r C % THE OltfAHA DAILY BEE ; THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1 , 1887 } THE DAILY BEE , PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TErtMS Of HUBSC1IIPTIOX ! Dnllr fifornl.iif Edition ) Including Sunday IlK * , Ono Year . . . 1 10 0(1 ( ForBIt Month ! . ft W ) For Three Months . S W Tlio Umatm Sunday DEC , mailed to any uddren , Ono Year. . 800 OUAItA OrriCR. NO. til JlNII BIO FAHfAM N w VCIUK oi-ricz. UOOM tt , THintTin WASUIMJIUM orricr , No. All cemmunloatioiis rulntlni ? to nown nntl nil- loriiil matter MioulU bo aU'lruswxl to the Et > i- trou or THK BEU IJlISINtSS I.tTTK RS I All bilflneM lotto nurtromlttaneemiliould l > o MdrcnsoJ to TUB BEE I'UBUSIIINQ Courxsr , OMAHA. Drafts. chcks and pontoffico order * to bo tnado payable W the ordtrof the company , THE BEE POBLISHIlislipJlliy , PROPRIETOB ) , E. ROSEWATER. EPITOH. THE PAII/y BRE. Bworn Statement of Circulation. Btate of Nebraska. I . . County of DouzlM. ( Bt * Geo. H. Tzschucir , secretary of The Hoc Publishing companv , docs solemnly swear that the actual circulation of tlin Dally Hue for tlio weekending August 20. 1887 , was as follows : Haturdav. August 00 . 14.23.- ! Hiindav. Auirust 21 . 11.200 Monday. August I" : . l4B7i Tuesday. August iM . 18.WS Wednesday. August l . 14,021 Thursday. August ! i > . 14.050 Friday , August UO . I4 , < wn Average . 14.151 GKO. H. TzflciiucK. bworn to'nnd subscribed In my presence thls7th day ot August , A. 1) . 1887. N. P. KF.IT , , fSKAUl Notary Public. Btato of Nebraska , \ , . Douirlns County , f s * Oeo. JJ. Tzsclmck , being first duly sworn , deposes nnd sajs that ho Is secretary of The Dee Publishing company , that tlio actual nverapo dally circulation of the Dally Uco foi the month ol August , ly-fl , 1J,4G4 ! copies ; foi September , IbSO , 13.WM copies ; for October , ll > v ; iB , # eoples ; for November. IbSfl , la.aii corfcs ; for December , lbSo.lU.at7 copies ; foi January 18S7 , 10CCO copies ; for February , 1BS7 , 14,108 copies ; for March. 1SS7 , l-MOC copies ; for A pill , 1687 , 14ir. ! ) copies ; forMay , Ib87 , 14i.- copies ; for Juno 1S87 , 14,147 copies ; torjulj1S37 , 14.093 copies. . OKO. H. TzsnuncK. Subscribed and sworn to In'fore me this llth dayot August , A. D. , 1SS7. ( SKAL.I X. P. FniL. Notary Public. TIIK Omahog is beginning to receive ceivo considerable iittontion from the press of the great mercantile centers "Coming events cast their shadows be foro. " REPORTS from Kansas show that the farmers of the state have raised crops enough to supply the homo demand , i : properly distributed. Nebraska does better. It will have enough nnd plentj to spare to feed its less fortunate neighbors/ LATKST advices from Europe seem t ( indicate tliat tlio reports of big crop ; have been exaggerated. Jt is now admit ted that the harvests have been deftcien nnd trans-Allantic countries may need i larger supply of grain from Amoric : than was expected. This , of course would mean higher prices and bettoi times for American /armors. ( iitUAT KUITAIN has called a conference once on the sugar question to which sev eral European countries , among then Spain and Germany , have promised ti attend. Tins matter to bo discussed is tin best method to secure the abolition o bounties and drawbacks on the export o HUgar. It is the hope of the English government ernmont to secure the withdrawal of out side stimulus and thus leave the suga industry to find ita natural course. TIIK government is making it morn am more difllcult for bogus homesteaders ti acquire lands without living on them am improving them as the law requires , j recent dicision of the secretary of the interior torior has rendered void several fraudu lent pre-emptions by parties who visile thuir claims about once in six months tin thereby tried to obtain full legal title t them. It is high time that this sort o robbery should be effectually discouraged AHB our business men and citizens gen urally making the necessary preparation to properly decorate their stores and res Silences next week ? If not , the matte fihonld receive immediate attention There must be nothing cheap or shabb about the appearance of Omaha when th thousands of veterans and visitors com to receive her most hospitable welcome And it will not bo enough to tell thor they are welcome ; they must bo give such ample assurance of it in visible ovi donees as will challenge their nduiirntioi and Impress tluin as a delightful mmuor , never to bo effaced. TIIK suggestion of Washington lawyer that the attorney general should com /nonce suit against the Pacific railroa orruptlonlsts , nnd thereby compel Star ford and his friends to answer all quo : tions put to them , may have the virtue c being sound in law , but is not likely t prove practicable with Mr. Garland a the head of the department of justice That olliciiil was among those in the sei ate who were always the friends of th railroads , nnd very likely was ot the men bor to whom the attorneys of the corpor utions had to "explain things. " The attorney tornoy general will doubtless let congros gel the information it desires , if it can d so , without his help. TIIEKK will bo several devices in us next winter , on various railroads , fo heating thn cars , but quite generally th Htovo will bo abandoned and the dangi : of holocausts from this source romovoi Wn noted a few days ago that the No < York Central would have a now mctho of heating , and it is announced that th 1'ennsylvania railroad company will her its cars by steam. After extended ox porimiints the company has reached 01 tirely satisfactory results and will equip number of its passenger trains with th steam-heating appliances , which it is c : 'pooled will answer the object fully. Dm ing the tests an interesting discovery wa made which is said to have suprlsed e : ports. This was that it would only tak a pressure of four or five pouuc of steam from the locomotive t keep tip uniform heat through a trai of eight coaches. The argument again : the use of stenni for heating trains ha always been that it would too greatly d nunish the supply needed for the actui service of the locomotive In drawing tli train. This has been disproved by tf ' result of the tests , which have been con plete enough to demonstrate that a loci motive cau couorato enough stenm I draw a train and supply the coaches. TI lamp , which was responsible for Ignitin the cars at Chattswortii , remains to I of and must ultimately go , ' Making Congressman Buttorworlb , of Ohio , is conducting a campaign in western Can ada In the interest of his scheme of com * mcrcial union. The advices are that a rapid conversion of the Canadian people to this policy is taking place , nnd that the annexation party is also growing. Among those of largo influence who are fully committed to commercial union is I'rof. Goldwin Smith , of Toronto. In n speech delivered at Detroit a few days ago ho said that what Canada means by commercial union Is the total aboltitonof the customs Hue between her and the United States , perfect free trade In nil the products of both countries , whether natural or manufactured , n common tariff against all other conn * tries , the revenues to bo _ pooled nnd equitably divided , filhorics and biid coasting trade in common , open waterways and mutual participation In all commercial facilities and advantages , free circulation of c.ipitnl , commercial enterprise and commercial life from the border of Mexico to the slioro of Hud son's bay. Ho also said that ho believed annexation was best for both countries nnd sure to come. This is certainly comprehensive , nnd coming from a man who has been in the past one of the most earnest loyalists of Canada , nntngoni/.ing any and all meas ures tending to disparage the colonial relations of tlio Dominion to tint imper ial government , is a striking departure. It would seem evident from the conver sion of I'rofessor Smith , as shown particularly in his favoring "a jommon tariff against all other countries , " together with other trustworthy facts , that Congressman Uutterworth has been successful in arousing a much deoptir interest in his project among Canadians than among 'iis own countrymen , and that there is very substantial reason why the uncom promising loyalists of the Dominion should regard the progress of the move , incut favorable to commercial union , with ultimate annexation ns a possible outcome , with a good deal of solicitude. mar. could be better qualified than is the Ohio congressman to present his scheme in the most favorable light , and nothing is more certain than that his campaign will not be barren of results so far as making an impression upon the Canadian people is concerned. Ono campaign , however , will not accomplish the result ho seeks , for however clearly ho may demonstrate that the policy he proposes would operate to the advantage of the people of both countries and it un doubtedly can bo demonstrated thu special interests in both counties , which would expect to bo adversely affected by such an arrangement , will not yield without a very determined struggle. While , therefore , commercial union , which means absolute free trade , be tween the United States and Canada is manifestly making progress in the latter country , with the American people it receives hardly n passing attention , and wo apprehend that Mr. Uutterworth is destined to find among his own country men no cheering echo of the enthusiasm with which his project is received by the people of Canada. It will ho some years yet before the federation of tariff pam pered interests of the United states will be imablo to effectively oppose a policy of commercial union that would bring it competition with any one of them. A Bagaoallvo Example. For two years past the city of St. Pau has been making great efforts to attracl and promote manufacturing industries The result has most amply justified the energy , enterprise , nnd liberal public spirit devoted to this end. In the las eighteen months forty-two manufactur ing establishments have located in tha city , having a combined capital of nearly ? ! ) ,000,000 and a capacity for omployinj : over 7,000 people. This generous accrc lion of invested wealth and of populatior in so brief a time illustrates what may bi accomplished by it community thor oughly alive to its permanent interests and sufliciently liberal to make expendi tures wlioro the reasonable assurance : amount to almost a certainty that sucl outlaj will in time bo returnee many times multiplied. The lain syndicates of St. Paul have gonorouslj offered the most attractive inducement ; to manufacturing enterprises , while tin capitalists of that city have given then no niggardly support. Such evidence ; of local confidence had its salutary effec upon parties seeking a location , and tin gratifying exhibit made of the growth o manufacturing at St. Paul in a year am n half shows the result. The success o these enterprises will draw others , nnd i' ' would not be surprising if at the end o the next eighteen months an even largo ; addition of now establishments cau bi shown. At all events that city ha. . secured the substantial nucleus of an in dustrial system which will certainly develop volop and probably in time become tlu most valuable factor in its prosperity There is n lesson m this example fo Omaha. Wo have many times urged tin view that in order to expedite tin growth of this city and build its prosper ity on a firm and enduring foundation i must have manufacturing industries. A a distinctively commercial city Omah ; will undoubtedly reach largo proper tions. Simply as a distributing centre all the conditions assure n populous' am wealthy city. Hut it cannot attain tn full measure of its opportunities uiUi it shall have acquired a position also as ; manufacturing coutro , and is able tc count the secure investment here of mil lions of capital In industrial enterprise ; giving employment to thousands of pea pie. Then Omaha would havi n source of prosperity and pro gress which no ordinary con tingency could afloat and no ordinnr , competition disturb. Such enterprises once rooted , are not readily transplanted and every year they remain make stronger the reason for continuing in th chosen location. No one who will give intelligent attou tiou to this matter can have a reasonabl doubt that Omaha possesses advantage for many kinds of manufacturing ontet prises , and that these are very sure to bi enlarged in the future , as the conntr ; tributary to this city grows and become developed. Wo indicated In a rcccn reference to this subject how the raw inn terlals handled by the packing house could bo converted into manufacture pro ducts that would furnlnh a solid basis fo scores ot factories and. glr employment to thousands of moi while woolen and flouring mills wouli undoubtedly prosper here. There ar other industries , the products of which are la steady nnd growing demand in this section , which could bo profitably carried on in Omaha. But our advantage need to bo intelligently and persistently presented , anil to bo supported by such enterprise , liberality and public spirit on the part of our capitalists and business men as will bo an assurance of their con fidence in the future of the city. It is this that has given St. Paul its generous growth in manufactures during the past year and n half , and it is quite as neces sary hero as there. Great results > nro to be achieved only by great effort , nnd in this matter other communities are not idle. Omaha's progress towards the position of a great industrial centra must depend largely upon the energy nnd liberality of her citizens in pushing her claims and extending inducements to manufactur ing enterprises to locate here. Hasoall Playing Ignoramus. . Councilman Ilascall can bo very stupid nnd ignorant when it suits him to play ignoramus. He pretends to bo puzzled as to what is the legal and proper course for the council to pursue in letting the oflicial advertising. After Lowry's reso lution to award the printing to the Her ald failed to connect , Hascall asked the city attorney to formulate an advertise ment inviting new bids. The idea of Hascall , chairman of the judiciary com mittee , who knows moro charier law in one day limn Webster does In n month , asking the city attorney's tulvico ! lias- call knows well enough that the council has the right under last year's contract with the UIB : to continue official publica tions in it at ttio old rales until a new contract shall Lo legally let. Ho knows that Judge Wakoley , in the late injunc tion suit , gave the council ample time to invite now bids and let the contract to the lowest bidder as the law requires. The time was allowed to expire without ac tion t/y the council. Hascall knows that the charter does not require n newspaper advertisement inviting bids for city ad- vcrtising.but simply a proper notice by the city clerk lo each of the four Omaha dailies. This notice is merely to stale under what conditions competition is in vited and the time when the contract is to expire. That limit is fixed by the charter to the end o' the fiscal year in January next. All this was known to Ilascall long be fore Lowry introduced the resolution w liich hid been cooked up in some card- room by Chang Mornsscy , Eng Roth- acker , and their warm admirers of the council. Why has Ilascall purposely ignored the provisions of the city's contract wilh ihc Bii3 : ? Why has he and his followers per sisted in placing the city advertising at the same price in papers that are known to have less than one-fifth of the BKE'S circulation in the city ? Simply because the DUE will "not bond tlio pregnant hinges of the knee , that thrift may follow fawning ; " because the Bui : refuses to support Uascall's starvation policy in dealing with the police ; because this time , as always heretofore , the BKE prefers to exercise its independence re gardless of patronage , and will not barter tor its honest convictions ot law anil right for any favors which city councils have the power to bestow. The BEE cares not n fig for the city ad vertising. Each of several business firm ! in Omaha pay moro to the BEI ; for ad vertising in any three months than th ( city has over paid in a year , and that too at moro than 00 per cent , above the rates paid by the city. But we insist that the council shall carry out the letter am spirit of the law in this as in all othei matters that touch the pocket of the tax payer , _ _ _ _ _ _ Omaha as n Meat-Panklng Centre. Thirty years ago Cincinnati was knowi the world over as the Porkopolis o America. To the great pork-produc market , moro than any other agency Cincinnati is indebted for her commer cial growth and supremacy in the Ohi < Valley. Within the past fifteen years tin centre of the pork-packing industry hai been transferred to Chicago. That it ii not permanently located lias been act milled by the leading men enjragoi in the industry. The natural tendcne.v Inis been and continues westward to tin Missouri Valley which has become am always will remain Iho corn-raising am meat-produciiiK centre of the continent In following the law of natural selcc lion , the leading meat packers of Americ : have found Omaha to bo .the location o all others destined to become and rcmaii the greal Porkopolis of the future. Stir rounded by the most fertile corn bolt 01 the globe , and admirably suited by reasut of a temperate and yetsufliciontly variet climate to the wants of the stock-fcedc and caltle-brccder , Omaha's claims tc supremacy us a live stock market an recognized and appreciated. The drift of the catlle king nnd packing syndicates has se toward Omaha , and the permanent manont transfer from oilier cities ti this center is rapidly progressing. Tha fact has atlracled attention at Chicago and her leading papers have been compelled polled to comment upon the impondlnt magnitude of Omaha as the greates stock market of the west. The Chicagi Tribune , in its issue of Wednesday morn i" . I > ny3 Omaha the high coniplimon of being in a fair way of suporseiUn ) Chicago as a hog market , and make predictions which are in accord with tin views of men who have already stakci their fortunes on the future greatness o this city. Ouu reporters are accuse d by the lie publican of "sneaking around" its press room at 4 o'clock in the morning in hop of gettiug hold of a copy of that sheet ii time to save themselves from beiuj "scooped. " This is indeed the unkindcs cut of all. It is by all odds the mcancs thing our antique conlomporary has eve said about anybody connected with thi paper. To call an editor or reporter ; knave is enough to rile his temper , bu to call him a fool is simply exasperating The idea of stealing news from the lie publican ! You might as well accus Jim Stephenson ot trying to steal a rid from Tom Murray. Every boy in Omah knows that the Repullicnn occupies th same relation to a live newspaper that : "pralrio schooner" drawn by an ox-lean does to a lightning express train. CIIANQ MounissEV slopped over a llttli too soon when he announced with : grand flourish of trumpets that thi Ilemld had been "unexpectedly" des Ignatcd as the ofllcUl paper by the conn oil and extends to thut body the thank of that paper. "Unexpectedly1 ! Indeed M 4 . o'clock Tuesday afternooi Chang Morrlssoy's running male , Eng Rothackcr , told parties on the streets that the city printing mtuldlo would take a now turn , nnd the Herald would bo mndo the oflicial paper last night with out a bid. So it was not altogether un expected , w as itt ' But the most ridiculous feature of this jubilation Is that the clique which bad cotton up this plot was not able to de liver the goods. Mr. Lowry's resolution to ratify this star-chamber job was not supported by the usual combine nnd the petty conspiracy fell under the table. SOME one ought to taKO A ttuffod club nnd pound & little common sense into the genius who guides the Itcpublican. It says : The proposition to have the pollen take possession ot the streets adjacent to fires and fence them off with ropes , Is an uncalled for display of brief authority. No serious harm has over resulted In this city from citizens crowdinc around to witness a fire. The po- llre with their patrol wagon and ropes , their clubs and stupidity , will do more harm , and Injure moio live , than the curious public , If let alone. Better keep the police away , Mr. Broatch. . Such exhibitions of ignorance of police regulations In all large cities , and malice toward the chief of police only shows to what extent some people cau go m doing dirty work for political pap. If Seavcy was the pot of the council clique , his conduct and that of the police would have been applauded , IT is reported llmt Receiver Armstrong , of the late Fidelity bank , of Cincinnati , is preparing cases to hold the directors of that Institution responsible for the losses to the depositors. That these oflicials be trayed their trusts by neglect , in falling to personally inspect the > vork of the active ollicials of the bank , there is no doubt. Their prompt conviction and compulsory payment of depositors would prove a salutary lesson to their thousands of brethren throughout the country who simply act as figureheads in financial institutions. Youxa AMEKICA. will not bo outdone by ils falhors. A nineteen-year-old bank clerk at Saco , Me. , has gone lo Canada with over a quarter of a million of the institution's funds. His appearance in Montreal will probably cause the gray- headed boodlcrs to regret f hat they had not improved their opportunities when they were youne and could thus enjoy the benefits of their "financiering" dur ing manhood's prime. TH13 F1KLI > OP INDUST11V. Itamle fibre for yam Is to be made in Pitts- bur * . Now England Is nearly free from labor troubles. A niate-glnss faclory Is projected at Phll- fpsburg , Pa. Now and largo Iron works will soon start at Unlontown , Pa. Thirteen per cent , of the beer consumed lu England is adulterated. The lanners of Hie United States will meet at Saratoga on September 7. Shoo manufacturers and machine lastlnp not so profitable as hand lasting. Alvan Clark , the Boston telescope maker , was originally a calico engraver. The makers of base ball goods have been driven this season to their utmost capacity/ The pressed ware and lamp chlmnoy fac tories of tno country will all be tunning this week. There Is a xrcat and Increasing demand for small houses in southern manufacturing cities. Boilermakers are quite busy all over the country , and machine-shop labor Is in active demand. The coal trade Is very dull In West Vir ginia , and the miners are eating up their earnings. Up to Aueust 26 only 18,754 waz6 workers had struck , ot whom 3,000 were Youugslown quarrymeo. Southern cotton mills are adopting elec tricity , and find It cheaper and more service able than pas. Sixty Belgians have fust arrived at the Tarentum , Pa. , plate-glass works , whore there Is a strike. # The Indiana coal operators refuse to pay their miners semi-monti-.lr , according to the laws of the state. Large purchases of coal lands are belli ; ; made In western Pennsylvania despite the natural gas crarc. A New York railroad company will ex pend SOOO.QOO in Introducing a now system of steam-heating for cars. A great many shoo manufacturers are going up into Now Hampshire. Farmer boj s are picking up the trade. Where It Should Go , Keie York Wurltl. The treasury Is still engaged In figuring out a "profit to the government" In paying a pre mium for uumatured bonds. Tim peopli prefer to make their own profits from money not needed for the expenses of the govern ment. It will then go to the men who earn It. In Clover Once More. St. Paul Plainer Prca. The notorious "Doc" Wilson has again turned up at Providence , H. I. , with about STO.OCO In his possession , nnd a good many newspapers are talking about the "mystery" of Wilson's wealth. It will undoubtedly be discovered that ' 'Doc" runs a roulotle wheeler or a poker den. That Is probably all tlie "mystery" there i about the man. Ho Is Not CoriHtruCtcd That Way. Kcie Yoili World. Jay Could has yet time to reform. The American ! ! are the most forgiving people In the world , and it Is a pity a real pity that he will not turn overanewluaf. so that when ho departs to render his' ' account btiloro tlial tribunal which all his arts are powerless to piojudlce ho will leave to his family not only his millions but a respected name. The CnTAlior. John Ertitat McCann , A Kern J'orfc World. In many bosoms my true sword hath bean ; In many lands I've watched the dying day ; In many lauds drank aniou and tokay. And many women lUJeu : , both stout and lean. i Pve fought for king and country and the queen ; > To gain my ends Pve found or made a way. Nor have I sought or shirked a bloody fraj Since the sod and heaven 1 was cast between , And yet you see the hot tears In my eyes I For 1 have loved the fairest of her sex , And have been loved by her , O God until 1 dreamed I walked through fields to Para dise Until 1 saw two kiss each other's necks ( She's dead , he's dying ) back there In Seville I A Criminal Coterie. St. ftjul Pioneer I'reu. The writer in the railway Age who charge- the public , by its reckless demand for low railroad rates at any sacrifice , with responsi bility for such railway accidents as the liorrl- ble affair at Chatswortu , Is unfortunate In the choice of uU Illustration. Ao wo have already polo tad out , Uiere It a responsibility for that affair which reaches beyond that of the engineer or the division superintendent. But It colon M not to the public , not to the people who wanted to go from Interior Illi nois to Niagara nnd return for 87.50 , but to tlio whole cotorlo of railway wreckers who made It necessary for'n railroad to bo run on the cheapest plan , nnd to solicit patronage by bidding for a low rate business at the cost ot proper care In construction nnd operation. STATE AX TKIIUITOUY. Nebraska Jottings. Prairie chickens are ripe nnd ready for the slaughter. A camp nicotine at Auburn last Sun day was attended by 2oOO persons. The state veterinarians slaughtered three glandcrcd horses at Stella last Saturday. The teachers of Brown county have formed an association for mutual profit nnd correction. The straight republicans of Hitchcock county arc credited with a victory over opposing factions. Rev. Augustus Broadhcad , brother of Mrs. C. H. VanWyck , died in Canada re cently , lie labored as a missionary for seventeen years in India. Lebanon , sweet Lebanon , is the poctio name of n new town on a u. & M. branch west ot Orleans , wlioro the towusito com pany is working up a brisk demand for lots. lots.Two Two freight trains came together ou the Rock Island road , near Beatrice. Monday , nnd several cars were turned into kindling wood for the benefit of neighboring settlers. The engines were laid up for repairs. Base ball has received a stiffening blow at Long Pino. Archie Teokler , a ten- year-old champion lly catcher , is down with paralysis , duo to over-exertion in behalf of science. The painful assur ance is given to his nlllicted parents that "ho will be sadly missed from the nine. " The young Hchts of the drama In Beatrice aaro preparing to devour and digest "The Last Loaf7' 'next Saturday ovoninc. It will bo a typical "dry" meal. Friends of Iho unfortunates are making charitable cllbrts lo allay the fears of i "poor" house. A Broken Bow clergyman has gene to Norway for the solo purpose of perform ing n marriage ceremony. Norway is located in the unorganized wilderness , scvonty-livo miles from Broken Bow , nnd the event is made interesting by a desire to learn the si/.o of liis fee and the togs of the "beautiful and accomplished bride. " The heroine of Chndron is Mrs. Botts. With an aching revolver she mounted guard on the IhreshholJ of her homo and sent a bullet through Iwo men who at- lempled lo disturb the sanctity of her hearth. The coroner sat on the remains while public opinion and the sheriff sur round the shootist with a halo of glogr and cheer. W. 11. Reiner , formerly proprietor of the Pncilio house in Beatrice , and now a resident of Fairbury , was one of the ex cursionists who went down in the hid eous Chatsworth wreck. The concussion knocked him insensible , and placed a trade murk over his left eye. Ho thanks his lucky star on escaping wilh such aliclit injuries. Hastings is again opening her arms and pocketbook to receive the Missouri Pacific. The donation of $00,000 last summer is to bo supplemented with another purse of ! ? 30,000 , which will Kecuro the building of the road this fall. The simplicity and enthusiasm of the residents as they stand and deliver to the corporation , is a picture that would swell the heart of a Bierstadt ton fold. The State Line Leader , published at Lemox , by Brown & McCrystal. is out in its swaddling clothes. The mental and physical condition of the editor is in tensely painful , and ho undertakes the job of enlightening the border settlers of two states with ns much cheer and thank fulness as a convict takes a life sentence. Here is a model introductory salute : "In taking up the editorial quill we would say lo our patrons and to Iho pub lic generally that wo feel the weight of a great responsibility resting upon us in taking charge of a newspaper. " A lull blown journalist , heart and fancy free , has settled down in South Sioux City with the single object of lay ing up a store of gold galare , or green backs. It may be interesting to the mar riageable damsels of the neighborhood to know that he has an unconquerable weakness for the dusky maidens of the reservation , and daring a recent tour among the teepees in search of cash sub scriptions , he stumbled against two dark- oycil lliawnthas robed in flowing scarlet blaukels. Ho was smitten at first sight , ana heaved a mighty sigh for a chunk of the Utah plan that would seal them lo his throbbing heart , ( trowing conlidentiul and familiar he look them to tlio lair of Iho while man , where the foundation of n "future great" was being laid , and while they gazed ninn/.od at the overturning wilder- nes , ho hurried inlo a convenient board ing house , gulped down a meal in peace ful Hinglonuss .and returned wilh a puirof second hand loolhpicks for Ins charmers. The day was one of unalloyed cmptyposs and dreamy ice cream for the ladies of the reserve , and they trudged homeward as night approached heap full of wind pudding. Iowa. The Congregationalists of Crcston will invest $6,000 in a church. Saloon keepers in Carroll county are being filled with injunctions without heads. Thrashing at Ilumboldt shows the wheat crop to bo an average , and oats a little more than an average. Five all-round toughs grew weary of the grub and confinement in the Sioux City jail , whilllcrt a hole in the roof and escaped. George Kuphal , an indicted thief at Davenport , who induced .some acquain tances to put up ? 100 for bio appearance and skipped out , has been recaptured and julled. Alfred Burns , a young man twenty- three years of ago , living near Musca- tine , while suffering from melancholia , took a dosiof slrychnine and ended his earthly career. Dubuque prohibitionists having secured injunctions against suven saloons , have begun proceedings against thirty-seven othern , ami tlio onsc.s will come up before Ihe dislrict court. The saloon keepers nro becoming uneasy. A passenger who came in on n night train nt IJavcnport was robbed of if 13 Saturday night while on the way from the depot to the residence of his wife's parents. Two men held him while Iho third went through his pockels. Examination Into the Imuncial affairs of August Warnebold , who committed suicide in a cemetery at Davenport , shows that he was badly involved. Claims against his cstalo amount to about $105,000. This is supposed to have been the cause of his suicide. Mrs. Anna M. Shannon has sued the Davenport brothers , liquor dealers of Lo Claire , for $5,000 damages in depriving her of the support and comfort of a hus band. Slio declares that they filled him fo overflowing on last Christmas night , and during the. bewildering pleasures following ho walked into the Mississippi river and was lost to sight evermore. Dakota. Deuel county will harvest a largo crop of sheep. A now linseed oil null has started up in Yankion. Watortown's new opera hou o will bo bo completed and opened next month. The corn crop in Brooking ? county is rojMjrted very largo and oul of Iho way of the frost. Improvements have begun on the boa- vent building nt Yankton , nnd within trto years , says the Press nnd Dakoln- tan , n grand cathedral will have been completed. The division commission which met at Fargo Saturday , Issued n call for n divi sion convention nt Fargo October 4 , each county In north Dakota to bo allowed one delegate for each COO votes cast for dele gate last year. Work on the Chicago & Northwestern extension west of Faulkton has been temporarily discontinued on account of the scarcity of iron. ' .Iho track. Is now ironed to the Poller county line , twenty- five miles west of Faulkton. IV yarning. The territorial teachers' institute is in session nt Larnmlo. ' The university building nt Laramlo is lit with electricity. A street car company hns been organ ized in Larnmio.with a capital of 1100,000. The Burlington extension is being rusliod to Cheyenne at the rate of three miles a day. Grasshoppers have invaded 'the Deer Creek country , nnd are untiring in their cflorta to gather the vegetable crop. Laramlo has decided to postpone the sale of sewer bonds , having been assured by eastern dealers that the market Is glutlcd with that class of goods. Cheyenne has been tickled with the old moss covered chestnut which the B. < V M. has peddled In various towns that big shops will bo erected there , and em ployment given to 400 workingmou. The firm of Brown & Kennedy , ditch diggers in the Goshcn Hob , is dissolved , Kennedy gobbled up the funds , about $1,200 , and Brown secured n large volume of experience with n slicK and conlldeu- tlul easterner. Kennedy is twcnty- oifrht years of ago , and hails from the Cily of Brotherly Love of lucre. CAULK MN10H. Ijntcst I-'nctH Cnnocriilni ; the Motor and Motropolttnn Hands. The power house of the Cable Tramway company is now almost completed , the front of the immense building being fin ished , and a force of workmen being em ployed upon the roof. The motive ma chinery will be placed in position as soon as possible. Mr. L. B. Williams , who has been in the cast , returned yesterday and re ports that there need be no more delay on account of the scarcity of rails , of which hn has secured n supply with which to complete the portion of Iho road which Ihe company intends to have in operation before the advent of winter. This includes Tenth , Dodge , Twentieth south of Dodge , Harncy to Tenth , and thence to the depot. Yesterday in a conversation with Sec retary Goodrich , a BEE reporter as certained lliat no serious delay was ap prehended because of Jim Slcphcnson's opposition which , some time ago , was carried to the courts. As Mr. Goodrich understood it , all that the ruling of the court required was that Mr. Stephenson's business should in no way bo interfered with. Ho thought the track could bo laid in front of Mr. Stophcnson's barn in a manner to satisfy that gentleman , oven if the work had to bo done nt night. Ono of the curves re quired to connect Tenth street with liar- noy haJ already arrived , and when the other reached here , both would bo put in place. 1. L. Underwood Is now In Now York , and , though no definite assurance of the fact has reached here , it is thought ho .has by this time contracted for Iho con struction of the Metropolitan cable line to Dundee place. BUFFALO BILL'S BAR. Colonel Groat's .Description of tlio Wlhl West Show In London. "There is a great deal of misapprehen sion among the people of this country in regard to the relation of Butlulo Bill's wild west show to the American exhibi tion now running in London , " said Col onel P. 11. Great , of Ihe Northern Pacific who has rcconlly returned from London , to a St. Paul Globe reporter. "Tho fact is that the wild west show is but n small part of the exhibition. "Tho exhibition , " he continued , "com prises three main departments , covering in all twenty-three and ono-half acres at Earl's Court , London , S. W. The first division consists of the main building nnd the annexes , which contain the art gallery nnd the princip.il rcslaurant. The main building is 1,20' ) feet long and 210 wide. The second section of the ex hibition consists of Buffalo Bill's "Wild W oft , " nnd tha third section comprises the ornamental gardens and pleasure gtounds covering about twelve acres. Here are found among other things , a switch back railway and a tobogganing slide , covering 10,000 square feel. "Although but a part of the exhibition , the "Wild West" seems to have tauen London by storm , and the mammoth grand stand , with a capacity of 20,000 , is often filled. The arena wherein the. "Wild West" is so realistically rendered is nearly one-third of a mile in circum ference , and the canvas depicting Rocky mountain scenes which surrounds it , gives the observer from the grand stand a prairie view , nnd in the tar distance the lofly mountains. Near the entrance from the Karl's Court stalion is the "corral , " or inclosure in which are confined the buffaloes , elk , deer and slcers. Here under the sway of Ogelasa , or Rod Shirt , are the teuees of the Indians of the Sjouv , Arapahoe , Uheyonno , lirulo , Sioux , Shosnono and Ognlalla tribes. Some idea of the scale on which Buffalo Bill's show is conducted may be derived from the statement that it embraces 17 INDIAN TKl'KUS and -17 camp tents , 7 wagons , besides the famous Dcndwood coach ; lti horses , 13 mules , 0 elk , 2 doer , 10 steers and 10 buffaloes. The staff numbers nearly 150 individuals , nnd the Indians over 100. In addition to hundreds of genuine Mexican anil Indian saddles there are revolvers , bowie-knives , sabers , Indian trophies of war , bonnets , war shirts , bows and arrows , lances , war clubs , shioles and scalps complete Buffalo Bill's picture of Western lifo. An Knglish paper speaks as follows of one of the distinctively American features on exhibition : "But what would un American exhibition be without an American bar ? Now we are bound lo admit that the importance of this grand institution has been duly borne in mind by Messrs. liartratn & Co. , the refresh ment contractors. The occasion is a momontiioiis one. It is the first exclu sively American exhibition held in Europe j Iho eyes of the universe are upon it , and Charley Paul and his nimble-handed confederates have re solved that their department , at any rate , shall not give occasion for sneering to the ungenerous. Just look at "Whut'll you drink ! " Iho almanac of drinks.long and short dispensed here , wherein you will find a distinct drink for each and every day throughout the year , the por- teuton * list , moreover , being compiled and arranged in strict accord with the seasons. Hard lo please indeed must be he whose taste can not be hit off hero tea a nicety. Noggs , slings , cocktails , cob blers , skins , twists , ii//.es , swiz/.les , flashes of lightning , sours nnd ticklers- what more do you want ia the way of liquor- inir up ? " The daily atlcndanco nt the exhibition is from 20,000 to 30.000 , and on what is known as Bank Holiday , August 1 , the attendance reached over 70,000. The grounds are reached by numerous rail way * , and a ticket from any slnlion , not lee dintant , entitles the purchaser to transportation and admission to the whole exhibition , inuluding the 'Wild Wcit , ' can bu purchabcd tor one sliil- linn. " COXTAU10N AND PIC AT II. A Foul Ceflipool at Fourteenth and Iicnvcnwnrth Htrcctn , An Insufferable nuisance oxlsls at the corner of Fourteenth nml LeaVeuworth slreota , which if allowed to continue much longer must inevitably breed dis ease , contagion nnd death. It is a la- niontnblo commcnlary upon the sanitary regulations of the city of Omnhn.nud clearly exemplifies the necessity of per fecting this part of the munic ipal government. A BKK reporter happening that way yesterday was fairly lilted from his feet by the stench that creeled his nostrils , nnd realizing that the health and spirits of a largo portion of the community was being jeopardized , bcpnn n little explor ation on his own hook. The building is K four-story brlok tenotnont , occupied ou the ground floor by n green grocery store , saloon and machine shop , nnd the three upper storioa by private families- who cook , oat and sleep within the so crowded precincts. In the basement below there is n connection , by vitrified sewer pipe with Iho city sewerage , which i * contrary to ordinance M 'JO , tlio same hav ing evidently been put in before said or dinance went into effect , and in consequence quence the inspector of plumbing has no jurisdiction , However , ho was noti fied and in company with the reporter , returned to the Inuldinir and made n thorough investigation , finding that this vitrified pipingcxtondsiooponings Which receive the excrement , refuse and filth discharged through a scries of tin pipes leading from the fiats above , creating n nnisomg and poisonous cesspool in the basement. There tire several of these novious openings , also a largo stnndplpu ten feel above llie. level of die basement to the sewer nnd uncovered nl the top. The area way loading from the base ment ui > Ihrough the building , and to which doors and windows open from the several Hats , constitute a nhnft for llto partial escape of the foul nnd mophUic emanations from Ihe cess-pool below , vitiatiutr the atmosphere for a square around , and undoubtedly sowing the seeds of sickness nud pestilence. Thu nrenwa.y on Fourteenth street immedi- ntt'ly under the sidewalk is nothinir but a series of vaults and dumps for filth nnd refuse of all kinds anil descriptions , the ollluvia frum which , welling up in sull'ocatlng volumes through the iron irrntitigs and gaping cracks in Ihe boardwalk at all times is sufficient to paralyze a horse. Ma > or Broateh was called upon and he gave the inspector " orders to take a policeman to the scene of the nuisance and have him examine and report upon the same without delay. This was done , the inspector notifying Ainscow to make proper connection with tlio sewer immediately , and the mayor will call a special meeting of the sanitary board , in order that immediate steps may be taken to insure an early abolishment of this intolerable nuisance. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. The Presbyterian church society will hold a meeting to-day to decide when llioy shall give their next sociable. The grading of Q .street in the Third ward is being curried on : is rapidly ns Die wcalhei will permit. F. D. Ynlch , who has been ill for some lime , is now up and nllending lo his bus iness. Hatcher & Co. . have in Ihe past few dav.s made n sale of lots which aggregate f 1,1(0,1. ( , A now bakery is being put up on Twenty-sixth street. Five new store buildings will bo erected in the Third ward , between Twenty- seventh nnd Thirtieth streets on O street. Silver & Bnyluss are erecting two cot tages on the corner of Twenty-sixth nnd K streets. L. Simpson , the N street watchmaker , has his now $300 Venetian regulator in perfect running order. Harry Carpenter had his ankle sprained yesterday by the fall of a horse which ho was riding. W. A. Potter , of the Globe clothing house , has gene to Oakland , la. , on n visit. visit.Ground Ground is being broken in the Third ward for the erection of a now Catholic school house. Working teams are in demand by all the contractors. Dr. Slaybaugh , of Portego Valley , O. , was in the city. G. C. Tromplo , n resident of Newton , la. , is to secure a location for a new boot and shoo store. Real cslate sales arc picking up , Congressman McShuno took in the city ycsterpay. A gasoline explosion occurred in a sa loon on the corner of N and Twenty- sixth street Tuesday night. A meeting was held Tuesday night in the Methodist church for the purpose of urgani/.ing a nrolubition club. A few speeuhes wore delivered and a club was organized. Thu Molor line railway is now an as sured fact. The engineers completed the work of laying off tlio route and this morning the men uegan working on the construction. The company expel to have the cars running In about sixty days. A dog fight occurred in town yes terday. Such a thing has happened hero before , but there was a sequel to this light in the shape of another be tween the owner of one dog and the spectators , which was sonielhing out of the usual run. A lady , wuil known to the citizens , was the owner of one of the belligerent canines , a white poodle , and was walkinu down town when her pet was set upon by a small dog which is noted for his ability as a "scrapper. " The poodle was worsted and the owner at tacked a couple of men , whom she sup r posed to be tin : owners of the other dog , and after giving vent to her feelings with Koino emphatic language , proceeded to juggle soda water bolttles , and soon had the street to herself. She then called on on Judge Reuiher and asked to have a warrant issued for the arrest of the dog. The judge assured her that the legisla tors had us yet failed to provide a statulo by which a dot ; could bo arrested , but he could issue n warrant for the owner. As the woman could not find the owner she contented herself by calling on a merchant and giving him a "piuco of her mind. " An attempt to shuffle off this mortal coil was made Tuesday by William Divon , the man whose wife ran oil * and left him some weeks ago. This is by no means the first time lie has tried the net , but it came nearer causing his spirit to lly than any previous ellbrt. The route ho expected to travel was what is known as the "nncsthetip line" and his credentials were a solution of Morphine and whisky. A physician nud stomach puini ) brought him buck from the golden gates and he is troubled by the reulllies of earth otico more. His friends have become tired of his notions and will lot his spirit take the upward Ilight and ex plore the great beyond the next time. Coal $1 I'er Ton. A gentleman arrived in town , \cstorday from North Nebraska , and vouchsafed lo a BKK reporter the Information that an excellent vein of coal had been discov ered nt Poncn , and that It was being worked in a modest way , the prospectors having laKcn oul in one day as many as lliree tons. He claimed the matter wrs being kept as secret as possi ble , nnd thai the principal owner of the ground on which the shaft httd been was Rufus Prultl's , the present sex- Ion ot Pro-tpeut Hill cemetery. Therein it is claimed is twenty-seven Inches in thicKiions , and underlies an equal thick ness of slate. The coal , it is claimed. finds n ready market at $1 per ton , and stops are now being lakon to form n com pany to work the win for all it is worth.