Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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Th "u1v1 of the Cavahy Company Adda
. - Interesting reaturo ,
Ori1er. . IMFuehI I'or tIm ArreNt or fle.
erter 1tttfti 1tOOt-GOd ( Work or
. the Hecond 1IogIinent-bane.
L ter County Politics.
[ rite TIfl' fltTR I.CO ( flVflEAIJ.I
Camp 'Jhnyer brightened with the
weather to-day. The ground viewed
by the visitor I handsome nd cxttctly
ftdtIted ? for the tnlrloscof a camp , while
. : ( lie lines of nioving soldiers it drill nd
Tit recreation ttdd nntmation to the
In 8lltc of the two heavy days fn which
the camp opened , all is now corn j.leto
and in working order , and the line of
work for the week Is going srnootld.v on
with everything harmonious. Thu best
of order and military discipline prevails.
Lines of guards surround the camp , and
- COrnI)8tIy ntitl rcgirnentni drills arc regu
Jar features. With nruvalling fine
wonther the afternoon dress iarndes will
attract hirge numbers of visitors daily ,
' and at. all liGurs sjectMors may be seen
asking for iultiilssion. Thu arrival of the
cavalry coiiipany yesterday added a new
fwUurc to the encampment , and with
' proiitiou skies Friday the dispiny utid
' iiinrcli tiiroiiglrttrn city will be the linost
% over witnessed by Lincoln iiopie.
Tsrolv. . liundiod is t low estimate of the
.nurnbcr of men lii CttflI ) , anti not a coni
inissioiietl oluicor is : ibsent. Following is
a eom.leto ; . roster of the coninitssionetL
ollicers in the two reirneiits :
- FIiwr : 1u.IIJ : . : i : .
I , Colon ci , 0. 11. 1'liU lips.
Lieutenant colonel , .1. 1' . I3ratt.
Major , Y. \ \'oItoit. .
. Acting adjutant. Ii. II. Checnoy.
Quarteriiiaster. 0. M. EfllV. ( )
. . erLratIt major. .J. It. third.
Coiiipnny A-Captain , II. Jeffrey ; first
1lttiteiiant , henry Uaer : second lieutenant ,
. M. A. Green.
Cuu1l.4iiy . Il-CaptaIn. W. .1. Keller ; first
Ileutmiatit , C. A. Mclviii ; second lieutenant ,
' F. S. Coun.
Coiiipaiiy C-Captain A. .1. ( flIck ; first
lieutenant , U. S. 1) . hall ; second tieutetiiit ,
A. A. Iteed.
Company D-Captain , 11. S. Ilotctikiss ;
first licutejiant. L. I I. Clicunoy ; second lieutenant -
tenant , 1.1. . M. Decker.
Coiiipany E-Cuuutaln , M. .1. Malionuy ;
first lieutentuut ; F' . IL. Ifowler ; second Ileit-
truant , W. 1. ito.tgdn. .
Company F-Captain , IL. A. Moreland :
first lient.nant , Ii. A. Ballou ; second lien-
tenant , \V. A. Balinu.
Company G-.Cantain , ' 1'Vllilains ; first
lieutenant. F. A. VuIllains ; sceonu Ileuten-
ant , Ceo. C. Clark.
Coinp.iny I I-Captain , J. flittenbush ; first.
lieutenant. 11. IV. Short ; second lieutenant ,
Ge. . . . Lynn , , lr.
Company 1-Captain , Geo. ft. Wilson ; first
I ieutuui an t , .i . C. S iii I U. . .
Coiuipuuiy K-Ciuptain , E. Ilatison ; first
lieuteuiuunt. Ii. 1. Martlu. . ; second lieutenant ,
0. A. DauIliig.
sIcoNu : RrOIMF.NT. :
Colunel , Franklin Sweet : lieutenant cob.
nel ; \ \ 11. .1cCunn . ; iniujor , George
. Cross ; sturgeon , I. 1) . lIalde-
finn ; elunjulabn , George . Martin : adjutant ,
J. F. Woods uluarterinastor .1. h. ViIson.
CtiIIlflhuly A-Ca1.talui. . J. S. II edges ; first
lieutenant , .1. C. Iluirner ; secouni lieutenant ,
I _ ) . I' . Craygbil.
Company 11-Captain , W. 31. Johnson
flrt lieutenant , Spencer ii. % 'ebster , second
. _ _ ) lieuuteiiaiit , Saiiiu , I 11. Stacy.
Company C-Captain , Wllliaiiu Ilisholt , Jr :
p liruit lieutenant , Villlanu Janios ; secou
Jleuutonaiut , 11. 1. I3eckwittu.
Company 1)-Captain , C. .T. Bills ; Iirst
lioutwiant , I' . ii. Iiauct.ett ; second licuten-
ant , \V. L. . Iuiuurson.
Couniauy , E-Caltabn. F. 11. Dorrbngton ;
first lieutenant , V. U. l3urk , second Ilcuuten-
auit. N. V. Snuitli.
Company F-CaptaIn , J. li. Brown ; first
lieutenant , E. itoseucraus ; second lioutun-
ant , Madison Finch.
Cunitiany C-CaptaIn , F. A. Whitmore :
first lieutenant , John Ii. MeArthur ; second
-0- , . lIeutenant , V. J CourtrIulit.
Company 11-Captain , S. S. Skinner : first
lieutenant , Charles F. Beck ; second lieu.
tenant , Ciutries T. 1)icklnson.
Company I-Captain J acob It. Colman ;
first lIeutenant , - Ewards ; second lieutenant -
tenant , L. E. Stanton.
. Company K-Captain , B. F. Arnold ; first
lieutenant , George 11. 'Iliounas ; second lieu-
truant , A. M. I'arsons.
flattery A. lttut artillery \Vyuuioro , fifty-
nine titan rank and libo-Cautain , C. M. Muir-
dock ; first lIeutenant. F. IC. bait ; second
lIeutenant , James Crawford.
Nilford cavalry company , thirty-nine men
-Captain , J. It. Culver ; lirat lIeutenant. W.
Woyant ; second lieutenant , C. L. Smith.
Tue fir8t desertion from Cutup Tliuycr
was occupying the attention of the
officers at iuead9uurters : yesterday. 'flue
order issued giving the new arms to the
First regiment wits not favorably received -
coived by the Second regiment , but the
men understood themselves and oboycul
orders , tilt ) members of the Second accepting -
cepting the old arms vithu as good grace
as liossiblo. Sergeant Rood , of the Fair-
bury cunupany , however , threw lila gun
to the ground , said that ho would not
drill with it , ItIIuI insisted that the ollicers
could have gotten the new arms if they
Iuiid tried. 'I'iio captain told him that he
, .i would drill nuud the man wuis reduced to
the ranks k0 insubordination , and or-
tiered to remove his chevrons and appear
for duty as a pnvutte. Iuring the night.
however , RoOti eluded the guard , and
about miduiLlit was aeon by a olty p0-
licetnitn taking the train south for borne.
The followIng general orders were at
once Issued :
llead.iuarbns Company ' 1D" Second regi-
. meiut Nenraska National Guards , Canip
'l'hayor , IIncoII ! , Neb. , August sf1 , 1u7.
"rC0Ilflei Franklin Sweet , coiniuiandtng
Second regisitont. Sir : 1 have the honor to
report toyou that l'rivto Rufus Hood , of my
coinniand , ( tesllrted on the e'eiilng of Aucust
80 , 1SS7. Very respocttuiiy your obedient
servant. C. .1. fliLxs ,
Captain Commanding Conipany " 1) , " Second
iteglinent N ebraska National Guards.
I ieautqirnrters Second regiment Nebraska
National Guirinls. Camp 'rhayer , Lincoln ,
Nob. , AuutuMt 81 , ISS ? . Captain C. J. hIlls.
Coiiiinantiiuig CoIulny I ) " Second regi-
liunhit. Sir : I ani in recaint of your coin-
niuinicatbon ot this date. You will detail one
coniinlssloiwtt officer to take charge 01 suet :
( lecail as Is made from these headquarters
aunt iwiiieuIIateIy arrest Private Rufus flood
'Iuerever founii and have lilti : report to muio
bininodlately after such arrest Is inaule wIth
the prIsoner.Tery respectfully your
obodIu'iit servant , YuAN KlIN SEPT ,
Colonel Commanding Second Itegnuont.
Till : SECOil ) 11E01311Nr. :
The Seconut reiiiieuit of the state mill-
tin has been orizauized but little over
thirty days , and time conupanlos are alt
newly oriauulzetL since the close of the
legislature. Time regiment Is composed
of colupauics , every one of which has as
handsome a body of men as could bo
picked. Vimnim it is remembered that this
Is an entirely new regiment made up of
young muon , in a great nuijority , nine-
tenths of whom never saw umilitary service -
vice , their work in camp is worthy of the
highest conmnenduutlon. : 'hon it Is ro
nmemnbcreul also that many of the compa.
nios mild not receive their arms until after
their arrival in Ctlflp : , their proficiency
. - , ! n the ninnual of arms is worthyot espoc.
J miii commendation. There has boon ca-
hibited in one of the Payers of the city a
disposition to belittle the Second regiment -
mont , but , without in the least disparag.
lug the First regiment , it Is but right to
say that the Second regiment is worthy
of the higliest commendation.
The Bin yesterday mentioned that five
miii : from the Chatiron Journal oflicu wore
In flue conitmany from that place. 'Flie
corn ; iany a , furthertwo of the Chadron
Democrat mmmcii on its roster and in camp.
IJrzrztdu headquarters , preskied over by
General Colby and Adjutant Bates , i
' 4 % equipped for business. and tim general
ud adjutant take especial pains to afford
. , . . .
- ' ,
flu possible nuicbmmodumti9n for the niem-
hers of the press , who heartily aPpreciate
thecoumrtesic shown thornu
The Second re1nment band Is covering
itself with g'ory ' and is a credit to tlo new
regiment. it simoaks well for the band
end Nebraska ( hty , to put in the ficiui , on
sixty days' notice , such excellent music-
1osteru1ay , Major George Crosof Fair-
bury , antI , by the way , the proprietor of
the Gazette there , was field otlicer ,
iii cliimrge of time company with
Cantata \ Ilhiamuscompaimy A , First rcgi-
mont , as senior oflicer of time guards.
'ruiusdn.y time camp was in charge of
Major Y olcot , of time First regiment ,
with Captain hedges , company it , See-
end regiunomit. senior ofilcor of tue guard
and Licutenammt Fowlcr. eomimpany E ,
First regiment , Junior oflicor of time
gui a rd.
Time cavalry company from Milford
reached time city and canmp yesterday
morning and presontwl an imposing aji-
pearammce as they redo tlmroumgh the city.
Time cavalry company is one of the best
features of the camp. -
There wus a foraging party out Tees.
day mmlght , and they went to tim adjoin-
log farm of Mr. Cook , broke into his
chicken house and stripped time roost of
every chicken in the place. Thu foraging
party was traced to time tents of time irst
reginment and there the trace was lost.
Mr. Cook notified headquarters of the
delrcdation uuumui Colonel l'lmmilips is at
work ferreting out time guilty parties.
Captain J. hittenbtmsh { , of Nelson , lies
bccmm appointeit brIgade querturmaster on
time stair of Brigadier General Colby.
i'lio ( lumnrtornmuster's : oflice imts : imecim a
busy one in time issuing of arms and mu
nitions of war.
One of the CCtfl $ ) features 'ruesday
cvcnimm was time omganizatiomi of a lodge
of Knights ' ] 'umnplar at imciutuiumarters :
from aulmong the commmnnssiommed officers
of thmo state militia wlmo were in attoumtt-
It is stated that on time trial of time deserter -
sorter , Rood , that ludgo Advocate Major
\'uttsou vili nmovo for a change of venue
to 01M ) county , so that if jwtieo is slow
to nmovo time prisoner wUl be in a locality
where justice is expedited.
Tim field oflicer to4lny will be Liemiten-
ant Colonel liruttt : , of tim First regiment ;
Capteimi Bill , company 1) , Second regi-
umomit , senior officer of the guard ; Lieutenant -
tenant Henry Bear , commmpeny A , First
regiment , junior oflicur of the guard.
CALl. 101t A coNvmNTHN. ;
The judicial conmamittee of the Second
district mmiet at time Capital lintel yesterday -
day lulrsumnmt to cail uy Cimairnmtn : Ran.
solo. Mr. Ransom anti lr. Claunt % Vatsomm
represented Ots County , Messrs. F. II.
anti 14. 1) . I'olk , Cass coummty , and time
representatives from Lancaster were mum
nttcmmdammce. I1r. Bernard loinmi vas
mmmdc secretary , and the following call
was issued :
"Time republIcans of time Second judicial
district of the stated Nebraska are requested
to scud delegates to a cuigvemtiun to be hoiti
at time district court rmoiim Iii the city ot lii- ,
coiim at 1 p. ni. on Octoter ) , hSS7 , for time put-
nose of placing In nomination twocandidates
forjudges of time district court of saId district.
Time several counties comprising salt ! district
are entitled to reprosentatioum 1mm tue convmi-
tton as follows : Lancaster2SCas 15 , Otoc 1.
IIEItNAIID iom.AN , F' . 'I' . 1t.NuoM ,
Secretary. h'resldeut.
There was a conference meeting yes.
terdty ; between time Limmcolim freight
bureau anl the maimauzcrs of time diflmrent
roads leading into Lincoln. The ummeetmng
was for the ptirpose of discussing time
diilurcnccs cxmstimmg bctwccmm time wlmolc-
sulers : of time city and time railroad
COflhiafleS ! with lines centering here.
There were present 0. G. Newman 1111(1
0. ( ; . Gcidt , of tIme Missouri i'aciiio rail.
maul ; G. \ % ' . lloldredge afll 'Jhomas
Miller of tIme B. & M. , 'flmornas L.
Kimball andJ. A. Monroe of the Union
Pacitic , and W. F. Fitch and K. C.
Morrtuotmse of time Frumnont , Elkimorn ,
& Missouri Valley roads. President -
dent Raymond , Secretary Utt and
other rnenmbers of time freIght bureau
vero in attendance. Time freiglmtbumreau ,
tlmrougim l'rcsident Raymond , stated what
the board lied to complain of frum the
railroads mmd time rates as thmey existed at
the present time. Time discussloim of tIme
diserimimmations followed , being handled
by parties on both sides. But little was
aceonmplished in the morning hours and
the dmscussion was in progress during the
afternoon session. The discussion was
on time topic of giving wholesalers tims-
tributing privileges over the dutTcront
lines of road.
Transters FiledAugnat 30 , 1887.
William Latoy at al to Mary Louise
Mansfield , sv 34 ft of lot 7 , bllc J , F Os-
ters add , v d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000
Jerry McUahamm to Frederick 11 Davis
et ci , boLt ) , blk 1 , subtlivision ot Jolmn
1 ltclIck's add. w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,500
Jell11 h'ower ammd t1o to ltobertiiarrls
eL at , lot 5 , blk 1b , city of Ommiatia ,
vtt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000
Williamim It Latey et ci to Motile D
Caimmpbeii , nart of tax Iot4t in w of
SW 3. ( , sec 10-15-13 e. w d . . . . . . . . . . 5,350
Matlmewsoum 'h i'atrick cmiii vife to
Wager 11 Itcummimieton , lot 5. bik 15 ,
l'atrlek's2umd amId. v d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200
Byron iteed Ct at to FranklIn 11'hiit -
nay , w 88 ft of lot 8 , blk 101 , In city
of Onmeima , sy d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,000
Charles 1) SeItien and wife to John
II. I4OVY , "V : o feet lot 2 and e 30 feet
lot3blk 14 , lmmmprovement assocIation
add , wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000
Goorg I. Dunhame and wife to Eg-
bert E Frenclm. o of lots I ) and 10 ,
blk 4 of Central park , wd. . . . . . . . . . . 700
Egbert E Fremmch aud wile to Belie IL
Dunham , lot 12 blk 5 and lot 1t3 bik
14 , of Central park , wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200
Jelmu it Itungate trustee to Michmael
Mullen. iotR 4 ammd 5 , blk 8 , Bedford
Place. wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000
Jaimmomu E MacDotmaid and wife to John
M Dougherty. iot2 bik 15 , lmnprove-
nmotmt assocIation add , wd. . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000
James it Borland to Catherine Bum.
dorir part of lots 5 and 6 , blk 250 ,
being h2t1x22 feet wd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.000
Geor.w 11 ilogga and wife to Jacob
Kemmdls , lot 6 blk 4 , l'ark Forest , wd 800
Wilson ' 1' Grahaimm to Ellery It liunme ,
lot 20 blk fi , Vest CummmmInmc add. . . . . . 750
Sarrutm A Patti and husband to Eilery
it htuimme , lo 7 bItt 1 , Iunlse's add ,
'V d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,200
Mleiuaoi Carey and wife to W J Wag.
onor et ci , lot Uiblk 1 , Fowler place ,
cod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Ethvard Plmelan et ci to MIchael Carey ,
lot 6. bik 2 , F'owler . place , w ci. . . . . . S00
Olin Swansomm ma wife to John
Crackling , lot 3 , blk 2 , ItIvrsltto
add , w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
John ' 1' Dliboim cmiii wife to F.mmgemme A.
Lord , lot 7 , blk 2 , Koudali s add ,
'V (1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,2X ( )
Jotmn 'F DIllon and wife to Viiiismmm S
McCtaimalmam : , amiddlo jof tote ammd
6 , bik 4 , KammuiIi's attul , w d. . . . . . . . . . 800
Israel ilolimmes and vife to thigh Muir.
ptmy , lot 6 , bik iS , tim city of Omaha ,
( I C ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A 1' 'rouzailn and wife to .Josophm M
Itichards. tot 10 , blk 2 , hIllside add
Nolwd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000
John M Dougherty to James IC Mc-
lonald , lots 18 , 1(1 ( and 20 , bik 10 ,
Cloverdalo , w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,050
'L'weuty.tive trammstersagreatimmg S2,752.
Huulidlqg L'smrnmlls ,
The following building permits were
issued yesterday :
0. Flmmlayson , hlinney near Twenty-
socommd. two-story fraimme..5 3,500
William Koibe , 1812 South 'rhlrteenthm ,
two-story block of lists. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000
J. v. Maynard , Hillside , two-story
frame. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,675
Foley & tarst. 1419 lotmgias , one-story
brick addition to store. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fred Fisher , Ontario neat Butte , One-
story cottage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000
Mrs. Loumea ioran , Eighteenth near
Castehlar , one-story cottage. . . . . . . . . .
John A. Johnson , Cedar between See-
end and Fourtimoimestory frame. . . 500
Gus Erickson. Corby between Twenty-
sixth andTwenty-eeyenth , one-aWry
cottage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5Q
Charles Wilkins , t3ovumnteozmtti near
Ohmic , frame barn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
J. ft. Young , lilonutommear 'l'birty.llftb ,
one-story ( ranmm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
Fred harris , Eighteenth imear Charles ,
two-story traimmo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000
George Knrry , Seventeenth pear
Charles , Iwo-story frautme. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . _ 1wsr--tD _ _
A Hot Spring Which Vomits Vorth Unman
t'ctrifled Tren amid IjignitoLost
Rivers-The Mystery of ttmo
Lava He-Is.
A correspondent of Limo ( Bobe.lnnmo-
crat , writing from Fort Keogh , Mont. ,
says : Not all tIme natural wonders of the
nortimwest are contained In the Yellowstone -
stone Natiormal park. All through this
newly-explored belt ( time northern end of
the former Great American desert ) arc
natural surprises in every shape , vIiiclm
of course , are seldom , if ever , hoard of ,
slnmply because timey are in the neighborhood -
hood of the great collection of natural
curiosities so closely grouped togdthmer in
the Yellowstone park. The bad lammds of
Dakota contain any number of marvel.
Otis potrificuttions equal to time best founmtl
among time vctriiied forests of the oark ;
time Bitter Boot range of mimoummtaimms in
western Montaima are full of beautiful
cascades , lovely wet rfalls and petrilica-
tiomis , too , forthiat mimatter ; the lava beds
of Smmekc river cr0 unequaled in their PC-
euler style aim the commtmneimt ; and tue cay-
eros anti bottonmiess fissures , not to
siteak of the stupeumutoims scenery abound-
imt : all thurougim time Big hiormi range ,
would make time woll.knovn and well-
worim cmmriosities of the ntutioinl reserve-
tim : look sinaI ! in conmmmrisnum.
Strange as it may scum , too , some of
time sceimcr % ' Up this way clmtnges : with time
seasons. iii 'inter the coummtry puts emu
an aspect seldomn , if ever , seen by tourists
exCept if those in search of "winter stmmm-
beams. " I don't timiimk lever sass' a imamid
sunmer sight in mnv life thom : I did one day
last spring wimen 1 clmtnccd : to be at Liv-
ingstomic , situated at time mouth of time
mirst cmmmyon : of time Yeliowatomme. It was
it bright , suimslmiimy they on enrthm , but up
nimioimtr time clouds in time vicinity of the
mtmoiitmtahim tops a fierce 8110W storimm was
ragiimg. In tmmilf an liopr thu storimm broke
away , when lol time summnmnits of time letks :
tuimul imaif way down , fur below time tinmbor
limme , tlme imiountamhis were encased in spotless -
less white , with a bolt. of sharp , well tie-
ii mmcml green lieltiw. It SVttS indeed a gor-
geomis siglmt , tim mommstrous piles : mppuer-
lug for all the world like a fleet of gigaim-
tic icebergs saiiiimg down UlOfl tims town.
When time freshets conic on in time uuprimmg ,
and the riyers break lii ) , prearatory to
ruimning omit , sometimes time umerrow ( Ic-
flies timrouglm wimmcim they wind hecoimmo
choked with Ice , and time streams beconme
Time lmmmght cakes of ice rush : madly on-
weri , and , coining to time obstruetiomm ,
pile on : tflt imp. wimile the water , mumble
to find an outlet , spreads out over time
surrounding coummtry for immibes. A
freezing snap conies along , and in a
night we Imave an ice field equal in di.
immensions and almost its daimgerous as
those of time Arctic legions.
On tue easterum border of time Yellowstone -
stone park amommg time Rodeo immommumtaiums.
there is it wonierful and awe-ilmspiriumg
gorge , timroumglm which rushes time waters
of ( Jalfee creek , whelm is simmiply ilmmpas-
sable for mnmtn or beast except imm t lie ( lent !
of wimmter. Towering wttiis of basaltic
rocks ruse to a dizzy lmeigiit on each shie ,
and It is only wimumi time cold of winter
lmn.s eotmgcmmled the vates below timttt time
narrow and rocky defile can be timromled.
A hummter , two winteFs ago , hot on time
imeels of a biuo bull elk , was surprised to
see tlmtm' numimimel dash boldly into this
cimasmn ; but , notiming daumimtedtlmc veteran
, 'pot hunter' ' held to time trail mnndo
plain by tracks in the snow for imeerly
two miles , when , becoming : umxiomms for
his own safety , lie allowed imis quarry to
escape , amid , by dint of hard aimd difimetilt
climbing , finaily succeeded in reaching
time blutis above.
As for fossils and potrifactlons time
country is full of thcnm. 'I'here is a piece
not far from here , anmong a lot of rocks
cut out by time Northern l'aciIme railroad
in blasting a roadway , a veritable Photo-
liraphmic amine. 'l'lmese flat pieces of stone
wlmen chipped oil in layers. preseumt re-
nmarkable pictures of bayes and twigs ,
umil immdelibiy staummped on time rocks nimd
utmost beauitmfully amid artistically oxe-
outed. 1'lme writer titus ninny sumclm , which
have become faded and dini from expos-
tire to tee air , but by dipping the piece or
imieces in swater the pictures are strongly
brought out , as felt and as perfect as
wimemm lirbt. flhiflel. At a small railroad
stttiomi : vest of hero , rtgimtly called "Fos-
mdi , " : t prosiector lies brought to light a
large mmuiummber of fossils of ilshm. leaves : imuti
insects. Not bug since two fossils of
ummmmsumal valume amid interest were discos'-
tired by lmummm. One of theta vns a immiumu-
bar of Ialln leaves , sommme of whmicim vure
over live feet mum lemigtim , : mmmti time otimer : t
nmost vnlumaIe linul , a perfect fossil of en
Euzyptiaui crocodile twelve feet 1mm Iumigtim.
'I'hme letter is complete in every respect ,
tumid lies beemm or will be simipped to time
geological society of St. Louis.
TIme fossli beds of time Yellowstone , mmii-
known to tue tommristor geologists simply
because iimmmcim of this now country is yet
unexploremb and tmmiknown , are capable of
supplying mmot only the nmusutmrns of this
country , but also riiose of time Old World
with thousands of specimomma.
'J' . Murray , a rancimmnan living in Pease
Bottonm , surprised imis vifo one rnormmimug
by bringing in a petrified catfish. amid to-
questing time good lady to broil it for
breakfast. Ito hiatt found it in time bluffs
near by. ( . 11. ( leer , with a stick , prieti
out a jotrillel trommt trom time fossil bitmiTh
on Clark's fork of the Yellowstone , aimd
says thieve is a stratum of fossils there
four feet thick. In time bluffs at lcal's
much , near hIummtly , there is a series of
fossulfurous strata at iumtervals of about
ten feet from time top of time bluft to time
\v at u r.
Two citizens of Billings wont tlmere rc-
cently 'and secumre-t about 100 POt1ImtlS
witimirm two hours. On time Crow immdiemi
reservation , mumolmg time kidney-simapeti
lmcniatito mromm deposits. there are mmmeumy
varieties of bones , slmulis , insects anti the
like , which carry as hunch iron mts time
hematite itself. At Alkali creek , Swim.
rnmmmg'ommmumm : crook and Graveyard bot-
torn there are great beds of fossils. Many
beautiful leaf impressions are fourmtl
among the Bull moummtains and along
Razor creek. 'l'lmey can be qmmarried by
the carload in numerous localities with.
out heavy expense. Over the line in Dakota -
kota there is a grove of votrified stimnups
of about tin acre , 81K miles cast of Yotmmm
Maim's limmtto and about one and one-lie
miles soumttmenst of Custer's lookout , stand-
immg apparently as they grew. Time etri-
faction is a very hard quartz closely rum-
acnmbUug ilint , while sonmo specimens are
founui which reseniblo agate , sommiewimat
translucent. Now it should be remarked
teat the country roundabotmt is full of coal
stoposita , and it is possible that time trees
formerly in time country , but now below
time surface , immtve longtaken Upon timeni-
solves the formation of lignite. limit what
seems to be time niost remarkable timing
about these dead trees is that time stupor-
tIdal portions are unmioniably petrified ,
while the roots and portions below
ground , though soniewhmat siiiclous , mire
yet already in time first stages of lignite
transformation. 'l'lio soil all tlmrou'h the
section in question Is lightly cimarged
with silica Iii soluble form , for oven time
shafts of wheat and straw barbs are to-
: imarkahlo for timeir stmlVuos.s and hikencs
to reeds. There mire thousands of hot
springs hr. ttm ares immrrouudiimg the pari ,
numerous smell gcyrs arid bmmbbtlng
p01 % , but noun perhaps as wonderimmi na
the celebrated group to the upper basin
of the park.
T1II BIG hiOliN' t'ilhflS.
if time Big horn rivet were to be fol-
losveti timrougit time ImioiumitaIums frommi
whme-mee it takes Its mmflmlme tracing it for
imiiies nlommg time nmigimty chasm rent by
nature to where time fuuumuous streanu lies
its origin in time Wind miiotmiitains , soimio
astommisiming andremuarkiubbu sights would
be time reward of the vemmturcsome ex
plorer. 'I'imo hot sprimigs of time lug hlormm
wotild fully renity one for tim toll and
trouble of mmekhm thmd ulengeromis jmir-
n0y Timeso freaks of titituro are situated
on botim banks of the Big horn river
number sonmo thirty otit.i or niore , and
the steam amid vapor rising from timommi
can be seen for scores of miles iii ovary
direction. Oume is a liege bowi.simapud
cauldron that keeps forever churning a
mass of violet.imued steitnmmmmg hot nmud ;
another spurts Un a dommide stream in jots
every few minutes while a great ninny
others are called "hlitmd springs. " if all
tue reports abotut these springs are true ,
they have taken to vomitimig forth imummman
bommes of late. A corrcspoumdent , writing
of time-mi , says :
"Qumito a imumber of thmeac sprlmmgs are
called mum local parlance , bliimd springs , '
that is they have for nmamiy yemrs : tipper-
eumtly been chocked with intel cud re-
fmmso mis to oiitiroly retard their aetmomi.
Every . year , however , some of time 'bimumd
sil.iiigs' arouse tiueumisolves , burst time
mnmid bomiis svimictm binds timumum , emit ! ( he-
voloj ) lute active boilers , It is two of
tliCsO geysers , so bug imitmetlie , wimicim
imn'e lately sugimmlized : their return to life
by time vomitimig form of lmunman remnamima
coimimimitted 10 timeir keepimig by rotE
Im5milti crinmo of time ohiemm days . 'flue
\Viuitl eemmyom , cults through timree mmiomuum-
tam ranges-llattlesmike : : , Owl emit ! Bug
I brim. . I mm time savage gorges ci its vuclum-
it3. truiition : lOetites time headquarters
: jumil hiding places of a bimimul of ouitluv
road agents , Who ImoYetL upon time emflm-
gratmts westward botummmi over time old
llrftI"er trail.
"Uouimmtlcss robberies vere cnmnmitteul
by timis gtmig : , nmmd ti safe refuge always
: twaiteti them in time : meighborimooul of
WI iumti Canyon. 'l'lmo hot spriumgs were
Probably ommo of their favorite iiitmntsmmmtt : :
1mm time nmmmul sealed of I lie group
irere tlmrast the bzalies of time mutiruhereti
vietimmms to now npctr : timid recall tIme
Ci.immles of time tatiid tumid time umemumorues of
time mimurtlered. ' '
ctitjut : I'ALl.Nt : t.AKF.
It is ut curious anti strammge fact that
over three timimes as timmuclm water llovs
into Cwmir ti'Alemme hake tis is dischmargout
tiucrefromim. Wimerc nil time water goes to
it is hard to say , unless there are stmbter-
tntmemhm : liiSstges : whmicim coumituct tIme
buperilmious fluid souuowliero , or perliutms :
time lake iues a false bottoimi. Now ,
timero arc two or three tiummigs
to be considered lii connection
with time above fact wimicim nmay
to some extent answer tue problemmi. Over
on Snake river , many nmilos to time south ,
wimere that wommderful and tortiuotms
strettmn rushes tlmroumcrim time lava beds : ut a
spot where the ctmt tmmihs : or blmiils are
lmmglm antI Steel ) , a trenmL'mmdoums voluimimo of
ivater gushes from a cleft high up in time
basaitie vahis mummi leaps a cataract into
tue torruumt below. Froum a tlisttmice : it
lies time appetrammce : of a trenmn irntmrimmg
from tim gigtmmtic : imoso umoze.Ie of a lire
Wimere does it come frotmi ? Timerum is imo
river Or strtnmmn other tinum time Sumeke in
time vicinity , : ttmd iernams : it is tin omitlttt
of Lake Cocmmr d'Aioume.
Near tim lake , but over towards time
motuimtain range , are two ivehls dug by
mieiihmit Umo well.tiiggors hued to abandon
their labor before reaching water. 'rime
volmmmtm of air timat came imp through the
iottoiii rendered further digging munpossi-
bitt. So great was time force as to blow
time hints from time iueatls of the
workumeim and alniost freeze them
in time bagain , amid even
how mielthmer lamps nor candles
can be lucid over time openings of
either without at once beimug extimiguisimeti ,
'l'ttn nilles above time persistent 1)roPttct-
ors suuik : tnothmerwcll and actually struck
water , but so coid is time nir witnin that
the water readily froze , and a mass of ice
now covers time bottomu.
norroatLass hOLES.
At Three 'orks , in Montana , a silver
mine imas lately been opened , mmd a very
strange pimenonmenon coummectel with it
is that of a fissure omit immto while working
time mine , wlmieim seemus bottomless. Stones
thrown into it seeni to fall , anti keep on
falling , witimout coming to an end. At
thames a gmcomms stream issues from the
cavity , anti thrives workummen from time
mine. 'I'ime deposits of ore made omm time
wails by time stream tire all stiiplmatcs.
Every once in awhile a tcrrblo rutmibling
is heard below , but it passes or ( lies awn
gradually , timid can be Imeartihmeard recet -
jug far down itmto time iiowttlsof time eartim
until lost in time uiistatmce.
'l'o uimy mmmiuiui time lava beds of Snake
River tutu aboumt as wommdcrftmi end strmmige :
its anything in imatuire to be found cmi time
kimown globe. Snake Itiver uteif is a to-
tiiai'ktbie : streammm , hmmt is auntie uloimbly mu -
terostimmg fromim time tmattmro of time country
it drammms. amid its woimterfmmi ! ttmid tortuous
course timrommgim time liercest nut ! ulmost ruig-
gud portion of time 1o'ky mnotutmtaiui ciunun
ior two or timrce mmmiles nhovo
Simosimone Fails it llthvs timrouglm
immmnmemmmse chasms ivithm ivtmli
atm either side imundrouls of foot high , thou
coming to aim island which cuts it in
( wail : , time dual rivers rtmsim over ti rocky
precmpico and fiJi into a rotmtmded pool 175
feet below. F'ive ummiies below time river
again descends in a solid simeet 210 foot ,
mmd timoum we come to one of time most ro-
mnarkablo sights ever to be seen by any.
body. Fronm the imighm blufFs on both
sides issue nunmerous great springs , the
waters of which fall over time rocks timmti
arc lashed into silvery streams of spray
imi their descent. 'fimo first omrn of these
beauties immirs over it cliff simaped like the
arc of a circle , and fails over 204) ) foot. As
sceim from time oposite side of the river it
is a mngnihictmumt spactacie. But the next
cascade eclipses the ( ornmer one as the stun
does time moon. A small river pours out
of time bank anti falls over the rocks ma
silvery streams of almost every conceive-
blo shape amuui form , wimile time spaces be-
tweetm tire lined with green moss or
simttmbs , presemmting to time tlelighmtetl spectator -
tater a botmutiftml ropresomitatmon of an liii.
nmemmse grotto.
The lava beds oztrnmti frommi the contin-
anita ! divide of the itoakies on tIme east ,
from where time mammi Rocky iimoummtaimm
cimimin is cleft by an arthmquiake gorge
1,000 feet in deptim , overmummg by inmnmcnse
blocks of volcanic scoriafiOO mmiilcs across
to time rim of time Cascadps , througim time
great himnatiile plain , to time Iahles ,
"wimoro rolls time Oregon. "
This wonderful rcli of time Plutonio
era is rent into mmlilo's of chasms. or
thrown up into as many Lantastie fornms
emit ! otmtlines , but the origin of It au is mmim
known to juan , In this great field of
lava there are no craters and time Pointer
or moutim from which 1owed the lava
wimicim covers time vast vuilicy is a nmyste-
rious secret.
Far oflto time north threco mIghty piles
tower imito the akica ( the Three Totons ) ,
but there is nothing voleanio about timeni ,
aunt we must look elsewhere for time
cause of this tremendous lava bed.
Even time Indians have legends concerning -
corning it , lint timeir imaginations would
answer the questions neither satisfactory
nor scientifically. It is probable that ,
unddtiying all the region , in question ,
are numerous subterranean lakes. Lost
river is a bold mountain stream timat
plunges down from the unountaitus , and
wlmupping around time footimilla in two or
three circles , is finally swallowed up by
a beautiful meadow eight nmiies long , bmmt
four miles furtimer on it cemergums frommi tIme
ground again and continues its course.
Little Lost river and lUrch creek also
, lee themselves in this sauce nmorass , and
numerous oths ; str am elm. : into * i
. . . . .
.a.p.--mib- : - " - 2YwiJ1KmL1II r-ri
many sndlmOTcs , and arc more.
'Flue lit'ra wds are strange features oC
this earth and , couid they be seen 1mm
their entirety ninE from a distance , I
doubt not but that time' picture , witim time
excehtlomm of tue lofty' lunar tumoummitnius ,
wotmld boar a very strong anti strukimmg
resumimblance to time inmitiscapo of time
mmioohm , J , L. T.
Makes time lives of ninny pcoilc mniscra-
ble , tint ! ofteui letuis to self.tiestrtiction.
We ktmow of mme reumiedy for dyspepsia
nmoru successful timan hood 's Sarsmparll : Ia.
it acts gommtly , yet surely anti efficiently ,
tones time stotmmttchm ammd other orgumma , ro
timovea time faimmt feeling , creates a good
apotite , cmirea imeadsetme anti refresiucs
tue bmmrdeimed mmiimmd. ( live flood's Stir-
saparilia a fair trial. It ivuhi tie yet : good
Time I'rogreas of Fmmrope.
Etiropeon Correspondence of liomno
News : I Imave boon traretiimg in Eurone
for the last thirteen niotmtims , seeing Emig.
land , Scotland , France , italy , Switzerland -
land timid Germany. and my inmmrcssion
of time condition of those countries as
compared withm what appeared to be their
condition more thrum thirty years ao is
omme of progress emit ! immiprovetmiemmt. .fiuis
Is tue nmost manifest and imiost astonish-
lug In Itemy. Time tiespot's heel was out
time brow of timat lovely peninsula at my
forimmor visit 1mm every omme of imur pro-
vimmcoa. 'J'lme edmmcatioh of time conmnion
people was alimiost utterly lwLrlected.
Newspapers Wore few , uuuintutrcstiuig amid
subjected to rigiti ceimsorahmip. 'I'hmo oldest -
est docmiuuicnts of time chmristlami elmturcim
ivel.o often taken froumm travelers at thai
emistoumm lmotuse amid coimtiscated as
contrnbtmmd. : 1 saw tIme oilicials at Civita
Vecolmie rob a yumimmg I'lmmletiolpimman
of time bible his niotimer hiatt giveim imini.
'l'lmo iteoplu vore opprcsod witim a sense
of wroimg and hopeless of butter timings.
'i'hmere was little nativity in tratte , lmmttnu-
facturos or eommmmmierce. ' , l'lme very reverse
is mmciv trtiu iii till those imrtietmlturs. Italy
is fillet ! svitim mmci" life tumiti tmev hope. No
other natiomm lets tmmortm ftihiy : meeppteti time
bLcjt ideas of time cmvilizmtiomm of tim iiitmu-
teommtlm eemmtumry , nuud although thmo 1)001)10 ,
CSiticiitiiV imm tIme south , were summk so
deep mum ( iegrndatiotm that immtucii rcmiimimms :
to be domme for timeir cumligimtommmmmemmt. They
arc mmmakiumg rtpid : strmiius forward. There
is mme danger of reactioum , 'l'hme people
artm greatly amuitised at the mtttemmmpts to
nmammufactture public seuitimmmetmt by cor-
respommdemmts of foreigmi PaPers , wimo run-
resent tlmttimi as wihliuig to Inrt with sonic
imortion of timeir liberty. King himmummbert
imas ho desire to meet time fete of lnmperor
mlaxnmiliummm. Ho kmmows thmmt : time tmiue
teetitim ccmmtUry is time imimmutecuithu century.
Frammcc , too , lies gmiumed : by freedotmi.
Time mmatioumtl : character lmas gtimmed : in
dignity ammd sehf-commtrol. 'l'huru are
sylImItOrnS of time old uimtmluhies ammiong time
excitable PoPtulaco of Paris mumd there may
be dnmmgers aiucmtt : ; but it is buc'ouimimmg
imlore anti nmoro evident that ever simmce
time great revolutiomi repuublmcaumisun is time
only forum of govermmnment wlmich Is legitimate -
mate in 1"raimcc. The restratiotm of any
dynasty , if brought aboutwihl only nican
its CXitilsioum temm years afterwards. 'l'lme-
goverummiemit of time hlooPle is the oumly
govoremimemit wimicim cati possibl.v be per-
niemmommt aumiong stmclm IcOPl" its the Fremicim ,
eveim if tenmoortiry tit'tmtnts still await it.
1mm ( Jcrmmitumy time iimcrutSe : iii immaterial
lrospermty is time nmost striking feature.
Next to that is the immcrctstj : in imatiommal
self-respect mtmtl time cxtmitatiomm itt tue
ttcimicvotmmemmt of miatioimml : imumity. I mm the
southern pm-oviumces there is also a great
advance in t'recdoumm of timotmglmt. Give
( ; ernmany thirty years of lCtiCe tutitl mmmoro
liberal priimemples will prevail in her gov-
crnunemmt. At imresouit time oumtiutustasumi for
time ( mmnneror ttuml for the ablest statesman
wlmoumi time ummmmeteentit ceumttmry luas l-
duced timukes a semni-abolumtisumi acqumi.
esced jim.
0mm of time most striking timings iii Emig-
land is time iniprovonmelmt of time conimnomi
PeOPle iii ititeiiigence aim. . ! cdtmcation.
England now ties one of the best syste ins
ofmopuiar otltuemtlocm : in time world ; thanks
to % Villiamu 1'Evurd : Forster ammt his co-
adjutors. 'flme large numimbor mmd tIme
chemmness : of time tiowsapers anti thtm
ability witim wluielm time nroviimcinl iiross is
COtilUCtCl , simows C striking change. Time
great growth of Lomidoum atmd of the larger
toWums in general excites oumo's wonder.
England shiriws no signs of decrepitude.
There are gmgnntic evils stilt to be crmmdi-
cated , bmit they are less than timay were in
the former getmerarion.
Anmmerlca'R pniy Feimitultie Mayor.
Argoimma , Kan. , is the only town in
Anmerica wimiclm ever elected a woman to
time oflico of mayor. Site is alone in a
distinctioum that represents auothmur : ste ; )
in timtmstcatly advmummce of liberal ideas regarding -
garding woman's work itt society.
Mayor Salter's mmmaidemm name was 5mm-
sammmia Madora Kitmey. She wits born : of
parents ivimo wore members of the Society
of Frientis , on a fart : : near Leimmira , lie- !
mtmnt cotmmmty , 0. , in 1860. I , : 1872 , ivimemi
she was twelve years old , she renuoved
with tier PutreultS to a fnrnm twelve miles
west of 'I'opeku , Kan. , wlmieim mrogressivc
state lies consoqumemmtly more lroperty mum
her timeum any other comumomiwealth. She
was a rnimrried womimami when , about four
years ago , she , immd her imumsbammd mimovcd to
Arizona. in 1878 antI 1870 she attended
the Kansas State lntttistrmnl college , Man-
lmttttemi , wimeto Louis A. Salter , comm of
litiumtemiammt governor of time state , to wimont
sue wmtsmnrrie(1 him 18S0 , was a fellow stmm-
detmt. Owing to ill hmealtim Muss linsey
did not gratiuiate , but left cohiecro for
home in time early part of 1880. Wimen ,
In i838 , her fntiir's family renmoveti to
Argoniti , idme ar.d her husband went with
them. 'I'hie Place WUS IL stittlc'uiiant of
Qumukers , amid its lirst mayor was Oliver
Kim..ey , her respected father. After en-
tlumritmg coumsitierable imarulshmip Sirs. Salter
emit ! imer husband began to iiroser in
business. Frommi an early date in hmer
timime of residence at Argommia. its present
cimief magistrate was a busy wonmaum iii
PmihhiC ) niatters. Simo anti hair imolpmmmoet
were prominent in organizimmg a Baptist
church , and to her is largely dmmo time
origin of mm Ilourisiming brmumchm : of time
Vomimali'i4 Chmristiamm 'l'emnliernnce uniomm.
11cr husband is mm ltmwyer tumd hats a real
estate btiimiss. TIme cotmphe have four
chmiltiren , timrou boys amid a girl , time eldest
of wiuonm Is about six years old.
i\ltyor \ : Salter was elected list : spring.
Little immterest being shown in time duty by
time citmzemms of Argomiia UP to nearly time
time day fixed for timeimm to choose their
mimayor , only two days before electiomm , mm
meeting of time \ . C. 'I' . U. , was called ,
at iviticim a caumulitlate tor mayor anti five
coummcilnicmm swore named. Early on dee-
tioui day niormmimmg an ammti-proimubltiotmist ,
timinkimmg it a joke , ordered some tickets
to be primmted wmtit time live comummciiinemm
on it its nanmed at time wonien's
mmieeting , bmmt smibstitmitluig Mrs. Salter's
titmmne for that of their candidate for nitty.
or. 11cr friends having procured her
consent to smirvo if elected , set to work
anti acconiplusimod what ! beemm proposed -
posed as an ill-natured joke. 'I'tie anti-
lroltmtitonist : 5.11(1 lila allies , to use a
homely saying , were luadmi to laugh emi
the other side of their nioutim. Argonia
elected a fanmalo mayor , wimo is time head
of an efficient adnmmnistration , but one
hardly as ; ) ro"ressivo aS she desires it to
be. 11cr anxfty for local improvements
is cluocketi by the Itaralniommyof hitmr count.
oilmen. Mrs. Salter's salary is i ti ymmr.
The mayor of Argonla is about live
feet three tied a half Inches in imeigimt.
Shut is of active temperaniont.
Her eyes are gray , and imer crimped hair
of a blonde simuitm : , Time cares of office
have induced tier to engage time services
of a domestic , btmt otherwise her arrange-
moats at henna arc as they were before
her electiomi to be time elmuef pcrsom 1mm a
' IoPtuiatiolt of abotut 500. Siam learned
dressimmaking while at college. and mimekes
her own mmd her clmibtren's chothmng.
Mrs. Salter was busy at time washm.tub
whuoum Imer consemmt ivima gained to serve as
( mayor if elected.
Iicmrrhl'ytn Predioftmnemit of a 8lthinO
County Farmer.
LIncoln 1)cmmiocrat : ivan rnnosciictmcka
i the name of mm Boimerumien farimmcr who
settled on a hmomimesteiui In Saline county
fiftecim years ago. lie has lived there
ever sluice ammtt Imas tmrospertat us tuis
cotuimtrymmmen have till domme. Four years
sluice hue ivas time
vuciin or A SUNSTROKC ,
from which ho lies never so fully to.
covered as to be free from Its effects wimemi
time weatimer grows very hot. Two years
ago Ito ivas soummewimat tmxioscui to time suit
and was so much u1istrcsmitt timat lie to-
turmmeU to time house. lie felt slmootlmmg
tucimma nil over Imis rigtmt sitleuvhiem ! lirmmmliy
settled lit time right len. Alter smite
weeks time paint gave ptco to a semmsti-
tiomi of mmmmummbness , anti time mutllmeteti amen
ivas surprised to notice that time skin on
the leg
SlAt ) TUILNEI ) flitowN.
As time miumnbmmess departed amid lie re-
coveted LImo muse of time limb time skium grew
( larkijE timid darker , finally becoming lair-
fectl.y black. Time cuticle rounaunoti
hucaitimy to all appearance. Medical
advice was hind , but no Physician
seemed able to account for the strange
atFeetiomi , mntmch loss remove it. Tiumie
iveumt by and as time hot weather of time
suimmimimer caine on time simooting tCiflS re-
turimed , but timi time on time left side of
time hotly. 'i'hey were succeetled by LImo
annie sort of nmmmubimcas , timit ! wimemi llamA
( liSilpcltred : tiuc skium hued bocommme disco- !
orod on that sitlu. 'flue unfortummate mmmcmi
was iim.Acic ASA FUll. ilLOoDED AFkiCA5
frommi time soles of iiis feet to time muriupits.
All possible nmeasures were resorted to for
relief , btut In vaimm , As time blummitsii ut'as
coimcvaleti by lila clotlmiumg it hiu'cnmmme
kimown to nobody except his umimum.utiinte .
faummily. i\t tue hresent smuiumummer mup-
tmromtclmetl Mr. Jammoscimeuika was tlrmvcum
tmiuumost iuiseumo by femur of a contimmuuatlon
of Imis stramugo otpurielmoo. lie took ii ) ,
his abode mit a root cellar timid imever
stirteti omit tlmimimmg tltmylighit , nimim-
iii , , ' to koh ) eml nmmd shuadeti , ( ) ume
hot tium ) ' about two nmontims ago omme of
his elmlldromu , at hmlmy : abutmt time stairway ,
fell doiv mm tue SttiiS to time cellar. Forgot-
thug all aliomit his aiuiictiuui , lie semzotl the
seuuseless formmi of time little omme tiumul
rtisnott immto the house through the bltux-
iimtr sumum. lie fainted mis Ime crossed time
( iotrsttip tuiti ivimeti hue recovered comm-
soiouusmitiss , the slmootmumg puimis : ; airvndeti
imls.imetd : , chest tumid : irmmms. 'FImu immost cmii-
ihiemit doctor in Chicago was immtiuueett to
visit him , but cotild do nothing. The
femirfmml aillictiomi comitiumued , its sloittly
comirse. 'J'tme Puiims : mu bsithed to miummiib-
mmoss , : ttmd time itkimm of time anus and taco
began to take on the dark Gut that coy-
crud tutu rust of time body. 'rho smuigu-
imirly atuhicted maim lies so far rocovcrutl
as to be able to travel amid passed thmrouu m
tile city timis rnortmimmg emi huis way to I'mmria
wore imo wilt commsuit M. l'astetir
otimnr rtutiownett pimysiciens. A reporter
of Time Democrat wms accorded a brief
intervuew. Time muitmi looks , as to color of
skin on his face , like a cross bctwceu
time i'tlexmcati amid limdiaui , bmmt imis o es
are the bluest. of blue amid his liaim : m light
aunt silky blonde. lie speaks quite in-
telligctmtiy him Eumglisim mutt ! says lie hitus no
Imopu of relief , but goes abrond at time
earumest emitreaty of lie' wife. A euriomus
circtimtstammce commuiected with time case is
that a pair of twimm imabiums born to hmmmn
last April show time elflmct of time PtLretmtai
afillotuon. Grin of tiucimi is fair haired utmith
blue eyed , with time nuilk mmd white skin
ectuliar to blommtlmt liolmemian babies ,
'Fimu other is a tiark bronze color frotmm
heat ! to intel.
'l'iuo. case iviil timmtloumbtetily mmttrmct :
ivorlil witle attemmtiomm wimeim it becomues
generally ktmown as it mimust be.
- _ _ _ _
Electric Lustre Starclm will not stick to
tint iioim. It is time lCSt starch.
The Winans Family.
l'hiilndelplmin rimnes : This history of time
\Vlimnns farniiy is as remarkable as It is
inmttire.stimmr' . Over forty years ego there
lived in tFis city two brothers haloed
Timonmas and Vmiuiuuim'inans. ( . Ilotim were
ineRt of nattmral rniiroaL genius , timougit
far front cultivated or scientific enghumeers.
The two hart umade money aimmi they
begttui to foresee time fumttmrn of railroad
building in Ruissia. About this period
time czar drew imis femnotis pencil mark
across time map from St. l'etorsburg to
Moscow as the route of time railroad Ime
mrojectcd. 'l'hic story Is old , but
It bears retelling here. After all the
engineers hmul given their opimmions about
the best raeticmble : routes. Nichmoltts ,
cotmfcsccd by the clasim of lm'.castook iii ) C
ruler and , drawing a straight limmo by it
across time iflflJ ) troni St. Petersburg to
Moscow , hmammded it to thiomu mis time fimmal
route of time railroad. 'I'ime alarmimed
lttissiumis him ! recourse to foreign engineers -
gineers , tutmul time 'iVimiantes took tip the
work. The road was stmccessfuuhhy bumilt
and a great futumro secuireti for timoni , bumt
it was miot until 1801 timmut a conmplotoiy
stmccessfmil locommmotivo wits built. In those
days ituissitmn cimgmimes buirmimi wood cmi.
tiroly , anti it wits ouii.y after sevommteout
years tiimit time right kinti of locotumotuve
was commstructcd. From tlmttt itorioul on
time forttmmmes of time Winans family began
to be colossal.
'Fimomas miiarried tlmo daumglitemz of a
Ituissimmn shopkeeper. Sun ( lied , leaving
hiiumm two cimilirefl-ltOsS Vinatms , of this
city , and Celeste , umow mmiarrirtd to Mr.
hutton , a yommmmg Etmglislmmntmn in time di-
PloumiatiO Seryice. IVilhinmn lied married
an Englishwoman of the initidlo class
cud retired to EngImmti to enjoy his
wealth. Since time thnime he first crossed
thmeooean on imiti way to Rumsaiti in 1881 ,
Mr. William iuintms iias iicver returned
to this country. A strain of eccentricity
early developed itself in botim brothers ,
and in William it took time fortmm of a nor-
voile dread of crossing time ocotimi. Never
before did aim Ameriemmn become so
thoroughly weaneL froumu his country.
'Wiliiamim says timuit tie wouultt not cross time
Atlantic for $5,000,000. Nor is hint wmhlumi"
that bus sons \Vuuiter and Lewis shah.
Chmnurley McCornmlck lies returned from
n trip to the cast , time greater ImlIrt of
which was deotcd to a ymsit to Mt.
Clemens , Mich.
Nom' 1ERrEC1' MADE
Itseilperuor excellence proven in milihon , of
houtios for inure than a eu'urtor of mu century ,
it is Utjti by thu United StatoB ( Joysrtmrtmurmt.
1fmmdrso.l it ) ' tita tmtimdg of the Urcat ( Inivursl.
tiu5 , it' the Stt-ongamt , h'urest and Most ilsmlmh :
teL Ir. ) trteo's Iii. , nimiy flaking lewder that
djo nOt ( ttIti4lti Anminommia , 14mb , or Aiunm.
Sold only in cauma.
l'itICE iiA.fNO POWflhil { CO. ,
Iw roIu CuICAO0. IT. LOUtS.
Unhcoilcd Ifn $ ClISC 1ttituioti
or Trouble.
More tmp3rtant Testimony Vount3rilyOffcr
by One Who has Been Through the MilL
. \ (
' -
MIt. W. 0. IIENS11AW.
"lor time inst Rhxtum years."smIIMr.v.a.h1ena
shtwwlmt , ) v55 city htmitm''r ; . ( or a ummumubur of
) euirs ntitl is now otuploysui iuy tIme Iisrirnr As.
pltttlt i'tuvhmm g cotmm ; tumy. to tt ) ( ' report er , ' ' I it nyc
mittil atm mti'mtuii thttit hit ( , uter (4) ( kt't'i. itt muir myork.
iv ii II , . am boy a lid I i I I , r at toy fat hers cout nt ry
re5tittimCo oim t.tttg i siumiti Sttti uitl , N ow York , f
It ) titlO I ? . i'rutrtltc ' of goiuig tim .wm tim em i mig fr , , tim t t'tt
ti ) t Wtt , , ) t I fl ) ( ' It tIul ) W iti'ui I it , , Went ii ut waS
stmttttmtmt' . hi , this flu. ) tum I iheveittpoi ctttttmmit in
ii S Wtl rst rim t iti. % i ) t it i'tttt ) ituid itt'tel wtu stol , .
l't'ii ul ii at t him n. i co uthte.i tutu lmw keil up
hiutit'tt III h nd to lilow uity umoe i'oimi it imt my , i itmuti
at Ott list tuti t ti ummu htt i mm toy , . , , roan hit ha
the , , ars , theim I got deumfgratitmaiiy but so sure-
I mtic.uui : : miuci , Am.AutMuu.
This we , tmot nil i lotliud ( hint I talked
I ii tottgim ill ) . te'eo , mmcd at it Ight I eon iii itot
tirotul I to t it rot t git lily mtitst ills itt nil. I sav it
tioemor mu itt it e t ( lii 111(1 i Item mu t uittme r grow muir
in tuty ns.t ) . ccu t st'ii by thu eittnrtlu , w mu 1dm Ito
Cal toil a tiulti' it t ; : i t rued at I nun tu tIer (1 1 men' ' -
iIit ( I ) an utytuhI. toni wiie , slx weeks ago I
ciuigiit ml freiu cold , wlmlchm t'tmtisei ( ho catarrh
I 0 gO .httv mm tu a lily itt uugs , uumy cotmil I t lout its not
oumly aim nov lumg. html grettu l ) umltiriuted ely 'ifo.
lvii ) . ' tiil- , I felt at Ihimmom like choklnir : , than I
cotig'lttI so mum much I coo hi uit sli'tji at mm Iglit. I
Wttllii iuttvo vlititmt , 1iolis of coughing which
mynuilti callati moo I o youum it.
'Att I ciih,1 in'foe , imty cuutciltltmn so alarniod
toy t I fn Iii at o mu th I 5t ii of t ii i't Itmomi t it iuo In-
simm ed I hen I go flhiii c.tttmtt a .iucttr ) lltL t 4tt ! ) . I
Wuts loth to tp work , lint at last ctnmt'otitrduuntl
iflst ) hOIilty i conitmitod Lit. J. Crosap McCoy ,
ltnnmgi' Rlock , this city. viio sittil ho cumuli cuire
me . TIu is I vtts wimulm , g to iohlovt , , bitt iild umol
tirottle or iufliv i i'tICk ' Part i , toy trouthuos eomtmd m ,
rohiosed. iVily. sir. ito rt'tnovei this emmtlro poIv.
lilt. I il IWO Or Iii re , ) me I ut Ii LoS ; here , you see It 1mm
tim bott he I h eve , atom them : mit tile aim um'iilleathouu ;
to uuty diinusoii tlurouut. 1 lreuttiuo4i tiireuigim my
lioqo at once. sounethulog I have not done iii
years. I have buoum oile'onstittut trealnuelut since ,
tnmil now have in a itmrgo mnwisttro rcgtlinoii mill
s1itso , lf moiI. I itavii not hetem nbit to tnt'ii
imuuythiumtt Ijeforu' lot eugiut yoltt a. My oatnrrh
Is greatly benelittco , my umourilig m t'nmumlng
arouund all right , and I item certain the doctor
wIll Sooli iive ale its well as I over was , I went
homo Monday frtuuum tim tmoctor'otllco multi lei't
all nlrhmt it uimi lot sleep. titlti'th ) itu 1 h it ye imot
dttmo for so long a I tiiuo I t'imum't rt'ittcnibt'r. M
strotigib , tiiiI dolro for work itam motuirtiod.
dotm't mott mm t' i ii thin itiomui I t mt fi'eiltu it it t i iuii as
iietoro i wetit to tunil , im 1 used to do. I toot
ilsui a rn'turcd noun. "
Murn. iietushutw ; s vell known almuit town , numit
the trimtlm of hIs Story call easily bo votitiol by
culling umpon or addrossiumg lOin at his athircal
above lvomm.
iViuen catarrh lies existed iii tito liuttt anti th.
ttiitem hart of the thirtiit for imumy iotmgtim of tune
-tm's lnutiotmt living him a district where i,00ii.
arc sum lijuct I I ) eat arrhtuif mmmi . 'ct ( eli-anti Lii. . die-
enso hits been lout iiuicitmt'tl the ciutatrrli Iumvnrl.
fl)13 % . 50 nmttt I utucs S lowly , ox I etol. CiOWli 1110
wi umipi in , itulil itmtt ) t hun murotichimal tutics , which
tulbrscoitvt ) ) ' the air to the ditteroimt mirtB of
thu ittutgM. 'J'hte tUbes bccomimtu aitectoti lrot *
tile ewcthiimg minul ttuo uumlicou arisitig from
catturrit imimd , In solute muistammeos , bocouuutt plumitsod
up. so ilitit thin air cCllntt got hum its treot as it
iutlUii1. Hitortutoss of iZOttth foittws , mmmiii limo
luult toumt breathes with labor ammtl dilliculty.
Iti nithior case thorn Is a otmumcI of oriuckllng
anl witc.ziimg Inside time choit. At this stage of
thuo disease thu brentuuiimur Is usumaihy umoro rapid
titnn Whet ) him iipttitii. Time iuutlotmt iutt.s also hot
da4uo'u over his body.
Thu 1uuiit wiilcii , tceonmpnimies thie eonilltioui ii
of a ultmll chuimractor , felt he the ciet , ' boiirmd tue
breast itOltO , or ltndcr the bhinehlior 'blade. 'flue
pain tntty cotOt ) ant go-Inst tow days autti then
be absent 14)1 suvorni Dilmors. 'time cough that
occurs it : thu tlrst stages of tironciuham oatturrh Is
drycotno tfl at immturvais , iitmckiiig lum olumrse'
tor. and Ii usiu.tily . otost trommbIeonmo in : time
morning on risIng , or golnr to hod at nlgimt anal
It 11157 bo in the iirt evidence of the diacase ox-
touidliig into the iung. .
nnic'thiuio there are Ills of coumghmiutg himducod
by thu thugh unucuts so vmoleumt astocause viin.
ituimg , Later Oh thmo milcule that I. raised , is
fottumd to contaIn nmali particles umf yellow moat-
toy. which huutiloatos that the SomalI tuitios in the
iunga are uiow affectoti. With tiiig there are
( , ftuim streaks of biootl ummizod wIth thai nimucus.
In 1,01110 dISCS the itttioimt becomes very psie ,
lute fever , 8nd expoctoratee borore shy cough
In some cases smnii masses of choosy SUb.
stauuct , itro spit iii ) , , viulctm , whoim ; , ressoil be.
twooti tito lingers , omit mu bitd odor. lit ttitor )
ciuqes , particles at' a imtmrd , chalky natuire are
spit ( mm' 'i'll , , raising of choosy or chalky utimps
Immdicato sorIoU utmlsfiiof at vork in tint iunge.
'Wiiotm a vorsoum witim a , ItIicato constitution
hits ut teumimuimey to ctttttrrim 1)1 Cttilitultltiufl-
tvhiot m or t it Is t uuuilotm 0) i in Ii ( I ri m .i . o r reittli LS
liotum t itklng ( 'olti eims I ly it I s nmot icutuido t lint
tittit ittil Soul huiv.trualily iit'it tmulti loses
.trouugtim . , showIng that the utumritlon Is limtor-
broil with.
I ti etucli a case the stufferor siitttttl at iunc'o un
PlImcc'd mu imttur In ii ii uimcos I hat w I ii rostalo the
doluctlvo nutrition and teiid to luitigoratu ( ho
it is to ho roniotnbored timumt In emery COSt ) the
presence or eatamrrii is at , uvhilnimco or I'iedis-
iOaIthOhi to coilsim ltl PtlouI tumud ito mitt tor how
si lgitt time itt tack uminy be , it timett Id ho troitteti
wHit t ho greatest curt , iuumd tue trtJlttiltoimt
stiouthul tie enuimhiutuoti flittil nil tnnoo of tue
catuirriu have titsaiionrod.
it thai oatimrrhm is utilowoil to roach the sunumilor
tuiie , in the ilutugs-whicim euumtiitlou is iitdl.
entoil by tim. , sflittltit UP 01' 5 yellow uniltoril- .
tiieum Inumodiutto attention to time unifitudy i. do.
ntuiu000 or serious 110mg trommitie mviii result.
Cttarrti , it us sail , hs nhmo timutes omit of ten the
CCUS , ) timst PrttlUcOS conmmmumhution. and hence
lie OiIO can Ritual 1(1 neglect a case Of oatarrh ,
however slight. It is ottiumly mmred It tnken him
time meal ticateil regularly maid corroetly by mm
peottmllst. If loft to itsoir it is rarely cturod
vltiiout a chmttngo of cliumitte , bit whIm cachm new
cold It gois tnoro anti more iroitbiosono , ox.
tuuttlimmu aYays a litti ( icoilOr frito tin , Immntge ,
tinhIl mm cure becomes dlilicult mmd Soimlotlumme5
itm staim a ciftutttto as this , tiio thuritat houid ho
as ctrel'ul : I ) anti I I'tII mm oimtly looked alter ss ttitt
Omotit. ' ( iH. mnurnh iuuoro caiuluhiy loosed to , as
tto.uitle 0 the llirottt are moore Imutiumoremis thmatm
tiut , t imi t roti huiu3 : Roil , ) V hi lie i ito iti I ter cmtu so only
ituuntyiumct ) attil pub , bug ( iisottqo , lisuituiy the
reiiit of euitiurrh , kill ( litti ulmit of every seven
hmuintttrm bolimgs borrm otm the ommtire globe.
II Cresap M'Coy '
Late ofl3ellevue Hospital , N.Y
Columbus Henry
have ORicos
( Jor. 15th and Hai'ney Streets ,
Omalla , Nob.
iVhero all curable cases are treated with sue.
cOSl. Medical disuttaca ( rested ssimnuihiy , Con.
umnptioIi , hlrh iit's ils.aeo , IYIIIO1atIII , ltlmou- '
tututiIU , cud umi NlittVttbfi ) Ilf3Kstht.5. All dl.
eftasce ; .eermitar to thio sexes it pouluit > - . CA. .
IA Ititil OtlitiG ) ,
cuNsuil'A'i'lor ; itt cOhen or by tuiall $ t.
outcu hitutars ; C tt , i I a. em , ; S to 4 p. em , ; 7 to
hi ul. in. SUlillttyt ( Itmciudtii.
Ctmrrestiohtuiouteo receive. vronmi't amteimtion.
3lituiyiiisenses are trained atlecesslllliy by Dr
? , tcC'ty I ft I ( I ttgii u ho , tuahi , , n nil it is I imu s iOlNi.
tile for tiiit.t , mmrtumdtm to inak , , ii iotmrnov to ob- ,
lain succcs4ttmu , iitsiultal tr'ttttiioflt . .t tittuir
borne. , No ictttore itnweroti unless acoompa.
p h ui i , IC hut SI ittfl PM.
Address cli Ietlur to Dr. J. C. McCoy , tumults
I 3lOsudJLl liaungc hIutlcliiu , OzailtsZi.b.
. . ' . ' . I