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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1887)
V V ! THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ; SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 31887V 3 MODERATELY ACTIVE The Average of Pricea Higher With Bather Soft Market. CORN TRADESONALOWER SCALE A Heavy nnil Depressed Keeling Noted In OatH Trade In Cnttlc Quiet Jlogs lirlflic General Quotation * . CHICAGO I'llomJCE MARHRT. : CillCAdo. Sept. 2. ( Special Telegram to the Br.n. | Wheat was moderately active In a small way , and the avcr.iiro of prices was higher than yesterday , though the market softened somewhat toward the clo e of the long session , and the 1 o'clock range showed a very slight change from yesterday's last quotations. Opening trades were } { @ ? ( Q above yesterday and the market looked strong and buoyant Earlier dealings were at the best prices of the day , however. At the beginning October was quoted at 71c , December at 74 c , and May at ( JO c. The market sold down > < e , October gel UK to70c , December to 74tfe and May to bOc. There was a slight recovery from tills range , but the market dragged , never getting moro than &c from the bottom and closing tame for October , 74J c for December , and bo ; c for May at 1 o'clock. The temper of the local trading crowd was bearish , thn weapon being anticipated heavier re ceipts of spring wheat at Minneapolis , Duluth and Chicago. Seaboard clearances also happened to bo light to-day and cables perhaps a shade loss encouraging than the bulls had anticipated , though the most relia ble advices from Liverpool picture the mar ket there as strong. Corn was active and higher early , but trad ing during the greater part of tbo principal cession was on a declining scale of values and toward the end Interest lugged. October opened at 42J/c , ranged at 4-j frf41 c and closed at 414i ; < c. May opened at 45Jc , ranged at 45 45.t'c ! and closed aH5 < { C4 45c. There exists an active shipping de mand and lake engagements for the day foot up 352,000 bushels , but receipts are largo and eetting larger , the estimated arrivals being & 20 cars. Captain Phillies was mentioned as a heavy seller and other leading operators were working thu bear side ot the market. There Is never the less a Iirm , strong under tone to the market at about the current ranco of prices and this grain has numerous friends of high and low degree who do not believe values can settle moro than fraction- all v. The selling out of a moderate-sized line of oats and the weakness and decline In corn caused a heavy and depressed market for this grain and yesterday's Improvement In prices was all lost Trade dragged most of the session and 1 o'clock figures ware at tiio bottom , the shrinkage In values amounting to { @ ; ' In all futures beyond September. . Provisions were even more Interesting than on any ol the former days of the week. The monthly stock statement which showed much smaller supplies of short ribs and al most all descriptions of meats on hand than ' the trade expected , created a decided stir and In short ribs particularly something of a boom occurred. Lard opened strone , all through sympathy with short ribs , but as the stock of this article reported was larger It anything than anticipated It subsequently rilled easier. Short ribs for September aud October were the center of attraction. In good demand from shorts and at 1 o'clock stood l Mc higher than last nights final prices. For September thov sold at 38.25(33.40 ( , and for October JS. : ) ( .tS.45 , for ruling early around the highest prices quoted and closing at S .32 > { for Seotemberund SWnj , . . 0 for October. Lard closed 2K@ic ! under yesterday's last llgures , or at 80.42) ) bid for September and S0.45 for October. AHTKHNOON SKSSIOX Wheat was easy ; September closed nt GirGyw. ! October 70K 071c ; Noeiubor72Jfe ( ; : May tOGiWXu. Coin easy ; September 4i't@41 > c ; October 41cbid ; November 41@lic ; May 45J/C. Oats easy ; November 2.1&C ; May So c bid. Pork , ( inlet ; year was quoted at Sll.bS , and January $12.50. Lard stroll' ' ; closed at 0.45 lor September , 8G.47X for October , and No vember $0.55 bid. January snort rlos Htroncer ; September was advanced 2c and closed at 8.ii @ 8.37K : October sold at 88.40 and closed at Si87 > f@ .40 ; January was quoted at 0.45. CHICAGO MVE STOCK. CmcAoo'Sept..3. | Spoclal lelegram to the UKB.J CATTLK Trade was rather quiet The light run did not seem to develop any unusual demand , In fact the opposite was the case. Buyers the past few days loaded up to their full capacity and were not at all obliged to go Into the market to-day , hence slow trade and rather weak prices from the statt to the finish. The run of Texans was light and salesmen seemed to fancy they were getting more money for this property than yesterday. In native butch ers' stock there was little or no change , al though the time will soon arrive when the same will sell considerably higher. The sto ker and feeder trade remains dull , with clmnces of remaining In that condition un til there Is an advance In fat cattle : natives , 3.00 ( < < 5.20 ; stackers , S2.30fajU.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , 81.85(33.25 ( ; Texas cattle , fc2.45 < rj 8.10 ; rangers , 82.70@i.75. : lions Trade was brisk with an upturn of about 5c all around. A few fancy heavy sold at $5.45(35.50. ( One shipper paid the Inside price tor four double-decks , tiooa packing Rorts,85.2. ' > ( g5.8.V common > . Light sorts were In better demand , aud sold largely at 85.25 < ! $5.iO : for closely assorted Yorkers. ai > d then down toS4.lKK35.20accord- lug to style and quality. FINAfnUIAU NEW YORK , Sept. 2. [ Special Telegram | , to the BEE. ] STOCKS The temper of stork t .V- . speculators on the stock exchange was mostly bullish and the trade large at thr opening. The Baltimore & Ohio deal Is gain the leading topic of gossip. Pierre pout Morgan , in an Interview , denied that the Baltimore & . Ohio had been sold to the Pennsylvania , but said that negotiation ! were under way for the road , but ho conic not give the particulars , but would when tlu deal was completed. The general iuipresslor Is that Western Union will eventually cai > - turo the Baltimore & Ohio telegraph and tlu belief that everything is working mou smoothly tends to restore confidence. Tin Cammack-Batcman bear party are said U have covered the bulk of their shorts anc only have a small Interest in the market Could still poses as the greatest Unnncla ocrobat , and Instead of belne on top ot tin market as ho has been credited Is untie : It. The commission houses which have Haunted their bear colors for mouths pas have In numerous Instances hum up unl flags , but it was noticed that many have as sinned a conservative role and are awaltlni developments before puttlug themselves 01 record as either bulls or bears. London wa : u buyer of Western Union , but prices won down K Per cent from the opening , but late advanced * l > er cent All the Gould proper ties exhibited the most strength , Mlssour Pacific In particular , which advanced points from the lowest figures soon after th opening. There was strong buying of Lak Shore and Northwestern. The former ad vancea IK per cent , but the latter barely heli Its own. Coal stocks were stronger. Lacki wanna advanced l > tfc per cent Pullmai jumped up 3 points and Manhattan 8 point lo 101 } . The rest of the list was foverlsl : especially after midday. There were no no\ developments during the closing hour. Prc fesslonals run the market , but buslncs rather dragged. Vanderbllts rcmaluo rte.tdy , Lake Shore gained ) per iccnl New York Central l { , Lackawanna 1 , Head lug IK. Pacllic Mail 1 , Louisville & Nasl : vllle } ( t Missouri Pacllic K , Manhattan SJj < cotton oil "btlnV K , Northwestern an Western Union steady. The net decline were V on St. Paul , & on Northern I' : Ifi ( If < m Texas Pacific and } { per cent on Ne < England. Chicago houses repbrtcd a fair business. The total \verebC2CO'Jsliarc3 , airalnst R8fl,17l shares yesterday , UnvKitxMn.NTh Government bonds wore dull but steady. YKSTKUDAY'S QUOTATION'S. cent. STKriM.Nn EXCIIANOE Dull but steady at 471 % for CO day bills , and 4 'ijf for demand. I'llODUCE MAUKIOT8. Chlcaico , Sept 2. Following quotations am the 2 : w closing llgures ; Flour Firm. Wheat Finn : opened strong and hluhcr than yesterday , and closed about ' { c below yesterday ; cash , G'J ? c ; October , 71c ; May , boinc. : ! . Corn Killed quiet and easy most of the day , closing ( SJffc below vesterday ; cash , 4i ; < c ; October , 4l c ; May , 4r , ! MOc. Kyo Dull at 44 > < ( ! . Harley Firm at f. e. Prime Timothy Seed-S2.l5. @ 2.37. Flax Seed-t.oi : { . Whisky ) . Pork Stronger for loncer deliveries , clos- Ini ; steadv ; January , S12.50 ; year , S11.85. Lard Hilled stronger with more doing early , later became easier , closing steady ; cash , SO.4.1 ; October aud November , S0.47X- Dry baited Meats-Shoulders , 85.4505.50 ; short clear. SS.rxXjSH.M ; short ribs , SS'.a ? ' - Mutter Weak ; creamery , isyjac ; dairy , 15@20c. Cheese Firm ; full cream chcddars , 11S ( ! llU'c ; Hats and YOUUK Americas , 11 < @ 11KC. ECKfi Steady at l H@l4c Hides Unchanged ; heavy ereon hides. 7Ji'e ; light do , 7 < @Sc ; salted bull hides. fie , green salted calf , BHQ'Jc ; dry Hint , 12@ 13c : dry calf , ISSl.'ic ; deacons 30c each. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 8/c ; No. 3 , 3c ; cakes , 4c. Kecolots. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 23,000 Wheat , bu . 49.000 117,000 Corn , bu . 244,000 Oats , bu . 2W1.000 170,000 Hyebu . 2,000 3,000 Barley , bu . 20,000 0.000 New Vork , Sept 2. Wheat-Ko- eeipts , 135,000 ; oxporu. icnooo ; spot lots J4Xc higher ; fairly active ; options opened linn aud advanced Jt'M c , later weakened and fell back , l.'c ; , closing heavy at nliout the bottom ; ungraded red , 78@8.rifc ; No. 3 red , bOJfe delivered ; No. 1 red , Sl c : No. a red , bO'fc in elevator , ; bl c f. o. b. ; October closed at lYc. Corn Soot lots steadv and moderately active ; options openedJ < ftJYchlehor , closing ber closed at 5Jo. Oats Firm : receipts , 72,500 ; exports , 1,000 ; western , 3l ( < jiic : ; white western , 35 @ 40c. Colleo Spot , fair ; KIo. firm at S28.00 ; options opened Iirm , closing 5@10 points lower ; sales , 47,000 bags ; September , SIS. 10 @ 1S.25 ; October , SIM.''i : November , Srl8.C5l8.7.-i ( } ! ; December , i:18.75@18.liO ; Jan uary , S18.K5AtSlh.yo. Petroleum Steady ; United , 04 c. Kirns Firm ana In talr Inquiry : wcsteiu , Pork Steady but less active ; mess quoted at S14.75@15.00 tor old ; S15.UOC < 15.75 for new. Lard 'J4 ( . points lower ; western stea'fl , spot , sr..biJ' . Uutter Steady and In fair demand ; west ern , 13g'i"c ( ; western creamciy , Ibi2. ( > c. Cheese Dull and easier ; c. Milwaukee. Sept. 8. Wlieat CJulot ; cash , C5@iJ5Jfc : October. 71J c. Corn Firm ; No. 3. 413MC. Oats Dull ; No. 8 white , 27c. Ityo Steady ; No. 1 , 4. > c. Hailoy Lower ; No. 2 , 57 fc. Provisions Stront ; ; porn , SepteTTlber , $15.00. Cincinnati. Sept. 2. Wheat Dull ; No. 2 red , 71J < ig72c. Corn Stiongor ; No. 3 mixed , 4lH'45c. Oats-Dull ; No. 2 mixed. 274'@S7Kc } , llyo-Qulet ; No. 2 , 60@51e , Pork-bull at $14.50. Lard-Stronger at S0.40. Whisky Good demand at 51.05. ' Mlnncnnulla , Sept. 2. Wheat Firm and In good demand for milling wheat : No. 1 haul , old , cash , TJ3 c ; October. 71 'c ; November , T3)4c ) ; DNo. 1 northern , old , cash , 7tJ < c ; No. 1 northern , COc ; No. 2 northern , . Flour Firm ; patents , SI.OOS4.30 ; l.tkers' , 83.10C < : ! .35. lloceipts Wheat , 15S.OOO bu. Shipments- Wheat , 8\000 bu ; flour , 23,400 bbls. ! St. Louis , Sept. 2. Wheat Lower : cash , CUKWOc ; October , 71kc. } Corn Lower ; casti , 37MjS'lS ( c ; October , 3S } < c. Oats Lower ; cash , 21S'4 ( , e ; October , 2-lXc "Wliisky-Sl.aj. Pork-815.UO. Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 21@25c ; dalrv , 1621e. Afternoon Hoard Wheat Dull ; Septi-m- ber G'.ijfc ; October. 71 , ' < c ; November , 7 5fc. Corn Kasy ; September , 37 c ; ( .Ictnbur , 3b ? c ; November , 88. ' c. O.Us Unchanged ; Seutembcr , 25 > 'e ; October , 24 > , e. Kana.iH City. Sept. 'J. Wheat Dull ; No. 3 soft , cash , Cflc bid , 07c asked ; May , 75 } bid , 7GJfc asked. Corn-StionRcr : No. 2 cash , 35 c bid , 80 Vc asked ; September , 35 fc ; October , . Oats September , 22 , ' c bid. 23c asked. New OrlBiuia. Sept 2. Corn Quiet and tirm : mixed , 54c ; vellow , 65e ; white , 5tc. Oats Firmer : at 3. " > ( i35 > c. Corn Meal Jfalily active aud a shade lucher at 52.37K@-.40. llo ; Products Demand fair and prices higher. Tvrk-Sl5.r : , . Lanl sn.C2 > < . Hulk Jle.tts Shoulders , S5.70 ; lone clear and clear rib , 8W15. Iilvcrpiiol , Sept. 3. Wheat Quiet ; holders oiler freely ; red western winter.Cs'Jd < il < ; s4d per cental ; red webtcrn surlug , Os id ( iff * 2il. Coin Firm ; demand fair ; holders oiler moderately ; new mixed western , 4s 24fd per cental. lavi ; K rocic. r > Chicago. Sept. 2. The Drovers' Journa , renoiIB us follows : ; Cattle Receipts. 7,000 ; quiet ; natives 1 S3.00cJ5.20sti ( ; > cKer3 and | pederSi.UOuiJf.OO : icows , " bulls mid mixed , 81.8T > @ : ) .2.i ; Texas cattle , S2.4.X&UO ; rangers , S2.7UK < i3.25. Hogs Receipts , U.tXH ) ; packing and ship plug , * 4.755.50 ; light , $4.t)0@5.10 ) ; skips S4.5034.tH. Sheep Receipts. 3,000 ; brisk and price1 higher ; atockers , 32,05 ; Texans , 33.10 ( 3.55 western , 88.40 ; lambs , $4.50(25.20. ( Nution : * ! Stock Yard * . Kaat Ht LoulH. 111. . Sept. 2. Cattle Keceipts 500 ; shipments , 1,000 ; strong and u slmdt higher ; fair to choice native steers , S4.oo < ti 4.N ) ; butchers' Bteein , fair to beat | 2.40@ 4.10 ; feeders. J2.fc5 3.50. Hoes Kecelpts , 1,500 ; shloniPnts , 000 market actlvo and 5c higher , closing strong butchers choice and best neavy packing. 85.2' ' 075.40 ; mixed , 84.b5iJ5.15 ; Yorkers , 55.10 < S 5.20 ; pigs and grasscrs , 84.0034.tO. Kanuns City , Sept. 2-Cattle-Re- celots , 2,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; choice steady others slow and 5@lOc lower ; coed tocnoici corn-fed. 8l.OO@4.CO ; common to mcdluin 83.2.X'8.yO ; stockers , S2.00@2.fi5 ; fecdlni steers , 82.70(33.20 ( ; cows , S1.40@2.05. Jlogs Receipts , 6.00U ; shipments 3,000 market strong and active and 5 HV higher common to choice , { 4.1)0(35.35 ) ( ; skips au < pigs , S3.00't4.bO. ( IjIVK tJTOCIC Friday , Sept 2. CM tie. The receipts ot cattle todayvero liberal The market wau stronR on good coru-fei natives , which were in good demand. There were a tew loads of butchers' stocK fold , but the market was not very active on that class of stock. A few range cattle and a few stack ers changed hands at about steady prices. lloKf. There was a falling oil In the receipts ot hogs 09 compared with jestcnlay of 1,100. The market opened brisk. A few early sales were nmilo at an advance of about 5c , but the bulk wont lOc higher than yesterday , The inorket closed strong with about everything sold. Sliccp. Them were a few sold on the market to day at steady prices. ItOOUlllt * . Cattle . . , . ; 1,100 3,400 Shipments. Cattle ICcars Sheep ( double decks ) . " Prevailing i'rico * . Showing the provaillug.prlceJ paid for 11 va slock on this market : Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 lbs..94.2.V < t4.CO Choice steers. 1100 to 130J Ibs. . . 4.00 ® l.'i" Fat little steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.7.V < : i.SX ) Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 1500 3.T.V44.SO Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.5ii8.oo ( ( Common to medium cows 2.00C42.25 Good to choice bulls 1.7.VU.00 ) Light and medium hoes 4hOW4.'J5 Good to choice heavv heirs 5.10 ( 5.20 Good to choice mixed hogs Q.00 0.10 Itopresentatiro Mala * . NAT1VK STEiniS COUX-FRD. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. 1(1..1010 ( 84.20 20. . . . 1150 84.30 'JO..1345 4.20 15..1221 4.35 10..1103 4. : l ItANOK STHKIIS. 10. . . . 005 2.75 14..1142 3.33 NATIVK STKKU8 OUA83. 18..1111 3.C5 STOCKEI1S. 17. . . . 832 3.C5 : ) . . . . 471 2.75 HANllK STKKItS STANDAltD CAT I'M : CO. 22..1143 y.U ) COWS. 20. . . . KM 2.05 5..1050 5.20 0. . . . 7b5 2.25 23. . . . O.VO 2.87K 23. . . . 878 2.30 11. . . . bOO 2.87H 2..1010 2.40 U..10I2 3.00 1..1000 2.50 1 . . .14bO 3.25 CALVKS. 1. . . . 3'JO 100 3. . . . 323 4.00 SI1KKI' . 110..103 3.00 HOOK. No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr 07..254 200 S4.75 C8..215 200 S5.US 50..288 2bO 4.b5 CO..259 160 6.05 72..2SI 120 105 65..2.KI 120 5.05 140..271 400 4.H5 70..2(5 : ( 80 5.05 72..230 160 5.00 60..257 bO 5.05 75..2.'i5 80 5.00 62..250 120 5.05 71..839 360 5.00 07..253 5.05 69..226 SIX ) 5.00 G1..2tU 80 5.07X 55..254 200 5.00 07..240 bO 5.07J4 CO..224 160 5.WO 60..2S-J 40 5.10 63..221 5.00 Ki..2bO 5.10 74..2.B 120 5.00 65..208 bO 5.10 61..207 ICO 5.CO 62..255 40 5.10 B1..257 120 5.00 53..311 5.10 75..210 bO 5.00 65..277 120 5.10 01..230 6.00 57..249 2K ! ) 5.10 72..224 K ) 5.00 73..238 5.10 58..3.J7 120 5.00 70..aG ; 40 5.10 b0..2lO 120 5.05 0'J..2SO 80 5.10 70..212 120 5.05 50..273 40 5.15 69..221 120 5.05 53..311 5.15 60..230 120 5.05 CO..269 5.15 70..213 5.05 63..24. ! 160 5.15 TO..357 120 5.05 51..305 5.30 C3..23J 100 5.05 55..307 bO 5.20 Iiivc Stuck Sold. Showing thu number of head ot stock sold on tliu m.ukiato-day : CATTr.K. U. U. Hammond A Co 2IS Local 67 Shippers 128 Harris A : Flbher 66 Feede rs 79 Total ' . "fibi MIKEl' . Local 116 ' Total . 116 HOUS. A nglo American Packing Co 2,552 ( i. H. Hammond & Co 560 Armour & Co 23 ! Total 3,345 Unsold 135 Monthly Htntomcnt. Showing the receipts , shipments and sales of live stock at the yards during thu month of August , from tliu olliclal statement ot the Stock Yards Company. SIIII'MKNTS. All sales ot stock 111 tin * market ire made per cwt. llvo walsht unless otlmrvvUa st.itu 1. Dead IIORS sell at Kc par Ib. ( or all welzhts "Skins " ho less than 1UJ , or a wuUhini ; IDs. no valuo. l > ri ) < uiint sows are docknJ 49 lUi. and sta sSJlbs. by thonuolio Inspaotor. lilvo Stock Notes. Hogs lOc higher. Cattle market strong. ( ! oed corn-fed cattle scarce. The bulk of the receluts were western cat tle. tle.I I ) . Hade , Niobrara , was In with a load ol cattlo. W. W. Mitchell , Alder , marketed a load of 15c hous. A. C. Smltu , Surprise , was hero and bought a load of .stock cattle. W. 11. Harney. Nnponco , was at tlio yards \ \ Ith two loads of ho s. Kd Lancaster , Holinesvlllc , Neb. , was here with two loads of hogs. The Anclo-Amerlcan Packln ; company bought the bulk ot thu hogs. Among those on the market with cattle was Nels Peterson , ot Weston. The Swan Ltnd and Cattle company hat ! 25 loads of cattle In the yards. Thomas Price , Tlmyor , was In with a load ot native steers aud a load of hogs. Mr. Mavnardcame In from Schuyler with I a load of cattle tor Wells & N Ionian. \V. W. Jamison.Veeplni : Water , was here with a load of cattle and a load ot hogs. Mr , McManus , of the Caowcll Lumber A Grain Co. , Bancroft , was In with one load ol hogs. Mr. Barr. of the firm of Green & Uar Greenwood , was in aud marketed a load oi hogs. Among those having cattle on tbe market were J. U. Hall , Gibbon , and Al Howie , Kelly. Among those on thu market with boss wa : J. R. liurkholder , Woodbine , la. , who soli two loads. lien Majors , of Atkinson & Majors , of Kv- anston. stopped at tliu yards on his retun : from Chicago. T. H. llord , Cheyenne , was hero with sis loads of cattln belonging to tuo Lance Creel Cattle company. F , G. Kiene , the well known shipper of Al blon , marketed a load of 31Mb hogs of hi own lalsing at 85.15. W. J. McKee , Kwing , was In with a load o butcher stock. Ho reports the crops lookin ) well in his section. Hake & Brass , North Loup , marketed twi loads of hogs at S5.20 , the top price. K. L Brass came in with them. John Lenger , of Longer Bros. , Niobrara came In with two loads of cattle which soli at a very satisfactory price. The following had hoes on the market ; .D. Siiutt , Craig ; T , U. Cole , BunUngCoii ) W .1. Harrli A Co. , Lewis ; Winters & M. , Shelby ; Sterling & G. , Avoca ; 1'razler * S. , Silver City ; Uont t < fc P. , Neola : W. L. Bauehan , lUrlan ; ln < lgn Uro . , Wood Klvcr ; M. J. Hugho * . Uattlo Creek ; ( Jund , t C. . Wllber ; A. Trupsdoll , Brad- shaw ; W. W. Klock & Co. , Hrndshaw : C. Graham. Kavcnna ; Walker BroH. , Waverly ; ( J. G. Vreolaml.Junlata ; UoynoldsP. & Co. , Friend ; J. Cox. Hampton : F. A. Harris , Sterling ; T. W. Lowry. Ong ; John Mc- Kachaiu , Aiutu ; J.V. , . Stockcr , Loean ; Klchnrdson tc. M. , Blue Sprliws ; Ueynolds A : A. , Upland ; B.J.TIrney , Anslcy ; K. P. Wllklnq , Grand Island ; Hllss .t H. , Sehtiy- ler ; John Bollond , Clarkson ; Morse It , A Co. , Morse. _ OMAHA WIIOMSSAtili ! MtVRKBTS. _ Friday , bept. 2. Produce. Tic ? /ofJoioliiff rc Wtc prtccf nt which round lota of produce are oW on tills market : To- < lay receipts were not as heaty as dur ing the past two days. Kges and butter cmuo In as usual , but choice butter was not alentlful. Several cases of Swiss cheese were received. Prices have not changed , KOCIB The market Is weakening , the bulk golne at 15c. an occasional case sous at lOe. BUTTKII Choice Is scarce , prices fair ; jthcr creamery , 22c : choice dairy. IHfijBOc : medium grudes , WGJlOc : ordinary , GWlOc. ' CiiKKse MarkntKooit. Fancy full cream : lii'tdars , single , 12c : full cream , twins , 12c ; mini ? Americas , ! 2 } < ® 13c ; brick cheese , 100 Jbs In case , now , 14c ; Limbureer , lOOlbs In case , new , 13 } < j'c ; Swiss , fancy Ohio , now lUc. POULTRY Market fair , prices iirm. bprlne chlcknns SJ.75a3.50j ( old towls S3.SOC4a.35 ; ducks. S2.2.ViS2.75 ; turiteys , 8@7e per lo. GA.MK The receipts of prairie chickens are liberal for so early In the season and are selling at S2.50@3 00. Mallard ducks nrn In "Ight receipt and are selling at S3.3.V < $3.0 ; eat , and mixed 1.00(31.75. ( No quail have been received , but they would bruin about $2.UO < g2.25 per doz , A few jack rabbits have put In an appearance , and sold at 4Uc each. PoTATona Scar co and tlrm at 70hOc Swr.r/r POTATOKS Sweet potatoes are In I ber a 1 receipt , and Iind a ready market at 3c per pound. SALT LAKH POTATOES Salt Lake pota toes have put lu an appearance on the market kot , and good stock is selling at VOc per bushel. ONIONS Scarce and Qrm ; good stock , $1.00 per bushel CAIHIAOK The receipts are light , but the resent prospects favor a larger crop than was anticipated. There will be a car of Caller - : or n la stock received In a shirt time. Choice lomo grown. 75S80o ( per doz. heads. MELONS Watermelons bring SS.00@12.00 per hundred ; cantelopos , 50@75c perdue TOMATOKS Local gardners report the supply as holding out well , and that the crop 1ms be n be nu titled by the late cool and wet \\eathnr. Commission men are onlr hand- line a very fow. Good stock S1.00@1.25 per bushel. HONEY Good honey In neat one Ib. frames lt < o per Ib. CELEIIY The demand Is not very heavy so early In the season. Good stock suitable for eshipment Is sold at 35@uc ) per bunch. BKANS. Hand picked navy beans are quoted at 31.HO@l.iH ) per bushel , and the other grades are selling from that figure ilown tu S1.25. Poi'coiiN Choice for stands , 2J3e cerlb. t'rtutg. Orders from the coitit'ry rC7UtrtH3 sc- 'cctctlHtnckatul ' e.ctrn e.trB In imcltlivi cin- not ( iftwii/s lie fltlr/l nt the same prlc.R * f/ ncl ( Jo the loml tnulc .for coni'iwn stuck. The market was abdnt steady to-day. There were three cars of California fruit 10- ceived. There was another oar of Michigan apples put on the market. This stock Is very choice and meets with icady sale. PLUMS The market Is well supplied with choice California at 81. 50 per box. Largo red homegrown plums are coming In quite trei'ly and are selling nt 2 per bushel. Cali fornia prunes sell at S1.50 per box. ad peaches PI-.ACIIES The market Is well supplied with very choice stoek from Callfo'ina. Choice stock Is golne atS1.501.75. Michigan poaches are selling at S3.0U < & 3.25 per crate of 4 baskets. NKCTAKINES There are a few California nectarines on thu market. Choice stock , 81.25 < ai.50 per box. OHAXOF.S There are a few good oiauges on the market. Itodl , sr > .00@7.uO. Arn.K.h 'i'lic maikot Is tinning up and the demand is better. Good stock Is moving at ? 3.00 ( 3.75. CitAii APPLKS There Is a little moro In quiry for crab apples and there is avood mar ket tor choice stock at 3.50 per barrel. under grocers' list GIIAIMS : The supply of home-grown and California grapes continues liberal. Califor nia , S1.25S1.5U per 20-lb box ; home-grown , 4c per Ib. \HS-Callfornln Bartletts , S3.00@3.25 ; other varieties , SJ.503.00 per box. LIIMONS TIO ; supply liberal , with fairde- mauu. Common stock , SG.OO@0.50 per case ; choice , 87.00(3)7.50. ( ) BANANAS The market Is full of bananas at S1.50@i.OO : per bunch. Grocor'a List. Interior Java , 35(3 ( < J8c ; Mocha , 28@0c : ! ; Arbupkle'sf. toasted , 2fi'/c ' ; McLaughlln'N XXXX , 20j < c ; Ullworth's , 20c ; Jed { Cross , 20 'iC. ' KKKINII ) LAUD Tierce , CXc ; 40-ib square cans , ( > J c ; 50-Ib louud , " ! K20lb \ round , 7'4c ' ; 10-lb calls , 7Kc ; 5-lb pails , 7ic ; 3-Ib pails , 7J-/C. PirKi.KS Medium , In bbls , SC.50 ; do In halt bbls , S" .75 ; small , in bbls , 87,50 ; do In half bbls , H.25 ; gherkins , in bbls , SS.50 ; do in halt bbls , $4.75. WOODENWARK Two-hoop pails , per dnz , l.4.V. 3-noop pails , 81.70 ; No. 1 tub , SO..V ) ; No. 2 tub. 85.50 ; No. 3 tub , S4.50 ; waMi- boards , 81.75 : assorted bowls , S2.35 ; No. 1 churns , SO ; No. 3 churns , S8 ; No. 3 churns , " SuoAii-GranulatedOJQC ( : > 4'c ; conf. A.OJj'fl Oj./c ; wnlte extra C , | 5j < j $ 'c ; extra C , 54a ( 5J < c : yellow C , 5 ( ii5 c ; cut loaf , 6C i c ; powdered. 7i27Kc TOIIACCO Lorillard's Climax. 44c ; Splen did , 4lc : Mechanic's Delight , 41c : Leggett A Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 3Jc ; Drum1 mond's Horse Shoe , 41c ; T. J. , 87c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44c. CANNEII Goons Ovstors , standard , pei case , $3.00 3.10 : stra worries , 2 Ib , per case S2.J ! < 3.00 ; rn.spberrles , 2 Ib , per case , $2.85(3 ( 2.90 ; California pears , per case. 54.50 ( 4.0)0 ; apricots , opr case , 83.80f " ? 3.'JO ; peaches , pai case , S5.2X25.50 ; white" cherries , per case 50.00 plums , per case , S3GO@3.70 : blue berries , per case , S2.20@2.30 : eeg plums , ' . Ib. per case , 2.50 : pineitniles , 2 Ib per case. S3.3Uia5.75 ; i Ib inackerol. per doz 1.55 ; 1 Ib salmon , per doz. S1.0.X32.00 : 211 gooseberries , per caso. S3.3ri/'d.3.i " : ) ; 21b string beans , per case , S1.70 ; 2 Ib "lima beans , pei case , 51.00 ; 2 Ib mtrrowfat peas , per c.ise1 Si..lO@2.'iO ( ; 2 Ibeirly June pms. per case , g'J.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , S-J.-UlotflSO ; 21b corn , § 2.tO 2.35. I'liovibtoNs Hams , 12@l2'fc ' : brcakfas bacon. IK UKc : bacon bides uj vtioc div salt , b rw'Jc ; slioulipr.s,7v7'fc | : dried bee hams , 12@l3c : dried beet regular , ll } < 12c ) IiBinsplenle , . Finn rs Apples , now , M's OOc ; I evaporate ) , 50 Ib rlns , iiyotSJic ; raspberries II cvaiiorated. 2sC 42'.k ! ; blackbnrries.ovaporaieil I UKwlOc ; pltteU cherries. 17@lbc : Dcacues now , # ' , " ' ; evaporated peeled pe.icnc-i c ; evaporated , uup.ircd , ctnew currants t,4@V& , ' prunes , 4Kf'l c : citron , We ; rat s ins. London layers , S1.U. ; California , loose 3 ' muscatels , 81. < 0 ; new Valonclas , 7J c. UorE Soven-slxteentlis inch. ll * ( M2c. STAHCII Mirror Gloss , 5fc ; Graves Corn 6 'c ; Oswego ( Jioss , 7c ; Oswego C ( rn. 7c. IJuooMS-lixtra 4-tle,52.00 ; No. 1,52.00 ; No 2 , JL75 ; heavy htablo , 84 Svitui1 No. 70 , 4-gslon | kegs. 81.35@1.3S New Orleans , per gallon. Si40e ( ! ; mapl syrun. half Ibbs , "old time. " per gallon , feOo l-gallon canprr doz , , $10.50 ; lialf-calloi cans , per aoz , Sri.OO ; quart cans. S3.25. CANDY Mixed , S llc ; stick. 8HS9Kc CKACKKIIH Garneau's soda , butter an picnic , 4fe } : creams , lHc\ \ ginger snaps , 7Xc city soda. 7Kc. TKAS Japan , 20Q:5fl ; gunpowder , 20(3G ( > Youn < Hyson. 'I'tftKc ; Oolong 20@COc , jELLIES-30-lb palls , 82. UP. General MarlcetH. SriBiTS Cologne spirits , Iba proof , $1.10 do 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits , second quallt } 101 proof , 81.10 ; do 18s proof , S1.09. Aleoho IbS proof , $2.10 per wine gallon. Hedibtllle whiskies , Sl.OOQtl.50. Gin blended. $1.MK 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.00(30.00 ( ; KOI tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S-i.oOQO.5i Golden Sheaf bourbon and rvo whiskle1 Jt50ct3.00. ( Brandies , ImporUd. S5.WQ8..V domestic , 81.SOft3.00. ( } lns , Imported. S4.50v 6.00 ; domestic , Sl.2.X 3.00. Champagnes , In ported , perctsf , S'iS.OOQ.'aOO ; American , p case. $10.oor4io.OO. COAL EKK. $9.00 ; nut , $9.25 : nuire , HO.'i Iowa lump , 83.00 ; Iowa nut , $2,75 ; walni look , 93.00 ; Illinois. $4.25@4.76. UEAVT UAB WAKE -iron , rate , | 2.7 < plow steel , special cast , 4 fc ; crucible steel , ( Ufc ; cant tools , do. I2rtlbc ( ; wa.on spoke * , per set , 82.00(33.50 ( ; hubs , per sot , 81.23 ; fel- lees , sawed dry , 81.CO5 tonpmw , each , too ; xlos , each , 75c ; square nut * , per Ib , C < a7c ; colt cl.aln , per Ib , OifOtlBc ; malleable , WSloc ; Iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Cc : harrow teeth , 4,1ic ; upring steel , 4C < i5c ; Bvrdcn's horse shoes. 14.75 ; Bunion's mule nhoos. 85.75 , Barbed wire' In cur lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron nails , rates , 10 to 60 52.40 ; steel nails , iliDKs Oreen butchers' , 5X6c ( ! green cured. 7Kc ; dry Hint , lie ; dry salt , PC ; green ralf skniii , 7)ic ) ; damaged hides , two-thirds price. Tallow 3e. Grease Prime white. 8c : yellow , 8c ; brown , l.H'c. Sheep pflts , 25(2 ( 40C. Dry UooriH. COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis count LL , 6fc ; CC , 7Kc ; SS , s. ' e ; Nameless , r.Vc ; No. 5. Oc ; KK , fl'tfe ; GO , lOKc ; XX , 12c ; 00. 14c ; NN , Ific , RX. Ibc ; U , 2 c ; No. 10. s c ; 40 , ioj < e : co- 12 } < c : 80 , 15c ; 30 , colored , lOc : 50 , colored. I2c ; 70. colored , I5c ; Bristol , 13 } < c ; Union Pacllic. Ifcc. CAIIPIIT WARP BlbJ ) white , ISJVc ; col- BA'TTS Standard. 8c ; Gem , He ; Beauty , 12Kc ; Boone , 14c ; B. cased , 80.50. POINTS Souu.CoLonH-Atlanta 5Xc ; Sla ter 5c : BerllnOllOXcGarnerOll6to7. ; PINK AND HOURS Richmond Gc ; AllenOc ; River- nnlnt5cStcel ; RlverOc : RichmondCe ; Pacific CKc. iNDiooBniK Washington Cc ; Ameri can Gfc ; ArnoldOJfc ; ArnoldBlOXe ; Arnold A 12c ; Arnold Goldseal 10 > < c. DIIKMS Char ter Oak4Xe ; Ramapo3c : Lodl 4Mc ; Allen 5Kc ; Richmond 5)ic ) ; Windsor Cc ; Eddystono 6c ; PaclileCc. GiNniiAM-Plunkctt checks T. c ; Whittcn- ton 7J/c ; York 7fi : ; Normaiulle Dresi 8S'c ; Calcutta Dress 8 } < c : Whlttentou iJress Uc ; Ucnfrew Dress lie to 12' < c ; CAMIIHICS Slater 4 > ic ; Woods 4) ) c ; Stan dard 4 < c ; Peacock 4 } < c. CoittKT JKANS Androscoggln 7o ' ; Kear- sage 7'ic ' ; Rockport OJ.fc ; Conestoga Ojtfc. DuoK-West Point 2D ln.,8oz. . I0) < c ; West Point 20 In. . 10 oz. . I2j < c : west Point 20 In. , 1'J oz. , 15cNest ; Point 40 In. , 11 o& , Ifio. Checks Caledonia X. Kc : Caledonia XX , Kconomv U to 8tfc ; Otis 9 to 9 } < c. L wiston 33 Cordls Mo. 6 , Mc ; Cordis No. 4 , Uc. DENIMS Amoskeag Ooz. , loc : K\erett 7 oz. , 13c ; York 7oz. , 13c ; Haviimker 8Ke ; Jaff- r-jy XX. HXc ; Jaffrey XXX , 12Kc : Beaver Crock AA. 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ; Beaver Creek CC , 10c. KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial 15c ; Canton 18c ; Durham 27Jic ; Hercules 18o ; Leaming ton 22 } < c : Colts weld 25c. CIIAHII Stevens' II Cc ; bleached 7c ; Ste vens' A 7Uc ; bleached 8He : Stevens' P 8J < c ; blrachnd &Kc ; Stevens' N VKc ; bleached lOWc ; Stevens' S 11T 12Kc , MisrKi.i.ANKOus Table oil cloth 82.S5 ; plain Holland 8Kc to Uc ; Dado Holland 12Vc. KLANNKi.s-Plald Raftsman 20o ; Uosheu S2WC ; Oar Lake 32)Vc ) ; Maple City : Kc. Whltfl-O. H. No. 2 , } { , 21c ; ( J. U. No. 1 , { , 27Xc ; B. H. No. 2 , % . 32Kc ; B. H. No. 1 , M. 80c : Quechee No. i. yt , 42c ; Ouechee No. 2 , W , 37 } < p ; Ouechee No. 3 , Jf , SiKc ; Anawan 13Xo ; Windsor 22 0. Red C. 24 inch , 15Vc ; K , 24 inch , 21c ; Gtl , 24 inch , 18c ; H. A. F. , ) { , 25c ; J. R. F. . X , 27Kc ; ( } . , % , 85C. CoMFOIITKItS 86.50(3 ( 35.00. BLANKETS White , S1.00@7.50 ; colored , 81.10@8.00. Bitow.v SiiKETiNaa- Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 Atlantic. H. 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , GXc ; Untie P. 4-4 , 5J/c ; Aurora LL. 4-4. 5. . Aurora C , 4-4. 4 c ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , 6V. Hoosier LL , 4-4 , 5ic : Indian Head , 4-4 7)t . Lawrence LL. 4-4 , 5jfc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , Cc ; Pepperell. 8-4. IGc ; Pepperell , 0-4 , 18c : Pepperell , 10-4 , 20c ; Utlca C , 4-4. 4J c ; Wiichusett , 4-4. 7c ; Aurora It , 4 4 , 0 > $ e ; Aurora B , 4-4. fie. Bi.iiAciiKi ) SHRETINCT Berkeley cambric. No. CO , iiUc ; Best Yet , 4-4 , r. ' c ; butter cloth OO. 4i4xc ; Cabot , 7Je : Karwell , fee : Fruit of Loom , bXc1. Greene G , Cc ; Hope , 7J < c ; King Phillip cambiic. Uc ; Lonsdale. lU/u ; Lons- dale , 8 > c ; New York mills , lOWc ; Peppeiell , 42 Inch , lOKc : Pcpperell , 4i ( inch , HMc ; Pep perell , ( M , 15c ; Peppeiell , 8-4. ISc : Pepperell , ti-4 , 20c ; Pepperell. 10-4. vsj < c : Canton. 4-4 , b > ic ; Canton , 4-4 , 9Kc ; Triumph , Cc ; Wam- sutta , lie ; Valley. 5c. Dry Ijuiiibcr. II1MENH10NS ANtl TIMIIKIIS. FI.OOIIINO. A 0 In.VhIto \ Pine S3VSO C , 829.SO H " " " : s.riO l ) , 21.00 E ' " " ( Sol. Feuclns ) . . . . 19.00 FINISHING. 1st and2nd , clear , l.ltf Inch. s.2 s S50.50 3d , clear , 1 Inch , s.'J s. , 45.50 " " ! > / , IH.'Jln G.,0 A select , 1 inch , s. 2 s. . 40.00 " " l } { , 1 . Bin 44.00 U " 1 Inch , s.2s. , 30.00 " " 1 , IK. 2 in 37.00 1'01'I.AH MTMIIKIl. Clear I'oplar , JHda. . % In. , s. 3 s. . . .83r..BO Kin. I'anol. s. 2s 27.00 " " CorniKatfd Cuillnc , % - " 8.50 HATTENH , WELL TUI1INO , I'IC'KBTS. ' O. G. Uatts , 2' ' In 500.75 " Wx3 in , on.45 3 In Well Tubiutr. 1) & M and IJev 23.00 Tickets , J ) . < ! e 11. Flat 20.50 " " Square 21.00 IIOAItDS. No. 1 , com. bis SlH.OJ No. 2 , com , sis 817.00 No. 3 , 815,50 JSO. 4 , 13.00 KKNCING. No. 1. 4 it Gin , ISA : 14 tt , rouch S19.W ) No. 1 , " " 10 " " 111.50 No. 3 , " " 12&14" " 10.00 No. 2 , " " 10 " " 17.50 SIDINCI. A. 12.14 and 10 ft. 521.50 C , Slf > .M 13. " " " 20.50 1) . 12.50 CKILING AXI ) I'AHTITION. 1st com , ? { ill White 1'ino Ct-iliiii ; § 34.00 2nd 28.00 Clear , ? 'in. Norway " " 10.00 ndcoui. ju ! in. ' 14.00 S1OC1C IIOAItDS. A 12 inch s. 1 s 845.50 No. 1 , com. 12 In. s. 1 s. , 12 tt 20.50 " " " " 14 It 1U.OO " " " 10 ft 18.50 No. 2 , " " " 1(1.00 ( " 10 tt 17.50 Inch Grooved Rooting SI.00 per M more than 12 inch Stock Boauls baino length , sun * LAP. No. 11'laln. 8& 10 in $19.50 No. a " 17.5G No. 1 , O. U. , 8 In 19.50 ROirrilRIIN YELLOW I'INK. Com. 40 In. Floorlnu 817.50 Star " " 21.5(1 ( Clear In. Celline 21.50 " Win. Partition a' > .oc " Finish , 1 &lj/in.s.2s iU.OC " Cf.rrtigated ( Jpilln ? , 4 In 25.W " Yellow I'lno Casing and IJabo. . . 27.0C 8II1NGI.KS. LATH. XXclear . .SH.1U KxtraA * S2.UI * A * Standard . . 2.75 * A111J&IJ 2..V 0 In. clear No 1. . 1.50 Lath 2.GI I'OSTS. Whlto cedar , C In. , J s. , I2cj 9 In. qrs. , lie ; K In. ( irs. , 10c:4 : in. round 15c ; Te lied Cedar , split , I5c : Split Oak , 12c. liwiva ntttlGiitti ua U. S. DEPOSITORY , Paid up Capital $250OOC Surplus 42.00C H. W. Yates , President. Lewis S. Reed , Vice-President. A. K. Touzalin. 2d Vice-Presldent W. 11. S. Hushes , Cashier , UIUEOTOHS : W. V. Morse , John S Collins II.V. . Yates , Lewis S. Heed A. E. Tony-alin. HANKING OFFICE : ' 1-HE IRON BANE Cor. 12th and Farnnm fits. A General Banking Uusincss Trunsncti A S For nil Kinds of buslui'FE lit tlio New Tom of Harbine Mldwuy between Falrbury and Ilcntrlco on tli C. K. * N. It. 1C it Lots Cheap on Easy Zerins. > i I AddroflB C , D. tF.TT F > lrbUr/ , OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORS Iron Works. C Iron Works , Wraniht * nd C t Iron Building Work , Iron FUlra , lulling , tlonnn unit ( llnlom , f > inm RtiKlnrr. llram Work , tlxneril fpuudrr , Machine mil lll c > mith \fotk. omc nlWotHU. I1. Ur.iitKllithtliPOt. H. K. SAUTKli , Mnnufiicttirlncr Dealer In SiuokcStncka , UrltchlntJ , T nK. iil ( dene ill Uoller Heiialrlnj , 1.11J lo > lte tltrct.Oranh * , F. It. MrMANUS. C. St'U.tVAX. OMAHA WIRE r ntox WORKS , llnn f ctii'crii of ire nnd Iron Knllin , Desk Hulls , Wl'ulnw Ou rdi. Klnner RtnnJjVlr Slum , Ro 193N. ICitb. Order , by mill promptlr ttenil4la. Lumber. OMAHA TVMRER CO. , Dealt' All Klndi of Building : Mutorinl at Wholcsrlo. lith Street and Dulon Paolfla Track , Omaha. LOVJS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber. Lntli , Lime , Sash , Doori , Etc. Tardi-Corncr'th and Douulus ; Cornti ttb and IKiudat. CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , Ml8.14thitrtetOmab , N b. f.Colpetier. Manager. cryrmETz , ' Lumber. 15th and Cullfonila titrecli. Omaha , Neb. FRED W. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Ccr.eth and Doiiglai iti Omaha.N x T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Offlc * , 1(03 Knrnam itreot.Omnha. ' CHAS. R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carptti and t'arqact rToorlng. 9th and Dongla * Omaha. JOHX A. WAKFFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported and American Portland Cement. RlaU Agtnt lorMllwaukee Hydraulic Cement and Beit ( julnrj WblteLlme. Lire Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John K. Bojd , BuperlnUDdtet. Stock Commission. C. II. 1'Al.MKll. N. 1' . IIICIIMA.N. J. 1U III.ANCIIAMD PALMER , RICHMAN .C CO. , Live Stock Coinmiititlon Merchant * , Ofllcp Room 21. Opposite ExcliBHK Building , Union Stoclt Yunb , South Umuliii , Nob. McCOY Live Stock Commission Murchants. Uaratt furnlnhed free un application. BtnrVer. itn feeleri Jurnhiiel on o 1 terms Re oronca OmaliH Nntlonal llmk HIM ! Soutb Omahl Nut ) ni Unlun block , Houtli Omiilia. M. JtURKE C SOWS , Live Stock Commission. Oeo. Burke , Manage ! Union Stock Yards , 8. Omaha. Telephone (82. Live Stock Commission Merchants , BhJpmeota of any and all klnila of Stock lollolted. Union Stock Yard * . Omaha , Nvb. Millinery and ftotions. I. OBERFELDER A CO. , Importurt and Jobber > of Millinery and Notions , UI3and 1315 llarnej , Omaha , Neb. Notions. r. a : MOBiNsoN xbTioi co. , Wholtsale Dealcri In Notions and Fui'nisliiiifr Goods , m and 40S B T nth St. Omaha. Overalls. AJ COMPANY , Maiiufnctnrcrs of Overalls , leana I'anti , Shlrtt , Ktc. 1102 and 1104 Doulaa Street , Omahn , Neb. PAPER CARPEXTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. rarrr a nice atock of I'rlTHIne , Wr.tpplnx and Writ Ing imper. Spodal nttvntlnn nlven to car load or order * , whlrh will bo hlppO'l illroct from mllli. All orders will rccslTO pcrnunal nttentlon. Weuuur- antee coou goods ami low prices. 1114 and 11U < ItouglaiHt. Printing. Job Printers , Plank Book Makers , And Book Dlnderi. 10t > and IPS RoutU Fouituonth tieet. Omaha , NclJ. WESTERNNEWSPAPER CW/OJV Auxiliary PnbliHhers. DealeralnTpo. Preaiai and Prlnlcr 'Suppllos. 609 bouth Twelfth Mrect. PutTipS. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , "Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Bteamand Water Hupnlles. HrRdquurtcri for Mail Ko t < Vi'ilou'ls. llllKaninni nt. . Omaha , Neb. U. S. WIND EXGIXE and PUMP COMPAA'Y. Dalladity Wind Mlln : rlp'im and Wdtor Supplies , } > lunjbmBJoo(1 , llolllnu , llosr. V1D anil VM fur- Dam it. , Oniahn. H. K. KulLon , Munagur. Ttlrphnuo No. 210. A. L. STRAyG CO. , rumps , Pipes and Engines , Bteam , Water , lUllwnr and Mllllnn Bupnllcr. BtO 20 , W3und 4 K mam et. . Oaaba. Net. HROWXELL f CO. , - u Manufacturer ! and Doalora In Eniine9 , lloilors * Uoneral Mn Ufncry beet Iron work , Steam 1'umpf. S Mllli , Acm * Bhaf UK , Dodg * Wood split Pull f , Baltloir , t3 , Altowafaii , lorapan.sadd alallai. Tenwortbit. Omaha Rubber Goods. 031A HA RUltnEll CO. , Mnnufuilurer nml Dealariln nil kind of Hnlibcr ( iootN , OllClnllilnciintl l.c.uhor llnl'lni : IWi nirrmm Et. Safes , Etc. Agents for Hull's Safe & Lock Co.s * Fire aa < l Iluric ar Proof Bafoi , Tlma lxck , Vault ! and Jill Work , luil l-arnain htrvut Omaha , Neb. " " Oninha Safe WorkH. MnDurncttirprtfif Klru nnil llaril r I'niuf Hnfp , Vnull IJonrx , Jiill Wiirk.Muittcm nnrt Wire Work. Oor. Ittli nnil jKC'kucn Hl . Umuliii. Neb. _ _ ' Sash , Doors , Etc. M , 7ArD isiiRoif' A co , Wbolevalo Manufacturcrn of Sash , Doors , lilindH and Jlouldiiift-r ! , ll-anch oMt ,13tli and lisra tt. , Pasha. ? . nony MAyuFACTUR/ya co. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , UonUVjicn.StalrWnrkand Interior Hard Wood Kindt Juit opcnetl. N. K. cor. f th and Loavenworlb tilt. Omntiu , NeU. Hardware. LEE , FRIED rf ) CO. , Joblicrs of Hardware and NailH , Tinware , Chcet Iron , Etc. Anenti ( or IIcwu hculai unil Miami ruvrterl'i..OmaliaNi'b , W. J. UROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , BprlngoVoron Ftock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1 Ilirnrr ,1. , Omaba. EDXEY , c Ginnoy , Whnlesalo Iron and Steel , YTaontn < 1 Cnrrlaae Wooil Stock , Heavy Ilnrdwarl Etc , 131 ? iind mu Leavenwortb it. , Omaha , Neb. ' ROGERS ASOA'.V , Halites , Furnaces , Tiles , Uantlfil. tintei , llra ( loodl. ' 1311an4 UK raraaji ? ' ' _ Slieet , JOBBERS' DIBECTOBK Agricultural Implements. _ Wholesale Draltr In Agricultural Implements , Curlanoa ami ffliJonri Mrto , ttlwvtn and lotb l , Omaha , Mb. lR o 'JiETVALF co. , Agricultural Implements , \V gnn .C trlKc . Buggies Hie. . WhoUniO * . Oin'rm. ' PARLiy , O REXDOR F iC MARTIN WUoletalo Dealer * In Agricultural Implements , lluciilf . _ JCI.iO Ml ndK17.Jfn _ titf Artists' Material. . . . . . v ' ' ' " * ' ' ' " ii V'1W ' * * A. HOSPE , JR. , Artists' Matcrlnli , Pianos and 1J13 l > oucU Street , Omaha. Builders' Hardware and Scales. Bnlldcra'Hardware&Scalo Repair Shop Uechauki' Tooli ami Buffalo Sf ! . HOC. Dotiflai tu. _ Omalift. Ntli. floods and Stationery. ft Ji -4T fc ' * T v i Whii.eulo nnil Ho H fiooksollcrt4 ami Stutloners. IKS DouglSBt..Om Iii . Nob. Tolrplione SOU Corrpspomletic'c nolleiteil. Boots and Shoes. w. r. MOUSE c co. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. 1411 Firntu it , Onmht , Neb. UiuuUctorr , 8umm itrttt , llottim. X. T. LIAJtSKl" CO. , Itublcr Roots anil Ilutiocr iind Oiled Clothuiu niul 1'olt llouts nuA Bhnrt. lilt llnrnpv Sttri't. Beer. STORZ .15 ILER , Lviror Bcrr Brewers , North l lh Stre t > Omxhit , Neb. Butchtrs' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , , Butchers' Tools and Supplier , Uuaaf Cailngi of all alndi alwaji la aloek. U1A Jun ant. vniaba Coffee , Spices. Etc. CLARKE JiROS. d5 CO. , Omaha Coirea and Spleo Mills. TtM.Ooffro.dplrei. nuklnx l'owd r. FliTOrloul U U. L unSrr lllu . Ink. Kle. 1411-16 Uinr Plrcet , Omnhi. Nab. Cornier. . "EAGLE\CORIfICE \ WORKS , John Ep nctcr , Prop. Uumfaoturer cf Onltanlioil Iron an'J Comle * . lK. Ue and 1M and 106 N , lOUi U. omih . Neb. RUEMPJNG C BOLTE , IlHnufactuteri of , Ornnmental tialvanizcd Cornices , Dormer Window , , Kln l .NeinllcBkjrll htetc. 310Si , mti it. , Omaha. 1 WESTERN CORfflCE WORKS , C. Sjiecht , 1'rop. alT rli d Iron Cornlcct. tc. Rprct'ilmpro J Pa ent Mctallc Skylight. ! _ ' > 51UP I''lli ha. Carpets. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobborn or Carpets , CnrtaiiiH , Oil Clotlis , LlnolPiinn , MnttliKB , Ittc. 1M1 Untiiai ilroot. Crockery and Notions. W. L. WRIGHT , Agentfor'hi : Manufacturer ! ) find Importers or ' Crockery , Olasswnre , Lnrnpfi , C'lilmueTS , etc. Offlco , 317 South lith St. ' Omitia. Neb. CL01HINO I _ IHMUITER'S J Mninmntli Ciotlilnp ; llonso , Corner I'nrnim mid Tentli BtiejlB Uiunhit. .Voh. Commission and Storage. "ETA. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing. I Batter , Kent and Produce. Con lKimcnt > nnlleltecU lleadquartera for btonowaro , llerry Itoxia antl Urape llatkati. UK Dodgoutiut.Umaha. ' RIDUELL , ( ! Storagfe and Commission Morclmnts , fpccluluei liciticr , Kitt , Clu'cno , I'o iltrj , Uaiua. Ojitcra. etc. , etc. 1120. lith ht. PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and rruTluoni , Omaha , Noli. V CO. , Produce Commission tlerclianta , roultry. Ilutter , GBIIIO , Kiullt , We. ZtU U. lltbit , Oruuha. Ni > l. , Coal antf Lime , a lo. t l/.HAnii , Pros. C. F. ( lOniUAN , V. Piai. J A. hUNIiEKl.AND , Coc. HndTreus. OMAHA CO A I , , COKE M LIMU COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. y South Yhlrteonth Street , OuiHlia. Neb. Her or , rco. . , MannfuctnrcrH of Illinois White Limo. I And SlilppurH of Cnnl itml Coke. Coniont. I'ltifter. Urnc , Hair. Klro Ilrlrk , Drain , Tile ami .Sener Tipo ? Ofllce. Pnzton Il ( > t-l. Firnnm , t. . Omitm , Nob. Tclepnune81l. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER C CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , , Gun * and Ammunition , IIS torn S > lltu tt. , 1050 to 1U24 Farnamtt , Om haNob , ' WEST < V FRITSCHER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And WLoloale llenlert In Leaf Txbaccni , NOB. 108 and 110 N. ' 4th utrtirt , Omnlia. Dry Goods. /'SAf7r/7r ? e co , , Dry Goods , Furnishing ( Jooils & Notions Ilinanrt 1104ouEl ! , cor. IIHi Ht. , OmahaNeb. Distillers. Dlatlllere of I.lquori , Alcohol unJ BplrlH. Import era and Jobbers ot Wlncaarnl I.lquom , WILLO WSPRINGK JDISTILLE'Jf CO. and JltKll C CO. , Importers and Jobbortof Fine Wlnen nml I.lnuom. oleui nuf oturer of Kviiniiilf'H KH t Iiidhi lilt- tern anil liouicitle I lqunt . 1113 IlHrnuj Ft. furniture. .0 WholvKaloDcalcis in Furniture. Farnarn t. . CJniiihn. N b. CHARLES ftlllf'ERICK , Furniture , liodding , UjiholBtcry , illrrom , etc. 120H , 1203 audljlO Kiirnnm et. . Omaha , Groceries , PAXTOfi , GALLAGHER 0 CO. , Wholesale Groceries and 1'roviRious , Noc 7tfi.7li7.7Uand7liy.lOtliht..Om.ihii ) , .Nob. 'McVORD , B.liA It y il * CO. , Wholesale Grocers , 1'to nnd l.eivnnworth ft . , Oninh.i. J. B. HATNES OFFICIAL STENOGRAPHER T1I1UD JUDICIAL DISTIllOT , Wl Chamber.of Coiumuro * .