THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; : WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 31 1887 COLORADO AND ITS HOTHEADS Now Engaged in Endeavoring to Draw Ool- orow Into a FighU THE CAUSE OF THE UTE "WAR. " tlio Irrepressible Cow-floy Old Coli > - < row The Different Itotcrvntlona , * The liullan Country Pros- ccutliiK the Inditing , The Alleged War. Inquiry ut the army headquarters yes terday , resulted In the Infornmtlon that General Crook was expected to reach Mocker , this morning , on his way to hold a powwow with Colorow nnd Governor Adams of Colorado. Meeker , the place at whichnroso grow ing out of hard fooling between Colorow and settlers of Colorado , is situated about ono hundred and forty miles wcst-of- south of Hawlins , and to reach It re quires traveling over an unfrequented road by stage. The nearest fort to the place is Dnchcsnc which is about ono hundred and twenty miles due west. This fort is In the department Or'Till : I'LATTB although Meeker is in that of Missouri. Word is not expected from the general before Wednesday night , though it is expected to be for warded at the first possible moment after General Crook has a conference with Governor Adams. The general is ac companied by his aide-de-camp , Lieu tenant Kcnnon. A reporter for the lHn : met nn old Indian lighter , yesterday , who has given & great deal of attention to this dlllieulty in Colorado , and who expressed n great deal of disgust over the importance which has been given to a squabble which ho persisted in dubbing a tempest in a teapot. Said he : "If the Indians wanted to light , you may rest assured they could long since hava been found by the militiamen nnd settlers , although 1 well know that the Utes are what are called mountain Indians. lint , while they have not always been prone to Ol'l.N I.NaAOr.MKNTS. which is more or less true of all Indians , they do not fear them , nnd it is one of their boasts that they have never been whipped. The settlers know this , and under a mistaken apprehension that the savages ought to bo whipped , some overzealous - zealous cowboys nnd settlers have under taken to do tlio whipping. Now , I have been long onongh in the army and had Bulliciont experience with Indian light ing to know that in it the cowboys ain't worth the snap of one's linger. The Bottlers , too , are not to bo relied on. Thuy will defend their homes , nnd , if successful , follow n retreating enemy , but the momon.t tlto latter is driven away from the settlers' vicinity the latter feel like letting other folks take care his disposition. With re gard to the present alleged outbreak , nnd I know what I am talking about , if Tin : CIVIL oFKicr.iis in the vicinity of Meeker would only en deavor to servo civil process on sonic of the white horse thieves of Colorado they would undoubtedly have a better chance of enforcing the same nnd doing n greater benefit to the community than they nro now in endeavoring to cateli ix foe whom they are striving to force into the Held. " The speaker wont on to state that this trouble in Colorado had originated in n horse race between Indians and white men , in which the stakes wore horses. The In dians won and the whites refused the stakes , whereupon the Indians "stole" what belonged to them. The serving of n writ by the sheriff upon a couri.n or INDIANS for such conduct was therefore unwar ranted , ami is to be charged with the loss of life which has already ensued. ItANIM.l-TT's TEI.KG11AM. The following telegram was received this morning at army headquarters by Captain Ray , who is acting adju tant general. Randlett is tlio major in command of Fort Duohcsno , to which reference has above been mado. It will bo noticed that some of its statements arc not in accord with thosu of the iluij's Colorado telegram. It reads : FT. DUCIII.SNK , Utah , Aiunist 2Sth , vin Price , AuiMtst ! ? . Assistant Adjutant General - oral , Department o the I'lntto , Uinnlm , .Neb. : Colorow and all his following art now at Ouray agmicy , litty miles from Cole rada , and manliest a disposition to remain on their reservation. No more cxcltemcnl union g the Indiana. Mtlltla and cowboys hold hundreds of horses and thousands ol lineup and goats belonging to Colorow and Chaijuta , Oiiray's willow. This stoclc was crazinz on the hind claimed by Indians a ? belonging to their reservation , and whcic they had been permitted by their asents tt live for years. Colorado settlers have clalmcc locations there , and have at last succeeded In driving Indians in. Colorow has not Ir this trouble been on the war path , and hat made his way to reservation avoiding lias lllltles as far as possible. I.ANIU.KTT. Commanding 1'ost A COLOUADAN'S VIKWS. The following letter displays a groai deal of information concerning tlio situ ntion in Colorado , and it will bo fount sustains the theory advanced above : MEEKEII , Col. , August 34 , 1887. Tim Uti Indian troubles in this section , when sltn mored down to the crucial point , amounts t < nbout this. Old Colorow , ono of the ablcs and best known ot thai ) to trlbo , slnco tli death of Ouray has steadfastly refused t < leave the old \Vhlto Klvnr reservation ant take up his &bod In Utah , at what Is knowi ns the Ouray and Uintah reservation. Tin U In tali reservation was the ono created to the purpose of disposing of what Is know ] as the WIUTK lUVnn UTI.S , to which Colorow belonged , while the Oura1 liKoncy was Intended for the band controlh'i by thu dead chlct , Ouray , known as the Uu compaghro ttlbe. Old Oolorow has never consented to oc ctipy tlio quarters assigned to him on th now reservation , and goes there only to re culvo the annuities which are doled out b the government The balance of the time h Btays with his baud , ouly about thlrt bucks all told , on the ground wbcro his ancestors lived man years ago. There tin has hunted for mor than n generation. It is now known that h nnd a few bucks were on ono ot tholr anniu hunting expeditions when tlio animus to till "tempest In a teapot" was llrst given. The White river country Is sparsely pont lated , the principal residents being thu IllI.Kl'UKSHlIll.i : COW1IOV , rmpoloycd to look after the herds \Uilc range over this portion of Uncle Sam's dc main , free of expense , and generally owne by men who owe no allegiance to the Unite States government , and , even K they di they pay no tribute to the novcrnmmit ovi whose lands they graze their herds at will. 1 ho festive cowboy on these Jar oil wes em pralres , hundreds of miles from ctvllte tlon , Is about as brutal a specimen of humai Ity as can be found on the American cent nent. A larce majority of them are Toxai nnd Mlssourians , whoso moral Instincts a as bad , If not worse ttian these ot anv Ut Sioux , Navajoe or Apnrho Indlr that ever lived. Their prlnclp amusement , when In towns , ni vitiates , Is to rldo about in thn most recklo manner , usually with two hius revolve strapped about their waists which tin febtively empty Into the nearest wliulc they can liiul , hrealclne every pane of gla Insight. Ills dress and Uumpanor mo n dissimilar to these of TUB WILD COMANCiir.S of whom wo read In the school books of ti present day. Ho atTects the Indian by we : ing his fringed leather pants and jacki broad brimmed hat and other fixings and t gins his Ui > t lesson by trying to beat tl'n K skin In management of his home , there Is ono thlnir above another that n ge ulna redskin desires to Indulge In , it horse-racing. They will go miles to mat In ' ' and for all It any sv-alnst pony - ' 'up up " uovcr If they win , they not only deserve , but de mand the utakos , and when the same cannot be obtained through the usual channels , the Indian knows but ONE MODF. OF lUtni-ESS that Is , resort to the natural law , take his winnings wherever he can find them. It was In thin way that this trouble In Col orado began , and from what has thus far bcon developed those wlio are best qualified to judge have no doubt about It , Old Colorow Is a well-known gambler , so far as horde-racing Is concerned , and when he gambles In that way ho gous In to win. It Is a well-known fact that the Ute nation , as It Is known In this section , 1ms the bent ponies known antonx the IndUn tribe , and none are better than those owned by Colorow and his little band. A horse race took place near Meeker , the site of the old White Ulvor agency , between the cowboys and two Indians , and the cowboys were beaten. The race was "puny for pony , " because the Indian always Koes In for all ho Is worth , and the Indians won. The white nnn , or rather the cowboy failed to surrender the lost pony , fur the simple reason that It belonged to his em ployer and not to him. While ho , was WIM.INO TO WAOEIt It though not his , ho was willing to give It up though honestly won. The Indians saw the ponies In the corral , and , after dark , went there , took them out nnd awnv , because they had honestly won them. Cowboys some times evoii go so far as to kill persons whom they think havu cheated them In a horse race or horse trade. At the last term of the grand jury In Gar- Held county , the two Indian bucks who won the ponies were indicted for horse stealing , and ShcrllT Kendall , armed with a warrant , suited to arrest them , but old Colorow re fused to glvo them up , nnd hence the present stupendous force of an alleged Indian upris ing. Up to this time no one but Sherltl Ken dall and his pusso has seen more than three Indians , and these aru being pursued by no less than live hundred whites , many of whom are bent on having AX INDt.VN WA whether the Indians want one or not. There Is no doubt In the minds of those best posted on Indian matters In tliU White Uwer country , that the real essence of the trouble Is what t have already stated. Old Colorow Is the last nnu to precipitate an In- itlnn war. Ho Is sixty-seven years of ago , and to mount u pony ho would require a fair sized stump to stand upon. To sum It all up , It Is sate to say that it Is a fuss , fustlon nnd feathers. Thtt democratic administration of Colorado has made aiveggreglous mistake. KXCKLI.KNT WORK Shown In the Pastoral Work of Rov. O. W. Savldue. The Scward Street M. E. church held its fourth quarterly conference Monday night , Presiding Klder J. W. Phulps in the chair. The following ollicers were elected for the ensuing year : Trustees J. M. Marston , W. L. Wright , J. B. West. George J. Hoddcr , G. P. Dictz. Stewards William Pearson , G. A.Mag- noy , Charles Dauserman , J. W. Day , J. II. Oxiunn , A. K. Lucas , J. W. McCimo , B. R. Ball , C. O. Lobeck , II. A. Bictleman , J. W. Nicholson. Recording steward William Pearson , who has displayed great efficiency in this work during the past year. District steward B. U. Ball ; delegate to lay electoral conference , W. L. Wright. A. H. Davis is superintendent of the Sunday-school. The pastor , Rov. C. W. Savidgo read the best report ho has ever made during the ten years of his ministry. The mem bership has doubled during the year. The church was assessed $150 for mis sions and raised $250 ; assessed for worn- out preachers $20 , and raised $50. All the collections have been taken and have reached nnd far exceeded the assess ments. The pastor has preached 140 sermons , including sermons to children , and at tended fifty funerals. Ho ha smado 015 pastoral calls. The new addition to the church is being rapidly completed and will make a handsome and commodious room. The church looks forward to the com ing year with the brightest hopes. IlKDUCUD HAT US To the Niuth International Medical to bo held at Washington , D. C , Septem ber nth to 15th , 1837. Ticket Agents of the Pennsyslvania Lines at both City and Depot ticket office , Chicago , 111. , will sell to delegates and their families who desire to attend the convention , cickots , Chicago to Washington for $17.50 cacti and willat the same time furnish on ap plication a cortilicatc in connection with the sale of each ticket entitling the hold cr thereof to return passaco at $5.85 , or ono third faro returning , making the rate $23.U5 for the round trip. Tor particulars address C. W. ADAMS , Assistant Genera ! Passenger Agent , Pennsylvania Lines 05 Clark Street , Chicago , 111. Talk with Mayor Hroncli. The mayor says : "In the interview published in Sunday's Herald on the cjaa question , which was kindly written by Mr. Council for that paper , Mr. Council states 'it is said Mayor Broatch approves of the plan , and will give it the full sup port of his stupendous influence. ' The Gas company lias never approached me upon the subject , directly or indirectly , and the only conversation I have had witli any one in relation to the matter , was with Gas Inspector Gilbert , to whom I said , there is but ouo way to compromise miso , and that on the basis of the ordinance nanco if it is legal. " Mayor Broatch states that ho has n < interest in the matter other than tin city's , and thinks ifwould bo pertincni to ask Mr. Council how long since ho ha ; been so disinterested. Ho further states that it is a common report that Mr. Con- neil was in the now gas company , and that it was a part of his scheme to repeal the charters of the old company in order to compel thorn to divide territory ant profits. The mayor also states tiiat n every move Mr. Council made , thai the city's interest was subservient to hi : own , and that the fortune of half u mil lion , which is reported to have accumu latud , is almost entirely duo to thu cause. He also says that there is no compari son between Council anil Webster , as t ( the real servlco rendered the city , am directs attention to Mr. Webster's roper which was laid before the council sorai time ago. "Mr. Council is in the post tion , " said Mayor Broatch , "of the ma : who lives in a class house , and ought note to throw fctoues. " First Harvest Excursion to Dakoti Half-faro rates via Chicago.Milwauko & St. Paul Ry , for round trip tickets t points in southern , central and norther Dakota. Excursion train starts Angus 80th. Don't forgot the dato. Apply o City Ticket Otlico , 1401 Farnam strce Omaha. F. A. NASH , General agent. Railroad Note * . Samuel B. Jones will remain with tli Union Pacific road in his present positlo during the month of September. In wh ; connection he will afterwards servo th company will then bo determined. Mr. Robert Bhokensderfer has ben appointed superintendent of the N braska division of the Union Pacilio roj : with headquarters in this city. Ho wi retain charge of the Idaho division unt further notice. Hereafter , clerks who take ono heifer for dinuer will be required to comment work at 8 a. in. On SaUirdav aftornooi in the discretion of heads of department work will cease at 3:30 : p. in. Mr. J. S. Dillon received advices froi President Shepard , of the Omaha an Ynnston road , yesjenhxy , that Trca uror Gray had negotiated all the comp ny's bonds in London. Mr. Dillon saj work will commence oil the road immi diatcly. BltuAiloim Scoured. Valentino's Shorthand Instlluto'nev tails to secure situations for its graduate Call or scud ( or circular ! , 1515 Dodge s Omaha. BOUTH OMAHA NEWS , There Is an average of a dozen cars of household goods for South Omaha every week. During the rain Monday , the necessity of the now depot was keenly felt when nearly fifty people wore compelled to stand under the shower while waiting for the train. Peter Cockroll , who has boon 111 the past week was up and attending to busl- n cssyostorday. A.J. Caughoy's child was burled yester day morning in the cemetery east of town. About 5 o'clock Monday evening n fight started up among a crowd In a saloon and all took a hand. Soon the house was cleaned out , but the fight was resumed on the sidewalk and several ha 1 their heads damaged. Only one was arrested. Scott Herald has returned from Clarinda , la. , where ho was attending a brother who was about to die , but is now better. Agent Nagongast was In the city yester day to see about the erection of the new dooot. W. G. Albright has his real estate olllco located on the west side of Albright sta tion. tion.The The Missouri P.iclllc trains wore run over the U. P. to Papillion yesterday. C. Stokcsbury has been appointed as sistant yard muster. The city council will meet on Thursday night , The jury in the trial of Ed Hanlan. charged with .stealing a bicnstpin from Watchmaker Simpson , discharged the prisoner. Two plain drunks wore discharged by Judge Rcuthor. , John llyau and John Smith wore arrested on the charge of suspicious characters. J. Levy will move his stock of coeds into the building formerly occupiefd by Ollicer Walker. It. Kallsh's branch store has a manager nnd is again open. Mrs. Nellie blo.ino returned from Col- fax Springs , and reports her husband improving in health. Mrs. H. Hcyman and family have ar rived in the city to reside. Holmes & Smith sold lot 3 in block 1 in Brown's park , on Twenty-third and ( i street , for $1,100. No. 8810 , L. A. , K. of L. , will hold a mooting in their hall on Thursday even ing. ing.The Salvation army have failed to make arrangements to enter a crimdo against sin in South Omaha , and the Gospel army , having confidence in their ability as "Satan annihilators , " are making an effort to get a hall. ANOTUCI. llOTKr , Sl.NSATION has come to the ears of the HUE. On Saturday night last the proprietor of a well known hotel became suspicious of some wrong-doing going cm in his place and decided to out the thing to a test. About 12:30 : ho went to a room occupied by two of the fe male help and demanded admittance. There was a scramble and noise of a win dow being raised. Ho went in and found the girls en dishabilo and quite excited , but saw nothing wrong. Ins suspicions were now aroused , and ho went to the window just in time to see two male forms , minus the usual clothing , slowly , dccemlmg the water pipes , and before ho could recognize them they had disappeared. Next morn ing a party called on the young woman and took the garments the men had loft behind them in their hurried exit. The men "squared" the thing with the pro prietor for the girls , and as they were non-residents cared naught for them selves. _ RuTorrccl to I'ostiunstor Gallagher OMAHA , August SI ) . To the Editor of the Bin : : The mail carrier on our route does not seem to bo aware of the fact that ho is a servant of the people , and at the request of a number of neighbors this is written in the hope that you will apply you r stinger and reform him. Instead of delivering our mail ho drives up to the house and whistles for us to come to his buggy and get it. If no ono happens to hear him ho docs not dream of getting out to lind out the reason , but placidly drives on and holds on to the letters for another day. In this way important letters have been hold over for two or three days. Now , wo don't always hear the whistle , and the conseiiuencti is we got no mail until wo do and answer it. Is there no redress ferns ns ? Have we not some rights in the mat ter ? The ladies are sronorally the only ones at home during the day , and are they to bo compelled to go out in any weather to oblicc this man ? Please let us know the law on the subject and means of rcdrc&s and oblige. Urrnii Donai : STHEET. Relief ) of Old Times. Yesterday five old-timo Concord coaches arrived at the Union Pacijic depot , and their presence attracted quite a crowd. Frontiersmen and western pioneers neers had an opportunity to recall old memories of plains life. Eastern people examined the veteran coaches and lis tened to the stories being told by these who were more familiar with those vehi cles. The coaches belong to Jim Ste- phcnson and have been taken from a stage line he was running from St. Elmo , Colo. , to Aspen and Glcnwood Springs in the same state. Ho has also brought back 100 horses , thirty mules , several express wagons and any amount of harness , etc. The line has been aban doned , as the railroad has encroached upon its territory. " \VnHhoiit. The rain storm Monday night caused a washout on the Belt line , which is being operated by the Missour Pa cilio railway company. The result was that several cars of freight coming north were ditched. It occurred nour Deerlield , Dr. G. L. Miller's formqr farm. Ono of thn brakcmen had his foot sprained. The regular passcnjer train from the soutn. which should reach hero shortly after 0 o'clock , did not arrive until 8 , and then had to back to the Union Pacific track and como into the city via the latter road. It was reported later in the day that the brakcman was killed , but no corroborative proof could bo obtained. 1 On nnd after Aug. 28 , the Missouri Pa- cilic railway will run two trains daily to Nebraska City , leaving Omaha rU 10:45 : a. m. and i:10 ) : p. m. , from tticir depot at 10th and Webster sts , arriving at Ne braska City at 1:37 : p. m. and 11:55 : p. m. For further information call at city ticket ollice , 318 So. 13th st. Soldiers In Camp , The three companies of the Eight in fantry that arrived hero Monday , and camped near the G. A. R. re-union grounds , withstood the storm of that night very nicely. Army men know well how to meet ram with tented cover ings. Tlicro are 150 men at this camp , including the regimental band. The oflicer in command is Cap tain Charles Porter. Witli him are Cap tain Thomas Wilholm , Lieutenant . P. Richardson. Lieutenant F. D. Krug , Lieutenant Edward Lvnch and Lieuten ant Samuel Smiley. This battalion come hero to attend the G. A , R. reunion. RoontH t'or the Fair , All citizens of Omaha who will accom modate roomers during the fair , from September 5 to 10 , will plciifo send thoii Addresses as early as possible to Secre tary J , H. McSoano of the fair associa tion , and will please nan\e \ the number ol persons whom they will bo able to accora- POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThU powclor novcr vnrl s. A marvel of pur- ty.BtrnnKth unj Hiiole. oraoTi03s. Mnro econ omical than the ordinary kin-Is , nml cnnuot be cold In competition with the multitude ot low cost Ihnrt weight nlum or phosphnte powdprj. Sold only In cana. ItoVAL DAKlNd 1'ovroER CO. 101 Wai 1-st. . N. Y. DR. POWELL REEVES , 314 South 13th St , Omaha , Neb. PRIVATE DISPENSARY' . Established for the Scientific and Speedy Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special Diseases. The Old HollabU Specialist ot ranny yciirs ox- pericnco , t rents with wonderful SUCCORS nil UJNH , THUOAT , UANCEll , 1'll.ES. KISTO- LA , KUl'TUllK , cured without KNIFR OH Treats all forms of Throat Lung , Nerve nnd lllood diseases , all Cluonlo diseases nnd De formities fur In advance of any Institution In this country. Thniu v , ho cuntumpluto oliiRr to Hot Springs for thotrentment of any 1'rlVHto or lllood dl case cnn lie cured for one-third thu cost nt our Private Dlspunsiiry , UU South loth street , Onmhn , Neb. IIUI'TUIUJ cuicd without pain or ulndornnco rom business. 1y ! thH trcntmcnt a pure Lovely Complexion , free troin slowness , Irvclilci , blar.khcndd , eruptions etc1. , Urilllunt Eyes andporlcct health can bo hud. fST Tluit "tired" f oellnp nnd nil fomulo weak nesses promptly cured. JIlontliiK Headaches , Nervous Prostration , UenoriU Debility. Sleeplessness - lossness , Depression nnd Indigestion. Ovarlon troubles , Inflammation nnd Ulcoiatlnn , Fnlllnir nnd Displacement. " , Spinal weakness , Kidney complaints and ChiiUKU of Life. Consult tli old Doctor. CVC lUn CID Acute or ChronicInllam Elk AND CAtfimHtlon of the Eyelids or Uloboand tar or Near Slirlitodness , Inversion of the Lids , Scrofulous Ejes , Ulcnratlons. In flammations , AheccRs , Dimness of Vision of ono or both eyes , and Tumors of l.ld. t3f Inflammation of , tJlcoratlon or Catarrh , Internal or External Deafness , or I'uralysln , Singing or HoarlnK noises , Thickened Drum , ote. UCDlinilC Debility , Spermatorrhoea , Sotn- llCIf VUUd Inal lo.-.bffl , NlKht Emissions , Loss of Vital Power , fcluoplessnoss , Despond ency , Loss of Memory , Confusion of Ideas , Illura Ucforo the Hycs , LnsMtudo , Languor , ( Jloommcss , Depression ol Spirits. Aversion to Society , Easily Discouraged , Lack of Confi dence , Dull , LUtles < j , Unlit for Study or Ilusi- ness , and finds llfo a burden , Safely , Perma nently nml Privately Cured. DI linn t CVIU Diseases.SyphUls-ndl- DLUUlf tt OnlUbcHSu most horrible In Its resiilts-'coinpletoly eradicated without the use of mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas , Fever Sorea , ( notches. Plmplos. Ulcers , pains In the Head and Hones , Syphilitic Sere ThioatMouth nnd Tongue , ( llnndular Kulargrcraent of tbo Neck , Hlicumntism , Catarrh , etc. . Permanently Cured When Others Have Fulled. IIDIU1DV Kidney and llladdor troubles , Unltinni I Weak Hack , Ilurnlnx Urine , Frequency or uilnatlnjr , Urine high colored or milky Fcdlmcntoii standing , Oonorrluon , Olout , Cystitis , etc , promptly and sately cured. Charires reasonable. PRIVATE DISEASES ( fleet , stricture , Foinlm.l rmls-iloi.s , loss of FOX- unl power , weakness ot the Buximl orpaiiJ.wunt of ilcslro Inmnloor fomiilc , wliothor frum im prudent Imblts ol , j-ouni ? or oxuul hnhlts In rn lit lire ycwrs. or nny cause thnt dcblllti.les the sextml lunctions , BpceJily nud pormnncntlr cured , Consultdtlon free nnd strictly confidential. Medicine sent ftce from obiurvutlo.i to nil pnrts of tlie United Sttitcs. Corrcspondoiico rccolvos attention. No letters an swered unless Bccoinpunlod by four cunts In etnmpg. Send Btninp for painunlot nnd list of duestlons. Torins gtrlctlr ctisli. Cull on or nd * dress n. 1'OWKI.I. RKiVKS. No. SU South IWSt. . . Oninha , Nob. DIAMONDS , WATCHES , JEWELRY , BRONZES AT Importer's ' Prices MAX MEYER &BRO , SCIENTIFIC I FCT U RING OP q I4ZO GLUCK & WILKINSON. tL BY AIL UADINO WHQUSALS REUIL ESTABLISHMENTS. tin- AUTUMN ' 87 , . srJ. We have made extraordinary efforts in our new Boys' and Ohildrens Department , to have the same ready for the opening of the schools. " „ * j It is the largest , most elegant and best lighted salesroom in the city , 1 and we cordially invite an inspection of the same. We are now prepared to show a stock of clothing for boys , from 4 to 18 years of age , the like of which has never been seen in this city , It is offered at prices which makes it worthy your attention. Our new hat department is now ready and open for business. Have our prices for clothing revolutionized your ideas ? Well , we do exactly the same thing with hats. They are marked at prices which will astonish you. To inaugurate this new department in a befitting manner we have placed on sale. One hundred dozens fine Fur Stiff Hats of the latest styles , high and medium crown , at one dollar. Such qualities have never been sold for ess than $2 , and we guarantee them to be fully worth the latter All goods marked in plain figures and at striotly one price at Nebraska Clothing Company Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Cor. 13th St. and Capitol Auc. , OMAHA , NEB. J OR TUB TREATMENT Ol' AW. CHRONIC m SURGICAL DISEASES BRACES AMD APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES. TRUSSES , A'o THE ; NEW YAIIICOCE..E SUSPENSORY CLAMP Cowras. IVit farlllllr. . nppirntnl * M irmMlM for Hii-Pf.lftil Irmtmmt of vrnr furmofil\r. \ . iirntililit > 1c4irNlor fiirgliM ) t minimi. . .nil * roK ClncilAK on IBtfforiuUlei nml l > ia rn Chib'lVct , Curvature of tti 8pint * , 1'llf . Tiiiiiiim Cancrr , Catarrh , Jlimicl III. , IntialMlAn , r > rtricity , I'aralv.U r | > ll-pir , KMnrj , UlaUdcr , io . lar. skin , nud UlooJ , > n < l H 5i.riU.t O | , i tohi ! , Hook on Diseases or AVomcu FREE. Only Reliable MEDICAL INSTITUTE JJAKISU A SrlXIAMV OF PRIVATE , SPECIAL and NERVOUS DISEASES. AUIIlood IWn , .fuijr trftted. Prpl tlttta r..lon rtmoird fuHti itio . 'yet'in wllh-mt inr..rj. Nrtv lr ( * > toi ntl\e TnatnirM for Ix > i > 4 of l'ow r. I'rrtoii * unaMtt to vlilttia nu > IM trfitltd * t li > nif , by' . Altri.mniu'i.tatkn * Con(1d ( ntl l. Mull rlti norliitniiiirnt.i dent ty niillnr nirtt , vn urely pcrkrtt. no i.i.irk ( ol.dr ) ] ( ronlenlior tciuWr. t > no Interview ir - fn.TftCall \ amlronwill u * r Mi 1 liUtury ofjour e e , will * ilini. ] nil % w will euJ in pUluua. . > * , our BOOK FREE TO MEN ! ror-fle , ltmnu for ( Kilituti. AiMrei * , OM .III MKDICAL A SUROICAI , IXSTITIT , or Dr. HcHenamy , Cor. 1311 st. & Capitol Av.Om.iDa. , BCD. Medical IJooks or 1'apcrs Free. The profr ctorot HID Oiuiilui .Moillcjl iin.l Mlrgl- CHlliutllu.u Ins p.llill'lii'J a v.iliuib o so. of buuki uinl lupuraupon uiiroiiluitiiii suigicnl ill'ea e < und dcliirmlllcs , anil fie methods ( it euro wnicSi | IIVB : Klvon liliu t ic repututluuut bcjik' the moat oilllful . iilaucco9fi > l ipoilHlMt In ilin on , line ! m.nlo tlio Institute no ct'lunrnteit thut m ( llclnos aru sent to ami patients rerai oil trum uvury ntutu In tlie unlun. Amoitu tliu tiuuki Is ono upon the illtuase * ( if wotnon ] ono uptin nervoiH. speciiil und prlvato * lls * oase1 * of the i-cinml and urlnury nrirunfl ; varlcnc'L'le cm oil hy ur.'lcil upcni- Ions , and their litcljr Invunt- cilclainp uitnpn-sii u p usury for Ibo relief imrt curodf viirlcmelo. lu-rvuns otliviUlon anclso n l debhlty. nifw ni ttirutlvo treatment 1'ftcora uiion Biirulcnl braces , pild * . lancorn. paralyfi | , tlt < * Klcu * trfcitj nnd t iu ne.1 tnugniulc buttery lor home usn ; catnrrli anil Inlmlutlnn. rtc. Unlike most bmilK iMiied 'locinr * tree , tnejr dn not < O ! . lstof tenl- monlHU with ItctltloiiH n imesand InltluU. or rubt > l t. of Itmt kind , liut are plain Ucscrlptlons of ilUojan * . symptoms , now dtacoverlo In neitlolno. Hur/orr and ole < irlc'llj. iinii are w.'II worth the | ieru al , and can bo obtained free h ) ndrireislnic the Oimha Medi cal Bud hurvlcal Inntttuto , Ulli street mnd Cupitol Tcnuo. Uni.ina. Nebraska. W O II VXACgUAIVTID WITH THK OCOOMirnT Or THII COC.NIttT WILL 811BT KliMLMJJQ Till * MAT TIUT TIIC CH1CA60ROCKISLAND&PACIFICRAILWAY , By reason ot Its central poiltlot c'.aso relation to lines Kait of Chicago , and contlnJJiu lines at terminal points Wort , Northwest and Hoathwest , is the true mlddlo link In thit trumcontlnenttu nyitem which Invites and facilitates tnvcl and traffic between the Atlantic aad Pacific * The Hock Island main line and branches Include Chi- caro.Jollct , Ottawa. Latalle , rrnrla , Oencheo. Mollno and Itock Island , In Illlnuls ; Darcnport , Murcatlne , Wathlnffton , Falrfleld , OttuinwaO LalooiaVoit Lib. erty. lows , Cltj PcsUolnen.IndlanoU.WIntrroet , Atlan tic , KnoiTllIc , Audubon , narlan , Cluthrlo Centre anil CouncilBluffs.lnlowai Oallltln , Trenton , St. Joseph , Cameron and ICansan City , In Missouri ; Learenworth and Atchlion , liiKaniaai Albert Lea , Minneapolis and It.PaullaUlnnrsotat Watertown and Sioux Falls , ) , ) Pakota , and hundreds of Inturmedl&to cities and to ns. . ' /The Croat Rock Island Route" Guarantees speed , comfort , certainty and safety. Its l > urman nt ay Is dlstln ulibed for Its excellence. Its trlilKes ara ot stone and Iron. Its track U of soU4 steel , Its rolling stock perfect. Its passenger equipment basalt the safety appliances that eiperlcncehaspruvtl uieful , and for luxurious accommodations Is u.uar * passed * Its Kxpress Trains consist of superior Itar Coaches , elrgint rullman 1'alace I'urlorand blo iilnu Can , superb Dining Cars , proTldlnz delirious meals , and ( between Chicago and St. Joseph. Atchlnon and Kansas City ) restful Inclining Chair Cars. Its raau- aKcroent Is con&erratlTe , lie dlsclpllno eisctlnj. "The Famous Albert Lea Route" Between Chicago and Minneapolis and Ft. I'aul Is tha farorlte. Orer this line fcolld Fast Kxprcts Trains run dally to attractive resorts for tourists In Iowa anil Ulnnrnota , and , Tin Watcrton n and bloux Falls , to the rlchwhcatand grsrlni ; lands of Interior Dakota. Via Seneca and Kai.kukfc , thu ] U > ck Island olTers superior Inducements to trarelers between Cincinnati. Indian * apolls , Lafayette aud Council Illurriht. Joceph , Atchl- son. Lcavcnw orth , Kansas City , Kt. I'anl. and Interme diate points. All patrons ( especially ladles and chll * tlren ) receive protection , courtesy and kindly attention. I'or tickets , maps , folders , copies ot Wi ttern Trail , or any d oil red Information , apply to principal onlcci In the United States and Canada , or atldresn , at Clilcaco , I.B.CABIE , I. IT. .OHM , E. A. HOUROOI , AMlQKl. < uu > r. O.s. HI rus. 1\ TUT TZ yr f JJiUlVit. ' ' " . : o.'iTUlHT. . . . nt * c 't"T , TO IKLb/lhl. . . . J. r BALNKSS. | lf- jout , ml.H , foalhlif cuntoli of Kltctrle. , j i.ctl7 throuit. sll wisk psfti.rtit rte Uf thvn' to hffslili snti Vixoroui trncgth. .Utcirio Currant' "VV.T-I'H In.ULt/ ! v. f.rfili In ctih. Grtat.itIu | > r v i.tBtsu tr sll othtr Vtlli. > cs ip < r nmntBtry curill.ihrr.lnQnUii ( Nr tr.l tmphUt4e. ; uun Tl > BMdoa EUcUiQCo. | 6 Ul.llciUChleijn 01' THE SACRED HEART , The Scholastic yonrconimom-os on the First Woitnoiilny In S-ptotnhcr. DIIToronro of rull- Klon Is no obslHclPto tlio lulmisuloii of younj ? Inilles. 1'uplls uro received nt any time ot the your. TE3KMs : : FA.YA.BIjE3 I3ST A.r > VA.3STOB3. Incliullnc Iout\l ! , Wnshliifr. Tuition In English nml French , Instrumental Music. Use. of look ) , pur suntlon of Kivo Months . $15000 I'alntlnir , Drawing , Cerninn , Vocal .Music , Hnrp. Vlollu oxtru . Itofcrcnccs nro u-iiulrcd from persons unknown to tlio Institution , For further Information apply to tlio Hlght Itov J\s. O'CoNNOlt. or to the Ludy Superior. Imported and Bottled by Mihalovitch Fletcher& Co. , Cinincnati , O. For sale by the following agents : Ricbardton Drug Company ; Blake , Bruce & Co. , Adler & Heli er , Frank Dellone & Co. , R. R. Grotte. Families supplied by Gladstone Bios. & Co. Sample botHe free. For sale by all wholebalc and retail druggists , liquor dealers MU. wine merchants. JUMBO IS DEAD And Maud S. Has Retired from the Track littt we have the Largest and Finest line of Carriages , Harness , llobes , Jilankets , Horse Clothing and all kind * of Turf Clooils , ever carried vyanyjlnninthccltit. SOO Sets of Tcatn , Farm , Express , Counc , Litjlit , JtnubJe , l-Siniile Jiai'- nets , for sale , reytirilless of ro t. dole agent * for ( lie California llorsa lioota. JVoue aennlne unless * t < nn c < l , " ,7. A. Me.Kerron , .S. l'1 ' 1 extern. Agents for the celebrated Tourney Sulky. Sl n > around and irhen you. are ready to buy call on Ml'JC/lltLL < C 11 At MM , 8. W. Corner Ifith St. and Capital Ave. , Omaha , f w = .n Diamond Merchant , Nebraska National Bank , U. S. DEPOSITORY , Paid up Capital . $250,000 Surplus . ISi.SOO U. W. Yates , President. Lewis S. Uceil , Vitiu-rrpstilcnt. A. E. Tou/.nlln. M Vicu-Presidont. W. II. . Htmlics , Cashier , uinncTOits : W. V. Mor.'e , John S Collins II. W. Yates , Lewis S. Uuc.l . A. E. Tou/.iliu. BANKINV ( Ol'FICK : THE IRON BANK * Cor. S2th and Fnrnnm fits. A General Uaulclnir Uu inebs Tciumoto WM. MO unoFit. ii. r. eonwEiJCi lioowixi. , iV .M I.VSOMI , Real Estate Dealers 110 Soulh Spring Slrcct , LOS AXGKLKS , Doitlcrs In city inn. couulry piopurty or ail , < ( Ifcrlpllcina. ( lononil liiloiuiutluii to uow- comurH Ircc'ly FOR SALE. A n Iflntvl nn tlio Hoiitlinrn cniiht of M utis ( moil IMiliik nuU liunclilor liatiiintr. cwied In tlio ci-it Siiiiiincr ( . .Ir.ii.ta In the world Kor full p irllflar * itililross , ) . ii. } i.iwir.r. : , ' ! .Nuirnu Ht. , N. Y FOUNTAIN , . CUT VND . the