Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Slightly Improved Prices and Increased
Speculative Business in Wheat * '
Provision * Characterized fly A Ilcvl-
Till of Intercut Heavy HcoclptH of
Ntttlvc Cattle HORS Slow Gen
eral Quotations.
CIIICAOO , August 31. ( Special Telegram
to tlio UEK. | Tlio Kraln markets were linn
and steady to-day. Slightly Improved prices
and Increased speculative business In wheat
IB reported , no especial change In tlio volume
of trade In corn being observable. The bank
rupt stock of California wheat In Liverpool ,
or as much of Has la liable to be forced on
the market , has been greedily snapped up by
English bargain hunter ) , who art unable to
get as much of wonderfully cheap property
as they wanted. Decided changes In senti
ment followed and market cables , private
and public , were moro reassuring than they
have been for weeks. "All artlllclal causes
ot depression may now be considered as
practically eliminated from the situation and
the markets of the world are on a healthy
basis at last , " was the observation ot one of
the leading grain merchants of Chicago this
mornlne ; and the great majority of the trade
eccm to have arrived at a similar conclusion.
There Is no violent upheaval of speculation ,
but the Increase In general speculative In
quiry Is manifest and this gradual revival of
trade cannot be interpreted ns
otherwise than n most healthful
ftlgn. Tlio closing prices for two days
do not show any very Important enhanco-
incnt In values , but the average of prices today -
day was materially higher than yesterday ,
and the tone was better all around. The of
ficial announcement that the proprietors of
two elevators In which was stored about
375.000 bushels of so-called "stump tall"
wheat , had been moved , as a tesult of of
ficial inquiry Into Its condition . to buy In re.
ccipts and airree to ship out grain , produced
no effect because such action had been an
ticipated and Its flffoctln a sense discounted.
The trade will bo heartily glad that this bug
bear has been at length removed. First
trades In September wheat were on a oasis
of ( WKc , The highest quotation was 6S > { @
f > 8c , and the close was 0fc. October
oiHjnea at TOj c , ranged at 7UVc low , and
70t'a70Xc high , closlne at 70 , c December
opened at JVc , sold up to 7J QTJ > io and
closed at TS diiJ c.
Corn was steady to-day , with lair spccnlat-
tlvo Inquiry very evenly distributed over the
list ot deliveries noted. There was also
rather free buying to till outstanding con
tracts , speculative short sellers , as a rule ,
not being entirely satisfied with the outlook.
A satisfactory shipping demand Is reported ,
lake engagements for tlio day being 252,000
bushels , and receipts continue liberal , yes
terday's arrivals footing up 395,000 bushels ,
and to-day's rorclpts being estimated at 405
cars. May corn opened at 44$44c ( , ranged
from that llguro to 45 , @ 45 c , and closed at
45c. October opened at 41 } < < ? 41Jjc. ranged
at 41'fjj41e ' ( ; , and closed ot 41 ? < c. Snptern-
ber opened at 40 'c , ranged at 403440c ,
aud closed atlO 'c ,
In the speculative market for oats to-day
there was not much now business , most
of It , as for several days past , being In tlio
way of changes. September contracts were
transferred to October at lll , < c
difference , and tlio premium on
Way over September was Qfa }
The dullness and weakness In cash property
had a depressing effect upon futures and
prices for October and November sullcicd a
break of M@ytc. May oat.s weio only , l c
lower at the elose , but a generally heavy
tone prevailed on the whole lino.
In provisions yesterday the revival of In
terest was continued. In a general way
more activity was displayed and the market
possessed attractive forces to a sufllciunt ox-
tout to Induce a comparatively good attend
ance. Traders ware disposed to watch tlio
trade closely and the reeling was again
stronger , an advance of 7Xc being estab
lished on January pork , 2 (3 ( % on different
deliveries ot lard and 5@7Xc on short ribs.
January , the leading winter future , closed at
812.40 for pork , 80.53 * lor lard and 80.37 *
for Hhort ribs , For September lard sold at
80.35UOQG.42J ( < on tlio split and short ribs
at 87.07X8-00 , closing at 50. 40Q0.42U and
88.00 respectively. September lard was
changed over to October at a premium of
about 5e and September short ribs at a pre
mium of 3H@7KcNovember and Decem
ber lard fold ut prices closely approximating
the market for October , which ranged at
CHICAGO , August 31. [ Special Telegram
to the UKK.J CATTI.K Uecoipts of native
cattle to-day were much larger than was
generally expected , in fact the week's run h
asurpilso to most people. It can bo nc
counted for partly on account ot the sharp
advance that has taken place in the past live
or six weeks , but one of the main reasons foi
tno big run this week Is tlio fact that many
cattle are compelled to bo marketed on September
tombor contracts. There are some sections
where feeders are still compelled to liau
water for miles and of course men In that Ib
who have contracted their cattle for Septem
ber 1 will let them go as soon as possible.
The market to-day was slow and weaker am :
prices were luc lower than yesterday and lOQj
15c lower than on Monday , the decline being
on nearly all kinds. A good man ]
coarse and thin cattle were unsok
at a late hour. Prices for cattli
are not much different from ono wecl
go to-day. There was a comparative ! ]
light demand for neavy cattle yesterday am
to-day. An supplies have been large and tin
foreign market has gene oft considerably
buyers this week have been more easily sup
piled than for several days past. Shipper
and exporters bought quite tightly to-day
A Pennsylvania butcher bought 1,179-11
gras prn at 83.10 and paid 85.UO for t > onn
choice 1,200-lb high grade steers. Shipper
raid < S.25@3.75 lor common 1,130 to lM4 !
Ib steers. S .90(34,80 ( for ifca to 1,830-lb cattle
with 1.140 to lS9l-lb steers at $4.oOft4.45 km
S5.15@5.25 for three cars of fine 1,5SS to l.OSU
Ib cattle. Dressed beef men paid S2.95@5.0
for thin 1 , OOO-l b steers to choice 1,472-11
averages. They got soinn coarse 1,420-1
steers at 83.70 and paid S4.SO tor some tin
l,20S-lb Nebraska steers , also single fane
lS50-lb steers ut 85.50. Shipping steer *
1,3V ) to 1.SOO Ibs , S4.y5(35.r ( ; 1.200 to 1,350 Ibs
83.50 < 34. < X ) : 950 to 1,800 IbS. S3.WXa3.lK
ers were lOc lower. Sales : 845 Wyominjj
1,117 Ibs , 83.40 ; 105 Wyoming Tuxans. 1,05
Ibs. 13.40 ; 87 WyomingTexans. D37 IbsJ3.10
67 Wyoming. Ilb3 Ibs , 83.00 ; 105 Wyoming
1,140 Ibs , S2.90 ; 131 Wyomlnir , 1,182 Ibs , S2.7fl
2fiO Wyoming Texans , 1,003 Ibs , 53.00 ; ' 3
Wyoming Texans , l'5S ' Ibs , S3.00.
Hoes Trade continues slow.wlth a grade
reduction In prices , tlio drop to-dav equallu
a Rood 5c , maKlug a decline slnco Monday ti
10 to 15c , yet a single load sold to-dny fur th
highest price this weekuamelyat 55.50. On
Hide the above.only a few lots of choice tmul
15.40 , and at the close the best on the marUt
would not bring over 85.35 , with prime pad
crs as low as S5.15Q5.2. ) , and common nt S4 1
< 25.05.Llght : sorts sold down to S5.15@ : > . ! M fi
corn-fed stock , S.4.bO@5.05 for grassers.
NEW YORK , August 31. [ Special Telcgrat
to the UEK.I STOCKS There was a di
elded chance for the bettor In the litiixucin
outlook. Inueudoes regarding the standin ;
ot certain largo speculators have subsided
they having obtained substantial assUtauci
that placed them In such shape that the boai
wore afraid to continue their raids. Iilqu
datlon has been so heavy that nearly all tn
weaklings have been shaken out and th
short Interest largely Increased. Stron
parties took hold of the market , and scare
the shorts Into covering , and the result wa
that In a majority of the stocks sharp rallli
accompanied by active trading resulted , an
advances of X9S points were recorded. Tl
uncertainty regarding tbo position of Ellja
Smith aud the Transcontinental railroa
company haa been removed by the accesslo
p ; f > , W.OOO forolgo. c j > lUl. Xbe eymllcal
will take tip $3,000,000 Oregon Navigation
bonds moro than agreed upon. The Oregon
Transcontinental company has sold part ot
Its holdings of Oregon Navigation through
Vlllard to a Uoiton syndicate for 8(5,000,000. (
Desldes the Oregon Navigation bonds held by
the Oregon ' 1 ran.scontlnental havn also been
sold to thu same syndicate. The Oregon
Transcontinental company still has about
9,000,000 Oregon Navigation stock left.
Manhatton opened \ * ( per cent higher , but
broke to IK1.V , and rallied to 90 by a o'clock.
Gould Is quoted assaying that he regarded
Manhattan as among the most desirable ot
his inany Investments , and that the road
will sooner or Liter have to provide for tlio
carrying of 1,000,000 passengers dally , and
that Its debt has been funded Into 6 per
cent , bomb , and all taken by strong capital
ists. Russell Sago said : "i do not believe
that bargain hunters will find ouy better op
portunity for picking up good stock than the
present time offers. 1 was a large buver of
Manhattan , and 1 believe the stock is ono ot
thu best among my securities. 1 believe tlio
period of tight money has passed , and
from this time on funds will bo cheap , par
ticularly for the reason that banks , which
have been straining themselves to carry In
dividual oporaturs , have now been relieved
through the suspension or failures of the
people. The result will most naturally ben
efit many. Everything points to better
times , and there Is no reason for such raids
ns yesterday. " J. S. Morgan and Drcxel ,
Morgan A Co. , arc said to have arranged
with Uarrett for ablanket mortgage to cover
all outstanding moitgages of the Baltimore
A ; Ohio. This will release the Baltimore
it Ohio telegraph system , which Gould has
heretofore been unable to secure owlnir to
Its being Included In the old mortgage , but
which will , In all probability , bo secured by
him. I'lii ! llaltlmorc nnd Ohio express has
also been rclc'ascd and sold to the United
States Express company for ; $2,500,000 ,
81,000,000 In cash , and 81,500,000 In United
States Express stock. The purchase of the
bonds by the treasury attracted less attention
than usual ; 83,250,000 were offered at 81.07 #
to 81.09-93 , but only 8407,700 were accepted at
81.0815-10 to Sl.OU. Small purchases rather
disappointed the bulls , but had no material
effect on the market A firmer feeling con
tinued until nearly the close , when last
sales tn the active stocks were at almost out
side figures , and recorded net advances ex
tending fr om H to 5 % per cent , Oregon Nav
igation being In the lead. Northern Pacific
preferred gained 2 % . Oregon Transconti
nental , Western Union 2 % , Louisville &
Nashville 2 > f , Union Pacific 2tf , Heading
1 % , Northwestern 1 % , St. Paul IX and New
England 1 % per cent Chicago bouses
transacted abettor business but their trading
was of a mixed character. The total sales
were 426,399 shares , against 299,800 shares
GOVERNMENTS Government bonds were
dull , but steady.
U. S. 4's coupon. las C. AN. W 113J4
U. s. 4K > s coup. . io .y do preferred. . . 14 3
N. Y. C 100 %
CanadaSouth'n. . O. R. AN. . 9) )
Central Pacific. . 35 O. T. 23
Chicago A Alton. 145 PnclficMall 3S j
do preferred..100 P. , U. AE ffiltf
C. , B.AO ' " - ' PiillmanPal.Car.145
Reading 50V
1)'AR.G."SWjJ'Rock ' Island , . . .K\ \ %
Erie 29 , ' < , St. L. AS. F. . . .
do preferred. . . . f yt do preferred. . . . 71
Illinois Central. . U7W C. , M. A St. P. . . 81Jf
I. , H. A W 14Jf do preferred. . 118
K. A T 24 < St P. A 0 44
Lake Shore 92Jf do preferred. . 107 !
L. AN OIK Texas Paciiic. . . . Mtf
Michigan Ceut'l. . 82K Union Paciiic. . . . 54
Mo. Pacific WM W.St. LAP. . . . IGtf
No. Pacific 2f do preferred. . 30V
doprufcrred. . . . 51j ( W. U. Telegraph 72 f
MOXUY On call more active at 4@7 tier
cent , last loan 7 pur cent , closed ollcrud at C
per cent.
for GO day bills , and 4J % for demand.
Chlcaeo. Auciiat 31. Following quota
tions are the a : : w closing Uturoa :
Flour Firm but dull.
Wheat Early was fairly active , later be
came quiet but steady : a firm feeling existed ,
the market closiue K@ c above vestorday ;
cash , 08 Vc ; October , 70fc : Mny , 790-lRc.
Corn Moderntflly active early , but later be
came quiet : the market opened steady , fluc
tuated within % @Xc r unite , aud closed H'c
hinder than ycbturday's close ; cash , 40b'c ;
September , 40Kc : October" 41c.
Oats Easy and lower ; near futures } { @
j' ' c lower , and Mny V < 9) ) c lower ; casli ,
.Me ; September , S c ; May , GO 5-lCc.
Kye 44 c.
Prime Timothy Seea-No. 2 , 3o30c.
Flax Seed-5l.01K.
Whisky S1.1U.
Pork Dull anil unchanged ; cash. S1S.OO
@ 15.2.5 ; Octoour , 810.00 ; year , S11.73 ®
ll.i-0 ; January , S 12.37 (3 ( W.40.
Lard Strong and lusher ; cash , SG.40 ;
September , SG.40@C.12K ; October , SO. 45
Dry halted Meats Shoulders , S5.4r rt5.50 ;
short clear. 8S.:5.X' : < 8.40 ; sliort ribs. S8.X ( ) .
liuttcr Weak ; creamery , ISQ'JJo ; dairy ,
Checso Firm ; full cream Cheddars ,
Cllc ; ihits , and YOUUR Americas ,
Weak at 13K@14c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy ; reon lildt's.
7&'e ; liL'ht do , 7iJ ( > So ; salted bull hides ,
Cc , green salted calr , 8 } @ c ; dry Hint , li@
13c : dry calf , 1331i5c ; deacons 30c each.
Tallow Unchan cd ; No. 1 country , 3) e ;
No. 2 , 3e ; cakes , 4c.
4c.Itocolots. . blilpmnnts.
Flour , bbls . 28.000 20,000
Wheat , bu . 85.000 SS.OOO
Corn , bu . 81B.OOO O'
Oat * , bu . ' 1C',000
Kyc , bu . 4.000 3,000
Barley , bu . 104,000 C.OOfl
New York , August 30. Wheat Ho-
colpts , 203,000 ; exports. &J.OOO ; spot lots
a shade hinder , but less active ; optloni
opened lirm and advanced } { Wc , later
ruled easier , anil before the close the Im
provement was partly las > t ; ungraded red ,
77tf@mc ; No. 8 red , "fiJ STO c ; No. 1 red ,
nmuTrmUt 83 > < c ; No. 2 red , 79W@7JMoin (
elevator , 80Jftijoie ( ! delivered ; beutumbei
closed atTO c.
Corn Spot lots firm nnd options JtfQ/V
hlKbur , closlni : with less stronRtli aud more
doing In stock to arrive ; receipts , 24,0(10 ( ; ex-
jiorts.a-i.000 ; uniradcd , 4UJfO&OJfc ; No. 2 ,
50 } < c in store , 60kS" ( > 0c delivered ; Sep
tember closed at 49 > c.
Oats Receipts. 49,000 ; exports , none :
mixed western , 30i3'3oc ; white western , U5@
40c.CoITco Spot , fair ; Hlo , firm at 320.00
S18.55il8.70. ( (
Petroleum Firm ; United , 04H'c
Eircs In talr demand ; westmn , 13CJ10 > 4c
Pork Fairly active and lirm.
I.ard 2 < jf4 points nigher ; western steam
sixit , quoted at ? 0.77K
Uutter Quiet and ster-.dy ; western , ISQ'iSc
western creamery , lfK22.c.
Cheese-Stronger and tuore active ; west
ern. 0'iQUc.
Mliinnaiiollfl , August 81. Wheat-
Quiet and inactive ; No. 1 nard. old , rash
aud September , WJfc ; October , 70 } < c ; No.
northern , cash and September , 71Mc ; Octc
bcr , A7c ; No , 2 northern cash and Sentoin
bnr , CSJfciOctober.&lc. On track , old No.
hard. 74c : No. 1 northern , 72Kc ; No.
northern , 70c ; new No. 1 red. 70c ; No.
northern , fi"c ; No. 2 northern , Ole.
Flour Steady ; patents , ll.OOGJ4.20 ; bakers'
Receipts Wheat , 33.300 bu.
Shlpments-Wlieat , 15,000 bu ; Hour , 2J.OOI
Milwaukee. Aueust 31. Wheat Firm
cash aud September , C9c ; October , 70 c.
Corn Strotiir ; No. 3. 42c.
Oats Dull ; No , 2 wlilto , 27c.
Kve Weak : No. 1. 45H'c.
Hailey illcher ; No. 2 , 68) ) 0.
Provisions Quiet ; pork , August , S14.50.
Olnolnnatl , Ausuat 31. Wheat Eaglet
No. a red. .
Corn StrouKcr ; No. 3 mlxetl , 41c.
Oats Active but steady ; No. 'J mixci
-KIrm ; No. 2 , 51 o.
Provisions Pork eaty at S 14.75.
Lardasy at $6.40.
KnnH * Cltr. Auzust 31. Wheat-
Steady ; No. 2 , soft , cash , OCcj May , TSUp.
Corn-Steady : No. a cash , : BVe bid , : Ve
nsked ; SetUember , 35 > c bid , 85Kc asked ;
October , % fc bid.
Oats-2Xo bid , 23c asked.
St , ixiuH. Atmrlst 31. Wheat Firm ;
cash. CSJfo4 September , CSJfc : October , 70Vc.
Corn Strong ; cash , as yiiSte ; September ,
27k'c ; October , 23 > c.
Oat-s UnclmnKed ; cash , 24Q2lc { Sep
tember , 24' , 'c ; October , 25c.
Pork 815.00.
Lard -90.25.
Butter Firm but unchanged * , creamery ,
21 ( . 2oc ; dairy , 16jJ21c.
lilTcrpnnl. August 31. Wheat Quiet ;
holders offer freely ; red western wlutcr.0s2d
per cental ; red western spring , Os Id
Corn Firm ; demand fair : holders oiler
moderately ; new mixed western , 4s2d per
New Orlcnns. August 31. Corn Ex-
nlted , higher and scarce ; white , 58c ; mixed ,
54c.Oats Steady ; choice western , tn sacks , 35@
Corn McM Firmer at 82.40.
Ho/ Products Quiet but steady.
Pork-3l5t7K. :
Urd-Kelined tierce , S0.fi2 ; < .
Hulk Meats Shoulders. 35.03 ; long clear
, nd clear rib , 8.12X.
Chlonco. August 31. The Drovers' Jour-
at reports at follows :
Cattle Receipts. 13.000 ; weaker nnd lOc
ewer ; shipping steers , 83.00(35.15 ( ; stock-
rs and feeder * , 81.CSji,15 : ; cows , bulls and
nixed , 81.2. 3.00 ; Texas steers 82.45 ®
1,50 ; western rangers lower at 82.75Q13.40.
Hogs Receipts. 15,000 ; about 6c lower ;
oiitrli , ? 4.75jt5.lO ( ; packing and shlpnlne ,
' 5.10t5.50llilit ( ; , 84.805.30 ; skips , KS.OOdJ
Sheen Receipts , 6,000 ; steady ; natives ,
3.004. : ; western , 83.15@3.t ; Texans ,
2.1XX 3.6.r. : lambs , 84.25O5.2o.
Nationnl Htoolt YartJs. Ka t Bt.
jonls. III. , Auitust 31. Cattle Receipts ,
1,400 ; shipments , 3,400 ; market active but
ewer : fair to choice heavy native steers ,
4.00@4.70 ; butchers' Eteers , fair to choice ,
| 3.303.U'i ; feeders , fair to good , S2.60ffl3.60.
Hozs Rpceiptc , 3iOO : : shipments , 100 :
market lower ; choice heavy and butchers' '
selections. 85.25@5.40 ; packers and Yorkers ,
medium to choice , S4.90@5. 0 ; pigs , common
to good , 84.3034.05.
Kanaaa City. August 31. Cattle
Receipts. 4,500 ; shipments ( official yester
day ) , 3,000 ; market steady for strictly choice
iorn-t'ed natives and grafw rangers , others
iveak anil lOc lower : good to choice corn-fed ,
8I.W@ .70 ; common to medium , 83.25(24.10 ;
stockers , ; feeding steers , 82.65
33.15 ; cows , S1.40@2.70.
Hogg Receipts , 8,000 ; shipments ( of-
.clal yesterday ) , 1,500 ; market unsettled
nd5@15c lower ; common to choice , 34.00 ®
.35 ; skips and pits , 83.Wft4.80.
Wednesday , August 31.
The run of cattle was considerably lighter
ian yesterday. A largo proportion of the
Pccipts was made up ot corn fed natives and
westerns. The market on good corn fed
: attle wits steady and fairly active , a coed
nany changing hands. Common grass
Battle and butchers stock was very slow and
; lull , aud the market was weak. There was
.some inquiry for feeders but there was not
much doing on the market.
The receipts of hoes wore lighter than ycs-
erday by 300 head. The average quality of
tie hogs was hardly up to the stamlaul , and
here were a good many moro loads of com-
uon and poor hogs than usual. The market
penod about steady on choice heavy lie s
nil with a good demand. Common mixed
ml light weichts opnned fully 5@iOc lower
.nil . not very active. Everything was sold by
ihlilav and only n few loads that came in
ate left over. The market closed about as It
There were liberal receipts nnd several
oads changed hands at about steady prices.
Jattle . 500
loss , 3,000
Sheep 2,300
Cattle Wears
logs 18
Sheep 3 "
Premium ; Price * .
Btiowlnc the prevailing prices paid for live
lock on this market :
Cholcosteers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs..84.25(34.00 (
Jhoicesteers. 1100to 1300 Ibs. . . 4.00@4.25
< nt little steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75(33.90 (
L'orn-fod range steers 1200 to 15M 3.7.Vo4.50 !
Jood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.50O3.00
Jommonto medium cows 2.00Q2.25
teed to choice bulls 1.75(33.00 (
Light and medium heirs 4.bOft)4.90 )
! oed to choice heavy heirs 'i.OO.'as.lO
jood to choice mixed hogs 4.90 5.00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.-
18. . . .1146 § 4,10 12. . . . 1175 S4.17K
17. . . . 101(7 ( 4.15 2U5..i09 : ! 4.40
93. . . . 1207 84.10
84.10YEAItl.l.VGS. .
15. . . . 990 3.35
21..10S5 3.GO 20. . . . 1135 3.CO
1. . . . 8 0 3.00
SllHKI' .
50. . . . 78 3.00 204. . . . 78 3.00
101. . . . bO 3.00
No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. Silk. Pr
Ki..lb2 200 S4.70 70..2SS 85.00
bi..lO'.l : bO 4.70 05. . . . SOS 5.00
90. . . . 197 2SO 4.75 09. . . . 200 fcO 5.00
74. . . .214 aiO 4.75 72 . . . .22 120 5.00
03. . . .215 120 4.S."i 72. . . .271 bO 5.00
C9..1M1 UW ) 4.S5 CO. . . . 2.5,1 .40 5.00
! . . . . 854 200 4.90 09. . . . 200 bO 5.00
71. . . .240 240 4.90 73 , . . .205 160 5.05
G3..S39 20 4.90 G5..S5S 5.05
49. . . . 200 4.90 00. . . . 259 160 >
2Ji..2b5 200 4.VK ) 03. . . . 271 200 5.05
80. . . . 21 ! . ' ! 200 4.90 07. . . . 273 100 5.0. ' ,
73. . . . 223 200 4.90 09. . . . 207 5.05
58. . . . 255 240 4.90 49. . . . 258 - 5.05
W. . . . 200 4.92W 70. . . . 2.10 120 5.05
58..197 80 4.95 73..S.VJ 100 5.05
T1..230 200 4.95 00. . . . 249 120 5.O5
84. . . . 209 100 4.95 fi'2.,2S2 SO 5.05
72. . . . 241 80 4.95 02. . . . 200 80 5.05
05. . . . 213 100 4.05 70. . , . 203 120 5.05
78. . . . 1118 4.95 57..2i5 80 6.05
73..2.-t ; 120 4.97K 22. . . . 290 40 5.05
71. . . . 220 5.00 G3..2G3 5.07JJ
bl..2l9 100 5.00 58. , . . " 07 200 5.10
! . . . . 274 200 5.00 CO. . . . 299 bO 5.10
199. . . . 237 SCO 5.00 01. . . . 277 5.10
C9 . . .24i 120 5.00 60. . . . 345 60 5.15
liivo Stock Sold.
Showing thu number of bead of stock sold
on tbo market to-day :
G. H. Hammond A ; Co . SOC
Shippers . 114
Total . 42 ; :
SIIKKl * .
Harris Fisher ( shipped direct ) . 201 !
Shippers . ! ;
Local . * *
Total . 2-T/
Anclo American PackingCo . lift
( i. H.Hammond & Co . f > 7t
Squires A : Co . 101 !
Armour & Co . TO
Total . MS
Unsold . 2 < X
All sties otstockin thu market are made
per cwt UVQ wolht uuloji ottierwUa statait.
Dead hogs soil at Koper Ib. for all weights
"Skins , " or lie s weUblng loss Uivi 10J IDs ,
no value. Pregnant sows ara docked 40 Itu.
and stagsSJ ib ? . by thunulilia inspector.
Ijlvo Stouk Notes.
Hogs on the * clown crude.
Good corn fed natives active.
Good heavy hogs hold their own.
T. C. Tagg , Waco , was here with hogs.
K. W. Banks , Shelton , was In with hogs.
C. F. Uentley , Schuyler , was hero lookln
for feeders.
Harris & Fisher received ten loads of sbeo
from Pine lllulfs.
William A. Dr.vden , Ute , la. , came In wit
two loads ot hoiK.
Christian < & Eugle , Onawa , marketed tw
choice loads of hogs.
.Patrick Jones , of Hubbard , .Neb. , was her
and marketed two loads ot grabs steers.
U.K. Carr , Ahseliuo. was at the yards am
tapped the market with & load ot wt-lti hogi
J , G. Hall , a wctl-iuiowii shipper trpiu Gib
bon , was In and marketed two loads of hogs.
J. S. Wllcox , North Hentl. a farmer and
feeder , was at the yards Inquiring for feed
Phillips A Ilodloy , llltr. Colo. , were both
hern with three loads of sheep , which sold on
the market ,
J , E. Hunt , of Paplltlon , was here , and
marketed a load of yearlings shipped from
Among those In with cattle was J. F.
Pumpliriiy , of Cortlnnd , who had four loads
on the market ,
George G. Cnrr came In with a load of hogs
from New Helena , Neb. , which sold on the
market at a satisfactory price.
G. L. Richards , Ashland , was here and
marketed a load ot 1175 Ib natives , of his own
feeding , which sold at 54.17 .
Squires A Co. , thu Boston packers , have
bought on this market and shipped 452 loads
of hogs during the past month.
S. S. lladloy , a well known feeder and pro
prietor of the large flouring mills at Cedar
Rapids , Neb. , marketed three loads ot hoes ,
J. G. Nordgren , Chapman , came In with
live loads of 1207 Ib. corn fed westerns , ot
his own feeding , which sold on the market at
Among those bavin ? cattle on the market
wore the following : E. Durland , Norfolk ;
G. L. Richardson , Ashland ; J. Unt > tlc ,
John F. Roberts , a feeder , of Ashland ,
Neb. , came. In with a load of corn fed natUcs
of his own feeding , which brought 84.15 on
the market.
W. M , Carscll , Chicago , Is here , and It Is
understood that he will look after the cattle
belonging to the Western Cattle Trust , and
perhaps buy a few cattle for Nets Morris.
G. W. Russell , Portland , had In four loads
ot choice corn-fed native steers , fed by him
self , which averaged 1.508. They were
offered 84.85 , which was refused , and were
shipped on to Chicago.
Chas. Itudat , Norfolk , a heavy feeder , aud
president ot the Norfolk National Dank ,
came In to-day with thirteen loads of native
steers of his own feeding. 225head averaged
1309 , and brought 84.40.
A shipper Inquires regarding the bogs that
Squires A Co. are buying. They are at the
present time buying only choice , heavy hogs ,
and will not take either light or common to
fair mixed hogs. They occasionally take a
load of Kood mixed , where It is In a string of
heavy hogs.
Ily. 11. Meday , secretary of the joint
executive committee , having In charge the
inspection of hogs , has given notice of a
meeting of the commission men , on Septem
ber 5 , for the purpose of selecting a new com
mittee. The time of the old committee ex
pires on the first Monday in September.
The following , among others , had hogs on
the market : James Cummlnes , Talmage ;
O. Burness , Weeping Water ; 11. Schlnstock ,
West Point ; F..f. Hale , Meadow Grove : J.
J. Mellck , Neliith : F. J. Toohll ) ,
O'Neill ; Nye , W. M. Co. . Pil-
per ; Davidson AM. , Alnsworth ; E. I ) . Wel-
ker , St. Edwards : Smith AGchr , Humphrey ;
N. K. Redlon , North IXJUD ; Adams Bros. ,
Council Minn's ; R. A. Tcmpleton , Tckamah ;
F. H. Park , Bancroft ; H. Stevenson , L.
Co. , Ansloy ; Thomas Powers , Button ; A.
Koeuler & Co. . atickley ; E. 1 * . Martin ,
Fairmont ; Rees A Hoes , Hardy ; T.
K. McPheison , Arapahoe ; Gund A
Co. , Wilber ; lugalls A Parks , In
land ; G. li. Warren A Co. , G ral ton :
A. Ov Virgin , Utica ; A. W. Johtnon ,
1,0011119 ; Theo Mclllnger , Kearnov ; Rey
nolds P. A Co. , Friend } J. F. Lower , Stroms-
buri ; ; Clark 11. A Co. , Wcston ; Krebs A
McF , St. Paul ; A. H. Emcrinq , Pacitic Junc
tion : W. M. Kstns , Paciiic Junction ;
Shepard A B. . Creichton ; Packard L. A G.
Co. , Crclghton ; Scholield A L. , Walnut , la. ;
B. W. Carey A Son , Solomon , la. ; G. A.
Spelts A bon , Octavln. ,
Wednesday , August 31.
T7ic following nra the prices ut which
round lots of produce are sold on tftfs
GENIHAT , . Tno receipts to-day were moro
liberal than for some days , there being un
usually large receipts of eggs and butter. No
material change in prices was made.
Eoos The market is weakening , the bulk
going at lOc , an occasional case goes at I7c.
BUTTEU Choice Is scarce , prices fair ;
other creamery , 22c ; choice dairy , 18620c { ;
medium grades , 13@18c : ordinary , 9510c.
CHIIESE Market good. Fancy full cream
Cheddarsslnirlo , 12e ; full cream , twins , 12c ;
young Americas , 12K13c ; brick cheese. 100
Ibs 1n case , new , 14c ; Llmburgor , 100 Ibs in
case , new , 13Kc ; Swiss , fancy Ohio , new 19&
POUI.TKY-Market fair , prlcestirrn. Spring
chickens S1.75f < i)2,50 ) ; old towls 82.50Q3.25 ;
ducks , S2.25@2.75 ; turKeys , 0@7c per ID.
GAME. The ! receipts of game have been
light. Prairie chicken 82.50 per doz , mallard
ducks S2.50@2,75 per doz.
POTATOES Scares and firm at 70@SOo
CABBAGK Firm at 75c@tl per dozen to
solid heads.
ONIONS Scarce and firm ; good stock , 90@
81.00 per bushel.
MELONS Watermelons bring S8.00@12.00
per hundred ; 'cantelopes , 60@75c per doz.
TOMATOES The local gardmicrs are sup
plying the market ut S1.50@1.75 per bushel.
CELEHY The demand Is not very neavy so
early In the season. Good stock suitable for
eshipmeut Is sold at 35@lOc per bunch.
BEANS. Hand picked navy beans
are quoted at SUKl@l.K ) per bushel , and the
other grades are selling from that figure
down to 81.25.
PorcouN Choice for stands , 2J4@3e perlb.
Orders from the eoimtrjrcijulrlnri se
lected ntochand extra care iu pncltlwi cannot -
not iilwiiyn be Jlllcd nt the suino price ?
quoted to Uic load trade for common stock.
Tlio supply of California fruit on the mar
ket to-day was liberal , and stoska were mov
ing fieely. Prices for the most part remain
about steady.
I'I.UMS There area few choice plums com
ing from California. Good stock Is moving
ai 81.50 per box.
PRUNES Tlio market iswoll supplied with
both the Gross aud slvro primes. Good
stock 81.50.
PEACHES The market Is well supplied
with very choice stock from California.
Choice stock is going at 81.50(31.75. Michigan
peaches aru selling at $3KX3.2. ( ) per crate
of 4 baskets.
NECTAHINES There are a few California
nectarines on the market. Choice stock ,
81.25 ® 1.50 per box.
GiiAi'KS Tlio supply of home-grown and
California grapes continues liberal. Califor
nia , S1.251.50 ( ! per20-lb box ; home-grown , 4c
PEAns-Callfornia Bartletts. S3.00@3.25 ;
other .varieties. 82.50(33.00 ( per box.
OHANOES There are a tew good oranges
on the market , Rodi , 50.5037.oo.
LEMONS The supply liberal , with fair de-
maiia. Common stock , S0.000.50 per case ;
choice , S7.007.50.
BANANAS The market Is full of bananas
at Sl.50@H.OO per bunch.
AiTi.i'.s The market Is hardly as lirm as
It was , owing tn the Increased receipts trom
the local orchards. Choice apples suitable
for shipment are quoted at 83.25 per bbl.
CR.UI Ai'1'i.EH THe demand Is very light
and Is supplied for the most part by the local
farmeis. Choice stoqk , 81.00 per bushel.
Grocer's Lint.
COFFEF. Ordinary grades , 20 } @ 21c ; fair.
21k@22c ; prime , 22 < a-jtc : ; fancy green and
yellow , 23$25c ; old government Java , 8@
30c ; interior Java , 25i2bc ; Mocha , iwasoc ;
Arbuckle's , roasted , 2Wc ; McLaugnlln's
XXXX , 2Gtfc ; Dllworth's ' , 2Cc ; Red Cross ,
20' c.
SUGAR GranuUted.CkCTfiKcsconf.A.fl's ®
0Vc ; white extra C , 6K ( < &Vc ; extra C , r.&ffl
5Xc ; yellow C. 5XCrf5ic ; cut loaf , 0Q7c ;
powdered , 77j 'e i
REFINED tiAiio Tierce , OJ < c ; 40-Ib square
cans , OKc ; 50-b | round , 7 'c ; 20-lb round ,
7 c10-lb ; palls , 7Kc ; Mb palls , 7tfc ; 3-lb
palls , 7c. .
PICKI.KB Medium , In bbN , 80.50 ; do In
half bbls , 83.75 ; small , In bbls , 87.50 : do In
half bbls , 84.25 ; gherkins , In bblsfc8.50 ; do In
half bbls , 84.75.
WOODKNWARF. Two-hoop palls , per doz ,
$1.45 : 3-hoop palls , 81.70 ; No. 1 tub. SG.50 ;
No. 2 tub. 85.50 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wasli-
boards , 81.75 ; assorted bowls , S2.25 ; No. 1
churns , 59 ; No. 2 churns , S3 ; No. 3 churns ,
87.Toiucco Lorlllard'sClimax. 44c ; Splen
did , 38c : Mechanic's Delight. 41c : Leggett *
Meyer's Star , 4lc ; CornerHtone , 34c ; Uruuv
tnond's Horse Shoe , 4lc ; T. J. , U7c ; Sorg'a
Spearhead , 4lc.
STAHCH Mirror ( Jloss , 5 fc ; Graves Corn ,
GI/C ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ; Osweiso Corn. 7c.
IliiooMS-Extra 4-tle.82.CO ; No. 1,82.00 ; No
2,81.75 ; heavy stable , 84
SYHUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 81.35@1.3S
New Orleans , per gallon. &i < ij40c : m.ipU
syrun. half Ibbs , "old time , " per gallon , bOc ;
1-gallon can , per doz810.50 ; half-callor
cans , per doz , 80.00 ; quart cans. 83.25.
CANDY Mixed , 8HC ? Hc ; stick. 8Xi ( # > Xc
CRACKERS Gurncuu's ' soda , butter am
picnic. 4Hc : creams , 7fd glnger-anaps , ? He
city B0d % .7J4&
TEAS Japan , CCKAMc ; Ktmpomlcr , SOC
\'o\\nt \ \ llyson. i'i@\ic ; Oolong , 204l 0c.
JKt.MK9-8l-lb pulls , 5'J.OO.
UntRD Kntiira Apples , novr , .
vnporatcd , M-lb rlnr. 15W@lPc ; raspberries
vaunratcd , ! W3'.icbliicKberrlescvnpor : tcd ,
Kw Hc ; pitted clierrlex , ITOlbc ; ocaches ,
now , > < " , 7Vo : cvaporatea peeled peacnoa ,
c ; evaporated , un pared , enew : currants ,
X$1lc' prunes , 4i/tfJ4Hc : citron , B5c : ral-
Ins , London layer. * , M.fVi ; California , loose-
uiisciktcls. 51.50 ; nuw Valeuclas 7-'Vc- '
Itoi'K Sovcn-slxtccntbs inch , HHC.
CANNKD Hoons Orstcre , standard , per
ase. $3.00(23.19 ; strawberries , 3 Ib , per case.
32.85 < 2.l > 0 ; raspberries , 3 Ih , per case , J'i.STKtf
J.W ; California pear * , per case. ! 4.60riJ4.CO ;
aprlcoK tfr case , ! U.iOit3.7.'i ( ; peaches , per
ease , 54.00@4.70 ; white" cherries , per rasp ,
5.M ) plums , per case. $ 'v.00 ; i.70 : blue-
jerries , per case , K.KXgSA'o : eicc plums. 3
b. per case. S2.W : pineapples , 3 Ib ,
> or case. $3.W@ . " > .7.P > ; i Ib mackerel , per uoz ,
Jl..v > : i Ib salmon , perdoz. si. < v > 'J.uu : 2 Ib
irooseberrlcK , oerraso , 83.'iVji3.B5 ; 1Mb Mrlnjc
Hjans , per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib lima brans , o r
case , 91.00 ; 3 Ib marrowfat peas , per casct
I2.M92.CO ; 3 Ib early June en as. per caae ,
| 2.75 | 3 Ib tomatoes , > 3.403.GO ; Slbcorn ,
i3.ftO. i
I'novisioxs lUuis , 1213c ; breakfast
lacoii. HC < < llKc : bacon sides l.310c ) :
drv salt , 8.W9c ; shoulders,7@7 c : dried beef
lams , 12C < i3c : dried beef regular ,
i msplcnlc ,
General Market * .
SPIRITS Cologne spirits , 1HS proof , 11.10 ;
lo 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits , second quality ,
01 proof , $1.10 ; do 188 proof , $1.00. Alcohol.
m proof. $2.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled
whiskies , $1.09@l..V ) . din blendud. S1.50O
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00@ft.00 ; Ken-
ucky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00 < in.5u ;
iolden Sheaf bourbon and rye wblsklns ,
$ L50@3.oo. Brandies , Imported , $ ) ( ;
dnmestic , 81.80(3.1.00. ( Olns , Imported , $4..V > @
0.00 ; domestic , Sl.U.'K'ttl.OO. Champuirnes , Im
ported , per case , S28.00@33.00 ; American , per
case. $ lO.KXcjlG.OO. .
CoAL-Egir. 89.00 ; nut , 89.25 ; ranee , 80.25 ;
Jowa lump , 83.00 ; Iowa nut , 82,75 ; walnut
ock , $3.00 ; Illinois. 84.2.V.J4.76.
HEAVY HARDWARE Iron , rate , J2.70 ;
plow steel , special cast , 4c } ; crucible steel ,
Oj < c ; cast tools , do. I2 ( < 41bc ; wason spokes ,
> er set , $2.00@3.SO ; hubs , per sot , fl.25 ; fel-
oos , sawed dry , 51.00 ; touRuus. eacb. f < 0c ;
axles , each , 7r > c ; square nuts , per Ib , C@7c ;
cell chain , per Ib. Ci @l3c ; nialleablo , 8lte ( ;
ron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Cc : harrow teeth ,
4MC ; sprniic steel. 4(35c ( ; Huulcn's horse
shoes , $4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , 85.75.
Jaroed wire * In car lots , $4.00 pur 100 Ibs.
ron nails , rates , 10 to SO 82.40 ; steel nails ,
HIDES Green butchers' , 5X@6c ; jrreen
cured , 7Kc ; dry flint , lie : dry salt , PC ; jtrecn
calf skins , 7 > < c ; damazod hides , two-thirds
price. Tallow 3c. Grease Prime white , 3c :
yellow. 3c ; brown , IKc. Sheep polta , 25O
40c. _
Dry Goods.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls-
count-LL , 6Jfc ; CC , 7 > ic ; SS. 8 c ;
Nameless , 5Uc ; No. 5. 6c ; EE , > < c ;
G ( , lOKc ; XX , 12c ; OO , 14c ; NN , lOc.
iX. I8c ; 11 , 200 ; No. 10 , 8Wc ; 40 , I0) < c : eo-
13Kc : 80 , 15c ; so , oolorod , lOc ; 50 , colored.
12c ; 70. colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13Xc ; Union
Pacific. 18c.
CARI-KT WARP Bibb white , 18J < c ; col
ored , 20Xc.
BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gam. He ; Beauty ,
12Kc : Boone , Me ; B , cased , 86.50.
I'ltiNTS SoLiDjCoLoiis Atlanta 5 > < c ; Sla
ter 5c ; Berlin Oil 6 > fc ; Garner Oil Oto7. PINK
AND ROHM Richmond Gc ; AllenSc ; Hlvur-
mint5c ; Steel KlverCo : HlcnmondOc : Pacitlc
> Kc. INDIOO BUIE Washington Oc ; Ameri
can 0)e ; Arnold OUc ; ArnolaBlOKc ; Arnold
A 12c ; Arnold Coldscal lOKc. I ) HKSH Char
ter Oak4Kc ; I5amapo35fc : Lodl4Kc ; Allen
5Kc ; Ulchmond ajijc ; Windsor Cc ; Kddystono
6c ; PacihcOc.
GiNOHAM-Plunkett checks 7o ; Wbltten-
on 7Wc ; York 7 , ' c ; Normandio lrt'BS
Calcutta Dn-ss 8J < c ; Whittonton
Oc ; Kcufrow Du-ss Do to 12' c ;
CAMnuics Slater 4) ) < c ; Woods 4 > c ; Stan
dard 4 c ; Pencock 4 } < c.
COIISET JEANS Androscoggin 7fc ! ; Kear-
sairo 7/c ; Hockportojfc ; CouostoKa Oj c.
DUCK West Point SU ln..8oz. . 10 > ic ; West
Point 20 In. . 10 oz. . ! 2 } < c : West i'oint 29 In. ,
13 oz. , 15c ; West Point 40 In. , 11 oz. , lOc.
Checks Caledonia X , Xo : Caledonia XX ,
te ; Economy U to 9 c ; Otis 9 to 0 > c.
ICKS Kewi'ston 30 In. . ISKc : Lowistnn S3
in. . 13Xc ; York 82 in. , 14c ; Swift ltlver7Xc :
riiormllko O O , 8'/c ; Tliorndiko E K , Hc ;
riiorudlko 120 , Xc : Tliorndiko XXX , IBc ;
Cordls No. 5. 9 > ic : Cordis No. 4 , lie.
DENIMS Amoskuag 9 oKie : Everett 7
oz. , Kc ! ; York 7oz. , Uic ; H.ivtnaker 8KC ! Jnff-
royXX. llj c : Jaflrey XXX , 12 0 : Beaver
3reek A A. 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , He ;
Beaver Creek CU.tlOc.
KENTUCKY JKANS Memorial 15c : Canton
18c ; Durham 27 | c : Hercules 18c ; Leaming
ton 22 > 4c ; Colts weld 25c.
CIIASH Stevens' B Oc ; bleached 7c ; Ste
vens' A 7Uc ; bleached 8 > tfc ; Stevens' P 8 } < c ;
bleached f Ko : Stevens' N 9 > c ; bleached
Wc ; Stevens' S 11 T 12kc.
MiscELi.ANKouft Table oil cloth 82.85 ;
plain Holland 8Kc to 9c ; Dado Holland 12 } < c.
FLANNEi.H-PIaid Uaftsman 20c ; Goshen
> < c ; Clear Lake 321.'c : Mapln City WXc.
hite ( J. H. No. 3 , % . 21c ; O. U. No. 1 , Jf ,
27 > ic ; B. II . No. 2 , % , 22Kc ; B. H. No. 1 , , > { ,
80c : Quecheo No. 1. J42c ; Ouecheo No. 2 ,
37 ; < " ro. ; Oiiftchee No. 3 , Jf , 82KO ; Anawan
c ; "Windsor 22Kc. Hed-C , 24 inch. 15Xc ;
E , 24 inch , 21c ; GO , 24 inch , IBc ; H. A. F. , % ,
25c ; J. H. F. , K. 27 } < c ; ( } . , ' , 35C.
BLANKETS White , Sl.oo@7.60s colored ,
81.10@8.00 ,
BIIOWN SIIEETINOS Atlnntic A , 4-4 , 7 , c ;
AtlautiP. H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D. 4-4 , fii < c : At
lantic P. 4-4 , f.Jic : Aurora LU 4-4. 5 ic ;
Aurora C , 4-4 , 4itfc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , CWc ;
HooslorLL , 4-4 , 5fc : Indian Head , 4-4 7e ;
Lawreuco Lli. 4-4 , nji'c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5 > < c ; Peppcrell 15 , 44Cjc ) ; I'cpporoil O , 4-4 ,
Oc ; Peppurcll , 8-4 , ICc ; IVppciell , 9-4 , 18c :
Popperell , 10-4 , 20c ; Utica C. 4-4. 4J c ;
Wncliiisott , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora H , 4-4 , 0 > fe ;
Aurora B , 4-4 , Cc.
Sunr.TiNO Berkeley cambric ,
No. CO. kc ; Best Yet , 4-4 , 0c ; butter cloth
OO,4Kc ; Cabot , 7Ko : Harwell , be : Fiuit of
Loom , b fc ; Grpeiiu G. Co ; Hope , 7 } c ; King
percll , 6-4 , I5c ; Pepperell , 8-4.18c : Fupporell ,
! M , 20c ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 22 0 ; Canton. 4-4 ,
8J/e ; Canton , 4-4 , 9Kc ; Triumph , Co ; Wam-
sutta , He ; Valley. 5c.
A C in. White Pine S-tf.50 C , 829.50
IJ " " " ! .50 1 > , , 21.00
B ' " " ( Sol. Fencing.19.00 )
1st and2iid , clear , l.U * Inch , s.2s 850.50
3d , clear , 1 inch , s. 2s. , 45.50
" " I/ } , 1J , 3 In 40.M )
A select , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. . 40.00
" " IX , IK-3 In 44.00
13 " liuch , s. 28. , RO.OO
" " 1 , IK. 3 In 37.00
Clear Poplar , IJx. BcK % In. , s. 2 s..535.10
K In. Panel , s. U s 27.00
" " Corrugated Ceiling , K28.50
O. G. Ba ts , 2) ) < In 800.75
" Kx3 In , S.R 00.45
8 In Well Tubing , I ) A M and Bov. . . . . 2:1.00 :
Pickets , I ) , it 11. Flat 20.50
" " Square 21.00
No. 1 , com. s 1 a 818.00 No. 2 , com , sis 817.00
No. 3 , 815,50 No. 4 , 813.00
No. 1 , 4 A : Gin , 12 & 14 ft , roueh 819. ID
No. 1 , " " 10 " " 19.50
No.2 , " " 12A14" " Ki.Ofl
No.2 , " " 10 " ' 17.5U
A. 12.14 and 10 ft. 521.50 C , 815.50
U. " " " 20.50 1) . 1U.50
1st corn , { In White Pine Celling 831.01
2nd " " " " " 2S.OO
Clear , % In. Norway " " 10.0Q
ndcom. In. " " " 14.00
A12inrhs. Is 845..V
No. 1 , com. 12 in. H. 1 s. , 13 ft 20.6C
' " " " 14 H J9.0C
" ' " 10 ft 18.5C
No.2 , " " " 19.0C
" " " 10 It 17.M
Inch Grooved Roofing 51,00 per M more
than 12 Inch Stock Hoards same length.
mm11. AT.
No. 1 Plain. 8 & 10 In S19.M
No.2 " 17.M
No. 1 , O. U. , Sin H'.M '
Com. 4 A 0 in. Flooring 817.U
Star " " 21.W
Clear % In. Celling ai.
" % In. Partition V > .u
" Finish , 1 it Uf in.s.2s 29.W
" Corrugated Celling , 4 In 25.0i
Yellow Piae ( Jaalvg andIja o , .
Agricultural Implements.
Wholf lol ) , ' l rln
Agricultural Implements , Wngnna ,
and Hiiflln. Jonrs itrect , bctwrvn Vlb
ml IOthOnmb , Noli.
Agricultural Implements ,
. nucetes. Hie. , Wholtiklr. Om h .
Aprlrnlinrul Implements.
nd Hutiln. ( Ml , ! OS , W5 am ! ' . < I7 , Jonf t it
> lfsf < ' Material.
A. JfOSPE , Jit. ,
Artists' Materials , Piiuos and Organs ,
Mreet , < > tl h .
Builders' Hardware and Scabs.
Bnilders'Hardwarc&Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' Tcoli and nuffalo Sc l i. 1106 Doujtm iu ,
Omnlit. , N b. _
Books and Stationery.
A. T. KKNYON .0 CO. ,
Wlio'eialo anil tte all
Hooksellers aud Stationers ,
IKZ Ooujjlas at. , OniKlin , Ncli. Tclciliono | Ml.
CorrcJimnilfiiro solloilnl.
Boott end Shoos.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
till Farnaui it. , Omaha. N b. llauufactorj , SummM
trret. noftun.
/ T. LIXltSJil' , { CO. ,
Wholesale Rubber Hoots aud Shoes
Kubuer nntl Oiled Clothing anJ t'olttloots and
Phnri. 1111 Harnpv Stroct.
Lager Beer- Brewers ,
North llth Slrpct. Omaha , N b.
Butchtrt' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
lauui Cailnf of all klndi alwaji In to i. 111J
Jone M.Omaha
Coffee. Spices. Etc.
Omaha Coffee and Spiea Hills.
.Ooffcci.Sflcei. Baklni r wder. n Torlnitl
irmcu , Laundrr BU . Ink. Etc. I1U-IO Bantj
gtrMt , Omaha. Nab.
John Epenctcr , Prop.
Uanafatturer of OalTaalicd Iron and Comic * . US
Pod " " > 1M ana IQi M. 10th it. . Omaha. Nab.
Manufacturer ! of
Ornamental Galvanized
D' m \Vlndowi , Floali.lletallcBkjrlliht.atc. 310B.
lli ( it. , Omaha.
C. Spccht , Prop.
Qalvantttd Iron Cornlcpi , etc. Hnrct'i Improved Pair
ont Mftallc Skylight. JOJ anil 610 S. I''th t.Om ha.
Jobbarn of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Iiugs
I.lnolouml. MattliiK' , Ktc. 1111 Douglas afreet.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for * hu Muuu tuctarcrs and Importer ! of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Cblninuji , etc. Office , 317 South Uth it ,
OmaLa , N b.
Mammoth Clothing House.
Corner Kamam and Tdntli Streeti Omaha. Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission aud Jobbing.
Bntler , Kmiand Produce. Con ! ( rnmeni rollcltod.
Buadquartera for Btunawaro , Merry Boxen and
Urapo liaik ti. Kit DodgeBtreetOmaha.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Bpeclaltiet Uiitler. K iti. Chccnc , Po iltry , Uarae ,
Ojitcrs. etc. , etc. 112 8. llth bt.
Commission Merchants.
Frullf , Produce and PrniUlnui , Omalia , Neh.
CO. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , llutur , Uanio. F'rulti , tie. 220 U. lilbat
Omaha. Neb ,
Coal ancf Lima.
Q o. * . l.Ai.AUii. Pros. O. F.nooiiMAN , V. I'loi.
J. A. HUNIirHI.ANn , Bee. and Treui.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
209 Soutn Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
c co. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And yhlppuri of Coal and Cokr , Cement , Planter ,
IJrno , ll.ilr. Hro Ilrlck , Drain. Tlio and Suwcr Pipe ,
( imoe. I'm ton Hutul. rarnini it. , Omaba , ts b.
Cigars ana Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Quni and Ammunition , 515 to 773 K. llllnt. , 1030 to
1024 rarnam t. , Onitha.Set > .
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Deiler * In Leaf Tobaccos , No > , 109
and HON. inn ttreet , Omnba.
Dry Goods.
M. E. RMITJf"t1 ! > CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
11W and 1101 rnr. llth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Distillers of Uqucri. Alcohol and Spirits. ImporWrf
and Jutibermf Wlneiaml l.lquorn.
CO. and ILER cl ) CO. ,
Importers and Jobbers of Pine Wines and Liquors.
Hole manufacturers of Kcnnedr'i Ka t India Ult-
tars and Domrstle Mquors. 1113 llnrnur M.
Wholesale Dealei a In Fnrulture.
rarnam St. . Qmahv Neb.
Fnrulture , Bedding , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. HOtUKMund 1210 Karnam nt. . Oniaba.
'Groceries ,
PAXTOX , ( t
Wholesale Groceries and I'rovisions ,
Noo. 7U5.707,7M and Til B. 10th St , Omaha. Nob.
McCORD , li.itA It Y , tCO. . ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
K'tn and Learenwortli sts.Omahu.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Shoot Iron , Ktc. Agent * tor Howe bcaloi ,
ttnti Miami PowdtrCo..OmihaNtl .
ir. , T. n
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
BprlntBVaKin Stock , Hardnnro Lumber , etc. I'
and Ull llaniej n. , Omaba.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wagon and Carriage Wood Stock , Ilearr Hardware ,
Ktc. 1217 and Ufa l.eaTenwortb. t. . Omaba , Neb. "
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
, < Tat , Bran Goods. ISUand UU J'acaail
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wroutht and rait Iron BulMInc Work. Iron PUtr
llallmi , tlrami anddlnlrrs , Siesm Kntitio , llrau
\Volk , Utticrnl ( rmiudrr , Marblnd and HlackitnlM
> fnrt. OBlceanJ Works. D.I' , liy. and 17th lMt. .
It. Jt. SA H'\'EJt ,
Mnnnfiiotnrinsr Don lor in .Smokestacks
lliltibliik' % Tnnki.anil Holler Ileii.ilrlnt ,
_ _ _ 1JI * IHidvo utrcfl , oinnlm. _
F. It. alrMANUS. C. Stll.UTAX.
Ire and Iron Kalllncrs , Desk Itallf.
Window ( luarrt * . Klnwer HtaaJVlr Sl n , Bt
IMN , 16th. Orden br ranll promptlf altendcdto.
UeatfAllKlmlsnr 1
Huilillngr Hatoriiil tit
19th Street and Uuloa Pacific Track , Omaha. J
Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Ktc. Yards-Corner'th and Douglas ) Cornw
Othaud Douwla * .
Wholesale Lumber , /
jit 8. Itth street. Omaba , Nab. T.CVilpftier , M nai j )
C. tflUETZ ,
ISth and Callforrla ftrcrts. Omaha. Neb.
Lnmber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.Ctb and nouilat sts. , Omaha. N x
To Dealers Only.
Offlt , HOS VMrnnm street , Omaha.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carptti and Parqtut rioorlng. Slli an
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Import4 and ABtrlcan Portland Omrnt. StaM
Actntrorllllwaukce Mrdraullc Cemanland llest
QUIBCJ WbltcLlnr.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha. f
Limited. John r. Boyd , Baparlnt pJ > nU ,
LIU Stecli Commission.
C. K. PAI.MKlt. N. I' . II1UIIMAN. .1. IU
Live Stock Commission Merchant
Oflli'P Kiiiun 21. Uppnsltn I'.xoliuriKC Ilul
Union Stouk ViirtlH , South Unmliii , Nub.
Live Stock Cominlssion Merchants.
Mnrkct furnl < lied frc iiniiipll"atlon. | Btncknrn an
fcnlers fiirnliho-l on iro-wl term Kerorcneea
pniahii Nntloniil llnnk nnd South Omaha Niitluna
Union Mock Yards , South Oniahu.
Live Stock Commission.
Ceo. lluika , ManiKor
Union Stock 1 Urdu , i ) oiniilia. Telcphono MJ.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipments of any and nil klntli of Slock lolloltob
Union Stock Yard * , onuiha , Nch.
Millinery and ftotions.
T tB JiFT DT R Tcd , '
Imi > ort r nnd Jobbers of >
Millinery nnd Notions , r
1313and HIS Hnrnay St.oet , Omaba. Neb.
Wholejale Dealer ! In
Notions nnd FurniRhing' Goods ,
lia and (05 p. Tenth St. , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
leans Pants , Shirts , Ktc. 1103 and 1101 Uoujlns Stroofa
Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Paper Healers.
Carrra nlcoatockof l-rlntlna , Wrapping and Writ
Ins paper. r > pprlal nttrntlnn Blp > to car loaloi
onlers. wh ch will bo snlppo'l ' .lir ct from mill" . Al
orders will rorelTn ( icrsdnal ntiantlnn. We gum
"nice good goods and low prices , llli nntl 1111
Printing. 'I
.lob Pvintcrs , J lunk Hook Makers ,
And Book lllndcrn. IDil nnd 10H HoutU Kourtecutll
street. Omaha , Neb.
Auxilinry I'libiishers.
Dealers In Type , Premos nnd I'rlntom' Supultes. 609
Poulh Twelfth Street.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fit thif9t
Btonmnnd Water Suppllus. Ht > adqunrter for Mart
Kot Co'n ( ) oolilltarinni st..Oln ha.Neb fr
Ualladar Wind Ullis ; nteam and Writer Pupplleav
flumblng lloP'ts. IloltlnK. lime. 918 nnd 0 Fur-
naia > t. , Oinahn. H. K. Kelton , Manager.
1 > lrphnne No. SIO.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
gtoam. Water. Hallway and Mllllnii Huppllci. Kt *
SO , VWandWih-arnaui St. . Oaiaha , Neb. }
= i Manufacturers nnd Dealers In
Kiisrlnos , Itoilors ftKoneral Miichinory
beet Iron work , Hlcaia 1'urapi. SUIT Mills , Aoia
Bbaftlajc , Dodfi Woodsillt Fullart , Bolting , ( to ,
Alsawatoas , sorap riu 49 tkUtla * .
Tenworthit. Omaha
Rubber Goods.
Munulaclurer and Dealers In nil kllidlof
Kulibcr ( iooiU ,
Oil flnthliu nntl l-.tilM'r llplilni/ I H rarnam t.
Safes , Etc.
P. BOYER ? CO. ,
Agents for JIall'8 Safe & Lock Co.s'
Fire and liurn ar Proof S fii , Tluio I/i > cki , Vault *
* and Jill Wnrk. lnj ( rnrimra utruet Omaha , .Nab. _
Omaha Kafo Works.
llsnufncliirprtof Fire nnd llurglar Proof Safes , Vault
Uoort.Jnll \VirkShutcrs itndMro Work. Cor.
lltliundJackion His. Oiuiihu.Nob ,
Sasfi , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISllROW < C CO. ,
Wboleiale Manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , Klinds and Mouldings ,
llranchoaice.Htbaiid Uard fts..Oaahs.yS
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mould' ' KH.StalrV.'nrkund Interior Until Wood Hnlitl
Juit opuneJ. N. K cor 8lh Hiid I.uuveunortlitiU.
Oiuaha , Nub.
37 Chamber of