Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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t > y ctrrler in my p rt of tbo city at
twt nty CCDU per wtok.
B.W. TILTOW , . . .
No. 43 ,
No. R.
N. Y. PJiimbltiR Co.
Reitcr , tailor. Fall goods cheap.
The total assessed property valuation
IB f4GG8,789. | 743,000 more than 1880.
Machine oil. needles , embroidury silks ,
publications. Domestic agency , 10 ? Main.
Fine coupes for ladies calling. Wm.
Lewis , telephone 128. Uflico 41U Iiroiul >
8. A. Uroadwoll yesterday arrangert
bis bonds nil right again , so that ho once
more breathes the fruo air.
Work about the transfer continues and
the improvements daily show the amount
of work being done on them.
BTho Union Pacific round house is rals-
' * toe slow but sure. It will bo the largest
' round house in this part of the west.
P. J. Gallagher yesterday received n
crate of peaches and one of grapes from
bis old friend , William Uurns , who is at
Arlington , Ore.
M. Isidor attempted to carve one of his
co-laborers at Lome & Mot/.gcr's res *
( aurant yesterday morning and was
placed in the city jail.
The removal of the fence nbout the
Baptist church improves the appearance
of the property. Other changes are to
be made for the butter.
The ( > rcgg tract , comprising forty
acres northwest of the transfer , hus been
platted and will be put upon the market
next wrck. There is becoming quite a
demand for property west of the trans
The recent heavy rains 'played havoc
with the tilling done on the Fifth avcnuo
ewor. It was Unshod at the time but
rains have caused the dirt to wash away
and several teams were mired there yes
A well known newspaper man visits
this city regularly ana never fails to call
on his friends , in fact ho has so many
that by the time ho pays his respects to
them all hu is usually too tired to walk.
This has been his case during bis recent
The committee of the council yester
day viewed the lot next to police hcad-
qnnrters and concluded to see what they
could lease part of it for from Mrs. Amy.
There is not quite enough ground belong
ing to the city next to the central station
upon which they could build a house for
the police patrol and if they can get part
of Mrs. Amy's lot at ficttrei to suit they
will erect the building there , if not , they
will put it up on the property knows as
the hay market.
When you are in the citv stop at the
Pacific house. Street cars pass the door
every fifteen minutes for all the depots
Meals 50 cents each.
Money to loan. Cooper & Judson.
At the Piicilic house vou will save from
60o to $1 per dny. Try it and bo con
_ _
Pacific house is the nearest hotel to the
majority of real estate oflices in the city ;
$2 per day.
For Sale Harry Smith's photograph
gallery cheap. Inquire of Harry Smith.
Personal 1'nrauraptin.
Mrs. \ \ . Runyan has gene to Dakota to
visit friends a few weeks.
W , F. Sapp was yesterday presented
with an elegant desk and oflice chair by
his father.
J. L. Green and \V. C. Monran , of
Plattsmouth. were at the Pacific house
Arch Coflman , of Avoca , is in the city ,
his case being among the important ones
of this term'of court.
M. F. Uohrer has returned Irom his
eastern trip. His family remains cast
for bovcrnl weeks yet.
C. E. Irwiu , Uiloy Clark and Joe Ham
ilton , of Neoln , wore among those in at
tendance at court yesterday.
C. J. Colby is on the sick list , but hopes
in n day or two to be able to be rustling
his real estate business as usual.
B Dining Car Superintendent Frank
ewart , of the Hock Island road , was
shaking hands with old friends yester
Miss Winnie Crofts , daughter of the
pastor of the Congregational church , is
quite ill. Her condition is not deemed
alarming , but it will bo a long time be
fore she recovers her strength.
Rev. A. 1C. Bates , formerly pastor of
the Presbyterian church hero , and now
engaged in special work in the east for
the 1. M. C. A. , Is in the city greeting
his old friends , who arc many.
George Keelino has returned from a
two months' visit to his cattle ranch in
Wyoming. He reports the grass as un
usually good this season. Ho expects to
ship about 15,000 beeves this fall and will
have 600 head on the market about Sep
tember 10.
IJpn Do Hahn , a former clerk for 0. F.
Weil , is in the city visiting friends. Ho
i one of the Do Hahn brothers , the cele
brated acrobats , and although becoming
rather ancient , is considerable of a con
tortionist yet. He will spend the re
mainder of the week with his bosom
friend , George Hudio.
Dr. Hart was called to tele-
craph , to meet his daughter , Mrs. J. D.
Kdmundson , who. with her husband ,
have just returned from their European
trip. Mrs. Kdmundson's health is poor ,
climatic changes having had an unfavor
able ell'ect , and the ocean vovago proving
trying upon her. It is hoped that on her
return homo she may speedily regain her
Wo give every purchaser of a Radiant
Homo last year as a reference , that it is
the grandest etovo on earth.
J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money.
Complaints About Oil Lumps.
The new oil light company , which re
cently took the contract for lighting the
suburban streets , is said to need n little
watching. Complaint is made that the
contract is not being fully carried out.
The proposal of this company was so low
ns to surprise many , and there has been
Borne wondering ns to where the profit
would come in. It is nqw claimed that
the profit is being made by reducing the
hours of burning the lamps. The con *
tract provides that the lamps shall burn
until midnight , but it is claimed that
instead of so doing the lamps
generally go out shortly after 11
o'clock. These lamps have a reservoir ,
into which is supposed to bo placed oil to
keep them going until 13 o'clock. The
lamps therefore extinguish themselves.
It is claimed that the amount of oil is so
( tinted that the lamps die out long before
the time called for in the contract. The
lights seem to give excellent satisfaction
in other respects , and a reallr superior
lent is given by them. The matter
ihould bo looked after promptly , and 11
It appears that these complaints are
based on facts , a reform should bo in-
listed on.
One thousand head of one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A. .
7. Greenamayer , 623 Mynster it. , tele-
Ill ,
Tbo Youngest Judge in Iowa Mak'es His
Debut Here.
The City Council Deciding In Favor
of Klcctrlo Light Complaint
About the OH Intmps rho
Police Court Doing * .
The Opening of Court.
A stranger stepping into the court
room yesterday , at the opening of the
term of the district court , would have
made many mistakes before guessing
rightly ns to who was the judgo. Judge
Deemor , the youngest judge in Iowa , pre
sides hero for the first time. He is but
twenty-seven years of ago , and will not
DO able to adit another figure to it until
November. He Is strictly professional in
his garb and mien , dressed in blacl. , im
maculate , but not foppish , rather of the
theological cut , but with u boyish face ,
oven when its features are in judicial re
pose. Most of the members of the bar had
already had their curiosity satisfied
bv seeing him preside in other
places , but outside of the bar there
were many mental queries as to how ho
would act when he took his scat and
court openad. Smooth faced , dark eyed ,
wearing his hair pompadour , the youth
ful look of the presiding judge was one
towhictftho outsiders had to become
somewhat accustomed before their won
derment wore off. 'iherc was more than
one of those in attendance who could not
but recall the young man under different
circumstances. The picture of a young
man in u base bull suit , standing in a
crouched straddle behind the bat , catch
ing the hot balls with the nlmblencss of a
cat after a mouse , came to them vividly ,
for it has been but one brief season since
Judge Dcemer was the crack catcher of
the Red Oak nine. He made the run
from home base to the bench
with phenomenal speed , and this
wonderful change in position , brought
about within u year , increased the natu
ral eagerness to sec how ho would act as
Judge Dccmcr did not come to the
bench wholly unprcpaied by any means.
Although indulging in athletic sports as
a healthy recreation , he had for years
been an ambitious student with a bright
mind and had entered upon a most suc
cessful practice of the law when the people
ple bid him come up higher. Ho has al
ready won the reputation of being the
most business-like judge in the district.
He is very prompt in his rulings , brooks
no delays or foolishness and holds the
lawyers right down to their work. He
has a rich bass voice , speaks rather de
liberately and impresses one with natu
ral dignity and conscious power without
mockery or offensive conceit.
Yesterday was spent largely in the
monotonous calling of the calendar , to
ascertain what cases were to bo tried and
what disposition should be made of
others , ilo stated on the outset that he
desired to have the docket cleared of all
rubbish , so that it might be got down tea
a clear working basis. He started in
with an nvident intention of doing a
good deal of weeding out ; and by the aid
of the attorneys present he succeeded
well. There was need of it. The bulky
docket contained ftOO cases. Many of
these have been carried along , term after
term , docket after docket , with not
an additional cntrv or change. As
a sample , one divorce case was
called. It had been on the
dockets for nearly three years. The at
torney who had originally started the
case had moved away , and loft the case
hanging on the hooks. As there was no
0110 to speak in the matter , Judge
Decmer , remarking that any one ought
to get a divorce in two or three years , if
they wore going to get ono at all , struck
the case from the calendar. The weed
ing process went on quite rapidly. There
were many cases which had long since
amounted to nothing , even if there was
possibly something to them on the start.
The only object these cases had served
was the keeping of the attorneys names
in print , making an advertisement , by
swelling the number of cases which they
were supposed to have in court. One by
one these professional cards were
stricken out , and the judge knocked this
well established advertising scheme with
out mercy.
In trying to make a general arrange
ment for the trial of causes the county
attorney , Colonel Daily , expressed a de
sire to have the criminal calender taken
up next Moudy. This was agreed to ,
and on that day will begin the trial of
criminal cases. There are forty cases on
the docket , and some twenty-six or more
prisoners in jail , whoso trials will take
before that of those who are on
ail. There are .three murder cases , two
of which will bo tried , and perhaps all of
them. Each of these will take a week.
The most of September will therefore betaken
taken up with the criminal cases.
The trial jury is summoned to DO hereon
on Monday next. The time this week
will therefore be taken up with matters
before the judge. The grand jury began
its labors yesterday afternoon.
Much interest centers in the prohibi
tion cases against the saloons. There
are a largo number of these , and Judge
Dcemer has been looked upon as a rather
strong supporter of the prohibition law.
Attorney Sims , who represents the pro
hibitionists in the prosecution of these
cases , suggested that ho wanted the
cases sot as early in the term as conven
ient , and desired that the assignments
bo so made that when they got started
on these cases , they could proceed
with them , clearing them all up without
ary interruptions. This called Colonel
Sapp out. Ho is attorney for a number
of the defendants , Attorney Haldono for
others , and Attorney Mynster for still
others. Colonel Sapp wanted to know if
these cases were to be specially favored ,
and taken out of their order to accom
modate the prohibitionists. They wore
among the last cases on the calendar.
Let them take their chances with the
Mr. Sims replied that there were many
of them contempt cases , and application's
for injunctions , and such cases should
always be given a precedence.
Colonel bupp replied that they had
boon at work on those cases during the
hot dog-days , tugging away at them with
their coats off , and nearly overcame. The
term hud been now reached at which
there should bo a final and thorough
hearing on the question of permanent in
junction , instead of rushing along to get
a hearing on temporary writs.
Judge Dccmcr remarked that ho would
endeavor to so make his assignment as
to expedite business and prove satisfac
tory to the Oar. If there worn any con
tempt cases they should bo reached
speedily and carefully looced into. From
the tone in which he made these
remarks the intimation was gathered
that ho would not countenance any need
less delays.
There were a number of attorneys
present from out of the city , among them
Colonel C. R. Scott and Judge Hartlett ,
of Omaha ; 11. H. Williams , of Glenwood ;
11. E. Booth , of Carson , and J. P. Organ ,
of Ncola. Judge Reed , of the supreme
bench , was a looker on for a few min
utes. L. W. Ross , late chancellor of the
Iowa law school , put in his first appear
ance since ho took up his residence hero.
The bar docket is the fattest volume
ever put forth hero. Of the 000 cases
there are 875 equity causes and 477 in law.
The number of divorces shows up well ,
there being twenty-six misfit couples
waiting for decrees.
There was some curiosity felt to hear
Judge Dcemer's charge to the paid
jury , as it was thought that ho would
particularly dwell upon their duties in
ragard to the prohibitory law. The
charge was quite lengthy , was carefully
prepared , and very evenly tempered. In
regard to the prohibitory law he slranly
explained their duties and remarked
that these duties nitibt bo performed
without tiny regard to what their indi
vidual opinions might bo in regard to
the law being politic or wise. That re-
sposibllity must re t upon the assembly
which makes and unmakes laws.
The assignment of cases for to-day ,
Thursday and Friday , includes none but
saloon cases. The class of cases to bo
heard during these three days are those
In which an effort Is being made to have
the temporary injunction made perma
nent. Depositions have been tilled , and
the first skirmish will bo over a motion
to have these depositions suppressed.
Court ndjourncd until 1KJO o'clock this
morning , a half hour rnrliei than other
judccs nave been in the habit of opening
Watches , clocks , jewelry , etc. , the best
In the city. C. Voss , jeweler , No. 410
Broadway. Repairs a specialty.
The City to Have Electric Light * . *
The city council was in session yester
day afternoon as committee of the whole
to consider the question of lighting the
streets. The conference was held with
closed doors , and the discussion was frco
and full. The tendency seemed to bo to
divide along the old fine , with Wells ,
Mctcalf and Lacy on the side of progress
and electric light , and Keller , Danforth
and Hammer more crmssrvativo and
leaning toward the yellow gas. The pe
tition of tax-payers asking the council to
make some judicious contract by which
the city could havu the benefit of electric
lights , was treated with great
consideration , and scorned to
have great weight. As Alder
men Hammer remarked , "If wo don't
vote for electric light I suppose the people
ple will howl. " Alderman Wells re
minded him that they were there as rep
resentatives of the popple , to do the
will of the people , and it did not matter
whether the people wanted to howl or
not , so long as they did what the people
wanted. The petition of the taxpayers
showed very clearly what many "of the
people wanted.
After much discussion the committee
decided in favor of adopting the twenty-
fifth proposition of the electric light
company with one change. The propo
sition us made bv the electric light com
pany is as follows :
"lor four lights on the county court
house and twenty-four lights on six
masts , 150 feet high , at0 per month
per light on a two years' contract , pro
vided the city will cither purchase the
masts at seven-eighths of their original
cost or enter into a new contract satis
factory to both parties for the unexpired
portion of the ten years. "
The mayor suggested that Instead of
paying seven-eighths for the masts the
city should not pay over two-thirds. This
was agreed to , and the council unani
mously decided , as n committee of the
whole , in favor of accepting this proposi
tion of the electric ligut company , pro.
vided the company would make the
change suggested.
In reaching this conclusion the motion
was made by Alderman Lacy , and was
seconded by Alderman Mctcalt. The vote
was unanimous , Alderman Danforth
alone being silent. When asked how ho
would vote he said "Ayc'and thus put the
council on record as unanimously in
favor of acceding to the wishes of the citi
zens as expressed in the petition.
It remains for the company to decide
whether the change suggested shall be
made or nor. The directors will meet to-
dsly to decide. The council will meet this
evening , when the committee of the whole
will reportand final action will probably
bo taken.
Visit the new jeweler , C. Voss , No. 415
Broadway , ( if you wish anything in his
line. He has u line assortment of the beat
Points of Police StnrH.
It is seldom that anyone gets more than
his just deserts before Judge Aylesworth.
It is often the reverse and many who
frequent the court room are of the opin
ion that his honor is , in many instances ,
peculiarly light upon certain classes of
Yesterday there appeared two .young
men from Lancustcr.'Pa. , ono eightccu
and the other twenty-live years of age.
Frank Sherwood , the elder of the two ,
was the first to be brought forward. As
a vagrant ho pleaded not guilty , even if
he was arrested while asleep , with his
brothcr-in-luw , John Gunyon , in a Mil
waukee box car. As is usual in such
cases the judge began to question him in
regard to his last working place. It is a
cold dav when the judge can't corner a
tramp , but Sherwood had a good story
and an apparently true one. In answer
to questions put by his honor , he replied ,
that he'd worked for himself since no
was sKtcon years of age. He haid , "No
judge , 1 don't own a farm. 1
used to bo pretty well fixed. 1
lost $700 when I was a jobber in loaf
tobacco two . " Ho then
, years ago. ex
plained every move ho had made since
then oven to haying paid $200 indebted
ness and still owing $120 more. He told
how ho hud worked with an advertising
companr ; had made tents as well as
worked In the corn field. As his brother-
in-law backed him in what ho said the
judge had nothing clsn to do but let them
William Nice. American , twenty-four ,
junk dealer , was anything but nice in
his appearance as ho stopped forward
to face his honor. Drunk and disturbing
the peace were the charges , but us Nice
acknowledged being drunk and said he'd
pay $7.00 his honor did not push the
other charge.
Lloyd Wilson , colored , a resident of
Mrs. Prayler's Broadway hotel said , ho
was fifteen years of age and pleaded
truilty of disturbing the pcaco to the tune
of f,00. ! )
John Raflerty , an innocent looking
Irishman , said he was not guilty of being
drunk. Ho was arrested with John
Nolan , they both being asleep in n shoo
shop. Nolan corroborated Raflorty.
They had both been employed on the
sewer for the past week and Rafftirty had
been arrested twice in a week since ho
came over from Omaha. He begins to
think this city is a tough place.
Assignment of Tcnoliers.
The board of education met last night
and made the following assignment of
teachers :
High School Department H. M.
Prouty , principal , Olive Woodbury , J. 8.
B. Cogshall.
High School M. Mangrum , principal ,
M. Davenport , M. B. Curtis , E. Boyer ,
A. Zurmuchlen , M. Hanson , C. Meyers ,
L. Pile.
Bloomer School J. K. Cooper , princi
pal , E. Vining , M. Sims , M. Dale , J.
Baldwin , R. Lyon , E. Moore , G. Al
bright , B. Anderson.
Pierce Street School A. JefToris , K.
Wickham , M. Bell , K. Busholl , E. Mcln-
tosh , Ida Harris. L. Connor , C. Goff.
Thirt Struct School K. Blaxira , G.
Swoarmgen , Julia Sullivan , C. Zurmuch-
Ion. N. bpoouer.
Mill School V. Reynolds , M. V.
Nicholas , S. Caffnllior , S. Badolcttc ,
Hall Sebool-W. White , M. Mithen ,
principal , E. Jones , M.'Jossolyn.
Curtln School-V. White , 11. HaUcn-
haner , I. Zipp , M. Motter , principal , v
Twentieth Avenue School K. Prfyno ,
principal , S. Baldwin , M. Tinley , H.
Court School L. Raocr , L. Uonahey.
Streetavillo School I. Graves , princi
pal , A. MlkcselL . , . . .
Clark schoolStephens. ! .
Woodbury schopl S. Shields.
Ounn school h. Young.
Substitutes--J. Clausen , 1. Hattenhaucr.
Music teacher S. W. Gates.
A Chlnewo Complexion ,
When observed in ono of the Caucasian
race , is indicative of bile in the blood.
Who would beyclow ) when hu or she can
exhibit the hue of health on check and
brow through the aid of Hosteller's
Stomach bitters , an antagonist at whose )
onset liver complaint takes refuge in
llight. Fur UHon the tongue , nausea ,
sick headache , pains under the right ribs
and shoulder blade , and unpleasantly
odorous orcath , are remediable with this
benign alterative , which docs not , like
a potent cathartic , drench the intestines
or , like the mercurial preparations , con
taminate the blood. Not only the liver ,
but the stomach and bowels are aroused ,
toned and regulated by this line family
medicine , which has wdn the confidence
of tlu > rcspcctabloclasses , not by startling
assertions on its behalf , but by the con
sistency of the claims made for it with
its performance in every instance when
List your property with Cooper & Jud-
sou , No. 120 Main street.
The Nun and the Lieutenant.
St. Paul Pioneer Press : A certain
northwestern military post has just been
the scene of a very romantic affairwhich
has been the subject of much gossip. At
the post is located a body of nuns under
the charge of a mother superior who is
ono of the youngest and most devoted of
her sect. The Sisters are mostly em
ployed in teaching Indian schools , and
nave met with roniprkablo success in
this Held. It requires a good deal of
piety for a joung girl to consecrate her
life to such a work. She not only leaves
the world , but she departs af-ir from
home and friends , setting up , ns it were ,
an altar in the wilderness , and them ,
with no hope of earthly reward , she
gives her life to the betterment of the
most unpromising of God's people. Mr.
Holman , of Indiana , in his visit to
Dakota two years ago , was very strong
in the expression of the opinion that
these Indian schools ought to be carried
on remote from Indian posts. Ho said
that it was wrong to surround soldiers
and the Indian women with the tempta
tions that beset them-while in close
proximity , and perhaps the incident hero
narrated shows the wisdom of his judg
About six months ago the Sisters at the
post mentioned were reinforced by a
very beautiful nun who had just com.
pleted her stated course for such work
and had been sent out to take part in
the task of regenerating the savage. She
was but twenty-two , and the life , the
country everything was now to her. She
went to her task uncomplainingly , but
all was strange and marvellous. The
only persons she saw outside of the Sis
ters and the Indians were the ofliccrs of
the post , who wcro accustomed to paying
frequent visits to. the schools. Among
the officers was a darling lieutenant who
has the rcputatiort of being very fascin
ating. He was .ufurricd.but his wife was
absent on an extended journey. He saw
Sister Aneelu , uri we will call her , though
that is not her name , and was at once
smitten. He was.not slow in showing
signs of interest'and , it was evident that
the young nun was by no means indiffer
ent to the handsome officer. The mother
superior hai < l nothing , but watched pro
ceedings very carefully. Finally the
young man was placed under arrest for
some Might offence and ordered to kcc.p
his quarters. Not ; being able to see Sister
Angela , he wrote her a note , saying ho
was in trouble and begging her to come
to him. This letter come into the hands
of the mother sup 6rior , and was never
delivered. Ho followed this up with an
other , and still another , but all met the
same fate.
Finally the mother superior took sick.
She was confined to her room for a few
days , and during that time the lieuten
ant's notes reached Sister Angola and
were promptly answered. A meeting
was arranged and slio saw him how
many times is not known , but the meet
ings wore discovered , tnul immediate
steps wcro taken to put a stop to them.
After expostulation and warning , both
on the part ol the wayward sister and on
the part of the officers to the infatuated
lieutenant , it was determined as a last
resort to send Angela back to the con
vent in the east tor discipline. In the
charge of a nun , therefore , she was taken
to the railroad , and by this time is surely
housed within the protecting walls of
the homo institution. The lieutenant is
said to bo resolved to discover her by
hook or crook , but it is understood that
if he persists the military authorities will
take a hand in the business , and u court
martial will result.
The National Complaint.
fi2l WIST : SiXTV-rinsT STKEET , New
York , February 7,1880. For the last year
I have at times had very seven ) attacks
of dyspepsia , accompanied with wind
and pains in the side and stomach.
Everything 1 ate disagreed with mo , and
1 lost llcsh daily. Internal medicine only
afforded mo temporary relief. I then
commenced applying ALCOCK'S Pouous
PLASTEIIS , ono on the pit of my stomach
and one below , just abovn the navel. In
a low hours my pains very much abatud.
In two days my food appeared to agree
with mo. At the end of a week 1 was
nearly well , but I still continue wearing
the Plasters as a precaution. I have used
altogether six Plasters , and must say they
are the cheapest and best medicine ever
invented. THOMAS J. Rn.r.y.
Cor , 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs.
One of the best Educational Institu
tions in the west. Boarding and day
school conducted by the Sisters of Char
ity , B. V. M.
Board and tuition for a term of five
months , $70. For further particulars
St. Francis Acedemy ,
. Council Bluffs , la.
Attorneys at Law ,
Practice in the State and Federal Cour t
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block.
Justice ol the Peace ,
410 Broadwwjr , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
Star Sale Stab/es and Mule Yards
Broadway , Council Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot
Horses and mules constantly on hand
for sale at retail or in car load lots.
Ordera promptly filled by contract on
bert notice. Stock told on commission
Telephone 114. SKLBTKR & BULKY.
. . Opposite Dummy Depot , Counci Blu ffs
Special adrertltamenti , luch n Lost , Found
ToLnnn.For Sale , To Rent , Wanta , noardlnr ,
etc. , will belniertcd In this column it th low
rntoorTKN CENTS PBR LINE forthetrit laser-
tonand ViT Cenlirerlln fore chsubi qu nl
Insertion. Learo advertisement * at our office
No. U I'carl Itiect , Boar iiroadway , Council
_ _
WANTED A girl for frcnornl housework.
ftiuill tntnlly , Immly kitchen. 709 dth nvu ,
WANTED Younr girl who wants to KO to
tcliool and bulp do housework to pay for
her board. Address M27 , llooollioc.
Foil 8AlR-Btock of drugs In contrM No-
brnskix. Will Invoice nhoiit II. ( XX ) . In
quire of Hnrlo , Hnss & ( _ ' < > . , Council nluffe , la.
W 'ANTED An active younir mnn exper
ienced In city soliciting and collect IIIK ,
1'ormnnont position , moderate salary. Mu t
furnish references. AdUresn Grocer , lice olllc * .
WANTED A Rood Rlrl for cook. Apply at
once to Mrs. J. H. Mcl'herson , No. 1281
Fierce street.
FOK SALE On easy terrng or will trade for
city property , n complete itock of furni
ture. stores , al o building. It la mtuntcd 0
miles east onVbaih railroad. Good town ; no
opposition. Good reason * for oclllnr. I'11"-
session given at once. Will inrolco about (2r > 00.
Call or address Merchant , 32S Iiroadway , Coun
cil Illutr * .
8AIE OK THADK.-For Conncll MlulTs
f property 40,000 acrei of Iowa and Ne
braska land. J. U. Klce , 110 Mam SU Council
poll two ciirrtapei on long time or will
WILli for hones. William Lewis.
The flitter IIOUPO In Mtaourl Vnllcy ; fur
nished llrst-clBSH tllroiiahout and with ft largo
bu lnos < i estiibllshod. Will bo rented on liberal
terms to responsible purtlcg. Call on or ad
_ Missouri Valley.
500 Broadway , Council Blufls.Iowa.
Established 1857.
Bai complete line of
, ,
Large hat * lii white , black and all color * . Fat
torn bonnets , haul and toques , a specialty.
No 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Creston House ,
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
Accommodation * First CIas ,
And KtiloK Reasonable
Max Mohn , Proprietor
Prices Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
KO. 23 MAIH ST. ,
Finest Landaus
Coaches and Hacks in City.
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,
Telephone No. 33
Na. 015 Main Street , Telephone No , 9
A. SCHUltZ ,
Justice of the Peace.
Oilice over American Kxprnss.
In Amber ,
etc.Hair On
namcnts , as
well as the
newest nov
elties in hair
Hair poods
madcto order
Mrx. C. L. Gillette
29 Main St. , Council Jilufl's , Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , and ail mail
orders promptly attended to.
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Highest Market Price * . Promp
820 and 872 Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
OFIMJlffl !
6z6'i ' foot In elze , colored \iy \ addition ,
all lots and sub-dlrislons Included In territory
0 miles north and south by 10 miles cubt and
TTcet.PKICE $1O.
Addreis 0. K. AI.I.EN , Publisher.
Offlcc-No. 12 , Main St. , Oouqci ) Bluffs , la.
Summer Dress Goods , White Goods
Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc.
Are Large and Well Selected
Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best
New Goods are arriving and invite
Work Done by Competent Workmen.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended T (
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
N. B.- ' Special attention given all orders b
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
call on us.
Initrumcnti Tuned and Kcpalrud. We never fall to give gatlftfacllon <
Over 20 year * ' Experience In Piano and Organ Work.
Swanson Music Co.
No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : Boaiders : : Reduced : : Rates.
NO. 336 & 338" Broadway , council Bluffs.
No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowar
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Both Domestic and Foreign ,
cio-2- .
The finest of driving' horses alwuy ? on
band aud for sale by
Vncatn Lots , T.n dst City Itcildonccs and
I'm mi. Aero property In western l > tut of city ,
All belllnjr cliuup.
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Koota 5 , over Officer .V Vnacy'i Dank , Co Una
Wilde. . . *