assumed
a position in the oflice of the general
storekeeper of the Atchison , Toektv &
Santa Fe , at Topeka.
An Adventure With a Footpad.
And once more the festive footpad
comes to the front. Last night as isaac
Id , Guill , proprietor of th House of
Lords saloon , was returning from a
drive with a lady friend on Sherman
avenue , ho was attacked by a highiway-
man Just opposite tIm old Athletic
park a man caught Guilt's horse by thin
bit auid pushed hint back on his
haunches. Simultaneously with this
move , Guhil , who was unarmed
seized the whip , and as the footpad , stiif
clinging to the horse wIth his left hand ,
leaned back and thrust a revolver in the
faces of ( lie occupants of tIm buggy with
hits right , struck Iiini a furious blow
across the face with the lash , The maii ,
with an exclamation of pain , put the
hand holdintz the revolver to his face as
if to svard oil further injury , but still
hung on to the horse. Realizing that hie
had a desperate customer to deal with ,
Mr. Guill leaned forward and slashiert
hint again and again over tue hicati The
horse becoming fnmnhttenetl , reared ! and
plunged , and finally'rokc loose from the
road agent , and ran at a broakuieck
SPeed ti ) the avenue , leaving the would-
be robber sprawling at thin side of the
T. i. A.
All members of the T. P. A. are no-
quested to attentl a meeting of the association -
ciation to be field Friday , September 9 ,
' 7:30 : l. m. , at boar' ! of trade rooms.
w , B. L.tNius , Fret ,
Suiporhntnnuteat'e Annual Iteporr
County Superintendent Bruner has
jtist finished hisroport for thin year ending -
ing July 11 , 1887. it required a great
amount of work and is quito an exhaustive -
ivo document. It shows rIte following
facts :
Nturnbcr of teachers employed. 40 males ,
27.2 feniales ; total 319.
PattI uuiaho teachiers..S 21IX)4 ) 08
PaId female teachers. . . , . . . . . . . . 122(2fl ( 53
l'aid for biilhdhuig sites , etc. . . . . . . . 13S0 ( iti
i'aItl uuther Indebtedness. . . . . . . . . . 20,493 18
( 'aId for all other inirposes. . . . . . . . 44,274 33
Aiuiount oui Imnuh July 14 , 1887. . . 14,229 54
'i'otal expenses for year. hnciuitlluug
manual on lined. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SG1,8IC tt
Aggregate number of days tau.hit
by uiiahe teachers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,37
liv fernalci-------------------------
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Waresearneti by teachers , whether
imhd or not . pale , niales. . . . . . . . . . 21(0 ( b2
FC1IIR1N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 , 23
Nuuniber of districts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Nuiuimber of school houses
- - - - - - - - - -
Nuintier of chulhlren ( school age. . 19,411
\rithti6 of school sItes - 47-I,1fl5
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
\rahtie of school hiousos. . . . . . . . . . 511,000
ytihtie of tchiool apparatus. . . . . . . . 14,154
A Sorrowing \Vldow.
Mrs Mtsterson : , widow of the cuigin-
ocr who was killer ! at tim washout near
1)ouiver a few days ago , anti her infant
child tuassed eastward thiroiughi this city
Thiurs'Iay ' night with thin body of the lies-
band and muter. Tlii is a Pmtrtictlhtirhy sail
case. The deccased wtskuhled while iutk- :
ing : t "rita' ' to oblige a friend. lie htd :
just purchased a home in Sterling , Cob , ,
and there scented to ho a bright future for
1dm , Ills body was found inubodded in
the Saudi two miles below thin bridge
where the engine was wrecked. The
other fatality of the accident was a young
boy of iinhustrious anti honorable parents
whom a'trarni ) hEld induced to i-un away
from home.
nviw p
. cl
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never variss. A marvel of per
tyitr.ngtii snd who1eonenou Mare econ-
oicl thaui ( ho ordinary kinds. and cannot be
sold ha Competition with the miiithttuile of low
Colt Short weight iuitim or bophte powdc'r&
8.lg cih in csnq. I10YAL BAKINO 1'OWDXR
lOlWaih-it. , N.Y.
a 1'UIUS CALIrORNIA WINiS ' hhpped direci
IL froita our vineysrd ; itheshhnr. t'Utotiuh Clarets
l'ort , t5kerrhss1otc , tin J05o Viults eyentb
h1hirtb , Ben balyadur. . nail Wlhlliun ste. , at
Ju.cuLwinLe .
. .si11T =
CommsnclNg Monday , Sop ? . 5
First appearance in this city of the
Broderick Opera
Compnhsing.the fohhowlng artists.
MISS IDA : ' !
11 , Ii. IIEI1VR3 ,
: o - - - Qrarict Oliorus - - - 3D
Admisihon * t1 , 5c , to ) , 350 , 2c. Seal. can bo
secured at the box ohflco on and alter Soptent-
ben ? ,
Entrance on 14th St.
Week of September 5 ,
WIth the exception or Friday. Special oiigago
meat of
The largest opera bouisO attraction over
seiited to the American Pubhlc.
I Car load of inteuuhfleciit , boto.
1 car loud of spoclal Scenery I.
20 hlrst cias artlts2O ,
Ill of the finest educated horses In the world ,
Thio iO&iIng . iiuiu'clieflt attraction und thu
EIrio.1.r LONDON 8110W. I'atronieii everywhere -
rywhere by the chile , the u'clciithtlo , thi cut.
turoti and thu hhteraru pooplo. W. C. Coup &
Co'swoiuchorful educated broncho. in amaze-
hog acttsohiool anui battle soetios. The 6 ihhI-
ottsprhiiiier bicychistsand unlcyciistg In Amer
lea. The mout reSeed show on thu road , thio
only oiio eudorbed b7 the leading Imopho of
the continent rutid tinder the per'oiinh stupor-
vision of VI , C. tjoup , 1iq. , originator of the
largest ciroussos , New York aquarium and
several oIlier colosial enterprises.
Of.SoIo Arthits
Atiiuisslon2e. iteservod seats 23e eXtra ,
CAPITAL PRIZE. $150,000.
"We do hereby certify that we supervise tile
arrangements for all thio ltiouithuiy itiI Semi
Annual Dritwings of 'l'io t.ouihIana State Lottery
tory Coiupany , and In person inailago and con
tiol the drawings themselves. utud that ( ho
same lire ( Ondtictod with iiOneity , ftiruitts , 1(11(1
in good faith toward all p'rtIes. iiuiil we itiittior
izo the Company to use thus certhhicato with fac
simhles ( f our signature attached , In Its aiiver
tiSoments , "
Wethe underslgnedhianks and flankers will
pay all Prizes drawit In The Loiihshittia State
batteries which may bo presented at our counters -
ters ,
.T. Jr. OGLESIiYfl.'res. Louisiana National Ilk.
VIERIIE I.ANAUX , i'rcs. State National IEC
it. IIALiWIN , l'res. New Orleans Nut'htiaiik
CAIIL IOiIN , Pres. Union Nationni hIaiik
Louisaiiia State Lottery Company
incorporated l is1ufor2.yerey the i'iaturo
for eductioriai , i.ud charitable pllrioes-wiLh a
capital ofiiJ.OOO-to ibtch a re.irye fund of over
sc.ujii ha. since bsen added ,
Bran ovorwjisinilng popular vote ft franchise was
made a pin or the t.reeni 501(0 ClltItUtiOfllIIOptC'i (
leceliiber 2nd , A. U. 15ii.
Tue only lottery over voted cii iund endorsed
bytho ICOh)1f3 of any state.
It never ca1e'u or postilobeS.
Its ( untie Sintiho Number Drn''il1g titkopluce
fllOflthii3 , anti thin SemI-Annuiui lrltWhulc5 tegit-
tony evei'y six iiionthi ( .luno tuiih leicmhcr3 )
FORTUN I. Ninth Grand 1)rawina ) , ciuit 1 ,
in t'io Academy of Mtishe , Now Orietuis , Tuica-
dayScp , 13 , 1887-205th Mouth iy 1)rzuwing.
ctrt'rAL Pizi : , $150,000
iMNotice--Tickets are Ten Dollars only.
Halves , $5. Fifths , $2. Tenths , $1.
lisT OF i'ittZi.
1 CAI'ITAI. Phtl'ZC OF i5O,0d. . . .
1 0 RAN1) I'itl/.R OP P,0k ) . . _ _
1 GhdA Ni ) h'hl'/.ii { OF 20,101) ) . _ _ 211,00)
2 1.AIiGE i'htl/.ES OF jQtE)1) ) , . , . 211,00) )
4 LAhtU1 ( I'hthZES OF 5,0)0 , . . . ? 0OtN )
20 l'1tlZhS OF ) , ( idtJ. . . .
50 " aol. . . . 25.00) )
100 ' iSlI. . . _
2t0 " 20) ) . . , . 40,0.5)
500 " iOO. . . . 50,5)0
Ai'i'OOXIN t'riON rnuz'u.
icci Appuozuunalluti PhLcs , , 01 VIOl ) . . . fOOfl)0 )
is ( " . . . .
) , . 2t ) 20,000
100 " IoJ. ( . . . 10,00' ' )
1 , oOo Turin I tiuui " 1.0 .
: i7 I'rhzeq amounting to . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.ApPiIe.Itiofl for rates to ciub hould I , ' ruluce only
to thu olifto of th' ' company ilu New Orlouri- ,
For further information write chearly , giving fun
addr'ii. i'OS'i'AZ N'j'E'4 ( , epreai nluney order.Or
New York l'xchAnnO 11 * ordInary latter. Currency by
eapiess ( at our
NEW OaLctNs , LA. ,
Or MA. . DAUrHIN ,
VAsal4uToN , D. C.
4t'(7re.q.q Ref'flsfereL letters to
NEW OuuuAss
p E M E M B E JTI1ftt tile . lteaur.gar5 presence and of
I&rhywhoaraIach&rge of the drawingsIs agua.r-
sat. . OX sb.'oiuto fairness and lategrity , ibat Lbs
ch&ncc.aresilequtuui aad that a. one can possibly
dlvi. , whatatumber will draw a grl , .
mtanjvnuui'ui that the payment of an prizes Ii
Orlennsand the Tlcketare , signed by tbe president
olin Institution , whose Charter.i rlgluis are rocog-
abed us the bichest enturti ; therofora , beware of any
imit5tlon , Or anonymous schemes
S. E. Cor. 18th and Iodge Sto.
Successfully Treats all Nervous , Chronic anti
Private Diseases of
= - - - wc =
Dr. S. i well knuwii mit time founder of thio
itlontromul ( Cuinuiduit M 0(1 ( icah i u.tii ute 1010 Iwo-
hurietor nt tIme SoiuiIc'vihio Imihirimmai'y. 'liii , hr.
hllud hOld 27 years' i'xpcnioluco In the treatment
ofchmrouiio ailul sexuuuuh disozus , , , uumni his uilorls
being crowned by ondorfull success , ho , otihd
cmiii thut uuttuiltioti of thmo alhhhc'iod to his ioiitr
standiiilc and soh1 euiruu'i : rejutathnn as sulhi-
cleat flbzUCtiflCO ofmbis skihi and abIlity.
NISILVOIJ'4 i)5luil.lTY.
SpormatorrhmuR , l'anthai lmpctcnc3flulut liii
diseiuse of thu nervous systuiti nimut sexual or-
gaas speedily Itild perluIsliently cured.
111.01)1) ANt ) SitiN Ui EES.
SYPIIL1S-A disease innet horrIble in Its results
-eomniuIotCI' eradicated without thu ust , of
lilcucury , Lhnrgos riasonnbho ,
Who may bo suffering trom the tIcctC ( If 3011111.
fui follies or hndiseretionu , will tb wuih to ut'util
themselves of thlimi , time go'mutu'st boon ever haul
at tOo alter of Buttering illimnulty , 1)11. $ I'l N-
NEI' will guarantee to forfolt * . )0 fur every
case of senilosh weakness or lurivato , tIoiau'e :
of any kill' or character which hue uiidortutko
cud falls to cure.
There are tnany troubled with too frequlon
evacuittlumns at time blauluier , elicit accotupuumled
by a hight emnarthuIr or illirnIlig , ucnatlorl lund
weakening of ( ho system n a inutilier the pu-
tic'iit elinflOt account for. On oxiutninlog the
tlrlnllr ) deposIts a ropy edlinont will ottoll ho
found. 1111(1 souumetluuiou small tuantlclo of nibmi-
Ilien will uui'0c8' or the color bo of mu thuhum , iuillk-
isis hue , again chiurmglny to a daric or torpid up-
lucaranc. . 'fnr.lts AIdS u'cy , jnwuio uma or
Tills iui'ructYi.Tv , ignorant or tOo cause , whIch
Is time eeotid stao of seiuutnith weaau1os. 'ruin
IJOCTOft WIlL OUAflAN"un A u'nutvrc T Ci'fli IN
ALl. SL'CIl c.tsns , uund a healthy restoration of
the geimito-unlnuiry Organs ,
0111cc hours 9 to iS a. in , , 1 to S. S to 9 p. am.
N. II. 1orsont tinablo to visit us uuiuy ho
treated at their luonieg by eorreapuinulouuo.
1uIedlclne and instructions sent by tush or ox-
press. CosU1.TAT1ON ANt ) .tzsvuc ; i'
LV 011 BY I.EL-IEfl , tlti ,
Send stamp for question list unit circular.
Call or address DII. St'1NNIY & Ci ) , , 103 S.
street , Omaha.
, caecu ed. 1oknhfeuirueorelamps used.
U , V O,5up14yCo. Ilex , 5 $ . L&uis , Me ,
: . :
We have made extraordinary efforts in ou" new Boys' and Childrons
Department , to have the same ready for the opening of the schools.
It is the largest , most elegant and , best lighted salesrooin in the city , '
and we cordially invite an inspection of the same.
We are now prepared to show a stock of clothing for boys5from 4 to
18 years of age , the like of which has never been seen in this city , It f
offered , at prices which makes it worthy your attention.
flATS T nATs T
Our new hat department is now ready and open for business.
Have our Drices for clothing revolutionized your ideas ? Well , we do
exactly the same thing with hats. They are marked at prices which
will astonish you. To inaugurate this new department in a befitting
manner we have placed on sale ,
One hundred dozens fine Fur Stiff Hats of the latest styles , high and.
medium crown , at one dollar. Such qualities have never been sold for
ess than $2 , and we guarantee them to be fully worth the latter price
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at
Nebraska Clothing Company
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
, .
' .
Cor. 131/iSt. andCapdolAue. , OVAHA , NEIl.
ron TilS T1tEATIIET or ALT ,
Ao Itt hitvi Ysnicocat SusPEtsotY CLAMP Coepr.tss.
? et f.eOliln. fi.Htau.i ; , iii fr , , ireatment it
4Y.ry torn , o.t'4..i ' 1,1111 , Ing Sle.iiei or Surgical treatment.
Wan. I'S. fl , , A Rt ON Iotriitle , a il Itrare. , t i.i , , Feet ,
Cries star . sill , . , Silne , Ille. , 1 , , , , uor. ( an , , C , Csi.a I I , , ilrairLIuI. ,
inlulOln. t1.etrleIie. I'araly.I. i.iIejrny IOlne , ui.dir , r1. ,
tar. Ski. . . , n.l Ilimi , , ri.l All buk.l , Oiar.tIuu , .
hook cii Iiscascs ) of' lYouuieui FIIEE.
SIAKINO A srccL1v : 05'
AU itl'.i Iulnei' . . tieniel. 5 plitille Pl..n renmami
Ira , , II , . 17.1Cm " luInit , lIeruiry N4 'V ilr.traliya 'I realnent , ( jr
In , Of % II i'o'.rr. I' . , .ij. u.Ids In a. tu.ay ii treated at
Lii. . , by t'oreni.flIeTCt , All ta.nnuiicailnt . , ( 'nutl.iilal. , MaUi.
ci , , , , or 15,11 ieiut , , M.I.t U ) ' . .i.ll or e.j re-n. , rcirrlv , .ek.I. ao
mark. IA tuilcata , 'n.utnt . , or n-tiler ( ii , , nan.l Iter. 1cm pr.
Ored ( 'all anjltnj.iiltu , or.enhl.i.tory flu ouzr C , . . , miCa lump ,
a14 no ti iii . . , i it p11. . , use
t'ptin rival. , * an I Nirnini 0.ra'n Stininl wckrr.- ,
Fni.i..rrI. . . a , I ipotelirY , HiilIl' . Oioijiiliu.a , Ll.t , uui.l I
to. , 'le lU' , , , . , fir j.iIe.t , ,
Otthi t ninuc.u1 : . SlhiCh'tI. ! ( INSTill ? or
Dr. McUenany , flor. l3bli it. & Capitol Av.OnlaDa , ch.
Medical hooks ot' l'apei's Free.
The 1roimruetor 0 t uho Oujiitiitt .M ad cm I nOd i4umrcl-
Clii In t ilium u Ito publi ted a vu I ut I , o so , uf bid a
tutu i''tpers upoit eturcuil' utItit U tpcti ilieitOs ittiul
, icioriuuitl so , ti til t io uuiotLoult ci c a ro as alet , it : , ye
givcn into ti,3 r-piltKtiuuiof beind the iii.-I. skillful
nioi uc tpnfuul SItoinIlat lit ' lie si u'at. utimil uuiatla Liii. ,
Instttultu so cuctursteii thuut uuu.utlclnee are .Ini Lu
iituii pjtt jeli it , reed ei I ruuu , 'y cry 'u tu Ir , I mm I Ii 0 ulniuli.
Anhuunut the books Is , ul tlj.u time illacusci iii
is .100 ii l 100 U POll nuirVtu , a l,1Ciul I un0 prt % 'itte ii I
CSSCM of hue secital , iluui ttrinary uuriuits ; varleocsic
curuI by sumr.uioti 111ertlloltl : , unit titeir lately invent-
0.1 dutinji ( 'olniuTess CiU'P nsory fur thu relict unit
euro , u I vltricococ. ! It It rv'uua oxiusuist lout ii liii so iiui I
tlL'l it. IttIls re.turative trUitiIueiIt i'uurars tipon
surgical brutc'u iuii,3. , t'tuCCus , i.ar1l7ai. . ills. Elec-
irteity , ttuit t 0 tiO V umuag , ietic hat wry I hr Ito ama a si
catat rim 111,1 Irilus i a 111)11 ) C t. Umuilk a cm i't books
i , I't ui t.y ii tudor. I roe. they un utot colt .1st o f iou' ii-
mon ittis a tilt Iletitioule 0 ¶ IflC aluul I ii It lit is , or rub bl'ulu
of that ( lout , but arc clulit , toaeriiutiOn4 of dlsoaen.
symptoms , , uOuv diacos'eriOs In mne.lioine . , 'uurdery
anti electricity. mud ire well worth the lortusi. tstd ,
can ho iibtutint'il free bi slidressing time Onuttita Mcdi-
cal Istid Simrizicuui in'tltuto , 1)th street enS Catutol
avenue , Omull , . , Neriusklu.
Slioit L ± rie
U IIIaha
( ) tJ1Illi1 llhtiiI's ' :
Aiitl Chicago
The only roruti to tilko for Des Moines ' or-
alt alli ow ii. t'it uur itapids , Cliii I ext. 1)lxoti Chhetu-
go , Mhlwuulikco 10111 nIl Imuhutta 01151. To tile lieu-
plo of Nebruiskut , Coloruutlo. V3'ouuini.r , utmulm ,
luhabo , AOVIIt'S , Oregon , Vushihuxgton , , xtnul ( 'uthi.
lornhlt , it others superior advitutrugos 1101 hiocti-
blo by axuy oilier hue.
Among it low 0' tOO numerous points of 811-
pIorlty enjoyed 113 the hmatrohm4 or thul reich
btut'VOOll ( ) tiiuthtit ltiiii Chicago , are Its two I raIns
a utuly of 1)t' COAChES , which tire tIme flitost
that tmuinuu , art anti hltgenmhty , can crelutu. iii ,
PAI4ACLE SlIifli'l hO CAllS , i'htlchm lure niodels
of conilort aild elegaxice , Its ) 'Ahtl.Olt IhtAS'- )
ING ItOOM CAllS , ttxmsuuu'puteseil lialm' . anti its
widely colelirtuted I'AL/i'l'IAIA l)1N1'l CAllS ,
time tuilmfli of wit ich cart not he fuull nil eiowitore
At Council illuitus time trains rmf the IJxiuon l'itchtlo
hty. conmact In tlimlouu lopot With tho.o of the
Chicago & Ntrthwt'stern ity. In Chtlcito Limo
tralne of tills line matte close connectIon with
thimsia of nil cadent hint's.
For Detroit , Cuittitnhuius. ! umtIannpohg ) , Chitcin-
nut I , NI siitira i'tiihs , Ii ii II uho , I'It ta bum rn Torotit o ,
Montreal , hioatout , Neiv York , l'ttllnthtihphthit ,
Dititlmnore , S'nshhngton anti all poInts in time
01181 ask for a tIcket ila the
, , NOutTi I sS'IiSTI' itN. "
If you ivlshu the hioi accoxmitno'IStlon , All ticket
agents soil tickets via thuls hum'
II , hicUhhIi5l' . 11 P. SIr.SON ,
( Jeni. Muinnger , ( lent. Pass'rAgcrit
Ctuhcitgo lit.
w , itt , BABCOCK. Ij. It. IIOLL1'.S ,
\\'Cat3rU Agent , City h'uuss'r Agent ,
( ) iintiR NbrUska
( Successors to John 0 , Jutcobs. )
llh1(1ertak1iS ( lld iab1MEs
At time old stand , 1407 Farnam St. Orders
by telegraph solicited and promptly at'
tetided to , Teleplivne No ,
_ 11:10 ) e Diamond Mez'chant , ' .
- a
' ; . aa
1' V Y ' = 1
A I . ii
- -
, .
0 5
. .
, 'L SA
' .1 ; a
. , ?
: :
. : ;
; lh,4
Imported and Bottled by Mihabovitch Fletcher& Co. , Cinincnati , 0 , For sale by
the following agents : Richardson Drug Company ; Blake , Bruce 5i Co. , Adler & hell
Cr , F rank Dchione & Co. , B. It Grotte. Families supplied by Gladatonc Bros. & Co ,
Sample bottle free. For sale by all wholesale and retail druggist. , liquor dealers and
wine merchants.
'rho iliustrattofla above are roads from photographs. The adjustable porte do not chance tim.
appearance when used a. a atrest carriage ; they call be used or oat at thu pleasure orth. pur-
chaser. The UOI.MAN CARRIAGIiS are warranted for two years. Every part 1. absolutely per-
fact , Over i000 .oid In Cbicago since March tat. Bent to liii i.arta of tue United Statoj anti info
delivery guaranteed. Bond for a catalogue containing latest .tyio. , cheapest to finont ,
HOLMAN ADJUSTABLE CARRIAGE CO. , 275 Wabash Ave. , Chicano , Ills.
; I4 4 '
) 4-Cc'
$ o + 4 , u
A magnificant display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
RESTORED tvletimo :
puuUufiuI tiruleOlcmtiuaiiti
M M a I'rcmMUre 11mw. , iir.rpum
I.ii.lity,14i.t Manhwudete.tuiCiflitirlCJiIA aat
men knoi' rtqreuty. baa dbeorvi is
ifeimre , whlh he wtusead J'f 5L to his faliawstuleret' .
- 3R.A.1'flS-
. - . '
lncomparbhy th Uut. , ' -
, , , . ' ' . . ; ' ' . . , . : : " . : , : : . , , ' I
' .