Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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    ' ' ' ' ' '
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' . ' H , ' " ' : < ' " ' . ' ' . ' . " ' ; .THE OMAHA PAItJY BEJBJ ; . THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1 . 'l887v V < ; ' . : ' ' " . '
Notes of Preparation For Two Monster
( Gatherings.
Cqnncll to llroncli Conductors I'tc-
nlc Ilnrvrit KTcnrnlonlstH
IjSit of ( ho Conference
. Sunday Closing. . '
l _
' ' ( At ihn Fair Orn'untls.
Thu fair ground is assuming nn active ,
bustling appearance. Exhibitors with
paint and lumber , hammers and saws ,
arc brightening up the sleepy buildings.
The drives and exhibit spaces are dotted
with vehicles and men ; the latter devis
ing new expedients to make their dls
plays more cfluetlve. Superintendent
Conch is on hand busily overseeing the
work being done by a force of men ;
teams are huullng oil' refuse mutter , nud
every corner and spot on the ground Is
being thoroughly cleansed. Around the
course "McUlcod" and "Tommy Lynn"
were Hying , while white sweat suds were
being thrown to the winds from them.
MuClcod is owned by Chamberlain , of
Arapohoo and has made a good record
this year , lie Is said to bo the fastest
trotter ever raised In Nebraska. Many
other speed horses were being driven
around the track at various gaits.
Workmen are engaged laying side
walks around the grounds leading to the
different departments and to the en
trances to the grounds. A sidewalk is
being laid all along Sherman avenue to
the ground from the city. There are two
now entrances this year , making three in
nil. The Missouri Pacific has built a
platform on the northeast corner of the
enclosure , whore visitors can be landed.
On the west side is a large platform and
new entrance to accomodato visitors by
the city street cars , which run to the
ground. There are ticket olllccs at each
entrance. Every inch of space in the
place is taken. Floral hall is being
thoroughly renovated and , from tl e de
mands made for accommodations , this
promises to be an exceedingly beautiful
feature of the exposition. Art hall is
also undergoing a metamorphosis. The
old saw dust is dug out and
a new supply is being packed in place ,
which will furnish a pleasant promenade.
A new platform is also placed in the cen
tre of the building.
A now barn Is Hearing completion. It
is 1'JOxlM fuot , and will accommodate
twenty-four horses. Even this , with the
vast accommodations already on the
ground , will not , according to Secretary
McShano , bo sufficient to accommodate
the largn number of entries.
A telegram was received yesterday ,
that a ear load of Dakota exhibits will be
here , including mineral , agricultural and
other of Dakota's
specimens develop
ment. Native marble , will be brought ,
also coal , wood and building ma
terial. Ulack Hills will bo specially rep
resented. A speeiallaparlmeut has been
prepared for this exhibition.
1'rof. Hunt , icronaut , has arrived with
his lady companion and his balloon.
Gas will bo used in the inlla n , and a
distance of from five to twenty-live miles
will , it is thought , be made.
Thursday , September 8 , has been set
aside by the management as closing day
for the business houses In the city. On
that day a decidedly interesting pro
gramme lias been prepared for business
men and their employes. It Is urged
that all business men arrange to close
upon that duy and give the fair a largo
There is no question that this year's
fair will bo conducted on an immense
Ecalc. Draught and other horses , known
as show horses , to the number of 200 ,
have already been entered , 180 head of
cattle of the finest herds and breed ? .
ehccpand swine in largo numbers , and
nil the various kinds of poultry and bees.
Applications have been received lor the
exhibition of the newest devices in me
chanical arts , as applied to agricultural
machinery and articles of household
comfort and luxury.
Exhibitions of fabrics will bo madonot
only from western looms , but from east
ern factories anxious to place their wares
on the western market. There will bo
twelve county fairs as agricultural hocio-
lies , computing for prizes.
0 NOT1M.
Mr. Edward Kothery has entered his
cote of homing pigeons for exhibition at
the fair.
The management have made an excel
lent selection in J. A. Matthews , esq , , as
Its press agent. Ho iscourteous.and will
BCO that the public have the fullest in
formation on all points.
Al Swearingor , the pool-seller , arrived
in town yesterday.
One of the famous pacers of the
country is now at the driving park , hav
ing been entered for the fair. It is
Tommy Lynn , owned by W. A. Wol-
fforthjuji ; Jus Unwr is the wcll'known
licnson who has brought so many
horses under the wire to victory. Yes
terday W. A. Watson was called out to
the park to fix the horse's shoes , the
owner being fearful that the damp
weather would effect his favorite.
' Cnmp John A.
On leaving the fair grounds by Sher
man avenue , the twin attraction , the re >
union of the Grand Army of the Repub
lic indicates its coming , in the cluster ol
white canvas cones , rising from the green
valley beneath and just north of Cut-Oil
lake. To many a grizzled veteran this
feature of next woek's programme , is
fraught with more interest than the fair ,
Camp John A. Logan , as it is called
promises to bo an attractive place
during the coming week. Then
will bo 1,800 tents on UK
ground , of which 1.-100 are now at the
camp. Workmen are at work putting
them in position along the various
avenues and streets of the camp. Genera
Couch's Eighth infantry is now in cami :
under the command of Captain Porter ,
They are from Fort Niobrara. The stean
and water service is nearly completed
There will be4,000 feet of water service
about the place , with forty faucets al
various intervals , bv means of whicl :
thirst can be quenched. The manage
ment are to-day seeking for apparatus U
give electric light during the night cole
oration , but havooxpcrienceddith'culty ir
securing a dyunmo. or even a wire fron
the city to the camp. The different booths
stores and ottior necessary buildings an
boihg put up rapidly , also telegraph urn
telephone wires. There will bo a dinin'
room to feed 1,000 people.
Four companies of tlio Twentv-first in
fiintry and band from Sydney , undo
Major Boyle , and battery F , Secom
United States artillery , with full complement
ment of men and horses , irom Leaven
worth , under Colonel O. A. Wooilrutl
and eight companies of the Second in
lantry and baud , under Major Uutlor
will go into camp on Sunday.
About three hundred posts of this department
partment , Nebraska and Iowa , will fut
nish 15,000 veterans for the occasion
General Lucius Falrchlld , commander i
chief of tie } grand army , will arrive o :
aundav and remain until Tuesday even
ing. On Thursday , General Tuttle , c
Iowa , with 1,000 veterans will arrive
Govcrno'r Thaycr and his atatf will bo i
the cami ) the same day ,
The Union Pacitio railroad will vu
hourly trains from 7 o'clock a. in. , inn
11 at night into the grounds from tli
Tenth street depot. Kouiul trip faru 1
cents. On Monday and Tuesday all tli
Important trains on the Union. Pacil
ail Ulucago , JJurliiujtou. & Oumcy rom.
bringing euo&ta for thd encampment to
the city , will run Into the grounds on the
Union Pacific track.
On Thursday evening there will bo a
naval battle and a flotilla of gunboats
will float past a land battery to represent
the passage of the gunboats by Vlcks-
burg. The representation will bo real
istic , ns red tire and gunpowder will
combine (6 ( render the soeno grand and
warlike. Commodore L , W. Hastings ,
of Aurora , has charge of this , and men
are to-day engaged in building the gun
boats and preparing fortifications. There
will bo an artillery drill each afternoon
at 3 o'clock In which exhibitions of firing ,
maneuvering and other military actions
will bo given. Sixteen companies of in
fantry and a battery will give a sham
battle on Friday afternoon at 2 p. m.
Conncll tn Mayor Bronfcli.
To the Editor of the Omaha HIK : : Since
my connection with the city government
has been severed , 1 have been very care
ful not to criticise or find fault with the
new administration , as such a course on
my part might seem to bo actuated by
personal considerations. I have at all
times , and on all occasions , treated
Mayor Broatch with consideration and
fairness. Mayor Broatch , however , has
seen fit to go out of his way and make ,
through the public pressan unwarranted
attack upon mo. I consider , therefore ,
that I am justified in responding to his
ntruthful assertions , as the position ho
ow occupies gives them prominence ,
vhen qthorwise , they would bo unworthy
f notico.
The charge ho makes in the Republi-
an that the interview concerning the
; as company , which appeared in the
icr.ild of Sunday , was written by mo is
itterly false. The reporters of the
Omalia papers are capable of writing up
' .heir interviews. The interview referred
.o in the Herald is exceedingly well
written and I would not object to the
; rcdit of having done the work , but un-
ike the mayor , with his inaugural mes-
lago , I think the credit should bo placed
where it properly belongs. So far as any
efereueo is made in the article.of the
ho Herald to Mayor Broatch , it appears
n the comments of the writer and forms
o part of the interview. As the ro-
orler who wrote the article and inter-
lew can verify , the name of Mayor
troutch wa. not even mentioned by mo ,
ind in no way was the slightest retlcction
uiado upon any city official.
The reporter called at my office and
> skcd me fur a statement of the facU
oncoming the claim of the gas com-
( any. for over ? 2,000 , now pending he-
'ore the city council , and I gave him the
uuts as requested , substantially as stated
n the interview. It is in keeping with
: ho compact existing between Mayor
Broatcli and the ollicials of the gas com-
lany , that ho should jump to their res.
no as soon as an effort is made to ex-
ioso the fraudulent claims now being
irged for payment. Because I was pg-
gressive in my defense of the city , as
gainst the claims of the gas company ,
ml owing to the knowledge I
lad concerning its stock manipulations
ind over-charges , it was determined in
ulvanco of the late city election that I
ihould bo removed. 1 defy Mayor Broatch
o deny that the condition of the support
given him by the gas company , was my
-umoval as city attornov. The statement
if Mayor Broatch that I was in any man-
icroithor directly or indirectly interested
n any new gas companyis ftilso. I point
with pride to the charter prepared for the
now company.and state tnat no man with
my regard for the truth can deny , that it
s most complete in its provisions , reserv-
ng and protecting the rights of the cit.v.
So far as my record as city attorney is
concerned , I am willing to leave that
with those who are In a position to best
determine concerning the services ren
dered by mo. The judges of the district
court , and the .members of the Douglas
county bar , as well as the old ollicials of
the city , well know with what , degree of
success I performed the duties of my
office , and 1 do not fear that any back-
lianded effort of Mayor Broatch can do
me any serious injury.W.
Iowa StAte Fair ,
Held at DCS Moines from September 2 to
0. Tickets for the round trip from Conn-
11 Blulfs , including admission to the fair ,
if4.45. on sale from September 1 to 0 , in-
lusivc , good to return on or before Sep
tember 13. Tickets will bo on saio at the
Jhicago , Hock Island & Pacific ticket of-
: ice , 1U05 i'arnam street. S. S. Stevens ,
general agent.
On and after Aug. 28 , the Missouri Pa-
cilic railway will run two trains daily to
Nebraska City , leaving Omalia i t 10loa.
m. and 0:10 : p. m. , from their depot at
Ifith and Webster sts , arriving at Ne
braska City at 1:37 : p. m. and 11:55 : p. in.
For further information call at city
ticket oniee , 218 So. 13th st.
InRtitnto For the Deaf anil Dumb
The Nebraska Institute for tlio Deaf
and Dumb will not open this year until
September 21. The fncTIItV tvilf consist
of Prof. J. A. Gillcspio , superintendent ,
with the following assistant touchers :
Messrs. M , McFarlandF. L. Reid , Charles
Zorbaugh , Miss iannio Hen
derson , Misa Olio Plum , Miss
Mary L. Devine. Elmer Smith
will have charge of the printing office in
stead of Mr. Buckley , who has resigned.
Prof.Gillespio is now looking for a super
intendent of mechanical trades , but thus
far has not been able to secure a party
who promises to give satisfaction , lie ex
pects that the attendance this year will
uo about one hundred children.
Nleht School
At the Commercial college , Farnara st ,
A good chance for those engaged througli
the day. All business branches arc
taught. ' Call or send for circulars.
Trip For a Shot.
Olliccr Clark , of the Humane society ,
lias just returned from Iloldredgo where
he was called to examine n case of cruelty
to animals. C. A. Siringo of Denver , n
traveler , notified the oQicor that the pro
prietor of the Holdrego house was driving -
ing a horse in his team that had a broken
shoulder and was in a sad plight other
wise. Clark having state jurisdiction ,
proceeded to Iloldredgo , found tlu
charges well grounded and shot the
horse. The proprietor of the hotel was
so well pleased with the work done , even
if ho did loose a , that he not onlj
thanked the officer but joined the Hu
mane society.
New Milling Company.
Articles of incorporation of the Omahn
Milling and Elevator company were filci :
yesterday. The capital is $100,000 and the
incorporators , Chris Crow. Aaron Chad-
wick , E. S. Chadwick. Anthony Jackson
George Graham and Mury F. Paul.
Tlio Union Puclllo Surgeon's Itcport
Dr. Galbraith , thn Union Pacific surgeon
goon has just made his report of tin
number of employes of the road no\\
under his care in this division , whicl
extends westward to and includes Nortl
I'latto , besides the territory south t <
Maryvillo , At the opening of Angus
there were twenty-two patients on tin
list , the oldest one being a fireman wlu
was paralyzed in n shocking manner it
May of last year , by the bursting of i
water spout. The list at present show :
but nineteen names. This is thosmallcs
number that hits been under the care o
Dr. Galbraith in some months. It show
thr.t the accidents on the road during tli
month of August luuo been few and fa
between. . . ' '
The Programme Outlined for thn
Moating of the Grand bodge.
The end has not yet been reached in
the matter of big gatherings in Omaha ,
because one of the most Important is yet
to take place , in the assembling in this
city of the Nebraska grand lodge of
Knights of Pythias , on the llth , 12th and
13th of October next. There are about
100 lodges of the order in this state , each
of which will send to the grand ledge a
number of delegates and alternates , mak
ing in all over 3,000 knights. At this
meeting the election of the grand officers
of the state and other business will ba
attended to. This is the first time that
this has taken place in Omaha , and the
Intention of the local members of the
order Is to make the occasion the most
remarkable thing of the kind
that has ever ' taken place in
the western states. In this city
there are 1,200 members of the order , the
good-will and assistance of all of whom
are enlisted in the undertaking , but es
pecially those of the members of the
uniformed rank. These in the city have
taken the Imative and have otlercel $0.000
in prizes to the most proficient in drill in
the order. This offer is open to the whole
country , and already Kokomo and In
dianapolis. Indiana , Fort Dearborn ,
Chicago , New York and Philadelphia
have signified their intention of being
present ! The elrillmg will take place in
tlio fair grounds on Wednesday of the
week mentioned. The first prize for the
best drilled will bo $1.000 ; the second
$1,000 and the thirel $ r 00. There will
also bo a prize of $1,000 for the boat
drilled and equipped division in the
state , besides one of ? 500
for the best civil band in the state. The
exposition hall has been engaged for
four nights , as also the Musical Union
orchestra , together with every band in
town. On the second day of the gather
ing there will bo n magnificent parade ,
in which it is expected 2,500 uniformed
knights will take part , making it the
largest military parade that has ever
taken place in this city.
The arrangci.ients have been in pro
gress for some time , and the committees
to whom they have boon entrusted are
determined to leave nothing undone to
make the affair a positive success.
Probably Fatnl Accident to a Work
man YoHtnrday.
At 9 o'clock yesterday morning William
Maydcn , a "tuck pointer" or brick
finisher , fell from a swinging scaffold ,
sustaining injuries which very likely will
result in his death. Ho was at work on
the brick building now being erected by
Dr. Mercer , on the southeast corner of
"Ioward and Eleventh streets. The
iealfold was suspended bv ropes , and was
iibout thirty feet from the ground. All
at once Mayden's fellow-laborers below
saw it swing out , and ho turned a com
plete ) somerAult , landing on the ground
on his feet , which penetrated the earth to
the elistaneo of nearly u foot. Blood
gushed from the unfortunate man's
mouth , and ho was picked up in an un
conscious condition and taken to M.
Jarr's drug store , corner of Tenth and
Howard. Here Dr. A. W. Eduiiston gave
him immediate attention. His suf-
"orings were intense , and his cries
most painful to hear. It was tound that
riis lett ankle was broken , his back in
ured , and the doctor was certain of
some internal injuries. Maydcn was re
moved to St. Joseph's hospital. He came
here from Iowa about two months ace , is
unmarried and about thirty years of age.
CllAiUTlES AXI > C011UI3OI10N.
Farewell Notes A Satisfactory Con
Yesterday morning a number of the com
missioners who have been in attendance
upon the conference of charities and cor
rection , loft for their respective homes
in the cast and northwest , while many
of them remained to rcstafter the fatigue
of the sessions. Several of them also
took the morning trains for the moun
tains , where they will cnje > y a period of
"What has been the result of the pon-
forcnce ? " asked a BEIJ reporter yes
terday of Professor Gillcspio.
"It'hus been A No. 1 , " ho replied.
"Everything has been satisfac
torily attended to and everybody -
body that I know has been pleased
with the outcome. The inter
state law interfered with the attendance ,
the number of elulegatcs not being as
largo as it otherwise would have boon
had not passes been dispensed with. "
Tlio professor iravo a dinner at the in
stitute of the deaf and dumbycstorday in
honor of a number of the visitors , among
whom wore Messrs. Sanborn ot New
York , Ifoscneau of New Jersey , Sawvcr "
of Pittsburt : , Pa. , Dr. Toney and F. "II.
Wines of Springliolel , 111. , and 11. C.
Hammond , of Jacksonville , in the same
state. _
Tuesday evening Jdr. Frank-ii.Green , of
the Herald MiBlno'sS departmentwas Mar
ried to Miss Nellie Corcoran , the Key. C.
W. Savidgo , pastor of the Seward Street
M. E. church , performing the ceremony.
The church was tilled with friends of the
parties , and the reception , subsequently
held at the homo of the groom's father ,
was ono of the happiest social events of
the season. The presents to the bride
wcro noticeable for variety , value and
usefulness. Mr. Green is the son.of one
of the oldest residents of North Omana ,
and his bride n favorite in socictv. His
bride is the sister-in-law of "W. H.
Spanieling , of the United States mail ser
That Criminal Libel Suli.J
The case of the State against J.B.King ,
former city editor of the Heraldfor crim
inal libel , comes up before Judge Borkn
on Saturday afternoon nextfor prelimin
ary hearing. There have been hints cur
rent of a compromise between the Hcralel
and the complaining witness , Mr. I aac
Brownbut the latter eusclaimsanyknowl-
edge of any attempt at this endand says
the case will surely come up. King Is now
in Kansas City , but will return hero Sat
urday evening , it is understood , unless n
postponement of the hearing is granted ,
Mr. King's bond is $1,500 , and John A ,
Creighton is first surety.
Mrs. General Crook left yesterday for
her old Virginia home , to bo absent sov'
oral weeks.
A Test That Foiled to Test.
The superintendent of the gas com
pany. arrested for a violation or ordl
nanco 1,420 , into filling in trenches will :
lloating river sand , as the law requires
had a hearing before Judiro Bcrka , and
was fined $12 and costs. Thegascompanj
filled in certain trendies with dirt in lici
of sand , purposely , it is alleged , to make
a test case of the law , and Attornoj
Priclictt represented the company m the
present ease , which , however , failed te
developo anything in the way of a test 01
the validity of the ordinance , but re
suitcel in the line above mentioned.
A Clue tn tlio Neva Jlohbers.
Thn police have been working harel or
the Novo robbery case and have conn
into possession of a clue which it is
thought will certainly lead to the arrosi
of the guilty parties. Ono of the mer
scon running away from thn etoro uj
toward Eleventh street nas boon par
tially identified and strenuous efforts are
being made to locate him. He was scut
Tuesday night at a late hour and it is
spooled U tit sccreU'd. witliiuUio
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vnrlHS. A mnivolof pur
ty.strcnctli utid whnlcjomotiOM. Mnro ccon
omic l tliati the ordinary kinds , Htid cminot bo
( old In competition with the multitude of low
: ot short wolRht alum or phosplmlo powdprg.
told only In cans. itovAt , nxKiNO 1'owuun Co.
314 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Established for the Scientific and Speedy
Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special
ThsOld Kollabls Sppclallst of many yenr * ex
perience , trontH with wnmlprtul success nil
JiA , nrPruiHJ , cured without KNIPU Olt
Treats all forma of Thront IAIIIJC , Ncrvo and
illood dlsunbes , nil ( "manic diseases and Iu-
formltfpg fur In advance of any Institution In
this country. Thnao who contempliitp Kdlntr to
Hot Spilnf.s tor the treatment of liny 1'rlvnto
or Illood dl pa .ecun lie cured for ono third the
cost ut our Private Dispensary , 311 South loth
Btrrrt , Oinnlia , Noli.
ItUl'TUHH cured without pain orhlndornnco
rom business.
I A HICC "y thin treatment ft pure Lovely
kHtJIbv Complexion , free Irom slowne- . ? ,
, blackheads , eruption' ! , etc. , Urilliunt
Eyes and porlcet health eiin lie hiiil.
Tluit "lirod" feollntr nml all foinnlo weak-
promptly ouroil. llloutlntr Heailuulies ,
NurvoUB Prostration , General Debility , Sleep
lessness , Depression and Indigestion , Ovurloii
troubles , Intlammntlon nnd t'lcctntlon , Tallin ?
and Displaeemrntp , Spinal weakness Kidney
complaints nnJ Change of Life. Conlult tli
old Doctor.
EVE fi lfl (7/RQ / Acute or Chronic Tnllum
Clk finU Eflilitimtlonor the Ryi-IUU or
( Hobo ami lar or'Near HiHhtodness , Inversion
of tlio Lids , Scrofulous K > o3 , tllci-ratlons. In-
llnraiuatlons , Abscess , Dimness of Vlslonof ono
or both eyes , and Tumors of I.ld.
CW" I n 11 inn mat ion of the Kar. t'lcoratlon or
Catarrh , Internal or External Duulnps" , or
l'arnlysi , Singlnf ? Or Homing nolsce , TUlekoncd
nrum. etc.
UCDUflliC DebilitySpormatorrhreii , Som-
IVklllUUw luiil Losses , NiKht ICnilssliiiH ,
Loss of Vital Power , Slcoples-noss , Uespond-
oncy , Ixss of .Memory , Confusion of Ideas ,
Illuri lloforo the Eyes , Lassitude , Languor ,
Olooinlrjc a , Depression ol Spirits. Aversion to
Society , Easily Discouraged , Lack of Confi
dence , Dull , Listless. Unlit for Study or llusi-
no , and llnrls llfo n burden , Safely , Perma
nently and 1'rlvattily Cured.
Dl ( inn f. Ci/lll Diseases.Syphllls-adl-
DLUUU tt Ol\inscuo most horrible in
Us results completely eradicated without the
1110 of mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas , Fever
Sores , lllotchcj. Pimples , Ulcers , pains In the
Head and Hones , Syphilitic Sore Throat , Mouth
and Tongue , Glandular Knlargoinent of the
NecK , Ithoumatixni , Cntanh , etc. , Permanently
Cured Whim Others Have Fulled.
IIDIiUIDV Kidney and Illadrlor trouble ? ,
UltlNIInT ) Weak llitek , Ilurnlntr Urine ,
Froquenoy of ITrlnntln r > L'rine hlph colornl or
niilUy KcdlnieiitonstainlliiL' , ( Unionhcea , ( ileot ,
Cystitis , etc. , promptly anil salely cured.
Charges reagouitblo.
Kleet , stricture , suiulnal emissions , Ions of sex
ual power , wenknes * ot the sexual organs , want
of desire In male or female , whether from Im-
prudcut habits ot young or sexual habits In
mature years , or any cause that debilitate * the
Hexunl junctions , speedily nud permanently
Consultation free and strictly confidential.
Mcillclno sent free fiom observation to all
parts of the L'nlted States. Correspondence
receives prompt attention. No letters an
swered unless accompanied by four cents In
etamp . Horn ! stamp tor pamphlet and llsl of
questions. Terms strictly eash. Call on or ad
dress I > K. rowr.i.L uiiivis : ,
_ No.J'H South 13th St. . Omaha. Neb.
Commencing Monday , Sept-
First appearance in this city of the
Broderid Opera
Comprising the following artists ,
MAUltlOi : HOdl'MAN ,
on nuuc , : ,
SOOroancl Ohorus - - - 3O
NI\V cosTi'Mijs. NIW scixiiiY. : :
Admission tT5c , 51o , ! l"c , 21c. Seats ran bo
hecuredat the box oliico on and alter Septem
ber 2. _ _ _
Entrance on llth St.
Week ot September 5 ,
\Yiththuc.\ccptlouof IMday. Special engage
ment of
The largest operu nouso attraction ever pic-
seined to the American public
1 Carload of masnitlcent hoi > es.
1 car load of biiecnil M-onory 1 ,
ttlrirst class artists 2) .
10 of the finest educated horses in the world.
Tlio loading arniHuniDnt attraction and the
EU,1OTT1ON'DON8IIUW. I'Htronwod everywhere -
rywhero by the elite , the sclci.tlllc , the cul.
turod and the ilterarr people.V , C. Coup &
Co'swonderful ediieutod bronchos In ninii/o-
Intr actE.Pchool and battle scenes. The II iill :
otti.primlor blcychslKimd unlej cllsts In Amei
lea. The mos-t rollned gbow on the rouil , the
only ono endorsed by the loadliiK people ol
the continent and under the personal MI per
vision of W , 0. Coup , Ktn. , oriKlnutor of tin
largest clrciiBses , Now York aquarium unii
buveriil other colossal cnterprif es.
Of Solo Artlits.
_ Admls-lon g.'ic.Hoservoil _ isala " 5o extra.
( Successors to John G. Jacobs. )
Dodcrtate and Einlialmcrs
At the old stand , 1407/Farpam St. Orden
by telegraph solicited and promptly at'
tended to. Telephone No , ; ; 25.
We have made extraordinary efforts in our new Boys' and Ohildreng
Department , to have the same ready for the opening of the schools.
It is the largest , most elegant and best lighted salesroom in the city,1
and we cordially invite an inspection of the same.
We are now prepared to show a stock of clothing for boys , , from 4 to
18 years of age , the like of which has never been seen in this city , It is
offered at prices which makes it worthy your attention. .
Our new hat department is now ready and open for business.
Have our r > rices for clothing revolutionized your ideas ? Well , we da
exactly the same thing with hats. They are marked at prices which
will astonish you. To inaugurate this new department in a befitting
manner we have placed on sale.
One hundred dozens fine Fur Stiff Hats of the latest styles , high anc (
medium crown , at one dollar. Such qualities have never been sold fou
ess than $2 , and we guarantee them to be fully worth the latter price * ,
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at
braska Clothing Company
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
Cor. 13th St. and Capitol Aue. , OVM/M / , NEB.
boit facillllt1 * , flitfimtu | | * .n't rtmnll1 * for ltirr * .fMJ trvftlmttit f
i try form of < \ 41111 requiring Mv < llilor Pin git a I ttratmrtil.
nniTrt rod ItiulliUfc on Iirforinlll mul III ri > p , ( lull ] > rff
Curvature of Ihfl 8pln * . I'll * , 1 luiior * . Ca net I , Cata rrli. Itiviir I III * .
Inhalation , li.rtrlrlly : , I'nrxlv.U. Fill-i.- | | . KHnfj , UI dJ < i , ) . , . ,
tr , hkin , auj U.cwl , mi.l llSuiglcal IJi | lior.l.
Book on Diseases of Women FI'I.'E.
HAKIM ; x or
All niwd l > iM M nr COM fully treat * 1. Hvr > 'UiI ' ( > * T < ! i < m mnovM
f\omtl. i > y l < > ! .i with > ut tu-iuiry. New ) U lonttlvtiTitali.ivitt ft f
UiMof Vital Ptmer. I'trw-m unable M v.t in mar t-o Irrilul nt
Win * , bv ConeipouUnrr , AllcoimmmlriUl' nn t'i > nf.inilnl [ IliJI-
Hi.f iT'Inilruiii n1iMnt by nift.Ior citjueM. Mvnidv | tmU < . , iw
nurkt lolitilicttte contu.tiur n-nUr OI-MTINHIH ) liiir\letv l < rw
firnl Cull aiilcr > iutiltii . orwu IliMory nfjour i i , uiili iUmp.
und vt v > Lll ( tend In ( lain \\rupi vr. our
\ ' \ # n Pillule , Special itvl Jfsrvou'i pi ni s Gemini I wcnkmvt
fil riinilorrlurfi. Impotencj. flrihl | ! ! < uiwuliis , tiled , und ' * 1-
cart'lf. JUiit * for Jifttif nti , A l < 1rrt.
Dr. HcMeuaisy , Cor. 13th st. & Capitol AT.Ora < ina1 Neb.
Medical Hooks or I'npers Free.
The proprietor of Ilia Jlmulm .Moil , oil nil I Mircl-
cal luUItu u ti is jubil tictl a vulimb u so ol LUOKI
Hiul p ipors upon unru.ili'ainl nurgicul < | fott > .e < nnU
itcformliU'9 , nnil tac moiL-iiU ut euro wliloli tiavo
Klvou li'in 1 10 rcpiiliitHHiot UUMIU the moul nklllful
nml niu'e-sfi'l ' ipo.'laM-it In iliu non. unit luinlu tlio
limtltuto o ruiojrateil tliut iil'Hlicliici nru trm lo
ami OMIK rcco ! oil from every xtato In tlio union.
Aiming tlio hooks U olio upi n ttio ilht u c4 of
vrniuuu ; ono upon nwrvo is up ' and pilvato ill- * .
cttftoiortliuiuxuul ami urinary uniunii. \ nrk-nfflo
iltjul It ) , nun i vr in i .4 u * u li 'iiuu'iii i 11 ui > | iipoil bracCB. pllu . iiincers , | > arnlyMi , tit' . Klvc-
trlcMtjr ami t cno.v mnnniulu Imt.ery lor hoin u c' ;
cutiirrli anil Inhalation , ill. Unllko mo < t bank )
IfMiod by doctor * I ret1 , tnuj oo not oo'Mlst of to < itl'
monliilx with DctltloiiK n iim1" neil Inltl iK nr rnliblrli
of lh t kind , tut nro pl.iln ilet"rlptlon < of ill'omoi.
lymptomi , now il covfriM In uie.llclno nnr > ry
urnl oluttrlc Itr. nml are w ll worth tlio POIIU il nncl
on n l > o obtained free bi aditre < MniC tlio OMitiha Medi
cal and t > urli'il : ln tttn'o , Ulli struct an I Cnpitol
UTcnue ,
mo 19 rsACQCAixiro WITH TUB or.oautrmr or rau
-rgSv ? !
llyrcnion piti central position c'.oio rolntlon tollnct
Last ot Chicago , and coiitliujjl lna at terminal
points West , Korthwvtt and Koath eit , la tlie true
middle link In that trun.contlncntM pjt < > ia hlth
InMtci ami facllltntca travel and tratUo between tlio
Atlantic and I'aclac.
The Rock Island ranln line nml tiranchnlncluJo Chi-
cago.JolictOttawa , L\8i\Ui ) , Tenrla , ( JeliCBpo , Mullnu
and Hock Itland , In lllln'/i ; l > i rnport , Mu.callno.
aihlneton , Kalrfltld , Ottumvra , Oakaloosa , U' *
erty , Iowa Cltyp < . < iMuln .ImlliinolaWliitrran , Atlan
tic , Knoxvlllo , Audubon , Harlan , Outhrle Centra and
Council BlurTD , In lowai nalUtln , Trenton , fit. Joneph ,
Cameron and Katuai OilIn Misiourl ; I. < avm orth
and Atclilton.InKaniasi Albert I.ealllnm'aioll > and
Bt. Paul , In lllnne otai Watcrtown and Sioux Kitllf , lv
l > aLota , and hundrtda of Intcnncdiato cltle * and tou ni.
VTho Croat Rock Island Routo"
Guarantees ppecd , comfort , certainty and fafety. ItR
permanent way Udlitlmrulshcdforttst'icellcnci' . Itii
Lrldgen are of rtuno and Iron. lt track In of > olld
itecl.ilH rolllnxitockIK rfcct. Itspnoengero'iulpmunt
lias all t he Kafety appliances that eipcrlencohaitprortil
uieful , and for luiurluua accommodations Is u.i * u < -
pune.1. Its ! : ipre < Trains conilit cf nuixrlor I'lJ-
Coaches , elegant rullman I'alaco I'arlorand bleejuiikT
Cars , superb IJlnlntf Cam , tirorldltiK delicious meals ,
and ( betncen Chlcagn and St. Jnkcph , Atchlron and
Kansas Clt- ) restful Itrclinlni ; Chair Cars. Ha man
agement Is cotuenratlve , its Ul clpllno czactlng.
"The Famous Albert Lea Routo"
Between Chicago and Mlnr.eapolU and .St. 1'aul Is the
favorite. Ovrrlhlsllno build fut Ksprtss Trainsnm
dally to attrnctlvo retorts for tourlits In Iowa and
Minnesota , and , Tla Watertownandbloux Falls , to the
rich wheat ami waslnglaniMof Interior lulcota. Vis ,
Ecnecn and KanValei- , the Itotlc lilandorren superior
Indurcments to travelers between Cincinnati , Indian.
apolls , Lafayt tt and Council Hlulfs. St. Joseph , Atcht-
son , Loarenworth , Kansas City , Pt , I'aul , andlntennf.
diata points. All patrons ( t > p < > clallr ladles and ehll-
drenjrecelvoprotectlon.courteiy nnd Vlndly attention.
For tickets , inav.ii . , folder * , eoph not Western Trail , or
any dtslrcd information , apply to principal ofllccs In
the United Stales and Canada , or address , atChlcuk'O ,
R.R. CABIE , [ . ST. JOHR , .t. A. 110111001 ,
'mfiywwywwtj ®
- * " * 5 f ooi ; s orfc : < cy. < s c .
A magnificant display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
1 i.f li V < .W
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects in materials and workmanship.
1305 * 1307 FARNAM STREET *
And Maud S. Has Retired from the TracK
we have the Largest and finest line of Carriages , Harness , Itoues ,
Elankcts , Horse Clothing and all kinds of Turf Goods , ever carried
by any jinn in the city.
20O Sets of Team , Farm , lij-nrcan , Coupe , Light , Double .0 Single liar-
new , for sale , regardless of co"t. Sole agents for the California Horse
Jloota. Xonc genuine unless > < t < itn ) > t < l , "J. A. lUrKerron , S. F. " It'etttern
Agents for the celebrated Toomey SHll > u. Sh < > i > arnund and when you are
ready to buy call on MJTUIIKLL C 1IAIKIM ,
S. TP. Corner Kith fit. and Capital Avc. , Omaha.
HomolliliiR entirely now
mul aella nt sik'lit. liar *
tun'H StbHinlc'M. Oilor-
'lc,8 ' , Non-lloll-Ovor-Kot-
tlu. HHS IL > ( | > ritlBuil
cover ii'id water joint ,
uitil un outlet ulilcli cur-
rli-tiiill Hlciini nml odor
of llMieliliiini'y. 1'iitcnt
StiMiiiHT nttiioliiiiimt
' ulniio wnrtli tin1 price.
_ 23 AKCIUSiuiteil , nniloor
foiniiluin every town InNoliraskix. I'roflts $ "i to
* 10 nor iliiy. Lllit-riil terms ami oxclu-l\o torrl-
iprol | | Arenj | |
tlmahii Nub.,1' . O. llox 4SJ.
* - " - And others suirerlntf from
nirviius ilehlllty , rilinuillliu
.ihrxnlo . Ulxiurs , | imn lui
.In . line uf juiini vr old ro
iHUfly ruittl ly IT
name's fnnious l.lirlru.
aluKnrtlp "ill. Tbuu > nils
In r -Slao In iliiiTnliHi l"i u l " " ) ' ' ! '
FI trleT.2Wlj InHanlly fell I'silclltnlcliiUulcllU
v'elrs , "vhile famtlr can e r Mine tiflt Klrclrli ,
KLrnaarll s flrt. lib male belts A told wortlil. M Im.
llallims MII < I l iiios ronipanl Clr > lrl I ru r > fur
llVp ure , 70M "uml InMa. Hellrt .lami'for faun him.
ui w"a. HoiHf. iNViHTDii. 191 WACA.H Av. , CUJCACO.
Remarkable for powerful sympa
thetic tone , pliable action and ab
solute durability , ! 50 yearV record ,
the best Kiiarantee of the excel
lence of these instalment ! , .
, i
W.M. MO INTO" ! ! . II. r. nODWKLT.
llOlViM : , V .llrl.Vi'O.SIl ,
Real Estate Dealers
110 South Sprint ; Street ,
H | n city property of ait
otiH. ( lunurni lururiuiitlon to new t
cutucrti liucly KIVCII. ' i
tiui'nee.Scrrou < IUetjllttycauirM'
tlimiiu'li L-rruiH ulul bml iirnctlc CURED '