Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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Several Interesting Papers on Practical
and Important Subjects.
"Tho Itnclnnintlon of Children of
Children , " by Itcv. Air. Dium-
CIilld-SavInK Work Children
of Bhlnbono Alley.
YcHtcrdnjr Morning's Hcuslnn.
Thu members of thn conference of
charities nml correction assembled yes
terday morning shortly nfter 0 o'clock.
Congratulation were exchanged nnd all
seemed pleased with the progress being
mndo nnd with their Sunday spent in
Omaha. There arc a great many in at
tendance who were at tlio annual confer
ences for several years past.
There is a notable vacancy in the Illi
nois delegation , which was filled by a
distinguished American tourist , now in
specting the corrective institutions of
Canada. Whim the conference assem
bled in the senate chamber In St. Paul
last year Warden McGarrigle , then of
Chicago , made an eloquent address , in
which depictured the methods in USD in
the Cook county hospital. Dr. Arthur 11.
Anckrr , city and county physician ot
St. Paul and Ramsay county ,
Bays it would bo unfair a'ld
unreasonable to expect MeUarriglo to
attend the conference this year , but if ho
had attended lie could furnish a valuable
fund of information On the apprehension
and detention of the criminal classes.
liishops Whlpplo and Ireland , who
were active participants in last year's
discussions , were expected in Omaha , but
huvo not as yet appeared. Mrs. Dins-
moor will especially remember Bishop
Ireland , on account of the pleasant , yet
earnest effort lie made to have this year's
conference hold in Kaloigh. Ho did suc-
.cced by his splendid persuasive powers
in convincing a good many wavering
delegates that it would bo a great bcnotit
to the country , on account of the moral
effect , if the conference yroro hold in a
southern stato. Mrs. Dinsmoor took
the stand and eloquently advocated
Omaha's claims , and when a vote was
taken a majority favored Omaha. Bishop
Ireland then moved to make it unani
A prominent and experienced delegate
in the treatment of vicious classes is
Judge W. 11. Murray , the corporation
counsel and city attorney of St. Paul.
Ho , with P. H. Kelly and M. Doran , arc
the democratic triumvirate of Minnesota.
Ignatius Donnelly , has time and again
sought to overthrow them , but has as
often been compelled to seek Ninincer
and the Baconian cipher to blunt the
keenest of his injured feelings , on ac
count of his repeated discomtiture.
Judge Murray is accompanied by his
wife , and both are earnest workers in ttie
cause of charities and correction. Al
bert S. White , of Columbus , O. , is also
a tireless worker in this field. His
specialty is the treatment of youth , and
his years of experience have well fitted
him for his work. Nearly every delegate
is a prominent individual and the as
semblage is thus remarkably distin
guished. Several papers wcro read this
morning ; among them being the follow1
ing :
Rev. W. McG. Dana , chairman of the
committee , road the following paper :
The grout question of the hour for those In
tent upon making the world better and sav
ing the young from joining the ( treat nnny
of criminals is this of preventive work. "An
ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of
cure. " and while there Is much that is heroic
in the efforts wo see made to rescue and re
form wrong-doers there Is far moro virtue
and good sense shown In endeavors to pre
vent wrong-dolnc. In the downward path
which lends to a criminal llfo the tirst step Is
by far the most Important , and lust at this
point Is where the utmost effort should bo
expended. From my observation during my
recent visit to England , 1 was Impressed
with the emphasis being put upon this sort
of work. Its economy Is now recognized as
never before , which leads the state to assist
such organized movements as aim to chock
crime at Its fountain head. Its hopotulnoss ,
too , Is admitted , for you can more readily
prevent than euro crime if you will bo ln
soon onouih. Its wisdom is also now
moro generally acknowledged and a
a result work among the voune
of every character Is meeting with marked
favor and generous support. An Kngllsh
prison ofllclal of largo experience ( Chaplain
Clay , of Preston prison. England ) says "I
tn led to bellovo In respect to actual though
undetected dullnquoncy that 53 per cent lirst
practised dishonesty when under fifteen ,
14per cent between fifteen and sixteen ; 8
pcrcent-uniler seventeen , eighteen or nine
teen : and 'JO per cent under twenty. This
would 1:0 to show that most criminals began
on a career of dishonesty when under twenty
years of ago , and moro than half when under
lltteon. Preventive measures , therefore , ap
plied before these aees could surely hope to
bo exceedingly ctfectlvo In staying the devel
opment of crime. In the early wart of our
century the extent ot juvenllo criminality in
Great Britain was something appalling.
Young people wcro systematically trained In
vice , nnd were cm ployed to operate where
adults coull not. K\en boys ot twelve , four
teen and sixteen were sometimes hanged ,
and a noted instance of a child named
Leary Is on record whocommenced at the ago
of eight by stealing apples , and , progressing
through thefts of a minor kind , be
came at last the head of a tang and
was at the ago ot thirteen sen
tenced to be hung , but got oil with
transportation tor llfo. There were said to
be SOU ( lash houses In London frequented by
0.000 boys and girls who had no other occu
pation than that of thlevlnc. Now loflk at
the advance made. In Iblll when the popu
lation of London was under a million and a
half tlit'ro were In its prisons alone 3,000 in-
m a tea under twenty.half of these were under
seventeen , some \\oro nine and ten , and 1,000
of tlicso children , so to speak , were convicted
of felony. Now with a population in 1SS4
In England and Wales of 27,000,000 , tliero
were at that date only S75 prisoners under
sixteen , and \\'XM \ between sixteen and twen
ty-one. Eleven years after Howard published
his "State of Prisons , " the Philanthropic
society's Farm school , now located at Hed
Hill. Surrey , was founded , I , o. , 17b8 or 17bO.
Kngland's lirst prison reformatory was es
tablished at Parkhurst In the Isle of Wight
and In 18l9theroweroaboiit700younir persons
confined therein ; on December 31,1H > 1 , only
tlfty-elght when it closed , and since Ittert there
have been no juveniles In any rovernmrnt
convict establishment. The English author
ities make this distinction between a reform
atory and an industrial school : The lirst Is a
place ot punishment for a convicted offender
as a place uf training , and reception into a
reformatory must bo preceded by a period of
prison confinement of not less than ton dnvs.
The Industrial school , on the other hand , Is
purely a preventive or training Institution ,
from which the conviction for certain crimes
will exclude ) a elilld. Chaplain llorslcy , a
man of very extended experience and obser
vation , said to his bishop when asked whnt
were the greatest lilndrlnoes of religion : 1.
Prlnkluc ; ' - ' . The British parent ; ! ) . The
British employer ; . The respectability of the
church. It was sad commentary on
the second of these hindrances
that statistics showed that of those
Font homo after sorvliigtholrtlinein Polthnm
Indutitrial school , ia per cent were speedily
reconvicted , while ot those otherwise pro
vided only 5 per cent went wrong , and the
reformatory In Connecticut by its own reports
conforms tuthlsexperlenco. Here are both the
forces of oiivlionment and heredity working
disastrously on the children of parents who
are themselves vicious or who make their
homes anything but schools of virtue and
abodes of safety. Hence in England , and
crowln ; somewhat In our own country , Is the
idea of transplanting the children ot such to
new homes meeting with ereater fa\or.
What show is there for the boy or glil whose
home Is in the overcrowded tenement , where
. no principle of modesty or even morality can
ho taught or observed. The most clfectivc
preventive woik therefor has regard to the
parents as well as to Its Immediate subjects
lor free kindergartens have , It is found , a re
( lex Influeuro on the homo whence their pu
pUg come. They go back \\lth now views o
cleanliness and at once introduce now and
better Ideals of life. Then when vou rise to
manual and technical schools they tend to
augment the breadwlnnlng powers of those
who avail of their advantage ! ! , and If our ed
ucational system can bo made more practical
by having grafted upon It manual training
In Its various forms , It will do far more than
It has hitherto to tit you out for an upright ,
Industrious llfo. I asked John Bright when
at llochdale last Juno whether lie attributed
the dccreasa of criminals In the. United
Kingdom solely to the superior prison sys
tem of his country , lie said no , but rather
to the Increase of the agencies for securing *
good education for the onco-ncglcctrd part
ot our population , as by "the board schools ; "
to the growing elliclency of the Sunday
schools ; to Bands of Hope ; orphanages ,
and all those Institutions that preventive
work has called Into existence. Along these
lines wo can operate even far moro success
fully than heretofore. The report of manual
training in common , schools made to the
New York board ot education declares
that the leading purpose ot such
training In European countries Is "to foster
Industrial skill and to produce specialists ,
artisans , In order to advance the Interests
which manufacturing nations have in do
mestic and foreign trade. " and adds , "It is
admissible Into our schools only as a means
of general , not special education. " But I
query If this Is altogether correct. If manual
training , general and spcclllc , would develop
a greater respect and taste for manual labor ,
increase the aptitude and power for Indus
trial llfo , then It has to do with the. preven
tion of pauperism ana crime , and If such
training 1ms not only disciplinary but utlllc
advantages , It surely ought to be adopted by
the stat , and In this way better trained
minds and enlarged bread-winning powers
bo secured for the rising generations.
Immediately at the cloo of the Frnnco-
Uurman war. manual training was estab
lished In all the elementary schools of Paris
and tlie larger provincial cities. Apprentice
ship schools were also founded to supply the
less general custom of apprenticeship , and
provide a progressive system of workshop
instruction combined with an elementary lit
erary education and extending over a period
of three years. Pupils from these schools are
competent at onca to gain a living as car
penters , locksmiths , paTntcrs.deslgners , etc. ,
and to enter one of the highest technicals
schools now so numerous In France
to bo trained as foremen , super
intendents , or engineers. By thus fostering
and encouraging the highest Industrial and
artistic capabilities of the masses of the
working classes France has measurably
freed herself from the curse of pauperism.
The Austrian government relieves distress
among the peasant women and girls in a cer
tain district not by raising a fund to bo doled
out to them but by furnishing instructions in
designing and lace nuking in connection
with the Vienna art school to largo numbers
of this class. They returned home , .became
teachers of their friends and neighbors and a
marked improvement In the condition of the
people ensued and a new era of prosperity
was by their own Industry brought In.
The poor were depict ) to help them
selves by augmented skill and opportunity.
The Now York report already referred to
recommends the Introduction iuto the school
curriculum of carpenter work or the use of
wood-working tools for boys , modeling In
clay for boys and girls , construction work in
paper and pasteboard and other suitable ma
terial for boys and girls. Drawing toscalo
for boys and girls , sewing for girls and also
rooking. Those branches they recommend
to be taught In the regular grammar and
primary school buildings , and time secured
lor them by certain exclusions from the
studies now pursued in the various grades.
In this way we will educate our youth to care
for themselves and provide against their ina
bility to earn their own livelihood. This ac
complishes two things : It dignifies manual
labor and trains every youth In the rudi
ments , at least , of some Industrial calling.
That forestalls the InntHclency which
Is so often the occasion of pauper-
'sm ' nnd the provocation of crime. The
'Isclpllnary Influence of such training all
nr foremost educators recognize , while the
itilitarlan aspects have long been evident.
The influence of such an institution as the
iVIKon Industrial school of Now York
caches a class of children else neglected ,
ind through them have homes been trans-
onned and the character of family llfo been
iltcrod tor the better. It Is the pushing of
ill schemes of moral and Industrial educa-
lon that is now demanded. Our modern
philanthropy needs to become more nnd moro
nstructlvo and comprehensive. We must
lot expend all our energies saving those who
liavo fallen. Wo ewe something to these
ivho are on the edze of the precipice ; somo-
tlnnji to these who by timely guidance and
.vise . training wo can fit for a moral and use-
ul life. As phllanthiopists and ro-
'ormers we have much to do
with all these agencies which pro
mise to imbue the youtti with noble ideas
and strengthen them to resist the Inlluences
calculated to load them astray. Prisons are
grand institutions and necessary , and wo
have yet much to learn In reference to how
they shall bo constructed and administered ,
but schools are grander which deal with
r'oung lifo before hopelessly warped and
mastered by vicious propensities. The kin-
; lcrgnrtcns , the kitchen garden , industrial
and technical schools are the best investments
society can make. Life is too precious to bo
wasted , and those born to a lot of tempta
tion and freighted from the start with evjry
disadvantage call Joudest for our sympathy
and help , and it Is In redeeming such that we
"essen the criminal class and make useful
uembers of society ot these who else would
liavo become pensioners on Us charity , or
.ho Inmates of the penal Institutions crime
has made necessary , the support of which ,
too , Is a growing burden on the parly politic.
Chlld-Saviuc Work.
Mrs. Fairbanks addressed the meeting
as follows :
Mr. President , Ladies and Gentlemen
of the Conference : The chairman of your
committee on child-saving work must re
spectfully report as follow :
One subject for the hour is expressed
in two words : Child-saving work.
This suggests that all our children are
in danger. They must bo rescued , for
upon them depends the future well-being
of our great commonwealth. The great
body of children who have homes need
saving as well as the comparatively
small number who arc homeless and
To save the average child from idle
ness , ignorance , sullering and crime is a
Held of labor so broad Hint it can justly
be caled ) the most important work of the
age.Tho problem of how to "savo the child
and give the state the man" is far from
being solved , though great advancement
is being made in this direction tluough
faithful , untiring , intelligent cflbrt.
As to chlld-savmc work , in its strict
sense , Mr. Letchmioh's able paper on
"Tho Children of the State , " presented
to this conference two years ago , anil
Miss Virginia Smith's excellent report of
one year ago covers so much of the
ground , and has been brought before you
so recently , and so ably , that lutlu now is
loft to bo said.
Of child-saving work there are but two
diversions the old , old preventive and
cure. Under the head of preventive
work comes the causes of vice in chil
dren. Are they heredity , ignorance , in-
tomporaiKjc , poverty ? And can the cure
bo found in compulsory education of an
uulustral and moral nature , truant laws ,
custody of homeless children ?
Wo present for your consideration a
few short papcrt ) , whoso authors write
from largo experience , and deep research ,
anil then give what has been so much de-
hired in our past lessons , plenty of time
for the discussion of each special topic ,
as well as other subjects suggested but
not fully treated.
Ono of our committee , Mrs. F. II ,
Pierce , whoso efforts on behalf of chil
dren have been attended with remarka
ble success , gives us the following sug
gestions , drawn from her oxpcrionco of
nineteen years in the children's homo of
Duvcuport , la. :
DAVESi'oitr , July 23. The child savins
work is to me the most important work
of the ago.
Our hopes are in the children. Elevate
educate nnd christianize them , and tin
world would soon bn redeemed from the
evils wo are now struggling with. W <
would take courage when wo would rO'
alizo what universal attention is bolnp
given to the subject. The good people o
the world are awakening to the unpor
tancooftho work , and many hearts arc
crying out for wisdom to direct.
* ' \S ho , in looking upon the face of nr
innocent babe , does not have an oarnos
desiru that the young lifo develop inti
the pure and beautiful. The thought o
luinmuity conies at ouco to wmd , aud w
wonder what may arise to contend with.
The secret of saving children , it deems
to mo , should begin with the mother
many years before the birth uf the child.
Preparation for motherhood is so sa-
crrd , who can comprehend it ?
Should not all daughters bo made sol
emnly familiar with tins subject ?
Do wo not as mothers fail to do our
whole duty In this respect to our own ,
and to these whom wo might influence ?
Would that mothers could bo aroused to
the fearful responsibilities of their posi
It scoma to mo that much can bo ac
complished through friendly visiting.
Many n mother not properly trained
hcrsolf would bo glad to know of n bet
ter way of teaching her own little ones ,
and cheerfully consent to their going
into school.
I would gather every child into the
Sabbath school. Organize Bands of
Hope , Sunbeams , Wido-Awakcs , sewing
schools , cooking schools , etc. "Gather
the children in. "
In a great variety of ways the better
nature of children may bo developed by
coming in contact with pure minds.
I often think how much talent lies dor
mant in children because we do not
make the oflbrt to reach it. Wo must get
down to the mind of the child , put our
selves in their places , apprcciAto their
condition , anticipate their wants , and
gently lead them along.
The power of control which wo may
have over them , should bo A hidden
power. Wisdom from above should
direct. The homes of needy children
( needy being used in its broadest sense ) ,
should be frequently visited , and the par
ents labored with , and after all natural
means have failed , children removed into
good families so far as they can bo se
The greatest caution should prevail
here. My experience teaches that most
people who want to take children into
their families , do it for their own sake
and not for the child's good. Many of
tiio above class of children as well
as the homulolcss orphans need
bo taken to homes adapted to their con
dition and ago to tit them for such fami
lies as they should enter.
These homos should most emphatically
bo conducted on the cottage plan , little
families of from fifteen to twenty , with
everything made as homelike as possible ,
children graded according to age and
capacity and presided over by n good ,
motherly , Christian woman , whose duty
it shall be to care for them as nearly as
her own as possible.
As soon as bettor homes and influences
in families offer I would remove them to
such , though many children are better off
in institutions properly conducted than
in families.
It is usually only the bettor class and
most attractive that are in demand.
The crippled and uncomely are less
liable to imposition in institutions than in
families. In our experience of nineteen
years in ono home , we felt that 05 per
cent , of all our children grow into re
spectable citizens. I would make it un
lawful for any child to go to a poor
Above all things I would emphasize
personal work with children and young
people. Numberless are those who have
gone astray because of no ono to lead
them in a better way. This is particu
larly true of working girls. How many
such are saying to-day "Nobody cares
for nic , " and the result is that many
warm hearted girls are going astray. A
kind word to such at the right time would
be like apples of gold in pictures of sil
ver. For such I would suggest pleasant
places of resort , reading rooms , amuse
ments , etc.and a hearty greeting as they
visit these places. Organize them into
societies such as Lend a Hand , or "Ten
times ono is ton. " get them to work for
each other , stimulate them to sympathy
for each other , and a feeling of responsi
bility for their class , and they can reach
many that no ono else can.
Reclamation of Children.
It is believed by the pioneers in this
noble work , that homo adoption lias been
a great factor in the saving of children.
In Ohio , where homes have been estab
lished long enough to test the matter by
statistics , it has proved a blessing to
both the child adopted and its foster par
ents. The earlier the child , who lias
been bornamidst poverty and vice , can
bo secured , the moro easily is the ob
jective point attained.
So far as experience goes in the re
clamation of children , the indications
are that a largo majority of children who
have been early domiciled in the several
homes of the state , and especially in the
Franklin county homo , arc sought for by
those desiring to adopt them as their
own. Though there is no special olliccr
whoso duty it is to hunt out proper homes
for the children , the appeal of the officers
in charge to the citi/.cns generally , to in
terest themselves in providing homes for
those who have been fitted to enter them ,
has , of later years , been generally re
sponded to.
It has been suggested that in older nnd
moro populous centers than this , that
there is a tendency to retain children In
the institution , and that institution life
is encouraged by these who have become
personally interested in the children.
Thu extent of this influence in older
states and communities cannot well bo
ascertained with any degree of certainty.
In the newer states , and especially in
Ohio , such a tendency does not prevail.
In this homo there has not been the
slightest indication of n desire upon the
part of the children who have been prop
erly trained and educated , to remain in
the institution , nnd ono of the first duties
of teachers and attendants is to inspire in
the minds of their charges , ideas of self-
support and independence.
Objection has been made by these de
siring children for adoption , to accept
those whoso parents , either of them , wcro
criminals or paupers , believing that vice
and crime are inherited. The superficial
btudent of history even , would have little
if any doubt that such belief is a popular
delusion. A profound and patient
investigator of this question says :
"Tho progress of the- child is ono of
opportunity. It is improvement after
birth ; not of internal power , but of exter
nal advantage. The child born in n civ
ilized land is not likely , as such , to bo su
perior to ono born among barbarians ,
and the difference which ensues between
two acts of the children will bo caused ,
so far us wo know , bololy by the pressure
[ Continued on Sccond Page. ]
mcnucEo RATES
To the Ninth International Medical
Congress ,
to bo held at Washington , D. C , Septem
ber 5th to 15th , 18S7. Ticket Agents of
the Peuusyslvania Lines at both City nnd
Depot ticket oilicc , Chicago , 111. , will
sell to delegates and their families who
desire to attend the convention , eickets ,
Chicago to Washington for $17.50 each
and will at the same time furnish on ap
plication a certificate in connection with
the sale of each ticket entitling the hold
er thereof to return passage at $5.85 , or
ono third faro returning , making the ratq
f3.H5 for the round trip. For particulars
address C. W. ADAMS , Assistant General
Passenger Agent , Pennsylvania Lines.
03 Clark Street , Chicago , 111.
First Harvest Excursion to Dakota.
Half-faro rates via Chicago.Milwaitkec
& St. Paul Hy , for round trip tickets to
points in southern , central and northern
Dakota. Excursion train starts August
80th. Don't forget the date. Apply at
City Ticket Ollico , 1401 Farnam street ,
Omaha. F. A. NASH , General ugeut.
On and nftor Aug. 28 , the Missouri Pa-
cltio railway will run two trains daily to
Nebraska1 City , leaving Omaha at 10:15a : ,
in. and 0:10 : p. in. , from tlicir depot at
15th nnd Webster sts , arriving nt Ne
braska City at It37 p. in.'and 11:55 : p. m ,
For further information call at city
ticket oflico , 218 So13th et. ,
Absolutely Pure.
Tbti powder novcrvarlos. A marvel of pur
ty , strength \rliolcsomono88 , Mnro econ
omical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot bo
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Bold only In cnn . KOVAL BAK1NO POWDEB C .
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314 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Established for tha Scientific and Speedy
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Tha Old Rollabla Specialist of many years ox
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Treats all forms of Throat Lung , Nerve nnil
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foimttles fur In ndynnco of any Institution In
this country. Those who contemplate going to
Hot Springs for the treatment ot any Privateer
or lllood disease can bo cured for ono third the
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street , Omaha , Nob.
KDFTUItU cured without pntu orhlndoriuico
rom business.
I finiCC Hy this treatment a pure Lovely
LHUI CO Complexion , Ireo from slowness ,
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Eyes and perfect health can bo had.
CJf" That "tired" feeling nndall female weaknesses -
nesses promptly cured. DIoHtlng Headaches ,
Nervous Prottrutlon , Ceneral Debility , Sleep
lessness , Depression and Indigestion , Ovarian
troubles , Inlliiminiuloti and Ulceiation , Fall In ?
and Displacements , Spinal weakness , Kidney
omplaints nnd Change of Llfo. Consult to
ld Doctor.
CVC llin CftD Acute or ChronicInflam
ETC JII1U C Animation ot the Kyellds or
Ulobo ami tar or Near Slghtodness , Inversion
ot the Lids. Scrofulous Ej os , Ulcnratlons , In
flammations , Abscess , Dimness \lBlon of ouo
or both eyes , and Tumors of Lid.
13T" Inflammation of the liar , tJlcorntton or
Catarrh , Internal or External Deafness , or
Paralysis , Sinning Or Iloaring noises , Thickened
Drum. etc.
DebilitySpermatorrhoea , Seminal -
inal Looses , Night Emissions ,
Loss of Vital Power , Sleeplessness , Despond
ency , Ixiss of Memory , Confusion of Ideas ,
Illurs llcforo the Eyes , Lassitude , Languor ,
nioomloesa , Depression ot Spirits. Aversion to
Society. I'.tsily Discouraged , Lack of Co nil-
dence , Dull , Listless , Unlit for Study of Busi
ness , and finds llfo n bunion , Safely , Perma
nently and Privately Cured.
Dl flAII ff. OVIUttlBonscs.Syphllls-nMI-
DLUIIII tt OnlH soase most horrible In
Its results completely eradicated without the
me of mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas , Fever
Sorei , lllotcbps. Fimploi. Ulcois. pains In the
Head and Hones , Syphilitic Sore ThroatMoutli
and Tongue , Ulamlular Enlargement ot the
NOCK , Hlioumatism , Catarrh , etc. , Permanently
Cured When Others Have Fulled.
Kidney and Bladder troubles ,
i Weak Hack , liurnln ? Urine ,
Frequency ot Urinating , Urine high colored or
milky sedlmonton standingUonorrbcca , ( licet.
Cystitis , etc , promptly anil safely cured.
Charges rpaipnablo.
"JCQ Blood poison
- CO Tonereal taint
gleet , stricture , seminal emissions , loss of sex
ual power , weakness ot the sexual organs.want
of desire In male or female , whether from Im-
prudout habits ot young or hexuul habits In
mature years , or any cauio that debilitates the
sexual junctions , speedily aud permanently
Consultation free and strictly confidential.
Medicine sent free from observation to all
parts of the United States. Correspondence
receives prompt attention. No letters an
swered unless accompanied by four cents In
stamps. Send stamp for pamimlet and list of
Questions. Terms strictly cash. Call on or ad
dress I > R. I'OWKI.L IlEKVES ,
No. SI * South 13th St. . Omaha , Neb.
Something' entirely now
and fcllx at sight , liar-
.tun's Stenmless , Odor
less , Non-Uoll-Ovcr-Kot-
tle. Has deep ruUud
cover nnd water Joint ,
and an outlet which car
ries all stcatn nnd odor
of tlio chimney. Patent
Stciuncr attachment
alone worth thn price.
A Rtmts wanted , mule or
femnloln every town In Is'oliraska. Profits $ ' > to
110 per day. Liberal terms and exclusive terri
tory Klvun. Bond stamp for circular nnd tuims.
Prices , tlit. ! , 11.73 : H lit. , fl.65 ; lOqt , (8 ; liqt. .
18.30. Model by mall , SOo.
\V. S. COOMHS. General Agent ,
Omaha Nob.P.O. llox 183.
A d others suffering from
nervous debility , riliauitliiK
ihronlo dlaeavfi. immature
lUfclino or jountr or old are
positively cund l > y Dr.
llorne'i famous Electro.
Munetlc llelt. ThoiiMiidi
In rcry Sf --State In theUnlon ha e been cui i.
KketrlelI-A Sty tnnantly felt. I'lUentrd and told 1O
) ean. Whole ! rurally can wear same licit Kletlrla
Kurncnsorlc fre lthmaleUilta A oM worthless Im
itations and l > ou-u companies Electric Trumi-s for
tluuturr. 70(1 currdln'85. Hend ttamp for pamphlet.
Lincoln , Neb.
Thn best known and most popular hotel In
thostato. Location control , appointments first
alass. Headquartcig tor commercial men and
all political uud public gatherings.
E. P. IIOUCIEN. Proprietor.
HOTEL' ' "
* " Or Anetimoi
iiunnn fT9"
KNHIIIIII FouZfullmpnuhl secauilnit
M H 111 IUU U hreiiiature Itxvt. hervouj
PebUItT , lost Manhood , etc. , baring trlod In Taia
AUTUMN ' 87 , $
We have made extraordinary efforts in our new Boys' and Ohildrens
Department , to have the same ready for the opening of the schools.r
It is the largest , most elegant and best lighted salesroom in the city ,
and we cordially invite an inspection of the same.
We are now prepared tb show a stock of clothing for boys , from 4 to
18 years of age , the like of which has never been seen in this city , It js
offered at prices which makes it worthy your attention.
Our new hat .department is now ready and open for business.
Have our -prices for clothing revolutionized your ideas ? Well , we do
exactly the same thing with hats. They are marked at prices which
will astonish you. To inaugurate this new department in a befitting
manner we have placed on sale.
One hundred dozens fine Fur 'Stiff Hats of the latest styles , high and
medium crown , at one dollar. Such qualities have never been sold for
less than $2 , and we guarantee them to be fully worth the latter prica i
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at
Nebraska Clothing Company
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
Car. 13th St. and Capitol Ant. , OMAHA , NEB.
Bert fucilltln. ppnntni anil rm1lM for iner * .l\il lr tlmpnt /
crry formofdw w reiulrlii * Mlii l or SiircirAl Irtklmriit.
WRITB ran CtmuLAR * * iWormltltt ami ) lii ri , < lul > 1 r t ,
CurTftlura of t'i Spine , rUct , Tmnori , Lancrr , Cctarrli , Hrnnrl lti ,
InhttUtlun , f .Mrtrlrltr , IMralril * . t pillpv. XI IncU ! UJ r. Lvt.
K r , UUu , > nj lllou-1 , and all Hurried U | . r lloui ,
Book on Diseases of Women FIIEE.
All Blow ! DIM * * ? * ncr Mful1 treat1. plitlltlc Tolaon removrd
ftom th tyittfm wliliunl mercury. New Itetlorativa freatirmit for
I M of \ ) ( ! Power. 1'ertoii * urubl * to v Uit u may t o treftleO at
huinr , t T Con Mon lenrc All communication * CunfldintUl iltdt *
rlnciorlnitriimenKBeiit by mailer iprrM , Mrnrtly | * ck ] , na
mirki to Inlirate rnntrntior vender , On i rtonal interview \ r -
frrnl Call n4 rnniull u or Mnd hlitary of jour CiM , nit * it * up ,
* udT will tt ud in plaiu w raider , our
Upon rriritc , Special ant Krroa DIM K , Seminal wtaknfM ,
| * niiM orrlK Ffi , Impolicy , BrpMlU , Gonorthcca , Glett , and * * I-
fucele. lluomi fur patient * . AiMrvM ,
Dr. itcMenamy , Cor. 13th st. & Capitol AT..OIM3 , Neb.
Medical Books or Papers Free.
The proprietor of tbe Omaha Medical and Surgi
cal Initltuto Hits imhll hed vuluaQlo BO. of book *
unit papers upon chronic unil surgical cllsoiise and
ucformlil ? * , anil tue methods ul euro vrhlcli have
glvon lilmfie rcpntatluuof bulni ; tbe must skillful
HI cl iucccssful ipoclallu in Hie west , nnd made tno
Initltutn to cetuNrated tlmt modlclnei uroseutto
nnd pntlents receltod from every state In the unliin.
Among the bojlti U ono upun the dlBua-ea uf
women ; ono upnnner ou < , npcclal und private ili -
case of Iho Kttxual nnd urinary organs ! virlcoculo
cured by eurfflrttl operation * , und ttieir lutelr Invuut *
oil clump cnmprrni iup naory for iba relief and
cureof varlcutele , nervoui einaiittton undtexual
debility , new restorative treatment 1'a en upon
BurKlcal braces , plloi , cancers , panlynis , nu. Elec
tricity nnd tno ne v magnetic battfry for home u > C |
catarrh nnd Inhalation , etc. Unlike inot books
tflsued by doctorIreo. . they do not consist of test ! *
monlala with fictitious Dimes and Initials , or rnbblsli
of that kind , but nre pliln description * of dl e sea ,
symptoms , new di co7Crlei In medicine , surgery
ami electricity , imd nro writ worth the perutnl nnd
can be obtained free D ! addressing the Onialm Medi
cal and furvlcal Institute , 13th street and Capitol
uTcnuc. Oman * . Nebraska.
Cor. 18th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
A Kogulnr Graduate in Medicine
nn l Special I'riiftltUincr ,
Authorized to treat all Cluonlc , Nervous nnd
"fepcclnl Diseases. "
( Wliothor caiisud by Imprudence , KXCCES or
Contusion ) Seminal Weakness , ( nluht lnsoe )
Sexual Dobllity , ( loss of ecxmil power ) , Nerv
ous Debility , lllood Disorders , etc. CurHtiluciises
guaranteed or money refunded. Charges low.
Thousands of eases cured. Ago and experience-
are Important. All medicines especially pre
pared tor each Individual ease ,
iVo InJiirloiiH or I'olMMioin Coin *
pound * Used.
No time lost from business. Patients nt n
distance treated by letter and express. Modlclau
sent over } w hero fico fiom ga/o or brcakngo.
i\o Delay ill rillliij ; Order * .
For'4 csnts In stnmp , will mall freo. all our
jirlntoa lltoruture , ombntcinga"hvmplomlist"
on which to got a lull lilttory of Disou ooto. ,
State your etiso and send for terms All wo
ask Is a trial. Secrecy obsuivod either in per
son or by mull.OFFICE
9 to 12a.m. .2 ton anil 7 to 8 ] ) . in. Sundays In
cluded. Consulting room No. 4.
u rlt > retc.r > iuliln rioin luiliicrellonior
iOfi'cli r a lth l ISIonorh Slrfl l. . .br tll
r lrj took ! free. Should bo read by Fathers
andplared In of MADE [ STRONG
tbtlrtons. _ _
J 3-Replel il7.rn7ornitl > nor mlnoto at.tnen.
MARSTON REMEDY CO l9ParkPlace. New York.
For all Unds of buf IncM at the
New Town of Harbine
Midway between Folrbury ntd ncatrlco on the
C. 1C * N. It. It.
Lots Vhcni > on Jasy
Address C D. tKTTON , FuJrbury ,
\ m jy r y
fc' c < o < o # fc : fc
A magniflcant display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture-
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
7 ,
\ Will Open UUiiuiifeiiry at * /
< \
IS. E. Corner of 13'tl
' ft
\ and Dodge Sts. I
< ! $
P =
sT 'NSixr v v sr sr s. vcnsr
Real Estate Dealers
140 South Spring Street ,
Doulors In city mid country property of all
doecrlptluns. ( luncrul Information to new
comers freely given.
I thii
'TTnuout , nild , ootbtr jrurrtnti of
llrtctlr Ihrouf b all wifck ptrti.rtitor *
fcltlnitiDtlr or wefurfvittSfiiOQ la r > * ti.
nBtioverill cittcrt lt WorttcAifiper *
t ho iVnden Electric Co. IG9 LaSalfc t. . Chicago
( Successors to John 0. Jucotir. )
Umlcrlata and Hiilurs
At the old stand , 1407 Farnatri St. Orders
by telegraph solicited and promptly attended -
tended to. Telephone No , f.'Kt ,
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Gicsen , Germany and Nevr
York. Having devoted their attention
Nervous , ClroDic and
More especially those arising from impur-
dence , invite all so Eufl'cring to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured satcly anil speedily with
out use of dangerous drugs. Patients
whose cases have been neglected , badly
treated or paonounded incurable , should
not fail to write us concerning their symp
toms. All letters receive immediate at *
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility , and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added
an "Essay on Marriage , " with important
chapters on Diseases of the Reproductive , '
Organs , the whole forming a valuable inedJ
ical treatise which should be read by all
young men , Address
1707 Olive St. , St. Louib , Mo.
Omalxa ,
Paid up Capital . $250,000
Surplus . 42,500
II.V. . Yules , President.
Lewis S. Hoed , Vice-Prosldnnt.
A. E. Touxnlin , 3 < ! Vicc-1'resident ,
W. II. S. Hughes , Cashier ,
miiKOToits :
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins
II.V. . Yatus , Lewis S. Kcoil
A. E. Touzalin.
Cor. 12th itnil Fiirniini Sts.
A General liunkinf Business Tcunsacto
N.W. Harris &C < K
. Jt.Jl. > Co. '
Corr ti > uuaeuco Bollci j
Tin or Iron , Repaired.
.And PnlNtotl , nnd gimnuiteccl tlflit for number
or jcars. I'ulnth ninur Wit-tor.
Manufactured nnd rcpulieii. riro J'ruof 1'nlut
iti > pluU ! to sblnaloii , 1ft yrnrs oxpcrlanco.
, W.M. II. fcmtllAN A SON ,
2IJ1 K.llt iH. Dot. Arbor mid VJnton.
curfd. No Iruifuilni norciuiups uied.
V. U. 3ui.plCo , lei ! Jii , it. l.oull , U I.