it ' OMAHA DAJLY BEE ; flHURSPAY. SEPTEMBER I. HPOlirirSG NEWS. Ornok Hliotn at Lonp City. Loin * CITV , Neb. , August 31. [ Special { Telo/ram to the BKK.J The second annual Jntor-st.ite shooting tournament began here yesterday morning. There are a large num- per ot shooters In attendance. Among the fcnost iiromlnent are the chnmutuns Slice Judd and Doty. r The Urst contest was ten Peorla blackbirds. ( Entrance 53.50 ; 10,30 , 20 and 10 pnr cunt : J. W. Crablll , 10 ; J. Woods,7 ; Palmer , 8 ; Kleok , P : ( Jeorflc , 7 ; Walker , 7 ; Budd , 0 : Fox , 9 ; DtaUcr , 7 : Slice , 10 ; Nlcoll , 9 ; Nookoy , 7 ; | ) oty , 0 ; Frank Crablll , 10. Second contest , olstht live pigeons. En trance S5 : Budd , 7 ; J. M. Cratilll , 8 ; Woods , -v ; Palmer , 7 ; fox , 7 : Conlpy , 0 : Fleok , 0 ; Ucorce. 0 ; Slice , a ; Frank Crahlll , 7. Third contest , : fifteen blue rocks. Entrance - trance 84 , Si1) added by citizens : .1. M. Cra blll. ll ; Stlcc , 11 : Doty , 14 : Nlcoll , II ; Kleclc , : Walker , 10 ; Budd , 11 ; Palmer 10 ; Frank rablll , 11 ; Kaiser , 9 ; Kakry , U. Fourth contest , four pair and seven single fcluo rocks. Kntranco S3.M , 3'i" added ny citizens : Budd , 14 ; J , M. Crablll. 14 ; Stlcc , 14 ; Nlcoll. 14 ; Doty , 13KCrahlll,12Georgo ; ; , 11 : HelschcztT. 11. First swcepstaki1 , flvo live blackbirds. En- franco S5 : Hudd , r. ; Doty , 5 ; Slice , 5 ; .1. M. Crablll , 4 ; Hulsezer , 4 ; Stewart , 4 ; Krkeu- fcach , 3. . Second sweepstake. Entrance , S3 : Doty , l8tiw , 7 : F. Crahlll , 7 ; J. M. CraUill , 0 ; 3udd , 6 ; dcorgo n. Third swpcpstake , entrance 33 : K. Crablll , 9 ; Walker , 0 ; Budd , U ; Palmer , G ; J. M. Cra- bill , U ; Stlce , 8 ; llulsv.or , H. lu a single match for 810 between Doty and Hudd , Budd got nineteen birds out of twpnty. The shooting tournament closed to-night. Btlce , of Illinois , won thn silter cup for tint best averuco dtirinz the tournament. Follow ing Is tha score of the lifth contest : Entrance : i , and Sir , dollars added by cltl/cns , 10 blue rocks : Stlce , 10 ; 1'enrosp , a : Krcanbnck , 0 ; I'awnce , 0 : Doty , 7 ; Nlcoll , 9 : Allen , 5 ; "Oeorne. 7 ; Gardner , 7 ; liude , 8 ; Frank Cra blll , 8 ; Fleck , 5 ; J.M. Crahlll , 9 ; Mart , 2.- itlco took lirst money. Nlcoll and J. M. Cra- } IU second , Pontose , F. Crablll ana Budd , third , Doty and Ccorco fourth. Sixth contest Entrance SO , $35 added by ltlzeus , four pair of Ilvcplgpons : F. Crablll , ยง ; Paw nee. 8 ; btlce , G ; J. Si. Crablll , 0 ; Fleek , t > ; Krcanback , 4 ; I'on rose , 3 ; Budd , 0 ; Doty , PDlxon , a ; Mart , 0 ; Allen , 4 ; Stuart , 4.- ntlce , Budd , and Mart , tirst money ; Doty , fcecond ; Penroso and Pawnee third ; Fleek , fourth. Grand citizens purse , entrance SI , 20 pigeons , 8100 milled by citizens : Penrosc , 7 : J. M. Crablll. 18 ; Stlcp , 80 ; Wooky , 15 ; Nicoll , 17 ; Doty. 17 ; A. Dlxou , 12) ) U. Dixon , ; Pawnee , 13 ; Hudd , 17 ; Allen , 8 ; ( ioor/p. 15 ; Stewart. 12 ; Bacon , 0 ; Odendahl , 12 ; Konlclc , 9 ; Mart , 13 : Gardner , 13 ; Kverett , 11 ; Porter , 14 ; Dixnn , 7 ; Kaiser , fc : Fleek , 12 ; Craven , 13i ; F. Craoill. 15 ; Woods , 10 ; Ilpimctt , 0 : i'om Crablll , 11 ; Xlttcll , 12 ; ( Jrcen , 7 ; Wall , 4 ; Drake , 10. Btlce won lirst money , J. M. Crablll second , J'onrose , Nlcoll and Budd third , Drake fomth , Contest No. 8 , entrance S3 , ten blue rocks ; Btlro , 9 ; J. Crablll , 5 ; Ponrose , 0 ; Nlcoll , 8j liiitld , 10 ; Doty , n ; Pawnee , C ; F. Crablll , 8 , ( Ereanbuck , 7 ; Wood , 8 ; Drake , 4 : Bndd won 0rst money , Stlcu and Penrose second , Klc- pll , F. Cralilll. Woods and Kreanback third. loty and Budd shot twenty blue rocks thirty { yards and tied on 17. An UiilntcrcHtliiB Game. LINCOLN , Neb. , August 31. [ Special Tele gram to the BKK.J The second Otr > aha ant Jjlncoln eanio was patronized by a small au dlence and was not of especial Interest Ir tlio ninth Inning , was exciting foi B period , and It looked blue for a little tlm < lor the pennant seekers. Their hard work however , closed the game with one ahead 01 their score , llart was wild for the Llncolns in the box , and Dolan worked hard bohlnt BCOIIK 1IYINNINO8. Lincoln . a o o i o 3 o o a Omaha . 0 03000023 Kuns Earned Lincoln G , Omaha 7. Danes on balls Hart 4 , Ilartsoni. Struck out Hart 4 , H.irtson 4. Loft on bases Lincoln 7 , OnmhaS. Two-base lilts liatlcr , Walsh. Thrno-baso hits lolan , llecklcy , Hoover Krolnnoycr. Homo run ? Alpssltt. Double plays Walsh to AlesslttBto Dwyoi Time of Kame 1 hour and 45 minutus. Umpire Young. Denver 1 , JlASTixos. Nob. , August 31. [ Special Tel cgrain to the HKE. j The homo team was de foaled to-day by a score ot one : Hastings . o 00000000- Denver . 0 0 o 0 0 0 1 o o liasu hits HaHtlnca 3 , Denver 0. Errors- IlastltiBs 1. Denver a. flatterU's Nlcholso : find Iteynolds , Fitzslmmons and Meyers. Kaniaa City 14 , Emporla O. KANSAS CITV , August 81. ( Special Teh cram to the BKK. ] To-day's game botwee Kansas City and Emporla was no loss It tore sting tban that of yesterday and It re quired ton Innings to decide tha contest , th cowboys bunchluc their hits and scoring 11 v in the tenth while the visitors were blanket tt'ho home to am played a rather loose lioldln eamc , but the visitors did not hit Hol'or hard. The following is the score by Inning * Kansas City. . . I 00500012 5-1 ItiniHirla . 0 051003000 Karned runs Kansas City 10 , Kmporla 3 Two-base hits Howe. Three base hlts- Jlansoll. Struck out Uy llofford 4 , bv Me Carthy 2. Double plays Howe , llencl and McICcon. Left on bases Kansas Clt 10 , Emporla 5. First base on balls Off Uoi Iford 1 , off McCarthy 0. First base n : errors Kansas Ultv t , Emporla 3. Passe balls-Graves 4 , O'llourko 3. Wild nltches- JMcCarthy 2. Jut by pltcher-Drivebel Time of came 3 hours and SO mlnuto ! tlmnlre llaqan , Batteries Kansas City aiofford and Uraves. Emporla : McCartn nd O'Kourke. _ TnpelcnO , Wichita 4. TOPKICA , Kan. , AuRttst Hi. | Special TcU gram to the UKK.J TopcUa won the secon fame ot the series from Wichita with cas The fvaturns of the game were the bcav batting of thn Topokas anil the sham tlcldin of the visitors , following Is the c > core : Toixika . 1 11000331 \Vlchlta . 0 02001010 Earnt'd n\ns TopeKa 7 , Wlchlti a. Twi base hits Ardnt'r , Kotiynn. Three-base h Ardncr. Homo runs Halliday , Sto.irn tj mplre Wobster. Time of gair.o a hour National League Gixinoi. NKW Youi ; , August 8L The cainu be Iwoou the Ni-w York and InolanapoIIs team to-ila1' resulted as follows : c\v York . 3 * Indianapolis . 0 1'itchcrs Tltcouib and MotTot. l a lilta New 'iork 15 , tliullanapolls Krrors Nnw York 4 , Indhinapolts t Umpires Graham and Connelly. rim.MJKi.i'iiiA , August 31. The K.-xino tn tweon the riilladelphla and I'ltt burg team to-ilay resulted as follows : Philadelphia . 1 00100010- rittshuri ; . o o i o o a i o o I'ltclwrs KflrKtwon and Morris. Jj.tso hit J'hlladolphlaO , riltsbuw 111 Krrois-l'nll del | > hla2 , 1'lttsburi ; it. Umplro Do'wcher. liosTON , AiiL'iist 31. The uama b < twtwn the lo.-iton nud Detroit trains U ra ulted as follows : Jioston . 1 00021110- Dotrolt . 0 0 a 2 1 o 1 1 * Pitchers Itntlbnurn and ( Jruhcr. Hai hlts-UetroIt 15 , Uoston 10 , Errors IK-tro liostou 3. Umplro Powers. American Association , - ClNCl.VKATi , August 31. The itaino In twoon the Cincinnati and Athletic 10,1:11 : to-dav resulted as follows ; Cincinnati , . . . .0 - , Athletics . 0 , 1 0 0 0 0 o 0 tt- TL Y LA2 < : > , 'Auiut ; 31. The' tame li ween the Cleveland and llaltlmore teams n-day resulted as follows : Cleveland 0 OOOlOOOO-l UalUmoro. . . . , . . . ! 0000100 * a ST. Lot'i" , Aueust 111 The came bo- wren the St. l.onls and Brooklyn teams o-day resulted as follows : St. Loul-j 1 0-G Jrooklyn 0 4 LOUIHVIM.I : , Aueust ni. The game he- wecn the Louisville and Metropolitan teams o-dav resulted as follows : .ouUvlllo , . . .S 1 3 0 10 0 3 1 25 Metropolitans .0 a 0 5302 0-11 The Northwestern League. DKS MOI.VKS , la , August 31. The Northwestern league game * to-day wo re as ollows : DCS Molncs 4 , Milwaukee 3 , at DcsMolnes. Mlrtncanolis 14. Kau Claire 11 , at Kau Claire. Duluth 1. St Paul 3 , at bt. Paul. 1UO HONUS. A AIHsourl Fnrnior Unearths a Mon- Htcr lliiinan Skeleton. ST. Josni'ir , Mo. , August 31. ( Special clpgrain to the Ur.E.J At Jackson Station n Davis county , near Uallatln , wnllo dig- glnfi a well on his place last week. U. W. St. [ obn unearthed a portion of a human skeleton which Is regarded an one of the most won- lerful finds ever made In this part of the country. At the depth of eighteen foot bones wore found , The thi h miMHired In clrcilin- erence at the upper joint -'J Inches or nearly 0 Inclios through at the lower portion. Ad' olnlng the knno the circumference was 23 nclies , whllu the knee cap alone weighed 5 louinH. An uriii and nne rib were also > rought up and the other portions of the flktileton will bo recovered at once as It Is quite probahablo that they are there also. Vs soon us the remaining portions are rocov- untd tlmy will be brought to this city and put on exhibition. How the Anarchists Act. CLIICAOO , August 31. ( Special Telegram o the UKE. | The seven imprisoned an archists were very grave men this morning. A reporter , who watched them thiough the netting of the cage for an hour , whllo they ro taking their customary recreation , saw no one of thorn smllo. They took exerclso with measured , listless footsteps , up and down the roofed jail court , or talked In sub- luotl tones to the women folks who como to visit them. They have no male visitors , ex cept now and then. The remaining soclalis- Ic and anarchistic leaders , except OILS. llotz , never came near them , ' who was in jail about two weeks ago. A small party of curiosity scekors wcro ad mitted to the cage this morning , by special Dcimtaslon ot thu sheriff , and looked n time upon the duath-sentenced > inen as though they were wild beasts. "How pale they are , " was the lirst excla mation one of the ladies made. And so they arc. Sixteen months of the close conlinomont iias told on them until their countenance ! ) lave bleached to an opaque whiteness. The sinister companion of the prisoners , a big irlndle rat. who was the friend of the jail , a friend of all the prisoners , and who roams around everywhere , came rubbing about Fieldon's legs this morning. Ho took the purring cat Into his arms , stroked her fur and ticKlcd her nock. She was gan- tly put down when the newsboy broueht In the bundle of morning papers with their prognostications of an adverse - verso sentence from the supreme justices. As their eyes caught the startling head lines announcing their probable execution and death , there was closer atttntion merely , but no other Indication of feeling. An observant turnkey , who seems to take a different view , remarked : "It seems to mo that the anarch ists must have had a tip that the decision ot the supreme court would be favorable , as Lucy Parsons said last Suuday 'They are looking Into the future through a noose , ' and they are coining nearer and nearer to the time when they will have to hane. Yet they go on ordering new suits of clothes , chatting with their friends and eating hearty meals. It seems to mo they must have received some Intimation of a favorable" result , for If they haven't 1 can't understand It" Jailer Kol/ has a theory that the best way to manage prisoners Is to keep them cheer tu I. He likes to sea them hopeful ot the future. He Is displeased at the almost exultant tone In which some ot the news journals have prophesied their near execution. Ho says It is awful for the newspapers to ire into them every morning with columns of such mattei to read. A Horse Thin fa Kaoape. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Augusts ! . [ Special Tel < osram to the BXE. | Ike N. Laws , the no torlous horse thief and desperado who wo ; shot through the body by a deputy aherl while resisting arrest In this city two weolci ace , and who has since been lying at the clt ] hosnltal at death's door , was kidnapped las night by a party ot his friends and Ills present ent whereabouts are unknown. Tbo sberifi of Webster county , Missouri , was to havi taken Laws away to-day had the latters con ditlon permitted. Laws was a member of thi eaug that has stolen over three luimlrec liorses in Northwest Missouri In the last sh months , and Is a desperate case. Tlieclt ; nnd county Is belnc scoured In a search fo him , but It will doubtless bo fruitless. Collided AVIth a Wild Engine. ST. PAUL , Auuust 31. Uy th collision o a wild englno on the St. Paul & Duluth roac with a Wisconsin Central train this afuir noon both engines wore badly damaged , thi baggage car smashed and both cnglnccrB- SuiKson the wild enulno and Drooksof thi Wisconsin train were so badly Injured tha their lives are dlspalrod of. Engineer Slnki was at fault. Uaofc on the Hescrvntlon. UINTAIT , Colo. , ( Via Green Iltver , Wyo. August 31. Colorow and all his band arrlvoi at the azency at 1:30 : lait Saturday andsa ; they want no more fighting. The Indians 01 both these reservations were very much ex cited until assured that the Colorado troop would not come on the reservation. Every thing Is quint hero at 0 p.m. The Indlai chiefs all counsel peace ( Signed ! It. DUDLEY WILLIAMS , M. D. Agent physic lao. _ Wrather Intlloatloufl. For Nebraska : Local showers , cooler , rarl able winds. For Iowa : Local rains In northwest poi tlon. fair weather In southeast portion slightly cooler , variable winds , preceded li eastern portion bv southerly winds. For Dakota : Sllehtly cooler , local rains variable winds. Saw Mills Htirnotl. IIURI.KT , WIs. , August si. The saw mill of Klmball A Clark , about six miles west o this place , were totally burned early thi morning. Loss , S 100,000. a Milling in Transit , AIIKHDKKN , Dak. , August 31. The Ml waukeo road has Instructed Its agents hero t bill wheat In car-lot loads to Chicago i iUcouts per 1UO , the same to bo milled 1 transit at Minneapolis. Frisco Wheat Trndlnu Drltik. vSAM FH.VN Cisco , August 31. Trading wa brisker on thu produce oxchtngovlth value again Mk'luly lowur. Sales of Seller 'd closed at bi.'JJ.'ie. cer cantal. YnehtH Withdraw Krom Ootnpetitinr Mr.w YUKIC , August 31 , ( Special Telngrai the UISE.J The sloops Puritan , Prlscllla nn Atlantic have withdrawn from the Id : races , so the contest for the selection of cou potltors for the Thistle In the cup races I naru\M'd to the Volunteer and' Mayflower. Wholesale ClothlerH Fall. TKXAUKAKA , Ark. , August 31. The fim ot Nunsoshumfr < fc Klein , the largest wholi sale dealers In general merchandise here was closed out by the sheriff last night on a tachtuonts ag Killed by n Chinaman. CHICAGO , August 31. While trying t capture a disorderly Chinaman to-nlch Pollc Ollk-er Phil Foote was bhot and kllle by the fugitive. Marrlnse Ijioonscs. Julian McCnlloch yestcrtlay Isaucd th folo ! ( npr marrin o Hcen'oa : James w. Lyons , De i Molnos la . S IJa M. Gllmore , Crete. Neb . 1 George 11. Atkinson , Indianapolis , na. % ( ! lara M. Safteldor , Omaha , . S William . Bell. London , Eng . 2 bailie H.Lowu. Omaha . . 1 Oliver V. Hamilton , Uayard , la . 8 Ada A. Sill , Unyard , In. , . , ' . . ; ; . , . ; ? BTANFOUD DEPOSES. The Ooodlo Senator Wllllni to Tei- tlfy In Ills Own nnfbnne. SAN FIIANCISCO , August 31. To-day Sen ator Stanford began giving evidence In his own behalf in the form of a deposition before Attorney A. A. Cohen as to the management of the nllalrs of the Central Pacific railroad. The deposition Is to bo forwarded to the Paclllc railroad commission , Cohen prefers not to have the press representatives hear Stanford's testimony , naylng lie will give for mbllcatlon the .substance of the deposition after It U completed. Brnh , Door and Itllud Manufacturers , CHICAGO , August 31. The sash , door and jllnd manufacturers ot the northwest held nn Important mooting at the Trcmout house .o-day. An effort was made by some manti- 'acturers to change the price list , but after a eng debate the price list of the last meeting was reaffirmed. The proceedings were con ducted secretly. AGootl Word For Chamberlain. LONDON , August 31. The Standard , refer ring to the appointment of Chamberlain as a Islierles commissioner , says : Doth the Cana dian and United States governments may ) o congratulated upon this decision , whllo our own ministry may be commended for .helrcholco . ot Chamberlain. Canadian In terests will be perfectly , safe In his hands and Americans will recognize In him a freedom 'rom prejudice which will Insure considera tion for their case even to arguments which will tell against ourselves. A Splondld Cahlnnt. LONDON , August 31. A Bulgarian cabinet ias been formed as follows : M. StainbuloIT , jromler. and minister of the Interior ; M. tfatcheylcs , minister of forelen affairs ; M. Slollof , minister of justice ; M. Mutnkoruff , nlnlsierot war ; M.iivokoff , minister of education ; M , Nlkiioroff , minister of finances. The KIshorlcH Commission. LONDON , August 31 , It Is the opinion here , hat Sir John Macdonald will bo asked to represent Canada on the fisheries commis sion. Sir Lionel Sackvillo-Wcst , minister at Washington , will nlsojoln the commission. Another Mooting Proclaimed. LONDON , August 31. The covernmont has reclaimed the projected monster meeting of : ho league at Uallycare , county Clare , on Sunday. Foreign Securities to Ho Taxed. DKHLIN , August 31. The Post states that .lie government will Introduce In the relchs : ag a bill taxlne foreign securities. On the jourso to-day there was a fair Inquiry for Ituslan securities. St. Petersburg exchanut and Itusslan rubles continue to advance. To Pacify the Cubans. MADHID , August 31. If the Cuban aglta- , ion Increases Premier Sagasta will summon , he Cortos to meet in October to consider what can be done to pacify the Cubans. The Kernels of Poor Whisky. SPOKANK FALLS , W. T. , August 31. Last nleht about 10:30 : o'clock a meteor was seen : o shoot from the heavens directly overhead. It struck the electric light wires In the heart of the city , cutting one of the wires In two and bursting Into a thousand fragments. Those who saw the strange phenomenon say that whnn it struck the ball of tire looked to be ten feet In diameter. TMLEQKAJ'H NOTES. There was a 835,000 flro at Springfield , O. , last night Teenier beat Ross at Saratoga yesterday , and Bubcar won against Plaistcd. J. S. Sallsbuty , editor of the Industrial World published at Chicago , Is deed. Schacfer defeated Uudolph in a billiard match at Paris last ulght Score , 3,000 to 1,033. The works of the St. Louis Car Wheel company were destroyed by lire last night. Loss , 33,000. Heavy rains have fallen In North Texas during the past twenty-four hours , causing rlvevs to overflow their banks , and eleven persons are reported drowned. B. P. lltitchlnson. one of the most pronil' nent members ot Chicago's board of trade , has been suspended for "put and call" trad ing.The The syndicate operating the New York surface railways has secured control of tht street ratlwas In Colcago with one excep tion , and they are bidding high for that Senator Dawcs investigation has dlscov ered that the Turtle Mountain Indians or the White Earth reservation are suffering from neglect by the government and abust by the agents. Ex-Governor Fester , of Ohio , has com menced suit In the united btatcs court to have the sale of the Mansfield , Cold water & Lake Michigan railroad to thoPenn sylvanla comoany set aside. There was a largo sale ot condoned sup plies at the Hooklyn navy yard yesterday , and the Standard-Union charges that tht sale was fraudulent and conducted in the In tcrest of a ring of naval otllcers. President Cleveland has Instructed all col lectors ot customs to glvo free entry to the military organizations from ahrond who an coming to uke part In the sonil-contennlu ctilobratiou of Chicago , to be held shortly it that city. It Is reported that Chairman Fink , of tht pastcr.i trunk lines , will shortly resign , to tx succeeded bv Chairman Ulanchard , of tin Central Tratllc association , while Chairman ( iullford will be made traffic manager ot the New York Central. The house of commons was the scene of i lone ana loud wrangle last night , betweer Tim Ilcaly , Halfour and Colonel King liar man , tinder secretary. Hard names wen called and the chairman was obliged to cal all participants to order. Governor Tbajrer Libeled , OMAHA , Nob. , August 31. Editor ot the Bits Dear Sir : To-day for the lirst time mj attention was called to the editorial In Fri day's Herald , entitled : "Governor Thayer a a Pugilist. " I wish to say that I was prescn during the conversation and roust say tha the editor of the Herald was sadly rulsln formed , for there Is not one word ot truth It the assertions made ; It Is a tissue of false hood from beginning to end. Governo Ttiayer was talking wltn Judge Sahlcr Harry Stout and myself at our office door when Judge P. O. Hawes came uo am pitched Into the governor at once with sow uncomplimentary remarks. Thu governo naturally was fatten oy surprise butanswerm in a gentlemanly way ; but as the Jtulgi continued his tirade , he said : "Slnci you force me to it I will toll these gentlemei why you pitch on to me the way you do" ant turning to us the governor said , "Mr. Uawei asked mo for one of the district judgeshlps which for good reasons I could not give him You cau MO uis reason for this abusive at tack on mo. " The judge admitted this to hi true and thun made some further remarks when tbo governorsaid : ' 'Good day , gentle mini , " and as he turned to go Judge H. spoki up , "He cannot fitand lire , ho has to turr and run. " The governor stopped and said "I do not wish to have any words with you It has too much the appoaianco or a 8tree brawl , " and as the governor had not go through with the conversation with us tha the judge had Interrupted , he remained ; tow moments lotucr and left wltU a kludl ; feeling toward alL That Is all thnro Is of It as Mr. Stout and Judge Sahlcr rau testify It seems to mo that some people have a BU bltme faculty for magnifying mole hills Inti mountains. Itcspectfullv your ? . PKUCV SNYDEIt , 1333 Farnaru Sttoot. Fourth Wnril Knpubllcana. The Fourth Ward republican club ha now secured a pnrmnucntroom for rnccl ings , in the ( lurman-Auiorlcau schoc building , No. 183 llaruoy street , wher regular nicotines will hereafter bo hold. An important meeting of the olub wil bo held on Thursday evening , Scpterabe 1 , nt 8 p. m.for the purpose of perfecting orpiiui/.aUon. A full attendance is desired. JOHN U. \ \ EBSTun , 1'resideut DIK D. WIM NERGREN-August 31 , Hulda Marj aged 19 years. Funeral will take place September J , at 3 j m. , from ISO ! South third streak ' ' ' , Frfendi wa Invited , . . ' . . / . ' . THE ymUMtMIAli AUOIl. The Hanrtnomo iMonumont wltti Whloh to Ornct tXo BotillerH. Fowler & Hclntlorff , tfio Farnnru street architects , have ( impaired elaborate plans for the triumphal urch which is to DO oruoted nt tlio corner of Sixteenth und Farnain streets In hopiqf of tlio forth coming rc-uulou of soldiers , which Is to lake place next weokiv The design com prehends four pcdustnls one at cacli corner of the intersection , sides fashioned in imitation of cut-stono'masonry. Each of these will bo fiffcMi foot high anil stirmountotl with a iMWStalF twenty feet in height and n Piecvi of ordinance. A transverse nrch will spring from those corners , connecting those of the north east and south-west , ami north-west and Honth-cast. The arch extending be tween the latter will bo eighty-six feet live inches , nnd the olhot eighty-six feet , six and a bait Inches in extent , The height of these to the key stone will bo thirty-throe foot , whllo , superimposed upon the transverse see ' tlon will be elaborate ornamentation which will Increase the height to sixty feet. Hosting a pedestal on the inter section mentioned , will bo four llfo- si/.ed figures of Infantry In the attitude of "preparing to receive cavalry , " an at titude suggestiTO of guarding the "god- of liberty , " whloh in Uiis instance will bo a life-size figure in iron. The upper and under frames of the arch will be connected with lattice work nnd dec otated with shields. The cost of the structure will bn about $700. The nrch , it is expected will bo completed by Sat urday next. THIEVES OF TUB MOUNTAIN. Uonnott'B Example Emulated by Man Named Uartwcll. A Montana gentleman arriving yester day from the west told a BEE ruportei that the money taken by Bennett , tht I'aciiic express company's messenger , 01 at least , $8,000 of the same , was fount ! whore it had been bidden , or , ns lu styled it , "cached , " in the hills of Ore con , about four miles from Huntington the termination or" Bennett's run. He stated that there was no doubt in hii mind that the. place of concealment hat been disclosed by a confederate of tlu messenger's , because a search in that vi cinity , without a clue , would IIIITO beer like hunting for the celebrated needle n the celebrated hay stack. lie states that about the same tinn another package containing only if97 ( was missed , but that it has not voi been recovered. It was in transit from the internal revenue collootoi at Boise , to the general agent at Helena It was traced to Pocatello , and a olorl named Thomas A , llartwoll held a re ceipt for a way-bill from the Utah if Northern messongor. Ilartwellwaslatei found short $ lo7in his accounts , nndonlj the clay before the BEE'S Informant lefi the BCOIIC , he was found to bo 201 short ir his accounts with a . .prior timployor , s coal dealer named Qrqpn. Hartwell re fused to make any , explanation of all these dlsaopcarances , and although lu had been elected a member of the lasl territorial legislature.'he. could not muster tor $500 to keep him out'of jail. CONDUCTOKSMBXCUU910N. The "Ticket Punchers" Take M Da ] The first excursion of the Harry Fil more Division , No. 126 , 'Order of Uailwaj Conductors , took place to Fremont yes terday. Owing to'the threatening weather the attendanco.w.s ! not us largi as had been anticipated ) but it was as lini a party as ever left Omaha. Particular ! j noticeable were the line carstwo Pullrnar. "drawing rooms" being included. Engine No. 835 , with Jack Dblan at the throttle and Fireman Joe Gould had the honor o nulling out the train , while Mark Suitoi "conducted the conductors. " The loco motive was profusely decorated , being artistically covered with flags and bunt ing , The boiler head was wrapped ir "red , white and blue , " plumes of differ ent colors appeared above the cow catcher , and in front of the hcadlighi were the raised letters , "O. K. C , " ir evergreen. The Musical Union band accompanied by Julius Meyers , it : manager accompanied the party. Tlu following committees were in charge o the party : Arrangements Frank Keeshan , Thomai Cahlll and Uoorge Mitchell. Transportatlon-F. J. Falrbrass , W. W Keen and Harry Oiltnoro. Music Mars Nobbs , George Baird and J 11. llalston. Printing Arthur Blakely , J. W. lnlo\\ andM. P. Suitor. A number of guests were present from Iowa. The party returned about nim o'clock last night. German-American School lleneQt. This evening a number of the leading Gorman young ladies and gentlemen wil make their second appearance on tin amateur stage for the benefit of the Ger man-American school , They will appca ; in the entertaining comedy ' 'Blindfold. ' The east comprises all the young folk who appeared , with great success , m an other comedy at the same nlacc abou one mouth ago. On that occasion thi proceeds of tha entertainment were abou one hundred and lifty dollars. Theobjoc of these entertainments is a worthy one and is warmly supported by the German of this city. As a consequence it is ox. pectcd that a full house will be prescn to-night. The cast is as follows : llath Mr. Brando Julio Miss Aueusta Pomi Watdlne Miss Minna brand llellmuth Forst Mr. Franki Adolph Mr. Grub : Olga Miss Barbara Ilubn Kragel Mr. ,1. Peycki Franklein Elvlva Miss Ida Pom : Minna Semmler Miss Emma Brand Bertha Brunner Miss Anna 1'onr Doris Honkel Miss Lnm Scbmli Kosehon Sommer Miss Nettie Hlclian John Mr. Max Lent In connection with the pcrformanoi there will bo a concert by the Umah : Musical Union orchestra , and the mec will bo followed by a ball , which will con tiauo until midnight. , ' ' , ' D. P. Headquarters Rules. Now rules and regulations for the gov eminent of ornnloyes arjhe Union Pacitl headquarters were promulgated yester day. They are uniqrw and are as foi " * lows : 1. Oilice IIOUM are from 8 o'clock a. m toBo'clooK p.m. One hour is nllowei for lunch. " ' 2. Smoking Is strictly prohibited Burning matches mu t not bo thrown 01 thn floor or in the wattle baskets. Papc shades over gas jots prohibited ; thej must bo glass or tm.r < 1 3. Employes must "pay " all damages t the building , furniture , fixtures or othc property of the company arising froti their carelessness. ' 4. Gaa must be turned off when no actually needed. B. Employes in entering or leaving tlu building must do so in a quiet ami or derly manner , and not Indulge in loin conversation while passing through th halls. 6. No employe will bo allowed in th building after 11:30 : p. m. without a special cial permit from his superior officer. The "Dounybrook EpUodn. " Ex-Officer O'Grady , who figured In th little episode between Oflicor Brady an "Roddy" McCroa on last Tuesday nigh and who was arrested about halt an hou later , was yesterday honorably acquUtc by Judge'Berka for the part ho took i th affair. Ho entered the -'souflK h Bays , only to assist Officer Brady whc whim bo-had secured an advantage eve McCrca , whom ha was endeavoring to arrest , he had his coat torn Into shrt-ds , and at that time was surrounded by n crowd of people , of whom , many were friends of the prostrate disturber. Among the by-stamlors was Hurry Hitguu , whom O'Grady strove to keen from interfering with Officer Brady while in the discharge of his duty. Haircu wits punished by thu olllcor lu return for a blow which the latter received from thu saloon keeper , anil , yesterday , acknow ledged that he had been titly treated. Ho was arrested In thu morning and his case sot for Friday. AMUSKSU3NTS. COMING KVENT3. The amusement prospect , for the next week , Is considered most promising , and the hope of liberal patronage from citi zens and strangers during the next week is strongly entertained. To begin with there is the fair , the soldiers' reunion , the division contest at Bellevue , the visit of the Now York Veteran ilromcn. Pinafore at Cut Off lakn , Molntyro & ' Heath's minstrels at the Uoyd. tho'Fax- ton Cotnld company at the GrnnAopor.i house , AV. ( J. Coupon cques-curriculum in the exposition hall , together with a min strel company nt the Peoples' nnd a strong combination at the Casino. Mr. Coup came into town last night. n.s modest , after his years of success as if ho had not made a reputation in a statemuch less in both America and Europe. He was accompanied by Frank Hurst , his reliable agent , while Mclntyro & Heath are represented hero by John W. Vogcl , The managers of the other shows have not yet arrived here , but when they do they will form a good sized colony. A I'AllI.OK MATCH. Evans & Hoey , two of the cleverest comedians on the stage , will be soon at Boyd's ouorn house on Friday and Satur day in Charles Hoyt's successful comedy , "A Parlor Match. " It will no doubt re peat its former success here , which has been simply phenomenal. Many new and novel things are promised.MMc and Old Hoss" will bo there. The- sale of scats opens to morrow. FA m wr.r.K AT novn's. Hoyd's opera house will bo occupied the lirst halt of the week by Mclntyro & Heath's minstrels , one of the best min strel shows on thn road this season. The sterling actor , Frank Mayo , will appeal the latter half of the week' in "Nordick" and "Tho Royal Guard , " two great plays which have never boon seen in Omaha. Jurrnlln Depravity. James Daily , a boy of fifteen , was ar rested yesterday afternoon for being drunk and disturbing the peace by light ing in a saloon on the corner of Thtr teeuth aud Vinton streets. Ho was sc unruly that he had to bo clubbed lute submission by Special Policeman Pierce , before he rould bt nut Into the patrol wagon , His head and face were bruised and bleeding in a frightful manner when he was taken into the central station. Bar ton Hilcs , who was arrctod at the same time on the same charges , had enticed young Daily into a saloon , got him drunk and then picked n quarrel with lunfl lilies is almost old enough to bo Daily'a father. A Hornn'n Rnmarkahlo Wound. About half past eight o'clock lasl evening , as Charles H. Guiou , of the firm of Colpelzer & Guiou , was driving down Sixteenth street with his fine span ol bays , ho collided with a runaway horse and buggy near the crossing of Sixteenth and Nicholas streets. The force of the collision knocked all the horses down. A shaft of the buggy entered the breast of one of Guiou's horses , passed close to the jugular vein , thence under the shoulder blade and between the ribs and the outer flesh clear to the Hank , whore thu end could be plainly distinguished by the elevation of the flesh. The shaft had thus penetrated four feet , and it required the united strength of two or three men to remove it. How ever , it inflammation docs not set in the animal will recover. Omaha Teachers. The examination of teachers for the public schools of Omaha was ended yes terday. The examiners were William S , Curtis , William W. Koysor and Miss S , U. Davis. There were fifty-eight teach ers examined , fifty-four ladies and four gentlemen. They are an unusually in telligent looking company of people , and many of them ate teachers of hig'h ropu- tittion , The great work of the examiners is yet to como. As there are nine paper. to each teacher , this will make 023 arti cles to bo critically reviewed by the ex aminers. An Iiis/ino Wamlerpr. About 11 o'clock last night Officot Curry found a man wandering aimlessly about Farnam street , muttering savagely to himself. The officer approached the man , and , finding him insane , sent hfni to the Central station. On being searched by Jailor Crawford , $148.00 in currency was found on his person. He gave the name of Edward Blpnkcht , but could nol or would not give his residence. Ho wae locked up , and will bo held until friends come to take charge of him , or ho recov ers sufficiently to take care of himself. Personal Paragraphs O. N. llamsay returned from an extended tended Oregouian trip yesterday Lcvl Carter , of the firm of Coo & Carter , left last evening for Laramie. N. A. Knlm returned yesterday from a month's sojourn at eastern watering places. Robert Harris and family left last even ing for Lcis Angeles , Cal. , where it if thought the genial climate of America's Italy will improve Mrs. Harris' declining health. Rev. Mother Niotlcrkorn , who h head of the Ladies of the Sacred Heart in the west , mid Mndamo Mary Morgan , for merly of this city , returned southward yesterday after a visit of inspection to tlu convent in this city. They will go nnmo diately to St. Joseph ; thence to Kansas City , St. Louis and Chicago. Mrs. C. H. Van Wyck has started froni her homo near Nebraska City for the easl In response to a telegram announcing the sudden death of her brother. Rev Dr. Hrodhend , who died yesterday ir Toronto , Can. , while there on a visit Ho had been for seventeen years a mis sionary to China nnd returned will health impaired. Of late years he ha1 been pastor of the Bridgoton , ( N. V Presbyterian church. Mrs , Van NVyct has only recently lost a younger sistoi and the the present grief id thus all tlu moro acute , nrovltioH. Yesterday was the dullest day foi months in the United Status internal rev entio office , only $330.58 having been col lected. A complimentary benefit concert wil bo given to Mr. Naham Franko at Boyd'i opera house to-night at which the cm ! nent yiollnist will himself perform. Mr Franko's reputation guarantees a musi cal treat to all who attend. F. H. Mitchell was arrested yesterday by Officer Clark , of the humane society on the charge of cruelty to animals. Thi horse he was driving was covered witli foam , nnd on the animal's sides and baol were numerous welts showing the bruta manner in which ho had been beaten Mitchell is held for trial until this morn ing. For Sale 5,000 tons of Spring lake Ice Gustavo Koehler , Grand Island , Nob. . STRUCK COAii. A SccontI Vein of Coal Found In the City YcHtcrdny. Coal was discovered near the natural gas spring In the north cud of the city yesterday. The exact spot sucm.s to bo involved In studied mystery. It has been admitted , however , that It Is on the plateau near the fair grounds , and north west of the sulphur springs where natural gas was recently discovered. The parties who discovered the carboniferous pro duct got their first "tip" by an examina tion of the geological out-crop on the face of. the bluffs. The presence of a sliiily stratum that.always overlies coal deposits , led to the private sinking of a drill that developed into a discovery of a paying vein of coal. This U the second time that coal has been discovered in Omaha , and why there should bo so much secrecy about the discovery Is truly a mystery. _ OVEll IlOkT COUNTY LANDS. AH Interesting Stilt Begun In tlio United Htntcs Court Yentcrdny. Frederick S. Baird. of Chicago , filed a suit yesterday in the United States cir cuit court against Stephen II. Elwood nud Gusta Elwood , of Holt county , Neb. The petition alleges that the de fendants at several times cave their joint aud several promissory notes in a sum aggregating f 18,033 to the Oregon Horse aud Land company , of Wyoming , aud to secure payment gave two mort gages of certain valuable lands in Holt county , which mortgages the complain ant purchased for a valuable considera tion. One of the notes dated November 13,18SO , for $3,700 , maturing and remaining - ing unpaid , stops were taken by Baird to foreclose the mortgages as contemplated by their provisions , when to his surprise ho discovered that the Farmers' Loan and Trust company , of Storm Lake , la. , had two prior mortgages covering the identical land described in his own two. purporting to secure the ptymcnt of f 11,800 advanced by the Trust company to thoEllwoods. Subsequent investigation disclosed the fact that a number of other companies anil individuals also hold sep arate lions upon the same property to se cure claims duo by the Ellwoods for var ious amounts from $60 to 75,000. oThe mortgages to the Farmers' Loan & Trust company are pronounced frauds by the bill and wore filed , it is claimed , simply to cloud the title of the properly given as security and thereby depreciat ing its sale , preventing the payment of debts justly due. The prayer of the bill is , that the court may determine thu validity of those mortgages : that the claims of each of the others be adjusli- catcd and declared and that the com plainants may have full nnd ample equity in the premises by judgments against the Eliwoods for any deficiency in the sale ol thu property mortgaged. For the pur poses asked all of the above creditors of the Eliwoods are made parties to the suit. Coming Homo to Dip. At a period of life when budding wo manhood requires all her strength to meet the demands nature makes upon It , many a young woman returns home from the severe mental strain of school with a broken down constitution , and her func tions disarranged , to go to au early grave. If she hud been wisely counseled and given the benefit of Dr. Pierce's "avorito Prescription" her bodily de velopment might have kept pace with her mental growth , and health and beauty would not have given way to decline anil death. Jurnra Drawn. The following names wcro drawn by the county commissioners yesterday for the September term jurors. There are sixty , and from them twenty- four will bo selected by the sheriff to serve. It will bo observed that the new wards of the city and changes under the now charter arc not followed by tbo commissioners. The reason given by them for this is that a county election must first bo-hold : John Mulvihill , George F. Labagh , Max Grossen , William O. Bokel , Samuel Rues , E. Donnelly , sr. , Honrv ' Bruniutr. Third Ward E. J. Tillots'on. J. B. Jardlno , Price Saunders , J. C. Hubbard. Fourth ward John F. Coad , W. J. Wolshans , J. V. Patterson , Peter Shar- key , C. C. Shaollur , James G. Carpenter , Albert Sharp , C.V. . Finn. Filth ward B. F. Redman , John F. Price , M. W. Doncckcn. Patrick Tighe , Otto Hornimg , O. T. Wilde , Thomas Swift , W. J. Whitohousc , Bernard Mc Ginn. Sixth Ward Andrew Daublc , Dennis Lane. Alex Richardson , C , K. CuuHnt , A. S. Ostrorn , C. C. Field , I. Klein , John Cane. Douglas precinct Hans WinthorlicK , John M. Georgo. Waterloo F. M. Cor liss. Valley John M. Williams. MillarJ John Hattenback ; Chicago Eil Ilanoy ; Jefferson Chris OutsellKlkliorn ; George Drexel ; Saratoga John Ho/- zard ; Florence R. M. Cowin ; West Omaha Robert Enfcson ; McArdlo Cur- son Rower ; Union George Knight. In the police court yesterday , Man- Not-Afrau'-of-Firewater ' Omaha Indian - - - , an dian , was up for drunkenness , but as it" was his first offense , and ho promised to return immediately to tlio reservation , he was discharged. _ School Children at the Pair. The managers of the Omaha fair hare chosen Tuesday as children's day and will give a free ticket of admission to every school child. Mr. James , the superintendent of the public schools , has made arrangements to supply all pupils with tickets by calling at the board of education rooms on the corner of Six teenth nud Capitol avenue , between the hours of U and 1'J a. m. , and 2 to 4 p. m. of Monday next. U. S. DEPOSITORY , Onaaixa , ISTcto. Paid up Capital $250,000 Surplus 42,600 H. W. Yatcs , President. Lewis S. Reed , Vice-Presidimt. A. E. Toiualin , 2d Vico-Presldent. W. H. S. Hughes. Cashier , umr-orons : W. V. Morse , John S. Collins H. W. Yates , Lewis S. Rood A. E. Tou : iliu. BANK1NG OFFICE ! THE IRON BANK Cor. 12th and Pumam 5ls. ? A General Banking Business Transaclo N.W. Harris & Co. B8 DEVON JHIBEBT. , BOSTON. ofCoqntloi.CitiM. Tonni.Wntor , ( > I > B , btrect. K. It. CO.'B a M'fc. laity. CoiroiiHjuUeuco sollclttd. UIi ipfctBi arp MCUftKOr EK TITl WiiKHIii.ilf. a , mllUi ugUtif currtbt * of U/tUoofh tllviik riifrit r * oto bitlU td YlivrouiBtrmt'h C.tctric Carnal * 5JlfiUUHtnUr ei v fcrftlll.iM iHctiti. OruUilIiBpriBiBt eftr n ( btr ttlu Tfontctttf K' * r vftdla tkr VBnthi frt'nl ' p - " Oh , HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM ll csqulnltcljr lovely , " mlil MUl Drown to tier friends , ai ( ho ontcrnj tlio drawing room , after taking a lone , hot , fatiguing drlro orrr a landrrtiutr roA.l. "It l no Purr , Clronlr nil IterrrBhluB. Inlwnj * hare It with mo. and as 'til a Ilnrmlon I.lqulil , t coil iu It In a moment and got imch ImUiia n lief from the KeilnpKH , RaUBlinm * , HiillniTiirnn , Tan , Frccklm nnd Horrid Old Nhl lllcmliheii , caiucd bjr a Hot Hnu and Urr , Ilnrah WluiU , " Lncllui , MAGNOLIA BALM la for Frier , Nrcli , Arrtm ami Ilnud * . It can't b Dutcctod. THY IT t S' The Theatrical Merit nlll win and receive puMlo rcoocnltlon and pralto. Tautl , which are tlia oulcumo of general ex * porlcnce , growing tlirouclt ycari of critical and practical lest , Ixromo a > rooted and Immovnlloni tborockof Glliraltar liiiiablto opinion , nnd hence forth need no further guarantee M to their KODU Ineneif. Tha Indltputtblo fact that Swlft's SpccWd l the bolt blootl partner In the world , Is one of Iheia Immovable Oltiroltor roik fuctn of which wohavo KHkt.'U ] , and ncry < lnj' > rxprrlunca rwln tliUcou- vlctloii derporand tltvpvrlu publioopUilou. Krerr clans of our people In Amrrlca nnd 111 Europo. avur ; trade , culling nnd profctAlon , Including Ibo medical prufcasluu , lia\o lioruo Toluntarr lent- monj to the romnrkahle Tlrtui'n of s. B , B. mid Iti lufalllbli ) cntcacy lu curing all i1l8 < > a ei of tbo blood , 'Jhcaa tvilluioulals aroon flluif \ the thou- Randi , andoiwn totho Inspection of all , Nowoowe Uiuollcltnl , ( wo < lllUUKlilihc.l nirinbcrt of thn tlieat rleal pi ofo lon. who Krotcfullytctiirj to the wonder ful cumltvo ( juiiuici of the SpTClHo in their Indl- vldual caspf , . Thi Ir te tlmonlul ro horewlth lub- rnltted to the puhllo without further comment-lot thrm epoalc for thomiioltei The lady l member of thofntnoui ThMla Thcatro Coinpaur.of Now Ymk , andforuinrlr nfihenesldenre Theatre , Borlln , Oer- rrmn/.nml of HcVlclier'sMock Company , of Chlongo. The Kentlemnn \ n well known memlxir of the New York Thalia Theatre Company. Doth am well known la tUiwtrlcal circles lu tula country und In Europe. Charlolto liunilonr'ii Trallmony. Kcw Youi , illy 3 , 1S37. fiwlf t Speclfla Company , Atlanta , On. i Orntlemcn-HaTlni ; been nntioied with pimple * , eruptions und rouKhneuof the Bkln , from bad con- nltlou of my bhiod , for usoro than n year , I uiccl n leading preparation or sar imrilla ana other adver * tiled reinedlei to no effoct. Th n I consulted a promInent - Inent physician , and from hi ] treatment recolrod no benent. I ( hen concluded to try the a. B. a rem edy for tbo blood , and flro or MX package * , by a thorough eradication of my trouble and rritorW smoolhneM to my nklu , bar * mmlo mo happy , and I cheerfully giro you thU testimonial for tuchluu and publicity ai you wUh la muko of It. CIUnLOTTE IUHDOW , U3 Bowor.v , near Canal strcot , Hueo IlnnaUrrl'i Tfldtliriony. Td Swift Specific Company , Atlanta. Oa. i mlneo to try tu a. B. a. remcay , and dtreii or eUht bottl > have tliorouKhly r n v d me , and you caa uie toll certificate In auy manner you wUh. Unoo lliisMint , . _ . . Member of Thalla-Thctr Now York , May S. 1S87. IreatUe on Dlood and Skin DiioaiM mailed fro * . Tuc Swirr Dricmo Co. , Drawer 3. Atlanta. Oa. _ DR , SPINNEY S , E. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. Successfully Treats all Nervous , Chronic ana Private Diseases of lr 8. U well known nn tha I minder of the Monti OH ! ( Ciimula ) Medlcal'lnrtltutu und pie i > rletor of thu Sulimoyvlllo Inllrimviy. The Ir lini luul ! J7 yours' o.\poilonfu lu thu treutmunl of olironlo nnd no.xnul diseases , mid his olforli buhiK crowned by wnndurfull ritici'Ofs , ho would call the iittcnt Ion of tlio nlllli-tud to hU lonu stnnrllnt ; niul well oiu-icd rctiutntlou no an III ulunt assurance of his skill nnd ability. NKItVUIIh DKr.H.IL'Y. Spnrmntorrho'ii , I'lirtlnl Imprtonoy and nl' ' illfntifos of tlio HCTVOUS HVflti'in mid soxuul or WI\DH speedily und ponniiner.tly cuted , HI , ODD AM ) .SKIS 1 > 1SK.\SKS. SVI'III.ISAill8iM8oiuu t hutrlblolnitii niHUlli completely cntillmleil without tlio uao ol lucicurj' . OliniKCA iriiHiinablo , Who innyljiisulleiliig tioin thoalfoctsof jontti fill folllosor Intlliuu'llons , mil do well to uvul ! tliemsulvci of thin , tlio greatest boon ever laid nt tliuHltorot aulloriiiK huiniinlty 1 > H. 81'IN N1JV will ( rimiuntuo to forfeit < GOO tor ovorj cafio ( ifKoinlnal wnnknoss or private dlsousei of any kind or clinriictor which ho utidertukct nnd fuUs to euro. Thnie uro many troubled with too fronuon ovacuatloiiR of the bluddcr , otlon accoinpiinlcd by a BllKht KinHrtltir or bnrnlnir senintlon mid woakcnuin of the Hyfttum In n manner the patient - tiont cannel account tor. On uxummlux tua iirinnry deposits a ropy sodlmrmt will ottoti bo loiind.aiKl HOiuctlmos smitU pnrtlclo of Hlbn- men will unpfiar or the color bo of a thin , mllk- Ish hue , aKBln uhanKlDK tu a dark or torpid ap pearance. TlKItK AUK MANY MKK WHO DIK Of THIS niKrictii/rr , Ignorant or the caiito. whloh li the iocond staKO of seminal wcaknomt. TIIK DOCTOIl WIM. OinilANTBU A IT.IirEO T CIIHE IN AM. sum CAHK , nnd a healthy legtorntloo of the Konlto-urinury orKnna , oillco hours n to In. . m. , 1 to r. , 8 to 8 p. in. N. II. Persons unatiln to visit us may b treateil at tholr hoinen by corrt-spondonoe. Modlclnes unit instruct lena sent by mull or ei > prOSS. UONHniT\TIIX AMI AOVICIS , I'KlfONAJr- I.Y oit ur t.wrrr.n , HICK. Hand Rtainii tor iii | stou ! list and circular. Call or ailUrcUK. . S1MNNK1' & CO. . 1058. 13tlmtretitOmulm. FELKERlMAHA , NEB , /r vroDA aitrUA ifiurvjDn * T TUUK lAMIUItS'IA U INKS , slllpnvil cllrtx-x from our imoyaid ; Ilkslliitliiitiiilvl t'liuuis , I'orl. filiri i l ioto. Ban , Ioso Vttiilts Frvcnlli. KlKlilli , Snn Milvailor ami Willlnui sts , Bun JoseCnllioinlii. . In ill in.n. MARSTOfi iO Park Place New York. Lincoln , Neb. Th Uru known unit imiet poimlnr limnl In thetutci. I.iioHtlou I'ontrnli > ! iuliiunniit HIM ulass. llrn'iunrtrra ! for couimurtln | won ui all political uoil iiiiblla KntherliiKS. E. I1. HOdOKN. Prorrletor. Instant re- VARJCOCELE cast.scured , Nu knife , ( UuKior.cIntnnA uffl Add. VO. SiljJjiljCo UniJ'5 SI , Lou'.i.Mo.