Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by cnrrlcr in any part of the city at
twenty cents per wiiok.
H. W.TILTON. - Manager.
BCMNTPR OrncE. No. 4J.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Holler , tailor. Fall goods cheap.
The delegates returned yesterday from
the statu democratic convention.
Machims oil , needles , embroidery silks ,
publications. Domestic agency , 105 Main ,
The lleaton Fuel company have been
awarded the contract for furnishing the
D. & D. institute with coal.
Quite H number of local sportsmen find
good shooting at Lake Munuwa nt snipe
and plover , which are plenty.
The "neighborly" row which occurred
upon Fourth avenue was yesterday sot-
tied by the defendant's husband paying
all the costs.
Another victory scored for a Counci
Dlilffs horse. "Gray Jim , " at Oskatuosa ,
won second money for the fourth time iti
as many races.
Forty-live cars of stock cattle will b (
received at the Union Stock yards ir
Council ItlnfTH to-morrow morning by A
J. Grccnamayer.
There will bo a general teachers meet
ing held this morning at the liloouici
school building at U o'clock for the teach
cm of the public school.
The police arrested nine "vags"ycstor
day and only 75 cents was found anionjj
the crowd and that upon ono man. An
other had a ticket to Chicago.
Mrs , Jennie Morrison , colored , died o :
consumption yesterday morning. Tin
remains will bo interred to-day in Clarin
da. She leaves four children.
Dr. C. Lawrence , formerly of Ncola , ii
seriously ill with Bright' * ) disease at the
house of Louis Zurmuehlcn. His brother ,
also a doctor , arrived yesterday from
eastern Io\va.
lty warrants are worth 05 cents now ,
ly are in demand by those wishing to
pay their taxes. The demand bids fair to
bo greater than the supply , which may
increase their value somewhat still.
It has been suggested that as there are
to bo six electric light towers erected , one
will be put up In front of the rcsidonce
of each of the six aldermen. It has not
been decided where "Uncle Cy" will
have bis put up , but probably upon
A shell of a house yesterday caused
considerable stir while Dcing moved. It
was moved along Broadway and came in
contact with all the telephone , electric
light and lire alarm wires that stretched
across the street. The bricks of the
chimney tell and nearly struck several
persons on Broadway.
An express drove up toRov. Mr. Croft's
residence yesterday with a beautiful
rosewood chair , upholstered in leather.
A modest card attached indicated that it
was n gift from two little girls , Anna
Mcrgen and Ada Stovensoa , who took
this mode of expressing their admiration.
Two tliirteen-and-a-half-lnch cars ol
corn , brought to this city by J. 1J. lliggin ,
attract considerable attention ntthoMan-
hattan. They were raised by William
Samuels , near Plum Hollow , on a farm
that has been under cultivation for forty
years. The average on this farm will bo
sixty bushels to the acre.
In consequence of the grand jury's
not finding any indictments against four
of the prisoners that have been laying in
the county jail they were discharged yes
terday. They were Ira Joncschargoa with
shooting with intent to kill , and the man
whom Deputy Marshal White had such a
time securing nt the river bank ; Chris
Bader. charged with being an accomplice
in the robborv of an old man near the
Kansas City yards ; Pat Maloney , charged
with pocket picking , and Charles Hams-
ford for resisting an ofliccr.
A. Laventhul , who for a time has bejjn
running a patent odorless scavenger
wagon here , has been spending most of
his time in Omaha lately. A good sized
board bill at the Kiel house was neg
lected by him and a day or two ago he
sold his apparatus ana prepared to go
east with his family. He failed to keep
his promise to send a chock to pay the
bill and ho was reminded of it by the
sheriff just as the train was about to pull
out of the transfer , bearing him to New
York. Ho paid the bill quicker , proba
bly. than ho ever paid any previous ono ,
nnd was allowed to hurry on his jour
ney. _
Money to loan. Cooper & Judson.
J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money.
1'crflonnl Parnernplis.
L. C. Dunn is homo from a trip to his
trade in the Black Hills country.
Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and fam
ily returned yesterday from Colfax.
Mr. Carman is again behind the dross
goods counter of the People's store.
Mrs. T. B. Estep loft yesterday for hoi
home in Cincinnati after a visit to her son ,
C. H. Christy has gone to Chicago , and
from there ho goes to his old homo ic
S. J. Wogl , J. E. Oant and Fred Eigh-
noy , of Hastings , Neb. , were in the city
George B. Cole and sister , of Coopers-
town , N. Y. , are visiting Judge Aylea-
worth while en route to California.
Paul Aylesworth is enjoying a scasoti
of hop picking near Cooperstown , N. Y. ,
previous to going to school trie middle ol
H.W. Hlggins , for years connected wltli
the Colorado national band in Denver , is
now ono of the tellers and assistant cash.
icr of the Citizens' bank.
The Misses May and Lena Sims arrived
from Wisconsin yesterday , and will
make their homes with their brother , J ,
Sims. Miss May will teach in tin
Bloiimer school while her sister wil
enter school in this city.
Miss Grace Spooner loft last nvcninj
for Boston , in company with her uiich
and mint , who reside there , and whc
have been visiting in the west. Misf
Spooner will spend this winter at school
nt Bedford , just out of Boston.
J. B. Higgin , who has been traveling
for Messrs. Peregoy & Moore , has soverei
his connection with that house and will
continue in his olu territory with a llnool
samples tor the tea importers , Kennard it
Miller. Paul Sheppard will probably gi
Into Higgin's territory for P. & M.
W. O. Wlrt lias returned from the wcsl
whore ho has been getting fresh inspira
tion from Colorado air , for working uj
the Masonic insurance business. Ho ha :
been absent over three months , and ii
company with another representative o
the association , C. H. Mcrs , has wrlttei
up (783,000 of insurance. The associa
.tlon is increasing in strength witli won
derful rapidity , almost phenomenal.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Edmundson returned
turned yesterday from n short trii
abroad. Had it not been for the il
health of Mrs. Edmundson their trij
would have boon prolonged. They won
accompanied on their return from Chi
cugo by Dr. Hart , the lady's father , win
met them at their request. Mrs. Edmund
eon'i health is very poor and eho is ii
quite a critical condition. Er. Hart at
tributes it to a collapse of the nervou
system in which her heart and lungs be
came involved. Ho lias hopes that horn
tnd rest- may rally her again.-
List your property with Cooper &
p , .o , J o Mulu lU
An Amount Fixed For Building Permit Fees
and No Penalty Named.
Another Dnylof Hlinrn IjCRal
Over I'ruhitilclun Hhort 1'olntcra.
on Itcal Kuntc nnil llullttlng
Actlvlly-KltlliiK Blackbirds.
tmw Making.
Tlio clt.y council about two weeks ngc
passed an ordinance which was Intended
to cover n very important matter. There
has been no ordinance , such as is com
mon In otliar cities , providing for the
Issuance of building permits. There
was un old ordinance. which provided
that before making certain excavation !
a permit should bo obtained from the
city clerk , but this was of littlu account ,
even if enforced , and worse than that it
was treated as a do ad letter.
There were numerous reasons , manj
of them apparent to any one thinking
about the matter , why an ordinance was
needed to regulate the erection of build
ings and the making of improvements.
The council has attempted to fill this want
in part at least , but it has proved a sad
failure. Without attempting to fix the
responsibility , the fact is sullicient thai
the ordinance as published would do tu
tile away alongside of the law passed b.y
an eastern legislature some years ago. in
which the repealing clause read : "This
and all other laws fb conflict with it are
hereby repealed. "
The first section of the ordinance is a
sample of the literature in which many
words are used to conceal a few ideas ,
and is interesting reading :
That hereafter It shall bo the duty of any
person or persons , company or companies ,
corporation or corporations , by themselves 01
axent or agents , who are about to , and who
Intend to make any Improvements In said
city , by the erection of any building on any
street , highway , avenu * or alley , either busi
ness house , dwelling house or the erection of
any building or other Improvement as afore
said. upon any business or resident street ,
highway , avenue or alley , or when any ex
cavation is contemplated and about to be
made upon lot or lots within the limits of
said city , any person or persons , company or
companies , corporation or corporations , by
themselves , agent or agents , before the com
mencement of the erection of any business
building or dwelling house or other improve
ments , or the excavation In any lot or lots
preparatory to making any improvement ? as
aforesaid , shall apply to the city clerk for a
permit to make said Improvement or Im
provements as above mentioned.
The next section attempts to provide
that tbo applicant for such permit shall
furnish the city clerk with a description
of the land or lot and the nature and kind
of the improvement to be made. It also
provides that he shall pay the clerk the
sum of - . The blank has never boon
lijled , and the clerk is evidently left to
his own judgment , or to the generosity of
the applicant.
The other section of this remarkable
ordinance makes the sweeping provision
that "any person failing to take out said
permit shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and on conviction shall bo lined in a sum
not exceeding $ - and costs. " Here
again the judge is put in a puzzling frame
of mind , for he cannot line the offender
more than $ - . Those blanks have evi
dently been overlooked , and hence the
ordinance is nn algebraic one. with un
known quantities in abundance.
The ordinance has gone into the now
book of ordinances , and is pronounced of
no use there , or elsewhere.
The need of a good building ordinance
Is daily apparent. The need is increasing
as the city grows. Were such a record
kept as is contemplated by the ordinance
it would show at llio close of the year a
greater growth in the city than is gcii-
o rally supposed.
Whisky Punches.
The old fight was renewed in the dis
trict court yesterday , involving about the
same old points as to closing up the sa
loons. The particular case in hand was
that in which an attempt is made to so-
euro a permanent injunction against the
St. Louis bouse , which has been occupied
by Docrlliugcr , and which is owned by
Mr. George D. Urown , one of the old citi
zens , who is himself engaged in the coal
business on Main street. The depositions
taken to support the application for a
permanent injuction having been sup
pressed on account of some technical de
fects , the prosecution had to introduce
other evidence to bolster up their case.
The last pair of saloon informers
were put upon the stand and were
subjected to about the same sort of cross-
examination as when the contempt case
against Urown was heard by Judge Car
son. These two young men had been
hired away from farm work and given $3
a day und expenses to gather evidence in
this city , to be used against saloons.
They went from place to place , ono buy
ing whisky , the other beer , and then sign
ing aflldavits of those facts. They drank
about ton glasses each day , ana still
swore that they did not feel ny special
effects from it , although not used to
drinking. They freely testified as to the
arrangements by which they were hired
to got this evidence. The defense tried
to make a good deal of this , ana dwelt
largely upon the prosecution furnishing
men with money and paying them
wages to go around and induce other
men to break the law , in order
to secure evidence with which to con
vict them. E. ' W. Jackson , the old chief
of police and ex-city marshal , was called
to the stand also , lie was an unwilling
witness , and although he knew a great
deal about the St. Louis house and is a
near neighbor , ho was not disposed to
give anything which would nelp the
prosecution. He was closely pinned
down and the judge gave him a gentle
but firm prod , so time he hed to admit
that ho know that liquors were sold ID
the placo.
The dufcnso claimed that so far as
Urown was concerned ho know nothing
about the place being used as a saloon ,
and that his lease expressly provided thai
ills tenants should not use it for any un <
lawful purpose. There were numerous
legal questions raised , and the discussion
of these was very strong and shrewd. The
afternoon hour of adjournment had been
reached when the arguments were closed ,
and Judge Udcmer asking for the papers
in the case , ordered the sheriff to announce
nounco the adjournment until 0:30 o'clock
this morning.
Points of I'roercis.
That Council Muffs is not only holding
her own but is steadily advancing , anil
hat there is a demand for real estate foi
actual settlers , is shown by the following
chats and items :
"Are you aware of the fact that the
real estate transfers in this city are ftii
bettor , " said F. J. Day yesterday , ' -than
those of Omaha ? It is tee truth ; wo have
for the last thirty days done more busi
ness , in proportion , than Omaha. Ol
course wo don't expect to beat Omaha it
this , but for the size of the two cities wo
are ahead of Omaha during the entire
summer. There are a great many de
mands for property but it is a healthy
demand ; all want it for improvement
There isn't any speculative demand a
all "
EL. . Squire yesterday informed a rep
rcsentativo of this paper that there arc
nine houses in conrsa of construction ir
Squires' addition that cost from $000 t (
(1,800 each besides two store buildings
, "Much demand for lumber for new
dwellings ? " was the interrogation put U
S.P , MucConnell , of the Chicago lum
bur company , yesterday "Yc . " bo re
piled , "wo are selling all the lumber w
can haul with four teams and they kcc
us on the jump. There's more bulldin
this year than this city oror saw bcfor
in any ono season. "
"There are no good vacant stores 1
Council bluffs at all , " said a dealer , "am
1 can't see why some one don't put up
few buildings for the retail business , sue
as would bo a credit tothls city. Ihavetw
customers that wish to open retail store !
They are both strangers and they can1
find a placo. If these people who arc s
wealthy would Invest In a few building
I am positive they would bo a great in
vestment. "
F. J. Day has sold his quarter intcrcs
intPaui's addition to J. W. Paul , o
Omaha , this addition being owned ex
cluMvnfy by Omaha men now.
"Tho demand for real estate is 1m
proving. There's more action in the las
two weeks than ( hero has been in th
sixty days previous , " remarked Mr
lltilstead.of C. J. Colby's olllcc , ycster
day. "We are having lota of inquiric
and arc selling to people who are buylm
to improve their property. "
Mr. Siedcntopf , a gentleman rccog
nld as u shrewd real estate man , saidn
answer to a BKK man's inquiries : "Husl
ness is much livelier and there is a mucl
better demand for property than then
has been in a long while. It is abealthie
demand than wo have had in a Innj
while. 1 put live deeds on record ycstci
day and have monny paid upon two gooi
sales to-day. I think it will pick up con
sidcrablo now. There has been H won
derful increase during the past twi
weeks and a half. I'm positive as sooi
as the new bridire begins there will b <
many sales made. A great many an
looking around waiting for the bridge
but I don't see why they want to wail
When they get ready they will find price
advanced. If you will rcmembci
Cooper & McGee went west thinking t
invest , but they returned after an ex
tended trip concluding they'd better ir
vest here , and they have done so and ar
building in several localities. They wi
get large returns. There are nu > es
travagant prices asked. Wo mad
a large loss when we did not send a con :
mlttce to Chicago to secure some of th
largo pacKcrs. I offered (100 as my shar
of the .expenses and $500 to secure the Ic
catiofi of Armour or some largo packci
We Should have these packers located be
twcen these two cities. It would be n bi
thing for Omaha as 'well as Counc !
Bluils. We are going slow but surer tha
ever. I have the utmost faith in this plac
as is seen in my continually buying in
stead of selling. " To give the reader n
idea of Mr. Siedontopf's interest in thi
city is only necessary to state th'at he pay
about | 3COO taxes on his city proper !
Dan Carrlgg has purchased the shar
of J. C. Mitchell in Plamview addition.
Watches , clocks , jewelry , etc. , the bc
in the city. C. Voss , jeweler , No. 41
Broadway. Repairs a specialty.
The Weekly Shoot.
The Manawa gun club had their rcgu
lar weekly shooting match at the driving
park yesterday , the first being a matci
botwccn Nate Phillips and County He
corder Thomas , it being ten Peoria'bluck
Phillips 0 '
Thomas 1 000011011 i
The second being at live birds , with tin
following score :
Matthal 1 0100-
1'attcrson 1 i i o i
Phillips 1 1 1 1 u-
Urown 1 0 0 1 1
Thomas 0 1011
Campbell 1 0011
Jones 1 1 1 oo
( irandy 0 1000
Hotrmayr 0 0 1 1 I
Wcbt 1 1111-
Coo ) > er 1 llli-
Tlio third was a side match betwec
Ilolhnayr's side and Campbell's at liftee
birds. The following is the result :
HolTmayr 10110 10001 10111
Cooper 10001 10011 01000
Phillips 10010 01101 10111
Brown 10101 11110 11010-1
Thomas OHIO 011U 01100
J. J. Shea 11001 00101 11111 1
11. Hardin Ollll 01101 00101
Kickman 00000 10100 00001
Total ii
Campbell 01101 11111 neil i
West 01011 11001 Olioo
Jones oiioo oiooo 10111
Matthal 00000 00110 00001
Urnndy 01011 00110 11100
Patterson 00101 00110 liooo
II. ilardln Ollll 01101 00101
Blersliam 01101 00100 00110-
Help From Avoca.
The ladies of thn Helping Hand society
an organization formed little over a yea
ago , consisting of eight or ten ladies
are interested in the little ones at the- home
They gave a social and literary entertain
menl Tuesday evening for their beueli.l
which resulted even beyond expectations
as the day was ramv and the cvenitif
anything but pleasant. Jn conneotioi
with giving the social entertainment thi
ladies canvassed the town , giving oacl
an opportunity of adding their mite
which was done with quite a libcra
hand. The receipts for the evening am
amount of cash given figured $35.20.
The ladies gave f 10 to the general fund
45 to Mrs. Daken , the matron , and $5 t <
Hov. Lemon , depositing the balance will
the treasurer for future use. Thn intentioi
is to purchase muslin and cloth , makim
sheets , pillow cases , night dresses an
articles most needed.
One Solitary Case.
Justice Scluirz concluded his labors a
police judge yesterday morning , as Judg
Aylosworth returned from the demo
cratic state convention and will agaii
smile upon prisoners brought before hin
by the police department.
During the absence of the police magU
trato Justice Sliur/ has dealt out justici
and his last chance wan upon John Pay 11
yesterday morning. The 'squire treatoi
him very leniently , and although chargoi
with disturbing the peace and betn ,
drunk , discharged the latter case an
fined him $15.50 for the iormer. It wn
n loss of .f T.tiO to the city.
It was a small amount of business bu
the only arrest in twenty-four hours.
One thousand head of one , two an
three-year-old steers for sale. Will giv
credit to reliable parties. Knquire of .4
J. Ureenamayor , G23 Mynster St. , tele
Grand Open Air Concert.
It will bo given this evening by Da
bey's military baud under the auspices t
the Mueller music company. The fol
lowiug Is the
March The Mueller Music Co Dalbe
Overture 1/Klcean te I'ette
Andante t > nd Polka Bizarre ( tuba solo )
F. E. Kotf. Elllo
ItecoUectlons of the War Uei <
Dedicated to the G. A. U.
Lupercalla "Grand Potpourri , " Dalbe
Elanore Polka ( euphonium solo ) . . . . Wlegan
J. E. Follett.
Georgia Waltzes Potto
Polka-"Priscilla , " ( cornet duet ) Dalbe
Messrs. Covnlt and ttult.
Visit the new jeweler , C. Voss , No 41
Broadway , If you wish anything in h :
line , lie has a line assortment of the bei
Wanted Apprentice cirls to lear
dressmaking. Miss Mollie Corcoran , 71
Myuster st.
Fleet on Foot.
L. Lozior , the celebrated sprinterhiva
100-yard race with an unknown , whlc
takes place at Crawford , Neb. , betwec
the 10th and 15th of this montli.standini
, 'itartby crack of revolver.for $1,000 & eld
Having opened , the time for purchasing
heavy clothing approaches and every on <
wishes to know where to go to get the besl
quality for the least money. If vou wil
before you purchase elsewhere , you will bi
enabled to sec about what you can pur
chase your selections for. It will not b <
necessary for you to buy of us , we simplj
extend vou an invitation to call and ex
aminc the Finest and Best Selected stocl
of clothing ever in Council Bluffs. Wi
offer for sale a large line of
suits , in sack or frock styles , in the hail
lines , silk mixtures , gray mixtures , browr
mixtures , crimson mixtures , broken plaidi
and all the new styles. These to be ap
preciated must be seen. They are neat ,
nobby goods. We hate a fine line of
Coats and Vests , as well as four-buttor
Cutaways , in all colors. These goods ir
cut , fit , finith and 'rimming , are equal to
the best tailor made good * and we offei
them for less than half a tailor could make
them for. Youths' and Children's suits
We show a fine line of these goods as wcl
as a full assortment of the cheaper grade !
for school wear. A full line of knee pants
and boy's shirt waists.
We have everything imaginable in
Including Hats , Caps , the finest line o ;
Neckwear ever in the city. Silk , Alapact
and Gingham Umbrellas. A full line o
White Shirts , besides Percales , Cheviot !
and Flannels of all colors.
We are here to thow goods and trus1
the public will favor us by giving us a cal
and at least inspect our lines , which w <
claim equal to anything ever in this city ,
No. 416 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Next Door to The Manhattan.
T. F. BRITT M. D. ,
NO. ( tor
Cor , 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs.
One of the best Educational Institu
tions in the west. Boarding atfd duj
school conducted by the Sisters of Char
ity , B. V. M.
Board and tuition for a term of five
months , $75. For further particular !
St. Francis Acederny ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Attorneys at Law *
Practice in the State and Federal Cour '
Roams 7 and S Shugart-Beno Dlock.
Justice ot the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in tin
city. Collections a specialty.
Star Sate Stab/es and Mule Yards
Broadway , Council lllutls , Opp , Dummy Depo
Horses and mules constantly on haiu
for sale at retail or in car load lots
Orders promptly tilled by contract or
short notice. Stock sold on connnissioi
Telephone 114. SHLUTRK & BOLF.V.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Counci Blu ft" :
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Residences am
Farms. Aero property In western part of city
All selling1 cheap.
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Uoom 5 , over Officer * rusey'a Bank , Couno
The finest of driring horses alwavc ot
baud and for sale by
: . . . MASEWISE.
Special advertisements , such as Loit , Founi
1o Loan , For S.ilo , To Kent , TV ants , Hoarding
etc. , will be Inserted In tVIs column at the lot
ratoof TEN CENTS 1'Kll LINK forthoHrst lns t
Ion BO Jyive Cents Verlj'no for each iubioquen
Insertion. LCIITO advertisements at our oHc ! <
No. LI Pearl stioct , muar Uroadn&y , Couucl
_ WANTS. _
'Olt 8AI.U-A UOO liouso , No. 421 S. Klclitl
etrcet , corner of Fifth avenue. N. 1'
& Co.
WANTKD Middle nircil woman for house
kot-pcr. Private family. Address T. A
IMIIIng , Council Illulln. _
FOIt SAM'-luc In car lots. Gilbert Uros
Council Illutrs.
WANTED With reference * , n practical Nil
1 butcher. Call at COT Main strict , Cotmc
WANTFD-A girl for froncrul hoim'worh
Btnall lamily. handy kitchen. TU96th avu
WANTED Youni girl who wants to RO r
school and help do housework to pay fo
her board. AddreiB M7 , lieu olllco. _
FOll SALF-Stock of ilriifti In central Nc
braskn. Will Invoice atiout $1.000. In
quire of llarlo , Hass &Co. , Council Hinds , If
ANTKD-A ( food ( fir ) for cook. Apply a
once to Mrs. J. H. Mcl'her on , No. 128
Fierce street.
FOH 8ALK-On easy terms or will trade fo
city properly , a complete stock of furnl
ture. stoves , al n hulUKiiff. It In situated 2
miles cast on Wntmsli railroad. Good town ; ni
opposition. Good rcixons for sclllnir. Foe
ROAsion Klven at once. Will Inrolco about f'J.MXJ
Call or nddress Merchant , ! IJ5 Ilroadway , Couti
ell Bluffs.
> 'OR SALE Oil TltADK.-For Conncll DIuIT
property 4(1,000 ( acres of Iowa and Ne
hraska land. J. H. Itlce , 110 Mam St. . Counci
muffs ,
The Mutter houpo In Missouri Valley : fut
nlshcd llret-class throughout iiiul wltli a Inrtt
business established. Will bo rented on llbcrn
terms to responsible parties. Tall on or ad
dress HUGH PKKCV ,
_ Mlssouil Valloy.
600 Broadway , Council Blurts.Iowa.
Established 1857.
1415 DOUGLAS ST. , - - OMAHA
Creston House ,
Main Street , Council Bluffs
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
Accommodation * rir t ln § ,
And Ctiilcx Ucnwnnnli
Max Mohn , Proprietoi
Prices Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
NO. 23 MAIN ST. ,
Finest Landaus
Coaches and Hacks in City.
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan
Telephone No. 31
Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 9
Justice of the Peace.
Otlico over American Express.
In Amber ,
etc.Hair Oc
nnnicnts , n :
well as tin
newest nov
cities in hail
Hair jroodi
madeto ordei
Mrs. C. L. Gillette
20 Mnin St. , Council Bltifl's , Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orders promptly attended to.
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Highest .Market Prices. Promt
820 and 822 Main Street , Council Bluffs
5xQi ! feet In size , colored by addition , ehuwlni
all Iota and sub-divisions Included in tcrrltor :
0 miles iioitli and south by 10JJ miles east uiu
west.PKICE $1O.
Address C. H. ALLEN , 1'uMteucr.
I * .
Summer Dr ss Goods , Whit Goods
Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc.
Are Large and Well Selected
Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best ,
New Goods are arriving and invite
Lace Curtains ,
Work Done by Competent Workmen.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended To
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
N. B. Special attention given all orders by
Common Sense
Greatest Inventicn of the Age.
Rupture or Hernia Specialty
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
call on us.
Instrument ! Tuned nnd Repaired. We never full to give patlKl'ucf . lout
Over 2O years' Experience In Piano and Organ Work.
Swanson Music Co.
No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : Boaiders : : Reduced : : Rates.
NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluffs. A
No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Both Domestic and Foreign ,