" ' . 1 "S < * 1 > ! THE OMAHA DAILY BEELfl\TEPNESDAr , AUGUST 31. 1887. park and will be taken to tit. Louis for the coming great free-for-all utalllon trot lie lias attracted muih attention from lovers of fine borse flesh hero. McCJoud was sired by Saturn , dam Marleo by Hob Uoy , who came from a famous brand nf horses. It Is us Id that there Is but ono stallion in tbo country that can beat him and that is the aroat Pa tron. The Weekly Medal Rlioot. The Omaha Otin club shoot took place yesterday afternoon at the club grounds bark of Shaw & Fluid's warehouse , 25 Peorla black birds , 13 yards rise. Following Is the flcore : llrcwor . 01100 11101 10101 11011 01111-17 1'armeloo. . . . tllll 10011 11111 11111 Ollll-'JJ Kennedy. . . . .liooo-llioi IOHU loon 11000-14 Kruc . ooill Ollll 11111 lllll 01111 21 Cotter . liooi mil looil oooio loooi-u Neville . lllll lllll 00111 lllll 11011 23 Mcrtz . lion mil 10111 lllll loill ! B llardln . luiiooiou unco lllll 01111 17 Petty . 11111 inn nun lion 00110-20 HtUllbS . 10011 lllll lllll OHIO 01001 18 Mcdreer . 10101 loiio Ollll oiioo 00000 13 Mr. Frank Pnrmelee , with a score of 2i , winning the modal , Mr. Neville and Mr. Mcrtr. who tied him not being members of the club. A side shoot , for parment ot birds and shells , 13 blue rocks. 18 yards rlso , terminated as follows ! McrU. . . , . 1 1110111111 0-10 J'armelee . 1 P 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 1 1 0 fl Brewer . 0 lOlllliioil 9 Utubbs . 1 1111001111 1 10 JlUKhes . 0 00100100111-5 Total . iii llardln . 1 1111111011 1 11 Petty . o 00111111001 7 Nathaway . 1 1111110110 1-10 Colter . 0 11001100101 G McUroer . 1 01111000100 0 Total . 40 Patsy O'lJoary After Miller. Herb Rotliory , backer of Tommy Miller , Is In receipt of a letter from Ed. Lawrence , of Hlllsboro , Ohio , manager of Patsy O'Loary , looking to a go between these two bantams. Lawrence says he will forward a forfeit to tlio snorting editor of the UKK for afisht with Miller to a finish , or for a stipulated number ot round * , ( not less than fifteen ) with ikln tight cloves for 75 per cent ot the Kate , or $500 a side lie must , however , be guaranteed protection , In which event a regular challenge will bo forwarded Miller. Fight totuka ( place In or near Omaha within four weeks ot the writing of articles , The Local Ghnmplon Bantam. The last Issue of the Uoston Police News contains a fine likeness -Tommy Miller , the local feather-weight , In ring costume , to gether with a bit of history relative to Mill er's career In the squared cIrcIe.MUler has a Branding challenge for a light with any nlno-and-a-halt-stone man in the country for $1,000 a side , and his backer has deposited In the hahds ot the sportins editor of the URK $100 for a light with the champion , Tommy Warren. The latter , however , has lone since proclaimed that ho prefers not to meet Miller , In fact that.ho Is afraid ot him. The Itlaclc Htar Mntohod. Johnson , thb Black Star and Paddy Shea , a South Omaha heavy weight , hRV'e''sljned articles for a fight to a finish lot ' 8200 a side , ' light to take place within three weok.s of the slmilng of the articles and Within SOU miles of the city of Omaha. Mr. Shea , when ho gets through with the Star , will probably conclude that ho has collided with a cyclone. Shea has until Monday evening to pout the balance of his stake money , ho having put up but a 525 forfeit , HpnrtiuK Note * . ThoOinabas will bo home Friday morning. Hanlon sailed from San Francisco for Aus tralia Friday. The Hastings are booked to plav hero Sat urday , Sunday and Monday next. Mr. John Petty Is considered the best all round shot , rifle and shot gun , in the city. fopeka baa boon white-Mashed but once this season the Kansas Uitys did it , 5 to 0. Topeka players receive bouttonnlers from lady admirers during the games down there. There are said to bo a few deer yet remainIng - Ing In the state of Nebraska , in the north western part. Jack Hanley , once a favorite In pugilistic circles In this city , Is now marshal of Ander- ou , Indiana. Sid Clarke , the alleged slugger , who waa knocked out on Sunday last by Jimmy bind ay. Has floated < one to New York. The open Mason for chicken begins to morrow morning , and local shooters are all agog over the prospects of plenty of birds. Mr. Frank Parraelee la making for himsell an enviable reputation as a crack shot. lie seems to improve with every week's meet. The regular monthly meeting of the local Dyking club will be hold at the club rooms In the Groenlg block next Tuesday eveilng. The Omaha Rowing association Intends to burnUli up It * armor another season. Sev eral craws will be selected and part taken in the western regattas. The local wheel club , one of the first or ganized in tne United States , Is Increasing in strength almost daily aud stands A No. 1 In 'cycle circles all over the country. Numerous bunches of teal have been seer of evenings lately dropping down in the ehallow feeding places about Cut-Off lake , and good shooting Is not far ahead. The wild rice crop up about Horseshoe lake has been an abundant one this season , and . the chances are for a great duck flighl this fall. Mallards are already straggling ID The Collins cun company has received 30- , roe rounds of ammunition for the sham bat tie during the (1 , A. It reunion next week , also a handsome silk flag for ono of the posts. Leon iLozler , the sprint runner , left foi San Francisco , yesterday morning , where he has several races to contest. Thence he gee : to ABstrallia to meet Itothune , Johnson and other celebrities. Mr. John llardln , ot Fenroso & Uardln'i sporting goods house , held the championship of the ptato as a wing shot for two years. He Is nowfast getting back to his old form and will soon rank with the best in the country , Mr. Ned Kothory , the sporting connois senr , will have a trial "fly" with his younc homing pigeons early In October. Ills ok birds come from the btst strain of carriei birds in the world , and the lion has a proud record. 11. A. Penrose , the crack shot and gonla sporting caterer , Is absent this week In the Interior , circulating among old confreres ol the dog and cun. lie writes the HKK thai the chicken crop Is Immense , and'thut th < season is going to bo a glorious one. The next league games on the local grounds will be played next Saturday , bunday and Monday , between the Omahas and the Has tings , and the boys Intend to give thorn i farewell benolit In the shape of three sralghts. On next Wednesday evening , during the fair , the Omaha wheel club , will give a grand Illuminated parade. All the cyclists of the city , club members or not , are tuvltud to participate , as It Is the desire of the clut to got up ns elaborate a display ns possible The club mot last evening to perfect arrange nients for the parade. George Kay , secretary of the Omaha basi ball club , Is In reclpt ot a letter Iroin Man ager Hart , of Milwaukee , Inquiring for hi : vlsws of the new proposed western league ti include the cities of Chicago. Milwaukee , at Paul , Minneapolis , Omaha , Ui > s Molnes Kan flits City and St Louis. Mr. Kay thinks I will bo the league of the country , next to tin National and American associations am says that no stone shockl bo left uuturnei until the grana scheme Is consummated. A Kaunas O. A. It LEA.VKNWOHTII , Kan. , August 30. [ Specia Telegram to the UKK. | When theG. A. U members of this citv leave for St Louis to at tend the national cncamumtmt , each maul' breast will bo surmounted by a typical Kansa : biuke. It consists of a whlto metal tur , 01 which Is a large grasshopper. From the b.-ii suspended from a scarlet ribbon , Is a lull blown sunflower In brass , with the seed black. Ou the ribbon , lu gold , U tlio won "Kansas. " Creditors Refuge the OfTor. CIIICA.UO , August 00. At a meeting to-da : of the creditors of Maurice llosenfeld & Co brokers of the late clique In wheat , twentj two of the 108 creditors were reported as re fusing to accept Kosenfeld's offer of 25 COD I on the dollar. Itosenfeld thereupon gave m tlce that , contrary to his original dcclara tious , lie would not Insist ui > on the with drawal of the Kcrshaw suit. He again re Iterated his offer of SScents. The matter wa taken under consideration. I. O. O. K. Attention. During fair and G. A. U. reunion w will make a special exhibit of all kinds c crablerao and secret order jewels badges Call and inspect our stock. Edholiu i Akm. DEMURRAGE REGULATIONS , The New Order of Things to be Introduced bj the Bailroada To-day. NO MORE FREIGHT BLOCKADES. What Jobbers and Shippers In Otnaba Think of It Bolter Tbt it Will Expedite and Convenience Traffic. The demurrage regulations which will go into effect September 1 on all the rail roads centering here is not much of a bob-fiobllu to the business men. Indeed , with an umazina candor , they admit that circumstances are such that tlio roads are forced to the adoption of some sunn plans for their own protection. That Ihis city has suffered repeatedly from a Freight blockade , and the responsibility tor it placed on the railroads , is a fuct that cannot bo gainsaid. The charges of demurrage will go into effect September 1 , and the charges will be imposed on all cars remaining loaded torty-oight hours after delivery. The business men , however , look at it with out any apparent fear , and many of them Frankly admit that the companies have boon imposed upon tlmo out of mind , and cannot bo blamed for kicking now. The iiowcll lumber company comes infer for a round share of abuse , and is charged with being the cause of the regulation. It is claimed that this com pany have had at one time as high as 300 cars in their yard at ono time , many of them staying there for nearly sixty days. A reporter for the UGG called on a number of merchants and asked thorn for the facts of the case. Some wore wary and refused to express themselves , while others talked freely , and with a singular unanimity admitted that they hau Im posed on the companies in the past , and would continue to do so if they could without cost themselves. A few wore found who laid the entire blatuo for this using of curs for warehouses on the rail roads ana said the companies could not handle their freight consigned to this city.J. . J. A. Wakofiold , said : "I can't blame the roads for adopting this course. Lumbermen ' men here have b'con in the habit of hold ing cars from thirty to sixty days ; and our company has at limes had as high as 400 cars in their yard at ono time. Wise- people tried to run their lumber yard on wheels and the company had just cause to kiok. Agent McClintock , the coming commissioner of this demurrage bureau , damned this lumber company for not unloading cars , and dumneU the railroads for allowing them to use them.at their own convenience. I have done the same thing , but I don't believe the blame is entirely on mo. The company docs not deliver cars as they arc shipped. I have u capacity of un loading ten cars a day. and. order my shipment with their arriving here in lots to suit my ability to unload them ; but the railroads allow the cars to heap on the road and finally drop down on us with as many as seventy cars in ono day , thereby blocking my tracks as well as their own. Robert Kasson , of Paxton , Gallagher & Co. "Most demurrage charges are no moro than right. Take for example the lumber and coal men ; they got in a lot of cars hero and let them lay around in the yards , taking up the switching room to such an extent that the other merchants cannot get their cars switched. This de murrage will not hurt the trade of Omulia. It will merely compel the lum ber men to unload cars on arrival hero and reload when they are ready to ship to interior points. Personally , wo will not be affected by the rule. It will rather be a benefit to us , as we will unload cars so as switched. Most demurrage charges are customary in Chicago and other points. It is only right to do it , while U is an accommoda tion to the lumber men , it is an injustice to the other merchants and I am opposed to it. it.McCord McCord , Brady & Co. Wo don't see why wo should object to the railroads making such charges. They make a rate to deliver a car of freight here in Omaha , and when it arrives that road has aright to charge for the detention of its property. Wo never ask the roads to hold any cars for us. The trouble hero is that wo can't get the cars hero. The roads claim the cause for this is their inability to got the cars in owing to the blnnkauo of the yard facilities by parties refusing to unload cars. W. A. L. Gibbon There has been a great deal of trouble here in the Omaha yards caused by the lack of yard facilities of the Union Pacific road. Tlfoy can't handle the freight they receive , and the Iowa lines arc kicking at the detention of their cars. The right to charge demurrage has bcon questioned , but 1 think there is no question about the legal rights of the companies to do so. If wo leave our goods in the cars after A reasonable time we are imposing upon the company by using their property as storeago ware houses. As a matter of fact , nowovor , tbo merchants here I don't think have been doing that ; they are too anxious to got their goods. The fault rests entirely with the union Pacific road , which does the transfer business for the city , and have not the yard facilities to deliver the cars promptly , for I have known of cars sometimes being on tbo track here from ono to two weeks before wo can get them. This is a great inconvenience to every merchant having business of this character with the company. The com pany cannot collect demurrage under these circumstances , because freight is not delivered until it is at our door. This town has outgrown the capacity of its railroad facilities. That Is the truth in a nutshell. Jeff W. Bedford This scheme of demurrage - murrago charges is criminal for the pur pose of expediting the unloading of cars. It is right , because the companion have beou imposed upon to a great extent. They claim that the coal and lumber merchants use their cars for warehouse purposes. Hut the truth is , it is the job bers of other commodities that is doing it. livery largo merchant hero will be effected by it. It will decrease the com merce of Omaha fully 33 per cunt. ; it will increase the number of our em ployees , andcompotitivu cities will reap the benefit , Jara are shipped to us in such irregularity that wo cannot handle them promptly on arrival. This matter is a serious question , but \ro business men can stand it. It isn't ours , but the consumer's funeral. Vet it .seems to mo it will be impossible to enforce this rule. The lumber men will suffer the most , and the ywill test it in the courts. I urn only carrying coal enough to supply the de mand of customers. A. L. Nieles , of D. M. Stuolo & Co. I don't know but that it is .simplv justice for the roads to charge ili murrain ) . The roads have been imposed upon by the coal and lumber uion.'o never huve any trouble in housing our goods within twontv-four hours after arrival. I doubt if the company can collect the charges after they nro imposed , but that makes the charges none the less just. The lia bility of the company for the loss of goods by thieves and fire is admitted until the goods are taken from their curs , and I surely think they should bo enti tled to some sort of protection. Wo have no trouble with any of the roads and our relations have always bcon of a pleasant character. Omaha Coal and Goto company The companies claim the dealers have been using their cars as storehouses , Wo sup pose they have been imposed upon to some extent , but wo think they take ex ceptional cases and make a general rule of thorn. Wo suppose the lumber and coal men will have to stand the brunt of this thing , and have the responsibility put upon them. Wo think the dealers are inclined to act in harmony with the roads in expediting the ] unloading of carp , because wo think it is going to work considerable hardship with us. It will so effect the jobbing business hero that it will transfer that branch of the trade to distributing points cast of us. Don't quote my name , for I am not dis posed to bo interviewed. Louis Bradford The organization of this bureau was caused by the holding of cars for an unreasonable time by the con signee. It is an outrage on the compan- igs and the consequence is that the tracks are blocked. It will bo bettor for all if wo are compelled to unload cars in forty- eight hours after wo got our cars. It will have no detrimental effect on the busi ness of the city. I have now 125 cars somewhere around hero , I would unload them if they wore convenient. lhl Moraine's Session. The attendance at the conference ycstor day morning was quite largo. The absence of many of those who had boon assigned to road papers caused several changes in the programme. Dr. .Taylor of Now , York , who was president of a convention in that state composed of all the county superintendents of the poor in Now York and was at that convention olcctod a del egate to this conference , made a detailed statement of the workings of the conven tion. It consisted principally of recom mendations as to sanitary regulations about poor housns , supplying thorn with water , etc. F. M. Powell , M. 1) . , of Glenwood , la. , read a paper titled "Note on the Care and Training of Feoblo-Minded Chil dren. " In this paper the various tvpcs of de fective mentality wore spociffed and de fined. The ( litlercnoo.s between Idiocy , imbecility and dcmonlia wore stated. The superintendents of American insti tutions for feeble minded persons , in their session of 1878 , submitted the fol lowing : "Idiocy and imbecility are con ditions in which there is a want of natural or harmonious development of the mental , acting and moral powers of the individual affected , usually associated with some visible defect or infirmity of the physical organization , or with func tional anomalies , expressed in various forms and degrees of disordered vital action. There is frequently defect or absence of ono or more of the special senses , always irregular or uncertain volition and dullness or sensibility and perception. The term 'teeblo minded * is sanctioned by modern usage , it being much moro acceptable to parents and friends of the afllicted. It has only been in the present century that an active measure was instituted to care for this unfortunate class of humanity. Their lot before that time was one of misery , want and loneliness. In the or ganic laws of regulating schools in Mass achusetts and New York , epileptics , par alytics and others properly belonging to the asylum wards ; explicity avoiding custodial charges , so prominently con sidered in our institutions to-day. It is duo to the pioneer workers that they be bo credited with early recognizing the claims of the non-improvables as indi cated by some of their earlier reports. The numbers of this largo army of de pendents as indicated by the census of the United States in 1830 , was 70,895 , of which 2,420 were in training schools , 1,141 in hospitals for the insane , 5,429 in alms houses , 241 in benevolent institu tions , and 41 in jails , leaving a remainder of 07,200 at home , or In private care. In the care of dependent children , educa tion is the chief consideration. In all in stitutions , pupils are being taus/ht the elementary branches of the English language , with a fair show of success. Physical training forms the basis of all well directed efforts for the education of Idiots. For this reason gymnastic and kindergarten exercises enter largely into training schools , not BO much for phy sical benefits as a means of mental disci pline. Through this medium the most valued attention and imitation lessons are impressed. Numerous devices aroused used to cure the lack of power of atten tion , so marked in this class. Mechani cal means constitute a reliable factor for developing thosenses , , the simplest kind of labor with many , are valuable lessons in fixing the attention and inculcating will-power over the defective nervous organizations so uniformly present. Numerous "psycological puzzles" were described , who are living in institutions for the feeble minded. "If we would aid in restoring the lost harmonics of the universe , we must seek for ourselves and our children that uni form culture of the whole being in its true nature , physical , mental , and moral , which in its completeness shall conform to the lines of perfect symmetry without excrescence or depression. When every man and woman secures such culture , transmitting it to their seed utter them , there will bo no further need of hospi tals for bodily or mental diseases or prisons for moral offenders. " Aflornooa Session. The attendance at the afternoon ses sion was not large , but the exorcises wcro of an interesting oharacby. Promptly at 3 o'clocK President Glres called tlfo meeting to order ami introduced Prof. A. O. Wright , chairman of the committee - too on penal and reformatory institu tions. Ilo explained that three papers wore expected to be read under this head , one by J. W. McCIaughroy , war den of Joliet penitentiary , but ho 'is also president of the Illinois veterans' asso ciation , which is now in session , and ho is in attendance. His paper was on Registration of professional criminals. Recently the wardens of the various state penitentiaries heUi a convention in Detroit and Mr. Claughroy was elected the national president of an association then formed , for the purpose of keeping a list of professional criminals , that they may bo known from the occasional or accidental ones. Another paper on "Tho Prison Con tract System from the Manufacturer's Standpoint , " byV. . T. Lewis , of Wiscon sin , president National Anti-convict Con tract association. Why ho did not at tend is not known. The third paper is by Colonel F. J. Kei * . chief of police of Mil waukee , on "Tho Police System of Mil waukee , \Vis , " Rev. Hill , of Oregon , was then intro duced , and lie read the last mentioned paper , which was chiotly devoted to the civil service system ot conducting police affair * , eliminating politics. William 11. Murray , of St. Paul , vig- o ly protested against the methods of conducting the business of the confer ence. Too much time was t'tkon up with reading papers , and moro than half of those who wore listening wore unable to understand what was being read , Many members would like to discuss and criti cise the papers , but had not the nerve , especially the ladies , to stand up unpre pared and argue against the few who prepared the napers and appeared to do all thi talking at the conference. Ho favored the printing of all papers in ad vance , distributing thorn among the del egates and thus avoid the loss of time in reading them. Their titles simply need be read. Ilo said there was a tint ) con vention last year , it had fallen off one- half this year and next year the few who were doing all the talking might find themselves alone at Buffalo. Mr. Sauborn heartily endorsed Mr. Murray's remarks and asked that they bo embodied In a resolution and submitted to tho'conforoQco. Mr. Wheeler , a member of the state board of Michigan , discoursed on ' 'Inde terminate Sentences. " That is where a person is convicted of a crime and sent to prison there to remain until seine power pardons him or he dies. Ho fav ored the adoption of such a polloj toward Incorrigible criminals who appear to se cure their relcaso.dtily to commit crhno anew. At the suggestion ol Mr. Wines a con versational meeting was hold , talks being limited to live minutus and any one al lowed to ask such questions ns wcro deemed proper , rii General Brlnkorhoffstatnd that such a system as absolute'Hndotcrmlnato ' sen tences was not prfibticod , at any place in the United StutesJiliqugh , in a modilicd form it was recognized in Elmlra , N. Y. , and In Ohio. " Mr. Hunting fur.qrod the legislative adoption of this krid.pf ) sentences. Rev. Mr. Tate wasuopposod to it , es pecially whore thivcdnvlct labor contract system was oreanfked , as in Nebraska , on account of the degradation to convicts and the cupidity of wardens and others in power , who would never release a good workman or skilled mechanic , if once released. Several others participated in the dis cussion. The committee on organization re ported as follows : President , Charles S. Uoyto , M. D. , Albany , N. Y.j Rt. Rev. Gaorgo D. Gil- lesple , Grand Rapids , Mich. ; Rt Rev. John Ireland , St Paul. Minn. ; Rov. A. G : Byers , Columbus , O. ; Rabbi S. Son- ttnncmon , St. Louis , Mo. ; Prof. Edward Hitchcock , Amherst Mass. SKCRETAUIKS. Rov. H. U. Hart , St. Paul , Minn. ; Lucius C. Storrs , Lansing , Mich. ; Nathanial S. Rosonan , Buffalo , N. Y. ; Charles E. Faulkner , Salma , Kan , KXKCUTIVK COMMITTEE. Dr. Charles S. Hoyt , Albany , N. Y. ; Hon. II. H. ( Silos , Madison , Wls. ; Hon. W. P. Letch worth , Partagovillo , N. Y. ; Phillip C. Garrett , Philadelphia , Pa. ; F. H.San born , treasurer , Boston , Mass. The various committees wcro also ap pointed for the ensuing year. lm t Nlnht a Session. A largo gathering assembled in the opera house last night to hoar the clos ing exercises. Some formal business matters were attended to. Charles E. Kellogg , of Now York , read the report an the organization of charities. Secretary Hart called the attention of the conference to the National record , also to the annually published report of the conference , which is sold at $1.50 per copy , bound in cloth. Rev. Dr. Wines read a paper written by Mrs. Charles II. Lewis , of. New York. Various other papers were read , and short dis cussions had on various topics connected with the conference. Rev , Mr , Gillospio subscribed fifty copies of the National Record. Airs. General Wolverton addressed the conference on the benefits of a friendly visiting committee. Also the value of teaching saviug habits and the art of keeping out of debt. A paper by Mrs. James J. Putnam , of Boston , on friendly visiting was then read , ; ilso a paper by Mrs. E. B. Smith , secretary of the asso ciated charities of Boston , on the same theme. 1'rcsidoiitRifles then closed the conference declaripgts , } labors at an end. A member offered ai resolution thanking Governor Thayer , Mayor Broatch , Judge Ihurston , Ed ward1 Rose water , the board of trade , OmahaYf 'citizens ' generally , Rev. Gillospie , Mr ' . Dinsmorc , Mayor Sawyer and ofliciala Lincoln and mem bers of the Glco club and all others who had contributed tothe / comfort of the con ference. The conference then adjourned to moot a year hence in Buffalo , N. Y. Note * . The next conference will bo held in Buffalo. N. Y. ; H Dean Hart is a sile.nt but very attentive listener to the proceedings. Colonel Chase thisj'jfaornlng apologized for the thin attendance. U is attributed to the fact that a grunt , many did not know that the proceedings wore free for all. all.Tho The conference meets to-night at half- past 7 sharp. The public generally is in vited to attend. This will bo the last night of the con ference and the subject of "Charities and Corrections" will be discussed. As there are some of the most eloquent ministers in the country present an interesting dis cussion will be hold. She lias the complexion of a Peach , Poz/oni's Medicated Complexion powder did it. Sold by all druggists. A Misguided Young Man. Earl W. Perry , a young man formerly in the employ of Hill & Young , was brought back to Omaha yesterday by Constable Edgorton from Des Moiuus , la. , to answer to the charge of embezzle- ing $35 from his employers. Perry is about twenty-six years old and previously bore un exemplary char acter. Yesterday when handed over to the sheriff he broke down and wept bit terly. Later in the day ho was released for the district court on $500 bail. Pimples , bolls , and other humors are liable to appear when the blood gels heated. To cure them , take Hood's Sar- saparilla. Personal I'araicraphH. R. S. Berlin has returned from the east. Miss Lillie Bruner , of Sedalia. Mo. , is the guest of the family of J. S. Wood. Modjesua and her husband , Count Bozenta , leave for Colorado Springs to-day. Mrs. Thomas Swobo returned from Garliold springs , near Salt Lake , yes terday. C. F. Daley and wife returned last evening from their two weeks' visit at their-ola homo in Crawfordsville , Ind. N. J. O'Neil , press agent for Doris & Colvin's circus , which appears hero Sep tember 22 , arrived in the city last night. EdmonU T. Dooley , superintoiulent of the Boys' and Girls' Aid society of San Francisco , Ca.1 , , is registered at the hotel Barker. Miss Nettie Wood arrived last evoniug from DCS Moincs , la. , where she has been visiting with her uncle , Rov. Van Antwerp. Theodore Harris , ( mcj of the wealthiest rachmen of California , and wife , passed through the city yestosday on their way to Europe. to i Cards are out announcing the wedding of Miss Annie Cohrf.fo Mr. Wolf Colin , both of this city , ai , Metropolitan hall Sunday evening. i James E. North , chairman of the Ne braska democratic central committee , is in the city. Ho has eiillod a meeting of the state convention October I ) . Miss Nojlio O'Moanilidaughtor of Hon. T. J. O'Meara , of lUnvenuort , la. , who has been on a two nloliths' visit to her cousin , Mrs. J. H. Isicftols , of this city , returned homo yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. H. , K. . ' Burkot and Mr. James M. Haskollcaml daughter , Miss Annie E. Huskell , have returned from a six months' pleasure trip at the prin clpal seaside resorts on the Atlantic coast. Miss Nettie Pritchard , who has been a popular teacher in the county school of District S3 , over since the district was es tablished , loft for the Normal school at Peru , Neb. , yesterday. She will bo ab sent a year. Hon. J. H. Mickey , of Osceola , Nob. , and Capt. W. G. Tomploton , of this city , loft over the Wabash yesterday , to bo present at a reunion of the survivors of the Eighth Iowa cavalry , of which they \\ero members , to bo held at Clarmda , Iowa , August 81 and September 1. Complexion Powder is nn absolute necessity ot the relined toilet in this cli mate. Pozzonj's combines every element of beauty and purity. DONNYBROORE EPISODE , Jerry O'Grady ' , Officers Jimmio Brady and Pat Horrigan and "Heddy" McOrea HAVE A MIDNIGHT BATTLE , The "Dtvll'a Own Time" on Eleventh Street Ijatt Night and an Ex- Peelor'a Exciting Trip to the BoobyIlatoh. A Small niot. There was a pleasant party in Harry lingua's shebeen , at the corner of the alloy on Eleventh street , between Far- naui and Harnoy streets , last night , and the ruby flowed in unruffled currents as the guests held their surcingles up to the bar and quaffed the landlord's eternal good health. About midnight the wmo ran out , and Hagun , anx ious to keep up the prosperous tide of trade that had struck his place , deputized ono of the revelers to run down the alloy to Pat Desmond's and have the domi-john loaded with some of "the best. " The individual accepting this little commission was " Rcddy " McCrca , u gent with "short cropped , tinted locks , amiable temper and cul tured thumping capacity. "Roddy" seized the domi-john , slipped out of the back "door and put off down the alloy in a hurry. Scarce three jumps had .ho taken when a voice in front of him broke out with a distinct , "Halt , who goes that ? " "Who goes that , indeed and It's your affair to find out , " rejoined Roddy not the least dismayed and running on with an effort to pass the obstruction with a voice. "Halt , [ say , " came the cautionary summons again , this time in quivering tones , "I'm an officer of the la' and will take ycz in , sure , of yez don't tell mo yor name an' ockipashun. " "Well , you can't got action any too quick , " defiantly retorted Roddy , drop ping the domi-john and reaching out into the dark. His hand fell on the person of Police Oflicer Jimmio Brady and the next instant found the two men at it , cudgel and stave , cleaver f nd axe , with Roddy win ning a steady advantage. They fought up * the alloy and down again until they stumbled but on Eleventh street and into the light shed by a friendly-lamp post. On the opposite side of the street , seated on the front piazza of the Emmett house , was ox-Onicer Jerry O'Grady , smoking pen sively as ho thought "d it" of Chief Soavoy and the 'foil commission. His quick oyn caught the trouble at this stage , and recognizing his former com rade in distress , ho bounded to the rescue. "Howld on wid both two of ycr hands , Jimmio Brady- till I jino yez. " ho shouted encouragingly couragingly , and the struggling Brady lifted his bulging eyes in thanks as ho caught Roddy's thumb in his tenth , and shifted grips on his throat. Simultaneously , co-inoidontly , or at the same time , which is hotter , another party was repairing to the scone in seven- league boots. It was Ptitsy Horrigan , the detective , who had just thrown up a rough shadow on burglarious looking gentleman who turned out to be a report er , and was standing at thoFarnam street corner chewing a toothpick and thinking up clows. He , too , saw the battle and gallantly galloped to the relief. It is a curious fact that Patsy and Jerry are brothers-in-law and mavbo that's why things happened as they did. "Keep your hands off that prisoner , Jerry O'Grady , " was Horrigan's first remark as on reaching the scene he beheld his relative trying to pull Roddy off of Brady's ' frame. Now this was more than O'Gradyfor the honest heart of him , could bear , so he loft Brady to Roddy's savage attentions and addressed himself with violence to Horrigan. A moment later the detective was spilled over the cobble pavement of the alloy with a rap on the jaw from his brother-in-law's gnarled and knotted fist. "Ye will , Paddy Fresh , will yez ? Yo'll monkey wid a life-sized gentleman , " yelled O'Grody , cutting a wing-step , with his dukes in position , as Horrigan slowly andpainfully put himself together and tested his bones as ho roso. Horrigan made no reply but limped away with a threatening shako at which O'Grady gave him the "Ha , ha ; " and "The terrier afraid of a rat , " and such sorts of offensive gibes. Meanwhile Roddy had finished his business with Brady and made his es- capo. With many an oath and stilled groan Brady limped off with Horrigau , leaving O'Grady in undisputed posses sion of the alley. "Now , it'll DO the likes of Paddy Her rigan to come back here wid a posse corao-and-tbko-us of police. Will Jerry O'Grady be arrested ? Naw , not in a thousand years , " and Jerry tnus solilo quizing armed himself with a dray pin and took his stand in front of the Lm- mett house. Ho was right in his surmise that Horri gan would return , and with plenty of backing , for barely a minute had oassod when the patrol dashed up and out leaped the detective , Captain Groan and three officers. "Stand backl What does yez want ? " challenged O'Grady as the party ad vanced upon him. "Wo want you. O'Grady , " returned Captain Green in lirm , determined tones. "Then come and take mo. " That is precisely what they did but not until after a fight which in point of brutal stubbornness overtops the Sunday prizo- mill as the mountain outriscs the sand hill. The clubbing to which O'Grady was submitted was terrible. His face and scalp were cut to pieces as the four policemen dealt him blow after blow , liis own weapon had been snatched from his hands , the blood drenched his cloth ing , ho roared and shrieked with rage and pain and fell at last on his knees. Then into the patrol wagon ho was thrown , where re gaining strength to struggle again ho was tramped under loot and choked into submission. In this disgusting , almost appalling , condition , Jerry O'Grady , once a well accredited oflicorof the force , was thrown into a cell of the station and shortlv sunk into coma or sleep , it mat tered little. Those events created the greatest OK- citement among the police and a dilli- gent searcii , so far ineffectual , was made For Roddy. _ Fatal Holler Kxploalon. FLINT , Mich. . August 80. While the farm hands were threshing on the farm of Lyman Curtis , live miles east of this city , to-day , a craln stack caught fire , and while three men were uehtlnc the lire the steam boiler exploded , killing Daniel Steegar and seri ously Injuring two men and three youns ladies who were assisting. The barns with the entlro crop o the season will probably be destroyed. Mendelssohn & Lawno , architects. D L. Shane , superintendent. Our Motto "GoodTirades , Low Prices" Central Lumber Yard. 13th & California ForUooth Privileges. G. A. R. Reunion , Omaha , or State fair , Lincoln. Call on or address E. P. DAVIS , Manager , Omaha , Hold Thieves Steal $8OO Worth ol Jewelry Yetterilay. About ono o'clock yesterday afternoon two unknown sneak thieves entered the Jewelry store of William Novo , No , CO ! South Tenth street , and succeeded In bagging about $800 worth ot goods. The room to the roar of the store is occupied as an oftloo by Judge Brandos , and both ho and Novo wcro away at dinner at the time of the theft , The judge had forgot ten to fasten the window in the roar of his olllco , and it was through this that the thieves effected their entrance. The trays in the show oases were carried back into the olllco and stripped of most ot their contents. Among a number of watches taken was a line chronometer worth $300. Besides this there were twolro cold and filled watch cases , bn- sidcs fifty-six solid gold rings. In their haste the thieves loft a few rings in the trays. To avoid being soon by the workk-gmen in Jor- ffonscn's cigar store the thieves clamb ered over the coal shed Instead of going around it. They were observed by some of the employes of Krug's brewery as they jumped from the coal shed and ran towards Eleventh street , and the only de scription the workmen could give of them is that one had on a dark and the other a light coat. From about 10.30 up to the time of the robbery throe men , two of whom answer the description , wore engaged in playing pool in Krug'a beer hall , the baok exit of which opens on the rear of Neve's store. Thco mon disappeared about the time the burglary was committed and were later seen tak ing the train tor Iowa. SUNDAY BUSINESS. Startling Invocation of an Old Law by Omaha Clothiers. The Clothing Salesmen's association , through its attorney , W. J.Council , filer information yesterday , against M. Gold smith , Harris & Son , Edward Olson , D Altman and Julius Bambcrgers for sell ing clothing on Sunday- The action was instituted on an old territorial law thai drifted into the state code when Nebraska was admitted to the sisterhood of states , An effort was never but once made to in force the law , and that was under the old territorial government , and durinp the mayorality of J. M. Kollum. Ir these days Omaha had but one barber , and two butcher shops. The second Sun' day the law was in force the barber became came disgusted and removed to Council Blulls , and the men of Omaha had to gu over there to got shaved , or wait tor the boat to come up from St. Joe. That week the two butchers hold a consults tiou and concluded to sell no beef during week days unless allowed to .do so , also , on Sunday. Mayor Hcllman was ob duratc , and waged his war for aboul three months. Then the citizens rose and , at a mass meeting held in an old frame building that stood about whore the B. & M. headquarters now are , ordered the mayor to "striko < colors 01 ride out of town. " No warrants have boon issued for the arrest of the parlies complained of yes tcrday. Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Local rains , southerly winds , becoming variable , generally cooler. For Iowa : Local showers , preceded by fair weather In eastern portion , southerly winds , becoming variable , cooler in western portion , stationary temperature in eastern portion. For Central and Eastern Dakota : Local rains , generally cooler , variable winds shifting to northwesterly. That Tired Feeling The warm weather has a debilitating effect , especially upon those who are within doors most of the time. The peculiar , yet common , complaint known u "that tired feeling , " Is the result. This feeling can be entirely overcome by taking Hood's Barsaparllls , which gives now lit * and strength to all the functions of the body. "I could not sleep ; bad no appetite. X took Hood's SarsaparlUa and soon began to sleep soundly ; could get up without that tired and languid feeling ; and my appetite improved. " B. A. BANFOKD , Kent , Ohio. / Strengthen the System Hood's SarsaparlUa Is characterized by three peculiarities : 1st , tbo combination ot remedial agents ; 2d , tbe proportion ; 3d , tbe proeeu ot securing the active medicinal qualities. The result Is .1 medicine of unusual strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown. Send for book containing additional evidence. " Hood's SarsaparlUa tones up my system , tmrlflos my blood , sharpens my appetite , and seems to make me over. " J. r. Tuoiirsoif , .Register of Deeds , Lowell , Mass. "Hood's Sarsaparllla beats all others , and Is worth Its weight In cold. " I. UAunwaiOK. ISO liauk Street , New York City. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. $1 ; six for ? 5. Mada only by 0.1. HOOD St CO. , Lowell , Mass. IOO Dotes _ One Dollar. _ _ J ) , " Swept Slitwn , " who romps In the orchard , over the inoiiUowB , rhles ou tint eabcach. ramlihu over the mountain * and en- jovHalltnu lively outdoor games and nimrlis j-i't IICT Face' , Nccl ( , A nil M nnd HnliiN are iwrtuct iilcturui ot Jleauly , whlclulio prcttrves by unlQg unlQgHACAN'S Magnolia Balm I..IB .iu . . . ui-iviavi iiff. , mffjt \ \ onilier. nooanway llli Tnu , hi rrncklpn. Teller and cvrrySkln .iciiunu. Wondcrlullr Uefrrililiiit. Tnko it with yuutu lUufaco4tiuro uU tlountolau. WILL NOT UNHOOK WHILE.BCINO ftTCry uuy who desires perfection In ityle anil form hould wear them. Manufactured only 1'T Ui WORCESTER CORSET COMPANY , icc l < r , Mu * . , Miib Mukct .licet , CUicif * TIMELY ADVICE. UBliccdcd May'Catuo AnyAuiount of Trouble * More Impcrlant Testimony Voluntarily Offered by Ono Who Has Been Through the Mill * t * MR W. O. HENSUAW. "For the last sixteen years. " aldMr.W.O.Ilen. phnw.who writ * flty InnipllKlitorfor u number of yrarfl and Is now employed by the Harbor At- plialt Paving company , to tlio ropurtur , " 1 have liRd un uphill tlmo In ordur to knnp nt mv work. While B boy nnil llvltur t my fntnur'g country rtslilonco on I.OIIR Isliiml Hound , Nn * York , I urn Jo A practice ot going In hwuiimlug from ton to twenty llrnoa a day whnn the ironlhcr wnS Riiltnblii , by thlsinoJins I developed oxtarrh la its worst form. My tliroat nud lioad wna ( top * pud up at ; tltnos. t coughed and hawked up phloitm , had to Mow my nose conmnntly , I ha < l a constant dull foollnif In my head , roarlnir lu tlio onrs , then I got deaf Krndually but BO auro- ly that I 11KCAMK MUCH AI.AIIMKI ) . Thia was not nil. 1 found tlmt I talked through my noBe , and nt nlplit 1 could not broatlio tliroiiKli my nostrils nt nit. I saw a , doctor and he told mo I hud n tumor grovrlnjr In my nosn caused by the catnrrh , wnloh ha called a polypus , I tried nil rammer ofremo ? dlos to un imill , iitul wbon six weeks ugo I caught afresh cold , which cnuaod tbo catarrh to uo down on my lung * , my condition was not , only nnnoylnir. but trroutly alarmed my wife , Wliy.slr , 1 felt ut tlmos Ilko clinkluir , then t coiiKBed so much I could not sloop ut nlfflit. I would have violent spoils of coughing which would cnunoiuo lu vomit. "As I siild bofovo , my condition no nlnrniod'l toy wlfo thaton the 15th of thin month abe Instated - ' stated tlmt I KO nnd consult K doctor next dnr. I wag loth to slopwork , hiitat liutconsouted.aud last Monday I consulted Dr. J. Crosap McCoy , Hnmgn Block , this city , who said ho could cure mo. This I wns wllllujr to bollevo , but did not dream of how quick part of my troubles could be rullevcd. Why , sir. ho romnvod this entire polr- pus In two or three minutes : hero , you BOO It la the bottle I have , nnd then made an application' ' to my diseased throat. I broalhod through'tnr ' nose nt onro. something I bnve not done In'i yonrft. I hnvo been on constant treatment ilnco , v nnd now have In a Inrgo measure roftulnod my.v1 sense of smell. I have not boon nblo to smell . anything beforn for eight yours. My catarrh Is ( frontly bonrlUtoti , my uonrlnf la coming' nround all right , and I am cortnln the doctor will soon hiivo me na well ns I ever was. 1 went home Monday from the doctor's office nnd slept all night a quiet sloop , aomrtlilnn I have not done for ao long a time I can't remember. Mf strength nnd detlre for work baa returned , t don't gat un In the mornlnr feeling na tired at before I wont to bed , ns 1 used to do. 1 feel HKO a restored man. " Hr. Honsh iw is well known nbout town , nnd the truth of his story can easily bo veilflcid by calling upon or addressing- him at his address nbove trlvon. When catarrh lias existed In the head and the upoor part of the throat for any length of tltne tre patient living In o district where people are subject to caUrrhal affection and the dls- eaao bus been loft uncured , the catarrh Invari ably , soraolltnos slowly , extends down the windpipe nnd Into the bronchial tubes , which tuboHconvey the air to tbe dlderont parts of the lungs. The tubes become afflicted front the swelling nnd the mucous arising from catarrh , nnd. In some instances , booomo plugged up. ao that uie air cannot get In na Iroolyaslt should. Shortness of breath follows , nnd the patient breathes with labor nnd dlllinulty. In either case there la n sound of crackling and wheezing Inside the chest. At this itaco of the disease the breathing Is usually more rapid than when In health. The patient haa also hot dashes over his body. The pnln which accompanies thlt condition U or a dull character , felt In the chest , behind the breast bone , or under the shoulder blade. The pain may come and go luat few days and then v , be absent for several others. The cough that ' occurs In the flrst stares of bronchial catarrh Is dry , comes on nt Intervals , backing In charac ter , and is usunlly most troublesome In the morning on rising , or going to bed at night and It mar be In the Orst evidence of the disease-ex tending Into the lunga. Sometimes there are fits of coughing Induced by the tough mucus so violent aa to cause vom iting. Later on the mucus that Is raised , Is found to contain small particles of yellow matter - tor , willoti indicates that tbe small tubes In the lungs nro now affected. With this there are otton streaks of blood mixed with the mucus. In some cases the patient becomes very pale , baa fever , nnd expectorates before any cough appeals. In Borne cases small masses of cheesy sub- Blanco nro spit up , which , when prossud be tween the lingers , omit n bad odor. In other caseD , particles of a hard , chalky nature are spit up. The raising nf chcosy or chalky lumps Indicate serious mlshlof at work In the lungs. When a parson with a dolicatn constitution tins n tendency to cuturrh or consumption Mhothor tills tendency is Inherited oriosultg fiom lukliitf cold easily , U Is notlueublo tlmt that person Invariably loses ttesh and loses strength , showing that the nutrition is inter fered with. In such n case the sufferer should at once be placed under inlluenoos that will restore the defective nutrition nnd tend to invigorate tbo constitution. It is to be remembered that In every case the presence of catarrh is an evidence of predis position to consumption , and no matter how Bllirlit tbe attack may bo , It xhould be treated with the greatest oiiro and the treatment should bo continued until all traces of tbe catarrh have disappeared. If the catarrh Is allowed to reach the smaller tubes In the luncrs which condition Is Indi cated by the splttlnv up of a yellow material then immediate attention to the malady Is do- inandod or serious lung trouble will result. Ciiturrli , It is said , Is nine times out of ton tbo cause that produces consumption , and hence no ono can alTord to neglect u case or catarrh , however fdlirht. ft Is easily cured It taken In tlmo and t routed roKUlutly and correctly by a specialist. If left to Itself It is rarely ourod without n chanpoof cllmato , but with each new cold It ( fold moro and moro troublesome , ex tending nlwuri a little deeper Into the lungs , until a euro becomes dimcult nnd sometimes impossible. IiiHiich a climate as this , the throat should bens ns carelully und lioquently looked after as the tooth. Yes , much moro caieftilly looked to , as tro.ibles ol' the throat nro moro numerous than dental tioiiblus ; und.whllo the Itittor oaiiHu only annoyance nnd pain , limit disease , usually the result of cnttmh , Kill one out of every BOVOO human beings born on the entire globe. DOCTOR ICresap M'Goy Late of Bellevue Hospital , 1ST.Y AM > I > O < ; TOK Columbus Henry HavoOllleos 310-31 ! RANGE BUILDING Cor. 15tli and Ilarney Streets , Omaha , Neb. Where nil curable cases are licmtoj with suc cess , llodital dlscftfos tiuutod SKtlfully. Consumption - sumption , llrlKht'n Disease , Dyspepsia , Ithoii- mutism , and all NKHVOUS DIHIIArtltt. All ill- seiir-os iiecnilnrto tlio sexes a specialty. CA- OONbUITATI(5N ( at onioe or by mall 51. Ullico hours ; U to II a.m. ; 2 to 4 p. in. ; "to B p. in. Bumlayn Included. Correspondence receives prompt attention. Miinydlseahos are treated successfully by Dr McCoy through tbo rmUld , and It Is thus po < l. bio for these unable to make a lournov to ob tain successful hospital treatment at their homes. No letters answered unless accompa nied by 4a In sumps. Addroos all letters to Dr , J. 0. McCoy , room ! 310 and ail lUuigo UuiWiuu , Oiuuba , h U