, ; " ! > < . . , ' , , . ' . ' . . , ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' - . ' . . . ' . - ' . ' . ' . . . ' ' . . 'THE' ' OMAHA ; DAILY BEE * . .FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 2. 1887. ' : . > _ ' ' ' \ . ' . ' : . ' . ' ' ' ( ' ; " > - . ' . . . . . ' - . ' ' . 7 JPEOIAL NOTICES ; f Advertisement * under this head. If ) cents po I Ino lor thu llrst Insertion , 7 cents Cor cnch sub floqiicnt Insertion , andfl.Mn line per month Ilio advertisement tnken for l fi tlinn : . ) cents [ for the Hist Insertion. Hot-on words wll S > Icountod to tbo mi' ) ; they must ran consoru- tt'Toly ' and must tie rxld In advance. All adver- Itli-omciitH mn t bo handed In before lTOo'cloe : * Iti. tn. , nnd tinder no clrcumMancos wllith ybo Ktokcn or dltcontlnurd by telephone. -t 1'nrtin * acivertnlne In thcfe column and BaT- Inc the answers addrmed In earn of Tu liurn will please ask fornchpck to enable them to got tnolr Ifttors.ns none will be delivered except on iiretnmntlon of check. All answers to adver tisements "hould bn enclnscil In envelopes. All advert laments In these columns lire pub- HnliMl In both morning nud evening editions ofliir IIKK , the circulation of which affpe- irntcsmorothnn 14tx pnpers dnlly , and irlves the advertisers the benant , nut only of Oio city circulation of True Hr.r. , but al o of Council IllnfTs , Lincoln nnd other cities and towns hroiiirhnut this part of the west. MONEY TO LOAM. Wo loan tnoncyon Improved property MONKY any desired amount at low rates of Interest , to run from two to ton years time. Btotts , Cor A Houston. 1007M rarnaini 959 ltO,000 TO LOAN at 6 per cent. Llnah.ift $ , Mnhonoy , 1WJ rnrnam. 401 (1,000,000 to loan , H. E. Cole , 310 S loth. First * mortgage notes bought. 376 PKB CENT Money. 6 E. C. l'ntterson.1.1lb at.d Harnnr. 404 TO LOAN O , F. Davis Co. , rea MONEY and loan agents , 1606 Farnam st. 406 , to loan m any amount at lowest rate $600,000 . 11. It. Iroy , Frenrer block. 407 , To loan on Omaha city property ntJ $500,000 cent. G. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Bid. ONKV to loan to parties wishing to bulM. 8. S. Campbell , 310 S 16th St. , Chamber nf Commerce. < 0'J MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay. J , L. Rico & Co , , over Commeiolal Na tional bank. 410 ONEY to loan , cash on nand.no delay. 3. W. nnd E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam St. , Taxton hotel building. 411 TV ! ONEY TO LOAN on Improved olty prop- J'l. ertylnsumsof * ] ,000to 18,000 nt six per cent Interest. Bholes& Crumb. 412 [ ONEY ' 1O LOAN on improved real state ; L , no oominlmion charged. Leavltt IIurn- barn , Room 1 Crelghton lllock , 413 MONKY In sums of two nnd over to loan at low rates , ltusscll. & llarrctt , 313 8 IGlh st. 704 ffO LOAN Money Loads placed on im- JL proved real estate tn city or county for Now England Loan * Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. 16th and Chlrngo st . 411 TVfONEY LOANHDat C. V. Itcod A Co.'s Loan O.TJL OfOco , on lurnlturopianos. hoi9QSwagons , ereonal property of all kinds , nnd nil other ar- dps of value , without removal. BIB S. 13th. oor lllnglinnvs CommlSBion store. All liusl- l etrlctlv , confidential. 413 M IONRY leaned on furniture , pianos , organs , horse * , eto. , low rates. .J.J.Wilkinson A. Co. . rarniun , over llurllngton ticket olllco. 4 IBM MONSY TO LOAN by the nndorsigned , wno baa the only properly organl/od loan genoy in Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays. AU business strictly conHdentlal. Loans so Bade that any part can bepald nt any Ime.each payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances made on flnowateties nnd diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , s many tiew concerns are dally coming tate existence. Should you need money call nd lee me. V7. R. Croft , liooan 4 Wthnnll Dulldtng I5tliand _ Hnrnny. _ 417 rilHK OMAHA Financial Kichnngo , * -NB-W- .Sornerof Jlnrnoy and 15th sts. , State National over bank. .prepared to make- short time loans on any available security. Loans made on chattels , collateral or real state. Long time loans made on Improved real estate bt current rales. Purchase money mortgages negotiated. Secured notes bought , solder exchanged. Short tlmo loans made on second mortgage. according to marginal interest , at collateral intes. Ronl estate to exchange for * oo4 Interest bearing pnpor. ( lenornl financial business of all kinds trans acted promptly , quietly and fairly. Money always on hand for approved loans of ny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub licity. Torbett. Manager. 418 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. 1DLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1505 Farnam struct Complete obstructs fur- rilshcd , and titles to real estate examined , per- S ectod nnd guaranteed _ 419 BUSINESS CHANCES. 17 OH BALIi-Bnrbor shop. No. 1111 S 1.1th. Jb 3111 2J _ _ _ "l\7ANTKD A partner with $100 lu first-class ' buelnoei , enn double money In ton days. Call nt once Omaha Kiuployinent Bureau , ll'J N. 10th st. MB 1 _ "ll'ANTKD Partner , lady or gentleman , with $ ' )0) ) ) and upward to start n stoain laundrr. Host loo'itmn In the city ; good references. Ad- CJI N 10th Ft KM 5j PAIiP. Oood paying restaurant in good location. I'.vorj thing completo. Cheap 500. lluimwa i. Co. , 15th st , oppo. P. O. 2'JO 5J TJ1CR SAL1IA drug store In n booming town JIn Nebraska of four hundred Inhabitants , jio competition , will Invoice lltteen hund red ilolliir" , thy most ( satisfactory reasons for w Uh- Ing to sell. Address H til , lleo olllco. 3W3 j rtOH SALE At n bargain , complete now out- vtlit , restaurant , bakery , confectionery and Icecream. Direct H. D.,2413 Cumlng st.liin liin Ij TJirANTEO Partner , ono Intelligent , who T T knows In what business JfiOO best could bo Invested. Address C iRl. lleo offlco. 3H4 IJ AfHARGAlN Wall paper and paint store. * Only one In town. Reasons for selling poor health , Address , look box 181 , Holdrcgo , , Neb. 3104J fPO exchange for Omabn property , stock of -a- general morohandlfie with store bi'lldliig. ' Clins. 11. Woolley. 418 8. 15th st. 3fl'isl2 TpOR 8ALE--Liinoh counter wltn all fixtures -JO and range , complete ; receipts 149 ! ) pot month. Dest location In South Omaha ; HOI cheap for cash. Host of roason'for selling. Call on Anderson t Cook , Soutn Omaha. 377 IJ 'ipOK SALE-Stoek of drugs , invoice tl.'JOO , fc - average sales f'J , rent f 15 , bad health rea eon for selling. Call or address 2U27U Lake st. 102 slj ' 1X7'ANTBD-Hulf Interest In furniture 01 TT house furnishing store , invoicing $ fl,000 tt : 12,000. Address A , lleo ollieo , Council Illuffs , 174 IJ " \VTANTKD Purtles who desire to buy or set T T or exchange stocks of general tnorchan dlie. dry coeds , groceries , boots and shoes hardware , drugs , jewelry Improved or unlra prov. d town or jlty property , Improved or un proved farms In any part of the United Mates to address Krause & Foster , 310 S. 15tb st Omaha , Nob. 430 SALi-llyW. : H tiroen , 215 south 13tti stioct , stock of groceries on Snunders st 122 2 SALE A first class hotel property iloln > excolliMit business. Must sell in slxtj < lays. Tor price and lerms address II , S. Lilly j-cul oitntoileHlor. Broken How , Neb. 311sll ? nO EXCHANGE A stock of clothlnir unc J ruriiishlng goods worth Jl.'i.POO. Will take iia.rt In Omaha property , balance cash Cluw It. Woolley , 418 South IRthjit. UJO \\"AN 1 ED Partner with n few thousand do ] TT lurs-the more thn better lu a good pay Ing business In Omaha nnd Lincoln with nssur nceel < ( iwhcro In Nebraska : ostalillahcil n > nr ork light , pay sure. AddiebSA&O lice offlco 351 a'-'J TTlOUSrtlo On en y terms , new stock of hard J. M-are ; nUn builder's etock , will Involo fl.COO ; good ronsou for Belling , Must sell wltti In ten da > . Address J. M. llurk , Phillipi. Neb SS87J FOR SALII-A half or whole Intoiest odlo business , e.-tiibllshoa thieoeurs. SJ.on to J6.WO yiarly Income. Addicgj C 37 , flei ollieo. 4J42 ± Til'tU bAT.i--Clirnp. : .Meat miirket. gem tnulp , tools , lliiurei , horse and waxor p Everything complete. Call at 28th and Fnrnac l ' 220s J PERSONAL. PKIISONAL-K. Wlelilo.M. A. , teacher of Ih piano , organ and vocallratlon ; instruotloi invariably of hlzhcit order ; Al reference Olhoe : May Meyer A ; llro. 3jgs3U PKR5ONAL-A young litrty desires the at qtmlntanceof alady who hM no gentle tnnn escort , for company to attend theater' evening service , etc. Reference * exchanged Addreu Cora L. Hnydcn , City. UU 1 * tIJKUSONAL-l > rivate home for Indies durlni J. Loutluement , strictly confidential , infant adopted , address K 4i. lleo olllco. HIT aeptT > KHSONAI--Mr . Di nanue T. Warrei clairvoyant , Medlr l aid business Medlurj t Jtoom M * I HI Korth Wth it Omaha , Nek. MISS A M. ALDnicn , mental hpnlcr , trcntq dlsrnpos ab cntly. Address 85 Watronton At. , lloiton , Mas * . I ) s25 ] LOST. I OSTVrom SV. . cor. 10th and Center sts. . J bay pony , full white face , left foot white , bramroti left nip. Reward for return. HVrl STItAYRD UticKSKln colored pony , a years' old , brande'14 ! hall moons on left shoulder. Suitable reward for return to Hth nml Corby sts. LOColvor. 612 2J STHA Vl'.D Or stolen , pointer pup bitch , liver nnd whltr , ten weeks old , liberal reward for return IS HI Farnam st. KM Ij LOST-A ladles gold pin on or below 15th st , between Fitrimm and Loavonworth , Re turn to Dr. Oalbrulth , 14th and Douglas. LOST Time book , first name on list Oeo. Uolllng. t. > reward for return to A. N. Koar , cor.1st andCumlnif. 367-2p OST-Pockotbook-JOO reward will be paid to nny ono for the recovery of a pocketbook - book containing n Inriro Hum of money , which wns lost at the depot or on the cars between Chicago and this olty by a gentleman just from Knglnnd. $100 will bo paid to nny ono on leav ing the pockctbooknnd money nt the IJco. The gentleman Is on his wuy to California. r > 53 Z * STUAYED-August 24 , brown pony , white hind foot , lOyeaia old , with orltchlng and buck pad. Liberal rownrd for return to .tones tires , barn , 16th st near Webster. ItfiO-lo XCU D. rilAKBN UP A roan bay mare , weighs about -L WMIlx , both hind foot whlto. Tolas brand on shoulder and nip , star on forehead uml strip on noso. Owner can have same by pny- Ingchnrgcs. Stephen llrown , Florence , oppo- slto little brick store. sep 1 7 14 21 Si * A pocket book containing letters 1JOtJND 1 addressed to Kdwnrd Mcllrldo. Owner cnn hnvo snmo by calling at this office. 45'J 2j FOUND Some llmu ago , two sots of buggy names * Thoowntr mny got themntsw cor Sixth and Plorco sts , city : proving prop erty and paying expenses. 4UU ilj CLAIRVOYANT. MU9. ItATflF.IiD , Trance business medium. The past present and future revealed , sick muled , lost found , homes maUo nappy , sittings ally tit 4'1 3. llth st. ift s lilj MUS. DDUANT Clnrlvoyant from Hoston Is reliable In nil affairs of life , unites sopn- atod lovers. ! I23 n 10th stroom 1. H4Bgept3J 8TOKAOE. STOUAOK Kurnlturo , boxed goods , Ac. , terms rensonnblo , 711 Pnctfio. 1V1 jlIUST-CLASS titorngo at 110 N 13th rt. TO IIAQE First-class storngo for moa fur- S nlluro or boxed goods , nt513 Dodge-it. MISCELLANEOUn. F OK HRNT-Board for 2 horsoi nnd pnrrlnifo In private stable , 1718 Cnss st. 503 2j STOCKS of goods , farms and cltv property . - wanted for exchange. Stevens Bros. , 151J "nniiimst , 4703 CS. WHITNEY sells hard nnd salt coal. 1513 1'arnam nnd 18th nnd Iznrd , 4.75 s ! M 120 nores of good land 3 mlles east of Woon- socket , Dakota , to trr.de for No. 1 mules. Ad J res 020 Buo otllco. 297 3j I/1OU ADOPTION-Hamlsnmo honlthy boy. -L1 Just born. Inquire at 2424 Caldwell st. 374 2J FAHMS to exchange-Write to J. C. Hall , Oumhn. Neb. , what you hnro in Dakota , Iowa or NobraiKa to cxolmngo for farms in South Illinois , where fruit is plenty nnd climate mild. JU94J /1ES3POOLS , sinks and vaults donned , odorless - less process. IX iwinffbox427 , olty.r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 875-B20J IX ) EXCHANOK 1'or Omaha property n flno JL farm in Iowa. Chas. U. Woolley , 41S South _ 5th st. 920st CESS POOLS nnd vaults cleaned , dnad unl- mals lomoved W. H. Barber , 802 Leaven- worth. Telephone 102. 8 821 * T 1ST your rooms and housoswlth the Itoeord J-l Advertising Co , Ifil ) rnrnnm st. nnd wo will rent them sooner than nny ono else , as wo nre well known all over the city. 600 "OEUrOUATED stamping patterns made to or- JL dor nnd all the Intest designs for sale at Mrs. J. W. Morrison. 1505 Davenport st. 451sl2 ITEUN Nebraska farms to exchange for mahft property. 1612 FarnaM. 4Jt /CANADIAN Employment Ofllce llcst piece \J in Omaha to get help or situation * , male nnd female , orders promptly filled. Mre. Brcga A Son. 316818th. Telephone 8St. 153 3J TO EXCHANOP.-For cattle , 1 have 600 nnd forty acres of good western land to trnde 'or ' rattle , nnd n good house and lot near the apltal will exchange for cattle. Address R. 0. Bryan. Ashland , Nob. 430 CESS-POOLS nnd vaults cleaned , dead ani mals removed , first ward. W. H. Barber , 802 ! Leg von worth. Telephone 103. 8.S7821J OMAHA LOTS-To exchange tor cattle. Pat terson A Moore , 1612 Farnam. 347 THE Gate City Employment omco,314'4 S 15th street. Orders for all kinds of help solictod. 1129 BU K KB NT Square Piano J montnlr. Hospe.lMSDouglaa , 426 XflOKKENT Organs , $ > per month. rte pe , f 1513 Uouelas. 425 Ol. C.-House furnishing goods , all kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest prices at J , Bonner , 1315 Douglas at. 426 flOll KENT Square Jflano , } i montDlv. Home. 1513 Douirlas. 4"'i FOB BALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE A very flno driving horse , 0 yours old , welKht 1,100 , a grandson of ttambrlno Patohon , has had six week's training and can trot in " :45. : For particulars address P. O. Uox K. K. , Oakdalo , Neb. 46'J 1 FOR SALE Heaver teamwag-on and harness. Cheap. Inquire at 31st and Maroy sts. 1502 * IOR aALK Hotel furniture , 34 rooms , rent (05. Win sell at a bargain. Inquire. Pa cific house , SO ! ) Norta 10th st. 453 2j fj OR 8A LK Span of mares , ono first-class f for saddle or bursry , sound and true ; also sot harness nnd bUKfry , t your own price , or will exchange. Apply St. Charles hotel , 1210 llarney gt. _ 881 Ij F OR SALE A choice fresh milch oow.corner 17th and Orueo streets. 3UO Ij E > OR8AliE Piano at great sacrifice , only IISB , cost J500. 7 1-3 octavo , triple strung , all modern improvements. Must be sold at once , Address C. 28 , Boo office. dtl 8' WANTED HALE HELP. WANTED A reliable , enorgotlo man us special agent for an old line Ufa insurance company. Liberal terms to ouo that can HO- euro business. Room 2 , Barker building , cor. 15th and Furuara sts. 410 14 * \ \ 7ANTED--Trnoklayors , f2porduy. O'Koofo V > 4HoOorr , 309 S. llth st- 853 2 * W ANTED First and second cook. Miller's restaurant , 1004 N. l < Ub st. 405 WANTED A competent salesman who speaks the Swedish language. Apply to Thompson , llelden & Co. , 1J19 Faruam street Vi 7 ANTED Parties in need of male or fo. rualo help for tbe coming fair and re- union to send In their orders enfly to Gate City Employment olllce , UHJi S lAth st. 990 W ANTKD-A barber. 122 , N 24. 445 S \\ANTKD Good coat nnd pantaloon makers , TT steady work. John Thompson * Son , Kearney , Nob. 443 6 \VANTK.D .Man cook , Goddard house. 1821 T T N loth. 617 Ij \V ANTED 2 dishwashers , 2 men cooks , \ T mon waiters. Omaha Employment llurcau. 119 N. 16th st. 516 1 YtTANTllD Harbor at 2UIJ Cumlng 511 3J " \\rANTED-Experienced Bnlssstnan In cloth T T ing boots and shoes ut Dorman's , 60U S , 13th St. 635 2J \\r.\NTED At once n tlrst class blacksmith T T Wia lluraton , Cedar llaplds , Neb. 6ij 2J " \\rANTUD-An experienced .salesman foi TT hat department Address P O box 215 cl y. 231 3 WANTED-Mllker , Saratoga dairy , 411 ! Saundors. CM ; W " " "ANTED A first class cracker baker as foreman , eastern waives paid. Apply with references , Mutunl Empioymont agency , 214 South 16th i , up atairs. 487 IJ VITANTUD-AH those wishing help or situa- T T tioni as collectors , assistant booxkoopers , general office clerks , watchmen , janitors , porters ters , engineers , Bremen , coachmen , teamsters bartenders , eta. apply to the Mutual Employ- in e ntjigoncy , 211 South th , up Btalrs. 4JJ 1. w IANTKD-Colorod man to blacken steve , Call 270U Ixinvouworth st. 48 < 1 WANTED-Agood coat maker who Is will. Ing to go into the country can find stoudj omplnvinont and good wages by addressing C , llee ofllco. 4863 WANTED 50 men for railroad work m lowc and Missouri. O'Ke fe * McUerr , 309i llth. st. , 371 jj RANTED Tinners and furnace men. J , II. T aulllvan & Co. , 1620 Capitol nvonuo. 33J I WANTED-roedor , on cylinder pro s , news paper worn only , nt Courier olllco , 509-511 South 12th et. 631 2 IF you need ticlp for the. coming f air. nmlo or female , Icnro your onion nt Scandinavian Employment Uurcau , 1010 Farnamst. 483UJ WANTED-Contrnctors Se-indlnnvlnn Em ployment Iliirciin , 1610 Karnatn , 1' prepared - pared to furnish contractors with good labor ing mon on short notice. 48 8J WANTED-Canvassers , city and country , good commission paid. Address n , Mor- chnnt Hotel , City. 444 1J A"NTEl ) Man nml wlfo for private family , f3i ! } mnn nnd wife for rannh , fi" > : woman and boy on much , $ J6 ; Mrs. llrcsra , 318 South lutb , telephone 8 4. 600 1J AVr"ANlT,0 A first-class pattorii-mnkor. Ho T T must be able to coinmenco work ut onco. Oood wages paid Fremont foundry nnd Mn- clilno Co. rrcmont , Nob. 4iU 2 W ANTED 100 shovolors immediately for newer work. Hrlng your snovols ; good wares nnd lonn job. Apply on works 2 th and Cnlccgo sts. Ryan A Walsh. _ 6193 "tAfANTED ! men for railroad work In Nc- brasko , O'Keofo Sc McOorr.OOS S. 11th at. 3'18-lp _ ANTED-Menfor Wvomlng. Albright's Labor agency , 1120 rnrnum. _ 357 \VANTKI ) Mon nnd women for nn onsy , T > money-ranking business hlch pnyB four times better thnn nny other. Worthy persona with limited means will bo offered extraordi nary Inducements. Wrlto for free sample * nnd special terms. Address Mori 111 Manufacturing Co. , II 63 , Cnlcngo. _ 812 ( 8 * . ANTUD 4 good canvns eis , 116 per week , 16th st employment , 2JO , N. WO1 st. 2762 SJ . \VANTNO-2o laborers on 2'th nnd Hownrd 'T ets. Sewer work. Dclanoy , Murphy * Co. 171 1SJ TvTANTKD First-class plumbers nt onoo. TT apolmnn & 1'lorco. 1213 Doiglt.s | at. Wi _ WANTED Salesmen , a now Invention needed In every bouse ; 300 per cent com mission or a good snl.iry to right parties. Address - dross with stamp tor terms the Weaver Mnnu- fncturcr , 34 N State St. . Chicago , IlL 7J1 1 * \\rANTHD Agents In Nebraska for Oon. IT John A. Lornn's last work "Volunteer Soldier. " just published. Address J. M. French & Co , Omnha , Nob. "J9 A Hrst-elnss hotel COOK. Must VrANTKD bo sober , steady nnd reliable Must fur nish flrst-chiss testimonials of nbovo qunlitios or nocd not apply. Address with testimonials , O. D. Marx , Kvnnston. Wyo. Tcr. 813 s 2 % ANTED Two boys with ponies to carry the Kvenmg lleo. Ono fortho western part of the cltv and ono for southern part. Aptily nt thlsonice. 1-7 \\7"ANTKI-.An Intnlllgent.rellnblo boy about TT Ifi years old. Pny $3 BO per week. Ap ply toThoo. Williams , 914 Fnrnam263 WANTKlV-An Intelligent hey with a good pony. Cull on Thee Williams , 914 Fur- imm st. 221 I'ANTED 4 German boys to carry papers , T 607-509 S. 12th , upstairs. OStl WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTF.D-2 gooddlnlng room glris. 1 Inun- ilry girl at Summit restaurant , 105 South 14th et. 534 2 WANT El-A young lady for ollioe work out of city. Oato City Kmplnymont Offlco , 314" S. 15111 St. 6-J ! 2 l\ANTKD At once , cooks , pantry girls , T dining-room girls , chambormalds , dish- wasliorp , ami 1 nurse girl Plnces free of charge , nt the Onto City Employment olllco , 314 > i S. 15th st. 6.3 8 A girl for general housework In n good fnrally , 1118 S. 17th St. 018 W 1 ANTUD Firstclnsd dressmaker , for par ticulars address A. B. , Crcston , lowit. 515 6j WANTED Immediately , Inily nuno , 1112 N. Sflth at. Mrs. W. K. Yuston. 509 1 * " \X.rANTED Immnllately n girl for second T work. None but those who thoroughly understand their imsinoss need npply. M. W , corner 20th nnd Chicago St. 4S3 2J W ANTED A good cook , 2210 Cumlng fit. 457 Ij 'TANTBO Dlnlnir room girl nnd dish W washer. Miller's restaurant , 1001 N. 16th. 1 461 t'ANTCD lOchambormaldB at Arcade hotel , 1215 Douglas st , to begin Monday morn ing , September 5 , and work during thu week , wages fl per day. 470 IJ WANTED Cook nnd nurse mnld , none but experienced need apply , N. K. cor. 20th nnd Capitol. 603 9J ANTED-ButtOD hole makers , 1112 Far nnm. 499 GJ WANTED-3 Scandinavian girls nt Commer- T > oial hotel , corner9th and Loavenworth. 47 * 1 ] ANTEED-10 dlnlngroom girU i20J 2 laundresses , tlBanu $25 ; women cooks , 5 to $10 ; Ironer , $7 ; vest makers , girls fortho country and 50 for general housework. The nicest places nnd the best girls are always to bo found nt .Mrs. Brnirn's Canadian Employ- mon t olllco , ; ili5 South 15th. 501 Ij WANTED A girl for general housework. Oood wnitos. Wills M. Yatos.CiUiroinln street , bet. 30th nnd iilRt. 493 WANTED A girl win can cook , wnnh and iron , at Mrs. Huestls' , S K corner 19th and Duliioy BI3. 3101 * W ANTED- Young girl to help about l.ouso In Binall family. Apply 23U Chnrles or sw cor. 12th nnd Hartley BIB. 4'.i7 2J TI/ANTED An experienced seamstress , G13 VS. . 14tn. 606 2J W ANTKl-Olrl for house work In boarding house , U18 North 22d Bt. 4."il 2j WANTED At once , girls to learn dress making , also good sewing girl , Ult ) N. ir > th street. 43Ti iij W'ATil'BD A comuoti-nt second plriT wages , f 3.50 per week. Apply M. T Pat rick , cor. Saundcrs and Luke. 4S. ' > 2j ANTED Girls at tno Fenndinnvian Employment W ployment Uurcau , 1610 1'arnam St. 493 Ij WANTED An experienced American nurse to take care of children. Call at olllce of McadJfc Jamlesou.UlS S llilh Bt. 4tU \\rANTED-A good girl for kitchen work ox- cluMvt'ly. Oood wages to good girl. Inquire - quire at 1KO , corner of 13th and Mason streets , . 3iW IJ WANTED Clood girl for general house work. 1010 California St. 550 Ij WANT ED-Respectable widow about 35ns housclceoper on a ranch , only 2 lu fam ily , no objection to n child. Also good linker and 4 dishwashers. Mrs. Drega ft Son , HID S. 15th. liU 2J WANTED Kor ono week at ( J. A. R. camp an A 1 siiloslady that is a good talker. In quire of Vanllourcn & Co , Douglas and 14th st. between U and 11 Friday morning. MSI "ITtfANTUD A capanln and experienced girl TV to do some second work and be a com panion for little girls. Good wages paid , call at 513 N 22nd St. 54t \\rANTED-4 cooks for private family , Si tci T J5 per week. 2 second girls , 2 girls for 1 family ,8 girls for dining room,2 chambermaid * i > dishwashers , 25 girls for general housework lots of good nlneos for girls at this olllce. Omaha Employment llurcuu , 110 X. IBth st. | 548 1 \VANTEU-I.ady clerk atDohle's shoo store. \ \ Ml 3 \v J ANTKD-Uood girl for family of two for general houuowoik , 2321 Callfornlu st. 5J2 Ij \\rANTii : ) Good girl for general house TT work In family of throe , ft per week Nice piaoo lor steady girl , Inquire of C. U Eritkson , 212 N 10th st. 629 3 WANTED First-class girls for good posi tions. Call nt once nt Miss Kennedy's employment olllce. 121 N 1Mb st. Ut 1 WAN1UD A competent young lady to keep and arrange stock and make herself generally useful S. G. Joyce , millinery , 12. ) N 15th st. 63i 8 T\rANTED Lady In cloak room , one who TV thoroughly understands making altera tions In gnrmonts and using a sowing machine. Apply to Thompson , Deldcn Si Co. , 1319 Farnam street. ass " \X7 ANTED-Cook and second girl at Mrs. .1. .1. T T Drown's , 1.151 , Sherman nve. ! W3 2 \\TANTF.D-a Irl for general housework. 1613 TT Capitol avenue. 86.16 * WANTED Two dining roo-n girls at Plan- tor's house , 16th and Podge ets. iHH 4 * \\fANTED-A girl for general hou ework ; T T small family. South-oast corner Oalifor- nla and ruth st. 327 WANTED-A1I those in need of female help to send tn their orders eurly to the Gate City Employment olllco , 3I4SJ S , 15th st. 203 ANTED-Olrls for nil klndi of work , nt the Unto City Employment office , 014 H a 15th 206 SITUATION WANTED. \\rANTKD Situation by an eastern Ctrl for TT second work and sewing ; Is neat , quick and reliable. Mrs. Orea , Sit South 15th st. , MHephomMi. , KW IJ WANTED A position Vy.fc young lady ns stenographer and type.wrltor. Itcforenco given. Familiar with Kofijigton Na 2. Address - dress C 33 , llcoomoo. AH 437 2j WANTED Situation in a dairy by an ex perienced milker. Enquire s w cor. 6th nud Pierce sts , city. 495 3J WANTED Young man wnnn situation n clerk or assistant bookkeeper , S years ex perience. Good roforcnce. Address 0 ru , llee. , _ _ . 455 2J \\rANlllD-Sltuatlon In-drng or grocery T T store by young mart -with good refer- ence3 aud 2 years'experience. Address 0 31 , Uoo. J.JJ , 441 Ij WANTED Sltuntlon by clothing salesman who speaks P.ngllsnSwedish and under stands Gorman , Good refnoncc < , Address "Ol'.l" lleooillco. ' I 640 2J WANTED Place for boy to learn trade or work. A. H. , 1811 Cass. M172J \\TANTKD-A woman wantj a place to assist T T in housework or mind Infant. Call. 3 days , 1103 North 13th St. 451 IJ " \VANTKD-A situation as bill olerk , or any T work requlrinir good , rapid wrltlug. Address - dross C 41 , Uoo ollico , stating salary. 401 3j WANTED-EngagemonU to do dressmaking In families. Address C 10 , Duo nHlce. a.a s3 \VANTKD-Positlon M offlce clerk , collector TT or assistant bookkeeper ; good mathe matician and fair writer. Address J.T.,4uS S , Ibth it. 39J 2 * \\fA"NTED-A situation at any kind of busf- T T ness , by a young man having some expo- rlonco in general merchandise : speaks lloho- mlan , OorriThn and English , Address A. Girls , 1111 3. 13th st. aS3 IJ ANTED bltuatlon as prlnoipal of gi ailed school , by teacher of seventeen years ex perience. Inferences given. Address C31 lice office. 392 5J ANIUU-SItuAlton for assistant bookkeeper - keeper , clerk , watchman , ) rortor , engi neers , llreman , etc. Railroad contrnctors sup plied with laboring mon to any address free , city nnd country. Mutual Employment agency 211 South 16th Bt. up stalls. 4M IJ WANTED A young man 22 years old would llkn n position as clerk In wholesale house , Has hod 6 years' experience m whole sale coal business. Addioss , C43 , lice offleo. 474 4J MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \\7ANTED-Cloan 2nd hafid , furnlturn and TT carpets , for a bed rooms. Call at 320 N 18th st. C3U 2 WANTED Gentleman and wife to take fur nished house paying runt with board. Ad- dt ess 048 , Hoe olllco. 6133 " \\rAMTED-To buy ntwo-ntory frame house tn 11 move from promises. State price , location , number of rooms , C 47 Uco. 610 IJ WANTED To rent on or before Octooor 1st house , 4 to 0 rooms , near 25th and Cass streets. Phil Stlmmel , 1)11 ) and 013 Jones 293 WANTUp Dy gentleman nnd wlfo at once , or liy Oct. 1st , housn of C or 7 rooms , or unfurnished suite In good neighborhoodwithin n mile of llth nnd Hnrney streets. Address U. Co well , care Kllputriok-Koch , dry goods Co. WANTRD Two unfurnished rooms In pri vate houso. with all modern conven iences , and board forgentloman nnd wife.none but first class need answer. Address C 3S , lleo office. 438 3 WANTED lo rent part of warehouse with track privileges , desk room in olllco , &c. , 714 Pacific et. . 157 W ANTED Secondhand furniturestoves nnd household goods for spot cash. Call at 117 N 16th. * 250 s2 \VANTED-Tlioladles of Omaha to know thnt orders forholu ailytiromptly flllod at the Gate City Employment .Odlco , 314148 15tti Bt' l 098 WANTED-Nlcely turnishod nnd unfur nished rooms listed /with us. Record Advertising Co , 1611 Kurnamst. 066 \\7ANTED-A oronraory * Ivnd canning fao- ' tory. Will assist the right parties. Ad dress Bank of Valley , Vulloy , Nub. 270s9 ANTED-A few boarder * at 1720 Dodge st. References roriuestea' ' 703 WANTED A grain dealer to locate at this place. Best grain region In Nebraska. Address Bank ot Valley , VulToy , Nob. 27089 WANTED A harness maker to open a shop noro. Address Bank of Valley , Valley , Neb. q 270-1-9 Factories of all kinds. Address WANTED ot Valley , Valley , Neb. 270s9 \ \ ; ANTED Pupils In English branches V > and muslo. n. w. corner 13th and Farnam. 725 8l FOR BENT BOUSES and LOTS. FOU RENT 7-room house ; modern conven ience , 25th and Davenport. Inquire 217 S. 12th st. 460 FOR RKNT-Saloon and beer garden ; good location outside city. Apply E. Savagu , Farmer's llcst , Military Road , 460 IJ ijl RENT-House with 0 rooms on 17th bet. F Jackson and old flrownell hull. 482 4j FOR HENT llBStnurnnt centrally located , fixtures for sale , $100 ; 31 steady boarders. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th st. . .1OR RENT 10 room house with nil modern 1 } Improvements , between 2"ith nnd20th , on Douglas. Inquire 120ri Douglas. 441 4j FOH RENT Four now store and tints on Smindora (21th ( ) street , near Howard. Rent low. Apply 012 N 16th st. F. T. Andrew. 319 TT'OR RENT 0 room flat ivlth modern con- i. venlonces , 1201 Park nvcnue. Apply on picmiscs from 9 to 12 a. m. A. H , Fitch. 932 FOR HENT Brick store room nnd collar , suitable for restaurant and confectionery on Park ave at entrance to Uauscom iiark , call on the premises bet 9and 12 in. A. 11. Fitch. 930 FOR RENT Furnished , elegant 11-room now house on hill near High school nnti Fnr nam street cars. East and south fronts , largo yard , gas , bath , laundry , furnace , city and cis tern water , barn , eto ; furniture now and first- class throughout. Will lease for 6 or 8 months to responsible party , on reasonable terms. Address - dross at once , C 46 , Boo. C213 FOR RENT Cottage of 4 rooms for rent to party who Wilt buy the furniture. Inijulro 9J3 North 25th avo. ( Division Bt ) . 263 3- FOH RRNT Fine new house In Kouut7e's Plnco , two blocks from street cars. Apply Fuller's drug store , B45 3 FOR RENT Stores on south 16th St. , near Ylnton , faclnir paved street. Prices $2. " > and f 10 per month ; just the place for small dry goods stoic , boots and shoes , furnishing goods , meat market. J F Hammond , 117 S Iflth st. C24 FOU ItF.NT-Small house on California st. near 20th at $ . " 0 per month ; Inquire of S Lehman 1108 Farnam st. 634 FOR HKNT House of T rooms on street cnr line , well , cistern , cemented cellar , $35 per month. J. K Hammond , 117 S 16th su & 20 FOR RENT Meat market on Park nve , opp. park. Apply on premises bet , D nnd 13 A. HTriton. , 931 "filOR RENT-Store room7. onn block from -L' postoinc . Inijulroof Theodore Williams , at Boo olllco. 735 EQR HENT And furniture for sale , elegant 10room house two bloflki from uostollico , Address B 57 Bee olllco. ! I05 OH RENT-n room house , 14th and Pierce. Apply at 617 S. 13th Et , 914. OR RENT Now 8 ronmlhouso In Popploton Park Building association , will rent cheap to right parties. Within tire blocks of Motor line , everything convenient. Will tie r Andy Sept 10th. Address T. E. Stevens , Blnlr , Nob. 449 2 * FOR RENT-Ono-half of olUro 117 S 11th St. , ground lloor. and oap of the best loca tions In the city , " * 115 FOR RENT An elegant pri\nto residence on Farnnm Et. R , C. Patterson , J5th and llarney st. 118 / % FOH RENT New stare an3 living rooms on Cumlng st near Saunderaet. Apply Har ris lUnl Estate & Loan Co. , 320 S , Uth at. 428 roil HKNT New 10-room house ; all 1m- provcments , steam heat. C. W. * O. E. Thompson. 314 8.15th it. 10)0 ) FOB RENT ROOMS. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms in cen trally located brick block ; gas and city water. Apply room 3,607 S. llth st. SOI 1 TCTOR RKN1- Furnished front room , gas.butb , J-1 with board. 621 Pleasant st. 375 IJ TJXR RENT Furnished rooms. No extra JL1 charge for heat or light. Cor. Park avo. and LoaYenworth. 35lp OR RENT Nicely furnished rooms with board , also accommodations for a few table boarderd , Inquire WU I'aroaiu st. | j < OR RENT Nicely furnished rooms and first- X1 class board ; modern Improvements ; on car line ; live minutes' walk from P. O. ; 1718 Cass. 307 3 't OU RENT Nicejy furnished room. Old S. FOR nKST Nicely furnished rooms with first clan board. = 011 Hurt St. , on 20th itreet car line. : ' * " 17IOU RRNT 3 nice room * In a flat , suitable JL' for light housekeeping , corilst and Niche las. Appply to 017 S. lain st 4fiO THOH HUNT 3 room * In flat , suitable for -I ! housekeeping , 70J Pacific , apply to nl7 S. 13th it. 407 FOU nFNT Hell bedroom , suitable for gen tleman , 162U Dodgo. 4712 ] FOU KENT Klegantly furnUheJ rooms tin- gloor cnsulte , with line of bath ; electric bells In every room. First cla i restaurant at- tactid , at Norrls European hotel , corner 18th nnU Webster. CM KENT 4 nice unfurnished rooms suitable - FOU able for housekeeping , 19th nnd Howard sts. Apply with references to C17 S l.Hli st. _ _ Oil HKNT-Omce , 1012 Faruam st. 93 FOU RKNT A atge front alcove room , 1707 Dodge at. 769 FOH HENT Nicely furnished front room with bur window nnd small room adjoin ing sultablo for 2 or 3 gentleman. 1708 Duuglaa , 1NJS71 F 1011 KENT Furnished room 1118 Dodge St. 952 sept 6 FF F foil HKNT Tne largest store room in town. Inquire at the Argus office , Albion , Neb. 481 sep 1,1 * FOH RRNT Nicely turnlshed room with bay window. 609 8. 17th Bt , 8'J1 SJ FOH UBNT Large front pallor with oar window , nnd alcove , also other' rooms with modern conveniences nt 1521 1'arnam st , ono block west of court house. 821 FOU KENT Nicely furnlthcd room , first floor , now house , now furniture , 1717 Mason street. Cheap to right parties. 92J F 10U ItENT-Furnlshod rooms , 816 S 13th. 324 s4 FF FF I OR RENT FurnNhed rooms with privileges ot board , B19 N lUth Bt. 1K383 F 10R RENT Desk room. ScnndlnaUan Em ployment llureau , 1610 I'arnnm. 491 IJ "I710H RENT A suite of three largo rooms , -I ? parlor and two bedroomshnndsomely fur nished , eteam heat , gns , bath , etc , four first- class gentlemen wanted as occupants. Address C2i , Hoe olllco. 4726 OU UENT Two unfurnl bed bn oment I7 ' rooms to family without children , 1122 N , 17th st. 479 F I Oil HUNT-Furnished rooms , steam heat. 201,8. K. corner 2Jd nnd Douglas. 477 6J " 171OU HKNT Furnished rooms , bath nnd J-1 modern conveniences , reasonable rates , 401 N.15tb. 439 U OH UENT Front room with alcove nnd F other rooms with good board. 2210 Farnam 445 2J FOH HENT Furnished parlononflrst lloor , sutcnble for gentleman nnd wife or gen tlemen , central location on car line , 424 N 17th. 637 aj Oil RENT-Nlco furnished rooms at 023 N F 19th st. 613 3 F IOU RENT Furnished rooms. 8515 Cumlng st. 20.18 POK HENT rurnlshod room very cheap , 1120 Farnam. T8S FOIl HENT Fuimshod rooms m Qreuolgblk , cor 13th and Dodge st. Inquire of Davis A Hetherlngton , Mlllard Hotel Billiard room. 2J2 FOIl RENT Elegant suite of rooms , referen ces required , 1K07 Douglas st 131 F 1011 RENT A nicely furnished room at 2511 St. Mary's are. 421 KENT 3.rooms. 1021 N 20th. F I OR UENT Largo nnd small furnished rooms , 1720 Capitol a\o. 614 2 FOR RENT Desirable furnished room for gentlemen at 809 Howard st. 6S9 FOU RENT Large , sunny , southeast room suitable for two gentlemen , 2423 Farnnm nt , 370-3p POH UENT Rooms and board for families , 1810 Chicago St. C47 4j F IOU RENT Newly furnished room , board if desired , 1720 Dodge St. | 4JO FFOR FOR HENT-Nlotly furnished rooms , to gen tlemen only , 220 N. 16th St. . Room 2. 429 flOR RENT Furnished flat,7 rooms and bath , 1 Leslie it Leslie , itfth and Dodge st. 151 FOR RENT Furnished rooms , single and on suite , over Leslie St Leslie's pharmacy , 16th and Dodge sts. 152 FOB SALE HOUSES LOTS. G OOD lot on Franklin st.OO ft frontage$2.800 ; one-third cush , Graham , Creighton illk. Gil a FOR SALE Flno now nine-room house and full lot , corner , south nnd east front , in Windsor Place extension , lot 49 x185Improve ments cost $1,200.presont owner will lease from buypr for three years f $ 45 per month , price $ ( .500 , M cash or less , balance easy , owner must sell within a wceksuro. Innutre L. J. Nodd , 1400 Tarnam st , , 3d Moor. 337 31 WOlotson Vistnst , W blk from Cflllfornla . 8t. , $800 each , Graham , Creighton tlk. 611 0 F OR SALE-Or trade , 25 lots in the western part of Omaha near the Uanson car line , price 5400 each , $250 due on contracts payable in 8 quarterly payments , will trnde Interest In contracts for Neorasun land. McCulloch & Co. , 160jFni nam fet. 43.1 rpo exchange for fhrm within25 miles of a. Oninha , flno corner lot with house , Chas. R Woolley , 418 S. 15th st , 06Csl2 rtOO loti within ! Ui miles from postolllce at f 150 O H. E. Cole , 310 8.15th. 4r > S.l FOR SALE Elegant 10 room nouso with nil modern Improvements , with good barn , nil new , on Coif ax St. , will take ono good inside lot for part payment. 7 room house , full lot , barn , In Fairmount Place , all in best repair. Will sell with small cash payment. Park , Fowler & Konnard , 1(107 Farnam. 4bO 3 "UlOiiTV-l-OIIR ft on Cameron st. $1,300 ; one- X ? third cash. Graham , Crolghton Blk. 611 6 FOR SALE A boaiHIful 0-room house just cnmplotod In Jerome Par * on Swift street , just off Farnam. oath room , cellar and all mod ern improvements , cistern , barn , eto. May trade for A small unencumbered farm , not too for from Omaha. Apply to Charles C. Spot- 8 wood , DOS H S. lOth. 378 OOD house , modern improvements , corner lot , Mlllard & CaldwoU's add , f 1,700 ; Jl.OOJ cadti. Graham , Crelghtoo Dlk. 511 o L IST you r property for sain with Charles C. Spotswood , 3059 S inth St. 642 ONI ) hundred and twenty-six ft on Humidors at , f IIIQ per front foot , corner. Graham , Creighton Illk. nil B GUARDIAN SALE-Murtha M. Mb Will soil at public auction at the north door of the courthouse , at 10 o'clock a. m. , September3 , nn acre of ground , cor of 20th and Locust sts , adjoining Kountzo Place. C7'J ' s 3 ilXTYft on CharluB st , J2.300. Graham , J Crolghtou 11U. fill 0 $850 will buy 40x127(4 ( , south front. Apply nt 3414 DocHtur street. 318 B28J GUARDIAN Sale On the 3d day of Septem ber at 10 o'clock a. in. , at the north door of the court house , Mrs. Martha M Ish will sell at public auction to the highest bidder her res idence and five lots , also live loti adjoining nt the northeast corner of Ambler Place. Some ouo will got a bargain. RSOs3 TJIOR SALt : by Vf. 11. Green 215th So. Uth JP street : Good bouse and H lot In Armstrong's 1st wld , house rent * for H.50 per mo . . . .f 4,000 JI.500 cash bal. easy ; xlils is Inside of the miloclrclo. Full lot with 2 good houses with all mod- oru improvements In Horbiicli 2nd and full lot In K. V. Smith's add , with fine two story house making a froutngo of ra feet by 140 for 20,000 S.'i.uuo on ill bal 1,2,3 , yrs Full lotCOxl42in llorbacb add , with two good houses which rent for $ -3 ! per montn 10,000 (4,000 cash bal 1 , 2. 3 , 4 , yr . Lot In lloggx & Hill's 1st add , /txl2'lv , ' , with good house on Dodge st , cable line for : . . 4,700 * 1,000 cash , balance 1 andSyeaia. Flno house and all modern Improvements la llurr Oak , lot lVxprice 10,003 One-third cash , balance 1 , 2 and il j oars. Full lot on 15th st , near Williams st , wltn 3 houses , renting for | l"i per mo , lor . 4,500 tl.MOcnsn , balance land 2years. Mxlte , splendid tracknuo , lot on Leaven- worth , between 10th and llth , 6 build- Ingsonlotnow 35,000 lU'Meet front and corner , ISth and I Itir- ney 33,000 13i feet front corner 18th and Leaven worth , good bouse on lot now 33,000 100 feet front on ICt et , south of viaduct , per front foot M 70 feet fronton Ifith street , south ot via duct , $ 0 front foot 94 feet fiont and corner on 18th street , south of viaduct 0,000 xm foot front , 220 ftet deep on 20th near Castnllar. at 157.60 front foot Northeast earner Cumlng und Saundera , 70X88 22.500 30x132 Cumlng bctwtien 21st nnd Kd BrVX ) 8xl32 Southeast corner 11th and Grace. . 10,000 173x180 north loth street near Ohio street 18,500 FOR HAI.K-At a bargain , 20 acres near South Omaha. Chat. JL WooUoy , 418 South 16tU it. Osi L IP r your property f or s ! o with Chirles C Ppotswood , i 35 * { 8 16th St. 641 AUSliRUS St .iVfl ft corner , SlOO prr ft. Oraham , Crolghton blk , nil ( I "I310R SALE-Fino now nine-room house and Jfull lot , corner , south and < mt front , In \VlniljorPlaco extension , lot 41llxl3 , 1 liloclt from street enr Iniprovi'inctits co t fU..vx ) , present owner will loa o from buypr for three rears nt (45 per month , price $ l , * > 00. j { cn h or less , balance nsy. owner must sell within a week sure , luqtilro U J , Mcdd , 140(1 ( Farnnm St. , 3rd lloor. f > t'J ' 4 LIST your property for sale with Charles C. Spotswood,305H SlCth st. CU FI\V lots In Clot oriiale for sile or trade at a bargain. Graham , Crolghton blk. 611A TP YOU want to buy , sell , or trade your prop- Jorty , call on Charles E. Spotswood , 30.14 S. 16th st. 40J rpo oTchango for farm In western Iowa or X eastern Nebraska , good corner lot with throe houses. Chas. R. Wool ley , 418 S. Ifith st. 88f.sU HAMILTON St. , lot on car line , f 1,800. ' < raiu. Orahnm. Creighton blk. 611 0 LOTS 1 and 2 , tilk U , I wo's add , double cor ner , on Hamilton'st , 14,500 ; easy terms. Graham , Crelithtoti blk. 611 6 FOR SALE Ono million acres of land in Ne braska. Speculator's landsrailroad lands , ranches , and farms In nil parts of the state. Send forparophlet containing descrip tion and price of over one thousand farms. A flno topographical map ot tbe state sent free upon application. R , II. Andrus , for 10 years Gen'l Land Agent n. & M. R. R. Eighth nnd P streets , Lincoln. Nebraska. 240 EDUCATIONAL. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY. CHESTER. 26th j ear opens SEPTUMUER IL A MILITARY COI.I.KOK. DEOREF.S IN CIVIL ENGINEERING , CHEMISTRY , ARCIUTBCTURK , ARTS. Preparatory Courses. Thorough Technical Work. All Departments conducted by able PROFESSOUH. Military system second only to that of U. S. M. A. Annuals of Lieut. S T. Hurt- lott , 1405 Sherman Ave. , Cityt or Chief Fay- master's Offlco , Armr Headquarters. COL. THP.O. HYATT President. FIU'.EIIOM ) INSTITUTK-Iroohold , Now Jersey , 44th year. Prepares for Princeton , Yale , Columbia , Harvard , and for Business. Rev. A. U. Chambers , A. M , Principal. Morgan Park Military Academy A first-class English , ClnsMcnl nnd Commer cial School. Bend for Catalogue. MORGAN PARK , COOK CO. , ILLINOIS. Howard Collegiate Institute. For Young Ladles reopens Sept 21 , College Preparatory , Classical and SelcntiQo ( Irudunt- Ing courses. For circulars % ddr0 s EMMA O. CONRO , Principal , or B. B. HOWAHJ ) , Secre tary , W est Brldgowator , Mass. Jy6taw26t "PHILADELPHIA BEMINAUY L I'OK YOUNG LA IKS,13.5 North Broad t Philadelphia , nth year begins Sent. 21st , 1837. Addro * * Miss U. K. JUD1UNS , Principal , who refers by spoolal permission to Mr. and Mrs , John N. Jewott , ) Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip D. Armour , V Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Horace F. Watte , } ALBANY LAW SCHOOL , Thirty-seventh year begins Sept. 6th , 18S7. For circulars or special information address Horace i : . Smith. LL. D. Dean. Albany , N. Y. YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE And HOmK SCHOOL for OIHI.S. KANSAS CIT V MO. Full rorpi nf nrcompllth Teicliers. 1'up Us received Ht any llmo l.'orclroulii apply to , Mlts E. WcCO.MAB , I'rlnclpal. Illinois Conservatory of Music In all Uepartinonta of Miiftlc , LUoniture , ModonLnnRtiagOK , Etoculloiu Address K. F. HULI.AUD. Supt. , Juckionrlllu. Ill HEALTH. WEALTH. DR. OTTERBQURG , Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. A llojfiilar Graduate In Medicine and Special Practitioner , Authorized to treat all Chronic , Nervous nnd "Special Diseases. ( Whether caused by Imprudence , Excess or Contagion ) Seminal Weakness , ( night , losses ) Sexual Debility , ( loss of sexual power ) , Nerv ous Debility , Blood Disorders , etc. Curable cases KUHianteed or money refunded. Charges low. Thousands of oa os cured. Ago nnd experience nre Important , All medicines especially pre pared tor each Individual cnio , IVo Injurious or I'oUoiKHU Com pound * Used. No tlmo lost from business. Patients at a distance treate 1 by letter and o.xirci | > i. Medicine sent everywhere free from gnze or breakage. No Delay Iii 1'illliii ; Order * . For 4 cents In stamps , will mall free , all our printed literature , ombrncluga".SyinptomLlst" on which to got n lull history of Disease , etc. State your ease nnd send for terms. All wo ask Is n trial. Sociocy observed either iu per son or by mail. mail.OFFICE OFFICE HOTJUS- 9 to 12 a. m. , 2 to 5 nnd 7 to 8p. m. Sundays In cluded , Consulting room No. 4. Notice of Incorporation of the Nebraska Sav ings Bank , Notice Is hereby given that the Nebraska Sav ings Bank has this day filed Its articles of In corporation In tbo olllce of the county clerk of Douglas county , Nebraska , and will hereafter do business under said articles In the city of Omaha , Douglas county , Nebraska. First , The name of suld corporation Is "Ne braska Savings Bank. " Second , The principal place of business of said corporation shall bo in the city of Omaha , Douglas county , Nebraska. Third , Thogennnil nature of the business of Falil corporation shall bo the usual business of a savings bank and the usual business of A bank of discount iind loan and trust company. Said bank will receive money on deposit and pny Interest thereon ; will loan and Invest money on approved security both real and porsonnl , nnd will buy and sell notes , mort gages , and other negotiable instruments nnd bonds and stocks , mid will act us trustee and rl seal agent. Fourth , The amount of the authorized capi tal stock of said corporation , is lour hundred thousand dollars , divided Into four thousand shares ot one hundroj dollars onoh , but said corporation mny commence business when two hundred thousand dollars ot said capital stock is subscribed Said capital stock Is to bo pnld In as follows ; One-fourth as soon as called for by the board of directors , and the balance In Installments as called tor by said board. Fifth , The time ot commencement of said corporation H the fifteenth day of August , A. n , 1887. and Its termination shall bo the fifteenth day of August , A. D. 1UM1 , Sixth. The highest amount of Indebtedness or liability to which nald corpoiatlon shall nt nny ono time be subject shall not exceed two thirds of the amount of Its subscribed capital stock , except deposits In the bunk nnd such other exceptions as are provided for In chap ter seventeen of the nets of the legislative as sembly of the ntnte of Nebnuka of 1837. Seventh , The altulrs ot sutd corporation shall bo conducted by a board of fifteen direct ors , five of whom shnll bo elected aunually ( in the second Monday of January of each your. nnd who shall bold their ollloo for thn period of three years ; nnd by u president , vlee-nresldont and rashler , elected by the board of directors. Donont Omaha , Nebraska , this Uth day of August , A. D.18S7. Ji.XTiit : : L. THOMAS , JOHN RUSH , ALVIN HAUNOEIW , F.UASTUB A. BKNSON , Y. II. JOHNSON , OKOIIGH K. IIAIIK'DH , hAMiiiM , n. MIICIH : ( : , MOHUIS MOUKIbON , J. II EVANS. SAMUEL COTNEK. alTd-sH il For all kinds of buslnors nt the New Town of Harbine , Midway totwexa Falrbury and Uoatrlco on the C. K. * N. R. R. Lots Cheap on Easy 'Jet-inn. Address C. I ) . LETT Fairbury , THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , DUMMY TRAINS. Running Between Council muffs nnd South Omaha. In addition to the stations mentioned. trains Mop at Twentieth nnd Twonty-fourtK itreotf , and at the Summit m Oinatm. WcMtwnrd. WHO if rxicguiiKTio WITH TH diooRArRT or nm OODMTHT WIU. SIC BT XZUHNUIQ THU HAT TIUT TH CHIGAGO.ROOKISLAND&PACIFICRAILWA' . ' Ertason ot III ctntrttt poeltlon. ! ow rdatlon to lln r ) t of Chloaco , " ' " 1 contlmuui lines at tcrmlnu points W > t , Northwent and SoathvrflRt , Is tht tnit ml < MI link In th t trannioDtlncntai njftem which lnTlli'5 And facllltatoa trarxl aad trnMo toln eu tb Atlnntlo and racttte. Tbc Hack Islirxl mdln linn nit brunches Inolnil * Chi- eaffo , Jollet , Ottawa , I.a Hallo , ftorla , O neieo , Molln * and Hock Island , In llllnoli , ) b&rcnporl , ftluicfttla * . Wiuhlncton , FalrB ld , Ottuiuwa , OnLalooik , Woill.lb- rty , Iowa Cltjr , Dei HoInc , IniIUnola\Vlntoriet , Atlan tic , KnozTlIle , Audubon , llarlan , Outhrlo Cvntrn mil CouncilBluflvInluwn : Qallatln , Iranton , fit. .i9pn , Cameron and Kama ) City , In Mmourl ! L a1. > B orth and Atcblton , In Kansaai Albert Lea , HlnnopoUi D.nd Bt. i'aut , In Hlanmota | Wat rtown and Sloui Fall ! , la Pakota , and hundradi of lut rm dlata oltlttand townK ,1'The Great Rock Island Rout " Onaranttti > p ed , eomfort. certainly ana safety. IV permanent vajrlf dUtlngtuthtd ( orIti azetlteac * . IU brtdfoi am of ftone and Iron. Iti track U of eolla twel.lte rollingitockperfoct. Itipauenjrerftqutpmenft haiall the lafety appliance ! tbat eipcrtunce hupNreJ uiefnl , and for luxdrloul accomroodatlonf Is uMiT * passrd. Its Ezpro s Trains consist ot luperlor Pay Coaches , elegant Pullman Palace I'arlor and BUeplttl Cars , Buwrb Dining Care , prorldlng delicious ratals , and ( between Chicago and Bt. Joseph , Atculson an4 Kansas City ) restful Reclining Chair Can. IU man- gement Is consenratlre , IU discipline zaotlng "The Famou * Albert Lea Roirte" rtetween Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Pa.U th * ( aTorlta. Otor this Una Solid Fait Kiprois Train * run dally to attractlra resorts for tourists In Iowa and Minnesota , and , Tia Watcrtown and Bloui Falls , to tha rich wheat anil griulag ( amis ot Interior Dakota. Via Renoca and Kanlcakee , the Hock If land offers superior Inducements to traTclcn botireen Ctnrlnnatt , Indian , apolls , LafayetU and Conntll HlulTs.Ht. Joseph , AtchU eon , Lcarenworth , Xanms City , Bt , Paul , and Interme diate points. All patrun ( oiwclally ladles and chil dren ) rncelre protection , courtesy unit klndlj attention. For tickets , maps , folder * , copies ot Western Trail , or any ilojlrcj Information , apply to principal offices Ik the United States and Canada , oraddrans , at Chicago , R. R. CABIE , E , ST. JOHN , I. A. HOLIHOI , e. .nt.tru icv TlfE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee &SI Paul Rf 27 c Heat lloutc from Omaha and Council Jtlii/fit toj Two Tiains Dailjr Between Omaha and Council Bltiirs Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St , Paul , Minneapolis , CeclarKapiJs Rock Island , Krccport , KockforJ , Clinton , Dubiuuie , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Jancsville , Koloit , Winona , La Croste , And all other iinpoitnnt points Kaut , Nort'ieust and SautliOHSt. For through tickets cull on thn ticket agent ut 1401 1 arnaiu street , lu Piutou Hotel , 01 tit Union I'aellla depot Pullman feloopurs and the finest Dining Cars in the world tire run on the main line of Ilia Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Hull * ay nnd ev ery attention H paid to passengers by com to- OUB emplycoj of the co lmlly. | It. MIM.KII , General Mana/er. J. P TIICKKII , Assistant ( leneral Manager. A. V R UAiii'KNrEii , Oenttrul Pabnonger und Tiukbl Agent. GKO. K. HRir nnii , Asilstant Ooneral Paiison gor and Ticket Agent. ,1T. Clark ( Jenural Hupe liitendeut Lincoln , Neb. Tim best known and mont popnlur holol tn thuuato. Location central , appointments flisi class. Headquarter * for commercial men u4 all political and publfo golherings. K. P. llOa a JIN , I'rojrleior ,