EHE OMAHA DAILY BEErSATURDAY. ; SEPTEMBER 3. 18ft Factoryrllln from September 10 , 1837 ; 1'latU- moulh to Nebraska City from September 18 , lbS7. Itelnstated routes and services as fol lows , oinlttlriK nil other unices , tllstntico and pay to bo horunftcr mlji'stod , viz : From I'laltsinouth by Itock Hltiir , Murray , Mount Flrimnt , Meawnka nnd Knctoryvlllu to Swift , tlirco times \vcclc and back. Iowa Star schedule clmngoa : Chequed to Troy. Lcuvu Chequest , Mondays , Tuesdays and Saturdays ; arrive nt Ttoy. LeavoTroy Mondays , Tnursdavs and Saturdays ; arrive nt Chc < | ucat. Continuing present schedule of rnnnlni ; time. Ina Grove to llolstuln. J niivo Ida drove , dally except Sundays , at 8:30 : a. in. ; arrlvu nt llolstuln by 11 : ? JO n. in. Leave Holstoln. dally except Sundays , at 2 r. in. ; imlvunt IdnUrovu nt On. in. From Bcptember G , 1S37. _ Nelirnslcn nnd Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , Sept. 1. [ Special Tele gram to the HIK.J : The followlni : lown pen sion ? were granted to-day : William Strong , Now J ( art ford ; Porter 1) . Uumsnv. Dyers- villo ; Edward Spencur. Clinton ; William F. KellogK , Mttlouort ; Kiclmrd I. ( lallahur. Nooln ; .lolin Illalr , Cedar Uaptds ; David ( last on. Hose Hilt ; Martin It. Lowry , lied- ford ; Isaac Simons , Tip ton : Benjamin F. Chapman , Nevada ; Gooriro W. llaworth , Hartford : Ira lluttcrllcld ? Fertile ; I'hillp Tlionm , Nrolu ; William I * . Stanley , Oak- loosa. Mexican war : Thomas S. Hancock , Uothlehpm ; J'hlllp StobaiiKli , Nashua. Nebraska : David Cnldwell , llryon ; John Miller , Uepubllcan City. Increase : Charlns A. Foyc. Dakota. n/tynrd Un thn Flslicrlci. WASHINGTON , Sept S. Secretary liaynrd Bald to-night that ho had great reason to hope that a fall nnd linal settlement would bo reached of the differences which always ex isted between this country nnd Great lirltaln orcr the fisheries question since IBIS , the linnl settlement of which had never bncn reached , The secretary salt ! Mr , Chamber lain would llnd the United States ready to do her part towards securing good feeling be tween the two countries. Canadian Orcon Apples. WASHINGTON , Sept. 2. Assistant Secre tary Mnynard has Informed a Canadian cor respondent that green apples being perisha ble fruit , nnd not liable to duty , are not entitled - titled to warehouse privileges upon Importa tion Into this country. Preparing A TnilfT Jlill. WASHINGTON , Sept. 2. Congressman K. Mills says he Is preparing a tariff bill to bo submitted to the next house which will pro pose a large reduction in duties on steel , cot ton and wool. , t TliroiiKh a DKNVKII , Sept. 2. A special from Sallda , Gala. , says the east bound Lcadvlllo express went through Heaver cruok brldKo this morn ing between there and 1'ueblo , killing the cnclncfir nnd two others. Several were wounded. The accident was caused by a rock falling from thogldiiof thocanon , crash ing through the bridge. Urndly Illncit Olpluhorio. Pn-Tsiiuno , I'n. , Sept. 2 An epidemic of tyack diphtheria Is raging nt Liockport , I'a. , a smalt town of 200 Inhabitants , situated on the Pennsylvania railroad about sixty miles cast of this city , Nearly half of the people nro reported down with the disease , and thirteen deaths have occurred within the past live days. - * Another I'lwIilnK Hchoonor Captured. OTTAWA , Out. , Sept , -Advices from St. John , N. 13. , state that the protection cruiser Intrepid yesterday captured an American fishing schooner within the threc-mllo limit off Campohello , N. II. , nnd took her Into port. Slnuuin nnd the Grand Army. Nuw Yonic , Sept. 2. It is announced that ( loiieral Slocum will not attend the national oncamnmont of the ( Jrand Army at St. LouU tills month. It Is said that If nominated for the position of grand commander ho will ac cept. Labor Day's Parade. NKW Yonic , Sept. 2. The mayor to-day accepted the Invitation to review the labor parade , lie fofused , however , to allow the Italian ( lag to bo hoisted on the city hall on that day. Cleveland to Visit Philadelphia. l'iuiAimpniA , fa. , Snpt. 3. President Cleveland haH accepted nn invitation to at tend the reception tendered htm by the com mercial exchange of this city , on Friday , September 15. Can Pay the Workmen. NKW YORK , Sept 2. The receiver for Mitchell , Vance A Co. to-day received a dis patch from the attorney general authorizing him ton jo S7. 000 or more , tlmt helms on hand , to pay part of the wages to workmen. TELKOItAPU MOTES. Twelve thousand German war veterans \ lll bo In line during the reunion In Chicago tolay. . The Chlcnco Underwriters' association has Instituted a boycott nualnsttheXorthwestorn iNatlonal Insurance company. AMUSKMENTS. Appearance or Iltiey and Hardy at the lloyd Ijitnt Kvonlng. The "Pnrlor Match" has boon struck half n dozen times on the patronage safe of the Omaha people. Yet , last night , it pro duced na bright a flame as it ever omitted in this city. Some minor novelties bavo been introduced into phosphorescent features since its last glowing hero , but thev servo in nowise to iucroase the brilliancy , whic& , for several reasons , baa dazzled our people. Dropping Metaphor , Hoey and Hardy , rather than their piece , retain their hold upon the pooplo. In his way , Hoey is perhaps equal to the most suc cessful comedian in his lino. Hut Hardy is well-nigh unapproachable. Ho is but a buffoon on the stage , but his sim ulation is the result of artistic conception and , what is moro , artistic delineation. It is Hardy who creates the laughter and the fun , and every auditor niisaea him when ho is out of sight. The stars are supported by a largo com pany , the vocal richness of which is not In any way remarKable , though in spe cialty features it is somewhat to be com- wended. Miss Minnie French has the mannerisms - isms of Jennie Yoamans , who lirst ap peared In "Innocent Kidrt" in this city , but she is not the laugh-creator that her predecessor was. She dances admirably , however , and this , in a measure , con dones for her other shortcomings. The same picco will bo produced at the matinco and evening performances to-day. Prof. Frankn and his Philharmonics made their initial npppurnnco in the or chestra box and tlioir playing evoked sev eral hourly bursts of MKNSCH AN1 > ArTK. The play at Mutt's summer gardun on next Sunday night will bo "Munsah and AfTo , " n sterling , picco , in which the ex cellent company at the theater will bo enabled to atlbrd nn evening of healthy enjoyment , Additional High Reboot Course. A business course has been added to the studies in the high school to bo com pleted in one.year , or to betaken in parts during the period of four years necessary for graduation as follows : Penmanship , 1 , a , 11 ; bookkeeping , 1 , 3 , 3 ; commercial Rrithmotio , 1 , 2 , 3 ; oivll government , 1 : commercial law , 2 , 3 ; chemical drawing , 1 , 2 , 3 ; stenography , 1 , 3 , 8 ; and Gorman , 1 , S , 3. When this coursois taken during the four years , it is to bo divided in this wise : First year , commercial arithmetic , 1 , 8. 3 ; second , stenography , 1 , 3,3 ; third , bookkeeping , 1 , 3 , Q ; and fourth year , civil government. W. U. Parks , manufacturors' < hcent for den's , youth's and boys' clothing , has opened a salesroom far the wholesale ! | rade at the southwest corner of Mth and llouglns. ' Mr. Parks'has heqn ongagdd M * traveling salesman for several years , vnd it known by agent * all'OTLT the ' jUto. . ' . . . OMAHA'S APPROACHING FAIR , Preparations on a Grand Scale For the Big Show , FOR INDUSTRY AND PLEASURE , Hie Combined Attractions of the nig Exhibition to lie Opened Next Week In the City Pre paring For Monday. Thn Coming l < 'alr. Each day Is marked by the increasing perfection of the arrangements under way for the exhibition nf the many dis plays , animate nnd inanimate , to bo made in the fair and exhibition and the accom modation of the throngs that will attend it and the reunion. The fair grounds nro quite lively with the exercising horses nnd the energetic workmen. The dining rooms are already assuming an Inviting aspect with their stacks of bread and baked moats and other appetizing com modities. The horse stables are being rapidly tr.kcn and occupied , nnd exhib itors are placing their displays in posi tion , Edliolm 02 Aiken were busy filling their quarters with musical and other in struments yesterday , while teams were engaged In hauling material and goods to the various places on the grounds. Fourteen hundred entries have been made so for , and there will bo more yet , which presage the most extensive , ex haustive nnd complete exhibition ever Keen in Omaha , combining as it will the best specimens of horticulture , agricul ture , fruit and buo culture , fowls , manu factures of all kinds , and everything that is essential to man's comfort or ex istence. The stallion McLeod Is eight years old and trotted his mile m 2:10 : } at Cleveland , O. K. C. Itatison drives Tommy Lynn , who Is named after his owner , Thomas Lynn , of St. Louis. Tommy la eight years old , sired by Addison ; Mor gan Mare is his dam. Ho is entered in tin ; free for all , is a pacer , and made his 8:10Hn : Council Bluffs lately. J. A. Newton - ton , owner of Joe Davis , of Indian. . , who trotted hprc with Phyllis two years ago , nrrivud this morning. A. Thompson has his well known string of horses in the Htables. C. II. Crcightou , of Omaha , has George Simmonc , jr. , a three-year-old sired by George Simmons , sr. , the latter by Gcorgo Wilkos. Dam is Membrane Time by Mombnino Palchon. Ho made his 2:12i : on the 10th of the last month on the Omaha track. Nettie Zulu , owned by Judge Ponploton , made her mile In 2:00 : at Lincoln last year. She is but four years old , J. S. C. , sired by Echo , Membrane Patohen dam , is a four-year-old brown stallion. Ho made a mile in 3:40 : } last fall. Dark Night , by Allison , by George Wilkcs , lirst dam , St. Elmo , sec ond. Pilot. Jr. , is a three-year-old from Lexington , Ky. , with a record of 3:38 : } . A. 0. Bcckwith , of Evanston , Wyo. , has several line flyers. Bedford fs a stallion , six years of ago , sired by Strath- more , fllcmurano Patchun dam. Ho made n record thrco.-years ago at Lexing ton , Ky. , of 2:301 : against seven of the best colts in the states from California east , among them being Prince Wilkcs , who trotted in 2:17 : $ a few days ago nt Hartford. His Wyoming Maid is five years old , with a tine uodigrqo. Sired by George Wilkcs , lirst dam.Tilot Anne by Pilot Chief. Ollto is a livo-ycar-old bay mare , aired by Strathmore , first dam by Norman , Jr. , by Alexander's Babdalloi Wyoming Chief by Strnthmoro , dam , Moiiibrano Russell. It will bo remem bered that Strathmoro is descended from the dam of Maud S. J. Van A. C. is a mahogony colored stallion , four years old , by Membrane King , M. O. Heilly has his sevon-poar-old stallion entered in the 3:40 : class. A few days ago he made his quarter in 40 seconds ends , also Louotta. who won the 2:35 : rauo at Lincoln last year. She is a fivo-year- old bay mare. J. L. Nash , of Red Cloud. Neb. , has Fear Not , a four-year-old stallion , a running - ning horse sired by Madrid. S. It. Dickey , of Lansing , Kan. , has Prince , a seven- year-old stallion sired by Samuole by St. Elmo. Ho made a iniln in 3:42 : in Topeka. Jack Taylor , of St. Joe , Mo. , is at the stables with the horses of Luther Chattis , of Atchison , Kan. They are Oko , Alder son and Woodland's Queen. Oka Is cloven years old , made Ins mile in 3:30 : four weeks ago at Hays City , Kan. , is sired by Uanibrino , Alexander Babdallo dam. Alderson ia a grey gelding eight years old , sired by American Cfivy , jr. Woodland Queen ! s a two-year-old 'run ner. She is showing great speed nnd is entered at Jat. Joseph Kansas City and St. Louis for the fall meetings. Many others are coming in who have stalls engaged but not yet occupied , The number and quality of the animals attested by tlioir records give an unmis takable assurance of one of the most inter esting series of horse races over socn west of the Mississippi river. Some of the best horse men of the west will bo in attend ance , and a royal entertainment is pre pared. KLAO3 AFI.YINQ. The Miltard hotel , Omaha Savings bank , C. E. Burmester , board of trade , F. C. Fcstnor and others have supplied themselves with bunting for next week's decoration from the immense stock of Max Meyer & Bro. The management hope that rmsiness men generally will not so far ignore the great importance of next week's cathering as to omit too long to prepare for n waving welcome to the thousands who will then throng Omaha's streets. _ Chlldron'H TlokntM. Chllren will receive their tickets of ad mission to the fair grounds Tuesday , by calling on H. G. Clark , Treasurer , 1510 Douglas street , until Monday noon. CITV COUNCIL. A Citizen's Mcetlni ; Fora Police Pro test to Ho Hold To-night. A special mooting of the council was hold last night pursuant to the following call : "Omaha , Sept. 3 , 1887. A special meeting of the city council is hereby called to meet Friday evening , September 2,1887 , at 8 o'clock p. m. , at the council chamber for the purpose of rescinding a resolution introduced by Mr. Hascall and adopted by the council August 31 , 188 7 , authorizing the appointment o eighteen special policemen ( one by each councilman ) during the fair. Also for the confirmation of the fifty special policemen - men to bo appointed by the mayor. " Fifteen members answered the roll. After the reading of the call Mr. Hascall moved that the mayor bo empowered to send In tho'names of fifty policemen for duty during the fair week nnd that they bo paid out of the police fund. The mo tion was a surprise to the members who were not lot into the secret tactics to bo adopted to oll'sut the storm of indigna tion which found vent in the call of n meeting to-nlglit by the citizens of Omaha to insure police protection ( or the city during fair week. The object of the mooting was stated by Mr. Kiorstead , and ho thought the rescinding of the reso lution adopted nt the last meeting the first stop necessary. Argument was then in order , which was absorbed by Mr. Hascall , who degenerated into abuse of mayor , the police commission and Gov ernor Thayor. ' Hn claimed that open ef forts were made to .whip the council Into subjection ; that the council was a patientnud suffering body , bat ( tut their rights had boon infringed upon. Ho claimed that the conditions of the charter had been violated by the police commissioners and they deserved no rec ognition at the hands of the council. He was willing to leave the whole matter to the arbitration of any disinterested per sons , to Judge Potjplclon nnd Mr. Woolworth - worth and any three romitnblo citizens of Omaha. Ho claimed the action of the appointment of special policemen by the council was done In good faith ; that It was the intention of each councilman to appoint his quota , one man , fully worthy of the place , and bear the cost of his services. The Idea of each coun cilman's pocket scouring a pollco fund during the week was a new one to most of thu members nnd smiles wcro scon nnd titters hoard on its announcement. Mr. Alexander disclaimed that any such intention was coupled with the council's nppointmcnt of special policemen , but Mr. Hascall insisted that it was and proved it by referring to the liberality of the council in contributing from their private funds to the entertainment of the coming Now York firemen. Sev eral of the members wcro of the opinion that the mayor's pollco appointments should bo accepted without qualifying the fund out of which -they were to bu paid , but Hascall insisted on his whole motion , root-hog-or-dio , and warmed up again with thunders of abuse on certain people , and the mayor in particular. After ho had grown hoarse and red in his tragic oflbrts ho enacted a farce by the declaration that no man in public ofllce should bo actuated by private spite ; that ho did not bellovn the city council was actuated ; that personally ho was not , Regaining rest ho called for the question , it was precipitately rushed through , the ever-faithful majority chiming thulr ages with regularity. While Hascall hold the floor n commu nication was received from the mayor announcing the appointments ho had made , They were in order accepted and arc as follows : James Bowie , Peter Briilm , Martin Bock. J. E. Burke , Robert L. Cells , Pat rick Douglas , P. J. Dougherty , James Doyle , C. II. Fitch , James S. Given , C S. Kotohkiss , John Hamincn , P. II. Horan , Hiram Harris , Jerry Hennessey , J. C. Hubbard , P. A. Heilman , R.T. Hevollyn , D. D. Jones. F. A. Johnson , A. C. Jack son , 11. Kibboy , C. V. Kendrick , R. A. Lyon , John D. Murphy , John J. Median , Anthony McAndrow , M. McDermott , Bruno Muller , Patrick MoAndrcw , Will iam McCowcn , Frank Norton. John Morley - ley , Perry Thomas , Frank Percy. John Ryan , Frank Robbms , II. W. Roach , Louis Shropshire , Henry Sollinger , P. R. Sullivan , Chris. Shlimmc , M. Stegnicn , Joseph White. James Loaming , A. W. Waits , Gus Burke , John J. Robins , Westcrdnil , F. Bonncr. Hascall again get the floor and moved that the mayor bo requested to solicit sub scriptions to supply any deficiency in the police fund. Mr. Leo thought the words "solicit subscriptions'1 not difinlflod enough and smacking too much of beg gary. Ho moved to amend by inserting the words "to toke the necessary stops , " and thu motion was carried as amended. An invitation road requesting the coun cil's attendance in the firemen's celebra tion September 8 and 0 was accepted. Hascall onuo moro getting his wind and the floor , called attention to the call of the citizens' mooting to-night. He said the names signed wore the tail-end of the ( BKE ) subscribers and characterized the board of trade as a useless factor in the city's interests , receiving from the coun cil a $10,000 lot worth $50,000 and ending their labors with the erection of a build ing and issuing stock. Ho claimed the call an outrage to the council , and styled the proceedings to be enacted as'star chamber doings. He moved that a meet ing of the people bo called for to-niuht and hold in the city hall. Patrick Ford thought the idea a good one. He did not believe in bankers , law yers and boards of trades calling meet ings. Pat Ford was the poor man's friend , und he never wanted to represent the rich. Ho was in favor of calling a monster mooting in Jefferson park whore the people could meet ann tell these high toned gentlemen who they were. Mr. Hascnll , feeling his throat and finding It sore from the night's exertion , declined an open air mooting , and it was no longer thought of. Mr. Kiersteadt was not opposed to a so-called people's meeting ; Do would at tend it , but ho submitted that it should bo held on Monday night to let these de siring to attend the meeting to-night do so. Ho wished to attend the meeting at the rooms of the board of trade and the people's meeting too. Ho desired all in terchange of opinion possible looking towards the public good. "Man alive ! will ycdemano yoursol'by attindin' the matin' to-nolghl : shurc ye weren't invoitcd at all , " exclaimed Air. Ford in amazement. Mr. Kierstoad re plied that all citizens wcro invited and requested Mr. Ford to read the paper for enlightenment. "Arrah the paper ! " exclaimed the dele gate from the third , as though he re garded paper but a commodity in which to wrap merchandise , Mr. Alexander said ho wished to at tend the meeting to-night and the one contemplated also , therefore ho desired the postponement of the latter. Mr. Lee said ho was the poor man's friend , and no one venturing to dispute the assertion ho grow pathetically remin iscent of old times when Bovd was mayor and honnst Tom was marshal , a golden ago. The speaker's oys grew watery and without warning ho uttered as n bible truth his belief that the police of Omaha were sulliclent in number for the ample protection of the entire city. Mr. Alexander opened Mr. Loo's eyes and intelligence with statistical figures proving that New York city with a debt of 1130.000.000 had one policeman for every 700 ; Philadelphia one foreverv 800 ; Louisville , one for every 800 , and 'four teen other cities one to every 700. Mr. Lno fought shy of the figures and said as far east as Germany you might find two police for one man , but the people ple of Omaha didn't need policemen , they were able to take care of them selves. Mr. Kitchen endeavored to cut the Gordian knot by an adjournment , but the question was called and the motion parsed , the old majority coming to the front , and a people's meeting was de clared called for to-night in the city hall. The meeting then adjourned. Public Wo7ka. The attitude of the board of public works towards the gas company , com pelling it to fill Its lateral tranches with river sand , brought Mr. Murphy to the ollico of the board yesterday to pretest - test against the compulsion. Ho claimed that to comply with the chairman's order would entail a great deal of ex pense upon the company , expense to whinh it had not previously been sub- jpctod. The whole subject of trendies , filling , flushing , puddling and tamping was die-cussed , Mr. Murphy retiring under the impression that the chairman of the board was inexorable In his de mand for the sand-rilling of laterals while lie did not insist upon sand in the mam trenches. The chairman of the board of public works gives notice that no permits for excavations or connections will bo issued to any property owner or lessee on any portion of Nineteenth from St. Mary's avenue to Leavenworth , or on Seven teenth and Eighteenth streets between 1-arnam nnd Harnoy , nor in the alloys in blocks 107 and 140 until the pavin" of the same has bocn accepted by the city. No morphia , no opium In Dr. J. H' . McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm. It is prompt , safe , and sure , will cure ft bad cough or throat trouble quicker than any other medicine , only 25 cents a bottle. "HE FLEJV DE COOP. " A Cheeky TliloTiUrnp * MH Plunder to Facilitate Flight. Jim Roonoy vjas ! ; arrested yesterday afternoon by Ofllcors Vanous nnd Dcmp- soy for stealing n teat from a dummy In front of S. Arsloln's /store , No.112 South Tenth street , on Thursday nvening. At the time of his nrrtwi'lio ' was In Hanson's saloon , next door io Arstcln's store , nnd was wearing the plirioincd garment. At the same time ho was , carrying a hand some light drab overcoat that had also evidently boon stolen ; as ha attempted to conceal It nt the Ulmn of arrest. Just after the arrest a stoutly built , tall young fellow who had been seen In company with Rooney the day before , came into Arslein's store ami bought n valise. pants nnd other goods. While Moses Klein , the clerk , was waiting on another customer the tall young follow attempted to slip some shirts into his satchel , but was observed by Sam Livingstone , who immediately informed the clerk ahd suggested calling the police. Thereupon the tall young follow rushed at Livingstone , gave him a sweeping right hander in the eye that felled him to the pavement , and then made n boo line for the bottoms , leaving , in his haste , his coat and the clothing for which bo had just paid. Elcntrio Lustro Starch is tlio host Inun- drv starch. It Is used by ladies ns a toilet powder. It is the best llcsh powder for infants. Pure and harmless. Try it. Genrglnna'n Hpook. The memory of the unfortunate Goor- glana Clarke , whose sudden death in the jail during the early part of last month was attended with so much indignation on the part ot the colored people , was re called yesterday in Judge Holsloy's court. Emery & Dlnirmain brought suit agninst Pntcr J. Williams nnd John Simpson , a committee on the part of the colored people to investigate the cause of death of tun woman , for work done in thu in vestigation. The defense was the pay ment of ยง 20 to N.J.Burnham.tho attorney in the case , to be expended in the inves tigation and applied to dctectivo work in the matter , but which according to Burnham's receipt was but a jcttiiner for legal services. The case was taken under advisement. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Stephens , Voegolo & Dinning is this day dissolved by mutual consent ; said Voc- golc and Dinning wlllassumc nil liabilities and collect ail the debts of the old firm of Stephens , Voegolo & Dinning , and will carry on the business of the linn at the usual place of business. D. G. STKIMIKXS , C. H. VOIOII.K : : ! R. J. DINNIXO. Pomona ! Paragraph * * . Hooy & Hardy with their wives , arc at the Millard. Chris Hnrtmnn Wibt\t to Blue Springs , Neb. , yesterday , n c H. P. Bower , and'two sons , of Columbus " bus , spent yesterday" the city , on route to Wisconsin. , " Mr. Andrew RosewiUer and wife have returned from Manifmi , Colo. , and are stopping at the MiUarjl. P. N. Skinner , local ) superintendent of the Pullman 1'alacc'caT company , has re turned from an eastern visit. E. E. Jackson , democratic nominee for thu position of governor of Maryland , with his wife , is at the Millard. Division Superintendent Jowett of the Pullman company , 'arid wife , are in the city on their way from Colorado to their home in Chicago. ' Dr. G. W. Borostlcr , .of Lancaster , O. , has tilted up eleganl'onlco apartments in the Barker block , Fifteenth street , south of Farnatn. Mr. S. L. Wiley , secretary of the water works , returned from Naragansctto Pier with Mra. Wiley and daughter , Miss Edith , yesterday. J. W. Morse , with his two daughters , left yesterday for South Bend , Ind. . whore the latter will enter the ladies' seminary , situated a few miles from the center of the city. Minnie Palmer the actress , passed through this city yesterday from San Fran cisco on her way to Chicago to com mence her season of 18S7. She will meet her troupe in Chicago. Mr. Ulig , late member of the German Dramatic company , of this city , returned yesterday from a vacation in the interior of the state. Ho leaves to-morrow to join the Gorman company now playing every Sunday night in Mr.Vicker's thea ter , Chicago. Impurities of the blood often cause croat annoyance at this season. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood , and euros all such affections. Gravities. The internal revenue receipts yesterday amounted to $3,381.33. John Homsley , a German from Penn sylvania , who is prospecting here , had his pocket picked of $23 and u railroad ticket at the B. & M. depot yesterday. Deputy United States Marshall R. E. Allen left last evening for Kansas City with A. W. DicKey , the postal note thief , who is to b turned over to the authorities of the western district of Missouri. William F. Donning asks a divorce fr-om his wife , Louisa , on the ground of desertion. They were married August 4,1804 , in Lenvonworth , Kan. , and the plaintiff alleges his wlfo left him some years ago. They have four children. The case of the state vs J. B. King , for merly city editor of the Herald , for libel ing Isaac Brown in the columns of that paper , was called yesterday in the police court. By understanding among the counsel it was continued until Octoijor 3 , at 2 p. m. Christ Solsen was arrested yesterday for attempting to burglarize' resi dence of Miss Maud Fostevon at No. ! > 11 South Eleventh street. The premises , contrary to previous statement , are not of ill-roputo and of no publio diameter whatever , being merely a private dwell ing. , Miss Lida Peterson , a well-known young lady of this city , ! was married on Saturday hist to Frank Gcorgo , city clerk in Paxton & ' ( r.ill.ighor'H , by the Rov. J. E. House , /flip / newly married couple dispensed with it , tour , and are at homo at the northeast corner of Six teenth and Davenport 'streets. George Slicknuy , formerly of this citv and now business nmuagor of the Daily Isows of Hastings , jn ) this state , is in Omaha , lostorday iho forwarded six printers and a foromanlo work upon the paper and is still in wsrirch of competent local talent. The Niilv receives the As sociated press dispatches nnd is a pretty little sheet. It is underthe management of a former attache of the Now York Daily .News. DIED. MlLESTOKE-Sentomber 2 , of dlphtnerla. Charles II. Milestone , aged 5 years and 8 months. Funeral private. School Shoes t School Shoeit Largest assortment and lowest prices. It will bo a mistake to purchase anything m the line of Boots , Shoes or Slippers be fore calling at Omaha's Lowest Price Boot ana Shoo Store."HonestGoods and Square Dealing. " All goods marked in plain figures nt strictly One Price. Fine Boots and Shoes at reasonable prices a Specialty , CHICAGO BARGAIN SHOE Co , ' 1818 Dousilas street. Homo of the Shocon Wheula- - - , THE NATURE OF MEERSCHAUM. tlowtoUlMtngnlah the Genuine Arti cle from Knolln , A subscriber in Oregon sends a sort of Macedonian cry for help In the form of Information about meerschaum. Ho djjusu't say why ho wants it , but Fred R. Knldonborg , of Now York , who Is famous as an artist caver of Ivory and ineer- snhatirn , and who probably knows moro ' about the latter article 'than anybody dso in the country readily divined what started him up. "Ho has found n bed of kaolin.or china clay , and thinks ho has struck a meer schaum tnlno. Persons have been doing that frequently in different parts of the country , nnd In that way some of the fin est nnd most valuable kaolin deposits have bocn found. It is Ji very good thing to have people looking out for anything of value , for even If they don't get what they nro after they are likely to catch something else. But anybody can toll very easily the difference between genu ine meerschaum and kaolin or any other clay. Wet a piece of meerschaum witli your tongue , and then cut a shaving off it with n sharp knife. You will find that it curls up into n regular shaving. Now try that with a lump of clay , and you will sou that all you cut off falls into dust. If you have a microscope you can apply a still more conclusive tost. Break a bit of meerschaum , nnd under the microscope , its fracture will show that it is composed of the most minutely atomic cockle fihclts concelvublo , twisted and matted together Into n solid mass. Nothing else looks like it. "But I should not be at all surprised if meerschaum wcro to bo discovered somewhere - whore In this country some day. Wo have pretty much everything that is found in any other part of the world. Why , do you know , finer amber is dis covered in tills country than comes from the old world. I don't know where it is found , but nomowhoro In Mexico , I be lieve , and it is in largo , clear , flawless pieces very often. There nro specimens of amber m the Columbia college museum taken from coal formations in this coun try , and I have nn idea that our amber is a soliliud and petrified petroleum. You know that nobody has over rightly de termined yet what amber is , although It is supposed to be some kind of petrified gum. Well , it stands to reason that if wo have the amber we ought to have meer schaum al o , or nature's design to supply us with the best pipe material of homo production would bo a failure. But until we Und it wo will still have to depend upon the same source of supply that the world has had to rely upon since the day of Pllnv , who knew about ns much concerning this 'foam of the soa' as wo do to-day. "To answer the questions of your Oregon gen correspondent : All the meerschaum comas from a little place called Eskischia , in Asia Minor , whore it is found at a depth of about llftv foot underground ; but how it is found only the Turks who find it Ifsow. These Turks arc very re ligious Mohammedans , and an article of their faith scorns to be the duty of killing any Christians who como about there asking questions concerning nicer- chnums. They have kept up that prac tice for so many centuries tnat they have finally really made It a habit. They don't oven lincourago their co-religionists in impertinent curiosity about it. Mer chants who deal in It , and live within five mlles of whorn it is produced , have never visited the mines. They arc a philosophic people , and prefer living rather than knowing. Whan the stuff comes out of the ground it has much for- oigu matter of some sort clinging to it , and mingling with parts of it. All that is carefvlly cut away , leaving only the pure white material , in the strangest , most irregular and fantastic shapes con ceivable. As it Is trimmed with a sharp knife , the workman rubs it with a thick oily leaf that gives it a handsome polish for the market. It Is not sold by weight , but by quantity , its value being deter mined by its lightness nnd the size of tiio piece * in which it is. It soils by the box , an arbitrary measure. The box is about three fuel long , twelve inches wldo and twenty inches high. The contents of one box may bo worth only ifcW , and of an other # 300. The former will consist of perhaps 500 small pieces , while in the latter will be only sixty or seventy. "The consumption in the United States amounts to about ono thousand boxes a year. Six or eight years ago it reached probably fifteen hundred , but the de mand has fallen off one-third in consequence quence of the decline in pipc-smaklng or _ nt least the abandonment of the prac tice by so many of these who could afford to smoke mcorsohaum pipes. 'There is no duty on meerschaum. Twice an attempt has been made to put a duty upon it , but the importers have succeeded on each occasion in demon strating the injustice and inexpediency of making it an exception to the law ex empting crude materials from duty. The business in jt lias fallen off a great deal but there still is nnd always will bo suf ficient demand for it to make it very well worth any man's while to find an Ameri can mine of it. That reminds mo that the article thnt came much nearer to the real meerschaum than any other thing I have over socn thnt was not meerschaum was found up in Vermont. I fancy that it must be a kind of partly petrified wood. It was very light , white , streaked with darker similes , nnd had a fibrous grain , very different from meerschaum in that respect- "Meerschaum carving is not so good a business now as it used to bo. A good carver can earn from 918 to f20 a week , nnd in exceptional eases $25. The pay ment ii general a weekly salary , and not often by the piece. It would bo dilllciilt to find any basis for payment by the piece , us each bit of carving is n job ; by itself. The artistic carver must be able to see a design in the strange , fantastic shape of each lump , and got it out so as to utilize all that is possible of the mate rial. The lump , for instance , would give a largo and handsome bowl from end ; hero would como out throe deer , the bnok , with branching antlers , standing , ono dee standing and another lying down ; foliage in the background on the bowl ; gras.s underfoot , and hero a tree stump. All that the carver will cut out and finish handsomely in from two and a half to throe hours ; the cost of his work will bo about ? 1 , and the bowl will sell for $3.50 at wholesale. What the retail price will bo depends upon how much the customer wants It. The finished bowls arc dipped In boiled wax to fill up the pores of the Interior so as to arrest thu evaporation of the oil from the to bacco and retain it nonr the surface , whuro it acquires the rich color for which muorsehnum is famous " JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN. How the KngllHh BtntCHinan Made a Fortune Polltloal Sco-Saivlng. London Correspondence Boston Adver tiser : " \Vo are all influenced very much by consideration of our own interests. " This meaningful confession was made in a notable speech by Mr. Chamberlain ten yours ago , nnd ho has so faith- Just acted up to it that it is evident that ho intended U to bo the Chamberlain motto that shall complete The coming Chamberlain coronet. The political earthquake now in progress lift * thrown much queer debris up to the surface , but nothing queerer than the radical-whig- toad-in-the-coal that is tory-cxunionist - - - labelled "Brummagem , " Mr. Chnmborlaiu is one of these radi cal dead levellers who inherited a fortune equal to these of some dukes. It was m ado in the screw trade , and the story of how the smart free trader , Joseph , squashed all the small screw makers and established the big Nottlofold & Cham berlain monopoly is ono of the cutest tricks in trade. Ho shall tell us ft Uttlo story 'in his own words , taken from n 'publio speech in Birmingham "When I was in the ' screw tradi ( ho retired a few years ago nt the ago ol forty , his share being 3,000.000) ) , my firm made screws by mil of an American In vention. At that time the Americans put a duty of 100 per cent on screws , but in spite of that my firm sent the screws there In largo quantities. The result was that the American manufacturers came over to us and said.Vo nro making 100 per cent on capital ; If yon continue to send screws to America wo. shall of course bo obliged to reduce our prices. That will shut you out. but it will reduce our profits , which will not bu a good thing for either of us. Lot ns therefore make n bargain. WP will pay you so much n year to sit still , and not send n screw to America. ' Well , wo did so.and my firm received a handsome income for years from the American manufacturers. Afterward the duties were increased , and so my firm was shut out of the mar ket. " There are half of a dozen morals to beget got out of the "sitting still" of this apostle tle of free trade , which enriched him while throwing his beloved working class friends out of work , but I must not stop. When he exchanged histrado in screws for that in poliUcs.Mr. Chamberlain wont in as model boss of a young men's de bating society , then ho entered the town council , and soonbeing rich nnd pushing , became mayor. At that time ho was a strong republican , the friend and I believe - lievo the chairman of Sir Charles Dilko when ho was raising the devil by his lec tures against the monarchy , whoso court- plush livery ho afterwards donned with the alacrity of a flunky. Chamberlain was a thorough-going republican , bold in desiring the downfall of the throno. During his mayoralty the prince of Wales made a grand state'vislt to Birmingham. Chamberlain showed himself so capital a courtier that Punch honored him with a cartoon showing how neatly tliu prince cut the claws of the Birmingham republican lion. Passing over a few common place somersaults performed over mimlrv policies , wo may view Chamberlain , the republican , ns the red spectre in Glad stone's cabinet. Ho was never a member of the Inner circle , and felt mighty hoity- toity as Harrington and thu oilier aristo crats koot him at arm's length. When in his ardor ho delighted the socialistic by proclaiming that the rich ( always ex cepting his noble self ) are "drones , who toll not , neither do they spin , " ought to pay "ransom" for being allowed to exist , and when he scared society by reminding it how "the workers drive the drones train thu liivea and they perish miserably from thu violent pressure of their indig nant follow subjects , " the time seemed right for revolution , and wo began to pictnra Oliver Cromwell Chamberlain protector of poor England. Henry George danced on his head for joy when he Heard the pushing politician adopt his the latest stop-ladder to notoriety by declaring that "every man born into the world , has a natural right to land. " When Chamberlain was reminded by the starving mob of out of work Birmingham screw-makers , who shortly afterward "interviewed" him at his place , that per haps they had as good n right to a snack out of other rich men's screws and hush money , ho dismissed them "without a scolding for their impertinence and with out so much as u crust of broad and a drink of ale. Pining for new see-saws , Clinmberlain next made ono out of poor Parnell. Ho proposed to go over on a political crusade to inhale Irish air. [ Ho had previously kissed the blarney stone. ] Ho told his London audience how villainous is English rule in Ireland. "It is founded on 30,000 bayonets. Irishmen cannot lift a linger In any parochial , municipal or educational work without being con trolled by an English official , appointed without a shade or shadow of representa tive authority. " This was noble talk in nn English radical , nnd yet spoken with a purpose. The pushing politician had lor years been aiming at standing in Gladstone's shoos , lirst running the old man down , and when that failed fawning on him , and when that did not got him Into favor ho went down to the mob and bullied the Gladstonoitos until ho was taken into thu cabinet to shut him up. The latest trick was to jump on to Par- noil's shoulders , and no become the high est Irish liberator. As ho had approved nil the Glndstonc-Fostor treatment of tlto Irish party , including thn Imprisoning of Paruell , Sexton and Dillon , the Irishmen saw through the trick. The mayor of Lavurick. on the proposal to welcome ClmmbtTblnin to the famous city , strongly objected , adding that Chamberlain's language shows the rankest hypocrisy , nd has no meaning or sincerity. " Mr. haniborlain's sudden patronage of Par- ellism as suddenly ovnporatodjas within three months ho denounced homo rule. A TELEGRAPHER'slvilSTAKE A Little Comedy or KrroM That Mndo n Deacon liownonat. The Now York Times reports a little comedy of errors. It is follows : Deacon William Richardson , the presi dent of the Atlantic Avenue railroad , is ono of the most dignified old gentlemen in Brooklyn , and Ins snow-white hair and board mark him as a patriarch. No ono would suppose him to bo a young man with rapid tastes nnd bad habits , uut , according to a story circulated about the city yesterday , ho has lately given his wife cause for anxiety. A young lady rejoicing in the euphonious name of Lucy was the cause of all the trouble , b'rom all accounts she is n resident of the populous but wicked London , and when the good deacon , Richardson , visited that city a few weeks ago ho found this tele gram waiting for film : Meet me at the Langham hotel. LUCY. The deacon professed to bo surprised , but Mrs. Richardson was more than sur prised she was indignant. She de nounced Lucy , and inspito of her fifty- nine years , threatened her with dire pun- i&hment. Rumor has it that thu deacon caught some of the storm , but , however that may bo , ho determined to find out who Lucy was , nnd went to the corridor of the Langham. For an hour he trod iho tile flooring , a gloomy look settling gradually over his face. The non-ap- lionrancu of Lucy filled him with disap pointment , for ho wished to see her lodged in a station house. During ono of his most sombre mo ments the deacon was awakened by a lilow on the shouldnr and started up to lind himself face to face with General lienjaniin F. Tracy , the counsel of the Atlantic Avenue road , and ono of Brook lyn's prominent men. As General Tracy was supposed to bo 3,000 miles away , the deacon was very glad to sco him , nnd his pleasure soon drove ( lie clouds of doubt and misgiving from his brow. But a sim- | ) lo question from tliu general brought them bucu in masses. This was the question tion- "Did you got my telegram * " The good deacon nearly swore , so angry ho , but ho dually blurted out : "Oh , bother your telegram ! What do you think of that ? Ami he produced the one signed "Lucy.1" Portly General Tracy fairly shook with laughter when he had mail the few words , and his peals of laughter could be leanl all over the big hotel. When ho could regain his voice , ho asked. "Has MM. R. seen this ? " "Of course she has , "replied the dea con , "moro's thn pity. " For fullv live minutes General Tracy could not keep his face straight enough o toll hl $ story , but ho finally made his Friend understand that thu telegraph operator - orator hail mistaken "Tracy" for "Lucy. " Nothing would satisfy the tloa con but that the general should call on Mrs. Richardson immediately and ux niam thecaso to her. This was dunol , > ul it required considerable itrgumuiu to prove to tliat amiable lady that Iho , tw old men were not putting up n job oc her. llcro'i n Wet For n Oonil Htory. Plttsburg Dispatch : A few days ago n wcll.knon merchant on Sixth street , near Pomi avenue , was busy Fcrviug a customer when nn elegantly droned nnd pleasant looking young man strolled In and nskcd for 11 private interview. Ho was shown Into the proprietor's prlvuto ollico , where introduced himself ns a former employee of the Fort Wayne rail road. The merchant failed to remember him at first , but after n little further talk he was convinced that he had known him several years ago. when ho travelled a great deal over the Forl Wnyno road. Then the young man had him whore ho wanted him , and calmly nskcd for a loan of f 10 , oll'erlng to put tip Ids diamond stud us security. Ilu wn in a tight place , but would be ablod to redeem the stud the next day. The merchant took the diamond to the win dow nnd examined it carefully. It looked all right , and ho concluded to let the young man have the flO and retain thu stud its collateral. The youth de partedand the merchant waited patiently for his return. But the days passed and ho came not.- Neither did thu $10. Yes terday the gentleman dropped Into a jeweler's store to have the diamond tested and gut an estimate on its value. It was paito. The jeweler saidas they we no friends , ho would give f 1.50 for it , but ho would lose money on it oven at that prlco. The merchant didn't say A word. He put thu bogus diamond deep down in his vest poukut and sauntered homo. Ho was in n melancholy frame of mind. Along in the afternoon , a friend , who lives ncross the street , and who lias been studying photography for some time , came in fo show him his first effort with the Instan taneous process. It was an excellent picture , but it almost gave the merchant . a fit of apoplexy , for it showed him nnd his pleasant friend , thu bortowor , stand ing in front of the window examining the supposed diamond. The merchant secured the picture , and by showing it to his friends soon found one who knew the young man. The matter will bo placed in the hands of the police , and the merchant says' the case will be pushed to the limit. "Ethel , dear , you ar looking pale nndt ill this . " "Yes Iwoufc morning. , mamma ; i in bathing yesterday and got mv feotj. wot. " "O. careless girl , nndspoilotl your . bathing suit , no doubt. Never let that happen again. " [ Burdetto. That Tired Feeling The warm weather has a dcbllltatlnR effect , especially upon llioso who are \\ltliln doors most ot tlio timo. Tlio peculiar , yet common , complaint kuown as "that tired feeling , " Is tlic result. Tlili feeling can bo entirely overcome by taking Hood's Barsaparllla , which Kites new lifo aud strength to all the functions of the body. "I could not sloop ; had no appetite. I took Ilood'a SarjaparllU and soon bog.-ui to alccp soundly ; could get tip without that tirwi and languid feeling ; and my appetlto Improved. " K. A. SANFOIIP , Kent , Onto. Strengthen the System Hood's Sarsaparllla U clurnrtcrlzcit t > y tlirco peculiarities : 1st , the combination ol Agcnta ; Sit , tlio ymimilloii ; 3d , tUO protest ot securing the nctlvo medicinal qualities. Tlio result Is a medicine of unusual itrontrtti , effecting currs liltlicrto unknown. Send for book containing additional crldcnco. " Hood's Sarsnparllla tones up my sjrstom. purities my blood , gharjioiia my appetite , and Deems to make mo ovrr. " > l. r. TuowsOH , Register ot Deeds , Lowell , Mass. ' "Hood's Sarsjxpnrlllix lioan nil others , nnd Ii worth Its weight in c"ld. " I. lUiuiutQTOir , 130 IJauk Street , New York City. Hood's -Sarsaparilla Bold by all druRKlsts. $1 j six ( or (5. Mads only by C. I. HOOD & CO. , I-owoll , lisas. IOO Doses Ono Dollar. HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM , For the Vncr , Nrrlj , Arm and llnndu , In a matcliliwk Mqulil. auarimtcod 1'uro and fctrlctlT llnrmlrm. Instantly Afii'llfil and Kavr Dttritril. Ol\n n wonderfully Mliluolh , bert , 1'IUblii aud Ocllcnte Hkln. A I'onrl like C'uuiplcxlou tlu ud tilth th blutli of the note. AlabnMter Nock , Arm * nnd Ilandi. rijlu uiaPlmplrn , Illolcbpa , Hnnburn , \ TnlerlunVnitirbvmli , UoughnnH > . Krdnoi. Hnllotrnmi , and all bltlN hirEMISIIEH und uRIIctluni are romored. hvturning from a hot walk or < lrlr , ono bi Imnirdlau-lr reitcil and n-fr licd after uilng lu LadlcitliouliluoTcrbewltboutit. the IIAI.AI a Trial I W.M. MO INTOSII. n. r. IIOUWKI.U isomvrxL Real Estate Dealers 110 South Spring Street , .KO.S7 4HGJSLKS , CALIVOHXIA. Deixlors In oily nnd country property of ml dpscrlptlous. ( lunuial Information to newcomers comers frcoly plvon. WEAK MEN/ ! / ) tMllt lc-dlht P t-y l i y 9-i : | i * > 'f'- " * Ul 1K11TCI. TO tin , Ntw iMI'Xovsn liniio'j , , niilil , itxilhlrc currM , of 1ho8ondon Electria Co. ICOLoSallcit. , UiUtrUr i. TO t-VERr MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER. ( > . vlillio liliCimt , r.USTIUTTnf ( h , elolh ( which .i I < illl tolrr irluilfkly ) will IK rxHfnllr Kiit "no um KwiiiliMBubitaking In. BOW RMCU < tk ; DUOTTY liKUK. , CklM , IU