Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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Te Rain On Bunday DampenB the Ardor of
L . Offlocr , Boidters ana Vfsitor.
OrIginal anti Atnenlcd ArtIoIOM olin-
oorporfttIon Flied-A Ioiarknblo
' . Frrntk of attirc-Uttior
Capital city
frnof T11 flEI' MNCOt jnnh1At1.1
Rain full twon CainpTliaycryusterdny.
It dampened mother earth , It tininpetied
the nrdor of the veterans , ftnd It dampened -
ened the new and glittering uniforms of
the ofllcer In common with the uniforms
of tim high privatc2 In the roar ranks. It
was a damp time for dress parade , and
: oIdiers with low cut shoo. if old Cob-
row could have seen the militia that trod
the streets of Lincoln yesterday going
Into camp ho would have sworn by all
the Noaip at his bolt that ho never saw a
wir path in his life , nod that ho bad been
wholly cngagd In agricultural pursuits
since becoming a citizen of Colorado.
YcsturdyIi , the camp , like preccetling
days , wns wholly given over t prepnra-
tloit. Eticli company as it arrives is fur.
nIlied with the tents rcqulstte for its
acconitnodution , and the members nrc
assigned to their location on
P1 the grounds , where they staIr
their touts for the week. Three tents nrc
assIgned for Governor Thnycr and his
, . stuff , a like number for General Colby
' and stall and the colonel of cacti regi-
ncnt has hi official headquarters.
t Among the early arrivals In the morning
wore General Colby of Beatrice , onti
Colonel rlilnips of dO same place , in
command of tim first regiment. Thu
Beatrice company accompanied thorn
anti reached the grounds In advance of
the impcutling miii clouds. At noon
company 1) of the second rcirnent , in
command of Captain Bisliofi , arrived
from Nebraska City. Major John C.
Watson , judge advocate on the tafT of
the governor , rosplondunt in the blun
and gold of his uniform , accompanied
them , and the second regimental band
from the city , in chargn of Drum Major
.tvturlin , marched at the head of the corn-
pany as they flied up the street
to ttio Capitol hotel. where
Major Watson provided tue band
anti company with dinner. During a rift
in the clouds the company departed for
the grounds in the afternoon. The Ben-
nctt cornpanyarriveL from the south on
the same train with the Nebraska City
boys , and ne they were veterans in the
service who had ewelt gunpowder at
Camp 1ump , Omaha , they marched like
veterans through the rain and mud to the
camp , directly from the train. At 2 p.
m. the company from Nelson marched
through town into camp , and at 8:40 : a
'half ' dozen more companies arrived , in-
chiding the Geneva company , accorn.
pniiietl by the first regiment band froni
tlutt placu. Surgeon ( encral Stone , of
I Wahoo and Quartermaster General Cor.
roll , of 1ubron , of the govenor's ntaff ,
arrived also early In the day , ready for
duty. There was no official program
published yesterday for the week but
it Is promised for to-day , when all tim
' companies will be In camp.
Tlo Decatur & Vestern Nebraska rail.
Wi17 8 a now corporation that tiled its
nrtices with thosocrotary of state yoster
( lay. Whether this is a local bid for a
hue of road or the entering wedge under
cover of some of the Iowa trunk lines , 18
not dornonstrated in the articles thorn.
selves. The articles recite that the cor-
poratlon is created to construct , eqLlIp
anti operate a line of roaU with its east.
em terminus at Decatur , Burt county ,
- ' - and to run West and southwest through
- q-- the counties of Burt , Cuming , Ioitgo ,
Stanton Colfax , Madison. Platte , Boone ,
Nauco breuley , Valley , Wheeler , Slier-
Ins toup , Custer , Hail , BulYalo flaw-
son Ifoward. Merriok , Logan , Lincoln ,
Keith , Cheyenne , Washington , Douglas ,
Saunders , Lancaster , Gage and Jefferson
to the western and southern boun.
dance of the state. 'rho capital
stoo' of the company is zixod at
$8,000,000 , the corporation to commence
business on the 27thof August , 1887 , and
terminate on a like date in 1087. The indebtedness -
dobtedness is limited to two-thirds of the
Ofllital stock. The ineorporators are
Mitchell Vincent , 'S. T. Lemming , F. J.
Griffin A. B. Fuller , J. M. Peeblus and
v. E. hrnry
The ( irnalia & Council IllulTh Bridge
company has 1110(1 its stipulation of
amendment to the articles of incorpora.
tion by which the caultal stock is In.
creiseti from $500,000 to $7OOOO. The
amending article relative to capital stock ,
as passed by unanimous vote of the
stockholders , Is as follow , :
The amount of capital stock of the Omiha
& Council Bluffs Lisflway and Bridge corn-
any , of Omaha , Neb. , shall be and the same
is tized at $7O X1O , ilvlded % Into 7,500 shIrsS
of 3OO each , being tlte amount necessary to
construct said railroad and brtdRe , and the
authorized canltat stock of said company , or
iiiount to wIiIctr the capital stock may be
increased Is $1OOOOOO divided Into shares of
$ lOQeach. 10 percent of alletock siibscrIbd
to be paid at the date of subscriptions and
the remainder at such tIme and on suca con.
ditlons as ordered by the board of directors.
1liis amended article and nnuounee-
moot of increase of atock is signed by J.
I. Willard , Frank Murphy , ( eorgo F.
r _ Wright _ and ¶ 1' . J. Ev&ns.
Articles of incorporation of the Intcr-
state Medicine company wore also yos-
tertlay entered on record at the mere-
tary's otlice. The nature of the buslnes
01 the company is the manufacture and
sale of medicines. 'flis company is located -
cated at Beatrice , Gage county. The
capitaL stock Is tixed at 5OOOO , divided
into shares of bOO each , the company to
COIUDICUCO business when lifty shares are
taken and 5 per cent paiti up on the
smile. The date fixed for commence-
IfleUt is August 8. 1887 , antI the date for
termination , Augu8t 5 , 1950. Tim indcht-
edness is limited to 5 per cent of the
stock actually taken. The ineorporators
gro laniel 1roernan , Joseph Ii. Webb ,
Atistin M. Baldwin , John M. Williams
and 11. Kieluhaus.
Annie H.Prico has tiled in the district
ourt her POtitioil praying divorce from
4 her husband , Robert J. Price on the
ronnd of failure to malntsin her , and
that tier husband is a dissolute men of
vulgar habits and a ganbler. 'I'Iio plain.
tiff recites that they vern married at
Mastings , N , 1. lit 1871) ) , and that for the
last eight years io hits not providesi for
) : er , and that for four years she has supported -
ported herself and child entirely by her
own labor nod the sisistaiioo of relatives ,
( uI these grounds she asks relict.
Amelia F. Allen tins tileti also a peti
lion in court for divorce trom her hue. .
Jftild , Charles Alleit. The petition re-
cltcs tinit they were married at SL Joe ,
' Abc , in the year 1680 ; that notwithstaiid-
thg the tact that her husband was ci
ability to provieto suitabla maintenance ,
, lo lia.s at all times refused ttiiti rofralneti
froni so providing for her , and in the two
years 8111cc imirrlago. the plaintilt iia
supporloti herself entirely by tier owe
3abor. F'or this eatiso the bund ol
matrimony are asked to be severed.
' tAMA4flC StilT.
w ii. H. Dunn lies suca the Chicago ,
liurlliigton & Qiiincy railroad for * l,5i ) ,
daulaes suNtained by reason of 1iru
eatisoi last springwhen the company hail
-'Iiowod its right of wily to become over
grown with grass and woods that , cntch
lag fire from a passing engine , burped tc
ihi reruIsceoI the 1iJa1nti1T doaruiiu
g , _ .
803 tons of hay and a machine for stack.
Ing , ahiti also destroying young timber.
Damages in tim above amount arc thoro.
fore asked.
A UI.3tAflKAI3I.a CASE ,
The State icntocrat ) publishes one of
the most wonderful freaks of nature that
hits occurred in tills western land , a
greater wonder than the electric photo.
graph of a poodle dog In a young lady's
bosom. 'I'Iio facts In regard to the freak
as publlslieii are as follows : Ivan Jnncs-
choucka settled In Saline county litteon
years ago. Four years ago ho was
unstruck , and accoiiipanyingtho partial
paralysis that followed tie noticed
that ho was turning black. 1)ur-
ing the two succeeding years the old
trouble continued to afflict him and at
the end of thu two years ho was a black
man from the soles of his foot to his arm
pits. The present summer ho in fear
that he would become entircy black
took refuge In a root collar and liveii
there , whore all wont well until one day
when ho ventured out and the old
malady returned so that in a week's
time he was entirely black. During this
timoaso ! his wife presented him with a
pair of twliis anti the evil wa trasinittod
to the nosy generation , one of the twins
being black like his fattier. Yesterday
morning ivan Janeacheucka passed
through Lincoln on route to New York
and l'aris , whore at thin latter place he
will consult I'astcur for treatment.
. 1NTiI1c1Ty.
Among tim arrivals in Lincoln yestor.
( lIly were F. W. Gray , Orniha ; 1Iarr
Huckins of the Nebraska City Tunes ;
A. Kcithieyof the Greenwobd Loader ; E -
M. Correil , of the Ilubron Journal ; \VLIl.
lain Canada , Nebraska City ; A. F. Coons ,
David City ; Cobonci 0. ii. Phillips ,
Beatrice. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SouTh OMglItLt NflWS.
The work on the motor line railway
vill bgin ( in a day or two.
William Enriglit and Rev. hilton
started iii restortlay to take the census of
the bonn lidu residents of the city.
Tue cam of Ed hlanlan , charged with
stealing a breast pin worth from S.
Simpson , wts brought up for trial before
Judge iteuther this morning. A jury
was calleu atiti at noon the trial was ad.
journod until 2 o'clo k.
A man named \Vhitman owed Thomas
Gary a board bill aiitt refused to nay it ,
whereupon the latter assaulted him.
Whitman had Gary arrested for assault
The sewer PiPes for tile main sewer to
. the river have arrived , and the work of
putting thoni in will soon ho begun.
11. Schneider waslined $7.50 by Judge
Reuthier for disorderly conduct.
Dennis hays anti Al IInrtily were assessed -
sessed $7.50 each for using obscene Ian-
guage before ladies.
An infant ( laughter of A. J. ongiioy ,
local editor of the Stoekinan , died at 9
o'clock Saturday evening , and will be
buried at 10 o'clock Tuc.alay.
Jack Yates , foreman at hlammoOd's
packing house , is the happy father 01 a
baby girl.
Mrs. J. II. Absbire and daughter , of
Chilllcothe , Ta. , arc visiting the family of
C. M. hunt.
The mayor of the city , Colonel Savage ,
has returned from the west.
A. KiilnorJohn German andJ. Yotiug
made a trip to the Valley Sunday and
returned with about sixty "snipe' and
other small game.
Mr. Dewitt , nianager oftho Star Union
Lumbar company , returned from Chii.
cage where ho attended the funeral of his
B. Brockway and Georc .Johnson ,
stock dealers , und Jacob Yatz , a dry
goods merchant , of Griswold , Ia. , were
in the city looking up locations for
business houses.
Albright station will have a hour mill
in the near future.
Aldormati Smith has asamploof ravel
taken from a well at a depth of 170 feet ,
which , on being inspected with a microS
scope. appears to be rich with an incrustation -
crustation of a metaL that closely rcsein-
bbs flake gold. The particles were ox-
arnined by an ohi lrospector who do-
claret ! that the metal was gold , and from
the amount picked up , lie was of the
Opinion that there was "pay dirt" iii large
quantities not far distant. Mr. Smith
will cnd the "dirt" to Crcighton college
anti have it analyzed , and if his expectations -
tions arc realized , South Omaha will
luwo a boom equal to tile Black lulls ,
Pikes Peak and other western bonanzas.
After viawin the pieces of gravel
through a glass , the reporter called OU
several old citizens , but could not learn
otgold cyer having been found , though
some years ago It was asserted that there
was a rich deposit close to Omaha.
The Cords or Conviction Tightening
Around tile Expert Messenger.
Word was received yesterday at the
office of the l'aeitio Express company
that Bennett , the messenger who bad
bean arrested on suspicion of stealing
from the company a package of $10,000
entrusted to his charge , ahd consigned
by Omaha parties to Ulark t % Larrible's
bank , Butte , had had an examination
and been bound over to the grand jury
to await action on the charge of grand
larceny. lie is now confined In jail at
Blaokloot , having the solace of the corn.
panionahip of his brother , who Is also an
Theostirnony.diaolosedthe tact that the
package was a bulky one , being corn-
posed exclusively of live dollar bills. It
was shown that Bennett had receipted
for the package in the usual way at the
commencement of his run , and further ,
that Rich , the conductor of the train on
whtohftennett was running , had scan the
package in tIm hands of the latter at
Granger , whore the Oregon Short line
branches ofT the iuani line of the U. P.
Circunitancei go to show that Bouniitt
will have a ditlioult time in escapIng
prison. _ _ _ _
Keeping Crowds From i'lros.
Last evening Chief Seavoy Issued or.
ders to his men tiiit : immediately after
the alarm of tire is turned in from the
business canter the ollicer In charge ol
the day or night force will order the
Patrol WagOn mid a detail of police with
ropes to proceed to the fire as rapidly as
possible , it will be tile duty of the policemen -
men to step nil yohioias in thin vicinity of
the tirel to keep the crowd back at such a
distance that the lire will in no way be
Interfered with , arni to render every as
ehitancu to the tiremen.
Corning ilornoto Die.
At a period of life when butiding we-
manhood requires all her strength to
moot the tiernauds nature makes upon It ,
many a young woman returns home from
: the severe mental strain of school with a
broken down constitution , and her func
tious disarranged , to go to an early
grave. It she had been wisely counseled
unit given the benelit of Dr. Pierco'l
"avorita Proscription" her bodily do.
velopinent might have kept pace with her
murititl growth , anti health and beauty
; would not have given way to decline aud
death. _ _ _ _
) ako Gibson , of Tallahassee , was eit
ting in the forks of an old oak troc , cat-
tug a watermelon. when a thuiider cloud
L catnu up. Lightning struck the trcesplil
it Into fragments , and knocked Jnke to
the ground. Uzicie Glenn , au old col
ored man , and others , rusheti up , poured
, water in his taco , anti began to rub him ,
, 'l'hny wore about to give up hope of re
viviug him , when , hike rose , locket' '
around halt dazed , and Inquired "Uaclc
. Glenn , whar's my watermelon ? "
- .
Electric Iustro Starch tsthe beat lana
dry starch Lu the * o4d. . .
Arrest of One Principal ana Plight of tim
Other-Secontis and Backers Pinched ,
The Greatest Excitement Ever
Aroused In Oniatia Over a Similar
. Event-Soavny and ltim Little
JurI.dictlon , Etc. I
After the Fight. -
The sequel to Sunday's prize fight was
the arrest yesterday on warrants sworn
out by Chief Soavoy of the following
parties : James Lindsay , Arthur Roth-
cry , herb htotliery , Henry Parrish , Len
George , J. Mcllunry Johnson , J. G. No-
gent and Conrad Koehior , cantain of the
J. 1l. Abbott. Several other warrants
arc out , but the parties charged In them
have not as yet boon arrested. Ball was
furnished for those arrested in the sum
of $225 each , except in the case of Lind.
say , who was hold for $1,500 , and the
prisoners Wore discharged. ' The iicarin
for all was fixed for September 13. Lindsay -
say Is hold as the principal in the affair
anti the rest as alders and abutters.
Clarke kept from police reach all day
yesterday and quietly left for New York
ltst : night. The law uniter winch those
arrested are to be tried is sections 7 antI
S of the penal coda as follows :
SectIon 7.-If any persom shah actually engage -
gage as a principal in ammy Preilledltated iiIit
or contention , coiiimnoimiy called a ; ) rize higut ,
ever ) Person so ottentllm shall be hmnprls.
omied in the penltentl2ry. not less thaii one
year or more than ten years , and PY tile
costs of prosecution.
Section 8.-If any person shall engage , or
be concerned 'in or attend any such fhht or
contention as is tioscribed in the last preced-
lug section , as backer , trainer , second , tini-
lure , assistant , or reporter , every person so
ot1eiidiiii shah , on convictIon , be mined In
ally stuu not less than live dollars nor mom
thail 0110 iiuiidred dollars , and be liiiiimisoned
In the jail of the county hot less than ten
days nor more than three months , and pay
tiim cost of prosecution.
Whether the warrants will hold isques.
tionable , as tilO light is said to have oc
curred beyond the jurifdietlon or Douglas -
las county. Seavoy says ho is determined
to settle the question anti lix the location
if it should require actual surveys t bo
made to do so.
A visit to the several sporting resorts
last night found many who participated
in the light as lookers.on and a few of
.tiiose arr.ted. The air was blue syith
imprecations of the whole police force ,
Chief Soavey coming in for a double
share of abuse , Suits for large sums
against the city for the action of the
police are threatened by all of the arrested -
rested parties. Arrangements are on
foot looking towards an ezcursioi on
next Sunday week in the Abbott to the
spot of the recent figlitfor the exhibition
of alleged athletic sports.
Further Talk About she Prize FIght.
In a conversation with a Ben reporter
Chief Seavey said that lie had
released the Parties arrested yesterday -
day evening on his own judgment , that
itwasnotbecauso ho hadnocaso against
them , but beeauso , for the time being , he
considered it the wiscist.courso in furtherance -
anco of his plans to mote out justice to
all the violators of the law concerned or
connected with this event. Vhen interrogated -
rogated as to whether he hadn't boon informed -
formed by tim county attorney that he
could discover no grounds for a , iuasmuoh as the little gob
of mud and sand unon which this san-
gulnary battle took place was not within
any known jurisdiction-it was a bar or
an islet in the middle of the river , and
neither side claims it as its territory-lie
replied that something of that kind Iiut :
been intimated , but it hind had no influ.
enco upon hks intentions or actions.
"And hasn't the shorIll too , declined
to touch it ? " inquired the scribe.
"I don't know whether he hits or not , "
answered the chief , "but there is a Wa
of making these authorities take cogn
zanco of misdemeanor and crime Dorpe.
trnted tinder their very noses If t4ioy
can't do anything I can and will. I intend -
tend to teach these law breakers that
the pollee are bound to respect , and that
they must got their noses down to the
stone like all other bruisers , things and
scoundrels. Oh , I can accornolisli a great
deal that some of these wise legal gentle.
men never hoard of it they but give mc
a chance. "
however , just what the chief's profound -
found olans are , he refused to re.vci ,
further than to say that ho would Investh-
gate and establish beyond it doubt time
boundary lines of the city of Omaha , and
ascertain just where this lsiand or sand
bar or whatever it is is situated , and
under just whose jurisdiction it is. If
under Omaha's. many hearts will be
made to ache. If the county is responsible -
blo that will relieve him , and so with it
should Iowa have claimupon this tabocod
Mr. 1' . P. Poinoroy , who claims to
have been present in an official capacity ,
entered suit in the district court to-day
a'ainst Chief of Police Scavoy , Captain
( irmlcic and their bondsmen for $10,000
diunagos for false arrest.
"Mayor Broatchi what have you to say
about Sunday's light ? "
"Very litIe. IL certainly was not
within my jurisdiction , it it was , I
would certainly prosecute the principals
and getters up of tile affair. I do not
approve of slugging matches , and hero.
after shall take steps to prevent their
repetition. "
"Sheriff Coburn , vhiai about Sunday's
fight ? "
"Oh , it's idle to talk about that. If it
bad taken place within my bailiwick ,
then tirere would be grounds for an in-
terview.ou1d I have prosecuted time
parties ? I assuredly would , as these
ljghits arc in direct violation of the law.
'lucre seems to be no one to dulino the
' authorities governing this Island , anti in
the premises. I did not Intend to make a
fool of myself. "
Scenes anti Incidents or the Steam.
heat l'rlzc.FIghttng Excursion ,
Despite "the wickedness of prize-lIght-
lug anti thin low morals of those who aid ,
. abet anti countenance it"nnd all that sort
of thing with which good people have
much to do , the crowd that attended Sun-
' day's event , which is described in detail
on the fifth page of the BEE , had sport
: enough to inau up for a big fine or a
I long term in jail. Of all the excursions
of the Omaha Athletic association , yes-
terday's must survive in memory as the
: prime event.
L was a fine morning to begin wlthm ,
and a good dual could be said about the
bracing atmosphere. the white winged
clowls sailing the blue expanse of sky
hlkeyachts on a tranquil Iay , the song
of the birds In the river-skirting brush ,
the wide swoop of bluffs and green bet
. toni lands which the eye coin
mantled and the swirl and swish
of the gloomy stream on its muddy and
tievious way to the sea , All this vai
there to be soon , felt rtiul cnjoyod and
many vore the refreshing snorts of sun-
riseozono taken into lungs more accus-
. teared to the couhined alt' of the bed
. , chamber at that hour. '
Tim 1rst source o Plesuro waa , ro
sided by the police. Time earliest exour.
iotiist to reach the wharf at the foot
of lMvcnport street. ' found a squad of
thorn there. They stood on the bank
looking as darkly mysterious as posiblo
miii atidrcsslng aclitmaIritances in the
gathering crowd in sail and pittyhiig
tones as though to say , " .me , for Jiniiiiie
or Jacki , old boy , i'll be mighty regretful -
ful to lay time hiand of time law on yes
but its nm , yen' old frlcimd , tht'll do it
sure. amok , it yez inadhy PersistS ifl
j'liiiti' dls gang. ' The peulurs stooti
there getting the laugh a the boat loadctr
up and its tlio voyagers passed them to
the gang plank in a tLovil.niay-care fasli-
Ion hint ought to have made the law feel
iiiiglity small potatoes.
One or two really respectable very
nice gentlemen weakened at the sfght of
the bobbies anti stood cmi the batik , not
afar ofT guessing at cohisequcuces anti
pretentifimg thimtt they merely hiippened
there , sort of on passant us it were ,
"What Is this , Billy ? " asked one of
these In an honest tone of voice , address-
iiitr a passenger on the upper dock.
"it's ' a Sunday school picnic , Frankle , "
shouted back Billy ; "don't you see our
escort of police to keep o the hood-
turns ? "
iltit when time bells rang and with a
great churning of muddy water the yes-
eel cast off even the timid ones grow firm
and Scramilled aboard.
lor a long time all interest ceitorod in
the perfornianee of the lolmco , atid as the
boat swung free into the current a elmer
was given thorn , although a few derisive
hoots worn lifted. The vcswl steamed up
a half mile , then down a full mile , pick-
tug till the two fighters , who were waiting -
ing In skiflt below the bridge , and then
proudly swept past the city again on tier
determined course up the river , On the
batik , tlodging niiiong box cars , over
fences ttmitl through freight sheds the iio
lice cotilu be secii , but for what purioso
they thins played their energies is not
known. At last time city was left behind ,
with Its anxious policemen , clamoring
church bells , and lazily awakening popu-
itition and the regions of untrammeled
nature were entered , where Sunday is
unobserved anti glmrnpsca of human life
are scant and far between.
The steamer shoved ahead of her a
covered barge , which vastly increased the
nceomniodatiomis of the 200 mon present.
On this a bar , not of rosewood , but of
plain , cracked and knotted pine , was
mounted , over which wits ladled , with a
free hanti anti at city prices a bountiftml
Slilply of soda , seltzer and sandwiches ,
Two musicinds , plying a guitar
and a mandolin , turned up shortly
and a song-and-dance coterie comprising
Tony Fireman , Joe Policeman , Jabex J.
Rhino and others were era long engaged
in a high old time. With a sandwich in
one hiitnd , a mug of pp in the other
and a mouthful of both ( not hands , but
the other timings ) , the party "sashayed , "
"alamanned , " winged and ragged , while
the crowd patted juba and put In words
of good cheer. In the midst of this
throng a little follow with a tiny nius-
tactic turned up with a chuck-a-luck liy- :
out , and as his voice with its "This way ,
gentlemen ; under and over ; risk a dime
niitl win a dollar , " swelled the noise , he
did some considerable , business in a
small way.
Back on the boat a few weary ones
whose impatience to be in at the jump
had kept them up all night lay stretched
along the guards endeavoring to patch
lip their "rocky" condilions tyitli sheep.
Also on the boat , and In
that close seclusion which time
cabin has long been known to
grant , ii party almost as quiet as the
sleepers was gathered about a table. The
business at hand hero Wits revealed by oc.
casional remarks to the effect , "Whip-
sawed , by thunder , " and thelike. Iown
iii the engine room and in tIme midst of
small groups in corners above docks , life
planks were being 'utilized for tables ,
upon which the great national pastime of
poker wns practiced. By the time the
battle ground was reached , afew had oh'
tamed somuch sport , especially with the
sandwiches and pop , that they
were in no condition to witness
the fight , and wore left
aboard during its progress , The homeward -
ward trip was joyctis , those who won and
those who lost making the most of their
fortune and sacrihicing all other feelings
to the purpose of having a good time.
Any who think that the excursion
was an affair for rougiis are mistaken.
A roster call of those present would reveal -
veal some very eminent names as emi
notice goes hereabouts. Not a cross word
was spoken and nothing transpired , as
time old aceoutits say "to mar the perfect
harmony of thin occasion. "
On the return triii , the boat touched on
a point orf the Iowa shiorcwiaich , was sup-
) ) oSOd to be three miles above Council
JJlmmlT4. The spot was in fact nearly cloven
miles from the Bititre. There thai lighmttmrs
were put ashore and a dozemi or more
timid ones debarked with thom , A few
natives in hickory and home
SPtIfl stood on time mud bank
and grinned at the strangers.
\viiy they grinned partieularlydeveloped
a few nionients Imitor when the party
reached time northwestern tracks. .Just
as the sports got a good start on the tic.
Path , twenty men armed with shot guns
anti lVinchsters rose out of the bush.
"Halt" caine the demand.
Everybody halted-everybody except
the lighters. These evidently determined
not to he taken alive for they broke from
the scratch like a stint and went tearing
up the track in a fashion that
did thorn proud. The Hawkeye posse
wasindivitiuttily and eohleetlveiy knocked
out , anti ore they could shoot , the I ugl-
live pugilists had turned a bend beyond
which they were seen no more in iowa ,
How they got across is a mystry.
Thai others in the party threw up their
Itands ani watched tiiemagical disan-
poarance with as niuch Interest and more
pleasure than did the 1)0550. Then ,
when the question of their own fate
caine up , they gave tlio vigilantes a little
Omaha soft talk and seared them out of
the authority to make arrests. The
walk of cloven miles which lay before
boni to the Bluffs proved to be worse
than a ride in the patrol wagon.
Board ot I'iibiie Vorks ,
At the meeting of the board of public
works , yesterday , bills itmounting to
2,1l2i37 were allowed. The board
passed the estimates subhiitted for work
done on the inside railing and post of the
Eleventh street viaduct , $3,080.18 , hugh
Murphy , for sewer constructed itt sewer
district' forty-nine , m3y727 , Sum for
sewer constructed in district thirty : seven ,
p2,709.70. For curbing.Farnmun street ,
from Twenty.ninth avenue to old city
limits , $897.41. For paving Fourteenth
street , in paving dist'rict ,
$183.35 , I
The board also empowered the chair-
lean to purchase materidi to finish thc
Woodward curbing contncL at the con
tractor's expense , Mr. Balcombe will
exercise the iutbority given him at QflCO
and the curbing on Davenport street will
be finished without further delay.
Contractor Squires asked to be allowed
an estimate for the asphalt paving donc
on Davenport street between 'reatlt and
hourtoenth. Mr. Mayno moved that It
1)0 allowed. Mr. Ileicurod objected , auth
gave as his reason for doing so that he
had bean told by James Cruitrhton and
, others that the work was soft and not ui :
to thu standard. Mr. Squires denied thts ,
and with some warmth said that lie
imatt gtvou heavy bond , and ii
the work dlii not prove satisfac'
L tory ntid UI ) to tile contract
tim city could hold his bondsmen respon
I siblu. Mr. Helmrod asked that the mat
L tor be postponed until to.mnorrow at I
. o'clock , as that would give him an onpor
ttmnity to Investigate the work. It WII
. agreed to. On motion of Mr. ileimeoti ,
.v. .Wapp1si ! , was elected secretary L
, the board. . , . .
Grttiiorlngor Troops and Other items
ot i'repitratlon.
Yesterday atternooti at3:30o'clock : four
companies of the Eighth infantry arrived
in this city from Norfolk , where they
tiara been In attendance upon tim North
Nebraska Soldiers' reunion. They are
under the commanti of Captain Charles
I'orter. 'rhicy wore ordered to Norfol k
vhere they have been in camp for the
last vcok , and tulvo been sent here to be
present at the Soldiers' reunion , which
convenes on Monday. Owing to the fact
that thai tents in the camp hayo not yet
boon erected , Limo companies marched to
Fort omaha , where they went Into camp
on their own account. 'rlioy will remain
there , until Wednesday next , when the
re-union tents will be erected.
Major Clarkson , quartermaster of the
camp , says there are now 1,200 tents In
town randy to be pltotietl , and there are
500 more ( lU the way and will be put in
hilace before Monday next ,
The outline of the plan has already
been determined and but little time will
be lost in niaking the tents conform to
the same.
To-day a forceof Western tTnion Tote.
graph lIne men were engaged in extending -
ing poles into the clump , for the erection
of a wire which will enable tclegrphic
communication to be kept up with the
'Ihio camp will also be sulplmcd with
-A large boiler and pump are now baing
put in place to supply the camp witim
water. 'rho latter mviii be drawn from
Ctmt-Ofl'lnKe and furnished to the camp
through two-inch iiiiies , and served in
all parts of it by thirty-three faucets
which will enable all the icc-barrels to
be kept in constant supply with fresh
tiATLIIt tti G&S.
An Old Tuner GIves Ills Opinion of
That Found In Oninlia.
To the Editor of the Bma : : I am not
sure whether the parties who are uvolv-
ing gas from a sprimig in i'utldoek place
are lii earnest or not. If they arc in
earnest and really believe that they have
tapped or discovered an ovortlow of
natural gas , it might save to theni seine-
thing more substantial than iras by sug-
gosling a few facts in relation to tIii and
to other sprimigs in that vicinity.
In the summer of 150 I made a critical
examination of this spring-it being
within my pro-emption-with a view to
determine its quality for domestic use ,
and found it inferior water.
The dicarburet ot hydrogen that constantly -
stantly bubbled up told too plainly that
the vein that supplied it either originated
within the field of a sCibmergod drift of
timber , loaves , and other vegetable matter -
tor , or that it traversed through such a
ven'otiibie drift.
'hits gas is generally known by the
name of light carbureted hydrogen.
Dufl'erent chemists and dulroreiit localities -
ities give different names to it , us
"heavy Inflammible , " "air of marshes , "
anti "liydrecarluret , " etc.
An application of a match to the gas
bubbles at thio time of the examination ,
developed its burning quality and determined -
mined , in my mind , the inferior quality
of the water.
Tue miatural formation of this gas is
from the decomposition of vegetable mat-
tar in marshes , and where amiimnal matter
or bones hiavo been deposited In such
marshes or drifts , the gas is of the nature
of perphosperet of hydrogen , and in Its
exit from its comitinenient develops time
"jack o' lantern" or "vilh o' the wisp. "
Underlying this plateau , from Florence
to ( h'amitt View , are promiscuously deposited -
posited timber or vegetable drifts , Any
number of wells stink within this tern-
tory mtttost tue truth of this declaration.
A spring , originahly withmin two feet of
Sulphur spring , and another n few hun-
drcd feet south of the late Idiscovory do
ycloped the same properties.
Fnrther evidences of tile truth of the
above propositions will be furnished
when called for. GmtoimGE SsuTli ,
A TnrIy But Imnortant Meeting Last
Night ,
Owing to the inclement weather last
evening it Wits a quarter of I ) o'clock be'
fore a quorum of the board of education
assembled. Those present were Messrs.
Blackburn , Coburn , Copeland , lteeie
Morrison , Parinelce , Smtvillo and Slioles
Mr. Copeland was chosen temporary
A petition from the citizens of th
ninth ward asking that the board choose
a stm'itablc school site for thioui was or
dered returned back to petitioners.
A commuunication from l'atrick A
Gavin cahliiig the attentioti ot the boarc
to the proposed school house site al
Walnut lull was placed on tile ,
The comuni'mttee on buildings and prop
erty reported that the cost of sewer con
nections bctween the Webster streel
school and Burt street sewer to be $25O
Placed on tile.
The committee on buildings and property
orty reported that J. M. Woolworth , whic
is negotiating f the purchase of tIn
Pleasant school property , was willing tc
pay $9,000 in sixty days , $8,000 in iii
mouths , and the balauoo on or bcfor
July 1. 1SSS. Referred to tue committem
on finance with power to act.
The committee on manual training re
ported the consummation of a contract
with Crane Brothers Manufacturing
Company to put up a boiler and proper
trimmings in the manual training school
for $300. Accepted.
A resolution from Mr. Copeland no-
questing the cable company to bnidg
over time ditch on Twentieth street it
front of the high school was adopted.
A resolution was adopted asking tin
city council to in8truct time city ongmneum
to perform all engineering services re
quireti by tim board of education free o
cli argo.
Mr. Morrison presented a resolution
asking for authority to miter into a least
for the use of a portion of the Iiertziuam
bmiilding , Walnut Hill , as a school build
big. Adopted.
A resolution from Mr. Morrison askimit
the city council to instruct the builm1in
Inspector to issue permits for publii
school builtiings without fee , mva :
Mr. Morrison offered a resolution ask
leg the city council for the extension a
time water service from the corner of Smx
teontli anti Castellar to the corner o
Eighteenth and Castellar , tt ) protect thit
school property at the hatter point
A resolution by Mr. Parniolec wn
' adopted , authorizing the lresident nut
secretary to draw a warrant in favor o
the trustees of the Third Congregationa
church for $2,500 , to apply on the pun
chase of lot 5 , block 0 , Lake'sadttition , a
L soon as the attorney of time boam'tl shah
have examined thu deed , abstract o
L title , etc. , and pronounced them perfect
: A resolution bj Mn , Blackbunmi Wa
I adopted autiiorizimig tIm trustees of tim
Walnut school to secure two or mor
scbool rooms necessary for school pun
A resolution was adopted asking tha
school be commenced at the usual tim
in the church in West Omaha near tb
new school building now in irocess o
On niotmomi the board adjourned unti
next Monday evening ,
: For time first time In neariy two year'
service , Ollicer Thomas Ariusby tiiices
week's lay-oil' . lie Loaves this niqrnicj
for Dtiimlp Is. , where he will pass hi
. , ycatiOn whb friends and relatives.
Yesterday His hliggost Immy In Lomidon
-5IOOO i'copio i'rcsont.
Ilmit7fltio Bill continues to meet with
wonderful success in London , socially
auth hlmianelally. In time fashionable so-
duty circles lie is time great nttmaetloti ,
being invited to all the leading society
cyents. Ills "WildVcst' ' show Is coin-
big : nnrrets of money , and altogether
everything is coining his way. Every.
hotly iii Nebraska who knows hmini will
rejoice at his good fortmmno , lie is a
Nebraska luau , and never loses an oi-
portunity to atvcrtlsc time state lie units
from , Colonel Cody laid a big day yes'
terday , as will be seeii from tue follow-
lug cablegram :
ioxuoN Anr. 27.-Al. Sorensen , Omaha :
Wt are still comnin to tIme trout. We are
gottin there with both feat. . No rmmsty minus
lii our path. To-day we gave the 11134 ncr-
forumance of time Nebraska "Wild Vest"
show In London. Played to 52OOI people ,
and It was not a holiday either. tony ,
The Pottery how ,
Time squabble between tue stockholders
of the Nebraska 'rite and Pottery corn-
pany is again up before the courts. This
time it is Hemlry henry E Gunner who
charges the company with fraud. It will
ho remembered that tim lighit of a few
weeks ago was on account of the alleged
issuingof frauduhent stock by the oflicers
of time company to Gunner to retaimi their
positions. Gunner now claims tlmtt : on
July 13 Wcstrcn , the secretary of the
comiipituiy offered him $1,650 for his fifty
shares , wiiichm lie accepted. tVestretl
gave him n note which he clammed coulil
be CitshieI nt the bammk , mind the certhhl'
cttes : s'ere turned over to that gemitlu-
man , 'l'hiu bank , however , would not no-
capt the note for its face , anti Gunner
asked for a returmi of his stock froni
Westrati. The secretary refused , saying
the certhtlcutes : were tlestroyod itmitl haul
been marnetl : cm canceled on time books.
( mimer how StiCS for it reissuance of the
stock ,
Henry Market's Failmire.
henry Markel , a grocertit27o3 Leaven-
worth street has failed to the amount of
Ills largest creditor is the firm of Fax- .
ton , Gallagher & Co with whom lie line
: t rmmnmiini miccotmut tlmatnow amounts to
$3,200. 'Ihey hold a first mortgage
on his entire stock , including
his fixtures , horses and dcPvery
wagon , and turns hits cirects ovet' to this
firm to satisfy antI settle his indebtedness
to themn and save the eXpetisos of an as-
signmemit. liii ; indebiedness to other firms
aggregates $1,800 ; $150.53 to McCorti ,
Brady &Co. , $350 to I'vcko Bros. , $150 to
\Viedemuan & Co. , besides numerous other
smaller bills. his brother , J. E. Markel ,
to whom he owes $3,00O , brings no claim
ngailist him. The failure is due to bad
_ _ _ _
Fighting Oven the Fight. .
Yesterday afternoon while Dan Mc-
Grath and Ii. R sobergcr were discussing
time relative merits of time combatants in
tue recent prize fight , they foil into a row
auth each tried to imnpensoimritc his favorite -
ito ; the result wmts a rough amid tumble go'
as-you-please sparring match that ended
in two srntsiied mioses and four blacked
eyes , Officer Bloom acted time part of
peacemaker and lodged both combatants
bohirnd the bars ,
Referred to Limlof Gailigan.
To the Editor of the i3i : Is that new
tangled machine in hue lire departrnuiit
to be used for squirting on peoplti that
go to see fires ? II so you timid hotter
warn people , as I nearly had my eyes
burned out at Saturday night's iiro by
sonic cuss of a fireman ,
I'ropriotor FarnarnStreet Cigar Store.
No trains were run by the Missouri
Pacific railway last night to Nebraska
City , The real was emily opened on
Suncay and washouts were feared.
w I
_ _ _ u I'
. 0'PRIcrs
Itisuporior excehlummce proven in mIllions ci
botites Cor more than a quarter of a contury.
It La tired by the United StateS Uovernnient ,
ndorscd by the litad of the ( ireat lfmiivumsl-
ju' . , R the Strunxost , Purest sad Most lietmitli.
fui. Di' . l'rloo's the omiiy haltIng l'owdor that
doodu not Contain Mnmonla , Limo , or Alu mu.
Sold onIInctL
NEW yoax cmuOMlo. ST. WUlL
Tke Tb.atrlcai Profoiston.
I' .rIt viii win aDd teoiTo pubimo recognition and
iirai. . l.acli , 'Yhicit nra ( Ito outcouio ot general e.
t Vericncc , towng : throti5it year. of crItical and
'ractlcai tef3t , become si mooted and hnmovabio iu
( ho ri. of Gibrititar It , pubilo opInion , and Icneo
torth aced no further guftrant'e a. to their gntt
10(00,9. Tholtidiipuli.bto bet titaISwlCts Spectti
, th mie.t blood purIfier In the wend , l ono of thci
Iminoyabie OjUrailar rock race , of which we hava
rpoken. til every dRys ezpvrienco root , , Ibli oou
victlom , tIeer aini C'lir to PubliC opiuion. kvcry
claa tt OU , . 'uio In Arneric8 and in Euroi , , ,
y eTet I' tad0. cailing and 5rta5aion. tucmu'mlttg ot
nt'Uicni profeuton. Iavo borne voluntary ttm
mnony to the , etnarkabI ,1tuce or 5. 5. 5 ,
a 115 InlafliWo rflieicy In cuttu cli iileai.e of th
Ltiooi. 'iiteao teitiuiottlii arc cu Chu b the thou
aiwIi. and oi'on II ) the 1ti11'octIon of nil , .low con ,
mmtisoilctmcI , two diltlDrUa.WI wcmbera Ct ( l.a , ,
neal prorcuton. who gtnterufly testify u Ibe wtodtr
rum CitraUvo qU..Outle. ot tim Speciflo In their mdi
'ldual san-i , Tht'tr testltnontali Are n.rftwuthsut
nltt.v4 to tie pubiio wmthou $ tunhfr coinxei-teI
the , spek to , ' thtnseive. The idy Is n n'tnber ol
lb. tajnoua ThaII Tboatra Company , of Nw Yov
anti formerly or ue IiulInre theatri , flriIt , , Uir
tnIDyLn4 on1nvlckerstc'k Compan7fCbicago
5lt mt.ntnmaniwU , known nemberot the Ne"
Von , . 'haitn Th'atre Cotni.any . , tioth are wail knowii
Itt utzeatrtcai circiti In titti country one In Zuroie ,
: Chariomie Jtnudw's Tasilniony.
L E&w Yea , hay 3 , iitl. .
L Swlt $ Company , J.tianta , ( In. :
( Jenhieinen-.Itavlng been annoyed wit ) , pinipie
ew.Uona end rougIiicsiottho skiutrcintaduou
dillon of my blood , for Inoro ttau a year , I u.ed
L i.sdmng prsprtiot , of earsaparlla : Sal other adyor
t Iliad rontrdlr's to no rOct. 'Dtn I Consulted a prnin
lueni ihymI'naii , and rQn hM treatment reoeivoJ
no ieneflt. I Own couriuded to try the 8 , 8. 5. ruin
udy ( or ihe bi.xd and Liv , , or iii packases. by
thorough ersdicaUon 01 fl7 iZQtltiO ad riistorin
S smootlinea. to my ekin , have tnaIe , me ltsp , so
I cieertulIy give you thu ieitlinoniai for cud , us ,
soC pui4iuity si you when mn tusks of It.
mn3 zowery , near Canal iitrss
Slur. liasakari's Testimony.
S Ylic mviii Cpectho Cornpny , .1 tIatita. Ui. i
0 Gentiotnet-Ye , Iwo 3'rrn I had n severe eaee oj
uents. 1 usc-tI tar suijiliur sosia , soil sriu'u
Otber rroioiie. snd vis prescribed ( er by nUtnler ,
C : tbyeIciatta , hut found no roUst , At Iati I iicter
uIflei to try th. . ii. II. 4 reined , sn.i or ek'ul
uottIM ttse Uioroujbly rwIIec4 too , ud ) o sa&
UI. Iiiti CerilUlu in so , naiiuer ycui with.
ItuQo itssint. .
) i.uIeer 0 Thsme metal , .
Is.w York , ay 3 ,
Tr.ttt , tn Illood u45lti , , Disease. tosilid ft. . .
5 . . . Tea awifra'xctrio , Op. ,
. . . . : . ' Vsw.r3.A11am4 i
. ' ; ' , ,
I'riliccileil iny Cnusc AiiyAittutith %
or'rrOuhic. . , *
More InlprLnI Tesihriiony Voluntarily Offered
b1 One Who has Been Through the Mill.
, -
\ .
t f .
: '
"For the last alticen years."siillMr.W.fl.Ilen.
, hiwwlmo , va ( 'It ) ' intupilgmtomrtr ) ml nimmberof
) curs atid Is umow tiUiIiiiyott ) by tlio harbor As-
Itlialt L'avlmig vutiipniy , , to tue rei'ortor , " 1 have
It liii II ii it pititi I ltio I ii eider to itt'ji at mtiv work.
hUe ft iioy Rtiii livinir at my lather's ommntry
mns'Iemtco ' on Long Island Snini , , NOW York ,
ilifliO ii Practice ot gliig him , tmtiimuIng from ton '
to tW'tt ) ' IIIIOs Ii tIIt ) witt'mi luLl t cather was
simttitOlt' , lt' , inn : , lo tilt I ( levnloiCtt ontnrrh itt
Its vtrt form. My tlant inii iteai was stop.
, lij ) at : tltnc't. I couglieti ittiil liawkeii imp
itilesztn , hilti in iilow iu' miose eotitmatmtly , I iid
it eomittntit tiuli loolhitum In my initii , roaring in '
tue enre , thou I gut dcafgrtuiuaiiy but so sure-
iy thimt : 1
I IwOAMt. MUCiI AT.AitMxn.
TItle was not itil. I foiled hint I talked
through iiiy minso , ilitl itt tilglit i could 1101
Urcitilio tiirtiigii UI ) ' nostrIls mit nil. I saw mm
doctor tumid he told ice 1 limiti a tumor growluig
in my nose ausoti by tim ostarrit , whtlolm hi
ciilieti a pob'ptis , I tried mtll mnutmimor of rome-
tiles ti ) no arch , stiii when six weoka ago I
t'nmigiit a fresii cold , whIch oatu'sl ' time camarrb
to go tiowim tin nm ) iumigs , Iii ) ' cotitiltlon wits not -
ouiy , ttnovlnmr , but greittly niamnieti my sifo.
Why , sit' , I Colt at iImno Ilkochokitiur , then f .
coughed much I could not loem' t imlght. I
wouiI have violent eleils ot coughing whIch
would ctttmRo moo to veitilt.
"As ! todd bo1oomy oornilttoim so niamniod
my wlro tliat n time i5th r timis month she In.
aIstd that 1 go mini consulta doctor next day. I '
was bIb to stop work , but , tt last conmotit&'O tsnil
inti Monday I torsultod , lIr , J. Ct'nssp M0L'ty ,
littigi' ClOCk , tIilt city , vImtj sitmd ho CoUld OUTO
mo , Timis I was whIIlig to iWlIO'o , hut did not , '
tiream of how qmiIoi part of my troubles couid be
rititovod. % Ybsir. . Ito m'cnmovol title entire leIv-
PUS In two or three iiimumte. : horn , you Soc it In
tiio bottle I Itiwo , aimS then timade an application
to my ditoased throat. I lmroatlmod through my
nest , at otiro soimiethitig I have not done in
years. I have teen , onooisianttrsatliontsInoe.
mittS now lmnvo In a large ntotsuru regained toy
501150 f , mmeii. I ) in'o not bet'tm alOe to smelt
anything before for eight years. My CitiSrili
is go.ttIy bonefltttxi , my bosrimig in coming -
nrotmnmi II right , amid I sin certain the dootor
will soon litive tile itS woli as I nytir wit , , , I womut 4
Imonw Mommy from the dootnrsoffioo itmi slept
nil ntmztit it quiet , lrn'p , sunptling , , i httvi' not
ihono for so long a tune I can't reinetitimer , ill
itroiigth ittol ilosiio for wo-k has returned.
don't got lip In the morning r.eiing a' tiruil aS
heforo 1 wont to bed , , s I uso4 to do. I feel
lilto a restored rnnn. '
Mr. lloiishw is vcll kmiown about town , antI
( lie truth of uk story can easily be vorifioi by
calflng upon or addrossiiig 11mm at his aSCrets
above &rivci , ,
Wimoit catarrim iiiis oxlteI In time beau nmici th.
UllOot' : lirt : of tlio throat for tiny IoiiLt1I of time '
--ire patient livitig In it distrk-t whore PeOple
a ru 80 iiJ oct to c-itt , rriiii I nil cot Ionatid I ho 'I Is-
Oilt ( hat been Iett tmilcitrei , the catarrhi Invert.
almi ) ' , oiiiutIttics slowly , cxtonch tlowti Omo
WiiidImIU ) anti into the tiOiiciiiat tubas , which
tuboootsvt7 the air to the , liflcreiit p iii of 4
thu lungs. rite tUbes become atToctoti froii
tiio aweilhtig and the mucous arIshig , frons
catnrrh and , in sillO tti5tanco , hoctno , Itlug'ot '
up. i'o tiat the air Citnhlot got Iii its tr'oiy as It
iliwild , $ iiui-tnot or isrotith foilewt , , mtnd the
patiiiit breathes yithi labor atol diilicuhty ,
In elllinr case thorn it a sotmini of crac-kiltig
anti vtiecaiig , insitlo hit , ciit't. At tItle stilgo of
the dliouso the broittItIti is uutly inure rapid
than yiieim In ionltii. iIio putlont lies itau hot ,
dashes over tilt body.
The i'aiii vtilch acuomopitnies tiii6 conilltiomi is
of a tiuli clitiractor , toit in tim chest ' beiind the
breast bone , or tinder the siiouldom'bluio. , The
pitin mnay caine and go--last few days amid then
be nbaciit for several othorS. The unugh that
occurs in the fii-Rt stages of bronchial ciinrrli Ii
dry , cotnos out at immtorvitis , iiscklmig in cliisrae.
tor , aimd is usually most troublesome In tao
morning ( In ri'ting. or goIns to inii itt night and
it iiiay lie In the tirat i'vldt-nco 0 ! tlio dtsoso ox-
tonditmg into tim lungs.
SometImes thor. itro Ots or coughing Induced
by the tough mucus 1W violent a. to cause vomim-
11mg. Later on ti.e nmnotle that is raised , is
- found 1.0 contain iiitil uartioiea or yellow fliRt-
let , which lmimiicato tiiit the atnall ttmho In the
lungs are now , Uectecm , With this there are
otten Streaks of blood mixed with limo tymuous.
In some cn$05 the patiomit becotnos very pale , 'I
hits fever , aad erpeotorates hororo any coumh .
In some oasis small inumsuci of choosy sub.
Btmuict , arc spit umi , which , when preitsod between - -
twoon the flogurs , melt it bait odor. In ether A
cases , partit-les ot a hard , chalky noturo are
spit mip 'l'lio raising of cheesy or chiky lumps
indicate tetloUs niisiiluf at vurk iii tue lunna.
Whoa a TOrSOn with a delicate constitution
liis it t eitiiicy , to cittarrh or colitim in Ptiohi-
Wltctltoi' tliI-m Oiiiionoy : is lntmttrltoii or ioault
from takIng coiil ciiIly , it I. micitleoiihio that
that lorson lnvitrtithiy loto. mlesii titid le'to -
strength , showing that tiio nutrition is imitot'-
fcrsi wit ) , ,
Iii ttmcli a case the sultororshoulti ntonco ho '
ilacctl untict' Iiitiiioiioc that. 'vIii rutt3ro tl
, it'rcctlvo lititritloti and total to inigoritto tiio
eotistltutlon ,
Itis to bcromenmhorod that In every citso th
prusotmiiu or cttttt-ili i cmi ovltleimeo of predla.
poitioii to coiisiiiiiitlomi ) , anti no mutter bow
itllwiit the ittlntk mniy be , it thould be ( rooted
with limo groniost euro ahiti tIis trotmnotmt
shoULd ho continued until miii uacos of the
oittarrh lowe dihappeared.
if tlieoatnrrl Is uiiowodto rench the smaller
tubes in the lutigs-which camndltlomi is mdi.
ostod by tlio eplmummig up of a yellow nmatoriai-
thou immediate ttoiition to the nlaIIy , Ia do-
mantled or serious lung trouble will result ,
Caitarrh , it lasail , Isnino litnosolmi of ton the -
on-lao tltt.t prodUctS coiutiiniptioim. amid iiouo
110 000 can afford to neglect a Ot.aO of oatart-h ,
however slight. It is oaeily cured Ii' titkomi in
home and treated regularly and correctly by a
s1,00lalist. If loft to ltsdr it is ritremy oared
without a ohangoof clitiiittn , but whim oscim new
cold it gets iomo , : and moore troimblcaouio , ox-
teriIIiiig always a little deeper into ( ho Itimigu.
until a dire becomes dililcuit and somiiotitne5
, .
iniiostililO. 4
iiiucii it clImate as this , the throat should be
as oitrotliiy mid frt'qiOntly looked afior itstlie
teeth. Yes. much moore carotimhly ioosed to , as -
troilies of tlto throat are more mmimoi-oua , than -
iloutni troubies ; mumdwhilo the latter ciumso only
muirioynnce ittiii 1)iiii , , ltiiir , disease , uataliy , the
rt'amiit of ciitarrh , Iill ohio otit of every seve
lttmmmtti beliia born oim the entIre globe.
: ' Cresap M'Coy '
Late olBollevue IIOSIitaI , N.Y
AN ) ) 1)OC'i'4)ft
Columbus Henry
Have Ofleos :
Cm' . 15th ftd I-Itt'iiry treutt ,
Omaha , Nob.
vI'no , sli curable cases are testst wtta
case. l.iedicat disCt titatOit moitifuily.
stJ in i ° Ii n , I trig ii Ls D. onto , iyspupalis , 1Pm su-
uiiitIii , iiiid all N I1tVOtI $ IltlCASl-S. . 'li 'ii.
hSitSt'Ii it-'ilIarto , the SP.ul U tiaOlaltY. CA-
'l'.Hhiil C7llmtI )
CONSt'I/l'TUiN ' at olilco or lilt mail $1 ,
ltico litiurs : U to 11 ; S to 4 p. in. ; me
I. i ti. U iiilny hid u Soil.
Correspiitiotte" rsIcIlrtprots ( ut atientlnmi.
lamiydleoaos arc trosiod stieessfimliyby Or
McCoy through time iiiatl , an.t It. Is tliui in's' .
hIs fur 111(0(0 , mumablo to rnim'.o a burner to ob.
trim suo'cmttui hospital ( reatmuont ni their
homn.g. Ni , ieittra iinriiare.i unlrs uctonihia. :
imloil by da In i4tm)5.
Ad-imns. alliemmers 10 lirJ. C.MtCO7usW
31 ? &td all Itsruo IumlWj , Omaha , Neb
: : . .
. - - - - - -