Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1887, Image 1

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The Baltimore & Ohio Passes Into the Con
trol of a Powerful Syndicate.
Outside Enterprises Will Be Disposed
Of anil the Old Antagonism Be-
ween the Baltimore & Ohio and
Us Illvals Keniovcd.
Consummated At Last.
Nr.wi'ouK , Sept. 2. The mysterious move
ment of tlio slock market during tlio past
week and continued rumors from all sources
that some Important developments wore hang
ing o\ur tliu railroad and telegraph world
wore explained by the facts which were made
public late this afternoon. After breaking
oil his negotiations with Ives A Co. Mr. Garrett -
rett wont to London , whore the negotiations
were continued with J. 8. Morgan , and to-day
n deal was Announced comparable In Import
ance with tlio West Shore's settlement with
the NPW York Central , and the forming of
the Heading syndicate to reorennlzo that
company. Both of these deals were carried
through by Drexel , Morgan & Co. ,
but In the Inttcr cane Edward Lauterbach
was the most prominent liguro as mediator
between the Gowen and Drexcl
Interests and In the agreement DOW made ho
also takes a prominent place. The consum
mation ot the contract made to-day WAS held
In abeyance until his opinion was obtained
on the question of whether the sterling loan
made by tbo Baltimore A Ohio railroad cov
ered the telegraph system of the company.
After studying the question In all Its aspects
he decided that the telegraph lines were free
from all liens , and on receiving this opinion
an agreement In the nature of a preliminary
contract was executed to-day. The parties
to the contract arc the lUltlmoro A Ohio
railroad company and a syndicate cum nosed
of J. S , Morgan & Co. , Baring Bios. & Co. ,
Brown , Shipley & Co. and Brown Brothers.of
this city , and Drexel & Co. , of Philadelphia.
Tlio most Important point In the contract
provides that the management of the com
pany shall bo placed In competent hands sat-
Isfactoiy to the syndicate. Who the men ao
who will bo satisfactory to the syndicate
cannot bo ascertained , but A. J. Cassat , the
vice president of the Pennsylvania railway ,
Is generally believed to bo booked as Mr.
Oarrotl's successor. Satisfactory contracts
are also to be made with the Pennsylvania
and Heading railways on all business north
of Philadelphia and with all other trunk
lines entering New York by which the an
tagonism will be removed and Insure the
permanent working of the Baltimore it Ohio
in harmony with other trunk linos.
In addition to these contracts the
lines In process of construction from
Philadelphia to New York will be suspended
In their construction just as they now stand
and the work on Sinten Island stopped. In
consideration of those contracts being signed
and with the control In their hands the syn
dicate agree to relieve the railroad from Us
present embarrassment by providing 810,000-
000 with which to take rp the llnatlnc debt.
This will be represented by 8.r ,000,000 In Bal
timore * Ohio consolidated 5's and 35,000,000
preferred stock. The lloatlng debt na
it stands amounts to $7,000.000. mostly In the
shape of certificates ot Indebtedness , script
and notes. Of this amount (4.000,000 Is said
to have matured on the 1st lust. One of the
parties to the syndicate lias autlion/od the
following statement as the outcome of the
contract : "The position of the Baltimore A
Ohio railroad as an Ishnmellto In lallroad ,
Bleeping car , express and telojrnph business
Is given up. All outside enterprises will bo
fold to parties to whom they will bo valuable.
The Western Union will control , If it does
not buy the telegraph lines , ana the Pullman
Palace Car company will take the
Bleeping car business. The express
business has already gone to the United
Estates express company. Tlio affairs of tin
railroad company will bo entirely rcorgati
Ued and placed upon n hound linancia
basis. " Drexel , Morgan ACo. . were in dlrec
correspondence with their house In Loudoi
and Philadelphia , and late In the oveniiif
continued the statement * that thu contract !
nnd negotiations given above had just beet
Outside of the facts given above they do
cllved to speak. The cause of the contrac
suspending all work on the extension fron
Philadelphia to New York is believed to b
thu key note of the syndicate's Interests ii
the negotiations , and Is construed to mcai
that the Baltimore fe Ohio railway , whui
divested of all extraneous enterprises , wil
bo operated practically by the Pcunsylvnul
The following has been Issued by the firn
of Drexel , Morgan & Co. : A prelimlnar
contract has been executed to-day botwcci
the Baltimore & Ohio railroad company
Baring Bros. & Co. , and Brown , Shipley i !
Co. , of London , and their allied houses 01
this side. This con tract provides for the ne
gotlatlon of 35,000.000 Baltimore & Ohio con
solidatcd 5's and 85,000.000 Baltimore ) J
Ohio preferred stock for the purpose ot pay
Ing otf the entire floating dotit c
the company and placlnc It on a sound linau
ciat basis. The conditions are as follows :
1. The verification of statements , etc. , o
ii. That the management of the compan
shall be placed In competent bands , satlsfac
tory to the syndicate.
3. That satisfactory contracts shall bo mad
between the Baltimore * Ohio and othe
roads foi New York business which shall re
move all antagonism between them on th
subject and Insure the working ot the Baltl
moro & Ohio In entire harmony with otlu
trunk lines , also to avoid the construction c
expensive parallel lines north and east <
Philadelphia. The houses Interested on th
side are Drexcl , Monran & Co. . Uroxel it Co
Brown Brothers. , and Kldder , Pcabody & C (
General Crook and Governor A ( Inn
Settle the Ute Trouble.
Mr.KKi.n , Colo. , Sept. 1 ( Via Glen\\o <
Spring ! ) , Sept 2. ) [ Special Telegram to tl
BKK. | The conference between Ooverni
Adam , General Crook and Congressma
Sjms regarding the Indian war , concluded
Jioon to day , after nearly twodnjs' sussio
and the Indian war of 18 7mny becousldcrc
at an end. The result of thopow-\\ow
about as follows : General Crook has agret
to place the companies of government boli
lers near tlio line between the Ulntah agent
and Colorado.for the protection of of settlei
and further aerees to hereafter Keep the Ut
out of the state and thu Utes aiu to have the
ponies and sheep beck and the govermei
will pay them for alt stock lost. The warran
for the arrest of Cotorovv and the two Utc
wanted for horse stealing , vv
bo placed In the hands of ti
government for service. Governor Adai
leaves for Denver to-night and General Crot
for Omaha via the Ulntah agency and llv
llns. In glIng his oytdence before the pea
commission , Indian Agent Byrnes said th
the exact boundary line of tim ruservntU
has never been accurately established , ttioiu
the Indian department has paid for tl
service of erecting monuments on thu ea :
ern boundary. The Indian department Is
blame for this trouble. Ho says the ofllcla
have been notified otten that Colorow ai
( tie other Indians'make no pretentlo
to live uoon their reservation ,
tpeclal Htent named Pardons w
sent In about one \ear ago to look up t
matter , lie Investigated the aeenry ai
then came to .Meeker , lie was drawing
salary ot S10 per day and was supposed
make a report and vet the Indians have bei
allowed to remain off the reservation , and
my opinion they have had such a scare tt
time that they will not again bothur the b <
Another Paper Failure.
PnoviDE.NCK , It. I. , Sept. 3. Paper of t
Richmond Paper company .has gone to p
Wat. Liabilities , 85W.OOO. ,
Shippers of That State nrlnRliiR the
Itallroada to Time.
SPiiiKoriKU ) . 111. , Sept. a After discuss
ing the matter ot reducing the state freight
rates to near thu Inter-state rate now in force
with the board of railroad and warehouse
commissioners , the railroad representatives
and shippers and manufacturers present held
a secret meeting together last night and
again this morning till at about 11:30 : o'clock ,
when they made the following icport to the
board : After n full discussion of matters , at
the request ot all the representatives ot rail
roads , the representatives of the shippers
concurring therein , It was resolved that the
commissioners bo asked to postpone further
consideration of the complaint for thirty
days : that If at the end of that time thu rail
roads shall put In force rates which shall have
remov ed the cause of complaint , the complaint
shall , with the consent of the commissioners ,
bo dismissed , otheiwlso It shall bo submitted
for further hearing and such action as shall
to the commission sueui lawful and just.
General McNulta further states that a com
mltteu of railroad men had been appointed to
meet and \\IUincoinmitteuotship- -
pers and canvnss the matter and to allow
such satisfactory rates as may be deter
mined upon and at the end of thirty days
this committee , If successful , will FO report to
the board , and If not , a report will bo made
and the commission can take such action as
they deem the case demands. The commit
tees are : For the railroads , K. I' . Klnley ,
Chlcaeo , Burlington AQulncy ; W. M. Dun
can , of the Ohio & Mississippi ; II. C. Dlchl ,
of the Toledo , I'eoria A Western : J. O.Gram-
mar.oftho 1'eorla. DecaturA Evnnsvlllo ; 11.C.
Parker , of the Lake Krle & Western. For
the shippers : W. A. Brubacker , of 1'eorla ;
J.G. Moydof DccnturjC. Henklcof Spring
field : Fred Wild , of Itock Island ; J. B. Bos-
worth , of Qulncy. The railroads appear to
reco nie tlio probability that should the mat
ter bo left to the commission to decide a re
duction would certainly be made. By taking
tills course they have everything to gain and
nothing to lose , since they can , and no doubt
will , make some reduction In state rates ,
while by this course a higher rate will bo
saved to them than might be fixed by the
commission In casuof nchatiL-e In their tariff.
Tlio board met again at 2.TO : In the after
noon to discuss the rates on coil adopted by
them July 20. The rate heretofore charged
bv the roads has been M cents per ton for a
long and short haul. The comnihslon made
n ratu at a meeting on the 20th of July tUIng
the maximum prices at 40 touts for a distance
of ten miles and over slv , nnd 50 ( .cuts for n
distant.o of twenty miles and under htteon.
The roads contend thnt if the rate
for a ton mile haul Is fixed nt
40 cunts they will have to charge The
samu along the whole of their line , which
they cannot do , as It will bankrupt tlmm. If
a mine is located within ten miles of a mar
ket and there are others on the same line
within forty or fifty miles of the same mar
ket the latter could not alTord to pay n
higher rate than the ono nearest to thu con
sumer. The consequence would be that the
mines most distant would Imvo to cense
operations or simply sell to their local trade.
The case was ably argued by Mcssis. Jeffrey ,
of the Illinois Central , Mr. Smith , of the
Louisville & Nashville , Mr. Charles Uldg-
uly , of Springfield , and others. Statistics
wore elven to show why thu roids could not
afford to havu the rates reduced. The matter
was taken under advibumeut by the commis
ADulTftlo Man Gets a Fortune for Ills
B urrAT.o.X.Y.Sept. 2. [ Special Teloram
to the Bur. . | The Inventor of tlio
harness tor thu power of Niagara
river has almost got his grasp on
a fortune of 6.2,500. If he hasn't
that much money in his Insldo pocket he
certainly has a contract which , If carried out ,
will put It there. J. F. Kerns , of this city ,
has sold the richt to his Invention in Erie
and Niagara counties , which Includes the
whole of the Niagara river frontage , to the
Niagara Kiver Motor company , with a capi
tal stock of 8250,000. The model
Is a platform r. foot nnd n hall
wide and nearly as long acain , with tluee
uprmht bearings set so that by stretching nn
ondluss chain about them nn Irregular trl-
nnclo Is tormcd. The chain < s furnished
With flat paddles thnt stand out from It tc
catch tlio current , which is , by means of n
dam nr walls , thrown air.ilnst its longcsl
side. Hinges permit the paddles to feathui
back against tliu chain on the return side ,
Ono of the wheels around which tliu chain
runs Is furnished with a pulley which give1
elf power to a bolt that goes aslioru. It is UK
Intention to maku the machine 100 feet long
with hteel blades ten feet high nnd hnvlnt
eluht feet swing. The machine will be ulglu
feet below the surface of the vvnter.
Terrible Double Trojedy.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 2. John lloffmnm
this morning found In the woods not fa ;
from the stockyards In the northvvestein par
of the city a man lying across the chest of ;
drad woman , and not three feet away was i
revolver w ith which the deed was committed
The patrol wagon was summoned , but tin
man died before It arrived , and tin
bodies weru taken to the morcuo
where It was ascertained that the man \vn
Frank Hammond , n butcher , living on Cana
street , and the woman was Mrs. Llz/io Tate
a widow , living in this city. Hammond Is i
married man. Souio time ago ho took sonn
money belonging to himself nnd wife nm
eloped with the Widow Tate to Chlcaeo. 1
was not known .whether It was agreed upoi
or whether Hammond killed the woman It
anger and thun killed himself.
A Western Itoad Sold.
DKNVEU , Sept 2. 1'rlvnto advices fror
New York state that the Denver , Utah i
Pnclflc railroad was sold In New York yaa
terday to the Burlington road. With th
salu.thc purchasers acquire valuable rights an
It Is understood that under the charter th
purchasers proposu to construct an oxtenslo
of the svstum north Into Wyomluir , connect
Ing with the Denver & Laramle Short lint
for which rlclit ot way has already been pui
chased and nioiiuy subscrlDod for construe
tlon to the Colorado state Hue. It Is n
mored that II. K. Wolcott. of this city , ha
been chosen picsldenUt thu road.
n Illinois Lahor Commissioner * .
't ' Si'iii.NOFiELD. 111. , Sept 2. The governc
n to-day appointed as the board of comnil
d sloners of labor the following gentlemen
Charles 11. Decro , of Uock Island count )
David 11. Koss. LaSnllo county ; Herbei
Stewart , Macon county ; P. 11. Day , Sang ;
inon county , all to succeed themselves , an
William S. Christy , of LaSalle county , t
succeed A. W. Klnnsland , resigned.
Canadian Troubles.
Mo.NniEAL , Sept. 27.-McGarlglo is di
termined to make a hard light , liu has n
talned ,1. ,1. Curran heio and Dalton Mi
Carthy and It. It. Osier In Toronto. Ho I
bc'lut : constantly shidowcd , ns Is thu office c
his Toionto lawyers where ho was see
Tuesday. A hill In hlsenso will be presonte
to thu grand jury next Tuesday.
Vletory for Ives.
n Nr.w YOIIK , Sept. 2. Judge Lacornb t <
h day dissolved thu restraining order in the It
iut junction nousht by Geoico M. Bland again *
to Ives iV. Co. nnd the stockholders of tlio Cli
tIs cinnati , Hamilton & ln > ton railroad to M
Isis asldu tlm lsiw of § 10,000,000 preferred sloe
d ot that road.
isA. A Lonpholn Found.
IU CIIICAOO , Sept. 2 , The attorneys forth
IUd convicted ooodlers claim to havn dlscovere
n a v ital error in the recent trnl totally Invalli
ntlnz the finding. Ono of the lawjers snl
to-dnv that the Illinois conspiracy statui
was Illegal. ThH Is thu law under which tl
anarchists and boodleis weru convicted.
1'rof. Avery Dead.
HninaKro.N , Me , Sept 1. Prof. Joh
Avery , late professor of Greek at Bovvdol
college , died suddenly this'morning at >
The State Central Committee Investigating
the Printing "Combine. "
A Resolution Urqucstlnc the Federal
Authorities to Investnjnto the Cnso
Pannes by A Small Majority
Thu Postmaster Protests.
Want nn Investigation ,
CiurAoo , Sept. 2. After a lively meeting
behind closed doors the democratic state cen
tral committee to-day by a vote of 13 to 10
adopted a resolution requesting the federal
authorities to Investigate the nlleged con
nection of the well known democratic editor
and postmaster , II. W. Clendonln , of Spring-
held , with the corrupt legislative printing
"combine , " and If , since the state senate re
port on the subject , ho has upheld the "com
bine , " that he bo Immediately dismissed from
thoolllco as unlit for any position of honor ,
trust or profit under tlio present ad
ministration. The resolution likewise
severely" denounces the alleced con
nection with the "combine" of
Governor Oglcsby and other republican
stbto officers who are supposed to be seeking
a renominatlun. A substitute resolution de
claring that appointments and removals of
federal otlicers should not bo usurped or in
terfered with by a political committee was
lost 14 to 9. Before either resolution was
put to a vote a letter of protest against the
action taken was read from ox-Covornor
John M. 1'almer , also a letUti- from Postmas
ter Cleudennln as follows :
SPUINOKIM.D , 111. , August 81 , 1887. To
lion. W. J. Ml/c , Secretary Democratic State
Central Committee , Decatur , 111. Dear
Sir : Your letter ot August 25 has
been received. I quote it In full as
follows : From Decatur , 111. , August 25,18S7 ,
to lion. 11. W. Clendonln. Sprlnelield-Dear
Sir : I have tills day received from Henry
bolter. John T. Higgins , W. S3. Foinian and
L. B. Stephenson notlco that they will ap
pear bcforo thu state democratic central com
mittee of Illinois at Chicago on September 'J ,
Ibb7 , for the purpose ot demanding the re
moval of II. W. Clondenln from the position
ot postmaster nt Springfield , 111. Very re
spectfully , iSlguecCj W. J. Mi/.i : ,
Secretary State Committee.
I take this to bu nn official notification tome
mo that chaiges vrili ho preferred amilnst mo
by these gentlemen nnu ihat thu state demo
cratic commltteu will be askea t taito nation
thereon. For fear that my slioncu
might bo misunderstood or bo
misconstrued into either disrespect
to the committee or a tacit acknowledgement
ot tlio jurisdiction of tliu com'mltteo to enter
tain the proposed investigation 1 hereby ac
knowledge the receipt of your communica
tion and dvo i few reasons thnt occur to me
why 1 should und do protest against action
being taken by your honorable committee
and deny Us jurisdiction In any matter af
fecting my official uosltion. You do not In
dicate in your letter on what ground the four
gentlemen demand my removal. Ibavu.scen
It slated In thu public press that they charge
1 was iu some way connected with a con
tract for doing the state printing , which
was investigated by ilio state senate nt
Its recent session , but tills cannot
be , as two of the gentlemen named were
mombuis of the senate commltteu which in
vestigated tliu question , and nttur a most
thorough and searching investigation fulled
to find that 1 vvns In any way connected with
the contract and thereby completely exoner
ated mo from any responsibility dlrocily or
Indirectly foi tno same. The report was
voted for by themselves and the
two other guntlemen named. Hence ,
1 can but feel assured that
this cannot be the charge , that thu ientlemun ;
will not say toyour committee , that while actIng -
Ing under the sanctity ot an official oithfour
democrats vvcro cither Ignoiaut of tholr duty
or failed to perform It. In other words
Mesbsrs.Seiter.Hlcglns , Forman and btupliun-
son will not come butore the statutuntral
committee , saying in ellect : "Whilu acting
undei the sanctity of nn oathwe failed to hud
that I'ostmastcr Clendonln had any connect
ion with thu printing contract , but now thnt
wo are not acting miner nn oath , vvu cluuiri !
tint ho hadnud wo nsk this committee loin-
dor-e our charge. " What other charges may
imvu been thought of 1 do not know. The
ono 1 have mentioned that of mv alleged
connection with thu printing coutiact lias
been bo tullj nusvvorcd by the ollicinl repoit
submitted to tiul adopted by tliu state siniati
and viled lor by all tour of' '
gentleman , that nny word In my
dutensu ncnlnst that clinigo would seem su
perfluous. If the gentlemen named should
present any chaigu nlleetlng uiy official
conduct , > on will pfensu ad\Isu the commit-
teu that 1 do not recogui/u it ? authority to in-
\estiiratouiyonicialconduct , nor do I feel
called upon to appear betore tliu committee
to make defense to any charge that may there
be brought ngalnst me. At the same tlmu I
court the fullest investigation by the propel
tribunal , and my conduct as a clti/en and nn
ollicer niu subject to the inspec
tlon of government officials. 1 lioli
my appointment from n democratic ndmlnis-
tiation upou recommendation ot n demo
cratic member of concress from tills , th (
Thirteenth district , acting In harmony witl
the democratic citizens of Springfield. Then
Is no instance In the history ot political par
ties of this couutty where a .state polltica
committee has assumed to control or dlctati
federal appointments or remov als. The admin
Istratlon of 1'iesldcnt Cleveland is pledgee
to thu principles of civil service reform
and the president has In no case rocogni/
political committees as havlni : thn right ti
control his appointments. To do so vvoult
be finch a departure ftom the most pro
nounced principles of His administration a
would shock the country. It seems to in
that this Is a case in which tlio democrat !
doctrine of homo rule can bo properly in
voked. Tim complainants aru not resident
of this city , county or congressional dlbtilc
In which my official dutiesaru performed niu
I must decline to believe that they aru bette
informed of the wishes nud interest
ot the cltUens ot Springfield or moro dlsln
tercsted In their motives than the democrat
oftliK locality. Howevurt > o lai as I am con
corned. It any member ot tlio democratic central
tral committee , or If any cltUcn of tliu stnl
of Illinois lias any chaiges to prefer airalns
mo or any ntntements to submit tendine t
show tliu necessity for my ruuioval , the de
partments , tieiug always open lor presents
tlon ot their gnuvuncos , I Invite them ns In
divldunls to present them to th
postotllco dcpaitment nt Wnshlngtoi
where , If their complaints are worth
of attention , they will receive duo consider. !
tlon at the bands of nn honest democratic ai
ministration and every allegation , 1 nssur
> ou. will be met and refuted. 1 therefore n
spectfully deny the Jurisdiction of the con
mltteu In the matter to which my attuntio
has been called by your letter and protc !
nk-nlnst any action being taken In the dlre <
tion indicated. With assurances of m
highest respect and kindest feelings tor eac
Individual member ot the state democrat !
central committee of Illinois , I am , very n
specttully , yours , W. 11. CIKNIIKMX.
The reason for desiring Cleudenln's du
missal Is stated bv promoters of the resell
tlon to bo that onlv In casu he is deposed t >
President Cleveland can the democrat !
party In Illinois effectively use the stal
printing steal against icpubllcan otlici
t In tlio Commons.
LONDON , Sept. 2. In the ItoubO of con
mons this afternoon Mr. Gauvo asked if
was intended to refer article 30 of the treat
ot Washington to the fisheries articles
whether the composition and powers of th
commission would bo In accordance with tli
memorandum of the American gov eminent (
June , 15S5 ; whether the terms of the draft <
tlio protocal submitted by United StaU
Minister Adams to the Karl of Clarendon I
1S G would form a part of the matters r
ferred to the commission , and whether tt
Alaskan fisheries would bu referred to tt
Sir James Fergusson replied that tt vv :
not Intended to refer article 30-to the con
mission. Kegardlng the Adams protocal t
referred the iiicmirer to Lord Salisbury's dl
patch of March. ; ij , slating tup ylews ou
British government In proposing the com
mission , The full terms to be referred to the
commission were as yet undecided. The In
clusion of the matter of the Alaskan seal fish
eries would receive consideration , Sir
Lioncr Sackvlllo West/ British minister at
Washington , would be. the second member
of the commission and the third Nvould bo a
After a long discussion the vote for ex
penses of criminal prosecution In Ireland
was passed. .
The 1'arnellltes this cvenlne discussed the
administration ot law In Ireland until Mr.
Smith , government leader , appealed to the
chairman to stop the debate. Tlio chairman
claimed he had no power and could only ap
peal to the members themselves.
The CoaUttDn Broken.
MAiiiiiSept.2. Serior Margall republican
member of the Cortes , pas Issued a manifesto
to the federal republic. He declares the coal
ition between the federal and other branches
of the republican party broken. Ho reviews
thu stale of the country , and attributes the
e lls which aru oppressing Spain to over-
centrall/lng. He advocates the theory of
federalism and points out that the dttlcrenco
of languazo and literature In the various
provinces fully warrants the desire ot the
pcoule for self-government. Ho predicts that
thn provinces will jet attain their wish by
great popular revolutions.
Salisbury to the Conservatives.
LONDOX , Sept U. Lord Salisbury has
written a letter to the conservatives in the
Brldireton division of Glasgow In explana
tion ot their defeats In the recent election In
which ho says : "By dexterous ambiguity of
language many liberal unionists have been
persuaded that Mr. Gladstone has abandoned
his separatist designs. In course of time the
Gladstone policy must be explained definitely
and then the exertions of unionists will re
ceive their triumphant reward.
liberals In the Majority.
THE HAGUE , Sept. 2. Iu the elections for
members of the second chamber of state gen
eral returns from twenty-live districts snow
tlio clecUon of twenty-seven liberals , ten
orthodox i'rotcstants and thirteen Catho
AMSTERDAM , Sept 2. In this city nil the
liberal candidates were elected.
The elections have resulted In the return
of the necessary two-thirds majority In favor
of n revision of the constitution , the question
upon which the last parliament was dis
Position Undecided.
LONDO.N , Sept. 2. In the commons the
parliamentary secretary to the foreign of
fice stated thnt tf.o terms to bo ottered by the
British fisheries commission in the coming
conference at Washington had not yet been
decided upon. The points raised In connec
tion with the Alaska fisheries would bo In
cluded iu the matters to be discussed. The
Britioh minister at Washington , West , will
be the second member of the commission ,
and the third wouui t > i > Canadian.
A Great French Lotwn.
1'A.nis , Sept , 2. The Sieclo has announced ,
the Issue of a creat loan to transform the
floating dent and old 4M Per cent rentes Into
perpetual 8 per cents Iu order to provide re
sources for the extraordinary budget-of IbbS
and for the conversion of debT vhlch thu
state may be called upon to pay at short
Unable to Cope With Insurgents.
BOMIIAY , Sept. 2 , The Russians have left
Kcrkl and proceeded ) In the direction of
Herat. Kcrkl has ticen regarrlsoned by
troops from Oorghonj. The natives report
that Gholam Sikandur lias temporarily with
drawn his forces , whlh ! nrd unable to oope
with thu farce force of.lnsurgenU In the fields
Loxnox , Sept. 2. Tf e Cunard steamer ,
Samaria , which left Liverpool August 31 , tor
Boston , with 1,0(10 ( passengers , has been
sighted returning to Queenstovvn. The
steamer's machinery Is disabled. The Sania-
rla proceeded on her voyage at midnight.
KliiC Otto's Insanity.
Vin.N.NA , Sept. 2. A dispatch to the Tag-
blatt from Munich says Klni ; Otto's periods
of Insanity are becoming less frequent , but
that their likeness to the late Klnit Ludvvlg's
attacks Is becoming sttonger daily.
Steamers in Collision.
AXTvvniii' , Sept. 2. There has been a col
lision nt tills port 'between thu British
stenmer Snllsbury , from Philadelphia , nml
tliu British stenmer John Adamsou , both ves <
suls being badly damaged.
Will I'rosocuto the Paper.
I'AitisSept. 2. Tlio govoinment lias de
cided to piosectito the Figaro for publlshliic
tlio details of the moblll/ntion scheme , whicli
it had obtained from dishonest employes ot
the war dupnttmont.
A Sensible ) Resolution.
Cr.KVKi.AM ) , Sent. 2. The members of O.
T. Crane post , ( T. A. R. , have adopted a rcso
lution which declarer that this post look'
with disapprobation and condemnation upor
every and any demonstration of disrespect
towards the legally constituted executive ol
tlio national government , the same
subversive of the fundamental principles 01
the ( ! . A. 1C , and we , hope that the depart
tnent in Its convention at St. Louis will take
such action as will demonstrate that thu G
A. K. is not an organization for political pur
poses through which to manifest hatred o :
111 will.
Another Attempted Train Wrecking
CINCINNATI , Sept' 2 , A most infamou :
attempt to wieck n train for the purpose o
robbery Is reported from Lebanon , O. Abott
2 o'clock yesterday morning n train of elevet
cars with a/00 passengers was returning frou
Cincinnati , and about a mile from Lebanoi
ran into an obstuictlon on thu track consist
Ing of railroad track tics and fence rails
The passengers were shaken up but noni
Indicted the Railroad Manager.
MONTIIIAL , Sept. 2. The crown prosccu
tors to-day decided tobrlng an Indictment be
foru the grand jury.'n ' thocourtof thuqueen'
bench ngalnst Joseph Illckson , general man
aticr of the Grand Trunk railroad , on tin
charge of manslaughter The coroner's jur ;
had previously brougut n verdict holding tin
railroad company criminally resuonslblo fo
thu deatli ot Labranuie and Tremblay , kllli <
by the tialn July ri
Thn Boston's Trial Trip.
XKVV YOIIK , S { t. 2. The Tribune say
that the cruiser Boston made a sailsfactor
[ trial trln yesterday. In n run of six hours sh
made fourteen and a half knots , and her cr
elnes showed an Indicated hon > o power
4,204 , whereas she- was only supposed t
show -ViCO.
To Ruck thn OH Monopoly.
LIMA , O. Sept.- . Tlio Ohio Oil compan
has been formed here by producers , who in
tend to market their own product and ci
loose from the Standard Oil comuany iu thi
rcL-unl. The capital stock Is 8500,000.
Kiiclng Hjr Natural Gas.
FOSTOIIIA , O..Sept. 2. A trotting race too
place last night In the talr grounds.ilumlt ; !
ated by natural gas. Many people canto t
see thu novel sight.
XEVV YOIIK , Sept. 2. At a meeting of tli
grain trade held during the first call of tti
produce exchange this morning It was nnan
uiously decided to adjourn to-morrow.
Now York's Tax Ijevy ,
NEW YOIIK , Sept. 2. Tlio board of Aide
men mustered a quorum and paaed the ta
levy tp-day.
Ills Ilpyitl Mils Arrives.
XPWTOKT , It. L , Sept. 2. His lilt-lines
the Thakere Sat-lb .ot Llmbdl , arrived th
and Is at the Ocean House.
Lincoln Defeats the Denver Team By a
Score of 14 to G ,
National Lcaguo and American Asso
ciation Games Lucky D. , the
Famous Trotter , Stricken
With Spasms Sports.
Lincoln 14 , Denver O.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept 2. [ Special Tele-
Kiam to the Bui.J : The first game of the
the Lincoln-Denver series was won to-day
by the homo club by u score of 14 to 0. Voss
was In the box for the visitors and during the
early part of thu game the Llncolns got onto
tils balls and pounded him for nlnu runs In
two Innings. The visitors could not hit
Swartzcl and for n time It looked like n shut
out. However , on a wild throw by Shnfcr
they got in ono run , and ngaln In the seventh
they Fcemed to and the ball and pounded out
hve runs. The eamo was poorly played on
both side * . Following Is the score :
Huns Kaitied Lincoln 11 , Denver 3.
Wild pitches Voss 1.
Bases on balls Off Swaitzel 4 , Voss 2.
Thrne-baso hlts-ShalTor , Keeder (2. ( )
Two-base hits Voss. Beckley , Shaffer.
Struck out By Swartzol 5 , Voss 1.
Passed balls Meyers 1 , Hoover 1.
Lett on babes Lincoln 9 , Denver o.
Double plays Dolan , unassisted.
Time of game 2 hours.
Umpire Young.
lector 8 , Geneva 7.
KXKTEK , Neb. , Supt 2. | Speclal Telegram
o the BKK. I One ot the" most closely con-
csted games of basu ball ot the season took
ilaco here to-day between the Kxeter and
ionpva clubs. Both clubs had professional
batteries. The Kxctcr battery was Howard
and ijchiiltz , of Omaha. Score , 8 to 7 , In favor
of Exeter.
Silver Creek 11 , Wahoo 11.
WAHOO , Neb. , Sept 2. [ Spoclal to the
BKH.J The Silver Creek and Wahoo nines
plnjed a very poor and uninteresting game
ot ball hero this afternoon. Only clcht In
nings were playedvlth the follovvlnf score ;
Wahoo 0 2 0 2 fi 0 3 1-11
Silver Creole .1 2 2 4010 4-14
National Lcasiia Games.
NEW YOIIK , Sept. 2. The came be
tween the New York and Detroit team to-da'
resulted ns follows :
-New York 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 S
Detroit 1 000000 1
Gnmo called at the end of thu seventh In
ning on nccount of darkness.
Pitchers TllcombaudConvvny. Base hits-
New \ ork 5 , Detroit 5. Krrors Nuvv York
U , Detroit4. Umplre-Bradv.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 2. Tlio cnmc to-day
between tlio Washington aud PitUburg
teams resulted ns follows :
Washington 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-r
Pittsburg 0 2 0 o 0 o 0 o 2 -I
ritcheis Whitney and Morris. Hasehlts-
Wnshlugton 12 , Pittsburg 4. Krrors-Wnsh
lucton 0 , Pittsburg 2. I'mplro Daniels.
BOSTON , Sept. 2. The cnmo between
the Boston nud Indianaoollb teams to
resulted as follows :
Boston 0 20103030 1
Indianapolis 0 0040000 1- ;
Pitchers Madden nnd Henley. Bas <
hits Boston 13 , indlnunnolis 11. l rrorb-
Boston 5 , Indianapolis 7. Umplru Power .
Pun.nri.rni v , Sept. 2. The uxhibitior
irair.o between the I'hiludelplii x nnd Chicago
cage teams to-dnv resulted ns follows : .
Philadelphia 0 2 a 0 o 1 0 0 1- (
Clilcneo 1 * K
Pitchers Trevllu aud Van Hnltren. B is <
lilts Philadelphia 11 , Chicago 15. Krrors-
Philadulphla 7 , Chicago 3. Umpire-
American Association.
BAI.TIMOUI : , Supt. 2. Thu game between
tween the Baltimore and Cleveland team
to-day resulted as follows :
Baltimore 2 2012042 2 11
Cleveland 0 00000000 i
PHILADELPHIA , Sept. 2. The came be
tween the Athletic and Cincinnati team !
to-dn > resulted as follows :
Athletics 0 :
Cincinnati 0 3112001- '
NEW YOIIK , Sept. 2 The eamo between
tween tlio..St. Louis nnd Metropolitan team
to day resulted as follows :
St. Louis 1 400500 2-1
Metropolitans 0 0010021
The Northwestern League.
DEI MOI.NES , la. Sept. 2. The North
western Icacuu games to-day weru as fo ]
lows : Milwaukee 5 , Des Molucs 'J , a
Des Molnes ; Oshkosh 11 , La Crossu 0 , D
Skirmish Firing at nellevue.
BKI.I.EVUI : , Neu. , Sept. 2. ( Special Tele
gram to the BIE. : | To-day was devoted t
preliminary skirmish tiring. Tliu light vva
variable and thuro was very little wind
Some talr scores were made nt > the followln
Indicate :
Private Feenny , Dakkotn 1C
Corporal Olshlager , Texas. . .
Corporal Keefe , .Missouri
Corporal Kelly , Plntto
Lieutenant Macomh , Missouri
Sergeant Palmer , Dakota. . . .
Lieutenant Muir. PIntte
Corporal Noon , Dakota
Prlvatu Gnrvin , Texas
Prlvntu Dnlluiulst , Texas . . . .
Private Annls , Platte
Lieutenant Avery , Dakota. . .
Lieutenant Garrard , I'lattu. . .
Private Miller , Texas
At the end of the two dajs' prelimlnar
firing the first fourteen competitors are
follows :
Private Feeney , Dakota ,
Lluutonant Macomb. Missouri 2 !
Corporal Olshagor. Texas.
Corporal Kecfo , Missouri.
Corporal Kelly , 1'latto. . . .
Lieutenant Mnir , Platte 2-
Coiporal Noon , Dakota 2.
Private Miller , Texas tt.
Suigeant Palmer , Dakota -
PrivateGarvin , Texas 2 :
Lieutenant Avery. Dakota 2.
Private Morgan , Texas ti
Private Dahlqulst , Texas 2.
Lieutenant Garrard , Platte -
The St. Locnr Stakes.
LONDON , Sept , 2. At the Derby Septomb
meeting to-day the St. Legor stakes , abo1
OUR mile , for three-year-olds , vvns won by 1
Vyncr's colt Glorlatlon , by n neck , Lei
Calthorpo s colt Florentine second , J. I
Houldwoith's colt Cactus third. There we
eleven starters.
Trie Harrington stakes , five furlongs nr
110 yards stiaiKht , was won by the Duke
St. Albany's colt Galorn by sV | lengths ,
11. HoiiIdHWorth's colt Arrandalo second , a >
Lord Calthorpo's filly Seabreeze tupd. The
were tun starters.
The Charter Unk Mcctinc.
HAUTFOIID , Conn. , Sept , 2. The four
day of the grand circuit uieetluj ; at Chart *
Oalc park was marred by rain , which made
the track slow.
2:10 : class : Ketillvvorth first , llogan second
end , Judge Davis third , Klectrlo fourth.
Free-for-all paclnc : Arcylo first. Gossip.
jr. , second , Little Mack third , Junnlo Llnd
fourth. Thne-3lOH. :
Onlv ono heat was trotted of the 2:23 : race ,
which was taken by Governor IIlll In UUIM- :
Lucky B. Stricken With Snnsmq.
NKW YOIIK , Sept 3. Lucky B , , the famous
her o owned by H. J. Baldwin , of California ,
was sttlckon with sovcros spasm resembling
those caused by ccrcbro spinal monlngetls at
Shcepshead Hay tills mornlnir. A veterinary
surgeon succeeded In bringing him around ,
but It is not yet certain that hu will recover.
Flood * at Culumhus.
Cni.t'Mitus , Xeb. , Sept. 2. ( Special Telo-
cram to the HKK.I Last night this section of
the state witnessed the greatest rainfall In
the memory of the oldest Inhabitant * . Loup
valley , from Schuyler to Genoa , Is Hooded
and the loss to hay stacked on this bottom
will aegregato SSO.OOO. Eight miles of the
Uhlon Tactile track between this place and
Genoa Is washed out , 4UO feet of the Loup
wagon orulgo earned away and other smaller
bridges over Heaver and Shell creeks nro
gone. Most of the cellars throughout the
city nro damaged by water. Thu cstuu.Ucd
rainfall is ten Inches.
Prohibitionists Nominate.
AumniN , Xeb. , Sent. 1. ISpeclnlTolegram
to the Bin. | The prohibitionists met here
at 2 : : % ) p. in. to-day and nominated the fol
lowing ticket : N. II. Meadon , county treas
urer ; J. W. Swan , clerk ; J. II. Battles , sher
iff ; J. E. Harris , superintendent of schools ;
W. tl. Hnvvloy , commissioner ; S. W. Ken
nedy , judge ; D. J. Wood , clerk of the dis
trict court ; Wesley Dundas , surveyor ; Dr. J.
Neal , coroner. The ticket Is probably as good
a ono as could be selected In the county and
will receive a large vote.
Destructive Flood nt Fnllnrton.
Fui.LKuro.N , Neb. , Sept. 2. ISpccial Tele-
pram to the BKK.J A terrific rain fall oc
curred here last nlcht. The Cedar has over
flowed Its banks , washing out the bridge and
one mile of the railroad track. Fears are en
tertaluud for the safety of the roller mills.
llcadrd For Omaha.
CiircAOo , Sept. 2. ( Special Tele
gram to the BKKI The Illinois Central Is
pushing the work on Its Iowa extensions ,
especially the Cherokee & Dakota. The
grading of the Onawn branch Is almost com
pleted , rails having been laid for live miles ,
and In two weeks trains will bo running to
Onavva. From this point the Onawa branch
is to bo constructed to Omaha. The present
Intention Is to reach Omaha as soon as prac
ticable. Under tlio name of tlio Decatur &
Western Nebraska , thu Illinois Central has
Incorporated Its .Nebraska line , which will
cross the Missouri river nt Decatur. Thu
section foremen alonir the branch of the
Illinois Central north from Waterloo have
been directed to send forward all the men
and teams they * can litre to work on the
Cherokee k Dakota road ,
The Hoport Holtcrntod.
Fi.AflSTAFP , Ariz. , Sept. 2. Ueports re-
cloved to-day reiterate tliu report that Sheriff
Mulvernon , Yavapa county , was shot In nn
encounter with the Tewksbury-GraliAm out
laws In Tone basin about ono hundred miles
south of here , lie died soon after the fight ,
Five of the domity sliurills with him were
wounded In tlio same llclit. Kleven of the
outlaws aru reported killed. Mulvcran and
his posse lett 1'ruscott a week ago wltli war
rants for the arrest of ten men who were Im
plicated In the killing of three cow bovs
tlireo weeks ngo. A POSPO from here joined
them on the load. Nothing has been heard
from them directly until to-day. The rumors
ot yesterday weie discredited last night. Tlio
wildest teports nro now in clicnlation , and
an armed posse has eono to the relief ot tlio
deputy hliorllls.
Dr. Wines on Nebraska.
Cittr-Aoo , Sept. 2. [ Special Telogiam to
the BKU. I Dr. Fred II. Wines , secretary of
the statu board of charities , has returned
irom Omaha , llu Is of thn opinion that thu
meeting will bu ot grunt benefit to thu state
ot Nebraska particularly , niid to other local
ities In cenoial. Thu prison question , ho
said , would certaiulv bu discussed moro earn
estly mid Intelligently tlinn ever betoio , ami
lie thought buforu lone thu stnto of Nebraska
would nbollsh the present pernicious practice
of leasing out prison manageiiiDiit by con
tiaet ns was now tliu case. Ho did not think
it would be long before Nebiaskn had a icg-
tilarly org.uil/ud state board of cliaiitios iiv
stead of making statu otliccis managers ol
these Institutions , as is now tlio case.
Freddy Maj's Fun.
Nr.vvi'or.T , It. I.Sept.2.-SpecinlTeleernu |
to thu Bii.l : : What Is known as the Berkc
ley low lii'io has been Investigated by tin
mayor. Officer To/lur , who declined to g <
upstairs and quell the disturbances , was hum
tour clays' nay. Fred Mny vvns not mentioned
at the trial , but facts weru developed no1
heretofore made public. May was ilio oni
who broke down tliu doorot Mr. Bates' roon
and assaulted thnt guntlumnn. Bates Is stil
considering whether to prosecute May , win
has neither apologized nor offered to pay thi
Utos to He Kept Out of Colorado.
DENVEII , Sept 2. A special from Meeker
dated the 1st , says : ' 1 ho conference butwcei
Governor Adams and General Ciookresultci
In Crook's agreeing to place two compaiile
of government troops on tlio line between tin
Nintah reservation nnd Colorado tor the pro
tectlon of settlers and horcitter keep thi
Utes out of Colerado. The Utes are to hnvi
thuir hoises back and DO paid out of the sur
plus of tholr own annuity tor such .stock n
( ins been lost. Governor Adams nnd iiart ;
leave for Denver to-night. General Creel
starts for Omaha via Uivvlins.
A Veteran Horticulturist Dead.
BosioN , Sept2. 0. M. Hovoy , a veterai
hort'culturlst. ' died at his homn In Cambrldg
today , aged about suventy-suvun. Hove ;
was thu best known Amcilcan pomologls
and horticiiltuilst in tills country , having dt
voted his lite to these pursuits and hav Ing ni
Intimate acquaintance with his colleagues i
this countiy and Kuropo.
I'uro Wlno in New York.
Nr.w YOIIK , Sept. 2. The new Inw nsnlns
thu adulteration ot wlno went Into uflcct I
this state yesterday. It absolutely foibld
the manufacture or sale of any w me that ha
hern treated with nny ot a doien dlfleren
deleterlou s subslnnces.
NEW YOIIK , Sept. 2. The Chicago , fc Alto
railroad statement for June , lbt > 7 , show
earnings of S717.000.
MILWAITKIT , Sept. 2. Tliu Lake Shore i
Western statement for August , Ibb7 , show
eariiincsof S3T.7.000.
Jewish Sjiiacocue Dedicated.
Sept. 2. The Austin
congregation dedicated their s > nagoguo ti
day. It Is said to bu the finest Jew lab temp
in tlio United States.
Switchmen Threaten to Strike.
CHICAGO , Sept. 2. The switchmen of tl
Chicago & Alton railroad presented a deman
to thn company to-day for shortct hours nn
tno abolition of tlie black list luttei sjstei
Threats of a strike weru made unless the d
mauds aru acceded to.
Weather Indentions.
For Nebraska : Warmer , generally fa
weather , light to fresh variable winds , gene
ally becoming southeasterly.
For Iowa : Cooler , local rains , followed h
fair weather , llisht to fresh variable wind
generally southeasterly.
For Eastern and Central Dakota : Loc
rains , warmer , light to fresh v > ind.s ,
ally southeasterly , . . ' , ,
Cleveland , Carlisle and Fairchiltl Planning
Measures to Reduce the Tariff ,
The Whisky Tax to lie Let Alone , But
the Impost on Tohncco to lid He-
moved Other News From
HclioinlMjj to Heat Itandatl.
WASIIINOTO.N , Sept. 2-Speclnl | Telegram
to the IlKU.J lleprusi'iitntive Cnrllslu's visit
to the president K very slgnlllcant every
body ndmltsbtit the conjectures nbout the ob
ject of the conferoncu which Is bolnit held
rniiKOoveraory wldo Held. It vvns re
ported some time ngo that Congressman
Mills was hero and tlmtCnrllsluwasu.xpectcil
soon. Since Cnrllslu's nrrivnl the two Imvo
bad several conforetiees , mid nil dny yostcr-
day and to-day Mills and n cleik of the house
have boon locked up nud nro getting up tar
iff figures. It fins nlio been learned from the
\t < rytH ! t authority thnt Secretary Fniiehlla
has been hunt for , although nobody
at the treasury department knows
of It or expects him. Ho will bo hero
to-night or to-morrow. The object ot the
commltteo Is to formulate n tariff bill. Thu
revenue programme will concede the abolish
ment of the tobacco , but no other Internal
revenue tax , nnd then slash the tailff. The
president and Carlisle are , of the opinion that
Unnd.xll will ; ioso the support of most ot his
southern friends when the tobacco tav Is re
moved , and they think he cau bo so Isolated
In that w v. A friend of Itandall sav shell
to be here Monday and coufur with Cnrllslo
and the president lint that is , perhaps not
correct. It Is ulso a fact that It Is proiwccl
not to elect Carlisle speaker , but to lut him
take the chairmanship of thu committee on
ways and means , and bo onoot thu
democratic leaders of thu house.
I his proposition was made because
Mills docs not cnjov the coiilldcnco of his
party nnd would not bo a match for Handall
and the republicans. But Carlisle seems to
bo the only nblu man among the democrats ,
and If ho is to ho on the floor ho cannot bo Iu
the chair , nud there is no one to put In the
chair who could rule the house and his pirty
successfully except Handallvlio Is out of the
question for that reason. They are still con
sidering whether Mr. Carlisle could do moro
In the chair than on the floor and vlco vers-a.
Indications point to the decision that ho must
nualn bu speaker nnd thnt Mills Is to bu chairman -
man of the committee on wnvs nnd moans ,
although Mills ays ho would willingly glvo
way to Cnrllslu on the committee , but would
not consent to Imvo niiy other man put there.
The situation isery Interesting. The tarltt
reformers have decided to bring Randall's
followeis to desert him and it remains to bo.
scon what will bu their success.
Discussing thn Tariff.
WABIIINOIO.N , Sept. 4. The livening Star
this afternoon publishes the following :
"Thero will bo n measure brought forward by
the tnrllf reformers as soon as congrets con
venes , which will likely have tlio endorse
ment ot the administration. The piesldnnt ,
the secretary of the tiensury , nnd Speaker
Carlisle have been considering the matter
slncu congress ndjouuied , nnd It is piobablo
thnt tliH lire-sent visit of Carlisle to tlio presi
dent at Oakland will result In tlio culmina
tion of their plan. It Is expected that Secru-
tarv Falrchlld will noon return to Washlnir-
ton. It Is probable do come : ) to
meet the president nnd Mr. Carlisle , Th
result of the Alluntovvn convention Is quite
satisfactory to thu taillf reformers. They
propose to take advnntnga of thu situation
and present n plan for thn reduction of the
ruvounes , Thu plaubelnc piepared will con
form stiictlv with thu ( aril ! resolution there
adopted. As It Is construed by the president
It will abolish tliu tobacco tax bill Icavo the
whisky tax where It Is and make a largo ru-
dir'tlon in the customs duties on
tlio ncce = ? arics of lilo In nccord-
anco with the president's utter
ances on thu subject. Tliu iiiturual revenue ) in o is admitted as n compromise nud will
bo tolerated only in connection with n very
positive reduction of customs nnd there will
lienn ncknowledcuinentof protection. UN
Illcolv the reduction will bo moro sweeping
than Itandall would nareo to. Thu adminis
tration is fully committed to n strong atti
tude on thn taiilf. Tliu hunt m ol statistics
has been called upon lor IIKUIUS on customs
duties to show just wheie tliu most effective
reductions can bo undo nnd how thu ruvu-
nties would bu uflccted thereby.
Culm's ' 1 roubles.
W vsiiiNf. TON , Sept. 2 riio dopirtmnnt
ol stite Is in leculpt ol information touching
the iceeiit military seizuio ot tliu custom
housu at Havana and the occurrences of tlio
following week. The report hi > s thuso oc
currences greatly excited public feollni ; Iu
Havana and they aruregaided as Indications
of drop-looted corruntion In the fiscal ad
ministration , a precarious economic situation
and the decay of material prosperity. Fol
lowing the sclairo of the custom house ,
August 18 , by order of the governor-general ,
all moans of outlet to thn wharves wore
closed and guards established over every dock
and avenue. For several days follow
ing a commltteo of Investigation
wns engaged In examining the recent opera
tions of the custom house nnd superior ot-
hcers nnd many subordinates weru sus
pended. Mennwhllu nil other operations !
wnru paraly/ed , whnrves w ere covered wltli
goods dlschnrged from vessels Ivlng in the
hnrbor , nnd numbers of loaded lighters were
not permitted to discharge their
carcoes , thereby Incurring extratrisks whtlo
crowds ot laborers were standing around
Idle. It Is said several committees of Im
porting merchants called upon thu governor
gonoial and , admitting that thuy weru morn
01 less compromised In the Irreeiilnr wny of
doing custom house business , begtred
to bo allowed to correct tholr entries
already madu. But three days weru allowed
thum , nnd during that Hum the ordinary re
ceipt * Irom customs duties weru more than
tripled. Teleirrnms were nlso sent to Mndrld
begging lei Intercession. Thu Mndrld rov-
crnment approved thnjicts ot the governor.
Army Orders.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 2. | Spccnl ! Telegram
to thu Bur. I Forty recruits have been or
dered to join tliu Kighth civalry. General
court martial conveiiud nt Van Couver bar
racks and Fort Spokane , Washington terrl-
tory , on thu 1st lust. One month's extension
' of le we. on account of sickness , has been
granted First Lieutenant Mason M. Mlxon ,
Tenth cavalry Major William K. Creary ,
pnj master , Is icllovea irom duty in tlio De
partment of thu Hallo , and will a wall orders
at Omaha , Net ) . I.eavu of absence tor ono
month , to tnku effect betwen thitfilh and 10th
of October , Is granted Second Lioutunant
John T. Nance , second cavalry , Fort Spo
kane. Thu order directing thn transfer ot
First Lieutenant W. ( ' . Kalfertv from battery
1) to light battery K , vice First Lieutenant
J. L. Chamberlain liom lluht battery K to
batter ) 1) is hereby nnoKed , and thu follow
ing tiausfers In thnt regiment ( First artil
lery ) will tnku effect Octobur 1 : First Lieu
tenant M. K. Davis from battery 1 to light
battery K , vieu First Lieutenant Jolin L.
Chamberlain from light bittery K to battery
I. Lieutenant Davis will repot t for duty
with his battery October 1.
Postal Changes.
WASIIINO ro.v , Sept. ' - ' . [ Special Tele-
urani to the lii : * : . ] lo\ra and Nebraska pos
tal changes :
Nebraska Now otlices havu boon estab
lished nt Lowlstoii , Pawnee county , wltli
Thomas II. Carmlelnel as postmaster , and at
Carroll , Wayne county , with Flunk A. Berry
as poitmasti'i.
Changes In stir schedules : Iloutu , Cnlla-
waytoClllf : Leavn Cullaway Siturd.tyi at
7 a. in. ; arrlvo at Clllt by J'JiOO p. m. Leave
t'lllf hiturdnys at 1 p. m. ; arrlvu at Calhway
t ) > 0 00 p. m.
StntHhC'i\Ur < ? discontinued : Swllt to Wy- .
onitnu fiflin btuutomber 10lbS7 ; AvociV to.