TTTK OMAHA DAILY BEE : FEIDAY , SEPTEMBER 1 1887. GOVERNOR'S ' DAY IN CAMP , The Members of tlia National Guard Out On Dress Parade , PESERTER ROOD CAPTURED , tTlio Visit of tlio lUllrond Malingers to Idiicoln Amounts to Nothing Itcpubllcnn I'rlinnrloi In tlio Cnpltnl City. r IFIIOM THE JIKH'S I.I.NCOI.X Ycsturtlay was governor's day nt the camp of tliu Nubrnakn National puards , nnd the soldier polished his shooting Iron , ttusted his uniform nnil appeared at his best nt the grand review hold at 4 D. ni. The governor appeared before the brigade in citizen's dress , but his staff was Rcore- cous in ftold and tinsel , nnd vied with the brigadier general nnd his staff In the display made. The two regimental bands 'played their sweetest muslo anil the re view and parade was ono of tbo most striking features of the camp. A largo number of Lincoln pcoplo journeyed that way fo witness It. The regular drills nro Increasing daily in proliuionuy of work ana the different companies are e.xhibitinir cqmmenUablo Interest in their work. The liultl nnd line ollicers urn proud of the brigade as they well may bo , und Lincoln people to-day will havu tin opportunity to see the entire brlgailu marching through tliu streets of the city on their exhibition to the city of Lincoln. THE OAITUIIEW. The detail sent out for the deserter from the 1'alrbnry company reached Lincoln yesterday evening , bringing - ing Deserter Hood with them. llu litul little to say and was evidently beginning to appreciate the fact thnt belonging to the mliltia meant no boy'a play and that desertion meant something serious. Hood was early m thu ilav comhiutcd to the guard housi- , but up to ! l ( eloek the trial had not taken place , although Major Watson , judge-ad- vocato was eager for the fray. It is evi dent that the oxaluplo maiiu will bo a clincher , nnd there will be n good deal of hesitancy on the part of the boys before any further desertions occur. NOTKS ( ) ! ' THE CAMP. Captain J. S. Hedges of company A. Second regiment , has been appointed brigade commissary on the stall'ol Ikiga- dier General Colby. The camp will close nt 0 o'clock Satur day morning , giving the soldiers tune to pack their knapsacks and depart for homo on the day trains. The tents will bo issued the coming week at the G. A. H. reunion at Omaha , and Major Franklin has all arrange ments made so that the tents will be packed and shipped Saturday evening. Commander Uusscll , of the G. A. H. , visiti'tl the camp yesterday. The Second regiment band moved upon regimental heiulquurters , where Mr. Hus- soil was stopping , and tendered him a serenade. Colonel Sweet welcomed him to the camp anil Commander Hussell re sponded. There were no new cases of foraging reported yesterday and the guards are evidently keeping close watch upon their beats. It is ' .veil to interject , however , that the first foraging party has not been discovered , and it is all the moro strange because no chicken bones were discov ered around the mess tents at headquar ters. SLY MAKAGEltS. The visit of the railroad managers to Lincoln was on the same plan as previ ous meetings , and was simply a schema to gain time and keep thu exorbitant tar- ills exacted from Nebraska in force an long as possible. Their consultation with the Lincoln freight bureau lasted the ontiro'day and amounted to nothing at all. They had no delinitc answer to make to the charges against the excessive rates and had no proposition to make by way of settlement. They simply stated that the question nt issue would bo pre sented at a meeting of the managers of Mlssiori river roads to bo hold in Chicago the coming month , and the managers evidently thought that a delay of that kind would bo followed by a cessation of hostilities on the part of tlio freight bureau until the Chicago meeting could in turn amount to nothing and some other subterfuge bo resorted to in the manufacture of delays. Hut the freight bureau Is not made of that stuff to bo hoodwinked , and a safe prophecy to make is that Lincoln dealers will con tinue to replevin their goods and take the cases into court , and the companies need not bo surprised if the replevins double nnd treble in number , for there is n growing sentiment in favor of thnt mode of action , and the public aronwuko to thu schemes for delays on the part of the roads. TIU'.V VISIT THE COMMISSION. The railroad managers also visited the members of thestate board of transporta tion and attempted to apply their delay tactics upon thu board. Ii will bo re called that on the Cth of September the roads of the state are requested to bo present at the rooms of the board ol transportation , there to answer why the [ local rates of freight in Nebraska should not bo reduced to a , standard with local I rates m adjoining states. The managers ( , jn pursuing tbe even tenor of their policy jpoughtto defer this mooting so that they could bleed the state a few weeks longer .before mooting impending fate , but Judge Mason hearing of it entered his emphatic protest , nnd the board stood by him. Notice was again served upon the v managers yesterday that the meeting will not bo postponed and that it will be , ip for hearing. This decision will leave the companies the choice to appear and show cause why the rates should not bo lowered , o < * admit by their absence or a dismissal on their part of the case , that the board of transportation is right and that the rates should bo reduced and that the companies have been , as is directly charged , exacting excessive and exorb itant rates from the people of the state of Nebraska , amounting to nothing loss than simple robbery. It will bo all the moro Interesting now to watch the action of the roads on the Oth of the month. 1IUSV WITH I'OLITICS. Yesterday afternoon the republican ward primaries were in progress and , In it few of them , the excitement attendant tipou such gatherings wasnoticeable. The now primary election law was in force and it had a restraining tendency upon illegal voting anil mot with approval. In Fovoral of the wards there was no con test. but thu First ward had two tickets in the iield on thu slier question and the contest was wnrui. A contest was also reported in the Sixth ward , but in the others there was little evidence ol contention , although an outbreak at times was imminent. The following were the delegates elected from the different city precincts JFIrst ward II. Ii. Vale , Thomas Cunna- lian , W. C. La no , Lewis Otto , James At well , A. Halter , John Fisher , Tom Lan 'if ' caster , K. 1) ) . Stephenson , Chas. Swartz , George llordman , J. II. Threw , W. A Johnson , J. I' . Chlpman , Tom Carnahan , J. H. Eiirstorday , W. 1J. Mathews , Toui Draper , 1 * . 1) . Uabcook. Second ward L. W. Billings ley , Henry Wittmann , J , L. Cald well , Henry Voith , 3. J. Alexander dor , Chris. Hocko. 1) . C. Vanduyn , Jolir Traas , C. 1) . Beach , John Dothlefs , Fred Jlarrison , A. T. ( Sruetlor , John Ames A. G. Hastings , S. F. Watklns. Goorgt Schorrer. Thomas Wilson , J. H. Nad on Third Ward-John H. ClarK , J. O. Mo Farlaud , J. Uyors , LM.lUymond.Patricl F-gan , J. O. Burns , H. H. Ueart , T. M. . Hall , J. R. Richards , , ) . C. MoUrido , A.E { lar&rcavos , U > * \ Johnson , T , F. Loach II. II , Wilson , U. II. Shaberg , W. L. Brown , L. C. Burr , B. A. Knight , H. M. Biiihnoll , T. C. Muneer , P. K. GnflHh , F. U. Waters. George K. Howard , W. A. Green , J. a. Dales. Fourth Ward U H. Oaklov , John Doollttlc , H.U.llathaway , John li.Wright ( J. W. Mnslier , I. W. Lansing. C. II. Fox- worthy , I ) . O. Courtnay , M. Stauglitor.A. C. Ca-s. U. B. Graham , W. . Grilllth , I. 11. llarley , C C. llurr , W.J.Coopnr , C.L. Hall , O. W. Webster , John McWhinme , W. W. W. Jones , Sam McC'lny , C.IJ. Fox , J. 11. McMurtry , J. II. Krami-r. Fifth Ward John II. McClny. R. R. Randall , L. Moycr , William H.'Graham , Charles Magoon , C. M. Carter , J. S. Chump. L. Heiskcl ! , T. F. llardnnburg , J. C. Kldcr , Grant Ensign , T. H. Benton , O. K. Goodcll , Etl Blngall , J. C. Johns ton , Kdson Rich. M. B. Chccnov , M. I. Atken. J. J. Kelley. Sixth Ward D. L. Brace , I. L. Lyrnan , H. M. Rccc , Brad Ringer , Cal Thompson , H. W. Kclloy , V. H. Dyer. TIIK JUDICIAL , CONTEST. The district judge question is rapidly coming to the front anil promises to bo nt n red heat shortly. The withdrawal of Judge Pound has "lilled thelield with can didates. It , Is stated that Frank 1. Han som will come to the judicial convention backed with the solid Otoo delegation. M. A. Ilnrtigan , of Plattsmouth , was in the city yesterday and announces that ho will contest Cast countv with Judge Chapman for the delegation from thnt county. Lancaster has four candidates eagerly at work to capture the county convention Saturday. They are N. C. Abbott. W. S. Hamilton , Allen. Field and Thomas Ryan , although the' ' latter will cut no particular figure in thu fight. It is too early to predict results , but n glance will satisfy any one that the .Second judicial district Is all torn up nnd that the judiciary is not entirely rettovcd from politics. * MORE THANIIER MATOH. Madge Lc Baron walked homo through the gathering twilight with a frown on her pretty face , ( "I shall bo baek by the 7 o'clock train , " Lyndhurst Uarrington had said to her the night before , and she had boon down to the station to meet him , but ho had not arrived. That was the reason she looked angry. Madge had been a flirt all her life , and she had come into the country that sum mer prepared to carry on that pleasant vocation. Then she met Harrington and was compelled to confess that ho inter ested her as no man had over dono. The next evening Madge wont down to meet the evening train again , prepared : o give her lover a good talking to. "How kind of you to come to meet me , after my disappointing you so , " Barring- ton said , as he advanced toher. "How do you know I was down hero last night ? " she asked. "I happened to bo strolling by , and I remember that my my aunt said she might come down any dny , so I thought I would stop a moment : uid see who was on the tram. " He looked at her with n i > u//led expres sion on his face , but he said nothing un til they onteretl the wood. ' 1 have often wondered , " ho said slowly , "if you cared for mo nt all , " pausing in front of her. " 1 want n sim ple answer to n simple question plain 'yes'or'no. ' Do you love me Madge ? " "If 1 cannot say 'yes , ' perhaps 1 can not say 'no. ' 1 think friendship docs not ' . ' I " justify an abrupt'no. "I don't want equivocation , " he broke in "If you loved inn , eyes , lips , voice , acts , all would blend into 'yes.1 It must bo 'yes' or 'no,11 say. " Madge had never met any man so mas terful. But she answered , nevertheless. "Thon 'no1 ! since you now force me to bo unladylike. " " 1 do not ask you to bo unladylike ; I do _ no not say you are. I nsked n ques tion and I have received an answer ! " and they walked the rest of the way to the villa without a word. Miss Lo Baron was very gay that even ing , knowing that LyndliurstBarrington was in love with her. She made up her mind that theirs should be no prosy en gagement , she should still ihrt when she wanted to , and not to give up a bit of her freedom. The trouble with her plans was that he never came near her from that time forth. Ho was up nt sunrise nnd oil fishing and hunting all day , and when ho returned ho generally asked the gentle men of the house up in his room , where they spent the oveninp singing , and play ing cards , and enjoying themselves. One evening Mvdgo curved herself up on a sofa and looked at the matter squarely. She must outgeneral him. But howl She had tried hauteur , and it had signally failed. Now she would try ' a dasti of'"giving in , " even though it hurt her so to do. She would plant her self on the old footing. Just then Lyndhurst stepped into the room , cautiously nt lirst , as if fearing her presence. She immediately arose to meet him. He did not start , but looked her over from head to foot without a word. She gayly said : "Don't you think your highness is overdoing things a trillo ? " Then she lost control of herself and showed her vexation. "Sing to mo. " she cried , "walk with mo , talk to mo , to obliterate this dolctul week ! " "Well. Miss Lo Baron , " ho answered , coolly , "suppose wo wt'.lk and talk. I'll say under the stars what I said under the oaks , and you shall give me your true answer. " She looked at him a moment , then fairly blazed. " 1 never saw such persistence. Thank heaven , I go to-morrow , where gentle men know what is duo to a lady , and take 'no' for 'no ' , ' without getting sullen. Good-night , Mr. Harrington , and good bye. If you over consent to bo loss boor ishly persistent I shall be pleased to see you in Now York. " Ho watched her out of the roohi nnd thon'sat down to the piano. She tried to think of going homo as a pleasure soon at hand. Home ! What nail she there ? Unly an old aunt , who dozed in a lace cap , with a cup of choco late nt her elbow half the time. The memory of the pleasant days spoilt hero would drive her wild in that gloomy house. Then she acknowledged It would bo terrible anywhere without with out She Jumped to her feet. "He will drive mo wild , " sue cried , "banging that way on the piano. " She passed into the nail r.ud looked into the drawing-room , where ho sat placidly playing. "Poor follow ! " she thought , "how can I call U obstinacy ; it looks like misery written all ever his features. And isn't he superb looking Why , New York has never approachet him , and he will bo mine if I say it. " Suddoulycanyou comprehend it she walked straight into the parlor and stole up behind him , got her arm about his neck , and pressed nor cheek ngalnst his Not a word was said for some moments But his fingers fell from the keys , his arms dropped listlessly by his side , his head sunk lower and lower and lower on his breast , and Madge felt a mist gather ing in her eyes , a mist of happy tears. "Come out under the stars."eho whis pered ; I want to say 'ves1 to you. " "I am answered , Madge , " TTo'eald drawing ono of her hands ever hii shoulder and talking with It against his liys. "Lot us not mar this moment o surprise and Joy by a single word. " " 1 don't think you'll lind mo a tyrant,1 ho said , kissing her. "But come out Madge , nnd Jot us compare our ruutua miseries for the last week , " Ho led her through the lovr window holding back the 'swaying ' vines for her to pass. There , arm in arm , under the stars let us leave thorn. AN INDIAN RAILROAD RING , ilathlos Splitlog , An American Indian , Be comes a Railroad Magnate. THE RICHEST MAN OF HIS RACE. loirmtico of tlm Kanaaa City , fort binlth & Soiithcrtt Hallway One Good Indian Who U Not aDcnil One Ills Life. A correspondent of the Kansas City lournnl writing from Ncoslio , Missouri , eays : Had any ono predicted a quarter of a century ago that an American In dian would build a railroad he would mve boon considered a tit object for a unatlo asylum. But to-day the people of Newton county , Mo. , a county adjoin- ng the Indian territory , havu witnessed a scene such ns man has never before jchcld. Matthias Splitlog , a half Cayuga nrr.l lalf Wyandotte Indian , born In an In dian village in Canada , to-day at Neosho drove the llrst splko for the Kansas City , Fort Smith & Southern railway , 'ihis division of the Kansas City , Fort Smith & Southern railway was chartered the 8tli of last March , under the state laws of the state of .Missouri , with a capital of P3.000.000 mill now thiiru uro about thirty- ivc miles graded and ready for the iron. Mr. Splillog lias furnished the "sinews if war" out of his ample fortune , and is backed by heavy capitalists to compldu the road , and before the first of next Jan- nary ho will htivo the cars running from Joplin , iii Jaspar county , to the town of Splitlog , in McDonald county , a distance of about thirty-live miles , and Matthias Splitlog , the millionaire Indian , was lirobablytho richest man of his race , will liuncuforth bo known all of the country as thi ) only Indian railroad man ( at least the lirst ) in the United States , or in the whole world. This line of road has been surveyed most of the way from Kansas City to tort Smith , and passes through a very productive section of the country. There havu boon tliri-u corns of en gineers surveying tjiis line. Ono on the ilivKion south of Kansas City and two farther south. Two lines have been sur veyed south from Splitlog to Fort Smith , ono through Arkansas and the other through.thc Indian country. This line is projected to strike the Gulf of Mexico at the nearest and best harbor , which will enable Kansas City to roach sale water about 400 miles nearer than at Now Orlnans , and 800 miles nearer than Now York. Mr. Splitlog has secured ? ! 15,000 in local aid , to bo paid when the lirst thirty-live miles ol stool is laid , and about thirty-live miles more of right of way. There has been secured in the di vision south of Kansas City | .T,000 ) in township bonds , ? 20COO , private aid and thirty miles of right of way , making in the aggregate 100 miles of right of way. with thirty miles already graded , tied bridged , over $100,000 in subsidies' , be sides several thousand acres of timber , coal and mineral lands along the hue ot the road. The occasion of driving the lirst spike oil the main line of this new road was a matter of more than ordinary interest to the people of Neoslio. After music by the Indian band , from the territory , and selections by the Neoslio band , Mr. Charles W. Smith , auditor of the construction company , hold the spike in position and , in tour bold strokes , Mr. Splitlog drove tin ; spike home into a carefully selected white oak tie. Clieer after diver was given for the road , Matthias Splitlog , Neosho and the enterprise , after which many came to the track to look at the spike. The motive power and rolling stock for tins roail uro being eareftilly .selected that everything connected with the road may bo of the best and for the comfort ana safety of its patrons. Mr. Sphtlogvis : born in the year 181 ! ) , and while a boy was apprenticed to a carpenter and millwright , and , although his wages were only $7 per mouth , .young Splitlog thought he was getting rich. Ho imbibed a love for machinery and inven tions , which has made his life a useful and eventful ono. In the year 1812 young Splitlog joined the Wyandottos , who wore the last of the Indian tribes then in Ohio. By the treaty of the Upper Sanilusky they ceded to the United States tiicir lands in that state , and received in exchange land in what is now Wyandotte county , Kan. In 1813 Splitlog came west with some of the tribe , and fmind , after his arrival at Wostport landing ( now Kansas City ) , that ho had only 50 cents in his pocket. Ho induced an old Indian to go his se curity for the price of an axe. With this axe ho cut cord wood for the steamboats at ' . ' . " > cents per cord , and , after paying for the a\e , which cost | i , ho soon saved enough to buy him a pony. About the year 1810 Mr. Splitlog mar ried Eliza Burnett , a grandmeco of Harry Jacques , the old Indian who went his beeurity for the price of the axe. Her father was head chief of the Wyandottcs when he died in 1838. Her mother was a part Wyandotte and part Seneca Indian. They have a family of live children four sons and one daughter. Splitlog was never idle , and in most of his undertakings ho was successful. At an early day ho built a mill at Wyan dotto. During the border troubles of 18T > 5 and 1W50 wo lind him ono of the lead ing men of his tribe , and he was the man selected to carry the news to the pcoplo of Lawrence that the pro-slavery men were about the bcsoigo the town. The streams wore swollen , the night was in tensely dark , and Splitlog was the only man who would undertake the perilous journey , which ho made before daylight the next morning. A few years later wo lind him as George I1. Nelson's trusted engineer , while plying his steamboat on the Missouri river , and when General Sterling I'nco besieged Mulligan at Lex ington , Mo. , ho wont down the river on the steamer Sunshine to Lexington and assisted in manning a battery with good cH'oct , until for want of water , Mulligan was forced to surrender his handful of men to Price , who had moro than ton times the number , Later on ho served in the slate militia , until after the famous L'rico raid ; and a few years after the war ho built a steamboat on the Detroit rivor. IJy the treaty of the Upper Sandusky the Wyandottes were not allowed to alienate their lands , but In the year 1855 a now treaty was made between the Wyandottcs and the United States , which severed the tribal relations of the Wyandottes. After the adoption of this treaty Split- lot began to speculate in real estate , and , although ho can neither read nor write , ho has boon one of the most successful speculators in the neighborhood of Kan sas City , and is to-day worth ever $1.000,000. About fourteen years ago Splitlog moved to the Indian Territory , and located on Elk river near the Mis souri line , and about four miles from Tiff City , and recently ho bccamo inter ested in n silver mine in McDonald county , Mo. With his characteristic energy ho began operations at once. He hired a mining export named 15. F. Ko mi a , from Culoago , to Bijperjntei\il the operations at the mines , and , becoming convinced that to develop the mines anu build up the town of Splitlog a railroad was necessary , ho , in company with others , sot to work In a way which has brought about the results that wo have to-day witnessed , and which promises much for Newton county and Southwest Missouri. Many interesting incidents could bo written in connection with the career of Mr. Splltloe's useful life , but none that could bo of any greater credit m the his tory of anyone than the two following statements made by Mrs. Lucy 1) , Arm * strong , the widow of a Wyandotte mis sionary , who is still living in Wyandotte Ivas. She says ; "Splitlog was always renown as an honest man. 1 have never heard of him charged with being dishon est or tricky. "While ho is not a member of our church , ho is still a very exemplary citi zen , and on ono occasion , when hoard a man say that a certain neighbor must bo i bad man because others npoko ill of him , Splitlog promptly reproved by ask ing : 'Why , man , did you ever hoar how some pcoplo talked abinit ilesus Christ1" Thus , wo have the chnrnctct of this na tive American aptly portrayed. First , wlillo Uo has been to an extraordinary degree from the abuse of the slanderer's tongue , he has the charity not to bollovu every evil report circu lated about his neighbor. Truly * llouieliold Remedy. 210 BEDKOKO Av. , BUOOKLYN , N. Y. , Mar. 1'J , 1831. 1 have tiaeo AU.COCK'S Ponona PLAS- TKUS for the last twenty years. They ars truly a household romrdy. If ono of my children has a cold and whoe/.cs. I put an AI.I.COCK'S POKOUS Pi.AsrKiton the chest and ono between the shoulder blades. If any of the children have croupy coughs , or coughs of any kind , I place the Plaster close up around the throat ; the'sootliiuir uQ'eet is apparent almost always in two hours. If they have a disordered stomach ach , a Plastilr placed just below the chest bones makes digestion perfect in half a lay. If there is any looseness of the bowels , accompanied by coldness of the HKin , two AI.I.COCK'S POKOUU Pr..vsmt3 applied over the stomach cure in from two to five hours. 1 notice particularly that these Plasters never abrade the skin or cause the slightest irritation. From my own experience I know they never fail for rheumatism , pains in ( ho back or lumbago. C. Minm.r.iiuooic. HER LONG-LOST BROTHER. Allrr Ttilrtr-Plva Years , Sir * . Heed Thinks She Ilns Found Him. Kr.NNirrr SQUAUI : , August 28. This little town revels in a sensation resulting from the meeting of a brother and sister who have been separated for thirty-live years and who to each other have been as dead. Recently there appeared in several newspapers the following per sonal : If any captain or seaman of New Yorker or Lonir Island knows the address or whereabouts of Isaac Reed , a sailor , who lived on Long Island and followed the water , anil will correspond With his sis ter , Catherine Hood , Konnott square , Chester county , Pa. , they will confer a great favor. To a Philadelphia Times reporter who called on her when the personal was pub lished Miss Reed cheerfully gave the following story : Her brother , Isaic Heed , was born in Chester county , Pa. , in 1815 , and when two years old , she being then an infant , their parents died , and they were sent to the Chester county poorhousc. Isaac re mained about six years and then was taken by Patrick Dunlap , of East Brad ford township , to be raised. Dunlap did not treat him well and he wont to live with John Brock , of the same place , who was also prntal. Isaac ran away from him , suying ho was going to sea on a whaler , in 1851. Catherine was given to Phmbo Anne Woodwardof East Alarlboro township , to bo raised. Two years later Mrs. Woodward went to Kennett Square and Catharine lived with lior for twenty years , when Mrs. Woodward died. In 1872 Isaac Hoed visited East Bradford and remained two yoars. Ho then sup posed his sister had boon adopted and taken the name of pcoplo who raised her , but since the Chester county poor house ollieials kept no record of who had taken her he could not lind her , and in 1871 ho went away , saying ho watt going to Liver pool. Last fall she hoard this wlillo on a visit to Kast Bradford , and , by the advice of counsel , she adopted the above method of finding-him. Miss Heed is a seamstress , who , though she still goes out sewing every day , owns several houses in Kennett Square , and is said to bo worth some $10,000 beside , of which J,000 was loft to her recently. She lives alone and this brother is her only known heir. At the time the per sonal was published there was living at Deer Park , Long Island , an Isaac Heed , who was shown the advertisement by a friend. Mr. Heed at once began corre spondence with Miss Heed , and the cor respondence was kept up for some time , and finally Miss Heed , feeling that she had at last found her brother , in vited him to call on her. This ho did last week , and now she is confident that it is ho , who for thirty-livo years was lost to her. The meeting of the couple was most afVecting , and the sister will not let her brother leave her. Mr. Heed said ho no longer is a sailor , and that during the last seven years ho has lived on Long Island , working at carpentering. He scorned overjoyed at having found his sister and has not yet decided what to do. It is probable , how ever , that his sister will remain in Ken- nett Square and that ho will stay with her. The most delicate constitution can safely use Dr. J. II. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm , it is a sure remedy for coughs , loss of voice , and all throat and lung diseases. 25 cts. a bottle. THE OPIUM HABIT IN IOWA. An AsHOrtion that There nro 1OOOO Victims In That Htntc. A newspaper paragraph has boon scon in many of the state exchanges , says the Davenport ( la. ) Democrat , which states that there are 10,000 victims of the opium habit reported In Iowa by the state board of Health. The statement was so shock ing in the number of its victims that a letter was written to the state board of health asking what authority there was for it. Under date of August 11 Secretary Kennedy wrote to the Democrat-Ga/.olto that the current report was evidently based on an investigation made by Dr. Hull , formerly a member of the board. It originated in a paper prepared by the doctor which was printed in the last biennial report. The doctor stated in his essay that ho had printed and sent to the druggists of Iowa 1,500 circulars request ing information on the subject. There- plies received by him numbering about 123 , too small a per ccijt to bo of much use in getting exact information covering the entire "state. Secretary Kennedy says in reference to the state ment before alluded to that 10,000 cases of the opium habit have been reported that there is abundant reason for believ ing the number of victims of the habit is far in excess of that given. Ho adds that it Is exceedingly ilillicult to get the facts against the objection of druggists and the concealment of the victims. In this connection it should bc'.said ' that the state board of health denies any responsibility for any of the statements made cither in its published report or in the newspapers. The paper by Dr. Hull is vouched for only by its author. The doctor does not show in his paper that he has information which will warrant the news item BO widely published. He does say , however , and his words will bear repeating , that "opium is to-day a greater curse than alcohol , and justly claims a greater num ber of helpless victims , which do not all come from the ranks of reckless men and fallen women , but the majority of them are to bo found among the edu cated and the most honored and useful members of society ; and as to 6ex , wo may count out the prostitutes so much given to this vice and still find females far ahead as far as numbers are con cerned. " Tlilrtr Tuns Prcniiuro la given to every cake of Colcgatc & Co's Cashmere Bouquet toilet soap. It wears very alowly. JOHN RUSKIN'S INSANITY. Characteristics of Thin Mania HI * LilTe at IJrantwootl. London Dispatch to Now York Sun : For sonic time It has been whispered in London that the real cause of John llus- klu's inability at Intervals to prosecute his literary labors is a breaking down of his mental powers , and that the accounts ol Ill-defined illness which are circulated concerning him cover what are in reality moro or less protracted periods of virtual insanity. A careful investigation of the matter confirms but too fully the sad rumor. Every ono knows something of the life of Ruskln , so long n prominent figure ns a writer and critic. His father was a wine , who enriched himself by enormous and prolitaulo dealings in sl'orry , and loft to his son a fortune of 117,000 a year , which was considerably In creased on the death of Huskln's mother. His liberality , too , la unbounded , and for years ho has surtportcd a list of pen sioners broken down artists , writers , etc , , whoso multitude might frighten the purse of a'duke. Even now ho refuses to acknowledge the fact that ho is rela tively poor , anil the friends wlio look af ter fits financial interests have endless dilliculty in inducing him to diminish the generous outpour of his money. Ho lives now upon the prollts derived from his books , amounting to about JE2.000 to iVS.OOO yearly. Even with such an income his liberality has led him to such straits that ho has consented to the publication of a cheap edition of his works , which heretofore ho would never sanction. Fortunately ho possesses in his paint ings an almost inexhaustible supply of wealth. Now and then a picture disap pears from his walls , and its whereabouts remains a mystery to all except the Lon don art dealer Christy , who is Huskin's great friend , until it commences to be talked of as being in the possession of some less appreciative but wealthier owner. His knowledge of art causes him to possess only articles of the highest value. The country house in which Huskin lives is IJrnntwood , beautifully and ro mantically , but unhealthfullv situated at the base of a hill into which it is , in fact , partially built. It i.s densely surrounded by trees and shr.ibbory. and is near the rilgo of Collision lake in the beautiful English lake region. Ho has several rooms titled up for writing. In ono is a portrait by Raphael of himself , and on the table are two quaint inkstands , one of which was tormerly used by Galileo and the other by Petrarch. Mr. Huskin takes ink from thorn alternately , but has a decided preference for that which fur nished inky immortality to the mathe matical inspirations of Galileo , so differ ent from Kuskin's own. For a long time Huskin has suffered from the peculiar trouble which has caused him much speculation , and dur ing that time his almost constant nurse and companion has been his cousin , Mrs. Arthur Severn , who has devoted herself to him with great un.sellishncss since the divorce in which his unhappy nurriasro culminated. Mrs. Severn's influence over her eminent cousin was greater than that of any other person , and so great is his esteem for her that ho has made ever to her his house in 1 all its treasures , to be come hers athi s death. The present attack began in April , during Mrs. Severn's absence from Brautwood. It took at lirst an unusually violent form , during which ho labored under great excitement and was utterly uncrolTed by his friends. Ko was extremely fond of childrenand ho had adopted in a sortof a way a num ber of children of poor villagers. Strange as it may seem , this led to much un pleasant talk on the part of sonm of his neighbors , so much so that Mrs. Severn and her husband were compelled to in terfere This necessary interference by Mrs. Severn appeared to irritate the sick man very strongly , and before Mrs. Sev ern had been back many days his pe culiar indisposition took the for in of a violent dislike to her. Ho began writ ing letters to friends all ever the king dom , in which ho. spoke of her very harshly , even accusing her of a desire to drive him from his own house , which ho had given to her. Finally ho ordered his valise to be packed , and 'took up his quarters at the Headwater hotel , a little country inn , accompanied by his faith ful valet Baxter , who never leaves him , and is not in the least influenced by the fact that his master discharges him at least twenty times a month. During the period of his illness at the inn Ruskin continued to write letters about Mrs. Severn , but a characteristic of the great man is that ho does not seal nis letters , but always leaves that un pleasant task to the loss distinguished lips of the faithful Baxter. The latter , of course , appreciating his master's irre sponsible condition , delivered all of the letters carefully to Mrs. Severn , and thus was avoided a great deal of unpleasant ness which Huskin himself would most keenly have regretted upon ceasing to bo his second self. After a brief stay at the inn , Baxter was ordered to pack up , and his master went to live at a cottage of a former sor- vent , now pensioned oil' . Hero his liber ality i grc\t ; under nil circumstances , de veloped Itself to a creat and eccentric de gree , Ho had with him his check book , and despite the entreaties of hU valet , ho began distributing checks right and left to the little children of the servant with whom ho had taken up his abode , and to n number of villagers. The cheeks were religiously cashed without exception , as far as can bo ascertained , the e who re ceived them not feeling certain perhaps that the donor was irresponsible , and when Mr. Huskin , Ins excited condition temporarily abated , returned to his homo it was to Hud his bank account overdrawn , although fortunately to notorious extent. The nature of the unfortunate man's malady then entirely chanced. All ox- citriiu'tit disappeared , and , ill physically ns well as mentally , ho took to tils bed In a sad , melancholy , almost silly condition. Ho soon conceived the notion that his extravagance had made him poor , and that ho ought to not cat.since'ho could no longer iitlbrd to supply himself with food. The result might have more serious for Huskin's spirits were pitifully low had not his good friend Mrs. Severn hit upon a plan for cheering him 'up. She In- ducod-him tomako out n chock for AO , had it cashed , and convinced him that his checks and his credit were still good by piling Hftv gold pieces on a little ta ble besldo his bed , whore ho could linger them. The result was very encouraging , for in a few days Mr. Huskin was up and about , and so much like his old self that Mrs. Severn felt able to make a trip to London. Unfortunately the Improvement did not last. In a very short time Mrs. Severn received a telegram in London inform ing her that her distinguished cousin had had a relapse and was in a worse condi tion than before , being very violent and excited. She started at once for Brant- wood , taking with her tills time a nurse bpecially trained to caie for the insane. The nurse was left at the hotel , and Mrs. Severn hastened to Brantwood and sought to prepare her cousin for the nurse's ar rival , but the case was too serious to allow of preparation , for Mr. Huskin was very ill indeed , and utterly uusuitod to be argued with. Ho was in bed. and so excited that the valuable pictures had boon removed from his bedroom wall for fear that ho would destroy them in throwing things about. The nurse was sent for. Ho demanded to .sou her. and asked her if she was a nurso. When she admitted it ho asked if she was not a mad nurse. His anger was unbounded when she confessed that she did a little nursing of all kinds , and his irritation was expressed in a , very curious way. "Why , " said ho , "you want to nurse me.and you know nothing about the book of Esther. You shall do nothing but empty slops. " The nurse hud to go. This look place about a month ago. Since then Huskin has partly recovered , and ho was able to leave Brautwood. There are many cheap cosmetics offered fored for sale , which claim to contain nothing injurious to the skin. This is all bosh , all , or very nearly all are com pounded from the most deleterious and poisonous drugs in the matoria modica. They destroy the vitality of the skin , making the consumer prematurely with ered and old. J. A. Pozzoui guarantees his medicated complexion powder en tirely free from all injurious matter , and will'gladly pay f500 to any practical chemist who can find upon analysis the slightest trace of white Jead orarsonie.- Use none other and you will never regret. Price 50 cents and $1.00 per box. Sold by all druggists and perfumers. ConklitiB Regrets. EVANSVIU.K , Ind. , August 29. Fara- gut Post , G. A. R. , are making great preparations for the reunion of the Blue and the Gray in this city , from Septotom- bor 20 to 23 inclusive. A number of prom inent generals of both sides have accepted invitations. Among those whoso engage ments prevent them from coining is Ex- Senator Hoscoo Conkllng , of Now York , from whom the post received the follow ing letter to-day : NEW YOKK. August29. Gentlemen : It is an honor highly valued to bo Invited as ono of the guests ot Fartacust post , O. A. It. , at the approaching reunion of surviving soldiers who fought on one side and tbe other In the late war. 1 beg you to receive my thanks , and believe my regret sincere at helm ; unable to take part in observauces of so much Interest and significance. My earn est sympathy and hope no with every move ment and Idea having for Ita real purpose to weld together all sections and all classes , and to make our country throughout all Its borders united , prosperous and great. Could wish or act of mine docldc , every community and neighborhood In all the land shall Do crowned with the fullness of peace and progress as much at the South as at the Kast , West or North. The bravo men wiio faced each other In battle can bo the best teachers nnd the most canuino actors of this creed. Glad that the reunion Is to occur , and never for getful of hospitality and kindness received In tlie past from the soldier and the people of Indiana , 1 trust the occasion will bo an event of enjoyment , prlile nnd success. Cor- dllally your obedient servant , llOHCOK C'ONIU.ING. DR.PBJCE ? SPECIAL MOST PERFECT MADE Dr. Price's Extracts , Vanilla , Lemon , Orange , Etc. , _ prepared from the true fruit , flavor deliciously. j5fiS'S ? ft- . tiSr5'f"yjv * * ' z * - - -C JS - _ ,33ii = it . 5f ? > * s _ Srsnn In one nf th Popartmcnta of the rnicn DAKINO POWDKU COMI'ANVH M ANUPACTORY. TI1K LAHGKST IN TIJK WOULD. Pfeparlnj ; Dr. Price's Special Klavorlnc Kjtrartn. TIMELY ADVICE. l .liny CIUHC Aiij'Auiotmt of Trouble. klore Important Testimony Voluntarily OffertA by One Who Has Boon Through the Mill , Mil. W. G. HKNSHAW. "I'ortholmt uluooti yenrn.8itMMr V.n.Ilen < shmv.wlio WIIM city lamiillKhtiM-ror a iimnborof ourn nnd U now omplojuil liy tlio llartiur A- ilialt I'll x'ltiK complinto tlm ruportor , " 1 linve UK ! nu uphill thiii ) hi imlur to Ucci | nt niv n ork. Vhllo n lioy unit llvliik' nt my liillior'a rmmtry rslilimro on I > onir laliuiil Sound , Now York , I undo H priu'tlco ot KOlnt : In swimmliw from ( tine o tnc'iity tlmos a day vrlirn the wotlthcr was miltunlo , liv this nioun 1 developed cnturrli hi H woi > t lot m. .My tlironl mid livnd win mil up at ; tlini" . 1 coiik'hcd midlmuknl up ililuxm , tiuil to blow my mi o coniiiiiitly , I lind ipoiutnnt dull fui'llnir In my lumd.ronrhiir la .hn oius , llien I not duiif gradually tail so Hiiro- y that I IIV.CAMK MUCH AI.AUMRP. This was not till I found Unit I liilUod luout-'li my 11080 , nnd nl nlclit I could not > mulio throuirli my uosirlU tit nil. 1 anwit doctor anil ht told mu I hml 11 tumor k'nnvlnif hi my nocuuseil by tliu oilnnli , wnliMi lit ciillnd a polypus. 1 tiled nil miniumof rumo urs to no avail , mid when slvu > ol < H into t I'imjtilt n li Mli coldi whicli unused Iliu caturrli lotro down on my hniK" . my condition was not inly annovliif. but rri'ntly alaunod my wife. Why , lr , I toll nt tlmt Ilko tilioklnir. tlien I roiiKbfd to muoli I fonld not plc > i > p i.t nlifht. t would liuvu vlolont spells of t'ounliInK nlilcli would enusumo to vomit. "Ast ld tiofivo. my condition no alannod my wllo tlinton the liit'li or thlt month slio In- glstoil Hint 1 KO nnd consult a doctor next dny. I was loth to Plop \voik , lint nt lait consent oil. and Inst Monday 1 coiiRtiltud Dr. J. Crinp McCoy , Illock , tins cltv. who snlil bu could euro mo. Thta I was \\ to belluvo.buldld not ill oiini or bow < | ilck ; part or my trouble. ) * could bo relieved. Why. slr.lio removed this otitlro poly pus hi two or tliruo minutes ; huro , you oua It la the bottle I have , mid then mndn mi npplluntlon to my dNongodttirout. 1 breathed through mjr nose nt once , soniotlilnn I Imvo not done in yours. I huvo been onconntnnt treatment slneo , mid now Imvo In a IIITRO mimviro reifninod my Ht'iiso of smoll. t Uaro not been able to Kinull nnythliikr before for clglit yearn. My catarrh Is grontly boncflttod , my uonrltiff In comlnir around nil rlxlit.and I ma curtain tlio doctor will soon Imvo mo iii well us I over win. I wont liomo Monday from the doctor'nolllco mid slept nil nlj-'ht n ijiilot tdiu'i ) . somotlilntr I have not done for so Ionic H time I can't remember. My ptrniiKth ami desire for work ! mn returned. I don'tVet up In the mornlmr feelliii ; us tired nl lieforo I wont to lie J , us I used to do. 1 fool IIKn n roMored man. " Mr. Hcnslmw is well known nliont town , nnd tlio truth of bis story onn easily bo voilllod by calling upon or nddrosalug him nt his addrois above ( riven. When catarrh hna existed In tlio bend nnd tbo upner part of tlio ttiront for any lotutli of tlmo tre piitlont hung hi n district where peoiilo cnso has been loft uncured , tlio catarrh Invari ably , sometimes slowly , extends down tbo wlndpipo nnil Into tbo bronchial tubes , which tubes convey the air to tbo different parts of the lungs. Tbo tubes bocoroo attootod from the nwolltuK nnd tbo mucous arising from catarrh .nnil , In some instances , boootuo plUKuod up. so that tbo air cannot itut m as Trooiy ns It should , dliortnesi of breath follows , nnd thu patient breathes with labor am1 dlttlculty. In oiibor cnso there Is a sound of crnokllnr ami wboe/.ltiK Insldn the chest , At this singe of tbo disease the breathlnif Is usunlly moro rapid than when In health. The patient has alao bet iishoH over his body. Tlio pain wbloh accompanies tlijs condition Is of adull character , felt In the chest , behind tha breast bone , or under tbe shonldor blade. Tha pain may come and BO Inst few days and then bo nbsetit for several others. Thp couirh that occurs in tbo first stares of bronchial eatnrrb U drycomes on at Intervals , hacking lu ohixrnot tor , and Is usunlly most troublesome In tha mornlnK on rising , or KoltiK to bed at night an < 4 It may bo In the llrst evidence of tbo disease ox- tondhiK Into the lungs. Bomotlmos tber * are fits of courtilng Induced by the tough mucus so Vlolont as to oauso vom iting , latter on the mucus that U raised , ii lound to contain small particles of yellow mat * ter. which Indicates that the imall tubes In the lungs are now affect on. With this there are often stroakH of blood mixed with tbe mucus. In sonic cases the patient becomes very pale , has feTOr , and expectorates before any cougH tippoars. In Botna cases small musses of cheesy sub- stnnco nro spit up , which , when pressed between - twoen the ( Infers , omit a bad odor. In other cases , particles of a bard , chnlky nature are flplt up. The raising of choosy or chalky lumps indicate soilous tnUhlef nt work In tha lungs. When n person with n dollcntn constitution bus a tendency to cntnrih or consumption whether this tendency Is lnliorlti > d 01 lostilts from tuklng cold enxlly , It Is iintlcenldo that that person Invariably losus llesh mid loses fttrongth , showing that the nutrition Is Inter- lerod with. In such a case the suITVior MioiiM nt once bo placed under Inlluoncos thnt ulll roM3io the deloetivo nutrition and tend to invigorate the constitution. His to boromomborud thnt In every ease the presence of catimli is mi ovldenen ot pifdls- position to consumption , and no mutter how slight the attack may bo , H hhould bo tiontod with the greatest rain nnd the trontmont should bo continued until nil tiacus of tha cntnrib havu disappeared. If the catarrh IH allowed to ronch the mnnllor tubes In the lungs-whlch condition Is Indi cated by the spitting up of u yellow material then immediate attention to ilio nmliuly it do- nmnded or serious lung trouble will result Catarrh , It issnid , Isnlno tlmoHout ot ten the ciiusu thin produces consumption , mid henou no ono can allord to neglect u ciisn of ontnrrb , however plight. It Is easily cured It taken In tlmo mid treated regularly nnd correctly by a specialist. If left to Itself It Is inrely on rod without nohnngoof cllmnto , but with each now cold It gets moro and mine troublesome , extending - tending always n llttlu deeper into tlm lungg , until n euro becomes dllllcult nnd sometimes impossible. InBticli a cllmnlo ns this , tlio throat should bens ns carefully ami tiequi'ntly looked after as the tooth. Vim , much nuiio caret nlly looked to , in tro.ibles ot the thioat mo moio nnmeioiis than dental troubles ; andwhile tbo bitter ciiusu only anuoyanco and pnln , lung disease , usually tlm result of catarrh , kill ono out of every bovou human bolngs born on the entire globo. DOCTOR J , Cresap M'Coy ' Late of Eellovuo Hospital , N.Y AM > DODTOIl Columbus Henry IlnvoOlllcos 310-311 RANGE BUILDING Cor. 15th and llarnoy Streets , Omaha , Neb. Where all curable cnsrs nro tro.ltod with HIIIV cess. Medical dlneasoi ) treated aullfully. Con sumption , llrlgbt's Disease , Dyspepsia , Ithnii- inatlsm. nnd nil NHUVOIJS DISKA8KS. All ill- teased peculiar to tlio voxus H specialty. DA TA UIHI CUHEI ) , CONHUI.TATION at olllco or by mail M Clllluo hours. U toll a.m , ; Slot p.m. ; 7 to U p. m. Sundays Incliulud. Correspondence icculves prompt attention. Mnnydlsotihcs mo treated successfully by llr McCoy through the mnlld , mid It Is tliua pox * ! , ble for those uniiblnto make n louinev to ob tain successful hiDipltal tit-uimeiil i their lionies , No letters answered < unless auiompu- tiled by 4o InclHtnps , Address alllctleis tri lr , ,1. 0. McCoy , roomi UlUnuU 311 Jiuuitfu UuiKlln ? , Uumliu , NuU