Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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A Largo Amount of Business Transacted in
the Wheat Fit ,
Trading In Outs Actlvo nt n Btindo
\\eakcr Prices More Dolhg
In Provisions General
Mnrkct Quotation * .
CIIICAOO , August 80. | Special Telegram
to the UKK.I About 150.UOO qiiarters-1,200-
000 bushels of California wheat were bouulit
in Liverpool to-day on a basis ot Os per
cental , or about We per bushel. This Is about
equivalent to G'ic ' for No. 3 spring In this
market found a ready sale nt that
IIztire , however , nnd buyers nroceeded to
hedge by selllnif against properly In this
market. Moveral housns tmvlni : foreign con
nections were In the pit to-day with selling
orders of considerable consequence. For
eigners wore also nctlvo In Now York. The
market stood up si'rprlslnitly ' well. Then
came disquieting rumors about the probable
posting of that much talked of
"stump tall" wheat. Now York bad the lirst
news that SOO.uOO bushels bad been posted ,
and then that " 700,000 bushels was eolni : to
bo posted. " Nobody hero knew anything
about It , but If the committee which is In
vestigating wheat should report In favor of
inch action this afternoon this disturbing
element would be removed , speculative stock
In store hero would bo materially
lightened nnd the gossips would have to
bunt up something else to worry about If
such action Is not taken It will bo because
wheat Is In good condition. The "stump-
tall" sensation dcpiessetl September wheat
more than the later deliveries and closing
quotations were relatively ( gtfc lower for
September than the rest of the list There
was a large tr.ule In wheat to-day. It was the
biggest day for a month. September opened
ntCH c , sold down to CS c and closed nt
CSj c. October opened at TO'i'c , ranged at
70)70c high and 70c low , closing at 70J c.
December opened nt 7u @ 73c , ranged at
roK73 , c and closed at TS c. The feeling
throughout was nervous , but not particu
larly weak. Wheat has many Influential
friends who expect to see a decided bull mar
ket as soon as the bankrupt California stocks
ro worked off. As compared with yester
day's closing , prlcc-s show a loss of jtf@itfc.
Corn opened steady at n somewhat lower
range of lvalues , September starting In nt
4UUc , October ntJl fc nnd May at 44 < c.
Outside speculative Inquiry and demand to
cover shorts caused the market to advance fie.
Values then gave way , and n decline ot % ( < 3
% o occurred , September eolng from 40 0 to
4U > c , October from 41 % < < $41fc to 41x c nnd
May from 4445c to 44 'c. Toward the
close there was a partial recovery , September
closing at 40 0. October nt 4i(3ll ; ( ? c nnd
May nt Mic&Vx : . Inquiry for May was
morn general than for other deliveries , and
throughout the session It was relatively the
strongest closing nt the outside price of the
day. other months leaving oil within Cdi c
of the top , and ! { a lower than yesterday.
Trading was on a scale of moderate activity.
. Trading In oats was fairly active at a
shade weiker prices , a further shrinkage In
cash values and weakness In corn having n
depressing ulfuct upon thn speculative mar
kets. Changing over trades again constitu
ted a good share of the day's business , the
difference being l@l , ' , 'c between September
and October and Gc between September
and May.
In the provision pit there was more doing
and also n better fueling. Cash lard was
taken freely on rollnlng and shipping ac
count at the rnliiii ; price for September to
2We hltrher and for cash moats of nil descrip
tions full former prices were demanded and
when sales were made paid. SpecuUtive
trade also exhibited a better undertone ana
for July pork nnd short ribs an advance
amounting to 7) c was established , for Sep
tember short rlhs 5c and for October short
ribs lOc. The last named article was particu
larly strong and while changes of short ribs
from September to October wore effected
early nt the same price , October commanded
later a premium of 2 } ( jc. Future lard was
held steady throughout at yesterday's prices ,
September closing at $8.35 bid nnd January
at 30.50. For September short ribs the clos-
inz buying price was 557.05 , nnd for October
S7.97W. Short ribs ranged for September nt
$7.90(0)7.97 ) ! * nnd for October nt ! 57.00@S.OO.
January closed at S12.3-.2X for pork , S0.60 for
lard and V0. $ ! } for short ribs.
CIIICAOO , August 30. ( Special Telegram
to the UEE.J CATTI.U Trade wns slow In
all departments of the cattle trade. Tele
grams from N w York reported thn dressed
beef trade dull nnd a big run at Chicago also
had adoptessinsceffect As to prices , the
bulk of opinion wns that really tip-top na
tives would probably sell out at about the
same as Friday and .Monday , but anything
not squarely up to the notions of buyers
would ngaln sell lower , whljo medium and
common sorts , such as would have to com
pete with Texans and rangers , would have
to sell on their merits and what the reduc
tion would bo no ono could tell until the day
was over. There were from 5,000 to G.OOO
rangers nnd Texans on sale and a reduction
since Friday last , when prices began to de
cline and about lOcof the decline was estab
lished to-day. Cows , bulls and common
butchers' stock Is quoted U5@20c lower than
last week. The stocker and feeder trade has
ruled since with llttlo or no change In prices ,
as compared with last week. Shipping steers ,
1.8.V ) to 1,500 Ibs , E4.50$5.25 : 1,200 to 1,350 Ibs.
14.104.75950 ; to l,200lbs.83.2.'i ( 4.rJO.Stockers
and feeders easier nt ? 2.00@'JO : ) ; cows , bulls
and mlxedSl.ryj3.mTexasstflersS'.i.50(3:1.25 ; ( :
cow ? . ll.705W.iO : ; yearllngsS2.05 ( 3.i'5. West
ern cattle , 10@15c lower. Sales : 880 Wyom
ing , 1,275 Ibs , 83.50 : Wi half breeds. 1.1UO Ibs.
$3.40 ; 78 Wyoming Texans , 1,031 lbs.S3.25 ; 164
WyomUig Texans , 1.019 lbs.S2.90 ; 159 Wjom-
Ing Texans. 1,015 Ibs , S2.90 ; 107 Wyoming
Texansl,0471bs.S2.X ! ) ; 17l > Wyoming Texnns ,
1.035 ibs , 12.85 ; 44 WyomingTezans,1.021 Ibs.
fj.80 ; 20 Wyoming Texans , 1,021 Ibs , 2.GO.
IlooB Trade was slow nnd prices weak ,
some salesmen quoting a reduction of 5@10c ,
but that wns not general ; 5 cents would
cover the decline on anything that was at all
merchantable. A few lots of prlmo heavy
uiadu 55.3505.40 ; common , S50ti@5.lO : llgh't
sorts , * 5.25 < ii6.35 for yorkers and 84.75Q5.10
for grassers.
NEW YORK , Ausust 30. [ Special Telegram
to the llnK. | STOCKS The stock market
continues to sag , and the bears , who have
controlled It for over a month , still hold It In
their grasn and run It to suit themselves.
The sensational features which have been so
prominent of late continue and the assign
ment or a largo 1'htladclphla coal nnd Iron
house and rumors of trouble In Hoston went '
far toward shaking what llttlo confidence
remained. The news sent out was all of
ono tone bearish and notwithstanding
the report the Itussell Snges and the young
Goulds talked bullish. Jay Gould was
quoted as looking for n eollapso In the real
estate booms which have prevailed through
out the country. Tlie market opened rathci
quiet. London was a fair seller and prices
soon started downward. The big shorts In
New York and Chicago were understood tc
liave covered their lines and the market ap
! . a * * * > * peared to have no support. Drives were
made at the eastern trunk lines , Heading
Jersey Central , Louisville & Nashville , and
Union ranllic , making declines oflto2 } JV (
points. Louisville & Nashville Isheldchlellj
by foreigners and the stock is scarce In Nev
. York , hence It only broke IK per cent.
Grangers sympathised with the downwari
movement but only broke K to 1 point
Manhattan , which has boon neglected , sud
denly wokn up and dropped 8 points , selllni
to 101. The rest of the list broke from K . to
1H per cent nnd was heavy. Delaware J
Hudson , it was reported , would increase its
dividend to IK per cent , but Insiders denlei
that any Increase Would bo made In Octobei
. Tlie downward movement was early arrestei
> y the close , when the last tales were &t In
RiJo figures. The market Is now In the most
demoralized condition known for a long
time past , ami1 there appears to bo nothing
but liquidation. The net declines for the day
were \0)t \ on Manhattan , making a drop
from the highest price this year of G4 % .
Heading was 2 < 4 lower , Missouri I'nclHc
2X , Omaha common 2 , ' < , Loulsvlllo & Nash-
vlliu 2'8' , Pacliio JIall 2 , Now England IK ,
Western Union IK , Northwi-stern IK , St.
Paul IX , Lnckawanna l f , Lake Shore IJf ,
New York Central 1 , Cotton oil 1 , lllcu-
mand Terminal 1 % and Union Pacilic 1J {
per cent. The closing prices were lower on
many stocks than they have been at any
previous time this year. The total sales
were 299,813 shares , against 810,724 shares
yesterday ,
OOVKII.VMENT.S ( lovernmcnt bonds were
dull , but llrm , especially for 4 } < s.
U. 8. 4'scoupon ,125Jf C. & N. W Hljf
U. S. . 'scoun. . ! do ) referred..l42
N. Y. 0 105 }
CaiiadaSouth'n. . Ht
* " ' ' ' ' '
Central Pnclllu. . : o ! T. . . . . . . . . . . . ! . aw
ChlcaKO * Alton. 145 PnclllcMall 30H
do preferred..100 P. , D. &K 22 > f
C. , 1) ) . U. 1S4 PullmanPal.Oar.143
27'f Iteadlntc 48
1) . A KG a-.K'Kock ' Island
Erie ftsjj St. L. * S. F. . . . 32
do preferred. . . . G5X do preferred. . . . C8
Illinois C ntrat..117 C. , AI. & St. P. . . Wtf )
L , B. A W 15 do preferred. . 117
K. &T S4 f St. P. & 0 42 %
Lake Shore Utjjf do preferred. . 107
L. & N 59'f Texas Paclnc. . . . 25
Mich lean Cent'l. . 81 Union Pacilic. . . . 51
Mo. Pacilic 01 W..SI. Life P. . . . 10
No. Pacliio do preferred. . 2-v
do preferred. . . . W. U. Telegraph 70J
MONKV On call easy at 3@0
cent , last loan 0 per cent , closed otic-red at 4
per cent
STKRUNG EXCIIANOK Dull but steady nt
460 for CO day bills , and 4 for demand.
Ohloaeo. .TO. Following quota
tions are the 2su : closing agures :
Flour Unchanged.
Wheat Unsettled nnd nervou , opening
at yesterday's closin ; . and closlng | ! c below
that : cash , CS c ; September , 08) ) ; October ,
70 1-lCc.
Corn Moderately ftctlve , but weaker :
opened at about yesterday's closing , and
closed kc low for September , May beingun -
changetl ; cash , 40 c ; September , 40Vc ;
October , 41 5-lOc.
Oats Cash or near futures showed about
XMc decline ; thoirencral market , however ,
was dull and weak ; cash , 24 , ' c ; September ,
24 0 ; MHV. 307-lfic.
Kye-Dullat 44 > e. N
Harley Steady ; September , CSc.
Prime Timothy Soea No. 2 , 30(538c. !
Flax Seed S1.01X@1.02.
Pork Dull and unchanged ; cash. S1S.OO
@ 15.a5 : Octooer. SUO.CO ; year , 510.W ®
1R.70 ; January , 812.25.
Lard OlTorlngs were fair and prices ex
hibited very llttlo change ; cash , SO.ri7X ;
September , SG.ST @G.a7) ; October , 80.40(1 ( $
0.42) ) .
Dry baited Moats-Shoulders , 8 .45 ( < i4.50 ! ;
short clear , S8.30048.35 ; short ribs , S7.95 < ! S
7.U7J .
Hutter Steady ; creamery , 17X@24c ; dairy ,
Cheese Dull and weak : full cream Ched
dars , 10 @lOfc ; Hats , and Vouug Americas ,
Steady at 14 ( < § 14 c.
Hides Uncliauued : heavy ercon hides.
7M'c ; light do , 7 f@Sc ; salted bull hldos.
Cc , green salted calf , 8 } @ 9e ; dry Hint , 1. ! ®
13c : dry calf , 12@13c ; de.icons 30o eacli.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , S e ;
No. 2 , 3c ; cakes , 4c.
IJocoliit.s. Shlpmentn.
Flour , bbls . 10,000 11,000
Wheat , bu . 70.000 49,000
Corn , bu . 40H.OOO 54.000
Oats , bu . 231,000 100,000
Rye , bu . 7,000 2,000
Uarloy , bit . 52.000 26,000
New York , August 30. Wheat Ite-
eelpts. 90,000 ; exports. 241,200 ; spot lots
a slmdo lower and heavy , with export trad
ing only moderate : options opened weak and
soon declined @ c , closed easy at or near
the lowest ; No. 1 red , nominal nt 83fc ; No.
2 red , 70 > { @ 7 X < 5 In elevator , hoc f. o. b. . K ) %
@ 80 ; } c delivered : September closed at 79) c.
Corn Spot lots JlGi c lower ; options
weak and dull ; receipts , 10,000 ; exports.
17,000 ; ungraded , R0 > { @ 51c ; No. 2. 4950c
in store , su51 } c dellverfld ; September
closed at49Xc.
Oats % @Hc lower with the market dull
and heavy : receipts , 90,200 ; exports , 158 ;
western , Sli.Tc ; ; white western , 35@40c.
Coffee Spot , fair ; Ulo , Arm at 820.00(3 (
20.12 } ; options higher and strong , but only
moderately active ; sales , 39,000 bags ; August ,
S18.05 ; September , 818.00(318.20 ( ; October ,
818.35@18.45 : November , S18.50ffll8.00 ; De
cember , 818.00 18.75 ; January , SiaG5 < j818.75.
Petroleum Steady ; United , C2c.
Eegs--lu fair request nnd steady ; western ,
Pork Firm but quiet.
Lard Opened rather easier , closing strong
and 'a trlllo Higher ; western steam , spot ,
Hutter Steady and in moderate demand
western , ISQMc ; western creamery , lVaZ > c
Cheese Quiet and generally steady ; west
ern. 9@ioKc.
Dry goods Orders nnd personal selections
were very moderate but on provlons sales In
all branches of jobbing tr.\do largo business
was In motion.
Minneapolis , August 30. Wheat-
Market inactive , fewer outside orders were
received and millers are buying but little ,
offerings being mostly now wheat and damp ;
No. 1 hard , old , cash , 72 fe ; September.
October , 70c ; No. 1 northern , old , cash , 7
September , 72c ; October , 07c ; No ; 2 north'
ern , old , cash , TUKe ; September , 70c : October ,
84c. On track , old No. 1 hard. 74c ; No. 1
northern , 73c ; No. 2 northern. 71c ; now No.
1 hard , 71c ; No. 1 northern , CSc ; No. 2 north
ern , CS : .
Flour Steady -.patents , 84.0004.20 ; bakers' ,
83.10(33.35. (
Kecelpts-Wheat , 111,400 bu.
ShipmentsWlieat , 38,000 bu ; Hour , 21,000
New Orleans. August 30. Corn quiet
but steady ; In sacks , mixed , 54c ; yellow , 54
@ 55o ; white , 55c.
Outs-Steady ; choice western , In sacks , 35 ®
Corn Meal-Firmer at 82.40.
Ho/ Products Quiet but steady.
Pork-S15,87 > f.
Lard Itollued tierce , SO.G2K.
Bulk MeaU Shoulders , 85.05 ; long clear
and clear rib , 88.12X.
Mllwnulcoe. August 33. Wheat Unset
tled ; cash and September , GSJfc ; October ,
C orn Strong ; No. 3. 41e.
Oats Lower : No. 2 whlt43 ,
Hvo Weak : No. 1 , 44V c.
Uailoy lllisher : No. 3. 57 c.
Provlslous Easier ; pork. August , 814.50.
Cincinnati , August 30. Wheat Dull ;
No. 2 red , 72c.
Corn Dull ; No. S mixed , 43Xc.
Oats Freely olfcred ; No. a mixed , 27@
27' ' e.
Ujo Stronz and higher ; No. 2.
Provisions Pork , dull at $14.75.
Lard-Firm at S0.35.
Whisky Actlvo and firm at S1.05.
St. LinuU , August 80. Wheat Lower ;
cash , CSJi@OUM'o : September , C8 * c ; October ,
Corn Easy ; cash , 28 } { < 329i/c ; September ,
October , 2S'c.
Oats Lower ; cash , 24 < 3'J-i'c ; September ,
24 Vc ; October , 25c.
Butter Easy ; creamery , 21@25c ; dairy , 16
@ 21c.
Knnsas City. August 30. Wheat-
Weaker ; No. 2 , soft , cash , 04o bid , 00 > { c
asked ; August , tViKa bid.
Corn Weaker : No. a cash , 35o bid ,
asked ; August , S5l , c bid , 35fa asked ; Sep
tember , 35y'b'c bid , 33 > < io asked ; October ,
, , Oats 22Jfe bid , 23c asked.
Lilvorpnol. August 33. Wheat Quiet :
holders olfertret'ly ; rod western wlnter.Cs2d
( < ? Gs4d per cental ; red western spring , 6i Id
WGs 2d.
Corn Firm ; demand fair : holders offer
moderately ; new mixed western , 4$2d per
' . MVK 8TOOK.
AiuustSO.-Tha DroveriJour
nal reports us tallows :
Cattle Hi'coipts. 10,000 ; weaker ; common
lOc lower ; shipping steers. 83.25Q5.25 ; stockers -
ers and ttedersJ.OO ( < t3.20cows. ; bulls und
mixed. 81.60(93.1)0 ( ) ; Texas cattle , 1,70@
3.25 ; western cattle , S'J.GOcgS.SO.
I Hogs * Receipt * , 13.000 : oi > oned strong and
u-1 closed lower ; rough , | iWii5.iO ( ; packing'nd
shipping. J3.05S5.4-j ; light , 84.85 .30 ; skips ,
Hheep Receipts , 5,000 ; strong ; natives ,
82.75 4.15 ; western. 83.00(43.70 ( ; Texans ,
82.80u4.165 : lambs , 84.2V55.oa
The Drovers'Journal special London cable
gram quotes a heavy supply of American cat
tle ; very best steers , lie per Ib estimated
dead weight.
. National Stock Yard * . Knat St.
Louis. III. , Augttiit 30. Cattle Receipts ,
2.000 ; shipments , 700 : market Urin : fair to
choice heavv native steers , S4.00a4.K ( ) ; butch
ers' oteer , "falr to choice. 13.40(34.10 ( ; feed
ers , fair to good , ? 2.70(33.50.
Hoes Kcelpt * . 2.500 ; shloments , none ;
market about steady ; choice heavy and
butchers' selections. 85.ROCil5.riO ; packers nnd
Yorucrs , fair to prime , S4.95Q5.35 ; pigs , com
mon to good , S4.4035.00.
Kan * * * City. August SO. Cattle-
Receipts , 4,400 ; shipments , 1.500 ; good , fat
grass , range and natives , steady ; common ,
weak and lower : good to choice corn-fed ,
4.2004.70 ; common to medium , S3.25Q4.10 ;
stockers , 82.2532.05feeding steers , 82.70
< 33.a5 ; COWS , 81.40@2.05.
Hogs Receipts , 9,000 ; shipments , none ;
market opened 5c lower , closing lOc lower
for good , nnd lor lSc lower for common to
medium , 84.90@5.20 ; skips and pli.'s , 83.00C < t |
4.60 ,
Tuesday , August 30.
There was about an averaeo run of eattle ,
although the receipts were very light as com
pared with yesterday. There was no special
chtnge In the market Coed corn fed na
tives continue strouz and actlvo and quite n
good many changed hands. The market for
rnngn cattle nud for the common
grades of natives was n little easier.
Theio was 'ono string of range cattle that
sold at a hleher price than nny langn cattle
have brought tocently , but they were of n bet
ter grade.
Hoe * . '
The receipts of hogs were liberal nnd tieav-
lor than for some day . The market opunod
fairly nctlre and at n decline of about 53 on
good , heavv liozs. Light and medium weight
hogs felt the decline more severely and were
5@lOc lower at the opening. There was n
good demand and everything offered on the
market was taken. Only two loads of late
arrivals were loft over unsold. The market
closed about steady nt the opening price- ! .
There was nothing doing on the nnrket.
Receipt * .
Cattle. . . . . 800
tlOKS ; 3,903
Cattle 80 cars
Hogs 42
PreYalltnv Prloai
Showlngtheprevailing pricss piM for 11 va
Block on this market :
Cholcesteers. 1300 to 1.500 1D9..84.2.V9I.CO
Choice steers , 1100 to 130J Iba. . . 4.0JG44.2. )
Fat little steers 900 to 1050 Ib3. . . . 3.7.Vd'U)3 )
Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 15W . < i.7.rci4.50
Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.50'ii3.00
Common to medium cows 2.0032.Ti
Good to choice bulls 1.75WJ.OO
Liehtand medium heirs 4.90W .oo
( teed to choice heavy ho s 5.05 5.10
Good to choice mixed hogs 4.90V45.05
Repro eatacivo- Halo * .
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
57..1U25 S4.23K 34 . . .1207 S4.3r
19..11CO 4.3.5 18 . . .1222 4.37 > $
72 . . .1297 S4.25
04..1'.130 3.55 70. . . . 1253 3.55
0..1188 3.55 73 . . .12iJ 3.55
40. . . . 903 S2.75 1C. . . . a S2.S3
2. . . . OJO S2.2T 1..1070 83.10
20..1017 2.92 9..119a 3.25
17..1173 2.75
1..1510 S2.75
42. . . . 2T5 53.75
No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. 8hk. Pr
74..221 200,84.90 70..241 100 S5.01"
71..217 4.90 C3..25C 240 505
C9..221 100 4.00 58..24S 5.05
85. . . . 1M ) 120 4.90 50 . . .2W ) COO 5.C5
CO. . . . 174 80 4.90 8.J..240 240 5.05
TJ..831 bO 4.90 70..2 9 ICO 5.05
CO..260 240 4.90 09..231 120 .1.05
24. . . .101 4.90 05..279 SO 5.05
80..292 100 4.90 OS..219 40 5.05
37..202 40 4.90 G.2o4 ! ) 200 5.05
04..251 120 4.95 CO..200 200 5.05
70..2i540 4.95 02..297 440 5.05
CO..252 40 4.95 59..258 2bO 5.05
03..255 100 4.95 55..2b5 120 5.05
02..201 100 4..O 70.iY3 ! 100 B.05
79..a : 100 4.0.70..2T. 100 5.03
62..201 100 4.95 78..205 100 5.05
74..221 SOO 4.W 0.5..259 100 5.05
70..207 4.115 05..200 100 5.05
09..234 280 4.95 70..254 IfiO 5.05
C9..231 80 4.95 50..27 * 103 5.05
72..2.W 120 4.97K < > 4..203 200 5.05
C2..244 40 5.00 33..305 100 5.05
54.208 200 5.00 70..205 5.07 }
C6..24S ICO 500 (8..290 ( 200 5.07
CO..247 - 5.0J .VI..209 40 S.O
04 . . .204 200 5.00 7J..248 4'J 5.07
132 . . .249 2SO 5.00 57..293 80 5.10
, 79..2i9 5.00 64..255 200 G.10
04..290 120 5.CO 07..293 2CO 5.10
70..2i3 : 100 5.00 01..297 100 5.10
04..237 to 5.0J 59..293 5.10
10..220 40 5.00 57..304 100 5.10
75..247 SO 5.02)4 ) 57. . . 259 40 5.10
09. . . 200 200 5.0i 02..279 120 5.10
7fi..259 240 5.05 04..271 K ) 5.10
W5..299 200 5.03 W.270 ) 120 5.10
C7..237 120 5.05 65..262 bO 5.10
tiive Stock Sold.
Showing the number of head of stock sold
on the mai ket to-day :
G. II. Hammond & Co
Shippers IX
Harris * Fisher -
Feeders lie
Total 0.5
Anelo American Packing Co 71 !
G. 11. Hammond & Co
SquIres&Co 2 < 4 *
Armour A : Co 124
Harris & Fisher 7
Total 484
Unsold 12 !
All sales ot stock in this market ara made
per cwt Hyo woUht uiiloa.s othorwUa stated.
Dead hogs sell at K < 5P r Ib. for all weights
"Skins , " or ho:3 weighing less than 100 IDS.
no valuo. Pro nant sows are doclcoi 43 I
and atagsS3 Ibi. br the nublla Inspector.
Live Stuck. Note *
Hogs nil sold.
Heavy run of hogs.
A lower hog market.
Good cattle active.
Range cattle a little lower.
G. II. Reader , Rawlius , was In with cattle. .
J. J. Miller , Valley , was hero and uia
keted hogs.
I. C. Ulshop St. Paul , was in nnd sold two
loads of hoes.
F. H. Black was In with a load of hogs
from Valparaiso.
W. 11. lleagle , Loup City , was in and mar
keted a load of hogs.
James Gibson , a feeder of Exeter , Neb , ,
was In looking for feeders.
J. F. Stewart , of Stewart & Cook , St. Paul ,
was In looking for feeders.
G. P. Moorehed , Dunlap , la. , was In and
marketed two loads of hogs.
T. Aldrltt , Friend , came In with a load ot
cattle which sola on the market.
FranK Sanders marketed four loads of corn
fed western steers from Chapman.
W. S. Howard , of Hartuian , paid his first
visit to the yards with a load of hogs.
W. T. Preston , Dunlap , la. , was In with a
load of hogs that brought tlie top prlao.
J. T. Swlth , Rive tin a. was in looking over
the market and Inquiring about feeders.
U. Ford , Marquette , stopped at the yards
on his return from a trislt to Uortlund , 111.
Among these In with cattle was J. A. Van-
druff , It r ads b aw , who had live loads on the
J. W. Mclntosh , of the firm of Mclntosh A
Sutton , was here on his way homo from a
visit to his parents In Missouri. !
Mr. Dunlap , of Lydlck & Dunlap , extensive
feeders of Tekamah , was In and uiaketud a
load of bogs and two loads ot cattle .
Among the visitors at the yards wag R. M ,
Allen , manager of the Standard Cattle com
pany's feeding establishment at Ames.
J. 0. Fleming , dishing , anew station on
the 13. & M. In Howard county , came In with
t&e first load ot hogs from that station.
Thomas Mortimerot the firm ot Wood , .
Bancroft & Co. , Madison , Neb. , was in with
three loads of corn-fed-natives of their own
feeding. ,
W. Carter nndV. . H. Nichols , of Carter ,
Nichols A Co. , Hurling Junction , Mo. , were
In on their first trip to tlie stock yards with
two loads of hoes. They hope. It prices
justify , to make Omaha their market.
Among the J. U. Insloy cattle was a steer
that attracted a great deal of attention. He
welehod about 800 Ibs and was well developed ,
with the exception of his legs which were
only about Half the usnM length. He was
sold nt 5c per Ib , nnd will be exhibited at the
Omaha fair.
The following had oriitle on the market : T.
Mortimer , Madison ; J.A. . Mandruf , Itrnd-
slmw : George W. Hoycr. liradshnw : F. Aid-
rltt. Friend ; William iFlock , Friend ; J. B.
Insley , Rawllns , WyoF. : ; Saunders , Chap
man ; Richardson , H. & Co. , Valparaiso ;
Peterson Bios. , Weston , ja.
Among others having hogs on the market
were the following : > > U Willis , Madison ;
M , Killner , Madison ; J. Degnan , Mnrysvllle ,
Kalis. ; Murphy , Central City ; Carrlg & L ,
Platte Center ; Morrison & M , Fullerton ,
11 , D. Reynolds. Central City ;
I ) . Anderson , Columbus : F. Hey ,
Silver Creek ; Potter & S , Guerton ;
H. It. Falkner , Plum Cieek ; 1. . L. Doane.
Scotia ; Al Dexter , Bl.itr ; George Dnetel ,
Valley ; P. J. Murphy * Co. , Rogers ; Dow-
lne&P. : , North Bend : F. Kropf , Schuyler ;
John Sirred , Ceres.'oNye ; W. M.Co. , Colon ;
W. W. Kli > ck& Co. , Brudshaw , Fisher A
W. , Yoik ; II. F. Warner. Roca ;
Jas. SdioliPl , Wnverly : A. Mandletiaum.
Campbell ; Cook , & C. , Ohlowa ; J. T. Gcodclt
&Co.Vestrin ; D. R. Hopkins , Wilbur :
Spelts * K. . David City ; H. Hanson. Wayne.
Kan. , J. J. llarmes , Flrlh ; n. McClelland ,
Kenesaw ; F. Aldritt. Friend ; \V. S , Howard ;
A. Koehler & Co. , Strang ; W. T.
I'reston Uenlson ; Southwick Bros. , Atlantic ;
S. K. Fleming , dishing : J. W. Nicholson ,
Matiiuelta ; James Danley , Ashlnnl ; G. li ,
Smith. tllvRse * ; Walker it D. . Ganl-on :
Snowdeu & , U. , Ravenna ; Morrison & W. ,
York ; A. W. Hrahin , Cortland : L. Anderson
&Co. , Mead ; W. 11. Freenun. Oakland ; M.
11. Uegarty , Noola ; Bank of Coin , Coin ; A.
M. Spooner & Co. , Hoipar ; Dover &G.
Newman's Gtovo ; John Dern , llooner ; F.
J. Hale. Battle Creek ; F. C , Bliss , Uowclls ;
W. H. Morrow , Gibbon.
Tuesday , August 30.
Ticolloictitr / ; HTC tlm prices at whbh
rmiml lots of produce are sild un tfXs
7iuircl / :
There was a good deal of activity on the
jnoduce markets to-day , even tor Tui'MlM ? .
The receipts were heavy and stocks moved
freely. The receipts of butter and eggs were
heavier than for some days. There old i lair
to bo a very heavv demand for all kinds of
country produce during tun latter part of this
week and next , owing to the large crowds
that will be attracted here by the fair and re
union. Prices lor the most part remained
about steady at ycVXiday's quotations.
EGOS Good stock is worth 1CQ17C.
BUTTEH Choice is scarce , prices fair ;
West 1'oint creamery. 24c ; other creamery ,
' 2c ; choice dairy , 18 < C20c : medium grades ,
3@16c : ordinary , 910c.
CIIKESK Market good. Fancy full cream
iheddarssingle , 12cfull ; cream , twins , 12c ;
oun * AmericaI2j ) ( $13c : brick cheese. 100
bs Incase , new , 14c ; Llmburiror , 100Ibs In
ase , new , 13 o ; Swiss , fancy Ohio , now 19c.
POUI.TKV-Market fair , pricesnrm. bprlng
hlckens S.75rt2,50 ) ( ; njd towls 83.50' 3.25 ;
ticks. S Qr > aj.7. > ; turKeys , C@7c per lo.
GA.MIC. Tlio season'for game will open
September 1. Theic niealieady a gocd many
irairli ! chickens urrlvine , packed In Ice ,
ivlilch meet with readv.r sale nt $2.50 per
o/en. Shippers should draw them nnd stult
vith hav beloro packing. A few Mallard
ucks were received , n'nd , belliz a no\eltv on
lie market , brought 83.00 per dozen. It would
lot do , howovnr. to anticipate over SJ.50 tier
do/en from now on. '
POTATOHS Scares ' nd firm nt 70@SOo
CAHHAOK Firm at (75cffll ( per dozen lo
lolld heads.
ONIONS Scarce and firm ; good stock , 90@
81.00 per bushel. > < ! ) bring 58.00@12.00
per hundred ; cantelop'es. 50@75c per do/ .
TOMATOKS The local gardimers are sun-
ilying the innrKet tit S1.M1.75 per bushel.
CIU.KIIY The demandIs not very heavy so
arly in the season. Good stock suitable tor
eshiptnent Is sold nt 35 6IOc per bunch.
BKANS. Hand - picked navy beans
re quoted at $1.M1.M ) > per bushel , nnd the
other grades aio selling from that liguru
down to S1.25.
Poi-coitN Choice for stands , 2 @ 3c peril ) .
Krmt .
Orders from the coun'ru rctnlrln/j se-
'aUtlntoatn ' > ul arlrn ctro In pucltt ivi
not nlwiiiis lie filled ( it the snino iirlcM
ntutcd to the local inulc for coinni'xi stock.
There was one or two cars of California
nut received to-day. The market was fairly
active , nlthoimh the star my weather is inter-
'erlng to some extent.
PI.UMS The receipts of plums are. not as
heavy ns of oilier fruits from Cnllfornla.
Prices are firm , good slock moving at 1.50
per box.
PUU.NKS The market Is well supplied wllh
both thft Gross and silver prunes. . Good
block 81.50.
PEACHES The market Is well supplied
with very choice slock trom California.
Cholco stock is gointrat S1.2. > ( S > 1.50. Michigan
peaches have put In an appearance on the
market and nre selling at S3.00i3.25 ( per
crnte of 4 baskets.
Ni.CTAitiNis There are n few California
nectarines on the maiket. Choice stock ,
81.25(81.50 ( per box.
GiiAPiis The supply of homo-grown and
California grapes continues liberal. Califor
nia , Sl.OO per 20-lb box ; home-grown , 4c
per Ib.
I'KAiis-Californla Bartletts , S3.25@3.50 ;
other varieties , 82.fxi pel nox.
LIMO.NS : The supply liberal , with fair de
mand. Common stock , 0.00 ( < iC.50 per case
choice , 87.00(37.50. (
OKANOKS There arc n few good oranges
on the market Rodl , 0.50.
BANANAS The market Is full of bananas
ntSl.50@3.oOper bunch.
AITI.KS The market Is hardly ns firm as
it was , owing to the Indented receipts trom
the local orchards. Choice apples suitable
for shipment nre nuoted at S3.25 per bbl.
CRAII Arri.KH The demand Is very light
and is supplied for the most part by the loca'
farmers. Choice stock , 81.00 per bushel.
Grocer's List.
30c ; interior Java , 25@-Mc ; Mocha , as30c ;
Arbuckle's , roasted , 20Uc ; McLaughlln's
XXXX , 20 > fc ; Dilworlh's , 20c ; Red Cross.
powdered ,
RKFINF.I ) ijAitD Tierce , 6c ; 40-lb square
cans , CKc ; 50-lb round. 7Kc ; 20-lb rounil ,
7Me10-lb ; palls , 7Kc ; 5-lb palls , 7c ; 3-lb
palls , 7 fc.
PICKI.KB Medium , In bbls , 80.50 ; do In
half bbls , S3.75 ; small , in bbls , 87.50 : do In
half bbls , S4.25 ; gherkins , In bbls , S8.50 ; do In
halt bbls , 81.7.1
WOOUKNWABE Two-hoop palls , per do/ ,
81.45 : 3-iioop palls , S1.70 ; No. 1 tub. 80.50 ;
No. 2 tub , 85.50 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wash
boards , 81.75 : assorted bowls , 82.35 ; No. 1
claims , 9 ; No. 2 churns , SS ; No. 3 churns ,
TOIIACCO Lorlllard's Climax. 44c ; Splen
did , 3Sc : Mechanic's Delight , 41c : Leggelt &
Meyer's star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 84c ; Drum-
mond's Horse Shoe , 4lc ; T. J. , o"c ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 44c.
STAncii Mirror ( Jloss , 5Jfc ; Graves Corn ,
6/e ! ; Oflwego Gloss , 7c ; OSWCKO Corn , 7c.
BiiooMS-Extra 4-tU',82.CO ; No. 1,52.00 ; No.
2 , SL75 ; heavy stable , S4
SYUUP No. 70 , 4-gnllon kegs , S1.35@1.3S ;
New Orleans , per gallon. 3SgH8e ( ; maple
syrup , half Ibbs , "old lime. " per gallon , bOc ;
1-gallon cans , tier doz , 810.50 ; hnlf-uallou
cans , per doz , Su.OO : quart cans. S3.25.
CANDV Mixed , 8X1 110 ; stick , S tgfl c.
CRACKEIIS Garneau's soda , butter and
picnic , 4Jfe : creams , 7 } < c ; ginger snaps , 7Xc :
city soda , 7Kc.
TKAS Japan , 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20@COc ;
Younic Hyson. 2.xa.55c ; Oolong , 20 < COc.
JEi.LiES-30-Ib p'alls , 82.00.
CANNED GOODS Oyslers. standard , per
case. 83.00@i3.10 ; strawl > errles. 2 Ib , per case ,
S2.8J.90 ; ruspberrles , 8 Ib , per case , S2.WC4
J.90 ; California pears , per ease. ;
aprlcols. per case , $3.70@3.75 ; ; peaciies , per
case , 84.60@4.70 ; white cherries , per case ,
85.W ) plums , per case , f 3.00(23.70 ( : blue
berries , per case , > ; egg plums , 2
Ib. per case. 82.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib ,
per case. 83.20@5.75 ; i Ib mackerel , per doz.
81.55 ; 1 Ib salmon , per doz. 81.95Gt2.00 ; 2 Ib
gooseberries , per case. 83.25ffl3.85 ; 2Ib string
beans , per case , 81.70 ; 3 Ib lima bean ? , per
case , Sl.OO ; a Ib marrowfat peas , per easel
82.50@2.flO ; 3 Ib early June peas , per case ,
K2.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , S2.40@3.50 ; 2 Ib corn ,
PROVISIONS Ilauis , 12X@13c : breakfast
bacon. lla3llKc ( : bacon sides Ul10c ;
dry talt. 8&9c ; shoulders,7@7 e : dried beef
hams , 1213c : dried beet regular , ; '
hwnsplculc , B
DmitD Fm iTs Apples , new , ) fa fltyc'
evaporated , 50-lbrlnp , l5 Qtfic ; raspberries
evaporated , 28gayc : blackberries , evaporated ,
HKvWffo , pitted cherries , ITOlSc ; oeachrs ,
now , U' . 7 > < c : evaporated peeled peacnes ,
c ! evaporated , unjisrod , cnow : currants ,
7U(37Kc ( ; prunes , 4)/M4Kc : citron , 25c ; ral-
shis , London layers , $ l. < v > ; California , loose
muscatels. 91.50 ; new Valencia * , 7J < c.
ROPE Seven-sixteenths inch , Uj 'c.
General Markets.
BriRtT Cologne spirits , iba proof , SI.10 ;
do 101 proof , 11.12 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 11.10 ; do 188 proof , 81.W. Alcohol.
1M proof. 2.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled
whiskies , S1.00@1.50. ( lln blended. 81.50 ®
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00@fl.00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania rj s , 92.00(10.50 ( ;
Colden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
81.50(53.00. ( Brandies , Imported , S5.xxa8.50 :
domestic , l. uf : i.oo. ( IIus , Imported , 94.50(9 (
G.OO ; domestic , S1.25jttl.X ( ( ) . Chatnpairnes , Im
ported , per case , S23.00@t3.00 : ; American , per
case. 8lO.OOftfl6.00.
COAL Egg. S'J.OO ; nut , 80.25 ; ranee , 59.25 ;
Iowa lump , S3.00 ; Iowa nut , 52,75 ; walnut
lock , $3.00 ; Illinois. S4.25it4.75. (
IIKAVY HARIIWABK Iron , rate , 82.70 ;
plow steel , special cast , 4'fc ; crucible steel ,
Gc ' ; cast tools , do. 12 ( < Cl ! > c ; wagon spokes ,
per net , 52.00@tt.60 : hubs , per set , 81.S5 ; fel
lees , sawed dry , 81.60 ; tongues , e.ich , , Mc ) ;
axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , C@7c ;
coil chain , per Ib , r > } c l3c ; malleable , 8C Kc ) ;
Iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , fie : harrow teeth ,
* # c ; spring steel. 4(450 ; Burden's horseshoes
shoos , 84.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , 85.75.
Barbed wire * In car lots , S4.00 per 100 Ihs.
Iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 82.40 ; steel nails ,
Tlihrs Oreen butchers' , 5X6c ( ; green
cured , 7Kc ; dry Hint , lie : dry salt , Oe ; green
calf skins , 7 > fc ; damaEod hides , two-thirds
price Tallow ttc. Urcase Prime white. He :
yellow , c ; brown , IXc. Sheep pelts , 25Q
Dry Goo Is.
COTTON FLANNEL * 10 per cent trade dis
count LL , 6c ; CC , 7j c ; SS. 8'/e ' ;
Nameless , 5Ue ; No. 5 , tic ; KB. 9c ' ;
(1C ( , lOKc : XX , I2c ; oo. I4c ; NX , ific.
KX , Ifc ; ll , 2'Jc : No. 10. s ) c ; 40 , io } < e : oo-
IQKc : 80 , 15c ; : w , rnlorcd , lOc ; 50 , colored.
12c ; 70. colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13Kc ; Union
Pacilic. ISc.
CAiii'KT Wxnp Ulbb white , 18 > c ; col
ored , 20Uc.
HATTS Standard , 8c ; Com , lie ; Heauty ,
12Kc ; Boone , He ; H. cased. 0.50.
FniNTs SoLiD'.Coi.oits-Atlan tu 5Xc ; Sla
ter 5c : Berlin Oil fi > c ; Turner OUO to 7. PINK
AND lloiiK.8 Richmond < te : AllenCc ; Rlver-
pont5cStoel ! ; Klverfn : Richmond Oe ; Pacilic
6Kc. INDIOO BLUK Washington r c ; Ameri
can 6 > c ; ArnoldOWo ; Arnold B 10K ! Arnold
A 12c ; Arnold Goldsi-al 10 } < c. DIIKSS Char
ter OnlM c ; Ramapo3fc | : Lodl 4'5'c ; Allen
r > S'o ; Richmond 5 < < c ; Windsor Oc ; Edilystone
Cc : Pacilic Oc.
( iiNOHAM-Plunkett checks 7 e : Whllten-
ton 7'/c ; York 7 c ; Normandlo Dress
b''c ; Calcutta Dress 8 > < c : Whlttenton
Dress Do ; Renfrew Dress Oc to 12' c ;
CAMBKICS Slater 4Kc ; Woods 4tfc ; Stan
dard 4 > c ; Peacock 4J < c.
ConsET JEANK Androscoggln 7j c ; Kear-
sago 7c ; Ilockiiort OJ c ; Conestoga ( ij c.
Dt'CK-Wcst Points : ' . * UI..80Z. . 10 > < c ; West
Point 2U In. . lOoz. . ISWc : West Point 29 In. ,
12 o . . 15c ; West Point 40 in. . 11 ot. , Ific.
Checks Caledonia X. l Xc ; Caledonia XX ,
lOKc ; Economy 9 to c ; Otis , 9 to 9Kc.
TICKS Lewiston SO in. , 12 } c ; Lewiston 32
In. . 13Kc ; York 32 In. , I4c ; Swift River7 } < c :
Thorndiko O O , 8 } c ; Thorndlko E F.
Thorndlko 120 , 9Xc : Thorndlke XXX , 15c ;
Cordls No. 5.9Xe"Cordis No. 4 , lie.
DE.VIJIS Amoskeag 9o/,10c : Everclt 7
07. . , 13c ; York 7oz. , 13e ; llavmaker 8Xe ; .lafl-
r-sy XX. llXu : Jutlfey XXX , 12Xc ; Beaver
Creek AA. 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , He ;
Beaver Creek CC.IlOc.
KIINTUCKV JKANS Memorial 15e. ; Canton
18c ; Durham 27Xc : Hercules Ibe ; Learning-
Ion 22Xc ; Colts weld 25c.
CIIASII Stevens' B Op ; bleached 7c ; bte-
vens' A iytf\ \ blenched bXc : Stevens' P 8Xc ;
bleached 9Xc : Stevens' N 9Xe ; bleached
lOXc ; Ste\ons' S R T l2Xe.
MiscKi.r.ANiious Table oil cloth 82.85 ;
plain Holland 8 } e to9c : Dado Holland 12''c.
Fi.ANNEi.s-Plnid Raftsman 20e. : Goshen
: wkc ; Clear Lake W 'c : Mapln City B0) ) < c.
ANHilte-O. 11. No. 2 , . 21c ; O. U. No. 1 , % ,
27Xc ; B. H. Nil. 2 , * i. 22 } c ; B. U. No. 1 , J4' ,
SOc : Quechco No. 1. $1 , 4-c ; ( Jut'cht'o No. 2 ,
? / . 37 } < o ; Ouecheo No. 3 , Jf , HMKu ; Anawan
WWc ; AVindsor 22 > , < c. Hod C , 21 inch , 15 } < c ;
E , 24 inch , 21c ; C5U , 21 Inch. ISc ; II. A. F. , jf ) ,
* * 5c * T K F ' r ' 'T c * (5 ' * i > C.
COMFOUTE'K 30.50(3 ( sslob.
BLANKETS White , Sl.00@7.50 ; colored.
BIIOWN SIIKKTINOS Atlantic A. 4-4 , 7 > i"c ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , CKc ; At
lantic P. 4-4 , 5J/c : Aurora LL. 4-4 , 5Jic ;
Aurora C. 4-4 , 4i < c ; Crown XXX , 44 , CV c ;
JloosierLL , 4-4 , 5J4'c : Indian Head , 4-4 7 c ;
Lawrence LL. 4-4 , SJi'c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5V , c : Pepperell II , 440) ) 0 ; ivppcreil O , 4-4 ,
fie ; Pepperell , 8-4 , lOc : Pepperell , 9-4 , 18c :
Pepperell , 10-4 , 20c ; Utlca C. 4-4 , 45i'o :
WKclnihett , 4-4 , 7c ; Auiora 11 , 4-4 , O c ;
Aurora B , 4-4 , Cc.
I'hllllp cambric. He ; Lonsdalo , lli c ; Lons-
dale , : New York mills , lOWc : 1'epperell ,
42 Inch , lOJ c : 1'epperell , 40 Inch , like ; 1'ep-
percll , 6-4 , 15c ; I'cpperell , 8-4. 18c : Pepporcll ,
9-4 , 20c ; 1'epperell. 10-4 , 22Kc : Canton , 4-4 ,
8fc ; Onnton , 4-4 , UJ c ; Triumpb , Gc ; Wam-
sutta , lie ; Valley. Oc.
Dry lainiber.
A G In. White Pine * K.50 C , 829.50
B " " " : ! 3.50 1) , 21.00
E ' " " ( Sol. Fencln.19.00 )
1st and2nd , clear , l.l lnch , s.2s S50.50
3d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. , 45.50
" " ! $ / , IK , 3 In 4(1-fj ( °
A bclect , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. . 40.03
" " 1W , 1V . 3 in 44.00
1) " 1 Inch , s. 3 s. , o.oo
" " W , IK , 2 in 37.00
roi'LAit i.uMUint
Clear Poplar , lix. Hds. % In. , s. 2 S..S35.50
" K In. Panel. H. a s 27.00
" " Corrugated Ceiling , K. . 28.50
o. u. , 2' in soo.7. )
" Kx3 in , 00.45
3 In Well Tubing. U < k M and Uev. . . . . 23.00
Pickets , D. it 11. Flat 20.50
" " Square 21.00
No. 1 , com. si s 818.01)No. ) 2 , < om , si 8817.00
No. 3 , $15,50 Mo. 4 , S13.00
No. 1.4itOln , 12 it 14 It , rouith 819.50
No. 1 , " " 10 " " 19.50
No.2 , " ' 12&14" " 1(1.00 (
No. 2 , " 10 " " 17.50
A. 12.14 and 10 ft ? j2l.50 C , 815.50
U. " " " iiO.rX ) I ) , 12.50
1st com , X InWhlwPine Coiling S34.00
2nd " " " " " 28.00
Clear , ? tf in. Norway " " 10.00
2nd com. % In. ' 14.00
srocic IIOAHDS.
A 12 inch S45.50
No. 1 , com. 12 In. s. 1 s. , 12 ft 90.50
" " " " 14 ft 19.00
" " " 10 ft 18.50
No. 2 , " " 19.00
" " " " 10
ft 17.50
Inch ( Jroovcd Hooting Sl.OO per M more
than 12 inch Stock Boards uamu length.
No. 1 Plain. 8 & 10 In 810.50
No.'J " 17.50
No. 1 , 0. O. . 8 In 19.50
Com. 4&6ln. Flooring 817.50
Star " " 21.50
Clear&ln. Celling 21.50
" % In. Partition 8. " > .00
" Finish , ! & ! > /in. s.2s 29.00
" Corrugated Celling , 4 In 25.CO
" Yellow Pine Casing and 15ase. . . 27.00
XXclear . .83.10 KxtraA * f2.90
A * Standard. . 2.75 * A1IU&IJ 2.55
0 In. clear No 1. . 1.50 Lath 2.05
Whlto cedar , C In. , KM 12c ; 9 In. qrs. , He ;
8 In. qrb. , 10c4 ; in. round 15c ; 'I'en
Hed Cedar , split , 15c : Split Oak , 12c.
UME , ITC. :
Quincy white lime , ( best ) 90o : Akron cement ,
61.75 ; Hair , BOc ; Plaster. 82.75 ; Tar board.
1.75 ; Sash , 40c' pur ct. ; Doors. 40c porct. ;
Blinds , tOc per ct. ; Mnuldlngs , 40c pur ct. ;
Tar felt , per cwt , S2.25 ; Straw board , 81.73.
JFliyslciaaa. axtd. .Su Ereo
Office , Cor. 15tli and Farnam sU.
Residence , 2621 Farnam st.
Hours , 9 to 11 a. ' m.j J2 to B p. nu /
AgricultureImplements. .
Whol Mo Dealer In
Arrlcnltnral Implements , Wnpons ,
nd Iuifl ) * . Joncn oltrct , tctwoon Mil
nillMlOunh , Neb.
Agricultural Implements ,
W ironiC rrl p , n\tMlf , Hie. , WholesaleOmi .
Wholrikle neklon In
Agricultural Implements ,
r7 ffonn and flugRlos. Wl. ! M3 , UK iinil ! O7 , Jnnei it
Artists' Material.
A. JTOSPE , JR. , ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
: M3 DoimUK Strpet , Omnhn.
Builders' HardHort and Scales.
Mechanics' Tool * nd IluT lo flol . 1106 Douglant ,
. Ouinhn , Neb.
floods nnd Stationery.
A. T. K UN YON fl CO. ,
Who'emlo ii > l Be.all
Booksellers and Stationers ,
IKS Doutrlaa at. , Oinahii , Nrb. Tc-lcphouo (01.
CorrespomlPiicp oolliMtnl.
Boots and Shoes.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
1111 Farntui it. , Omnha , N b. Uauufactorj , BummM
tre t llultnn.
c co. ,
Kubbcr lioots ami Shoos
Hubonr nutl Oiled Clothing nnd 1 clt Hoots niul
Phocg. 1111 llnrnov Slrrot
Jifger Beer Brewers ,
1511 North Ulh Street. Omaha , Neb.
Butchtri' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
taniage Cailogi of all klndi alwaji ID atock. HIS
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Hills.
Teas.Coffees , Unices. Baking Powder. Flirortnid
tncta , laundry Bine , Ink. Bte. lllt-16 Il irer
Street , Omaba. Nab.
John Epencter , Prop.
Ifannfaeturar of Galvanlteil Iron and Cornice. 913
Dodfe and 103 and 105 N , 10th it. . Omaba. Neb.
Manufacturcri of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndowi , Final.Uelallc8kTllbttc. 310B.
1211 it. , Omaha.
C. Spccht , Prop.
Galvanized Iron Cornice" , etc. Spoct'ilmproT
entMetalloSkTlluht. UH and 610 S , mh M.nmh )
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtain * , Oil Cloths , Runs ,
Linoleums , MattingsJStc lill Douglai itreet.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for 'he Mmiufacturcranml Importer ! ol
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lumps , Chlmueys , etc. Offlrc , 317 South 13th 8t
Oiiinlm , Nub.
Hnininoth Clnthinp ; IIouso ,
Corner Farnnia nnd Tenth Btruuti Uinaha. Neh.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Butter , Rugftand 1'roduce. ConilgnmeDti aollelted.
Uendquurtera for Sluiiowaiu , Hurry Unxi'it uud
tirapo llnBkcli. 1114 Dodge itreot , Omaha.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Epcclaluei Hutter , Kent , I'huune , I'oiltrUamo ,
Oj.tcrs. etc. , etc. 1128. llth St.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Produce and PravUloni , Onnh , Neb.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Foullrj , Uutl r , Gume , Fiulti , etc. MO 8. luhit
Omnhri , Ncl , .
Coal ancf Lime.
Uio. r.l.AUAOii. rrm. C. F.nomniAN , v.Pi i.
J. A. .SUNIiEUI.AND , Sec. and Treat.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
303 South 1'hlrtoonth Street. Omaha. Nob.
, r. , J. JOHNSON a > co. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Shlppori of Conl and Coke , Co'iient , I'lnster ,
Ume , H lr. Klra nrlck , Drnln , Tile anil Hewer I'lpo.
( llllco. l' ito Hotel. Kamum it. , Umataa , Neb.
Trlenhone All.
Cigars anil Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Quo * and Ammunition , 215 to 723 8. llth it. , 1010 to
102 Karnam at. Omaha , Neh.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dftiers In Leaf Tobaccoi , NOB. 109
und 110 N. 14th ( tract , Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH C CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
lltC and 1104 DouKins , cor. llth St. . Omaha , Nob.
- - * ' v -
Distillers of Liquors , Alcohol and Spirits. Importer *
and Jobberof Wlnesaml Liquors.
CO. and ILER ct ) CO. ,
Importers and Johberc of Fine Wlnos and Llquort.
8uleraanur etur nof Ktnnudr'B Kail India 1)11-
ten und Douin'.lc Liquors. 1112 llnrnvr ht.
Wholesale Dealers In Fnrnituro.
t , . Qruabn. Neb.
Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , "
Mirrors , etc. 1800.1208 and 1210 Farnam > t. , Oumha.
Groceries ,
Wholrsalo Groceries and Provisions ,
No3.701.707. TO and 7I1S. 10th St. Omnha. Neb.
MvVORD , B.ltAJtY < li CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
ltn and Leavenwortb iti.Omaha.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron , Etc. Agunti for Howe Ucaltl ,
and Miami Pu rterCu.Ornaha.Ncli.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Slocl ,
Bprlims , Wnxon block , Ilardvturo Lumber , tic. 12W
andl.'ll lUrnejr ll. , Omaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Bonsnrt CmriaKfl Wood Block. HesTj IInrdw r (
He. UI7 anil HI'J I.eaTcuwurUi it. , ( Imaliu , Neb.
Stoves , Kangcs ; Furnaces , Tiles ,
Uaotlei , Uratei , UraiiOoodi. IUI aud'1323taro
Street. . .
Iron Works ,
' " 2 > AXT < ; > N H5 WERLINO T
Iron Works ,
Wroiilht and C H Iron Bnll < tln ( Work , Ircn SUIMU
ItBllTnif , ItemM urn ! Ulrter * . Si * n > Knilnrn. liran
Work , il n riil Foundry , Machine nil Ulnrkmmij
\Toifc. umc Hal Worn. 11. I * . Hr , mllih itrfct.
" '
ii. K. SAWYER ,
Jlnnnfnctnrlnir Dealer in Smokestacks ,
llrltcblrtj , Tnnki. ami ( ! on . - l Holler llepalrlnf ,
Uanufartnrcrt of
ire and Iron Katilnira , Desk Hull * ,
Window Uuarili , Kloner Bland'Vlr sign * , Ml *
H3 N. li'tn. Onlcri bj miMl promptly attoiulivllo.
Dealer' . All Klndi of
fluildlnjr Hatorinl at Wholesale ,
18th Street and Union rartBo Track. Omahfc.
Dealer In Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash *
Doon , Kto. Tardi-CornirTth anil ttoutlati CornM
Wholesale Lumber ,
B 8. llth ttrtet.Oro hn.Neb. F.Colpctter. M n rj
C , ] f. DIETZ ,
JJth nd California mrerU. Oraahl , Neb.
Lntnber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Eta.
Cor.Cth and nouflat it , Omaha , N x
To Dealers Only.
Office , 1 B Knrniira street , Omaha. ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpetl and Parquet Flooring. 8th and Donglal
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
laported and Aaerlnm Portland Orornt. RtaM
Aient forUllwavkee Hydraulic Cemvotund Beit
tlulncy White Lime.
IJ Stock.
Or Omaha.
Limited. John F. Boyd , Biip rlnt od > nU
Lirt Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission
Offlcp Koom 21. Opposite Kjclmiigo llulldliitf ,
Union Slock YurJ . South Oniulm , No I ) .
Live Stock Commission Morcliantg.
Market furnished free nnniiiillrntlon. biocVem an
fcoilen fimilshnil on gooil terms. UeforonceJ
OmMm Natlonnl llnnk and South Utuaba NntUiui
Union Stock Vartli. HoiitliUmaliii. _ *
_ _
Live Stock Commission.
_ Oeo. nurkp. llanngcr
Onion Stoat Yardi , 8. Omaha. Teliphonn MJ.
l !
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of itny and all kind * 8f Stock icllolted.
Union Slock Yard ii. Omaha , Neb.
Millinery and notions.
Importers and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
1213and 1214 Haraey St.eet. Omnlia , Neb.
_ _ .
- * * WWW > UUUUUU
J. T.
Wholesale Dealers In
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
mn and (05 8. Tenth St. , Omnha.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
ean Pants , Shirts , Rtc. 1103 and 1104 Douflai fltroot
Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
'arry ' nice utockof Printing , Wrapping and Writ
na inipor. hpcclul uttcntlon RlT n ui cur loi,1or :
ortlern , whlrh will ho shipped illrnct from mill' . All
orders will lecelva personal attention. Weimar *
"tee good j-oods and low prloos. 1114 nnd llllJ
Job Printers , Plank Hook Makers ,
And Book llindcri. 106 and V SoutU KourtoenUl
stroot. Omaua , Ncti.
Auiiliary I'liliIiHliers.
Dealers In Typo , I'remes and Winters'Supplies. COB
Bouth Twelfth Ktreet.
Pumps ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Wat r Supplies. Headquarters fur > Iat
foi.tCo'iiduo-Id. Illlfcarnnm st..Oniuba.Nob.
QallaSnr Wind Ullis ; nteam and Water Buppllei ,
Plumbing floods , llelllnit. Una * . IMS und V.fl far >
uaiu st. , Uuiahn. B. K. ! elton , Wuungnr.
Telephone No. 210.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Bteam. Water , Itallwnjr and llllllni ; Supplies. K'A
130 , KBand 524 Karnam St. , Omaba , Neb.
Manufacturers and Denier * In *
, Hollers ifc General Machinery
hoot Iron work , Steam t'umpi. Saw Mills , Aom
Bh ftlnit. Dodft Wooaspllt Pullers , Beltlaf , eta ,
Alsawatons , serpenan4t ) aleilea. 1411-lUiLev
Ten worth it. Omaha
Rubber Goods.
Munufuituror and UeiiUrMn nil kludiof
Jtuhber IJoo'.ls ,
Oil Clothlnir nnd l.ouilier llclllnir , 10H Fiirnnm St.
Sales , Etc.
P. BOYER < C CO. ,
Affents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.8 *
Fire nnd llnrg'ar ' Proof Rufos , Time Ixicks , Vault *
and Jail Work. IW ) raruam struct Omaha , Neb.
Omaha Safe Works.
tlanufactureriof Mrawnd Jluntlnrl'roofSafes , Vault
Uuoro.Jill Workrliutier uud WlruNurk. . Cor.
llth and Jackson Uts. , , No b ,
A'asA , Doors , Etc.
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
llranch office , 12th and Ur.rU sts.nsh , N * > . < .
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds.
Monld'jiim.Stnlr ' Work and Interior Hard Wood Klnlib.
JusluueiieU. N. K. cor. Kth and. LeuveuworlhHU.
Urnaha , Nt'U.
, ' . - 87 CliHinbcr. of Commerce. .