Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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The Market Envelopes Healthy Activity in
All Branches of Trade ,
More Than An Ordinary Showing of
Interest In Provisions HOKH nntl
Cattle Active General Quo *
CIIICAOO , Sept. 1. ( Special Telegram to
the UKK.I Third was a strong tone to thu
wheat market to-day and healthy activity
was developed in all branches ot trade.
Cables were stronger. The amount of wheat
on passage to tlio United Kingdom and con
tinent Is less than It was at the correspond
ing date last year by 7,700,000 bushels , the
domestic visible supply- less by nearly
11,000,000 bushels and the total available sup
ply therefore loss by nearly 10,000,003 bush
els. The on-passago figures show a startling
falling off In shipments from exporting
countries other than American and the bull
statisticians are deriving treat comfort from
exhibits. News of additional rains through
out large arras In thu northwest further for-
titles them In their faith In advancing values.
The bull party also learn with undisguised
satisfaction that despite the heavy shipments
from Atlantic ports the demand for
foielgn account Is Increasing instead of
diminishing. Yesterday's export clearances
were nearly 000,000 Dtishcls , yet exporting
houses were buying heavily here and In New
York. There has also been a recent general
covering of wheat sold heru for foreign ac
count and that element can now bo found
arrayed on the other side. The principal
buying to-day was by commission houses
having foreign connections and by conserva
tive local traders. The market opened } { ( $
J c up , October being quoted at 70 c , Decem
ber at 73Jc and May at BOc. The tendency of
values subsequently was In the direction of
higher range for delivery , this side of Janu
ary being stronger than May. The closing
prices show an appreciation of $ c In Octo
ber and December and He In May as com
pared with yesterday. October ratlgcd at
70X@70Xc low and 71J c high , closing at
64'ic. May ranged at TU QSOtfc , closlntr at
In the aggregate a large speculative busi
ness was done In corn , but there was a con
spicuous absence of heavy individual trading.
The pit was crowded all day and a rattling
small trade went on with very little Inter
mission from start to finish. The tone of the
market was strong throughout , September
being especially so , purchases by llutchln-
son's brokers being tlio principal stimulating
Influence. Closing prices showed an advance
of Ic In September , K@Xc in October and % c
In May. Opening trades were at 40c for
September , 41Mc tor October and 45l c for
May. September ranged at 41X@4'-2c and
closed at 41 JfJB42c. ( May ranged at 4c low
and 4545)4c ) high , closing at 45 'c. There
was only a moderate trade ID oats , and at
times the market ruleJ very dull.
In provisions there was more than an or
dinary showing of Interest. Deliveries on
September contracts were light of lard and
ratner fair of short ribs. Thu last named ar
ticle passed around and landed with a prom
inent house already credited with bclnir the
largest owner. Lard deliveries consisted
largely of a single brand. No pork was
passed. The day's general trading exhibited
Increased activity and from the opening to
the finish the market presented a strong
front , closing higher all around than yester
day. Tlio advance In .January pork was 5c
In future , lard liKc in September and Octo
ber , short ribs % cand in January short
ribs 2 > c , For January pork closed at $12.45 ,
lard at S0.i5 ! and short ribs at SO. 40. Sep
tember ranged at SC.40QtO.42K for lard and
8.00@H.05V ? for short ribs , closing In both
Instances at outsldo prices.
AKTKHNOON HOARD Wheat lirm ; Sep-
at bOKCZbo/ , closing at"bb > 4mM > ; f. " Corn
firm ; Soptoinbor sold at 41 < @ 4lfc ; October
at 42Vc bid ;
November sol at 42cand December at
and split to 4Sc ;
May sold at 45 @ 15 @ 45X , split
n few Sales at 45c.cloMnK at 45 0 bid.
Oats steadv ; September 24iQ34 ? < fc bid. Oc
tober CSJiwAWc bid. 1'ork sold tor January
at the close at $12.60 , an advance of 5c. Other
deliveries Inactive. 1-ard advanced 2' < @ 5c
and closed at SA.47K for September , SO.50 for
October. S6.M ) asked for November and 80.M
bid for January. Short ribs advanced "lie
for September and October , and 3 > c tor
January and closed at 88.15 for September ,
18.20 for October and 80.42X for January.
CIIICAOO , Sept 1. ( Special lelegram tc
the UEE.J CATTI.K The market was active
and values lirm on the best natives and
owing to the comparative small run of Tex
ans and rangers medium natives were in
belter demand and perhaps hero and there
may have sold a slmdo higher , but in a son-
era ! way there was little or no change on tin
ordinary run of fat natives or on medium or
common. There was bought tor Hathaway ,
the lto ton exporter , several Jots of 1COO tc
1700 Ib steers tUat cost 14.0035.25 and the re
mainder 01 good cattle sold within n range
of S4.CO@4.Su , with other classes at 5i.75ci : (
4M. Texans were considered 10(7il5c ( hlghei
than yesterday. Native butchers' stock wa ;
steady at the low ranee of prices now
current. Stackers show a drop In prices thir
week on fat cattle and Booms to Imvo shut ofl
the demand. Onu load ot New York stocl
calves sold at S'.oO ' per head. Native ranker :
sold at J2,75@3.40 , aud range Texans at S3.7 !
( S3.10. Shipping steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , 84.3 !
( $5.23 : 1200 to 1850 Ibs , S3.fcO < g4.00 : too t (
1200 Ibs , S3.00@3.00 ; Btockers and feeder
S2.00 ( < iU.OO ; cows , bullsand mixed , Sl.ava3.oo.
Texas cattle were stronger ; steers , § 3.50 ( <
V 3.80 ; cow , Sl.Hgi.OO } ( : ,
lions Trade was active with an upturn o
Cc. The loss of yesterday was nearly ru
Rained. Shippers seemed to want a large
number than usual. Host heavy inntle S5.3i
< ) > . 40 ; fair to good packers.35.20ffl.'i..Wpacl ; (
lug sorts of common order. S5.10 < 5J.r.i5. hl l )
sorts sold mainly at 85.20 ( < J5.a : ; yrassert
f4.75Q5.10. _
NKW Yonic , Sept. 1. [ Special Tclogrttii
to the llEi.l : STOCKS The feeling on th
exchange.was feverish , especially among tin
fancies , but ste.tdy aud linn on the good dtv
Idontl payers. The bulls appeared a trill
nioro liopeftil over the outlook for the fiitim
aud argued that thu salt ) of Oregon Trauspoi
tatlou by Vlllard to the lierlln syndlcat
and the recent sales of Iron Mountain bond !
by Gould would brine SS.OOJ.OOJ in gold U
tfils country within the next two weeks anc
tliat the sitlo of the llaltlmore tV Ohio oxpres
and uond prospects that Could would get th
telegraph had lifted a great weight from th
market The monetary situation , howovei
Is unsettled. The Dank of England dlscoun
rate was advanced to 4 per cent and mono ;
In Now York was manipulated to U per ten
Tlio bauks are more conservative and refusi
to loan except on gllt-odcod security. In tti
face of the above depressing features th
market opened strong aud fractional !
hleher In most stocks. London was a buyc
of the Ylllards. A few conservative bull
Iso took hold , but thu largest buying cam
from the shorts , who were evening up am
preparing for the holidays Saturday an
Monday. There was only a moderate quat
tlty of stocks ottered and competitive buyln
produced advances extending to 3 per ceu
stocks which were depressed the most Tue :
day showing thu largest gains. 1'ullraan at
vanced 3 , Northern Pacific preferred 2 ' , bi
reacted 1 point , Oregon Transportation ! )
Oregon Navigation 3 # , Manhattan 3 }
Cotton oil "stiffs" were the weakest properi
In the list aud broke 1K > The strength I
etocks continued until the close , when la
tales wore st nearly the outside tlguroa of tl
day. Missouri Pacltic advanced to WK an
closed at a net gain of 3-tf. The romalndi
at the active list was 3 } { to 2Xwrce
higher. Chicago nouses were sellers of t
Paul and most of the traders were rather
bearish. The total sales were 3 ,174 shares ,
against 42fi,3 ! > 'J shares yesterday.
OovnitXMKNT.s Government bonds were
dull but steady to lirm.
U. S. 4'Rcoupoti.l25J < iC. AN. W 114 %
U. S. 4 > j's [ coup. , limn di > preferrevl..l44
Cana ? abSontli'n' ' . fifou It AN.I' ! ! ! ' . ! Ol'f
Central Paclllo. . 37H 0. T.
Chicago A Alton. 141 1'ncltlcMall . 3'J
do preferred..IfiO I' . , 1) . AK . Z !
C. , H. AO i.TiV * PullmanTal.Car.14y
D. , I * AW 12-JJf Heading 57
. AK.O aw Kock Island . . . .123
Erm BO'ifSt I , . AS. F. . . . 355f
do preferred. . . . ( Wf do preferred. . . . 70Jf
Illinois Central. .HUM C. , M. A StP. . . 8.XV
J. , H. A W lfi $ do preferred. . 120
K. AT Bfti-f St P. A 0 40
hake Shore l 5 * do preferred. . 10
L. AN ( W > Texas Paclllo. . . . 27
Michigan Cetit'l. . b3J Union Pacific. . . . 65
Mo. Paclllc IHl' ' LAP. 17
\V. \ . St M IV. I . . . t IT *
No. Pacltlo 27 do preferred. . 31 Jf
do preferred. . . . 54 . \V. U. Telegraph 74 %
MONK Y On call was active at 5@8wr
cent , last loin 5 per cent , closed offered at 5
cent. EXOIIANOK Steady but dull at
4bOfor CO day bills , and 4WX for demand.
ChloBeo. Sept 1 , Following qnotatlons
are thu 3 : : iclosing tlgures :
Klnur UnchatiKCil.
Wheat Firm : opened sff. higher , fluc
tuated somewhat , and advanced , closinir J <
@lc higher than yesterday for near futures ;
cash. CS 7-lGc ; October , 71 3-lOc : May ,
b06-lf ( * .
Corn Dull , with very light trade , closing
considerably higher ; cash , 44 ll-16c ; Octo
ber , 4l'c ! ) ; Noveuibar. 42J/c.
Oats Quiet and easier ; cash , 24 5-lCc ;
October , 2'i 5-16c.
Uarley Firm at OS c.
Prime Timothy Seaa-Si 33.
Flax Seed-Sl.02.
Pork Dull and slightly higher ; year ,
S11.8A ; Januarv , 812..W.
Lard Closed steady , with slight advance ;
cash , 30.47 j < ; October and November
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , 35.41@5.50 ;
short clear , S8.40MtJ.45 ; short ribs , SS.15.
Hutter Weak ; creamery , lb@22 c ; dairy ,
Cheese Finn ; full cream Cheddars , 10 %
( tfllc ; Hats and Young Ameiican , 11 ( < J
Kitgs-Wcak at 13H@14c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy creen hides.
7Jic ; | | Kht do , 7 ; MSc ; salted bull hides ,
Cc , green salted calf , HK@9c ; dry Illat ,
13c : dry calf , 13 iic ; ; deacont 30c each.
Tallow unchanged ; No. 1 country ,
No. 2 , 3c ; cakes , 4c.
Itocelota. Shlpnipnts.
Flour , bbls . 23,000
Wheat , bu . 37.000 04,000
Corn , bu . 28.1,000 271.000
Oatfl , bu . 1&4.008 107,000
Bye , bu . l.tXX ) 2,000
Barley , bu . 45,000 23,000
New York , Sept. 1. Wheat Re
ceipts , 302,000 ; exports. 324,000 ; spot lota
advanced K < $ ' c aad optlone % ( ffilc , closing
steady at near bust ; ungraded , 7yci8.5c ; No.
1 red , nominal at 84c : No. 2 red , 80c in ele
vator , BlV@81Jfc delivered ; October closed
Corn Spot lots steady and moderately
active ; options Jn'uJUc higher , closing steady ;
receipts , 158,000 ; exports. 500 ; ungraded ,
50@5ti ) < c : No. 2. 50' c in store , 5l > ic do-
live red ; October closed at 5'J' c ,
Oats Less doing ; receipts. 110,000 ; ex
ports , 154 ; mixed western , 31 ( < 3 : ! c ; white
western , 35@40c.
Cotleo Spot , fair ; Itlo , linn at 828.00 ;
options 1520 points hltiher , with modei.ito
business ; sales , - \ ' ' , " ' > 0 bags ; September ,
Sia.15@lS.20 ; October , $18.40@18.5 : Mo-
vomber , SlS.70@18.7o ; Doromber , 818.05 ®
18.85 ; Januarv. 1S.70V < S18.85.
Petroleum Firm ; United , 05) ) c.
Kegs In moderate demand and steady ;
we.stoiu , 13@10Xc.
Pork Fairly active and lirm.
Lixrd Moderately active and 008 points
higher ; western steam , spot , 80.80.
Butter Quiet ; western , V ( < 22. > c ; western
creamery , "
Cheese Dull and rather weak ; western ,
MinncApoIlN , Sept. 1. Wheat Quiet
and steady ; No. 1 hard , old , WJi'c ; Oc
tober , 71c ; No. 1 northern , old , cash , 71c ;
October , C'Jc ; No , 2 northern , old , cash and
October , 6'Jc. On track , old No. 1 hard , 74c ;
No. 1 northern , 73c ; No. 2 northern , 70c ;
new No. 1 hard , 7le ; No. 1 northern , O'Jc ;
No. a northern , OGc.
Flour Firm ; patents , $4.00@4.20 ; bakers' ,
S3.10C 3.35.
BAicelpts-Whoat , 940 bu.
Shipments- Wheat , 24,000 bu ; flour , 23,000
Haitian City. Sept 1. Wheat Steady ;
cash , Gflc bid ; May , Kc ) asked.
Corn-Stronger ; No. 2 cash , MKc bid ,
3Wc asked ; September , 35 > c ; October ,
8Cc bid.
Oats-23c bid
St. Lioul4 , Sept. 1. Wheat Strong
and higher ; rash , G X < WJfe ; ( ) ctober.71 c.
Corn Strong ; cash , 3U ( | 83 c ; October ,
Oats-Dull ; cash , 2i24J ; October ,
Pork 814.75.
Lard -SO.IM.
Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 21(3250 ( ;
dalrv , IfllVWlc.
Aftcrnunu Hoard Whnat-4jtrong : Sep
tember COKc ; Ot-tobpr. 71Vi@"U < c ; Novom-
lier , 73Jfc. Corn Flrmar ; Sontomber , 87cr
October , 3c ; November , 3S > jC. Oats-
quiet ; September,23 ° c ; October , 25c.
Milwaukee. Sept. 1. Wheat Strong ;
cash and September , C ! > Kc ; October , 71 , ' c.
Corn Firm ; No. 3 , 42Hfc.
Oats Kasv ; No. 2 wliite , 27c.
Uye-Dull ; No. 1. 45c.
Hailey Uuiet ; No. 2 , 63Kc.
Provisions Steady ; pork , September ,
Cincinnati , Sept. 1. Wheat Firmer ;
No. a red. 72c.
Corn Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 44Kc.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 27c ( 'i7Xc.
Hyo-Easler : No. 2 , 50 < ! ,
Provisions Pork , quiet at S14.50.
Lard Scarce and linn at 0.40.
Whisky-Steady at Sl.05.
Ijlvorpnol , Sept. 1. Wheat Quiet :
holders offer treely ; red western wlnter.0s2l (
( itfis 4d per cental ; red western surlug , Os Id
Corn Firm ; demand fair : holders offer
moderately ; new mixed western , 4s 2 ? d per
Now Orlenti * . Sept. 1. Corn Qulol
and lirmmixed ; , 54c ; vcllow , 55c ; white , 5bc
Oats Knslcr at : i4(3SAXc. ! (
Corn Meal * airly active and a shade
lusher at 82.37f@'i.40.
Her Products Unsettled.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , S .50 ; long cleai
aud clear rib , 8s.'r > .
Chluncn. Sept. 1. Tlio Drovers' Journa
reports as follows :
, . . .
Hogs Itecelpts , 13.000 : strong , and &
higher ; rouith , 4.75 ( < { 5.15 ; packing am
shipping. I5.10C45.40 ; light , $4.75@5.10
skips , 83.0034.70.
Sheen Itecelpts , 5,000 ; steady ; natives
S8.00 < 34.40 ; western , S3.OOat3.7U ; Texaus
' lambs. S4.00it5.00. (
National Stock Vartli. Eftit St
ijouli. 111. , Sept. 1. Cattle Uectipta
9,000 ; shipments , SOO : steady for good
common grades t' sier ; fair to choice natives
SN.OOtf4.S30 ; butchers' r.toen , fair to choice
$3.SOg4.10 ( : feeders , 2.7 3.50.
Hoes llocelpts , 2,000 ; shipments , 500
market active but 5c lower , closing firm
butchers aud be it heavy. $5.20(35.40 ( ; mixed
S4.MX35.15 : Yorkers , S5.05s5.15 ( ; pigs am
Kissers ,
City , Sept. 1. Cattle He
celpts. 2,000 ; shipments , 3,000 ; weak
corn-fed , S4.KK34.CO ; common to medium
J3.2.xai.oo : stockers. 52.0092.05 ; feedlni
steers , J2.70iji3.20 ; cows , 31.40i2.65. ( (
Hogs Receipts , 8,000 ; shipments 1,000
market weak and a shade lower : common t
choice , 94.8935.30 ; skips and pigs , 93.8CK <
4.70. _ _
Thursday , Sept 1.
The run of cattle was very light , and ther
were not enough In to make a market. Onl
a few odds and ends were sold. On accour
of the decline In Chicago the teellng hei
was weaker.
Tbo receipts to-day were liberal , and there
wai a ( tain of WO as compared with yester
day. The ttiality | of the hogs was about the
same as yesterday , with the exception that
there were not M many very poor load' , so
that the sales will not show as many loads at
the bottom liEiire as yesterday. Tha mar
ket was a shade lower on good heavy hozs or
5c lower than on Tuesday. The demand for
prime , heavy hogs , continues good and all
such meet with ready sale. The market was
very uneven on Ilirht and mixed hogs , but
was fully 5c lower , and In some cases even
more , The market was Inclined to bo a lit
tle slow , but there was , however , a fair de
mand , and everything offered found a buyer.
There was nothing left over aside from two
loads of late arrivals.
The receipts ot sheep were liberal , and
there wornaavcral loads Bold , The iiutkut
remains about steady.
Receipt ! .
cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Ho < 3 4,00
Sheep 2.JOO
Shipment * .
Hoes 13 cars
Sheep 2 "
; t rloa * .
Showing the prevailing prlcas paid for live
Blocknn this marknt :
Choicedtoors. 1300 to 1500 lbs..84.2.V$
ChoicestMrs , 1100to 130J Ibs. . . 4.00(34.a'i (
Fat little sVers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.7 : > w.lK : ! )
Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 1500 3.7.V44.50
Hood to choice corn-fed cows , . . . 2.5 < K93.00
Common to medium cows 2.00(44.2. )
Uood to choice bulls 1.75rau.OO
Light and mediumhoES 4.7.'iW4.85
( lood to choice heavy hogs 5.0t ) 5.10
Uood to chotcu mixed hogs 4.90sto.i1Q
IleproiontatiTa Halo * .
No. Av. Pr.
19..1090 53.50
1..1110 3.25
1..1GS ! > 2.35
300..Ill 3.40 105 . . .1W 3.45
103..112 3.45 -
No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. 8hk. Pr
83..193 2SO 84.75 70..241 10084.05
87..15U 100 4.bO M..238 120 4.95
71..2.i9 120 4.80 07..244 bO 4.U5
84..219 100 4.K5 C9 . . .a 7 200 4.P5
41..313 200 4.85 f.3..202 40 4.95
C5..219 240 4.85 41..200 4.95
57..229 4.85 07..2.V ) 120 4.95
81..200 100 4.S5 OC..2'J4 120 4.95
O0..a-l 120 4.85 07..252 120 4.95
70..229 120 4.90 71..250 N ) 4.95
( W..21C 100 4.90 05..230 40 4.95
07.M2 ! 120 4.90 70..244 120 4.95
08..a SO 4.90 07..241 120 4.95
22..324 200 4.90 03..285 120 4.97 } {
73..229 120 4.90 70..232 5.00
00..255 280 4.90 69..281 80 5.00
81..215 240 4.90 05..2',9 IfiO 5.00
M..K6 200 4.90 64..U77 80 5.00
(3 ( . . .S79 4.90 09..270 200 5.00
IM..1MU 4.90 K7..220 5.00
09..225 240 4.K ! ) 71..2f/J 120 5.00
08..249 120 4.90 09..271 40 5.02
09..208 80 4.90 CO..275 40 5.02U
04..240 40 4.9JH 03..288 80 5.05
61..203 N ) 4.95 59..2S-J 200 5.05
04..303 ICO 4.95 00..234 5.05
71 . . .224 4.95 00..295 280 fi.05
52..a55 200 4.9.ft.247 } 100 5.05
GU..20G 120 4.95 71..279 80 5.05
CO..270 100 4.O ! CO..274 bO 5.05
79..229 80 4.95 63..205 5.05
GO.XU ! 120 4.9.r ) 59..270 S.O.j
74..249 40 4.95 02. . . .290 5.10
75..SKi : 80 4.95 02..304 120 5.10
03..240 120 4.95 00..2S9 200 5.10
I/ive Stock Sold.
Showing thu number oil head of stock sold
on the market to-day :
CAT riK.
Local SO
Shippeis 19
Total 49
Shippers 390
Local 208
Total 598
Anglo American Packing Co 1407
(1. 11. Hammond < fc Co c : 7
Sdulrcs&Co 1708
Armour it Co 9J
Speculators 81
Total 4502
Unsold 140
All siloa of stocic in this market are made
per cwt live weight union otherwise state ! .
bead hogs sell at KO per Ib. for all weights
"Skins , " or hogs weighing loss than 100 IDs.
no valuo. Pregnant sowd are decked 40 IDS.
and stagsSOlbs. by tlmoiibila Inspector.
lilvo Stock Notoi.
Light run of cattle.
An uneven hog market.
$4.95 and $5.00 took good hozs.
Not enough cattle In to make a market.
John Dcrn , Hooper , marketed a load ot
90c hogs.
There were not as many shippers In yester
day as usual.
Carey A Son , Shcnandoah , marketed three
loads of hogs.
A. W. Beahm , Cortland , was here and
sod ! a load of hogs.
Saltmarsh & Co. , the Dalles , had 11 loads of
sheep at the yards.
Squires & Co.'s string of ho s cost about 2c
less than the day before.
K. A. Burns Lime Springs , la. , was In
with two loads of feeders.
Hake A Brass , North Loup , topped the
market with a load of 290-lb hogs.
J. Condon , Oudcn , Utah , was In with COO
sheep which sold on the market.
O. A. Johnson , ( irounwood , came tn with
a load of ho < s which sold on the market.
llarnoy * Latta. Tekatnah , marketed a
good load of 304-lb hogs at the top price.
The receipts of hogs during the month of
August were very nearly one hundred thou
F. A. Taylor , St. Edwards , marketed a load
of 289-lb hogs which brought the top of the
Salesmen are looking for a good many
buyers for feeders to be here next week , on
account of the number of stockmen that will
be In to attend the fair.
The Omaha sheep market is steadily In-
proving and more sheep are chancing hands
than ever before. As soon as the Swift packIng -
Ing house Is opened , which will be in a month
or two. tbcro will be a still better demand
and a more regular market
Among those on the market with hogs were
the following : J. W. Nicholson , Maniuetto ;
J. A. Ellis , Trumbull ; A. L. Spearman ,
( Jrotrm : Allen it F. , Tamora : W. It. Sapn it
Co. , Wlleox : Davidson it W. , Hazard ; Bell
Bros , it F. , Franklin ; Tnogood Uros. , Crete ;
11. Guild & Co. . Ayr ; B. Ewlnir , Exeter -
tor ; N. A. lllldebrandt , Cairo ; Wilson
B. A Co. , Ulysses ; Spelts it K. , Bellwood ;
C. C. Cliftn \ , Colon : Shmrrenit F.Swede-
burg ; Nye W.lson M. Co , , Ceresco ; Sterling
itG. , Avoca : Winters it M , Shelby , la. ;
Berry it . , Sewant ; J. W. Westervelt. Nor
folk : Dorey itU. , Newman s drove : Stufcr
it B. . Dodge : A. M. Spooner it Co. , Hooper ;
A. 11. Stone , .tiCiyOOic ; Aiart ! " ' M. , Bene
dict ; T. II. Taylor , St. Edwards ; Myers
it Co. , Benedict : James Irwtn , Dannebrog ;
J. B. Lewis , Ulllsdale : Darrett .t I ) . , Mai-
vern ; W. II. Froman , Oakland ; Shephard *
B. . Arlington ; A. M. Jones , Blver Sioux ;
Nelson it Y. , Oakland ; Askwlc it Co. , Oak-
laud ; Harrington it Son , Lyons ; Conkllue
A : C. , Don ton ; A. Koehler it Co. , ( ioneva ;
John A. Kidd , Ong ; L , C. Eckhoff , South
Bend ; ( icorge Bout , Hazard ; F , O. Keene ,
Albion ; W. O. Pugshey , Genoa ; Farmers G.
A S. Co. , Mead ; A. D. Sears , Clarka ; Thomas
Melllnger , Kearney ; J. A. Crane , Klslngs :
Taylor A G. , Shelton : W. J. Davis A Co. ,
Grand Island ; A. B. V nXandt , Kwmp ; K ,
J. Hale. Battle Creek : Bono. S. A D. , Elgin ;
B. Blaco. Konnard ; Davey & B. , Jackson ;
11. Bix , Callioun. '
Thursday , kept. 1.
37ic following arc Wic prlcci at which
round lots of produce tin : sold OH this
vuirhct :
The iccelpts of butter , eggs and poultrj
were large , and the market active. The
near approach of the re-union aud fair week
has created an unusual demand for pop corn
ana It Is almost Impossible to obtain any or
the market at the present time. As a rule
pop corn is the most unsalable article tha
comes to the market , and after next week i
Is probable that there will be no more de
maud for it until another year. Sweet pots
e toes are beginning to b handled more e >
I tenalvely by ihe commission dealers , ADI
prices will bo apt to hold tip quite well on ac
count of the scarcity of common potatoes.
The nrst shipment of 'Salt ' Lake potatoes Is
expected to arrive to-morrow. Prairie
chickens are now In MUSOII , and are meeting
with very fair sale , but It Is necessary to ex-
crclso a good deal of care in handling them
while the weather Is so warm. About the
lirst shipment of now honey was received
yesterday. The output of honey In this lo
cality Is reported to be light , aud , for that
reason , It will be n difficult matter to grade It.
as white and red clover and other kinds will
found In the same frame.
Ends I'lie market is weakening , the bulk
golne at 15)c , an occasional case goes at lOc.
BUTTKU Choice Is scarce , prices fair :
other creamery , -Jc ; choice dairy. lS ( < { 30c ;
medium grades. 13@16c : ordinary , 9tflOc.
CIIKKSE Market good. Famcy full cream
Cheddars , single , 12cfult ; cream , twins , 12c ;
young America ! ) , 12H13c : brick cheese. 100
Ibs In case , new , 14c ; Limbiirecr , 100 Ibs In
case , new , 13Kc ; Swiss , fancy Ohio , new 19c.
POUI.TUVMarket fair , prices Arm. Spring
chlckims J1.75WJ.50 ; old towls 82.50t3.25 ( ( ;
ducks. S2.25rj-J.75 ; turxeys , 6@7c per lo.
UAV.K The receipts of prairie chickens
nre liberal for so parly In the season ana are
MClllngat S2.50it300. Mallard durks ar In
light receipt and are wiling at 82.2.y3'J.0 ;
teal , and mixed 31.0031.75. No quail have
been received , but they would brine about
5 .00,32.25 per doz , A few jack rabbits have
put In an appearance , and sold at 40c each.
POTATOKS Sear co and linn at 70@Xc )
SWF.KT POTATOKS Sweet potatoes are In
llboul receipt , and lind a ready maiket at 3c
per pound.
toes have put In an appearance on the mar
ket , and good stock la foiling at 90c per
ONIONS Scarce and firm ; good stock , 90 ®
$1.00 per bushel.
CAIIIIAOH The receipts are light , but the
present prospects favor a larger crop than
was anticipated. There will bo a car of Cali
fornia stock received In a shirt time. Choice
home grown , 75u80c ( per doz. heads.
MELONS Watermelons 'bring 18.00@12.00
per hundred ; cantelopes. 5u@75c per doz.
TOMATOKS Local gardueis report the
supply us holding out well , and that the crop
h.ts bt'cii benetitted by the late cool and wet
weather. Commission men are onlr hand
ling a very few. Good stock $1.00gl.25 ( per
bushel ,
HONKY Good honey In neat one Ib.
frames 18c per Ib.
CEI.KIIT The demand Is not very heavy so
early In the season. Good stock suitable for
( -.shipment Is sold at a5@40c per bunch.
BKANS. Hand - picked navy beans
are quoted at $1.80@1.90 per bushel , and the
other grades are selling from that liguro
down to Sl.25.
PorcouN Choice for stands , 2 @ 'lc pcrlb.
h'ruit * .
Orders from the country rc ittrlua * e-
Itctal stock awl ertrn cure in imiftlivi can
not ulwdi/s lie filial ne the smne price *
ijuotcd to the local trade .for cninnuni stock.
There was one car of California fruit re
ceived to-day. The sales during the past few
days have been unusually light , owing to the
cool and rainy weather. A very heavy trade
Is anticipated for the coming week during
the reunion and fair. The demand for home
grown grapes Is Improving and the stocks
are moving more freely , but the supply Is
still large. As will bn seen from the quota
tions the apple market Is very tirin. The lirst
car of Michigan apples was received yester
day. The quality was good and met with very
fair sale.
PLUMS The market Is well supplied with
choice California at SI. 50 per box. Largo
red home grown plums are comine In quite
freely and are selling at S3 per bushel. Cali
fornia prunes sell at $1.50 per box.
ad peaches
PKACIIES The market is well supplied
with very choice stocic from California.
hoice stock is going at ! > 1.50(2 ( > 1.75. Michigan
reaches are selling at S3.00@.J.25 per crate
f 4 baskets.
NKCTAKINES There nre a few California
cctailnes on tlio uiaiket. Choice stock-
il.25Ml.50 per box.
OUANOKS There are a few good oranges
n th maiket Bodl , Sfl.00@7.uo.
AITI.KS The mat ket Is tinning UD and the
emaiid is better , ( iood stock is moving at
CHAII Ai'Piis : There In a little more In-
lUlry for crab apples and there is avood mar-
; ot for choice stock at 88.5 ! ) per barrel.
inder grocers' list
GitAi'KS The supply of home-grown and
California trapes continues liberal. Califor
nia , S1.2Sgl.50 ( per 20-lb box ; home-grown , 4c
) er Ib.
PKAlts-Californla Bartletls , S3.00@3.25 ;
ther varieties , S'i50 ( : i.OO per tiox.
LEMONS T.'io supply liberal , wllh falrde-
inaiin. Common stock , gO.OO@0.50 per case ;
choice , 87.00(37.50. (
BANANAS The market Is full of bananas
at Sl.50@3.oo per bunch.
Ai'i'i.ES The market is hardly as lirm as
t was , owing to the Incieased receipts from
he local orchards. Choice apples suitable
'or shipment are quoted at S3.25 per bbl.
CRAII AITI.KS Tlut demand Is very light
and Is supplied for the most part by the lucal
'armcrs. Choice stock , $1.00 per busbel.
Grocer's List.
COFPEK Ordinary grades. 2021c ; fair.
21 } < @ 22c ; prime. JQriSc ; fancy green and
yellow , 23a25c ( ; old government Java. S8@
$0c ; interior Java , 25ft'Kc ; Mocha , 88@30c ;
Arhuckle's , roasted , 20)/c ; McLaughlin's
XXXX , 2G'fc ; Dilwortli's , 20c ; Bed Cross ,
KKFINKD LAUD Tierce , 0c ; 40-lb sqnare
cans , o ; c ; 50-lb round , 7fc ; 20-lb round ,
7Uc10-lb ; palls , 7 > c ; 5-lb pails , 7c ; 3-lb
pails , } tC.
PICKLES Medium , In bbls , J0.50 ; do In
half bbls , 53.7-i ; small , in bbls , 87.50 ; do in
'lalf bbls. S4.25 ; gherkins , In bbls , 53.50 ; do in
: ialt bbls , S4.75.
No. 2 churns , S8 ; No. 3 churns ,
| Kwdered , . . . _ .
TOUACCO Lorlllard'sClimax , 44c ; Splen
did , -lie : Mechanic's Delight , 41c : Leggett A
Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 34c ; Drum-
mond's linrso Shoo , 41c ; T. J. , B7c ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 44c.
CANNED ( Soons Ovstcrs. standard , per
case , S3.00rti3.10 : strawberries , 2 Ib , per case ,
S2.9vH g3.00 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , $2.b i@
2.90 ; California pears , per case. S4.50@4.GO ;
apricots , wr case , 83.80tf3.90 ( ; peaches , per
case , S5.2V35.50 ; white cherries , per case ,
SO.OO plums , per case , S3.GOQ3.70 : blue
berries , per case , S2.20@2.30 ; eeg plums , 2
Ib. per case , 82.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib ,
per ca e. 83.20@5.75 ; i Ib mackerel , per doz ,
S1.55 ; 1 Ibbalmoii , per do/ : , 81.95(32.00 : 2 Ib
gooseberries , per case , 3.253.3.i ' ; 2Ib string
beans , percaso , S1.70 ; 2 Ib'luna beans , nor
case , 1.00 ; 2 Ib marrowfat peas , per caset
2.502.00 ; " Ibo.irly Juno PHIS , per case ,
C2.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , 82.4350 ! ; 21b corn ,
PUOYISIONS Hams , 12 < 312'xc ' ; breakfast
bacon. llMUKc : bacon sides 9ft < tlOc ;
dry salt , 8&t9c ; shouldiTS , ? ® " ' : dried beer
hams , I2@i3c : dried beef regular , Ill2c ;
hams.picnlc , b3Xc. ,
DRIED FRUITS Apples , new , } { 's COc ; ;
evaporated , 50-lb ring , T5UH5Xc ( ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 2s@ ' .ta ; blackberries , evaporated ,
% (310c ( ; pitted cherries , I7@18cneaches ,
new , ) 's , i > fe ; evaporated peeled peacnes ,
c ; evaporated , unparcd , c : new currants ,
7K < iTKe ; primes , 4J < C < } l5 c ; citron , 25c ; rai
sins , London layers , $ l.tV > ; California , loosa
muscatels , 51.00 ; new Valencias , 7Kc.
Itoi-E Seven-sixteenths inch , ll12c.
STAncn Mirror Gloss , 5 c ; ( Jraves Corn ,
0/c ; Oswego Oloss , 7c : Oswego Corn. 7c.
liiooMH-Extra 4-tle,82.CO ; No. 1,52.00 ; No.
2 , 81.75 ; heavy stable , 84
SYIIUP No. 70 , 4-gaInn ! kegs , 81.35@1.3S ;
New Orleans , per gallon. : iX < J40c ; maple
syrup , half Ibbs , "old time , " per gallon , Mc ) ;
1-gallon cant , per doz , S10.50 : halt-gallou
cans , per doz , So.00 ; quart cans , > 3.ari.
CANDY Mixed , 8) < GUo ; stick , 8H@9Ke.
CttACKitRS Oarncau's soda , butter and
picnic , 4 } < c : creams , 7Vc ; ginger snaps , 7Hc ;
city soda , ? Xc.
TEAS Japan , 20OHc ; gunpowder , SOgCJfc
Young llyson. 25@55c ; Oolong , 20COc.
JELLIES 30-lb palls , S'2.00.
General Market * .
ttriRiTt Cologne spirtu , iba proof , 51.10 ;
do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality.
101 proof , 51.10 ; do 18b proof , S1.00. Alcohol.
188 proof , 12.10 per wine gallon. Uedlhtllled
whlbkles , J1.00l..V ) . Gin blended. S1.WK3
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.0090.00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , J2.00dfi.5u ;
( iolden Sheaf bourbon and rye whlsklws ,
St5033.00. Brandies , Imported , S5.0txa3.50 ;
domestic , 51.30OJ.OO. Gins , Imported , S4.UK < j
0.00 ; domestic , S1.25Q3.00. Champagnes , Im
ported , per case , SM.00@33.00 ; American , pei
caie. 510.000410.00. .
CoAL-Egg. 59.00 ; nut S9.25 : range , 39.25 ;
Iowa lump , 53.00 ; Iowa nut 52,75 ; walnul
lock , 83.00 ; Illinois. 54.av34.75.
HEAVY IlABDWARB-lron , rate , 52.70 ;
Plow steel , special cast , 4 , 'c ; crucible steel
t > Xc\ \ cast tools , dn. I2 lt > c ; waon spokes ,
Per get 52.0093.50 ; hubs , per set , 51.25 ; fel
lees , sawed dry , 51.00 ; tongues , each , " N > c
axles , each , 76o ; square nuu , perlb , " " "
coil claln , per Ib , 0 , @l3c ; malleable , S ( tVj ( ;
Iron wedges , Cc ; crowbar * , Cc : harrow U > eth.
4. 0 ; snnng steel. 45c ; Bardon's horse
shoes , 84.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , 95.75 ,
Baroed wire * In car lots , 84.00 rn-r 100 IDS.
Iroo nails , ratei , 10 to 50 33.40 ; steel nails ,
ihiiKi Green butchers' , 6K < 3&c ; green
cured. 7 } < c ; dry flint , lie : dry tail , PC ; green
ralf fkins , 7 > < c ; damaged hides , two-thirds
price. Tallow lie. Grease Prime white. He :
yellow , 3c ; bro\m , IXc. Sheep pelts , C5Q
40C. _
Dry Goods.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls-
count-LL , 6jfc ; CC , 7 > { c ; SS. 8Vc ;
Nameless , 6Uc ; No. 5. Cc ; KB. 9 > , c ;
GG , lOKc ; x , I2c ; OO , I4c ; NN , lOc ,
BX. 18c ; II , 20c : No. 10. Stfc ; 40 , lOH'c : CO-
ISKc : bO , 15cj 50 , Colored , lOc : 50 , colored ,
I2c ; 70. colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13Xc ; Union
Pnclllc. 18c ,
OAIIPKT WATtr-Blbb white , 18Xc ; col
ored , 20Hc.
BATTO Standard , 8c ; Gem , lie ; Beauty ,
12Kc : Boone , He ; B , cased , 80.50.
PKINTH Soi.iblCoLons Allan taSJ c : Sla
ter 5c ; Berlin Oil ujfc ; Garner Oil 0 to 7. PINK
AND BOIIKS BlcliraondCc ; Alienee ; Blvcr-
polnt5cStecl ; HlvcrCc : BlclimomlOc : PaciHc
OJ c. INDHIO Bum Washington Oc ; Ameri
can fl We ; Arnold OKc ; Arnold B lOHc ; Arnold
A 12c ; Arnold ( Soldseal lOKc. DiiKss-Char-
t r Oak4 < < c : BamapoS c : Ixxll 4Kc ; Allen
5J < c ; Klcliinond 5Kc ; Windsor Cc ; Eddystone
Gi.vonAM-Plunkett checks 7 , ' c ; Whltten-
ton 7 c ; York 7 , c ; Normandle Dress
Calcutt Dress 8 > { c : Whlttenton
Dress 9c : Benfruw Dress 9c to 12 ! < c ;
CAMniucs Slater 4) ) < c ; Woods 4 > c ; Stan
dard 4''c ; Peacock 4 < c.
COUSKT JKANS Androscoggln 7'fc ; Kear <
sage 7 > c ; Kock port OXc ; Conestoga 0 , ' c.
DucK-West Point 29 In. . 8 oz. . lOKc ; West
Point 29 In. . 10 oz. , I2j < c : West Point 29 In. ,
12 oz. . 15c ; West Point 40 in. . 11 oz. , 10c.-
Checks Caledonia X. 9) ) c : Caledonia XX ,
lOWc ; Economy 9 to Kc : Otis 9 to Kc.
TICKS LowlstouSO In. , 12x c ; Lewlston 32
In. , 13Wc ; York 32 In. , 14c ; Swift Klver7Kc :
Thorndiko O O , 8 , 0 ; Thorndlke B F. 8Wc ;
Thorndlke 120 , 9 > < c : Thorndiko XXX , 15c ;
Cordls No. 5,9c } : Cord 1 9 No. 4 , lie.
DKNIMS Amoskeag 9oz. , lOc : Everett 7
oz. , 13c ; York 7oz. , 13c ; Haymaker 8Kc : jaff-
rey XX. lltfc : Jaffrey XXX. 12 > < c ; Beaver
Creek AA. 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ;
Beaver Creek CC.IlOc.
KENTUCKY JKANS Memorial 15c ; Canton
18c ; Durham 27Hc : Hercules 18c ; Leaming
ton 22c ; Cottswold 25c.
CIIAHII Stevens' B flc ; bleached 7c ; Ste
vens' A 7 } < c ; bleached 8Hc : Stevens' P 8 0 :
bleached ! > Xc : Stevens' N 9Kc ; bleached
; Stevens' S R T ,
MISCKI.LANROUS Table oil cloth 82.85 ;
plain Holland 8Jfc to9c ; Dado Holland 12Uc.
FLANNKLS-Plald Baftsman 20c ; Gof hen
SJUc ; Clear Lake 33H'c : Maple City 30 } < c.
Wlilte-G. U. No. 9 , Jf ? 21c : O : H. No. 1 , K.
27Hc ; B. H. No. 2 , % . 82Kc ; B. H. No. 1 , Jf.
SOc : Quechee No. 1. V. 42c ; Ouechee No. 2 ,
. ,
25c ; J. K. F. , { , 37Kc ; G. , % t 35C ,
COMKOrtTKns 8fl.50@35.00.
BLANKETS White , 1.00@7.50 ; colored ,
81.10@8.W > .
BIIOWN SHEKTINOB Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 c ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D. 4-4 , 6 < c ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , 5 fc ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , 5 c ;
Aurora C , 4-4 , 4 > < c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , CHc ;
lloosier LL , 4-4 , We : Indian Head , 4-4 7kc ;
Lawrence LL. 4-4 , 5Jfc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5Xc ; Pepperell B. 4-4 OKc } ; JVppereil O. 4-4 ,
Oc ; Pepperell , 8-4. ICe : Pepperell , 9-4 , 18e :
Pcpperell , 10-4 , 20c ; Utica C , 4-4. 4Jfc ;
Wachusett , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora It , 4-4 , O o ;
Aurora H , 4-4. Oc.
HLEACIIKD SIIKKTINO nerkoloy cambric.
No. 00. 9 c ; Best Yet , 4-4 , fltfc ; butter cloth
OO , 4c ; Cabot , 7 c : Farwell , be : Fruit of
Loom , 8 fc ; Greene . Oc ; Hope , 7fc ; King
Phillip cambilc. lie ; Lonbdale. ll'ic ; Lous-
dale , 8J c : New York mills , lOWc ; Pcpperell ,
42 Inch , lOVc : IVpperell , 40 Inch , IlJ < e ; Pep
perell , 0-4 , 15c ; Pepperoll. 8-4.18c : Pepperell ,
9-4 , 20c ; Pepperell , 10-4. 22 } < c : Canton. 4-4 ,
8 > { c ; Canton , 4-4 , 9 ] < c ; Triumph , Cc ; Wam-
sutta , lie ; Vallev. 5c.
Dry Lumber.
A C In. White Pine Sin.50 C , 829.50
B " " " SUX ) 1) , 21.00
B ' " " ( Sel. Kencin.l'J.OO
st anil 2nd , clear , 1,1 inch , B.2fl . 850.50
5(1 , clear , 1 Inch , . B s. , . 45.50
" " 1 , lj < , ain . 40.M )
select , 1 inch , s. 2 s. . . 40.00
I,1IVi. . 2 in . 44.00
Unch , s. 2s. , . 80.00
LU Mil Kit.
lear Poplar , Kx. Bds. K in. , s. 2 s..53.5.50
X In. Panel , s. 2 s 27.00
" " Corrugated Coiling , % . . 28.50
O. G. Batts , 2JiJ In 500.75
" Kx3 In , 8.1s 00.45
1 in Well Tubing. D A M and Bev 23.00
'ickets , D. & ILFIat 20.50
" " Square 21.00
No. 1 , com. sis 818.00 No. 2 , com , sis 817.00
No. 3 , 815,50 No. 4 , S13.00
No. 1.4 AC In , 12 A 14 tt , rough 819.50
to. 1. " " 10 " " 19.50
Mo.2 , " " 12A14" " 10.00
No.2 , " " 18 " " 17.50
A. 12. 14 and 10 ft. 521.50 C , S15..50
B. " " " 20.50 D. 12.50
stcom , X In Whlw Pine Celling 534,00
Jnd ' " " 28.00
Jlear. ? s in. Norway " " 10.00
nd com. % In. " " " 14.00
A 12 inch s. Is 545.50
No. 1 , com. 12 In. s. 1 s. , 13 tt 20.50
14 It 19.00
10 ft 18.50
No. 2 , " " " 19.00
" " " " 10 tt 17.50
Inch Grooved Hoofing 51.00 per M more
than 12 iuch Stock Boards same length ,
sun * LAI * .
No. 1 Plain. 8 A 10 in S19.50
No.2 " 17.50
No. 1 , O. O. , 8 In 19.50
Com. 4AOIn. Flooring 517.50
Star " " 21.50
Clear In. Celling 21.50
Jf in. Partition K.OO
Fi luish.l AU/in.s.28 29.00
Corrugated Celling , 4 in 25.00
Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . 27.00
XXclear . .83.10 Extra A * 82.90
* A * Standard . . 2.75 * AHBAB 2.55
0 In. clear No 1. . 1.50 Lath 2.05
White cedar , C In. , Hs. , 12c ; 9 In. qrs. , lie ;
8 in. cirs. , 10c:4 : in. round 15c ; 'teiiuesbee
Kcd Cedar , opllt , 15c : Split Oak , 12c
LIMK , r.-rr.
Qulncy whlto lime , ( best ) 90c : Akron cement ,
H.75 ; Hair , 30c ; Plaster. 82.7.5 ; Tar boud ; ,
51.75 ; Sash , ' 40j per ct. ; Doors. 40c per ct ;
Blinds , 40c per ct. : Mntildings , 40c per ct. ;
Tar telt , pcrcwt , 2.25 ; Stiaw board , 81.75.
Proposals for Sewer Construction ,
SEALED bid * will bo received bv the city
clerk until 10 o'clock a. in. , Soplombur titli ,
JbST , for tlio construction of htorm ntor MJW-
crnijo. In the city of 1'latttmiouth as pur plain
und BpctltlcHtlmis on IIUi In tlio oUlco oi tlio
city clerk. PropoeHls to bo miido on printed
blanks lurnlsliLMl b > | the crty clink , and nil bids
to bo uccoinpanlcd lijr a rcrllfiod check for one
huntlred doliura upon u locul bnnk imyuDlo to
tlio city of PliUUmouthHS tort'elt money In thu
event thut thu bidder fclnill fall to enter Into a
contract with irnoil Hurt Hiilliclent bonds within
ten days of notice of nwiud.
Tne estimate for enld work nincle by the city
engineer , la as follows :
Heveu and u hair ftot brick cowers 111 per
foot.Five and a half root brick gewois $7.50 per
Four nnd a half f ot brick gevrers 15.00 per
Fifteen Inch plpo complete 11 00 per foot.
Three munholts U fuet high H.W per \orl ,
Three frames Mid cover ! 555 pounds each at
4o. lUti.tiO.
Quid lildB will Mo opened ul 2 o'clock p. in. ,
Beptenibor Vtli , IM7 , ut the office of thu city at
torney , HyronClwrk.
The city reserves the right to rojcct any and
111 ! bids. J. W. JOHNSON.
Chairman or the Hoard of Public Works.
I'lRttdinouth , Neb. , August 16 , Ib87.
Agricultural Implements.
WhotiMile Ic l r la
Asrricultural Implements , Wncroiis ,
CrxrUgti anil nucrl" . Jonr < rtrcel , tetwcon Uth
nil IOIbOti > b , Kti ,
" "
Arricnltttral Implements ,
Wagoni.r rrmf . Baitlxi. Hit. , TT hol l , Omaha.
Vfkolf * ) eDeltrtla
Agricultural Implements ,
nrt < o iini ) nugilon. wt.yoi , ! 31 * uilQ7i Janti it'
Artists' Material.
A. MOSPE , JR. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
liU lkiu lin Street. Omili * .
'Builders' //art/war * and Scales.
Builderi'MftrdwareftSeale Repair Shop
Mechanic * ' Tooli and Bufklo Seal * * . 1406 Dougltt it ,
Omahj. Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Books and Stationery.
A. T. KENYON , C CO. ,
Who'ei l i\d Re til
Booksellers and Stiitloncrs ,
1522 Douplat t. , ( ) in tii , Npb. Tclcphono Ml.
Boots and Shots.
i. Fo RSE eC CO.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
1111 F rn m it. , Omaha. N b. M nuf ctory , Bummw
treet. Ilottoa.
X. T. LtMJSIHr tl CO. ,
Wholesale Rubber llouts and Shoos
Uuhnor and Ollctl Clothtnif unit Kelt llootn and
Phop > . 1111 Harnov Strppt
Lsger Beer Brewers ,
1171 North 18th Street. Omtb * . Neb.
Butchirt' Teat * .
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
! ! CtilDfi of ill klndi tlwijiln itoek. nil
Jonett.m h
Cofftt , Spices. Cte.
Omaha Cotreo and Spice Mills.
TeM.CotTr i,8plc i. Dtklnc Powder. FUvorinvM *
timeu , Iundr7 Blie. ink. lie. Ult-U Biraer
_ gireet.o nh . Nek. _
Cornier. .
John Epencter , Prop.
Mmnnf caterer ot OalTanlied Iron > nd Conic * .
Ooit * > nd 101 and lot N. IDtb it. . Omaba. Neb.
Uanufactnrere or
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlnduwi , nnali.Uetallr8kllgbtetc. 3108.
mi ! . , Omaha.
C. Spccht , Prop.
Oalranlted Iron Cornletti. etc. Bpect'ilmproTeil Pa
ent Urtallc Skylight. MS and MO S mil t..Umaha.
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Rues ,
Linoleums , UattlnRi , Ktc. llDouc'ai \ ' itrcet.
Crocker/ and Notions.
Agent for 'bo Manufacture r > and Importer * ot
Croekcry , Glnssware ,
Lampi , Cblmuv ) ! , etc. ORlcc , 317 South 13th Bt.
lluniniotli Clothing House ,
Corner Knrnnm and Tontli Streuti Omaba. NcK
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Sutler , Erf i and Produce. Consignment ! solicited.
Headquarters for Stoneware , Hurry Bozos uud
Urapo Hatkeis. HI * IK 1fe street , Omaba.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
pcclaltiet Batter , F.sis * . Cboeie , roillrj , Game ,
Ojsiers , etc. , etc. 112 8. iltb bt.
Commission Merchants.
Frnlts , Produce and ProrlsloDi , Omaha , Nob.
> CO. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , llutter , Qamo , Frulti , etc. 230 B. 14th st
Oumha. Neb ,
Coal ana" Limt.
> . i. l.ATiAQH. l're . C. K. cinnrtMAH , V.
J. A. SUNDEliLAND , Soc. and Tr 8.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
209 ? outn Tblrteonth Street , Oniabn , Nob.
, r. , T. JOHNSON f : CO. ,
Mannfucturers of Illinois White Limo.
And Shippers of Cos ) and Coke. Cement , Plaster ,
IJme. Hair. Flro Ilrlck , DrHln. Til * ami Sewer Pipe.
Dmce. l > rton note ! , rani urn tt. , CWnnli * . N b.
Telttpnonu 811.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
dun * Olid Ammunition , 115 to 223 B. Iltb St. , 10JO to
1IRI rarnamst. , Oraiha , Neb ,
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dpilers In I nf Tobaccos , Nos. 108
and HON. Mth street , Omaba.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH < C CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
1103 and 1104 Douzlin. cor. llth bt. , Om hii.Veb.
Dlstlllarsnf I.lquori , Alcohol nncl Spirits. Importen
and Jubberiof WliienUDd l.lquorr.
CO. and ILER ,0 CO. ,
Importers and Jnbberr of Fine Wines and Uqunrfc
Sole m DUI otur ri of Kennedr'K Knit Indln Ult.
t ri unJ llomu'lc Uquori , 1112 llnrner St.
Wholesale Dealeru in Furniture.
Karnam tt. . OmnhH. Neb.
Furniture , Kedding , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. IXfi. 1203 and 1310 farnam > t. , Oraiha.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and 1'rovislons ,
Nos. 706,707,700and711 9. lOtb fit. , Nab
McCORD , It.KAIt Y , C C'O. ,
Wholesale Grocer a ,
Iftn and Learenwnrtb rti.Ora bu.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron , Rte. AuuriM ( nr Howe Hcnlas ,
and Miami I'nwderCu. , Ousha.N'b.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wainn Stock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1SS
and nil lltrner St. , Oninlia.
Wholesale Iron und Steel ,
Waqon and Carrtsue Wood Htock , Heavy Hitrdware ,
Btc. Hit and 1'JIJ Lesrenwortb ft. . UoiKlm. Nfb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
MaatUl , Urkl > , llrau Goods. Utl and U33 ftroaaa
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wren M and O l Iron Bulldlnu Wort , Irnn.Stair *
lUlltiii. Beams and ( Jlrders , lieam Kniines , Ural *
Work , UniPMl Foundry , Machine tail Itlaciinmh
Work. omreaiJWoris.U. P. Itr.amhUhstirn.
u. K. SA n'YER ,
M unit fncturing Dealer In SinokrStark ? ,
llrltchlnK" , Tank' , nnd Ueneral Holler UepalrlnK ,
W Dodte ilrcet.Omslia.
Manufacturer * of
Ire nnd Iron Mailings , Desk Halts ,
Window ( ) u rd , Flower mnidt , Wire Sljnt. !
1WN. Ifth. Orders by mall promptly attended ! * .
Lumber ,
Dealer' . All Kindt of
Building Material nt Wholes , K
Uth Street and Pnlonraelrle Track. Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Ltme , Sash ,
DOOM , tie. Tards-Corner7lh and Uouclui Cornet
_ Mhand IHimlas. _ _
Wholesale Lumber ,
til B. 14th ttrte t. Omaha , Nab. F. Colp ticr ,
I3th anil California Btra * ti , Omnba , Neb.
I/umber , Lime , Cement , Ate. , Eta ,
Cor.6lti and notnlai U , ootaha. Noi.
To Dealers Only. ,
pfflce , 1403rarnamitrertOmahR.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpltaand Paranct Flooring. th and Dooclal
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
l porte < 1 and Amarlcan Portland Cement. BtaU
Aiaat lor Milwaukee Mrdraullo Ccmant and Beit
( Julncy WhH I.lme.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
IJmlUd. Job * r. Boyd.
Lift Stock Commission.
Lire Stork Conint ( union MereJuintf ,
Offlcc RonmUI. Opposite KxclmiiRc IlulUllnir ,
Union Block YiinlH , South Uniiiliii , Nob.
' '
MCCOY 'niikisT
Live Stock ConunlHsion Merchants.
IlHrket furnlnhed free nnapiillrntlon. atockem an
icnleri rurnhhpil on KO 1 ( crini. Refercna *
OmHlm Natlonul Ilink imil South Oiuah'i Nntluna
Union Flock Yanla , houtli Onmlin.
Live Stock Commission.
_ ( leo. Ilurko , Mannver
PnlonBtoek Yard .H Omnba. Telephone 6W.
, K
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Bhlpmenti of anr and nil kin , IB of Block lollolted.
_ L'ulon Stock , Yardd. Oiuahit , Neb.
Millinery and Notions.
IraporlcrB and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
HIS and 12151 li\rno j St. cot , Onmlm , Nob.
Wbolepftlo Dealera la
Notions and Fiiriiishluir Goods ,
4iXI nnd OS H , Tenth St. , Ornnhi.
Manufacturers of Ovornlls ,
Jeani I'anU , Sblrti , Etc. UK nnd 11M DouTlni Street.
Omaba , Null.
Wholesale Taper Dealers.
Carrj a nlco Block or l > rlntlii , Wrapping and Writ
Ing Miper. Spccliil nttcntlon ( tlrc > n to cur loud op
orders , which will lie alilppcd direct from rnllU. All
orders will rceetro | > eriunal ntlenllcin. Wouuar-
' 1 B001' ' * * n'1 ' 'UW ' | ir10 < ' - § - " " "nlt uul
Job Pyinters , JMank Hook Makers ,
And Hook Minders. 1V. ( and 10H South KouitoeuU )
itroet. Omnhn , Nt'b.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealers In Typo , Pronto ami Printers' Suppllot. Ult
South Twelfth Mtrci-t.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
earn find Witter Huppllua. HuaUquHrtori for &I&
Fo. tVi't ( JocKli. 1111 Karnnm i > t. , Omnhn , Nob.
UnlladarWInd Mlln : nteara and Wnter Piinpllei , V
IMumblnc Qoode. Bdftlnn , lloie. PI8 unil y.'U far- . >
namit. , Oinaba. N K. rellnn , MnniiK < r. I
Telephone Nu. am.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines.
Steam , Water , Kallwnr and MHIInu Supplioc. KM
S30 , fdand VU harn iu at. . Ui.mliu , Neti.
a Mdiafnctureri nnd Dealori In
KncrliiRS , ItoIlursiV ( icnurul Mnohlnory
beet Iron work , Steim I'umpi.Siw Mlll > , Acia *
Obtftlx , nodfo Woodipllt Pullari , Btlllnji , ita ,
AUowaio.i , crap < 3riuad3 l ll 4. " -
tcnwortbit. Omaha
Rubber Goods.
Munufucturor nnd Denlorn In nil kindof
Hiihbcr lino.Is ,
OIlClntlilnKiind IXMiiln > r llcltlnu' ! ) > Pimmm
Safes. Etc.
p. BOYEii .p'c'bT "
Ajrents for Hall's Safe < t Look ( o.s1
Fire au < l llurK'nr Proof anfDi. Tlmo l , ck , Vault *
and Jill Work , lltll KnniHin ftreet Omaha , Nab. _
Omaha Safn Works.
Mnnuf cturor < if FlreBiid IlurElnrl'rriofHafei , Vault
i.jHllVirk , liuluT und Wlru Work. Cor.
lltbundJutkiuniitK Orai.huNob , '
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A. niSltltOll'iC CO. , ,
Wbolenlu Manufarturonof |
Sash , DoofH , lUitnlH and Mouldiiififs ,
Itrnnch otfice,12lU hud Jiard ntt.UsbzNb.
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moald gn.HUtlr Work and Interior llnrd Wood Unlit )
Juil uuiued. N. K. cor. Hill mid Ixmrennurlli SIM.
Uianha , Nub.
87 Clwuiber of Commerce.