Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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    " * * ! % f
, tfo. 12 , PEABL STREET.
tloUvfred ty eniTicr m inr part of the cltr ai
twenty cents per truck.
B. W. TILTOJT , . . . Manager.
BWHTM Ornci. No. u ,
Jtioiix EDITOM No. S3.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Ilciter , tailor. Fall goods cheap.
Machine oil , ncodlo1) , embroidery silks ,
publications. Domestic ajjcucy , 105 Main.
Fine coupes for ladles calling. Win.
Lewis , telephone 128. Oillco 41U liroad
It cost A Stewart ? 7.CO for sleeping in
the weeds back of the "blue barn. "
G. . Myers has stepped down and out
ot the management of tliu district telegraph -
graph ofllce.
The friends of Miss Katie Ponder sur
prised her at her homo ou Vine strcul
Tucsd ay evening.
Charles Crump is complained of foi
lapping a woman in the face , lie is tt
have a liearing to-day.
Hov. J. Fisk , of this city , preached the
funeral sermon of Mrs. Mabel McMullins ,
At Creoton City , Tuesday.
The Ucbckah lodge had a house warm
ing last night at the new homo of J. 1 !
Dulfctt , on Stutsman street.
Willie and Cora Keller , gave a parti
yesterday afternoon to their little fncndt
at their homo on North Second street.
Judge Aylesworth has gone to DCS
Monies to attend the democratic state
convention. During his absence Justice
Bchurz will hold down his woolsack.
A goodly number went to Macedonia
yesterday to attend the annual reunion
of the old settlers , lion. Jno. Y. Stone ,
of this city , delivered the chief address.
Local Union No. 70 , carpenters and
joiners , will meet to-night , and all mem
ben are requested to attend , as business
of importance will cornu before the union
for disposal.
Judge Doemcr , and his official stenographer
grapher , Mr. Duller , yesterday visited the
pew court house , and took it look at the
y < JTk as it is progressing. They bott
Were pleased.
Henry Taylor and M. Isadoro were
arrested on a charge of mutual assault.
Taylor was yesterday discharged and
Isadora lined , ho being deemed the
offending party m the aiVair.
August Klopping and Louisa Geisc
wore yesterday afternoon married at the
residence of Mrs. Itcck on Pierce street
and left last evening for their homo in
Weston , where a reception has been
planned for them by their friends.
George Mentt and Lvdia Way , both of
Omaha , were married yesterday by Jus
tice Schurz in his oflice. The bridegroom
is thirty years old , but he found it nec
essary to hunt about town considerably
to lind someone who would swear that
ho was over twenty-ouo , so as to get the
needed license.
A boy , Tommy ( Jranshnw , thought ii
wap very funny to ( ill the street lamps
with mud. The light of some of them
could not bo made poorer very well b }
ixny such mischievous proceeding , but offense
fenso was taken by the authorities , anil
the little joker has no mirth now as lit
looks sadly out from behind the bars ,
which hold him until his case can Uc
looked into further.
Dr. T. F. Uritt , of Leadvillo , Colo. , but
formerly of Slumandoah , Ponn. , has as <
bociateu himself with Dr. Richards , and
will do a treneral practice. The doctoi
is a genial , social man , and comes well
recommended , and will doubtless build
up a largo practice. Ho is a graduate ol
the nieillcaLdopitrtinent of the university
of Peinis\lvania , and of the lienaetl
medical college ot Chicago.
Judge Dccnior recommends to the
grand jury that they lilo all anonymous
communications in the lire. Every
grand jury is tormented by such letters
Irom unknown persons , who hope bj
this means to gut eases started against
others , against whom they probably have
some perbonal feeling , and yet the ac
cusers are too cowardly to appear pub
licly. The recommendation of the
judge will doubtless bo followed.
It seems tiiat there might bo some
method of filling in the dirt where now
Bowers are laid , so that the very lirst rain
will not cause the streets to bo full ol
dangerous holes' There has been a greal
itaul of trouble about the sewer recontlj
laid on Fourth street , and now Fifth avenue -
nuo is in about as bad condition. Tin
dirt is supposed to be Hushed into place ,
but it can hardly be packed sutliciontl }
judging from the ellccts of the lirst dash
of rain.
Charlie Allyn denies that he attemptc (
suicide , or even made a pretense for tin
purpose of frightening his triends. 11 (
pays ho was tauen with cramps , and wai
in such agony that ho couKl not toll \vha
did ail him , and a doctor was called in t <
give relief. The sudden illness came a
a rather unfortunate time , as he was jus
getting ready to bo married to Pear
Kogers. It is understood that the core
inony was quietly performed las > tovonitu
and all's well that ends well ,
The patrol wagon went whirling dowr
to the Milwaukee & St. Paul yards yestcr
day after a load of vags. Six wer
brought up , and strangely enough four o
them had wealth , the largest amount being -
ing | B. The dirtiest one of the hal
dozen on being searched was found ti
possess no personal property except i
cake of soap , which ho had carefull-
wrapped up m a piece of paper so that i
couldn't get soiled. Ho was allowed t <
retain this , with a recom'medation to tr
one application at least.
Money to loan. Cooper & Jiulsou.
A Temperance Itully.
A union temperance meeting of all til
churches , under the auspices ot tm
Council liiulVs law and order league
will bo held on Sunday night at 7:3 :
o'clock in the opera house. -
For Sale Harry Smith's photograpl
gallery cheap. Inquire of Harry Smitli
J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money.
The Elchth OUtrlce.
MALVKHN , August 81. The rcpublica :
senatorial convention for the Eighth dis
trict mot at the opera house yesterda
afternoon and was called to order byV
S. Lewis , committeeman from Mill
county , who named J. M. Taylor , o
Montgomery , as chahman , and Alber
Juilson , of Mills , at , secretary , who wur
elected. T. J. llvsham and James ( ircij
were a committee on credentials and ru
ported six delegates from Mills and sevei
from Montgomery.
Mr. Thomas Weldman , of Montgomer
county was placed in nomination b'
Kobert Patrick , of the Mills delegation
and the nomination was heartily seconded
ended by T. J. Hysham on behalf c
Montgomery county. The result was th
unanimous nomination of Mr. Weidmai
by acclamation. Mr. Wcidman wa
called for and responded in a brit
speech , planting himself firmly on th
state plattorm and promising to use hi
best endeavors to carry into elVcct sue
measures as the best interests of the pee
pie demand.
T. J , Hysham , of Montgomery , and Di
Btirtt , of Mills , were elected seuatoriu
One thousand head of one , two an
three-year-old steers for sale. Will giv
credit ! to reliable parties. Enquire of /
J. ( irccnamayer , U23 Mynster at. , teU
The Bar * Before ttin Bar.
Tbe interest m Iho district court yes
terday centered In the prohibition cases ,
which occupy so large a place In the cal
endar. The batch of cases brought up
yesterday were those in which a tempo
rary writ of Injunction had boon Issued ,
nnd in which the prosecution now wanted
the Injunction to bo made permanent ,
The attorneys for the defense lirst made
a moro to have thu hearing of the cases
continued , on the ground that those cases
were already being considered by the
federal court , nnd that court would
probably soon render n decision. When
these cases were brought in the district
court , the defendants made a mo
tion to have tlitim transferred to the
federal court. This motion was over
ruled by Judge Thornell. but the de
fendants went into the federal court
witn the question , asking the federal
court to take jurisdiction , while the
plaintill followed asking the federal
court to remand the cases to the statn
court , nnd denying that the federal court
had any jurisdiction. Yesterday the at
torneys for tbe defendants urged that
the cases bo Held oil' until the federal
court reached some decision. That de
cision would probably make it unneces
sary to hitve the bearing now asked for
by the plaintltl' .
Judge Ucemcr did not follow the com
mon practice of adjourning over until
the next day to consider the mutter , but
with his usual promptness decided that
ho would not allow the desired postpone
ment , lie remarked that while ho would
personally prefer to have" the federal
court decide on the question before any
further hearing was had in bis court , yet
if the plaintiff tlcmandod that the cases
b now heard , ho could not lawfully re
fuse to Brunt this. Tbo federal court
might render a decision which would
annul all these proceedings , but ho must
take the cases as he. found them and act
upon them. Jiulgu Thornell had al
ready refused to grant the desired re
moval to tbo federal court , and by this
decision the cases were left in the state
court. Ho could not practically reverse -
verse the ruling of Judge Thornoll.
The next move by the attorneys for the
defendants was to have the depositions
in these cases suppressed. It appeared
that these depositions were of the wit
nesses , Harmsdon and Smith , the two informers -
formers who went around buying drinks
tor the purpose of getting evidence
agninst tbe saloons. They have been > in-
dieted for perjury. The defendants
claimed that the depositions of these men
were not fairly taken. Tbe attorneys
wore misled as to the time of taking the
depositions , nnd hence had no opportu
nity to lilo cross-interrogatories. The
depositions , too , were taken by Attorney
/ink , of Le Mars , who had been
associated in the prosecution ol
these cases , and is the attorney
of record in a largo number of them. It
suctus from ullidavits tiled that Attorney
Kink , who has been as zealous in the
prosecution of the saloons as Mr. Sims ,
prepared these depositions himself , had
the witnesses sign them and conducted
the examination in a secret manner. Ihc
attorneys for the defendants bad nc
chance < to make any cross-examination ,
and in view of the character of tiio wit
nesses , and the natural prejudices of the
attorney taking the depositions , it was
especially necessary that every precau
tion should bo taken. The attorneys
claimed tint it was a lop-sided examina
tion , in which the defendants had no
chance to protect their interests. The
notary who took the depositions was the
attorney for the plaintiff in forty similar
cases , the examination was conducted in
secrecy , the defendants bad no chance
to cross-examine these man , who were
already under indictment for perjury ,
and ought to be subjected to cross-inter
Judge Ueeraor very promptly decided
that these depositions could not stand as
they were. He was satisfied that by some
misunderstanding , at least , the attorneys
for the defense had not hat ) the opportu
nity which they should to file cross-inter
rogatories. They ought to have this op
portunity , and ho would give it to them ,
Tbo question then arose whether the
depositions should bo sent back , and
cross-examination had , or whether the
whole work should bo done over again
by tbo prosecution. Tbo attorneys foi
the defense objected to having
to go before Zink , as bo was an
attorney for the plaintiff , and
they objected also to having
the examination m chief taken byink
and the cross examination taken by an
other notary. The depositions to tticii
mind were badly taintedand they wonted
them suppressed entirely , and a new starl
taken. Judge Dcemor told them that lu
would give them time to make a furthei
showing in regard to Zink , and the man
ner in which the depositions had beer
tixnen , so as to determine what furtuci
should bo done in tin ; matter.
The decision necessitates a further de
lay in these cases. It will be some day :
at least before the depositions can have
their faults corrected , and it is not uu
likely that in trying to patch them uj
now questions may arise , by wind
further delay can bo gained. The utter
noys for the saloon felt that m yester
day's round they knocked the prohibi
tionists"out for once , oven with a judgi
whoso personal learnings are thougjit tc
bo strongly on the prohibition side
Judgu Decinor is evidently trying to do
eide these various questions , without ro
card to tbo public feeling , or his persona
inclinations. His rulings yesterday in
spired conlidence in bis integrity of pur
pose , nnd hardly less so in his ability.
The decision suppressing the deposi
tiqns affected directly six cases , in whicl
it is soucht to have the injunctions madi
permanent. In a number of cases then
was a default , and the judgment was en
tcred against the defendants. Most , i
not all , of these arc men who have goni
out of tbo saloon business , or removed ti
other fields , so that tbo judgment doe
not practically affect them.
A number of other like cases are to b
taken up this morning. Motions may b
expected to bo made m these , and tin
light is being dragged along as slowly a
possible , each day seeming to sonic o
the defendants a great gam.
Watches , clocks , jewelry , etc. , the bcs
in the city. C. Voss , jeweler , Mo. 41
liioadway. Repairs a specialty.
For Sale Cheap Lots near the brldg
to parties who will build at once. Ad
dress or call on J. U. Kich , No. 110 Man
street , Council Kind's.
Meeting of tbe Club. .
A mcctinp of the club is called for thl
evening at'tho now rooms , at 8 o'clock
The executive committee is particular ! :
desirous that every member should b
present , if possible , as there are impor
tant matters to be decided upon in con
nection with the openiag ot the nov
List your property with Cooper &
son , No. 120 Main street.
Wanted Apprentice eirls to lean
dressmaking. Miss Molliu Corcoran , 71
Myustor fit.
lly Lightning.
The city is lo nave its streets lighted b ;
electricity. The council last night cam
to a formal vote , and tbo report of th
committee of the whole , as published ii
yesterday's BEE , was adopted as tin
electric li ht company roado the concession
sion nsked for by the council in regard t
the purchase of the masts at the end o
two years , and hence the matter ia do
cided. By this arrangement the city is t
have seven masts , or towers , each havio
four electric lights. The tower ot th
court bouse is a sample , and will be on
of tbe points of lighting. Tbe HgUta nr
nil to bo at least 150 fcot high. Tbo city
is to pay $20 u light or (5GO a month iu
all. The Contract is for two years and at
the end of that tirao the city will either
uurchasc the masts tit two-thirds their
original cost , or enter Into a new
contract. This gives the city n
chance to cct new bids at the end of two
years , nnd should some now company
underbid the present ono , tbo city can
easily arrange to turn over the masts
to the new company.
The citizens generally are delighted at
the prospect of having the city illumined
as it will bo by these towers. The peti
tion in its favor was a strong one , and
the council in taking this action is simply
carrying out the wish of tax-payers as
thus expressed.
The City Council.
Llttlo was done at the city council
meeting last night , beyond the discussion
in regard to lighting the streets with elcC'
trie lights.
A special tax levy of 2 mills was made
In sewer district No. 2 , which is the tcrrl <
torv protected by the now lovce.
The council adjourned to meet in rcgu
lar monthly session on Monday nighl
I'crnonnl 1'nrnurnptis.
I-rcmont Benjamin , of Avoca , was at
tending court yesterday.
A. W. Askwith , of Avona , was hero as
a witness in a default case yesterday.
Mrs. 1. M. Hay has so far recovered
from her illness as to be able to sit up n
J. P. Anderson , the sewing machine
agent , is recovering from Tiis severe
W. S. Trqxell , brother of C. C. Troxell
is in tbo city and looking tor a locatioi :
for n grocery store.
W. J. Trotter , of Avoca , was lookins
after the interests of some of his client !
in court here yesterday.
Mrs. W. W. Atkinson has returnee !
from Fort Atkinson , Wis. , where she
went to attend the funeral of her sister.
Rev. A. K. Bates , late pustoj of "tho
Presbyterian church here , has bittn callec
to the pastorate of a largo Presbyterian
mission church in Cedar Rapids.
Miss Clara Southwell , ono of the re
cent graduates from the nigh school here
is to teach the Bunds school in Hazel
Dc.ll township , the term to open nexl
George Ferguson and family arc hav
ing a grand time at Spirit Lake. Frorr
the fishing statistics briefly given in hit
letters , it is evident that he will conn
home well laden with tinny stories.
"Winnie" Wynkoop , late news agent
on the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri
Valley road , is in the city , having come
from Minneapolis. Ho' is making a
short visit during a recreation lay off.
Henry Rishton. of York township , and
ex-member of the county board , was
down as one of the grand jury , but was
fortunate enough to get excused , lu
being long on farm and short on help.
Visit the new jeweler , C. Voss , No | 11 {
Broadway , if you wish anything in hit
line. He has a line assortment of the best
How a Onno Wealthy Hlnve-Holilei
Has Fallnn in the Scale orlilfe.
Denver Republican : In a dingy little
back room on the ground lloor of No ,
1511 Holladay street yesterday , a mar
crazed with the too constant imbibing ol
liquor , and suffering with the horrors
produced by strong drink , attempted tc
take his life.
The demented man was Samuel M ,
Todd , a bent old man in his seventy-
sixth year , whoso business has been tin
Denver agent of the Louisiana State Lot
tery. The idea of self-destruction wa
evidently suddcnlv conceived and at
qujekly attempted. The little lottery
ollico had not done a good business
lately ; regular frequenters of the shop
fought shy of it. This loss of patronage
played upon the spirit of the aged man
who conducted the establishment , and
ho became despondent. Despondency
drove him to drink : and liquor was the
devil that possessed his brain when be
resolved upon suicide. Ho chose D
means which , under ordinary circunv
stances , would have made his' exit from
this wicked sphere a success in every par
ticular. It was the execution , however ,
which fulled dismally.
Among other curiosities in the old rat
trap lottery ollice was a cap-und-bal
pistol ot largo calibre. It was an ancienl
firearm in common use many years ago
Armed with this , old man Todd sough )
to kill nimself. Placing the muzzle ovei
his heart , he closed his eyes and blazer
away. A loud report and a sound o :
falling plaster cominced the would-b (
suicide that his aim had been faulty , as
thcj bullet had sped over his shoulder"ant
imbedded itself in tun wall. Yet the
man was bravo and made another on-
slaucht on his existence. Again ho was
unsuccessful , the bullet imbedding itsell
in another portion of the room.
The shooting attracted attention , and
quickly the room was tilled with people
They took in the situation at a glance
and without hesitation disarmed Kim. /
hasty examination revealed the fact thu
Todd had escaped injury , but that lu
was much excited mentally. In short
the man was on the verge of deliriun
tremens. AVhilo thus suffering he was
taken to police headquarters and latoi
moved to St. Luke's hospital. At a late
hour last night ho was reported as rest
ing easy. A brief rest , attended will
careful nursing , will doubtless soon re
store the old lottery man to his ordinary
Twenty years ago in Now Orleans the
name of Samuel W. Todd was a promi
nent one. Ho was wealthy , inllueutia
and respected. Prior to the war he op
crated an extensive cotton plantation n
a rich low laud contiguous to the Mississ
ippi. Slaves in abundance hud be whosi
labor enriched him ; ho was prosporou :
and amassed a fortune. With the wa :
came reverses and at the conclusion o
the great struggle Mr. Todd made Nov
Orleans his homo. He was still linan
daily well fixed and still was favorably
received in aristocratic circles. Hi
reared a largo family luxuriously , edu
eating his daughters in Paris. His son !
engaged in business , nnd two of then
to-aay are wealthy. But the old mai
had ono vice , an ins.itiato desin
for liquor. It clung to him tenaciously
and to it is attributed tbo loss o
homo , happiness , and all that makes lift
most desirable. His passion mustcret
him so completely that the once wealthy
slave-owner laft his relativoj and , oiglf
years ago. attended only by a son , wlu
had inherited his fathers ruling passion
came west , locating in Denver. His ca
recr since then has been checkered
Careworn , desolate , unhappy , a wan
derer from homo , the old inau graduall :
sank lower in the social scale.
As an agent for the Louisiana Stati
lottery ho made sufficient money to pro
vide for his natural desires and to bu ;
whisky. It is alleged that for nearly twi
years ho has been more or less continu
ally under the iuilucnco of liquor.
Yet to-day in Now Orleans. St. Loui
and Kansas City children of this old mai
live in affluence and move in the highes
circles of society. Annoyed by thei
father's disgraceful habits , 'it is said tha
they have refused to longer recognizi
When the old man once again recover
ho will probable resume his place in tin
dingy little lottery ollico until his las
ticket is drawn.
Incomparably th Ba t.
Having opened , the time for purchasing
heavy clothing approaches and every one
wishes to know wljcrc to go to get the best
quality for the least money. If you wll !
before you purchase elsewhere , you will be
enabled to see about what you can pur
chase your selection * for. It will not b (
necessary for you to buy of us , we simpl }
extend vou nn invitation to call and ex
amine the Finest and Best Selected sloe *
of clothing ever in Council Bluffs. W <
offer for sale a large line o'f
suits , in sack or frock styles , in the hail
lines , , silk mixtures , gray mixtures , brown
mixtures , crimson mixtures , broken plaids
and all the new styles. These to be ap
preciated must be seen. They are neat ,
nobby goods. We have a fine line of
Coats and Vests , as well as four-button
CutawajJ , in all colors. These goods in
cut , fit , finhh and 'rimming , are equal to
the best tailor made goods and we offer
'them for less than half a tailor could make
them for. Youths' and Children's suits
We show a fine line of these goods as well
as a full assortment of the cheaper grades
for school wear. A full line of knee pants
and boy's shirt waists ,
We have everything imaginable in
Including Hats , Caps , the finest line of
Neckwear ever in the city. Silk , Alapaca
and Gingham Umbrellas. A full line ol
White Shirts , besides Percales , Cheviots
and Flannels of all colors.
We are here to show goods and trust
the public will favor us by giving us a call
and at least inspect our lines , which we
claim equal to anything ever in this city.
No. 416 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Next Door to The Manhattan.
T. F. BRITT M. D. ,
NO. 007
Cor. 5th Ave. 01 7th St. , Council Bluffs.
One of the best Educational Institu
tions in the west , Hoarding and day
school conducted by the Sisters of Char
ity , B. V. M.
Board anil- tuition for a term of five
months , $73. . For further particulars
St. Francis Academy ,
Council BlulTs , la.
Attorneys at Law ,
Practice in the State and Federal Cour 1
Rooms 7 and S Shugart-Beno Block.
Justice o ± the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
Star Safe Stab/es and Mule Yards
Broadway , Council lilulla , Opp. Dummy Depol
- >
t d c *
S eg
Horses and nuilcB constantly on hand
for sale at retail or In car load lots ,
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice- . Stock suld on commission
Telephone 114. SHLUTKU & BOLEV.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Counci Bluffs
It. lilt Tillil > t p ll C
_ _ _ luU. ft C.ri.l.
Owlnit to th. PI180I1L HUSllirrT of ( he cl.lh ( wtlch
our pBl.nti .ovtr eiclUBtrelj ) will fit perfectly flrt
Urn. worn R < i lr nobr kinr In. mill MC ID
l worn ten dtyf If not found tbi > most
hlc Corm eierworn. gold bj all
er .
KOTTT BKOK. . ChU . Ill-
MANHOOD KHJtt KtoikCun Uooir , herrouS
Dtbilltf. Lort K h od , etc. , hiring tried to Tlin
Special idToitliemcnti , such n Lo t , Found
' oLoati.For Sale , To Hent , VI ants , Bonrdlnr ,
etc. , wlll bolnecrtcd In thli column at the low
ratuof TEN CENTS I' Ll li forth * dm Ini.r.
Ion nnd r'lTaCentiPerLln.foreach lubi.quonl
Insertion. Lcaro adrerllsementi ( it our offlc.
No. U I'carl iticet , uor Broadway , Council
_ _
\\7ANTED With references n prnctlrnl No.
1 butchur. Cull lit CO" Main strict , Council
WANTKD-A Blrl for trcnornl lio\i owork.
anmll lunilly. liundy kitchen , suooilinvu.
WANTED Younr girl who wants to ro to
school nad help do housework to pay for
hur board. Address M27 , lion ollico.
FOIl SALE-Ptock of dru8 ( In central No-
braska. Will Invoice nliout $1,000. Inquire -
quire of Hnrlo , Hnps &Co. , Council lllulTs , In.
ANTED A ( food lrl for cooK. Apply nt
once to Mrs. J. U. Mcl'lictsun , No. 1291
1'lcrco street.
TJKK BALK-On easy terms or will trade for
A city property , u complete itock of furni
ture , MOTCi , aluo hulldliiK. It la mtunted 20
miles entiton Wnbaih railroad. Good town ; no
opposition. Good reasons for pclllnp. 1'og-
Bosnlon jrUen at oner. Will iiiTolce nbout I'.BOO.
Cull or address Merchant , 3 > & llroadway , Co\m-
BAT.K OR TUADK.-For Conncll tllurTg
I property 40,000 acres of Iowa and Ne
braska Innd. J. K , lllce , 110 Mam St. Council
WILL sell two cnrrlapei on lonp : time or will
trade lor horici. William Lewis.
The butter house In Missouri Valley : fur
nished tlrct-i'lan * throughout nnd with a Inrjfo
business established. Will bo rented on liberal
tonne to responsibleparties. . Call nn or ad
dress HirOH PEIH3V ,
_ Missouri Vnlloy.
800 Broadway , Council BlufTg.Iowa.
Established 1857.
Hai a complete line of
Ml 1 I ' ! !
mam Millinery ,
LnrgebaU In white , black nnd all color * . Fat
tarn bonnets , haul and toques , specialty.
No 1511 Douglas at. , Omaha.
Creston House ,
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
AcroiniuotliUlom First CliiM , '
And Rate * Reasonable
Max Mohn , Proprietor
Prices Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
JV'O. 23 MAIM ST. ,
Finest Landaus
Coaches and Hacks in City.
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,
Telephone No. 33
Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 9
A. scnuitz ,
.Justice of the Peace.
Ortico over American Kxprnss.
lu Amber ,
etc.Hair On
naments , as
well as the
newest nov
elties in hair
Hair goods
madcto order
Mrs. a L. Gillette
29 Jin in St. , Council Hlull's , Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orders promptly attended to.
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Highest Market Prices. Promp
820 and 823 Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
6i6 ! { fcot In size , colored by addition , showing
nil lota umlBub-ilivictnns included In territory
V miles north and eouth by lOSi miles enet nnd
west.PKICE $10.
Address 0. K. ALLEN , Publisher.
Office-No. IS , Main St. , Council Ulultela.
Summer Dress Goods , White Goods
Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc.
Are Large and Well Selected '
Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best , '
New Goods are arriving and invite
Curtains ,
Work Done by Competent Workmen.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended To
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
N. B. Special attention given all orders by
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
call on ns.
. ,
Iiiitrunicnli Tuned ami Repaired. We never full to Rlvc untUrucUon
Over 2O years' Experience In Plnno nnd Organ Work.
Swanson Music Co.
No. 329 Broadway , Council Blullst , Iowa
' 1
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : Boarders : : Reduced : : Ratea
NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluffs.
No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Both Domestic and Foreign ,
The finest of driving horses always on
hand and for sale by
a 1
Vacant Lots , l.nndf , City ItriMnneei and
KnrinB. Aero property In wottirti part of oliy
All eelllnjr ctieup.
Real Estate & Insurance Apt ,
Kooin io or Officer * I'uiey'i Bank , Couaol !
Blults. .