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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE" SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER a. 1887. SPECIAL NOTICES ; AilvcrttMtncntB under this brad , 10 cents po Ino for the llrst Insertion , "i cents for ncli rub ipqucnt Insertion , andtl.KJa line per ninntli bo advertisement taken for lens thnn 2fl cents Tor the llrst Insertion. f-o > en words wll Jb counted to the mm : they must run consrcu- tlrelr and must DO paid In advance. An udver- tlfoment tnti t lie bunded In before 1 : r o'clocn p , in. , nnd under no circumstances will they betoken token or discontinued by telephone. I'artiPK mivcrtulng Inthrsecommn ind nav- Ing tno nnsvrors addressed In enro of THE USB will pionso a k fern oherk to enable them to ( jet tnclr none win tie delivered oiccDt on i > ro < ontatlnn of check. All answers to adver- tlicmonlfl should bo enclosed In envelopes. All advertisement * In these columns are pun- Untied In both morning nnd evening editions of TUB MK.E. the circulation of which aggro- paten moro than H.uOOpapeis dnlly , nndI gives the advertisers the bonoflt. nut only of the city circulation of Tun HKK , but alto of Council IllulTs , Lincoln and other cities and towns hrotiirliont this part of the west. MONEY TO LOAN. Wo loan money on Improved prop MONEY nny Ocslrcd amount at low rM l of Interest , to run from two to ten years time. Btottn , Cox ft Houston. 1B07K Fnrnam. 059 7DO.OOO TO LOAN tO per coat. Llnahan Jlnhonoy , IW9 Karnam. 401 A 1,000/KX ) to loan , II. E. Cole , 310 B 15th , Vlrst n mortgage notes bought. _ . 3ifl TKK CF.NT Mon y. 6 B. C. I'attorpon. 15th atfl ONEV TO LOAN-O. F. DavH Co. , rea M eetata aid loan agents , 1606 Farnam it. 408 500 ,00 to loan in any amouot at lowest rate $ of interest. II. . Iruy. Frcnior block. 407 , To loan on Omaha city property atl $500,000 cent O. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Hid. 403 to loan to pnrtlci wishing to build. MONEY 8. 8. Campbell , 1)10 ) B 16th et. , Chamber ot Commerce. 408 ONKY Tn loan. Lowest rntci. No delay. J. L. Hlco & Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank. 410 ' 'kyf ONEY to loan , cash on delay. VUJ. . W. and 1" . L. Squire , 1413 Karuam at , Paxton hotel building. 411 TVf ONHY ] TO LOAN on Improvnd city prop- -W I. ertylnsumiof 11,000to 15,000 at lie pet cent interest , Pholcsft Crumb. 413 MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real estate ; no cotiipilaMon charged. Leavltt Uurn- ham. licom 1 Crelghton lllpck. 413 In sums of JMK ) and over to loan at MONEY , Hussoll ft liarrott,312 S ICtb Bt. 704 fX > IOAN Money Loaiii placed on im- J. proved real estate In city or county for New Knglaud Loan tt Truit Co. , by Douvlas County bank. Uth and Cnlrngo t . 414 M ONEY ( LOANED at C. F. Hood ft Co.'s Loan . Ofllco , on furniturepianos , hordeswagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. ! ! U S. 13th. over Blngham s Commission store. All busl- B ss strictly confidential. 415 MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , eta. , low rates. J.J.Wilkinson ft Co. . 1X4 ! Farnain , over llurllngton ticket olllco. 419 MONEY TO LOAN by the nndorsigned , who boa the only properly organl/od loau agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wajroni , machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays. All builnosi itrlctly confidential. Loam so Undo that nny part can bepald nt any Imo.each payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances niado on fine watehei nnd diamonds. Persons Should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many now concerns arc dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call lid see mn. W. H. Croft , Hooai 4 Wthnell Building 15th and Unmet. 417 f | > HK OMAHA Financial Kxohango , * " _ . " corner of Ilarney ant Uln Ms- over Elate National bank. I * Prepared to make ibort time loans on any available security. Loanimade on chattels , collateral or r al Long time loans mad * on Improved real eatata at current ralct. Purchase money mortgages negotiated. Been red notes bought , sold or exchanged. Short time loans made on second mortgage. according to marginal Interest , at collateral Heal estate to exchange for good interest General financial business of all Kind * trans acted promptly , quietly and fairly. Honey always on hand for approved loans of ny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub- Hefty. Corbett Manager. 418 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIL AND Guarantee and Trust Co. , I50S Farnam street Complete abstracts fur nished , and titles to real estate examined , per fected and guaranteed 419 BUSINESS OEANOE8. TTIOIt 8ALK Stock of drugs , invoice $1,200 , ayurageealoi . $ , rent $15 , bad health rcn < Bon for Belling. Call or address Lnko St. TT'OH ' BALE Well ostubllshod business , pay -C Ing $5 to 910 per day. $100 capital rb- quired. Address 600 , Dee ofllco. 500 2 F I OR SALE A drugstore in Hastings , fine location , good business , n renl opportun < Stock will Invoice Hboul ) . Address ' ' ' " $ ,50U. Box 5537 ifas't'lngs , tjob. 579 4 FOIl SALE First class meat market In best location In city. For nearer Information adilroBl U 15 , lloo olllco. Itifl aj Oil SALE-liarbor shop. No. 1111 S 13th. 13th.3418J WANTEO-Partner , lady or gentleman , with ? 300 and upward to start n steam laundry , Dost looition in the oily ; good references. Address < dross 004 N l th It 839 6j I MM BALE-Oood paying rcitaurant in good location. Everything complete. Cheat IWO. llenawa ft Co. , Uth st , oppo. P. O. 296 CJ "CICH SALE A drug 8toro In a booming town , . j * ? In Nebraska of four hundred Inhabitants , Ly no competition , will Invoice fifteen bund rec yA dollars , the most satisfactory reasons for w Ish- u Ing to sell. Address H 61 , Ooo ollloe. I3S63 j nAHOAlN-Wall paper and paint itore Only one In town. Hoasons for solllni poor health , Address , lock box 101 , Uoldrego Mob. 840 41 'fj'to exchange for Omaha property , stock ol J- general morohandlsB with store building Chns. R. Woolley , 4188.16th su StosVl lea who desire to buy or ol . , or exchange stocks of general morchnn Vdlie , dry roods , groceries , boots and shoes Tiirdworo , drugs , jewelry Improved or unlra proved town or city property , Improved or un proved farm * In any part of tbo United States toaddrese Kraute & Foster , 310 H. 15th st. Omaha. Neb. ai 'lIlOH'SALE-lly W. II. Oroon , 215 south IStti JL stroot. ' stock of groceries on Snundors . st 123 2 "EilOH BALK A Brst-clnss hotel property dolni JH excellent hUAlncss. Mu ' . cell in Blxti days. For price and terms nddrcss II. S. Lilly real estate uoulor. llroken flow , Noh , Ullsll FpO EXCIIANGE-A stock of elothtnir am JL ruriilshing goods worth $15,000. Will taki Part In tlinuha propeity , balance ciish Chas JL Woolloy , 4IK South 15th st _ 020s4 _ UTANTED Partner with n few thousand del lars -tho more the bolter lu n good puy ing business In Omaha and Lincoln with iisanr iwco elsewhere In Nebraska ; established a year work light , pay sure. Address A 50 Ueo offlco f _ ait HJJ " | j OHSulo On onsy terms , now stock of hard. Jware ; al o builder's stock , will Invotci if l.COO ; itood reason for selllnir. Must sell with 'In ten days. Address J. M. Ilurk , Phillips. Neb T710R SALE A half or whole Iniiurst olllci J- business , ostabllchod tin uo j curs , $3,00 to { 5,110 yearly Income ) . Address 0 37. llci olKco. 431 2 _ * | 7 < 0 It SALK Cheap. Mont market , ifcwii , JL trudo , tools , tlxturcs , liorso and wan on tFlvcr ) thing complete. Cull nt 2Mb nnd Fnrnan . - - . ' PERSONAL. -E. Wlehlo.M. A. , toucher of Ih . plutio , orgnn amioculUntlon ; Instruntloi Invariably ot hltchcst order ; Al reforoneo JOIllcn : May Mejcr.V lln > . 3J'is2 I'rlvato home for ladles durlm cnutliiemant. nirlctly contldeutlnl. infnnt ! tiilopicd. addrcai I ! 12. Her olllec. 1C7 heptt /JITISH A. M. ALlmiCliTiiicntal healer , treat > 1TJ. iil ca e absently. Address M Wairentoi > ! . . lloalon. Mugs. I ls25 ] " " " f LOOT. l v.u . . . . . w"Atli ) striiot between Farnitn J.J und Cumlng. a bntr containing wcariiii [ upparoL Hewitrd , 1301 Farnam st. 650 2J OST A brown or red pointer , nlokle plate < U collar marked Dozler ft Uatus , St , LouU 110 reward , Hoturn to Jos. Uarncau Cracker Cc 517 : | J OSl-Sinnl ! black pap. Hoturn to 2011 Call I tofuUil. 6US 4 ] OST Tlino book , first name on list Ueo I llolllng. 15 reward for return tn A. M w , cor , Slat aittl Cumlnjf. 307-j ) OTHATED Duckskln colored pony , 2 years' 7 old , branded.- half moons on loft shoulder. fultabio rnwnru for return to loth and Cor by sts. IM Colver. 61S 2J _ _ JOST or Strayed-Borrol horse , medium ( Izo. J fcutulaylast Liberal reward for return. A. II. Snyder , cor Uth and Davenport , CM 4 " ' OST-rockttbook-SOO reward wlll'be paid to nny 0110 for the recovery of a pocket- lookcontnlnlng a large sum of money , which was lost ut thu depot or on the cars between ; hlca annd thin city by a gentleman just from inulanil * 1M ( win bo paid to any ono on leav- HIT the pockctbooknnd money at the Deo. Tito ruiitlcinuu Is on his way to California. & 53 2 * OtIND A pooknt book co ntftlnlng letters addressed to Edward Mallrldo. Owner can lave lame by calling at this ofllce. 4o'J ' 8J FOUND An Knitlish setter pup. niack cars and two black ipots on back. K. 8. Clarke , 2W > Harnoy st. 531 i * _ TroUND Some tlmu'ago , two sctf of buggy JL harness. The owner may get them ate w cor Sixth nnd 1'lorcosts , cltyl proving prop erty and paying expenses. 4U8 : ij CLAIRVOYANT. TVH. NANNIE V. Warrcn.clairvoyant. Modi- Is cat , business and test modlum. Ofllco 119 North 19th street , rooms 2 A 3 , Telephone 944. Kit MADAMH 8KY.MOOH. fortune teller and clairvoyant , tells past , present nnd future - turo , C05 N. lUth st. 63) ) OJ MHS. HATFIELD , Trance business mo.Jlura. The past present and future revealed , sick innlod , lost found , homes made nappy , sittings dally at m 3.11 tint. 457 s HJ MHS. DDHANT-Cliirlvoyant from lloiton is reliable In all affairs of life , unltos separated - rated lovers. ! C3 n 18th St. , room 1. 48iept 8J 8TOKAQE. STOH A OK KurnTtu ro , boxed goods. Ac. , terms rciisoniiblo , 711 Pacific. iVi IllST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th > t. J. 4M DTOHAOK Flrst-clRSS storage for nis rur- k ? nlturo or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodge-it 433 MiaOELTjANEOTJfl. VTOTICE The Mutual Employment Agency -L > mis removed tu 1007 I'aruain st , up stairs. 606 2J fsrOT iGE to real citato mon. Lot 5 , blk , II JV. . Smith's add , is this day , September I , withdrawn from market Sarah Hawos. r.70 2J LADIES cat ! Imvo Icssond In scientllfc dross cutting free of charge for llfttcn days at Dross Cutting school , 1G13 Howard st , Jd lloor. Visitors nlwayg welcome. 834 5J EOll HKNT-Hoard for 2 horses and carriage in private stable , 1713 Cass st. & 03 2j STOCKS of goods , farms nnd city property wanted for exchange. Slovens tiros. , 151'J irnnni st. 470:1 : rTIIlE Onto City Ilmploymont olTloo furnishes JL nil kinds of help. UK 815th st. LS * fi c. 8. WHITNEY sells hard nnd sott coal. 1513 . Farnam and l th and Izard. 475 s in 120 acres of good land 3 miles east ofToon < socket , Dakota , to trade for No. 1 mules. Addrcs 020 lloo ofllco. . 237 3J jlOU ADOI'TION-IUndsomo healthy boy. - Just born. Inquire at 2124 Culdwoll St. 1174 2J ' 'AHMS to exchange Write to J. C. Hall , Omaha. Nob. , what you havu In Dakota , Iowa or NebriiSKa to exchange for farms in South Illinois , where fruit Is plenty and climate mild. an ij HE Odorless Sanitary Company cleans cess > - pools , vaults , etc. All woik done with the Odorless pump und satisfaction guaranteed. Oflieu 1022 Farnam st. 01 ! ) 4 /CESSPOOLS , sinks and vaults cleaned , odor- / Icsj process. li Lwlngbix427 , olty. _ TO EXCHANUE-Kor Omaha property R flno farm In luwo. Chas. U. Woolloy , 413 South 15th st. Most OESS POOLS nnd vaults cleaned , dond ani mals removed. W. H. llarber , 602 Loaven- worth. Telephone 102. 83721 * E 1ST your rooms ami houses with the Record Advertising Co , 151,1 1'arnnm st. nnd wo will rent them sooner than any one else , as wo are well known nil over the city. COO PEHFOHATEDstamping patterns made to or der and all the latest designs for sale at Mrs. J. W. Morrison , 1505 Davenport st. 451S13 EASTEUN Nebraska farms to exchange foi Omaha property. 1013 FarnaM. 424 CANADIAN Employment Office Host phct \J In Omaha to got help or situations , male nnd female , ordeia promptly filled. Mrs. Ilrtge Son. 318 8 15th. Telephone 881. 153 : ij TO EXCHANOB-For cattle , 1 have 800 and forty acres of good western land to trade for ( tattle , and n good house and lot near the capital will exchange for cattle. Address 8. o , Dryan. Ashland , Neb. 438 /1KS3-POOI.8and vaults cleaned , deud anl \J mats removed , first ward. W. n. Harbor 808 Leavonwoith. Telephone 103. 88783IJ OMAHA LOTS To exchange tor oattlo. Pat tornon A Moore , 1013 Farnam. 1J47 TT1OR nil m square Ktano U monlblv. A X ? Hogpe. 1513 Douglas. 425 TnoRUKNT Organs , ti per moatn. J ? 1U3 Douala * . 42 ! Ol. C.-HOUIO furnishing goods , all kinds ; oath or installment ; lowest prices at J. rtonnor , 1315 Douglas st 429 F IOR RENT Square flano , ft montnlr. Hoipe. 1513 Douglas. 425 FOB BALE MISCELLANEOUS. RARE Chnnoe-Boautlful organ cbcnp.takot for debt and muet bo sold , ologuntl ; carved onso , splendid tone , ono-nolt value grout bargain. Address 050 , UooofTlce. 620 7J TjlOK SALE One good top delivery wagoi JL' suitable for carrying passengers to fah grounds , prlco (100. W. K. Drummond & Co. 1315 Harneyat. C223 FOH SALE A very flno driving horse , i years old , wolght 1,100 , n grandson o Mamhrlno Patchon , has had six week's tralntm nnd ran trnt In 2:45. For particulars addros P. O. llox K. 1C. , Oakdalo. Neb. 469 4 F IOR SAljF. A lot ot good trash milk cows a 2505 Cumlng street W. M. Hoylos. 547 3 , FOR SALE Horse. 7 years old , nnd sprlni wiigon. Call In the ufturnoon , 2420 Hlonda 6773 * F IOH SALR-Hettvy toam.wngnn nnd Imrnoss Cneap. Inquire at 31st uu J Mnrcy sts. 4502 * TjlOR iiALK Hotel furniture , 34 rooms , ron JL1 ftu. Will sell at n bargain. Inquire. Pa clflo house , am Nortn 10th st. 4522J _ SA'LE AcholcoTrcsh inlleh cow , come 17th nnd Urncu streets 800 1J _ OK SALE Piano at great sacrifice , on ! $185 , cost $500. 7 1-3 octnvo. triple strum : all modern improvumonts. Must be Bold u once. Address C. 2-t , Duo ofllce , Jll ' WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED-2 ! > teamsters for IL H. work , 2 for Iowa and Missouri and n for city. llus sell Labor Agency , 1007 Farnnm. 627 4 WANTED-Bortor. 612 South 13th st C-M3 * W ANTED-A reliable , enorgetlo man n special iierent tor nnold line llfo Insurant- company. Liberal terms to ono that can c euro business , Koom2 , Darker bulldln-r. cor 15tb and Farnam sts. 410 14 * TVA NTHD TriuTk Invors. * 2 pordiiy. O'Keef ftMoUerr.SUUS llth st- 63 } \VANTr.D First and second cook. Miller1 T T restaurant , loot N. l th st 4Ci WANTKD 1'arties in need of main or fc main help fet the comlnc fair and reunion union to send In tholrorder * enrly to Oato C.t Employment olllco , IllUJS ifithst , ini \\7 ANTKD--A barber 1IJI N 24. T T 41.1 ! \\'ANTiD ; flood coat and pantaloon maker- T steady work. Joan Thompson ft Son Kearney , Neb. 4lsn " \ \ rANTEDExperienced sal.'esnmn fu eloTl : T t Ing , boots and shoes ut Dorman's , B'K ' ) S IStbst. KB ZJ \\r"ANTr.D -At once a tlrst class bltcksiuitl T l WBI Hurston , Cedar Haplds , Nub. n nzp rii > ni'ed " iilcmnn fo hat department. Address I' Obox"t ; . a Saratoga dairy , 411 ' i Saunders. 32 > 1 \\rANTKD-AKOOd coat maker who Is will T T Ing to go Into llio country can find stead cniploMnent and good wages by addressing-1 ii. Dee olllco. 445 2 " \\7ANTED-Aman tn canvass and maniur T T canvassers. To control all sales of th Incnndeternt Light , equal to t-5 candles , I Omniia. Forpartlculari , terms ctu , addrci ludnndescent Lamp Co. , t'lttsliurr , Pa.&W &W 4J \\rA.NTHD A hvn younir man to take clmrf TT of a lemonade Hand , > ! ! > N. Uth it 6CT 3j \\7ANTKD-100 tracklayers. Xreo tranipoi TT tatlonitothe work. Apply to Jlallori Cuiblog A Co. , Oman * ox TVahoo , Neb , l i WANTED-feeder , on ryllnder pro s , news paper won only , nt Courier olllco , Sifl-Sll South mn at. 651 x * IF .TOU need help for the coming fair , mnto or female , Icnvo your orders nt Scandinavian Employment Ilurcau , 1010 Farnatu tt 4893J \t'ANTKD-Architectural and civil cmtlnosrif TT draughtsmen , dry aoods taloitucn , grocery nnil clothlnir salesmen , cook" , meat , pastry and vegetable , yardman , porter , and all clHEios uf help , 1003 raruatu el , room I' ' , fecoud lloor. 6712J WANTED Contractors. Scandinavian Em ployment Uuronu , 1010 Knrnam , Is prepared - pared to furnish contractors with good labor- lag men on short notice. 488 3J \\fANTr.D A first-class pattern-maker. Ho T J muit be able to commence work it onco. flood wnitr-s paid. Kromout Foundry nnd Machine - chine Co , Fremont , Neb. 494 3 \\TANTr.I ) 100 shovolers Immediately for TT snwor work , llrlng your snovols ! good WARDS nd long job. Apply ou works Sfth and Chicago its. Hyan * Walsh. 6193 W ANTEU--A boy at Wllklos paper box fac tory. U05 Douglas st. KM ; ij WANTTJD-An orperlonced Scandinavian drytrood ? sal man. Scitndlnavlnn Em ployment Huruait , 1810 t'nrnnm st , GUI 2 WANTKD Two good coat makers to BO In to the country , steady employment. Wages f" upper coat. Address 0 Kl care of lleo 531 i WANTUD-A Cakcr at 110 North 12tD street. 6M 4J \v 7ANTED A eood dry goods salesman References ro'iulrod. Iftll ) Howard. 576 3 \\7ANTED-10 waiters , 25 nlco bright boys for TT lunch counter , dlshwiishor , panwashcr , 2nd cook (20 ; Mrs. lltcga It Son , 318 S. 15th. 614 2j WANTED An experienced rlothing sales man. Must furnish good reference. Ad dress M. S. Wolbach. Beatrice , Nob. W 4 WANTED-Men for Wyoming. Albright's Labor agenuy , 1120 Farnam. 357 PANTED > Ion and women for' an easy , i money-miiking business which pays four times better than any other. Worthy persons with llmltod means will bo offered extraordi nary Inducements. Write for free samples and special terms. Address Merrill Manufacturing Co. . HKI. Chicago. I42 ! 628 * " \\fANTni ) 4 good canviwni-s , $15 per wo ok , T T ICth st employment , 2JJ , N , 16th st. 27(13 ( RJ WANTED A young Scandinavian dry goods clerk at once. Onto City Employ ment o III CO , 31l'i S 16th St. B91 ,1 WANTED 25 Iftborers on 2Sth nnd Howard Bts. Sewer work. DoUnoy , Murphy Jc Co. 171 18J VlfANTED First elass plumbers at onco. . Bpoliimn & 1'loroe. 1212 Iloutrlns st. WANTED Agents in Nebraska for Oon. John A. Logan's last work ' 'Volunteer PoMior. " j ust published. Address J. M. French & Co. , Omaha , Nob. 231 ANTED-A first-class hotel COOK. Must bo sober , steady and reliable Must fur nish first-class testimonial * of above qualities or need not apply. Address with testimonials , O. 1) . Mnr.x , Evanston. Wyo. Tor. 213 s2 WANTED Two boys with ponies to curry .TT the Evening lloo. Ono tortho western part of the cltv and one for southern part. Apply at this olllce. _ 127 WANTED-Heven persons to learn book- keeping , situations , J 11 Smith , 1013 Chicago - cage st. fi03 3J _ " \STANTED-2nldoawakoyoiing men. good TT money to right parties. Call from ! ' too p m. 220N 10th , room 16 , up stairs. _ COtt 2J ANTED An IntollUront hey with a good pony. Cell on Thee Williams , OH Kar- nnm st _ 221 \\7ANTKO-4 Oorman boys to carry papers , SJ7-M8 & IStli. upstairs. _ CM WANTED FEMALE HELP. A good girl or nurse for children. Husiell Employment Agonoy , 1037 Karnam , 820 3 * up-stnlrs. _ WANTED-2 good dining room girls , 1 laun dry girl at Summit restaurant , 105 South lithst. 554 2 * _ VV" ANTED-A youn ? lady for oflloo worK TT out of city. Goto City Employment offlco. 814H 9. 16tn St. t''j 3 _ W ANTED A girl for general housework lu n good family , (118 ( S. 17th st. 518 WWANTED WANTED Immndlatoly a girl for second work. None but those who thoroughly understand thnlr business need apply. H. W. corner-Mth aod Chicago st 483 2J WANTED Dlnlnir room girl and dish washer. Mlllor'l restaurant , 1004 N. Kith. 464 TXfANTED A cashier , a young lady who has TT bad oxperionco. Apply with reference at O'Donahoo A Sherfy's. Oil 4 YX7ANTED 2U dlalngroom girls , 10 onoks , TT lauddresses , helpers , nurse girls , Ironers , vest makers.glrls for the country , housekeeper for widower with 3 children , young girls to help In kitchen , and places for general housework In all parts of the city No girl need want for workatouroBlce.Mrs. Urega & Sou,316 S. 15th. 014 3j \\ANTED 10chambermaids at Arcade hotel , TT 1215 Douulas st , to begin Monday mornIng - Ing , September 5 , and work durlnir thn weak , wages 71 per day. 470 2j WANTED Cook and nurse maid , none inn cxpotlcnced need apply , N. U. cor. 20th nnd Capitol. M3 9J _ W L/ANTED A girl for general housework , f I per week , Mrs. Hamford,2GI rarnam. 5')3 ) 4 * I/ANTED First class dressmaker , for par T tlculars address box 1'JOJ , Crciton , Iowa , 525 6j WANTED-Good girl for general house work , two In family , must bn good COOK nnd lauudrcss , highest wngo paid for good worker , 1831 Davenport 692 WANTED--1 bousekoencr. also girls tor gen eral housework. Scandinavian Employ * mont IJnrouu. 1010 Farnam it ( XX ) 4 w ANTRD-Dntton hole rankers , 1112 For nam. 499 5j WANTED A girl for general honsowork , ( lood waves. Wills M , YatosCnlirnrnU street , bet. 30ft and 31st. 4 3 \\7ANTBD- Young girl to help about l.oust v v In small family. Apply 2412 Chnrles or B w cor. 12th and llurnoy sta. 4117 2J WANTED An experienced seamstress , 51 ! S. Htn. 506 2J IANTI'.D-nirl for house work In boardinghouse W house , 018 Nortti 22d It 4512J WANTED At once , girls to learn dress making , also good sewing girl , 31tl N. 15tli stroot. 435 2j WANTED A comoottmt second irTril wages , $3.50 per wnok. Apply M. T. Pnt rick , cor. Siiunders ami Lake. 485 2j \\7ANTRD An exporlonceil American nurs < > T to take euro nf children. Call nt olllco 01 4U W ANTED Olrl for general homework , flll N. lOtli st. 593 4j V\7 ANTED-Salosladlos. millinery and cloaks TT waitresses , cooks and girls for genera housework , 1509 Farnam it , second tloor. tloor.57JJJ \\7AN1ED-Hespcctablewidow about 35 n < TT boiiflOKt'oper on a ranch , only 2 tu fain lly. no objection to n child. Also good l > nkc : anil 4 dishwashers. Mrs. llrcga ftSonilu : S 15tb. 5t3 2J " \\7ANTED-A capaolo nnd experienced glr T T to do sumo sooouil work ami bo a com paninn for little girls. Hood wages pald.uul at 613 N Knd st f.41 XVA.STUD Lady clerk atDohle's shoo toro 22 Mi 3 V > lTANTRl-lood girl for general noun T > work In family of three , ft per week Nice piaoo tor steady girl , hujuiro of C. L Krlckson , 212 N Itlth st. KX > 3 \\TAN I'KD A competent young Indy to koo ] T T and arrnnce Itock and make hornl sotif rally uief uL , S. O. Joyce , millinery. 12j : r litnjt M3 3 \V7 ANTOD-Cook and second girl at Mrs. . ! . J TT Htown's , IjM , Sherman nvo. 3t)23 ) TVTANTKD Olrl for general homework. Hi ; TT Cnpltol avenue. ! Ui.lif \\7AN7KD-Two dlnlnz roo-n glrla nt Plan _ T \ tor l housn , IBth and Dodge Its. 3 i4 4 "WANTED A elrl for general houiework T small fnmlly South-cast corner Calif ot nla and 'JUtli st. 327 " \\7"AN FED Qlrlsfor all kinds of work , at th < Onto City Employment ollico , 314 y $ . 1MI - ou SITUATION WANTED. \\ANTED Situation by an eastern girl fo TT second work and sowing ; U neat , quiet and reliable , ilr . Dre u , Sid South ISth tt. ieloihono634. | 603 2j WANTED-Sttuatlon by a voung Scandl navlan to do any kind of worl while attending school. Understand ! a llttli German. Address O. n Uoo ofllce. 657 4j WANTED Yuutiif man wants lituatlon | i : clerk or asslitiint bookkeopor. S yean ox perience. Ouod tofcronoa. AJdrcM 0 ici , B o WANTBD-i-A position t y a young latly ns lUaogrnphtranJ trp1 ' .rltor , llcfnronco given , ramlllar with Hcmltfgton No. t. Ad dress C 3J , Uoe QlUco. Ul 437 SJ _ WANTKDlpftuatlon bv clothing sMpsmnn who speaks inrll ; n , Pucdljli and under stands Herman. UooJ roferoncci. Address 'C4U" lleoolllcv. 610 2 J _ \VANTrio 8ltuaton ! by ChrUtlnn Toung T man to slit In bakehouse and ttoro. Jnn makedonah , no. , In return for a aooJ homo referable to high wages , Madroi j II , Kabry , iloui City , la. _ it ; _ 5 < l Sj WANTEt > Situation in n "dairy " by nn PX- porlenced milker. Eliqulrosw cor. Ctli nml 1'lcrco stt. city. ! ' 4PJ 3J _ W ANTED -1'lice for boy to learn trade or work. A. R , 1811 Cn ; . W ; 2J \ TANTI5DA situation * s bill clurk. or nny T work rtyiulrlnir good , rapid writing. Ad- JA C 41 , lleo ofllce , stating salary , 4U1 nj w ANTED-EnRnpeinenU to dortrosjmaktntr in tamlllci. Address 010 , lice office. T\7ANTKD-PoMtlon as ofllco clerk , collector TT or assistant bookkeeper : good mnthu- nifttlolan uud fair wrlt r. Address J.T. , 4uS S. 18th at. 333 8 * Situation as principal of graded school , br tonohorof seventeen years ox. perlonce. Inferences uIvou. Address C31 Ilca offlco. 393 6J WANTKD A young man 22 years old would llkn n position as t'k'tlt In wholeenlo liottse. Has Ind r > years'o.xporUnico in wholc- sale coal business. Addiois , C4J , lloo office. 474 4J MIBOELLANEOU3 WANTS. WANTKD By Rontteraan and wlfo , 2 nicely furnished rooms with modern conveni ences , and board in same house For good ac commodation good prlco will bo paid , Ucfer- onccs oxchanecd. ; Aadrcss C 51 Uils onice. 613 8J WANTKD lOi ) trams for railroad work bo- tnoon Snrsoant and llruwstor. WIIRHS fn.50 per day. Free transportation to work. Aplly to Mallory , Cushliitf If Co. , Omaha or St. I'nul , Nob. 562 8 G1HI.8 looking for work should call at the flato City Kmp odlce , wo liavo lots of ( rood places waiting for j-oul4i ; ) ! S 15th St. 6835 \\7ANTED-Cloan 2nd hand fiirnlturn and TT carpets , for3 bed rooms. Call atKON 18th it. K3U U Ocnllomnn and wlfo to take fur- T T nlshcd house payiutf rent with board. Ad dress C 48 , HOB Olllco. CU 3 \\7ANTKD-To rent on or before OctoDer TT 1st house , 4 to 6 rooms , near fith and Cass ( treats. 1'hll Stlmmcl , ll nnd 013 Jones 29J WANTF.U Two unrurnlnhod rooms In prl- vato house , with all modern conven iences , and board forirontlomaii and wlfu.nono but Urst-class need answer. Address C its , lleo olllco , 433 il \\7ANTED 1o runt purl of warehouse with TT track privileges , dean room In olllco , &c. , 714 Pacific st. ir,7 WANTED Secondhand furnlturo.stovcs and household goods for spot cash. Cull at 117 N ICth. E80 s3 LltK you In need of help , leave your orders nt the Oato City.DUH S luth st , IMS 6 \\TANTED Tlie ladles of Omaha to know ' T that orders for hoi n tire uromptlr llllod tu the Onto City Employment Offloo , 314 Ti 3 Uth 6t- 690 WANTKD Nicely furnished and unfur- nhhod rooms listed with us. Hocord Advortlslus Co. 1613 f'urnixm Bt. 666 \\rANTKD-A creamery iftnd canning fao- tory. Will assist the rlzht parties. Ad dress Bank of Valley , Valley , < Neb. 27UsU W P ANTED-A few boarders at 1720 Dodso st Hoferencos retiuostedc- 703 W ANTED-A grain dealoV to locate at this place. Ucst grain region In Nebraska. Address Hank oC Valley , Vuiloy , Neb. 27039 W ANTED-A harness mdktr to open a shop nerc. Address Baniqpf Valley , Valley , Neb. 1\ 270-s- W ANTnt ) Factories of all kinds. Address Hank ot Valley , Valley , Neb. 27039 FOB BE NT HOUSES txndLOT8. OR HENT-Houso,20l2Davonpc.rt St. 593 3J T710R HFNT House on Pleasant st. at head ol JL' Davenport , four rooms , $15 pur month. G. 0. Wallace , Room 8 ! ' , Croightpn lllock. COD 4 TpOR HENT A largo brick house of 17 rooms JP suitable for n first-class boarding house , O F Davis company. 012 7 FOlt RENT 7-room house ; modern conven ience , 23th und Davenport Inquire 217 S. 12th St. 400 F IOH HENT-TIouso with a rooms on 17th bet. Jackson and old Drownollholl. 482 4J " [ 710II RENT Restaurant centrally located , JL1 fixtures for sale , f 400 ; 35 steady boarders. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. 16th st. 4812 FOR HENT 10-room house with all modern Improvements , between 25tb and 28th , on Douglas. Inqulro 120ft Douglas. 4(1 4J FOR RENT Four now store and flats on Saumlers (24th ( ) street , near Soward. Hcnt low. Apply 012 N 16th st. F. T. Andrew. 31V FOR RENT 0 room flat with modern con veniences , 1201 Park nvcnuo. Apply ou promises iromO to 12 a. m. A. H. Fitch. 93. ! FOR RENT-llrick store room and cellar , suitable for restaurant nnd confectionery on Park ave at untruncu to Hiuiscom park , call on the premises bet 'Jand 12 in. A. 11.1'ltcn. OJU F OH HENT A 3 room cottage , 112(3 ( N. 21sl St. . opply to (117 ( S. 13th st. 5U7 TpOR RENT Ton loom house , modern 1m- X1 provomonts , Imiuiro 1723 Dotlgo. to" 3 FOH RENT Furnished , elegant 11-room now bouse on hill near High school and Far nam street cars. East and south fronts , large yard , gas , bath , laundry , furnace , city and els- turn water , bnrn , etc ; furniture now nnd first class throughout. Will lease for 8 or8 month ? to responsible party , on reasonable terras. Ad dress at once. C 48 , lleo. 5213 'BTOH RENT Cottage of 4 rooms for rent tc JL1 party who will buy tbo furniture Inquire 032 North 25tb ave. ( Division st ) . Mi ' T7 > OK HENT-Flne BPW house In Kountze'f JPlace , two blocks from street cnrs. Appij Fuller's drug etoro. 5453 RENT Stores on south 18th st. ° , noni lnton , faolnir paved street. Prices $2 ! nnd $40 per month : just the placa for small drj goods store , bontfund shoes , furnishing goods meat market J F Hammoad , 117 S 18th st. 524 TjUHl RENT House of 7 rooms on street cm J- hue , well , cintorn , cemented collar , $3) poi month. J. K Hammond , 117 S 10th st. 5 tl FOR HENT Meat market on Park nvo , opp. park. Apply on promises bet , U and 13 A. H. Fltob. U31 TjlORHENr Store room , onn blocic from J-1 postofllce. Inquire of Theodore Williams , nl Dee olllce. 735 FOR RENT And furniture for sale , elngnnt 10room honso two blocks frompoatolllco. Addreis 1157 lleo olllco. [ iQfi " | 7KH RENT-.T room bouse-j-Hth and Pierce , J ? Apply at 017 S. 13th t J. 014. FOR HF.NT A cottage , i rooms. Rent $ K pnr month. Apply ot'roora 20 Arllngtot block , 1511 Uodgo * t 5TO 4 ] _ _ "I710R RENT Two nve-roomcottages on 18tl - * ft. , t-0 per month. Onnolr-gnnt two-storj house , two blocks from f trout C'lrs.JW. Addrcs' ' John C. Thompson , Herald olllco. 575 FOH HF.NT New 8 room MUSO In Popplntor Park lluildlngassoclatlorf.iwlll rout t > hoar to right parties. Within two' blocks of Motoi line. ovorythmir convenlnirVr Will bo r iuij Sept 10th Address T. E. Stevens , ninlr , N'el ) . 419 2 _ _ FH HENT-Ono-half at offlco 117 S Irttb st ground tloor. und ( inei.of the best loon tlons In the city , , 115 _ _ FOH HUNT An ulo/Mit prlv.itn rcildence on Fnriinm it. U. C. Pultt-rson , 15th am Hnrney st i - 113 _ _ FOH HK.NT-NPW 10-roora nouso- all lm provemnnts , steam beat. C. W. A (7. U Thompson. 314 9. I5tn t _ WX ) FOB KENT BOOMS. FOR HB.NT-Nlccly furnished rooms wltl bonrd , iilso iicrnranKHlnilons for a fcv table boarders. Inquire Ul I Farnam it. 3 < 5 * 1MH RENT-Nlccly furnished rooms and first 1 class board ; modern improvements ; ouca line ; nro mlnutot * walk from P. O. ; 171S Cai 397 3- jnoit HKNT-Nlcety furnlsheU roam , tils S -E Ktlist. 2ai FOH It K NT Two nfcelv furnlahed rooms am iltllng room for gentlemen. I7u8 cull fornU si. , SM SJ FOlt HENT Furnished room for S irontle men , cheap. 10313.23th streot. less * It HRN1 Koom suitable for I or"a pontlc men. with board. iBI2 Dndpo. f > 'A FOIl KKNT-3 ro < imi suitable for office , who ] or lodging. Inquire ut UluSlOlh tt. Hoar. . orXradebuiidlcy. ' Mi FOIl WENT Nicely furnlshiHl rooms with first class board. Wll Hurt St. , on ) th it'rret car lino. S'4-3 * TjlOH HENT ! l nlen rooms In n flat , suitable -V for light houiokcuplng , c-or''lst and Nlcho- las. Appply to 017 8. llitn st , 4M roil IlHNT-Two olllco rooms , and onn eight- -1 room cottaeo on Ilarney , between 15th and loth. W. II Clarke , 1114 Ilarney 678 FOH HENT Largo furnlshod front room , s w cor ISth nnd Jackson. 6' < 0 Tile-It HENT-.1 rooms In flat. KiiltablB for J. housukvophifr , 70J 1'nclHo , apply tu 617 . 13th st. 407 1Oll HRNT Hnll bedroom , suitable for iron- Upmoti , 1CTJ Dodgo. 471 IJ TpOH HENT Elegantly furnished rooms sin- JL1 gloor cnsulte , with lisa of tiatht elcctrlo bells In every room. First class restaurant at tached , at Norrls European hotel , corner 18th and Webster. CM 'OIl HKNT 4 njco unfurnished rooms suit able for housekeeping , luth and Howard sts. Apply with references to 617 S 13th st l\01l \ llENT-Ofllco , 181J Farnam si. 1 3 Olt HENT A aigo front alcove room , 1707 Dodge St. 7U3 HENT Nicely furnished front room FOH bay window nnd small room adjoin ing suitable for S or 8 gentlemen. 1703 Douglas , 165371 FOlt HENT Newly furnished rooms with board for 2 or 3 gentlemen. Oood neigh borhood on car lino. Terms reasonable. Ad- drcps U 52 , lloo. 5C0 4J pOll HEN'T Ono desk room , ground lloor , splendid location , f 10 , Stnrcls , 151U Dodgo. I7\OH \ HENT-Furnlshed room 13111 Dodge st. I ? P52 sept 6 HUNT Tnoi argoat itore room m town. Inquire at the Argus olllco , Albion. Nab. 481 Rep 13 * T71OH ni'.NT Nicely turnlshed room with bay J ? window. COy S. 17th st , S'Jl 2J TT10H HKNT-Furnishcd rooms H , also day J3 board 3.50 , at 1104 Davenport st , 018 7J RENT-Flne furnished rooms In private 1 family , 210 N luth et. Old Rj FOH KENT Two unfurnished roonn ; one furnished room ; gentleman preferred ; C02 8 , IDtn st. C212J IJ10H Hl'NT Nicely furnished room In nlco X ? cottage. (8 per month , 406 Williams st. , 8 minutes walk souteost U , 1' . depot. 020 FOK HENT 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms with bath room , 1 blocs from street car , 2211 Seward St. U1S 5J FOU IUiNT-2 furnlshod rooms , M ! ) N 15th street. C04 3j FOH HKNT-Sulto of front rooms , newly furnlshod , gas , bath , hot nnd cold waters , In private iamlly , to gcutlomoii only. 170U Uodgo st. G23 HJ FOU KENT Large front parlor with nay window , and alcove , also other rooms with modern conveniences at 1321 Farnam st , one block west of court house. Kit FOlt HENT-Furnlshod rooms , 810 S IStli. 324 s4 FOR KENT Furnished rooms with privileges of board. Cl'JN ' l th st. 3s3 FOH URNT A suite of three largo rooms , parlor and two bedrooms , handsomely fur nished , stnam heat , gas , bath , etc , four first- clnss nrentlnmon wanted as occupants. Address 02 , ' , Boeoftlco. 4725 FOIl KENT Two unfurnUhod basement rooms to family without children , 1122 N. 17th St. 470 F I OR KENT-Furnished rooms , steam heat 201,8. C. corner 2)d nnd Douglas. 477 GJ FOH KENT Vurnlshod rooms , bath and modern conveniences , reasonable rat 401 N. 15tb. 439 3j "fl. OH RENT Front room with alcove and F other rooms with good board. 2210 Farnnm 445 2j FOR lU'.NT Furnished parlors on first lloor , suitable for gentleman and wlfo or gen < vlomon , central locution on car line , 421 N 17th. 6')7 ) 3J OR KENT Nlco furnished rooms at 022 N F 19th st. 613 3 FOR KENT Furnished rooms. 0515 Cumlng St. 2048 Cj FOR HENT Furnished room very cheap , 1120 Farnam. 783 TT1OR KENT rurniehod rooms in Greunlgblk , JL' cor 13th aniLDodo st Inqulra of Davis A Hetherlngton. , Mlllard Hotel Milliard room. 233 F I OR RENT A nicely furnlsbed room at 2511 St Mary's avo. 421 F nENT-3 rooms. 1021 NSOth. lit E1OR HENT-Largo and small furnished rooms , 1720 Cnpltol ( ivo. 614 2 F I OH RENT Desirable furnished room for gentlemen at 809 Howard st 533 IT OH RENT i Large , sunny , southimst room -C sultublo for two gentlemen , 2423 Farnnm st , 370-3P FOR RENT Rooms nnd board for families , 1810 Chicago St. 517 4J : furnished board it FOR HiNT--Nowly room , desired , 1720 Dodge st. | 4J : ! FOR HENT-Nlcely furnished rooms , to gen tlemen N. Ifith St. . Room 2. 425 FOR RENT Furnished llnt,7 roiuns and hath Li-dloJc Leslie , llith and Dodge ft. 151 FOR HENT Fnrntshnd rooms , Elnglo nnd on suite , over Lcsllo < ! c Leslie's pharmacy. ICth and Uoilirosts. 152 FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. G OOD lot on Franklin Bt.fiOft fronUgr.fJ.803 ; one-third cush. Orahum , Croighton lllk. 511 a TWO lots on Vista st , ! } blk from California st , ISOOeach. Grab BID , Creigh ton blk. C11 8 TIO exchange for tiirm within 25 miles o ! Omaha , nno corner lot with bousu. Chad , R Woolley , 418 B. I6tll St , 3S8sl3 FOlt SALE Elegant 10 room nouso with al modern Improvements , with gooj barn , ill now , on Coif ax st. , will tuko one good Inside lol for part payment 7 room house , full lot , barn , In Falrmounl Place , nil In best repair. Will sell with smal cash payment. Park. Fowler & Kennard , 100 Fnrnain. 4bn ; t POHTY-fOUR ft on Cameron st 81,300 ; ono third cash. Graham , Crelghton Blk. Ml 0 TTVOii SALE A beautiful 0-rooni homo jus1 X ; completed In Jerome Park on Swift itroet Just off Farnam. oath room , collar and nil mod ern Improvements , cistern , burn , etc. Mil ] trade lor a small unencumbered farm , not tor far from Omaha. Apply to Charles C , Spot fswood,30"iVt S. Iflth. 378 GOOD houso. modern Improvements , come lot. Mlllnrd & CaldwolPaadd , fl,70J : if 1,00' ' cash. Oralmm , Crolghtoa lllk. 5110 IfST your property for sale with Charles C J Spotswood. 305i ! S mil st. 042 ONE hundred and twenty-six ft on Paundon st , flno per front loot , corner. ( Irnham Croighton lllk. 511 il UAHDIAN SALE-Marthn M. Iflh will sol at publlo auction at the north door of tin court house , at 10 o'clock a m. , September. ) an acre of ground , eor of Mill nnd Locust sts adjoining Kountzo Place. C7J s 3 SIXTY ft on CharTcs st , J2.GOO. Orahaiii Croighton lllk. 511 ( I will buy 40Tl27'4. south front. Appl' ' $350 at 3111 Dcoaliirstrem. 318 HL'SJ G UAHDIAN Palo On the 3a day of Soptom tier at 10 o clock a , m. , > it the unrth dooi of the court house , Mrs. Martha M. Ish will sol at public auction tn the hlirhost bidder her res idence ami five lots , alio llvo lots ndjninlnir at tbo northeast corner ot Amtlor Place. Soim one will got a bargain. iBO s J EF HINuKlt , 119 N lith st , bet Dodge nni . avo. f 18,1100-2 modern nouses , 7 nnd 12 rooms each lotT-'xliO , UiiiKlas , near 23rd. JJ.'XJOll.lxlld. . miint nunr Clark ft , bcalitlfil lot and a bargain. ? 10,000 120It o trout on Saunders and , Vxl20 ii rear , opposite KounU plato. 5(1VW ( lOchoIco loU. linyd's add , near plain ing factory. 4 blocks trom Hauudor.s 125,00) mvl'Jl , liuildlnr oost | S,0 , aultahli for inanuiuciiirln , Davenpnrt , nea 17th , will take llu.oOO In Douglas Co land or other city property. f0,000 Kxl.i. , choice 1st , Cass , iiuar 22nd , wll exchange uqultv for other property. 16,100 Kino block mlllinury , choice locailiin Yi c.isli , bal good Omaha property , Cholco Ini'lneH and rejldenue property fo sale In all parts of tbo city. E. F. Hmtrur. fiV \\7IIATIiavB you to trade for fine 2-stor ; T T ros'.dencu anil two lots In Iho woit part o town ? John C. Thompson , Herald olllco. 674 171OH S.U.K-A bariraln , cheap , for a fn\ J. weeks only. Two lot.sin Baundarsft Hlrac bamrh'4 Addition to Walnut II1IL Address A 11. Lathrop , Alnswortb , Neb. Irt 5 * 1 MMt SALK I t 4 blk 13. Cnrtba > { Oer. t tronl ' 750. . Thin li ono of the bet lots In thn ai : ditlon. Ktans & DIaobburn , UIO Oodso OOJ ITKR BALK-A south front lot on Win rael J-1 KoUntze Place , I7,2UO , Lvane * HUckburr 1610 Dodg e. OO : 4 1ST your property for sale with Ch rlp Cpottwood , tWiH S lah t. 84t 3AI1NDR1I3 St .ISO ft corner , $100 pot1 ft. flrahatn , Crolghlon blk. 6110 OHOlCK-Kast front corner In Tlalnvlow , ll.tHC , $ ' < H ) cash : 7-ronm house ntid full ot graded In Orchard 11111,11 , 1 , $ : OJci\sli. $ : r > l > or montht flflxHU with S houses , corner 1Mb uml Uracv oncxr line , and fiotli > tii > rts tn bo paved. Active lloal list a to & 1 * . : ' . \ . , U.'l Dotlgu. CO' , ' 4 " 1710It SALK Kino now iilno-room house find J-1 full lot , corner , south and uatt front , In \Vlndsor 1'laco citenslon , lot 49'xl33 ' , 1 ) locK trom street cars Improvements cost > SiW , itrejent owner will loasn from buyer tnr three Tiars nt flft per mnnth , prlco IiOO.i \ cash or loss , balnnco on y. owner ust sell within n week sure. Ituinlro Ij. J , Ni-dil. 14Vt ( Varnam St. , ; ird tloor. 619 4 JIST your property for sale with Charles U. Spotswood.SWf S16th St. 043 FEW lots In Clovnraalo for sale or trade at a bargain , Graham , Croighton blk. 6110 fF YOU want to buy , sell , or trade your prop- L orty , call on Cbnrlas R , Spotswaod , 3uJW . Kith it 4W O exchange for farm lu wcstoru Iowa or JL eastern Nebraska , ( rood corner lot with three bouios. Woolley , 418 S. Uth st H fAMll.TON St. , lot on car line , Jl.mM rash. arabixtn.CrelKliton blk. 511 8 LOTS 1 and Z , blk U , Lowo'i add , double cor- unr , on Hamilton st , 14,500 ; easy tfirms. Graham , Crelghton blk. fill 0 Tj OK SALK-A new two story and basement I1 block , corner lot. Him location for routing. { 25.000. Kvansi Illackburn , 15to Dodgo. 60.14 TT OHSALU by W. It. Gtroil 215th Bo. 13th i1 street : aoodhoueo and H lot In Armstrong's 1st aild. lioiiorent for .H50 per mo . . . . .t 4,003 f 1,500 cash bal. casyi this is Inside of the mllu circle. Full lot with 2 good bouses with all mod ern improvenumt * In lloilmch 'ud and full lot In U. V. Smith's add , wltn flno two story house making n froutago of I'a fuel by 140 for 20,003 : > .tr.W cHKh bal 1,2.3 , yrs rulllotUOxlUln llorbach add , with two KOU.I housua which rout for $ HJ per tnonto 10,000 84XH ( ) Ortsli bill. 1. 2. it , 4 , yrs. Lot In Ilogirrt .V Hill's 1st add. 3Sxl29S' ! ( , with good liouso on Uodgo st , cable line for 4MO * 1 , ( U cash , balance 1 mid 3 years. Flno houoe and nil modern Improvements In Ilurr Oaic , lot 1VJXJ.IO. price 10,009 Ono-thlrd cash , biilnnco 1,2 and n ycarq. Full lot on 15th st , near Williams st , wltti 3 lumaus , renting for 115 per mo , ( or. . . 4,500 fl,500casn , talauco land yours. B8xli2 ! , splendid trackage , lot on Lonvon- worth , between 10th nnd llth , 5 build ings on lot now 35,000 lU'J tcet front and coruur , Ibth and Hur- ney , 33,000 3 foot front corner Kith and Leaven- worth , good house on lot now 35,000 100 feet front on Kit st , south of viaduct , porfrontfoot 90 70 feat front on inth street , south ot via duct , * W front foot 64 feet Itont and corner on 10th street , south ot viaduct , 0,000 330 font front , 23) foot deep on 20th near Castrllar. at Jl57.50 front foot * Northeast corner Cumtng vnd Saundcrs , TOxSI K.V500 xllK Cumlng between 21st niul23d 8.TOO SHxlM Soiitheiist corner 10th nnd draco 10,000 173x180 north ICth street near Ohio street IB.MO 121 2 FOlt SALE At a bargain , 0 acrus near South Omaha. Chas. It. WoOlloy , 418 South 15th st. FOn SALE On million acres of land in Ne braska. Speculator's lands.ratlrond lands , ranches , and farms In all parts of the state. Bend for pamphlet containing descrip tion and prlco of over one thousand farms. A flno topographical map of tno state luut free upon application. E. II. Andrus , for 10 years Oen'l Land Agent n. * M. H. It Eighth and P streets , Lincoln. Nebraska. 24U EDUCATIONAL. PENNSYLVANIA CHESTER. ftttU year opens BKVTUMIIKU 14. A MILITARY1 COLLKQE. DEGREES IN CIVIL HNOINKBIUNG , CHEMISTHY , AUCIUTftOrUilK , ARTS. Preparatory Courses. Thorough Technical Work. All Departments conducted by able PUOFE88OHS. Military system second only to that of U. S. M. A. Annualfl ot Llout. S T. llirt- ; lett , 1405 Sherman Avo. , City : or Chluf Pay- mustOr'ttOfllce , Armv HoadmiartorH. COL. THEO. HYATl' President. T7 ltKE orD INSTITUTK-Froohold , Now J Jersey , 44th year. Prepares fur Princeton , Yale , Columbia , Harvard , nnd for lluslnoss. Itov. A. Q. Chamnors , A. M , Principal. Morgan Park Military Academy A first-class BnglUh , CluRxIcttl and Commer cial School. Bond for Catalogue. MORGAN PARK , COOK CO. , ILLINOIS , Howard Collegiate Institute , For Young Ladles reopens Sept 21. College Preparatory , Classical and Scientific Graduat ing courses. For circulars address EMMA O. CONKO , Principal , or 11. 11. HOWARD , Secre tary , W est Ilridguwntcr , Mass. Jylitnw2 < ! t SEMINARY PHILADELPHIA FOR YOUNO LADIKS.Wio North Tlrnixint Philadelphia. 17th year boirlns Sopt. 21st , 13J7. Address Miss R. K. JUUKINrf , Principal , who refers by spoclnl porml.sslon to Mr. ami MrsJohn N Jowott , ) Mr. and Mrs. Philip I ) . Armour , > Chioairo. Mr. nnd Mrs Horuco F. Wuito , ) ALBANY LAW SCHOOL , Thlrty-soventh year begins Sept. 8th , 1837. For circulars or fpoclal Information address Horace E. Smith. LL. D. Dean , Albany , N. Y. YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE And HOME SCHOOL for CURLS. KAKHA3 CITY MO. Full corps of nrromplMi Tearhen. Pup Us lecetTCd "t nn ; limp. Kurclreuln apply to. Mil * K. UcCUMAB , 1' Illinois Conservatory of Music advantstias ID all D.jprtmenU of Muilc , rutiirK. Mmlun Innaungo , Klotutlon. . Addre > > K. V , BIIU.AUD , Supt. , Jncktonrlllu , III EDUCATE YOUR - TUB - UNIVERSITY ofOTKK ! DANK offers unequalled advantages tn Impart to your sons mid wards a thorough education for eith er oommorclul course , or n tullcourKo.uompril- ing classics , law , science , mathematics and miislo. THE MIMH DK1 AK I'.tlEVT ( St Kdwnnl's Hall ) for boys under vhlttoon yonra of ngo. Hoforo concluding whoie toHonil your sons pond for ncatnloijcui containing lilns- trntloim of the buildings of Notre On mo nml full pnrtlculars as to terms and ronrso ot Httidy The H7th scsjlon oprns TuodiiyBeptomhor 5th , 4K.S7. Addros Hov. T. E. Walsli , ( j. U. a , Prus. University , Notre Dame , Ind. _ Proposals for Sewer Construction , SEALKD bids will bo recelvod bv tlio city dork until 10 o'clock a. in. , Soptmnbor I'tli ' , 1M7 , for the construction of storm water sow- o nit ; e , In the city or Plnttsmouth us pur plans nnd spot'lllfiitlons nn nlo In the ollluu of the city clerk. 1'i'oiiopnU to ho inailo on printed blanks furnished bjjtheclty clerk , and nil bids to bo accompanied by neertlflud chock for one hundred dolmrn upon u local bnuk payable tn tlio city of Plattsmouth as lorfclt monuy In the event that the blddur thnll fall tn enter into n contract with good and Hiilllclont bonds wlthli ton dnya of notice uf award. The estimate lor nld work mndo by the city onglncor. Is m fnllows ; Buvon and a half foot brick toworslllpor foot , Flro and n hnlf icot brick sawois $7,50 poi foot. Kour nnd a half foct brick sewers fi.GO poi foot. rilloen Inch pipe complete tl 00 nor foot. Thrco iniinfiulos 11 feet high Sf.O'J ' pur vort foot Thrto frnmosr.nd covers W5 pounds each a 4c. * M.n ) . Said ld < U will lu opened nl 2 o'llock p. m. September Bth , 1H7 , attheiitnce- the city at tornry , llyron Clark The olty reserves the right to rrject any am all til. . N. .1. W JOHNSON. Chairman of the Hoard of Publlo Works. rinltsmouth , Nob. , August 1C , 1837. SCIENTIFIC GIUCK& WILKINSON. Lincoln , Neb. The best known uud most popular hotel li the state. Location cnntral.appofmmanti On clan. lleaitiuanoT * for commercial men anc all political and publlo * * tharliig , K. tMUUUliU.S. l'oprlt r. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA , Lcavn Arrlvn Omaha. Omaha. UNION llopo * luth alid Pierce sts. Pacino F.xprt'jt. . . , 8 rM p. m. TVn. : ) m. lletivur l'tpri'ss..i IQi'ion. m , fir-M p. in. Loeul Express , . , 5Uip. ; Ill , HiUOit , 111. Kxeopt Sunday , 11. & M. It. 11. H. ) opot lotlt at.d raclllo sts. tail nnd express , , , . , , . m. Night Kxpri'ss 7:13 : p. tn , C. B. A Q. II. It. kmot Mttiund 1'aclllOSU. tail and ICipross , . . . . . . n:00 : p. m , m. Express , 8.40 a , m. 6Jip. : K. C . St. J. * C. II. l.pot 10th and 1'aclflu sts. loll 8:40 : a. nu B"I p. m. Kxpress . , . , , . . . 8:50 : p. m 7OJ : a. in. C.,8t. l'M. AO. > * pot lift li nml Wtibstor st iloux City Express. , . . , : lb a. m ' 4:11 : p. m. lancroft Kxpioss. . . . . . MUM'- , 0:1) . m. Hair 1'assongor fiiJJp. m 740p. ; m. Kxeept Sunday , M1S301TUI PACIFIC. ) opot 1.1th nnd Webster st ) ny Express lOMfis. m ii.n : a. m. Night Express 9l'Jp. : m fttop : , in. DOMMY TRAINS. Dunning Detweon Council lilults nnd South Omaha , In addition to ths stntlons mentioned , raln Mon at Twentieth and Twenty-fourU trouts , nnil at the Btlinnilt inUmabit. WcMtviird. . COUNOIIi TliK CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Mil waute&St , Paul Rj Tlie Jfcst Jtontc from Onuilut and Council Jllnffti to , THE E.A.ST Two Trains Daily Hctwecn Omaha and Council Binds Chicago , ANIJ Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CcclarRapiJ * Rock Island , Frceport , UockforJ , Clinton , Uubuquc , Davenport , Elgin , Maii ! on , JancBville , Bcloit , Winoua , Ln Crosse , And all other important points East , Northeast and Suutiiuast For throitirh tickets rnll on the ticket ngonl at MU1 1-nriuuii stioot , In 1'nxtoii Hotel , oral Union 1'aclllu < lo.ot. | Pullman hloepurs nnd the Qncst Dining Carl in the woilil nro run on the main line of th < Chicago , Mllwnukeo Ic. St. Paul Hallway and < > v < cry attention Is paid to jiuiMuiiKurs by courte ous emplyeoi of the coMpnny. It. MII.I.KII , General Manager. J. F. TuuKKit , Assistant ( louornl Manager. A. V. H CAIIPKMTF.II , Gonorul PaBSongor an ! Ticket Agent. duo. 1C. ilKArroini , Assistant Oonoral Pusaon per und Ticket Agent J. T. Clark General Supo Intendont. Dissolution Notice. rpHE firm of Fred Urunlhg A Urn. ts dlssolTOi ] JL by mutual consent ; Fred Driinlng paying nil bills nnd colluding all accounts duo al4 firm. September ' 1 , 1SS7. FRED nilUNINO. Sld3t WILLIAM UHUNlNd. WHO rt c ic < jtiii Tie WITH TUB aiaaainiT or raf wiu , xu * Y UAMUWO TUU mr IUAI mi CHICA60.ROGKISLAND&PACIFIGRAILWAY . fry rvnson of IU central poitttoi close relfttlon to llitf i Kait of CMciifn , nd conllajrul ln * > * ( tnrtnltul pulnti Writ , Northf t and HouthwMt , l th < trn inliMIo link In tbut trinj.-ontln nt/ii pjitem which turtles and f cillt t * tntrol nd tmttlo dttwtfu the jltUntla and I'&elflo. The Kork IiUul innlnlln an < ! lirancbe lEclu.1 Cfcl- c o , Jolltt. Ottuwl , I , * halld , 1'oorU , OfDttM , Mollni ml Hock IiUnJ , In Illinois | Ii vtnpor , Io c tlno , Wuhlncton , Kalrtlcll. Ottumwx , ( ) ik looi . Weitl.lli. erl y. Io titDn Uolne < .lncIlanolaWlateri > t , Atlnn. tie , Knoivllla , AiMutirm , Harltn , Oathrla C ntr > n t Council Hindi , In IOWAJ UalUtln , Trt-ntun , HI. VVfliph , Cam run and Kan aa City , In ) ll iourl ) I.eav.'finurth ml Afclilion.ln Kns i All > crt I. aMlnneapolli tn < \ Bt. I'm I , InMlnna'oU ) V/aUrtown and Bloat K ll , l ' /Tho Croat Rock Island Route" * Go rantrr4 i [ > o d , comfort , crrtalntr anil laftty. Iti permanent way I * dlitloznlilitid for 119 ie llcBC . Iti Itrltl ct nr or lUtne nnd Iron , lit track U of iilld teet.itfirolltfiviitoclctwrfr-rt. Ill | > aMngorrivp&i ! tS nsrfdl , and for luxurious accommodallon * U u. I- pa a K lit Kxprrti Trwlni consist of vtipfrlor 1'iy Couchri , rl t nt 1'ullinan I'alaca I'arlorand BI p'JZ Car * , lupwrb lilnlnif Car , providing dellclou * ineili , and ( belnccn Chicago ami St. Jbleph , Atclil < on an. I Kaniat City ) rtitrul lUtcllnlnc Cualr Cart. It * ( uan- KK m nt In contci rutlru , lt dUclplln ending "The Famous Albert Loa Rouia" Trtoeoa Chlc ro and Ulnneapolli anil At. Pa.1 ! U thi ( arorlt * . Ore r llil > line Solid Fait Kiprcit Tralm ru dally to attractlro tftortt for tourlitt In Iowa an illimtiola , anj , ila Watrrtowa andSloui Fall * , to IU rlcli vrhrat and irrailnglandi of Intarlor Dakota. YU SriUca an.i k'ankikeu , IhoJUxk I l a off r UF'rlor InlutemcnH to trartlur * b tw > * Cincinnati , IndUt. elli , LafayettH and Council Bluff * . St. Joi li , AUbt * n , I arenworth , Kiiniai City , Kt , S'aul. aod laUrns. dlata tolnUi All pMron ( tipeelallr ladtti and > . | l- drcnrc4.clTe protection. court/ and kindly atuntlon , Cor llckf H , mM' ' ' , f oldi-n , copt oC Wtittrn Trail , pr andxltnl Infotinatlon , apply to principal o * CM lit U. . Unltxl Stilt ) aBd Canada , or d4rnaaCMt > c , R. I. CAW , I.ST. IOMN , t. A. UCltUOf ,