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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1887)
mr 9M * vA2 .1HK. * JA0PM , r S 'A Wfc ? WILY > ILY * "l \ * * " SEVENTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA. FRIDAY MOENING. SEPTEMBER 2. 1887. NUMBER 7CJ Heal Estate Picks Up at the Prospect of a New Bailroad. SENATOR VAN WYCK AT WAYNE. Ho Delivers a Characteristic Address to 1OOOO 1'eoplo MTH. Overtoil On Trial For tlio Murder of Her Husband. A Now Ilnail For Onkland. OAKLAND , Nob. , Sept. 1. [ Special to tlio Di'.K.I The citizens of Oakland are very much elated at tlio prospect of a now rail- oad. And what nnktis the outlook In this respect doubly encouraging Is the tict : that tlio proposed line is not a stub mail throvfn out ns a feeder from the main line but an ex tension of ono of tlio loading rallrouds of the west , his said , nn the bet nut Imrltr , that the Illinois Central will build a line from Onawn , la. , to Dccatur In the northwest part of Hurt county , bol'oro the 1st of October. Oraders are. now at work between tlicsn two liolnts and surveyors have begun setting grade stakes between Oaklaiul and Docatur. Thcro Is littlu doubt that Oanland will pet the road and thus have a competing line. As a consequence real estate Is growing very nctlvo not only hero but all over Decatur county. _ Senator Van AVyck at Wayne. WAYNH , Neb. , Hept. 1 , ( Special Telegram to the HKK. ( - General Van Wyck made a characteristic address to the people \Vayno county at the fair to-day. About 16,000 people ple wcro In attendance ami the general's re marks were loudly applauded. The ex-sena tor has a warm place In the hearts of the people ple of this county. Court at Ilrokcn Dow. UitoKKN Bow , Nob.Sept. 1. ( Special Tel egram to the HKK.I Court convened this morning with Judge llnmer In the chair. Judge T. O. C. Harrison , has been occupying the bench since Monday "night on account of the unavoidable absence of Judge llainer. The jirst casu brought up before the court lo-dav was that of the State of Nebraska vs. Mrs. Sarah J. Overtoil , charged with shootIng - Ing her husband with Intent to kilt. After Eovon hours laboring with the Information nnd competency of several citizens of this county to sit on a trial of the case , a jury \vas chosen and the case was stated to them by County Attorney Klrkpatrlck. The state expects to prove that the defendant committed n premeditated murder by shooting her husband ; that lid was iisleep on the floor when killed ; tlmt ho was constantly In fear while living that his wife would kill him seine day ; that slio previously arranged the furniture and gun so as to mnko a Hiiro thin ? of It , and that tlio plans wcro made nnd carried out by her alone. That when the gun was tired It aroused the two sons who wern sleeping In another apartment , and when they got Into the room where the shooting was done they saw their mother putting a stick In their dead father's hands and pressing his lingers down so as to hold it , thereby hoplne to create the Impres sion that ho committed suicide. The state also expects to prove that the defendant was cruel and abusive to her husband , , nnd that bhe never forgot to indulge In very pro- iano language when an opportunity offered itself. That while the two sons were absent Informing a neighbor , the mother changed her every day clothes for her nlgnt clothes , that the daughter saw her fire the shot as alleged , and that after tiring the shot she arranged , during the ab sence of Her sous , the chairs and gun so that It would bo Impossible to believe but what she was Innocent. Tlio three principal wlt- nssses in behalf of the state are the three chil dren of the murdered man ana the dofend- nnt , being two sons aged respectively liftcen nnd twelve years , and a daughter aged about ton years. Attorneys Baldwin of Omaha , and Led wick and Klllott of this city are for the defense , while Attorneys Kirkpatrlck and llalcomb are for the state. A great deal of interest Is being manifested , and tlin court room Is crowded to its utmost. Several other Important cases under the head of criminal i\111 bo tried this term. . Tiioy are as follows : State of Nebraska VH. It. K. Mar tin , criminal libel ; Id. , vs. G. W. Ashbnrn , Miootlug with Intent to kill ; Id. , vs. Amanda J. Miller , blgauiy. Judicial Nominees. NOIIFOI.K , Neb. , Sept. t | Special Telo- jjram to the BKK. ] The republican judicial convention of the Seventh district met hero to-night and nominated Isaac Powers of this city nnd W. F. Norrls of Dixon county as candidates for judges. Each were selected on lirst ballot. Central committee : William Itobertson of Madison , chairman ; Antelope , Kob rt Wilson ; Cedar , J. II. Young ; Cum- mini : , O. 1) . Hnssfniier ; Dakota , J. 1. Spen cer ; Dixon , C. W. Murney ; Madison , 1) . A. Holmes ; I'lcrco , W.V. . Quiucy ; Stnuton , 0. L. Lamb ; Wnyue , Charles Brltton. Unprofessional Conduct. BnoKK.v BowNeb.Septl. [ Special Telt- eram to the BKK. | Last evening J.C.Naylor , prominent lawyer of Calloway.was arrested knd cootined In the Jail for unbecoming con duct. The payment of a moderate line and costs set him free again. The O. & O. Exiircfltt Stile. BAI.TIMOIU : , Sept , L Vice President Spencer , In answer to Inquiries on the sub ject to-day , confirmed the disposal of the plant of the Baltimore < fc Ohio express com' pany. and of the execution of a contract be tween the railroad company and the United States express company for thirty years , but declined to give any further particulars , lie , hownvcr , regarded the arrangement as ouho advantageous to the Interest both of the rail road company and express company. Spencer stated that there was no truth what ever In the statements as to the negotiations with London oankeis for control ot the rail road company , or that the house of Ilobcrt Carrutt & Sons was selling , or Intending to sell Its holdings , and he knew of no such Intentions on the part of other largo holders. Ho treated as absurd the statement that the Pennsylvania railroad hail advanced or WAS advancing any moneys to the Baltimore it Ohio company looking to Us control , or for any other purposes. Tno con trol of the company hnd not passed and would not pass Into any rival hand * . It would continue as an independent trunk line , with the Interests of nil classes ot stockholder * fully and amply cared for , working , It Is hoped In such harmony with connecting and competing Interests as would "eeuro the best result * tor all. The company Is doing n large business and has met and was prepared to meet presently all Its obligations of ev ry character. More II. & O. Deals. BALTIMCIIK , Mil. , Sept. 1. It Is now very generally believed hero that the sale of the express company is not the last of the deals of the B.iltlmnro te Ohio rallroid company. Special dispatches from New York render It .conclusive to the minds of many prominent business men that the telegraph system of the company will soon pass Into other hands If the negotiations nro not al ready concluded. The impression also prevails - vails that Garrutt Is anxious to dispose of tl.o road , and the announcement of its sale will not create any surprise here. Htnno Cutter * Strike. JtKAiUNO , Pa. , Sept. 1. About ono hun dred stone cutters employed by the Penn sylvania granite Works at the falls of French Creek , are on a strike , The firm has a con tract to dress the granite base for the Meade monument In Philadelphia , and fearing that their present force would not complete the work in time , they hired three men and put Hum ) to work. The old hands objected to this because the men were not members of the National Stouo Cutters' union and thu Iroublo ensued. OUOWEUS ANDMANUFACTUIIEUS Ohio Wool Men Preparing Measures For Their 1'rotcctlon. COI.UMHUS , O. , Sept. 1. The Ohio Wool ( .rowers' association a' their meeting to-day adopted n scries of resolutions respecting the correspondence held between the president ot the association and the president of the association of wool manufacturers , and fully endorsed the action ot the president of the association , The resolutions clto that the manufacturers who consume largo quantities of foreign wools are not In sympathy with domestic producers nnd are unwilling to sco them protected by national legislation so as to onnblo them to compete with the products of forolen nations ; that It was by heir advice that tlio tarltr legislation of 183 J vas Initiated and consummated. Uy this ct they claim that shorn husbandry In the United States has ceased to be remunerative. I'hey therefore resolve that it is the sense of his association that the wool growers of Ohio , vlthout exception , desire the prosperity of he wool manufacturers , and therefore invor inch economic national legislation as will tilly protect their Important Industry and uch just rulings by the treasury department , s will glvu legitimate force and effect to all aws In aid of the same : that In tlio opinion if the association nil mnnutncttirors ot wool , vhodo not consume considerable quantities f foreign production are lullv in sympathy vitli the producers of wool in the United States and lire willing ' ; o son domestic wools fully pru- ected , that the parties who have caused his oppression to the wool growers oiuht to ccogtmo the facts brlelly stated and admit .he justice of their claim to equal and nde- imato protection boforn calling upon them to unite in ulforts to procure enactments favor- bio to their Interests and to correct the iilsconstructlon of economic laws and the rroneous rulings ot the treasury depart ment on them. The resolutions concur In nil resolutions adopted by this convention , nd especially the one proposing that a com- ultteo bo selected by the president of the National Wool Growers' association to con- or with n committee Irom the Wool Manu- 'acturers * association. The national president and the president of the Ohio association , ivlll visit the east and ascertain If the iimnu- acturers ore willing to co-ouorate with a rlow to harmony between producers and manufacturers. Ilattroads Called to Time. r.i ) , Ills. , Sept. 1. Aii Import ant meeting of the railroad and warehouse ommlsslon was held hero to-day , nt which ivcro present some twenty or thirty manu- acturers and shippers ot Peorla , Decatur , Bloomlngton , Mollne , Hock Island and Quiucy to urge n reduction of maximum relght rates in Illinois as fixed by the board it railroad and warehouse commissioners ivhlcu It had been charted were In excess of uter-s.tato rates , voluntarily established and maintained by the railroad companies. All lie railroad companies in the state with the xceptlou of the Lake Erie & Western and nnd Indiana , iiloom- 'ngton & Western hnd representatives n attendance , and the commission urged a 'till discussion to the and that nil possible .Ight might bosprend on the vexed question find If possible nn amicable and fair solution cached. W. A. Brubaker , manager ot the A'orla freight bureau , opened the bull for the [ iiniiufncturers nnd shippers , and presented rates from the state and Inter-state tariff , which showed conclusively that the former , vero greatly In excess of the latter , nnd In lOino instances nearly or quite tlueo times as ; rcnt. He spoke of thn hardships to which .lllnois iminufactuiers and shippers were sub ected under the existing conditions and In sisted that as the lower luter-sUto rates tixeu by the railroad companies themselves were presumably was plainly the duty of the commission to reduce the maximum rates that the roads might lawfully exact. Others spoke on the same line and afterwards several of the railroad men spoke. They wore decidedly wnryand | Insisted In ireri- oral terms that they were unable to elve Interstate ter-state rates on Illinois business , that they ivero forced to adopt the lower rates on inter state traffic , ana that if they attempted to hold out niralnst these they would bo shut ot from outside business. The discussion was pro tracted to n Into hour nnd an adjournment was then taken until to-morrow. HacinK at Hartford. IlAirrrortD , Sept. 1. The third day of the rand circuit meeting nt Charter Oak park was marked by perfect weather. The crowd was fully 7,000 , and there wcro three ex ceptionally good races. During the after noon Major Dickinson's pair , Flora llotf and Cora Boll wcro sent on an exhibition inilo in 21X. ' First race , 2:27 : class : Jessie won , Jesse second , Gruyllgut thiid , Faro fourth. Time , iMW * Second race , free-for-all : J. O. won , Kitetoot second , Spollord third. Besslo fourth. Time. 2ltf. : Third race,2:20class : : Bon Star won. W. K. secoiid , Aleroy third , Sir Walter fourth Time , 2:21J4' : . Fall Mooting nt Coney Island. Niw : YOIIK , Sept. 1. The tall meeting of the Coney Island Jockey club at Sheepshead Bay began to-day. The weather was line , the nttendanco largo and the track In good condition. Five-elehts mile : Little Mlnch won , Mona second , Brittanic third. Time l:0l : f. Ono and one-quarter miles , all aues : Elk- wood won. Saxony second , Bauburg till rd. Time-2:08. : Onomllo : Eolian won , Pearl Jcnnlncs second , Florence K third. Tlinn 1:40 : % only ono second behind the best record for three-year-olds nnd upwards. Onn and three-sixteenth miles , on turf. Joe Cotton won , Pomona second , Blnnette third. Tlmo-3OOK. ; An Aeronaut's Fatal Fall. PmxcKTOX , Mo. , Sept 1. At the Mercer county fair yesterday afternoon , Randal Blakeslee , a hnlf-brccd Indian , made a bal loon ascension , hanging to the trapeze bar In the ascent he was unable to pull hlinsol on the bar , but managed to hold himsel up bv n loop which ho had drawn around his wrist. After reaching an altitude of 2,000 feet the balloon descended , and when within 500 feiit of the earth Hlakeslee's grasr relaxed and ho tell to the earth , lie III on his feet In a corn Held , his thk-lis being broken and driven into the trunk ot his body. An Iowa Man .Suicides. BOSTONSept. . 1. A man nbout thirty three years old , supposed , from papers found on hislperson , to bo Derby ( } . tirach , ot 1011 North Boundary street , Burlington , In. committed suicide on the common yesteulay by shooting Himself In the left breast. The man was about live feet oUht Inches In height , dark complexionedand had evidently been sick with consumption. The body lies ut the undertaker's awaiting Identification Catilo Nr.w YORK , Sept. 1. The Commercial Cable company this morning Issued a clrcu lar , giving a reduction ot cable rates. On and after September IS , 1SS7 , the tariff will be twelve cents per word to Great Ilrltaln , Ireland and Fr.xnee , and tifteen cents per word to Cermauy. At a meeting ot the di rectors of the Commercial Cable company It was resolved to Increase the capital block from 5 ,000,000 to SO.000,000. Tolllvcr's KtllcrH Cleared. LKXI.VUTO.Y , Ky. , Sept. 1. In the Uowan circuit court at Mooicliead , to-day , Pigiuan nnd IVrry , charged \\itli the murder of Craig Tolllver , were cleared after two hours delib eration by a jury. K\orythlngnt Moorohead In quiet , and no danger Is apprehended from nnoutbieak. _ _ Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Cool , threatening weather , rain , light to fresh winds , generally easterly. For Iowa : 'Cooler , threatening weather , local rains. light to fresh winds , generally Boutheatfrly. . l-'or Cciltial and Eastern Dakota : Cooler , followed bv warmer , fair weather , except local rains In 'oiitheni portions , light to fresh winds , generally northeasterly , voer- lug to easterly. . . WASHINGTON NEWS. The Fish WASHINGTON , Sept. 1. ( Special Telegram to the BKK.I All sorts of rumors are current to-nleht relative to tlio appointment of the English llshsrles commission and the prob able course ot the Udlted States In the prem ises , Only ono thing Is certain up to this time , that Is that the United States will do nothing whatever until olllclnlly Informed as to the action of Great Brltlan , The commis sioners will come to Washington and will bo accredited representatives of their gov ernment to enter Into such negotiations as can bo agreed upon. The secretary of state may treat with them directly In person or throngh the commissioners appointed by the president for the purpose. In the latter event the American com missioners will bo simply representatives of the state department and will not form part of n "joint high commission. " It Is thought probable , that the president mny deem it best to appoint three commissioner * to represent the United States , although Governor Porter , the assistant * ecretnry of state , Is of the opinion that this course is en tirely unnecessary. Whether there Is a "commission" or not , there will undoubtedly bo n convention prepared before the mooting of congress to bo submitted to the senate for ratllicatlou. What the action ot the senate will bo Is problematical , but unless there Is a marked cliaut'o of sentiment In that body from that which existed last year , any treaty Is likely to fall. _ I'nhllo Debt Statement. WASHINGTON , Sept. 1. The following Is n recapitulation ot the debt statement Issued to-day : Interest bearing debt , principal , 81,060,853,712 ; interest , 810,114,3'M ; total 81,070tOS,048 ) ; debt on which Interest has ceased since maturity , principal , 84W > 7,715 ; Interest , 8180,031 ; total. S4.581.M7 ; debt bear ing no Interest , S5'J7,453,840 ; Interest prepaid not accrued per department circulars , 81,075- 80 ; total debt , principal , SIVVj,705,2C7 ( ; In terest , SU,37fl,513 : total , 81,674,081,815 ; less cash items available for reduction of the debt 8250,543,540 ; total debt , less available cash Items. 91,314,53.1.275 ; net cash In treasury , 841,700,903 ; debt loss cash In treasury Sep tember 1 , 1887. S1,20'J,774,3GO ; debt , less cash In treasury August 1 , 1887 , 1.274,5S3H 2 ; decrease - crease of debt during month. 84W ,4T5 ; total available for reduction of debt , $250,540,540 ; reserve fund , held for redemption of United States notes , 8100,000,000 ; unavailable for ro. ductlonof the debt , 820,1350,331 : certificates held as cash , 83li , 424,950 ; net cash balance on hand , S44,7GOU 0 ; total cash in treasury as shown by treasurer's general account , 8459- Ill-Treatment of a Missionary. WASHINGTON , Sept 1. A long commun ication has boon received at the department ot state from the American commissioners of foreign missions at Boston containing substantially the sauio account as given in the press dispatches of the nrrest nun Ill-treatment of Missionary Doane at Ponopc , Caroline Islands , by the Suanish government. The complaint will at once be transmitted to United States Consul Volzht , nt Manilla , with instructions to ascertain the facts In the case , nnd take the necessary steps to nrotcct the missionary from any un just treatment. _ Gone to Moot Crook. WASHINGTON , Sept. 1. Major Gen eral Terry Informs the war department of the receipt of the following telegram from Major Itandlett , dated Fort Duchosne , Aug ust SO : Dawson , with his troops , Indian Agent Byrnes and the head men of the Utes started yesterday to meet General Crook and Gov ernor Adams at Meeker. The Utos are allen on tno reservation. There are no fears of their leaving It. This can bo assured to the people of Colorado. _ Nebraska and Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , Sept. l.- | Special Telegram to the BEC.J The following Iowa pensions were granted to-day : Catharine , mother of John M. McClelland , Knoxville ; Alauson O Moore , Manchester ; Samuel Kdgerton , Illv- orton ; Peter Koberts , Washington ; Peter Bolenbauch , Tunnel ; David M. Strain , Pralrio City ; Michael Hayes , Council Bluffs ; John W , Mahonev , Forest City ; Emerson Benson , Albla. He-Issue James U. King , Indianapolis. Nebraska-George Crinuon , Bonkelraan ; Andrew T. Drewbergcr , t'urdum. General Allies' IIOK Brokon. WASHINGTON , Sept 1. General McKee- ver , under date of San Francisco , Informs the war department of the receipt of a dis patch from General Miles say ing lie hnd his leg broken In n runnwnv , and that ho would be confined to his room for several days. A New Civil Service Plan. WASHINGTON , Sept t The civil service commissioners have Under consideration n plan for n moro uniform classification of the clerical force in the government depart ments. _ Joslnh Jerked. Coi.u.Mnus , O. , Sept , 1. Joslah Terrlll was executed at half past 13 o'clock this morning. Ho proclaimed his innocence after ho had been brought upon the scaffold. The execution took place In the annex at the penitentiary , and there were about fifty persons to witness It HP slept up to 11 a. in. and then ate a lunch and after smok ing was ready to proceed to the scaffold. The crime was the murder of Charles Phelps , about sixty years of ago , who lived near 1'oni- eroy , Meigs county. _ A Short Strike. CHICAGO , Soot 1. Ninety-three car vers employed by the Pullman Palace Car company nt Pullman , , went on a strike this morning because their most remunerative work was taken from them and clven to the cabinet makers , who would do It cheaper. The company decided to accede to their de mands and they wl'l ' return to work to morrow. Candidates For Clilofof thn O. A. R ST. Louis Sept. 1. It Is freely asserted In Grand Army circles here that tr.o question who shall bo the next commander-ln-chief o the order Is an all-absorblne one. It is said now that there are practically but two candi dates in the field for the oilico General Slo cum , representing the east , and Genera' Gieen , of St. Louis , ronrnsimtlng the west Coffee Jumps Twenty Points. NKW YoitK , Sept 1. To-day colfee jumped twenty points above the closing last night The feeling Is bullish because reports from South America have every Indication of a short crop this year and next. The bears say tnat there IB moro colfoo In the market now than there ever was at any ono time , with cheaper prices. An Official Copy. Piiir.ADKi.iniiA , Sopt. 1. An ofi .l copy of the order ot the president dlrocftnr tha Lieutenant General Sheridan take command of the United States troops participating In tlui celebration of this month , was received by the Constitutional Centennial commis sion to-day. Uarnod to Death. WATKUVII.I.K , Mo. , Sept. 1. The Oa Grove seminary , at Yassalboro , was burned to the ground early this morning. The soi : ot Stephen Jones , aged sixteen , perished In tbollame.s. The building vtas occupied ai a school by the Society ot Friends. Canada's Escaped Convicts. OSWEOO , N. Y. , Sept. 1. Tho'two con victs who escaped in the steam yacht from Kingston penitentiary landed near here. They had sunk the yacht No trace of them can oe touud. Memphis K Llttlo Hook Road Sold. LITTLE Kocic , Ark , , Sept. 1. The Mem phis & Little Rock railroad was sold under a mortgage this aftcruoon to It. Kk Dow , of New York , the price paid being $2.800,000. The road will Jw cxteniltU to Dallas , Tex. THE I1AWKEYE ROCK-ROOTED Proceedings of the lowi Democratic Con vention at Des Moinea. THE 1884 PLANKS RENAILED. Cleveland's Dccord Endorsed and a Few Word * Added Kor the Sot * Ulor Vote Not Exactly Harmonious. lowa'a Democratic Convention. DKS Momus , la. , Sopt. 1 , | Special Tele- cram to the line. ] The democratic con vention to-uay was a comparatively quiet and listless gathering. Although the com mittee reported every county represented , there were several counties that never voted. Thcro was neither the enthusiasm nor the sharp contest for places which distinguished the Cedar Knplds convention two years ago , nnd though federal olllcoholilcrs were on hand In full force to shout for democracy , they could not invoke the same applause that the republicans can. The only speeches of note were those by the chairman. Senator Dodge carried of the honors In an eloquent address reoleto with majestic similes and rounded sentences long drawn out , while Colonel Sells gave a ten minutes' exhortation , well calculated to provoke en thusiasm by reminding the delegates of their obligations to the national admlnlitratlon , and the obligation they owe to the "Jonah of JhifTalo. " Every reference to the great office distributer was cheered heartily , and the platform utterances on this subject were the only ones that were really Inspiring to the COO delegates. The liquor nlank provoked a irreat controversy , a strong following ObjectIng - Ing to the local option features , and In favor of a single barreled platform , and others favoring IncAl option without license. The committee was divided , and n strong minor ity report brought in , but It could not be passed. There was nio open attemnt at fusion , nor any reference to the labor and anti-monopoly party followers , though It Is understood that Anderson is very friendly with General Weaver. There was n bitter contest over the nomination. The nominee for govonor , Major Anderson , Is n native ot Fulton county , Illi nois , and titty years old , Ho was ralsod on a farm , but studied law , served In the For tieth Iowa infantry , and has lived at Knox- vlllo many years , where he has held various county ollicos. James M. Kldcr , the nom inee for lleutenaut governor , Is n lawyer of Llancock county , and has held county offices. Charles P. Fogg , the nominee for judge Is n common-place lawyer of Stuart nnd not known in state politics , while Prof. Sawyer , of Fremont county , Is proprietor of a private cliool at Hamburg , nnd Is said to have boon a drummer boy in an Iowa regiment. DKS MOI.NKS , la. , Sept 1. Before the opening of the democratic state convention his morning district caucuses mot and prepared - pared committees to bo reported later and at 11 o'clock Chairman Hunter called the con vention to order nnd Introduced the tem porary officers as follows : Chairman , Sena tor W. W. Dodge ; secretary , John C. Kelley ; assistants. J. D. Iliill. Henry Shaver nnd J. 13. Adams ; roadlne clerk , J. U. Walker. At the close of Senator Dodge's address , the following committees were announced : Permanent organization W. A. Luck- worth. N. H. Ilelbreck , W. A. Chnuser , K. J. Miller , K. C. Holt J. 11. Uolton. II. M. Munson , J. W. Frooland , W. S. Cleveland , Martin Cooner , W. A. Wells. KesoIutlons-J. D. M. Hamilton , W. O. Schmidt , K. W. Carr , M. U. Jackson , C. H. Mackoy , F. W. Lelunann , J. U. Sullivan , W. C. Jones , J. F. Duncan , A. Van Waggoner. Credentials K. * K Vanclift. John Sprineer , John Sognln , W. C. Eatlo , A. D. Fox , L D. Klnnoy , H. McNeal , Samuel Chandler , F.C.Clark , O. S. Hayzlett , It. C. Uico. State Central Committee C. D. Fuller Sa.mucl Colin , J. J. Demwon. M. J. Carter , John Vaughn , P. G. Ballingall , J. U. Klllott , E. F. Miller , 0. J. Wylaud , G. W. Uleatt , G. U. Hcaley. After the announcement of committees the convention adjourned until this after noon. On assembling in the afternoon Captain Sells was made permanent chairman and the other temporary officers wore made perma nent , with , the addition of John Sprinter as secretary , The committee on credentials reported every county represented and with very few exceptions , full i'legatlons. Tnere are CIO delegates present. The resolutions were read by F. W. Leh- mann , and in the report was a recommenda tion that it be adopted section by section , which was adopted. The first resolution was adopted unanimously and the second was adopted after the insertion of the words "and tobacco. " Alter the adoption of the second resolution , a motion was carried by a close vote , instructing the officers to send a cablegram to Gladstone. 'Die other resolu tions were adopted without dissent until the liquor plank was read , on which the com mittee disagreed. Colonel Mackey , In bo- hall of the minority , presented a substitute favoring a judicious regulation of the liquor trafllc , and practical local option. This was voted down alter a heated discussion , nnd a motion to strike out local option from the plank was also lost and the original report adopted. The rest of the platform was adopted , and complete Is as follows : We commend the fidelity of President Cleveland to the obligations of his hlirii trust and congratulate the country upon the econ oniy , courage , honesty and patriotism of hli administration. We cordially approve tin public land policy of the president. Unearned land grunts to the extent of millions of acres have been restored to thn public domain and reserved for actual settlers only , and the at tempts of cattle syndicates to enclose and ap propriate larce tracts of the nubile domain to their own uses , have been defeated. A con tinuance of the democratic administration Is a euaranty that not another ncre shall be granted to speculators or corporations. The civil service of the country has been placed upon n business basts and federal otllcials no longer neidect the duties of their office for the manipulation of party politics. The public debt has been steadily reduced , and we favor a continuance of the policy of applying tin surplus revenues to tne payment of the deb ns rapidly as possible. Wo commend tin elllclency , liberality and Impartiality of the pensfon department In the adjustment o' claims under the present laws and we favoi such further legislation as will make gener ous provisions lor union soldiers and sailors , surrounding the same with such safeguard ! and restrictions as will prevent abuv > by any who are not entitled to the bounty of the government 'i. We call upon congress forthelmmedlati revision of our tariff laws to a revenue basl to the end that every Industry and every sec tion may enloy perfect equality under the law , and we favor tno retention of the inter nal revenue tax on intoxicating liquors am' tobacco and protest against its proposed re ductlon for the purpose of continuing tin piesent high tariff on the necessaries of life. . 3. We are in favor of continuing the time honored > pollcy of the democratic party o welcoming to our shores tha liberty-loving people of all lands who come here to con form to our laws and Institutions and become - come cltUons of this country , but insist thai strlnccnt regulations be adopted and enforced to exclude the pauper , vicious and criminal classes. 4. The noble and manly efforts of Glad stone , Parnell and their associates In behalf of the cause of representative government for Ireland commands our unqualified ap proval. 5. Wo commend the action of the demo- cratlo members of the Twenty-first conernl assembly In supporting the Cassette bill and the bill ajalnst the holding of lands bv non resident aliens and we pludgo our candidates to the support of these measures In thu next legislature. 0. The vigorous prosecution of faithless officials and thosq who Imo corrupted tliein now being conducted by democratic prosecu tion olliccrs In New York and Chicago Is a hopeful sign of n reform of public morals , and wo believe the same mcasuro of justice that Is visited upon Bribery of the local board should be visited upon thes.moolTeno ; when committed In the state and national legisla tures. 7. We favor such legislation by congress ns will make all corporations for purposes ot litigation residents and citizens of the state in which they do business. 8. Wo nro opposed to all sumptuary legisla tion nnd In favor ot the repeal of the present prohibitory liquor law and the substitution In Its stead of n local option and carefully guarded license law , with n minimum llrenso fee of 3500 for the bettor control of the liquor trutllr. U. Wo believe that railroad companies nro public corporations and therefore subject to public control. Wo demand such legislation by congress nnd the state legislature as 111 npply to state nnd Inter-state transportation c-t freights nnd passengers the principles of the Itcairan bill , vU : All rates shall bo rea sonable and shall bo made public : no dis crimination against Individuals or localities ; no rebates or drawbacks ; same charge for same service to all persons nnd no hlcher charge for n less than for n creator service : prohibition ot pooling in every torni ; equal facilities and opportunities to all shippers. We oppose the free transportation violation. 10. livery citizen of the state Is entitled to vote , and his vote should bo as ofTectlvo ns the vote of any other citUon.Vo denounce as In violation of this Inherent right , ami ns a prnctlcnl dlsfranchtsomcnt ot the majority of our people the Infamous gerrymander made by the republicans In the last general assembly by which a small minority of the people wore vested with full control ot the law making power , and we pled ire our best endeav ors to restore representation accrrdlng to pop ulation and the right of the majority to rule. We cordially invite the co-operation with us of nil persons In accord with those principles "n our endeavor to carry them Into effect. IL Resolved , fhat wo favor such leelsla- tlon as will crant to employes of corporations 'Ibertytobuy of whom they please. The first ballot for governor resulted : Major T. J. Anderson , 44 ; S. L. lioatow , 1 < ; Charles K. Whiting , ( i ; J. D. Weaver , 5. Nominated on th first ballot. Lieutenant Governor J. H.EIrtor.SOSK ; W. H. C. Jacques , 283X ; M. L. Wheat , 1. Mr. Klder was nominated on the first ballot For judge of the supreme court the only ballot resulted : Charles S. Fogir , ail ; Daniel F. Miller , 200. Mr. Fogg was declared the nomlnoe. For superintendent of public Instruction II. W. Sawyer was nominated by acclama tion. tion.The The convention adjourned sine die. Illinois Democrats at War. CHICAOO , Sept 1. The executive committee - too of the democratic state central committee net this mornlncr and arranged tlio prelimi naries for to-morrow's mcotlnu of the gen eral state committee. It was decided to open leadquartcrd at once and keep them open until af tor the national election next year. Potter P.ilmor has agreed to give the com mittee the headquarters necessary for busi ness In hi ? hotel. There were present at the meeting of the executive committee Mcss4s. Ersktne M , Phelps , chairman , Sam uel K. Chase and Charles K. Kejn , of Cook county ; W. J. Mlzo , secretary , of Macon county ; J. C. Campbell , of Lasallo ; A. Goodrich , of Jersey ; W. A. Queen , of Alex andria : Fred Orendorff , ot Sangamon ; James S. Kwing , of McLean. Senators J. J. lligglns , ot Perry ; W. S. Formal ) , of Wash ington , and Henry Letter , of St. Clalr county , arrived early In the day. They came up for the purpose of pushing the Clendcnnln matter and urging the committee to take some action requesting the president to re move Mr. Clendcnnln from the postolllce at Hurlnglield on account ot his connection with the "printing combine. " They sent notices to all members of the committee that they intended to appear and ask that they interfere in the matter by requesting the re moval of Clenacnnm. They will so before the committee and mnko out their cnse. They have got the evidence that was clven before the committee of the liglslaturu nnd will make requests nnd arguments orally. Senators lligidns and Fnrman explained that n false impression had gone abroad to the effect that the com mittee of the legislature had exonerated Clendennin. The committee said that every printing house In Springfield was impli cated In thu printing frauds. They were not making any personal light upon Clendennin , but he was In the postofllce , and as he was placed there by a democratic administration , bo Injured the party. Therefore he should bo put out. Ho claimed that If n man In nn oltlco that tie held nt the will of the administration proved dis honest it was the duty of the committee to see that he was removed , and it was not only right but the duty ot the central committee to do so. The democrats came Into oilico clalmlug to be n reform party and yet here Is one of the highest state officials , one of their appointees , that Is Im plicated with his paper In an attempt to plunder tlm public treasury. Alfred Oren- dortf is the principal representative of the on- po.slto side. Ho claims the state central com mittee has no jurisdiction over the matter. THK HADDOCK CASE. What Attorney O'Connoll Has to Say About It. Bioux CITV , la. , Sept. 1. [ Special Tele gram to the HKK.J Attorney M. IX O'Con- nell , of Fort Dodge , was to-day interviewed by n press reporter regarding the approach ing Haddock trial. While he had nothing particularly new to divulge , yet ho plainly intimated that there would bo considerable new eviaenco produced , some of which was of rather a startling nature. The state has served the defense witn' no notice of now evidence , and the further fact that the Methodists have not furnished any means to assist the prosecution , WAS made apparent Public interest Is beginning to center nrounc this case again , and the forthcoming trla will no doubt see as great interest as the first one , when Aronsdorf was on trial for his life. The opinion prevails that the bottom tom of the great mystery will finally bo sat isfactorily cleaned up. The Police Have a Clu ? . ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Sept. 1. | Special Tele gram to the HKF.J The police believe they have a clue to the parties who assisted in the escape of the desperado and horse thief Laws nnd are shadowing several men. On tlio nlirht before his escape three men were seen talking to llalnes , Laws' brother-in-law , at whoso house ho was shot ono of whom was a notorious crook , known to the police an "Rod. " lied Is believed to have assisted in the escape ot Frank \Vlscott , a bigamist and forger , some three years ago , while Wlscott was waiting trial. He was forced to leave Kansas City on account of his numerous dep redations and Is a thorough scoundrel , lie has frequently visited Laws since his con finement The community here regard Laws' escape as a disgrace to the constabulary ot the county. No ono was left to guerdulm , although frequently tola by thn attending physicians he was itolng to get well. The whole crowd with whom he has been associ ated arti crooks and are regarded as desper ate men , 'FrlHco Wheat Haloi. SAN FIIANCIKCO , Sent 1. The sale of C.OOO tons of wheat for the bonetit of tno creditors of the recent bull operators , Dresbach & Hosonlield , occurred on the produce exchange this forenoon. The first sale of 100 tons was made nt Sl.-Sl'.f per cental. The succeeding 'MO tons sola down to SI. - ! } , after whlcii the price rose quickly to SI.'JA , and final sales were made at 81.27. The prices obtained were considerably better than have burnt deemed possible. Wheat for seller 'bT Is Convict Lensoea Itolng Trlnd. ATLANTA , Ga. , Sept. 1. Governor Gor don , aided by Attorney General Anderson , sat as a court to-day to hear the case against certain convict lessees as to whether their leases should not bo annulled. Thu lessees' attorney made the point that the governor , Imvlnir boon n lessee at ono fine himself and still on thu bond of a lessee , could not hear the case. Under advice of the attorney gen eral , the governor held that he had a right to hear It Testimony as to cruelties practiced upon the convicts was then clven aim the court adjourned until uext Tuesday , BPOUTINOXKWS. Hnnoas City in , Ktnporla H. KANSAS CITY , Sopt. l-Spedal Telegram o the UKK.I Kansas City put an amateur In ho box to-day Voting Cornell , son of ( Jen cral D. E. Cornell , general agent of the Union Pacific In this city , i Ho pitched n 'henotiunial game , striking out live men , naklng three hits and an equal number ot runs , nnd accepting ten chances without an error , The batting ot the homo was very heavy , and they pounded Long's deliv ery for twenty hits with n total of thirty , while the visitors got but seven singles. The score Is ns follows , the game being called In the eighth inning , on account of darkness : Kansas City 1 2140-1 ! ) 0-15 Kmporla 5 0 3 0 0 0 1 * 8 Karucd runs Kansas City 11 , Kmporla 3. Three base hits Mansoll 2. Struck out Hy Cornell 5 , by Lomr 2. Left on bases- Kansas City fi , Kmporla 15. First base on : > alls Off Lone5. First base on errors- Kansas City 1 , Kmpnria 'J. Pussod balls Itlngo l , Meek U. Wild pitches-Long 2. lilt by pitcher Howe , Long. Hatterlos Kansas City : Cornell and Uliik'O. Kmporla : Long and Meek. Tlmo of came I hour nnd 55 minutes. Umpire Ha-nn , Topeka O , Wichita 4. Toi'KKA , Kan. , Sept ; 1. | Special Tele gram to the Bii.J : : The homo team acaln detoatod the Wlchltas { this nfternoon , the game being called In the seventh Inning on account ot rnln. The contest was lacking In brilliant features. The following Is the score : Topeka I 0-H Wichita 1 03010 0-4 Earned runs TopeKa C , Wichita 1. Two- base hits Halltday , Maccullar , Ardnei , Sunday (2) ( ) . Sharranghouso (3) ( ) . Three-base hits Jolnipon. Umpire Webster. Tlmo of game 1 hour and 35 minutes. Lawyers and Doctors 1O , Hankers O. WAIIOO. Neb. , Sept. 1. ( Special to thu UKK. ] Yesterday afternoon the bankers on one side and the Inwyors and doctors on thn other played the most interesting game of ball of the season. The ngrcement was for five Innings , nnd resulted ns follows : Hankers 3 0301 0 Lawyers nnd doctors 0 371 0 10 The Wichita Club Ordered Homo. TOPEKA , Sept. 1. [ Special Telegram to the HKK.J The Wlrhlta base ball club received olllctal notice here to ' to-day piny to-day's game with Topeka as per announcement and then quit nnd come home. Nothing Is known as to the reason of this condition of affairs except from the very start the Wichita boys have been playing In very hard luck and the management has received verv poor encour agement from the poopln of Wichita. It mny bo put down a ; a lact that Wichita Is not n base ball town. Wichita Will Disband. KANSAS CITV , Sept 1. | Special Tel- eeram to the UEEJ. Manager Grlllin , of the Wichita club , sent n dispatch to President Mcnges to-night announcing that his cluu has disbanded. The club finished Its Topeka series yesterday , having lost nlno consecu tive games. A later dispatch from manager Grlfltn stated that ho would bring his club to Kansas City for a scries of three games , commencing on Saturday , but after that ho will play ball no moro in the Western league. Wichita was taken Into the league about n month ago to fill up the vacancy caused by the disbandoument ot the Leavenworth team. It was a very weak member and lost from the start. The condi tion upon which Emoorla , the latest club to bo taken In , was admitted , was that It should suilender Us franchise when ever any other club disbanded. In accord ance with this It will now bo In order for Kmporla to drop out and leave a six-club league. The cause of the Wlchltas' disband- nient Is lack of financial support. For two weeks the elub has been In a very feeble con dition In this respect , and the playeis have been complaining about not iccciving their salaries. The town , however , scorned able to support a good team , but was unable to keep up a losing team. This dlsbandnient will demoralize the schedule , but It Is quite certain that ttie season will bo car ried out with six clubs. Hastings lifts lately been showing signs of weakness nnd It Is among the probabilities that It will bo out ot the league and thus penult Emporia to re main. Captain Drischell , of the Emporlas , said to-night that ho WAS sorry that his club would bo forced out. as It had good financial barking and the people tlmro are enthusias tic. He has hopes , however , that Iliititles ; will clvo up the ghost , which will allow Em poria to remain. National League Gnmoa , NKW YOUK , Sopt. 1. Tim came be tween the Now York and Detroit team to-day rosultou as follows : Now York I 1 Detroit 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 * fi Pltchors Keol'o and Get/eln. Haso hits- New ork 8 , Detroit 12. Errors Now York 4 , Detroit ! ! . Uniplro-Uradv. WAHIIINOTON. Sept L Tiioacamo to-day between the Washington aud Pittsburg teams resulted as follows : Washington 0 01300000 4 Pittsburg 5 * Pitchers Gllmuro and Gnlvin 15sohlts Washington 7. Plttsburi : 0. Errors Wash ington a , Plttsburg 15. Umpire Daniels. 1'iiiLADKi.i'iiiA , Sept , 1. The game * between - tween the Philadelphia and Chicago teams to-day resulted as follows : Philadelphia 0 o l 0 o 0 2 0 0-i ; Chicago 0 U100003 1 4 Pitchers Hamilton and Clarkson. li.iso hits-Philadelphia 12 , Chicago 14. Errors Philadelphia 3 , Chicago 1. Umpire Doeschcr. HOSTON , Sopt. 1. The eamo between the Boston and Indianapolis teams to- resulted as follows : lioston 3 20000130 9 Indianapolis 0 o o o o l l l 0- Pitchers Con way and Shrove. Haso lilts Hoston 14 , Indianapolis S. Errors Hoston 10 , Indianapolis 13. Umpire Powers. The Northwestern Ijoauno. DKS MOINKS , la. Sept. 1. The North western league games to-day were ns fol lows : Milwaukee 2 , Des Molnes 1 , nt Des Molnes. .Minneapolis 4 , Ivui Claire 1 , at Enu Clairo. St. Paul U , Dulutli 3 , at bt. Paul. Teenier Wins the Final Heat. SAIIAIOOA , Sept. I. The final heat In singles was rowed to-dav , the second day of- the regatta on Saratoga lake. It was thought to-day that the regatta would have to close n1 not enough money had been collected to hi the purses tor the rest of the week. Owing to this fact the winners of the trial heats cave the others tliu privilege of competing for thu linn ] . Koss and 1'lalsted did not euro to exert themselves , so the race was left wit the others. Teenier was the first awnv , fol lowed b > Ilanini , linliear and Lee. Alter f few lengths Leo passed to third place. Al. the way down to the turn Teomer kept nulling nwny from llamm and Interest was centered In these two. Teenier turned the bodv In 4:40 : , Hainm in 4:4S : , am Leo In 5:21. : On fatniiglitening nway for the return Teenier led bv six lengths , which ho gradually Increased ami th second turn ho made In 0:31 : , llamm 0:47 : and Lee 10 : % Tills was thu position during the remainder of the race , Teomor keep Inir n lead ot nbout lilteon tungths eve llamm , who was an eighth of n mile In ad vancc of Lee. The race , which was pr.ictl- cally n walkover for Teuiner , was won by him In 20OS. : llamm crossed the line twenty two seconds later followed by Leo , whos time was 23:15. : Prohibited the I'liNsion I'l ly AUGUSTA. Ga. , Sept. 1. [ Special Tele cram to the HEK. | Thu "Passion Play , ' which has only been performed In A merle ; ono time , was to IMVH been played by tli > colored people of Summerville , : i village ad joining Augusta , last night. At b o'clock , after n crowded audience ot Loth white * iiml colored had congregated , the marshal of thu village mounted the stngo and warned tlio actors not to uttumpt to play , ns II they did so ho would arrest the \\liolu parly. This put a btop to the perturtuaucu. . i T mo in i ' 'mi SAMUEL PRIME'S ' OPINION } What the Great Crop Authority Says About the Corn Yield , ONLY FIT TO FEED TO CATTLE , InvcHtluatlana Made In Indiana Show That the Outlook Is No llrlyliter Thuro 1'ho Kalim Oniuo Too Late. , Atiout llnlf a Crop. OIUCAOO , Suptuiuber L ( Special TelcgrntM to thu HKK.J Samuel Prime , the crop aili thorlty , writes U. Dally Huslness froni Dwlght , Ills. , under dntu of August 31 , asl follows : "In nnswcr to your Inquiry If Ij know anything Irom my own experience ns to the actual outcome. of the corn crop , I would nnswcr , yes. On Monday morning ofi the present week 1 commenced "snapping" ft fluid of lorty ncivs. The land wns nil fall plowed , leplowed In the spilug , planted eaily , cultivated four tlmus , nnd was nil laid by on the last day ot Juno. At that date 1 estimated thu yield lor ntmut tills time , when 1 thought the crop would have ma tured at fifty bushels per aero. About the 15lti ot July the crop lecelved n chock , then again on tlm 1st ot August , and It was finally cooked by the hot winds of August 10 , which swept over the country fiom Ohio to Nebraska. On that date I went nil througli the corn , It was dead at least two-thirds up. Two or tlueo days utter this hot wind we had our first snaking rain , thu field looked ns If It had been struck by frost and 1 do not think 1 ovei felt ns slcK over n crop of corn on the farm ns 1 did thai day , huncu 1 have continued to ropoit cvd since that date that the early corn was not benefited at all by thu rains. Monday niorn- hi wo commenced to gather this corn , Hoai In mind , It is LMcen and has thu hiibks oil and 1 am luedlni : it to thu hojsiuvcry uav nud that Is all thu corn Is fit for. Mr. E s.'ii Meyer , of St. Clnlr county , ono of thonuontd of the agricultural university of Chnmpaicn , In speaking of thu cornciop In southern 1111- lols , uses nu expression which not only covers the situation with him. but In the whole corn belt , and that Is this , tlmt white ivo have lalsed corn this year , \el \ It Is not 111 for'commercial pmposes,1 and tlmt Is just what this crop Is , no moro or no loss. It la lit to feed to cattle nud hogs , and as wu pro * gress and gut to cuttltiL- up tor fucd and husk It , the country will bo hatlsiled that thu dnmngo to the crop has not been overesti mated. 1 have weighed this corn as it came out of thu field and It has had every bcnuht of balmgrcon nnd heavy , nnd my crop avenged 10J bushels per ncio , where on the lirst of July It promised M. I have just received n lutter fiom Indiana bv parties who have beun making similar inves tigations tor mo nud the results aio almost identical with my own. 1 think 1 ought to ? ive it In order that your readers may understand - ' stand and know tlmt Illinois Is not the only state whore the drouth has hurt the corn. I liavc examined , at your request , considerable corn In the Hold nnd the conclusions 1 havu coma to from what 1 have seen .ire these : Wo can count on but little over half n crop ot corn. The rain ramo too Into to do much good to the corn except In keeping It trout crowing worse. Wu thought at first it would benefit the crop and mnko more corn , but alter examining Itcniufully wo Imvo come to the conclusion tlmt the lain only saved what wo had. The percentage ; of Into corn Is very small. I do not think thu country will rou- li/o how light this crop of corn Is until they commence withering It. " Method In Ills MndncHq. SACO , Mo. . Sept. L Some of the friends of Frank C. McNoilly , thu abscond inn cleric of the Snco Savings bank , think ho Is de ranged. They say ho has been acting very fllicerly and has complained of head trouble. He has been living beyond his means over since he worked In the bank. A few days ago when talking ton friend nbout his future plans ho snid ho expected to ho n thousand miles away from here In September. His mother Is completely prostrated by thu shock. His brother Harry has gene to Montreal In search of the absconder. Hank Examiner Richards will begin work on the books to-day. Tlio excitement over the robbery has hhowii no signs ot abatement. No clue toMcNullly's hiding place has been obtained. To-day the liank officials tnlnlc McNellly confiscated the bonds tlm first of August , while engaged In cutting coupons , and that he did not cot ac cess to the security vault the day ho loft the bank. What disposal he has mnde ot thu ncnotlntable bonds since Aiurust 1 Is not known , but ho has been mnklnz frequent Mips to Pot Hand of late and It is supposed ho was taking steps toward sellliiL'them. A Vnry Itonuli Voyavc. Nr.w OIII.KANS , Sept , 1. ( Special Tele gram to the HKI : . ) Tlio over-duo steamship , Knickerbocker , arrived \esterdayin n fear- tnlly dilapidated condition. She en- connteiud the first rough weather when oil 11 utter as , and although not damaged by her contact with heavy seas , she was handled so roughly that the passengers became very badly frightened. As tha storm approached . the hatches were battened down and the already terrified passengers liuddliid together In the main saloon in n state of wildest excitement. On the deck the olllcera and crow battled manfully acnlnst the storm with ropes around thulr bodies. They kept the steamer's head to the wind and at last weathered the iralo safely. Nine of the crcvi were lost Thu pashcngois arrived In goodft health. The Chniigo Mado. M HAI.TI.MOIII : , Md. , Sept. L The Baltimore ? , fe Ohio express passed into thu hands of tha' United States express company to-day , nnd > , its olliccrs were notified of the change. There 1 will bo for the present , nt least , no chances 1 in employes. Speaking of the sale , counsel * for the llaltlmoru > fe Ohio say : "Tho state * . ment that the HaltlmoiaA ; Ohio express ha1) been sold to thu United Stnles express eom j pany Is not coriect. ' There fins been simply a contract entered into between thu two com panies by which the United States express , will run the Haltlmorn it Ohio express lor thirty years , for which tlm former is to pav the latter company a curtain percentage of the earnings. llurrl * Dylni ; . Nr.w YoiiiiScnt. 1 , ( Special Telegram to th Hi'.K.I-Hishop William L. Harris , of the Methodist Episcopal church , Is lying at tlm point of death nt his residence hero. His physician says ho cannot live more than three days. For vear.s the bishop has suffered - ' fered from time to time Irom heart disease and that Is his ptesent trouble. Ilin present Illness appeared August 2 , while ho was at Liverpool , llo sailed lor this city August 1H , and when the steamer wns n t iw days out tiom Knglnnd ho had another very t > uvero attack , and when ho arilved August U. ! ho' was so weak ho could not walk without as sistance. A Deadly Feud. Pitnsrorr , Ariz. , Sept. 1.--A tolngram re- , enhed from Klagstnlf states that Sherllf Mill- yernon , who leit heio lecently with his posse to nrrust the parties Implicated in the fight lu the Towkhburv feud , was killed by the droV , ham faction. Owing to the lact that Toronto bislu Ih In nn Isolated district , all news musk1 hrbt bo Hunt tu Holbrook , seventy miles dls4 taut , hv courier. Four deaths had nlrendyl occulted , growini ; out of the feud , A Stiirlllni ; StHtoinent. I Nr.w YOIIK , Sept 1. Mlvhacl Jiutlor , re cently dliclmrgi'd fiom the position of keeper' of the Insane ; iss him on Ward's Inland , has po.tlUoncd thu fiupremo court for the reluasi of n numt'cr of pitlcnts as sane. Ho declare } tlmt ot tin ) 1.700 Inmates no less than 300 arf pi'irVdly sniio nnd that 1,000 ure entlrdi lr.11 lilies : * . , V - ' * *