Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    iti . - 7f' .
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AdvcrtlM'tiu'tils utiiitT till * bend. 10 cents po
IIIP lor the lint ItiMTtion , 1 cents for each sub
nqiitnt Inrrrtirn. andtl.fiOn line per month
hondvertltcincnt taken tor ioMtnnn25 cents
for the llrst Insertion. Hoven words wll jb
counted to tlio mi' ) ! they must run eon ocu-
Uvolr find must oo paid In advance. All advcr-
tlfotnentu mu t bo handed ID before 1:30 : o'clocie
p. m , nnd under no circumstance * will they bo
, taken or discontinued by trlcphonc.
1'artina advertising In thcMs column and har-
Inir ttio answers artdr f iil In rare of TUB tin
will please auk fora check to enable thom to jret
tnclr letters , ax none will bo delivered , excoot
on iirn'ontntlnn of check. All answers to advcr-
titcmontii should bo fnr1o oil In envelopes.
All advertisements In thc o columns nro pub
lished In both tnornlnir nnd evening edition *
ofliir. IlKK. the circulation of which njrirro-
iratrs morntlmn H.iW ) pnporti dnlly , and plves
thu ndvi'rtl erstho bi-ndllt , nut only of the city
circulation of Tirr. lUr. . but n1 o of Council
UlHIfs , Lincoln nnd other cities and towns
lirotiirlioiit this pnrt of the wo t. _
$ 1,003,000 to lonn. Cole , 313 S ICtb.
ONKY Wolonn money on Improved prop
nrty for any desired amount at low rate *
of Intwrost , to run from two to ten years time.
Btotts , Cox & lloiislon , 1C07H rariiain. 059
ONKY TiTlonTi at fl per cent. Patterson
M Ilros. , Kit It street , op. P. O. 32S
7tOCOO TO LOAN atfl per cent. Lluahnn
$ Mahoncy , IM)9 ) Farnam. 6.W
6 FKll CENT Money.
K. C. 1'attorBOn. 15th qt.d Ilarnny. C3 ?
J5in,000 ( to lonn on real ostntn. No delay-
? _ HarrlsBiimpoti _ , 1518 Douglas ft. 640
l/TONKY / TO MAN O F. Davis Co. , reft
U. estate and loan agents , IMS Farnam st.
fXK,009 ) to loon in nny amount nt lowest rnto
ot interest. II. n. Irey. Frenzor block. 307
ttBOO.,000 To lonn ori Omaha city property ntJ
P per cent O. Vf. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Hld
MONEY TO LOAN On city nnd farm prop
erty at low rates. No delay. Cahn * Wool-
tfy , lag Farnnin st. M0a37
TVONI'.Y to lonn to pnrtlos wlshlnir to build.
.Ml. B. 8. Campbell , it 10 B lUth fct. , Chamber of
Commerce. 43
MONEY Tn loan. Lowest riUeB. No 'delay.
1J. li. Hlco'ft Co. , over Commerolal Na
tional bank. -57
mONEY to loan , cash on delay.
3. W. and IS. I * Siiulro , 1413 Farnam St. ,
Faxtnn hotel biilldlnir. < " 4
MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop
erty In sums of f 1,000 to 15,000 at six nor
cent interest , KholcsA Crumb. 845
MONEY TO LOAN on improved real tnte ;
no commission charged. Louvltt Ilurn-
httm , Itoom 1 Crolghton lllock. G4t
M ONKY In gums of J500 and over to loan at
low rntcs , Hussoll &Uarrett,312 B 10th st.
MONEY TO LOAH-On city property la
Bums of | 500 and upwards at lowest rates.
Money ttlwny * on band. 8. B. Cantpbnll. 810
Bouth Sixteenth street. 647
fM ) IXJAN Money ixiaiis placed on im-
M. proved real estate In city or county for
Mew England Loan & Trust Co. , by Doualas
County bank. ICth and Chlrago sU. 049
MONEY I ANKDnt C. F. Keod 4 Ca's Loan
Offlco , on furnlturoplnnos , horecs.wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 819 S. 13th.
over Blnghnm B Commission storo. All busi
ness strictly conndontlal. CJO
MONEY limned on furniture , planoi , organs ,
horses , oto.low rutrs. J.J.Wilkinson A Co , .
IjEl Farnani , over llurllngton ticket olllcc. 4HT
MONEY TO LOAN by tbo nndorsigned , who
DM tbo only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 tn $100 made
on furniture , plnnos , orgnns , horgcs , wagons ,
machinery , &o , without rmnoval. No dolays.
AH business strictly confidential. Loam 10
ttndo that any part can bopald at any Ime.each
payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
. snadn on flno watches nnd diamonds , persona
Bhnuld carefully consider who they nro dealing
wllh , as many now concerns nro dally coming
into existence. Should you need money call
and Foe me. W. n. Croft , Iloo.-n i Wtthnoll
Building 15th and Humor. 851
nMlE. OMAHA Pinnneial Exohangn ,
JN. . W. rorner of Harnoy nnd 15th its. ,
over State National bank.
If prepared to mnko short time loans on any
available fecurity.
Loang made on chattels , collateral or real
Long time loons made on improved real ottato
at current rates.
Purchnoo money mortgages negotiated.
Fecurcd notes bought , iioldor exchanged.
Short tlma loans made on second mortgage
according to marginal interest , at collateral
Itonl eitate to exchange for rood Interest
bearing paper.
General financial business of all kind ! trans-
toted promptly , quietly nnd fairly.
Money alwaya on hand for approved loans of
pny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Corbett. Manager. C53
MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust'Co. , 1505
Farnam street Complete abstracts iur-
nlshod , and titles to real ontato examined , por-
foctcd nnd guaranteed O'a
AIIAKGAIN Wall paper nnd pnlnt storo.
Only one In town , llensons for selling
poor lioulth , Address , lock box 101 , Holdrcgu ,
Nob. . 810 4J
VJANTEUI'nrtnor with $150 In n ( food pay-
T T ing business. Can double your money
during fair week. Mrs. llroga & Son , 311 South
JMh st. 34130 *
If.OH . SALE Ono of the bust fitted and located
1 restaurants in the city , well established
nnd doing a oed business. This is a splendid
opportunity for the right party. Half cash ,
balance easy. 026. Bee offlco. ; i3 ! 30J
AHAUB OI'I'OHTUNITY-A beautiful nnd
well Improved farm of IftO noros. near a
thriving town ; only $1,600 ; or will nxohanKO for
look of groceries , a restaurant or nny peed ,
business chance , Mrs. Droga and 8on,3Itl8.
15th St. Teluphono 884. gQ9 BOJ
FOU SALK-fiood paying restaurant In good
location. Everything complete. Chtnp. J.VM.
Benawa it Co. , 16th st. opp. I' . O. fflio 30J
OH SALK-8took of drugs , invoice $1,3)0 ,
average snlci | 9 , rent $15 , bnd health rouen -
on for selling. ( Jail or address iOHK Lake at
\ 193 siI
-Immediately a partner with J.VK )
In an oitablUhod. builnesi paving 160
cent or more. Addrcia box Wei , Uoatrloo ,
1H4 SI ) *
) lt SALE "X HOOU paying restaurant ,
newly fitted up , In good location. Cause
of selling sickness. Apply 717 South 13th St.
123 31 ]
1)011 SALE A clean small ( lock of groceries ,
good location , two years lease on bulldlntr ,
low rent. Address " 0 7 , " Hoe offlce. 19i 30J
ANTKD-Half Interest in furuiuinf or
house f nrnljbing- store , Involctnir ( D.QOO to
$13,000. AddreuA , Uee oinoo , Council niutfs.
1741J _
; . 8AIK First clnss meat market In host
location In city. For nearer Information
address 1115L Ilco ollico. JiL'"J ! _
WANTED i'nrtlcs who desire to buy or sell
or exchange stocks of general merchan
dise , dry goods , groceries , boots and ehooa ,
hardware , drug's , Jewelry improved or unlm-
provotl town orclty property , Improved or unproved -
proved fnrms in nny pnrt of the linltod states ,
tpaddroia Krause jt I'ostor , 318 S. 16th st.
OmiOia. Neb. ma
8ALK-lly \\7H.Ort-cn. i5 ! south I3tli
struct , stock of grocorlos on S minders . st.
, , . ,
_ - . SAKE--A Br t-cla s hotel property dolutr
oxeollitnt Inislnen. Must fell in sixty
days' . 1'or prlco and lorini address II , 8. Lilly ,
real ostnto dealer , llrokenllow. Neb. 3IU11
Olt ItKN'l'-lu Albion , Neb. , the largest ,
X' best oustomod und oldest dry coed tor ,
cn bavo | ii8e- > lon on the llrst day In Septum-
her For Information apply to 1. W. Hoborts ,
thn owner. -J03' '
-L furnllhinir goods worth | liUOO. ! Will take
part In Omaha property , balance oush Chas.
It Woqlley. 4ia South 16th Bt , OJa <
'U'TSirr'ALh Or reut.laloon outside city llm-
-L ita ; apply F. guvngo , Farmers' Hest , Hill-
ttry niml. - n W )
\\7ANTED-l'nrtner with a few thousand dot-
, . ' Ian-tbo nioro thu better In a good pay
ing buimoiu In Omaha and Lincoln with ussur-
ncnelsewhere In NobraiUa ; established a year ,
work light , pay euro. Address A SO lleo offlco.
854 S2J _
EMlt ) PALI ! Cheap , complete paint ihon with
tooU and small nock of vrull paper. Ad <
dresi O 13. Heo olllcOi _ 2 31J _
fjiOlC SALlP-Cfienp. Meat market , good
JH tnido , tools , fixtures , her o and wntion.
Bvorythlng complelo. Cull al Sth and Furnam
'TTOH TIlAOE-$5.000 stock rlothlngm peed
JD Nebraska town , for farm without Incuiu-
boranoo. Ittoord Advertising Oo,1513 Farnam
et. MS
PISS A. N , ALDRICH , meiitnl healer , treata
. _ d ! aUjiently. AdJr ia U Watrentou
IL , Uoatou , Maw.
home for ladles during
JL confinement , strictly confidential , infanta
adopted , uddreM H U , lleo office. MiT BeptT
13EH50NAL-A young lady dcilrot tbo no-
X ( | unlntaneeof alndy who hai no gentleman -
man escort , for company to attend theater. ' ,
evening service , etc. HeferencoS exchanged.
Address Cora L. Hnydcn , City. 3I'11 *
T > KlisONAL LadiosTMrs. M. E. Mitchells
J. temporarily located at the n o car ot
Douiilus and IGth st , where she will rccclvo all
orders for fancy-work. 1BOSO
rilAKKN UP Cnme to the rssldenco of the
J , subscriber In Union prcolnct , Douslas
county , about flrst of Julv , it rod heifer whlto
on under cldo of body , oart of ono born broken
Ruppoied to be 3 years old , owner Is requested
to prove property , pay charges or shn will be
dl poscd of according to law. Simon Dons ,
Irvlnrton , Neb. U ) . 8,13. 20. 27
PiWiONAL Mrs. Dr Nannie T. W arren
clairvoyant. Medical and buslnen Medluta
Boom Mo. a 121 North ICth it .Omaha , Nab. '
STHATED Or Stolen Illood bay moro ,
brand " 0" left thouldor , Inft hind foot
white ; liberal reward. M. F. Price. South
Omaha , Nob. 35.1 : n
LOST Marc , 4 white foot , blind In one eye ,
about n years old , dark liny : finder plenso
return to 2813 Cummin ? and vet reward. 240ZVJ
LOST Iwhlto cow , about 8 years old. When
last seen bad about 10 foot of rope on her
bond. Anyone knowlmr of her whereabouts
will bo suitably rewarded. II. E.VolK 1011
Bhermnn avenuo. 3.1 - " . '
J.O3T Day book and I ! sheets of muslo. lto
-JturntoH. W. Head , 8l ! 3 Franklin or anh
ud Deciitur. Qotrownra. 308-S'JJ
iTltAYEf ) Mondny , dnrk bay pony with
halter on. Keturn to 131 North llth street ,
nd got reward. 1031 ! *
SEVUNTV-yiVE dollars' ronnrd. Strayed or
stolen from rear of 111 X 17tb ft , a Urso
ronn horec , about 17 hands high , weighing bt > -
tweeu 1,1'OOotnl 1,400 pounds , rodlsh brown
nmnii nnd tiill , hind anxlo Bomewhat swollen-
J2 : > will bo paid for return of animal to owners ,
at 110 S 14th M.Hiia If stolen the sheriff of Doup-
las Co. will pay a reward of f50 for the arrest
and conviction of the thief. ! )8 )
T'AKIJN UP Auifust SB. pony with P.V. . on
JL rltrht shoulder and U IL on rlzht hip ,
irhltostaronforohoud. Apply White ntabli'8 ,
I5tn and Cass. , ! ti7 2'J *
AKEN UP Hay pony , two whlto hind leirs ,
7 years oldl mile west of poor farm. Fred
eh. 165152329
TIAKEN UP-n ? H. Harris , 34th and I-nlk
atrccts , n bluoK broncho mnro brundod on
loft hip. Owner can have satno by paylnR ox-
poiioo and proving property. 8,15,22 , " ' > , BJ
TVTH3. HATKlELD.Tranco business medium.
I'iThn past present and future revealed , ( licit
oalcd , lost found , homos made nappy , sittings
dally at 421 8. llthtt. * 8 13 ]
MUS. Oil RANT Clarlvoyant from Boston is
roll a bio In all nllnlrs of life , unites sepa
rated lovers. (122 n 10th 1. MHjept 3J
STORAGE Furniture , tfoxod goods , &c. ,
terms rcngonablo , 714 Pacific. 150
TjUHST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th ft.
STOILAQE First-class storage for nice rur-
nltur * or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodpe-st.
fZOncresof good land 3 miles east of Woon-
J. Rocket , Dakota , to trade for No. 1 mules.
Addrog C20 Bee offlco. 2U7 3j
" | jlOUTHADE-Fine Improved and unimproved
-L1 farms In Nebraska for Omaha property ;
apply llocord Adv. Co. . 1513 Farnani. 359 31
FAHMS to oictinnpo Write to J. C. Hall ,
Oinnlia , Nob. , what you have in Dakota ,
Town or Nebraska to exchange for farms In
South Illinois , wlioro fruit Is plenty nnd cllmnto
mild. IC1U 4J
/1ESSPOOLS , sinks and vaults cleaned , odorless -
less process. E. E whig , box 427 , olty.875P20J
EXCHANGE For Omaha property n flno
JL farm In lown. Chas. 11. Woolley , 41S South
5th st. 20s4
T ADIKS-MlssK. H.Terrlll has opened"fnsh-
-LJ lonablo ( Ireflsmuklnjr parlors at KOI Cap-
to ) avnnuu , Exposition building. Perfect sat
isfaction guaranteed. ( ID1-29J
LADIES can have lessons In sclnntliro dross
outtltiR1 free of charira for llfteoii dnys at
Dreis CutUnjr scbool , 1013 Howard st , dd lloor.
Visitors alwaya welcome. 8114 : WJ
OKSS POOLS and vaults cleaned , dead anl <
mala removed. W. H. Uarbor , f02 Leaven
orth. Tolcptiono 102. F87s21 *
LIST your rooms and hou oRWIth tbo Itocord
Ailvortlslnir Co , 151.1 rarnum st , and wo
will rent thorn sooner than any ono also , as wo
are well known all over the city. COO
"OElU'OItATEO stamping patterns made to or-
JL dor and all the latest designs for sale at
Mm. J. W. Morrison , l&O.'i Davenport st 451918
EASTERN Nebraska farms to exchange for
Omiiha property. 1B12 FurnaM. 54J
Kninloymcnt Ollico Ilest plice
in Omaha to got help or situations , male
and female , ordois promptly filled. Mru. Ilrega
Snn.olO S 15th. Telephone 881. 153 3j
TO EXCHANOE-For cattle , 1 have 00 nnd
forty acres of peed western land to trade
for rattle , and a irood house and lot near the
capital will exchange for cattle. Address S. G.
Bryan. Ashland. Neb. 43B
GKSS-POOI.R and vaults cleaned , dead ani
mals removed , llrst ward.V. . II. Harbor ,
802 t.eaveiiwoith. Telephone 103. KS7&SIJ
o EXCHANGE A two-story brlcltliislnoss
bouse , rented for f60 per month ; located
in a county Eott : town ; to exchange for good ,
mooth , wild laud. AddrosH , giving price , loca
tion , etc , lock box 12X , Pawnee City.Nob. U3130 *
MAIIA LOTS To excbango tor cattln. Pat-
toreon & Moore , 1013 Fnrnnm. 3t7
mHE Gate City Employment oRlco , DHVi S.
JL 151 h street Orders for all kinds of help
toileted. ten
F IOKKMNl Square I'luno $4 moutnir.
Hospo. 1613 Douirias. fifll
TnoBUKNT Orcrau * , $ > per month. tie t > e ,
JT 1U3 Doiiirlat. v 081
Ol. C.-House furniahlnirgoodi , all kind * ;
cash or installment ; lowest prluea at J.
Donner , 1315 Dougloa st 663
F I OK RIN1Hquare nano , $ montnlv.
Hospa. 1513 Douglaa , 601
FOH SALE Piano at grcnt sacrifice , only
$ is.l , cost { 500. 7 1-3 octavo , triple strung ,
all modern improvement ! . Must bo sold at
once. Addresi C. 23 , Bon office. iUl 6
F IOll SALE 100 horses and 50 gets of Concord
J- harness , and several wagons. Apply Jim
Stephonsou. 402 S lUth.corncr Harnoy t 32331
17IO11 SALE An old o UbUahod millinery
JL' bualnoss , the bast stand In Omnhit. Ad
dress " 021" Dee ofllco. 2IIJ 29 ]
FOH SALE Cheap , a second-hand piano as
good us new , first-class In every purtlou-
lar. C. L. Erlckson & Co. , 212 N 10th st.
FOIl SALE-Splondld saddle horse , tl years
old , U HI pounds , gentle for Indy or boy ,
urlves slnulo or notihlo. Al o registered Jor-
8uy cow , good milker. Would tuko wood now
( ihaoton In tradu. W. J. Wulshuns , 2603 Doug-
I MJt 1M !
FOH HALK"At a bargnln , u 0-room houao
with closets und pantry , eto. , lot 25 feet
oust lront,5 blocks south or court house. Address -
dress V30 , Ilco olllca. 82tfu.-M *
TT1OH BALK Furniture of 8 roomi with pnvl-
Jlego of loose of , 707 S , lith bu
rpHlHTV-FOUHsiiunresof sheet steel ronrtnif
X for sale cheap. C , W. & G , E. Thompson ,
314 8. 15th St. 234
" \\fANTF.D-A good live man to handle u line
T T of line clears to the retail trude on com-
mission. Addreta , with roterruco , H. B. Drake ,
Jleo offlce. 314 30
" \\TANTED-5tallow , highest wnirei ; moat
TT cook , f to ; 1'ustry cook , | 4Di fnrm hnna ,
120 ; dishwasher * . MM. Iircga * : s 15th.
TeleplionuJjJH. tea 2UJ
\V ANTED Carpenters at north-east corner
T > 19th and Davenport. SID il'.ij '
WANTED 1 want a few experienced can-
vauers to sell the nowett and moat at
tractive subscription book of the year. Agents
who want a good thljifr for fall and winter work
should apply BOOII. Circulars ready. Win. H
Alexander , general agent , 1409 itodge fct. ,
Omaha. 77-l
\VANTBD A thorough furnishing goods
T T man at 130U | r'arnum. BIO--J
WANTED fiO men for railroad work In
Neb. , ti per day , etoady work , bean-
dmarlnn Employment Ilureuu , 1U10 Fnrnum ,
\\7ANTKD Itnnvri and furnace men. J , II.
TT Sullivan A Co.,10 Capitol avenue. 33J \
W ANTED- younir man to deliver
Ono who board * at hone , Wo itora.
yfT ANTED Ilarbor for et ady wor , ll' > Far.
\ VANTKlMllkar , B r to aalry , 4119
TT. auu4 r . ' 9K
WANTED Drug clerk. Must bo repistored
InNrbrnsko. Apply nt once to C. II. htn-
cey. N0..4U4 N. 16th st. i)5t ) aij
VVANTED-Men and women for an easy ,
T moncy-maklnif business which pays four
times better than any other. Worthy persons
with limited mcnng will lie offered extraordi
nary Inducements. Wrltofor froopnmples and
pocml terms. Address Merrill Manufacturing
Co. , IIK1 , Chicago. 34-J s'J3
WANTED An experienced bookkeeper ,
rorinnncnt situation to right party. Ad-
dregs , 0 SI. U o offlco. 01880
W1 SUIM'lW rnllrond and other cbntrnctors
with all kinds of laboring men to any
addre g free. Telegraph at our expense. Mutual -
tual Kmploymcnt Agency , 214 S. 16th it. , up
itnlrs. 3EO-30J
WANTKD-4 ( rood canvas ors , 115 per week ,
ICth st employment , 230 , N. 10th st. .
2763 BJ
W ANTED To onirngo for fair week on ox-
loldlor of good character at 1209 Fnrnnin.
WANTED 25 laborers oh 23th and Howard
ts. Bower work. Delano } ' . Murphy A
Co. 171 181
_ _
W A NTBD Mrst/slOM plumbers at one * .
V > Bpolnmn _ & I'jeioe.iaia DptiglM at. m
WA NTEl-Mon for rnllrond work in Colorado -
rado , waifea for teamsters $ .10 per month
nnd board. Albright's Labor Aponcy , 1120 Far-
nnra. 787
VVTANTKn-A man who Is experienced In
" handling furniture. Address , 024 , lloo
offlco. hij 3U
WANTED To tub-carpenters or Joiners
work ; first-clans work guaranteed. Address -
dross , Itoom 17,15UU Farnani. 317 31J
WANTED Agents for necessary household
article. Liberal terms. Frank West ,
221 N. 15th St. 133 30j
WANTED A irood men to sell goods and
en m from * StoU aduy. Pleasant work.
314' ' { South 15th St. . room 5. ail 31
WANTEO-AII those wishing help or situa
tions , as colUiotors , assistant bookkeep
ers , general otllco clerks , cnglnrers , firemen ,
watchman , porters , teamsters , janitors , coiich-
nion , bartenders , etc. , apply to the Mutual Em
ployment agonoy , 11 S. lUth St. , up Btulrs.
"IITANTED Immcdlntelv , men and teams
T with Bcrapors. Ajiply at the Omaha MillIng -
Ing and KlovBtorcompanr on lot 19 , North 18th
Btrcou ( J Crow , manager , nnd A , Chadwlok ,
secretary nnd treasurer. 353 30J
WANTED Five talloro os , best wages
paid ; 2 good cooks. $10 ; 4 dining room
girls , ,1 laundnmas : kitchen helpers ana 50
( rood glrli for general housework. Mrs. llrega
A : So 11. 3lt 30J
\\7ANTKD-Partios in need of mule or to-
' ' male help for the coming fair and reunion -
union to send in their orders onrly to Goto City
Employment ollico , 314K S 15th ft. Will
WANTED Man to take the agency of our
B.I res ; fllro 28x18x13 inches ; weight 500
] bs. : retail prloo $3J ; oilier slcs In proportion.
A rare chance to create u permanent business
at homo. Those safes meet a demand never
before supplied by other safe companies , as
wo are not governed by the Safe Pool Almno
Safe Co. , Cincinnati , O. 50131J
WANTED Salesmen , a now Invention
needed in tvory house ; 300 per cent com
mission or n good salary to right parties. Address -
dross with stamp for turmi the Weaver Manu
facturer , 34 N State St. , Chicago , III. 7J4el
WANTED 4 good men with references to
sell goods on installments , GO'J North Ifitli
street. 27330'
"IXTANTED AgcnU in Nebraska for Gen.
TT John A. Logan's last work "Volunteer
Soldier. " Just published. Address J. M. French
& Co. , Omaha , Nob. 23'J
W IANTED-Mrsscngor boy. The Bradstroct
Co. 230 29
WANTED All those wishing help or situa
tions as collectors , assistant bookkeepers ,
office clerks , engineers , llroraon. watchmen ,
janitors , porters , oouchrocn , teamsters , bar
tenders , waiters , etc. , apply to the Mutual Em
ployment Agency , 214 S. Ititu st , upstnlrR.
W ANTED-A first-clnss hotel cook. Must
bo mber , steady and reliable Mult f ur-
nlth flrst-clnss testimonials of ubovo qualities
or need not apply. Address with testimonials ,
O. D. Marx , Evnnston. Wyo. Ter. SIS s2
2 good bakers , ono flrst ono second
end baud , at 240.1 Cummins street. Fred
Peterson 254 29J
WANTED Two boys with ponies to carry
the Evonmg lleo. Ono forthe western
part of the city and ono for southern ) > art.
Apply at thisoOloo. 1-7
WANTED An Intnlllgont.rollablo boy about
in years old. Pay I'i 50 per wook. Ap
ply to Thco. Williams , 914 Furnam' 202
WANTED-Flvo traveling sHlesmon ; snlary
nnd expenses ; no experience necessary ,
address with stamp Palmer & Co. , Lu Croseo.
\Vis. 18J 31J
WANTED An Intelligent boy with a good
pony. Call on Theo Williams , 914 Far
nam st. 231
\\3 7ANTED-4 Gorman boys to carry papers ,
507-609 a 12th. upstairs. 688
W ANTED-A bright , smart , intelligent
young lady as cashier , und to
assist In dining room work. Only these having
experience , ueod apply. "Live and Let Live"
dining hall. 34529'
\\7ANTED-A g.irl win cnn cook , wrsh and
> > Iron , at Mrs. Huestlb' , So coriiur lUth and
ninnoysts. 31030 *
A young girl to assist with house
work. A good home. Small family. C14
8. IBth st. 329 29 *
\\TANTED-A Klrl for general houfowork ;
' ' email fnmtly. South-oust corner Califor
nia and 20th st. B2"
vyANTED-Good girl , 1707 Cngs.
Cook , dining room and kitchen
WANTED Capitol avenue. 18,1 30 *
\\7AMKD-Cook , second cook , dlshwash&r ,
V two dlnlngj-oom girls , one man waiter.
Only flrst-olasa help need apply. 707 N. IBth st.
\\7ANTED-A good , smart competent girl for
TT gonornl housework , good wagon. 1816
DotifflHi st. 241 31J
ANTED-Second cook , 1004 N 16th st
W 238
VI7ANTE 0-Good dining room girl 1004 N ICth
W AN1 ED- Competent girl for sonoral house
work , two In tamlly. Call at 2205 Farnttm
W ANTED-A good irlrl for general house
work In a tamlly of three , wagon (4.03
per week. Mco plnco for atoady girl. Inquire
Wv . L Krlcksoii.21.2N lilth it. 17 *
\v 1ANTKD-A girl at 601 SouWSlat st. 2C9-2D *
WANTEO-AII those In need ot female help
to send In their orders o rlv to thu Guto
City Employment olllcc , UI4)i ) S , 15th st. 200
\ vANTED . N'ir e Klrl. Apply lo Mrs. A
Han , Mllluri ! hotel - > 28-i 2 j
) ( Jlrls for nil kind * of work , at the
Unto City Employment ollico , 311(4 ( K l&th
w ANTED-airl at 2310 Fnrnara st.
129 30J
\\TANTED-An experienced housekeeper ,
TT white woman preferred. Apply between
5 und 6 p. m. . 101 N lilh ut. , Lulu llrgers. 131
ANTED Situation ! for collectors Konornl
> ? olnee clerks engineers , tlremon , pnrtor.-i ,
ooachmnu , teamsters , und ull kinds ot help ,
city and country. Mutual Employment uvroncy ,
214 B. ICth Bt. , up 8tnlr . M9-30J
\T , ANTliD-Situntlon in a merchanttailor -
Ti Ing ostablixhiiient by u flr t-clns cutter
from the east , 'Ihe Ix-st of raferonco given.
Call or address 1' . II. , room 9 , European hotel ,
10tlist.Omuliu , Neb , _ 311 30 ]
WAXTRD-Sliuatlon by a flrst-clnss travel
ing or ollico mini from the east , llavo
hud six yunrs' expci-lonco on thu road , am a
gooj bill durk. Will soil a good line of goods
un commission Address C. 27 , Doe. 330 31 *
\VANTED- Situation for one of the he it baker
TT aud pastry cooks In the olty ; wants good
wages ; no ollico fee. Canadian Employment
Ollico , 3168. 15tn at. Telephone mi. 29J. i
WANTKD-Sltuatlons.hy male und female
DDokkcopeiB , clorus , onpyliu or ollico
work , Ilest of returoncos. Cull or address ,
Hcoord Adv. Co , 1513 I'urnnin. KOI 31
WANTKD-Sltuntlon for man and wife on
farm , innch or In private faml.yj woman
understands housework thoroughly ! man U
airood worker , This U no snide ixiuplo. If you
need them come and ino them. No ollico tun.
Canadian Employment Ottlce , 314 S. 1Mb st.
Telephone fetH. gj'i 39 1
\\7ANTKD I'oiUlon as drug cl rk. 2 yeara'
TT eipurlwiciv. ItotflsteroJ In Nebraska.
Ad 4 row It , L. Usborno , btromaburg. Neb ,
_ 215 S9
_ _
\\7ANlBD-SitUBtion ! . Ihe business yub-
TT Ho and contractors supplied with reliable
andcompotent help , ai watchmen , porters , on- ,
glneori , flromen , eoachiuen , teamsters , etc ;
free of I'Uarire , oity or oiiuuty. Mutual Employment -
ployment Agency. Sit S lath Bt , upetalrt.
\\7ANTED-Workby the day by ono of the
TT finest laundresses in UM tnto. Canadian
Em bloymcnt Offlce , 316 S. 15ih ' it , Taleuhouo
VM. 199 29 *
_ _
WANTED-Engngements to do dressmaking
In famlilos. Addresi 0 18 , lice nniec.
' * " 239 82 *
\\7ANTED-A position In soiao retail hard-
TT ware store m Omaha as clerk. For
further Information , address , 0 II , Ilco office.
318 30 *
_ _
WANTED Situation as bookkeeper , clerk
and general writing. Mnln and female.
Host of references. Itocord Advertising Co ,
1513 Farnam St. i CCO
WANTED To rent on or before Ootober
1st house , 4 to 6 rooms , near 25th and
Cats streets , Phil Stlmmel , 911 and 01:1 : Jones
WANTED To runt part of warehouse with
track privileges , desk room In ollico ,
A-c.,714 I'ocinoEt. 117
WANTED Secondhand furnlture.stovrs and
household goods for spot cash. Call at
117 N 10th. 250 g26
_ _ _
WANTED A good riding nnd driving pony.
C. lllonducrg.ulrtt and Capitol uvo ,
83329 *
WANTED -Furnished room with uio of
bath room an I meals In same house , by
n gentleman and wife , In family without chil
dren. Location preferred , vicinity of St.
Mary's Avenue Congregational cnurrh. Ad-
dresa 02ft. Hoe ollico. 233 29 *
\1'ANTED The ladles of Oinnhn to know
' ' that orders for holt ) ave promptly tlllod at
the Gate City Employment Ollico , 314JJ 8 ICth
Gt fiat !
WANTED-Nlcoly furnished and unfur
nished rooms Ilitcd with ug. Itecord
Advertising Co , 1513 Xarnum St. COil
WANTED A good location to stnrt a nowa-
pnpor la a good town : 1 will put In n
flrst-rla s oiflco , also a good paper to sell. For
particulars address C. 1 , , cure of this onico.
* t n n t
\VANTKD A creamery and canning fno-
tory. Will assist the rl > ht parties. Ad
dress Hank of Valley , Valley , Nob. 270stf
W ANTED-A few bonrder * at 1720 Dodiro st.
Itefcreucos requested. 70J
WANTED A grain dealer to locate at this
place. Best grain region in Nebraska ,
Address Hank of Yaller , Valley , Neb. 2709
WANTED A harness maker to open n shop
hero. Address Bank of Valley , Valley ,
Nob. 270-8-9
WANTED Factories of nil kinds. Address
Dank of Valley , Valley , Neb. 270s9
\Y CANTED Pupils In English l > ranolioi
L and music , n , w. corner Idtb and Farnam ,
7.25 sl
T710II HENT n-room house , cellar , well , Cls-
-I- torn , largo yards , barn and all conveniences.
Ilcnt { 50 per month. Furniture for sain $70J.
U-room house , cellar , well , cistern , largo birn : ,
yards , etc. Itcnt S40 ; furniture $ ' > ( M ;
one-half cnlh. 20-room flat , easy terms.
22-room house , { 100 ; furniture fl.GOO. First
class restaurant , good location , doing good
business. 6-ronm hougj. (30 ; furniture J4CK1.
15-room house , $41 ; furniture 11,400 , terms easy ,
a good bargain. Two 8-room houses , furniture
cheap. 10-room house. 30 boarders ; rout f 15 ;
furniture $100. Houses and lots lor rent or
nalo In all ports of the city. Co-operative Land
& Lot Co. , 05 N. 10th At 291-30
T7UU HKNT-Deslratlo 8ronm cottage ,
-L northeast corner Pork art. and Mason st.
Inquire on premises. 300-23 >
FOH KENT Two 7-room tlats , furniture for
sale , steam-heated , u-tir , hot and cold
water , bath room , &o ; boarding house , 17
rooms , furniture for sale , rout only f40 per
month ; two restaurants for gale cheap. S.I ,
Gordon , K. E. agt. , No. 205NUth it , room7.
254 29J
FOH HENT Cottage of 4 rooms for rent to
party who will buy the fUrnlturo. Inquire
93-i North 20th ave. ( nivlslonst ) . 203 3l
TTJlOK HENT And furniture for snip , nice six-
. - ? room house , with bam , n bargain If tnkon
at once. Inquire 811 N 1'Jth ' st. i 213 2SJ
FOH KENT-Houses. ll-rooiii house , besides
bath room , hot and cold water. speaking
tubes , oloctrlo bills , etc. , corner Colfnx nnd
Jackson HIS , t > > per month ,
8-rooni house , city water , cellar , corner 89th
and Charles fits , | 23 nor month ,
0 S , F , L. Gregory , 3-JO 815th 8t. .
TT'ORHENT 6 rotim lint with modern con-
f venioncos , laoi Park avenuo. Apply on
promises from 0 to 1" a. in. A. II. Fitch. 03.3
"D1OK HENT Brick store room und collar ,
1 } suitable for restaurant and conloetlonery
on Park uvu t ontrnnuo to Hnnscom park , call
on the promise ! ) bet U and 12 m. A. 11. Fitch.
KENT 7room house , good location ,
stable and yard. Apply 1U12 Farnam. 348
TT10K HENT-Meat market on Park ave , opn.
Jpark. . Apply on promises bet , 9 and 13
A. n. Fitch. U31
FOU HENT-Storo room , on bloc * from
postomco. Inquire of Theodore Williams ,
at Ilco ollico. 735
FGH HENT And furniture for sale , elegant
10 room house two blocks from postoinco.
Address 1157 Hee olHco. 1105
plOH HENT-KJosnnt brick residence , 10
JL1 rooms , modern conveniences. liuiulro
Morto & llrtinner , 1C05 I'nrnam st. U2l
OH HUNT-3 room bouse , llth and Pierce.
Apply ut 617 S , 13th St. 914.
II1OII KENT Seven room IIOIIBO , modern cou-
i vonlent'os' 25th nnd Davonport. Inquire
217 S. 12th st. ; Ua2U
TjlOH HENT A Moro 20X4T and blaoksmltn
-L aliopalso ; 3 living rooms on 20th st.nenr biifo
ball grounds. InqiuroP. Wlgg , Walnut Hill or
Drown & Crulg'K stable , N. 20th st. 31 30 ,
FOIl IIRNT--A room house nth between Fur-
nam nnd Ilornoy sis , | JO per month. J ,
F. Hammond , 117 S 10th st. 110
FOIl HENT-Ono-half of offloo 117 S 18th St. ,
( round lloor. and one of tha best loca
tions In the city , 115
TOH HUNT An olognut private residence on
. Kurnain st. It. C. Pultumun , 15th mid
Harnoy st. 118
FOH HENT A 0 room house and furniture
for silo. 8 E cor Georgia and Poppluton
ayo. 104 : w
FOH HKNT Two large new stores and two
llati of live roomi each. City water and gas.
On Saunders it , C. W. Cain. 2233 Ohio at. 812
FOU HENT New store and living ronniR on
Cumlng It nour Saiiudors st. Apply Hnr-
rls lUal E tate & Loan Co. , 320 S. 15th at. W )
POll HKNT Barn lultablo for tour hones.
Inquire at 617 SI3thst. 511
T71OH HKNT New 10-roora house ; all 1m-
Jprovcments , steam heat. C. W , & G. B.
Thompson , 314 8.15tn it. 1000
FOH HENT OIBca space on ground floor at
1509 Kurnain. Apply in rear ollico , J. S.
HIcbnrdson- 503 a'il
C HOICK Lot lor Lease. Southeast corner
4Hx8Vf J.cavxnworth aud 1'arK uvu.or will
build to suit tiiiiant. Hobble Uroi. 35J
1TOH HENT-Snapl Slx-rooib lint , with elL
-L modern conveniences , tohmrty who wil
buy the furnituro. Apply 420 B.'l5th at , room 7.
FOH HENT FurnlfhKd room's at reasonable
rates , bath and modurii conveniences , 401
N 15th st. ! 10130J
F OH KENT Furnliliod rooiu'lUI3 Dodun st
' ' . '
(150 ( ( )
FOIl llENT-Furnlshed rooius with or with-
out board , : iln N15lh st. - 03330 *
F I OH HBNT-Desirablo sulta-ot roomi with
all convenlemtoi at 21-'T Dodxo. 1MI 30
F1S HKNT Furnished fiimt room wltn
board ; brick houso. 003 N 17th St.
& - > J)30J
FOIl HP.NT-H.andeoraely fafi SllltO Of
front roomi , 1718 Dodgu ( { /
FOH HENT Nlcolr f urnlnhed rooms lu veil-
trally located brick block ; traa und olty
water. Apply room 3,607 S. 13th st. Ml 1
" \\7ANTKD Two coat mdkori nnd two pantaloon -
' loon nidkers at once : hlgbost wages paid.
John Banvostre , Lincoln , Neb. U.OV9) )
\ \VANTHD buy an Her ift-room house Jn
TT ( rood locality , ituom 7 , Crelffhtun block ,
WANTE ! ( lentleraan and wife , without
children , to take part of house , oentrully
located , parties occupying Lousu will take
board for r pt. Address 0 IP , lieu oltlce.
2ft ) * ) j
TJlOll KENT Nlroly furnlihedTorioi * witli
v first chut bourd. Wll Hurt St. , ouOtli
trcot cur line. . S' { 3 <
TCTolt HENT-Nlcoly furnished room , B18 s !
) iT"HKNT-Nicely ruriilihd'oonii la all
pant of tha city from MO 4U per month.
lUoord AartrtUtiiK Co , 1UV k'.ruaiu at. M4
I710H KENT The larfeit store room In town.
a. Inqulru at the Arftus office , Albion. Nub.
l"jBJ ; ? 121
FOU 11ENT KIcpnntly furnished rooms sin.
Floor onsnltr , with use of tinth ; electric
jells lu every room. First class restaurant at.
ached , at Norrla European hotel , corner 16th
nud Webster. M
TpOIl HENT-OfQco , )6IS ) Farnam st.
FOR RENT AI aige front alcove room , 1707
DodRest. 709
FOH HENT-Inr o nicely furnished room with
breakfast for ( fair weeks , In private family ,
onus cheep , Inquire Ilecord Adv. To , 1513
Farnam. 3M ill
FOH RENT Nicely furnished front room
with bay window nnd small room adjoin-
eg suitable for 2 or 3 gentleman. 1703 Douglas ,
F ° KENT-Furnlshod room 181(1 ( Dods * st.
B53 icpt S
FOH SALK One of the taast prominent
corners In tbo busino ; * portion of the
city. F.H. Kennard.lll.lia B 16th gt. 808
7011 UK.NT Nicely furnished room , first
- lloor , now house , now furniture , 1717 Mnion
street. Cheap to right parties. m
FOH KENT Nicely furnished front room ; all
modern convenience ! , for 2 gentlemen.
1017 Howard. ! ) WJ
F IOll KENT-Furnished rooms , 816 S Wh.
321 s4 *
FOH HENT Furnished rooms with privileges
of board , ( UU N lUtu st. 3JS s 3
'OH ' HKNr Four now store roomi and lints
on ( founders i-4th ) street , near Reward.
Uent low. Apply 012 N 16th st. F. T. Andrew .
F HENT tlnfurnlshed rooms for house-
No children. 103 S.20th ts.
Ml HUNT 2 handsome rooms 1 block from
postofflcc. call l.WO Capitol avc. Oil 31 *
FOH HKNT-Nlcely lurnlshod room with bay
window. 601) ) S. 17th st , 3J4 2j
FOIl RENT Fiirnlshed rooms to adtes or
guutlonion , also unturnlsliud rooms.311 N
12th , US7 2
FOH HRNT Largo front parlor with nny
window , and alcove , also other rooms with
modern convenience ! at 1S21 Farnam ft , one
block west ofcourt house. KM
TpOH KENT Comfortable rooms on souto or
1 ? plnirle , with all uiculom conveniences. 708
South IStnst 15031 ]
F Oil HENT 3 or B unfurnished rooms sun -
I1 able for housekeeping. 709 Pacltlo. 140
FOIl HENT Nicely furnished front roi
with closet , MS , 608South 22d. 2.17 39J
1011 nENT rurnlshed rooms. 8315Cumlng
St. 0is5j
F OH HENT Unfurnished purlor and bed
room at S E cor 2flth and Chicago. 770
POIl HENT Furnished room Tory cheap ,
1120 Farnnm. 788
TjlOH IlKNT I'urniphod rooms in Grounljrblk ,
X1 cor 13th and Dodge st. Inqulra of Davis *
Hotherlngton , Mlllnnl Hotel Milliard room. 291
F I OH HKNT Elegant suite of rooms , references -
ces required , 1C07 Douglas su 197
fion HE NT-A nicely furnished room at rdl
1 St. Mary's nve. 431
C10K KENT-3 rooms. 1021 N 20th.
"HUM HENT Desirable furnished room for
1 gcntlomon at 809 Howard st. BS9
FOH Hl'.NT Furnished rooms In Oru nlg
block , cor lUtb and Dodgo. Davis 4 Hethur-
Ington , Mlilard hotel blllard room. 83a
FOH HENT Furnished front rtom , near car
line at corner of Dodge nnd 24th streets.
Inquire of A. H. ComstocK 1523 armiui st.K13
FOB HENT A largo front room In now
house bHth , and latest modern improve
ments , 1618 Webetor street. 122
FOH HENT Newly furnished room , board if
desired , 1720 Dodge St. 704
TJ10U HENT 14 nicely f urn Mied roonisTn fiat
-1. licntod by steuni. from $10 to 520 per month.
Record Adv. Co. , 1513 Fornnm. 2W-31.
F OH HKNT Ware room cor. > 4th and Call-
Ifornin on Bolt Line. 1'or pnrtloulnrs en-
qulre at Union Nnt. bunk. 183
'OH HENT Sulto of furnished rooms for
gentlemen. A. Hospo , Jr. , 313 N. 17th.
FOIl HENT-Nlcely furnlsboa looms , to gen
tlemen only , 2JO N. 10th St. . Itiioill 3. 943
T71OH UKNT Suit of looms on drst lloor , all
-L modern conveniences , 2J15 Douglas at ,
FOR HUNT Furnished llnt,7 rooms and tath ,
Lcilto & Leslie , 18th and Dodge t. 151
FOH KENT Fnrnlshnd rooms , alnRlo and on
suite , over Lusllo & Leslie's phnrmaoy. 10th
and Dodge SI3. 152
POIl HFNT-A newly furnlMiod room. 2035
Farnara st. 045 31
-It HUNT Nicely furnished room , 1
FD ; ; flt. 198
TOE , SALE HOUSES LOTS. Gicon 215th So. 13th
atr et :
Good house and ! -i lot In Armstrong's 1st
add , hoiiso rent" for * ' 1S.HO per mo . . . 94,000
f 1,500 < ash bal. easy ; this is Insldu of
the mlle circle.
Full lot with 2 good liotifcB ' . 'Mil all rood-
orn unprovemont * In Horlmch 2nd
mid lull lot In E V. Smith's add. with
fine two story house making a lroiitau < )
of IV : fwot bj-14'Jfor ' 20.00J
$3,000 cash lial 1,2. 'j , yra
Full lot i/Oxll-In llorbaoh add 'vlth two
good houses which rcut for $13 per
montn 1J.OX )
1,000 cnsh bal 1. 2. 3 , 4 , yis.
Ixt in Hoggs 4 ; Hill's 1t.t add , 3 < MxlCT4.
with good house on Ilodgo st.cnblollnu
for 4,200
(1,000 cash , Imliiticol and 2 > eius.
Flno house and all modern Improvements
In llurrOak , lot 1VH2K ) , prlco . . . . 10,000
Ono-thlrd onsh , balance 1 , 2 and 3 years.
Full lot on 15th st , no'ir Williams at , with
3 hnugrf ) , renting for f 11 per wo , tor. . 4,503
Jl.ViOcMisli , liulniu-o litnil 2yonra.
88x1,13 , pl ndld truckauu , lot on Leaven-
worth , between 10th and llth , 5 build-
Inirsou lot now 35,000
lU'l leet front and corner , 18th and liar
13J loot front corner Ulth and Leaven-
worth , good house on lot now 35,000
101) feet front on Kit et , south of viaduct ,
per front loot w
70 feet fronton 18th street , south of via-
duet , $ M ) front foot
94 feet tiont und corner on 18th street ,
south of viaduct 0,000
Sin loot front , 220 foot donp on 20th nonr
Custnllar. at $17.50 front foot
Nnrthcait corner Cuminy und Saundera ,
70xM 2. ,5V ( )
30xit2 : Cumlnir between 21st nnd 23d 8.VM
8gxl32 Southeast corner 16th and Uraoo. , IH.ODO
173x180 north ICth street near Ohio street 18,500
IF you want to buy , sell or trade , cab on L. V.
Grum.iiWN 15th st.
10U lots of a mlle of U. P. depot
for sale or trade.
U-room house torrent , TwolO-room houses
for lent , suleor trade. Idls-wlldo. lly
blS L. V. Criim. 1-J N 15th it.
TjlOH SALE-Or trade , 25 lots in the western
JU purt of Omahii n nr the lliuuon car line ,
price $41X1 euch , $ JoOdiiu on contract * payable
In 8 quarterly pnyments , will trade Internet In
contrncts for Nobrnskii land. McCullouh fc Co. ,
leuiFainatnkt. 10JO
LIST your property for ? lo with Chnrles C.
Spotawood , 301'i ' S mill st 043
\\KCaii o for a tow days onlr
> > Lot 10H filso'n udditinu for $ ) ,41) ) .
Io 471 GlaeV addition , $1.31) .
niockl lioyd's addition , S.r > U
One-third cash , hulmiou I , 2 and 3 years.
Humlngton & MeCormlck , 229 South lutu it.
A SNAP M feet on Ikiuelas alxivo 20th , * 150
l > orfioiit fuut , unlniprovod ; nnolliKrshnp
i : < 2 foui on Leavdiiworth nbovu 20thlldO per
fiout loot , improved , J. F. Hammond , lliS.
IHth st. 233
| j > OH HALE Corner lot on Virginia nvn with
JT two good bou ei , ubeap ut J7.W ) . Terms
t'Hfy. IloiBC3 rent for 170 per month , S. S.
Cumpboll , 813 S. l th st Chamber of Cora-
inoree. 2TJ
GUAHDIAN SALE-Mnrtha M. Ish will soil
tit public auction ut the north duor of the
court hoimo , at 10 o'clock a. m. , September J ,
an acre of ground , tor of 2Ulh und Lucuit sis ,
adjoining Kounuo Place. 07J s 3
SALE Niiwf-iooin hoiiso on Itumllton
st , . Orchard HIM , or might cxehunvo for
llrft'rutu ituldo property. Churlcs C. Spots-
wood , UOHi S Kth tt. UU
$ 110 will buy 40xl27S , south front. Apply
at 3414 Decatur itniut. ill * s2 < * J
TiWIl SALE Uit In South Omahit near busl-
-L IKH etinter with one hnuge of U rooms
nnd ono uou > e of H rooms renting for f4U pur
month , a bargain ut II.UOJ , tl.'J'JO ' case , bitl 1 ,
2and 3 ) enr * . Cuiw. R Woolley. 418 S at. ,
Omaim , Neb. 643 3J
GUAUIiKAN Sulo-On the 3d rtay.of Soptom-
ber ut 10 o'clock a. m. , at thu north door
of lbn court IIOIISK , Mn. Martha M lib will sell
ut publloanetlon. Vi the hlgbtut bidder her rei-
Idenca and nvu loti , Uo tlyo lou adjoining at
the northeast eonlur of Ambler 1'luco , Sum *
one will get a burgulo. CM 19
TIO EXCHANGE For Omaha property , one
or more sections of aood Nebraska land.
Chat. H. Woolley , 413 South l&th st , Omaha , Neb.
043 Jl
FOH SALB Ton new houies onn block from
street oars , smnil cash payment , balance
monthly. Cans. It. Woolloy , 413 South 15th st , ,
Omaha , Neb. 64S 80
TCOH SALK At a bargain , 20 acrus near
JC South Omaha. Chas. H. Woolloy , 418 South
IBth st. P20s4
"IflOHSALP. Some of the unost lots on Syndl-
X1 cata Hill nuar the park In South Omitha
which I will sell for the next ton da ) 8 from f SIM
to $1,100 with pnioll cash payment. Address , n
69 Ho ofHee. ' 913 iil
_ _
FOH SALK-Threa lots In Hoyd's add , U
block from corner State itrcnt and Ames
nvo. f or f 000 each tone-third cash , bolnnca easy.
Addrosi 11 00. Hoe ollico. _ 913 31j
rpo oxchance for unlnoumbored land or farm
JIn Iowa or Nebraska a number of lots In
Omaha. Chas. K. Woolly , 418 815th 8t.,0maha ,
Nob. 643 30
_ _ _
E IS I' your property for inlo with Charles C
Spotswood. 305H 8 16th tt. 641
EXCHANGB-Housei and lots In Omaha
JL to trade for farms in Iowa or Nebraska.
Clint. U. Woolley , 41) .louth loth street , Omulm ,
Neb. . > 148 ! M
_ _ _
FOIl SALE or Trade Now 5-rootn bou e In
Central Park. ChatUs C. Spotswood , ; t05H
OH SALE S South Omaha Syndlcito lots at
a sacrifice. Terms easy. Churlcs 0. Spots-
wood , 305H 3 10th st , 813
GOODNcbratkn farms to trade for Omaha
real estnto : also , farms to soil on lontr
time. One with a section , good Improvement * ,
20 year loujo , for f.1OOJ. Or will sell for $16 per
ncre , and glvadoed. llocord Advertising Co ,
1513FBriiniiist. C8J
BAHGAlNS-Ixils 14 , 15,10. block 11 , Clifton
Hill , corner lloiilovanl avenue , half block
from motor line , $1,700 , $74) ) cash.
10 acres , house , etc , , near Fort Omaha , tiy >
per nero , only $7u5 cash , balance 1,2 , 3 and i
years , worth at least $4ik ) per acre , must bv
( old by September 1st.
Van Uouicn & Co. , Douglas and llth streets.
97 23
LIST yourproperty.forsalo with Cliarloa 0.
Spotswood , 305'i S IBth St. 012
IP YOU want to buy , soil , or tradu your prop
erty , call on Cluulos E. Spot wood , 3iVi < 4j
B. 16th st. _ 40. ' .
mo EXCHANOE-Ono largo now 10-room
JL house and two lots , only 2 blocks from
street cars , will take partly In landorothnr
good property , balance on easy terms. CUKS.
1L Woolloy , 4 IS South 15th it. , Omuha , Nob.
043 3'J '
_ _ _
FOH SALB By Sholos.t Crumb , 1400 Farnam
FlnoW-roomhoupc , ParXavo . f .OOrt
Flnooottago , Virginia ave . 6.01M
I'lnecottngo , Georgia avo. . . r > &xi
S lots , o6rnor Goorgla nvo , bargain . 6.0JJ
2 lots. Oooitfla avc , north of Loavcuworth ,
ouch . n.-SOO
Slots. Clark Place , (11x124 ( , each . 0,400
1 lot on 10th street , near Kountr.'s rosl-
denco . 4,000
1 lot , track in alloy , flno warehouse lot ,
( ,6xl3J . n.OOn
SloU , FoHtori , south and east corner , . 6,500
233 20
FOR SALE Olio million norcs of land m Ne
braska. Speculator's innds.rnllroad lands ,
ranches , and fnrms In all part * of the
state. Sonrt forpuraphlet containing descrip
tion and prlco of over one thousand farms. A
floe topographical map of toe state lent free
upon application. B. It. Andrus , for 10 years
Gen'l Land Agent n. AM. H. H. Eighth and P
streets , Lincoln. Nutraska. 240
FOH SALE The finest residence lot on
Dodge street 3 blocks west of post ollloo ,
80 f cot south f rontnge , a corner. F. H. KQII-
nnrd , 114-116 , S. 16th St. 309
FT , O EXCHANGE For unproved Oinnhi prop-
- iotty 10 good Kansas farms. Charles U.
Woolley , 418 South 15tb sU 013 3J
Notice to Contractorn.
[ N pursuance of an act of the , o lslnture of
the stuto of NobrasUu , approved Jl rch3l ,
Sh7 , notice Is hereby gl\on thut scaled priipo-
juls will bo rocolved by tbo Hoard of 1'ubllo
Lands nnd llulldings until Siiturdiiy. the lUth
dny of Soptumbor. 1.W7 , at2 o'clock p.m. , tor
the orectlon of ouo two-story brick building
with stoiiii Imsomont , on the grounds of the
Niilininkii Institution tor t'ooblo minded youths ,
situated near the city of Beatrice.
Suld building to bo erected and completed ,
ucludlnif stoiuu lieiithi' , ' , iilumbluK. s > owun\wo ,
ivutcr service and tunnols. aocordliiK to the
jilnns and .snccltlcntlous now on Illo In the
ollico of the Coininisalonor oC Public Lands und
Ilnlldltigs , nmdo by c. F. Drlscoll , architect , and
tne supplemental nnd additional npoclllrntlons
annnxod thuruto , marked rospoetlvoly "A" and
Suld building to bo completed on ci buloro
Septotnbor I , IMS. The contractor to receive ,
during Its erection , hU per cent of monthly
Dstlmntofl and the balance of the contract
jirlco when the building Is tully completed and
A bond or other security In tlio sum of
$3,000 will bo required to accompany each bid.
made payable to the stntut on condition that if
Miounrty making thu bid bo uwuulod the con
act ho will within lirteon iliiys oxecutu and
fllo u good and accoptublc bond as required by
law , conditioned for the faithful performance
of the contract.
The board reserves the right to reject any
or all bids.
llv order of the Hoard of Publlo Lundj and
Buildings. .losLrli SCO-IT ,
IJncoln , August 10,1N37. CommUslonur.
Notice of Incorporation of the Nebraska Sav
ings Bank ,
Notice Isheroby ( .Mxott that thu NohrnsknSnv-
n M Dunk IrntliH day tiled Its artlcloi of Incorporation -
corporation In the ollloo of thu county clerk of
Kiiiglns county , Nohrusku. and will heumftiir
il i busliioss undur said articles In the city ol'
Oinnlin , Douylai county , Nobr.iska
Firr , Thu name of inld corporation Is "No-
iraskii Savings Hunk. "
Second , Tlio principal plaou of buslnoss oC
8'ildonipornilon nhnll bo In the city of Omaha ,
Douglas county , Nebraska.
Third , Thotconprtil nature ot the business
ol said corporation shall bu the usual buglnuss
of u savings bank und thu usual business of a
bank of discount an I lonu and trmt company.
Said bank will rocolro money on deposit and
pay interest thereon ; will loan und Invest
money on uppiovod bccurlty both real and
lierconal , and will buy und soil notes , mort
gages , und ether uiiirotinblo Inntriimonts und
bonds anil etooks. und will act UD trustee mid
Fourth , The amount of the nuthorlrod capl-
talstoc'knf H-ild corporation , Is tour hundroil
tliousmil dollars , divided Into four thoiimtnd
sliarus ol ono liundrel dollars ouch , but said
corporation may commence huslnuss when two
lnimlrt'd tlioiiHiind dollai sot said capital stock
Is subscribed
Suld implt il stock is to bo puld In as follows :
One-fourth us soon us called fur by thu buarJ
of directors , and the balance In Installments as
culled lor by said board.
Fifth , The time ot onmimmcomont of said
corporation tstho llttoonth clay of August , A.
D.lhSi.und Its terinlnution ahull bo the lit toentli
d v of Aiitrust , A.I ) , lusn.
Sixth. The highest amount of Indubtodncss
or liability to which said corporation shall at
any one time bo siibjcot ihull not exceed two
thirds of thn amount of Us sulMuiihod capital
stock , except deposits In the bank and ucu
cttlier * oiptloiM i > urn provided for In cliup-
t-iT f"\i'iieen ( of tlio uetsof the levlflatlva tis-
mblv of thu state of Nebraska of 1-U7.
Seventh , TIKI attaint ot suld oorporatlon
Khali tie conducted by u bonrJ of 111 teen direct
ors , live of whom shall Im elected uuuu.illy ou
tlio second. Monday ot January of each year.
mid who shiill hold their ollico for tint purlnd nf
thrco yonra ; und by a pruhldont , vlL-o-iire .ldoiit
and riixhlnr , olnuted by the bourd of directors.
DOIUI at Omuha , Nebraska , this 1-ith day of
August , A. D.W87.
GKHi ( ) ( ; K. HAItlCEll ,
KAMIIia , I ) . MKHCEll ,
SEALED Proposals will bo received ut the
ollloo of i ho county clerk on Saturday , Sop-
tomlioryrd , 1W , ut 13 o'clojk noon , for grndlng
butweon sections | H und 3) ) , township 1U , runuo
I ! , at Irvlngton. Ono of the eommlsslouiuH
will IKI ut thu llrst place to hhow gradim ; at 10
o'clock Thiirrduy morning , Sent 1,1347. Adu-
| io H of $3) will bo required Kith each bid.
lly order of thu llo.ird.
( J , P. NKKUIIAU , County Clerk.
Union National Bank
Paid Up Capital $100,000
Authorized Capital 600,000
W. W. MAKfaii , 1'residtnt.
J. W. RODEFKK , Cashier
Accounts solicited and prompt attention
given to all business entrusted to its care.
Pay 5 per cent on time deposit * .
No 2QO Masonic Ihiilding , corCapitol Av
enue aud IGth it *
T leplione No 842.
Itunnlnir nolweon Council lUutTs and South
Omuha. In addition tn thu stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth mid Twenty-fourth
streets , and at the Summit tn Omalia.
"Leave Arrlvu
CONNECTING LINKS. Transfer Transfer
dupot. depot.
C..H./.4 P. : 0:40 : 11. m. 9:11 : a. m.
All trains run Dnlly. 0:40 : p. m. 7OU ; p. tn.
C. 4 N. W. 9:40 : n , in. u5a. : ! m.
All trains run Dally. 0:40 : IK in. 7:00 : p. in.
C. . II. A Q. 0:41 : a. m. 911a. ; m.
All trulns run Dnlly. 6:35 : p. in. T'Hp. : ' m.
C..M. &fc't. P. Hfin. ; m. 9:15 : a , in.
All trains run Dnlly. G:4ii : p. m , 7UO ; p. m.
Sioux City. 1:35 : p. m , 12:00 : m ,
K. C. , St. J. * 0. II. 9:25 : a. m. < ) :3I : H. in.
All trains run Daily. 6i5 ; p. m. 9:13 : p. m.
W.StL.P. .
All trains run Dally. 2:15 : p. m. 12:15 : p. m.
s. a * P , 9:40a : , m. * : V > a. ra.
All trains run Dully. 7oo ; P. m. TUOp. : m.
The only rend to toke for DCS Moines ' ar
nlltnH n , 0 eilur Huiildi < , Clinton. Dixuu , Chlca'
go , Milwaukee and all points oust. To tlio people
plo of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah ,
Idaho , AOVIII'U , Orotrnn , WnihliiKton , and Cull
fornlu , It olTorn nuporlor udvnntii e-i net possl
bio by uny other line.
Among a low o * the numerous points ot su >
Itfrlorlly onjoyc'd by the patrons ot this rood
lietwoon Oinuhii mid Chicagoaro Iti two trulnl
n day of DA V COAUHES , which lire thu tlnosl
thut humnii art tuid Iniraniiliy can croatu , Itl
PALACKK SLEIJI'INU CAHS , which are model !
of comiort ami elegance. Its I'AHLOIt DKAW-
ING HOUM OAIIS , uiHiirniiSRud by any. nnd 1U i
w'doly ' c-olobrutnd PALATIAL DINING CAH3. 4
the equal of whloh cannot bo found olsowhorf
At Council Illuirs the trains of the Union Pacific
lly. connect In Union Depot with those ot the
Chicago & Northwestern lly. In Chicago tha
trains of this Una mnko close connection with
those nf all eastern linos.
Kor Detroit. Oolumbus , Indianapolis , dncln-
nail , Niagara Falls , Itnlt'alo , Plttsburg.Toronto ,
Montreal , lloston , Now Vork , Philadelphia ,
Dultlnioro. Washington and ull poiuts lu tha
oiiAt , osk for a tlckotla the
If you wish the best accommodation , All tlckot
agents neil tickets via this lino'
Gcnl. Manager , Gcul. Pftss'r Agout
Chicago , III.
Weitom Agent , City Pu&i'r Agent ,
Omuha Nahtuska.
trao ii UKicguiiTiD WITH TUB ciooEirur or ran
Iy ) reason of lu erntralpofltlo
Koat of Chicago , and conllnJ3U4 Ua t ftfc ttnnlnal
polota Wont , KorthwvU tud Boatliw it. Is th Uua
mlilJte link In that U n coDUnenta fjiton , vlilrh
lu\lti ana faclUtatei trar l auti tmdo tctwvon the
Atlantic and 1'aclflc ,
Th Kock lilaml main ] lna and branc > iMtnr1ui1 Cit )
CftCQi Jollet , Ottawa , La Halle , Faorla , Ovnwoo. Mulini
and Hock Iiland , In Illlnoltf Pavouutrt , Muicutlitn ,
> V Hilling ton , Kalrflf Id , OltumwaOkalooia , West l.ll -
ertj , Iowa Cltjr.lH'jMolrHft.Indli.ttoU.WlnUntt , Allan ,
tic , KnoivIIIc , Aui.ubun , llarlna , ( luthrla C otro and
Council Ululfn.ln lowai Qallatln , Trontun , Hi. Joii h ,
Cameruu and JCans i Cltjr.ln HHiourli LeavenwuitU
and AUhUon , In Kaniw , Allnrt I ia , Mlni.capotlt tutd
flt. I'aul.ln Mlnnnxotaj WaUrtown and Blous Fallslu
pakota , tnd handrudiof int noodlat cltlei and towui.
* * The Great Rook Island Route"
Ounranteos tpucd , comfort , certainty and itiffty , Itt
May laidlttlDtfuUhodforttf ezerllbiica. 1H
Ccrmanent of 110110 and Iron. Iti track In of loltd
toul.U rolllntrttock perfect. ltapa-vonter ( t li < i t > nt
bafixllthd&afctyappliaDCiathat ip rlcncwhasi > iMim I
urrful , and for luiurtuuN accommodations la urwii *
pa e4l. Its Kxprc * * Train * consUt of uiKrlor Oiy
iOACla lultmaa 1'alace I'arloraod '
, cUamt 81ep-'Jif
Cart , iupirb Dlu\ny \ Can , itrovWInjj dtltcloua tueaH ,
and ( Utiwca Chloago aud St. Jo bih. | AlcliUnn and
Kan a * City ) rcntful floUlnlrff Chair Can. lt man-
apim nt Is conserrutlve , 1U dUclpllno oxactlng' .
"Tho Famous Albert Lea Route"
Dftwu-n t'btcufro and UlnntaitolU and flt , 1'aul la tht
favorttH. Ovvrthlillna tSulid Kail Kiprvi * Trainrun
dally to btlracUvtt rorU for toorUU lu Iowa ani
Mtuu K > t4wl and , via Waturtown arulSloux Kali * , to ln
rich whtat abd ffrtulntr latuUnf luUrlor l > akota. Via
B nca and Kankakoo , the Hock Island offermuperUr
Inducrnicntu to trareli'tn brtwwn Cincinnati , luiUan *
polls , Ijifajettv and Council IUutTstiSt. Joopti , Atcht *
on , L ar uworth , Ka a City , Ht. ikaulandlotnn
dialA point * . AU patrons ( i | > oclaJly ladlta and ehll *
drcnroctvuprututl'in.courtiiy [ and kindly hlteiit Jt.
Tor tickets , mtps , fnl.Un , copies oC W t0rn Tra.l ! or
any lwired InforuMtlun , apply to prlitclp * ! otttaes (4 (
( Le United fltaUs aiid C'auaib , or ftUdreus > tCaica j.
B. I. CAttl , t. ST. JDHK ,